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Adsorption, chemisorption, and catalysis

Article  in  Chemical Papers- Slovak Academy of Sciences · September 2014

DOI: 10.2478/s11696-014-0624-9


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1 author:

Milan Králik
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


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Chemical Papers 68 (12) 1625–1638 (2014)
DOI: 10.2478/s11696-014-0624-9


Adsorption, chemisorption, and catalysis

Milan Králik*

a VUCHT a.s., Areál Duslo a.s., 927 03 Šaľa, Slovakia

b Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,

Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia

Received 16 January 2014; Revised 14 June 2014; Accepted 25 June 2014

Dedicated to the memory of professor Elemír Kossaczký

A short history of the relationships among adsorption, chemisorption, and catalysis with solid
catalysts is reviewed. A special focus is on the development of quality and descriptions accuracy
using computers, both for the modeling of elementary physical phenomena and adsorption, as well
as for the solution of more complex problems like quantum chemical approach to chemisorption,
kinetics over solid catalysts, and reactor systems. Modern approaches to the characterization of solid
catalysts from the adsorption–desorption data based mainly on n-layer adsorption and non-linear
three parameter BET isotherm regarding the volume of micropores as one of the parameters are
demonstrated. Instrumentation techniques like infrared spectroscopy or NMR techniques for the
analysis of the strength of component chemisorption are mentioned. As for the kinetics, a vague
capability of the Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson models to describe a reaction system
in more complicated cases, e.g. bimolecular surface reactions, is discussed. In this context, the
simplest model with a minimum number of parameters is advised. To estimate the most realistic
values, intrinsic reaction kinetic and mass transport phenomena are taken into account. Usefulness
of quantum mechanistic models for better understanding of the catalytic phenomena and more
efficient design of catalysts are outlined.
c 2014 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Keywords: adsorption, chemisorption, catalysis, infrared spectroscopy, quantum chemical models,

reaction kinetics, mass transport

Introduction A modern and still valid definition was introduced by

Ostwald (1896) who defined a catalyst as a substance
The phenomenon of catalysis is very old. Already which accelerates a chemical reaction and it is not
Aristotle (384–322 BC) wrote about active substances consumed in the course of this reaction. Very impor-
(catalysts) and passive substances (reactants) under- tant were his thermodynamic considerations resulting
going transformation (Schwab, 1981). Observations in in the conclusion that a catalyst does not change the
the 17th and 18th century provided Berzelius (1835) chemical equilibrium of the reaction.
with a basis to define: “A catalyst is any substance (in- Experimental results and theoretical investigations
cluding light) that directly alters the rate of a chem- allow describing a catalytic process with a solid cata-
ical reaction without entering into the net chemical lyst as a sequence of actions:
reaction itself”. It is worthy to note that by this defini- – chemisorption of at least one of reaction compo-
tion, a catalyst might increase or decrease the reaction nents;
rate. However, in today’s definition, only substances – surface reaction of a chemisorbed component ei-
increasing the reaction rate are denoted as catalysts. ther with other chemisorbed component or with a

*Corresponding author, e-mail:,

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1626 M. Králik/Chemical Papers 68 (12) 1625–1638 (2014)

component from the fluid phase surrounding the solid

– desorption of products.
Adsorption and chemisorption of reaction species
are unavoidable in a heterogeneously catalyzed pro-
cess and, in addition, all steps are accompanied by the
diffusion of reactants and products as well (Wisniak,
2010; Satterfield, 1980). The presented paper summa-
rizes data on adsorption, chemisorption, and catalysis
obtained in laboratories at the Slovak University of
Technology, as well as relevant important data from
other authors. Due to the enormous number of pa-
pers dealing with these topics, this paper cannot be
considered as a full review, but an attempt to suggest
suitable procedures for the study of heterogeneous cat-
alysts and of the adsorption/chemisorption effects on
their performance.


According to definition (Ruthven, 1984), adsorp-

tion is a process that occurs when a gas or liquid so-
lute (adsorptive) accumulates on the surface of a solid
or a liquid (adsorbent), forming a molecular, ionic, or Fig. 1. Typical adsorption isotherms (IUPAC classification
atomic film. Species (molecules, atoms, ions) of the (Sing et al., 1985)). Abscissas and ordinates express
adsorptive adhered to the adsorbent are called adsor- relative pressure (x = p/ps ) and adsorbed amount
(vA /(cm3 g−1 )), respectively.
bate. The formed film of adsorbate is usually a multi-
layer for the gas phase adsorption and a monolayer for
the liquid phase adsorption. Physical adsorption is en-
abled by the van der Waals forces between molecules ores (diameter > 50 nm) are distinguished (Sing et al.,
and/or atoms on the adsorbent surface and adsorbate, 1985; Hudec, 2012). When the adsorbent has a high
whereas adsorbate resembles a condensed liquid form volume of micropores (type I) even at low activity of
of the adsorptive. Adsorption from the gas phase very the adsorptive, a large amount of it is accumulated
often involves condensation of the adsorptive in pores in the adsorbent. On the contrary, materials without
of the adsorbent. micropores accumulate material proportionally to the
For quantitative evaluation of the adsorbent ca- activity of the adsorptive. Usually, the strength of the
pability, adsorption isotherms are applied. They are adsorption of the second and next layers of the adsor-
expressed as a function obtained at a constant tem- bate differs from that of the first layer. If the adhesion
perature expressing an equilibrium amount of the ad- of the first layer is weak, then adsorbate has to cover
sorptive adsorbed at a certain partial pressure or con- the surface first at a relatively large activity of the
centration (generally activity) of the adsorptive in adsorptive and then, the formation of the second and
the gas or liquid (generally bulk) phase. Adsorption next layers is performed only at a little increase of the
isotherms start at zero activity up to a maximum; adsorptive activity (type III). Type IV represents ad-
for a gas phase it is a pressure related to the satu- sorbents with mesopores in which capillary condensa-
rated one at a temperature at which the adsorption tion occurs (Lecloux, 1981). Type V is similar to type
isotherm is determined. To obtain reliable experimen- IV but for the week adsorption of the adsorptive. Type
tal adsorption–desorption data, maximum outgassing VI comprises multilayered adsorption, and/or adsor-
of the adsorbent and sufficient time for reaching an bents with different dimensions of mesopores. Adsorp-
equilibrium between the adsorptive and the adsorbate tion processes accompanied with large condensation
are unavoidable conditions (Lecloux, 1981; Rouquerol of the adsorptive are typical with hysteresis presented
et al., 1994; Sing et al., 1985; Ruthven, 1984; Thomas by desorption isotherms. Due to capillary condensa-
& Thomas, 1997). tion of the adsorptive, desorption proceeds at lower
Six types of isotherms reflecting the type of a activity than adsorption (Lecloux, 1981; Sing et al.,
porous material are considered generally (Fig. 1, 1985; Hudec, 2012; Thomas & Thomas, 1997).
IUPAC classification, Sing et al. (1985)). Texts in in-
dividual charts of Fig. 1 denote the main feature of the Description of adsorption isotherms
adsorption process. Terms: micropores (diameter <
2 nm), mesopores (diameter = 2–50 nm), and macrop- Attempts to describe adsorption isotherms have

