Mrs. Shaynne Anne S. Tality

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Self – Assessment

NAME: Tuti, Rhidab L. SCORE:

COURSE/YR./SEC:BSN 4 INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Shaynne Anne S. Tality

Directions: In the space below, answer these questions in two to three sentences.
1. Who sponsored the Rizal Bill in congress? What are their arguments in support of the Bill?
It was sponsored by Senator Claro M. Recto and the bill was attacked based on its
constitutionality and religiosity.

2. The bill was attacked based on its constitutionality and religiosity What are the arguments of the
oppositions of the Bill?

 The bill was an attempt to discredit the Catholic religion;

 Inimical to the tenets of the faith to which 170 lines in Noli Me Tangere and lines in El
Filibusterismo were offensive to the Church doctrine;
 The bill might divide the nation;
 The compulsion to read something against one's faith impaired freedom of speech and
religious freedom;

3. What is the importance of having dissenting opinions in democratic legislation processes?

It was dissenting opinions in democratic legislation processes are important to identify the
different interpretations of the existing case law, the application of different principles, or
different interpretations of the facts. It shall be taken when the disagreements of the
opposition occur concerning the amendments of the proponent.

4. What are the amendments made in the original Rizal Bill in order to perfect it?

 Mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about José Rizal. The full
name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges
and Universities Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and
for Other Purposes. The Rizal law, in any case, was emphatically restricted by the Christian church
much appreciated to the anti-clerical subjects that were pertinent in Rizal's books Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusteris
 And the inclusion of all works and writings of Jose Rizal, not just the two novels, was the main
feature of this bill. He then stressed the removal of the term "compulsion" to appease the
opposition. However, Senator Laurel asserted the importance of reading the original and
unexpurgated edition of Rizal's novels because the true purpose of studying these will be defeated
if not followed. To add a more conciliating clause, the last amendment was proposed – the
provisions regarding the "exemption" of students from reading the two novels on certain condition.
5. What Relevance Does Rizal Have in College Education?
By studying the lives of heroes such as Rizal, we are supposed to become more aware of the
ideals that our country is founded upon. We are supposed to become more aware of the sacrifices
(such as Rizal giving his life) that our forefathers made in order that we could have an
independent country.

Note: Please refer to the criteria/Rubrics for essay, journal and Reflective writing attached on the last
page of the module.

Student’s Journal

Reflect on the importance of law in a democratic society. As a law-abiding citizen, what can you do to
uphold the rule of law? What are the implications when the rule of law is eradicated?

Since today, we are experiencing a pandemic

and as a law-abiding citizen, in my own way I will
follow the government health protocol system and
never violate this rule Especially on this day, people
still obey the rules stubbornly. There are still
violators and I don’t want to be a part of that. For me
to be safe from the virus, I must protect myself, my
family and always watch the news since cases are
rising again because of the new spread of the delta
variant. Based on facts, Zamboanga city now has
higher cases that before and still under ECQ. As
much as I want to upload the rule of law, people only
do what they want as long as they benefit it and
COVID19 or not, people will follow the law, not
because they want to, but because they needed to.

Chapter Exercise
Self – Assessment


COURSE/YR./SEC: BSN 4 INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Shaynne Anne S. Tality

Activity 1.
1. Identify the different landmarks in the life of Jose Rizal.
2. Discuss why these were the choices made.
3. Write your answer on the box below.

1. May 3, 1882, He arrived Barcelona - To complete his studies and widen his political knowledge through
exposure to European government
2. October 1891 Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong - began writing his third (but unfinished) novel
3. March 1892, He went to Sandakan (East Malaysia) – to negotiate with British authorities concerning the
founding of a Filipino colony in North Borneo (now called Sabah).
4. July 1891 Rizal went to Ghent - because the cost of printing in the place was cheaper
5. Arrived in Hong Kong on November 20 – open a medical clinic
6. On 1883, Rizal visited the French capital of France, where he was fascinated by its architectural wonders
(e.g., Place de la Concorde and the Arch of Triumph).
7. In March 1888, he heard a Tokyo band nicely playing a European music and was astonished to find out
after the gig that some of its members were Filipinos (Zaide&Zaide, p. 130)
8. Rizal experienced in Hong Kong the noisy firecracker-laden Chinese New Year and the marathon lauriat
party characterized by numerous dishes being served. (The „lauriat‟ combo meal in „Chowking‟
originated from this February 3, 1888
9. In Vienna, Rizal was met by a famous European novelist, Norfenfals, who toured him to the churches, art
galleries, and other tourists’ spots in the city especially along the Danube Rivera. In Salzburg, Rizal
enjoyed the baroque architecture of the old town The ship arrived in San Francisco on April 28.
10. Rizal reached Naples, Italy and was briefly astounded by its dynamic citizens and the picturesque
wonders of the municipality particularly the Mount Vesuvius and the Castle of St. Telmo. Rizal traveled
to Madrid in August 1890.

Activity 2.
Directions: Arrange the names of Rizal’s women according to their relationship with Jose Rizal. Write A-
F in the space before the number.
____E_____ 1. Nelly Boustead
____A_____ 2. Segunda Katigbak
____F_____ 3. Josephine Bracken
____D_____ 4. O Sei Sen
____C_____ 5. Leonor Rivera
____B_____ 6. Leonor Valenzuela

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