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Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 01 - The Meeting (p.

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Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you hogwartswonderland for the gorgeous banner.

Chapter one - The Meeting.

Gabriella was standing in front of the big golden doors that led to the office where her mother
was currently in, she sighed and looked at the big black couch next to it. It was so appealing to
her to just sit on it right now. She wanted to relax, close her eyes and fall into a deep slumber,
maybe that would take away the worries she had for today. That couch was just too appealing to
her, she smirked and sat down on the couch still occasionally glancing up at the doors that led to
HIS office. Her mother never stayed long over here, she hated this place just as much as
Gabriella did. At least she always acted like she hated the place. When she was about to knock
on the door to ask her mother to come out already the big doors just opened in front of her. She
didn't expect that to happen, mostly because she didn't hear anyone approaching the doors. She
stared at her mother with a blank expression or maybe a more confused expression on her face.

"Gabriella baby" Her mother started as she looked over her shoulder, "We need to talk" She said
in a much gentler tone.

Gabriella raised her eyebrow at the tone her mother used and looked at the handsome man who
was standing behind her mother. He was tall and rather muscular even in his suit you could tell
he had a good body, though his face was aged he was still very handsome. Gabriella looked
deeply in his blue eyes looking for some kind of emotion but he kept a blank expression. His hair
was short cut, he had a silver earring and his eyes were the most remarkable thing of his whole

The most deepest blue she had ever seen.

Gabriella quickly flickered her eyes back to her mother just for her own safety. She rather look at
her mother than that intimidating man. She knew if she stared too long in his eyes she would get
caught up in them and do whatever he says.
"If it isn't Vincenzo's daughter" He seemed quite amused when he stated that, she didn't
understand why though, "I see you inherited his insanely blonde hair color" he said with a
chuckle making Gabriella blush.

It was always her hair color that people intend to notice. It was a golden blonde color, maybe a
really deep golden blonde hair color. People always asked her if she dyed her hair but that was
not the case. She would never dye her hair seeing this was the only thing she inherited from him
and not her mother. She had her mother built she figured though sometimes even that didn't seem
right, and of course the brown eye color but hers were more intense than her mother's. She only
got her father's hair color and nothing more. Gabriella eyes widened when she noticed that the
intimidating man wanted to touch her cheek. She stepped back warily seeing she didn't want to
be touched by him. She heard her mother scoff and raised an eyebrow at her. Was her mother
scolding her or this man? She couldn't figure that out."What's wrong mama?" Gabriella asked
confused looking at the man who held a big smirk on his face. He was so beautiful that she
couldn't keep her eyes off him for some reason, but his eyes were so hard and cold they were too
intimidating to look at, so she tried not to look at him.

"Come on little princess let's have a talk inside okay. I think you're old enough to decide for
yourself isn't that right?" He said looking straight in Gabriella's honey brown eyes. Gabriella
looked away and nodded. She didn't understand why she agreed to this, it was like he had her
under his spell.

A very dangerous spell.

Gabriella stepped inside the room and noticed that her mother closed the doors behind her. She
looked around and noticed that the room was decorated in white mostly there was a big table in
the middle with soft red chairs at them. The table was black, shining in the light of the sun.
Cecilio walked up to the biggest chair at the table and sat down before he motioned for Gabriella
to sit across him. Gabriella did what he asked of her and sat down across him, throwing her long
blonde golden hair back. She looked at her mother who sat down next to her. Her mother kept
her eyes away from Cecilio she was looking at the table, she never looked up to look at her or the
man which made Gabriella wonder about it. Something was wrong, she could tell by her
mother's behavior, she just didn't know what was wrong."Okay I've had enough just tell me
what's going on here mom otherwise I am just wasting my time here. I have more important
things to do, yet you dragged me here to meet this guy who I don't even know!" Gabriella said
rolling her eyes.

"Hn, looks like you inherited more from your father than meets the eye, princess" Cecilio said
making Gabriella blush. He was right everyone told her she had her father's attitude.

She didn't mind to have her father's attitude though, it made her respected by others. She was
straightforward with everything, she never kept her thoughts to herself, if she disliked something
she would definitely tell you about. She didn't mind inheriting this straightforwardness at all.

"Well he is my father after all" Gabriella said flashing him a mocking glance, "I should have
inherited something from him don't you agree with me?"
Francesca chuckled and tried to suppress the laughter that was threatening to come out. She
looked up and met her daughter's honey brown eyes. She pressed her lips together trying to hold
back her laughter and looked the other way. Gabriella smirked and looked back at the man who
held a harsh look in his eyes now. Okay, so maybe he didn't like to get talked back like that, but
who was he to tell her how to act and how not to act. He was a nobody to her so she was not
obligated to do what he wants of her."Okay I don't want to be rude or anything, I guess I am just
being rude... Who the hell are you" Gabriella said narrowing her eyes on the broody man sitting
across her.

He smirked at her and leaned forward, Gabriella instantly leaned backwards not wanting to be
close to this man he kind of scared her even if he was the most handsome man she had ever seen
in her life. His perfume was intoxicating, her mother held onto her hand under the table
squeezing it lightly letting her know that she was there for her. Though Gabriella doubted her
mother could do anything at this point.

"Consider me to be your father-in-law from now on" He said while giving her a mocking look
back daring her to say something back at him.

"She just lost her father Cecilio, don't push it" Francesca hissed at him.

Cecilio rolled his eyes and leaned back against his chair crossing his arms tightly in front of his
chest. His black suit was perfect with that sky blue shirt under it, Gabriella had to give it to him
his clothing style was perfect like in movies. It was almost like he stepped out of a fashion

"Look princess" He started calmly, "Your father and I...We did business together to make the
business better you have to marry my son. You're gonna be rich. Don't you want to live like a
princess?" He said more as a statement like he knew what he was talking about.Well it was
totally clear to Gabriella that he had his mind set already and she couldn't reject this because he
wasn't going to give up. He was just like her father. If they had their mind set on anything,
nothing could stop them. She knew she would lose this battle. She just didn't want to go down
without some resistance.

"Let's make a little deal shall we?" Gabriella said leaning forward this time trying to persuade the

"What kind of deal?" Cecilio asked curiously with a hint of enjoyment in his eyes. She guessed
he respected her more when she was trying to negotiate with him, "Please do tell, Gabriella."

Smirking she leaned closer to him getting intoxicated with his perfume, "Tell me more about this
so called business and if this so called business is the reason why my father is not around
anymore and then I will agree to marry your son" She said with that devious look in her eyes.

Right now she didn't look that innocent to him anymore and he liked it. This attitude was exactly
what his son needed, finally there was a woman around who would intrigue his son.
Leaning back against his chair with that amused look in his eyes he nodded his head, "Very well
Gabriella, it's a deal then" He chuckled narrowing his icy blue eyes on her in a way that made her
anxious yet she didn't show him that.

She had to be dominant not submissive to him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you hogwartswonderland for the gorgeous banner.

Chapter two - The engagement party.

Gabriella stared at the blue eyed man who was seated in front of her. The look he gave her made
her even more upset than she already felt. He was mocking her and she couldn't say a thing to
make him stop looking at her like that. He was playing a game with her and she couldn't do
anything about it. She was lost, because he was getting to her with all the staring and the
smirking. She just wanted to punch him in the face and call him names, but she couldn't. Not
only because he was bigger, stronger and scarier than her, but because she knew this man meant
more to her mother than just a friend though Francesca never said anything about it. Her father
dropped enough hints to them for her to know that this man was the man her mother 'used to'
love. Was he pissing her off because of that as well?

"I don't mind a handsome man staring at me the whole time, Mr. Gavino" She said trying to get
back some of her confidence, "But I do mind you staring at me like that" She said a bit more
harshly causing the man to chuckle, "Just tell me what I need to know or I'm leaving Mr.
Gavino" She said trying to hold back the snappy tone that was threatening to come out.

She had to be polite just like her mother taught her to be, years ago. She was a lady and a lady
didn't raise her voice nor did she use language like that. She hated to be raised like that because
for one she was a girl who couldn't keep quiet about the things she disliked. It was hard to be
polite and at the same time speaking your mind freely.
Cecilio chuckled and untied his tie and his first two buttons of his blue shirt, he was getting a lot
more comfortable around her. She didn't know if that was good or bad thing.

It was true this girl had guts and he had to admit to himself he very much liked it, his son would
like it even more. Not once he met a girl who dared to speak her mind freely, this girl would be
the first he would actually start to have feelings for.

Because of her confident personality the way she was always speaking her mind and trying to be
dominant instead of being submissive he figured she would be perfect to become his youngest
son's wife. She was worthy enough to stand beside him. Together they would be the perfect
couple, not only were they both very attractive people they also had the same spunky personality.
Letting her marry his son would help him achieve getting his son happy, if he did that he had
done at least something right for once in his life.

He noticed that Gabriella seemed upset maybe anxious even. Her knuckles were turning white as
she was clenching her fists. Her look was cold and emotionless while she mimicked his glare
perfectly. She clenched her jaw at times when she talked to him. He knew if her mother wasn't
here he would be seeing a different girl. He didn't know if he should be happy with the fact that
Francesca is here or disappointed. He wanted to see that dominant girl some time, that girl who
didn't hold back her feelings. It seemed very amusing to him."Let's get down to business then"
He started and cleared his throat, "What do you know so far, Gabriella?" He asked the girl who
was seated in front of him while he glanced at Francesca to see if she was stunned by this, but
the woman seemed perfectly calm.

It didn't surprise him at all though, Francesca knew a lot about this matter but it seems that she
never told her daughter about it. It was probably for her own sake for Gabriella not to know the
truth about the death of her father.

Narrowing her honey brown eyes on the man in front of her she crossed her legs under the table,
"I know one thing for sure Mr. Gavino my father was not a real accountant" She started causing
the man to smirk, "Since when is it necessary for accountants to have firearms with them and
carry big suitcases with money" She said shaking her head a little in disappointment, "Sorry but I
don't buy it at all. Is this so called business you have the reason why my father has died?" She
asked finally making Cecilio lean forward a bit with that amused look glistering in his icy blue

She was definitely not holding back right now, she was getting very irritated with this matter
now that she was going into details. He figured she wasn't over his death by far. He liked this
side of her, not the innocent high school girl act she put up for her mother. Just the real her, the
side of her that she inherited of Vinnie.

"You've got a bad attitude Gabriella" Cecilio stated with a smirk plastered on his face and a soft
chuckle in his voice, "I like it."

She was a bit surprised that he told her he liked her attitude. Most people hated this side of her,
mostly the girls back at high school hated her for it because she always told them the truth no
white lies. If that dress made you look fat she would simply tell you. Not tell you it looked
gorgeous y while going behind your back and make fun of you. She was not that kind of girl and
many people didn't appreciate it.

So Gabriella merely shrugged not showing the man it meant more to her than it should. She
didn't think there was another way into saying what she felt. He was nobody to her just a mere
friend of the family, so she didn't need to consider his feelings.

"Your father and I are friends from way back. He has his family and I have mine. We made a
deal that my son would marry his daughter when she is old enough...You're eighteen now
making you old enough to marry my son" He said as he saw her frown slightly, "Yes the
business is what got him killed...did I catch the murderer no...did the cops catch the We don't know who it did and my guessing ...We'll never find out as well" He said
as he shared a look with Francesca before he looked back at Gabriella.

"My father got killed because of what you do and you want me to marry your son and get into
this stuff as well? It could cost me my life you know. Everybody who wants to get to your son
will hurt me" She said as she looked him in the eyes again, "Can you live with that? Can you live
with the fact that I made get killed because of your son?" She asked making her mother shift
uncomfortably in her seat because of her sudden sensitive questions.

"I can assure you princess nothing will ever happen to you. We will treat you like the queen. You
deserve that much" He said as he lightened a cigarette.

Francesca cleared her throat getting their attention like she wanted. She looked at Cecilio and
back at her daughter and slightly smiled, "A promise is a promise baby" She said noticing how
Gabriella eyes widened at that comment, "You have to keep your word and marry Michaelangelo
Gavino" She said making Gabriella cringe her nose a little, "I promise you you'll find happiness
with him. He is a good kid, Gabriella" She said making her daughter roll her eyes.

She wanted to protest against her mother and this man in front of her, but she knew in her heart
that it was of no use. Her father always told her to keep her word, and a promise is a promise so
she couldn't suddenly back out."Whatever, it's not like I am living the perfect life now seeing
someone isn't letting me go to medical school" She said giving her mother a glare that Francesca
didn't seem to notice or maybe didn't want to notice.

Cecilio chuckled and shook his head he was clearly amused by this girl across him, he never met
anyone like her. She wasn't scared at all or maybe she was but she didn't show it. She dared to
speak up and show her emotions.

She was perfect for his youngest son Michaelangelo, since he liked challenges and she was one
big challenge. He knew Michaelangelo wouldn't get tired of her, like he grew tired of all his
previous fiancées excluding his last one of course. She was a whole different story.

She couldn't be compared to Gabriella at all.


Gabriella sighed and sat down on the couch in her mother's bedroom. Her mother was running
around in her black dress, her hair up in a messy bun. Gabriella kept quiet but held her eyes on
her mother. Her mother did everything she could to make a good impression to the Gavino
family. Gabriella wasn't going along with her mother with that. She hated them acting all high
and mighty around here. She didn't want to marry the son of that Cecilio who thought he was like
a god or something. She hated people who acted like that. She hated him, because of him she
was in this mess.

"Stop moping around Gabriella, you look so beautiful in that dress" Her mother said with a big
smile on her face, "It would be shame to that dress, smile a little."

Gabriella rolled her eyes and brushed her hair behind her ear, "Well thank you mother, but I can't
breathe in this thing, I think I might suffocate tonight" Gabriella said with a mocking look in her
eyes as she tried to annoy her mother a little yet Francesca merely poked her side.

"You better act like the lady we've raised you to be" Her mother said using her dangerous
warning tone, "The Gavinos have been really good to us. Your father would have wanted you to
act kinder" She said knowing Gabriella was always weak to the father comments.

"Fine I'll act like the girl you want me to be...brainless" Gabriella said walking out of her
mother's room. She could hear her mother curse things under her breath and it just made her

Francesca ran after her daughter and stopped her, so she couldn't hide in her room like she as
planning to. Gabriella sighed and held onto the hand of her mother with a clear annoyed look on
her face. Her mother hugged her and kissed her cheek trying to make up for the remarks she had

"Listen Gabriella, Michaelangelo is a good boy I met him, he is gorgeous for one I couldn't keep
my eyes of him, he's sweet and a real gentleman you and him are perfect for each other, you
might not know him anymore but when you were younger you two used to be attached to each
other. We couldn't keep you two apart" Her mother said with that dazed look in her eyes trying to
convince her daughter into getting more excited about this wedding.

Gabriella held a confused expression on her face, she couldn't remember that, she couldn't
remember a Michaelangelo in her life. She would have known if she knew a guy who supposed
to be THAT handsome. She smiled at her mother and simply nodded. There was no point into
trying to tell her mother otherwise, so she just went along with it.
"If you say so, mother" She whispered, mentally rolling her eyes since she figured that Francesca
was just playing mind games on her, "I'll try and act more excited about this engagement party"
She muttered trying to please her annoying mother a bit.

"Ah! This is going to be so wonderful! You're going to have so many cute children, I can't wait
for it to happen!" Her mother yelled happy thinking about her daughter having children.

Gabriella twitched and shook her head. Her soft silky blonde hair falling in front of her face
because of it. She went with her hand through her hair and cleared her throat.

"Stop thinking about that...Please mom! I only agreed on marrying Michaelangelo Gavino. I did
not agree on having sex with him, kissing him, hugging him or being nice to him for that matter.
It's just a business deal, that's all."

Francesca didn't buy her statement though, "Honey believe me when I say this... It WILL
happen" She said with a smirk seeing how shocked her daughter seemed to be, "Michaelangelo
Gavino will be your first" She squealed.

She wasn't going to argue with her mother, she knew she couldn't say anything to change her
mother's mind. Her mother had nothing to say about her sex life. Even if she would have to die a
virgin she would. She never could have sex, seeing her father would always scare the boy away
if he was too close to her. The only thing she ever did with a boy was kissing and holding hands.
Her father was overprotective when it came to her and boys. Now she wondered if it was because
of the deal he made with his friend, Cecilio Gavino.

Francesca ran down the stairs taking her daughter by her hand and dragging her out of the house.
Gabriella whined about it but it didn't help one bit. She noticed that her mother dragged her to
the place where Cecilio was standing with some guys. So her mother was planning on taking her
to the groom. Gabriella took a deep breath so she could control her emotions and smiled at
Cecilio who looked at her. She was going to pretend to be the perfect daughter for her mother
and it wasn't hard since Gabriella was used to fake her personality for her mother's happiness.

Something told her while looking in Cecilio's eyes he knew that as well.

Chapter Three - We're The Perfect Couple

Francesca smiled brightly as she looked at Cecilio. Gabriella had never seen her mother smile
like that before not even to her father. His face was as impassive as ever when the woman kissed
his cheek. Watching her mother kiss the man's cheek like that made her sick to her stomach but
she kept her thoughts to herself. She wouldn't mess things up already, her mother would never let
her hear the end of it if she did. So Gabriella merely rolled her eyes and looked around instead,
searching for the guy she was about to get married to. She admitted to herself that she was kind
of curious right now. She wanted to know what kind of guy Michaelangelo Gavino was. She
would get out of this marriage somehow. If she couldn't she would try at least to benefit out of it,
maybe going back to medical school. Her mother would no longer be in control of her life after
all. She smirked at the thought, maybe she shouldn't ruin this wedding. She could do whatever
she wanted if she did marry this guy. Like Cecilio said they would treat her like a queen, and a
queen can do whatever she pleases no one would argue with the queen. She flickered her eyes
back to the scene in front of her. She then noticed Cecilio was staring at her the whole time he
has been talking to her mother. Was he keeping an eye on her? She narrowed her honey brown
eyes on him trying to figure out his deal. Something was wrong with the scene. Why was he
staring at her like that? She narrowed her eyes on him as she saw him stepping towards her. His
glass of whiskey clutched in his hand as he approached her.He smirked while looking at her,
"you don't seem that unhappy about the situation anymore, Gabriella" he commented being right
about it as well.

She shrugged her shoulders at that comment though, what could she say back? That she was
going to benefit from this all now that she thought it through. She couldn't tell him that. She was
sure he was going to put a chain on her and she was sure he would do it literally if she wasn't the
perfect daughter-in-law he wanted to have. Looking into his intimidating blue eyes told her that

"Who says I'm not unhappy anymore?" She asked him giving him an amused look, "Maybe I'm
one hell of a good actress" She said and sipped from her champagne, never breaking eye-contact
with the man.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously on her and shook his head lightly, "No you're not, your eyes
tell me the truth are lying, I can read people like a book. If I couldn't I wouldn't
be standing here in front of you right now" He said and smirked seeing she understood what he
meant by that comment.

Knowing she couldn't put up the charade anymore she just sipped from her champagne with a
calm expression in her eyes, "Maybe I am lying" She admitted to Cecilio quite calmly which
surprised him a lot, "What is it to you though?" She asked him.He didn't seem to like her
response that much, "Watch your mouth Gabriella, once you are in this family you can no longer
speak your mind as freely as you do now. Do you understand there are a certain rules to follow?"
He asked her sternly.

She was aware that he seemed like a whole different person right now, "Like being a slave to
your son?" She asked sarcastically making him smirk.

She pushed all his buttons with that snappy remark, "Gabriella" he said in a warning tone letting
her know he was quite serious right now, "We'll have to discuss this matter after the marriage"
He said before he stepped aside seeing his 'right hand' tried to get his attention to leave for a
minute so they could have a talk.
Gabriella followed him with her eyes before she sighed in relief to have him at a distance from
her. She felt like she could finally breath properly again. One thing was certain she would not
find happiness here. She felt it in her guts that she would be treated like a slave rather than a
queen. He promised her one thing but his eyes told her a whole different story. She made her
way to the bar to refill her glass since she knocked that down carelessly while she was talking to
Cecilio. She needed to get a bit tipsy to get through this boring party. She rolled her eyes when
she got a few winks from some young looking guys, but the guys she hated the most were the
guys who had wives standing beside them and still looked at other that. She quickly
knocked down her second glass of champagne and turned around to observe the party filled with
business men and their wives and barely old enough kids, someone like herself. A girl who is
eighteen not even started college yet and is already familiar with things she shouldn't be familiar
with. She jumped slightly as she heard someone clear their throat. She was surprised to see
Cecilio standing there right beside her. Just a minute ago he was taken aside by his creepy
looking 'right hand'. She never liked the man, he had shoulder length hair a scar running across
his cheek and intimidating green eyes. He always stared at people with that careless expression
in his eyes. He didn't talk much his staring was enough to scare people away. She slightly smiled
as she looked at Cecilio.

"I was hoping your little meeting would take at least an hour" She admitted to him with a small
smile, "What a shame it is" She whispered causing him to smirk.

Cecilio chuckled his eyes gleaming with amusement, "I made an exception just for you
Gabriella, don't you feel special right now?" He asked sarcastically before he grabbed her by her
arm and dragged her with him.

She wanted to protest but stopped seeing where he was taking her to. He took her to a guy about
her age who had a bright red haired woman clinging onto him like gum sticking to the bottom of
your shoe. She looked like a model though not a very attractive one because of all the make-up
she had going on but she still looked pretty enough to be one. She had red hair and fierce blue
eyes. Her eyes and hair color made her look simply beautiful though she should consider to wear
less make-up. She looked away from the girl and took her time to observe the guy who the girl
was clinging onto. She had to admit, he was one hot looking guy. She knew right away he was
Cecilio's son. He had the same eyes and mouth as his father. He had a smile on his face, but it
was a warm smile a smile that made her feel welcomed. She was supposed to hate him yet he
was making her like him. He looked like a model who stepped out of a magazine. In other words
he looked just like his father. Some people were just blessed.Cecilio shared a look with his son
before he gestured to the girl at his side, "Michaelangelo this lovely lady beside me is Gabriella"
He said and nodded when his son gave Gabriella a smile, "Gabriella this is Michaelangelo
Gavino, my son" Cecilio said and released the girl's hand.

He smirked seeing she was too stunned to reply back to him. For once she didn't have an answer
ready for him, he was glad she didn't. He shared a look with his son before he paid attention to
the girl who clung to his son like glue.

He didn't seem to happy with the girl, "Come on Anarosa, darling" He said gently yet his eyes
told them all a different story, "Follow me" He said it gently yet it clearly was an order.
Gabriella noticed how that girl obeyed him like a robot or maybe obeyed him like a pet would,
some woman she was. Didn't she have any dignity at all? Gabriella didn't want to become like
that, she didn't want to become an object, a wife Michaelangelo could brag about because of her
looks. Michaelangelo took her hand raising it and softly brushed his lips against the back of her
hand with his eyes closed. His lashes batted against her hand causing her to gulp, his long thick
eyelashes made him look even more handsome than he already was. He opened them again and
looked with his icy blue eyes at her the smile never left his face. Gabriella couldn't breathe
anymore but she promised herself that she wasn't going to let him get to her. Unlike that girl
Anarosa she had some dignity left in her she would stand her ground firmly.

He seemed amused with her she didn't understand why though, "Nice to finally meet you
Gabriella" Michaelangelo said with a seductive smile on his face.

Gabriella couldn't help but to feel disgusted with a remark as that, "If I would say I feel the same
way it would be a lie" She said locking her honey brown eyes with his.

Michaelangelo chuckled and shook his head a little he was clearly amused with her reaction, "I
wouldn't think I had to teach you how to behave Gabriella but I guess I was wrong someone does
need some attitude lessons" He said while coming closer to her.

She had her eyes narrowed on him yet she stood firmly on her feet not moving away from him at
all, "you want to turn me into that?" She asked as she gestured to the red haired girl Cecilio
referred to as 'Anarosa' "I will never become a woman like her, it doesn't matter what methods
you use" She said causing Michaelangelo smirk only wider.

Michaelangelo shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants, "Well I never intended to turn you
into one of my mistresses" He said making Gabriella choke in her drink.

Mistresses? She hoped she heard it right, he said mistresses right? He had mistresses, not one girl
he slept with but many more. Why did she even dare to think he was different like her mother
told her he was. He was the same as all members of this family, cheating bastards.

"Mistresses?" She whispered

Michaelangelo smirked and stepped even closer to her. He was so close that she could feel his
breath tickle against her nose. He was too close for her liking yet she didn't do anything to push
him away. She hated herself for that, was the guy getting to her? It must be because he looks like
a freakin' model. She was just affected by his appearance she told herself.

"Are you jealous" He whispered against her lips.

They were so close that they almost kissed, and part of her even liked it. Michaelangelo pulled
away when he heard someone clear their throat and let go of the girl who was staring at him with
her honey brown eyes, an expressionless look in them he wished he could read her but she kept a
cool exterior right now. He looked next to him and noticed that Anarosa was standing there. He
sighed and looked at the girl who ruined the moment.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 03 - We're The Perfect Couple (p.8 of 13)

"Sorry, to interrupt" She didn't seem to be sorry at all though, "But are you the bride to be?" She
asked Gabriella with her eyes on her like she was daring her to say something she didn't want to
hear. Gabriella raised her eyebrows at the girl who dared to glare at her like that and crossed her
arms in front of her chest firmly.

"No, I'm not" She said looking the other way.

Of course Cecilio must have informed this stupid looking girl already but her asking this
question anyways made her think Anarosa was trying to mock her a little so she didn't take the
bait like this girl thought she would. Unlike this girl she went to high school and crammed night
after night to get her diploma. She could think for herself she didn't need a man to do that for her.

Anarosa seemed taking by that before she recomposed herself, "Good then you don't mind if I'll
take Michaelangelo away with me" She said clinging onto the arm of Michaelangelo again like
she owned him.

Michaelangelo held his eyes on Gabriella, as if he was trying to make her protest against
Anarosa yet she had no intention of doing that. She could tell that he was angry because of that.
He had a polite smile on his face yet his eyes seemed to be burning with fire as he looked at his
wife to be. To be completely honest to herself Gabriella knew she enjoyed every minute of it.

She would go even a little further with this just to annoy him, "Oh you can have him, I don't
mind at all" She said politely to the confused red haired girl, " Just take him away" She cooed to
her, like Anarosa was a little child.

Gabriella heard some men chuckle behind them and got annoyed with them already. She shook
her head and walked away from them, she couldn't deal with this pressure anymore. She walked
towards her house, she could feel all their eyes on her but she didn't mind it she was just going to
bed or something anything was better than to be around these people. She stopped in front of the
glass door and waited for a second taking a deep breath. She didn't know why but something
about that guy was attracting her she was so angry with herself to feel something like that for
him. She shouldn't be attracted to him he was the enemy after all. She turned around and looked
straight into his eyes, she didn't understand why he was standing in front of her. She didn't even
hear him coming her way... how long was he staring at her like that? Her hand dropped from the
doorknob and her eyes were locked on him. Her face had a surprised expression on it, her pink
lips slightly parted. Michaelangelow walked up to her and dragged her into the house closing the
door behind him, and pulling the curtains so people couldn't see them in the house. He pushed
her against the wall behind her with his hands on each side of her head so she was captured
between him and the wall. She could feel her heart beating against her pulse because she didn't
know what to expect from him.
His icy blue orbs burned with fire as he opened his mouth to say something she probably
wouldn't like to hear, "Don't ever dare to speak like that again. If you speak like that again I'll
swear you'll regret it" He whispered against her ear. His lips slightly brushed over her ear
towards her neck.

Taking a sharp breath she tried to calm herself, "Speaking like what?" She asked taking deep
breaths when she felt him going lower and lower to her chest. He smirked against her skin and
slowly moved back up to her ear.

"You're Mrs. Gavino and you're happily married to me in a few weeks. Don't ever forget that
Gabriella..." He whispered in her ear.

She tried to push him off her but he wasn't going to let her seeing how forceful he was. He
grabbed both of her hands and slammed them back against the wall. She gasped out of surprise
which made Michaelangelo smirked and locked his eyes on hers.

"Remember that" He whispered brushing his lips against hers.

Gabriella eyes widened because of it, she didn't expect this to happen. She slowly closed her eyes
while enjoying the feel of his lips against hers, his lips felt so good against hers. His lips were so
soft but still masculine and at the same time he was being so gentle with her. He slowly pulled
away and stared into her dazed eyes, a smug look spread across his face.
"I guess I do like you after all" Michaelangelo whispered letting go of her.

They both turned around when they heard someone clear their throat. That someone seemed to
be very impatient as well seeing he or she was tapping their feet against the floor in a childish
manner. There was the wicked witch again she crossed her arms and her eyes were on Gabriella.
She walked over to her and snorted.

She seemed very angry yet Gabriella didn't seem to understand why she was so angry with her it
didn't seem like Michaelangelo liked her that much yet she seemed so attached to him, "well,
you're a little slut aren't you" Anarosa said mocking Gabriella.

Gabriella chuckled being amused with the woman's outburst, and brushed her hand through her
hair looking like an angel with her long blond hair that was falling in front of her face the light
shining on her hair only causing it to look even more intense gold.

"You should look in the mirror before you judge other people" Gabriella scowled at her walking
up to Michaelangelo.

Michaelangelo snickered and took Gabriella hand in his while he walked with her out of the
house. He was intrigued with this woman seeing she could stand her ground she didn't seem to
be afraid of people and that was what he liked about her. Anarosa growled watching the couple
leave togetehr and walked out of the house as well following the couple who looked like they
belonged together. She wasn't going to let the blonde slut take her love of her life with her. She
was going to fight for his love and she was convinced that she was winner in the end.
Michaelangelo gave Gabriella a glass of white wine and kissed her cheek lovingly lingering
longer than necessary which caused her heart to pound against her ribs. People were talking
about how cute they looked together and how in love they looked. Gabriella knew he was just
acting, because his eyes were mocking her, this whole time.Help I'm married to a mafia boss -
Chapter 03 - We're The Perfect Couple (p.12 of 13)

"Well, I see you've learned your lesson" Michaelangelo whispered to her.

Gabriella looked the other way with her expression mocking him right back. He tried to suppress
his laughter and that took a lot of effort, he kissed her on her lips making her look at him again.
Gabriella hated him even more then he was using her and he was enjoying every minute of it.

Gabriella was glad the engagement party was finally over, she didn't have to act like she was
totally in love with that bastard. If she wanted one person to just die in a hole it was him. She
followed her drunk mother inside and helped her to her room. She was rattling on and on about
how Michaelangelo was so perfect for her daughter. Gabriella had a hard time not to just snap at
her mother. Somehow she managed to stay calm and collected. She put her mother on the bed in
her bedroom and laid down next to her. Her mother rested her head on the shoulder of her
daughter and closed her eyes."I think you two are really perfect for each other" Her mother said
drifting to sleep.

Of course they were like the perfect couple considering they were acting to be perfect together.

People really bought that shit she couldn't believe it, "Yes we are" Gabriella said sarcastically,
but of course her mother didn't notice it, she was far away by now because of all the booze she

She was probably already dreaming about the upcoming wedding Gabriella didn't want to attend.
Michaelangelo was a dangerous man to be with, he could fool everyone with that perfect smile
upon his face yet he had a dangerous fire burning inside. He was a person you couldn't read, a
man who tried to order her around like she was his possession. Never in her life would she
blindly follow him around. If he searched for a woman like that he would end up very
disappointed considering she was just not that type of woman.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Chapter Four - The Perfect Wedding.

Gabriella sighed tiredly. Great her mother was taking things seriously. The look in her eyes told
her not to joke around. She had thought about the only thing she could do and that was to flee,
but now she couldn't. Cecilio's guards were all over the place preventing her from fleeing the
scene. Her mother seemed overly happy with this wedding. Was there something she wasn't
telling her daughter? Gabriella narrowed her honey brown eyes on her mother, trying to analyze
her. She was too happy about this wedding. Something was not right here and she was going to
find out what. Just not today, today was her wedding day. She hated it. She sighed again making
her mother frown.

"You brought this upon yourself Gabriella you were the one who made that deal with Cecilio.
Just deal with it already, stop being a baby and get this over with. Don't you understand marrying
into their family will make sure you are well taking care of" Her mother explained.

Was it all about the money? Was her mother that obsessed with money? She had heard the maids
talk about her mother before. They were gossiping about how her mother only cared about
money and nothing more. Was it true? She always thought that it were just rumors but now
seeing her state with her own eyes she was doubting in what she believed. Her mother never
loved her father? Was it all an act?

"Even if you don't want to get married Gabriella there is no way out of this. Look around you,
you think you can go up against these men? Have you seen the size of them and You
are like a bug to them they'll probably just lift you up with one hand and carry you to the church.
For once Gabriella...listen to your mother" Francesca pleaded.

"Fine I will commit suicide then" Gabriella said walking towards her bathroom where people
were waiting for her to make her look like a princess.

Francesca huffed like a little child and buried her face in her hands, trying to calm herself down
the best she could. Her daughter was a big baby sometimes and she was sometimes just too
selfish, she promised to marry Michaelangelo and her mother wasn't going to let her break that
promise. Francesca looked at the maids who were staring at her and scowled.

