2011 - Vikramjeet - Judge - Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives

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792 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, 8, 792-810

Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives: Synthesis, Antimycobacterial,

Antiviral, Antimicrobial Activity and QSAR Studies
Vikramjeet Judge1, Balasubramanian Narasimhan*,2, Munish Ahuja1, Dharmarajan Sriram3 and
Perumal Yogeeswari3

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar 125001,
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 124001, India
Medicinal Chemistry Research Laboratory, Pharmacy Group, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad
500078, India
Received June 20, 2011: Revised July 19, 2011: Accepted July 19, 2011

Abstract: A series of isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives (1-14) was synthesized and tested for their in vitro antimy-
cobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the compounds with bromo, N2-2,4-hexadienoyl, N2-lauryl
and N2-octadecanoyl groups were found to be the most effective, especially isonicotinic acid-N'-octadecanoyl hydrazide
(12) was more active than the standard drug isoniazid. The results of antiviral activity testing showed that none of the
tested compounds were active at subtoxic concentrations. The synthesized compounds were also screened for their antim-
icrobial potential against S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, C. albicans and A. niger and the results indicated that compounds
4, 11, 12 and 14 were found to be active with Benzoic acid N'-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzylidene)-N-(pyridine-4-
carbonyl)-hydrazide (14) having highest antimicrobial potential. The QSAR studies indicated the importance of topologi-
cal parameters 3 and 1 in governing the antimicrobial activity of synthesized derivatives.
Keywords: Acylated isoniazid derivatives, Antimycobacterial, Antiviral, Antimicrobial, QSAR.

INTRODUCTION basic objectives involved in the development of new antitu-

bercular drugs: to reduce the total duration of treatment, to
Tuberculosis (TB), a contagious disease caused by My-
improve the efficacy against MDR-TB and to provide more
cobacterium tuberculosis, is one of the leading causes of
effective treatment of latent tuberculosis infection [5].
death in the world. The world health organization (WHO)
has reported that about 33% of the world’s population is in- There is a rapidly growing crisis in the clinical manage-
fected with TB, and has predicted that by the year 2020 there ment of life-threatening infectious disease caused by multi-
will be one billion new active cases if new anti-TB drugs or antibiotic-resistant (MAR) strains of pathogenic Gram-
treatments are not developed [1]. The worldwide appearance positive (Gr+) bacteria. Solving this problem will depend, in
of drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis, along with social part, on the development of chemotherapeutic agents which
problems such as homelessness, increased poverty and im- selectively attack new bacterial targets [6]. The rapid devel-
migration, significantly contributed to this resurgence in both opment of drug resistance, the unsatisfactory status of pre-
developing and industrialized countries [2]. In most parts of sent treatments of bacterial and fungal infections and the
the world, we are limited to the combination of five drugs to drug side effects limit the usage of most antimicrobial agents
treat TB effectively, namely rifampicin, isoniazid (INH), [7]. Growing drug resistance among bacterial pathogens
ethambutol, streptomycin and pyrazinamide. Problems in the drives the need for new agents effective against them. Ide-
chemotherapy of tuberculosis arise when patients develop ally, such antibacterial agents hit essential proteins that (i)
bacterial resistance to any of these first line drugs and second appear in as many bacterial pathogens as possible but (ii)
line drugs, such as ethionamide, aminosalicylic acid, cy- differ significantly from related mammalian proteins, to
closerine, amikacin, kanamycin and capreomycin are too yield a broad spectrum of activity with minimal mechanism-
toxic and cannot be employed simultaneously [3]. The global based toxicity [8].
resurgence of TB has been favored by: (a) the diffusion of
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a fatal
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the deadly
disorder for which no complete and successful chemotherapy
synergy of TB and nontubercular mycobacterial infections
has been developed so far. Human immunodeficiency virus
with HIV; (b) the widespread emergence of resistant strains subtype 1 (HIV-1), a retrovirus of the lentivirus family, has
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which are insensitive to one
been found to be prevalent in causing this disease. HIV-1
or more of the first line anti-TB drugs [4]. There are three
produces a progressive immunosuppression by destruction of
CD4+ T lymphocytes (‘helper’ cells, which lead attack
against infections), and results in opportunistic infections
*Address correspondence to this author at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and death [9]. The replicative cycle of HIV is comprised of
Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 124001, India; Tel: ten steps that may be adequate targets for chemotherapeuti-
No+91-1262-272535; Fax: +91-1262-274133;
E-mail: naru2000us@yahoo.com
cal intervention. Most of the substances identified as anti-

1570-1808/11 $58.00+.00 © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers

Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 793

HIV agents interfere with one of these steps of HIV replica- Hearn and Cynamon [14]. The isoniazid derivatives have
tive cycle. These steps are: (1) viral adsorption to the cell also been reported to possess antimicrobial activity [15-17].
membrane, (2) fusion between the viral envelope and the cell In order to bring sharper focus on the activties of acylated
membrane, (3) uncoating of the viral nucleocapsid, (4) re- derivatives of INH and in pursuit of achieving this goal, our
verse transcription of the viral RNA to proviral DNA, (5) research efforts focused on the synthesis, antimicrobial, an-
integration of the proviral DNA into the cellular genome, (6) timycobacterial, antiviral and QSAR studies [18-20], here-
DNA replication, (7) transcription of the proviral DNA to with we report the synthesis, antimycobacterial, anti-HIV,
RNA, (8) translation of the viral precursor mRNA to mature antimicrobial and QSAR studies of isonicotinic acid hydraz-
mRNA, (9) maturation of the viral precursor proteins by pro- ide derivatives.
teolysis, myristoylation, and glycosylation, and (10) bud-
ding, virion assembly, and release. Step 4, a key step in the
replicative cycle of retroviruses, which makes it distinct EXPERIMENTAL
from the replicative cycle of other viruses, is the reverse Melting points were determined in open capillary tubes
transcription catalyzed by reverse transcriptase. Another on a Sonar melting point apparatus and are uncorrected.
target for therapeutic intervention is step 9, particularly the Reaction progress was monitored by thin layer
proteolysis of precursor proteins by HIV protease. The ma- chromatography on silica gel sheets (Merck silica gel-G) and
jority of chemotherapeutic strategies have, therefore, focused the purity of the compounds was ascertained by single spot
on the development of retroviral enzyme inhibitors [10]. on TLC sheet. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR)
The main paradigm of medicinal chemistry is that bio- spectra were recorded in Bruker Avance II 400 NMR
logical activity, as well as physical, physicochemical and spectrometer using appropriate deuterated solvents and are
chemical properties, of organic compounds depends on their expressed in parts per million (, ppm) downfield from
molecular structure [11]. Quantitative structure-activity rela- tetramethylsilane (internal standard). Infrared (IR) spectra
tionships (QSAR) correlate, within congeneric series of were recorded on a Shimadzu FTIR spectrometer.
compounds, affinities of ligands to their binding sites, inhibi-
tion constants, rate constants, and other biological activities, General Procedure for Synthesis of Ester
either with certain structural features (Free Wilson analysis)
or with atomic, group or molecular properties, such as lipo- The mixture of isonicotinic acid (0.1 mol) and ethanol (in
philicity, polarizability, electronic and steric properties excess) was refluxed with sulphuric acid (1-2 mL) till the
(Hansch analysis) [12]. The use of computational approaches completion of reaction monitored by TLC on silica gel G
for the estimation of the activity of various molecules as plates. Then the reaction mixture was added to 200 mL ice
drug candidates prior to their synthesis accelerates drug dis- cold water and excess of acid was neutralized by a solution
covery procedure. The purpose in quantitative structure ac- of sodium bicarbonate. The crude ester was extracted with
tivity relationship (QSAR) methodology is to construct a ether. The ether layer was separated and ester was obtained
relationship between physicochemical properties as inde- on evaporation of ether layer.
pendent and bioactivity of ligands as a dependent variable.
Physicochemical properties could be obtained as descriptors General Procedure for the Synthesis of Isonicotinic Acid
and then in silico methods are applied to manipulate the in- Hydrazide
formation, remove noise and derive useful information [13].
The ethanolic solution of ester (0.01 mol) and hydrazine-
Isoniazid (INH) is the most frequently prescribed primary hydrate (0.015 mol) was refluxed for appropriate time. The
prophylactic and chemotherapeutic drug against M. tubercu- reaction mixture was then cooled and the precipitated solid
losis. Enzymatic acylation of the antitubercular isoniazid was washed with water, dried and recrystallized from etha-
(INH) by N-acetyl transferases (NATs) reduces the therapeu- nol.
tic effectiveness of the drug. Because it represents a major
metabolic pathway for INH in human beings, such acetyla-
tion has serious consequences for tuberculosis treatment General Procedure for the Synthesis of N2-acyl Isonico-
regimens. Among patients in whom this process is efficient, tinic Acid Hydrazides (1-12)
the “rapid acetylators,” the resultant chronic underdosing of The different carboxylic acids (0.01 mol) were refluxed
INH may give rise to the development of resistance, as well with thionyl chloride (0.015 mol) for three hours. After re-
as inadequate therapy. NATs occur in mycobacteria and in fluxing was complete, the excess thionyl chloride was dis-
their mammalian hosts. It is thought that the resultant chemi- tilled off to get the respective acyl chlorides. The isonicotinic
cal change prevents the activation of INH that is required for acid hydrazide (0.01 mol) was suspended in dichloromethane
proper drug action. A recombinant NAT from M. tuberculo- and acyl chloride (0.01 mol) was added dropwise to this so-
sis acetylates INH in vitro. When the corresponding NAT lution with constant stirring on a magnetic stirrer for 3-4 h.
gene is over expressed in a suitable INH-susceptible host, The product obtained after evaporation of dichloromethane
Mycobacterium smegmatis, the resultant organism becomes was recrystallized from ethanol.
more resistant to INH. Resistance to INH in mycobacteria
can thus be related to increased expression of NAT. Not 4-Methyl-benzoic acid N'-(pyridine-4-carbonyl)-hydrazide
much work has been done previously to characterize the anti- (1)
tubercular properties of other N2- acylisoniazids. The appre- Mp (°C) 166-169; Yield– 78.90%; 1H NMR (400 MHz,
ciable in vitro and in vivo antimycobacterial activities of DMSO)  ppm: 2.40-2.41 (s, 3H, CH3), 7.07-7.31 (m, 4H,
acylated derivatives of isoniazid have been reported by CH of phenyl ring), 8.34-8.38 (d, 2H, CH of C3 and C5 of
794 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

