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Warehousing and Inventory Management Pilot Certificate Review Questions

1. What are the four categories of warehouse costs?

2. List six reasons for warehousing.

3. What five questions should be asked when making warehousing decisions?

4. List the five different types of warehousing.

5. What is the difference between a private warehouse and a bonded warehouse?

6. What are the disadvantages of a private warehouse?

7. What are some functions of a warehouse?

8. List three considerations when determining the location of a warehouse

9.What are the five main movement functions of warehousing?

10.A major benefit of unit loads such as pallets is

11.What is Block Stacking?

12.List the nine types of conveying

13.What is a reach truck?

14.Barcode symbols come in two basic varieties. They can be either _____or_______

in their configuration.

15.What is a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)?


1.a. Handling costs b. Storage Cost c. Operations administration costs d. General

administrative costs.
2.a. Seasonal Production b. Seasonal Demand c. Large-scale Production d. Quick Supply
e. Continuous Production f. Price Stabilization
3.a. Should warehousing be used? b. What forms of warehousing should be used (public or
private)? c. What should be the size and number of warehouses utilized?
d. Where should warehouses be located? e. What warehouse layout and design approach
should be followed?
4.a. Private Warehouses b. Public Warehouses c. Government Warehouses d. Bonded
Warehouses e. Co-operative Warehouses
5. A private warehouse is owned and managed by the manufacturers or traders while a
bonded warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by government as well as private
6.a. Lack of flexibility which increases the complexity in the operation. b. Finance issues.
c. Low rate of return. d. Tax issues are complicated.
7. A warehouse has these functions: Receiving, Putting-away and storing,
Dispatching/Shipping, Cross-docking
8. a. Nearness to customers b. nearness to suppliers c. environmental/political stability
9.a. Receiving b. Transfer or Put-away c. Order picking / selection d. Cross-docking
e. Shipping
10.One major benefit is that they enable the use of standard storage systems and handling
11.Block storage does not use any storage equipment. Loaded pallets are placed directly on
the floor and built up in stacks, one pallet on top of another to a maximum stable height.
12.a. Fixed Path Conveying b. Gravity Conveyors c. Horizontal powered conveyors d. Live
Roller Accumulation Conveyors e. Slider Bed/Roller Bed Conveyors f. Roller Curves and
belt Turn Conveyors g. Sortation Conveyors h. Powered Overhead Conveyors i. Vertical
13.Reach trucks are designed to be smaller and lighter they have a mast that can move
forward or back in channels in the outrigger truck legs.
14. Linear or two dimensional
15.An RFID is a fast and reliable means of automatically identifying and logging just about
anything, including retail items, vehicles, documents, people, components and works of art.

REFERENCE : Warehousing and Inventory Management Pilot Certificate


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