"Start doing your job! You don't get paid that amount of money for doing nothing!" She angrily
yelled at them.

They nodded and quickly made their way out of the room. They weren't going to stay around for
the outburst of Francesca.
Michaelangelo sighed and put his hand through his hair, this girl was making him wait on his
wedding...on their wedding where so many people were around. He knew Francesca was going
to take care of it, but she could handle it a little faster since people were thinking he was dumped
by her. He looked at his father and narrowed his eyes on him. Cecilio mouthed to him to relax.
Michaelangelo nodded and took a deep breath looking at the door she had to come through.

"I guess the princess decided to bail out. I don't mind it all, maybe I can take her place right..."
Anarosa said jokingly making her friend Renata roll her eyes, "I'm just joking Renata, Mr.
Gavino has personally told me to leave his son alone...or else" She whispered, "I don't want to
find out what or else means" She mumbled making her friend smirk.

"You thought Cecilio would let you marry his son? Are you that big of a moron? You are
nothing to them, if Michaelangelo were a rockstar you would be the groupie just the sex and
nothing more" Renata said looking around in the room.

"Gabriella Valia, I've heard about her. Cecilio's partner's daughter. The daughter of Vincenzo
Valia, the only child of him. Well the only child we know off" Anarosa said and chuckled
together with Renata, "Wanted to become a doctor yet her family has stopped her, her cousins
male cousins are very protective over her. Her female cousins are like her sisters...they are
all...blonde" She mumbled and rolled her eyes, "Known as the white rose...stands for purity and
beauty" She mumbled, "I don't think any girl who lives in the world of money, drugs and sex will
stay pure though."

"As far as I know the white rose...still is white but that's not what the nick name is about..."
Renata shrugged and smirked as she saw the annoyed look on Anarosa's face, "You had your
time with him, now it's time to let go sweety. He will never look at you the way he'll look at the
white rose" She mumbled purposely using the nick name Anarosa detested, "I'm sorry" She

Renata was surprise when she saw the bride walking to her husband to be. She wasn't wearing
something flashy. To be honest she thought the dress was too simple. A plain looking dress. Her
make-up was not too flashy just noticeable tint of pink on her cheeks...natural eye shadow the
thing that stood out the most were her lashes. Thick and quite long. She was surprised. It seemed
all so plain and average. She had expected more diamonds more glittery make-up yet the simple
dress and makeup made her seem gorgeous.

"Gabriella Rosabella Sevina Valia, do you take Michaelangelo Gavino in sickness and in health,
to love, to honor and to serve, to be your lawfully wedded husband."

Gabriella looked at the guy next to her he was staring at her with his stormy blue eyes he was
daring her to try and mess this up. She looked at her mother for a minute and noticed the scary
look she had on her face, she didn't dare to look at Cecilio. She was sure his look was the
scariest! She looked back at Michaelangelo and smiled politely. There was no turning back now.

"I...I do" She forced a smile on her face.

Michaelangelo held tightly onto her hand, making sure to grip it even tighter. She closed her eyes
for a bit seeing his grip on her hand was just too tight. He was doing this on purpose as if he was
warning her. She knew then that this was the way they were going to live the rest of their lives.
She opened her eyes again and straight into his, his eyes telling her to be obedient.

"You may kiss the bride"

Gabriella and Michaelangelo looked at each other neither of them would make the first move.
They waited for the other one to do something. When she expected it the least, Michaelangelo
crashed his lips against hers, holding onto the back of her head with his right hand to keep her
into place. Gabriella closed her eyes feeling her cheeks burning up by the sudden kiss, she had to
admit that she didn't dislike being kissed by him like that. He quickly pulled away making sure
to keep the kiss decent enough for their audience. The dazed look in her eyes made him
mockingly smirk at her.

They were driving towards the party that Francesca had organized for them. Michaelangelo sat in
the back with his wife looking out the window. They were both quiet the whole way towards the
ball room. Gabriella slowly turned her head to look at him. He looked back at her with a frown
on his face. He seemed to be deep in thoughts. It really surprised her when he started talking to

"So your name is Gabriella Rosabella Sevina" He asked while looking back out the window.

At least he was talking to her, their marriage would have been so boring if neither one of them
would talk.

"My parents couldn't choose so they gave me more than one name" Gabriella shrugged.

"I like Gabriella better than Rosabella or Sevina" Michaelangelo said calmly.

"If I'll give birth to a girl I'll call her Rosabella" Gabriella said and smirked.

"Just to mock me?" Michaelangelo asked, "Well Rosabella will do just fine " He said making
Gabriella roll her eyes.

She then realized she had done something stupid, she just admitted to have children with him!
That would never happen! She just fell for his trick.

"You made me say something like that, you are actually enjoying this, I can see the glimpse in
your eyes" Gabriella said shaking her head lightly, "I will never have kids with you, you tricked
me into saying that!" She stated only making him chuckle louder.
"When we're alone" He glanced at the driver for a minute and looked back at her. "We have to
talk." He said with a polite smile on his face, but it was clear to Gabriella that she was in trouble.

Gabriella knew exactly what that meant, Michaelangelo would yell at her. She had said
something to upset him and she would hear about it later on. Their wedding night would be so
perfect! It would be filled with anger and hateful thoughts. She figured that his preaching would
be the worse part of today, that would be the reception they had to attend. Her mother would
have gone overboard, and she would have to pretend to like every second of it. Her life just
became a living hell. Arriving at the hotel Michaelangelo helped her out of the car, he didn't lead
her inside though. He took her aside to have a private conversation with her.

She folded her arms around herself while she stared at the man who stood in front of her with
that warily expression on his face, "When we're inside you have to keep your big mouth shut.
Don't say anything negative about our marriage, do you understand?" He asked though his eyes
told her not to mess with him.

This was just the beginning of his anger, she was sure that at the end of the night she would be
getting a lot worse than this.

"I understand." She firmly told him.

He seemed pleased with that and gripped her hand tightly in his, walking with her to the entrance
of the hotel. To everyone else they seemed like the perfect couple, yet no one knew what
happened behind closed doors.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Edited: Wednesday 10 October 2012

Chapter Five - Honeymoon Issues.

Michaelangelo frowned deeply as he was sitting with his 'lovely' wife in the car. He didn't give
her much attention, they clearly didn't get along well. She was too stubborn and he just couldn't
deal with a nagging wife like her. After he scolded her two days ago she ignored him completely.
At least she trying to ignore him, every now and then she did make a snappy comment. He was
getting used to it now, it became easy for him to ignore her snappy comments it was better to
ignore it than to respond to it because it didn't end well for either one of them. He looked out the
window to see that they were already at the airport. He didn't understand why he had to go on a
honeymoon with that woman. He rather stay at home and work than to be in one room with that
crazy woman. She made his blood boil and made him want to pull out all his hairs. He got out of
the car not really waiting for her before he walked with his subordinates to the right gate after
checking in. Gabriella pouted as she looked at the back of her husband. He might seem like a
kind, gentle and sexy man but he clearly wasn't kind and gentle. She had to admit he was candy
to the eye but that was about it, his personality reeked. She just quietly followed after him and
frowned seeing what seat he had taken in the plane. She sighed loudly meaning to get his
attention which she succeeded in because he flickered his intimidating blue eyes to her.

His expression was annoyed, "What do you want now, Gabriella?" Sounding harsher than he

It kind of hurt hearing him speak to her like that, but her face didn't show him he hurt her
feelings. She wouldn't show him any signs of weaknesses because he would only use it against
her, that sly Gavino male.

Flicking her hair back she gave a firm not at the window, "Let me sit by the window,
Michaelangelo." She averted her eyes back to him giving him that hopeful look.

He didn't fall for it though, "Don't act childish just sit next to me and let me sleep already. Unlike
you some people work all day long." He mumbled before he closed his eyes again putting the
headphones on so he didn't have to hear her anymore.

She wouldn't have any of it though, "Why would you want to sit by the window if you are going
to sleep anyways...jerk" She loudly muttered knowing he would hear her, before she grabbed a
magazine and flipped through it carelessly.

"Quit your whining. I can still hear you through my music" He didn't have to open his eyes to
know she was glaring at him, to him it was like he was arguing with a child every time they were
having a discussion.

Rolling her eyes she focused on her magazine, it was best to ignore him if she didn't do that she
would strangle him with her bare hands. It was best to keep her mind occupied."That's a good
girl." She heard him mumbled under his breath.

Clenching her fist she desperately tried to control herself. Michaelangelo Gavino was trained in
martial arts by the best, not only was he trained by the best nearly anyone could tell he hit the
gym occasionally to maintain his condition. Her strength would never match his, so it was best to
swallow her pride and let him say whatever he wanted right now.

"You know there is an empty seat next to Eric" She glanced over her shoulder to look at one of
the guards, "You might get more sleep there, since you will be away from my nagging as you
call it. You'll make everyone happy if you just changed seats."

Pulling his headphones away he turned in his seat to look at Gabriella, finally she looked up from
that damn magazine. He noticed that her knuckled turned completely white so little miss
sunshine wasn't as calm as she pretended to be! He knew one of the guards accompanied them as
a spy for his father, he didn't want Cecilio Gavino to have a laugh. No woman of his would talk
back at him like that. He touched one of her tiny fists and noticed how her cheeks burned up. So
he did get to her! That was amusing, the arrogant gleam in his eyes was blazing now. The
woman wouldn't know what hit her, when he was done with her.
He cupped her face causing her eyes to snap up while she gave him a questioning look. Smirking
he pinched her cheeks hard enough to turn them red which caused her to squeal loudly.

He leaned forward brushing his lips against her ear, "Serves you right." He whispered to her.

Pushing him away from her forcefully, she started to rub her cheeks to ease the pain he just
inflicted on her, "Jerk! That fucking hurts..." She whispered while she desperately tried to reduce
the pain.

"Let me make you feel better then."

She didn't understand what he meant by that before it was too late. She stared straight into his
eyes, hers confused while his were glistering with amusement. Her breathing hitched in her
throat as he kissed her rather passionately. It reminded her of their engagement party, this kiss
felt exactly the same! It was the reason for her cheeks to light up again, this time because of
aroused feelings.

Pulling away he rubbed her cheek gently, "This is how it's supposed to be. Now I can sleep
peacefully." With that he pulled completely away from her and shifted in his chair to get more

Finally his flight would become more pleasant.

Once they arrived at the hotel Gabriella walked closely behind her husband, glaring at his back
for the stunt he pulled at the plane. Right now she was just at loss of words, what could she
possibly say to him other than: stop fucking with me! If she said that he would take it as another
challenge, she didn't want him to kiss her like that again! It made her confused and it gave her
feelings she didn't want to have for him. They might be married and being affectionate and
intimate was what married people did, but they were not like that, and she definitely didn't want
to be like that with Michaelangelo Gavino. The guy who manhandled her and kissed her
passionately at the same time in planes! No, they would never become intimate together!
Observing the crowded lobby she noticed how people stared at them, some looked at them as if
they were famous models and others stared at them in fear, they obviously knew who they were.
It wasn't that hard to guess considering how many guards escorted them to the hotel. At least
they were good for something, they carried their luggage without complaints!

"Good afternoon sir!" The woman behind the reception chirped, "Your room is ready! Here are
the keys to your room, sir" She quickly handed him the card for their room along with a few
cards for their guards, "Our manager will escort you to your room-"
Holding his hand up Michaelangelo quickly rejected that offer, "There is no need for that. We'll
find out way ourselves. Thank you." He said turning around to hand his guards their keys while
he glanced at the smirking Gabriella.

"So basically everywhere you go people kiss your feet?"

Biting back his laughter Michaelangelo glanced over his shoulder. That woman definitely heard
his wife since she glared daggers at the blonde. Placing his hand protectively over Gabriella's
shoulders he leaded her to the elevators.

"Watch your mouth." He whispered to her while they out at their floor.

He opened the door to their hotel room and let her walk in first. She tossed her jacket carelessly
on the couch in the seating area and made her way to the gigantic bed. For a moment she forgot
that this was her honeymoon and just dropped herself on the bed and closed her eyes while
letting out a tired sigh. This felt good, finally she could relax a little!
Watching his wife getting comfortable on their bed he cautiously placed his laptop bag on the
table and took his equipment out. He didn't count on a real honeymoon so he made the right
choice of bringing his work with him to this little holiday of theirs. Sitting behind his laptop he
started to work since that was the only thing that he really could do right now. He didn't care
much for hanging around doing nothing like his pretty wife was doing.

Opening her eyes after a few minutes she tilted her head while she observed her husband, "I feel
sorry for you" She whispered causing him to freeze, "You don't know how to let go, so whole
your life you have been working like this... I assume you don't spend time with your family
doing things for fun."

"Depends on what you define as having fun. I occasionally let go as you call it with a woman,
sex was good to relief the stress."

Wow, an honest answer from the impassive man. Too bad that was not the answer she wanted to
hear, it upset her to hear him talk about his sex life. She knew it shouldn't but it still did upset

"Good to know you could still have fun then." She mumbled trying to forget about their
conversation since it only backfired on her to have a conversation with him.

"Why do you sound so upset?" He asked her, "It's almost like you had plans for us..." He
whispered. He took off his tie and tossed it aside while he strolled towards her, hovering over her
as he placed his hands on either side of her head, capturing her, "I would love to comply to your
wishes, my wife." He whispered to her his hot breath fanning over her face which made her feel
hot again.

He was taking this game too far, because right now she couldn't think straight with him so close
to her. All she could think about was having his lips against hers, while he would do things to her
which she forbid herself for thinking off. She had to be strong and push him away!
Finding the strength she pushed against his firm chest, "I don't need you to comply my wishes.
We won't be doing anything other than sitting our time through this so called honeymoon. I won't
be warming your bed, Michaelangelo. So find another way to relief your stress." This time she
pushed hard enough for him to let go of her.

She quickly got off the bed since that was the last place she should be at right now. Opening her
suitcase she grabbed a few clothes and locked herself up in the bathroom to think everything
over. There was sexual tension between them, even though she wasn't experienced in that
department she still knew when people were aroused. Michaelangelo was in the mood to have his
way with her, and if she didn't be strong she would let him! That was not supposed to happen,
this marriage was something she didn't want so consuming it wouldn't be an option. Once she got
her head straight she walked out the bathroom fully recharged and smelling fresh like citrus
Thank god, Michaelangelo went back to work because that would make this conversation easy.

"I have thought about a few things, Michaelangelo." She told him while she took a seat on the
edge of their bed, "I won't be sleeping with you so if you have the need for sex you have to find
other women to fulfill your needs with. As long as your discrete about it it's okay."

She was surprised her words came out firm, because her hand was trembling like crazy right
now. She just gave her husband permission to have affairs behind her back. That wasn't
something you could say out of the blue.

"You're giving me permission to sleep with other women?" He asked turning to look at her,
"Have you thought about the fact that my father expects us to give him a grandchild? How do
you plan on having a child when you won't sleep with me? I hope you realize the story about the
stork is not real.""I don't know!" She said while she stood up and placed the sheets aside so she
could get into bed. Once she was comfortable she turned to her side, "I just don't want to sleep
with you." She whispered before she closed her eyes.

Shifting Gabriella snapped her eyes open when the sound of someone typing on the computer
made her wake up again, she rolled to her side and glanced at the clock only to see it was past
two in the morning. She would hit her husband for waking her up in the middle of the night
because of his need to work like a robot! She sat up straight and glared at the man in question.

"Go to sleep already! You're annoying the hell out of me with all the typing you're doing." She

She noticed how his eyes wandered her body and quickly pulled the sheets up. She wasn't
wearing anything alluring with a purpose, she really didn't want to be intimate with her husband
so she figured it would be best to wear something unappealing. Yet with him observing her like
that she still felt naked.
"I'm almost done, you fell asleep before perfectly fine. Just close your eyes again." He focused
back on his work trying to forget about that attire she was wearing. It lost its right to be called a

Just close your eyes again?! She knew her husband wasn't retarded, he was Michaelangelo
Gavino the playboy billionaire to most people but the freighting mafia boss to people who really
knew him. Coming up with a mischievous plan of her own she pushed the sheets back and got
out of bed. She took a seat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, taking him
completely off guard with that gesture.

"I'm sorry babe, I know you're tired as well. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." She gave
him a tempting look, "Come to bed..." She huskily whispered.

She inwardly groaned when she saw him roll his eyes at her. Sometimes he was just too smart
for his liking, how was he onto her tricks so fast?

"You suggested to me to have sex with other women and now you're offering yourself to me, you
really don't know what you want." He made her pull her arms back and gently pushed her off his
lap while he stood up and looked her deeply in the eyes.

He was about to unbutton his shirt to see how far she would go with her little mind game, but he
froze midway when he saw her reach out to his laptop. He was too slow to realize what she was
doing, because when he stopped her was already too late! The bitch turned off his laptop!
Pushing past her he roughly grabbed his cigarettes out of his jacket and made his way to the

Folding her arms across her chest she watched her husband leave, "Leaving already,

He spun around and glared at the woman who forcefully turned his laptop off. He worked the
whole night for nothing. He could only hope he made a back-up because right now he was too
angry to remember if he did. "I need a strong drink, and I need to be as far away from you as
possible. If I don't...I end up hurting you, Gabriella." He told her firmly his eyes blazing with
anger, "I really want to hit you like I would hit a man right me you don't want that."

She gulped hearing him say that, she trusted him immediately. If Michaelangelo would actually
hit her she was sure she needed plastic surgery after. She just didn't want to show him how much
she feared him right now.

"Fine." She whispered carefully.

Michaelangelo gave her a final glare before he walked out the room, closing the door behind
him. He was about to walk away when a firm click caught his attention. She wouldn't! He
reached out to the doorknob and twisted it. Fuck, she really did it!
"Unlock the door, Gabriella." He warned her.

She wouldn't unlock it though, it was for her own safety. Besides that it was better if he spend
the vacation in another room. That way they both would actually relax.

"No! Sleep somewhere else. You'll do both of us a favor."

Clenching his fist Michaelangelo walked away, he didn't want to make a scene here. She just had
to wait...he would get back at her.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Edited: October, 14 2012

Chapter Six - His sweet revenge.

Glaring at his wife who walked in front of him, Michaelangelo had to hold himself back from
reaching out to her and strangle her with his bare hands. The bitch didn't let him in their room
once, no she had her fun this whole week completely ignoring his presence. It was considered a
blessing but a cruse at the same time. When he needed her to speak she kept her mouth shut, the
woman made his blood boil in the wrong way. Their so called honeymoon was a disaster, he had
to share a room with one of his men whom he didn't particularly hate but he didn't like him
either. In the end he had to get himself another room so he could finally sleep well at night.
Gabriella would pay for what she had done, that was Gavino policy after all. They'll pay you
back ten times worse, yet he couldn't exactly pay her back ten times worse because she was his
wife. He needed to remind himself that she was his wife. Running a hand through his hair he
took a deep breath and sprinted to her, grabbing her arm roughly while he pulled her closer to
him. She gasped loudly in surprise, he meekly smiled at her and held her tightly to him.

"Did you enjoy your time, Mrs. Gavino? You did have the presidential suite to yourself." His
eyes shining mockingly at her, "You must have enjoyed yourself, you're glowing."

"Our honeymoon was amazing." She smiled trying to rub more salt into his wound, "I'll never
stay in a regular suite again."

She knew he was playing games with her and she wouldn't back down easily. Two could play
that game. Once they entered the plane he followed after her to their seat, this time he let her sit
where she wanted without complaining about it. That confused her, what was he trying to do
now? You could never let your guard down with Michaelangelo Gavino around. She gulped
when her eyes met his, that look in his eyes wasn't good at all! He smiled to her but that smile
didn't reach his eyes at all.

"I so badly want to just...kill you" He whispered to her causing her to shiver unintentionally.

He meant to keep that line in his head but without realizing it he said it out loud. The princess
heard him since she trembled after he threatened her. He had to admit that she was one tough
lady, even though she somewhat feared him she still held her chin up and dared to glare at him.
He was about to grab his laptop when he felt a hard punch against his stomach, causing him to
lean forward while grasping his shirt right at the spot where the woman hit him! Hissing he
slowly sat up again and grabbed her face in his hand, making her look him in the eyes.

"Are you crazy?! What the hell were you thinking?" He asked never letting go of her face
though, he noticed she turned slightly red but she still managed to glare at him."You threatened
to kill me." She breathed trying to pull back but he wouldn't let go of her, "It was self defense."

Chuckling he pulled away from her and rubbed his stomach never taking his eyes off her though,
he had to be careful around this woman. Next time she would probably hit him somewhere more
dangerously. He stretched a bit before he grabbed his laptop like he originally planned on doing
and placed it on the table in front of him. He frowned hearing some snickering behind him and
quickly looked over his shoulder, only to see his men were laughing at him. For years his men
feared him and trembled in his presence and now a mere woman like Gabriella ruined his
reputation. He wouldn't allow her to treat him like that ever again. He unintentionally glared at
the woman who made his men have a laugh.

Raising her eyebrows Gabriella gave her husband a questioning look, "Want to act your thoughts
out?" She asked him quietly while she flipped to the next page of her book, "I wouldn't do it if I
were you, we have too many witnesses around. I bet you wished you took your private jet
instead." She finally looked up and flashed him a smile, "Poor you."

Inhaling sharply through his nose Michaelangelo focused on his laptop instead, "Everything will
be different at the mansion." He whispered, "How are you going to cope with our relationship

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 06 - His Sweet Revenge (p.4 of 8)

He smirked when he heard her inhale deeply, she didn't say anything back though. She probably
realized that she was screwed at the mansion, there her tough behavior wouldn't safe her from
him. It was his territory after all. There she wasn't safe anymore.


"What?" He asked in a sugar coated tone, "Scared, babe?" His eyes gleamed teasingly when he
looked at the anxious princess "You should be."
Once they arrived at the airport his men took care of their language while he walked together
with his wife to the parking lot. He held her hand tightly in his, the smile never leaving his face
because he felt that her hand was a bit sweaty. She was scared because she realized that she
would be in his territory now. Michaelangelo spotted his father who was leaning against his car,
sipping from his coffee. He didn't understand why his father insisted on picking them up, but he
didn't question the man. Cecilio was probably playing one of his games again, trying to screw
with their minds. Michaelangelo released his wife's hand once they reached his father, the man
reached out to him placing his hand firmly on Michaelangelo's shoulder.

"You look tired son, I hope you somewhat enjoyed your honeymoon. You weren't supposed to
take your work with you."

Glancing at Gabriella Michaelangelo looked back at his father, "I enjoyed my honeymoon. It
was...amazing, right Gabriella?" He used the exact words she used to mock him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 06 - His Sweet Revenge (p.4 of 8)

He smirked when he heard her inhale deeply, she didn't say anything back though. She probably
realized that she was screwed at the mansion, there her tough behavior wouldn't safe her from
him. It was his territory after all. There she wasn't safe anymore.


"What?" He asked in a sugar coated tone, "Scared, babe?" His eyes gleamed teasingly when he
looked at the anxious princess "You should be."

Once they arrived at the airport his men took care of their language while he walked together
with his wife to the parking lot. He held her hand tightly in his, the smile never leaving his face
because he felt that her hand was a bit sweaty. She was scared because she realized that she
would be in his territory now. Michaelangelo spotted his father who was leaning against his car,
sipping from his coffee. He didn't understand why his father insisted on picking them up, but he
didn't question the man. Cecilio was probably playing one of his games again, trying to screw
with their minds. Michaelangelo released his wife's hand once they reached his father, the man
reached out to him placing his hand firmly on Michaelangelo's shoulder.

"You look tired son, I hope you somewhat enjoyed your honeymoon. You weren't supposed to
take your work with you."

Glancing at Gabriella Michaelangelo looked back at his father, "I enjoyed my honeymoon. It
was...amazing, right Gabriella?" He used the exact words she used to mock him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 06 - His Sweet Revenge (p.4 of 8)

He smirked when he heard her inhale deeply, she didn't say anything back though. She probably
realized that she was screwed at the mansion, there her tough behavior wouldn't safe her from
him. It was his territory after all. There she wasn't safe anymore.

"What?" He asked in a sugar coated tone, "Scared, babe?" His eyes gleamed teasingly when he
looked at the anxious princess "You should be."

Once they arrived at the airport his men took care of their language while he walked together
with his wife to the parking lot. He held her hand tightly in his, the smile never leaving his face
because he felt that her hand was a bit sweaty. She was scared because she realized that she
would be in his territory now. Michaelangelo spotted his father who was leaning against his car,
sipping from his coffee. He didn't understand why his father insisted on picking them up, but he
didn't question the man. Cecilio was probably playing one of his games again, trying to screw
with their minds. Michaelangelo released his wife's hand once they reached his father, the man
reached out to him placing his hand firmly on Michaelangelo's shoulder.

"You look tired son, I hope you somewhat enjoyed your honeymoon. You weren't supposed to
take your work with you."

Glancing at Gabriella Michaelangelo looked back at his father, "I enjoyed my honeymoon. It
was...amazing, right Gabriella?" He used the exact words she used to mock him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 06 - His Sweet Revenge (p.4 of 8)

He smirked when he heard her inhale deeply, she didn't say anything back though. She probably
realized that she was screwed at the mansion, there her tough behavior wouldn't safe her from
him. It was his territory after all. There she wasn't safe anymore.


"What?" He asked in a sugar coated tone, "Scared, babe?" His eyes gleamed teasingly when he
looked at the anxious princess "You should be."

Once they arrived at the airport his men took care of their language while he walked together
with his wife to the parking lot. He held her hand tightly in his, the smile never leaving his face
because he felt that her hand was a bit sweaty. She was scared because she realized that she
would be in his territory now. Michaelangelo spotted his father who was leaning against his car,
sipping from his coffee. He didn't understand why his father insisted on picking them up, but he
didn't question the man. Cecilio was probably playing one of his games again, trying to screw
with their minds. Michaelangelo released his wife's hand once they reached his father, the man
reached out to him placing his hand firmly on Michaelangelo's shoulder.

"You look tired son, I hope you somewhat enjoyed your honeymoon. You weren't supposed to
take your work with you."

Glancing at Gabriella Michaelangelo looked back at his father, "I enjoyed my honeymoon. It
was...amazing, right Gabriella?" He used the exact words she used to mock him.
Gabriella forced a smile on her face and nodded mechanically, "It was great!"

Cecilio released his son and glanced at the woman, "You look good dear, the honeymoon must
have been great then."

The tone Cecilio used told her that the man didn't buy their act. She just didn't know what else to
say to convince him. She reached out to her husband and held his hand tightly in hers, squeezing
it so hard it made Michaelangelo wince.

"Michaelangelo has been really good to me." She told Cecilio quietly, "We might not be the
perfect couple, but we came to understand each other. We've grown closer, right


Cecilio nodded his head, thank god he somewhat believed her act, "So it seems...well get in the
car you two. I have a busy schedule you know."

Getting into the backseat with Michaelangelo, she softly thanked him for handing her a bottle of
water. She needed it to moisturize her throat.

"So you said you two came to understand each other?" Cecilio asked causing them both to nod
their heads, "Can I expect to become a grandfather soon?"

Coughing loudly Gabriella pressed a hand to her mouth while Michaelangelo rubbed her back.
That totally caught her off guard! Her husband did warn her that Cecilio expect them to have
children, she just didn't expect him to question them about it. That was personal!

"Dad we just got married." Michaelangelo reminded his father, "Let us get to know each other
first before we start thinking about children. "

"Don't think too long though, I still want to be able to play with my grandchildren."

"Don't worry about that." Michaelangelo said releasing his wife once he was certain she wouldn't
choke in her water.

Parking his car in the driveway Cecilio got out of the car first, tossing his keys to one of his men
while he somewhat sprinted into the mansion. Gabriella got out of the car with Michaelangelo's
help and followed him into the gigantic Gavino mansion. She knew this house well so there was
no need for Michaelangelo to give her a tour. Her mother came here often and usually Francesca
dragged her daughter along with her. It sometimes confused her why her mother wanted to come
by that often, she just knew better than to question Francesca. Once they were at the third floor
Michaelangelo held a door open for her, which she assumed leaded to his bedroom. She never
came to the third floor since there never was a reason for it. Entering the room she walked
around the spacious chamber and observed it intently. The room was decorated in neutral colors,
giving off a very calming feeling. The wall behind the huge king size bed was painted black
while the marble tiles were a beige/white color. What caught her eye was the big window wall,
that overlooked the swimming pool and garden. The garden was maintained perfectly, looking
like a scene out of a fairytale.
She jumped at the sound of hearing someone clear their throat. She had totally forgotten that this
was Michaelangelo's room!

Turning around she folded her arms across her chest and looked her husband in the eyes, "You
wouldn't get away with murder, here" She muttered referring to the fact he said he wanted to kill

He undid the first few buttons of his shirt while he strolled to his closet, "That would be a
worthless death, babe." He mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

She knew she shouldn't but she was just curious, she wanted to know what his closet looked like
so she followed him inside. Blinking she walked around the closet, staring at the spacious room
in awe. This closet was almost as big as her room back in her parent's house! She stopped in her
tracks when she saw that her clothes were here as well. Of course they were here, her pushy
mother probably took care of that!

"I assume my mother wanted me out of the house as fast as possible."

"I cannot disagree with your mother, who would want to live with such a woman like you.
You're stubborn, cranky and a spoiled brat most of the times."

She glared daggers at him for saying those things about her, "I'm not a spoiled brat."

Throwing his dirty shirt in the hamper he grabbed a clean one off the hanger and started to button
it up, "Whatever you say princess."

She ignored his sarcastic words and turned around to scan the room again, "This might be the
only thing that I like about you. You're closet is amazing. The only benefit I've gotten out of this

She was so engrossed into admiring his closet she didn't realize her husband walked out of the
room and now held the doorknob in his hand tightly, "Glad you like it." He said causing her to
turn around since his voice sounded so far away. She gasped and sprinted to the door but it was
too late! He slammed the door in her face! "This is payback, babe. Enjoy your stay."

Blinking at the closed door Gabriella trailed her hand over the wood and gulped. Her husband
just slammed the door in her face and locked it! So right now she was stuck into this gigantic
closet. Turning around she leaned back against the door and sighed. This was not so bad she had
been through worse, like being locked up in someone's trunk for hours. This was nothing
compared to that! The room had a sofa so she could actually lay back and just close her eyes for
a while.
"This isn't funny Michaelangelo." She called loudly while she made her way to the beige sofa,
"Payback..." She whispered realizing what he was talking about, "I didn't think you were a guy
who held grudges!"

No he already left her alone. She dropped herself on the sofa and closed her eyes.
That was the only way to kill time without freaking out. Eventually Michaelangelo had to let her
out, she just had to wait for him to decide she suffered enough.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 07 - Gruesome Past (p.1 of 5)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Edited: October, 14 2012

Chapter Seven - Gruesome Past.

Glancing at the door Gabriella sighed once again, it felt like she had been locked in the closet for
hours. Her stomach was grumbling while her mouth felt so dry! She needed to at least drink
something. It wasn't like she was really suffering, because this was nothing compared to what
she had been through before. One time a guy locked her up in his trunk for almost a day, this was
definitely like a luxurious hotel compared to that! That was probably the only reason why
Michaelangelo chose this room to lock her up in, it was to punish her but not really hurt her. His
father would hurt him if he physically harmed her. She stepped to the door and slid down,
leaning her back against it while she closed her eyes again.
She squealed when the door opened abruptly causing her to fall on her back, looking up she
looked straight in the eyes of her arrogant husband.

"I figured you were punished long enough." He said helping her to her feet, "You seem perfectly
fine to me." He sounded relieved to her but she could be wrong.

"I'm perfectly fine." She repeated, "A bit thirsty though, but I've been through worse. I could
have hold out even if you forgot about me and released me in the morning."

He didn't have that smug look on his face this time though, he was probably intrigued by her
confession about being through worse situations. With a father active in the underworld it was a
miracle if people didn't try to hurt you to get to him.

"Let's get you a drink." He gripped her hand in his and ignored her protests while he leaded her
to the kitchen. On their way to the kitchen she tried to memorize everything they passed, so if
she was alone she could find her way to it.
"Don't get soft on me, I wouldn't want to replace you." She joked trying to lighten the mood
between them.

He didn't smile or laugh though, he seemed only focused on getting her to the kitchen. He
opened the door to the kitchen and helped her in a seat. He stalked to the fridge and got her a
bottle of water.

"I'm Michaelangelo Gavino, I don't get tamed by a mere woman."

Gulping down the drink she flashed him a amused look. He responded to her joke only after he
got her something to drink, that said enough. He cared more about other people than he led on.

"Such a arrogant husband I have." She mumbled while she glanced down at her water bottle, "It
might be weird but I actually prefer guys who are overly confident. I feel weirdly attracted to
them, which gets me in trouble most of the time."

He narrowed his eyes on her and took a seat right next to her, "What happened to you before?
You mentioned that you would survive a day without food and water. So I'm curious about it."