pyridine ring), 9.00-9.02 (d, 2H, CH of C2 and C6 of pyridine 1H, CH of C2 of 2,4-hexadienoyl chain), 8.20-8.21 (d, 2H,
ring), 10.65 (s, 1H, NH proton of N2), 11.26 (s, 1H, NH pro- CH of C3 and C5 of pyridine ring), 8.85-8.88 (d, 2H, CH of
ton of N1). IR (KBr pellets)  cm-1 : 3147.10 (NH str., am- C2 and C6 of pyridine ring), 10.31 (s, 1H, NH proton of N2),
ide), 3028.65 (CH str., aromatic), 1662.11 (C=O str., Nicoti- 11.13 (s, 1H, NH proton of N1). IR (KBr pellets)  cm-1:
noyl), 1611.27 (C=O str., Acyl), 1490.17 (C=C str., skeletal 3239.22 (NH str., amide), 3000.28 (CH str., aliphatic),
phenyl nucleus), 1280.84 (C-N str., coupled vibrations am- 1690.08 (C=O str., Nicotinoyl), 1659.87 (C=O str., Acyl),
ide), 834.68 (CH out of plane bending, 4-substituted pyri- 1500.36 (C=C str., skeletal phenyl nucleus), 1457.73 (CH
dine), 750.61 (OCN deformations, amide IV band), 631.54 bending, CH3), 1247.73 (C-N str., coupled vibrations amide),
(OCN deformations, amide VI band). 818.95 (CH out of plane bending, 4-substituted pyridine),
739.94 (OCN deformations, amide IV band), 673.57 (OCN
4-Methoxy-benzoic acid N'-(pyridine-4-carbonyl)-hydra-
zide (3) deformations, amide VI band).

Mp (°C) 220-223; Yield– 78.45%; 1H NMR (400 MHz,

DMSO)  ppm: 3.84-3.86 (s, 3H, OCH3), 6.92-6.95 (m, 2H, General Procedure for the Synthesis of Hydrazone of
CH of C3 and C5 of phenyl ring), 7.90-7.93 (d, 2H, CH of C2 Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide (13)
and C6 of phenyl ring), 8.30-8.32 (d, 2H, CH of C3 and C5 of Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (0.05 mol) and syringldehyde
pyridine ring), 9.08-9.09 (d, 2H, CH of C2 and C6 of pyridine (0.06 mol) in ethanol was refluxed for 5-6 h. At the comple-
ring), 10.65 (s, 1H, NH proton of N2), 11.30 (s, 1H, NH pro- tion of reaction the precipitates start to appear which were
ton of N1). IR (KBr pellets)  cm-1 : 3151.43 (NH str., am- filtered off and recrystallized from ethanol.
ide), 3054.68 (CH str., aromatic), 1685.94 (C=O str., Nicoti-
Isonicotinic acid (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzylidene)-
noyl), 1662.69 (C=O str., Acyl), 1499.45 (C=C str., skeletal
hydrazide (13)
phenyl nucleus), 1286.45 (C-N str., coupled vibrations am-
ide), 1262.49 (C-O-C str., aralkyl ether) 838.52 (CH out of Mp (°C) 212-215; Yield– 78.90%; 1H NMR (400 MHz,
plane bending, 4-substituted pyridine), 754.83 (OCN defor- DMSO)  ppm: 3.91 (s, 6H, OCH3), 6.78 (s, 1H, OH), 7.02
mations, amide IV band), 631.58 (OCN deformations, amide (s, 2H, CH of C2 and C6 of dimethoxy phenyl ring), 7.84-
VI band). 7.85 (d, 2H, CH of C3 and C5 of pyridine ring), 8.34 (s, 1H,
CH of N=CH), 8.75-8.77 (d, 2H, CH of C2 and C6 of pyri-
3-Nitro-benzoic acid N'-(pyridine-4-carbonyl)-hydrazide (4)
dine ring), 11.72 (s, 1H, NH). IR (KBr pellets)  cm-1:
Mp (°C) 230-233; Yield– 72.59%; 1H NMR (400 MHz, 3190.40 (NH str., amide), 3025.48 (CH str., aromatic),
DMSO)  ppm: 6.98-7.46 (m, 4H, CH of phenyl ring), 7.90- 1641.49 (C=O str., Nicotinoyl), 1587.48 (C=C str., skeletal
7.93 (d, 2H, CH of C3 and C5 of pyridine ring), 8.78-8.79 (d, phenyl nucleus), 1220.99 (C-O-C str., aralkyl ether), 1116.83
2H, CH of C2 and C6 of pyridine ring), 9.64 (s, 1H, NH pro- (C-N str., coupled vibrations amide), 833.28 (CH out of
ton of N2), 10.86 (s, 1H, NH proton of N1). IR (KBr pellets) plane bending, 4-substituted pyridine), 547.81 (OCN defor-
 cm-1: 3160.20 (NH str., amide), 3084.68 (CH str., aro- mations, amide VI band).
matic), 1715.92 (C=O str., Nicotinoyl), 1636.19 (C=O str.,
Acyl), 1514.80 (NO2 asym. str., aromatic nitro group),
1363.25 (NO2 sym. str., aromatic nitro group), 1273.09 (C-N General Procedure for the Synthesis of Benzoic Acid N'-
str., coupled vibrations amide), 826.45 (CH out of plane (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzylidene)-N-(pyridine-4-
bending, 4-substituted pyridine), 747.91 (OCN deformations, carbonyl)-hydrazide (14)
amide IV band), 624.43 (OCN deformations, amide VI Isonicotinic acid (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzyli-
band). dene)-hydrazide (13) was dissolved in dichloromethane
5-Chloro-2-hydroxy-benzoic acid N'-(pyridine-4-carbonyl)- (0.001 mol) and a solution of benzoyl chloride (0.001 mol),
hydrazide (7) obtained by the reaction of benzoic acid with thionyl chlo-
ride, in dichloromethane was added drop wise and kept for
Mp (°C) 232-235; Yield– 63.81%; 1H NMR (400 MHz, stirring on a magnetic stirrer till the evaporation of di-
DMSO)  ppm: 6.96 (s,1 H, OH), 7.46-8.01 (m, 3H, CH of chloromethane. The product obtained was checked for purity
phenyl ring), 8.31-8.33 (d, 2H, CH of C3 and C5 of pyridine by TLC and recrystallized from ethanol.
ring), 9.04-9.05 (d, 2H, CH of C2 and C6 of pyridine ring),
10.90 (s, 1H, NH proton of N2), 11.60 (s, 1H, NH proton of Benzoic acid N'-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzylidene)-N-
N1). IR (KBr pellets)  cm-1: 3153.75 (NH str., amide), (pyridine-4-carbonyl)-hydrazide (14)
3039.94 (CH str., aromatic), 1675.25 (C=O str., Nicotinoyl), Mp (°C) 218-221; Yield– 58.90%; 1H NMR (400 MHz,
1603.88 (C=O str., Acyl), 1485.25 (C=C str., skeletal phenyl DMSO)  ppm: 3.92 (s, 6H, OCH3), 6.75 (s, 1H, OH), 7.04-
nucleus), 1220.99 (C-N str., coupled vibrations amide), 7.64 (m, 5H, CH of C6H5), 7.99-8.02 (s, 2H, CH of C2 and C6
835.21 (CH out of plane bending, 4-substituted pyridine), of dimethoxy phenyl ring), 8.19-8.21 (d, 2H, CH of C3 and
750.34 (C-Cl str., aromatic), 648.11 (OCN deformations, C5 of pyridine ring), 8.48 (s, 1H, CH of N=CH), 8.84-8.85
amide IV band), 535.27 (OCN deformations, amide VI (d, 2H, CH of C2 and C6 of pyridine ring). IR (KBr pellets) 
band). cm-1: 3211.662 (amide I band), 3067.91 (CH str., aromatic),
Isonicotinic acid N'-hexa-2,4-dienoyl-hydrazide (10) 1655.96 (C=O str., Nicotinoyl), 1597.13 (C=O str., benzoyl),
1468.86 (C=C str., skeletal phenyl nucleus), 1236.42 (C-N
Mp (°C) 194-197; Yield– 65.48%; 1H NMR (400 MHz, str., coupled vibrations amide), 832.32 (CH out of plane
DMSO)  ppm: 1.85-1.89 (t, 3H, CH3), 6.05-6.26 (m, 3H, bending, 4-substituted pyridine), 665.47 (OCN deformations,
CH of C3, C4 and C5 of 2,4-hexadienoyl chain), 7.24-7.26 (m, amide VI band).
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 795

