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3 Reece Kershaw 22-10-2021
4 Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
5 Forwarded via email
7 Cc: Mr Scott Morrison via email
8 Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
9 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
11 Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
12 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
14 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier
16 Mr Martin Pakula,,
18 20211022-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police-
19 Suppl-22-accessory to murder
22 Sir,
23 No matter if a video is years old, or even decades if a person was to download any video
24 regarding paedophilia then the Australian Federal Police rightfully could charge the person for
25 being an accessory to paedophilia It doesn’t matter if the content of the video was created in
26 some country where it might be perfectly legal to do this to a child as there are ample of
27 countries where (so to say western standards may not be what they are using) paedophilia is not
28 as we in most western countries may have legislated in regard of that.
30 The same is as to murder. Many countries set their own standards in regard what constitute
31 murder but that doesn’t mean that one can profit from murder being it financially or otherwise.
33 Let us consider some reports regarding accessory to or involved in paedophilia:
36 'Paedophile Hunters', Criminal Procedure, and Fundamental Human ...
37 17 June 2020 ... It suggests that paedophile hunters, as citizens using proactive policing
38 methods, can pose a unique threat to the fundamental rights of those ...
41 Corporate Paedophilia - The Australia Institute
42 Corporate Paedophilia. Sexualisation of children in Australia. Emma Rush. Andrea La
43 Nauze. Discussion Paper Number 90. October 2006. ISSN 1322-5421 ...

22-10-2021 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 2

1 Accessory (legal term) - Wikipedia

2 An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not
3 actually participate in the commission of the crime, meaning that the ...
6 sexual-offender
7 The Difference Between A Pedophile and a Sexual Offender
8 People throw around the words, predator, opportunist, pedophile, sex offender, all
9 suggesting that they mean different things. In my world as a prosecutor, ...
11 Let us consider some reports regarding accessory to or involved in murder:
14 Accessory (legal term) - Wikipedia
15 An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not
16 actually participate in the commission of the ...
19 Accessory to Murder or Accomplice: What's the Difference?
20 22 June 2021 ... An accessory to murder is a person who assists a principal offender
21 before or after the murder. An accessory before the fact learns about the ...
24 Accessory to Murder – What Does it Mean? - Shouse Law Group
25 15 Feb 2021 ... Accessory to murder is a criminal offense whereby the perpetrator helps
26 or assists a murderer before or after the commission of the murder.
29 Murder - Accessory After the Fact - Dribbin & Brown Criminal Law
30 Charge. Accessory to Murder · Facts. The client was living with his friend. Whilst they
31 were both at home another man arrived, with whom there was an existing ...
34 What Does the Law Say About Being an Accessory to a Crime?
35 24 Feb 2021 ... What is an Accessory to a Crime? · Counseled or procured another person
36 to commit an offence · Aided another person in committing an offence · Did ...
39 CRIMINAL CODE 1899 - SECT 307 Accessory after the fact to murder
40 (1) Any person who becomes an accessory after the fact to murder is guilty of a crime,
41 and is liable to imprisonment for life.
44 crimes act 1900 - sect 349 - AustLII
45 (1) Every accessory after the fact to murder shall be liable to imprisonment for 25 years.
46 (2) Every accessory after the fact to the crime of robbery with arms ...
49 What Does 'Accessory to Murder' Mean? | Robert M. Helfend
50 If someone aids in the killing of another person but isn't present when the murder is
51 committed, they can be charged as an “accessory to murder.”

22-10-2021 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 3

2 after-the-fact-to-murder-in-nsw/
3 What is the Law and Penalties for Being an Accessory After the Fact ...
4 31 Oct 2018 ... “Accessory after the fact” includes conduct that amounts to knowingly
5 providing assistance to the person who committed the murder (the principal ...
8 What's involved in accessory to murder? - The Law - The Western ...
9 Being an accessory to murder is another way that a person is held criminally liable for a
10 death. Section 240 of the Criminal Code provides that everyone who ...
12 It doesn’t matter if one profit from having someone else committing pedophilia and/or murder ,
13 the moment you are seeking to benefit from either you are in my view a accessory to whatever
14 you benefitted from.
16 It is not uncommon that the Australian federal Police with other foreign law enforcement
17 agencies do an internet search as to those downloading pedophilia videos, regardless if it for
18 personal usage they nevertheless can be charged for possession of the material, etc. Even if the
19 Australian Federal Police is unaware of where the video was created and the identity of any
20 person involved in the making of the video then nevertheless it still is a criminal offence to poses
21 the content of the video, even if it was lawfully created in a foreign jurisdiction.
23 We then have also to consider what about if a “murder” was perhaps lawfully committed in a
24 foreign jurisdiction can we then nevertheless benefit of such a murder? I do not view this to be
25 different.
26 If a pedophile commits also murder of the victim then I view the person who obtained the video
27 could very well be the instigator of the murder one way or another, by paying for the video, etc.
28 After all if there were no customers to pay for any such horrendous conduct then the perpetrators
29 would lack any financial incentive to pursue their horrible conduct.
31 For Authorities is not necessarily relevant if a person were to obtain the end product of a murder
32 but rather that the person by its conduct, even if years later, became an assessor to it. That is
33 where the criminal offence had eventuated.
35 In today’s society as I understand it we have ample of murders going on but we are basically
36 dictated that it is all right, as it may suit certain people, being it financially or otherwise. A clear
37 example is that many in nursing homes are as I view it being killed off with vaccines, etc, that
38 are in generally useless to them but enhances the government to get rid of those so to say pesty
39 elderly costing monies. Never mind they slugged through life to pay taxes and paying for
40 retirement, now that their monies were wasted by the politicians they have become a financial
41 burden and euthanasia has become an way to apply eugenics and dispose of them. The same with
42 I understand that the Communism regime in china has been using political and/or religious
43 prisoners for organ harvesting, etc. Well those who are benefitting of this kind of organ
44 harvesting by killing people for their organs may argue they do not know how the organs were
45 obtained. But is that an excuse?
46 We all if it comes to that can have DOUBLE STANDARDS that what the law provides for only
47 should be applicable as it suits us but not otherwise.
49 Let us now consider if a video was to show:

22-10-2021 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 4

1 “babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as

2 they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had
3 expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage’.”

4 Would this really be an issue of some paedophile did this to a baby on a video?
6 What about this:
8 “’ they put a clamp on the head of the baby, pull the head down”
9 “drill a hole into the baby’s head”
11 Would this constitute “MURDER” if this was shown on a video?
12 I may expect that any judge who were to have this written explanation regarding pedophilia
13 would likely be incensed and may incarcerate the offenders for life and those who were to
14 benefit from this kind of conduct would likely also face years of free accommodation at Her
15 Majesty’s pleasure at some prison facility and yet reality is that this is the kind of conduct and
16 even worse that is ongoing and somehow is accepted.
17 What appears to be is that we have DOUBLE STANDARDS alright, that murdering babies is
18 ok if it suits your purpose, but not if it doesn’t suit your purpose.
20 From
21 New Evidence For Infanticide In The Creation Of The Fetal Cell Line Used For Covid
22 Vaccine Testing
24 “To obtain embryo cells, embryos from spontaneous abortions cannot be used, nor can
25 those obtained by means of abortions performed via the vagina: in both cases, the embryo
26 will be contaminated by micro-organisms.”

27 “The correct way consists in having recourse to Caesarian section or to the removal of the
28 uterus. Only in this way can bacteriological sterility be guaranteed.”

29 “In either case, then, to obtain embryo cells for culture a programmed abortion must be
30 adopted, choosing the age of the embryo and dissecting it while still alive, in order to
31 remove tissues to be placed in culture media.”

32 “Given these premises, we face the dilemma of whether the deliberate systematic
33 destruction of a human creature to obtain cell material can be justified, when it is
34 recognized that this is of great interest to fundamental research and for the diagnosis of
35 some human diseases. Are research and diagnosis of such great value that they justify the
36 destruction of human beings?”

37 “The Geneva Declaration affirms that the doctor has the duty to take the greatest care to
38 safeguard the life of a human being from its conception and will not, even under threat, use
39 his knowledge to infringe humanitarian laws.” (1986-04-26; Herranz, Gonzalo; Il Sabato,
40 no.15…Professor Herranz was, at the time, president of the Committee of Medical Ethics
41 of Spanish Doctors and vice-president of the Permanent Committee of Medical Ethics of
42 the European Community.)

43 What exactly happened in 1972 or 1973, in the Netherlands, where an infant girl was
44 aborted, and her kidneys used to make a cell line that would be used, going forward, in the
45 testing of vaccines?

22-10-2021 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 5

1 That cell line is called HEK 293 (HEK stands for human embryonic kidney), and it has
2 been used to test COVID vaccines.

3 I have already presented evidence for concluding the abortion involved removing the living
4 infant from her mother’s womb, and taking her kidneys, which of course killed her.

5 This evidence rests on the realization that, in order to extract viable and useful kidney
6 tissue, the baby had to have a functioning blood supply, which meant she was alive.

7 But the evidence ALSO comes from knowing many other abortions have been carried out,
8 in order to harvest tissue for medical research, by murdering living babies.

9 I have found a very informative article (2/9/2021) at the Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
10 UK, by Christian Hacking, titled, “What the HEK?!” by Christian Hacking. Quoting from
11 the article:
12 “HEK 293 is a human cell line created using a kidney from a dissected unborn baby in the
13 Netherlands between 1972 and 1973. It is the second most common cell line and is used
14 extensively in ‘pharmaceutical and biomedical research’. It is also used in vaccine creation
15 and cancer research.”

16 “It was used, along with other human cell lines, to develop a genetically engineered spike
17 protein (that the mRNA vaccine codes for) in the original development stage of the
18 vaccine. The ‘new technology’ Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna Vaccine were tested on
19 HEK 293 before they began human trials. This testing is ongoing for all new batches.
20 Finally the ‘old technology’ Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine grew a weakened viral strain in
21 HEK 293 cell culture…”

22 “The kidney in question was dissected from a healthy Dutch baby girl of unknown
23 origin by the team at Leiden University in the Netherlands in 1972. Despite the
24 inclusion of the term ‘embryonic’ in the title, the baby in question was probably 12-13
25 weeks old when she was killed so as to secure functioning kidney cells. The man in
26 charge of the research was named Alex Jan Van der Eb; he is still alive and still based in
27 Holland.”
28 “When questioned on the matter by the FDA in 2001, Dr Van der Eb confirmed it was an
29 intentional abortion of a ‘fetus’ but gave hazy details of the exact experiments.”

30 “’So the kidney material, the fetal kidney material was as follows: the kidney of the fetus
31 was, with an unknown family history, obtained in 1972 probably. The precise date is not
32 known anymore. The fetus, as far as I can remember, was completely normal. Nothing was
33 wrong. The reasons for the abortion were unknown to me. I probably knew it at that time,
34 but it got lost, all this information’.”

35 Author Hacking continues: “…extracting and growing living cells is incredibly difficult. In
36 order to give oneself the best chance of success you need to ensure the child is healthy,
37 fresh, intact and sterile. As one embryologist and Emeritus Professor of Anatomy
38 confirms:”

39 “’In order to sustain 95% of the cells, the live tissue would need to be preserved within 5
40 minutes of the abortion. Within an hour the cells would continue to deteriorate, rendering
41 the specimens useless’.”

22-10-2021 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 6

1 [That statement was made by “Dr C Ward Kischer, embryologist and Emeritus Professor
2 of Anatomy; specialist in Human Embryology, University of Arizona College of
3 Medicine…”]

4 [My comment: This suggests the abortion, in the Netherlands, in 1972, was planned
5 and technicians were standing by. I would say that, to ensure the viability of the
6 tissue, the infant had a functioning blood supply and was alive when her kidneys were
7 removed, killing her.]

8 Hacking: “In order for the organs to be at ‘optimal viability’, the child needs to be
9 dissected and organs extracted within 5 minutes of delivery. Anaesthetic also cannot be
10 used so as to not change the cellular activity of the organs the researcher wants to obtain.”

11 “Acclaimed Doctor, Ian Donald, the pioneer of the ultrasound scanner, also claims to have
12 witnessed the WI-38 [another cell-line] dissections [1962], conducted at the Karolinska
13 Institute; he described them such:
14 “’Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were
15 not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and
16 when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage’.”

