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Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Rock carvings suggest that Stone Age people were hunting whales for food as early as
2200 B.C. Such (1) _________ hunting is still practiced today in a number of (2) _________
including the Inuit people of Greenland and North America.
Whaling became big business from the seventh century as the (3) _________ for
whalebone and whale oil rose, and humpback and sperm whales were hunted in (4) _________
large numbers. But just as stocks of these species began to fall, the explosive harpoon-gun was
(5) _________. This weapon, together with the development of steam-power ships, (6) _________
the whalers to hunt the fast moving fin and blue whales.
In 1905 the whaling (7) _________ moved to the waters of Antarctica. The introduction of
massive factory ships enabled the whales to be processed at sea. As a result, the blue whale had
(8) _________ disappeared by the 1950s. In 1946 the International Whaling Commission was
established to maintain the declining whale populations. Quotas were (9) _________ but these
were often (10) _________ and numbers continued to fall. Hunting of many species continued until
1986 when the IWC finally responded to international pressure and a ban on commercial whaling
was introduced.
1. A. survival B. essential C. basic D. subsistence
2. A. groups B. societies C. races D. nationalities
3. A. demand B. desire C. request D. reliance
4. A. repeatedly B. frequently C. continually D. increasingly
5. A. invented B. discovered C. assembled D. applied
6. A. managed B. employed C. enabled D. empowered
7. A. lines B. troops C. staff D. fleets
8. A. virtually B. possibly C. uniquely D. commonly
9. A. made B. set C. placed D. done
10. A. refused B. denied C. ignored D. exempted
Choose the best answer for each blank.
In the time it takes you to read this article, it is absolutely certain that two events will have
taken place on a very large (1) _________ indeed. The first of these certainties is that many
crimes, mostly (2) _________ but some serious will have been committed. Crime has been an (3)
_________ fact of life for many centuries and it is safe to say, will continue to be so for the (4)
_________ future.
The second undisputed event is that our world will be populated by hundreds, even
thousands, of new human beings, arriving bloody, screaming and kicking, and opening their eyes
to face the future. Inevitably, some of these new-born babies will grow up to become the
adolescents and adults who steal from cars, (5) _________ houses, mug people late at night, (6)
_________ fires, rape and kill.
And the million-dollar question is: Which of these new-born infants will become tomorrow’s
criminal? There are several predictions that can give us some (7) _________ Firstly, antisocial
childhood behavior, including misbehavior at school, dishonestly and aggressiveness. There is a
higher chance of child (8) _________ to crime if there is a history of criminality in the family,
including (9) _________ parents and delinquent older siblings. Family poverty is also a contributing
factor, whether it be due to low family income, large family size and poor housing. Poor parental
child rearing behavior, including harsh and authoritarian discipline, poor supervision, parental
conflict and separation from parents also (10) _________ their part.
1. A. size B. scale C. area D. grid
2. A. silly B. stupid C. trivial D. small
3. A. unchangeable B. unstoppable C. unpreventable D. inescapable
4. A. known B. foreseeable C. expected D. predictable
5. A. burgle B. thieve C. rob D. steal
6. A. set B. start C. light D. commence
7. A. guesses B. help C. clues D. tips
8. A. turning B. moving C. going D. tending
9. A. condemned B. tried C. convicted D. prosecuted
10. A. perform B. role C. play D. reach
Choose the right word that best fills the blank to complete the passage.
If you’re an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has
become a (1) _________ of our wasteful, throw-away society. But there seems little (2) _________
it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastics have brought enormous (3) _________,
even environmental ones. It is not (4) _________ the plastics themselves that are the
environmental (5) _________ it is the way society chooses to use and (6) _________ them.
Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made (7) _________ oil, gas or
coal – non-renewable natural (8) _________. We (9) _________ well over three million tones of
the stuff in Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high (10) _________
of our annual consumption is in the (11) _________ of packaging and this (12) _________ about
seven per cent by weight of our domestic (13) _________. Almost all of it could be recycled, but
very (14) _________ of it is, though the plastic recycling (15) _________ is growing fast.
The plastics themselves are extremely (16) _________ they have a high calorific (17)
_________ than coal and one (18) _________ of recovery strongly (19) _________ by the plastic
manufacturers is the (20) _________ of waste plastic into a fuel.
