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Vinoth Kumar


 Over 10+ years of professional experience in Developing and Implementation of .NET Web
Based Applications, Windows and Console Applications using C#, .NET Framework, .NET Core and
 Demonstrated proficiency in development using Microsoft.NET technologies like C#, .NET
Core, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC Framework, ADO.NET, AJAX, LINQ, Web Services,
SOAP, SQL - Server, and Visual Studio.
 Experienced working with AGILE SCRUM, Waterfall and heavy involvement in all phases of
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
 Extensive experience in developing User Interfaces using Angular 8/6/4, Angular JS (1.4), React,
Typescript, Bootstrap 3.2, AJAX, XML, HTML5, XML/XSL/XSLT/XPath/XML Schema, CSS, Java Script,
jQuery and C# Script.
 Proficient in implementation of N-Tier Architecture Data Access Layer, Business Logic Layer and
User Interface (UI).
 Exceptional knowledge on Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) concepts including
Multithreading, Collections, Exception Handling.
 Expert in developing web-based applications and cross browser applications using .Net
 Experience in patterns MVC, WCF, WPF, LINQ, Visual Studio various versions, Web services, XML
and JSON.
 Experience in developing Microservices using ASP.NET core.
 Experience in design and development of SharePoint solutions on Office 365 sites and On-
Premise sites SharePoint 2007 / 2010 / 2013 and SharePoint framework extensions (SPFX).
 Extensive Experience of LINQ and ORM technologies like Entity Framework 6.0/5.0/4.3, Database
First, Code First and performance tuning in Entity Framework.
 Working experience in Database design and writing Stored Procedures, Functions,
Statements, Triggers, Views, Joins, performing Query Optimization and Performance Tuning
in SQL Server 2008/2010/2012 Databases.
 Have hands on project experience followed on SOLID principles and Lazy Loading, Factory and
Dependency injection design patterns.
 Proficient in developing Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular and React.js.
 Created Single page applications with React using Hooks, redux for stateful management; or
using previous React state object plus lifecycle for component's internalize stateful management.
Used react - router for routing.
 Experienced in working with Redux architecture using complex Object-Oriented concepts in
improving the performance of the websites.
 Good Experience in React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual
DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
 Experience in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux,
Animations and Flux concept.
 Hands on experience in Power automate, Power apps and Power virtual agents.
 Worked on Azure data lake storage and Azure data bricks.
 Worked on Sales force integrations and configurations.
 Good experience in developing reusable bots using Microsoft Bot Framework.
 Proficient in writing Unit Test Cases for business logic and Web Services, performed Unit
Testing using NUnit Testing Framework.
 Used CSS grid, CSS flexbox, and Media queries to do responsive web design that fits all users
and devices from desktop to tablet and mobile phone.
 Worked with the Kendo UI using Grid and Chart controls.
 Working Experience in establishing Continuous integration/ Continuous Deployment services
using Visual Studio Team System (VSTS), TFS and GIT.
 Extensive experience in Testing, Debugging and troubleshooting the existing code using Firebug,
Chrome Inspector, IE Toolkit and other tools.


Cloud Technologies: Microsoft Azure - Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Web Apps, Active Directory,
Application Insights, Azure Monitoring, Azure function apps, Azure data lake, Azure cosmos DB, Visual
Studio Online (VSO), Azure Search, Cognitive Services, Key Vault, LUIS, QnA Maker.

Internet Technologies: Microsoft .NET framework, ASP.NET MVC 3.5/4/5, ASP.NET Web forms, AJAX,
ASP, ASP.NET CORE, IIS Web Server, XML Web Services, SharePoint, Sales force.

Programming Languages: C#

Distributed Technologies: Restful, Web API, WCF and SOAP

Databases:  MS SQL Server, Azure SQL

Database Access Technologies: Entity Framework, LINQ, LINQ to objects, ADO.NET

Front-End Technologies \ Web Technologies: HTML5, Bootstrap 3.0, typescript 2.0/2.1, CSS3, XML,
JavaScript, React JS, Angular 8/6/4, jQuery, Node.js

IDE: Visual Studio 2019/2015/2013/2012/2010/2008 and Visual Studio code

Testing Tools: N - Unit, MS Visual Studio Test Tools

Version control & installation tools:  Tortoise SVN, MS Team foundation server

Other:  JIRA, Version one

Operating Systems: Windows 10/8/7/2000/XP

Packages: MS-Office

Bachelor of Computer Science, Anna University 2010, India


Confidential, Richmond, Virginia (Remote)

