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Latest COVID-19 statistics (number of new confirmed active cases) in the nine municipalities of Capiz.
Date: May 4, 2021
Time: 06:00 PM

1. Roxas City, Capiz (22 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -1 0
10-19 6 0 0
20-29 4 1 4
30-39 1 2 2
40-49 3 3 9
50-59 4 4 16
60-69 3 5 15
70-79 0 6 0
80-89 1 7 7
90-99 0 8 0
n = 22 ∑fd =53

n= 22
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 10+19= 29÷2= 14.5
∑fd= 53

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 14.5 + 10 [22]

= 14.5 + 10 (2.409)
= 14.5 + 24.09
̅= 38.59 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Roxas City, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
2. President Roxas, Capiz ( 5 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -4 0
10-19 0 -3 0
20-29 1 -2 -2
30-39 1 -1 -1
40-49 1 0 0
50-59 0 1 0
60-69 1 2 2
70-79 0 3 0
80-89 1 4 4
90-99 0 5 0
n=5 ∑fd = 3

n= 5
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 40+49= 89÷2= 44.5
∑fd= 3

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 44.5 + 10 [5]

= 44.5 + 10 (0.6)
̅= 55.1 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in President Roxas, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
3. Mambusao, Capiz ( 4 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021 )

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -5 0
10-19 1 -4 -4
20-29 0 -3 0
30-39 0 -2 0
40-49 1 -1 -1
50-59 2 0 0
60-69 0 1 0
70-79 0 2 0
80-89 0 3 0
90-99 0 4 0
n=4 ∑fd = -5

n= 4
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 50+59= 109÷2= 54.5
∑fd= -5

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 54.5 + 10 [ 4 ]

= 54.5 + 10 (−1.25)
= 54.5 + (-12.5)
̅= 42 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Mambusao, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
4.Maayon, Capiz (3 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021 )

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -7 0
10-19 0 -6 0
20-29 0 -5 0
30-39 0 -4 0
40-49 0 -3 0
50-59 0 -2 0
60-69 1 -1 -1
70-79 1 0 0
80-89 1 1 1
90-99 0 2 0
n=3 ∑fd=0

n= 3
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 70+79= 149÷2= 74.5
∑fd= 0

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 74.5 + 10 [3]

= 74.5 + 10 (0)
= 74.5 + 0
̅= 74.5 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Maayon, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021
5. Pontevedra, Capiz (1 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -3 0
10-19 0 -2 0
20-29 0 -1 0
30-39 1 0 0
40-49 0 1 0
50-59 0 2 0
60-69 0 3 0
70-79 0 4 0
80-89 0 5 0
90-99 0 6 0
n=1 ∑fd=0

n= 1
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 30+39= 69÷2= 34.5
∑fd= 0

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 34.5 + 10 [1]

= 34.5 + 10 (0)
= 34.5 + 0
̅= 34.5 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Pontevedra, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
6. Panay, Capiz (2 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -3 0
10-19 0 -2 0
20-29 0 -1 0
30-39 2 0 0
40-49 0 1 0
50-59 0 2 0
60-69 0 3 0
70-79 0 4 0
80-89 0 5 0
90-99 0 6 0
n=2 ∑fd=0

n= 2
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 30+39= 69÷2= 34.5
∑fd= 0

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 34.5 + 10 [2]

= 34.5 + 10 (0)
= 34.5 + 0
̅= 34.5 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Panay, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
7. Pilar, Capiz (1 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -3 0
10-19 0 -2 0
20-29 0 -1 0
30-39 1 0 0
40-49 0 1 0
50-59 0 2 0
60-69 0 3 0
70-79 0 4 0
80-89 0 5 0
90-99 0 6 0
n=1 ∑fd=0

n= 1
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 30+39= 69÷2= 34.5
∑fd= 0

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 34.5 + 10 [1]

= 34.5 + 10 (0)
= 34.5 + 0
̅= 34.5 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Pilar, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
8.Ivisan, Capiz (1 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -1 0
10-19 1 0 0
20-29 0 1 0
30-39 0 2 0
40-49 0 3 0
50-59 0 4 0
60-69 0 5 0
70-79 0 6 0
80-89 0 7 0
90-99 0 8 0
n=1 ∑fd=0

n= 1
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 10+19= 29÷2= 14.5
∑fd= 0

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 14.5 + 10 [1]

= 14.5 + 10 (0)
= 14.5 + 0
̅= 14.5 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Ivisan, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
9.Panitan, Capiz (1 New Confirmed Active cases as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)

Class Interval f d fd

0-9 0 -4 0
10-19 0 -3 0
20-29 0 -2 0
30-39 0 -1 0
40-49 1 0 0
50-59 0 1 0
60-69 0 2 0
70-79 0 3 0
80-89 0 4 0
90-99 0 5 0
n=1 ∑fd=0
n= 1
c= 10
𝑥𝑎 = 40+49= 89÷2= 44.5
∑fd= 0

FORMULA: x̅ = xa + c [ ]

= 44.5 + 10 [1]

= 44.5 + 10 (0)
= 44.5 + 0
̅= 44.5 (mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in Panitan, Capiz as of 6:00 PM, May 4, 2021)
Roxas City 22 38.59
President Roxas 5 55.1
Mambusao 4 42
Maayon 3 74.5
Pontevedra 1 34.5
Panay 2 34.5
Pilar 1 34.5
Ivisan 1 14.5
Panitan 1 44.5


= 22(38.59) + 5(55.1) + 4(42) + 3(74.5) +1 (34.5) + 2(34.5) + 1(34.5) + 1(14.5) + 1(44.5)

22 + 5+ 4 + 3 + 1+ 2 + 1+ 1 + 1+

= 848.98 + 275.5 + 168 + 223.5 + 34.5+ 69+ 34.5 + 14.5 + 44.5

= 1,712.98

̅= 42. 8214 (weighted mean of the New Confirmed Active cases in the 9 municipalities of Capiz)

The collected data that was shown above are the number of New Confirmed Active cases in the 9 selected
municipalities of Capiz which are the Roxas City, President Roxas, Mambusao, Maayon, Pontevedra, Panay,
Pilar, Ivisan and Panitan which has a total of 40 active cases in the 4th of May 2021 as of 6:00 PM. According to
the gathered data on Baskog Radyo it can be inferred that the municipality of Roxas City has the highest Active
case for the day of May 4 while the municipalities with the least new active case are the Pontevedra, Ivisan, Pilar
and Panitan. In the table one to nine it shows the computed mean of each cities by using the unit derivation
method. For the class interval we use the age with a class size of 10 while the second column shows the frequency
shows the data we have gathered third column was the interval size where the zero was placed where the greater
number of new active cases in frequency and as for the last column which is the fd we multilplied the values of
the frequency to the corresponding values on the third column (d).

The last table shows the overall result for each of the municipalities and its derived mean that was
computed previously. In the formula for the weighted mean the upper denominator of the computation is where
the number of new active cases and the mean in each municipality are multiplied and on the lower denominator
is the number of new active cases that was to sum up and be divided to the product of the multiplied value in the
upper denominator. The results in the computation using the formula for the weighted mean shows 42. 8214 as
the final answer which can be concluded that in May 4, 2021 6:00 PM in the evening the weighted mean of the
New active cases in the Nine selected municipalities of Capiz is only 42.8214.

Fabian, Kate Cassandra

Fabila, Isaac Jay
Fajardo, Harela Jade
Galimba, Vince
Ginete, Sharmaine

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