1. A. symbol B. mark C. sign D. detail
2. A. evidence B. concern C. doubt D. likelihood
3. A. pleasures B. benefits C. savings D. profits
4. A. really B. ready C. just D. already
5. A. poison B. disaster C. disadvantage D. evil
6. A. dispose B. store C. endanger D. abuse
7. A. by B. of C. in D. from
8. A. resources B. processes C. products D. fuels
9. A. remove B. import C. consign D. consume
10. A. portion B. amount C. proportion D. rate
11. A. way B. kind C. form D. type
12. A. takes B. makes C. carries D. constitutes
13. A. refuse B. goods C. requirements D. rubble
14. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
15. A. manufacture B. plant C. factory D. industry
16. A. rich-energy B. energy-rich C. rich-energized D. energized-rich
17. A. degree B. value C. demand D. effect
18. A. measure B. mechanism C. method D. medium
19. A. desired B. argued C. favored D. presented
20. A. conversion B. melting C. change D. replacement
Read the text below and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.
Today the most important population trends are the fast growth in the number of elderly
people and the sharp drop in the number of teenagers leaving school.
The size of the elderly population is (1) _________ because people are living longer and
(2) _________ babies have been born.
In 1911, only 5 percent of the UK population was older than 65. Today, the (3) _________
is more than 15 percent. Over the next decade the greatest (4) _________ will be in people aged
75 and over. The drop in the number of school-leavers was (5) _________ by the fall in the birth
rate (6) _________ 1964 and 1977. This trend is known (7) _________ the “demographic time
bomb” - because demographers knew that, once the birth rate fell, there was (8) _________ way to
stop it (9) _________ an explosive effect on the economy and on society 16 years later.
However, the impact may (10) _________ be short-term. According to some forecasters
the UK’s birth rate may soon become one of the highest in western Europe. Companies have to
(11) _________ into account the age of the population when they are recruiting staff.
In Britain and most of Europe, the birth rate fell between the early 1960s and the mid
1970s. That (12) _________ that, by the second half of the 1980s, the number of teenagers
leaving school and looking for jobs each year fell sharply.
In 1986, there were 6.2 million people (13) _________ between 16 and 24 in the labour
force. By the turn of the century, this is likely to (14) _________ fallen to 4.9 million. That means
that companies who generally recruited many of their staff (15) _________ from school have ha d
to think of other ways of attracting workers.
At the other end of the age scale is the significant increase in the number of elderly people
in the population. Over the (16) _________ ten years, several companies have (17) _________ up
which specialize (18) _________ building “sheltered accommodation” for elderly people. Groups of
houses or flats where there is a warden on (19) _________ to give help. In the 1970s, these
companies were virtually unknown. They have come into (20) _________ because of demographic
1. A. growing B. falling C. decreasing D. raising
2. A. more B. less C. healthier D. fewer
3. A. population B. number C. figure D. people
4. A. decrease B. number C. amount D. increase
5. A. caused B. found C. seen D. brought
6. A. from B. between C. during D. since
7. A. as B. to C. like D. X
8. A. some B. another C. none D. no
9. A. making B. having C. taking D. causing
10. A. far B. much C. most D. well
11. A. take B. place C. set D. call
12. A. explained B. concluded C. meant D. defined
13. A. aged B. aging C. age D. to age
14. A. be B. seem C. have D. become
15. A. out B. immediately C. completely D. straight
16. A. last B. previous C. recent D. near
17. A. developed B. put C. grown D. spread
18. A. at B. on C. for D. in
19. A. guide B. duty C. security D. protection
20. A. reality B. world C. practice D. being
Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD) is a neurobiological problem that affects 3-5% of all
children. (1) _________ include inattentiveness and having difficulty getting organized, as well as
easily becoming (2) _________. Sometimes, ADD is accompanied by hyperactivity. In these
cases, the sufferer exhibits (3) _________ physical activity.
Psychostimulant drugs can be (4) _________ to ADD sufferers to assist them with the
completion of the desired thought processes, although they might cause (5) _________. Current
theory states that medication is the only (6) _________ action that has a sound scientific basic.
This action should only be taken after an accurate diagnosis is made.
Children with ADD do not (7) _________ have trouble learning. Their problem is that they
involuntarily (8) _________ their attention elsewhere. It is not only children that are (9) _________
by this condition. Failure to treat ADD can lead to lifelong emotional and behavioral problems.