She looked away from him pressing her lips together as she forced herself to calm down. She
never liked thinking about the things she went through let alone talk about it. Her father forced
her to go see someone to talk about it, but once he passed away she stopped seeing her shrink.
Francesca didn't question her, either she thought her daughter was fine or she didn't care.
Gabriella was just glad Francesca didn't force her to go see that shrink, the sessions were helping
but she hated to open up to someone about it.


"I don't like to talk about it."

"I know it's hard." He grabbed her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, "But you need to
toughen up and just spill it. I'm your husband it's important for me to know. I know you went
through those things because of your father's...occupation. I need to know about your past so I'm
prepared, Gabriella. You need to realize that I'm in much deeper...shit than your father."

She closed her eyes tightly and squeezed his hand before she opened her eyes and looked straight
in his reassuring ones. Why did he suddenly became so serious? She preferred his playful side
because then she didn't have to open up and be vulnerable. She felt weak whenever she talked
about her past.

"I usually got kidnapped for ransom. They figured that if they kidnapped Vincenzo's daughter
they would receive tons of money. It was one of the reasons my parents or rather my father
forbade me from going out the house alone. If I went out I had guards following me around
everywhere, even in the bathroom which was embarrassing!" She said with a soft giggle but
Michaelangelo didn't find it amusing he just kept staring at her that intently, "I sometimes went
through abuse because they would vent their anger on me. It didn't happen often but when it did
those people didn't get to see daylight anymore. I'm just saying that something like getting
locked into a luxurious closet isn't going to scare me...because I know there are far worse things
to go through."

She smiled slightly when the chef brought them two plates filled with delicious smelling food.
Just then her stomach grumbled again reminding her how hungry she was.


She could tell that her confession made Michaelangelo feel uneasy. It was the same with her
shrink, the woman got paid lots of money to help her but she could tell that every time she
opened up to her, the woman felt so uneasy. So after a while she just made things up to make the
session end faster.

"I'm starving." Gabriella admitted quickly digging in.

"I promise you Gabriella, that you're safe beside me. I'll do everything in my power to make sure
you won't go through something like that ever again."

"How sweet. You sound just like a caring husband." She chuckled, "So where is your father?"
She asked scanning the crowded kitchen, "Doesn't he need to eat?""He had to leave, something
important came up. We need to pick him up tomorrow morning from the airport. Afterwards
were going to have lunch together some place nice. So wear something decent."

"So what I'm wearing now isn't decent enough?" She asked amusingly.

"It's good, I'm just saying that-"

"I know don't bother to explain yourself. You'll only embarrass yourself more."

She smirked when she felt her husband glare at her yet she didn't look up to see it. She focused
on her food instead.

"Please let's just eat quietly, I'm tired of fighting with you the whole time."

That was the first thing they both agreed on, it was tiring her out to hold her guard up the whole
time. She just wanted to relax during dinner, after skipping breakfast and lunch dinner was much
needed. Eating it in silence would make her enjoy it even more.

Chapter Eight - Heartless Michaelangelo.

"I need to leave for a few days. I need to take care of an urgent matter in Rome." Those cold
words were the only explanation she got from her husband - Michaelangelo.

Michaelangelo was leaving today, just for a few days, that was what he said. She didn't want to
get her hopes up though, she knew an urgent matter meant trouble. Something bad happened and
Michaelangelo's presence was needed. If he was needed, it was something major.
Gabriella stalked to the hallway as fast as she could, she needed to see her husband. Her mind
kept screaming to her that she didn't care if he was leaving or not, but her heart told her to face
the truth. She would miss her husband, he was the only person she knew around here. Standing
in front of the closed bedroom door, Gabriella took a few seconds to prepare herself. A few deep
breaths calmed her raging nerves. Twisting the knob, Gabriella entered their bedroom and closed
the door firmly behind her. Her eyes never leaving the man who was packing his suitcase with
skilled, rapid movements. He looked up once to acknowledge her presence and went back to
packing. She took a seat next to his suitcase and went through the things he packed. He had
everything, of course he could keep a calm mind in stressful situations. Michaelangelo Gavino
was a robot."Checking up on me?" He sounded amused to her, "I'm sure I've everything. Want to
check again, Mrs. Gavino?"

This man was actually teasing her! He got a phone call from his relatives that something was
wrong in his father's home in Rome yet he could joke around. She wished she had half the
strength this man had. Then again at times she pitied him for his strength. He wasn't human, he
lost his humanity a long time ago. Yes, for him she felt sorry.

"You have everything. I checked." She swallowed and slowly rose her head meeting his blue
eyes, "You seem fine, aren't you worried?"

"Trying to pry information out of me?" He asked smirking when Gabriella's cheeks flamed up,
"I'm fine. I'm used to these kind of emergencies. Nothing to worry about. I've told you, I'll be
back in a few days."

"Even that is too long for me."

She was actually pouting! This woman was going to miss him, right now she was pouting like a
little girl. Her eyes lost their shine when he zipped his bag up. Was she going to cry? He liked to
believe that he was immune to a woman's tears, but he wasn't about to test his ability with his
wife. Gabriella couldn't cry, she was chosen to be his wife because of her strong character. He
could not see her spill tears.

"Are you going to cry?"

"Of course not!"

"It looks like you want cry though."

She rose to her feet and folded her arms protectively around her, she seemed actually offended
by him. He didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing.

"I'm not going to cry! You need to hurry if you want to catch your plane. Don't know why you're
not using the company's jet. It would be a lot easier for you to use it."

"Flying first class is fine too." He grabbed his suitcase and moved around the bed toward his
wife, placing a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth, "Be good while I'm away, Gabriella. I'm
only away for a couple of days, but if you're up to no good, I'll know. Do you understand?"

She smirked, "I understand. You have people around here spying on me. I understand it perfectly
fine." She gripped the lapels of his jacket and pulled him closer to her, "Be safe."

"I will." He leaned in and pressed his lips to her cheek, this time a minute longer.

She smiled and watched him walk away from her. Now it was official she would be alone in the
mansion for a few days. She had no friends and no family around. Her mother was around, but
she was never close to the woman. She didn't want to have a tea party with the woman who
forced her into the Gavino family. She still had a nagging feeling about Francesca and her
reasons. Something wasn't right about Francesca's relationship with this family.
She left the bedroom after a while and went to the living room, since she had nothing better to do
and she didn't feel like reading a novel right now, she would just watch some television. She
leaned back against the couch, her feet folded underneath her and changed channels, trying to
find something interesting. Something that would take her mind of Francesca and the Gavino

"Mrs. Gavino!"

The sudden cry for her made her jump. The head housekeeper was standing right beside her with
a serious look in her eyes. She couldn't help but to feel like she did something wrong. The
woman cleared her throat and apologized for scaring her. She should apologize! The woman
scared the living lights out of her.

"What's going on Carla? You look worried, did something happen?"

"No, Mrs. Gavino. You have a guest. Do you wish to see her?"

"A guest? I didn't expect anyone to show up. Who is it, Carla?"

The housekeeper seemed tense and by her weird behavior Gabriella could tell that it was not
someone she would like to see. That actually got her intrigued.

"Show her in, Carla."

Her response surprised the housekeeper, it made Gabriella realize who this person was. This was
ought to be interesting. The bloody woman dared to show up at the mansion. It couldn't be
pleasant to be in one room with the woman, but Gabriella wanted to know what the woman
wanted from her.

"Look at you, already feeling quite at home here."

Gabriella smirked, "This is my home now, so I should feel comfortable here."

The woman took a seat, and flicked her straightened red hair back. Her make-up looked perfect,
it was like the woman just stepped out of a magazine. She looked like a super model, a bit
overdressed for a quick visit. Did she think she would run into Michaelangelo? It only made
Gabriella smirk wider.

"Michaelangelo is not here."

"I came to see you."

"Somehow I doubt it." Gabriella thanked Carla for the tea and clutched the cup, "Why did you
want to see me Miss..."

"It's Anarosa."


The woman crossed her legs making her skirt hitch up higher, but she didn't seem to care. This
was the kind of woman who was not scared to show some skin, a lot of it actually. There was no
room left for imagination. You either liked it or you hated it. Gabriella wasn't quite sure what to
think of this woman. Was she confident or slutty? She couldn't make a choice.

"Why did you come to see me, Anarosa?"

"I'm actually a kind woman, Gabriella." The woman seemed sincere about her words, "Before
Michaelangelo came in my life, I wasn't this desperate. I wasn't so needy for a man's love." The
woman looked down to contain her emotions, "Michaelangelo changed me. I want him so
desperately to feel the same thing for me as I feel for him. So that's why I came here." She
looked up with a burning look in her eyes, "I'll fight for him. I want Michaelangelo, and I don't
give a shit that he is married or not. He was mine first!"

"He was never your possession." Gabriella's eyes softened, "I hate to tell you this, but the man
used you. He never intended to have a serious relationship with you. He told me so himself. You
were a good way to kill time, but you were never marriage material. Do you understand,
Anarosa? He never felt the same way as you."

"You don't know how he was like when he was with me. I'm certain that he feels something for
me. As long as I'm certain about that, I won't give up on him."
"You're going to end up hurt." Gabriella warned her, "Michaelangelo has made his decision."

"Men like Michaelangelo don't give a damn about marriage. You'll see."

Gabriella sighed running her fingers through her blonde locks. This woman was a mess, how
could she cling to a man who didn't even want her? She didn't seem to understand why this
woman was so desperate for even a glance of appreciation from Michaelangelo. Michaelangelo
didn't care about this woman, yet this woman was too blind to see. It was kind of hilarious now
she really thought it true. The needy woman was so desperate it made her want to laugh.

"I don't know either to laugh at you or to feel sorry for you." Gabriella rose to her feet, still
clutching her teacup like her life depended on it, "Carla! Please show this woman out. We're
done here."

Anarosa seemed surprised, maybe the woman expected more drama. Gabriella didn't want to
lower her pride though, she was not the same as this desperate woman.

"Don't complain about it later. I did warn you, Gabriella Valia!"

Gabriella narrowed her eyes on the woman, "It's Gavino. Remember it."

Carla asked help of a security guard to lead Anarosa out of the house. Surely a desperate woman
could be quite strong. Sighing Gabriella turned to Carla who came back with the same look in
her eyes.

"Never met a desperate woman like her before."

"I agree with you Mrs. Gavino. That was...awkward." Carla admitted quietly.

"Yet it takes a lot of courage to show up here and warn me about her intentions. I kind of
appreciate that side of her."

Carla shrugged, "It can be called either brave or stupid."

Gabriella watched the housekeeper leave and smiled, "Either brave or stupid." She repeated.

Three weeks has passed and there was still no sign of Michaelangelo. Gabriella didn't want to
call him and ask him about it, though there were times she lost her calm and reached for the
phone. She was glad she actually never dialed his number. Michaelangelo promised her that he
would be safe, so she would just trust in him.
Rolling to her stomach she flipped through the pages of the tabloids. It was a fun way to kill
some time. It's been a while since she read the dirty secrets of the rich. One of the girls she knew
from high school actually married an old billionaire who could be her father. It was very
entertaining to read these articles. "You seem to enjoy yourself a bit too much."

Her heart stopped hearing that voice, she recognized it almost immediately. Her mind though
didn't want to comprehend it. She kept thinking 'he couldn't be back, he couldn't be back.' So was
this a kidnapper, a murderer or a thief? The first two would have made their move already, the
thief she was not so sure about it.

"Why are you still not looking at me?"

"Because you can't be here, my husband wouldn't sneak up on me to make fun of me." She
frowned and shook her head, "No he would make fun of me, but he wouldn't sneak up on me."

The man chuckled, that deep sexy chuckle. Then she knew, it was actually really her husband!
Tilting her head she met his amused blue orbs. He stood there in front of her with that drop dead
sexy smirk, making her hot and bothered.

"Doesn't sound like your husband."

"Doesn't it? I'm pretty sure it's his life mission to make fun of me."

He actually laughed this time, the sound made her heart swell with happiness. That sounded so
good in her ears. He should laugh like that more often. Now that she observed him she could tell
that he was actually fine. She worried all those weeks for nothing. He looked good, even better
than before. Did something happen in Rome? She couldn't help but to feel warily of his sudden
good mood.

"Did something happen in Rome?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You seem happy, almost scary happy."

He threw his jacket on the chair nearby and slowly undid his shirt. She licked her lips as she
watched him reveal his tan skin to her. Why didn't she notice before how toned her husband was?
His body made her drool. She quickly closed her eyes and forced herself to snap out of it. When
she opened her eyes again he was gone, she heard him moving around in their closet so he was

" Your mistress came to see me a few weeks ago."

"I've heard."
His answer was short and sounded cold in her ears. Wasn't he curious to know what Anarosa had
said to her? Didn't he care about it?

"Don't you want to know about why she was here?"

"Why was she here?"

He didn't sounded interested in knowing the answer. It felt like he just asked the question to
make her feel appreciated. Was Anarosa right all along? Did he really not care about her at all?

"She warned me about you, about our marriage."

Finally Michaelangelo appeared in the room. He was now wearing faded jeans and simple white
tee. He seemed handsome in that too. The man didn't even have to try to look good. A lot of
women would be jealous of his ability.

"Did she now?""Yes. It was really awkward. You need to tell your little girlfriend to stay away
from me. I don't want to speak her again."

"I'll talk to her."

Gabriella noticed how he didn't seem to protest against the terms, 'mistress and girlfriend'. She
started to worry more.

"You seem quite calm about the whole situation. You don't correct me when I call her your
girlfriend. Is there something you want to tell me? Are you actually cheating on me with that
desperate woman?"

He froze in his steps and turned his head to her, he seemed amused with her question though, not
the reaction she expected.

"What if I am? What are you going to do about it? Didn't you give me permission to sleep with
other women? So why do you care?"

She cared a lot! She swallowed painfully and turned to her side, not wanting to look at him
anymore. Everyone was right about Michaelangelo Gavino. He really didn't have a heart...

Chapter Nine - An Ugly Past.

Ever since he joked around about having an affair with Anarosa, Gabriella just wouldn't leave
him alone. He could see now that it was a silly joke and he should have kept his mouth shut.
Apparently she cared more about him than she let on, then again he did exactly the same as her.
He couldn't let her know about his real feelings, he didn't even know himself how he really felt
about Gabriella.
All he knew right now was that he wanted her to leave him alone, to stop harassing him with
questions, because he was getting tired of her behavior. He walked away from his scolding wife
so that he could calm down. It was of no use to get angry with her because she wouldn't listen to
him, she was just being unreasonable today.
He just wanted to clear with her that if he was having an affair with Anarosa or any other woman
for that matter that he wouldn't be secretive about it. He wouldn't have the privilege to have those
kind of secrets because women would always stalk him for either more attention or money.
Gabriella rolled her eyes as she looked at the now closed bedroom door, it felt as if he closed the
door to his heart. He might have closed the door without much force but in her mind it felt like
he slammed it shut firmly. From the beginning she knew that he was a cold hearted man,
everyone was familiar with the strict behavior of Michaelangelo Gavino, but she figured after
spending more time together he would at least let her in a little. She was dead wrong.
Michaelangelo didn't care if she was an acquaintance or his wife he wouldn't let anyone in.
She got to her feet and quickly shot a glance in the mirror to see if her hair needed some fixing.
Running her fingers through her hair she was pleased with the result and quickly left the
bedroom. She wanted to have their argument over with, she knew it was a bad idea to talk to
Michaelangelo when he was upset with her, but she feared that if they let the subject rest now it
would never be discussed again. She needed some answers from her husband, and she needed
them now.
She found her husband in the living room with a glass of Coke in his hand while he fixed his
attention to the news channel. He never shot her a glance, she knew he was trying to block her
out, but she wouldn't let him. She came to him to finish their conversation and that was what
they would do.

"We need to discuss this, Mike, you know that right?" She knew she sounded unsure but his
behavior just made her nervous, she couldn't read his expression at all.

"We don't have to discuss this. I told you it was a lame joke, why can't you let it rest?" He asked
her quietly though she could tell he was annoyed with her, his voice sounded a bit harsher than in
the bedroom before.

"I'm past the joke, I just want to know about your relationship with her. Why can't you tell me
about it? You say you never once cared about her in that way, so why won't you talk about it
with me?"

He frowned but still refused to look at her which now annoyed her, "I'm not asking you about
your previous relationships, because Gabriella, it's in the past. We shouldn't bring things up from
our past, just let it rest."

She folded her arms across her chest, "You can ask about my past, but you already know. I don't
have any exes who would try to hurt you, because daddy made sure I never dated anyone. You
on the other hand do have a past, and I just want to know about it. Not in details...But just more
than 'I slept with her'."
"You're not getting more than that. I don't want to talk about it, Gabriella. Just respect my
wishes, can you do that?"

"Why don't you want to talk about it? Was there more to your relationship with Anarosa than you
let on? Because she seems to think so. If you don't want to talk about it though, I bet she can
enlighten me. She loves talking about you."

A loud growl left his lips, that was something other than a blank stare. It shouldn't make her this
excited but it did, finally they were getting somewhere.

"You're not going to talk to her about my sex life with her. You're my wife so I can understand
that you want to know a few things about my previous relationships, but you shouldn't push it,
Gabriella. I've told you what you need to know, let it rest."

She rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation, "You're so childish at times! I thought you were
supposed to be the mature one, yet you're acting like a kid!"

He dropped the remote control on the couch and stood up, his height intimidating her a little, but
she made sure she never showed it. She couldn't let Michaelangelo see her fear, it would give
him power over her. He didn't need more power over her, because he already dominated her.

"You want to know what kind of relationship I had with Anarosa?" He asked her quietly, folding
his arms across his chest while he stared down at her.

She barely nodded her head, not being able to look away from his intense stare, "Yes."

"We've met on a party and she came on to me. I couldn't refuse a woman who practically begged
me to spend the night with her. After that night I actually wanted more, because the sex was
good. So we started to have a pure physical relationship, I never once took her home with me, I
always met up with her at the hotel. I didn't want more from her than sex and if she wanted more
than that was her problem, because since the first time we slept together I've made things clear
with her. I wanted sex and nothing more, that's what I told her all the time."

He saw how she blinked a few times at his explanation, she was actually getting all teary, but he
wouldn't feel sorry for her. She was the one who wanted to know this.

"Did that feed your curiosity? Did it feel as pleasing as you thought it would?"

She inhaled sharply and looked away from him, "At least you've told me the truth. I'm pleased
about that."

"Are you?" He asked stepping toward her, grabbing her chin in his hand, "You sure you're okay?
It looks as if you're about to cry. If you are just remind yourself that you were the one who
wanted to know this, I've told you so many times to drop it because sometimes it's better not to
know the whole truth."
She pushed him slightly away from her, "I'm okay. I wanted to know this, so thank you for

She was actually thanking him for sharing the nasty details of his relationship with Anarosa? It
didn't look like she would cry any time soon, she straightened her shoulders and actually flashed
him a small smile. She was okay with his story...He never felt more amazed with a woman than
now. Gabriella was definitely something else.

"Let's focus on us, Gabriella. I'll make sure that Anarosa stays away from you from now on. I
won't tolerate her desperate behavior any longer."

"You sound upset."

He frowned at hearing her state that, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you sound upset about her behavior." She whispered, "I'm sorry I interrupted
your..." She gestured to the television and walked away.

To her it sounded as if her husband was upset with Anarosa, as if he was disappointed with her.
Getting disappointed by someone meant that you actually cared about that person. He might
actually care more about Anarosa than he realizes, you can only sleep with someone so many
times if you feel something toward that person, at least that was what she believed in.
She entered the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine and ignored the staff who wanted to help
her. She could pour a glass of wine without someone helping her. Taking a seat at the bar she
ignored her husband who came bursting through the door. Apparently now he was the one who
couldn't let a subject rest. Great, just what she needed. More details about his nasty little affair
with Anarosa.

She held up her hand before he could open his mouth, "I'm not in the mood right now,

His eyes flickered to the glass in her hand, "You're drinking?"

She followed his gaze, "Yeah, a glass of wine. You're going to tell my mommy?"

He sighed and took a seat next to her pouring himself a glass as well, "I know I've hurt you." He
sipped from his drink to calm his nerves a bit, "But I refused to tell you about it, because I knew
you would react this way. It's natural, Gabriella. If you told me you had a pure physical
relationship with another man I would get so furious."

"It's not what I'm upset about, Michaelangelo. I don't even know what I'm upset about."

She did know what hurt her, but she wouldn't tell him. He would refuse to believe her, and they
would end up in another argument. She was already too tired. She just wanted to enjoy to
richness of the expensive Gavino wine.
"Okay let's just enjoy this drink together then."

She smiled a little and raised her glass to him before she gulped down the cold, crispy liquid. It
tasted so good, and she definitely wanted another glass. Michaelangelo read her like a book and
poured her another glass.

"Thanks." She actually smiled sincerely at him which caused him to relax around her again.

"It's good?" He asked her curiously.

She frowned at his question, "Of course it's good. It's your family's wine, everything your family
does is always perfect!"

He chuckled at her response, "I wouldn't say everything." He mumbled which caused her to

She almost forgot about his dark background. Who would remember when she was having a
glass of white wine together with her husband while enjoying each other's company in silence? It
felt so normal that she completely forgot about it.
When she was about to respond her phone rang loudly, the caller being a reminder of his shady
background as well.

"It's dad." She whispered and answered it quickly. "Dad?"

She watched Michaelangelo while she talked to his father, they both forgot about his arrival
tomorrow. She was actually glad that Cecilio called them, because it would be awkward if he
would come back tomorrow without them knowing. To Cecilio they were the perfect married
couple, to everyone for that matter. No one could find out the truth.

"We didn't forget about it." She lied and pressed her lips together when she saw Michaelangelo
smirking at her, "Mike and I are discussing it right now. We'll pick you up from the airport and
have dinner together...We can't wait to see you again. Ciao."

Michaelangelo snickered loudly when she hung up the phone, "You're a pretty good liar,
Gabriella. You even had me convinced."

"Don't get your hopes up, I panicked. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest!"

"You did well." He was actually complimenting her, "I really forgot about dad's arrival
tomorrow. Don't worry I have the staff prepare everything. It's not that big of a deal, don't beat
yourself up on it."

She nodded, "I just feel bad for not remembering." She mumbled.
"I feel bad too, Gabriella, but we just got married we still need to get accustomed to this. Dad
will understand."

She knew Cecilio would understand but then again, Cecilio was convinced that they were
actually getting along.
She gulped down the last remains of her wine and placed the glass in the dishwasher, followed
by her husband who did the same.

"We should head to bed early."

She turned around and gasped loudly when she felt a slap on her rear. Did he just slap her in
front of their staff?! She scanned the room and blushed realizing they were all alone, apparently
the staff left them without her knowing.

"Did you just spank me?"

"It was one slap." He mumbled walking past her.

She was so surprised that she didn't know how to respond. It seemed that Michaelangelo had
more sides to him, he also had a kinky side to him. Good to know.

"You're not sleeping in the same room as me, pervert."

He chuckled at her comment and looked over his shoulder, "It's my room, sweetheart. If you
don't want to sleep in the same bed, go stay in one of the guest rooms."

She glared at his back as he continued to walk toward their room, "Sometimes I want to hurt you
so badly." She muttered under her breath, gasping when she realized he actually heard her.

He stepped toward her and kissed her cheek, "I know the feeling sweetheart."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 10 - My True Feelings (p.1 of 9)

Glaring at the man in front of her Gabriella turned her back to him and looked back in the mirror,
trying to fix her dress as much as possible. This whole time Michaelangelo had been nagging at
her, nothing what she was wearing was good enough for him, either the dress was too short or
her top too revealing. She didn't know what he expected of her anymore, they were just picking
up his father not the president. Biting her lip as she felt a vein in her head nearly pop because of
his high standards she turned around and folded her arms tightly beneath her chest as she gave
him a daring look. This was her fifth dress she wore this morning, she would not change into
something more 'decent' anymore. She didn't even know why she coped with it in the first place,
but now it would be the last dress she wore and that was final.

"Good enough for you now, Gavino?" she asked, only using his last name when she was really
upset, "I am not changing anymore so deal with it" she muttered under her breath as she walked
out of the giant closet and made her way to the bed, "we're just picking up your dad, don't make
such a big deal out of it."

Raising a sharp eyebrow Michaelangelo followed after his upset wife, making sure he had turned
off the lights in the closet and closed the door behind him, "I am not making a big deal out of it,
if you are not proper enough you will hear it the rest of the year, you really don't want to upset
father, even if he has a weak spot for you."

Smiling Gabriella leaned back against the bed as she titled her head slightly, "he has a weak spot
for me?" she asked mockingly making her husband roll his eyes at seeing the childish look in his
wife's eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, don't make such a big deal about it" he said spitting her words right back at her,
"now hurry up already, we've wasted enough time as it is" he muttered as he grabbed his car keys
of the nightstand and looked over his shoulder seeing he didn't hear the gentle footsteps of his
wife, "I am not kidding, Gaby."

Sighing deeply Gabriella got off the bed, "I am not kidding either" she muttered as she quietly
followed after the distressed man, "if he has a weak spot for me, he doesn't mind if I arrive a
little later than planned" she said and smirked when she saw her husband stop in his tracks
temporarily, "I am just saying" she whispered.

"I am still wondering after all these months why the hell our parents thought we were so
compatible, we really have nothing in common at all" Michaelangelo muttered as he glanced
over at his wife who seemed to agree with him for once in his life, "then again I can't seem to
remember a thing what has happened ten years ago, but I assume neither can you" he said as he
saw the dark look in her eyes, the same look he had when he tried to remember what exactly had
happened ten years ago that he couldn't remember.

"If we are talking about the same thing that has happened ten years ago, then yes, I do not
remember a thing anymore. Mom said I was in too much trauma and am now refusing to think
about it anymore, I don't know what I should believe, but I just know that what ever happened
that day, I just can't seem to remember it.""It's like a dark spot in your memory" Michaelangelo
whispered taking the exact same words out of her mouth, "somehow it feels like it was very
important though" he said in a hushed tone before he shrugged his shoulders, "anyways, it's not
important to discuss right now, get in the car" he ordered making her raise a sharp eyebrow, but
he ignored that.

Placing his hand on her shoulder he pushed her in the right direction, "nice ride, did daddy
sponsor you?" she asked making him scoff.

"I bought it myself if you must know everything about my life" he said making her huff before
he slammed the door shut on her side of the car so he didn't have to listen to her preaching, "I
don't want to hear it" he simply stated once he sat down in the car as well.
Nodding her head she couldn't help but to smile as she looked out the window, though she knew
he could hear the amused tone of her, "of course, every time we discuss your life you give me an
answer like that, Anarosa damaged you after all" she said making him clench his hands on the
steering wheel.

"What did you say?"

Smirking she shifted her head a little so she could look at him when he gripped the wheel harder
than he should, "you heard me, Anarosa damaged you. Because of her you don't like to talk
about your past, I get it now."

"You don't know anything about me, if you did you would know that you shouldn't mention that
woman ever again in front of me. I already told you to let go, but you just seem to refuse to do
so. Are you jealous?" he finally asked smirking when he heard her gasp, "I guess you are."

"I am not jealous!" Gabriella almost yelled as she felt angry to be put in the same box as
Anarosa, she was definitely not as slutty as the woman, she didn't surrender herself to every man
who told her she was beautiful, she felt so offended to be compared to that woman, "please, what
should I be jealous of? Should I be jealous of being used like she has been?"

"Exactly!" Michaelangelo said as he felt relieved she finally understood what he has been trying
to say to her for the last few weeks, "you have no reason to be jealous of her at all, so stop
talking about her and me. There is nothing going on between me and that woman."

"But you seem to have repressed a great part of your life that you spend with her, it seems to me
like that is important to mention, I am not jealous I just want to know."

Sighing he took a deep breath and shook his head a little, "listen to me Gaby, there was nothing
going on between me and that woman! Get that through your thick skull already" he muttered
making her pout her lips a bit at the choice of words of her husband, "we're here, remember we're
a happily married couple" he said as he forced a smile on his face.

Smiling the same way he did, she let him help her out of the car, "yes I am so happy with a
husband like you" she breathed through her teeth as she let him hold her hand in his as they
waited for his father by his car, "you are so adorable dear husband of mine" she coed.

"Aren't you two getting along so perfectly fine" they heard a deep voice state, startling them
both, what if he had heard their entire conversation? That wouldn't be good.

Gulping Michaelangelo smiled a little and released his wife's hand leaving her in the cold as he
hugged his father, "how is mom doing?" he whispered softly though Gabriella did hear his
question even if he tried to be secretive about it.

She knew his mother was a sensitive subject, no one in the mansion dared to mention her name.
She had seen hidden pictures of the beautiful woman in Michaelangelo's office but she didn't ask
him about it, one of the maids had warned her that it was very sensitive no one in the family ever
mentioned the woman. Cecilio closed that chapter in his life and now no one should ever talk
about it.

She was curious though, she did want to know what kind of woman the mother of Michaelangelo
was. What type of woman has left Cecilio heart broken. She was so curious about her, she must
have had the kindness of a saint and the beauty of a goddess. After all she left a very big
impression behind."She is doing fine" Cecilio answered casually as if he was talking about the
weather, "how is my beautiful daughter doing these days?" he asked as he released his son and
focused on the woman who was standing behind his youngest son, "are you pregnant yet?" he
asked making both Gabriella and Michaelangelo choke.


Shrugging his shoulders Cecilio let out a throaty chuckle, "what? I can ask right? I just want to
play with my grandchildren before I die you know."

"Seriously you have a whole life ahead of you, stop talking about grandchildren" Michaelangelo
quickly answered saving both him and his wife of another embarrassing conversation, "let's go,
we shouldn't waste time here, I have a dinner planned."

Smiling she nodded her head and gently held her husband's hand in hers as she gave the man a
playful glint, luckily her father in law did that notice it, "Michaelangelo has been so good to me
father, even though he was gone for quite some time, but he still took really good care of me" she
said as she saw her husband raising an eyebrow and smirked before she looked at the smiling
older man.

"Really?" Cecilio asked who was clearly quite surprised, "I am glad you two are getting along so
well" he said gently as he put his hand on top of his son's shoulder, "I am proud of you son" he
said making Michaelangelo smile a little.

Michaelangelo knew he was screwed now, Gabriella had him wrapped around her little finger,
and he knew he couldn't do anything about that either. She knew how to play games, and
honestly he knew he would lose if he tried to win against her. She could just manipulate people
easily, it was nothing to her. After all when you looked in her eyes, it was like looking into an
angel's eyes. Though she was definitely not an angel, she could stab you in the back if you didn't
watch out.

"You have nothing to worry about father" Gabriella smiled as she gave her husband a pat on his
hand, "Michaelangelo takes really good care of me, he is so sweet and kind towards me, and he
always treats me like a princess, I feel so spoiled."

Giving her a warning glance Michaelangelo kept smiling as he nodded his head, "she deserves it
after all" he said through his teeth trying so hard not to strangle the woman next to him.
She clearly tried to manipulate him, if she said things like that in front of his father. He could
never argue with this woman again, the way she made him look was like he was hopelessly in
love with her and was some kind of personal maid to her.

"That's good to hear" Cecilio finally stated as he got into the car, "I thought you had made dinner
place Michaelangelo?" he asked and watched his son help his wife first before he got in as well,
"so everything went alright while I was away?"

"Yes everything went just fine" Gabriella said in an overly sweet tone that made shivers go down
Michaelangelo's spine.

"What the hell was that all about?" Michaelangelo asked when the two of them were finally
alone in his bedroom.

"Keep your voice down, you don't want to wake your father after all" Gabriella softly replied as
she sat down on the bed and looked at her outraged husband, "oh come on, now your father is so
proud of you, it's not like I said anything to make you look bad, if anything you should thank me
for praising you like that."

"Praising me?" Michaelangelo asked confused, "Gaby you just made sure that I can never do
anything to make you upset, it's like I am your personal maid now" he huffed and sat down at his
side of the bed, "you are seriously killing me woman" he muttered under his breath ignoring the
intense stare he felt of his wife on his back.

"What's so wrong about that?" she asked jokingly and snickered when she saw her husband's
fierce look, "I was just kidding, you don't have to become my personal maid, I just made sure
that you can never hut me, after all you're so in love with me" she coed and ducked when a
pillow came flying right at her face.

"If I didn't know any better Gaby, I could say you really meant those words. Even though you
did it to annoy me, it actually sounded very sincere" he said before he got off the bed and walked
into the bathroom so he could fresh up from a long day with his family.

Closing her eyes Gabriella took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down a little, she didn't
know why but somehow she knew Michaelangelo was right, maybe she did mean those words
but still she would never admit that to him. She wouldn't inflate his ego even more. She cared
about him, and she didn't want to see him upset.