17 “In his dense book ‘The Foetus As Transplant Donor the Scientific, Social, and Ethical
18 Perspectives’, immunologist Dr Peter McCullagh relays detailed descriptions of the
19 methods used on dozens of ‘fetal tissue donors’ from the 1970’s onward, including the
20 deaths of babies between 7 and 26 weeks gestation by decapitations, exposure, dissection
21 and drug testing. Gynaecologist and ex-abortionist Dr Bernard Nathanson, relaying his
22 own understanding of abortion, and citing McCullagh’s book claims the Swedish
23 experiments took place thus:
24 “’…in Sweden they have been puncturing the sac of a pregnant woman at let us say
25 14 to 16 weeks, and then they put a clamp on the head of the baby, pull the head
26 down into the neck of the womb, drill a hole into the baby’s head, and then put a
27 suction machine into the brain and suck out the brain cells….. Healthy human fetuses
28 from 7 to 21 weeks from legal abortions were used. This is in Sweden. The conception age
29 was estimated from crown rump length and so on. Fetal liver and kidney were rapidly
30 removed and weighed. Now at 21 weeks, what they were doing, or 18 weeks, or 16 weeks,
31 was what is called prostaglandin abortions. They would inject a substance into the womb.
32 The woman would then go into mini-labor and pass this baby. 50% of the time, the
33 baby would be born alive, but that didn’t stop them. They would just simply open up
34 the abdomen of the baby with no anesthesia, and take out the liver and kidneys, etc.’”

35 “A research paper from the University of Toronto from June 1952 commenting on the
36 method of their experiments suggests that these techniques were universal with researchers
37 working in close proximity to the abortions.”

38 “’No macerated [softened after death] specimens were used and in many of the embryos
39 the heart was still beating at the time of receipt in the virus laboratory.”

40 “According to Gonzalo Herranz, former head of the Committee of Medical Ethics of

41 Spanish doctors, the best way to prevent ‘contamination by microorganisms’ is to deliver
42 the child by caesarean section or the removal of the uterus.”

43 “A 1982 review of a history of tissue donation affirms this, and much of the above
44 evidence:”

22-10-2021 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 7

1 “’Fetal tissue for transplantation must be “harvested” within a few minutes of delivery.
2 Ideally this is by hysterectomy, with the fetus delivered in utero. Drugs which reduce fetal
3 physiological activity need to be avoided. The fetus is therefore in as alive and aware a
4 state as possible when being opened’.”

5 From Hacking’s article, it’s quite clear how the standard procedure of infant-murder
6 is carried out.

7 It’s entirely reasonable to assume fetal cell line HEK 293—used for COVID vaccine
8 testing—was originally produced, in 1972, by the murder of an infant. Refusal to take
9 a COVID vaccine on the basis of conscience and religion is more than justified.

10 Given the weight of the circumstantial case, I would say that for all people of faith, refusal
11 is essential.

12 Lunatic medical murderers and their allies will say anything to avoid blame and the
13 application of true justice to themselves. They will invent “science” at the drop of a
14 hat and couch it in humanitarian terms. They will claim the ends justify the means.
15 They will commit gross forgery to pretend those ends are vital.

16 But we don’t have to stand by and passively believe them.

17 Billions of people of faith can stand against them.

20 Now we got jabbing (so called vaccination) tested on the elderly in nursing homes, etc, even so
21 in numerous reports it is warned that those vaccinations are only harmful and can reduce if not
22 all together destroy the immunity system that was left in their bodies and escalate their deaths.
23 Hospitals were as I understand it placing people on ventilators, not because it would aid them but
24 because the hospital could then claim $39,000 (USA) for each patient doing so. Never mind this
25 likely caused the death of the patients.
27 QUOTE 20210329-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON& Ors Re FOI,
28 CORONAVIRUS, DNA, etc -Suppl 4
30 skerritts-interview-on-abc-730-on-17-february-2021
31 Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC
32 7:30 on 17 February 2021

35 Some churches have told parishioners to ask for the Pfizer jab, not the AstraZeneca one, because the
36 AstraZeneca one reportedly uses aborted foetuses. What's your view on that and would religious objection be
37 grounds for an exemption to get the vaccine you wanted?


39 When the vaccine was developed, quite a range of vaccines were produced in embryonic kidney cells, and
40 these cells came originally from - and we don't know the personal situation - from a termination that was
41 done, we think, in the Netherlands in the early 1970s. So a very long time ago. And those cells are many
42 generations old now. What we do know is that even at the highest levels from the Vatican down, they've said
43 that the source of this vaccine is not a reason not to be vaccinated. So, churches have come out quite strongly,
44 emphasising the importance of vaccination.
22-10-2021 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 8

2 To me the answer “When the vaccine was developed, quite a range of vaccines were produced
3 in embryonic kidney cells, and these cells came originally from - and we don't know the
4 personal situation - from a termination that was done, we think, in the Netherlands in the
5 early 1970s.” is totally unacceptable. It appears to me he deliberately avoided to where it was
6 from (“and these cells came originally from - and we don't know the personal situation -
7 ”) as I view as head of the TGA it should be his business to know! If he doesn’t then replace
8 him with someone who knows his job!
9 END QUOTE 20210329-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON& Ors Re FOI,
10 CORONAVIRUS, DNA, etc -Suppl 4
12 Well, the article from New Evidence For Infanticide In The
13 Creation Of The Fetal Cell Line Used For Covid Vaccine Testing obviously shows where the
14 cells came from:
16 “The kidney in question was dissected from a healthy Dutch baby
17 girl of unknown origin by the team at Leiden University in the
18 Netherlands in 1972. Despite the inclusion of the term ‘embryonic’
19 in the title, the baby in question was probably 12-13 weeks old
20 when she was killed so as to secure functioning kidney cells. The
21 man in charge of the research was named Alex Jan Van der Eb; he is still
22 alive and still based in Holland.”
24 And
27 [My comment: This suggests the abortion, in the Netherlands, in
28 1972, was planned and technicians were standing by. I would say
29 that, to ensure the viability of the tissue, the infant had a
30 functioning blood supply and was alive when her kidneys were
31 removed, killing her.]
34 It appears to be very clear that any procedure as such requires the victim to be alive and be killed
35 for no other purpose but for harvesting something from the body.
36 Next time someone criticizes the chine for their horrible practices they better then also direct
37 their criticism to others doing the same.
39 Obviously if (TGA) John Skerritt as a professor has no knowledge, this even so it is a matter of
40 record, then to me he might not be in the correct job. After all, I view he should know what is
41 used regarding vaccines. Indeed, considering the reports coming out as to how vials contain just
42 p-placebo content (saline) or just graphene, or egg from which allegedly creatures grows when
43 insider the human body of those jabbed with it, then I doubt we have any proper TGA
44 assessment. Indeed, how on earth can Federal Minister boost about the TGA to approve likely
45 within a month for (vaccine) boosters when those so called “vaccines” are still in “clinical trial”
46 mode? As such, it appears to me that the TGA really are sidestepping the real purpose of a
47 “clinical trial” and merely are following “government policy”. The hell with anyone suffering
48 adverse reactions or even die, as Scott Morrison made clear (see my previous writings) they are
49 accountable for their own decisions. Never mind they are coerced or otherwise forced to be
50 subjecte4d to the jabbing against their will!
22-10-2021 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 9

1 In my view this is not lawful and I wonder when will the Australian Federal Police finally do its
2 job and charge Scott Morrison and Co about the “No Jab, No Pay” issue of past years?
4 We now as I understand it, have a $1 million lottery that those jabbed before the end of October
5 can win this money. In my view the Australian Federal Police should charge those involved, as
6 regardless if the lottery may be approved it is involving unlawful conduct to use “commercial”
7 obtained “vaccines” that are not at all approved for usage as such.
9 I understood from what the Victorian Deputy Chief Health Officer was stating on 21 October
10 2021 that he expected further rises in “cases” where it was on Thursday 21-10-2021 “2,232” and
11 12 claimed deaths.
12 Where was this zero + zero target that was previous to be such a big deal for lockdowns, etc?
15 disease.html

16 The covid virus has NEVER been

17 isolated and shown to cause disease…
18 the entire pandemic is based on a fake
19 science myth
20 Wednesday, October 20, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
21 Bypass censorship by sharing this link:
23 (Natural News) Many people are unaware of it, but the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19),
24 also known as SARS-CoV-2, has still not been properly isolated, meaning it does not
25 technically exist.

26 In response to a request that was made under the Transparency Act of 2013, the
27 Ministry of Health in Spain recently acknowledged that “it does not have a SARS-
28 CoV-2 culture” in its possession, nor is there a “registry of laboratories with culture
29 and isolation capacity for testing.”

30 The response went on to discharge all responsibility for diagnoses and treatment onto
31 health professionals, clarifying that “tests, by themselves, are not usually sufficient to
32 determine the disease.”

33 Amazingly, the Spanish newspaper El Diestro reported on September 30 that these so-
34 called “tests,” which have repeatedly been proven fraudulent, “are not usually enough to
35 determine the disease.” Despite this, PCR tests have been used to justify government
36 impositions about lockdowns, mask mandates and now, “vaccine” requirements.

22-10-2021 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 10

1 Here in the United States, hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

2 requests have revealed that there is not a single record anywhere in the world of
3 SARS-CoV-2 having been isolated or purified.

4 “Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic
5 material and never proven to contain any particular virus) with transfected monkey
6 kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then claim that the resulting
7 concoction is ‘SARS-COV-2 isolate’ and ship it off internationally for use in critical
8 research (including vaccine and test development)?” asked The Exposé‘s Christine
9 Massey.

10 “Because that’s the sort of fraudulent monkey business that’s being passed off as
11 ‘virus isolation’ by research teams around the world.

12 When pressed for proof that covid really exists, governments have nothing to show

13 On Feb. 15, 2021, Kepa Ormazabal, a Spanish researcher, submitted an FOIA request
14 about this very thing. He wanted to see proof that SARS-CoV-2 had truly been isolated and
15 purified, and determined to exist in the way the government claims it does.

16 The Basque Country Office of the President and Department of Health, along with all other
17 dependent institutions, ignored Ormazabal’s request because they had nothing to say.

18 “According to the law, they have 30 days to respond,” Ormazabal’s told the media several
19 months later. “[Sixty days] if the question is especially complex. Today is May 2nd and I
20 have not heard from them.”

21 On March 30, Ormazabal submitted another FOIA request to the Consejo Superior de
22 Investigaciones Científicas (Higher Council of Scientific Research), which is considered
23 the flagship of Spanish research. Once again, Ormazabal did not receive a response.

24 “Again, they have not responded and, therefore, their silence is refusing access to the
25 information they may hold in regards to my question,” Ormazabal reported.

26 “The CSIC and the Basque government are public institutions and, therefore, must comply
27 with the law of transparency, good governance and access to public information. Article
28 20.4 of this law states that, if after 30 days there has been no response from the public
29 administration, this silence is to be understood as meaning that the request to access the
30 public information solicited has been refused.”

22-10-2021 Page 10 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 11

1 To this day, not a single government or research agency has procured solid evidence that
2 SARS-CoV-2 is real in the way we have all been told. There are no sample cultures
3 available or really anything to show that the China Virus is anything other than a false
4 flag plandemic exercise being used to usher the planet into a new world order.

5 There is a wealth of information published by The Exposé about this subject that is worth
6 your time to look over and consider.

7 More related news stories about Chinese Virus deception can be found at

8 Sources for this article include:



14 Let us consider what a medical profession proposes:
17 public-health-system-and-let-nature-take-its-course/ar-AAPLXzh?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531
18 Victoria AMA says Covid-deniers and anti-vaxxers should opt out of public health
19 system and ‘let nature take its course’
22 “Covid-deniers” and “anti-vaxxers” should opt out of care in the public health system if
23 they catch the virus as Victoria reopens, says the Victorian branch of the Australian
24 Medical Association.

