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Application of A Novel Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Method to the Load Frequency Control Recommended by Dr X Chen

Journal Pre-proof

Application of A Novel Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Method to the

Load Frequency Control

Jianping Guo

PII: S0947-3580(19)30491-1
Reference: EJCON 433

To appear in: European Journal of Control

Received date: 25 October 2019

Revised date: 6 March 2020
Accepted date: 31 March 2020

Please cite this article as: Jianping Guo, Application of A Novel Adaptive Sliding Mode
Control Method to the Load Frequency Control, European Journal of Control (2020), doi:

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Application of A Novel Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
Method to the Load Frequency Control

Jianping Guo
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Zhongshan Institute, Zhongshan, China


In this paper a novel adaptive sliding mode control method has been designed
and applied to the load frequency control. Firstly, a novel adaptive sliding mode
control method is designed. Secondly, the stability of this method has been
proved mathematically. Finally, one numerical simulation example is presented
to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. At the same time,
the proposed new adaptive sliding mode control method is compared with the
classical adaptive sliding mode control method. From the simulation results, it
is confirmed the validity of the proposed adaptive sliding mode control method
in terms of external disturbances and parameter variation. It is also verified the
superiority of the proposed adaptive sliding mode control method in terms of
chattering, overshoot and response time in comparison with classical adaptive
sliding mode control method.
Keywords: adaptive sliding mode control, load frequency control

1 1. Introduction

2 As an advanced control method, sliding mode control is a kind of robust

3 control method. The sliding mode control is composed of equivalent control
4 which maintains the trajectories on the sliding surface, and variable structure
5 control which forces the trajectories reach on the sliding surface. Sliding mode

✩ Fully documented templates are available in the elsarticle package on CTAN.

1 Since 1880.

Preprint submitted to European Journal April 1, 2020

6 control method has been applied to many systems, such as nonlinear system
7 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Markovian system [6, 7, 8, 9], discrete system [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
8 switched system [15] and fuzzy system. [16, 17] Also it has been applied to
9 the power electronics [18, 19, 20], power system [21, 22, 23] and DC motor
10 [24, 25, 26]. In real applications, sliding mode control has been applied to the
11 power electronics successfully.
12 Although traditional sliding mode control has the above merit, it has the
13 drawback of chattering handling [27]. The main drawback of sliding mode
14 control method is the chattering phenomenon, which is provoked by a high-
15 frequency switching nature in the presence of unmodelled dynamics. High order
16 sliding mode control can attenuate the chattering effect by increasing the input-
17 output degree. However, sliding mode control laws all contain signum function
18 often pre-multiplied by a gain, so the chattering is not totally eliminated even by
19 increasing the relative degree. Usually during the design process, conservative
20 upper bounds, which often are not exactly known, are used to guarantee that
21 sliding will take place, but this conservatism yields increasing the control gains
22 and alleviates chattering associated with the unmodelled dynamics. Also the
23 traditional sliding mode control method can not handle the parameter variation
24 in the process and external disturbance very well. These disadvantages have
25 inspired research in what could be described as adaptive sliding mode control
26 method. Adaptive control method has the ability of handling parameter varia-
27 tion [28, 29, 30, 31]. In [28], the adaptive control method has the computational
28 complexity. In [29], the adaptive sliding mode control needs the measurement.
29 In [31], the adaptive control method is hard to design. Adaptive control method
30 can combine the robustness of sliding mode control with tracking capability. In
31 order to overcome these disadvantages, we design a novel adaptive sliding mode
32 control method, which has the benefits of resisting unknown external load dis-
33 turbance and parameter variation, but also can attenuate the chattering effect.
34 In order to prove this, one numerical example is designed and simulated. The
35 example is the application of this method to the load frequency control based
36 on different areas interconnected power system with non-reheat turbine.