Evaluation of Antimycobacterial Activity where,Ypredicted, Yactual and Ymean are predicted, actual
and mean values of target property (pMIC) respectively.
All compounds were screened for their in vitro antimy-
(Ypredicted – Yactual)2 is predictive residual error sum of
cobacterial activity against MTB, in Middlebrook 7H11agar
medium supplemented with OADC by agar dilution method
similar to that recommended by the National Committee for
Clinical Laboratory Standards for the determination of MIC Calculation of Statistical Parameters [28, 29]
in triplicate [21]. The minimum inhibitory concentration
The developed QSAR models were validated by the cal-
(MIC) is defined as the minimum concentration of com-
culation of following statistical parameters : probable error
pound required to give complete inhibition of bacterial
of the coefficient of correlation (PE), least square error
(LSE), Friedman’s lack of fit measure (LOF), standard error
of prediction (SEP), quality value (Q) and SSY (sum of
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity (Determination of squares of response values)
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration)
These parameters were calculated from the following
The antimicrobial activity was performed against Gram- equations.
positive bacteria: S. aureus, B. sublitis, Gram-negative bacte- PE = 2(1- r2)/3n
rium: E. coli and fungal strains: C. albicans and A. niger by
tube dilution method [22]. Dilutions of test and standard Where, r, correlation coefficient and n, number of com-
compounds [norfloxacin (antibacterial) and fluconazole pounds used.
(antifungal)] were prepared in double strength nutrient broth LSE = (Yobs-Ycalc)2
– I.P. (bacteria) and Sabouraud dextrose broth I.P. [23]
(fungi). The samples were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h (bac- Where, Yobs and Ycalc are the observed and calculated
teria), at 25 °C for 7 d (A. niger) and at 37 °C for 48 h (C. values.
albicans), respectively, and the results were recorded in LOF = LSE/{1-(C+d · p/n)}2
terms of MIC (the lowest concentration of test substance
which inhibited the growth of microorganisms). Where, LSE, least square error; C, number of descriptors
+1; p, number of independent parameters; n, number of
compounds used; d, smoothing parameter which controls the
QSAR Studies bias in the scoring factor between equations with different
Preparation of Data Set number of terms and was kept 1.0.
An Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Duo personal computer (CPU SEP = LSE/n
T 6600 at 2.20 GHz) with windows XP operating system The Quality value, Q is given by Q = r/Se
was used. To obtain a QSAR model, the compounds must be
Where, Q, Quality value; r, correlation coefficient and
represented by molecular descriptors that retain as much
Se, standard error.
structure information as possible. The descriptors were gen-
erated as follows: The structures of acylated isonicotinic acid The predictive ability of QSAR models was also quanti-
hydrazide derivatives were first pre-optimized with the Mo- fied in terms of q2, which is defined as
lecular Mechanics Force Field (MM+) procedure included in q2 = 1- {(Yobs-Ycalc)2/ (Yobs-Ymean)2}
Hyperchem 6.03 [24] and the resulting geometries are further
refined by means of the semiempirical method PM3 (Para- The resubstitution test statistical parameters [30] viz. re-
metric Method-3). We chose a gradient norm limit of 0.01 gression coefficient (r), root mean square error (RMSE) and
kcal/A˚ for the geometry optimization. The output files were absolute average error (e) were calculated as: Regression
used for producing constitutional, topological, electrostatic, coefficient (r) = { 1 – ((Ycalc - Yobs)2/ (Ycalc - Ymean)2)}
and semiempirical descriptors using TSAR 3.3 software for The Absolute average error (e) is used to illustrate the
Windows [25]. These quantitative descriptors contain infor- predictive accuracy more explicitly and given by
mation on the inter atom connections and the shape, branch-
Absolute average error (e) = {|Ycalc - Yobs|}/n
ing, symmetry, distribution of charge and quantum-chemical
properties of the molecule. Further, the regression analysis The root mean square error (RMSE) is calculated
was performed using the SPSS software package [26]. The mathematically as:
predictive powers of the equation were validated by determi- Root mean square error (RMSE) = {(Ycalc - Yobs)2}/n
nation of cross-validated r2 (q2) using leave one out (LOO)
cross-validation method [27]. According to LOO method, The low value of PE, LSE, LOF and SEP and high value
the predictive powers of the equations were validated by of Q and q2 are the essential criteria for qualifying the model
leave one out (LOO) cross validation method, where a model as the best one. Variation Inflation Factor [31] is employed
is built with N-1 compounds and Nth compound is predicted. to determine the multicolinearity between the physicochemi-
cal parameters. The VIF value is calculated as VIF = 1/1-r2,
Each compound is left out of the model derivation and pre-
Where, r2 is the squared multiple correlation coefficient of
dicted in turn. An indication of the performance is obtained
one parameter effect on the remaining parameter. VIF values
from cross-validated q2) method which is defined as
greater than 5 indicate the presence of unacceptably large
q2 = 1 – (Ypredicted – Yactual)2 / (Yactual – Ymean)2 multicolinearity between parameters in the correlation.
796 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

Theory of Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) of the best descriptors to the model that leads to the smallest
[32] standard deviation(s), until there is no other variable outside
the equation that satisfies the selection criteria.
Multiple linear regression (MLR) is the most widely used
multiple linear modeling techniques. Following is the regres-
sion equation: Evaluation of Anti-HIV Activity
Y = b 0 + b1X1 + b 2X2 + . . . . + bnXn The anti-HIV activity and cytotoxicity were evaluated
In this equation, Y is the property, that is, the dependent against HIV-1 strain IIIB and HIV-2 ROD in MT-4 cell cul-
variable; X1–Xn represents the specific descriptors, while b1– tures using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-
bn represents the coefficient of those descriptors, and b0 is tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method [33]. Briefly, virus
the intercept of this equation. As is well known, MLR cannot stocks were titrated in MT-4 cells and expressed as the 50%
be used to model complex data, since in most cases the num- cell culture infective dose (CCID50). MT-4 cells were sus-
ber of explanatory variables exceeds the number of objects. pended in culture medium at 1 x 105 cells/ml and infected
Therefore, it is often used in combination with the stepwise with HIV at a multiplicity of infection of 0.02. Immediately
procedure for variable selection. The forward stepwise re- after viral infection, 100 l of the cell suspension was placed
gression procedure consists simply in a step-by-step addition in each well of a flat-bottomed microtiter tray containing

N 9

O OH OC2H5 R5 R1 O
R4 R2 CH R1
R3 O CH R1
R5 R2
N N R5 R2
N R4 R3
R4 R3

R1 SOCl2 R1
R5 R1 R
R4 X R2 R4 X R2
R3 N R4 X R2

Comp. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 X Y R

1 H H CH3 H H - - -
2 H H C6H5 H H - - -
3 H H OCH3 H H - - -
4 H NO2 H H H - - -
5 Br H H H H - - -
6 H H Cl H H - CH2 -
7 OH H H Cl H - - -
8 H H - H H N - -
10 - - - - - - - -CH=CH-CH=CH-CH 3
11 - - - - - - - -C10H 20CH 3
12 - - - - - - - -C16H 32CH 3
13 H OCH3 OH OCH3 H - - -
14 H OCH3 OH OCH3 H - - -

Scheme 1. Synthetic route followed for the synthesis of isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives.
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 797

various concentrations of the test compounds. After a 4-d equivalent to two protons corresponds the presence of four
incubation period at 37 °C, the number of viable cells was CH protons of the pyridine ring in compounds 1, 3, 4, 7, 8,
determined using the MTT method. Compounds were tested 10, 13 and 14. The singlet signals observed around  10 ppm
in parallel for cytotoxic effects in uninfected MT-4 cells. and  11 ppm represents the NH protons at N2 and N1 posi-
tion of the hydrazide portion in compounds 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and
10. This clearly signifies that the acyl group was attached to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the isonicotinic acid hydrazide by replacing one of the two
Chemistry protons of NH2 group. The singlet signal having equivalent
to three protons at  2.40 ppm depicted the presence of CH 3
The acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives were group compound 1. In compound 2, a singlet signal at  3.84
synthesized as represented by Scheme 1. The isonicotinic ppm revealed the presence of a OCH3 group on the phenyl
acid was refluxed with ethanol in the presence of sulphuric ring in its structure. The appearance of signals for three aro-
acid to get the ethyl ester of isonicotinic acid. The ester thus matic protons and a singlet at  6.96 ppm confirmed that the
obtained was refluxed with hydrazine hydrate to obtain the disubstituted phenyl ring attached as N2-substituent has got
isonicotinic acid hydrazide. The acylated isonicotinic acid OH group as one of the two substituents, thus confirming the
hydrazide derivatives (1-12) were synthesized by the reac- structure of compound 7. The presence of signals for unsatu-
tion of isonicotinic acid hydrazide, suspended in dichloro- rated aliphatic chain confirmed that 2,4-hexadienoyl sub-
methane, with respective acyl chlorides which in turn were stituent was present in compound 10. The formation of ben-
obtained by refluxing the respective acids with thionyl chlo- zylidene hydrazide (compound 13) was confirmed by the
ride. The hydrazone of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (13) was singlet signal for N=CH linkage at  8.34 ppm and the pres-
synthesized by refluxing Isonicotinic acid hydrazide with ence of dimethoxy group in its structure was revealed by the
syringldehyde in ethanol and compounds 14 was prepared by singlet signal at  3.91 ppm. The structure of benzoic acid
the reaction of benzoyl chloride with solution of compound N'-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzylidene)-N-(pyridine-4-
13 (in dichloromethane). The target compounds were ob- carbonyl) hydrazide (14) was confirmed by the disappear-
tained in appreciable yield and their physicochemical charac- ance of signals for the NH protons thus demonstrating that
teristics are presented in Table 1. both the NH protons have been replaced.
The purity of acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide deriva- The vibrational frequencies corresponding to two C=O
tives was assessed by single spot TLC on silica gel-G plates functional groups appeared in the IR spectra of compounds
and their IR and NMR spectra were found in agreement with 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10 revealed the fact that the acyl group has
their assigned molecular structures. The two doublet signals, been added to the isonicotinic acid hydrazide molecule. The
in the region  7.90 – 9.09 ppm, each having an integral