Early diagnosis and treatment, however, are the key to successfully overcoming learning difficulties
(10) _________ with ADD.
1. A. Symptoms B. Signs C. Signals D. Sights
2. A. dim B. distracted C. divulged D. unattended
3. A. exaggerated B. over C. excessive D. rich
4. A. given B. handed C. drunk D. taken
5. A. disadvantages B. damage C. side-effects D. pain
6. A. remedial B. medical C. health D. cure
7. A. eternally B. absolutely C. always D. necessarily
8. A. switch B. move C. bring D. carry
9. A. worsened B. spoiled C. caused D. affected
10. A. associated B. combined C. supplied D. made


Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world’s wildlife? Animal Watch is the book
which will (1) _________ you in the fight for survival that (2) _________ many of our endangered
animals and show how they struggle on the (3) _________ of extinction. As you enjoy the book’s
250 pages and over 150 colour photographs, you will have the (4) _________ of knowing that part
of your purchase money is being used to (5) _________ animals (6) _________. From the comfort
of your armchair, you will also discover the terrible results of human (7) _________ for land, flesh
and skins.
Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their
black noses (8) _________ their (9) _________ so they can hunt their prey in the snow without
being seen, for example? Or that (10) _________ each orangutan which is captured, one has to
This superb (11) _________ has so (12) _________ Britain’s leading wildlife charity that it
has been chosen as Book of the Year, a (13) _________ awarded to books which are considered
to have made a major contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special
low (14) _________ at all good bookshops, but hurry while (15) _________ last.
1. A. combine B. involve C. bring D. lead
2. A. meets B. opposes C. forces D. faces
3. A. edge B. start C. limit D. end
4. A. satisfaction B. enjoyment C. virtue D. value
5. A. enable B. help C. allow D. assist
6. A. preserve B. conserve C. revive D. survive
7. A. greed B. interest C. care D. concern
8. A. with B. by C. for D. from
9. A. feet B. claws C. paws D. toes
10. A. with B. by C. for D. from
11. A. publicity B. periodical C. publication D. reference
12. A. imposed B. impressed C. persuaded D. admired
13. A. symbol B. title C. trademark D. nickname
14. A. beginning B. preparatory C. original D. introductory
15. A. stores B. stocks C. goods D. funds


Music is universal - it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came
before speech and (1) _________ as a development of mating calls. In fact, there is (2) _________
theory that the (3) _________ languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed, in
some cultures, music is a form of (4) _________ history. The Aboriginal Australians, for example,
use music as a means to (5) _________ on stories of the land and spirits to the next (6)
New evidence suggests that music does not just (7) _________ the feel-good factor but it is
also good for the brain. A study of intellectually (8) _________ children showed that they could
recall more (9) _________ after it was given to them in a song than after it was read to them as a
Researchers also report that people (10) _________ better on a standard intelligence (11)
_________ after listening to Mozart. The so-called “Mozart effect” has also been (12) _________
by findings that rats (13) _________ up on Mozart run faster through a complex network of paths
or passages, (14) _________ as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most instances people who
suffer from any form of mental (15) _________ benefit from listening to music.
1. A. was B. swelled C. reacted D. arose
2. A. one B. every C. such D. that
3. A. earliest B. newest C. easiest D. simplest
4. A. enjoying B. making C. recording D. stating
5. A. move B. pass C. hand D. happen
6. A. children B. people C. tribe D. generation
7. A. convince B. satisfy C. please D. prefer
8. A. disabled B. inactive C. incapable D. disordered
9. A. facts B. knowledge C. memory D. information
10. A. examine B. prepare C. score D. achieve
11. A. form B. scheme C. demonstration D. test
12. A. supported B. given C. marked D. remembered
13. A. held B. brought C. stood D. set
14. A. called B. heard C. regarded D. known
15. A. badness B. hurt C. illness D. pain
Read the passage and select the best answer to fill in the banks.
Film directors usually make the least promising subjects for biography. They tend to stay
behind the camera and get on with making films, emerging only to make the (1) _________
promotional statement. Only rarely is a film-maker interesting enough to (2) _________
biographical interest, and some pay off the attention handsomely. What biographer could (3)
_________ analyzing Hitchcock, Woody Allen or Polanski? These directors, in any case, were
themselves sufficiently absorbed in their own (4) _________ to cross over the other side of the
camera and (5) _________ themselves to the public.
