Consumer Behaviour Test St1

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Consumer Behaviour


Submitted BY: Ankit Jha(2K20/DMBA/20)

Rohan is an 18-year-old boy who is a resident of uttar pradesh. Rohan has shifted to the
Rohini sector of Delhi because of the college he is admitted to. In Delhi, he has to do
everything on his own which was taken care of by his family earlier. He went for the shopping
in reliance fresh but there he went under a dialema of which toothpaste he should buy. He
was using Colgate throughout his lifetime but now he is confused between the Patanjali and
Colgate. Patanjali is offered by Patanjali Ayurveda which is advertising aggressively. Rohan
family is shifted to Patanjali because of indigenous and natural ingredients. Rohan never liked
the taste of the Patanjali Dant Kanti but he read the ingredient list of Patanjali which has natural
ingredients that accept preservatives on the other hand Colgate has mostly chemical
ingredients. Patanjali products are mostly positioned on the different shelves without the
alternatives available but on the shelf of Colgate, there are numerous alternatives available.
Rohan also notices the organic option from Colgate i.e Colgate Swarna Vedshakti. Now he is
in the dilemma of which toothpaste he should buy.
Answer 1 and 3
The following factors created confusion in Rohan’s mind:
1) Rohan had always used Colgate strong teeth toothpaste and disliked the flavour of
Patanjali Dant Kanti. His family, on the other hand, insisted on using Patanjali Dant
Kanti since it was indigenous and natural.
2) Rohan remembered Colgate ads and had a feeling of connection to the product since
he had used it his whole life. Patanjali's television advertisements further influenced
him to consider utilising Patanjali Dant Kanti.
3) He had no way of knowing whether Patanjali's statements were true. Colgate, on the
other hand, had been thoroughly tested. However, Patanjali used natural
compounds, whereas Colgate used chemicals.
4) Colgate also has a wide range of natural toothpaste options, like Colgate Swarn Ved
Shakti, Colgate Cibaca Ved Shakti, Colgate Herbal, and so on. Rohan was
undecided on which one to purchase.
5) Colgate also sold natural toothpastes, and Rohan was familiar with the company.He
couldn't decide between Colgate and Patanjali because Patanjali was a Swadeshi
Both firms were vying for market share in the natural toothpastes category. Colgate appears
to be in a stronger position in the market since it offers a larger range of products and has a
higher level of brand loyalty. The fact that Patanjali was a swadeshi brand was the one thing
that worked in its favour. Patanjali employed the Swadeshi aspect to develop an emotional
connection with customers and, as a result, brand loyalty.

The arguments given in the first answer caused rohan to be perplexed, making it difficult for
him to pick a toothpaste brand. Both brands had their advantages and disadvantages.
Colgate Swarna Vedshakti, in my opinion, would be the best toothpaste for him.
Natural elements in Colgate Swarna Vedshakti were helpful to one's health.
He was also well-versed in the Colgate brand, having used it his whole life.
Patanjali, however, was not one of them. Colgate Swarna Vedshakti was 10 rupees cheaper
than Patanjali Dant Kanti. However, toothpaste is one fmcg product that isn't purchased as
regularly as other fmcg products. After 35-45 days, a new tube of toothpaste is generally
necessary. Hence paying 10 rupees more won’t harm the budget of rohan. For these
reasons I believe colgate Swarna vedshakti would be the best toothpaste for him.
Answer 4
Descriptive research is the methodology used in this study.
Sample- Simple Random Sample, Data Collection- Personal Interview and Survey Form are
used to obtain primary data.
Variable will be:-
Dentist Recommendation for Buying Toothpaste, Age, Gender, Educational Qualification,
Occupation, Income, Toothpaste Usage Rate, Frequency of Purchase, Awareness of
Brands, Usage of Toothpaste Brands, Dentist Recommendation for Buying Toothpaste,
Changing to a Different Brand.

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