Table 1. Physicochemical Properties and Antimycobacterial Activity of Synthesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives

Comp. Mol. Formula Mol. Wt. M.p. (°C) Rf* % yield MIC MTB-H37Rv (M x 10-3)

1 C14H 13N3 O2 255 166-169 0.91 78.90 49.0

2 C19H 15N3 O2 317 210-213 0.65 81.35 19.7
3 C14H 13N3 O3 271 220-223 0.79 78.45 23.1
4 C13H 10N4 O4 286 230-233 0.71 72.59 43.7
5 C13H 10N3 O2Br 320 166-169 0.76 53.68 9.8
6 C14H 12N3 O2Cl 289 226-229 0.66 45.79 43.3
7 C13H 10N3 O3Cl 291 232-235 0.72 63.81 43.0
8 C12H 10N4 O2 242 Above 242 0.69 73.56 51.7
9 C18H 15N3 O3 321 212-215 0.51 45.92 38.9
10 C12H 13N3 O2 231 218-221 0.67 81.49 13.5
11 C18H 29N3 O2 319 140-143 0.58 68.32 4.9
12 C24H 41N3 O2 403 186-189 0.52 41.29 1.9
13 C15H 15N3 O4 301 212-215 0.72 78.90 21.0
14 C22H 19N3 O5 405 218-221 0.42 58.9 >62.0
INH 2.04
ETB 15.31
CFL 9.4
RIF 0.24
*Mobile phase: Ethanol.
D. Sriram, P. Yogeeswari, P. Dhakla, P. Senthilkumar, D., Banerjee, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 17 (2007) 1888-1891.
798 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

amide I band was observed in the spectra of compounds 1, 3, gone in vain and compound 8 was found to be least active,
4, 7, 8, 10, and 13 in the region 3200-3100 cm-1. The pres- with MIC of 51.7 x 10-3 μM among the synthesized com-
ence of an aromatic and aliphatic portion in the synthesized pounds. In compound 9, the napthoxy acetyl group was
compounds was depicted by the presence of peaks slightly taken as N2-substituent and this compound has got some
above and below 3000 cm-1. The OCN deformations corre- improvement in activity with MIC of 38.9 x 10-3 μM. The
sponding to amide IV and amide VI bands were observed next modification was the replacement of phenyl nucleus
around 750-720 cm-1 and 650-630 cm-1 in the IR spectra of with aliphatic chain of carbon atoms that resulted in com-
synthesized compounds. The skeletal C=C- stretching bands pound 10, which has 2,4-hexadienoyl group as substituent
(aromatic) were observed around 1513-1466 cm-1 in the attached to the N2 position of isonicotinic acid hydrazide and
spectra of the synthesized compounds which represents the the synthesized molecule was found to be highly active with
presence of aromatic nucleus in their structure. The C-Cl MIC 13.5 x 10-3 μM. Then we added lauryl aliphatic chain as
stretching band observed at 750.34 cm-1 that depicted the N2 substituent, in compound 11, and got a molecule with still
presence of chloro group on aromatic nucleus in the molecu- improved antimycobacterial activity having MIC of 4.9 x10-3
lar structure of compound 7. The C-O-C stretching band, in μM. In compound 12, stearoyl group (acyl group of stearic
compound 13, for aralkyl ether observed at 1220.99 cm-1 acid) was taken as substituent on N2 of hydrazide and the
confirmed the presence of OCH3 group attached to an aro- resultant molecule was the most active antimycobacterial
matic nucleus. agent with MIC of 1.9 x 10-3 μM, which was lowest among
the derivatives synthesized in this series.
Antimycobacterial Activity From the results of antimycobacterial activity the follow-
ing conclusions regarding structure activity relationship
The in vitro antitubercular activity of synthesized acy-
(SAR) can be drawn:
lated isonicotinic acid hydrazides against Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (MTB) was carried out in Middlebrook 1. The replacement of the phenyl nucleus with long ali-
7H11agar medium supplemented with OADC (Oleic Acid phatic chain (Compound 10, 11 and 12) gave the
and Dextrose as Carbon source) by agar dilution method and molecules with highly improved antimycobacterial
the results are presented in Table 1. At the commencement of activity. This is similar to one of our previous report
this study in the preliminary screening, compound (1), isoni- in which an increase in antimicrobial activity was ob-
cotinic acid hydrazide with a p-methyl substituted phenyl served with long aliphatic chain compounds [34].
ring attached at N2-position through carbonyl function, dis- 2. In contrast with Tripathi and his coworkers [35] who
played poor antimycobacterial activity with a MIC of 49 x stated that the OH group at ortho position leads to a
10-3 μM. Therefore, compound 1 was taken as a lead mole- measurable change in activity of the compounds, the
cule and we planned to improve its antimycobacterial activ- presence of the OH group at ortho position (Com-
ity by altering the substituent on phenyl ring. The first step pound 7) decreased the activity of the compounds.
towards lead optimization was incorporation of a benzene
ring as a substituent (C6H5) on phenyl ring. The addition of 3. The presence of electron withdrawing bromo group
benzene ring as a substituent greatly improved the antituber- on the phenyl ring increases the antitubercular activ-
cular activity evidenced by the increase in the activity of ity as evidenced by the high antimycobacterial activ-
compound 2 (MIC = 19.7 x 10-3 μM) in comparison to 1. ity of compounds 5. The role of electron withdrawing
Then we replaced the phenyl group with 4-methoxy substitu- group in improving activity is supported by the earlier
ent (Compound 3) on phenyl nucleus gave a molecule en- studies [36].
dowed with appreciable antimycobacterial activity (MIC = 4. In contrast with above fact, the electron withdrawing
23.1 x 10-3 μM). Then electron withdrawing group were group nitro present at 3rd position (compound 4) de-
taken as substituent on the phenyl nucleus and we synthe- creased the antimycobacterial activity.
sized compound 4 having 3-nitro substitution but the com-
pound 4 was found to be less active with MIC of 43.7 x 10-3 5. The results of antimycobacterial activity depicted that
μM. The next modification in the structure was addition of the presence of electron donating group, OCH3, en-
electronegative bromo substituent on the phenyl nucleus that hanced the antitubercular activity of the synthesized
resulted in the synthesis of compound 5, which has 2-bromo derivatives (Compound 3). This is in concordance
substitution on phenyl nucleus. This molecule (compound 5) with the findings of Emami and coworkers who ob-
was also found to be highly active antimycobacterial agent served increase in activity by adding OCH3 group
with MIC of 9.8 x 10-3 μM. In compound 6, the 4- [37].
chlorophenyl acetyl group was added as substituent on N2- 6. The presence of electron withdrawing bromo group in
position of isonicotinic acid hydrazide, but this modification compound 5 enhances the growth inhibition potential
leads to decrease in activity with MIC falling to 43.3 x 10-3 of the molecule, which is similar to the earlier results
μM. Therefore, the idea of addition of acetyl group as a [38] where it was observed that the presence of
linker was dropped and next change was addition of 2-OH-5- bromo and chloro substituents on the benzene ring in-
Cl as substituent on the phenyl nucleus that resulted in the creases the activity.
synthesis of compound 7 but the antimycobacterial activity
of this molecule was also low with MIC of 43.0 x 10-3 μM. 7. The compound 11 and 12 having high logP values
Then we planned to add some hetero atom in the phenyl nu- were found to be more active than other synthesized
cleus and synthesized compound 8 having hetero atom nitro- derivatives which is similar to the findings of Sriram
gen at 4th position of the phenyl nucleus. This idea also has and coworkers [39] who observed that increased lipo-
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 799

philicity of 1-[(4-sub)phenyl]-3-(4-{1-[(pyridine-4- false substrate for the Mycobacterium and get incorporated
carbonyl)hydrazono]ethyl}phenyl thiourea rendered in the bacterial cell wall and give rise to a pseudo cell wall
them more capable of penetrating various biomem- and also carries the isonicotinic acid hydrazide attached to its
branes. structure in to the bacterial cell thus leading to an increased
Based on the SAR results, we have synthesized a test set uptake of isonicotinic acid hydrazide by the Mycobacterium
which may be cause of lysis of Mycobacterium and in-
of isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives (13, 14) so as to
creased antimycobacterial potential of saturated long chain
validate the SAR findings by the results of antimycobacterial
acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives.
activity of test set compounds. The hydrazones of isonico-
tinic acid hydrazide have been reported to be active antimy-
cobacterial agents. So, hydrazone of isonicotinic acid hy- Cytostatic, Cytotoxic and Antiviral Activity
drazide, compound 13 having 4-OH-3,5-OCH3 substituent
The anti-HIV activity and cytotoxicity were evaluated
on phenyl nucleus, was synthesized and this compound was
against HIV-1 strain IIIB and HIV-2 ROD in MT-4 cell cul-
found to be moderately active with MIC of 21.0 x 10-3 μM.
tures and generally, none of the compounds were inhibitory
The fact that presence of phenyl substituent increased the
to HIV viruses tested at subtoxic concentrations (Table 2).
antimycobacterial activity of isoniazid derivatives, lead us to
the synthesis of compound 14 in which the N1-proton of 13
was replaced with benzoyl nucleus and this substitution de- Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity
creased the antimycobacterial activity (MIC) to > 62.0 x 10-3
The synthesized acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide de-
μM. It can be seen from these results that presence of at least
rivatives [1-14] were evaluated, in vitro, for their antibacte-
one NH group is necessary for a molecule to be an active
rial activity against Gram positive Staphylococcus aureus,
antimycobacterial agent by forming a hydrogen bond at the
Bacillus subtilis, Gram negative Escherichia coli and anti-
mycobacterial target site.
fungal activity against Candida albicans and Aspergillus
In conclusion, it can be stated that long alkyl chain sub- niger by the serial dilution method [22] using norfloxacin
stituted derivatives were highly active antimycobacterial and fluconazole as reference standards for antibacterial and
agents with compound 12 having stearoyl substituent on N2- antifungal activity, respectively, and the results are presented
position (MIC = 1.9 x 10-3 μM) was more active than isoni- in Table 3.
azid (MIC = 2.04 x 10-3 μM). This may be due to the fact
that mycolic acid that constitutes the mycobacterial cell wall The results of antibacterial activity against B. subtilis in-
dicated that all the synthesized derivatives have higher anti-
contains long chain stearyl group in its molecular structure
bacterial potential than isoniazid. In particular the com-
and compounds derived from long alky chains may act as
pounds 4 and 12 were found to be the most effective antibac-

