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1. I’ll have to wait before I know whether he’ll keep his promise or not.



2. He wwas so worried that hiss mind couldn’t function normally. (straight)


3. They’ll cause a lot of trouble (cat)


4. Some people say that there’s hardly any difference between love and hate. ( line)


5. She can buy anything she wants – she’s very rich (rolling)


6. This liver condition is common among those who drink a lot.


7. “I think the whole idea is ridiculous,” he said.

He dismissed........................................................................................................................

8. He tretened the officers with violence.

He made................................................................................................................................

9. It shouldn’t have surprised me that my children didn’t like the new, cheaper ice-cream.

I might....................................................................................................................................

10. She wore headphones in order not to disturb anyone.

She wore headphones lest.....................................................................................................

11. A rise in temperature in the next century seems likely (chance)


12. You must accecpt the fact that she has left you. (resign)


13. I just didn’t know what to say. (lost)

14. They arrived at the station with only a few minute to spare. (nick)


15. They sent him to prison for three years (sentenced)


16. If you change your mind, you’d be welcome to join our staff


17. Your license may be suspended if you refuse to take the breathalyzer.


18. A lot of good man have been destroyed by drink.


19. She was embarrassed when she realized that everyone was linstening to her singing.

Much to......................................................................................................................................

20. I don’t intend to tell you my plans. (intention)


21. Tim looks nothing like his father. (take)


22. He watched videos all day. (entire)


23. I don’t think she likes doing other people’s work for them (objects)


24. I didn’t agree with the idea. (favor)


25. Mr Tipper wife was very sorry she couldn’t celebrate the new year with her husband.

Mrs. Tipper greatly ...................................................................................................................

26. The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plans when they arrived at
the venue

It was only.................................................................................................................................
27. Success in the academix field depends on your ability to amass qualifications.


28. We finished dinner and, a few moments later, Mrs.Jones arrived on the doorstep.


29. You should not lock this door for any reason when the building is open to the public.


30. Teaching doesn’t suit her. (cut)


31. I never thought of going by train. (occured)


32. He is very likely to come. (probality)


33. The cause of explosion is still unknown. (caused)


34. The train is 5 minutes late in leaving. (due)


35. Nobody knows what caused the collapse of the building.


36. We aren’t willing to support the strike, we don’t approve it.

Far from.....................................................................................................................................

37. His mood began to improve as soon as he drank a glass of wine.


38. Were Mike not so affluent a man, Ann wouldn’t be dating him.

39. Apart from a feww minor mistakes, you did a good job on the whole.


40. The rain was coming down in torrent. (dogs)


41. Organic vegetables are said to be health. (wonders)


42. He is determined to become a doctor. (heart)


43. Mary got married without her parents’ knowledge. (unaware)


44. John spends all his time working. (devoted)


45. He is said to be a very good pianist.

He has......................................................................................................................................

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