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M. Králik/Chemical Papers 68 (12) 1625–1638 (2014) 1627

led to various models. The Langmuir adsorption (= 8.314 J K−1 mol−1 ) represents the universal gas
model is based on the assumptions that: constant, T/K the absolute temperature, bTem a coef-
– all sites on the adsorbent surface possess equal ficient, and ATem the Temkin binding coefficient.
affinity for the adsorbate; Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms give
– interactions among adsorbate molecules are neg- a very simplified idea of the adsorption mechanism.
ligible; More realistic is the Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR)
– the adsorption proceeds with formation of only isotherm model that is based on the assumptions
one layer of the adsorbate on the adsorbent surface (Lecloux, 1981) that:
(the so called: monolayer adsorption) : – the Polanyi potential expresses the surface work-
ing function (Somorjai, 1994);
KLa x – the adsorption proceeds only in micropores (type
va,La = VLa (1)
1 + KLa x I adsorption model, Fig. 1).
where va,La /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount calcu-  
va,DR = VDR exp −D [ln(x)]2 for x > 0 (5)
lated according to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm,
VLa /(cm3 g−1 ) the monolayer (maximum) adsorption
capacity, KLa the equilibrium constant in the Lang- where va,DR /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount
muir adsorption isotherm, and x the relative pressure calculated according to the Dubinin–Radushkevich
(x = p/ps , where p and ps are adsorptive absolute isotherm, VDR /(cm3 g−1 ) the maximum adsorption
and saturated pressure at given temperature, respec- capacity, and D a coefficient.
tively). The most frequently used models for the descrip-
For a low activity of the adsorptive (x → 0), the tions of type II and IV isotherms are BET isotherms,
Langmuir isotherm is reduced to the form of the Henry whereas the assumptions are:
isotherm: – adsorption sites form a regular array on the ad-
va,He = VHe x (2) sorbent surface and the adsorption enthalpy (∆Hads )
for the first monolayer is constant;
where va,He /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount cal- – no interaction between the neighboring adsorbed
culated according to the Henry isotherm and VHe / molecules (adsorbate);
(cm3 g−1 ) the maximum adsorption capacity. – adsorption of the second and next layers is not
As it can be seen from the comparison of Eqs. (1) limited;
and (2), coefficient VHe is constant only in a low range – formation of the second and next layers proceeds
of adsorptive activity starting from zero. with the same enthalpy as that of liquefaction, (∆Hliq )
If exponential distribution of the adsorbent active
sites with respect to the adsorption heat is assumed, it Vm,N x CN
va,BET = (6)
is possible to derive an empirical adsorption isotherm (1 − x) 1 + (CN − 1)x
(Freundlich, 1932):  
E1 − EL
va,Fr = VFr xkFr (3) CN = exp (7)
where va,Fr /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount calcu- where va,BET /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount
lated according to the Freundlich adsorption isotherm, calculated according to the BET isotherm, Vm,N /
VFr /(cm3 g−1 ) the maximum adsorption capacity, and (cm3 g−1 ) is the monolayer adsorption capacity,
kFr a coefficient. E1 /(J mol−1 ) the activation energy for the adsorption
Maximum adsorption capacity VFr is usually posi- in the first layer, and EL /(J mol−1 ) is the activation
tive and generally not an integer. Despite the fact that energy for the adsorption in the second and next lay-
Freundlich isotherm, Eq. (3), lacks the required linear ers.
behavior in the Henry’s law region, data on heteroge- Activation energies E1 and EL are considered to be
neous adsorbents over a wide range of the adsorptive proportional to the enthalpy of condensation (∆Hads )
concentrations can be correlated successfully (LeVan and liquefaction (∆Hliq ).
et al., 1997). In case of micropores (type I isotherms), there
The Temkin isotherm, firstly introduced as a foot- are generally three possibilities of employing the BET
note in the paper of Frumkin and Shlygin (1935), model:
considers a linear decrease in the binding energies – Concept of the volume of micropores, M-BET,
adsorbate–adsorbent, which leads to the equation: being filled firstly and then multilayer BET adsorption
continues (Schneider, 1995; Hudec, 2012)
va,Tem = ln(ATem x) (4)
bTem va,M-BET = VM-BET + va,BET (8)

where va,Tem /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount where va,M-BET /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount
calculated according to the Temkin isotherm, R calculated according to the M-BET isotherm and