Table 2. Anti-HIV Potential of Synthesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives in MT-4 Cellsa

Compound EC50 (g/ml) CC50 b (g/ml)

HIV-1 (IIIb) HIV-2 (ROD)

1 >112.00 >112.00 112.00

2 >102.65 >102.65 102.65
3 >110.77 >110.77 110.77 ± 9.19
4 >122.00 >122.00 122.00
5 >125.00 >125.00 >125.00
6 >125.00 >125.00 >125.00
7 >4.72 >4.72 4.72 ± 1.68
8 >103.00 <103.00 103.00 ± 9.76
9 >94.95 >94.95 >94.95± 3.28
10 >90.10 >90.10 90.10
11 >39.35 >39.35 39.35± 3.17
12 >13.81 >13.81 >13.81 ± 9.67
13 >105.00 >105.00 105.00
14 >125.00 >125.00 >125.00
Nevirapine 0.050 ± 0.011 >4.0 >4.0
Zidovudine 0.002 ± 0.001 0.002 ± 0.001 >25
50% Effective concentration or compound concentration required to inhibit virus-induced cytopathicity by 50%. b50% Cytotoxic concentration or compound concentration required
to reduce MT-4 cell viability by 50%.
NT- not tested.
800 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

terial agents having pMICbs values 2.96 and 2.21 M, re- quirements are essential for antibacterial and antifun-
spectively. In case of S. aureus compounds 2 and 3 have gal activity. The results are similar to earlier ones
shown marked antibacterial potential at pMICsa values 2.40 [40].
and 2.64 M, respectively. For antibacterial activity against
2. Similar to the observations of Guven and coworkers
E. coli compounds 4, 5, 9 and 11 had shown better antibacte- [41], the presence of substitutent at ortho position in-
rial activity with pMICec values of 2.66, 2.41, 2.41 and 2.41
creased the antibacterial and antifungal potential of
M, respectively. The antibacterial potential of compound 4
the compounds which can be seen from the antimi-
was found to be better than the standard drug norfloxacin.
crobial activity of compound 5, and 7.
The antifungal activity against C. albicans revealed that
3. The results of antimicrobial activity depicted that the
compounds 6, 7, 9 and 11 were the potential candidates hav- presence of electron donating group, OCH3, enhanced
ing pMICca values 2.67, 2.67, 2.71 and 2.71M, respectively
the antimicrobial activity of the synthesized deriva-
and their antifungal activity was higher than the standard
tives (Compound 3). This fact is supported by the
drug fluconazole. In case of A. niger compounds 5, 9, 11 and
previous results [37].
12 were found to be active with pMICan values 2.41, 2.41,
2.41 and 2.51M, respectively. 4. The synthesized derivatives were more active towards
the Gram-negative bacterium E. coli than Gram-
It can be observed from the results presented in Table 3
positive B. subtilis and S. aureus. This finding is in
that the synthesized acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide de-
agreement with the studies of Sbardella and cowork-
rivatives have higher antifungal potential particularly against
ers [42].
C. albicans. The compounds were also found to be more
active against Gram negative E. coli as compared to Gram- 5. It was observed from the results of antimicrobial ac-
positive B. subtilis and S. aureus. tivity that the introduction of phenyl group as sub-
stituent in compound 2 in comparison to 4-methyl
substituent (compound 1) enhanced the growth inhibi-
Structure Activity Relationship tion potential of synthesized derivative.
From the results of antimicrobial activity, the following 6. Compounds 11 and 12 having long aliphatic chains as
structure activity the relationship can be drawn: substituent were found to be most active antimicro-
1. The antifungal potential of acylated isonicotinic acid bial agent among the synthesized derivatives. This is
hydrazide derivatives was higher than the antibacte- similar to one of our previous reports [34].
rial activity, which shows that different structural re-

Table 3. Antibacterial and Antifungal Potential (M/mL) of Synthesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives

Comp. pMIC bs pMICsa pMICec pMICca pMICan pMIC b pMICf pMICam

Training set
1 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.31 2.31 2.01 2.31 2.13
2 2.10 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.30 2.40 2.34
3 2.04 2.64 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34
4 2.96 2.36 2.66 2.36 2.36 2.66 2.36 2.54
5 2.11 2.11 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.21 2.41 2.29
6 2.06 2.06 2.36 2.67 2.36 2.16 2.52 2.30
7 2.07 2.07 2.37 2.67 2.37 2.17 2.52 2.31
8 1.99 1.99 1.99 2.59 2.29 1.99 2.44 2.17
9 2.11 2.11 2.41 2.71 2.41 2.21 2.56 2.35
10 1.97 1.97 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.07 2.27 2.15
11 1.80 2.11 2.41 2.71 2.41 2.11 2.56 2.29
12 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.51 2.21 2.36 2.27
INH 1.74 2.04 1.74 2.34 2.04 1.84 2.19 1.98
S.D.a 0.29 0.20 0.24 0.18 0.11 0.20 0.11 0.14
Test set
13 2.38 2.98 2.38 2.68 2.38 2.58 2.53 2.56
14 2.51 2.51 2.51 3.11 2.51 2.51 2.81 2.63
Std. 2.61* 2.61* 2.61* 2.64** 2.64** 2.61 2.64 2.62
*Norfloxacin; **Fluconazole; a Standard deviation.
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 801

7. The presence of electron withdrawing groups on the we do not want or we cannot carry out direct experiments.
phenyl ring increases the antitubercular activity as Thus, the key features of a model are (a) the phenomenologi-
evidenced by the high antimycobacterial activity of cal elements that it represents and (b) the accuracy of the
compounds 4 and 5. The role of electron withdrawing representation [43]. To obtain suitable equations two factors
group in improving activity is supported earlier study were taken into account [44].
1. A ratio of compounds to variables greater than 5.
The SAR findings of the antimycobacterial and antimi-
2. An intercorrelation among the independent variables
crobial activity are summarized in Fig. (1).
smaller than 0.6.
The synthesized derivatives of test set were also evalu- In order to identify the substituent effect on the antimi-
ated for their antimicrobial activity against all the strains
crobial activity, quantitative structure activity relationship
tested above. The results of antimicrobial activity studies
(QSAR) studies between the in vitro antimicrobial activity
revealed that compound 14 was highly active against all the
and descriptors coding for lipophilic, electronic, steric and
five microorganisms tested and its antifungal potential
topological properties of the 12 synthesized N2-acyl isonico-
against Candida albicans was better than the standard drug
tinic acid hydrazide derivatives were undertaken, using the
fluconazole. Compound 13 was also active antimicrobial linear free energy relationship model (LFER) described by
agent especially against S. aureus for which its antibacterial
Hansch and Fujita [45]. Biological activity data determined
activity was higher than the standard drug norfloxacin.
as MIC values was first transformed into pMIC values (i.e. –
log MIC) to get all the values positive, normal distribution of
QSAR Studies errors and to get linear free energy relationship of these data
with physicochemical properties and used as dependent vari-
Development of One-Target QSAR Model able in QSAR study.
QSAR analysis is an area of computational research
The thermodynamic, spatial, electronic and topological
which builds models of biological activity using physico-
parameters calculated for QSAR analysis are presented in
chemical properties of a series of compounds. QSAR ap-
Table 4. Thermodynamic parameters describe free energy
proach is based on the assumption that the behavior of a
change during drug receptor complex formation. Spatial pa-
compound, expressed by any measured activity which is rameters are the quantified steric features of drug molecules
correlated with the molecular features of the compound,
required for its complimentary fit with receptor. Electronic
termed descriptors. After calculation of the molecular de-
parameters describe weak non-covalent bonding between
scriptors, the commonly used linear methods, such as linear
drug molecules and receptor [46]. The different molecular
regression (LR) and multiple linear regression (MLR), can
descriptors (independent variables) like log of octanol–water
be used in the development of a relationship between the
partition coefficient (log P), molar refractivity (MR), Kier’s
structure descriptors and the activity [32]. By definition, a molecular connectivity (0, 0v, 1, 1v, 2, 2v) and shape
model is not reality and does not replace reality (e.g., ex-
(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3) topological indices, Randic topo-
periments and observations). A model considers some se-
logical index (R), Balaban topological index (J), Wiener
lected and relevant elements of a phenomenon and attempts
topological index (W), Total energy (Te), energies of highest
to mimic their behavior in such a way that predictions can be
occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied
made. A model is useful in those situations in which either
molecular orbital (LUMO), dipole moment (μ), nuclear re-