37 The contribution of this paper is as follows. Firstly, a novel adaptive sliding
38 mode control method is proposed which can be treated as resisting unmodelled
39 dynamics, parameter variation and external disturbance. It also has the benefit
40 of attenuating chattering effect. Secondly, this new method has been applied
41 to the load frequency control based on different areas power system. Finally,
42 the chattering effect, response time and overshoot can be more decreased by
43 using the proposed adaptive sliding mode control method, which confirms the
44 superiority of this new method comparing to the traditional adaptive sliding
45 mode control method [32, 33]. Additionally, the proposed method is robust to
46 the parameter variations.
47 The remaining of this paper is listed as follows. The proposed adaptive slid-
48 ing mode control method is designed and the stability of this method is analyzed
49 at the same time in Section II. The load frequency control based on differen-
50 t areas power system by the proposed adaptive control method is designed in
51 Section III. The simulation results of the example with the new adaptive sliding
52 mode control method is presented in Section IV and compared with the classi-
53 cal adaptive sliding mode control method. The concluding remarks are made
54 finally in Section V.

55 2. A novel adaptive sliding mode controller design and stability anal-

56 ysis

57 As an advanced control method, sliding mode control method has wide appli-
58 cation in many systems, which has the benefits of resisting parameter variation
59 and load disturbance. The main purpose of sliding mode control is to let the
60 trajectory reach and maintain on the sliding surface.
Now consider a nonlinear system given by
z (n) = f (z, ż, z̈, z , z (n−1) , t) + b(z, t)u(t) (1)

61 where z(t) is the state vector, f (z, t) and b(z, t) are nonlinear functions, u(t) is
62 the control input, n indicates the highest order of the system, d(t) represents
63 the external disturbances and unmodelled dynamics.

The sliding surface can be defined as
s(z, t) = ( + ξ)(n−1) z̃(t) (2)
where ξ is strictly positive number, z̃(t) is the error between the the real value
and expected value, which can be written as z̃ = z − zd . Substituting (1) into
(2), the derivative of sliding surface can be described as
ṡ(z, t) =f (z, ż, z̈, z , z (n−1) , t) + b(z, t)u(t)
(n) ˙
− zd (t) + ξ (n) z(t) − ξ (n) zd (t) + · · · + d(t)

64 where u(t) collects the nominal term, d(t) represents the uncertainties such as
˙ ≤ kd .
parameter variation and external load disturbance, and d(t)

66 2.1. Sliding mode control design and stability analysis

The proposed new adaptive sliding mode control law can be designed as
u(t) = [û − αλ1 sgn(s)] (4)
b(z, t)
where û(t) is the nominal control law which is calculated by letting the derivative
of sliding surface equal zero, the last term is the switching control law, α is the
adaptive switching gain, which is not fixed as traditional sliding mode control
method and it is the integration of absolute value of sliding surface and sliding
surface, the parameter α is selected as
α = λ1 |s| − λ2 s (5)


68 Remark 1. where λ1 and λ2 are positive numbers and λ1 > λ2 , so α is also

kd +η
69 positive. λ2 > α . The proposed adaptive sliding mode control method is not
70 same as classical adaptive sliding mode control method as shown in (5), which
71 includes the last term. It prevents the integration of the value go to infinity as
72 classical adaptive sliding mode control method.

73 Theorem 1. Suppose that the control law is designed as in (4), then the sliding
74 mode control law yields finite time convergence of sliding surface s = 0 and the
75 tracking errors will asymptotically converge to zero.