She knew that if she praised him like that, his father would be so proud of him. She just wanted
to make him happy, she didn't want to benefit of him. She just wanted him to think that so she
wouldn't have to admit her true feelings to him.
Because deep down she knew she cared a lot about him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 11 - My Eyes Sparkle For You (p.1 of 6)

Rolling on her stomach she smiled as she looked at her husband who was engrossed in some
paperwork at his desk. She knew he noticed her staring at him but he refused to give her a glance
worthy, she also knew that if he looked at her he could no longer focus on his work so that being
the reason that he still haven't looked at her. She was daring him though, daring him to look at
her. She knew that if she stared long enough at the working man he would after a while give in
and look at her, asking her what she wanted of him. It always went like this, it seemed more of a
habit now.

Huffing Michaelangelo pressed the papers he held in his hands tightly onto the file on his desk
and slowly looked up from all the papers that were scattered across his desk, all with numbers
and what not, everything that bored Gabriella to death. She was craving for attention that he
didn't give her yet, after all the maid that took care of him always told him that the more he
would cry for attention the more she would ignore him, so he was trying to do the same to his
wife. After a while he figured she would give up, but she was a strong one though. She didn't
know what giving up means.

Looking at the woman who held a victorious smile on her face he gave her a slight nod and
leaned back against his comfortable desk chair, "what is it that you want from me?" he asked
warily because in the back of his head he knew exactly what she wanted of him.

Sitting up, she smiled at him and raised an eyebrow, "you know what I want Mike, you know
exactly what I want from you" she said in a teasing tone that annoyed the hell out of him, she just
loved to annoy him a little, "please for your lovely wife?" she pleaded.

Scoffing he stretched a little as he got rid of all the tiredness, "my lovely wife?" he asked, "please
you mean manipulating she devil" he murmured causing her to grip a pillow tightly in her hand
before she threw it straight at his face.

Groaning he rubbed his face as he still felt the hit of pillow, "don't forget violent too!"

Folding her arms beneath her chest she shrugged her shoulders a little like she had done nothing
wrong, "you asked for that, you called me a devil!"

"I didn't mean to" he said though both of them knew that he didn't mean a word of what he said,
"at least I didn't mean to call you that openly, I would probably call you a she-devil behind your
back" he said and snickered when she glared at him, "alright what is it that you want from me?"

"I want you to accompany me" she said and smiled innocently at him, the glare disappearing
from her eyes, "that's what a husband should do you know" she said and smirked seeing she had
his full attention now, "they should accompany their wife when they go out to shop for a dress
for their party."
"You are trying to manipulate me now right?" he asked as he pointed a finger at her face causing
her to glare at him, "but I will accompany you either way, I have to make sure you don't buy
anything that displeases me" he said with a smirk.

"Right" she sighed before she got off the bed and placed her hands on her hips, "by the way, I
heard some rumors about a certain traditional necklace I will be receiving from you" she said and
smiled when she saw the color in his face fade away.

She just loved taking him off guard like this.

Getting up as well he looked down at his wife as his lips curled up a little, "you mean that one of
the maids told you about it right?" he asked and placed a hand on her shoulder as he bend down a
little to look in her confused honey brown orbs, "but it's true, you are receiving the traditional
family necklace, after all you are a Gavino now too."

Looking the other way as she tried to hide her blush she looked down at the floor instead because
she knew she couldn't handle looking her smirking husband's eyes, "I was just asking about it, I
am not wearing the thing."

"Really?" Michaelangelo asked as he softly took a hold of her small face and made her look at
him, "because a minute ago you sounded very pleased with it, like you really wanted it" he said
causing her to step on his foot hard.

"That's what you get for trying to tease your wife like that" she said mockingly as she flicked her
blonde locks back and turned her back to him, "stop fooling around like a child Mike, and get me
to the mall, I am already late for my appointment with Stella. I can't let the woman wait any
longer, I don't want her to give away my dress to your stupid ex-girlfriend."Looking up as he was
done groaning in pain he looked at the back of his wife and followed after her quickly, because
he definitely didn't like her last comment, "you are still brining her up Gabriella?" he asked as he
shook his head a little, "why can't you just let go of Ana already?"

"Because the woman declared war at me, that's why I can't let go of her. I need to show her that
she is beneath me" she said causing her husband to throw her a mocking glance, "don't look at
me like that, I know I shouldn't let her get to me, but it's already too late for that. She treated me
like I was some slut who stole her boyfriend away, but seriously she tries to steal my husband
away from me, so who is the one who is wrong here?"

Placing a hand on her shoulder Michaelangelo spun her around so she would face him, "you do
realize that you just admitted that you don't want to lose me. So in other words you just admitted
that you care about me, or even love me right?"

Rolling her eyes she placed her hand on top of his that laid on her shoulder and pushed him off
her, "it doesn't mean anything, I just don't want to lose to someone like Anarosa. I wouldn't mind
it if it was a decent girl with some brains, but to her, I can't lose. It has nothing to do with you."
"Right" Michaelangelo muttered as he walked past her, "even though you two are fighting over
me, it still has nothing to do with me" he stated sarcastically.

Looking at her husband who was quietly sitting on the bed waiting for his wife to be done with
fitting the dress he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, "Gabriella the dress looked on you at
the store and it still looks good on you now. Get out of the dress already, how much longer are
you going to make me look at it, you're still receiving the same answer, you look beautiful in that

Running her fingers through her soft blonde locks, Gabriella glanced at her reflection in the
mirror one last time. She knew she looked good in the dress, but she wanted Michaelangelo to
give his opinion. After all she dressed up like this, for him partly. She wanted him to look only at
her, not that fake ex-girlfriend of his.

Placing her fingers on the necklace she smiled and looked at her husband who now smirked, "I
don't want to wear this thing, it feels like you are making me your possession with this" she said
as she looked at the curly 'G' she was wearing around a necklace.

"I am not trying to do such a thing" he sighed as he slowly made his way over to her and stood
behind her, placing his hands on her arms as he looked straight in her eyes through the mirror,
"you are beautiful, Gaby."

Smiling a little she pouted her lips and raised an eyebrow, "if you are not intending to do
something like this, then explain to me why only women wear those necklaces?" she asked
making her husband smirk.

"Do you want a tattoo instead?" he asked causing her eyes to widen a little as he surprised her,
"you didn't know?" he asked her an smirked, "yes I have a tattoo, you want to see it?" he asked
her gently as he whispered it in her ear causing her to tremble slightly.

Gulping she shook her head as she tried to hide the fact that she loved how he was treating her
now, "I do no want to see it!" she quickly responded as she got out of his grip and turned around
to look at him, "I'll wear the stupid necklace alright" she muttered and placed her hands on her
hips, "happy now?"

Nodding his head he leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek pulling away as he felt her cheek
burn up with a simple gesture like that, "yes, you made me happy my dear wife" he said with
mocking eyes before he turned around and walked away leaving a stunned wife behind.

Turning to look in the mirror Gabriella couldn't recognize the girl who was staring straight back
at her, the girl who seemed more alive, the girl who had a rosy color to her cheeks, the girl
whose eyes sparkled with happiness. She couldn't believe that, that girl was her.
Just one guy could make her feel like this...she didn't understand why it had to be him. That
aggressive, heartless monster. She didn't understand why it was him that made her glow up like a
Christmas tree.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 12 - Dancing With The Dark (p.1 of 13)

Sighing when she felt another tuck on her hand she turned to look at her impatient husband, she
narrowed her honey brown eyes on him seeing he held a serious look in his eyes. He was always
so playful around her so seeing him like this got her curious though she was sure she would
regret it later on.

"What's wrong?" she asked warily as she stepped back a little unintentionally, "I think we sorted
things out at home, what more can you possibly explain to me?" she asked as she got impatient
with her husband as well, "I should stay by your side at all times and not talk to strangers...I got
it, it's what my parents always warned me about when I was five."

Getting tired of her remarks he grabbed her hand in his squeezing it to make sure he got her
attention, "I am not joking right now Gabriella, I mean it, these people here pretend to like you
but when they get the chance they don't hesitate to stab you in the back, I am serious don't talk to
strangers, especially male" he said stretching the last words to make sure he got through her.

"I got it" she said as she gave him a slight nod as her eyes were sharply fixed on him, "I shouldn't
hang out with strange men, they might be vampires who lurk in the dark and try to kidnap me"
she said in a teasing tone giggling when she heard her husband groan in annoyance, "if it's the
guy from twilight I don't mind getting kidnapped though!"

Running a hand through his dark locks he tried to calm down, he didn't want to argue with her
anymore. She was just such a stubborn girl, she didn't listen to anyone. Not her mother not his
father and especially not him. If anything he was sure she was out to destroy his life. She was
send by the heavens to make him pay for whatever wrong he has done in his life, she was
just...getting on his nerves all the time, he just wanted to strangle her at times, though there were
times he wanted to hold her close to him as well. One thing he was sure about, that she would be
the cause of him becoming bald at a young age."Can't you just listen to me for once?" he asked
her in a hushed tone as he gripped her arm in his and walked through the thick doors of the hotel
where the annual theme party was held, "if you get hurt don't come whining to me that I didn't
warn you. It's because you wouldn't listen to me and rather be like a spoiled child."

Rolling her eyes she let out a shaky breath as she tried to force a smile on her face, "I know you
care about me, my dear husband, just drop it for now okay. We're a happily married couple
remember?" she asked and smirked as she saw that he remembered his own words, "that's right
you were the one who wanted this, so smile honey" she coed to him, loving every second of it
too, his annoyed look was just priceless.
Walking through the crowded room Gabriella gulped as she felt like all eyes were on them, she
was sure she didn't know any of the people in the room yet the way they looked at her it felt like
they did know her. She has never felt more out of place than right now, she took a deep breath
and unintentionally held even tighter onto her husband. She knew he was smirking now, seeing
he was right and she was wrong. He loved it when she was wrong and rubbed it in her face for at
least an hour or so, maybe they were just both stubborn and childish.

"Everyone is staring at us" she whispered quietly to her husband who seemed to agree with her,
"let's just show our face and head back alright" she said making Michaelangelo let out a soft

"Don't worry about it" he said as he looked down at his wife, "you'll feel more comfortable once
you met some familiar people, I can't leave so soon, Gabriella. Please try and cope with it, I'll
pay you back when we get home, alright?"

Smirking she tilted her head a bit so she could have a better view of her husband, "you'll pay me
back?" she asked amused, "you know what the price is honey" she sang to him in a teasing tone
before she looked ahead again seeing she heard her name being called, "I won't forget your
promise, Mike" she whispered to him before she loosened her firm grip on him and walked over
to the grinning older man, "nice to see you too father" she said softly as she let the man hug her.

She giggled when she felt him hug her even tighter, almost chocking her to death. She didn't
understand why but the past few weeks he seemed to be very happy with her, treating her as his
own daughter, and she had to admit to herself that she missed a father figure. Spending time with
her father in law made her realize just how much she missed her father. He seemed to notice that
too and was treating her more carefully.

"Smile a little princess" Cecilio said softly to her as he showed her another warm smile that made
her feel welcomed, "you're much more prettier with a smile on your face" he said jokingly
causing her to give him a playful slap on his shoulder, "it's not so bad trust me, you'll get
accustomed to this."

She took the spot next to him sitting down on the barstool as she looked around the lobby, she
had to admit that there was a more comfortable sphere around now, maybe it was just her
imagination but it seemed like people were less hostile now seeing that she was spending time
with Cecilio. She wondered if it was because of him that everything seemed much more brighter.

Looking next to her she finally noticed that her husband was not around anymore, "Mike left?"
she asked confused and heard her father in law chuckle as he nodded his head and pointed at the
direction where her husband went to, "right, business" she whispered quietly as she observed her
husband from afar. He seemed to have fun, he seemed very lively as he talked to some men she
had never met before, maybe she would endure this just for him. He seemed happy here, she
would try and get used to it for his sake. She owed him that much.
"If it isn't Renata" she heard Cecilio say in his deep voice, "how are you doing?" he asked and
smiled when she raised her glass at him.

"I am doing great actually, daddy let me follow my dreams finally" she said and glanced over at
the blonde girl who was sitting next to her father in law, "I am asked to design a new clothing
line for one of the shops in the mall actually, so I am doing great" she smiled, "Gabriella how
does it feel to be a married woman?" she asked and let out a soft chuckle when she saw
Gabriella's blush.

Shrugging her shoulders Gabriella held a bit tighter onto her champagne glass, actually it didn't
feel any different to be married to Michaelangelo. She argued a lot with him and they always
seemed to disagree with each other but honestly she had a great time with him. He made her
laugh a lot and well it has been a while since she had felt so alive again, but she knew that, that
wasn't what Renata was asking about. She was asking her about her and Mike as a couple. That
she couldn't answer truthfully because they weren't in love after all. They gave people the
illusion that they were but they were more like close friends.

"It's alright" Gabriella said giving Renata the brightest smile she could manage while lying, "I
can't complain about my life, Michaelangelo is very good to me after all" she said softly.

"He should be" Renata said as she turned to look at the man as well, "he seems more alive now
that he's with you, his eyes are less...cold, and I know what I am talking about. After all he...hung
out with a lot of my friends."

"You don't have to hide it from me" Gabriella said and smirked when she saw Renata's surprised
look, "he told me about his past, I know that he has seen various women before he got married to
me, it's no secret. I also know that he would never cheat on me, so there is nothing to be worried

Cecilio smiled as he put his hand on Gabriella's shoulder, he was glad to hear that they were that
close. He doubted this marriage at first, but from the looks of it, it went better than expected. He
only wanted Gabriella to find happiness again, and now that she assured them of it, he knew he
could let go if this matter.

"Uncle do you mind if I take Gabriella with me for second?" Renata asked and smiled sweetly to
the older man that gave her a curious look, "I promise she will be back in one piece, the girls just
want to meet her already, but they are just frightened by Michaelangelo. He is so possessive over
his wife" she said jokingly smiling when she saw Gabriella roll her eyes, "I don't blame him
though for being so protective over you, he has a beautiful wife who cares about him more than
any other girl he dated, he finally has something real. I wouldn't let go of that too."

Something real? Renata didn't know what she was talking about. There was nothing real about
them but Gabriella wouldn't correct her. She and Michaelangelo decided to play along with
everything, in a few years if they fell in love again they could get a divorce, the both of them
could benefit from this little situation right now. They didn't have someone they loved anyways
so it was no big deal to them.
"I trust you, Tazio" Cecilio said as he narrowed his intimidating blue eyes on her, "make sure
Gabriella is safely returned to her husband, we both know how he can be" he said in a hushed
tone making the dark haired woman nod her head.

"They are his cousins you know, nothing can go wrong. Just relax already" Renata giggled, her
piercing green eyes sparkling in the light as she laughed, "come on Gabriella, we can't let them
wait any longer, they are dying to meet you."

Following after the cheerful woman Gabriella looked around the room, Renata was taking her to
a quiet area, where several couches were seated. She saw two girls sitting at a couch by the
window cheerfully discussing things. They both stopped and looked at her, making her smile a
little. They had the same green colored eyes as Renata so she assumed they must he related
somehow. The women on the couch seemed to resemble each other. You could tell one was
already in her late twenties while the other seemed not older than a teenage girl.

"Adelina, Cordelia meet your cousin's wife" Renata said as she sat down next to the teenage girl
as she held her close to her, "Mike wasn't watching so I abducted her" she said jokingly making
the girls smile a little.

"I thought Michaelangelo only had one cousin, and he is male. This is quite a surprise to me"
Gabriella admitted as she sat down next to the older woman who nodded her head.

"You mean my little brother Gabriel, he didn't make it to the wedding so you couldn't meet him,
but he has been very curious about you" she said and smirked as she shared a glance with
Renata, "I am his older sister and I should be positive about him, but I don't want to lie to you
Gabriella" she said and smirked as she leaned closer to the blonde, "you should watch out for
him, he is like the devil himself" she whispered making Gabriella's eyes widen at the comment.

She was right, she wasn't positive about her younger brother at all. She called him the devil?
Biting her lip nervously she thought back about that name, she had heard of it some time ago, but
she had only heard negative comments about him, so maybe his sister wasn't trying to cover it up
like they normally did. All the rumors had one thing in common.

Stay away from Gabriel Gavino.

She never understood why people said that, what could be so bad about him. It were those girls
that decided to let him play around with them. There couldn't be anything scary about him, the
hot devil of the Gavino family. She didn't believe a word of the rumors, they all said that once
you looked in his eyes you were captured by him. She just thought all the rumors were stupid, it
were the girls who wanted to get played by him, she had always assumed.

"Is he really that bad?" Gabriella wondered out loud regretting it the moment those words left her
mouth, "I didn't mean to...forget that I asked that" she said trying to apologize to the girls.
Cordelia couldn't hold it anymore and just burst out in laughter, "please Gabriella don't feel bad
about it, he is my brother and I feel the same way. He is always good to us, but we can't say
we're proud of how he treats women."

"Maybe if he finds the right girl for him, he'll change?" Gabriella shrugged making the girls

"Michaelangelo is the sane one of the family Gabriella, you're lucky that you are married to him
and not his brother, or Gabriel. You would have left the same day of your wedding, trust me"
Adelina said making Gabriella nervously bite her lip.

"His brother" she whispered as she just realized that she hasn't seem him around too, "he doesn't
live with the family anymore right, but what happened to him?" she asked as she got curious
about the Gavino family situation. It sounded to her that they have a lot of dark secrets hidden.

"Let's just say that Cecilio and Rodolfo can't meet eye to eye. And well my parents aren't really
happy with Gabriel right now, so can you imagine how Cecilio must feel right now?" Adelina
asked as Gabriella raised an eyebrow, "yes Rodolfo is much more like Gabriel than his younger
brother, it's like we said Michaelangelo is the sane one of all the guys in our family."

"Mike never mentioned his brother" Gabriella sighed before she got up and raised her glass,
"well I am getting another one, it was nice meeting you" she said and smiled when the girls
agreed with her.

She could hear their whispers already when she was leaving their sight, they were just discussing
if she was a good girl or not. They were going to fight about whether she was good enough for
their cousin. She knew that the outcome would be positive, she had done nothing to offend them,
really. So she knew that after a heated argument about her they would come to a conclusion that
she was good enough to be married to their cousin and they would accept her. It went the same
way in her family, so she was used to it. Everywhere she went people gossiped about her, it was
nothing new to her. Looking up from her glass her eyes widened as she realized he had no time
to react anymore, closing her eyes as she felt that she bumped onto something hard she slowly
opened her eyes and looked up.

"I am so sorry!" she quickly apologized as she realized that half of her glass was now poured
over the guy she just bumped into, "I wasn't looking and..."

Slowly raising her head she gulped as she looked in the most piercing green eyes she had ever
seen. She couldn't catch her breath anymore as she just stared in his eyes like a lifeless doll. It
was like the life was sucked out of her the moment she looked in his eyes. She knew right then
who he was. The guy all the rumors told her to stay away from.

"No it was my fault angel."

His voice was so smooth, she didn't mind listening to it the whole day. Trying to snap out of
whatever trance he had put her in she looked down as she realized she felt something wet on her
leg. Now realizing why he said it was his fault she smiled and looked up again shaking her head
a little.

"Let's just say that it's both our fault" she said and smiled when she heard him chuckle, the most
sexiest chuckle she had ever heard, "no harm done right" she said in a soft tone.

A gasp left her pink lips when she felt him wrap his arm around her and pull her closer to him, to
other people it might look like they were dancing to the slow song they were playing but she was
definitely not feeling like she was dancing. She felt shivers run down her spine when she felt his
hot breath tickling against the delicate skin of her neck. She closed her eyes at the feeling as she
tried to calm herself down. She couldn't feel this way, he was a womanizer after all. He knew
what he was doing to her, and he was enjoying every second of it.

"What's your name Angel?" he whispered in her ear before he pulled away and looked deeply
into her eyes, she then noticed that something sparkling on his ear, his left ear was pierces.

Gripping his shirt when she saw just how close he was she gulped and looked the other way, if
she hadn't done that she was sure his lips would have been on hers, she could after all feel his
lips on her cheek now.

"G-Gabriella Gavino" she said quietly as she closed her eyes tightly trying to calm herself down,
"what's yours?" she asked as she finally took a grip of herself and could look at him without
blushing like a school girl.

Maybe the fact that she was sure that Michaelangelo would give her an earful if she didn't act
normal made her sane again. She couldn't let this intoxicating guy get to her. He was nothing
more than a player, a guy who played around with girls like they were his toy. She could not fall
for a guy like this, she refused to become one of the many women he had.

"Gabriel Gavino" he said gently though she already knew that, it was quite obvious he had to be
the devil Adelina was talking about just a moment ago, "I should have known though" he said
making her raise a sharp eyebrow as she pulled away to look straight in his eyes, she gulped
when she felt his hands trailing down on her arms but she tried hard not to show how nervous he
made her feel, "after all only Michaelangelo gets the innocent girls" he whispered to her and
smirked when he saw her surprised almost shocked look.

Leaning in quickly he pecked her softly on the lips and chuckled when he saw how stunned she
was almost ready to hit him. Smirking he pulled away from her and gave her a wink, "it was nice
meeting you angel, see you around" he said gently before he walked away leaving her stunned

Damn, she had just danced with the devil and she liked it as well. She could just drown in sorrow
right now.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 13 - Don't Break A Promise (p.1 of 11)

Frowning as he had to look up from his laptop again he glared at the object that dared to disturb
him now when he was busy with checking his Financial report. He had other things to worry
about and seeing the caller I.D he didn't feel like answering right now, but he also knew that if he
kept ignoring the call his cousin would just come over and give him even a bigger headache.
Sighing he decided to answer the phone, holding it between his ear and his shoulder as he looked
through some of the receipts that were scattered over his desk.

"What do you need?" he asked in an indifferent tone, "make it quick cause I don't have all day

Hearing a chuckle on the other side of the line Michaelangelo raised an eyebrow as he leaned
back against his comfortable desk chair and focused on his cousin instead, "I'll make it quick
then, I just had to tell you that you have a beautiful wife Michaelangelo, maybe her innocence is
what makes her beautiful and that feisty attitude of her, she is different from your previous
girlfriends, right?"

"Why do you care?" Michaelangelo asked in a hushed tone as he put his guard up he didn't like
the way Gabriel sounded right now, he was sure Gabriel would make another game out of this,
it's what he always does after all, it's what caused him to be heart-broken, "want to steal my wife
away as well?" he asked and snorted, "you already got what you wanted, Ana is all yours...leave
Gabriella out of this."

"How can I leave such a girl alone, she is so different. I would like to get to know her a bit better,
you know I had the feeling that she is quite...shy with guys. It made me curious to why she was
so inexperienced around guys, is it that...your marriage to her is not what it looks like?"

Gulping Michaelangelo tried to stay calm, he knew this game. Gabriel was trying to trick him
into saying things the shouldn't be said, he wouldn't admit to anything what Gabriel was asking
of him. Smiling a bit Michaelangelo focused back on his work instead, "what is it to you? It's my
marriage, it's none of your damn business Gabriel."

"I am just curious about Gabriella that's all. She is so shy, it makes me want to get close to her
even more" he said in a tone that Michaelangelo knew all too well. Gabriel was trying to push his
limits and well he had to admit that it was actually working this time.

"How do you know that she is shy?" Michaelangelo asked suddenly realizing they were talking
about two different things, how the hell did this womanizer know things about his wife, "you
already met her didn't you?" Michaelangelo scoffed, "I promise you, you won't get closer to her,
so enjoy it while you can, that little meeting between you and her will not happen again"
Michaelangelo warned Gabriel making the man chuckle.

"I am rather close to her already Mike" Gabriel teased, "her lips tasted like strawberries" he said
calmly as if he was discussing the weather with his cousin, "how else would I know that she is
rather shy around men?" he asked his cousin, "trust me that girl never had a boyfriend before,
and is still unfamiliar with things like that. So that's how I know that your marriage is a sham.
You're not in love with her, it's just all a game to trick your father. I don't care about things like
that, it's you that I care about" Gabriel answered making Michaelangelo narrow his eyes to a
dangerous glare.

If Gabriel could see him right Michaelangelo was sure that his look could have killed him.

"State your business Gabriel, I have more important things to attend" Michaelangelo said in a
harsh whisper trying to get rid of his cousin before his blood boiled to a dangerous point, he
didn't want to hurt someone innocent, it was his cousin he needed to vent his anger on.

"I want to make life interesting for you Mike" Gabriel coed to him, "so I thought about a little bet
we should make" he said making Michaelangelo drop everything he was doing and focus on the
conversation instead.

"What kind of bet?"

"You know the same bed we made about Ana a few years ago" Gabriel said by listening to his
tone Michaelangelo knew that he was quite amused right now, all pleased with himself that he
could play around with his younger cousin like that, "if your marriage isn't a sham like you state
it isn't then I'll leave you two alone, but if it is, you don't mind if I have some fun with her?"

"I want something more than that Gabriel" Michaelangelo smirked, "leaving me alone is not
good enough to make such a high risk bet."

"What do you have in mind then?" Gabriel asked in a curious tone that had Michaelangelo

"You'll start working for me for a year if you lose the bed, it's fair enough right?"

Michaelangelo nodded his head and smirked as he counted the seconds that it took for Gabriel to
think this over. It was nearly over a minute that he needed so Michaelangelo knew that Gabriel
was not certain about this bet. So he and Gabriella came off like a real couple after all.

"I don't want you to get hurt again Mike" Gabriel commented still not telling his cousin if he had
agreed with the deal or not, "you were quite devastated when you lost the family slut" Gabriel
chuckled causing Michaelangelo to roll his eyes, "but if you want to dig your own grave that's
fine by me, I'm in."

"You sure?" Michaelangelo questioned trying to make his cousin doubt the whole thing,
"Gabriella is quite different from Anarosa you said it yourself after all. You think you can handle
a whole year as my personal assistant?"
"Personal assistant?" Gabriel chuckled, "you know we don't have those in this business" Gabriel
said amused, "but yes I am game, it's a lot more interesting this time don't you think so? We both
don't know how Gabriella will react which makes it exciting, right?"

"I know how she will react" Michaelangelo quickly responded though deep in his heart he knew
his cousin was right he didn't know her enough to know that she will choose him in a situation
like this, he was sure that they were both clear on seeing only each other while they were in this
marriage but he could never be too sure, "she will stay by my side, trust me."

"You don't sound very convinced" Gabriel commented, "you can't tell her about this bet though
Michaelangelo, you have to play fair and let faith decide."

"I am not worried at all, I don't have to tell her about it. I know she will choose me over you. She
is my wife after all" Michaelangelo finally stated before he hung up the phone.

Even though he tried to convince his cousin that Gabriella and he were a close couple, that they
could concur anything he was not so sure about that. He had seen her look this morning, she was
not very pleased with him, and hearing that his cousin had kissed her made him not so pleased
with her. He didn't like the fact that another man had kissed her. She was his right now, she was
his wife and no one else should be able to kiss those soft lips other than him.

Closing his laptop he got off the chair and grabbed the black jacket he had wrapped around his
chair before he made his way to his bedroom, where his wife was now staying at. He knew she
was probably reading one of her novels again or reorganizing her jewelry. She was very obsessed
with organizing, he had come to know of this when he tried to move some of her books. She had
almost bit his head off because he placed them on a different shelf.She could be quite scary when
she was pissed. He didn't want to see her like that ever again.

Opening the bedroom door he stepped in and smiled when he saw her form on the bed with a
book in hands as she enjoyed her vampire novel. Walking over to the bed he sat down next to her
and focused on her peaceful looking face.

"Done working?" Gabriella asked as she didn't tear her eyes away from the pages of her book,
"you didn't have time for me the whole morning, so you have time for me now?" Gabriella asked
and smirked as he rolled onto her stomach and glanced at him, "sorry now I don't have the time
for you though."

Letting out a sigh he couldn't help but to smirk, he liked this side of her. He would never admit
that to her but he liked the way she could stand up for herself and always make a smart comment
without fearing what other people might think of her. She was just plainly herself and he liked

Nothing fake about her.

"You know that I am very busy with work right now, I can't spend much time with you right
now. You know how it is right?" he asked her gently yet her eyes stayed the same hostile way,
"Gabriella you know that I would never intentionally push you away."

"Like I said you didn't have time for me then and I don't have time for you now" Gabriella stated
as she closed her book and dropped it on the bed before she made her way to the closet giving
herself another glimpse before she turned to her husband, "if you excuse me I have something
else to do, and I don't have the time to discuss things with you right now. After all you know
how busy I am right now" she said mockingly before she made her way out of the bedroom and
stomped away.

Frowning Michaelangelo jogged after her but she was already down the staircase, he had to
admit that she was quite fast for such a fragile looking girl, "where are you going Gabriella?" he
asked confused as he watched her walk to the front door, "you can't just leave like this, you know
you can't!" he called after her.

"Watch me" Gabriella said as she turned her head to look at him flashing him a smirk before she
gripped the doorknob in her hand, "I am going to find a man who actually pays attention to me
every once in a while, someone who finds me important instead of their job."


Wiping the tears away Gabriella felt disgusted with herself, she didn't want to be a girl who was
crying on the park bench all alone with a melting ice-cream in her hand yet she was that girl.
Michaelangelo changed her into a pathetic love sick woman and she hated it. She missed her old
self, though her cousins, well her female cousins called her a man-hater. She didn't know why
though she didn't hate just men. She just hated people who blamed everyone else for their own
mistakes. Someone like herself right now. She was blaming Michaelangelo for what she was
feeling. She hated it.

Glancing up when she heard footsteps approaching her, she gripped the cup with the now
milkshake tighter in her hand, "what are you doing here all by yourself" she heard him ask her,
"you look so sad right now angel, did you fight with the dear husband?" he asked her mockingly.

The last thing she wanted as to get teased. She wanted to sit peacefully on her favorite spot in the
park with her favorite ice-cream. She didn't need this devil to keep her company she knew he
would make things worse. She tried to ignore him as she focused on her ice-cream instead.

"You know ignoring me won't solve the problem, I have done nothing wrong" he said causing
her to snort, "what you don't agree with that?" he asked her curious as he sat down beside her
putting his arm over her shoulder and smirked when he felt her tense up with such a slight
"You have done nothing wrong?" she asked him, "so you believe that kissing a married woman
is not wrong at all?" she asked and scoffed, "I don't know what you are thinking, but there is
definitely a lot wrong with you, now please leave me alone."

"How can I leave you alone?" he asked her causing her to glare at him, "you are my cousin's wife
I cannot leave you alone at a park at night" he said and smirked when he saw her frantically
searching for her phone to see the time, "how about I'll give you a ride how?" he asked and
chuckled when he saw her warily look, "I promise I will keep my hands to myself."

Still not quite believing his words she looked at the time and realized it was already quite late.
She didn't want to walk home at this hour, besides she was not even dressed properly. In all the
rush she had walked out in just her shorts and big t-shirt. It was very indecent in her eyes, and
seeing the green eyes wandering over her bare legs she knew it was indecent. She rather take up
his offer than to be goggled by perverts around town.

"Fine, a promise is a promise Gabriel, you have to take me home without touching me" she said
before she got up and tossed the empty cup and plastic spoon in the trash.

Smirking Gabriel leaded her to his car and helped her get in the car before he got in the car
himself, "you don't have to be so tense around me, I won't do anything to you that you don't
want. I am not that kind of guy, trust me."

"How can I trust you?" she asked him confused, "when everyone tells me that you cannot be
trusted. After all I think all those girls you have dated thought they could trust you yet you left
them heart-broken. Honestly I think you speak just empty words and nothing more."

"Empty words?" he asked and chuckled, "angel, I am telling you that I have never left a woman
heart-broken, even when I break up with them we go our separate ways happily. I just had a lot
of girlfriends, it's never stated that I have treated them wrongly."

"Everyone thinks that, they just don't dare to tell you that in your face" Gabriella said shrugging
her shoulders indifferently, "I am telling you right now that everyone thinks badly of you. You
should do something about it if you want people to stop talking about you."

"Do you care about what other people think of you?" Gabriel asked her as he glanced at her
when he hit a red light he was curious about her, because he honestly have never met a woman
like her. She actually dared to offend him in his face and he didn't protest either. He actually
liked the way she talked to him.

She was so real, she didn't call him names behind his back, no she did it right in his face.

"I do not care about what other people think of me" Gabriella said softly as she looked at him,
"but the family does so I have to care about it as well. I cannot disappoint my family."
"That's true, otherwise you'll end up like me" Gabriel said jokingly as he winked at her.

Looking out the window Gabriella narrowed her eyes on the road. She wasn't familiar with this
town yet though she was pretty sure he didn't went to the right direction. He was going straight
towards the shopping district and well Michaelangelo lived quite a bit away from all the hectic.
This was not right."You aren't taking me home" she whispered before she glared at the smirking
man, "where are you taking me?" she asked him raising her voice a little, "you promised me you
would take me home Gabriel."

"I am taking you home" he said with a nod, "but first I need to get something from the hotel I am
staying at, don't get so scared Gabriella. If I didn't know any better I would say that you are quite
insecure when it comes to men" he said and smirked when he saw how quiet she became, "how
is that possible when you are married to Michaelangelo? I mean I heard your honeymoon was"

Gulping Gabriella slightly smiled to him, "I just don't trust any other men" she said softly though
she knew she didn't convince him at all. She wanted to protest some more but one glance of his
piercing eyes he made her shut up. She didn't understand why his eyes always hypnotized her.
She was just praying that he would keep his word. She didn't want to end up in another sticky
situation. Right now she hated herself even more for throwing a tantrum at Michaelangelo, he
warned her that she shouldn't leave the house but she still did to annoy him and now she was
trying not to get lost into this devil's eyes.