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Vm,BET /(cm3 g−1 ) the volume of micropores filled be-

fore the start of the BET type adsorption.
– Utilization of standard isotherms (Lecloux, 1981;
Hudec, 2012). The most commonly applied is the
equation of Harkins and Jurra (1944):
13.99 x ∈ (0.05, 0.5)
tHJ = 0.1 (9)
log(x) + 0.034 t < 1 nm

where tHJ /nm is the average (statistical) thickness of

the adsorbate layer on the surface.
Lecloux (1981) introduced a more general isotherm
reflecting the difference between the adsorption
strength (enthalpy) of the first and the next layers
expressed by constant CN in Eq. (7). However, this
type of generalized isotherm is not used frequently in Fig. 2. Experimental adsorption isotherm (1) and various
practice. model isotherms; parameters estimated using non-
– Linear combination of DR and BET isotherms: linearized forms and non-linear regression: BET (2),
modified BET isotherm, considering micropores (3),
va,DR−BET = va,DR + va,BET (10) combination of BET and Dubinin–Radushkevich iso-
therms (4), – n-layer BET isotherm (n = 1.4) (5). Fur-
ther details can be found in the paper by Horniakova
Both Eqs. (8) and (10) have physical meaning but et al. (2001).
the volumes of micropores differ. Horniakova et al.
(2001) and Kralik et al. (2008) showed that the volume
of micropores assessed by Eq. (8) is lower than that BET isotherm to treat experimental data for micro-
obtained from Eq. (10). Due to the simpler concept of porous materials possessing a negative value of the
the physical meaning, the Schneider modification (Eq. C-BET constant. As implied from Eq. (7), this con-
(8)) is more advised (Schneider, 1995). stant cannot be negative and such a situation indicates
Surprisingly, for the description of microporous ad- a strong non-suitability of the multilayer BET model
sorbents, the n-layer BET isotherm showed good in- (Hudec, 2012).
terpretation of experimental data (Horniakova et al., Employment of the n-layer isotherm for microp-
2001; Kralik et al., 2008). orous materials is also recommended by Rothenberg
Vm,nL CnL x 1 − (n + 1)xn + nx(n+1) Effect of the condensation in meso- and macrop-
va,nL-BET =
(1 − x) 1 − x + CnL x(1 − xn ) ores is used for the calculation of characteristic dimen-
(11) sions of these pores using the modified Kelvin equation
where va,nL-BET /(cm3 g−1 ) is the adsorbed amount (Lecloux, 1981; Hudec, 2012):
calculated according to the n-layer BET isotherm, CnL
the constant for the n-layer adsorption, and n the max- bK
rP = + tliq,M (12)
imum number of adsorbate layers (statistically, it can ln (1/x)
have a non-integer positive value).
Besides the BET isotherm with micropores and the where rP /nm is the radius of a pore and bK is a con-
n-layer BET isotherm, all others mentioned above are stant.
usually applied in their linearized form. Estimation of For nitrogen, as the adsorptive, the thickness of
relevant parameters is commonly obtained by treat- the monolayer is tliq,M = tliq,N2 = 0.354 nm. Barrett
ing data with a standard SW built in apparatus for et al. (1951) extended this method by introducing a
adsorption–desorption data measurement. It is wor- different thickness of the monolayer adsorbate to Eq.
thy to stress that a non-linear treatment of data pro- (12). This is called the BJH method and belongs to
vides more reliable information. Fig. 2 shows a com- the standard procedure of isotherm data treatment.
parison of experimental data for a microporous mate- Lecloux (1981) applied the Broeckhoff and de
rial (mordenite type zeolite with the Si/Al modulus Boer’s approach (modified Kelvin equation) based on
equal to 78) and calculated values obtained using dif- adsorption thermodynamics. In spite of the signif-
ferent isotherms. As it can be seen, just the n-layer icantly wider characterization of porous adsorbents
BET isotherm was proved to be the best one for such compared to the simple Eq. (12), this procedure is
a description. not frequently applied as it requires very precise ex-
Another frequently appearing mistake is the inter- perimental data, and it is not commonly included in
pretation of results using the linearized form of the the software of standard adsorption equipments.

