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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St.


Grade:__6 __ Lesson Title: Developing Communication Through Play Partner and Keely Crow Eagle
Lesson Duration 45 mins

Overview of lesson (100-150 words). Write a clear and concise overview that indicates what the lesson is, the purpose, how it is connected to
the POS, what students will learn and how the lesson will conclude. See example in Instructional video provided.

This lesson is used as a tool to introduce different forms of communication to grade 6 drama
students. The purpose of this lesson is to help students explore different forms of communication and
develop self-awareness through dramatic play. During this lesson, students will act out one of two
stories, The Three Little Pigs, or Awasis and the World-Famous Bannock, narrated by the teacher,
while wearing their masks. After the acting is finished, students will re-group and have a group
discussion surrounding the different stories, emotions, and movements they experienced. At the end
of this lesson, students will be aware that both the body and voice are tools of expression, while
responding to various forms of stimuli (music, change in tone, etc.). Furthermore, this lesson will
help students improve their skills and competencies regarding communication through dramatic play.

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not put in 10 SLO's just
because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson [Maximum 1 GLO
1-2 SLO's]


2. To develop competency in communication · Become aware of body and voice as instruments of

skills through drama. expression.
· Learn to respond to stimuli, e.g., music, pictures,
objects, literature.
Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words for reference. * See Instructional Video
Students will…
Students will:
· Explore their bodies and voices as instruments of expression.
· Show how responses to stimuli, e.g., music, pictures, objects, literature differ depending on the individual.

Inquiry & Guiding Questions: Inquiry Questions are broader Question that guides a unit of study, while guiding questions guide the lesson itself and are
specific questions. Guiding questions aim to provoke thinking. Guiding questions are just that - guiding. These types of questions facilitate dialogue. They can be used for
guiding students inquiry and can be used for formative assessment purpose too. A lesson should have several guiding questions.
** See Instructional video on Inquiry and guiding questions.

Inquiry Question: Formulate one (see examples in instructional video)

· In what ways can communication be expressed?

Lesson Guiding Questions: Formulate several. Remember to use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs apply, analysis contrast, express, clear on
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges
what type of knowledge/skill/attitudes that you are helping students develop and expecting them to do. Guiding questions must support this and provoke student
thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have learned, what they still need to learn etc.. * See Instructional Video

· How do (can) people communicate? (knowledge)

· What were some differences between the two stories we covered today? (knowledge) (more specific;
difference in what context?)
· Did those differences cause you to feel differently while acting? (analyzing) (provide an example to start
students thinking; this question is vague and abstract....differently than what?)
· What are some types of stimuli (explain what stimuli are) that can affect how someone acts? (Music,
objects, literature etc.) (checking for understanding)
· How does changes in tone, affect a word’s use? (analyzing)
· How did you feel while acting? (analyzing)
· Did you discover anything about yourself today? (analyzing) - short answer for student could be NO.
then you are can you reframe this question to prompt students responses
Your questions are good!, but vague is some areas. Either extent the questions for clarity or provide an
example...."For instance"

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. Draw on Beth's Curriculum Lab Module about
assessing resources If it is on online resource provide an active link. If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 2 -3 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the
resource is and why you have chosen it. How does it support your lesson and student learning?

*you may have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson.

Resource #1: Awasis, by David Hunt, we chose this book based on the Cree values that were displayed but most
significantly we focused on the aspect of compassion which is presented in the positive interaction. Furthermore
we found that it would be a good resource to teach students dramatic acting styles such as Kinesthetic response.

Hunt, D., & Strong, A. (2018). Awasis and the World-Famous Bannock. Highwater Press.

Resource #2: Three little pigs: James Marshall we chose this book because of the aggressive tones and the
negative interactions and the aggressive elements, to help the students compare the different elements of

Marshall, ., & Wigham Family Collection (university of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Labatory).
(1989). The Three Little Pigs. Dial Books for Young Readers.

Resource #3: Outline of The Viewpoints by Anne Bogart and Tina Landau. The outline of the Viewpoints can be
utilized to assist the students to recall the descriptions, as they analyse the performance. Understanding the
different types of responses will allow the students to identify types of communication and the associated

Bogart, A., & Landau, T. (2005;2004;2012;). The viewpoints book: A practical guide to viewpoints and
composition (1st ed.). Theatre Communications Group.

Material and Equipment

List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will organize ahead of time prior to
your lesson

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges
 Pre-made masks
 A play space
 Some paper (for journaling)
 Pencils
 A basket
 Props for the Three Little Pigs performance (pictures of hay, sticks and bricks)
 Props for the Awasis performance (Fake flour, butter, milk, baking powder)
 Photocopies of the outline provided in A Practical Guide to Viewpoints and Composition
 Book 1 (Awasis and The World-Famous Bannock)
 Book 2 (The Three Little Pigs)

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (_5_min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to
Body. Indicate the timing for each section.

Here be explicit about HOW you will engage students attention, settle them in , explain the learning objectives
etc. What is the teacher doing, what are the students doing

· Prior to class the teacher will print the handout of the Viewpoints and write a group name on the back of the page.
Group Names - Awasis, The three little pigs, and audience.

· The teacher will introduce the lesson and provide the learning outcomes for today’s lesson. (HOW?)