Proof: Let the Lyapunov function designed as in (6), where α̃(t) = α(t) −
1 2 1
s(t) + α̃(t)2
V = (6)
2 2
The derivative of the Lyapunov function is
V̇ =s(t)ṡ(t) + α̃(t)α̃(t)
=s[−αλ1 sgn(s) + d(t)] + (α − α̂)(λ1 |s| − λ2 s)
= − αλ1 |s| + d(t)s + αλ1 |s| − αλ2 s − α̂λ1 |s| + α̂λ2 s (7)
=d(t)s − αλ2 s − α̂λ1 |s| + α̂λ2 s

From the above proof, we can see that s(t), α̃(t) are bounded. From (3) and
(4), it can be derived
ṡ = ḋ(t) − αλ1 sgn(s) (8)

Considering α and λ1 are bounded, the ṡ(t) is bounded. It also can be derived
that ṡ(t) → 0 as t → ∞.
V̈ = d(t)ṡ(t) − αλ2 ṡ(t) − α̂λ1 |s(t)| + α̂λ2 ṡ(t) (9)
Considering ṡ(t) is bounded, the V̈ is bounded, we can derive that V̇ (t) is a
continuous function. From Barbalat’s lemma, it can be derived that V̇ → 0 as
t → ∞.
s = e(n) (t) + kn−1 e(n−1) (t) + · · · + k1 e(t) (10)

The sliding surface is composed of the tracking error and the nth order of
tracking error. When the system reach the sliding surface, s(t) = 0.

e(n) (t) = −kn−1 e(n−1) (t) − · · · − k1 e(t) (11)

76 where kn−1 , kn−2 , · · · , k1 are positive, so the tracking error will converge to zero.

77 3. The LFC design based on the new adaptive sliding mode control
78 method

79 In this section, the novel adaptive sliding mode control method has been
80 applied to the load frequency control based on different areas interconnected

81 power system. The interconnected power system contains nonlinearities.
82 The load frequency control is an important factor in the power system, it
83 reflects the stability of the power system and influences the quality of the power
84 system. Frequency deviation will cause the short life of the appliance or in more
85 serious case, it will cause the blackout of the power system. So in this case, load
86 frequency control becomes an important control objective in the operation of
87 power system. We use the model based on different areas interconnected power
88 system with non-reheat turbine as an example. The nonlinearities are included
89 in the model.
The equation of the governor is shown in (12), where TG represents the
governor time constant for the power system.

∆Pv (s) 1
GH (s) = = (12)
∆Pg (s) 1 + sTG

The function for the non-reheat turbine can be written as in (13), where Tt
represents the steam chest time constant.

GT RH (s) = (13)
1 + sTt

The transfer function for the generator is expressed as in (14), where KP =

1 2HPr
D. TP = Df 0 .
GP (s) = (14)
1 + sTp
Except the frequency error, the tie-line power deviation should be main-
tained at zero. The equation can be represented as
Z t Z t
∆Pij = 2πT0 ( ∆fi dt − ∆fj dt) (15)
0 0

The frequency deviation plus tie line power deviation is the area control
error (ACE). The equation can be written as
ACEk = ∆Pki + Bk ∆fk (16)

For the non-reheat turbine, from the above model, setting ∆z = ∆f , the

third order of the frequency error can be obtained as
... 1 1 1
∆z = − ( + + )∆z̈
TG1 Tt1 Tp1
1 1 1
−( + + )∆ż
TG1 Tt1 TG1 Tp1 Tp1 Tt1
Kp1 1
−( + )∆z
TG1 Tt1 Tp1 R1 TG1 Tt1 Tp1
− (∆P̈L1 + ∆P̈tie1 ) (17)
Kp1 Kp1
−( + )(∆ṖL1 + ∆Ṗtie1 )
TG1 Tp1 Tt1 Tp1
− (∆PL1 + ∆Ptie1 )
TG1 Tt1 Tp1
+ u
TG1 Tt1 Tp1

According to (2), Due to the system with non-reheat turbine is the third
order system, the sliding surface for the load frequency control of the power
system with non-reheat turbine can be designed as

ˆ + 2δ∆ żˆ + δ 2 ∆ z̃(t)

s(∆z, t) = ∆ z̈(t) (18)

In (18), the desired frequency deviation is zero, so we can get ∆z̃(t) = ∆z(t).
If we differentiate the sliding surface, the derivative of sliding variable is