Much of Jean Renoir’s public profile is (6) _________ on his appearance in his final film.
But judging by the most recent biography, by Ronald Bergar, the man was simply not that
interesting. He grew up in the benevolent (7) _________ of his painter father, against whom he
appears not to have (8) _________ in any way, emerged to make his own (9) _________ in the
early French cinema, and went on making films for most of the rest of his life. Even when (10)
_________ by war, Renoir seems to have (11) _________ through his career with equanimity,
fuelled by the love of all around him.
It may be that there is nothing new to say about the director's life, since he dealt with it so
thoroughly in two (12) _________. Bergar takes a lot from Renoir’s accounts, although he does
point out the occasional discrepancy between memory and (13) _________. The biography is too
(14) _________ to strike any life into the subject. Bergar's assessments of the films are level-
headed and pay (15) _________ attention to their formal achievement, but cast no new life on
1. A. odd B. strange C. peculiar D. particular
2. A. award B. prize C. value D. merit
3. A. oppose B. resist C. confront D. expel
4. A. view B. image C. trend D. expression
5. A. display B. examine C. allow D. distinguish
6. A. described B. based C. imagined D. gathered
7. A. memory B. vision C. shadow D. regard
8. A. rebelled B. related C. referred D. resisted
9. A. spot B. field C. mark D. point
10. A. faced B. tackled C. charged D. opposed
11. A. flown B. sailed C. wandered D. run
12. A. souvenirs B. memoirs C. revivals D. reminiscences
13. A. idea B. account C. story D. fact
14. A. inventive B. respectful C. inaccurate D. resourceful
15. A. due B. right C. just D. fine
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Is there life on Mars? Many people have (1) _________ about this question. Some writers
of science-fiction think of people from Mars (2) _________ little green creatures. Others imagine
“Martians” as monsters with many eyes.
In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars. The first
(3) _________ of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth. In other words, Earth's sea sons,
such as spring or summer, occur on Mars too. Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for
(4) _________ and other higher (5) _________ forms to be found on Mars.
Astronomers also think that perhaps a small (6) _________ of water vapor could be found
on Mars. In 1887, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparelli, discovered markings on Mars’s
surface. These markings looked like canals. This finding (7) _________ astronomers to believe
that since water exists on Mars, life forms could exist as well.
However, there are (8) _________ who feel that life on Mars is not possible. This is
because there is little or no (9) _________ of oxygen on the planet. In 1965, the Mariner IV
capsule managed to take photographs of the planet. It discovered that the only forms of life found
are vegetation like fungi and mosses. (10) _________, people remain fascinated by the idea that
there could one day be life on Mars.
1. A. puzzled B. asked C. wondered D. confused
2. A. like B. to be C. as being D. as
3. A. indication B. sign C. mark D. veterinary
4. A. vegetables B. vegetation C. vegetarian D. veterinary
5. A. lively B. living C. live D. life
6. A. quantity B. amount C. portion D. mass
7. A. got B. took C. led D. brought
8. A. others B. another C. other D. some others
9. A. mark B. speck C. trace D. bit
10. A. Accordingly B. Nevertheless C. Thus D. Consequently

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
What sort of job should you look for? Much depends (1) _________ your long-term aim.
You need to ask (2) _________ whether you want to specialize in particular field, work your (3)
_________ up to higher levels of responsibility or (4) _________ of your current employment into a
broader field.
This job will be studied very carefully when you send your letter of (5) _________ for your
next job. It (6) _________ show evidence of serious career planning. (7) _________ important, it
should extend you, develop you and give you increasing responsibility. Incidentally, if the travel
bug is biting, (8) _________ is the time to pack up and go. You can do temporary work for a (9)
_________; when you return, pick up where you have (10) _________ off and get the second job.
1. A. for B. on C. of D. with
2. A. you B. if C. oneself D. yourself
3. A. path B. road C. way D. street
4. A. out B. off C. into D. over
5. A. applicants B. application C. form D. employment
6. A. will B. would C. should D. may
7. A. Less B. Even C. Almost D. Most
8. A. now B. then C. so D. such
9. A. day B. time C. while D. ages
10. A. came B. left C. taken D. paid
Choose the best answer
In the US, industries that generate hazardous wastes want to dispose of them as cheaply
as possible. Private companies hired to dispose of this waste compete with each other to offer the
lowest prices to these industries. The government does not get involved, beyond setting minimum
safety standards.