25 © Provided by
26 The Guardian Photograph: Scott Barbour/AAP
27 AMA Victoria president, Dr Roderick McRae, said those who do not believe Covid-19 is
28 real or a threat should update their advanced care directives and inform their relatives that
22-10-2021 Page 11 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 they do not wish to receive care in the public health system if diagnosed with the virus.
2 From Friday many restrictions will lift across the state as it has exceeded 70% full
3 vaccination of those aged over 16. Though Victoria is still recording high daily case
4 numbers, with 2,232 new cases reported on Thursday, high vaccination combined with
5 lower than predicted length of stays in hospital has given the government confidence the
6 health system will cope with measures lifting earlier than first anticipated.
7 © Photograph: Scott Barbour/AAP Passionate Covid-deniers should should update
8 advanced care directives to say ‘if I am diagnosed with this disease caused by a virus that I
9 don’t believe exists, I will not disturb the public hospital system’, says Victorian AMA
10 president, Dr Roderick McRae.
11 Related: ‘Reality of the pandemic’: Victorian ambulances hit peak stress with capacity down
12 to 5%
13 But McRae, who is an intensive care physician and an anaesthetist, said health care
14 workers are fatigued from lockdowns, Covid-19 outbreaks, and pressures on the health
15 system, including staff shortages that existed before the pandemic.
16 “Within the public hospitals, the knees are knocking as restrictions ease, because the
17 situation is stressed to the point that tents are going up outside of the public hospitals to
18 facilitate the removal of ill patients from ambulances, so those ambulances can go and get the
19 next patient,” he said.
20 Health workers would also be grappling in coming months with a backlog of patients
21 who had been forced to delay their elective surgery because private hospitals and
22 staff were being redirected to treat Covid patients.
23 “So these patients continue to suffer some pain or disability for a longer period of time,
24 and they’re often patients who’ve been double vaccinated, they’re elderly, and they’ve
25 done everything right, but their knee replacement is being delayed and the public hospital
26 waiting lists are growing,” McRae said.
27 “We’re all juggling everything the best we can to avoid and prevent deaths. We know as
28 we reopen it’s the unvaccinated who are going to get Covid, and they are going to get great
29 hospital treatment with many new experimental drugs, even though they think the vaccine
30 is ‘experimental’.
31 “A whole lot of these people are passionate disbelievers that the virus even exists. And
32 they should notify their nearest and dearest and ensure there’s an advanced care directive
33 that says, ‘If I am diagnosed with this disease caused by a virus that I don’t believe exists, I
34 will not disturb the public hospital system, and I’ll let nature run its course’.”
35 Sign up to receive an email with the top stories from Guardian Australia every morning
37 Gallery: 20 reasons why you should donate blood (Espresso)
39 McRae urged Victorians eager to make the most of restrictions easing and travel to places
40 they have missed, including bars and restaurants, to wear a mask and be cautious.
41 “We strongly advise people not to undertake any activity that may lead to inebriation and
42 the requirements for medical care,” he said.
43 “Now is not the time you want to fall over or get injured, because the hospitals are
44 full. Don’t get too excited about the horse winning the Melbourne Cup if you’re on
45 the brink of having a cardiac issue. Because if you call an ambulance in coming
46 weeks, you may have to wait. There’s no question the hospital will do what they can,
47 but we’re not able to provide the standard of care that we once did because of all of
48 the resource constraints.”
49 Associate Prof Natasha Smallwood, a respiratory physician and head of Monash
50 University’s chronic respiratory disease laboratory, said lockdowns had been tough on
51 healthcare workers too, who were often managing remote-learning and childcare, while
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1 worrying that they or their family members may be exposed to Covid, forcing the
2 household to isolate.
3 She said while she and many other health workers were feeling relief that children are
4 returning to school and that they would have more freedoms when trying to take a break
5 between shifts, “as the restrictions ease we will obviously start to see a rise in our case
6 numbers and our modelling suggests that we will hit our peak in January and February”.
7 she said.
8 “I’m very excited the restrictions will ease but cautious and concerned about what that
9 actually means for myself and other healthcare workers in terms of the volume of Covid-19
10 patients, both in the community but also in the hospital system, and how we continue to
11 manage that workload.”
12 Smallwood co-authored a study just published in the International Journal of Environmental
13 Research and Public Health which reported findings from of a survey of 6,679 frontline
14 health workers, conducted between 27 August and 23 October 2020. They were asked
15 about the main challenges they had faced with the pandemic.
16 One emergency department worker told the researchers about “not having breaks and
17 having to work 7–10 days straight and also the increased frequency of working shifts and
18 night shifts. I often came home feeling defeated and too tired to take care of my own
19 physical and mental health”.
20 Another said: “The healthcare workforce felt a bit like being in the army, and I’m not up
21 for that. I feel like my strengths weren’t put to use, I didn’t have a voice, and was expected
22 to ‘step up and step in line.”
23 Related: Victoria Covid update: you have to hold tight until Friday for the right to party,
24 authorities say
25 Smallwood said the study found the pandemic had exacerbated pre-existing workplace
26 stresses and created new challenges for frontline health workers including unfamiliar tasks
27 outside their usual scope of work practice, disruption of established teams, rapidly
28 changing policies and procedures, often managers who did not appreciate the stresses
29 placed on staff.
30 “Things were pretty challenging last year but that is only much, much worse now given
31 that we actually have many more patients who are affected, and we also have a much
32 younger population as well,” Smallwood said.
33 “People often say ‘but you have vaccination now’, and while obviously being protected is
34 really important, the ongoing mental health impacts, the occupational challenges, and the
35 disruption and changes the pandemic has generated for health care workers means the
36 conditions for them are much worse now.”
37 Appropriately paying health workers, especially nurses, for their sacrifices “rather than
38 sending them a link to an online wellbeing video, or giving them a chocolate frog” would
39 go some way towards making health workers feel valued and strong enough to continue
40 working as restrictions ease, she said.
41 “Many of us have to deal with patients who say that they don’t believe in Covid, or their
42 family members who call the hospital ward and say that they don’t believe Covid is what
43 their loved one has, and that also sometimes leads to threats of occupational violence,”
44 Smallwood said.
47 What an absurdity, at least in my view, to state:
50 Though Victoria is still recording high daily case numbers, with 2,232 new cases reported
51 on Thursday, high vaccination combined with lower than predicted length of stays in

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1 hospital has given the government confidence the health system will cope with measures
2 lifting earlier than first anticipated.
5 This isn’t about “health” issues but rather about forcing citizens to unconstitutionally/unlawfully
6 to be jabbed! The “zero + zero” targets were only to use fear mongering to get people jabbed!
9 “Many of us have to deal with patients who say that they don’t believe in Covid, or their
10 family members who call the hospital ward and say that they don’t believe Covid is what
11 their loved one has, and that also sometimes leads to threats of occupational violence,”
12 Smallwood said.
15 Now those in the health system somehow now are the ones who determine what a person may or
16 may not belief in? What a nonsense. If the health system had not abandoned its patients then the
17 future likely crisis (of overwhelming hospitals) may have been avoided, moreover many would
18 not have to suffer certain ill health conditions if they were timely provided with appropriate care.
19 How can it be beneficially if a person having “natural immunity” ends up in hospital because
20 having been unduly jabbed and now this is what caused the person to be hospitalized?
23 Speech The Rule of Law and the Future of the Sector
24 From: Attorney General's Office and The Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP
26 I do not want this speech to be a historical overview of the rule of law but the English philosopher John
27 Locke made the point in 1690 that ‘Wherever law ends, tyranny begins’. The classic modern definition of the
28 Rule of Law – and by modern I mean 1885 - comes from the jurist and constitutional theorist AV Dicey. I
29 won’t read the whole of what he said but two parts of it are of particular importance to the success of the City
30 of London and its commercial and legal sectors. Firstly, Dicey said that the rule of law meant that “no man is
31 punishable or can be lawfully made to suffer in body or goods except for a distinct breach of law
32 established in the ordinary legal manner before the ordinary Courts of the land.” He also said that when
33 we speak of the “rule of law” we mean not only that with us no man is above the law, but that here every
34 man, whatever be his rank or condition, is subject to the ordinary law of the realm and amenable to the
35 jurisdiction of the ordinary tribunals.
38 However it appears to me that Scott Morrison now unconstitutionally uses the States/Territories
39 to achieve what is he (for the Commonwealth) is constitutionally not permitted to do and well
40 APRHA is and other medical bodies are doing the bidding for him also.
43 October 21, 2021
44 Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny
45 By Blaise Edwards, M.D.
47 I find myself in the position that I must use an alias for fear of reprisal. Those days
48 may be quickly coming to an end, as hospitals are denying requests for vaccine
49 exemptions with impunity. I will likely soon be out the door, with nothing to lose.
50 Even if I survive this round, if the “pandemic” continues, it won’t be long before I am
51 shelved like a can of spam.
52 Doctors need to be called out. From early in the pandemic, it was like a mass
53 hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school. Immune
54 system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates. The thought of
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1 early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate the immune
2 system was forbidden. We essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait
3 until they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin. Imagine
4 telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin. Would we
5 really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat them only at the
6 hospital? It is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.
7 We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process.
8 The reasons are multiple. First, it was the easy way out. Second, many of us are
9 employed and feared reprisal. Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians
10 are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire
11 institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.
12 As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific
13 method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses. They kept their heads
14 down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.
15 I had conversations with doctors who are supposed experts in virology and immunology
16 denying the lasting immunity of natural infection. Conversations about natural immunity:
17 “I have antibodies.”
18 “But they will wane.”
19 “But I have memory cells.”
20 Top ArticlesREAD MOREThe Secret behind World HistoryIs Capability
22 Dumbfounded look.
23 Really, are these the leaders we want?
24 Other conversations about the safety of vaccines:
25 “The vaccine is safe.”
26 “No, we would have shut down any trial in the past after even 100 deaths.”
27 “This is more serious.”
28 “But the survival rate is about 99.6%.”
29 “Its killing people.”
30 “So is the vaccine”
31 “You can’t believe VAERS.”
32 “It was set up to help protect the public, and if anything, it is underreporting side
33 effects.”
34 “You’re a conspiracy theorist.”
35 Or conversations about early treatment
36 “You must get the vaccine, it is the only “proven” treatment, there are no other
37 treatments.”
38 “Really, ivermectin has eradicated COVID in India, parts of Mexico, Japan….”
39 “It is a horse dewormer.”
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1 “It won a Nobel Prize in medicine, is a WHO essential drug, and has been around for
2 decades with a great safety profile.”
3 “No, only the vaccine works.”
4 “But it is failing”
5 “You are a denier and a conspiracy theorist.”
6 “Sigh….”
7 Lately it has been all about getting 100% of the population jabbed. For what reason? I am
8 not sure, and some of the more detailed and investigated theories scare me. I shudder to
9 think. But last year’s heroes are being labeled selfish and villainous for not getting the
10 vaccine. Hospital systems have abandoned their community’s health and ignore early
11 successful outpatient treatment in favor of huge government subsidies for inpatient and
12 ICU treatment. The success of these treatments was not great, but that is another article.
13 Now we have the same hospital systems turning their backs on their own employees.
14 Basically, health providers have a choice, get shot, or get fired. How does that help?
15 Both vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread virus, so it doesn’t help anyone. It only helps
16 the hospital to get more government money by meeting quotas.
17 I, for one, will remember that when we faced real crisis, the hospitals and many physicians
18 chose money and profit over their own community’s best interest. Perhaps it is time for
19 groups of physicians to get back to running their own health-care clinics and hospitals. We
20 used to have a code of ethics. We used to put patients first. Not anymore.
21 As for physicians, those who are blindly following the government edicts are culpable
22 in a moral atrocity. Bullying and deriding patients who chose to refrain from this still
23 experimental therapy is an abomination. (You will say it isn’t experimental anymore, to
24 which I would say that just because the government broke its own rules regarding
25 approval, doesn’t make it legal or right). Patients have sincere beliefs for making their
26 choice. Respect their thoughts. Do you yell as much at smokers, drinkers, fornicators,
27 drug abusers, etc? No, I think not. I think you chose to fit in because it gives you a sense
28 of righteousness.
29 And going so far as to encourage vaccination in children and pregnant women is
30 crazy. There is blood on the hands of any physician who does this. With children,
31 there is no benefit to the vaccine, only harm. They would serve themselves and society
32 better with natural immunity. The vaccine hasn’t been studied on women and their babies.
33 It is pregnancy category X (unknown) but being pushed wholesale on these poor women
34 without proper studies. Shame on you, doctors who are doing this. I certainly have lots to
35 answer for when I meet my maker, but this is on another level.
36 I beg physicians to get back to basics, remember all the epidemiology and immunology
37 that bored us to tears in school. Investigate the real literature and take a stand. Society
38 needs us to do this. Even if you have been vaccinated, help those who are fighting for their
39 lives. Stand up against this forced vaccine tyranny. Support those who have legitimate
40 reasons for declining the jab. If you don’t stand up now, who will stand up for you when
41 you are faced with your choice of yet another booster or your job.
46 calls-out-fda-cdc-fauci-media-fueling-confusion-misinformation/5758998

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1 Groundbreaking: Nebraska AG Says Doctors Can Legally Prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ for
2 COVID, Calls Out FDA, CDC, Fauci, Media for ‘Fueling Confusion and Misinformation’
4 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate
5 Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

6 Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch.