She hoped Michaelangelo would forgive her for whatever was going to happen.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 14 - Holding His Hand (p.1 of 11)

Hesitating Gabriella looked over Gabriel's shoulder as he walked into his hotel room, she had to
admit that it was cleaner than she had expected, but then again she was sure he only slept there
and nothing more. After all he didn't have a real job and most of the time he spends with his
girlfriends, so his room was probably unused most of the times. Slowly stepping in her eyes
wandered around the room causing the green eyed man to smirk as he shoved his hands in his

"So what do you think?" he asked as he gave her a curious look, "come on you can tell me I
actually like to hear your opinion" he said seeing she amused him to no end, he loved her
honesty it was so refreshing, "don't be scared now angel, I know you are dying to say

She knew he was daring her to comment on his room and he would probably hit back with a
smart comment, but she just couldn't keep it to herself anymore, she needed at least to have it off
her chest, "so how many women slept on that bed?" she asked as she nodded towards the bed that
almost seemed unused, "it might look clean on the outside but I am pretty sure it's not...that
clean" she muttered under her breath doubting that he heard her.
She was highly wrong though he did hear her comment and it got him grinning as a mischievous
glint showed up in his eyes, "you hurt my feelings Gabriella" he said as he faked a pained
expression, "I do not see that many women at once" he informed her as he walked over to his bed
and smirked as he looked over his shoulder as if he tried to initiate her to step closer but she
didn't she stayed right where she was, at the door, the safest place she could be right now, "and I
never take them with me into this room, after all why would I show my private room to them
when I know I will never have a long lasting relationship with the woman" he said and chuckled
when he saw just how confused he was, "in other words if it's just the sex why would I take them
to my room, this is the place I need when I need some time for myself."

"So you are saying that you never had a woman in here before, a woman you were sexually
involved with of course. I am pretty sure your sisters visited you once in a while" she said as she
saw a confident look glistering from his eyes, "you are really serious about that?" she asked not
daring to believe it, "you are lying" she whispered more to herself as she stared at the womanizer
himself, "you're so lying" she whispered again as she tried to believe her own words.

Stepping closer to her as he saw her look changing from hostile to a more doubtful look a smirk
spread across his face, "am I lying?" he asked her as he stood right in front of her now, smirking
down at the confused woman, "how are you so certain that I am lying, do you have proof?" he
asked her as he saw her slowly raise her head to look him in the eyes as well, "you know I am
not lying, you can tell by looking in my eyes. It's just that you don't want to believe my words
because you know it will change a lot of things."

Biting her lip nervously she backed away from him causing her to bump onto the wooden door,
her eyes widening as she saw him come closer to her capturing her between him and the door,
now she was stuck in that position and she was certain no one would hear her even if she
screamed. Gulping she narrowed her eyes on his piercing green ones. A shaky breath leaving her
pinky lips as she noticed how sincere he looked she shook her head a little, why would this
change anything? It wouldn't change a thing, so he have women in his bedroom, so what? What
has it have to do with her?

"I don't care about you and your women, I just want to go home Gabriel" she said softly to him
seeing how close he was to her she was certain even if she breathed the answer he still would
have heard her, "you promised to take me home, so do what you have promised to me."

Closing her eyes tightly as she felt his hot breath tickling against her neck she knew that he was
leaning into her, his lips brushing over the delicate skin of her neck. Biting her lip as she tried to
convince herself she was strong enough to over come this, this feeling that she felt deep inside of
her heart. He stirred her sleeping heart awake and it scared her, it was something only
Michaelangelo was able to do and now this playboy as well. She didn't want to feel the same way
about him as she felt about Michaelangelo. She didn't want to become one of the many one he
played around with.

Gripping his shirt at the front she closed her eyes even tighter as these thoughts ran through her
mind, she had to be strong she knew she was strong enough to overcome her lust, sure she loved
the way he was kissing her neck, sure it made her heart do weird flips when he was so close to
her, but she also knew that it was just because he gave her a lot of attention. The attention she
craved for from Michaelangelo. She could overcome this feeling.

"That's enough" she whispered as she slowly opened her eyes, "you had your fun take me home"
she said again as she looked in his eyes her eyes now clear of all the feelings that involved lust
and passion with Gabriel. She wouldn't give into him no matter what her mind was telling her,
"it's just a game, right?" she asked and leaned back against the door when she saw him let out a
shaky breath, "like I said you had your fun it's enough already."

Smiling he pulled away from her as he stood quietly in front of her, his hands now shoved in his
pockets, "you think this is all a game?" he asked her, "how can you be so certain that I am just
playing around? Maybe I do have feelings for you."

Shaking her head she grinned at him as she titled her head a little, "you don't have feelings for
me" she said amused as she saw how his look faltered, "your eyes are not the same way as
Michaelangelo look at me, you just don't love me. Maybe you love to play around with me, that's
certain but you are definitely not in love with me."

"But you are not certain about that?" he asked and smirked as he slammed a hand right next to
her head against the door and leaned in his lips hovering right above hers, "I really want you
Gabriella, you are definitely something else. You are the woman I have been waiting for" he
whispered quietly to her as he reached out to her and gripped her chin in his hand as he tilted her
head so that he could kiss her more comfortably.

Looking at him with opened eyes as he kissed her Gabriella smiled in the kiss and just let him
kiss her while she waited for him to pull away. Once he pulled away she smiled at him, "another
lie" she said softly and shook her head a little, "so what will you get when you get me into bed
you?" she asked him causing him to gulp audible.

He never expected her to find out about the bed with Michaelangelo, he could lie to her again but
he was certain she would see right through him like all those other times just a moment ago. He
could not lie to her, she had some kind of power, to know when people lied. She just felt it and it
frightened him a little. Never did a woman reject him and turn him down like that. It was cold
and exactly the same way he would do it. Clean and fast.

"You really don't like me" Gabriel commented as he pulled away from her and smiled, "I guess I
have earned that much, I shouldn't have assumed you were like those other women I have dated.
That was wrong of me" he said making Gabriella smile at his honesty.

Finally he was speaking the truth to her for once in a while, "I don't like you the way you want
me to like you but I do love to spend time with you Gabriel. You are funny and you seem to see
things really positive, I like that about a guy" she said causing him to smirk.

"That doesn't sound like my cousin at all."

"That's true it's not the way Michaelangelo is, but I still love him. I can't help it that I do, I just
do" she said shrugging her shoulders, "ready to take me home?"

"Yes you earned that much" he said quietly as he grabbed his car keys in his hand and smiled,
"Michaelangelo is really lucky to have a wife like you. If we have met sooner I am sure I would
have fallen for you."

Smirking Gabriella watched him put on his jacket as he took his keys in his hand and nodded at
her gesturing for her to get the door, "I know he is lucky to have me" she answered cocky and
giggled when she felt him playfully give her a light push, "so what did you lose?" she asked
finally as it spiked her curiosity to know about the bet he had made with his cousin.

Running a hand through his hair he annoyingly slammed his door shut, "well just wait and see
angel, let's just say we'll be seeing each other a lot more" he said turning around to face the
curious blonde woman only to come face to face with a pouting young woman, "what's with that

"Nothing!" she quickly stated and folded her arms under her chest as she walked beside the tall
man, "you're just really a handful you know" she muttered and quickened her pace before
Gabriel would realize what she was trying to say.

Stopping in his tracks he looked at the woman who was quickly walking away from him his
mouth slightly opening as he realized that she just tried to tell him that she finds him rather
annoying, "oh really...that's how you think of me?" he asked her playfully, "you know that it's the
opposite of what you're really thinking. You know you love me sweetheart."

Scoffing she looked over her shoulder, "you're so full of it" she said shaking her head a little and
pushed the button of the elevator, "just make yourself useful and drop me off, Michaelangelo
must be so worried right now."

Hearing quick footsteps coming towards him Michaelangelo nodded to the man who was
currently informing him about the status, "you don't have to tell me" Michaelangelo said as his
eyes were fixed on the hallway, "she is already here" he said gently as he dismissed the surprised
man. It was the same fact he wanted to tell his boss yet he already knew what he was going to
inform him about.

"I'll take my leave then" Ramiro stated in a hushed tone seeing the blonde woman was already
walking towards the living room.

Sitting down on the couch Michaelangelo grabbed a hold of a magazine that was hidden
somewhere between the newspapers and other things on the coffee table and pretended to read it.
He didn't want her to know that he has been worrying sick about her. He didn't need to hear her
teasing at all, he cared about her he didn't need her to rub it in his face. He didn't know why he
cared so much about her that he didn't want Gabriel to have his way with her but he just did. In
the back of his mind he was praying that he didn't fall in love with her like he thought he did. He
didn't want to fall in love with this woman, it was against his own principals.

He just didn't want to end up with the woman his father pushed on him, it didn't matter that he
loved the way she hummed every time she was in the bathroom. It didn't matter that he couldn't
get enough of her giggles when she was thinking she was annoying him. It all didn't matter, he
just didn't want to fall in love with this stubborn woman.

Hearing her sit down next to him he slightly tensed up as he tried to figure out how to handle the
situation, he didn't know if he should wait for her to apologize for worrying him and not picking
up her phone or that he should tell her about the stupid bet he made with Gabriel and that the
man tried to get in her pants.

He just didn't know what to do right now which was odd because he always liked to be in

"I am sorry, Mike" he heard her gentle voice whisper to him, "I shouldn't have left so suddenly
like that, it was all my fault" she said as she looked up to meet his eyes yet his eyes were still
focused on his sports magazine, "Carla just told me that you were very worried about me, I didn't
know you called me" she said as she searched through her pockets yet she couldn't find her
phone, "dammit" she breathed eyes widening when she saw silvery blue orbs flicker to her.

"What?" he asked her as he narrowed his eyes on her, "what's wrong?"

Gulping she leaned back against the couch as she ran a shaky hand through her blonde damped
locks, "I think it fell out of my pocket, it's probably in Gabriel's car" she said quietly not wanting
Michaelangelo to get angry at her.

"It did?" Michaelangelo asked casually as he flipped to the next page of his magazine, "so you
were with Gabriel today?" he asked though he already knew that seeing the snake texted him that
he would steal his wife away today, but seeing she was now sitting in his living room
apologizing to him she wasn't even thinking about leaving him.

"Yeah I was with him today though I didn't plan it or anything" she quickly said seeing she felt
like Michaelangelo didn't like it one bit that she spend her time with his cousin, "he suddenly
showed up at the park where I was eating an ice-cream, you know I always eat ice-cream to cool
down, it just helps" she said trying to talk to the reasonable side of her husband, "he just showed
and told me he would take me home, that's it, I don't know how he found me, he just suddenly
showed up."

He knew how Gabriel found her, it was his damn job to know those things. He was after all very
adequate with computers and what not.
"Why are you so nervous about it, he just dropped you home right?" Michaelangelo asked as he
sharply narrowed his eyes on her, "so why is your tone suddenly so high when you talk about it
and why is it that you repeat the same thing over and over again?"

She didn't like the peer pressure he put on her, it was like he was talking to one of his man that
needed to be re-educated. She didn't like it all, but she also knew that whenever they were like
this you shouldn't argue too much with them. Her father used to treat her like this as well,
whenever she broke the curfew or when she lied about not going on dates with guys.

She knew exactly what he was doing to make her confess to him and it worked as well.

"Nothing happened, I promise."

"I never said anything happened between you two, Gabriella" Michaelangelo replied firmly, "so
why are you suddenly saying such a thing? Did something happen?"

Closing her eyes tightly she hated that she suddenly just burst things out. She should really think
before she speaks, but she just couldn't help it. His eyes that were fixed on her, it made her sweat
and made her breathing hard, she wanted to tear her eyes away from him but she just couldn't.

"Nothing happened!"


"He tried to make a move on me, but it didn't work, ask him yourself!" she said getting enough
of this game he played with her, she just wanted to take a shower and head to bed, just forgetting
that this all happened today.

Smirking Michaelangelo got off his seat and held his hand out to her, "I know nothing happened,
I just wanted you to tell me" he said and watched her eyes widen as she gripped his hand harder
while he pulled her up, "I know you would never do anything to hurt me, no matter how much
we argue, we have each other's backs right?"

Smiling she nodded her head and looked at their hands, "of course."

She didn't understand why she couldn't stop smiling, her face was hurting because of the big
smile that was plastered across her face but she couldn't stop smiling. Not wanting to let go of his
hand she held it tighter in hers as they walked together to their bedroom, she could get used to
this. She didn't dislike it one bit, if anything she loved spending time with him like this.

He made her feel loved.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 15 - Let's Play Together (p.1 of 7)
Pouting as she looked at her husband who was again packing her bags she rolled to her back as
she held up her magazine in the air and pretended to be reading it again, "so where are you going
this time?" she asked trying to sound indifferent yet he could hear the sad tone to it.

Zipping up the bag he placed it down on the bed and walked over to her, he took a hold of the
magazine she was apparently reading upside down and smirked, "you have an amazing skill
sweetheart, I mean reading upside down, that's a real talent you got there" he said jokingly and
chuckled when she threw him a dirty look, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he quickly said trying to fix the
damage he had done, "no harm done right?" he asked making his wife snort, "but seriously
what's with that look? You're going to miss me that bad?"

Biting her pink lips nervously she sat up and looked at her husband who was still waiting for her
to respond to him, she knew she would be lying if she told him she wouldn't miss him but she
didn't want him to think that she actually didn't care about him either. If she did that she was sure
she would push him into another woman's arms. That was the last thing she wanted.

"Mike, I just want you to come back quickly" she said softly as she got off the bed and looked at
the pretty big bag he had packed, "from the looks of it you aren't coming back soon though" she
said and placed her hands on her hips impatiently, "it's so boring without you, I have no one else
to annoy when you're gone."That was half true.

Chuckling he took a hold of his bag and walked with her out of their bedroom, "so that's the
reason you don't want me to leave? Because you can have fun with annoying the hell out of me?"
he asked shaking his head a little, "I am glad I a purpose in your life" he muttered as and watched
her smirking at him.

"Of course that's your purpose in my life, were you thinking about something else?" she asked
him teasingly and gave his arm a light push, "don't let your mind wonder to strange things now"
she said jokingly.

Rolling his eyes he grabbed the back of her shirt causing her to fall back into him with her back
against his chest, as he wrapped his strong arm around her, from her point of view it felt like he
was embracing her yet she wasn't sure what they were doing right now.

"Be good while I am gone alright, I don't want any calls about you tearing down the house now"
he said teasingly as he buried his nose into her soft locks, "I'll try to come back soon alright,
don't miss me too much" he whispered and pulled away from her just in time to dodge her hand
that was aimed for his head, "yeah I love you too" he sighed before he quickly walked past her.

Watching his back Gabriella folded her arms across her chest as she quietly followed after her
tall husband, "so where are you going?" she asked again seeing he didn't answer her question in
the bedroom maybe he would answer it now though she doubted it, "I mean I have a right to
know right?"Closing his eyes Michaelangelo took a sharp breath before he turned around facing
her as he locked eyes with her, he knew his eyes told her to stop yet he also wanted to assure her
that he wouldn't do anything that might hurt her.
"I promise you that it has nothing to do with another woman" he said and smirked when he saw
the color disappear in her face when he mentioned that, "I got an important call from dad alright,
I am doing dad a favor, that's all there is to it. Don't think too much about it" he said giving her a
warning glance before he turned around again, "if anything happens call me, alright?"

"You're doing your dad a favor?" she asked clearly not letting go of the subject which she knew
he hated but she just wanted to know she wasn't one to keep quiet when she knew something was
wrong, "how are you doing your dad a favor? Wasn't he going a weekend away to get his mind
of things?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes dangerously on the back of her husband's head,
"what happened, Mike?"

Running a hand through his dark locks an exhausted sigh left his lips, he was aware of the fact
that he was married to a stubborn woman. He needed to give her at least something before she
would let him leave. It wouldn't harm anyone if he told her right? Turning around he looked in
her eyes, his tired eyes suddenly getting a serious tint to them.

"I don't know what happened Gabriella" he said in a hushed tone, "all I know is that something is
wrong with dad, that's all. Do you understand now how urgent it is for me to leave, after all it's
not like my older brother will be there for dad when he needs someone by his side. So it has to be
to fix the damage, I need you to be good okay?" he asked as he saw her slightly nod at his
request, "I can't deal with a trouble causing wife and a wounded father at the same time" he
whispered before he flashed her a smile, "don't worry about it, just take care of everything here

Walking down the stairs in a lazy manner Gabriella ran a hand through her blonde locks and
lazily made her way into the kitchen ignoring the staff members who looked at her with widened
eyes, the woman of the house shouldn't be entering the kitchen, they had staff to get dinner ready
after all. Walking straight to the fridge she opened it and searched through the frozen food to find
her love of her life, vanilla ice-cream.

Smiling when she found it she closed the door and turned around looked at the man she had seen
before, the man who made her midnight snacks when she couldn't sleep here in this house, which
were many nights. There was just something in this house that made her restless at night.

"Where are the spoons, Dave?" she asked as she made her way around the island and smiled
when he handed her one, "thanks you just made my day" she said jokingly giving him a wink
before she made her way out of the kitchen so she could quietly enjoy her ice-cream.

Sitting down on the couch she grabbed her phone off the coffee table and went through her
messages, none of them were of the person she wanted to text her. Groaning she let the phone
drop next to her on the couch and grabbed the remote control to watch some show to kill the
time. She had never been so bored in her life before, Michaelangelo clearly stated to her she
could only call him when it was an emergency so basically she couldn't call him. She never knew
life could be so boring without him, her mother had no time to spend with her. She had her own
life, Cecilio was still nowhere to be found, which is information she did not receive from her
husband but his loving cousin.

Smirking she knew that Michaelangelo would probably kill the guy if he knew Gabriel shared
secret information with her. Shrugging her shoulders she took another spoonful of ice-cream as
she felt like she was in heaven just by one bite of the delicious treat.

"You're going to eat all of that alone?" she heard a voice call behind her, "you are seriously
going to get fat you know, do you think Michaelangelo will love a fat woman? I mean he always
dated models, I don't think a fat girlfriend is something he likes."

Frowning Gabriella stabbed the spoon into the bucket of ice-cream and turned to look at the man
who was clearly insulting her, "oh really?" she asked, "do I look like a woman who cares about
what other people think of her? If Mike doesn't like a woman with a bit more bite to her than
clearly he is not the type of man I need."

Smirking the man dropped his duffel bag on the one-seat and looked down at the woman who
was still glaring at him, "you are very confident aren't you? Always having an answer ready" he
said and eyed her from head to toe, "Gabriel was right about you, you are very interesting."

Getting off the couch seeing she didn't like it how it felt like he was looking down at her, she
narrowed her eyes dangerously on him as she stepped forward not being afraid that he clearly
towered over her with height and not to mention that he clearly worked out, "I should have
known Gabriel likes to let his mouth flap, Rodolfo" she said and smirked when she saw that it
was now his turn to be surprised, "what surprised that I know who you are?" she asked, "I mean
it's so clear that you're in fact Mike's brother."

Being amused with how she figured him out in a split second he took a step forward as well now
closing the space entirely between them, "how did you figure that out?" he asked her, "I mean I
know we have the same eye and hair color but is that the only thing that made you figure it out?"

Titling her head her eyes shone with amusement as well, "no that was not the only thing that
helped me figure you out in a split second" she said quietly, "you have the same bad attitude as
Mike as well not to mention you resemble your father a lot" she said and saw him narrow his
eyes on her now, "and I saw pictures of you of course" she said and smirked turning around so
her back was now facing him to hide the amused grin she had on her face.Snorting he shoved his
hands in his pockets and looked the other way, "no fun at all" he muttered as he looked at his bag
that he had dismissed, "you know how to keep the situation interesting Gabriella, from the looks
of it you actually like to play games" he said and watched her turn around giving him a confused
look, "I like to play games as well" he said and stepped closer as he tapped her forehead softly,
"let's play together then" he said and smirked before he turned to the one-seat and grabbed his
duffel bag off the couch.
"W-What are you saying?" she asked confused as she followed after him while he was walking
towards the staircase, stopping at the steps she watched him walk up and bit her lip nervously,
"you're going to stay here?!"

"Well this is my house, are you telling me I cannot stay at my own house?" he asked and pouted
a bit, "I never knew you were that cold-hearted...sister-in-law" he said as his eyes got a playful
tone to them, "let's try and got along alright?" he asked before he walked away from her.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 16 - Things You Can't Undo (p.1 of 11)

Frowning when she felt her phone buzz right next to her she opened her eyes as they were still
heavy with sleep, pushing her hair back she rolled her on stomach and sighed as she grabbed her
phone from underneath her seeing it was still buzzing and she rolled on top of it. Glaring at the
display of her phone she tapped on the green button and raised the phone to her ear as she closed
her eyes again trying to let her eyes rest a little.

"Gabriella" she muttered seeing it was an anonymous call it could have been anyone really.

Eyes snapping open when she heard just who called her she sat up and looked out the window to
see that the sun was already setting, her nap took more than an hour like she had planned, "what
do you want from me Ana?" she asked annoyed seeing she had never given the woman her
phone number and was definitely not planning to either, "I don't recall ever giving you my
number, so what is it that you need from me?" she asked annoyed clearly she didn't want to talk
to the ginger haired woman.

"I have heard your husband is very busy with searching the killer" the woman on the other side
of the line stated, "you must be so devastated to have heard that your father-in-law is possibly
killed by his own brother."

Her frown only deepening Gabriella ran a hand through her hair as she tried to process what the
woman was telling her. Her father-in-law was dead? Killed by his own brother? That could not
be true, if it was true Michaelangelo would have informed her by then. This woman was just
trying to mess with her, too bad for her that Gabriella's brain did not function one hundred
percent after just waking up, otherwise the woman would have cared more for her call."I doubt
that is even true" Gabriella yawned as she got up and stretched a little, "so care to tell me why
you called me? How did you even get my number? We clearly aren't friends" Gabriella muttered
as she looked at her own reflection through the windows and fixed her hair a little seeing it was
all messed up.

"Michaelangelo had been so busy the last few days so I thought I would inform you instead. He
had been wanting to call you but far more important things came up every time he wanted to call
you. I didn't want you to feel bad about it, so I thought how about I'll give you a call instead?"

"Don't you care a lot about me" Gabriella whispered as she still felt tired even though she had
slept over four hours, "so I am guessing you were together with my husband and stole my
number from his phone?"
"He left his phone at our place actually so I didn't steal it, like I said he was meaning to call you
yet something more important came up, so I thought I would just do it for him, he needs all the
help he can get after all."

Smiling Gabriella looked at the bed and fixed it a little, putting the sheets back in place while she
thought of a witty comment to say back to her. She didn't want Anarosa to have the last word
here, she was clearly trying to mess with her and she didn't want the ginger haired woman to
think that she had won.She would not give her that pleasure, women like her needed to know
where they were standing, and that was not between her and her husband.

"I am sure you were helpful to him in more than one way" Gabriella smiled, "thanks for caring
so much about me, I knew we would get along just great, I mean Mike tried to convince me
otherwise but here you are calling me to inform me about the situation, only a close friend would
do something like that right?" she asked and smirked knowing Anarosa must be so confused and
annoyed with her response, "when Mike gets back I'll make sure to pamper him much more than
I already do" she said playfully before she disconnected the call, "bitch" she muttered as she
dropped her phone on the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

"Calling me trying to mess with me" she muttered under her breath as stomped down the stairs,
"I'll mess her up real good the next time she shows up" she whispered shaking her head a little as
her jaw clenched and unclenched seeing how angry she was right now, "not to mention
disturbing my nap" she groaned before she stopped in front of the living room looking at the man
who was quietly sitting on the couch in front of the television yet it was not turned on. That got
her curious, maybe he fell asleep like that? She could make a embarrassing picture of him if he
was asleep and blackmail him with it.Smirking she made her way towards him slowly
approaching him only to find him with a book in his hands as he had his reading glasses on, he
seemed engrossed in the book, nothing seemed to get his attention as he was reading the pages of
a thriller.

Not finding the situation interesting anymore she sat down on the one-seat across him and tilted
her head so she could read the title of the book, "I didn't know you like to read" she said and
smirked, "that's something knew, I guess you are different from your brother after all. Mike
would never pick up a book, what else do I not know about you?"

Lowering the book a little he gave her a tempting look making her lean back against the chair a
little, "you want to know more about me?" he asked her, "I don't mind sharing a thing or two
with you, Gabriella" he said as his voice just turned much deeper scaring her a little.

She knew what was going on with him, he had the same look in his eyes as Gabriel had when he
took her to the hotel. She didn't want him to come onto her the same way Gabriel had. She didn't
need another interrogation from Michaelangelo, he was frightening when he got pissed after all.

Trying to change the subject Gabriella nodded at the television before she looked at him again,
"you rather read a book than watch a movie or something?" she asked and smiled, "do you mind
if I watch a movie?" she asked him as she grabbed the remote control off the dark wooden coffee
table and watched him shake his head to her question, "I'll turn down the volume so you can read
your book quietly."

She was glad he didn't pursue his teasing games, she was not in the mood to play games after the
call she had received of the home wrecker. Clenching her hand around the remote control her
eyes darkened as she wondered about what Michaelangelo was doing at her house. She knew he
would never get back with her, but still it was annoying her not knowing why the hell he was at
that woman's house.

Noticing the sudden change in the blonde woman Rodolfo looked back at his book, "so who
were you so pissed at when you came down?" he asked not looking up from his book once when
he asked her a question, "you seemed very angry not to mention it seemed like you were ready to
kill someone" he muttered making the woman sigh.

Shaking her head a little she focused on the screen in front of her, "I just don't understand Mike
one bit" she said softly, "I just want him to talk to me more" she said and looked at the man
across her, "I am glad you are reasonable, Rodolfo" she said as she smiled to him before she
looked back at the screen.

Smirking he closed his book and leaned forward a bit as he narrowed his silvery blue eyes on the
tired woman, "reasonable?" he asked, "I can be reasonable Gabriella" he whispered in a tone she
was not familiar with almost like he was tempting her, she didn't like it one bit, "how about I'll
comfort you, you seem like you could use a hug."

Rolling her eyes she put the television on stand-by and got off the seat, "of course you had to
ruin the moment again" she muttered not liking how the situation was turning out, "go back to
your book already, I don't need a hug from you...ever" she said shaking her head a little, "you
Gavino boys seriously have something wrong with your heads, hitting on every woman they it that hard to keep it in your pants?" she asked rolling her eyes before she walked away
from him.

Hearing him chuckle she frowned and turned to look at the man who seemed quite amused with
her, "does that mean my brother has a problem with keeping his hands off you?" he asked as he
got up as well and looked at her, "from what I heard there isn't anything like that...going on
between you two" he said and smirked when he saw her step back with widened eyes, "I am
right, right Gabriella?" he asked her staying where he was because he knew he already got her
where he wanted her, "Michaelangelo doesn't care about you in that way, he still loves that
woman who dumped him years ago, he is still heart-broken by getting dumped for his older
cousin. He will never see you other than just a friend, what you have here is pure business

Dropping her hands she knew she had to take a hold of herself. She should never put hear guard
down around guys like him. It would mean she would get captured by the big bad wolf,
clenching her hand to a fist she narrowed her eyes on him and shrugged her shoulders at his
"Maybe we don't have a romantic relationship and maybe we do, but whatever is going on
between me and Mike, is none of your concern now is it, Rodolfo?" she asked and smirked a
little seeing that she gave him an answer back he did not like, "whatever you are trying here,
brother-in-law" she said trying to remind him just what kind of relationship they had, "will not
work, do you understand that?"

Letting out a deep chuckle he folded his arms in front of his chest as he looked straight in her
eyes, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Gabriella" he said as he looked at the
book that he had dismissed on the seat, "I mean all I was doing was reading a thriller while
trying to make you feel more at rest, I don't seem to understand what is wrong with trying to take
care of my...sister-in-law" he said letting the word roll of his tongue knowing it would annoy her
even more.

Running a hand through her hair she shook her head a little and turned around it was of no use
trying to make him talk to him. He would not leave her alone and honestly she had no strength to
argue with him now. She was tired and annoyed, not to mention pissed at her husband for having
secrets. How could he tell Anarosa about the situation and not her? She was much more
important than his ex-girlfriend right?

"I can't do this right now" she whispered running towards the library as she closed the door
behind her and leaned against this, "just leave me alone" she whispered as she closed her eyes
tightly and took a deep breath.

Feeling like she could breath a bit more she pulled away from the door and sat down on the
couch that was located by the window of the dim lightened room. Her eyes snapping open when
she heard the door open and close again she looked at the window to see the reflection of the
person who just walked in as well. Sighing she closed her eyes again and wrapped her jacket
tighter around her.

"Just leave me alone Rodolfo, I can't deal with you right now" she said softly wishing he would
leave her alone already, "I am tired and very annoyed right now, I can't deal with childish boys."

Feeling firm hands on her shoulders she let out an exhausted sigh when she felt him massage her
shoulders a little the tight feeling slowly leaving her stressed body.

"I am not here to play games with you Gaby" he said softly to her as he felt her relax more at his
hands, "let's just forget about whatever happened alright" he whispered to her as he slowly trailed
his hands over her arms and gripped them, "I don't know what Mike is thinking" he admitted,
"you are better suited for him than that brainless woman anyways."

Smiling she leaned her head back against his chest and looked down at his arms that were now
wrapped around her from behind, "is that supposed to make me feel better?" she asked jokingly,
"even your massage made me feel better than that."

Smirking he leaned back against the armrest of the couch and held her even tighter in his arms,
"are you trying to seduce me?" he asked her and chuckled when he felt her pinch his arm lightly.
"Of course not!" she muttered, "I just felt better that's all" she said softly and looked up so she
could see his face, "I can't seem to read you" she admitted, "it annoys the hell out of me, to not
know what you are thinking, one minute you are getting on my nerves the next you are trying to
make me feel better...what are you" she whispered.

Looking down at her he narrowed his silvery blue eyes on her, he saw her eyes widen a bit he
knew what she must be thinking right now. In this light in this position she must have felt like
the images of him and his little brother overlapped. Mentally smirking he knew he had captured
his pray.

"Can't I try to reassure you?" he asked her gently, "I just want you to feel better" he whispered to
her and looked in her eyes before he slowly leaned in, there was a chance that she would see
right through him and push him away and there was a chance that she would let him in, because
seeing the situation she needed to feel like someone was there for her, like someone actually
cared for her.

Feeling her soft lips against his he knew that he had won, she had fallen for his trap and now he
had the upper hand. Letting his hand trail over her stomach he held her even tighter to him as he
pulled out of the kiss slowly kissing down her jaw to her neck letting his lips leave butterfly
kisses all around her delicate skin. Closing her eyes she gripped his hand that held her even
tighter in hers and bit back a moan that dared to escape her lips.

She knew that this wasn't right that it shouldn't be happening yet she did not have the strength the
stop it. She wanted to continue she wanted him to hold her like this, to love her. Closing her eyes
tighter she tried to pull away but she just couldn't.

Feeling his hand slowly trailing up her shirt she heard her mind screaming that she should do
something, trying to say something she groaned quietly when Rodolfo hushed her by capturing
her lips again. He sure wasn't letting her go.

"Gabriella Rosabella Sevina!"

Eyes snapping open she tried to pull away from the man she was entangled but failed looking
down she raised an eyebrow as she turned to look at the man who still had his hand under her
shirt, hearing him chuckle she pulled away immediately after he pulled back his hand and got off
the couch.

"Mom! It's not what it looks like" she said trying to explain the situation to her mother, "I
mean...we were but that's not-"

Grabbing a hand of her daughter's arm Francesca threw a glare to the man who had the nerves to
play dangerous games like this, she nearly had an heart-attack when she received a message from
the man claiming he would destroy Gabriella's marriage with his brother. She had never assumed
he would do it like this.
"It's definitely what it looks like" her muttered snapped as she dragged her daughter away, "how
could you betray Michaelangelo like that! Not to mention with his own brother" her mother
hollered once she had slammed the door shut behind them as they walked together to the living
room, "have you any idea what you have done?" she asked her daughter who seemed completely
clues about the situation, "you walked right in his trap! This is what he wanted! Do you think he
suddenly fell in love with you? I am pretty sure by now Michaelangelo has received some kind
of evidence of you cheating on him, how could you be so stupid" Francesca muttered as she
gripped her hair, "what should we do" she whispered and gulped when she heard footsteps
coming towards them.