Senior .NET full stack developer/Azure data engineer

October 2020 – Till now


 Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Analysis, Design,
Implementation, Testing and Maintenance with Agile Methodology.
 Created a Supervisor roles, which has access to tools to assign the routes schedule.
 Designed and developed Entity Framework 2.0 Code-First approach with Repository-Pattern
based backend and used RESTful and Web API as transaction and communication technology to
the client-side.
 Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code.
 Developed ASP.NET Core Web API based on departmental requirements and specifications.
 Worked with advanced concepts of ASP.NET Core MVC such as Models and Providers, Filters
used for developing backend technology.
 Created basic end to end data pipeline that copies unstructured existing data from AWS to
Azure data lake store.
 Created POWER BI Visualizations and Dashboards as per the requirements
 Implemented convention-based CRUD actions like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
 Designed and created models, components, modules, and services to apply client-side logic
and dependency injection using Angular 8.
 Implemented Client-side validation using Angular 8 Custom Form Validation with ng-show and
 Implemented Angular 8 new lazy loading to load the ngmodules only when you navigate to the
 Developed the front-end of the web application using Angular 2, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX,
Bootstrap3/2 and jQuery 5.0/4.1.
 Implemented LINQ Query operations like Grouping, Ordering and Filtering operations to
access database for search of routes, drivers and packages.
 Developed various Stored Procedures for the data retrieval from the database and generated
different types of reports using SQL Reporting services (SSRS).
 Implemented JWT Token based authentication to secure the ASP.NET Core Web API and
provide authorization to different users.

Technology Stack: C#, ASP.NET Core 2.0, ASP.NET Core WEB API, Entity Framework Core 2.0, Angular 8,
Typescript 3.4, Bootstrap 3.3.7, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, JWT Token, GIT, Azure data lake, Visual Studio
2015, SQL Server 2014/2012, SSIS, SSRS, IIS 7.0, Microsoft Visio 2012

The World Bank Group, Washington DC

Lead/Sr. C# .NET Full Stack Developer

January 2020 – October 2020


 Worked on Agile Methodology to achieve smooth collaboration between self-organizing, cross

functional teams.
 Participated in daily Scrum and weekly meetings with the project manager and architects to
meet expectations and deadlines.

 Extensively involved in developing components for Business Logic and Data tier using C#,
 Implemented CRUD functionality with Entity framework in ASP.NET MVC and implemented
sorting, filtering and paging with Entity framework in MVC.
 Developed REST/WCF Web services, ASP.NET WEB APIs and involved in pre-testing using
 Handled unstructured data using Azure functions and Azure Cosmos DB.
 Maintained state of the Webpages by using View State and Session Memory objects.
 Responsible for developing the reusable Components on UI (Razor Views) by developing the
Partial Views, View starts, and reusable components for implementing the business rules with
C# and OOPS Concepts.
 Implemented various Angular JS directives, filters, routing and services to implement better
application functionality and performance.
 Implemented enhanced user interfaces to enable the inputs of additional personal information
to generate insurance plan using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Angular JS.
 Extensively used Angular 8 UI for ng-grid and UI components and responsible for making AJAX
Calls for the UI Interactions to the Controller Actions using jQuery and getting the data back as
JSON and parsing it onto the UI.
 Implemented Angular 8 differential loading which send new code to newer and stable legacy
code to legacy browsers.
 Implemented AJAX controls for partial page updates and to decrease the response time on the
 Worked on .NET security features such as Form-Based Authentication and Role-Based
 Implemented JWT Security to provide authentication and authorization to secure the Web
 Designed database in SQL Server and created stored procedures, functions, views to reduce
the complication of front-end SQL queries and triggers to enforce entity relationships.
 Worked on TFS for version control, Code Review and for automatic builds and continuous
 Performed Unit testing using NUnit, Integration Testing, Performance Testing and System

Technology Stack: .NET Framework 4.5, C#5.0, ASP.NET MVC 5.0, Web API, WCF, LINQ, Web Service, JWT,
Visual Studio 2015/2013, Azure functions, Azure Cosmos DB, Entity Framework, Angular 8, Typescript 3.4,
Bootstrap 3.3.7, jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, POSTMAN, TFS