7 ***
8 At the request of the Nebraska Department of Health, on Oct. 15, Nebraska Attorney
9 General Doug Peterson issued a legal opinion that Nebraska healthcare providers can
10 legally prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID, so long
11 as they obtain informed consent from the patient.

12 Few subjects have been more controversial than ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine —
13 two long-established, inexpensive medications widely and successfully used in many parts
14 of the world for the prevention and treatment of COVID.

15 By contrast, the use of both medications against COVID has been largely suppressed in the
16 U.S, where doctors have been threatened and punished for prescribing them.
17 On Oct. 15, Nebraska Attorney General (AG) Doug Peterson issued a legal opinion that
18 Nebraska healthcare providers can legally prescribe off-label medications like ivermectin
19 and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID, so long as they obtain informed
20 consent from the patient.
21 However, if they did neglect to obtain consent, deceive, prescribe excessively high doses
22 or other misconduct, they could be subject to discipline, Peterson wrote.

23 The AG’s office emphasized it was not recommending any specific treatment for COVID.

24 “That is not our role,” Peterson wrote. “Rather, we address only the off-label early
25 treatment options discussed in this opinion and conclude that the available evidence
26 suggests they might work for some people.”
27 Peterson said allowing physicians to consider early treatments will free them to evaluate
28 additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of the hospital and provide relief for
29 our already strained healthcare system.

30 The opinion, based on an assessment of relevant scientific literature, was rendered in

31 response to a request by Dannette Smith, CEO of the Nebraska Department of Health and
32 Human Services.
33 Smith asked the AG’s office to look into whether doctors could face discipline or legal
34 action under Nebraska’s Uniform Credential Act (UCA) — meant to protect public health,
35 safety and welfare — if they prescribed ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
36 “After receiving your question and conducting our investigation, we have found significant
37 controversy and suspect information about potential COVID-19 treatments,” Peterson
38 wrote.
39 For example, a paper published in the Lancet — one of the most prestigious medical
40 journals in the world — denounced hydroxychloroquine as dangerous, yet the statistics
41 were flawed and the authors refused to provide analyzed data.

42 The paper was retracted, but not before countries stopped using the drug and trials were
43 cancelled or interrupted.
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1 “The Lancet’s own editor-in-chief admitted that the paper was a ‘fabrication,’ a
2 ‘monumental fraud’ and a ‘shocking example of research misconduct’ in the middle of a
3 global health emergency,” Peterson wrote in the opinion.

4 A recently published paper on COVID recognized that “for reasons that are yet to be
5 clarified,” early treatment has not been emphasized despite numerous U.S. healthcare
6 providers advocating for early treatment and “scores of treating and academic physicians”
7 — who have published papers in well respected journals — urging early interventions.

8 Peterson cited numerous studies showing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine reduced

9 mortality by up to 75% or more when used as a preventative or prophylaxis for COVID,
10 suggesting hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved had the drugs been
11 widely used in America.
12 “Every citizen — Democrat or Republican — should be grateful for Doug Peterson’s
13 thoughtful and courageous counteroffensive against the efforts of Big Pharma, its captive
14 federal regulators, and its media and social media allies to silence doctors and deny
15 Americans life-saving treatments,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of Children’s Health
16 Defense, told The Defender via email.
17 “We finally have a leader who puts constitutional rights, peer-reviewed science and human
18 health above industry profits. Doug Peterson is uncowed and unbowed — a genuine hero
19 on horseback for all Americans.” Kennedy said.

20 Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland agreed.

21 “This Nebraska AG opinion lets doctors get back to being doctors — without being
22 second-guessed by government, pharmacists and others interfering in the crucial doctor-
23 patient relationship,” Holland said.

24 Although the AG’s office did not rule out the possibility that other off-label drugs might
25 show promise — either now or in the future — as a prophylaxis or treatment against
26 COVID, it confined its opinion to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the sake of
27 brevity.

28 Nebraska AG highlights science on ivermectin

29 In his legal opinion, Peterson concluded evidence showed ivermectin demonstrated
30 striking effectiveness in preventing and treating COVID, and any side effects were
31 primarily minor and transient.
32 “Thus, the UCA does not preclude physicians from considering ivermectin for the
33 prevention or treatment of COVID,” Peterson wrote.

34 In the decade leading up to the COVID pandemic, Peterson found numerous studies
35 showing ivermectin’s antiviral activity against several RNA viruses by blocking the
36 nuclear trafficking of viral proteins, adding to 50 years of research confirming ivermectin’s
37 antiviral effects.

38 In addition, safety data for ivermectin showed side effects were “vanishingly small.” The
39 latest statistics available through VigiAccess reported only 5,674 adverse drug reactions to
40 ivermectin between 1992 and October 13, 2021, an “incredibly low” number given that 3.7
41 billion doses have been administered since the 1980s, Peterson wrote.

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1 Peterson cited several studies showing ivermectin led to improvement of COVID

2 outcomes when used in early treatment or as a prophylaxis, while noting many studies with
3 negative findings about ivermectin “excluded most available evidence,” cherry picked
4 data within studies, misreported data, made unsupported assertions of adverse reactions to
5 ivermectin and had “conclusions that did follow from evidence.”
6 Peterson also found that epidemiological evidence for ivermectin’s effectiveness, derived
7 by analyzing COVID-related data from various states, countries or regions is instructive in
8 the context of a global pandemic.
9 The Biggest Crime Committed During Vaccine Heist. The Suppression of Ivermectin
10 In one instance, a group of scholars analyzed data comparing COVID rates of countries
11 that routinely administer ivermectin as a prophylaxis and countries that did not. The
12 research showed “countries with routine mass drug administration of prophylactic …
13 ivermectin have a significantly lower incidence of COVID-19.”
14 “This ‘highly significant’ correlation manifests itself not only ‘in a worldwide context’ but
15 also when comparing African countries that regularly administer prophylactic ‘ivermectin
16 against parasitic infections’ and African countries that do not,” Peterson wrote. “Based on
17 these results, the researchers surmised that these results may be connected to ivermectin’s
18 ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication, which likely leads to lower infection rates.”

19 Nebraska AG calls out FDA, Fauci on hypocrisy on ivermectin

20 Many U.S. health agencies have now addressed the use of ivermectin for COVID. The
21 National Institutes of Health (NIH) has adopted a neutral position, choosing not to
22 recommend for or against the use of ivermectin — a change from its position in January
23 2021 where it discouraged use of the drug for treatment of COVID.
24 Peterson wrote:

25 “The reason for the change is the NIH recognized several randomized trials and
26 retrospective cohort studies of ivermectin use in patients with COVID-19 have been
27 published in peer-reviewed journals. And some of those studies reported positive
28 outcomes, including shorter time to resolution of disease manifestations that were
29 attributed to COVID-19, greater reduction in inflammatory marker levels, shorter time to
30 viral clearance, [and] lower mortality rates in patients who received ivermectin than in
31 patients who received comparator drugs or placebo.”

32 Yet, on Aug. 29, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
33 Infectious Diseases within the NIH, went on CNN and announced “there is no clinical
34 evidence” that ivermectin works for the prevention or treatment of COVID. Fauci went on
35 to reiterate that “there is no evidence whatsoever” that it works.
36 “This definitive claim directly contradicts the NIH’s recognition that ‘several randomized
37 trials … published in peer-reviewed journals’ have reported data indicating that ivermectin
38 is effective as a COVI D-19 treatment,” Peterson wrote.

39 In March 2021, the FDA posted a webpage, “Why You Should Not Use lvermectin to
40 Treat or Prevent COVID-19.”
41 “Although the FDA’s concern was stories of some people using the animal form of
42 ivermectin or excessive doses of the human form, the title broadly condemned any use of
43 ivermectin in connection with COVID-19,” Peterson wrote. “Yet, there was no basis for its
44 sweeping condemnation.”
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1 Peterson wrote:

2 “Indeed, the FDA itself acknowledged on that very webpage (and continued to do so until
3 the page changed on September 3, 2021) that the agency had not even ‘reviewed data to
4 support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19.’ But
5 without reviewing the available data, which had long since been available and
6 accumulating, it is unclear what basis the FDA had for denouncing ivermectin as a
7 treatment or prophylaxis for COVID-19.

8 “On that same webpage, the FDA also declared that ‘[i]vermectin is not an anti-viral (a
9 drug for treating viruses).’ It did so while another one of its webpages simultaneously cited
10 a study in Antiviral Research that identified ivermectin as a medicine ‘previously shown to
11 have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity.’”
12 “It is telling that the FDA deleted the line about ivermectin not being ‘anti-viral’ when it
13 amended the first webpage on September 3, 2021,” Peterson noted.

14 Peterson said the FDA’s most controversial statement on ivermectin was made on Aug. 21,
15 when it posted a link on Twitter to its “Why You Should Not Use lvermectin” webpage
16 with this statement: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
17 “This message is troubling not only because it makes light of a serious matter but also
18 because it inaccurately implies that ivermectin is only for horses or cows,” Peterson wrote.

19 Peterson said the FDA has assailed ivermectin’s safety while ignoring the fact that
20 physicians routinely prescribe medications for off-label use and that ivermectin is a
21 “particularly well-tolerated medicine with an established safety record.”

22 Peterson added the FDA is ignoring several randomized controlled trials and at least one
23 metaanalysis suggesting ivermectin is effective against COVID. He pointed out the Centers
24 of Disease Control and Prevention has adopted a similar stance — unsupported by
25 scientific evidence — and the media has fueled confusion and misinformation on the drug.

26 Peterson questions professional associations’ stance on ivermectin

27 Professional associations in the U.S. and internationally have adopted conflicting positions
28 on ivermectin and COVID. The American Medical Association (AMA), American
29 Pharmacists Association (APhA) and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
30 (ASHP) issued a statement in September strongly opposing the ordering, prescribing or
31 dispensing of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID outside of a clinical trial.
32 But their statement relied solely on the FDA’s and CDC’s suspect positions.

33 The AMA, APhA and ASHP also mentioned a statement by Merck — the original patent-
34 holder — opposing the use of ivermectin for COVID because of a “concerning lack of
35 safety data in the majority of studies.”

36 “But Merck, of all sources, knows that ivermectin is exceedingly safe, so the absence of
37 safety data in recent studies should not be concerning to the company,” Peterson wrote.
38 Peterson called into question the objectivity of Merck in providing an opinion on
39 ivermectin that U.S. health agencies are relying upon. “Why would ivermectin’s original
40 patent holder go out of its way to question this medicine by creating the impression that it
41 might not be safe?” Peterson asked. “There are at least two plausible reasons.”

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1 Peterson explained:

2 “First, ivermectin is no longer under patent, so Merck does not profit from it anymore.
3 That likely explains why Merck declined to ‘conduct clinical trials’ on ivermectin and
4 COVID-19 when given the chance.

5 “Second, Merck has a significant financial interest in the medical profession rejecting
6 ivermectin as an early treatment for COVID-19. [T]he U.S. government has agreed to pay
7 [Merck] about $1.2 billion for 1.7 million courses of its experimental COVID-19
8 treatment, if it is proven to work in an ongoing large trial and authorized by U.S.
9 regulators.”

10 Merck’s treatment is known as “molnupiravir,” and aims to stop COVID from progressing
11 when given early in the course of disease. When Merck announced Oct. 1, that preliminary
12 studies indicated molnupiravir reduced hospitalizations and deaths by half, the drug
13 maker’s stock price immediately jumped to 12.3%.

14 “Thus, if low-cost ivermectin works better than, or even the same as molnupiravir, that
15 could cost Merck billions of dollars,” Peterson wrote.
16 Peterson takes on science of hydroxychloroquine
17 Peterson said based on his review of the evidence, his office did not find clear and convin-
18 cing evidence that would warrant disciplining physicians who prescribe
19 hydroxychloroquine for the prevention or early treatment of COVID after first obtaining
20 informed patient consent.
21 Peterson pointed to similar findings with hydroxychloroquine — a less toxic derivative of
22 a medicine named chloroquine — widely used since it was approved by the FDA in 1955
23 for treatment of malaria.