Unfortunately, the (1) _________ of companies that generate and dispose of waste is to
save money, (2) _________ to guarantee safety. These companies usually send waste to landfills
because this is cheaper than recycling or incineration. Disposal firms who want to increase their
business must cut corners to lower costs and (3) _________ customers. At the same time,
relatively (4) _________ is done to reduce the volume of waste generated, because disposal costs
(5) _________ relatively modest.
Things are different in Denmark. There the government (6) _________ in the waste
disposal process beginning (7) _________ the front end. Together with industry, the government
formed a corporation to establish and (8) _________ waste disposal facilities. T his company,
called Kommunichem, has a (9) _________ on waste disposal. Generators of hazardous waste
(10) _________ ship their waste to one of Kommunichem’s disposal facilities. In this system, there
is no price competition in the waste disposal business.
1. A. solution B. license C. importance D. goal
2. A. not B. just C. besides D. something
3. A. survive B. efficient C. gain D. prosper
4. A. more B. this C. recycling D. little
5. A. still B. have C. remain D. cheap
6. A. interferes B. participates C. involves D. controls
7. A. to B. by C. of D. at
8. A. operate B. found C. prepare D. generate
9. A. power B. profit C. monopoly D. responsibility
10. A. help B. disposal C. take D. must
Choose the best answer
Good press photographers must have an "eye" for news. Just as journalists must have a
"nose" for a good story. They must be able to interpret a story and decide rapidly how they can
take (1) _________ of the best opportunities to take pictures. The most difficult part of a press
photographer's job is that he or she must be able to (2) _________ a complicated situation with
just one photograph. They rarely have second (3) _________ and must be able to take required (4)
_________ very quickly. Indeed, speed is essential - if the photographers are not ready for the
printing deadline, they are very unlikely to be of any (5) _________.
Most press photographers begin work with a local newspaper. There, the (6) _________ is
mostly for material of regional interest. Photographers may be expected to photograph a lot of
unexciting events but to (7) _________ the enthusiasm to put "something special" into every
There is (8) _________ competition among those who want to move from local to national
newspapers. Here, the work is much more centred on news. The photographer must work under
greater pressure and take more responsibilities. Only (9) _________ reliable, talented and
resourceful photographers (10) _________ this difficult move. The work is tough and can be
1. A. profit B. benefit C. gain D. advantage
2. A. draw up B. put out C. sum up D. turn out
3. A. chances B. occasions C. possibilities D. moments
4. A. image B. shot C. scene D. illustration
5. A. role B. gain C. employment D. use
6. A. demand B. task C. obligation D. duty
7. A. hold on B. keep up C. carry on D. stay up
8. A. firm B. forceful C. strict D. strong
9. A. sharply B. largely C. highly D. fully
10. A. pass B. make C. turn D. proceed
Read the passage and choose the best answer.
The story of man’s mastery of the air is almost as old as man himself, a puzzle in which the
essential clues were not found until a very late stage. However, to (1) _________ this we must first
go back to the time when primitive man (2) _________ his food, and only birds and insects flew.
We cannot know with any certainty when man first deliberately shaped weapons for throwing, but
that (3) _________ of conscious design marked the first step on a road that (4) _________ from
the spear and the arrow to the aeroplane and the giant rocket of the present (5) _________. It
would seem, in fact, that this (6) _________ to throw things is one of the most primitive and deep -
seated of our instincts, (7) _________ in childhood and persisting into old age. The more mature
ambition to throw things swiftly and accurately, which is the origin of most (8) _________ games,
probably has its roots in the ages when the possession of a (9) _________ weapon and the ability
to throw it with force and accuracy (10) _________ the difference between eating and starving.
It is significant that such weapons were (11) _________ and brought to their (12)
_________ form at an early stage in history. If we were restricted to the same (13) _________, it is
doubtful if we could produce better bows and arrows than those that (14) _________ the armies of
the past. The arrow was the first true weapon capable of maintaining direction over considerable
(15) _________. It was to be centuries before man himself could fly.