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Databases of measured isotherms and power of interaction and process conditions (temperature, pres-
computers allow using methods of statistical me- sure, activity of the adsorptive), at least one of the
chanics. Adsorptive–adsorbent (G–S) and adsorbate– isotherm models listed above is suitable for the de-
adsorbent (L–S) interaction phenomena at a given scription.
temperature and pressure are able to describe pore Sorption of linear alkanes on molecular sieves was
size distribution and pore geometry. Such models measured by Bobok et al. (1970a), whereas a pre-
allow calculating density profiles and the adsorbed cise apparatus set up was found to be crucial for ob-
amount can be derived. Obtained results are “cali- taining proper data. Due to the low rate of calcula-
brated” against real isotherm data of non-porous ma- tion devices in the past, analogue models were used
terials (Jagiello & Thommes, 2004). to simulate process dynamics (Ilavsky et al., 1970).
There are many other modifications of adsorption Besides reliable experimental techniques, an optimal
models described in detail by LeVan et al. (1997) plan of experiments also contributes to gaining good
and Wisniak (2010). A good comparison of the ap- adsorption data (Bobok et al., 1982). Kossaczký and
plicability of individual isotherms including statistical Bobok (1974) described a numerical solution of dif-
evaluation has been performed by Foo and Hameed fusion and adsorption of pentane inside a particle of
(2008). D˛abrowski (2001) in his broad review (640 a molecular sieve Calsit 5A. Adiabatic equilibrium
references) discusses the history and suitability of in- desorption of carbon dioxide from molecular sieves
dividual isotherms, as well as their applicability for (fixed bed Calsit 5A) by a nitrogen stream can be
the solution of practical adsorption problems and rela- considered as a continuation of this work (Kossaczký
tionships with heterogeneous catalysis. From the cat- et al., 1979; Bobok et al. 1979). For the description
alytic point of view it is necessary to distinguish be- of the adsorption equilibrium, these authors used the
tween models used for the description of solid catalytic modified Henry’s relationship. Bobok et al. (1970b)
materials and models suitable for the description of showed non-suitability of the Langmuir isotherm, as
a catalytic reaction. For the latter, exclusively the well as that the Dubinin assumptions that the den-
Langmuir approach is applied. Accessibility of adsorp- sity of the adsorbed phase does not change with the
tion/catalytic sites can be increased by the increase of temperature is only a rough approximation for the
macropores radius (rP > 25 nm), which is character- system comprising the pentane–molecular sieve Cal-
ized more precisely by other methods than the adsorp- sit A. They suggested a modification by transform-
tion/desorption isotherms. The most common is mer- ing equilibrium data to another value of temperature,
cury porosimetry, which allows distinguishing pores different than that at which the isotherms were mea-
with the radius of 1.6 nm at pressures up to 400 MPa sured.
(Hudec, 2012). Of course, mechanical strength of the Bobok et al. (1975) applied the actual form of the
material has to be sufficient to ensure no breakage Freundlich isotherm for the description of equilibrium
under such pressures. Microscopic techniques are also data of the heptanes adsorption on molecular sieve
useful in the characterization of macropores (Lecloux, Calsit 5A.
1981). Chovancová et al. (1986) studied the adsorption
A good assessment of methods for the character- dynamics of ethyl acetate, butyl alcohol, toluene,
ization of microporous solid materials can be found and vapors of industrial solvents on activated car-
in the book by Che and Vedrin (2012), chapter pre- bon, whereas the breakthrough curves served as a ba-
pared by Llewellyn et al. (2012). Besides the adsorp- sis for the design of industrial adsorbers. Kossaczký
tion methods, evaluation of micropores and meso- et al. (1986) described nonisothermal adsorption of
pores using combination of results obtained by Den- carbon dioxide on the molecular sieve Calsit 5 by
sity Functional Theory and Gas Chromatographic a system of partial differential equations for mass
Mass Spectroscopy measurements (DFT/GCMS) with and heat balance. The partial differential equations
subsequent isotherm reconstruction have proved to were transformed into ordinary differential equations
be useful for research as well as technological pur- (ODE) applying reverse difference instead of deriva-
poses. Dynamic features of adsorption are also dis- tion with respect to length. The fourth order Runge–
cussed, whereas Pulsed Field Gradient Nuclear Mag- Kutta method was applied for the solution of the ob-
netic Resonance (PFG NMR), Quasi-Elastic Neutron tained ODE. Estimation of heat and mass transport
Scattering, Zero Length Column (ZLC), and Optical parameters by experimental data fitting allowed de-
Impedance Spectroscopy (OIS, observations of probe signing an adsorber system.
molecules by IR) are outlined. Dynamics of adsorption and values of the Knudsen
diffusion coefficients for heptane in a molecular sieve
Gas (vapor) phase adsorption NaY particle were estimated by Bobok et al. (1989). A
very simple linear model was applied for the descrip-
The gas (vapor) phase adsorption is usually a mul- tion of the adsorption equilibrium, partial differential
tilayer process. Depending on the adsorbent proper- equations expressing flow and adsorption phenomena
ties (mainly microporosity), the adsorbent–adsorbate in a packed column and the transport in a particle

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1630 M. Králik/Chemical Papers 68 (12) 1625–1638 (2014)