ṡ(∆z, t) = ∆ z (t) + 2δ∆z̈(t) + δ 2 ∆ż(t) (19)

Letting (19) equal zero, the nominal control law can be represented as
TG1 Tp1 TG1 Tt1 Tp1 Tp1 2δTG1 Tt1 Tp1
û(t) =( + + − )∆z̈
Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1
TG1 Tp1 Tt1 δ 2 TG1 Tp1 Tt1
+( + + − )∆ż
Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 Kp1 (20)
1 1
+( + )∆z + TG1 Tt1 (∆P̈L1 + ∆P̈tie1 )
R Kp1
+ (TG1 + Tt1 )(∆ṖL1 + ∆Ṗtie1 ) + (PL1 + Ptie1 )

The proposed control law can be designed as

u(t) = û(t) − αλ1 sgn(s) (21)

where α is the adaptive switching gain. The parameter α is selected as
α = λ1 |s| − λ2 s (22)

90 4. Simulation Results

91 The simulation is based on the different areas interconnected power system

92 with non-reheat turbine by the proposed adaptive sliding mode control method
93 and compared with the traditional adaptive sliding mode control method [32].
94 The system parameters are presented in the appendix.
95 The simulation is firstly based on two areas system with non-reheat tur-
96 bine. In Case C1, a step load disturbance is set as 0.008p.u. at t = 2s in the
97 first power control area, a step load disturbance is set as 0.003p.u. at t = 4s in
98 the second area. The frequency deviation and area control error (ACE) in two
99 areas are shown in Fig. 1 to Fig. 4. From the simulation results, it is clearly
100 shown that the ACE can be driven to zero, which satisfied the control goal.

Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc

adaptive smc



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 1: Frequency deviation in the first area in Case C1

Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc

adaptive smc



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 2: Frequency deviation in the second area in Case C1

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 3: ACE in the first area in Case C1

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 4: ACE in the first area in Case C1

101 In Case C2, the load disturbance is the same as in Case C1. The frequency
102 deviation and ACE in two areas are presented in Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and
103 Fig. 8. The parameter of TG1 = TG2 = 0.08 are changed to TG1 = TG2 = 0.1
104 and the parameter of Tt1 = Tt2 = 0.3 are changed to Tt1 = Tt2 = 0.4. From the
105 simulation results, it is clearly shown that the ACE can be maintained to zero,
106 which satisfied the control purpose. Also, it is validated the robustness of this
107 new control method.
Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc

adaptive smc


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 5: Frequency deviation in the first area in Case C2


Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 6: Frequency deviation in the second area in Case C2

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 7: ACE in the first area in Case C2

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 8: ACE in the second area in Case C2

108 In order to prove the validity of this method. The two areas power system
109 with non-reheat turbine is extended to three areas power system with non-reheat
110 turbine. In Case C3, a step load disturbance is set as 0.003p.u. at t = 1s in
111 the first power control area, a step load disturbance is set as 0.01p.u. at t = 3s
112 in the second area, and a step load disturbance is set to 0 in the third area.
113 From the simulation results, it is concluded that the errors can be driven to zero

114 finally. The frequency deviation and ACE in three areas are displayed in Fig. 9
115 to Fig. 14.

Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc

adaptive smc



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 9: Frequency deviation in the first area in Case C3

Frequency Deviaiton (Hz)

new adaptive smc

0.05 adaptive smc



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 10: Frequency deviation in the second area in Case C3

Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc

adaptive smc



0 50 Time (s)100 150 200

Figure 11: Frequency deviation in the third area in Case C3

new adaptive smc
0.02 adaptive smc

ACE (p.u.)