24 Peterson noted that as early as 2004, a lab study revealed chloroquine was “an effective
25 inhibitor of the replication of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-
26 CoV) in vitro” and should “be considered for immediate use in the prevention and
27 treatment of SARS-CoV infections.”
28 In 2005, another study showed chloroquine had strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV
29 infection and was effective in preventing the spread of SARS-CoV in cell cultures.
30 Other studies showed hydroxychloroquine exhibited antiviral properties that can inhibit
31 SARS-CoV-2 virus entry, transmission and replication, and contains anti-inflammatory
32 properties that help regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines.
33 Peterson wrote,

34 “many large observational studies suggest that hydroxychloroquine significantly reduces

35 the risk of hospitalization and death when administered to particularly high-risk outpatients
36 as part of early COVID-19 treatment.”

37 Peterson said the drug is considered to be so safe it can be prescribed for pregnant women,
38 yet during the pandemic, the FDA raised questions about hydroxychloroquine and adverse
39 cardiac events.
40 These concerns prompted one group of researchers to conduct a systematic review of the
41 hydroxychloroquine safety literature pre-COVID. Their review indicated people taking

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1 hydroxychloroquine in appropriate doses “are at very low risk of experiencing cardiac

2 [adverse events], particularly with short-term administration” of the drug.
3 Researchers noted COVID itself can cause cardiac problems, and there was no reason “to
4 think the medication itself had changed after 70 years of widespread use,” Peterson wrote.

5 Peterson said one piece of key flawed data had substantially contributed to safety concerns
6 surrounding the drug — the admittedly fraudulent Lancet study that falsely claimed
7 hydroxychloroquine increased frequency of ventricular arrhythmias when used for
8 treatment of COVID.

9 The findings were so startling that major drug trials involving hydroxychloroquine “were
10 immediately halted” and the World Health Organization pressured countries like Indonesia
11 that were widely using hydroxychloroquine to ban it. Some countries, including France,
12 Italy and Belgium, stopped using it for COVID altogether.

13 Peterson wrote:

14 “The problem, however, is that the study was based on false data from a company named
15 Surgisphere, whose founder and CEO Sapan Desai was a co-author on the published paper.
16 “The data were so obviously flawed that journalists and outside researchers began raising
17 concerns within days of the paper’s publication. Even the Lancet’s editor in chief, Dr.
18 Richard Horton, admitted that the paper was a fabrication, a monumental fraud and a
19 shocking example of research misconduct in the middle of a global health emergency.”

20 Despite calls for the Lancet to provide a full expansion of what happened, the publication
21 declined to provide details for the retraction.

22 As with ivermectin, the FDA and NIH adopted positions against the use of
23 hydroxychloroquine for COVID — making assertions that were unsupported by data. The
24 AMA, APhA and ASHP, which opposed ivermectin, also resisted hydroxychloroquine for
25 the treatment of COVID.

26 By contrast, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and other physician
27 groups, support the use of both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as an early treatment
28 option for COVID. Peterson cited an article co-authored by more than 50 doctors in
29 Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine who advocated an early treatment protocol that
30 includes hydroxychloroquine as a key component.
31 Governing law allows physicians to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, AG
32 says
33 Neb. Rev. Stat. § 38-179 generally defines unprofessional conduct as a “departure from or
34 failure to conform to the standards of acceptable and prevailing practice of a profession or
35 the ethics of the profession, regardless of whether a person, consumer or entity is injured,
36 or conduct that is likely to deceive or defraud the public or is detrimental to the public
37 interest.”
38 The regulation governing physicians states that unprofessional conduct includes:

39 “[c]onduct or practice outside the normal standard of care in the State of Nebraska which is
40 or might be harmful or dangerous to the health of the patient or the public, not to include a
41 single act of ordinary negligence.”

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1 Peterson said healthcare providers do not violate the standard of care when they choose
2 between two reasonable approaches to medicine.

3 “Regulations also indicate that physicians may utilize reasonable investigative or unproven
4 therapies that reflect a reasonable approach to medicine so long as physicians obtain
5 written informed patient consent,” Peterson wrote.

6 “Informed consent concerns a doctor’s duty to inform his or her patient, and it includes
7 telling patients about the nature of the pertinent ailment or condition, the risks of the
8 proposed treatment or procedure and the risks of any alternative methods of treatment,
9 including the risks of failing to undergo any treatment at all.”

10 Peterson said this applies to prescribing medicine for purposes other than uses approved by
11 the FDA, and that doing so falls within the standard of care repeatedly recognized by the
12 courts.
13 Peterson said the U.S. Supreme Court has also affirmed that “off-label usage of medical
14 devices” is an “accepted and necessary” practice, and the FDA has held the position for
15 decades that “a physician may prescribe [a drug] for uses or in treatment regimens or
16 patient populations that are not included in approved labeling.”

17 Peterson said the FDA has stated “healthcare providers generally may prescribe [a] drug
18 for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient,
19 and nothing in the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) limit[s] the manner in
20 which a physician may use an approved drug.”

21 In a statement to KETV NewsWatch 7, Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human

22 Services said:
23 “The Department of Health and Human Services appreciates the AG’s office delivering an
24 opinion on this matter. The document is posted and available to medical providers as they
25 determine appropriate course of treatment for their patients.”

26 *

27 Note to readers: Please click the share buttons above or below. Follow us on Instagram,
28 @crg_globalresearch. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site,
29 internet forums. etc.

30 Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political
31 science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.
32 Featured image is from CHD
33 The original source of this article is Children's Health Defense
34 Copyright © Megan Redshaw, Children's Health Defense, 2021
37 The following imagers are from a video: IMG 20211017 093740 987 (-Re QLD Police)
39 It should be understand that while many rightfully may detest certain police officers, who
40 couldn’t give a darn about enforcing unconstitutional mandates in violation to our constitutional
41 rights as was shown in Melbourne and Sydney to mention some, it doesn’t mean that there are no
42 police officers which need our support!
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4 Let us consider what a politician, a Senator for Queensland, is now seeking to achieve:
7 Pauline Hanson's Please Explain
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3 One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson will today introduce legislation making it
4 unlawful to discriminate against Australians who exercise their right to choose not to be
5 vaccinated against COVID-19.
7 “I’m bringing this legislation to the Senate because I see no other alternative for halting the
8 pandemic of discrimination that has been unleashed in Australia against individuals who
9 don’t get vaccinated against COVID-19, regardless of the reason why they don’t,” Senator
10 Hanson said.
12 "These individuals are Australians just like the rest of us but they’re demonised by
13 governments and scorned at by compliant media. They face a bleak future in which they
14 are treated as second-class citizens, not allowed to earn a living or cross a state border to be
15 reunited with their families. Many have already had their livelihoods taken from them for
16 standing for the right to choose. There’s no protection even for those people who can’t get
17 vaccinated for medical reasons. They face unacceptable discrimination too.
19 “In the Northern Territory for example, anyone with a job involving public interaction has
20 been ordered to get the jabs by 13 November or lose their job and cop a $5000 fine. It’s
21 pure discrimination and naked coercion in a jurisdiction which has had just over 200 cases
22 and not one single death from COVID-19.
24 “All of this discrimination sends a clear message: the rights of the individual will be
25 protected only so long as they do not conflict with the state. There is nothing – not even a
26 global pandemic – more dangerous to a free society. Australia is a democracy, not a
27 totalitarian state or communist dictatorship.
29 “One Nation is not anti-vaccine. One Nation is pro-choice. Personally, I will not allow
30 myself to be bullied, threatened or coerced into a medical procedure I’ve decided against.
31 That’s my choice. I’m fighting for every Australian’s right to make their own choice. I’m
32 standing against the bullying, threats and coercion which have no place in a free society
33 like ours.”
35 Senator Hanson said the legislation was also a necessary response to Prime Minister Scott
36 Morrison’s profound lack of leadership during the pandemic.
38 “State premiers are walking all over the Prime Minister and his so-called national plan,
39 locking down communities at the whiff of a new case and refusing to commit to the open
40 borders that are the constitutional right of every Australian citizen,” she said.
42 “Scott Morrison is impotent in preventing it. He’s too gutless to admit the Constitution
43 forbids the Commonwealth from authorising civil conscription with respect to medical
44 services, so he lets the states and territories trample all over our right to choose, take away
45 our jobs, separate our families and isolate our communities.
47 “Scott Morrison is clearly not fit to lead this country if he won’t stand up for Australians’
48 right to choose.”
50 ***
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1 Become a One Nation supporter, sign up today

6 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
7 Australasian Convention)
9 the protection of certain fundamental rights and liberties which every individual citizen is entitled to
10 claim that the federal government shall take under its protection and secure to him.
13 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
15 Mr. HIGGINS.-Suppose the sentry is asleep, or is in the swim with the other power?
17 Mr. GORDON.-There will be more than one sentry. In the case of a federal law, every member of a
18 state Parliament will be a sentry, and, every constituent of a state Parliament will be a sentry.
19 As regards a law passed by a state, every man in the Federal Parliament will be a sentry, and the whole
20 constituency behind the Federal Parliament will be a sentry.
23 It seems that we do have some politician’s who are actually doing what they were elected for.
24 Now we need the Australian Federal Police to get of its bum and start enforcing the constitution
25 and relevant laws and simply arrest those who care violating them
28 consumer-group-alleges/ar-AAPJGVn?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531
29 Pfizer has power to 'silence' governments and 'maximize profits', consumer group
30 alleges
34 COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer has been accused of hiding behind a veil of secrecy to
35 profiteer during the "worst public health crisis" in over 100 years.
36 That was the key criticism made by Public Citizen, a consumer rights group, which published a
37 report containing leaked Pfizer contracts with the United States, United Kingdom, European Commission,
38 Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic and Peru.
39 In some of the contracts (some of which were in draft or final form), Pfizer had the power to block countries
40 from donating their COVID-19 vaccines to other countries, unilaterally change delivery schedules if there
41 was a shortage, and demand that public assets be used as collateral.
42 If there was a dispute, it would be not be decided by a court (a public forum), according to some of the
43 contracts. Instead, they stated, any disagreements would be resolved through private arbitration under New
44 York law.
45 "The contracts offer a rare glimpse into the power one pharmaceutical corporation has gained to silence
46 governments, throttle supply, shift risk and maximise profits in the worst public health crisis in a century,"
47 Zain Rizvi, the author of the report, said.
48 "Pfizer’s demands have generated outrage around the world, slowing purchase agreements and even pushing
49 back the delivery schedule of vaccines."
50 Some countries signed contracts, waiving "immunity against [Pfizer's] precautionary seizure of any of
51 [their] assets", including Brazil, Chile, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.
52 The Brazilian government was prohibited from making "any public announcement concerning the existence,
53 subject matter or terms of [the] agreement" or commenting about its relationship with Pfizer, unless it had the
54 company's prior written consent.
55 Unclear arrangements
56 Since August, the Australian government has had a "vaccine swap" deal with Singapore and Britain, and it
57 has purchased 1 million Pfizer doses from Poland.
58 But it is unclear whether the federal government needed to ask permission from Pfizer before it could
59 enter into those deals.