Replacement with long Increases antimycobacterial activity

alipahtic alkyl chain
Increases antimicrobial activity

Increases antimycobacterial activity

O Increases antimicrobial activity

Increases antimycobacterial activity
Increases antimicrobial activity
Decreases antimycobacterial activity
X Increases antimicrobial activity

Increases antimycobacterial activity
Increases antibacterial activity

Essential for Decreases antimycobacterial activity

antimycobacterial activity CH3
Decreases antibacterial activity

Replacement with small

alipahtic alkyl chain Decreases antimycobacterial activity
Decreases antimicrobial activity

Fig. (1). Structural requirements for the antimycobacterial and antimicrobial activity of synthesized isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives.
802 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

pulsion energy (Nu.E) and electronic energy (Ele.E), calcu- A compound was considered as an outlier for deriving a
lated for isoniazid derivatives are presented in Table 4 [47- particular model when the residual value exceeded twice the
52]. Units of the energies and dipole were electron volts standard error of estimate of the model [55]. In light of the
(eV), and atomic units (a.u.), respectively [53]. above guidelines, Compound 3 was considered as outlier
For Hansch analysis, regression was performed using because its response values [antimicrobial activity] were
outside the range in comparison to the other compounds in-
pMIC values as dependent variables and calculated parame-
cluded in the present study.
ters as independent variables. From a large number of equa-
tions obtained, some of the best QSAR equations are given Based on the colinearity problem among the descriptors
below. These equations were generated in stepwise manner and their contribution towards the biological activity, differ-
by forward selection method starting with best single vari- ent descriptors and/or a combination of descriptors were sub-
able and adding further significant variable according to their jected to linear regressions using SPSS. Preliminary analysis
contribution to the model. was carried out in terms of correlation analysis. A correlation
matrix constructed for antibacterial activity against S. aureus
In the present study, a data set of 13 compounds (12 acy-
is presented in Table 5. The correlations of different molecu-
lated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives along with
lar descriptors with antibacterial and antifungal activity are
isoniazid itself) was subjected to linear free energy regres-
sion analysis for model generation. During the regression presented in Table 6. The high interrelationship was ob-
served between 0 and 1 (r = 0.996), 0 and Ele.E (r = -
analysis studies it was observed that the response values of
0.996), and low interrelationship was observed between log
compound 3 were outside the limits of response values of
P and 3 (r = -0.017). The correlation matrix indicated that
other synthesized N2-acyl isonicotinic acid hydrazide deriva-
topological parameters (1, 3 and 1), total energy (Te) and
tives. Thus compound 3 was designated as an outlier and it
energy of lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)
was not involved in the data set for QSAR model generation.
In multivariate statistics, it is common to define three types governs the antimicrobial activity of the synthesized com-
pounds against various tested strains. The statistical quality
of outliers [54].
of the models was gauged by the parameters like correlation
1. X/Y relation outliers are substances for which the coefficient (r) or squared correlation coefficient (r2), standard
relationship between the descriptors (X variables) and error of estimate (s), variance ratio (F). In order to corrobo-
the dependent variables (Y variables) is not the same rate the validity of the derived QSAR models, leave-one-out
as in the (rest of the) training data. (LOO) method was used. Sum of squared prediction errors
2. X outliers. Briefly, a substance is an X outlier if the called predictive residual sum of squares (PRESS) statistic is
molecular descriptors for this substance do not lie in calculated as the sum of squares of the differences between
the same range as the (rest of the) training data. predicted and observed values of the activity. Standard de-
viation of prediction (Spress), the cross-validated correlation
3. Y outliers are only defined for training or test sam- coefficient (q2) and standard deviation error of predictions
ples. They are substances for which the reference (SDEP) were calculated for each model and taken as an es-
value of response is invalid. timate of the predictability of the models.

Table 4. Value of Selected Descriptors Used in the Regression Analysis

Comp. log P MR 0

1 2.033 70.530 13.665 9.165 7.950 1.093 15.390 808.000 -3231.200 -0.693 -9.773
2 3.250 90.625 16.778 11.737 10.003 1.138 18.781 1592.000 -3898.170 -0.780 -9.267
3 1.313 71.952 14.372 9.703 8.119 1.009 16.372 946.000 -3551.200 -0.696 -9.443
4 1.519 72.814 15.242 10.075 8.861 1.305 17.355 1050.000 -3906.130 -1.442 -10.375
5 2.357 73.112 13.665 9.182 7.856 1.010 15.390 784.000 -3414.810 -0.729 -9.952
6 2.016 74.843 14.372 9.648 8.420 1.184 16.372 968.000 -3591.250 -0.872 -9.465
7 1.799 71.988 14.535 9.575 8.489 1.299 16.372 896.000 -3756.010 -0.770 -9.613
8 0.718 63.300 12.795 8.771 7.328 0.805 14.410 689.000 -3140.250 -0.861 -10.276
9 2.158 87.728 16.778 11.720 10.119 1.229 18.781 1632.000 -4090.400 -0.921 -8.615
10 1.289 65.956 12.510 8.236 6.554 0.691 15.059 638.000 -2974.690 -0.725 -9.459
11 3.847 91.352 16.753 11.236 8.675 0.691 21.044 1714.000 -3966.730 -0.801 -10.203
12 6.225 118.958 20.996 14.236 10.796 0.691 27.035 3618.000 -4901.740 -0.821 -10.254
INH 0.020 36.934 7.397 4.843 3.784 0.402 8.100 121.000 -1804.620 -0.594 -10.310
13 1.789 80.177 15.949 10.651 8.839 1.132 18.340 1205.000 -4026.800 -0.691 -8.473
14 3.700 109.915 21.510 14.545 12.289 1.584 24.639 2493.000 -5297.280 -0.643 -8.594
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 803

Model 1: The QSAR model represented by Eq. 1 corre- predicted using the rules derived from the same set. Al-
lates the antifungal activity of synthesized acylated isonico- though this test gives somewhat optimistic error estimate
tinic acid hydrazide derivatives against A. niger with mo- because the same compounds are used to derive the predic-
lecular descriptors and demonstrated that the antifungal po- tion rules and to predict themselves, the resubstitution test is
tential is governed by the total energy (Te) of the molecules absolutely necessary due to its ability of reflecting the self-
(Eq.1). consistency of a given method. On the other hand, a cross-
validation test for an independent testing data set is also
ot-QSAR model for antifungal activity against A. niger
needed because it can reflect the generalizing effectiveness
pMICan = -0.00015 Te + 1.824 Eq. 1 of a predictive method. Of various cross-validation tests, the
n = 12 r = 0.956 q = 0.818 s = 0.036 F = 105.92 LOO test is thought to be a reliable one. Both tests of resub-
stitution and LOO [30] were used to evaluate the prediction
Here and thereafter, n - number of data points, r - correla- of models developed in the current study. In the resubstitu-
tion coefficient, q2 - cross validated r2 obtained by leave one tion test, three statistical parameters viz. regression coeffi-
out method, s - standard error of the estimate and F - Fischer cient (r), root mean square error (RMSE) and absolute aver-
statistics. age error (e) were used to evaluate the performance. The
For antifungal activity against A. niger, the developed QSAR model expressed by Eq. 1 was cross validated by its
QSAR model (Eq. 1) describes the importance of total en- high q2 values (q2 = 0.818) obtained with leave one out
(LOO) method. The value of q2 greater than 0.5 is the basic
ergy (Te) of the molecule. The total energy (Te) calculated
requirement for qualifying a QSAR model to be valid one
by semiemperical methods can be used as a measure of non-
[57]. The comparison of observed and predicted antibacterial
specific interactions of the drug with its target site i.e. the
activities is presented in Table 7. It can be seen from the
total energies of protonated and neutral molecule, can be results that the observed and predicted antibacterial activities
considered as a good measure of hydrogen bonds (the higher lie close to each other as evidenced by their low residual
the energy, the stronger the bond) and can be used to deter- values (Table 7). The plots of observed, predicted and resid-
mine the correct localization of the most favorable hydrogen ual pMIC activity values were also developed to check the
bond acceptor site [56]. The results presented in the Table 3 statistical validity of QSAR models. The plot of predicted
are in concordance with the model expressed by Eq. 1 and pMICan against observed pMICan (Fig. 2) also favors the
values of Te shown in Table 4 which depicts that compounds model expressed by Eq. 1. Further, the plot of observed
9 and 12 having lowest Te values (-4090.400 and -4901.740) pMICan Vs residual pMICan (Fig. 3) indicated that there was
have got the highest antifungal potential (2.41 and 2.51). The no systemic error in model development as the propagation
value of r2 for Eq. 1 is 0.914 which means the QSAR model of error was observed on both sides of zero [31].
is able to predict the 91.40% of variance.
Equations 2 - 4 were developed to predict the antibacte-
To systematically assess a prediction algorithm, a reliable rial activity of acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide deriva-
validation is required. Usually, a predictive method is evalu- tives against B. subtilis and E. coli.
ated by the predictive results for a training data set and test-
ing data set, respectively. According to the statistical termi- ot-QSAR model for antibacterial activity against B. subtilis
nology, the former is called a test of resubstitution, and the pMICbs = - 1.315 LUMO + 0.997 Eq. 2
latter is a test of cross-validation. By the test of resubstitu- 2
tion, the value of each compound in a training data set is n = 12 r = 0.914 q = 0.635 s = 0.129 F = 50.81