were replaced by relationships emerging from momen- et al. (1983) studied adsorption equilibria of phe-
tum analysis. nol, p-cresol, and p-nitroaniline on activated carbon
Besedová and Bobok (1995) and Besedová et al. in aqueous solutions using the Henry and Langmuir
(2004) analyzed competitive adsorption of cumene isotherms. Langmuir modification for a binary mix-
and acetone on activated carbon. Equilibrium of the ture gave a very good description of simultaneous ad-
adsorption was expressed by isothermal and non- sorption of p-cresol and p-nitroaniline.
isothermal Langmuir models considering one or two Liquid phase adsorption is widely applied mainly
types of adsorption centers; the latter proved to be for “cleaning”, removing of non-desired species from a
more accurate. Solution of ecological problems, as well mixture of components. A brief review of wastewater
as demonstration of adsorption of non-polar adsorp- treatment processes is offered by Grassi et al. (2012),
tive on non-polar adsorbents were reported by Bobok who described individual adsorbents (activated car-
and Besedová (2001), who investigated the diffusion bon, clays, minerals, low cost adsorbents) and their
of chlorinated hydrocarbons in particles of activated capability to treat wastewaters with emerging pollu-
carbon. The same research group (Bobok et al., 2004) tants.
developed a corrected diffusion model involving pores Adsorption (ion-exchange) equilibrium using ion
filling for the adsorption of ethanol vapors on acti- exchange materials is a specific problem (LeVan et
vated carbon. al., 1997). A nice example of the isolation of noble
Demands on the calculation extent describing the metals from the spent ceramic automotive catalysts
adsorption dynamics can be significantly decreased us- is given by Shen et al. (2010). Besides the descrip-
ing efficient approximations; e.g. Rajniak et al. (1982) tion of the equilibrium (Rh(III) chloride complexes
and Rajniak (1985) analyzed one-component sorp- with the anionic exchange resin Diaion WA21J), these
tion in a single adsorbent particle considering linear- authors also presented a simplified kinetic model for
driving-force approximation. The one-point colloca- the adsorption process. Dada et al. (2012) investi-
tion method proved to be very successful for the cal- gated the sorption of Zn2+ on phosphoric acid modi-
culation of adsorbate diffusion. fied rice husk and compared the application of Lang-
Desorption from a porous material can be more re- muir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin–Radushkevich
alistically described by models based on the percola- isotherms for the equilibrium description. In accor-
tion theory than by the simple Kelvin equation. In de- dance with the assumption of one layer adsorption
rived models, adsorption–desorption hysteresis is as- from the liquid phase, the Langmuir isotherm exhib-
cribed to blocking of liquid adsorptive discharge from ited the best description of the studied process; the
larger pores by precedential emptying of smaller pores coefficient of determination (R2 ) reached the value of
surrounding the larger ones (Rajniak & Yang, 1993, 0.99. Melo et al. (2013) studied adsorption equilibria of
1996, Rajniak et al., 1999, Šoóš & Rajniak, 2001). Cu2+ , Zn2+ , and Cd2+ on EDTA-functionalized silica
Generally it is considered that adsorption is not spheres, which can be considered as a functionalized
connected with strong adsorbate–adsorbent interac- adsorbent. Similarly to the previous authors, the best
tions. However, another general statement can be results were obtained by fitting with the Langmuir
added: that molecules (adsorptive) of a nature similar isotherm model, and, again, it fully corresponded with
to that of the adsorbent are adsorbed preferentially the availability of adsorption centers for one layer.
in comparison with those of not similar nature. Thus
non-polar substances, e.g. hydrocarbons, are better Chemisorption
adsorbed on non-polar activated carbon, and polar
substances, e.g. amines, are better adsorbed on sil- Similarities and differences between adsorp-
ica gel and zeolites. Probably the most relevant in- tion and chemisorption
dustrial example is Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA).
Chemisorption of more polar CO2 is stronger on the Differences between adsorption and chemisorption
surface of an acidic form of zeolite (including entire are listed in Table 1. It is worthy to stress that despite
micropores) than on non-polar H2 . When pressure is similarities of a chemical compound and an adsorbate–
decreased, H2 is released firstly but CO2 only when adsorbent complex, in the majority of chemisorption
a further decrease in the overall pressure is achieved processes, adsorbate–adsorbent bonds are significantly
(Ruthven, 1984; Chang et al., 2004). weaker than those in typical chemical compounds. As
discussed bellow in the theory on catalysis, there is an
Liquid phase adsorption optimal strength of chemisorption (“the volcano curve
theory”) for a proper course of the catalytic process.
As mentioned above, the liquid phase adsorption
is a typical monolayer process (LeVan et al., 1997). Catalysis
Therefore, suitable models for its description are the
Langmuir, Freundlich, and Henry models, but also Catalysis is a phenomenon in which a substance
the Temkin and BET models are preferred. Báleš (catalyst) enhances the rate of a chemical reaction

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Table 1. Differences between physisorption and chemisorption

Property Physical adsorption Chemisorption

Type of bonding forces Van der Wals Similar to a chemical bond

Adsorption heat Low, 10–40 kJ mol−1 High, 20–400 kJ mol−1

Chemical change of adsorptive None Formation of a surface compound

Reversibility Fully reversible, i.e. desorption of ad- The process is irreversible; “desorbed
sorbate occurs by decreasing the activ- compounds” are different from the ad-
ity of the adsorptive in the fluid sur- sorbed ones
rounding the surface

Activation energy Very low (close to zero) High, similar to a chemical reaction

Effect of temperature Negative In some extent of temperatures posi-

tive; so called activated adsorption

Specificity of adsorbate–adsorbent Very low High


Formation of multilayers Yes, in gas phase adsorption usually No

accompanied by liquefaction in micro-
and mesopores

whereas the substance itself is not consumed during

the reaction (Ostwald, 1896). Historically (Berkman
et al., 1940; Rothenberg, 2008), three groups of cat-
alytic systems are distinguished:
– homogeneous, i.e. reaction components and cat-
alytic moieties are in the same phase, for example hy-
drolysis of esters by mineral acids;
– heterogeneous, i.e. reaction components and cat-
alytic moieties are in different phases; the most com-
mon are reactants in gas or liquid and catalysts in Fig. 3. Dependence of the reaction rate on the strength of
solid phase, e.g. synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen adsorption, the so called volcano plot introduced by
and hydrogen over iron catalysts; Sabatier. Dissociative adsorption as a rate determin-
– biocatalysis or enzymatic catalysis. ing step increases with the concentration of reactants,
the rate equation of positive order. Desorption as the
To these, the next two groups should be added:
rate limiting step reveals the negative order of the rate
– heterogenized catalysis, i.e. a catalytically active equation (van Santen, 2010).
moiety is anchored to the surface or molecule, e.g. ion-
ized liquid of the second phase; a typical example is the
acid based catalysis performed by anionically modified – active centers, i.e. points on a catalyst surface at
polymers (Rothenberg, 2008); which at least one of the reactants is chemisorbed;
– electrocatalysis, i.e. employing some mechanisms – intermediate compounds formed as a result of the
which contribute to the rate of half-cell reactions on interaction of reactants with active centers;
electrode surfaces (Koper, 2009). – complexes and clusters as a form of intermedi-
In accordance with the adsorption and chemisorp- ates formed on catalytic centers, usually polynuclear,
tion phenomena, the following parts of this paper are more than one atom of a catalytic center is involved
devoted mainly to heterogeneous catalysis. in the interaction with the substrate; this concept is
also the basis for the quantum mechanical treatment
Chemisorption and catalysis of chemisorption;
– multiplet hypothesis and geometric factor, i.e.
Heterogeneous catalysis with solid catalysts is con- arrangement of active centers has to lead to proper
nected with adsorption and mainly chemisorption di- chemisorption of reactants, e.g. benzene parallel che-
rectly or indirectly involved in all classical concepts of misorbed on (111) faces of transition metals;
catalysis (Schwab, 1981): – volcano curve (Fig. 3), i.e. the strength of