The World Bank Group, Washington DC

Lead/Sr. C# .NET Full Stack Developer

March 2019 – December 2019


 Working in Agile Methodologies for rapid development and regular adaption to the varying
requirements and continuous delivery of the working software.
 Developed business end user facing front pages using React JS, CSS 3, HTML
5, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
 Extensively involved in coding with React and java script to add functionalities and effects like
Accordion, Infinite Scroll bar, Slider bar, Draggle/Droppable, Resizable, Progress bar
 Implemented UI grid, tables and several widgets in React.
 Created Restful services using ASP.NET Web API 2 for exposing these to mobile device.
 Developed new user interface components for different modules using Kendo UI with various
controls including Grid controls, and chart controls etc.
 Worked with XSLT for transforming the XML document to other format, and data
 Implemented layout in portrait and landscape mode using resolution screen available according
to the device and Android backward compatibility.
 Developed features for customer facing website using C#, CSHTML, Html
Helpers, JavaScript, jQuery, Node JS, Kendo UI, AJAX, Bootstrap, CSS, LINQ, Entity
Framework, SQL Server.
 Developed layout pages, complex Controllers, helper methods and View Models.
 Good experience with Angular directives ng-app, ng-init, ng-model, ng-controller for
initialization of Angular JS application data. 
 Implemented grid modules in ReactJS combined with AngularJS for increased
 Developed React classes in JSX and added event handlers.
 Responsible for UI design with Angular, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Html5, CSS3.
 Build and deployed ASP.NET Core application to Azure Cloud Service.
 Involved in implementation of Object-Oriented Concepts during the development.
 Created client app using api controller to consume the RESTful web service.
 Developed application using ASP.NET Core along with a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). 
 Created AngularJS Controller, which isolate scopes perform operations.
 Responsible for React UI and architecture. Building components library, including Tree, Slide-
View, and Table Grid. 
 Built Custom Web Parts for SharePoint Portal using ASP.Net.
 Implemented to making browser compatibility and mobile friendly using Bootstrap Library.
 Created Angular applications using NodeJS.

Technology Stack: Visual Studio 2019, .Net framework 4.5, C#, ASP.NET Web API 2, Bootstrap, Angular 6,
React, TFS, HTML5, CSS3, XML, SharePoint, Log4Net, NuGet Packages.

The World Bank Group, Washington DC

Sr. C# .Net Developer/Azure Cloud Developer

March 2018 – February 2019


 Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle including Analysis, Design,
Implementation, Testing and Maintenance using Agile methodology.

 Designed and developed various abstract classes, interfaces, classes to construct the business
logic using C#.NET.
 Designed and developed data access layer, which would connect to various databases for various
 Ingest data from Azure SQL database into Azure data lake store gen2 using Azure data
 Object oriented technology was extensively used for developing re-usable components using C#.
 Extensively involved in developing components for Business layer and Data Layer,
implementation in MVC architecture.
 Used Razor Engine for Creating Multiple Views and Created Custom HTML helpers to modify
view to reduce the amount of tedious typing of HTML tags.
 Modified WCF Web Services to interact with the other applications and exposed them using SOAP
and HTTP.
 Prototyped new features and ideas - Google Drive Drawing, Photoshop, HTML, XML, Sass, and
 Involved in coding and designing using C#, XML, ADO.NET, WCF, JavaScript, React JS, Underscore
JS, JQuery, HTML, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
 Implemented WCF Rest service by passing large file as method argument through JSON.
 Used Angular 6 to connect the web application to back-end APIs, used RESTFUL methods to
interact with several API's, and wrote custom directives for a responsive, CSS-animated user
 Developed Custom Pipes, Directives, Services and Modules in Angular 2 Application.
 Developed routing and Lazy loading Single Page Application and Developed View templates using
React Forms for Better Perform in Rendering.
 Updated dashboard front end to support multiple dashboards and their CRUD operations using
 Created event driven Web Forms using ASP.NET and implemented form validation using
Validation controls using both Custom validation and JavaScript was written for Client-side
validations and used the new validation controls in Visual Studio.
 Effectively used ASP.NET security infrastructure for authenticating and authorizing user access as
well as performing other security related tasks using C#.NET.
 Developed dynamic ASPX web pages for Application using ASP.NET, C#.NET, XML, XSL/XSLT,
HTML and JavaScript.
 Developed custom AngularJS directives to build custom reusable modules to use across the
 Extensively worked on migrating legacy ASP web pages into ASP.NET pages. Developed and used
user defined namespaces along with system-defined namespaces.
 Worked with ASP.NET Web Forms, Web Services, and State Management, caching features,
configuring optimizations and securing the web application. Developed the Code-behind files in
 Extensively used ASP.NET Data Grid, Data List and Repeater controls for displaying the data in a
clear format.
 Used ADO.NET objects such as Data Reader, Dataset and Data Adapter for consistent access to
SQL data sources.