Table 5. Correlation Matrix for Antifungal Activity of Synthesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives Against A. niger

log P MR 0
 1 1 Te Ele.E LUMO HOMO pMICan

log P 1.000
MR 0.946 1.000
 0.892 0.985 1.000
 0.881 0.984 0.996 1.000
 0.759 0.913 0.958 0.966 1.000
 -0.017 0.202 0.332 0.334 0.562 1.000
1 0.937 0.986 0.981 0.969 0.884 0.163 1.000
1 0.953 0.971 0.953 0.936 0.828 0.070 0.992 1.000
Te -0.832 -0.948 -0.986 -0.976 -0.966 -0.439 -0.952 -0.920 1.000
Ele.E -0.902 -0.982 -0.996 -0.992 -0.946 -0.303 -0.982 -0.959 0.983 1.000
LUMO -0.008 -0.189 -0.324 -0.304 -0.397 -0.522 -0.261 -0.202 0.419 0.330 1.000
HOMO -0.027 0.168 0.179 0.223 0.345 0.486 0.063 -0.012 -0.178 -0.131 0.138 1.000
pMICan 0.799 0.911 0.938 0.931 0.940 0.479 0.893 0.861 -0.956 -0.922 -0.316 0.222 1.000
804 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

Table 6. Correlation of Molecular Descriptors with Antimicrobial Activity of Synthesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives

Mol. Descriptor pMIC bs pMICsa pMICec pMICca pMICan pMIC b pMICf pMICam

log P 0.088 0.422 0.327 -0.144 0.799 0.277 0.278 0.333

MR 0.227 0.472 0.495 0.006 0.911 0.428 0.450 0.521
 0.348 0.517 0.581 0.066 0.938 0.535 0.511 0.633

0 v
0.203 0.421 0.478 0.024 0.915 0.397 0.467 0.500
 0.324 0.527 0.561 0.081 0.931 0.517 0.520 0.621

1 v
0.152 0.405 0.403 0.000 0.866 0.337 0.423 0.434
 0.427 0.568 0.659 0.175 0.940 0.618 0.598 0.734

2 v
0.172 0.419 0.434 0.039 0.895 0.363 0.469 0.471
 0.581 0.376 0.669 0.356 0.479 0.654 0.518 0.736

3 v
0.293 0.178 0.495 0.359 0.409 0.391 0.487 0.499
1 0.277 0.448 0.501 -0.004 0.893 0.451 0.433 0.535
2 0.105 0.302 0.287 -0.120 0.733 0.242 0.264 0.298
3 0.045 0.213 0.201 -0.156 0.647 0.157 0.193 0.201
1 0.214 0.387 0.438 -0.017 0.861 0.379 0.408 0.464
2 0.057 0.252 0.233 -0.124 0.695 0.185 0.242 0.241
3 0.013 0.184 0.162 -0.156 0.619 0.117 0.180 0.162
R 0.324 0.527 0.561 0.081 0.931 0.517 0.520 0.621
J -0.339 -0.435 -0.421 -0.376 -0.483 -0.443 -0.534 -0.561
W 0.187 0.442 0.283 -0.133 0.757 0.314 0.265 0.360
Te -0.439 -0.524 -0.664 -0.140 -0.956 -0.616 -0.579 -0.726
Ele.E -0.355 -0.539 -0.557 -0.055 -0.922 -0.534 -0.494 -0.627
Nu.E 0.344 0.540 0.543 0.045 0.915 0.522 0.483 0.613
LUMO -0.914 -0.560 -0.656 -0.076 -0.316 -0.860 -0.215 -0.813
HOMO -0.136 -0.021 0.277 0.348 0.222 0.040 0.386 0.163
 0.543 0.360 0.716 0.128 0.674 0.652 0.433 0.706

ot-QSAR model for antibacterial activity against E. coli the antibacterial activity of synthesized derivatives. In this
pMICec = 0.197  + 1.492 Eq. 3 case the bi-parametric model expressed by Eq. 4, obtained by
multiple linear regression demonstrated that a combination
n = 12 r = 0.716 q = 0.292 s = 0.182 F = 10.51 of third order molecular connectivity index (3) and Kier’s
ot-QSAR model for antibacterial activity against E. coli de- first order shape topological index (1) best describes the
veloped by MLR antibacterial activity of the synthesized derivatives which
can be seen from the low residual values obtained by Eq. 4
pMICecMLR = 0.506 3 + 0.022 1 + 1.402 Eq. 4 (Table 7). Statistically valid models were not obtained for
n = 12 r = 0.778 q = 0.102 s = 0.172 F = 6.90 antibacterial activity against S. aureus and antifungal activity
against C. albicans.
Model 2: The model expressed by Eq. 2 demonstrated
that antibacterial activity against B. subtilis is governed by As in case of Eq. 1, the high q2 values (q2>0.5) supported
the energy of lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) the validity of developed QSAR models described by Eq. 2.
of the molecule. The electronic parameter LUMO which The cross validated correlation coefficient (q2 > 0.5) values
denote the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular or- obtained for best QSAR model indicated their reliability in
bital, directly relates to the electron affinity and characterizes predicting the antimicrobial activity of synthesized com-
the susceptibility of the molecule towards an attack by nu- pounds. In case of Eq. 3 and Eq. 4, the value of q2 is less
cleophiles [58]. The model expressed by Eq. 2, having high r than 0.5 for the developed QSAR models, which shows that
and q2 values, has good predictability as evidenced by the the developed model is an invalid one. But according to the
low residual values in Table 7. recommendations of Kim and his coworkers. [59], the re-
gression models are acceptable if the value of standard de-
Model 3: In case of E. coli, the model expressed by Eq. 3 viation (SD, Table 3) is not much larger than 0.3. As the
depicted the importance of dipole moment () in describing
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 805

Table 7. Comparison of Observed and Predicted Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity Obtained by ot-QSAR Model

Comp. pMICan (Eq. 1) pMIC bs (Eq. 2) pMICecMLR (Eq. 4)

Obs. Pre. Res. Obs. Pre. Res. Obs. Pre. Res.

Training set
1 2.31 2.30 0.01 2.01 1.91 0.10 2.01 2.30 -0.29
2 2.40 2.40 0.00 2.10 2.02 0.08 2.40 2.40 0.00
4 2.36 2.40 -0.04 2.96 2.89 0.07 2.66 2.45 0.21
5 2.41 2.32 0.09 2.11 1.96 0.15 2.41 2.26 0.15
6 2.36 2.35 0.01 2.06 2.14 -0.08 2.36 2.37 -0.01
7 2.37 2.37 0.00 2.07 2.01 0.06 2.37 2.43 -0.06
8 2.29 2.28 0.01 1.99 2.13 -0.14 1.99 2.13 -0.14
9 2.41 2.42 -0.01 2.11 2.21 -0.10 2.41 2.44 -0.03
10 2.27 2.26 0.01 1.97 1.95 0.02 2.27 2.09 0.18
11 2.41 2.41 0.00 1.80 2.05 -0.25 2.41 2.22 0.19
12 2.51 2.54 -0.03 2.21 2.08 0.13 2.21 2.36 -0.15
INH 2.04 2.09 -0.05 1.74 1.78 -0.04 1.74 1.79 -0.05
Test set
13 2.38 2.37 0.01 2.38 2.09 0.29 2.38 2.31 0.07
14 2.51 2.55 -0.04 2.51 2.07 0.44 2.51 2.56 -0.05

value of standard deviation (0.24) in this case is less than model lies in its predictive ability even though the activity
0.3, so the developed QSAR models are valid. data are in the narrow range. Further, recent literature reveals
that the QSAR have been applied to describe the relationship
2.6 between narrow range of biological activity and physico-
chemical properties of the molecules [61-64]. When biologi-
cal activity data lies in the narrow range, the presence of
minimum standard deviation of the biological activity justi-
fies its use in QSAR studies [31, 61]. The minimum standard
Predicted pMICan

2.4 deviation (Table 3) observed in the antimicrobial activity

data justifies its use in QSAR studies. The value of PRESS
2.3 (predictive residual sum of squares which is also termed as
least square error (LSE)) < sum of squares of response val-
2.2 .10


Residual pMICan

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6


Observed pMICan
Fig. (2). Plot of observed pMICan against the predicted pMICan for
the linear regression model developed by Eq. 1. 0.00

Generally for QSAR studies, the biological activities of
compounds should span 2-3 orders of magnitude. But in the
present study the range of antibacterial and antifungal activi-
ties of the synthesized compounds is within one order of -.06
magnitude. It is important to note that the predictability of 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

the QSAR models developed in the present study is high

Observed pMICan
which is evidenced by their low residual values. This is in
agreement with results suggested by the literature report Fig. (3). Plot of residual pMICan against the experimental pMICan
[60], where is was stated that the reliability of the QSAR for the linear regression model developed by Eq. 1.
806 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