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1632 M. Králik/Chemical Papers 68 (12) 1625–1638 (2014)

Table 2. Activation of methane on different metals and surfaces (van Santen, 2010)

Metal and surface configuration Ea /(kJ mol−1 ) d-character/% (Bond, 1957)

Ru (0001) 76 50
Ru (1120) 56 50
Rh (111) 67 50
Rh step 32 50
Rh kink 20 50
Pd (111) 66 46
Pd step 38 46
Pd kink 41 46

chemisorption has to be sufficient to modify electronic

structure of the substrate but not too strong to be
close to the compound formed by the catalytic center;
this is characterized by the dependence of the reaction
rate on the chemisorption heat;
– band theory, introduced by Schwab in 1940; ei-
ther an electron from the reactant enters the catalytic
center (usually a defect on a metal crystal) or electrons
can be donated by a reactant to the catalytic centers;
this theory was in 1951 extended also for semiconduc-
However, the acceptance of chemisorption as a
key factor in heterogeneous catalysis was not simple
(Robertson, 1983). The Faraday’s paper introducing Fig. 4. Reaction coordinates for non-catalyzed (the red curve)
the adsorption theory to the Royal Society in 1834 and catalyzed (the purple curve) reactions. Red and
was discussed for a long time and a final proof of its green curves describe situation without consideration of
validity was demonstrated by Langmuir in 1906. Af- reaction intermediates. Transition states are indicated
terwards, chemisorption as a key factor in heteroge- by the sign ‡, * indicates a catalytic site.
neous catalysis was generally accepted.
Similarly to the classification of reactions to i)
acid–base, ii) redox, and iii) coordination, the cata- lites imperfections as kinks and steps are the most
lysts can be distinguished in the same way. A typical reactive catalytic sites. However, from the deactiva-
example of solid acid catalysts are zeolites, which are tion point of view, these sites are mostly attacked by
used either with a neutral component, support, as a reaction components. Smaller particles (with higher
pure acid (e.g. for cracking in petrochemistry), or in surface concentration of catalytic sites) are less sta-
combination with other catalytic substances like tran- ble than the bigger ones. Therefore, for technological
sition metals as multifunctional catalysts in hydroc- purposes, a compromise between the catalytic activity
racking (Satterfield, 1980). and stability has to be considered.
Catalysis by transition metals has its peculiar fea-
tures which have attracted attention of researchers Kinetics and mass transport phenomena
from the very beginning (Berkman et al., 1947). Tran-
sition metals are used as catalytic substances for oxi- A modern concept of the reaction kinetics descrip-
dation, reduction, and combined, e.g. reductive alky- tion was introduced by Eyring (1935) and by Evans
lation, processes. A very important feature of tran- and Polanyi (1935). This concept is based on the
sition metals as catalysts is the occupation of elec- assumption that reactants form an activated com-
tron orbitals, especially d-orbitals. Pauling (1949) in- plex which is subsequently transformed to products
troduced the so called d-character parameter, which (Fig. 4). The theory of activated complexes can be
is directly related to the chemisorption and catalytic extended to homogeneous as well as to heterogeneous
activity. Electrons from d-orbitals are easily movable catalytic processes.
(transition metals are good conductors) and they can Let us consider a bimolecular reaction:
interact with the adsorbate. Similarly, electrons from
the adsorbate can interact (enter) with the d-orbitals A+B −−
− R+S (13)
of transition metals (Somorjai, 1994). As reported in k−
Table 2, strength and extent of chemisorption on the
metal surface depends on the type of the metal and If both reactants are chemisorbed on the catalysts
on the defects on the metal surface. Metal crystal- surface (species A* and B*), then a reaction between

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these chemisorbed species proceeds. For simplicity, moiety and a component from the fluid surround-
chemisorption of reactants (species A* and B*) is sup- ing the heterogeneous catalyst. This type of models
posed to proceed simultaneously and after the chem- is generally denoted as the Langmuir–Hinshelwood–
ical products (R* and S*) are released by desorption Hougen–Watson (LHHW) models. Essential assump-
from the catalytic sites simultaneously. Energies of the tions for the LHHW models are as follows:
chemisorbed species are lower than those of the non- – all catalytic centers are of the same quality;
chemisorbed ones. Chemisorption of species A* and – chemisorption on catalytic sites does not change
B* proceeds via an activated chemisorbed complex the properties (energy) of the surrounding catalytic
(BA*)‡ which is subsequently transformed to the acti- sites;
vated chemisorbed complex of products (RS*)‡ . This – reaction consists of three elemental steps:
chemisorbed complex is split to chemisorbed species a. chemisorption;
R* and S* and finally, products are desorbed from b. surface reaction;
the surface. c. desorption of products;
Two types of kinetic models are considered for het- – one of these steps is rate determining, others are
erogeneous catalytic processes (Berkman et al., 1940; in equilibrium;
Hougen & Watson, 1947; Thomas & Thomas, 1997; – reaction occurs either between chemisorbed
Satterfield, 1980): i) empirical and ii) mechanistic. species or one component is chemisorbed and the other
The majority of empirical models is based on a one comes from the fluid;
power law model. For a reaction of nR reactants, the – activity close to the surface is equal to that in
forward reaction can be written as: the fluid (in the interior of a porous catalyst).
If the reactants are chemisorbed on active sites of