1. A. value B. approve C. understand D. realize
2. A. pursued B. hunted for C. chased D. followed up
3. A. act B. deed C. action D. event
4. A. brings B. moves C. takes D. leads
5. A. instant B. day C. hour D. moment
6. A. feeling B. urge C. encouraging D. emotion
7. A. coming B. arriving C. appearing D. growing
8. A. exterior B. outside C. external D. outdoor
9. A. suitable B. fitting C. related D. chosen
10. A. involved B. meant C. told D. showed
11. A. invented B. imagines C. planned D. produces
12. A. last B. older C. latest D. final
13. A. matters B. substances C. materials D. sources
14. A. destroyed B. ruined C. spoiled D. exploded
15. A. lengths B. extents C. areas D. distances
Read the passage and choose A, B, C or D for each of the following blanks.
A (1) _________ lifestyle leads to a longer, happier, and healthier life. (2) _________
healthy means eating a (3) _________ diet, taking (4) _________ exercise, an d (5) _________
things that are bad for body and mind.
Nutrition plays a (6) _________ role in maintaining good health and preventing many
diseases. In spite of all the available information (7) _________ diets, scientists believe that good
nutrition can be simple. There are several basic rules to follow. Keep fat intake (8) _________. Eat
foods high in carbohydrates, (9) _________ are the starches in grains, legumes (beans and peas),
vegetables, and fruit. Avoid too (10) _________ sugar. Limit salt. Eat a lot of food that are (11)
_________ in vitamins.
A healthy lifestyle is an (12) _________ lifestyle. Lack of (13) _________ physical exercise
can cause (14) _________, irritability, and poor general health. (15) _________ fitness is very
Finally, good health is (16) _________ by saying (17) _________ to bad habits such as
smoking, drinking, and overeating, and by avoiding (18) _________ that are constantly (19)
_________. People can take their lives and (20) _________ into their own hands. Maintaining a
healthy lifestyle is the first step.
1. A. health B. healthy C. healthiness D. healthfully
2. A. Stay B. Stayed C. Staying D. To stay
3. A. well-balanced B. well-balance C. good-balance D. good-balanced
4. A. regularly B. regulation C. regular D. regularly
5. A. avoiding B. leaving C. leading D. checking
6. A. lock B. key C. screw driver D. stick
7. A. up B. on C. at D. about
8. A. low B. lower C. lowly D. lowest
9. A. who B. whom C. which D. that
10. A. many B. much C. more D. most
11. A. high B. highly C. height D. heighten
12. A. act B. acting C. activity D. active
13. A. properly B. property C. prosperity D. proper
14. A. tiredness B. tireness C. tiring D. tiringness
15. A. Physics B. Physical C. Physically D. Physic
16. A. acquire B. acquirement C. acquiring D. acquired
17. A. no B. nor C. not D. none
18. A. situation B. situated C. situations D. situating
19. A. stress B. stressful C. stressfully D. stressless
20. A. happiness B. happy C. unhappy D. happiness
Read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space. Blacken the letter you
choose. Use only one word in each space.
For those people who go out in search of adventure, a long-distance flight in a hot-air
balloon is a particularly exciting (1) _________. Indeed, a round-the-world balloon trip is widely
regarded as the (2) _________ challenge. One well-known adventurer, David Hemplemann-
Adams would not agree, however. Recently, he became the first man to (3) _________ the North
Pole in a hot-air balloon, a more significant (4) _________ in his eyes. Given that the distance and
altitudes (5) _________ are comparatively modest, you might wonder why the trip from Canada to
the Pole, should present such a challenge.
Part of the (6) _________ was that such a flight had not even been attempted for over a
century. In those days, such expeditions were huge events, with a nation's pride (7) _________ on
their success, and so resources were (8) _________ to them. Although he eventually managed to
secure a substantial sponsorship (9) _________ from an insurance company, Hemplemann-
Adams had the added challenge of having to (10) _________ sufficient funds for his trip.
Then, of course, he had to face major survival concerns, such as predicting the weather
(11) _________ and coping with the dangerously low temperatures. But most challenging of all
was the incredibly complex problem of navigation. As the earth's magnetic field gets stronger, only
the most (12) _________ of satellite-linked navigation systems can (13) _________ that one has
got to the Pole. Without them, the chances of getting anywhere near it are extremely (14)
_________. Not to mention an even greater problem that (15) _________ on Hemplemann-Adams'
mind: getting back!