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 12: ACE in the first area in Case C3

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 13: ACE in the second area in Case C3

new adaptive smc
0.02 adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)



0 50 Time (s) 100 150 200

Figure 14: ACE in the third area in Case C3

116 Additionally, the three areas system has been extended to four areas in-
117 terconnected power system with non-reheat turbine. In Case C4, a step load
118 disturbance is set as 0.002p.u. at t = 1s in the first power control area, a step
119 load disturbance is set as 0.006p.u. at t = 3s in the second area, a step load
120 disturbance is set as 0.006p.u. at t = 5s in the third area, and a step load distur-
121 bance is set to 0 in the fourth area. From the simulation results, it is concluded

122 that the errors can be driven to zero finally. The frequency deviation and ACE
123 in three areas are displayed in Fig. 15 to Fig. 22.
Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 15: Frequency deviation in the first area in Case C4

Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 16: Frequency deviation in the second area in Case C4

Frequency Deviation (Hz)

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 17: Frequency deviation in the third area in Case C4

Frequency Deviation (Hz)
new adaptive smc
0.02 adaptive smc



0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 18: Frequency deviation in the fourth area in Case C4

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)


0 50 100 150 200

Time (s)

Figure 19: ACE in the first area in Case C4

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)


0 50 100 150 200

Time (s)

Figure 20: ACE in the second area in Case C4

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.) 0


0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 21: ACE in the third area in Case C4

new adaptive smc
adaptive smc
ACE (p.u.)


0 50 100 150 200

Time (s)

Figure 22: ACE in the fourth area in Case C4

124 From the above simulation results, it is clearly shown that the errors can
125 be driven to zero under different load disturbance and parameter variations by
126 the proposed adaptive sliding mode control method. From Fig.1 to Fig.9, the
127 overshoot and response time are shorter for the proposed method compared with
128 the classical adaptive sliding mode control method. From Fig.10 to Fig.14, the
129 chattering is decreased more using the proposed method in comparison with
130 the classical adaptive sliding mode control method. From Fig.15 to Fig.22,
131 the overshoot are shorter for the proposed method comparing to the classical
132 adaptive sliding mode control method.
133 In this section, we apply a novel adaptive sliding mode control method for
134 the load frequency control of different areas interconnected power system with
135 non-reheat turbine. Through the simulation results, it is clear to see that the
136 deviations for the load frequency control are converged to zero finally by the new
137 adaptive sliding mode control method under parameter variations and different

138 load disturbances, which verify the robustness of this new control method. The
139 response time, overshoot and chattering are decreased more than the classical
140 adaptive sliding mode control method [32, 33], which validate the superiority of
141 the proposed adaptive sliding mode control method.

142 5. Conclusion

143 In this paper, a novel adaptive sliding mode control problem as well as
144 studied the convergence of this method have been addressed. The new method
145 has been used to control the load frequency control based on different areas
146 power system with non-reheat turbine. Through the simulation results, it is
147 clear to see that the desired results have been obtained under different load
148 disturbances and parameter variations. However, there exist some limitations
149 due to the computational complexity and the state cannot be observed. If the
150 extended state observer (ESO) is added, the control performance will be better
151 and the waveform will be more smooth. In the future research, we will focus on
152 the application of adaptive sliding mode control with ESO on power converters,
153 such as DC/DC converter and DC/AC converter. This kind of control method
154 also can be applied to the power system with integration of wind.

155 6. Acknowledgement

156 This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
157 China (61803102).

158 7. Appendix

TG1 = TG2 = TG3 = 0.08s

Tt1 = Tt2 = Tt3 = 0.3s

Tp1 = Tp2 = Tp3 = 20s

Kp1 = Kp2 = Kp3 = 120Hz/p.u.M W/rad

B1 = B2 = B3 = 0.425p.u.M W/Hz

2πT12 = 2πT21 = 0.545p.u.M W/rad

2πT13 = 2πT31 = 0.545p.u.M W/rad

2πT23 = 2πT32 = 0.545p.u.M W/rad

R1 = R2 = R3 = 2.4Hz/p.u.M W

159 8. Compliance with Ethical Standards

160 Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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