different quality and the product and inert chemisorp-
ξ˙V = kcat acat abi
i (14)
tion are considered, Eq. (16) emerges:

where ξ˙V /(mol m−3 s−1 ) is the reaction rate, kcat the ξ˙V,i = kcat,i wcat
rate constant (units depend on the number of reac- C
tants and stoichiometry), acat the activity of cata- (K1,j aj )b1,j + (K2,j aj )b2,j
lyst, usually expressed as mass concentration units νij <0

(g m−3 ), ai the activity of reactant i, often expressed d 1 d2

in molar concentration units (mol m−3 ), and bi is the
1+ (K1,j aj )b1,j 1+ (K2,j aj )b2,j
stoichiometric coefficient for reactant i. j=1 j=1
In practice, activities ai are also expressed as par-
for i = 1, 2, . . . , NR ; j = 1, 2, . . . , NC (16)
tial pressures (pi ). The reaction rate can be also re-
lated to a unit mass of the catalyst or to the spe-
cific surface of the catalyst (Satterfield, 1980; Murzin where Kj,i are the adsorption constants, ν ij are the
& Salmi, 2005). An example of the power law appli- stoichiometric coefficients for the reaction i and com-
cation for the description of 4-aminodiphenyl amine ponent j, NR and NC correspond to the number of
reduction alkylation with acetone and hydrogen was reactions and components, respectively, and bk,j , d1 ,
presented by Králik et al. (1990). and d2 are the coefficients in Eq. (16). The condition
If the content of the catalyst expressed as a mass ν ij < 0 in product terms indicates that only activities
concentration is considered, the reaction rate of the of reactants entering the i-th reaction should appear
reversible reaction is described by the relationship: in the kinetic term.
Values of exponents for the activities of individual
ξ˙V = wcat (k+ cA cB − k− cR cS ) (15) components are affected by the chemisorption process,
e.g. for non-dissociative regime the value of 1, for the
where wcat /(g m−3 ) is the mass concentration of cat- dissociative regime 0.5. Denominator exponents the-
alyst, k+ /(m6 g−1 s−1 mol−1 ) and k− /(m6 g−1 s−1 oretically depend on the number of catalytic centers
mol−1 ) are the rate constants for the direct and back taking part in the rate determining step of the reac-
reactions, respectively, and ci /(mol m−3 ) is the molar tion; for a bimolecular surface reaction, the value of 2
concentration of component i. is used.
Evidently, the power law model, which can be de- Eq. (16) is rather complicated and moreover, the
rived from the mass action and/or activation com- estimation of individual parameters usually does not
plex theories, is not realistic for a surface reaction. provide a non-biased determination of the model type.
A pioneer work on the heterogeneous catalytic reac- For example, Hougen and Watson (1947) reported
tions was presented by Hougen and Watson (1947), on the treatment of data obtained from isooctene
who used the Langmuir monolayer adsorption model hydrogenation. They tested 16 models and realized
(see Eq. (1)) and either a surface reaction of two that four of them gave comparable quality of descrip-
chemisorbed species or a reaction of the chemisorbed tion.

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1634 M. Králik/Chemical Papers 68 (12) 1625–1638 (2014)

Fig. 5. Individual steps in the heterogeneous catalytic G–L–S process.

When mass transport phenomena affect the rate

of the process, it is necessary to include these effects
into the data treatment. However, even with rather
sophisticated models (Biffis et al., 1996; Králik et al.,
1998), a unique and fully reliable description might
not be possible to find. In such situations, the best
way is to simplify Eq. (16) considering the strength of
the adsorption without or with dissociation in order to
get a minimum number of parameters. Thus, in case of
cyclohexene hydrogenation to cyclohexane over a resin
based palladium catalyst, Eq. (16) has been simplified
to (Biffis et al., 1996):
H2 cen

ξ˙V = kcat cPd d (17)

1 + KH2 cbH

A general picture of the G–L–S system (Fig. 5)

depicts the transport of reaction components based
on the film theory (Levenspiel, 1999): Fig. 6. Illustration of physico-chemical techniques used for the
– from G- to bulk of the L-phase (G–L transport); characterization of solid materials (Che and Vedrine
– to the surface of a solid catalyst (L–S transport); (2012), adapted from: cover of the series Studies in Sur-
face Science and Catalysis, Elsevier).
– inside a catalytic particle (diffusion).
Of course, for G–S and L–S systems the model is
simplified by excluding one phase transport step.
Levenspiel (2002) discusses rather complicated Characterization of solid catalysts and cat-
models, which may not be reliable due to a number alytic systems
of parameters and are difficult to be implemented in
practice. Anyway, a proper physical/chemical concept Besides the characterization of catalysts as “ad-
of the processes running in the system is better than a sorbents”, there are many classical and modern meth-
simplified “black box” approach. A complex descrip- ods providing details of catalytic processes. Fig. 6 il-
tion of the catalytic kinetics and effects of mass trans- lustrates the important features of various techniques
port phenomena can be found in the textbooks by (Che & Vedrine, 2012).
Murzin and Salmi (2005) or Vannice (2005). In con- The simplest experimental technique for chemi-
text with mass and heat transport phenomena and the sorption identification is to carry out temperature
optimization of the location of catalytic substances, programmed desorption similarly to the acidity de-
the book by Morbidelli et al. (2005) is rather use- termination (Satterfield, 1980; Thomas & Thomas,
ful. 1997). In Fig. 6, the surface is affected by aminic