"What can you do Fran?" Rodolfo asked and smirked as he wiped his mouth and looked at the
girl who he just shared a heated moment with, "the damage is already done after all."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 17 - She Who Should Not Be Named (p.1 of 11)

Wiping the tears away that rolled down her cheeks Gabriella just couldn't forget about the
argument she had yesterday with her mother. She had never seen her mother so angry in her life
before, but she also knew that she had brought it upon herself. She had to face the consequences
like her mother repeated over and over again to her. The fact that Rodolfo seemed to enjoy all of
this wasn't helping at all. She knew then that he had played another childish game with her, all
she could think of now was that all the Gavino boys were out there to make her life miserable.

The one she was married to uses her to get over his pain of his first true love, his cousin using
her because she is the first out many girls who rejects him and the older brother using her to get
some kind of sick revenge on his little brother.

She just had it with all of them, she wanted to go home already, she missed her father presence.
He would have welcomed her with open arms, hold her at night while she cried. Pushing her hair
out of her face she walked over to the mirror, trying to fix herself as much as possible. Smiling a
little she tried to look more alive. She didn't want to look like a mess when Michaelangelo would
come bursting through those doors and yell at her.

She just wanted to face him with the little dignity she had left. She knew that he would come
over as fast as he could, after he had received Rodolfo's phone call she knew he was seeing red.
It was not the fact that she had betrayed him that made him angry it was the fact that she
betrayed him with the brother he loathed he was angry at. She figured if it was the guy of the
coffee shop she had kissed he would have been okay with it, but the brother he hated so much, he
just couldn't forgive.

Licking her lips she made her way over the door but stopped when she heard voices loud and
clear, even though she knew they were probably in the living room. She could make out that one
of the voices was of her mother so the other one belonged to Rodolfo no doubt. She didn't know
that her mother was still present or maybe she visited once more to give Rodolfo an earful as
Leaning against the door Gabriella did not feel like interfering between them, she just waited and
listened to their conversation instead. She rather wait till she was alone with Rodolfo to face him
and confront him about it. She felt betrayed by him because he took advantage of her trust she
put in him. She just wanted to face the man who tried to ruin her life here.

Grabbing his arm Francesca made the dark haired male turn around to face her, she knew he
would never hurt her because she was the only mother figure he ever had in his life. He had no
bond with his mother and he had no bond with his father. He was really just someone to feel
sorry for. She couldn't help but to think that whatever he had planned was because he was
craving for the attention he never got. Holding his arm tighter in her hand Francesca gave him a
stern look, a look only a mother could give you, and made you behave.

"It's not okay what you have done Rodolfo" she said in her loud stern voice making the man
groan in annoyance but he didn't pull his arm away from her, "besides your father has been
trying to reach you for days now and you haven't picked up your phone once" she said in a more
hushed tone now seeing she didn't want her daughter to find out, "do you understand that his life
might be in danger" she whispered as she looked in his impassive eyes trying to search for the
little compassion he had left.

Finally pulling his arm out of her grip he dropped down on the couch and shrugged his
shoulders, "why should I care about him now, he hasn't done that for me in the past years" he
said casually not bothering to lower his voice like Francesca did, "why is it that you are
whispering?" he asked and smirked when he saw her shocked face as she tried to hush him, "you
don't want your daughter to find out about it?" he asked a bit louder seeing how it made her
annoyed, "what more are you hiding from her?" he asked and chuckled when he saw the almost
pleading look the woman threw him, "maybe how you tricked her into this-"

"Stop it" Francesca gritted through her teeth and looked at the staircase to make sure Gabriella
was not there, "don't say anymore" she whispered harshly as she gave him a tap on his head,
"this attitude of yours Rodolfo, it won't get you far, everyone has issues deal with it. The world
won't stop spinning because you think that your parents chose your little brother over you, which
clearly is not true" she said and shook her head a little, "if you would step down you would see
that this attitude, this behavior of yours is causing all the problems you have right now" she said
before she grabbed her purse off the couch next to the glaring man and disappeared from his

Pushing through the front door Francesca angrily flung the straps of her purse over her shoulder
and looked at the man who was waiting by her car. Stopping in her tracks when she heard a car
rushing towards them she turned to look at the silvery car that shone almost a blinding color
because of the sun beaming down on it, narrowing her eyes on the car she gulped as she noticed
just whose car that was. Biting her lip nervously she stayed where she was because she knew he
had seen her, she should probably greet him properly before leaving.
Stepping out of the car the dark haired male slammed the door shut harshly as he made his way
over to the brunette who was patiently waiting for him. He had to admit to her that she had guts
to wait for him like this while he was so angry that he was almost seeing red. Shoving his hands
in his pockets to make sure he didn't do anything stupid he just glared down on the woman who
almost seemed to tremble because of the look he had in his eyes."Mike" she breathed as she tried
to voice out what she was thinking yet the words didn't seem to leave her lips, clearing her throat
she firmly stood on her feet and looked right in his eyes, "it's not me who challenged you, so why
is that you are angry with me as well?"

"Because you are not the woman who I thought you were" he said in a hushed tone he just
couldn't speak any louder right now seeing just how angry he was, "while I was searching for my
father's body some ugly secrets came up Francesca" the venom dripping off every word he

He almost seem disgusted with her seeing how he looked at her. She held tighter onto her purse
as she stepped back a little, she had never seen this man so angry. She knew just what he was
talking about and she just had no words for it because everything was true.


"Doesn't know what kind of woman her mother is" Michaelangelo snapped at her, "you are a
very lucky woman Francesca" he said softly as he narrowed his silvery blue eyes on her, "if
Rodolfo hadn't called me I would have found out all of your secrets, I am sure you don't want me
to find out more that you have hidden."

Gulping Francesca looked over her shoulder trying to estimate just how many seconds it would
take to get into her car. She knew that this man would never hurt her because of her status but he
would not hesitate to mentally hurt her, she didn't need a kid telling her what to do. She had
taken care of him like he was her own son, he had no right to talk to her this way.

"Are you threatening me Michaelangelo?" she asked as her voice became much more venomous,
"think twice of how you speak to me" she warned him as she brushed her locks out of her face,
"right now you have more important issues you have to deal with, I suggest that you take care of
your own problems first before you come pointing a finger at me" she said and smiled sweetly to
him, "I hope you and Gabriella can work out your issues together" she said softly before she
turned around and walked away from him.

Glaring at the back of her head Michaelangelo turned to look at the mansion he had left a few
months ago, a warm house he had left then now it didn't seem to have that warm glow around it
anymore, he knew it was just in his head but he didn't have time to stay still. He had a brother
that needed to learn his lesson for once an for all. Not to mention a wife who must be beating
herself up on what happened.

He didn't blame her for what happened, he knew that a lot of things happened for her to be
driven into the arms of his brother, not to mention that his brother played a few tricks to get her
to give into him. He knew all of what happened was to mess with him, he knew that Rodolfo
hated him with all his guts, and to get to him he used his wife.

Taking his phone out of his pocket he gripped the device tight in his hand as he slowly made his
way towards his house. He remembered how he forgot his phone at the house of one of the man
that knew more about the disappearance of his father, was the biggest mistake of his life. He
should have known that the ginger haired woman could not be trusted. He already found it odd
how nicely she was treating him and how curious she was about Gabriella. Everything seemed
off, he also had his share of apologies he had to make to his wife.

Pushing through the thick door of the mansion he looked around the living room to found it
empty. Dropping his jacket on the couch he puts his keys in the bowl on the coffee table and
made his way to the staircase but stopped when he heard light foot steps coming his way.
Turning around he smirked seeing he had never seen someone with the look on his face like his
older brother. It was like the man had seen a ghost.

"I guess I was wrong about you" Rodolfo said once he got a grip of himself, this was what he
wanted after all, to face his brother after all these years they were apart.

"You were wrong about me?"

Nodding his head Rodolfo smirked as he made his way over to the one-seat he came to love over
the day and sat down, "I thought that your marriage with Gabriella was a sham, I mean you two
don't come over as a couple in love after all, but here you are with the intend to kill me after you
found out I touched your wife. It really must be love after all right?" he asked amused.

"We're married, of course I care about her."

"Please, don't try to convince me otherwise, in this business nothing surprises me Michaelangelo,
and you should know that too. I mean what you found out about dad and your mother-in-law it
must be killing you."

His frown deepening he narrowed his eyes dangerously on his older brother, "how do you know
about that?" he asked seeing the smirk that appeared on his brother's face he didn't need another
explanation someone had flapped the information to him, "dad's situation has nothing to do with
Gabriella and me."

"Well I wouldn't entirely say that it has nothing to with you but that's not what I am talking about
right now" he said as he stared straight into his enraged little brother's eyes, "what Francesca had
with her husband was as fake as you have Gabriella. You're not married for love" he spat at him,
"it's all business, you might fool the world but you cannot fool your own brother."

"You don't know shit about me and Gabriella, stop trying to talk yourself out of it"
Michaelangelo said softly as he glared at his brother, "I will never forgive you for what you have
done" he said as he clenched his hand to a fist and walked over to the man who seemed to enjoy
every minute of their conversation.
Tilting his head he saw how his little brother was trying to calm himself down, Michaelangelo
always had quite the temper. He usually would act instead of thinking it out first but after the
years the young man had changed drastically he was much more calmer and he seemed far more
tamed now he was together with that blonde woman.

"Are we fighting over a woman?" Rodolfo asked as he leaned back against the couch observing
Michaelangelo's behavior to a certain level he could still read his brother's mind, and right now
he was still on safe grounds, "seeing dad's situation you must know that it's never worth to fight
over a woman."

Closing his eyes Michaelangelo could not take it anymore, he thought he had his anger bottled
up pretty nicely but he was wrong. He didn't like it one bit how his brother talked about their
own father not to mention the insults he had of Gabriella. He was the one who used the woman
for his own vindictive motives, he just used people and tossed them away like trash. He did not
want to be related to someone which such cheap manners, even their father who might have done
something so horrible it shouldn't reach daylights had more manners than that.

Stepping towards his brother Michaelangelo gripped the front of his shirt and pulled the man up
ignoring the smirk that was plastered across the man's face, "you have no conscious do you?"
Michaelangelo asked in a hushed tone not because he didn't want anyone to hear it, it was him
trying to keep his anger down, "talking like that about your own father, talking about that about
an innocent woman you used to get to me. It's not how she raised you right?!"

Pushing Rodolfo back Michaelangelo ignored the glare he received of his older brother, that look
would have hurt him years ago but not anymore. Now his father was gone he had a lot more
responsibilities, his heart was more closed now, things like that didn't get to him anymore.

"Don't. Talk. About. Her." Rodolfo warned his brother as he pushed his shirt down a bit seeing it
was all messed up because of his brother holding too tightly onto his shirt, "you have no fuckin'
idea about what happened!"

"I have no idea?" Michaelangelo asked and chuckled, "I know more than you ever will! Stop
feeling sorry for yourself because you are just pathetic!" he hollered at his brother, "you ran
away Rodolfo!" he pointed at his brother, "you ran away so don't come in here and act like you
are a victim, you have no fuckin' right to do that!"

Gabriella didn't know what she should do, she heard the guys arguing loudly downstairs. She
heard the angered voice of her husband and was scared that he might do something he regrets
later all because of her. She should have listened to her screaming mind back then but she was
just too far away. She was the one who should be blamed for all of this not Rodolfo.
Biting her lip her eyes widened when she heard someone walking towards her bedroom.
Stepping back she felt the her legs hitting the bed looking behind her she didn't even notice how
far she stepped away from the door unconsciously.

"Mike?" she wondered softly as she stared at the door that slowly opened she gulped when she
saw two enraged orbs staring down at her, she watched the door being slammed shut and leaned
back against the bed she couldn't back away more unfortunately so she wrapped her arms around
her as if that would protect her from any harm, "you're really back" she whispered as she tore her
eyes away from him.

She didn't know what to say to him, she knew she had to apologize it was her fault that he had to
pull back from such an important mission. She had after all heard half of their arguments.
Something bad happened to their mother and now their father, and she just acted like a spoiled
brat when there were far more important things to worry about.

She felt like she had a lot of thing she had to make up for.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 18 - Broken Hearted Girl (p.1 of 11)

Pulling her hair up to a messy ponytail Gabriella looked at the reflection of her husband in the
mirror, after he got back from wherever he was he didn't speak to her one word. She figured she
deserved a lot more than that, so she betrayed him by kissing his brother at least if he wasn't
going to be nice to her he could give her something, now she didn't know where she was
standing. Did he hate her? Did he really had a good enough reason to give his brother a huge
bruise on his face? His brother wasn't entirely wrong about them, they did not marry for love like
they pretended to be. So hitting him in the face was not something he deserved. She knew there
was more to this, than Michaelangelo was letting her know. Again.

She felt like she was kept in the dark with a lot of things, she overheard some of the things
Rodolfo was discussing with her mother and she heard some of things Rodolfo and her husband
discussed. It were all things she never heard anything about before. She could make out that
Rodolfo got angry when Michaelangelo brought up their mother yet something happened in their
past that made them so defensive over their mother, yet underneath the tone Rodolfo used she
could almost feel his sorrow, like he regretted what happened with his mother, but then again
what did she know. She didn't know a thing about this family yet they seem to know a lot about

It scared her to know that she was actually staying at unknown territory. What else did they
know about her that she actually should know about as well?"

What was wrong with her mother, why is she hiding things from her?

How was her mother's marriage to her father fake?

Dropping the brush out of her hand she gulped as she looked at Mike's reflection only to see him
stare at her with narrowed eyes. Letting her eyes fall upon the fallen brush she slowly bend down
and took it off the floor placing it back where it belonged. Walking out of the bathroom she
closed the door behind her and looked at her husband who was focused on his laptop, really he
was focused on anything but her.

She was getting tired of this all, she wanted to talk to him yet the way he put up a barrier made it
hard for her to speak her mind around him. She was afraid he might just snap any time and she
didn't want to be the one who would vent his anger on.

She after all witnessed what had happened to Rodolfo. His face is not liking the treatment
Michaelangelo gave to it.

Her eyes wandering over the body of her husband she stopped at his face, she noticed how his
jaw was clenched as he was engrossed in something, something that he was reading on his
laptop, maybe an e-mail? Stepping closer to him as she bottled up her courage she tried to look
over his shoulder but she couldn't see a thing, why did he have to have such broad shoulders?

Pressing her lips tightly together and her eyes looking down when she felt her husband's eyes on
her she tried to look as calm as possible towards him, she didn't want him to know that he
actually made her nervous. She had to stay strong and give him a peace of her mind as well, just
like he was doing.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 18 - Broken Hearted Girl (p.3 of 11)

He wasn't saying anything but she could tell by looking into his eyes that he was disappointed
maybe even disgusted with her. She didn't know how to make him look at her again without
giving her a feeling that she might just choke if she looked in his eyes.

Hearing him clear his throat she was actually glad that he took the first step, because she was
strangling with herself trying to voice out what she has been thinking about all night long, she
had formed all the right words she wanted to say to him but now standing in front of him, facing
him unguarded the words just didn't want to leave her lips.

So many things were left unspoken between them, he knew that she heard a lot of things that she
should never know about, how were they going to deal with that? Was he going to ask of her to
forget about whatever she heard? Because she could never do that, she heard a lot of things that
didn't make sense to her, and her good for nothing mother didn't answer her phone calls.
Something weird and dark was going on here and she was the one they were hiding all the things

She wasn't raised this way, she was always taught that your mother is the most important person
in your life, but right now she didn't feel that way. Her own mother was lying to her and she
couldn't help but to feel that her own mother tricked her into all of this, and seeing that the
woman was now hiding somewhere the feeling only got stronger.
"If there is something you want to say just say it, staring at me won't change a thing" his voice
stated coldly, "I have more important things to deal with right now Gabriella, so just say
whatever you want to get it off your chest so we can move on."

Letting out a snort as she didn't believe how he made it sound so casual like there was nothing
going on between them. She knew she didn't dreamt it that there was some kind of connection
between the two of them, how can he pretend that it was just business and nothing more? She
knew better than that, did he really close his hear to her already?

"Just like that?" she asked softly, "just like that you push me aside like I am nothing to you?" she
asked as she raised her head and looked straight in his eyes her eyes watering with tears that she
tried to blink back but failed miserably, "Mike, are you really that heartless?"

Looking back at his laptop he tried to pretend he didn't feel a pang to his heart when he looked
her in the eyes, he knew she was suffering because of him, because he distanced himself from
her, but he had to. He didn't want to get betrayed again, he once lost someone he thought he fell
in love with and he wasn't about to feel the same way again. He wouldn't open his heart to
another woman, she already let his brother take advantage of her, how many more mistakes he
had to go through with her. It was best for him to see this as a business deal and nothing more,
anything more than that was something his heart couldn't take.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 18 - Broken Hearted Girl (p.5 of 11)

He had his father he had to worry about, the body was still not found, in the back of his mind he
was hoping that the man in question was still alive and hiding somewhere safe right now. His
mother who got pushed aside by the family he still had to deal with as well, so many years has
passed since he last saw her and with the argument that he went through with Rodolfo he knew
that it was still an unfinished business, they all needed some type of closure, maybe hearing her
side of the story? Also there was that matter that connected Francesca and Cecilio together, what
was it in their past that none of them should know about? It seemed like something dark that
shouldn't reach daylights, it was something that might cause their downfall, and he was not ready
for that.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Gabriella" he said calmly as he kept himself busy
with reading his e-mails, "there was never anything going on between us to begin with, we both
saw this as an opportunity to get finally freed of our parents, we never loved each other to begin
with. So what you do with other men is none of my damn business, as to what I do with other
woman. Don't you remember it was you who said that I should look for other woman to do so?"
he asked as he looked her in the eyes and smirked, "I'll let go of you and Rodolfo and you should
let go of me and Anarosa it won't get you anywhere, Gaby."

"Fuck this" Gabriella said as she felt her anger raising to a point she could no longer control
herself, "nothing between us at all?" she asked shaking her head a little, "who are you trying to
fool here, there was definitely something between us, but it scares the hell out of you so you
close yourself up and pretend that you never felt anything towards me" she said and dropped her
hands to her side, "whatever Mike, keep fooling yourself, if you say it often enough you'll
believe in your own lies" she said turning around to get as fast as she could out of the room, she
couldn't be in one room with him right now, she knew they would say thing that they might
regret later on.

Hearing him sit up she knew she had to move faster, "we're not finished, dare to leave the room"
his voice boomed through the bedroom.

Gulping she looked at the doorknob she had tried to reach and slowly dropped her hand as she
stood frozen to the spot, "what is there left to say, we said things that needed to get off our chests
right?" she asked as she turned around to face him again, "you believe your own stupid lies and I
believe that you and your whole family are there anything you could add?"

"You have an awful lot to say about my family, don't you Gabriella?" Michaelangelo asked as he
stood up and stepped closer to her, "I admit it we're not perfect at all, we have secrets we don't
want anyone else to find out about, but so does your family" he said throwing the ball back in her
court, "so stop pointing fingers at other people when you don't know shit about the situation."

"Then enlighten me" she screeched, "because everyone seems to know except for me! Even that
slut seems to know more about this whole situation than me" she said as she narrowed her eyes
on her husband not holding her anger in anymore and she could tell by the looks of it he couldn't
hold his anger in either, "I mean her calling me at night telling me about you staying with her,
leaving your phone at her place, do you know how I felt when she threw that in my face?" she
asked and shook her head a little, "you must have a good laugh right? That stupid Gabriella
falling in love with a guy who still does his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with his cousin."

Gripping her arm in his hand tightly Michaelangelo ignored the gaps that left the woman's lip in
the back of his mind he knew he was physically hurting her right now but he just couldn't release
her, "I never stayed over at her place for your information" he gritted through his teeth, "and I
would never forgive someone who sleeps with my cousin in our apartment, in our bed" he said
venomously as he gripped her arm even tighter in his hand, no doubt that would leave an ugly
bruise, "so you might understand now that I will never forgive you for making out with my own

"So you do feel that way" Gabriella whispered as she flinched a bit as his grip only tightened
around her, she didn't plead to him though, she didn't plead to him to release her she would
endure it for now, "so if you don't feel anything towards me why are you so jealous about the
fact that I kissed your brother?" she asked and tried to have a straight face while she said that yet
his grip on her arm made it really hard for her to do so, the pain was just slightly endurable, if it
lasted any longer no doubt she would be groaning in pain, "you care about me more than you
think" she whispered to him.

Glaring down at the woman he pushed her back a bit finally releasing her aching arm, watching
her painfully rub her arm he immediately regretted that he physically hurt her he just had an
anger management problem everyone knew that if he snapped there was nothing you could about
"I don't fuckin' care about you, I just don't like it when people break their promises" he spat at
her as he turned around no longer being able to face her without feeling sorry that he had hurt
her, "you said you wouldn't cause me any problems Gabriella, yet now I can't even seem to do
my job without having to keep an eye on you. Like mother like daughter right?" he said making
her glare at his back.

"What is that suppose to mean?" she asked confused.

Turning around Michaelangelo glared at the blonde woman who seemed as angry at him as he
was at her, "nothing" he muttered as he ran a hand through his hair trying to calm himself down,
he was glad he stopped himself before he said something to her that shouldn't be said out loud,
"why are we discussing the same thing over and over again? We are not getting anywhere at all,
maybe I care for you, maybe I fuckin' care about you but you don't share the same feelings. So
what's the point into continuing this? Just leave me alone for now" he sighed as he tiredly turned
around again and stepped towards the bed to get his laptop.

"Who says I don't share the same feelings as you?" she asked softly as her hand was still pressed
against her aching arm, "if I didn't care about you I wouldn't be standing here having this damn
argument with you. Why can't you just see that already? Why can't you see that I fell in love with
you moths ago?!"

Trying to ignore her rants Michaelangelo sat back down on the bed as he focused on his work
again, "let's forget about this already Gabriella, we should just forget about it alright?"

Shaking her head as she let out a shay breath she looked at the man she just admitted to that she
loved him through teary eyes. He pushed her confession aside like it was nothing. Never in her
life had she felt like this, it felt like her heart just stopped beating and someone dropped a ton of
bricks on her. She couldn't believe he could be so heartless. She knew he loved her back but he
just didn't want to admit it, he admitted that he cared about her but that was it? She couldn't
believe that.

Why was he turning away from her when she was trying to get closer to him?

Walking out of the bedroom she purposely slammed the bedroom door shut loudly just to let him
know how angry she was at him. Pressing her hand to her arm tighter she didn't care that she let
tears drop because of a man. She had always promised herself she would not cry over a man that
didn't deserve it yet here she was crying over a man. She was weaker than she had expected
herself to be, not to mention that she let him manhandle her without saying something about it.
Looking at her arm she dropped her hand and grimaced a little as she felt a shot of pain go
through her arm. She was used to a lot more than this, but it didn't just physically hurt her, she
felt this pain go all the way to her heart, it wasn't some man that wanted to get money out of her,
it was a man who broke her heart into a million peaces that hurt her.

"What happened to you?" she heard an all to familiar voice ask, "Gabriella?"
Turning to the man who dared to talk to her right now she smiled to him with a venomous look
in her eyes, "since when do you ever care about me?" she asked him angrily, "are you happy
now? Are you happy with your achievement?" she asked as she tried to wipe away the tears yet
they didn't stop, "congratulations you just ruined your brother and me, you got what you wanted,
I hope you can sleep well at night now" she said turning away from Rodolfo as she made her
way to the kitchen to get a cold pack of anything to press to the bruise on her arm.

Sighing aggregately Rodolfo watched the woman leave, he should have felt happy with what he
achieved yet looking in her saddened eyes he didn't feel anything other than regret. He assumed
that she never loved his brother to begin with, yet he was clearly wrong about that. What he just
witnessed was a woman whose heart just got broken, and it was all on him.

When did he became like this?

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 19 - Sincere Motives? (p.1 of 12)

Weeks has passed and Gabriella still didn't have the courage to face Michaelangelo anymore, he
had broken her heart like no one else had before. She had opened up to him, let him into her life
and just like that he threw her away like an used toy a kid didn't want anymore. She hadn't been
sleeping in their room anymore nor did she have dinner together with the family yet he didn't
even seem to care about that either, it was like he didn't care about her being dead or alive. She
was as good as dead in his eyes. Feeling her heart squeeze painfully at that thought again she
curled up more in the one-seat in the dark lighted library and clung to her book.

She figured if she read some of her favorite novels she would get her mind of things, the many
questions that haunted her at night. She felt like there were so many things she didn't know about
yet everyone around her seemed to know. Like the comment Michaelangelo had made when they
had that big argument.

Like mother like daughter.

What the hell did he mean by that? He didn't replied when she asked him about it, but that
comment was no glued in her mind. It repeated over and over again like a broken record. There
were definitely a lot of secrets she was left out off. She felt like a kid that had done something
wrong, where the parents closed the doors and whispered things about. She was standing in front
of a lot closed doors, she didn't know where to start digging.

Letting out a shaky breath she stopped herself from crying just in time seeing she heard the door
being opened and closed. Looking up from her book she narrowed her eyes on the tall, dark
haired male whose face was doing a lot better these days. He sat down on the seat across her and
stared at her for a minute or two, she could tell by the look in his eyes that he was thinking about
how to start a conversation with her. He was the one that came looking for her, so she would just
patiently wait till he stated his purpose of searching her.

She noticed how he fiddled with his fingers indicating to her just how nervous he had become, it
made her wonder what he wanted to talk about with her. It definitely had to be something good
because she had never seen him this nervous before. Not when he was together with
Michaelangelo in one room and not when the whispering maids walked through the hallways
saying a lot of hurtful stuff about him.

He was going to tell her something, something she should not know about.

She could feel it.

His eyes darkening as he narrowed them on her he took a grip of himself and leaned back against
the one-seat, "saying sorry to you now won't make things right, so that's not why I came here
for" he started his eyes never leaving hers, "I thought instead of apologizing I should rather tell
you my motive behind my actions, maybe you can understand the situation a bit better than,
because I am certain you are very confused about what is going on around you, right now" he
said in a calm, hushed tone as if he was making sure she was the only person who could hear

Slightly nodding her head she placed the novel she was trying to read a moment ago on the
coffee table right next to her and folded her arms under her chest focusing entirely on the man
across her.

"The reason I didn't want you to be happy with Michaelangelo was partly because I am jealous of
my brother and because I intensely hate your mother. It might not come off that way because I
have learned to control my emotions a lot better over the years but I actually don't get along very
well with your mother Gabriella the same goes for Michaelangelo" he said and noticed how the
confusion only clouded her eyes more, "the reason why I am jealous of Michaelangelo is-"

"Because after your father threw your mother out of the house and they were filing a divorce she
fought custody over Michaelangelo but not you. Not to mention your own father picked
Michaelangelo over you to inherit everything, you don't get anything yet you were the one who
was by his side the whole time."

Smiling bitterly Rodolfo slightly nodded his head, "so you aren't totally clueless about what is
going on around here" he snorted, "except you don't know a thing about your own parents do
you?" he asked as he watched Gabriella slight shake her head.

"What about my parents?" she asked warily being afraid of what she might find about her

She had loved her father deeply he treated her like a princess not to mention he was always there
when she needed someone by her side she could not say that about her mother who was always
busy with herself, Gabriella had never found it odd because her father loved her enough to
compensate for her mother, but after he died a few years ago she started to feel that it was weird
how her mother always seem to be gone without a decent explanation not to mention how she
always came home late smelling like cologne.
She never asked her mother about it because she trusted the woman, but maybe she should have
asked questions back then.

Now it was already too late, the damage was already done.

She hated how naïve she had been back then.

Being around the Gavino family she had learned many things over the weeks. She grew more
independent and stronger. She was no longer that naïve girl who listened to her mother without
questioning her reasoning. If she had done that months ago she wouldn't have been married in
the first place. She had let people take advantage of quite some time and now it had to be over.

Hearing Rodolfo clear his throat he gently smiled to her, "I don't know if it's my place to tell
Gabriella, all I can say about your parents is that what looks good on the outside doesn't mean it
has to be in the inside. Your marriage with Michaelangelo for example. To people it might look
like you are the perfect married couple, yet you two aren't romantically involved."

Narrowing her honey brown pools on Rodolfo she figured what he was trying to say, there was
more to her parents than she realized. From the hints he has been giving her it seems like they
had been in the same position as her and Michaelangelo, but then why did they have a child
together if they weren't romantically involved?

"What has my parents marriage to do with your mother?" Gabriella asked confused, "I personally
have never met your mother before."

"You have" Rodolfo ensured you, "but you cannot remember it, it's the same for Michaelangelo.
Do you know when you go through something really traumatizing your mind blocks out the
whole event you don't want to think about anymore?" he asked and got off the seat, "you love to
read books why not go to the public library and research that?" he asked and smirked at her,
"your mother is the reason why my mother is no longer here, ask her about it too while you are at
it" he said before he nodded at her, "I guess giving you this secret information is my way off
apologizing to you Gabriella, I shouldn't have used you for my vindictive reasoning. I thought
you were the same as your mother" he said and let out a soft chuckle, "but I can assure you, you
are definitely nothing like her."

Smiling as she watched him leave the library she nodded her head he was damn right that she
was nothing like her mother, she had the looks of her father not to mention his personality. Eyes
widening Gabriella sat up right and grabbed her phone off the coffee table look at her reflection
through the display.She definitely didn't have anything from her mother, she had the same eye
and hair color like her father, but her face structure wasn't the same as his either, but it wasn't the
same as her mother either. Seeing how Francesca never really spend time with her when she was
younger she couldn't help but to wonder if she was really her mother.

If she was her real mother then why wasn't she around when she was younger?
Placing her phone in her pocket she got off the seat as well and slowly made her way to the thick
doors Rodolfo had closed just a minute ago.

Her mother was the reason why his mother was no longer around...she didn't understand what
that meant because she was certain rumor has it that his mother cheated on his father with his
best friend, and business partner.

Dropping his pen back on the desk Michaelangelo looked at the door of his office, he didn't
know when he had become so paranoid. His father absence was clearly taking it's toll on him. He
couldn't trust anyone anymore, not his brother not his cousin and certainly not his wife.

His father was suppose to be murdered by his own brother yet there was no evidence of that
occurrence. He was certain someone just made that up while his father was hiding somewhere
right now, Cecilio wouldn't die that easily. People called him the devil himself, so it took more
than just a gunshot to get rid of him.Pinching the bridge of his nose Michaelangelo felt another
headache coming up, the meeting about Cecilio's testament was in a week. He had read it though
with the lawyer already but to inform the others officially of it was in a week. He needed a week
to process it all.

He had never thought his father would have admitted Gabriella to his will as well, not to mention
she was very important to this all. The price Cecilio was asking for Gabriella to receive that
amount of money was just too high, but if Gabriella didn't receive the money it would go to
Eugino and everyone knew that once that snake had it they were done for.

The money should go to Gabriella and she should sign the papers of transferring it to his account,
but how could he make this deal with her now that they were on shaky grounds, not to mention
that this could be something she could black mail him with.

For her to get the money she had to give something, something they could not provide.

Slamming his laptop shut he annoyingly run a hand over his face and ripped open the door of his
office, well it used to be his father's office but that man wasn't around right now. Letting the door
fall closed on it's own Michaelangelo made his way to the bar in the dining room. Looking over
the stash they had he figured he needed the strongest one to get through the night.

Everything was falling apart, the empire his father created with years of hard work, his
relationship with his own family and his marriage. He had nothing left.

Hearing a soft gasp behind him he turned to look at the head maid who was surprised to see him
drinking straight from the bottle, "sir I can get you a glass!" she exclaimed as she searched
through the cabinets frantically.

"There is no need for that" Michaelangelo said calmly as he raised the bottle at her, "I'm good
like this" he muttered before he left the dining room not bothering to listen to complaints of the
maid who had taken care of him since he was a kid, he didn't need anyone to preach to him right

He was sure he couldn't handle it.

He needed to relief himself, all the pressure that was put on him. He was sure it would be his
downfall, he didn't know how much longer he could take anymore without him finally snapping
at everyone around him.

Groaning when something bumped into him he groaned lightly and ran a hand over his chest
where something just hit him at a second ago. Feeling his hands going through soft locks he
looked down only to meet scared honey brown pools.

Just the person he tried so hard to avoid.

Hearing her soft gasp she quickly pulled away from him he saw her open her mouth to say
something but stopped herself when her eyes landed on the bottle in his hand.

"You're going to drink that all by yourself?" she asked watching him shrug his shoulders.

"You got a problem with that too?" he asked bitterly noticing how her face dropped with his
answer, "whatever" he said it was his way of saying sorry to her for making such a comment.

Gulping she wrapped her arms around her and nodded at the bottle in his hand, "mind if I join
you?" she asked and slowly looked up to meet his eyes again, seeing an amused gleam in his
eyes shining through now.

Shaking the bottle a little he shook his head a little, "I guess there is enough for another person"
he smirked as he stepped closer to her, "how well can you hold your liquor?" he asked her as he
walked past her making his way up the stairs case.

She could tell he was going to their bedroom and she quietly followed after him. It was her
chance of spending time with him maybe talk things over with him, yet she didn't know that his
motive was quite the opposite of her sincere one.

Maybe getting her drunk was the way to make her submit to his request because what he needed
from her was something big, something that would change her life drastically.