 Utilized Entity Framework technology extensively for data retrieving, querying, storage and
manipulation using LINQ. Statements, views, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures for
inserting/updating/Deleting the data into the relational tables.
 Experienced in creating data entry for both web and windows application to query XML
documents using LINQ.
 Developed system services SOA application platform for use by all web applications utilizing WCF
services and the ASP.Net provider model.
 Worked with Mongo DB and SQL server as database for Project.
 Developed tables, stored procedures, views, functions and triggers to perform automated rules,
updating to related tables in SQL Server.
 Used Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) for all the source code maintenance needs.
 Used JavaScript to perform validations and catch the events on client’s browser.
 Implemented Unit Testing. Participated in System Documentation and Code Documentation.

Technology Stack: Azure SQL, Azure data lake, Azure data factory, Visual studio, .NET, SOAP &Restful
Services, JSON, Framework, Angular 6, MS.NET Framework 4.5, Type Script, Node JS, ASP.NET, C#.NET,

The World Bank Group, Washington DC/Chennai, India

Sr. C# .Net Developer/Full Stack Developer

September 2017 – March 2018


 Designed and developed enterprise search portal using React and Azure cognitive services.
 Used LUIS to transform the query and identify the intents, entities and hit the respective web
 All the unstructured files are stored in Azure data lake storage, using Azure data bricks we
have created pipelines which will be executed timely and push the data to data lake storage.
 Built custom refiners and sorting using Angular based on the response retrieved from Azure
Web API.
 Developed custom algorithm to show the trending, show similar, suggested results.
 Designed and developed chat bot using Azure Cognitive Service – QnA maker.
 Developed BOT application to simplify users’ search experience against internal tools. This is
modern way of interacting with Apps from Skype for Business.
 Created an interface to manage Chat Bots, QnA’s, user access, analytics, import/export
QnA’s, push notifications.
 Chat Bot was implemented to support multiple cards like Simple, Video, Thumbnail and Article.
 IBM videos were not played in our VPN, so customized the web chat JS to play those videos in
 Proposed and implemented Proactive notifications which will be displayed in the chat bot
when there are any tasks are due.
 Implemented Azure Application Insights to store user activities and error logging.
 Used Azure Key Vault to store keys, secrets and certificates.

Technology Stack: .Net framework 4.5, Bot Framework, Azure Cognitive Services – LUIS & QnA maker,
Azure data lake storage, Azure data bricks, Angular 4, Typescript 2.1, Asp.Net web API, C# and .NET FW
4.0, Azure SQL, VS 2019, TFS, HTML 4.0, XML.

The World Bank Group, Chennai, India

.NET/Web Developer/ Salesforce administrator

June 2017 – August 2017


 Developed Azure Timer Triggers using Azure Function App to migrate the legal agreements
from various services to salesforce.
 Used Azure Key Vault to store keys, secrets and certificates.
 As our few services are Azure AD protected, we used Client Credentials Flow to generate access
token to get the data from the services.
 Proposed Resource Owner flow using service account to get the access token to resolve the
 Implemented Azure Application Insights to store user activities and error logging.
 Proposed Field history tracking to track the fields updated directly salesforce to skip updating
document owner.
 Managed Salesforce application user profiles. Roles, permissions, generating security token,
validation rules.
 Implemented picklists, lookup, master detail relationships, validation rules and formula
fields to the custom objects.
 Created user, public groups and implemented role hierarchies.
 Worked on Connected App, Named credentials and Auth Provider using Open ID connect.
 Configured Splunk to record Salesforce user login histories.
 Worked on SSO integration for sales force environments.
 Enabled MFA in Sales force environment for admin users.

Technology Stack: Visual Studio 2019, .Net framework 4, MVC 4.0, C#.Net, Sales force.

The World Bank Group, Chennai, India

C# .NET Full Stack Developer/ SharePoint Consultant

January 2017 – May 2017


 Designed and implemented the intranet portal branding and nav menu using SharePoint
Framework Extensions.
 Build great online seamless user experiences using SharePoint modern frameworks and
 Designed and developed the various SharePoint Online client-side webparts/Apps using
SharePoint Framework (SPFX).
 Design and developed the SPFX apps using ReactJS, Redux, SharePoint REST API, HTML5,
TypeScript, SCSS, Material UI and Office UI Fabric Components.