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species (neutral charge), which are bound to acidic Based on calorimetric measurements, Peter et al.
sites and after achieving an equilibrium they are re- (2013) reported on the changes of the adsorption
leased from the surface by heat. Magnetic field is strength on palladium particles with various sizes. For
applied in NMR techniques, and photon beams are O2 chemisorption, they found maximum adsorption
used for visible and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). initiation energy on particles with the size of about
For example, Scholtzová et al. (2013) studied the 4 nm (particles of lower and higher dimensions were
effect of the tetramethylammonium cation (TMA+ ) less active) and for CO chemisorption, the highest ad-
intercalated onto montmorrilonite (a useful adsor- sorption initiation energy was determined on the Pd
bent and, after activation with a mineral acid, (111) surface.
also an important solid acid catalyst) using mea-
sured FTIR spectra and calculated data based on Molecular modeling and catalysis
the Density Functional Theory (DFT). Both exper-
imental and calculated data showed that fixation of Availability of computers with high calculation
the TMA+ cation in the interlayer space consist in speed has provided possibilities of molecular model-
weak hydrogen bonds between the methyl groups ing. These models can describe adsorption, chemisorp-
and the basal oxygen atoms of montmorillonite lay- tion, as well as catalytic processes (Rothenberg, 2008;
ers. Bell & Head-Gordon, 2011; Sautet, 2012). Two main
Characterization of chemisorbed species by High groups of methods are applied: i) classical mechanics
Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (CM) and ii) quantum mechanics (QM). QM meth-
(HREELS) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine ods are more precise but as they are based on the
Structure (EXAFS) are also powerful techniques. Schrödinger’s equation (Schrödinger, 1926), they are
More comprehensive description of these methods can much more complicated and further simplifications are
be found in papers by Somorjai (1994) and those for applied (e.g. the Hartree–Fock approach with exact so-
IR in McKelvy et al. (1998). The list of methods has lution of wave integrals, so called ab initio methods,
been given by Che and Vedrine (2012) and their very or with some pre-solved values of integrals).
detailed descriptions are provided in chapters of this For a higher number of entities, the Density Func-
book. tional Theory (DFT) can be employed. This method
A combination of IR and NMR techniques was pre- uses the electronic density as the basic quantity in-
sented by Hinedi et al. (1993). Balakrishnan et al. stead of a many-body electronic wave function. Its
(1990) studied chemisorption by FTIR of bimetallic main advantage is that the density is a function of
Pt–Au/SiO2 catalysts using H2 , O2 , and CO as adsor- only three variables (instead of 3n variables) and thus
bates at room temperature. Somorjai (1994) published it is easier to deal with both in theory and in practice.
a number of data concerning chemisorption on sur- An interesting alternative combining the advantages
faces, e.g. vibration spectra and structure of methyli- of both classical and quantum mechanics is to use hy-
dene, acetylide, benzene, and organometalic struc- brid QM/MM models.
tures. Evidently, chemisorbed species interact with Probably the most famous and useful application
the adsorbent atoms close to chemical compounds, of QM in practice is the analysis of individual steps
but the binding energy between adsorbate and sur- in ammonia synthesis (Grunze et al., 1978; Ertl, 1990,
face atoms of adsorbent/catalyst is weaker. A brief 2008). The maximum activation energy of only about
review of techniques used for the characterization of 40 kJ mol−1 is required for the chemisorptive disso-
solid catalysts and chemisorption is published in the ciation of N2 and H2 , surface reaction and desorp-
book by Rothenberg (2008). An interesting study by tion of the formed NH3 while the formation of N +
Belskaya et al. (2012) reports on the analysis of ad- 3H requires the activation energy of 1129 kJ mol−1 .
sorbed probe molecules to determine the surface prop- The obtained results inspired many researchers to em-
erties of supported Pt (Pd) catalysts. Infrared (IR) ploy the QM approach for the description of cat-
intensities as determined by a combination of tem- alytic processes, elementary catalytic steps on the sur-
perature dependent IR spectroscopy and Temperature face, as well as characterization of catalytic surface by
Programmed Desorption (TPD) were used to iden- chemisorption and QM calculations (Huang & Carter,
tify the adsorption sites on Co and Co–Pd nanopar- 2008; Zaera, 2013; Berland & Hyldgaard, 2013; Far-
ticles by Risse et al. (2003). It was shown that CO berow et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2013; Jiang et al., 2013;
adsorption on metal atoms with low metal coordi- Keil, 2013; Klappenberger, 2014).
nation leads to strong intensity enhancement of the He et al. (2014) and Lyu et al. (2014) analyzed
IR absorption as compared to regular surface sites. chemisorption of chlorinated nitrobenzenes (CNB) on
Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations show palladium nanoparticles. Their experiments and theo-
that this intensity enhancement is due to the decou- retical quantum chemical evaluation allowed explain-
pling of the low coordinated metal atom bound to ing the selectivity in the hydrogenation of CNB. Ex-
CO from metal atoms embedded in the metal sur- planation of the differences of these values was also
face. supported by the observations of Kratky et al. (2002).

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