Laying back down on her pillow Gabriella grinned as Michaelangelo held the bottle up for her
offering her another sip, one more sip and she knew her stomach would empty itself. Shaking her
head she regretted it instantly seeing how it made her even dizzier.
Groaning she ran a hand through her hair and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths would
make her less drowsy she figured. She just needed to breath slowly and lay back, not moving too
much. That would definitely make sure she wouldn't throw up her guts.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 19 - Sincere Motives? (p.10 of 12)

The light getting blocked she slowly opened her eyes to only meet silvery blue ones that stared
straight at her. Not to mention he was hovering above her with arms holing him up while he
smirked down at her.

"You're beautiful" he whispered to her making her giggle.

"Riiight" she coed, "I am nothing like your model ex-whatever she was."

Feeling his hot breath that was mixed with the scent of alcohol and mint she moved her head to
the side seeing his hot breath tickled her face.

"You are nothing like her" Michaelangelo said slowly, "you're still not tainted with the
corruption that's part of our world."

Placing her hand on his face she moved back to look at him and slightly pushed his face away, "I
don't know what you are talking about" she whispered, "why are you so close to me anyways"
she said pulling her hand back when she realized he had kissed her hand making her gulp,
"you're, you're too close" she muttered.

Taking a hold of her hands he pressed them down on the soft mattress and looked deeply into her
innocent honey brown pools. He was too close to her, he could feel her chest going up and down
against his, it was driving him up the wall, not to mention that his lower part of his body was
pressed firmly against hers as well. She was soft to the touch like she would break into a million
pieces of you handled her roughly. Looking down to their stomachs he felt something poking
him making him arch an eyebrow as he looked back at her grinning face.

"That's my piercing!" she coed, "you dirty little pervert!"

"A pervert eh?" he said and looked back in her eyes, "what else do you have that I don't know
about?" he asked her and smirked when he saw her open her mouth taking advantage of the
situation to plunder her mouth with his.

Feeling her hands squeeze tightly around his he could feel her breathing getting harder, her chest
was going up and down way faster. Pressing his lips even harder down on hers as his tongue
explored her mouth that tasted off bitter alcohol he felt her grip on his hands slowly softening.

He knew he should pull away from her yet his body wasn't doing what he wanted to. It was
almost like his body was glued to hers. Feeling her slowly submit to his desire he slowly released
her hands and trailed his own down her arms sensually before pressing them down on her hips.
Slowly pulling out of the kiss he opened his eyes to be staring straight into dazed honey brown
ones. Her breathing was much more forced now, she was almost panting. He smirked when he
saw that her innocent pools darkened, darkened with the emotion he was feeling for her.


Sharing glances with her he smirked when he noticed her eyes only darkened with the need of
him to touch her, to kiss her. Seeing her slightly nod that was all the encouragement he needed
for him to continue, even though he had wanted her he didn't want to force this upon her. There
was no fun to it if it was forced.

Slowly leaning he chuckled when she leaned up to meet his lips halfway. That was a side of her
he never knew, what else did he not know about her? Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter
20 - Showing Your True Colors (p.1 of 11)

Groaning lightly Gabriella run a gentle hand through her messy blonde locks, it felt like her head
might explode anytime now. Slowly opening her eyes as she tried them to get accustomed to the
bright lighting in the room, she stopped moving when she heard a quiet grunt right next to her.
Finally noticing she was not alone in the room she gulped audibly and stopped moving around,
her heart beating faster with the second as her mind started to wonder. Slowly looking down a
quiet gasp left her swollen pink lips as she noticed the arm that was tightly wrapped around her
waist. If she was not in the guest room where she was suppose to sleep she knew she either was
in Michaelangelo's room or she lost her mind and ended up in his brother's room which she

Letting her fingers softly trail over the arm she felt his grip around her waist loosen, now she was
able to move around more freely in bed. As she looked around the room she knew she was in her
husband's room which was now her room as well of course but with how things were so tense
between them she didn't feel comfortable around here anymore. Slowly turning she let her eyes
wander over her husband's body. Arching a sharp eyebrow when she noticed he was shirtless, her
eyes trailing over his firm chest.

The months she had spend together with him in his room he always slept with a shirt on, either it
was a light t-shirt or a wife beater but he was never shirtless. Her frown even deepening she
noticed how her legs were entangled with his, they never slept like this before! Gripping her hair
lightly she noticed the empty bottle at their feet end and closed her eyes letting an annoyed sigh

Of course she had to get drunk and end up like this together with him. She couldn't blame it on
the alcohol because she knew her true feelings came out whenever she drank a bit too much. This
is what she had wanted and now blaming it on the booze was not going to help.

Her eyes snapping open when she felt the sheets move against her skin, her actual skin not the
oversized t-shirt she wore to bed she gripped the sheets tightly in her hand slowly opened it a
little to look underneath it only to find she was shirtless as well. Not to mention she was only
sleeping in her panties!
A scream was threatening to come out when she noticed her throat was actually sore too.
Rubbing over her throat she figured she would panic later and first get herself some medicine.
Every muscle in her body was aching she needed a hot shower first, her body felt sweaty and
dirty and she wasn't stupid to know what exactly had happened between the two. She needed that
hot shower more than anything right now.

Leaning over the bed as she made sure she did not wake her husband who was peacefully asleep
next to her she grabbed the first thing that would cover her up and yes lucky her it was her
husband's shirt. Throwing it on not caring whose shirt it was she quickly got out of bed but still
managed to do it quietly and left for the bathroom, making sure she locked it behind her. She
didn't need any unwanted visitors right now.

Closing her eyes as she let the hot water fall on her body a relieved sigh left her lips, she brushed
a soaked hand over her lips and frowned when she felt that even her lips were hurting. She knew
she had done something entirely wrong with Michaelangelo last night, and the problem was they
couldn't brush it off as an one-night stand. They were married how the hell were they going to
face each other now!

Not to mention they were still at war.

Feeling the soreness between her legs she pressed her legs together and glared at the bathroom
door, as if her husband would see her glaring at him. Whatever happened between them last
night he didn't even bother with gentleness. Her whole body felt sore there wasn't a spot that
didn't ache, that stupid man sure took his frustrations out on her, and maybe she didn't felt it
yesterday she sure felt it now.

It was definitely not something she preferred, doing again. Not if it left her body so sore!

"What do you want me to do pretend I didn't hear what I heard last night? I mean how can I
pretend that I didn't hear it, I am pretty sure the whole mansion has heard what happened last
night!" Gabriel shot back at his cousin who kept an eye on the door of the dining room, "you told
me they were fighting yesterday but from what I heard when I stepped through the doors it didn't
seem to me like they were fighting."

Giving his cousin a warning glance Rodolfo took a sip from his freshly made tea quietly, while it
seemed like he was well-rested you could definitely tell that his cousin was not doing as well as
he did this morning.

"You do it all the time when you slept with a women, why not put your skill up to the test now"
Rodolfo muttered as he quietly placed the cup back on the table, "they are married it's what
married people do" Rodolfo shrugged not looking in cousin's eyes once because honestly he had
no intention to discuss his little brother's sex life, that was something personal and rather
embarrassing actually.
"It's not the same and you know it" Gabriel muttered as he threw his arms behind and stretched a
little, "my room is right beneath theirs do you think I could sleep peacefully while they were
humping each other all night?!" he asked making his cousin throw him another warning glance
but this time much more serious so Gabriel knew he had to stop complaining now.

A very embarrassed young woman passed right past them as she took a seat across the man who
was quietly reading a newspaper while enjoying his tea. Not wanting to look at any of the people
were in the dining room Gabriella focused on her plate instead as she quietly placed two bagels
on it and poured herself some tea as well.

She knew what they were talking about they could see it in their eyes when she walked through
the doors that they knew about her night with Michaelangelo. It was rather embarrassing and she
rather not talk about it. When she had stepped out of the bathroom the room was vacant not to
mentioned cleaned up. She didn't think she was in the shower that long but she was seriously
wrong, maybe she gave her husband the impression that she had felt so dirty with spending just
one night with him that he let the room cleaned up to the point it almost seemed sterile now.

Clearing his throat Gabriel pushed the warning glances of his cousin off and looked at the
embarrassed woman who was sitting next to him, "so did something interesting happen last
night?" he asked as he gave her an amused look making her gulp the lump away that had formed
in her throat.

She shook her head a little before she managed to look in his eyes without blushing an abnormal
deep red, "nothing happened" she shrugged, "I mean nothing you should know off happened last
night" she said making sure that he understood she had no intensions of talking about whatever
happened between her and her husband last night.

That was kind of personal and out of the question to talk about.

"I see" Gabriel said calmly as he focused back on his breakfast instead, "nothing I should know
off?" he said and smirked, "you know I arrived back from a very tiring trip yesterday and figured
I would get some well earned rest here but you know I couldn't sleep very well because of all the
noises I heard from above my room" he said smirking wider when he heard the woman next to
him practically choke in her tea, "it sounded like beds creaking and I can't quite place the other
sounds I have I heard, I know it's quite familiar but still..."

Closing her eyes tightly shut Gabriella knew this would happen, she didn't need Gabriel's teasing
right now. Her husband was too embarrassed to face her or maybe he tried to ignore whatever
happened between the two of them yesterday either way she figured it was something they
should never speak off again, yet here his cousin was brining the forbidden subject up over and
over again.

Sighing Rodolfo couldn't take it anymore and kicked his cousin right on his shin underneath the
table making the man grit his teeth as he glared at him, "can't you tell she doesn't want to talk
about it, I told you to give it a rest. It's none of our business what they do together" he said
making Gabriella look at him with quite a surprised look.

She never would have thought the older brother would stand up for her like that, he did apologize
to her yesterday. That much she remembered but she didn't think they would actually grow to a
point of understanding. It seemed he was far more mature than he had let off. If he would behave
like this she had not a problem with his presence at all.

He finally faced the woman who was quietly eating her breakfast, "where is Mike?" he asked as
he noticed that some minutes had passed already and his little brother still didn't walk through
those doors, "he is already working again?"

Shrugging her shoulders Gabriella nervously bit her lip, "I don't know actually" she admitted
softly, "I haven't spoken to him this morning" she muttered completely ignoring the sudden gasp
next to her.

"What the hell so you had sex with your husband all night but no morning after sex not to
mention not even a glimpse whatsoever?" Gabriel asked as he ran a hand over his face, "you had
an one-night stand with your husband, I did not know that was even possible" he said making
Gabriella want to sink through the ground.

She knew it was ridiculous how they were acting there was no need for him to bring it up!

Quietly closing the door behind him Rodolfo sat down on the couch in the middle of the room
letting his feet rest upon the coffee table in front of him while he looked at his brother who was
standing by the big windows looking out while he was having a discussion over the phone.

By the way he was raising his voice Rodolfo could tell it was probably Eugino, the man they all
could not stand. He might have been close friends with his father but that man still had bad
intentions anyways. It did not matter to him that they were friends, all that mattered to him was
business and nothing more.

"It's my final decision and whatever you say will not make me change it, the meeting his moved
to February it gives us time to arrange things in these two months, we need the time Eugino. I
don't seem to understand why it has to be rushed. Whatever is written in his testament will not
change, not to mention the time limit will not change as well..."

Raising an eyebrow Rodolfo narrowed his eyes on the back of his brother's head. He knew
Michaelangelo already knows what is written in the will and he could understand that people
were curious about it, but he could also relate to the situation his brother was in.

His marriage was not going very well not to mention the complications that have come because
of a night together with his enemy.
The woman he had been so angry with.

That night between them changed a lot of things so he understood completely that Michaelangelo
needed some time to fix things right now.

"If it's last night you want to talk about I will warn you beforehand it's not something I feel like
discussing therefore safe your breath for something more important, like maybe trying to get
answers out of this" Michaelangelo said dropping a USB stick on his brother's lap, "it's
something I have found in the room dad was staying in, it might contain some answers we have
been looking for."

Leaning back against the couch Rodolfo held the stick in his hand and observed every detail of it,
"you are sure dad is still alive right?" Rodolfo asked quietly his eyes never changing, "I was
certain that he might not be alive anymore but with what happened yesterday I have changed my
mind. The impossible can happen, so dad might still be alive as well" he said smirking knowing
the comment he made got to his little brother.

"Nothing happened last night" Michaelangelo muttered as he took a seat behind his desk.

"So you are now pretending you have not slept with Gabriella?" he asked shaking his head a little
as Rodolfo looked at his brother with pure shame visible in his eyes, "you know that woman is
old school, she was probably saving it for the man she marries" he muttered seeing how
Gabriella seemed quite conservative in his eyes.

"Well then there is no problem to what happened last night is there?" Michaelangelo asked not
looking up from his laptop once, "she gave it to the man she married" he muttered though he
knew that was not what his brother meant by that comment at all yet he had no intentions of
getting more into this subject, he just wanted to forget it ever happened.

"Damn you Mike you know it's not what I mean" Rodolfo said getting slightly annoyed with his
brother's behavior this is not the Michaelangelo he knew, the way he was brushing this matter of
like it was nothing. Was nothing like him at all! "I never knew you were this heartless Mike,
even Gabriel does not treat women this way and you know it" he said shaking his head a little as
he got very disappointment with how his brother was handling the situation, "she deserve more
than this, and you know it!"

"Since when do you care so much about her actually" Michaelangelo asked amused seeing how
his brother was siding with the woman he wanted to get rid of days ago, "I do not seem to
understand your reasoning at all Rodolfo. First you try to dispose of her next you are all
overprotective of her. You should make up your mind already, it's quite confusing."

"No it's you who should make up his mind Michaelangelo, you think it was the booze that made
you sleep with Gabriella last night?" he asked as he got up and slowly stepped towards his
father's now his brother's desk, "whatever happened last night was all on you, don't you know
that people show their true colors when they are influenced by alcohol?"
"What are you trying to imply here?" Michaelangelo asked finally looking up to meet his
brother's serious silvery blue pools, "just speak your mind already" he muttered not liking it how
his brother was treating him at all.

"What I am trying to say is that stop being so stubborn and face it already" Rodolfo smirked as
he narrowed his eyes on his brother who seemed taking back by his comment, "you have fallen
in love with that woman" he said and chuckled slightly when he saw his brother's eyes widen,
"that's the only reason you are so angry at her for giving into my flirtations, you felt cheated on
though you knew it was never her fault. You couldn't stand the thought of another man kissing
the woman who you fell in love with for the first time in many years" he said and stepped back a
little, "stop messing around and do the right thing, or you'll regret later on. Trust me."

Rodolfo hated to admit it but he knew all about regrets and what not. He had never felt so guilty
in his life before a few nights ago so when he said his brother could trust him on this he meant it.

For the first time in his life he actually regretted something so deeply, and was now trying to
make things right. He knew it would take a while to change whatever cruel intentions he had
before he finally faced himself and knew he needed a change.

He could not say the same of his confused brother.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 21 - His Heart Is Melting (p.1 of 12)

Holding onto her phone tightly Gabriella let out an exhausted sigh as she walked through the
busy mall. When a good book didn't help her stressful thoughts to disappear she was certain a
good shopping day would, she would always do this with her mother when she was not so busy
with her life but right now the woman was not even answering her phone. Gabriella couldn't help
but to wonder if Rodolfo was right all along about that woman, maybe she didn't know her
mother as well as she thought she knew her. Maybe her mother did have a secret life she did not
know about at all? Maybe she never loved her father like Rodolfo had claimed before.

Shaking the thoughts off Gabriella promised herself that right now she would not worry about
the family, they had made her life a complete mess as it is. Her husband who ignored her, her
brother in law who claimed she didn't know a thing about her family and of course Gabriel who
didn't let a moment pass by without teasing her about well...everything.

Frowning when she heard her name being called in a rather high pitched tone she turned around,
almost dropping her bags when she met a pair of deep green eyes that were all too familiar to
her. She sees them everyday after all.

"Adelina, Cordelia" she whispered making the sisters smile as they heard their names leaving the
blonde lips, "you two actually caught up with my shopping" she said as she looked at the bags
they were holding, they had a lot more than her so she figured they were here longer, "I was just
about to get myself something to drink, care to join me?" she asked politely.
She didn't want them to think she was arrogant or anything like that, she was actually thinking of
getting something to drink and not inviting them over sounded like she was trying to get rid of
them and maybe in the back of her mind that was what she wanted but that would cause her
another stressful event she didn't want to go through. The last thing she wanted was to have the
women of the family gossip about her making another dramatic event occur. She had a lot of
problems she had to fix right now, gossiping old ladies was something she did not want.

Pouting her full lips a bit Cordelia looked over at her older sister before she nodded her head, "I
don't mind to get a cup of coffee actually, Adelina has dragged me through every store here for
hours. My feet or killing me" she muttered smirking when she heard her sister snort.

"It's for your own good you want to look pretty on Ana's party right?" she asked making
Gabriella eyes widen a bit when she heard that name, that name she hated so much but never told
anyone about, "oh...sorry" Adelina said quickly as she looked over at the blonde again, "I know
you and Anarosa aren't...getting along that well" she said whispering the last part, "and I don't
blame you I actually don't like her as well but we need to show our faces" she sighed, "let's grab
a cup of coffee shall we" she said obviously trying to get out of the mess she made just now.

Following after the sisters Gabriella put her bags down once they were seated in a small coffee
shop, "is it her famous birthday party?" Gabriella asked making Cordelia snicker and shake her
head a little.

"Not at all" Cordelia said excitedly, "no one thought it would happen but the woman is actually
getting married" she said as she smirked seeing the surprised look in Gabriella's eyes, "yes, that's
exactly the way we looked as well when we first heard about it."

"She is getting married" Gabriella whispered not quite processing the words just yet, "Anarosa is
getting married" she repeated to get herself to understand the words, "oh my god the woman is
finally getting married" she said more excitedly now making the sisters giggle.

"That's right!" Cordelia coed, "you are finally getting freed of that woman's pestering" she said
making Gabriella almost choke in her coffee when she said that, "it's true right" Cordelia
muttered as she shamelessly threw some subjects on the table Gabriella rather not discussed in
public, "everyone knows she wanted to steal your husband away from you, not that Mike is
stupid enough to fall for her tricks" she said making her older sister give her a playful glare.

"I know we are thinking that way Cordy but it's not something you should say out loud" she said
softer as she looked at the blushing blonde, "my sister is always like this, once she gets used to
being around you she never shuts up" she sighed making Gabriella smile.

"I see" Gabriella said gently as she placed her cup down on the table again, "because when we
met before she was less...talkative" she said making Adelina nod.

"Yes but I guess my little sister likes you" she coed as she pinched her little sister's cheeks like a
granny would do, "but she is not the only one, I must confess that I like you as well" she said as
she narrowed her intimidating green orbs on Gabriella, "you're different, nothing like the girls
my cousin dated before. Something real, I mean look at you. You shop in your sweat pants and
sneakers and don't care about walking around like that even though your husband always walks
around in neatly pressed suits, that says something about you right?"

"Thanks Adelina I always wanted people to think I am the sloppy housewife" Gabriella muttered
making the girl give her an apologetic smile.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Adelina quickly stated making the blonde smile at her sudden
outburst, "you know what I mean right?" she said softly as she sipped from her coffee again to
make herself shut up before she said something stupid again.

"I know what you mean" Gabriella said making her feel more at ease, "just a lot of stuff
happened so the last thing I care about right now is my looks" she muttered as she looked down
at her clothes, "but what the heck was I thinking when I left the house like this" she muttered
making the younger girl laugh.

"They still haven't found anything related to Cecilio right?" Adelina asked as her eyes got more
serious the moment her uncle's name left her lips, "Gabriel told us not to worry about it, but
seeing how long it has been shouldn't they...face reality already?" she asked making Gabriella
shrug her shoulders.

"I haven't know him as long as you two have but something tells me as well, that it takes more
than a car accident to get rid of Cecilio Gavino. I don't blame the boys if they try to search for
him, because there is no hard evidence of his death, all they got is people statements about his
sudden death that's all."

"I really hope they boys are right" Adelina whispered before she looked over at Gabriella's bags,
"so you did some shopping to clear your mind?" she asked and smiled, "you know you can talk
to me whenever you need someone to talk to" Adelina said as she slid her card over the table, "I
promise you I am pretty good at keeping things to myself" she winked at the girl.

Leaning back against the couch Gabriel subtly looked over his shoulder to look at his cousin who
was currently engrossed in a book, that rarely happened that Michaelangelo Gavino was reading
a book. He never had the time to grab a book and lay back but today it had happened. Rodolfo
and he of course made a big deal out of it, their cousin was actually doing something for himself
after so many months, something must have gone wrong in his head today.

Gabriella wasn't around, Rodolfo decided to have dinner with an old friend of his, better said
with an ex-girlfriend and here they were quietly sitting in the living room. Gabriel watching
some re-runs of a show and his cousin reading a book if he had looked closer at the book Gabriel
would have realized that it wasn't just any other book that he was reading.

No, this book was special.

Throwing his tie aside Rodolfo smirked as he plopped down next to Gabriel an arched an
eyebrow in confusion seeing his brother was still behind that book, "seriously he is still reading
that thing" he said in a hushed tone to his cousin who nodded his head sadly.

"Yeah is halfway through it as well" he muttered before taking a hold of the remote control to
turn up the volume a bit it seemed like Michaelangelo was too far away to care, "so how did the
date go?" he asked making Rodolfo roll his eyes as he leaned back against the couch to sit more

"It wasn't a date" he simply replied back as he glanced at his younger brother again, "she did tell
me something interesting though" he said as he smirked and looked back at Gabriel, "Anarosa is
getting married this summer" he stated making said cousin jump up as he looked down at the
smirking man."Seriously she is getting married?" he asked confused not believing any of the
words that just came out of the dark haired male's mouth, "as in Anarosa the woman who
claimed she would marry your brother no matter going to get married?" he asked and
scoffed, "well some empty promises she made" he muttered as he sat back down on the couch
and nodded towards Michaelangelo's direction, "do you think he knows?" he asked, "I mean
maybe that's why he is actually enjoying his free time right now?"

Leaning towards his brother who was siting in the one-seat Rodolfo narrowed his eyes on the
cover of the book before he smirked and shook his head, "he is definitely not enjoying his free
time" he stated as he got off the couch and grabbed his tie in his hand, "he is doing research on
his wife, that book is what Gabriella was reading a few weeks ago."

"And how would you know that?" Gabriel asked suspiciously making the man shrug his

"I saw her reading it" he muttered before he walked past his brother, "reading that book is not
going to help you understand her better, have you tried talking to her?" he asked as he passed by
like the wind.

Chuckling Gabriel watched as Michaelangelo got annoyed with the two of them hovering over
him, "you two really have nothing better to do" Michaelangelo sighed as he closed the book, "the
past thirty minutes you have discussed nothing else but my personal life, it worries me really.
Maybe you are in need of finding yourself a girlfriend again" he muttered before he picked
himself off the seat and followed his brother into the dining room, "was it true?" he asked as he
saw Rodolfo looking up from his cup of tea, "Anarosa getting married this summer?"

Placing his cup down Rodolfo smirked, "of course it's true, ask Adelina and Cordy if you don't
believe me. They have received an invitation as well. I doubt we will get one because she
wouldn't want her ex-boyfriend slash lover to be there, and to put it out more clearly. She hates
your wife, so don't count on getting invited."

"I wasn't counting on that, even if I received an invitation I wouldn't go" Michaelangelo stated as
he frowned a little finding it insulting that his brother thought he was hoping for an invitation, "I
am just glad she I finally getting married, that gets her out if my way" he sighed as he sat down
across his brother and grabbed a cup off the tray pouring himself a cup of earl grey tea as well, "I
am certain Gabriella will be relieved to hear this as well" he said making Rodolfo narrow his
eyes on him.

"Mike it has been three weeks since you two-" looking the other way finding it embarrassing to
talk about his brother and the woman he now saw as his little sister sex life, it was definitely
something he didn't want to think about, "and you still haven't talked to her. Anarosa's wedding
is the least thing that is on her mind right now" he said grabbing the novel out of Michaelangelo's
hand he held it up and almost shoved it in his brother's face, "reading this is not going to make
you understand her feelings, I can sum up what she is feeling right now" he said making
Michaelangelo glare at him."I am just trying to understand her a little better before I face her" he
muttered trying to get the book back but failed miserably, "Rodolfo give the fucking book back"
he said annoyed finding his games childish and somewhat tiring actually.

"Gabriella Gavino is feeling hurt, somewhat neglected, ignored, annoyed, upset, angry, sad" he
said and saw the change in his brother's eyes, "I am sure there are a lot more to sum up but you
get my point right, talk to the woman before you lose her" he said throwing the book back and
leaned back, "now let me enjoy my tea in peace, Mike."

"I didn't mean to hurt her."

"But you did."

Sighing Michaelangelo dropped his head as he looked at his cup, "I didn't mean to ignore her."

"But you did it anyways" Rodolfo shot back making his brother glare at him.

"Seriously what did I do to deserve such a caring brother as you" he muttered sarcastically,
"Gabriella was right about a lot of things" he said making his brother curious about what he was
talking about, "she said I was scared and was running away from my feelings and she is right."

"That you are scared off falling in love with her?"

Nodding his head Michaelangelo understood he didn't have to explain himself fully to his
brother. It was like Rodolfo knew beforehand what he was going to tell him. Maybe it was really
written on his face after all.

"You fell in love with her a long time ago" Rodolfo said and smirked as he pointed at his face,
"you wouldn't have punched me that hard if you didn't care about her, trust me" he said and
raised his cup a little, "I really like to talk about your negative points but seriously shut up and let
me drink this in some peace and quiet."

Smiling Michaelangelo complied to his brother's wishes. Normally he would have purposely
made some noise to annoy the hell out of his brother but Rodolfo had been a great help to him,
even though he dark haired male wouldn't admit it, but he was actually such a romanticist.
"Thanks" Michaelangelo said barely above a whisper but he knew his brother heard him, "for

Sighing Rodolfo glanced at his brother with an raised eyebrow, "didn't I ask of you to be quiet?"
he asked though he couldn't get rid of the smirk that was now plastered on his face.

He could tell his brother was slowly changing, changing from that cold hearted man he was. He
knew it would take awhile but he was convinced that Gabriella was the woman who would
change him, he would be more caring and more observant. He would be more protective over his
family and more supportive.

In the end his brother would be okay.

Dropping the bags down on the bed Gabriella smiled as she looked at her newly bought
possessions, she was right. Shopping the whole day and just hanging out with girls would make
her feel better. She was surrounded with sarcastic, egoistic males the whole day. Spending time
with cheerful girls was something different. She felt more alive right now, everything that was
haunting her mind has faded. She knew she had to face the monsters at some point but right now
she was glad it was being pushed back for her to enjoy some alone time.

Turning when she heard the door close she smiled a little as she saw the man who has been
haunting her mind for weeks now in person. She knew he had been purposely avoiding her but
she didn't care she knew he needed some time to process things. Even though he acted though he
was much more damaged inside than her.

His mother leaving without a word.

His father pressuring him to take over at a young age.

A lot of things happened to this man, but he never spoke a word of it. He acted like he could take
on the world but she knew inside he was hurting. She might be hurt as well, but she was coping it
with yet he was running away from it. She knew that eventually it would break him and
somewhere deep in her heart she knew what she wanted, she wanted to be beside him and
support him through whatever was crossing their path.

She just wanted to be beside him.

"Gabriella we need to talk" he said softly as he never tore his eyes away from her, "there is a lot I
need to tell you and I think you know that" he said gently as he walked towards her noticing she
didn't step back like he thought she would.

"Then let's talk" she said giving him a warm smile before she sat down on the bed and waited for
him to speak his mind, "let's promise each other that we will speak our minds, just let everything
off our chest alright?"
Looking into her honey brown eyes he could tell she was being serious, she didn't seem scared at
all. She wasn't running away like he was, she was actually the tough one here and not him. She
dared to face him with a smile acting like there was nothing wrong at all.

He had to admit to himself, she was definitely something else.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 22 - The Deal Between Husband And Wife (p.1 of

Smiling as she looked at the man who was sitting across her at the dinning table Gabriella shifted
her eyes to the cup in front of her and slowly took it off the table placing it against her lips as she
gave the man across her another playful look before she sipped from her tea.

This quiet conversation between them was what annoyed the hell out of Gabriel, he wanted to eat
his breakfast peacefully yet he had to watch the flirting of the couple this early in the morning.
He guessed whatever they had discussed a few days ago made their bond closer. He was glad
that they had talked it over but did they seriously need to do this in front of them? It made him
lose his appetite, really.

Sighing he gave his cousin a light shove making him loose eye-contact with his wife, "I am
happy for you, I really am. But stop flirting in front of us, it's making me sick to my stomach" he
said in a serious tone his eyes never letting off that he was playing so the couple knew he was
actually being real about it.

Usually Gabriel always fooled around, he loved playing the idiot. They didn't understand why
though, maybe because he wanted to do something about that serious mood that had been
hanging around them for quite some time. So seeing him so serious was actually quite shocking
to them.

Clearing her throat Gabriella pretended to be engrossed in the magazine in front of her, "I have
no idea what you are talking about Gabriel" she said gently as her eyes stayed glued on the
paper, "maybe you are just imagining things" she suggested as she sipped from her tea again like
nothing had happened at all.
Michaelangelo was following her example making the green eyed man lose his patience with
them, "what did you two get laid again?" he asked smirking when he saw the blonde almost
choking in her tea with his comment, "oh that's why you two are so happy early in the morning, I
started to wonder why you two were so overly happy, making he lose my appetite but now I can
actually understand the reason for that strange behavior of yours, so we can assume the fighting
is over?" he asked as he eyed each one of them.

Sighing Michaelangelo pushed his cousin back who was now hovering over him and cleaned his
clothing a bit, making sure everything was back into place like always, "Gabriel I never realized
you cared so much about me" Michaelangelo said as he narrowed his silvery blue eyes on the
man who now gulped and leaned away from him, "since the both of you seem so interested in my
relationship with Gabriella I will say this only once" he said looking from his cousin to his older

Rodolfo had pretended that he was not interested but Michaelangelo could tell by the look in his
eyes when he had looked up from the newspaper that he was just as curious as Gabriel yet he
didn't speak his mind openly like Gabriel. No one spoke his mind openly like Gabriel.

"We have talked things over and yes we're not fighting anymore" he muttered making Gabriella
roll her eyes at how he made it sound like a business deal that has been exchanged between

"Did he mention to you that he apologized to me and actually promised me he would never hurt
my feelings again?" she asked and smirked when he felt her husband's glare upon her yet she
didn't dare to look up from the magazine seeing the boys were now all too curious about what
exactly has happened between them three days ago.

Closing the newspaper and placing it aside, Rodolfo eyed his brother suspiciously. He had
apologized and actually made a promise like that? That didn't sound like his brother at all, maybe
he was right after all, and maybe Gabriella will make him into a better person. At least someone
with more feelings, because of what happened in his past Michaelangelo isolated himself from
the world, pretended that he didn't have any feelings. It was hard to see him like that, but now
slowly he started to show more colors. He seemed to understand bit by bit why his father had
insisted on Gabriella being his little brother's wife.

"You really love saying that don't you" Michaelangelo sighed as he looked at his wife who
seemed to enjoy herself more than she should, "should I remind you that it was you who
suddenly attacked me like that?" he asked in a playful tone that made a dark red color appear on
his wife's cheeks.

"Mike!" she warned as she cleared her throat and closed the magazine she was reading, "your
family doesn't need to know about those things" she muttered before she got up and grabbed the
magazine off the table, "I am in the living room, maybe I can read this in peace there" she said
softly as she left the dining room.

She didn't care about the magazine she was reading she just didn't like it how they were all
smirking at her like that, it made her feel uncomfortable. She might have started it first, but he
was the one who finished it. She just provoked him a little what was wrong in persuading your
husband a bit? Blushing brightly she dashed out of the dining room fast making the boys snicker.

"You seem happy" Rodolfo commented as he looked at the door that fell now shut, "the meeting
is in two months, have you brought it up to her? "He asked quietly making sure Gabriella would
not hear their conversation, "you need her signature after all, and if she doesn't give it to know that we're screwed right?" he asked making Michaelangelo sigh.

"How am I suppose to bring that up, I cannot talk about business when we're doing...other stuff"
he muttered seeing he was rather embarrassed about talking about that as well, "I will inform her
soon enough, we're finally getting along to the point that were she isn't throwing things at me and
I am not yelling things at her, I don't want to ruin that."

Nodding his head Rodolfo understood the situation but the sooner Gabriella would know of the
situation the better, he didn't want another misunderstanding to occur. They finally had some
peace and quiet in the house; the last thing he wanted was another silent war going on.

It was unbearable.

"You should tell her" Gabriel interrupted making them look at him, "if not people like Eugino
could easily pursue her to sign it over to them. You two are getting along, but you aren't a team
Mike. You don't have that kind of connection with her yet. If someone can change her mind
about you, we're definitely screwed. Let her sign everything over as soon as possible."