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1 Nor is it clear if the government signed a contract saying that Australia would forfeit its right to rely
2 on sovereign immunity if Pfizer was to make a claim to seize assets (a clause which appeared in
3 contracts with several nations).
4 The ABC put those questions to the Department of Health.
5 In an emailed statement, the department said: "The details of the Advance Purchase Agreement (APA)
6 with Pfizer for the purchase of their COVID-19 vaccine are commercial-in-confidence."
7 On Wednesday, 70 per cent of Australians aged 16 and older had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, a
8 key milestone in the federal government's plan to reopen the country.
9 Before that, the government was heavily criticised for the slow vaccine rollout and the decision from the
10 Health Minister's office to not meet with Pfizer's executives until August 4, months after it was first
11 approached by the company.
12 Documents released under Freedom of Information laws showed that health department officials did
13 not want to sign a confidentiality agreement before they met with Pfizer representatives because it
14 was "not usual practice".
15 There were other reasons for the delayed vaccine uptake, including general vaccine hesitancy and concerns
16 about the AstraZeneca jab and recipients' extremely rare chance of experiencing a blood clot.
17 Company will 'naturally get blamed'
18 Pfizer has tight control over the supply of its vaccines, even after they are delivered.
19 For instance, Brazil is not allowed to buy or accept donations of Pfizer doses from another nation without
20 Pfizer's approval, nor can it sell, donate or transport its vaccines outside the country.
21 There is a reasonable explanation for that requirement to be included in Pfizer's contracts, according to the
22 University of Queensland's biotech and pharmaceutical expert, Trent Munro.
23 "When pharmaceutical companies release a product, they generally lose control of where it's stored," he said.
24 "But they also need to ensure something doesn't happen that can impact the potency of the product.
25 "If, for example, the vaccine gets spoiled or doesn't work properly, liability will come back to the company.
26 They'd naturally get blamed even if they're not in control of distribution."
27 Even when a country has ordered Pfizer's vaccines and is waiting for them to arrive, the company has the
28 power to change the vaccine delivery schedule, without consulting the country or suffering a penalty. That
29 term appears in its contracts with Albania, Brazil and Colombia.
30 The contracts that Brazil, Chile, Colombia and the Dominican Republic signed were wide enough to
31 cover situations where they were unable to rely on sovereign immunity if they breached the
32 agreement and Pfizer wanted to come after their state assets.
33 Those nations promised to "expressly and irrevocably waive any right of immunity which either it or its
34 assets may have or acquire in the future".
35 Public Citizen also said it looked at contracts where governments had to "'indemnify, defend and hold
36 harmless Pfizer from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, damages, costs and expenses
37 related to vaccine intellectual property".
38 Pfizer has 'no intention in interfering' in diplomacy
39 The ABC asked Pfizer why it imposed conditions which prevented countries like Brazil from accepting or
40 buying vaccines from other countries and why it included clauses allowing the company to seize state assets
41 in contracts.
42 In a statement, a spokesperson said Pfizer was "committed to the principle of equity and broad vaccine access
43 in order to combat this devastating pandemic".
44 "Pfizer has a deep sense of responsibility to help ensure that our vaccine is made available to all," the
45 statement said.
46 "As the pandemic has evolved, Pfizer has continued to partner with governments to ensure equitable
47 allocation of doses, and responded to requests for equitable distribution of those doses.
48 "This has occurred through donations and dose sharing agreements in multiple countries, including with
49 Australia, New Zealand and its Pacific neighbours.
50 "In the context of bilateral negotiations, Pfizer has no intention of interfering with any country's
51 diplomatic, military, or culturally significant assets, and any suggestion to the contrary is untrue. 
52 "Our focus continues to be helping countries find solutions which give both sides the comfort that an
53 appropriate balance of risks between the parties has been attained."
54 The company said that indemnification clauses were common when supplying vaccines during public health
55 emergencies.
56 "We seek the same kind of indemnity and liability protections in all of the countries that have asked to
57 purchase our vaccine, consistent with the local applicable laws to create the appropriate risk
58 protection for all involved," the statement said.
59 "In markets that do not have the legal or legislative protections that are available in the United States,
60 we work with governments to find mutually agreeable solutions, including contractual indemnity
61 clauses."

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1 Pfizer also said, as of October 17, it had delivered more than 1.8 billion doses of the vaccine to 146 countries
2 and territories around the world and had pledged to deliver 2 billion doses of the vaccine to low and middle-
3 income countries in 2021 and 2022.
6 What should in particular be noted is the comments:
9 In an emailed statement, the department said: "The details of the Advance Purchase
10 Agreement (APA) with Pfizer for the purchase of their COVID-19 vaccine are
11 commercial-in-confidence."
13 And
15 "We seek the same kind of indemnity and liability protections in all of the countries
16 that have asked to purchase our vaccine, consistent with the local applicable laws to
17 create the appropriate risk protection for all involved," the statement said.

18 "In markets that do not have the legal or legislative protections that are available in
19 the United States, we work with governments to find mutually agreeable solutions,
20 including contractual indemnity clauses."
23 So, if the agreements are “in all of the countries that have asked to purchase our vaccine ”
24 and “consistent with the local applicable laws ” then what claimed “NATIONAL
25 SECURITY” can there be to keep the agreement secret?
27 In my view the ACCC should check out of indeed the so called “agreement” is within the legal
28 provisions ordinary applicable to any business. After all the Framers of the constitution made
29 clear that only when a law was UNIFORM throughout the Commonwealth of Australia it was a
30 federal law. Meaning no exceptions for foreign pharmaceutical companies whatsoever.
31 There can therefore be no secrecy and any Government of the Day involved in dirty business
32 will claim it is for the best interest of the general community that matters remain secret, but it
33 undermines the very constitutional principles of being able to hold a Government of the Day
34 accountable. Indeed, how can an elector pursue the local Member of Parliament to pursue
35 something when the Government of the Day conceals relevant details?
36 As such, any notion of confidentiality of commercial dealing also is utter and sheer nonsense
37 because any contracts that involved the spending of public monies must be open for scrutiny. If a
38 business doesn’t like to deal with the Government of the Day because it seeks to avoid scrutiny
39 then so be it and it stays out of being awarded any contracts but if it desires to gain contracts then
40 there is no such as commercial confidentiality as that can never exist when it involved public
41 monies.
43 Equuscorp Pty Ltd v Haxton, Equuscorp Pty Ltd v Bassat, Equuscorp Pty Ltd v Cunningham's Warehouse Sales Pty
44 Ltd, [2012] HCA 7, 8 March 2012, M128/2010, M129/2010, M130/2010, M131/2010 & M132/2010
46 More recently, in Yaxley v Gotts[182] the English Court of Appeal considered the
47 requirement now made in absolute terms by s 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous
48 Provisions) Act 1989 (UK) that a contract for sale of land can only be made in writing
49 which incorporates all the terms the parties have expressly agreed. It was held that an oral
50 agreement nevertheless might give rise to a constructive trust because such trusts were

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1 saved by s 2(5) of that Act. But the Court of Appeal saw no scope for the doctrine of
2 proprietary estoppel. Robert Walker LJ said[183]:
3 "Parliament's requirement that any contract for the disposition of an interest in land
4 must be made in a particular documentary form, and will otherwise be void, does not
5 have such an obviously social aim as statutory provisions relating to contracts by or
6 with moneylenders, infants, or protected tenants. Nevertheless it can be seen as
7 embodying Parliament's conclusion, in the general public interest, that the need
8 for certainty as to the formation of contracts of this type must in general
9 outweigh the disappointment of those who make informal bargains in ignorance
10 of the statutory requirement. If an estoppel would have the effect of enforcing a
11 void contract and subverting Parliament's purpose it may have to yield to the statutory
12 law which confronts it, except so far as the statute's saving for a constructive trust
13 provides a means of reconciliation of the apparent conflict."
18 Travesty of public purpose
20 State governments offer incredulous incentives to lure Tata
22 IN THE last few days Maharashtra and West Bengal witnessed two diametrically opposite
23 developments. In Maharashtra, for the first time in the history of this country, affected
24 farmers voted in a referendum on the upcoming Reliance special economic zone (SEZ).
25 Initial results suggest that the majority voted against the SEZ. In Singur, Tata’s plans kept
26 slipping into a deeper imbroglio by the day. Several state governments lined up to lure the
27 company as Tata seriously considered moving out—each one trying to outdo each other in
28 terms of offering incentives and freebies. Soon as West Bengal made some parts of the
29 ‘secret’ deal between the state and the company public, Tata Motors moved the High Court
30 obtaining a restraining order.
32 Tata’s lawyers argued that basically the agreement between them and the state government
33 was a trade secret. This means that the Nano project is private commercial venture.
34 Ironically the state government had acquired land for the project invoking the “public
35 purpose” law. The state government and company will have to come clean about what
36 exactly is the Nano project. If it is a commercial venture the company must directly need
37 deal with the farmers. And if it is indeed a project meant to serve the public purpose,
38 details of the agreement must be immediately made public.
40 What is clear from the deal between the West Bengal government and Tata motors is that
41 state government are trying to outdo each other to attract investments. This is a race right
42 to the bottom. The moment Tata Motors threatened to walk away from Singur, several state
43 governments came forward. The lure of big-ticket project is such that governments are
44 willing to forgo taxes, forcibly acquire land, give subsidized water and electricity, give
45 capital subsidies and put thousands of security personnel to man the project. In all this,
46 industries are having free ride on public money. This is cheap industrialization. Where
47 not only states are giving fiscal subsidies, they are subsidizing the natural resources—
48 land, water, and energy. In a single economic entity that India is, competition
49 between states, by the way of subsidizing industrialization, is neither good for
50 economy nor is it good for environment. And it surely is not for ‘public purpose’.
53 I may add that I view toll roads that are for private gain but using public build roads must be
54 deemed unconstitutional.
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3 Olcott v. Supervisors, 16 Wall. 678 U.S. Supreme Court Olcott v. The Supervisors, 83 U.S.
4 16 Wall. 678 678 (1872) Olcott v. The Supervisors 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 678
7 What was considered was the uses for which taxation generally, taxation by any government, might
8 be authorized, and particularly whether the construction and maintenance of a railroad, owned by a
9 corporation, is a matter of public concern. It was asserted (what nobody doubts), that the taxing
10 power of a state extends no farther than to raise money for a public use, as distinguished from
11 private, or to accomplish some end public in its nature, and it was decided that building a railroad, if
12 it be constructed and owned by a corporation, though built by authority of the state, is not a matter
13 in which the public has any interest, of such a nature as to warrant taxation in its aid.
14 Page 83 U. S. 690
15 For this reason it was held that the state had no power to authorize the imposition of
16 taxes to aid in the construction of such a railroad, and therefore that the statute giving
17 Fond du Lac County power to extend such aid was invalid.
21 U.S. Supreme Court Olcott v. The Supervisors, 83 U.S. 16 Wall. 678 678 (1872)
23 In 1870, that is to say, subsequent to the issue of these orders, though prior to the trial of this case in
24 the court below, the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, in the
25 Page 83 U. S. 680
26 case of Whiting v. Fond du Lac County, [Footnote 1] held this act to be void, upon the ground that the
27 building of a railroad, to be owned and worked by a corporation in the usual way, was not an object
28 in which the public were interested, and therefore that the act in question was void, for the reason
29 that it authorized the levy of a tax for a private and not a public purpose. The court there said:
30 "The question is as to the power of the legislature to raise money or to authorize it to
31 be raised, by taxation, for the purpose of donating it to a private corporation. We
32 held, in Curtis v. Whipple, [Footnote 2] that the legislature possessed no such power, and
33 the conclusion in that case we think follows inevitably in this, from the principles stated in
34 the opinion.
37 Seems to me the reported $50+ million dollars to stage the Albert Park Grand Prix racing at
38 Melbourne is a payment to a private corporation that cannot be deemed to be for “public
39 purposes”.
42 U.S. Supreme Court Olcott v. The Supervisors, 83 U.S. 16 Wall. 678 678 (1872)
44 Page 83 U. S. 693
45 "The legislature cannot create a public debt, or levy a tax, or authorize a municipal corporation to
46 do so, in order to raise funds for a mere private purpose. It cannot, in the form of a tax, take the
47 money of the citizen and give it to an individual, the public interest or welfare being in no way
48 connected with the transaction. The objects for which the money is raised by taxation must be public,
49 and such as subserve the common interest and wellbeing of the community required to contribute. . .
50 . To justify the court in arresting the proceedings and declaring the tax void, the absence of all
51 possible public interest in the purposes for which the funds are raised must be clear and palpable; so
52 clear and palpable as to be perceptible by every mind AT THE FIRST BLUSH."
53 All these expositions of the law of the state were made by its highest court before the county orders now in
54 suit were issued. They certainly did assert that building a railroad, whether built by the state or by a
55 corporation created by the state for the purpose, was a matter of public concern, and that because it was a
56 public use, the right of eminent domain might be exerted or delegated for it, and taxation might be
57 authorized for its aid. It was the declared law of the state, therefore, when the bonds now in suit were
58 issued, that the uses of railroads, though built by private corporations, were public uses, such as warranted
59 the exercise of the public right of eminent domain in their aid, and also the power of taxation.
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1 We are not, then, concluded by a decision, made in 1870, that such public uses are not of a nature to
2 justify the imposition of taxes. We are at liberty to inquire what are public uses, and what
3 restrictions, if any, are imposed upon the state's taxing power.
4 It is not claimed that the Constitution of Wisconsin contains any express denial of power in the legislature
5 to authorize municipal corporations to aid in the construction of railroads, or to impose taxes for that
6 purpose. The entire legislative power of the state is confessedly vested in the General Assembly. An
7 implied inhibition only is asserted.
8 Page 83 U. S. 694
9 It is insisted that, as the state cannot itself impose taxes for any other than a public
10 use, so the legislature cannot empower a municipal division of the state to levy and
11 collect taxes for any other than such a use,
15 QUOTE Public Funds may not be Used for Personal Purposes

16 Ethics Orientation for State Officials

17 Misuse of Public Funds
18 Public Funds may not be Used for Personal Purposes
19 The starting point for any analysis concerning the misuse of public funds begins with the principle that public
20 funds must be expended for an authorized public purpose. An expenditure is made for a public purpose when
21 its purpose is to benefit the public interest rather than private individuals or private purposes.
22 Once a public purpose is established, the expenditure must still be authorized. A public official possesses
23 only those powers that are conferred by law, either expressly or impliedly.
24 The California Constitution and a variety of state statutes make it clear that public funds may not be
25 expended for purposes that are primarily personal. Such expenditures are neither for a public purpose nor are
26 they authorized.
27 The prohibition against using public funds for personal purposes does not mean that no personal benefit may
28 result from an expenditure of public funds.
29 For example, the payment of a public employee’s salary confers a personal benefit on the employee, but it is
30 an appropriate expenditure of public funds because it is procuring the services of the employee for public
31 purposes.
32 The misuse of public funds occurs when the personal benefit conferred by a public expenditure is not merely
33 incidental. The term “public funds” is not limited to money, but includes anything of value belonging to a
34 public agency such as equipment, supplies, compensated staff time, and use of telephones, computers, and
35 fax machines and other equipment and resources.
37 Examples of Misuse of Public Funds
38 1. In People v. Dillon, a city commissioner used official government discounts to purchase items for himself
39 and others. This was a misuse of public funds, even though those receiving the discount paid for the
40 items with personal funds.