 Designed and developed Azure App Services (WebJobs and Azure Functions) to integrate
SharePoint Online client-side webparts (SPFX)
 Configured Azure CDN as hosting solution for deploying client-side web part (SPFX) assets
 Build Single Page Applications (SPAs) using react, Javascript (ES6) with backward compatibility
and polyfill provided by node.
 Involved in developing Master pages, Content Types, List definition and page layouts.
 Designed and implemented the migration strategies and migrated SharePoint 2007 Intranet
portal to SharePoint Online/Office 365 using Sharegate and custom migration tool using PnP
 Configured Azure DevOps for source code version control and build deployments.
 Configured and customized Search using display templates including branding the search box.
 Improving UI objects of search by creating custom refiner control display templates.
 Customized Content Search Webpart using display templates.
 Implemented custom SharePoint web parts using server-side object model, client-side object
model (CSOM) and SharePoint REST API
 Worked on developing Search, Crawl and Index notes for searching and bringing the documents
into SharePoint Portal Server maintaining backups and recovery for the entire SharePoint
 Debug complex production issues using Chrome debugger tools and other custom in house
debugging tools and libraries.
 Develop new styled components to replace to legacy applications and simultaneously migrate it
to react.
 Design and manage web REST APIs Translating designs and wireframes into high quality code.

Technology Stack: Azure App Services, Azure DevOps, Asp.Net, C# and .NET FW 3.5, VS 2017, TFS, HTML
4.0, Java Script, React, Office fabric.

The World Bank Group, Chennai, India

.Net Full Stack Developer/ SharePoint Developer

July 2016 – January 2017


 Hands on experience to work in Office 365 & SharePoint 2013.

 Creates master pages and site pages using layout page using SharePoint designer 2013 and
content type.
 Developed Provider Hosted App using MVC 4.5 and AngularJS.
 Experience in SharePoint hosted app and provider hosted app, taxonomy metadata and search.
 Developed social feature using Facebook, Twitter API and yammer.
 Hands on experience on HTML5, Advanced Java script, JQuery, JSON and REST services.
 Develop SharePoint designer Workflow, dash board reports, Site Columns, Calculated site
column, ECB Menu and Site actions.
 Creates Web API 2 in VS 2015 for get feeds from Twitter.
 Extensive experience in Script Editor Web Part, Content Query Web Part, Content Search Web
Part, Content Editor Web Part.
 Good experience in modify or create content query template and content search item template.

 Hands on experience to migrate content from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013 using
SharePoint 2007 web services.
 Experience in Design Manager and snippet Gallery.
 Good knowledge on Bootstrap to develop multi device web pages using Bootstrap classes, Mega
menu tools and fonts.

Technology Stack: Provided Hosted App, SharePoint 2013. MOSS 2007, Asp.Net, C#, .NET FW 3.5,VS
2015, TFS, HTML 4.0, Java Script, Bootstrap, XML

The World Bank Group, Chennai, India

C# .Net Full Stack Developer/ReactJS Developer

February 2016 – July 2016

 Responsible for various applications built with Asp.Net, C#, Web API, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
React and WCF components Design, Coding/Development and Testing.
 Responsible for supporting, production and application by resolving user issues or identifying
technically sound workarounds to allow users bypass bugs and defects in the system.
 Learn, help design and implement applications cross business process solutions.
 Developed the application for responsive to different screen resolutions using Bootstrap and
CSS media queries.
 Used jQuery plugins for Drag-and-Drop, Widgets, Menus, User Interface and Forms.
 Used various bootstrap components like accordion, date picker, time picker, alert, buttons,
modal and also react-bootstrap components.
 With the concept of ReactJs Worked on usage metrics and also end to end events tracing for
analysis purpose.
 Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers
like Safari, Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

Technology Stack: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, ReactJS, Node.js, Bootstrap, Visual studio Editor, GIT,
JIRA. Gulp.