1. A. campaign B. prospect C. motion D. engagement
2. A. ultimate B. extreme C. utmost D. eventual
3. A. meet B. reach C. attain D. fulfill
4. A. recognition B. acquisition C. achievement D. realisation
5. A. engaged B. regarded C. involved D. connected
6. A. appeal B. beauty C. charm D. allure
7. A. leaning B. resting C. waiting D. standing
8. A. commended B. confided C. confirmed D. committed
9. A. bargain B. purchase C. transaction D. deal
10. A. elevate B. lift C. raise D. build
11. A. tendencies B. conditions C. circumstances D. elements
12. A. sophisticated B. refined C. cultured D. educated
13. A. approve B. confirm C. reinforce D. support
14. A. thin B. slight C. slim D. tight
15. A. pushed B. stressed C. pressed D. weighed
Read the passage and then choose the correct answers for the numbered blanks.
Our classes take place for three hours every morning from Monday to Friday. The (1)
_________ class size is twelve and the average is ten. We use modern methods (2) _________
teaching and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera, and recor ders.
You will only be successful in improving your English; however, if you work hard and practice (3)
_________ English as much as you can. You will take a short (4) _________ in English as soon as
you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a (5) _________ at the most suitable level.
There are two classes at the elementary level: one is for complete (6) _________ and the
other is for students who know only a little English. In both classes you will practice simple
conversations. In the class at the Intermediate level, you will have a lot of practice in
communication in (7) _________ situations because we help you to use the English you have
previously (8) _________ in your country. You will also have the chance to improve your (9)
_________ of English grammar and to build up your vocabulary.
The emphasis is on oral communication practice in a wide variety of situations at the
advanced (10) _________. You will learn how to use language correctly and appropriately when
you talk to native speakers. In addition, you will develop such study skills as reading efficiently,
writing articles and reports, and note-taking from books and lectures.
1. A. maximum B. minimum C. small D. large
2. A. in B. of C. on D. for
3. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. of speaking
4. A. test B. exam C. course D. lesson
5. A. form B. class C. grade D. course
6. A. starters B. beginners C. new-comers D. learners
7. A. life-real B. real-life C. real lives D. lives-real
8. A. got B. gained C. studied D. learnt
9. A. knowing B. knowledge C. understanding D. skill
10. A. level B. class C. stage D. degree
Read and choose the most suitable word among the four possible answers in 1 - 10 to fill in
the missing words.
It appears that a rainy day is defined as one that includes four hours of rain between 9 in
the morning and 5 in the evening. Being nine-tenths water, I am not bothered when a drop (1)
_________ falls on me from the skies. That is if it’s pure sky-distilled water, of course, and not one
of the acid brews though even from a stiff acid downpour near the Danube in Hungary, I’ve never
yet (2) _________ my clothes dissolve. The occasional shower is more than welcome and when it
comes down cats and dogs, it stirs one’s Viking blood.
Those who feel this way are fortunate (3) _________ travelers. When rain falls, then so do
prices. Cultivate the rainy seasons for cheap, independent travelling. Heavy relentless rain is a
perfect (4) _________ not to climb a mountain or cross a rope bridge above a swollen river.
Besides, after the rain the world is brilliant. It seems (5) _________ from the anecdotal evidence
that all over the world rain is failing at times when it shouldn’t, and I often find local citizens (6)
_________ to me for these solecisms of the climate. No offence (7) _________ I reply, it reminds
me of home.
Not everybody shares this view of rain, and with a row of sodden offspring trailing in my (8)
_________, grumbling about the low grade of entertainment, I too might class the episode as a
marred holiday. People in this sort of predicament persecuted by mischievous rain gods, prompted
the revelation this week of a wheeze called Holiday Rain Insurance, (9) _________ to be the first
of its kind. Now there’s nothing new about insurance against the havoc caused by robust weather
to public events. I remember (10) _________ a legal umbrella against the showers that might drive
away my audience for an open-air theatre production. The document was called a Pluvius Policy:
no doubt Plautus and Terence had the same worry – though not Seneca, because his plays were
meant for reading indoors!
1. A. again B. other C. more D. also
2. A. been B. gone C. suffered D. had
3. A. as B. for C. being D. such
4. A. excuse B. grounds C. evasion D. disguise
5. A. likely B. bound C. probably D. liable
6. A. bemoaning B. apologizing C. blaming D. complaining
7. A. believed B. suffered C. understood D. taken
8. A. queue B. waves C. wake D. row
9. A. challenged B. claimed C. demanded D. insisted
10. A. rising B. arousing C. raising D. arising

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