41 2. In People v. Sperl, a county marshal furnished a deputy marshal and a county vehicle to transport a
42 political candidate, his staff and family.

43 3. In People v. Battin, a county supervisor used his county compensated staff to work on his political
44 campaign for Lieutenant Governor.

45 4. In People v. Harby, a city official used a city car, entrusted to him for use in connection with official
46 business, to take a pleasure trip from Los Angeles to Great Falls, Montana and back.
47 Violations of the laws prohibiting misuse of public funds may subject the violator to criminal and civil
48 sanctions.
49 These penalties may include imprisonment for up to four years and a bar from holding office.
50 END QUOTE Public Funds may not be Used for Personal Purposes
52 The big spending by the Federal Government purportedly was for pharmaceutical companies to
53 provide certain “vaccines” but as the TGA didn’t provide any “approval” for “commercial
54 purchases” of the so called vaccines, then it cannot be deemed an expenditure for “public
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1 purposes”. Where the monies are used for States/Territories to pursue something to which they
2 lack any constitutional authority (as it is a Commonwealth exclusive legislative powers and
3 requires to be applied within the provisions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and in fact
4 involved coercion, blackmail, terrorism, etc, then it neither can be deemed for “public purposes”.
6 The Australian federal Police cannot just so to say sit on the side lines and do nothing at all as it
7 then must be deemed to be an accessory to it all. Hence, only a ROYAL COMMISSION can
8 address the issues, while the perpetrators are all charged and kept in imprisonment, as to prevent
9 them to inflict further harm.
11 It is absurd that despite our constitutional provisions somehow the Commonwealth (with for
12 example the Pfizer agreement) can sidestep them to make some agreement for any dispute to be
13 dealt with in the USA by an arbitrator. It clearly violates the constitution!
15 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
17 75 Original jurisdiction of High Court
18 In all matters:
19 (i) arising under any treaty;
20 (ii) affecting consuls or other representatives of other countries;
21 (iii) in which the Commonwealth, or a person suing or being sued on behalf of the
22 Commonwealth, is a party;
25 Hence, this I view prevents any validity of any agreement that violates Section 76 of the
26 constitution.
28 "We seek the same kind of indemnity and liability protections in all of the
29 countries that have asked to purchase our vaccine, consistent with the local
30 applicable laws to create the appropriate risk protection for all involved," the
31 statement said.
34 Neither the protection or selecting a foreign arbitrator are within the powers of the
35 Commonwealth to engage in such kind of agreement with a foreign entity like a pharmaceutical
36 company.
37 Where it involved tens of millions if not billions of dollars then the agreement cannot be held to
38 be a “NATIONAL SECURITY” issue to deny legal accountability to the taxpayers.
41 ms_large.html
42 October 20, 2021
43 The Specter of One World Government Looms Large
44 By E. Jeffrey Ludwig
46 The U.N.'s Agenda 2030 is still in place, and the clock is ticking toward its empowerment
47 — only eight years and two-plus months to go. This Agenda is for a new world
48 government, which will implement the policies of the Agenda.
49 This new government on our horizon explains many of the failures in policies in these first
50 months of the Biden administration. The failures are based not so much on mistakes as on

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1 deliberate sabotage to weaken our country, dilute the power that undergirds our
2 sovereignty, and prepare us to accept one-world government.
3 The seed ideas for Agenda 2030 began with Pres. Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations in
4 his Fourteen Points at the end of WWI. A community of nations could bring pressure for
5 peace in the world that the treaty or alliance system could not do, as shown by the First
6 World War. While this idea took hold in Europe and other countries, it was unable to gain
7 sufficient traction in the U.S. as it met with Republican resistance in the U.S. Senate on the
8 grounds that it would lead to a dilution of U.S. sovereignty.
9 With the benefit of 20-20 hindsight, all right-thinking persons can see that Woodrow
10 Wilson's first giant step toward globalism was rightly rejected. The League was a
11 complete failure in terms of bringing peace to the world. To the German Nazi government,
12 the League was a joke. The Japanese left the League after their invasion of China was
13 repudiated. Yet Republican sway over U.S. governance became diminished by the four-
14 time election of Franklin D. Roosevelt as president of the U.S. and the hegemony of the
15 Democrat party for twenty years from 1933 to 1953.
16 After WWII, the U.N. was conceived of as having duties and functions that the League did
17 not have. The U.N. would sustain the world in real ways with the establishment of the
18 International Monetary Fund to strengthen currencies worldwide and the World Bank to
19 finance and endorse vast construction projects. These institutions would together foster
20 peace and "community" in our fragmented world (whispers of the "it takes a village" cliché
21 that would take hold decades later). After all, is it not true that poverty is ultimately the
22 cause of conflict in our world?

24 Yes, the U.S. and the other illogical leftists throughout the West and the other parts of the
25 world bought into the Marxist idea that wars are caused by fierce competition for scarce
26 resources. Even the great Harvard economist Walt Rostow in the 1950s and 1960s had a
27 vision of global financial institutions through the sponsorship of the U.N. as bringing the
28 poorest countries to a "take-off stage." There was only one problem with Prof. Rostow's
29 well-researched and theoretically sound vision: take-off never happened. All that great
30 Harvard research was not worth the paper it was written on. The wealth disparities among
31 the developed world, the less developed countries (LDCs), and the less developed
32 developing countries (LDDCs) persisted.
33 As a result of the perceived stratification of the world community, there was a paradigm
34 shift in understanding the relations among the different wealth levels of societies. Many
35 on the left believed that if the whole world were one, then the destitution and resulting
36 despair of the poorer countries could not be dismissed as a failure of local nation-state
37 governments to enact good policies or to be less corrupt. If, so to speak, all nations were
38 under the same roof or same umbrella, the thought "that's their problem" could not easily
39 obtain.
40 "Their problem" automatically would become "our problem," as we all are together under
41 one government. This is an updating of the idea first put forward in 18th-century France
42 by Jean-Jacques Rousseau that the best government is not the liberty-centered,
43 individualistic, and rights-oriented government such as projected by John Locke; rather,
44 the best government bypasses all exploitation by expressing the General Will — it is a
45 vision that goes beyond mere teamwork, a vision of all for all. Any type of individualism
46 or personal achievement is bourgeois and undermines true progress.

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1 That brings us to Agenda 2030. This Agenda puts forward a plan for a new soft world
2 government by the year 2030. It was a plan adopted unanimously by the U.N. on
3 September 25, 2015, and has 91 sections. The Agenda covers every aspect of human
4 experience and thus is a government without using the word government. Instead of
5 stressing the word "rights" throughout, as did the original U.N. Universal Declaration of
6 Human Rights, the word "rights" appears only once in the Agenda, in Section 19. Instead
7 of "rights," the two buzzwords that appear throughout the Agenda are "needs" and
8 "sustainability." "Needs" resonates with the Marxist dictum "from each according to his
9 ability; to each according to his needs." Just as the more wealthy and advanced countries
10 engage in various socialist and social welfare programs to meet the needs of their poorer
11 citizens, the wealthier countries will feel more obligated and be expected to contribute
12 much more to the needs of their fellow citizens in their new global state. Trans-national
13 identities of persons will replace national identities. The needs of people will be
14 uppermost in peoples' minds, not their location in the world, ethnicity, religion, customs,
15 mores, diets, appearances, and gender identities. All distinctions become subsumed under
16 needs in this new vision of one world.
17 "Sustainability" also brings us into the sphere of commonality rather than differences. We
18 all occupy one environment. Problems with the oceans near one place may have effects on
19 air quality at another — distant — place. We all have to breathe the air on Planet
20 Earth. We influence each other all over the world through carbon emissions and through
21 our habits of waste disposal. Natural resources may be available to some countries more
22 than others, but insofar as we are all residents of one planet, those resources ultimately
23 belong to all. Sustainability according to this vision is a global issue, and it must be
24 addressed as a global issue through a world government.
27 With this evolution of the U.N. before us, are we not better able to understand why the left
28 is so comfortable with the collapse of our borders? With the capture and availability of so
29 much U.S. military equipment in Afghanistan? With the overthrow of law and order in our
30 cities so we look more and more like an unruly third-world country with each passing
31 year? With our budgets so inflated that currency inflation and collapse are almost a
32 certainty?
33 Yes, this writer is proposing that these recent "mistakes" are connected with the goal of a
34 one-world government, which has already been enunciated and was signed onto by the
35 USA. The disintegration we are facing in various sectors is, I believe, part of a move
36 toward the collapse of our sovereignty in favor of a world government as outlined in
37 Agenda 2030.
40 The Commonwealth of Australia was constitutionally not in any legal position to be a part of the
41 League of Nations and so neither of the United nations. I have canvassed this extensively in my
42 writings published at Scribd, and so will not repeat now the same.
44 Those in the medical professions and being “medical professionals” should always act within the
45 boundaries of their “Hippocratic Oath” and not despite of it.
47 How can any citizen trust a medical doctor if this shenanigans is part of the medical profession
48 that they allow this kind of disastrous conduct to go on?
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2 Therapeutic effect - Wikipedia
3 Therapeutic effect refers to the response(s) after a treatment of any kind, the results of which are judged to
4 be useful or favorable. This is true whether the result ...
6 Where the so called vaccines are showing (as shown in reports) to be less effective than “natural
7 immunity” and more harmful due to the adverse responses and even death, then it cannot be
8 claimed to be better for anyone to be jabbed, in particular those who are not in ill health and
9 those already having obtained “natural immunity”.
11 Why would, for example, a medical practitioner attached a splint to say a alleged broken bone
12 not because the bone is broken but to possible protect it against becoming broken some time
13 later.
16 Medical treatment | Comcare
17 14 Dec 2020 ... Medical treatment provided by a legally qualified medical practitioner, including your
18 general practitioner (GP), surgery and hospital. · Prescribed ...
19 In my view the Pfizer/Moderna so called “vaccines’ are not “vaccines” at all but are “medical
20 treatments” beyond the qualifications for pharmacist to provide. Indeed if a pharmacist ordinary
21 were to provide a “medical treatment” then likely his license would be withdrawn, but is seems
22 that when it comes to Scott Morrison and his gang then well the rule of law is no more.
25 Medical treatment beyond first aid | Worker's Compensation
26 Definition of medical treatment · All treatment not otherwise excluded (below). · Using prescription
27 medications, or use of a non-prescription drug at prescription ...
30 Information for medical treatment decision makers
31 Victoria's Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 sets out the process for this. 1. Consider the
32 preferences and values of the person. You must first ...
34 It should be noted that this “Victoria's Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016” can in no
35 way, shape or form interfere with the provisions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth). It would be
36 ULTRA VIRES where it purports to provide otherwise.
39 Medical treatment | legal definition of Medical treatment by Law Insider
40 Medical treatment means examination and treatment by a Legally Qualified Physician for a condition
41 which first manifested itself, worsened or became acute or ...
44 Ref No. MC21-004354
45 Mr Gerrit Schorel-Hlavka
47 Dear Mr Schorel-Hlavka
48 I refer to your correspondence of 15 February 2021 to the Prime Minister,
49 The Hon Scott Morrison MP concerning the COVID-19 vaccine. Your letter has been referred
50 to the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, and the Minister has
51 asked me to reply on his behalf.
52 The Australian Government has made a total investment of $6.3 billion in Australia’s
53 COVID-19 health response. This includes over $3 billion in COVID-19 vaccine purchase and
54 nearly $2 billion in vaccine rollout requirements such as workforce funding to states and
55 territories, health professional training, vaccine delivery and supporting digital systems.
56 The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has now approved two COVID-19 vaccines for
57 use in Australia. These vaccines have been proven safe and effective in protecting against

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1 severe illness or death associated with COVID-19 infection.