The World Bank Group, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

August 2015 – January 2016

 Developed master templates, page layouts, field controls, Custom Web Parts, .Net Controls,
Event Receivers.
 Worked extensively with Central Administration portion to perform server reports, manage
errors, logging, web applications and site collections
 Created Web parts for Managing Users and Groups.
 Managing appointments by creating workflows.
 Created document libraries to store the managed documents by creating content types.
 Developed Features for new Content Type and Site Columns and integrated them into a site

 Worked on SharePoint 2010 for developing a custom web part and deploying it to the Intranet
 Created custom CSS style sheets and deployed on a SharePoint site as a custom feature.
 Experience in SPFx framework to develop modernizer web parts and pages using Node JS, NPM,
Visual Studio Code, YEOMAN, Type Script, Gulp and WebPack (.sppkg).
 Developed Custom Page layouts and Custom Content types as features in the SharePoint site
 Customized the look and feel of the site using SharePoint Designer
 Implemented Form based authentication, custom login and user control development
 Created web parts, dashboards, scorecards and programs to enhance the look and feel of my
sites pinning tabs to my sites and creating site templates.

Technology Stack: SharePoint 2010, IIS, SQL Server 2008 R2, ASP.Net, ASP.Net 3.0, MOSS 2010, Share
Point Designer, Visual Studio 2010, XSLT, XML, MS office 2010, TFS, AJAX, WSS, JavaScript.

The World Bank Group, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

July 2014 – August 2015

 Developed a Web Part that allows Manager to see who has access to what sites along with User
Permissions under the site collection.
 Created a series of event receivers and workflows to assign tasks to user who can than track and
update the tasks.
 Worked on extending custom field controls and created FilteredLookupList control by extending
SPField class.
 Developed a feature receiver which creates Lists and Content Types when the Feature is
 Developed custom web parts in Visual Studio 2012 for the portal utilizing CSOM and jQuery.
 Customized the ribbon API to add new options to users and created modal application pages.
 Created and scheduled custom Timer Jobs to automatically send reminders of expiring contracts.
 Using JavaScript and JQuery, created several customized features for SharePoint 2013.
 Created new workflows, timer jobs, and other customizations, based on the new features and
design of 2013, that is able to be distributed through SharePoint app store distribution.
 Implemented CAML Queries for extracting list contents in web-parts. Designed CAML queries
with the help of CAML Query Builder and created List content types for the data migrated from
the SQL database to SharePoint lists.
 Trained users on SharePoint 2013 technology and assisted with developing training materials
 Resolved trouble tickets after feature deployments and production rollouts
 Extensively used SharePoint Manager for user Security, Sites, lists Item Management.
 Applied Branding to the portal and team sites using HTML5, CSS and jQuery to have uniform look
and feel throughout the entire portal.
 Resolved incidents and documented solutions using incident and knowledge management
 Handled the branding of the site master pages as well as the creating of custom page layouts
with SharePoint Designer

Technology Stack: Office 365, SharePoint 2013 online, SharePoint 2013 on-premises, SharePoint
Designer 2013, ASP.NET, Visual Studio 2012, TFS 2012, PowerShell, JavaScript, JQuery, SOAP, HTML

Pratt and Whitney, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

September 2012 – May 2014

 Custom Application Pages development.
 Custom and OOTB web parts.
 Time job creation.
 Search interface with enterprise search development.
 Asynchronous event handler development.
 List Level Nintex workflow development.
 Application performance maintenance.
 Code quality improvement.
 Followed microsoft sharepoint coding standards.
 People editor control customization.
 Site definition Creation.

Technology Stack: SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010, C#,MS SQL Server 2008

Pratt and Whitney, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

April 2012 – August 2012

 Custom Application Pages and Web Part development
 Content type propagation across site collections.
 Document movement across site collections using Drop off library.
 SharePoint grid view customization.
Technology Stack: SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010, C#,MS SQL Server 2008

HCPro, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

December 2011 – March 2012

 Development of user controls and custom pages.
 Search interface with SharePoint enterprise search.
 Implemented caching across the application if it is needed.
 Code quality improvement using ERA tool.
 Content type publishing across site collections.

Technology Stack: SharePoint 2007, Visual Studio 2008, C#

SCB, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

August 2011 – November 2011

 Custom Pages and Web Part Development
 Creation of SharePoint list, content types and site columns when feature activation.
 Tool to import Country and branch facts details from excel to SharePoint.
 Developed tables and stored procedures.
 Followed Microsoft coding standards.
 Bulk update of list items using batch update.

Technology Stack: SharePoint 2007, Visual Studio 2008, C#, MS SQL Server 2008

Virtusa, Chennai, India

SharePoint Developer

November 2010 – May 2011

 Involved in gathering requirements from HR team.
 Involved in user controls and custom pages Development.
 Development of left navigation on feature activation.
 Development of WSP using manifest and DDF.

Technology Stack: SharePoint 2007, Visual Studio 2008, C#


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