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Ensenyament de Mestre
Especialitat en Llengua Estrangera: Angl�s

CURS ACAD�MIC 2007-2008


Tuesday, 12 February 2008

LAST NAMES _________________________ DNI ____________________

FIRST NAME _________________________

1. Choose 2 of the following questions and answer them.

[20 marks: 10 marks each]

1. How are speech sounds produced?

2. How is a central approximant different from a lateral approximant?
3. What is a pure vowel?
2. What speech organs/articulators are involved in the production of the following
types of
sounds? When appropriate, indicate the part of the speech organ/articulator that is

[4 marks: 1 mark each (0.5 + 0.5)]

1. alveolar
2. uvular _________________________________________________________________________

3. bilabial
4. dental _________________________________________________________________________

3. Which consonant sounds of English are included within the following categories?
[6 marks: 2 marks each]

1. approximant / /
2. voiceless fricative / /
3. glottal / /
4. How are the following sounds similar?
[6 marks: 2 marks each]

1. / m, n, . / ___________________________________________________________________
2. / f, v / ___________________________________________________________________
3. / ., t. / ___________________________________________________________________
5. How are the following sounds different?
[6 marks: 2 marks each]

1. / ., . / ___________________________________________________________________
2. / p, t, k / ___________________________________________________________________
3. / d, n, z, l /
6. Provide a description for each of the following RP English vowel sounds.
[12 marks: 2 marks each (-1; -0.5)]
tongue advancement tongue height lip rounding
1. / i. / __________________ __________________ __________________
2. / . / __________________ __________________ __________________
3. / .. / __________________ __________________ __________________
4. / . / __________________ __________________ __________________
5. / .. / __________________ __________________ __________________
6. / e / __________________ __________________ __________________
7. Transcribe the /r/ sounds in the following sentences.
Write /r/ or /(r)/ to show rhotic and non-rhotic pronunciations, respectively.
Identify any cases of linking /r/ and intrusive /(r)/.
[10 marks: 0.5 marks each]
1. Mary remembered that the idea of renting a car and driving to another village
had been Bernard�s.
/ /
2. Where did you learn those dirty words? I have never admired people who use bad
/ /
3. Stop arguing! It�s the law of this place and you have to show respect for it and
follow it.
/ /
8. Transcribe the sounds represented by the underlined letters in the following
[10.5 marks: 0.5 marks each]
1. rugs / / 8. buildings / / 15. tastes / /
2. boxes / / 9. describes / / 16. enjoys / /
3. autographs / / 10. proposes / / 17. touches / /
4. roses / / 11. says / / 18. rushes / /
5. signs / / 12. breathes / / 19. judges / /
6. gloves / / 13. weighs / / 20. picks / /
7. chances / / 14. pulls / / 21. stops / /
9. Transcribe the sounds represented by the underlined letters in the following
[10.5 marks: 0.5 marks each]
1. divided / / 8. rubbed / / 15. improved / /
2. repressed / / 9. arranged / / 16. agreed / /
3. circled / / 10. brushed / / 17. laughed / /
4. assumed / / 11. allowed / / 18. clapped / /
5. voted / / 12. belonged / / 19. cooked / /
6. attached / / 13. dragged / / 20. opened / /
7. obeyed / / 14. opposed / / 21. married / /
10. Transcribe the sounds represented by the underlined letters in the following
[10 marks: 1 mark each]

1. How�s Joseph these days?

/ /
2. My health�s been bad lately. The time�s come for me to go to the doctor.
/ /
3. Agnes�s daughter�s friends are also Mike�s son�s classmates.
/ /
11. Transcribe the sounds represented by the underlined letters in the following
[10 marks: 1 mark each]

1. The
wretched naked girls stared at the eight-legged wicked monster.
/ /
2. The
learned scholar who memorised sacred songs has aged markedly.
/ /
12. Transcribe the vowel and diphthongs sounds represented by the underlined
letters in the
following words. Choose from the following symbols:
/i., ., e, �, .., ., .., ., u., ., .., ., e., a., .., a., .., .., e., ../

You do not necessarily need to use all of them.

[15 marks: 0.5 marks each]

1. young / / 11. here / / 21. full / /

2. week / / 12. saw / / 22. buy / /
3. about / / 13. hair / / 23. said / /
4. great / / 14. soup / / 24. beer / /
5. hot / / 15. this / / 25. school / /
6. father / / 16. poor / / 26. mouse / /
7. world / / 17. hand / / 27. cup / /
8. road / / 18. famous / / 28. brother / /
9. girl / / 19. book / / 29. pear / /
10. bridge / / 20. noise / / 30. key / /
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
20 4 6 6 6 12 10 10.5 10.5 10 10 15 120
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
120.0 = 100%
60.0 = 50%

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