Body (_45_min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. The body is comprised of Steps and Procedures, Identified Teaching Strategies,
Assessment. In each section write clearly and concisely.

Image a substitute teacher picks up this lesson; will they be able to carry it out based on your descriptions and instruction?

Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies,
organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative assessment in your lesson?

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. in a 45 min lesson Identify Teaching Strategies/Rational
body there should be a least two activities and one transition. You may have 3 Example: Direct instructions, pair/share, jigsaw,
activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - partner dialogue whole group discussion etc. When will you use these
(as an example). Each activity and transition are structured and timed. Be explicit and why? You will list in your body, but you will explain
* Style of writing is descriptive and concise. You are not narrating, rather you are
your choice here.
describing in detail, the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the
lesson. Direct instruction (put subheadings in bold so
that it is clearly visible)
Activity #1: Name of Activity [Teacher Lead (Direct)] Direct  Direct instruction in the form of
instruction? Guided question will help the teacher
determine the level of understanding
(10 mins) prior to the lesson and the activity. It
Activating thinking caps replace highlighted area with the name of will also allow for added information
your activity to be shared with the students.
 The outline along with the explanation

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges
 The lesson will begin with a guiding question to activate and demonstration of the lesson will
students thinking. using the no hands raised procedure. help the students distinguish how the
body response differently with the
change in tones.
 In what ways can communication be expressed?
 An actual, hands-on activity What is
the name of the Instructional Strategy?
 Utilizing the outline, the teacher will explain and (performing) will allow the performers
demonstrate how verbal tones affect movement and to focus on their movements and
emotions in a play and further connecting the lesson to reactions.
how people interact with each other daily.
Interactive learning,
 The audience and student actors will
Transition: describe be engaging in interactive learning,
The teacher will instruct the students to turn their outline over to this will allow the participants,
see their group name whether actors or audience, to analyse
the performances as they watch or
Activity #2: Name of Activity [Direct Instruction] Time (10 participate. (When the performers are
mins) not demonstrating they will become
Story Time
audience so they can also analyze the
other performance).
These are grade 6 students. Organize more student engagement
in reading. Teacher can start reading and other student read OR  A final Group discussion What is the
Partner reading, or independent reading mixed with pair/share. name of the Instructional Strategy?
will also allow for ideas to be shared,
 The teacher will read Awasis and then read Three Little which will provide another chance for
Pigs. (what is happening here? why two stories?) students to either learn or reinforce the
newly acquired information.

Transition (5 mins): describe

 The students will take five minutes to get into their Assessments/Rational (minimum of two)
assigned groups, these groups will either be the
performers or the spectators
Where Assessment Occurs:
 The performers will determine their rolls and prepare by
putting on their pre-made masks, the Audience and the Formative: Example: observation/anecdotal,
second performers will set the stage space and then take a student/teacher conferencing, check list, worksheet,
seat. discussion, or other techniques from your evaluation
textbook. When will you administer these and why?

Activity #3: Name of Activity [Experiential/ Interactive Instruction]  Formative: (Group discussion) At the end
Time (20mins) of both performances the students and the
The performance teacher will engage in a group discussion.
 The teacher will proceed to read the book, Awasis, as the During the discussion, different modes of
students begin to perform. This is interesting ...more communication will be pointed out to/by
detail here to describe the steps....not clear on what is the students. These conversations will
happening and how all students will be engaged? provide a glimpse of who understood the
reason for the exercise and provide others
 The teacher and audience members will analyze the
with further opportunities to learn the
actions of the actors, while the actors demonstrate their

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges
interpretation of the lesson. The audience will take notes
in their journal of the reactions that they had. You must organize a way to document
 The teacher will begin narrating the second book The your observations. A check list perhaps. It
Three Little Pigs and the second group will act. cannot be solely from memory

 Formative: (Exit Slip) At the end of the

 The audience will watch both performances How long class, the students will be given an exit
will this take?? slip, to provide feedback to the teacher.
This feedback will let the teacher know if

the concepts and outcomes were met by
This section requires more detail breaking down the steps of the lesson. If not, further time will be
what the teacher is doing and what students are doing and the needed next class.
timing involved.

Consolidating and Closure: ( 10 ) mins *beyond 'clean up'

In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they
haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole
group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into closure...cleanup and getting
ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide Clear
steps and indicate process. Often 5 mins is allotted for this section but that is not enough time. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready
for transition can take up to 10 minutes or more, depending on the lesson.

 At the end of the class, there will be a brief group discussion. Also, the students will be provided with an
exit slip, with questions that highlight some of the different forms of communication the students
exhibited during today’s lesson.

 After they complete the exit slip, they will leave the class and the teacher will make sure all the props
were returned and finish with the cleanup.

Overall this is a good start. It is well aligned with POS, clear learning objectives and age appropriate
and engaging. (see comments about teacher reading the two stories - student engagement needed here)

Not clear why you need two stories? Cree values seem to be lost or not taken up. Keely this is the
same feedback I provided on Ideology assignment. If you are going to use Indigenous resource it
needs to be take up.

There are many areas that need to be clarified and that is what you need to work toward for lesson two
and three. Timing in the activities need to.

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