2 As with any medicine approved for use in Australia, the ingredients of approved COVID-19
3 vaccines are published in a Consumer Medicines Information leaflet. Leaflets can be found
4 on the TGA website at: using the search term ‘Consumer Medicines
5 Information’.
6 We know Australians are keen to receive a COVID-19 vaccination to protect their loved ones
7 and the wider community. Although Australia now has an approved COVID-19 vaccine that
8 prevents development of severe disease or death, it is too early to tell if vaccinated people
9 can still transmit the COVID-19 virus to others who are vaccinated or not.
10 That is why, at this time, the primary objective for the Government’s COVID-19 vaccine
11 rollout is to protect the health of Australians, rather than protect Australians from
12 transmission.
13 Staged rollout of the free vaccine will commence in February 2021, in line with Australia’s
14 COVID-19 Vaccine National Rollout Strategy (Strategy). The Strategy sets out the groups that
15 have been prioritised to receive the first vaccine doses, ensuring that the most vulnerable
16 Australians are vaccinated first. More information on the Strategy can be found on the
17 Department of Health website at: using the search term ‘National
18 Rollout Strategy’.
19 Information on the underlying conditions that place Australians at greater risk can be found
20 on the Department’s website at: using the search term ‘advice for
21 people at risk of coronavirus (COVID-19)’. Further information on who will get the COVID-19
22 vaccine and when can be found using the search term ‘who will get the vaccines’.
23 COVID-19 vaccination will not be mandatory in Australia, but it is important that everyone
24 who can get it, does get it, to help keep themselves and others safe. Anyone with questions
25 about the benefits of being vaccinated is encouraged to talk to their doctor or pharmacist.
26 The Government expects to achieve whole-of-population coverage by the end of 2021 and
27 you can monitor relevant announcements about the rollout at:
28 You can also:
29 download the official Government ‘Coronavirus Australia’ app in the Apple app store
30 or Google Play
31 join the WhatsApp channel on iOS or Android.
32 If you need to speak with someone, the National Coronavirus Helpline is available on
33 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
34 Thank you for writing on this matter.
35 Yours sincerely
36 Director
37 Australian Government Department of Health
40 Now consider the TGA website:
43 We use the best available scientific evidence to assess the risks and benefits of each vaccine. Our
44 evidence requirements are based on international guidelines developed by the European Medicines
45 Agency.
46 Clinical trials are a key part of the scientific evidence that we review during the assessment of a new
47 vaccine. A clinical trial is a scientific study where a promising new medicine is given to a group of
48 people to assess its risks and benefits.
49 We carefully assess the results of clinical trials and the way in which the trials were conducted.
50 We require well-designed trials of a sufficient length with a sufficient number of people who
51 represent the people for whom the vaccine is intended. The results must demonstrate that the
52 benefits of the vaccine greatly outweigh the risks.
53 We also require vaccine manufacturers to meet manufacturing quality standards. As a further check,
54 our laboratories assess the quality of every batch of a vaccine before it can be supplied in Australia.
55 TGA decisions are informed by independent advice
56 The TGA's decision of whether to register a vaccine for use in Australia is informed by the advice of
57 the Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV).
58 The ACV is an independent committee appointed by the Australian Government Minister for
59 Health. It is composed of members with expertise in science, medicine and public health.
60 The ACV complements our expertise in the TGA, ensuring that our assessments of vaccines are as
61 robust as possible.
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1 The TGA monitors vaccines after they are supplied in Australia

2 The TGA monitors vaccines for safety after they are supplied in Australia. If you experience an
3 adverse event (side effect) from a vaccine, you should seek assistance from a health professional and
4 report the adverse event to the TGA.
5 We receive adverse event reports from consumers, health professionals, the companies who supply
6 vaccines, and state and territory health departments. We publish these reports in the publically
7 available Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN).
8 Reporting serious adverse events is mandatory for the companies who supply vaccines in Australia.
9 These companies must also develop and implement risk management plans for their vaccines.
12 Again:
14 We carefully assess the results of clinical trials and the way in which the trials were conducted. We
15 require well-designed trials of a sufficient length with a sufficient number of people who represent the
16 people for whom the vaccine is intended. The results must demonstrate that the benefits of the vaccine
17 greatly outweigh the risks.
20 As to “The results must demonstrate that the benefits of the vaccine greatly outweigh the risks. ”
21 Then how can the TGA consider booster shots when it has not got even the “clinical trial”
22 results? And how can a lottery involvement refer to a “clinical trial” for “with a sufficient
23 number of people who represent the people for whom the vaccine is intended ”. It is in my view not
24 just ridiculous but an absurdity and deceptive to claim that a “clinical trial” is properly
25 assessed when coercion, threats of losing once job, denial of freedom and constitutional
26 rights are all now part of this purported “clinical trial”. What “clinical trial” is there when
27 vials may contain merely graphene, placebo or even eggs for creatures to grow in the
28 injected humans. Is this implying that the TGA knew about all this but kept it secret and so
29 prevented any person to be deemed a Participant lacking any ability to make an “informed”
30 consent.
32 I am not aware “clinical trials ” were held in Australia for the TGA to be able to make a final
33 approval and understand that the “approval” was for “EMERGENCY USE ONLY”.
36 The Moderna & Pfizer Covid jabs are legally NOT Vaccines!!!
38 Dr. David Martin methodically and accurately takes apart the phony story that Moderna and Pfizer
39 are delivering vaccines. He reveals that Moderna admits that their patents say “gene therapy” not
40 “vaccine.” They put a synthetic RNA fragment embedded …
42 Dr. David Martin methodically and accurately takes apart the phony story that Moderna and Pfizer
43 are delivering vaccines. He reveals that Moderna admits that their patents say “gene therapy” not
44 “vaccine.” They put a synthetic RNA fragment embedded into a fat carrier, whose only purpose is to
45 lessen the symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus. The legal ramifications
46 of this deception are immense.
50 The Moderna & Pfizer Covid jabs are legally NOT Vaccines!!!
52 COVID-19.
53 Moderna & Pfizer are not vaccines, but are actually "Experimental Gene Therapy Technology".
54 The 1986 Liability Exclusion under touted Emergency Powers allows these so called vaccine companies
55 to make billions in profit with no liability.
56 If this was not a vaccine then this liability shield would vanish because there is no clause under the
57 1986 act allowing medical counter-measure that is gene therapy.
58 Which means that there are most probably "Governors and Health & Human Services & CDC &
22-10-2021 Page 41 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 others" maintaining the illusion of a "State of Emergency" not because there is a "State of
2 Emergency", they're maintaining it because it maintains the illusion of the liability shield.
3 Blockbuster Revelations!! It's true! All of our different levels of Federal & State governments have
4 kept us in perpetual "States of Emergency" which is obviously a sham and a ruse for their criminal
5 behavior to continue unimpeded.
8 This to me means that any politician, medical doctor, scientist and others who are associated
9 with PM Scott Morrison to pursue this elaborate criminal conduct to pretend something to be a
10 “vaccine” when in fact it is an “Experimental Gene Therapy Technology” should be attested
11 and imprisoned for the harm they are inflicting upon the general community and any of them.
12 When one considers what really is inside of the so called “vaccines” one could rightfully be
13 horrified.
15 In my view the so called “vaccinations” cannot be deemed for “public purposes” where the end
16 result is more than good. Likewise the entire goal as to force citizens to be vaccinated ,
17 regardless they have already “natural immunity” and for this the States/Territories were using
18 lockdowns/curfews, etc, all to really achieve the NEW WORLD ORDER (as also announced
19 by NSW Minister for health Brad Hazzard and NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Chan) intentions to
20 overthrow our constitutional framework, then all and any monies without either first having
21 obtained a special Appropriation Bill to be passed by both Houses of the Parliament and having
22 it enacted it means all those monies involved for this unconstitutional “National Cabinet” must
23 be paid back by those involved in this elaborate fraudulent scheme.
24 On 21 October 2021 it was reported that Premier Daniel Andrews has a $1 million property, well
25 this I view should be immediately be quarantined to prevent him to sell it or for that use it as
26 collateral so that where there is a conviction the estate can be used towards compensating the
27 victims.
30 GDlwMT5XEKZNGEn1O05r0aHPtAWXodmN8nvkF7_Ie0NqsQkvOVjU

34 Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of

35 vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the

36 conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to

37 America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to

38 vaccinate every person on the Earth.

39 Dr Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.

40 The interview described in the video :


42 "There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Death is inevitable. One should fear more of what they did not do in

43 life knowing what was right than not do what is right in life, knowing right from wrong. Ridicule, poverty,

44 loss of status, wealth, or death, without faith, without hope, you are already dead. I choose to love, for myself

45 and for our fellow man, simply because truth has guided me this way by the choices I have made in my own

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 life. We all have choices to make.

2 You will never see a u-haul following a funeral procession, perhaps there is more to life than collecting

3 possessions. God will never fault you for doing the right thing. Fault will be found in not doing anything,

4 despite the ability, knowledge, and ability to do otherwise."

5 --- Dr. Andrew Moulden --- Hero, Martyr, Saint.

6 Also murdered for speaking the truth about vaccines was Brandy Vaughan, ex Merck rep and vaccine expert.

7 Her ground breaking website Learn The Risk is linked here :

8 What Former Sgt of Police Chris Savage found out in his police

9 career

10 Former Sergeant of Police Chris Savage was working in the Queensland Police Service from 1990 to 2012

11 and he was harmed in October 1989 by the Hep B vaccine. This woke him up to the danger of vaccines and

12 then during the career he attended sudden deaths of babies after vaccines. He asked the parents what the

13 baby's health was like in the 2 months with no vaccine and the light came on and they said their baby was

14 healthy eating and sleeping and after the vaccine all hell broke loose with inconsolable crying, convulsions,

15 seizures and then death. Brainwashed police are accusing the parents of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Parents

16 who found there baby deceased and picked the child to gently shake were immediately accused of SBS. Then

17 the police would rely on pro vaccine doctor's medical evidence to convict the parent or baby sitter and they

18 would go to prison. On all the post mortems the SIDS, SUDI or SBS all had Cerebral Cortex inflammation

19 and swelling which causes brain to push against the skull and artery compression would lead to bursting and

20 the baby would be severely injured or die.


22 Ex Policeman Chris Savage YouTube channel :

23 The following link is Chris Savage being interviewed by Sean Maguire


25 ...


27 ...

28 How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development - Professor of Biology Dr Russell Blaylock - Warning to all!!


30 Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines




34 Numerous Vaccine Studies :

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 Dr. Raymond Obomsawin P.h.D Reviews Studies On Vaccination

2 :

3 Dr. Sam Eggertsen Asks Why Parents Refuse To Vaccinate Their Children With Review Of Studies

4 :

5 Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and Vaccination

6 :

7 Dr. Jim Meehan - Fraudulent Danish MMR Autism Study & No Safety Testing On Vaccines

8 :

9 "Paul Offit is an Absolute Liar" Dr. Russell Blaylock World Leading Vaccine Expert Speaks Out

10 :

11 Immunoexcitotoxicity & Vaccines Dr. Russell L. Blaylock :


13 Freedom of expression and information:

14 This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without

15 interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

18 nun telling the truth
19 128 3:38 (
22 Attorney Thomas Renz shows stats from CMS (Medicare) (
25 Professor Edward J Steele Molecular and Cellular Immunologist, Geneticist and
26 Microbiologist (
29 98 13:34 (
31 Suspend all vaccinations/jabbing until there has been an INDEPENDENT appropriate
32 investigation in all relevant matters.
35 This part of the COMPLAINT must be considered with the other parts as well as all writings I
36 published at Scribd.
38 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
40 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
41 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


43 (Our name is our motto!)
22-10-2021 Page 44 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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