ues (SSY) is an indicative of statistical significance of pre- QSAR model is a single equation that considers the nature of
diction of QSAR models [65] which can be easily depicted molecular descriptors which are common and essential for
by their values listed in Table 8. In 2D-QSAR, the internal describing the antibacterial and antifungal activity [67-71].
consistency of the models using q2 is assessed with the ratio
In the present study we have attempted to develop three
RQR = q2/r2 [66]. Considering RQR for the QSAR models different types of mt-QSAR models viz. mt-QSAR model for
represented by Eq. 1, 2 and 4 (Table 9), it is pleasing that the
describing antibacterial activity of synthesized compounds
lowest value is RQR = 0.169 for QSAR Model 3 and there is
against S. aureus, B. subtilis and E. coli, mt-QSAR model
a gradual, roughly monotonic increase across the series to
for describing antifungal activity of synthesized compounds
RQR = 0.895. Thus the QSAR models presented here are
against C. albicans and A. niger as well a common mt-
statistically robust. The low value of probable error of the
QSAR model for describing the antimicrobial (overall anti-
coefficient of correlation (PE), least square error (LSE), bacterial and antifungal) activity of synthesized isoniazid
Friedman’s lack of fit measure (LOF), standard error of pre-
derivatives against all the above mentioned microorganisms.
diction (SEP), and SSY (sum of squares of response values),
Standard deviation of prediction (Spress), and standard de- In order to develop mt-QSAR models, initially we have
viation error of predictions (SDEP), root mean square error calculated the average antibacterial activity, antifungal activ-
(RMSE) and absolute average error (e) and high values of ity and antimicrobial activity values of N2-acyl isonicotinic
quality value (Q), r2 and the cross-validated correlation coef- acid hydrazide derivatives which are presented in Table 3.
ficient (q2) (Table 8 and Table 9) revealed the statistical sig- These average activity values were also correlated with the
nificance of the model described by Eq. 1, 2 and 4. Also the molecular descriptors of synthesized compounds (Table 6).
value VIF < 5 indicates that MLR models expressed by Eq. Model 4: The mt-QSAR model for antibacterial activity
4, 7 and 9 are statistically valid [31]. depicted the importance of energy of lowest unoccupied mo-
lecular orbital (LUMO) in describing the antibacterial activ-
Development of Multi-Target QSAR Model ity of synthesized acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide de-
rivatives, and presented in the model expressed by Eq. 5.
According to the above ot-QSAR models one should use
five different equations with different errors to predict the mt-QSAR model for antibacterial activity
activity of a new compound against the five microbial spe- pMICb = 0.818 LUMO + 1.480 Eq. 5
cies. The ot-QSAR models, which are almost in the whole 2
literature, become unpractical or at less complicated to use n = 12 r = 0.860 q = 0.671 s = 0.107 F = 28.33
when we have to predict to each compound results for more Model 5: The mt-QSAR model for antifungal activity
than one target. In these cases we have to develop one ot- revealed the importance of first order molecular connectivity
QSAR for each target. However, very recently the interest index (1) in describing antifungal activity of synthesized
has been increased in development of multi-target QSAR derivatives (Eq. 6) and and the multiple linear regression
(mt- QSAR) models. In opposition to ot-QSAR, the mt-

Table 8. PE, LSE, LOF, SEP, Q and SSY Values Calculated for the Derived Models for Modeling Antimicrobial Activity of Syn-
thesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives

S. No. Descriptor PE LSE (PRESS) LOF SEP Q SSY

Eq. 1 Te 0.017 0.014 0.0011 0.010 26.56 0.027

Eq. 2 LUMO, 0.032 0.165 0.0135 0.034 7.09 0.369
Eq. 4 3
, 1 0.076 0.268 0.0132 0.043 4.52 0.607
Eq. 5 LUMO 0.050 0.113 0.0090 0.028 8.03 0.145
Eq. 7 1
, W 0.095 0.075 0.0037 0.023 7.74 0.216
Eq. 9 3
, 1 0.054 0.062 0.0031 0.021 10.34 0.105

Table 9. RMSE, e, SPress, SDEP, VIF, r2 and RQR Values Calculated for the Derived Models for Modeling Antimicrobial Activity
of Synthesized Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Derivatives

S.No. Descriptor e RMSE SPress SDEP VIF r2 RQR

Eq. 1 Te 0.022 0.034 0.110 0.035 - 0.914 0.895

Eq. 2 LUMO, 0.102 0.117 0.276 0.122 - 0.835 0.760
Eq. 4 3
, 1 0.122 0.149 0.193 0.156 2.53 0.605 0.169
Eq. 5 LUMO 0.072 0.097 0.172 0.101 - 0.740 0.907
Eq. 7 1
, W 0.071 0.079 0.084 0.082 2.03 0.507 0.809
Eq. 9 3
, 1 0.046 0.072 0.117 0.075 3.56 0.719 0.711
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazides Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 807

model obtained by the combination of first order molecular ergy of lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) de-
connectivity index (1) and wiener topological index (W) scribes the antibacterial activity and combination of first
best describes the antifungal activity and is expressed by Eq. order molecular connectivity index (1) and wiener topologi-
7. cal index (W) best describes the antifungal potential of the
mt-QSAR model for antifungal activity acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives and the
combination of third order molecular connectivity index (3)
pMICf = 0.027 1 + 2.145 Eq. 6 with Kier’s first order shape topological index (1) effec-
n = 12 r = 0.520 q = -0.502 s = 0.106 F = 3.70 tively describes the overall antimicrobial activity. The devel-
oped mt-QSAR models were statistically valid as they had
mt-QSAR model for antifungal activity developed by MLR the high r and q2 values and low residual values. The residual
pMICf = 0.080 1 – 0.00015 W + 1.785 Eq. 7 values obtained by mt-QSAR models are presented in Table
10. As in the case of ot-QSAR models, the plot of predicted
n = 12 r = 0.712 q = -0.410 s = 0.092 F = 4.65 pMICamMLR against observed pMICamMLR (Fig. 4) also favors
Model 6: The mt-QSAR model for antimicrobial activity the developed model expressed by Eq. 8. Further, the plot of
depicted that third order molecular connectivity index (3) observed pMICamMLR Vs residual pMICamMLR (Fig. 5) indi-
effectively describes the overall antimicrobial activity of the cated that there was no systemic error in model development
synthesized derivatives and MLR model was developed by as the propagation of error was observed on both sides of
the combination of third order molecular connectivity index zero i.e. both positive and negative residual values were ob-
(3) with Kier’s first order shape topological index (1) and served. The low value of probable error of the coefficient of
the models are represented by Eq. 8 and Eq. 9 respectively. correlation (PE), least square error (LSE), Friedman’s lack of
fit measure (LOF), standard error of prediction (SEP), and
mt-QSAR model for antimicrobial activity SSY (sum of squares of response values), Standard deviation
pMICam = 0.348 3 + 1.925 Eq. 8 of prediction (Spress), and standard deviation error of pre-
2 dictions (SDEP), root mean square error (RMSE) and abso-
n = 12 r = 0.736 q = 0.306 s = 0.099 F = 11.83
lute average error (e) and high value of quality value (Q)
mt-QSAR model for antimicrobial activity developed by MLR and the cross-validated correlation coefficient (q2) (Table 8
pMICamMLR = 0.315 3 + 0.0133 1 + 1.731 Eq. 9 and Table 9) revealed the statistical significance of the model
2 described by Eq. 5, 7 and 9. Similarly Considering RQR for
n = 12 r = 0.848 q = 0.511 s = 0.082 F = 11.49 the QSAR models represented by Eq. 5, 7 and 9 (Table 9), it
It was observed from mt-QSAR models [Eq. 5-9] that the was observed that QSAR models has got the RQR value of
antibacterial, antifungal and overall antimicrobial activity of 0.711 - 0.907. Also the value VIF < 5 indicates that MLR
synthesized acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives models expressed by Eq. 7 and 9 are statistically valid. Thus,
is governed by topological and energy parameters, viz. en- here also the QSAR models are statistically robust.

Table 10. Comparison of Observed and Predicted Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antimicrobial Activity Obtained by mt-QSAR

Comp. pMIC b (Eq. 5) pMICf (Eq. 7) pMICamMLR (Eq. 9)

Obs. Pre. Res. Obs. Pre. Res. Obs. Pre. Res.

Training set
1 2.01 2.05 -0.04 2.31 2.41 -0.10 2.13 2.28 -0.15
2 2.30 2.12 0.18 2.40 2.50 -0.10 2.34 2.34 0.00
4 2.66 2.66 0.00 2.36 2.45 -0.09 2.54 2.37 0.17
5 2.21 2.08 0.13 2.41 2.42 -0.01 2.29 2.25 0.04
6 2.16 2.19 -0.03 2.52 2.43 0.09 2.30 2.32 -0.02
7 2.17 2.11 0.06 2.52 2.43 0.09 2.31 2.36 -0.05
8 1.99 2.18 -0.19 2.44 2.40 0.04 2.17 2.18 -0.01
9 2.21 2.23 -0.02 2.56 2.49 0.07 2.35 2.37 -0.02
10 2.07 2.07 0.00 2.27 2.36 -0.09 2.15 2.15 0.00
11 2.11 2.13 -0.02 2.56 2.44 0.12 2.29 2.23 0.06
12 2.21 2.15 0.06 2.36 2.39 -0.03 2.27 2.31 -0.04
INH 1.84 1.97 -0.13 2.19 2.17 0.02 1.98 1.97 0.01
Test set
13 2.58 2.05 0.53 2.53 2.48 0.05 2.56 2.33 0.23
14 2.51 2.01 0.50 2.81 2.68 0.13 2.63 2.57 0.06
808 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 9 Judge et al.

2.4 benzoic acid N'-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-benzylidene)-N-

(pyridine-4-carbonyl)-hydrazide (14) were the most active
antimicrobial agents. To find out the correlation between
2.3 physicochemical parameters and antibacterial and antifungal
Predicted pMICamMLR

activity of acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives,

QSAR investigation was performed by development of one
2.2 target and multi target models. The QSAR studies indicated
the importance of topological parameters third order molecu-
lar connectivity index (3) and Kier’s first order shape topo-
2.1 logical index (1) in governing the antimicrobial activity of
acylated isonicotinic acid hydrazide derivatives.
1.9 The author (VJ) is thankful to Department of Technical
1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Education, Government of Haryana (India) for providing
fellowship to carry out the research project. Antiviral activity
Observed pMICamMLR tests were carried out at the Rega Institute for Medical Re-
Fig. (4). Plot of observed pMICamMLR against the predicted pMI-
search (Leuven, Belgium).
CamMLR for the multiple linear regression model developed by
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors
alone are responsible for the content and writing of the pa-

Residual pMICamMLR

The part of information included in this chapter has been
previously published in MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
0.0 RESEARCH DOI: 10.1007/s00044-011- 9662-9.

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