Sighing Michaelangelo ran a hand over his face and leaned back against the comfortable dark
brown chair throwing his arm back as he stretched a bit, "I really don't understand that old man.
He puts me in charge yet he makes a rash decision like that."

Chuckling Rodolfo looked at his younger brother like he had lost his mind, "are you serious, you
do realize that it's the best idea he ever had?" he asked making Michaelangelo frown a bit, "since
Gabriella owns everything now you do realize he just sealed your life. You cannot leave her no
matter what happens. She has everything so if you leave her we have nothing left, he made sure
that you would stay married to that woman. It's brilliant actually, it's only something Cecilio
would come up with" he said and smirked when he heard his brother groan.

"That man even controls us when he isn't around, what else has he set up that we don't know
about" he asked before he got up and looked at them, "I will talk about it with her soon, don't tell
her anything about it yet, we don't want to freak her out."

"Sure!" Gabriel muttered as he watched his cousin leave, "we should make sure that this stays
between us, if anyone finds out about it. Gabriella's life will be in danger" he said looking around
the room making sure not even the maids were around.

Flipping through the pages of her magazine Adelina stopped when something rather suspicious
had caught her eye, it was there but just for a second seeing how fast she went through the pages.
Finding the right page that had caught her eye a moment ago she narrowed her intimidating
green orbs on the article that was rather interesting in her opinion and she was sure a lot of
people would agree with her on that. Victory vivid in her eyes she got off the couch where she
had been lazily hanging around and walked the small distance to the office of her husband.
Seeing his smile when she entered the room she made sure she closed the door and stepped
towards his desk, dropping the magazine right in front of him.

She could tell he was confused at first, she had dropped the magazine in front of him without any
explanation but a his eyes wandered over the page he a smirk as big as hers spread across his
face, standing up he let his palms rest upon the desk as he leaned towards his wife, "is she
seriously marrying this guy?" he asked confused slowly everything falling into pieces.

Nodding her head she folded her arms beneath her chest in a stern manner as she looked right
into the brown orbs of her husband, "that's him alright I met him before, that's the guy she is

He now understands what man was insane enough to marry a woman like her, a desperate one.

"He needs her to climb up the ladder" he whispered, "she doesn't have a high position in this
family but it's certainly higher than his, slowly he will achieve what he wants" he said closing the
magazine as he gave it back to his wife.

"And what's that?" Adelina asked confused as she took the magazine back from her husband,
"what are you talking about, Aiden?"

"I am talking about revenge, Lina" he said as he gave her a serious look now all the playfulness
flooded away from his eyes she could tell it was no longer a time to make a joke around him,
when he became like this you better not mess with him, "Don't you know what they say about
him?" he asked making her shake her head slightly being cautious of what she was going to hear
right now, "they say your uncle killed his family, that he and his sister were left on the street
because of your uncle, if he is trying to get into this family...I can assure you that it's only for bad

"Uncle?" she whispered shaking her head, "he would never do such a thing!" she said not
believing a word that her husband spoke, "he is a lot of things, Aiden, but he is no murderer!"

"There are a lot of things you don't know about your uncle, like you said he is a lot of things" he
said gently not wanting to upset her even more, "for now give that to your brother he knows what
to do with it."

Gripping the magazine tighter in her hand Adelina sighed and made her way out of his office,
she wanted this all to be one big joke but she knew she was hoping for too much. She knew how
people thought about her uncle, but she always thought he was kind-hearted. He never did
anything wrong in her eyes, hearing her husband speak about him like that actually made her
blood boil but she kept quiet because in the end he was right.

She didn't know a thing about him when it came to Cecilio Gavino.

Walking around the closet to place her and her husband's clothes in place Gabriella noticed the
shadow that fell over her, someone was in the doorway. Turning around she flashed
Michaelangelo a smile before she went back to her duty, the laundry was done today and she
wanted to do something so she forced one of the maids to let her help, she knew that was
unacceptable as the woman of the house but she still did it anyways. She knew there were no
complaints of her husband. He actually liked seeing her work, instead of spending money like it
grew on trees.

They were different from their family and friends that's why people didn't understand them. They
had their own way of living, some of them actually wanted a real job instead of living off their
parent's income yet there were still some difficulties in that area. With the new generation
Michaelangelo was certain they would change that view. Why not work and appreciate money
more. He liked to think that way, just because you have the money doesn't mean you should
spend it on things you don't need but want.

Leaning against the doorframe he gave her a slight nod, "I heard your friend is getting married"
he said playfully making her roll her eyes.

"My friend?" she asked while placing the shirts back on the rack, "don't you mean your
girlfriend?" he asked making him scoff.

"She was never my girlfriend!"

Letting out a chuckle Gabriella looked at him with a smirk plastered on her face, "that's not what
she told me" she coed making him frown deeper.

Why did his teasing backfire on him? She was the one who should be annoyed by now not him.

"So that's how close you two are, you are sharing secrets together now. My, my don't tell me you
are calling her over for a sleepover next time" he muttered making her smirk widen.

"I thought that was your area" she said and giggled when she saw him glare at her, "alright,
alright let's stop this before we actually end up fighting over Anarosa" she muttered shaking her
head, "she is not worth a fight between us" she said making him fully agree to that, "what is it
that you wanted to tell me about her wedding?"

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 22 - The Deal Between Husband And Wife (p.10 of

Stepping towards his wife who was having trouble with placing one of her tops on the highest
shelf he smirked as he helped her, his body purposely closely to hers as he placed the top where
it belonged, "I got an invitation which surprised me but I did, and I wanted to know if you would
like to go" he said making her turn around so fast she looked like a flash of yellow.

"You actually want to go to that woman's wedding?!" she asked surprised not understanding her
husband's decision at all, "why?" she asked, "why do you want to go through such a torturous

Rolling his eyes he placed his hands on top of her shoulders and gripped them lightly, "I need to
check out something" he said making her raise a sharp eyebrow, "alright I need to check out her
husband, he is no good Gabriella. I need to know who might just form a threat to my family.
Believe it or not but you are very important to me" he said making her smile.

"Of course I believe you; you would miss me if I weren't here anymore. Your life would be over.
Admit it Mike, you have grown accustomed to me. If you don't have me around you will have
Gaby Withdrawals" she said making him scoff.

"Aren't you getting so full of yourself, I think someone need to get reprimanded" he muttered
causing her to give him a light push, "see! Violent too!"

"Shut up" she murmured under her breath as she left the closet with her husband right behind
her, "fine I will be your date to that wedding" she said and smiled when she saw his eyes lighten
up with her agreement, "but on one condition only" she said making him sigh.

"I knew it" he muttered as he sat down on the end of the bed and looked at her, "what do you
want?" he asked lazily.

Standing before him she placed her hands firmly on her hips and smirked, "I want you to cook
dinner for me for one week!"

Scoffing he got up towering over her with height as he looked down in her victorious honey
brown pools. "You know I don't have the time to do that! I hardly have the time to eat my own
dinner, how the hell will I feed you?" he asked making her glare at him.

"That's the purpose of this condition silly" she scolded him, "this way we can spend more time
together, don't you love it?" she asked in an overly sugar coated tone that made him cringe, "so
suck it up like a real man, or else I won't accompany you and you can't lie to anyone who asks
about me. You have to tell them that I didn't want to go because you didn't want to cook your
lovely wife dinner" she said smiling brightly as him before she turned to couches at the window
to read her newly bought book.

Sighing he knew he couldn't get away with this, "fine" he said glaring at the back of her head
making her smirk only bigger, "I will cook you a stupid uneatable dinner" he said making her
look over her shoulder.

"If it's uneatable you'll get a week extra because you first need to learn how to cook dinner" she
warned him causing him to grown in annoyance, "don't give me that tone mister" she coed to

Now he just wanted to walk over to her and strangle her, but he of course didn't. He knew she
only did this with good intentions. She wanted to spend more time with him like she said before.
How could he deny her that? He didn't do it before, and now he actually had the need to be more
around her as well. To learn more about her, and spending time with her was the only way he
could do that.

"You really do have to accompany to the wedding then, Gaby."

Looking up from her book she winked at him, "I never break my promise, babe" she answered
making him gulp as he noticed the seriousness in her eyes.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 23 - A Demanding Bride (p.1 of 12)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter twenty-three: A Demanding Bride


Groaning in annoyance Michaelangelo looked up from his silvery watch that was located on his
left wrist, how much more time did that woman need. It was just Anarosa's wedding they could
just go in sweats all he cared, he didn't understand why she needed to get ready in more than
forty minutes. Leaning back against the couch he just gave up there was nothing more he could
do right now, she was upset about him cooking an uneatable dinner which earned him another
two weeks in cooking dinner, honestly he quite liked cooking too, he didn't expect that to

The jokes Gabriel and Rodolfo made, it was getting too much. They were making fun of him
seeing him in a apron working in the kitchen, yes that was something neither one of them saw
coming, and he didn't even get to the point where Gabriella would coo to him and call him
disgusting pet names. He was glad those weeks were over now, it was fun cooking dinner for her
but he was glad that was behind him. He didn't need any more torturous days, he rather spends
time with Anarosa than to get taunted by everyone.

Looking up from the magazine he randomly grabbed from the glass coffee table in front of him,
he looked in awe at the woman he came walking towards him with a cocky grin on her face. She
knew exactly what effect she had on him and she didn't feel the need to cover it up either.

Standing in front of him she puts her hand on top of his shoulder gripping it lightly and watched
him stand up now towering over her, yet his height didn't scare her off at all. She still held that
arrogant look in her eyes as she stared him straight in the eyes.

Frowning Michaelangelo looked at his watch, "you took way too long Gaby, we should be glad
if we make it to the reception on time" he warned her with a dangerous tone in his voice trying to
scare her off a little yet it didn't seem to work, "what's with that look?" he asked her.

Holding out her hand she smirked when he held her hand in his and walked with her to the front
door, "I do not care about it Michaelangelo, it's better to arrive at the reception anyways. It's
more pleasant than to go through a whole ceremony seeing that we don't like them, we don't have
to spend more time with them than necessary. You are only there for her husband and I am only
there because I am keeping my word, let's just get this over with shall we" she said making him
Looking at his side he gave his girl a smirk, "you talk too much Gabriella" he replied causing her
to glare at him, "but you are right we don't have to spend more time than necessary there, I have
a few other things in mind what we can do later on" he said as he leaned down so his hot breath
tickling the side of her neck making her bite her lip nervously, "it's too bad that dress looks
actually really good on you because what I have in mind doesn't involve any clothing" he
whispered huskily to her making her blush a deep red color, she could almost pass as a tomato
with that color on her face.Pushing him slightly off her she rolled her eyes at his comment,
"please you are too much Mike, what makes you think I will be participating" she replied cockily
as she flashed him a smirk, "after all you fed me dinner that couldn't even pass as pet food, what
makes you think you have earned such a privilege?" she asked him calmly.

Snickering he shook his head a little, "please Gabriella you are the one who usually attacks me
out of nowhere, you are definitely not the innocent woman everyone thinks you are, maybe
Gabriel grew on you?" he suggested making her pout her lips.

"You like it right?" she muttered as she looked back at him, "so I do not see a reason for you to
complain about it like a little child, it actually gets you in the mood whenever I take control,
people don't know that side about you do they?" she asked somewhat using his words against

Scoffing he helped her in the car before he made his way to his side of the car taking a seat,
"Gabriella about tonight" he started his mood changing drastically making her warily of him,
"there might be some people who will say some things to you" he said as he glanced at her when
he thought it was safe enough to get his eyes of the road, "don't trust anyone alright, they don't
know what they are talking about, will tell you everything when it's the time alright?" he said as
he looked her in the eyes for just a second because that second was enough to know she would
actually listen to him.Looking out the window Gabriella kept wondering what he meant by that,
she never trusted anyone in this world so it was not hard to grant him this wish. She knew people
would stab you in the back when they had the chance to so she never listened to anyone but
herself. Narrowing her eyes on her platinum wedding band she couldn't help but to wonder if she
even could trust her family, the Gavinos have been good to her, but still they could be lying to
her as well.

She just wasn't so sure about everything anymore. Her mother didn't answer her calls, it seemed
like she was vanished of the world yet Michaelangelo kept telling her that she shouldn't worry.
Her father in law was nowhere to be found, the boys didn't seem into it as much as they used to.
She didn't know what to think of all this. She just trusted Michaelangelo for this moment, until
she knew the truth of course.

"When is the time right to trust me with whatever you are hiding form me now, Mike?" she
asked him gently not wanting to speak any louder because she was afraid he might just snap at
her for not leaving the subject alone, "it has something to do with the fact that neither one of our
parents are here right now, that's as much as I know but what is it that you are hiding from me. Is
it that you cannot trust me yet, are you waiting for some kind of sign that you can trust me?" she
asked him.
"It's not like that, I want to make sure that father is indeed not here anymore. When I know the
truth about father I can give you more details. I don't want to upset you when there is no reason
for that" he replied casually as if he was talking about the weather.

Feeling her heart squeeze painfully she clenched her first a little, "it is as if you are talking about
father like he is dead" she whispered and gulped when she saw Michaelangelo's eyes darken, "he
is dead?" she whispered not believing it, "please tell me I am wrong" she muttered as she shook
the thoughts off, Cecilio could not be dead he was such a strong man.

Whenever she saw him she felt nothing but authority dripping off him, just one glance in his eyes
and you felt all the words leaving you, you couldn't even form a proper sentence anymore. He
was just very intimidating. She knew that caused him to have a lot of enemies as well but that
wouldn't be reason enough for him to be dead right?

"I don't know if he is really dead, we're still searching for him. We have small leads but it's not
good enough, Gabriel will fly back to Rome tomorrow, someone might have spotted him there,
at the old house, but we're not sure. There is no hard evidence" he informed her and gulped when
he looked in her eyes, so innocent he felt like he was looking into the windows of her soul.

He could tell how she was really feeling right now, that was suffocating him. Tearing his eyes
away from him he took a deep breath as if to calm himself down before he would speak of the
sensitive subject she always kept brining up.

"About your mother you have nothing to worry about, she is completely healthy. It's just that she
doesn't want to face her demons" he replied coldly causing Gabriella to narrow her honey brown
orbs on him.

"What does that even mean, you always give me a vague answer Mike" Gabriella whispered as
she looked out the window again being afraid that if she looked at him she might just see
something in his eyes that she would not like to see, "facing her own demons" she repeated to

"Your mother has done some things in her past that she doesn't want to tell you about. She can't
face you when she is afraid of facing herself first. That's why she is not answering any of your
calls Gabriella. You have nothing to worry about where it's that woman concerned."

"You, Rodolfo even Gabriel you don't talk very highly about her. If anything it feels like neither
one of you like her. Why is that Mike? What has she done that I don't know about but you all
seem to know about very clearly?"

Sighing Michaelangelo narrowed his eyes a little, he wanted to tell her about it. He wanted to tell
her everything but it was not his place to tell her, besides the woman begged him not to tell her
daughter about it and even his father had asked that of him so how could he ignore the wishes of
a dying man. Francesca didn't matter to him, but his own father did. He didn't want to break his
promise to him, especially if it was a promise to fallen man.
"It's something I cannot tell you Gaby. Your mother has asked me not to tell you and I cannot
ignore that. It's you who always says 'a promise is a promise' right?" he asked and smirked when
he saw how she was regretting that statement now, "I am keeping my promise, Francesca will
tell you when she thinks she is ready. Until then you have to let that go."

"I cannot let it go" she whispered looking back at her husband, "you wouldn't have let this go if it
was your father who did something behind your back that concerns you. I know you wouldn't so
don't ask something of me you cannot do yourself."

Nodding his head he knew she was right, but he just had to say something trying to change her
mind. Placing his hand gently on top of hers he flashed her a slight smile that stunned her, "I am
sorry Gabriella, please bare with it for a while alright" he whispered in a hushed tone.

Sighing she eventually nodded slightly as she held his hand firmly in hers, "fine" she whispered
making him smile a little before he released her hand to focus back on his driving, "it's because
you asked me so nicely" she said jokingly causing her husband to snicker.

"Aren't you a doll" he muttered making her glare at him, "what you called me more embarrassing
names of the past weeks, so don't get mad at me, it's what you started after all!"


Sighing Gabriella held a bit tighter onto her glass, this party was definitely the most boring party
she had ever went to maybe it was because she didn't like the bride or maybe it was just because
everyone was just having some small talks, not many people were on the dance floor not to
mention she didn't even recognize someone familiar to her.

Glancing over at her husband who was standing next to her, she noticed how he didn't seem to
have a problem with this, he blended in easily. She hated that he could just do that, well he was
more accustomed to this he knew a lot more people than she did. She actually went to high
school unlike him who passed high school with just the right amount of being present, they were
two totally different characters. She actually was looking forward to go to college yet he already
had his mind set on what he wanted to do. He didn't need college, he had everything he needed at

So being at parties like this was easy for him he did this more often than she ever did. She leaned
more towards him her arm slightly brushing against his causing him to look at her and flash her a
small smile before he went back to talking to a middle-aged man.

The man didn't seem all too pleasant, he didn't even shook her hand when Michaelangelo
introduced her to him, he was very isolated yet he seemed to have a good time talking to her
husband, maybe the guy just hated her, that could be it. Biting her lip nervously when she met
that guy's eyes she gulped when saw something dark hidden in his deep blue eyes. It almost felt
like jealousy but she was not quite sure of what he was emitting.
What she was certain about was that her guts told her to stay away from him as far as possible,
so she stayed as close to her husband as she could even a piece of paper could not slide between
them right now. She felt more at ease like this. Sipping from her champagne she caught sight of
Gabriel's sisters walking towards her. She was glad she finally recognized someone. She saw
how Adelina was dragging a slightly older guy with her, it must be her husband.

"I didn't think you two would actually show up" Adelina admitted honestly, "after all with your
past" she whispered only for Gabriella to her she shrugged it off, "anyways it doesn't really
matter now does it" she shrugged and looked at her husband who made his way to
Michaelangelo, "that's Aiden, my husband" she informed Gabriella.

Smiling Gabriella nodded her head at that, "I figured that much, it's only the husband who allows
you to drag him around like that after all" she said and smiled when Aiden smirked down at her,
"I didn't want to come here at first but I promised Mike after all, and since he so kindly cooked
me dinner for a few weeks how could I refuse?" she asked and giggled when she felt her husband
playfully pinch her side for sharing this with his cousins.Now his whole family would make fun
of him, just what he needed.

"Mike cooked you dinner?" she asked surprised and gasped, "Mike you are wrapped around her
finger aren't you" Adelina giggled and winked at Gabriella who whined at that comment, "all
jokes aside, did you two meet the husband yet?" she asked them curiously and nodded when they
both gave her a look.

"He is...nice isn't he" Gabriella said softly as Michaelangelo agreed to that, "I am glad that
Anarosa finally has met someone she can settle down with."

Catching the tone Gabriella used not to mention the dangerous look of her cousin Adelina could
understand that they did not want to discuss this subject here. Which only meant trouble, her
husband's assumptions might be right after all. She really hoped he was wrong because than they
would be safe, knowing that Anarosa's husband was up to no good made the wrong shivers go
down her spine.

"How about we'll come over this weekend, I haven't seen my brother in such a long time. It
would be great to catch up no?" she asked and frowned a little when she saw Gabriella's look,
"it's no good?"

"Gabriel is leaving tomorrow, he is going to Rome for two weeks. But you can still come over of
course. You're family Adelina."

"We'll come over it seems like we do have a lot to discuss" she said narrowing her eyes on her
cousin who shared her look, "I can't wait" she said with a smile yet her eyes told a different

"I am getting a re-fill!" Gabriella announced quickly interrupting the staring contest that was
going on between Adelina and Michaelangelo, "I'll be back in a sec" she said softly.
She was glad she could walk away for a while, whatever was going on between the cousins was
causing her to stress a little. She didn't want them to fight over something that wasn't even worth
a fight. True there might be something wrong with Raphael, but if there was something wrong
with them they should be on the same side. Family was what comes first right?

Sighing she puts her glass down on the counter and gasped when she felt someone bump onto
her left shoulder.

"I am sorry! It's my fault" she heard a deep voice say next to her making her turn her head to
him, "oh if it isn't the princess" he said causing her to frown, "did I say something wrong?" he
asked and heard her scoff.

"Yes of course you said something wrong, I really hate that nick name, Gabriella will do just
fine. I am not a princess and I do not tolerate people calling me that" she informed the man and
smiled when she noticed who it was just her luck as always, "shouldn't the groom be
beside his bride right now?" she asked him jokingly and heard him chuckle.

"Yes but the bride has a lot of demands right now so the groom is trying everything in his power
to make her happy, and that's really hard" he said causing Gabriella to narrow her eyes on him,
"not that I am complaining."

She didn't believe a word of him, he was complaining about her so that meant he was indeed not
married to her because of love. Sure she and Michaelangelo at first weren't married for love but
they could act better than this. His acting was so bad that she felt like smacking him across the
head and yell at him for being a liar but she didn't of course. She couldn't make a scene,
especially when Michaelangelo was watching this man like a hawk.

"Well I wish you luck then, your marriage will be really complicated if you are already having
trouble now" she said casually as she turned with a new glass in hand, "I hope you can meet her
demands otherwise you are doomed, Raphael" Gabriella said softly before she walked away.

She felt the man's eyes on her but she didn't look back once. What he said to her a minute ago
made her wonder, she knew she had to tell Michaelangelo later. There was definitely something
not right about this marriage and she knew Michaelangelo rather be prepared for the worst.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 24 - What Happened In Rome (p.1 of 10)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter twenty-four: What Happened In Rome


Giggling Gabriella moved her head to the side and smirked when she felt her husband's lips press
against her cheek instead of her lips which he intended to kiss, shifting her head again she dared
to look him straight in the eyes, giving him a victorious look. She squealed when she felt him
pinch her sides playfully and wiggled around causing her hands to brush up against him making
him chuckle.

"Careful dear you might just touch the wrong thing" he whispered in her ear and pulled away to
see that nice pink hue on her cheeks, "what are you so embarrassed about, you weren't
embarrassed enough to jump me last night" he said casually making her glare at him.

Pushing her hands against his chest she slowly moved him about, "first of all I didn't jump you at
all, it was you who couldn't keep your hands to yourself which I cannot blame you for because I
know my dress was to die for" she said causing him to snort, "and second of all I am not
embarrassed at all" she said with a serious look in her eyes.

Narrowing his silver blue eyes on her he pulled completely away from her and helped her off the
bed, "that's why I told you in the first place not to wear clothes like that, but seriously Gabriella
is not like you didn't have your own share of touches, if I am correctly I just teased you it's you
who started it all" he said and chuckled when he saw her looking away.

Rolling her brown eyes she folded her arms across her chest, "that might be true but I am raised
to be a lady and we do not tend to talk about sexual events and boosting about it is strictly
forbidden to" she said looking back into his eyes as she gave him a stern look.

"I never talked about us sleeping together with anyone" he said narrowing his eyes on her, "what
ever do you mean by that Gabriella?" he asked curiously.

Raising an eyebrow he could she did not quite believe him, "oh really now Mike?" she asked and
stepped forward causing him to stand his ground more firmly, "then the looks Gabriel and
Rodolfo gave me is just something in my head?" she asked him, "am I just delusional then?" she
asked her husband who seemed to think this subject was rather hilarious.

Snickering he nodded his head lightly, "you really want me to reply to that?" he asked and
chuckled when she gave him a slight slap to the shoulder, "why are you always so violent
woman?! Ladies aren't suppose to raise their hand you know!" he playfully glared at her.

Sighing she glared right back at him, "ever since I am married to you I stopped being the lady
my parents raised me to be! You are a bad influences on me" she muttered and pulled away
when he tried to touch her, "I don't think this is the time to-"

Pulling her towards him he smacked his lips right against hers muffling her words, once he was
certain she was completely dazed by the passionate kiss he had shared with her he let her pull
away and smirked down at her, "you need to know when to shut up Gabriella" he said calmly to
her and turned around when he heard a rather persistent knock on the door.

Raising her hand to her mouth Gabriella wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she glared
at Gabriel who was looking at them with a rather amused look in his eyes, "am I interrupting
something?" he asked and noticed how the blonde woman got a darker hue to her cheeks, "I am
aren't I" he asked amused as he held the doorknob a bit tighter in his hand, "I can come back
later" he announced as he was about to close the door.

"There is no need to you aren't interrupting anything" Michaelangelo informed him so causal it
might Gabriella glare at his back, "this woman is too embarrassed to comply to her husband's
wishes anyways" he said rather seriously yet she could tell the moment he turned around to look
at her that he was only teasing her, "such a shame Gabriella, a girl with a mouth like yours...I
really thought you were more interesting then that" he said shrugging his shoulders before he
walked past his cousin, "let's go Gabriel, I don't have all day...I am still annoyed as it is, you can
thank your sister for that."

Winking at the blushing woman Gabriel closed the door behind him as he followed after his
younger cousin, "don't remind me she even called me to preach to me when she left here, she can
be rather persistent too, Adelina is rather scary when she is angry Mike. Please tell me you didn't
piss her off" he said moving next to his cousin to look him in the eyes.

You could only understand Michaelangelo Gavino by looking into his eyes, his voice never let
anything go and sometimes his eyes neither but the people who knew him well enough could at
least make out some of the real emotions he was feeling.

"I didn't piss her off" he announced, "but she did piss me off, that woman said more than she
should, Gabriella pestered me about it the whole night even though she had promised me in the
car on the way to Ana's wedding that she wouldn't. The only way I could make her stop was to
kiss her" he said like he was talking about the weather.

"You are so damn serious even when you talk about your sex life" Gabriel muttered shaking his
head a little, "I have no control over my sister if anything she has a chain around me" he said
making his cousin smirk, "don't give me that look you know how terrifying Adelina can be, I was
surprised to know that she actually showed up here."

"She is friends with Gabriella" Michaelangelo shrugged and stopped in front of his father's office
which was now his, "she practically invited herself over" he sighed before opening the door to
the office walking inside as he assumed his cousin would just follow him, "what did you find
there?" he asked once he heard the door close.

Sitting down on the couch Gabriel leaned back making himself more comfortable in it seeing he
assumed he would be there longer than he wanted to, "I didn't find him" he said in a hushed tone
yet in a far more serious tone that he used before, "the house was abounded, I searched every
room together with the others yet there was no trace of him."

Sighing Michaelangelo ran a hand over his tired face, "damn, I really though everything would
be over the moment you would come back from Rome, Gabriel" he said softly and looked into
his cousin's eyes, "did you check her old house out?" he asked the smirking Gabriel.

Assuming that his smirk meant that he has found something Michaelangelo narrowed his eyes
dangerously on his cousin, "you did find something" he announced making Gabriel nod.
"We all assumed Vincenzo died because of revenge of an earlier deal" Gabriel started as he saw
Michaelangelo slightly nod, "everything is still the same, the blood stains everything is still there
I assumed Francesca would have cleaned the place up and redecorated it or something why
wouldn't she do that?"


"Exactly" Gabriel smirked, "I found her wedding ring there, and something else which I don't
want to talk about since it disgust me" he said dropping his head a little feeling his cousin glare
at him he knew he had to tell him anyways, "a used condom too" he muttered making
Michaelangelo clear his throat.

Yeah that was too much information but it also could be a lead, "did you let them check DNA?"
he asked and leaned back against his chair when he saw the rather serious look on Gabriel's face.

"You are not going to like it."

"I can tell by look at you" Michaelangelo muttered, "but you have to tell me anyways I have a
decision to make Gabriel, I can't postpone it any longer the more days go by the more anxious I
get, everything is still in Gabriella's hands if one thing goes wrong between us she can leave with
everything...I rather not be known of hurting my own wife..."

"Following in your father's footsteps is what no one wants."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

Sighing Gabriel reached into his duffel bag and walked to the wooden desk dropping the file
upon the pile of papers, "I am pretty sure it was your father who killed off his best friend."

Shaking his head Michaelangelo fought back the urge to punch Gabriel in the face for speaking
like that about his father, "I know he used rather dirty methods in the past Gabriel, but he would
never hurt someone close to him, he wouldn't!"

"What about your mother, Mike? He has hurt her while he has two children with her what's the
difference between your mother and Vincenzo? If anything your mother should be more
important than Vinnie so why would he hesitate to kill him when he has hurt your mother too?"

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 24 - What Happened In Rome (p.7 of 10)

Growling Gabriel knew he had spoken too much but he didn't back off he knew someone had to
tell him the truth.

"He wouldn't hurt him, Gabriel! I am sure of it!"

"Oh really?" Gabriel asked, "then explain to me why he has been doing his best friend's wife?"
he asked and ignored the fact that his cousin had a dead grip on his collar, "everything is
becoming so clear to me Mike, don't you see your mother left your father because he was
cheating on her. It's rather shameful if a woman leaves a man in this business so he kicks her out
without even looking back. Vincenzo finds Cecilio and Francesca together and a huge fights
starts in the end your father pulls the trigger and well...they are the last persons who ever saw
Vinnie again."

Shaking his Michaelangelo just couldn't believe this, he wouldn't believe this without hard
evidence. He was sure even if there was hard evidence about this matter he still wouldn't believe

"No" he said firmly, "he wouldn't, he would walk away. He wouldn't fight because of a woman, I
know they are rather close and we always assumed he had a relationship with that woman in the
past, her being the reason why my mother left, but he would never kill his best friend!"

"Why don't we start looking for your mother and find out why she left?" Gabriel suggested as he
eased the grip Michaelangelo had on him, "it's a start, we need to find out what happened that
night Michaelangelo, if Gabriella finds out it's going to be bad. She will leave with everything!"


Frowning Gabriella searched through her bag for her car keys, she wouldn't want to hear her
husband tell her 'I told you so' when she got back so she had to find her damn car keys. He never
wants her to drive her own car but let the driver take her to town, now she would regret calling
her husband if she couldn't find her damn, keys. Stepping aside she sighed in relief when she felt
her heel hitting something, looking down a bright smile spread across her face as she noticed her
car keys on the floor.

Bending down Gabriella gasped when someone swiped away her keys in front of her, her eyes
meeting rather intimidating grey eyes she gulped when she noticed it was the man they discus
some time back. The man she should avoid at all times, he could not be trusted as Michaelangelo
told her before. Yet here she was standing across this man wanting her car keys back.

"Thanks" she said reaching out for the keys only to grab air instead, "what are you doing?" she
asked confused as she saw him holding the keys up with a smirk across her face.

"I didn't pick this up because I was trying to be kind to you Gabriella" he said causing her to
glare at him, "I need something of you and I know for a fact that you don't want to call your
husband right now, I could easily take these keys with me and call a concerned Michaelangelo
tell him I possess own of his precious cars right now...what would his reaction be, Gabriella?"

"What do you want?" she hissed at him as she clutched her bag to her, "state your business
already, I do not have the time to play around with childish men like you" she growled at him
causing him to smirk bigger.
"Ana warned me about you, she told me you have a rather big mouth. Not afraid to speak her
mind no matter who her opponent is, I am guessing it's because of what happened years ago
right? The kidnapping is what got you all messed up, here" he said tapping to his temple and
chuckled when he saw her surprised look, "when you were about eight I am guessing, it was
rather traumatizing and you completely repressed that event, can't blame you it's hard on a kid to
go through something like that after all..."

"Shut up!" Gabriella screeched ignoring his persisting chuckle, "what the hell do you want from

"I know Cecilio left his empire to you" he said narrowing his eyes dangerously on her, "I want
you to sign everything off to me, if you don't do that in three days I cannot promise you your
mother will be alright..."

Gasping Gabriella grabbed his arm when he was about to move away from her, "what the hell
are you talking about?! What have you done to my mother?"

"Your mother brought it upon herself Gabriella, I will just do my duty as a citizen and tell the
police about a murder that happened in Rome a few years's rather devastating to talk
about it" he said and chuckled when he felt her grip loosen on him, " think about it" he said
turning around and throwing her keys in the air.

Catching it just in time Gabriella watched the man leave. She didn't know what to believe
anymore, one thing was for sure, Michaelangelo was right. He is not to be trusted.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 25 - Mysterious Young Woman (p.1 of 12)

Looking at her small hand that was holding him Michaelangelo couldn't help but to wonder what
was going on. First she was all excited about doing some shopping, buying some new books and
what not and now she was dragging him all around the house, not even bothering to enlighten
him why she was suddenly acting so mysteriously.

He knew to some people this was a turn on but not to him. He didn't like spontaneous acts in a
relationship and he didn't like the mysterious acting either. He liked to know what he had and
what not, he liked to know what his partner was thinking and he definitely wanted to know what
the hell was up for her to drag him like this around the house.

Looking over her head he noticed where she was taking him, he never got to this wing of the
mansion before because honestly reading books was not a privilege he could have. As the head
of the family right now he did not have much spare time so spending it in a dusty library was not
his way of enjoying his much earned free time. He rather be together with his wife then to be in
the library.

Watching her closing the door behind her after she finally released his hand, he rubbed his hand
a little and looked at her in awe. He never thought a little girl like her had that much strength in
her, he knew she could be feisty. Hell some nights he thought he would not take it anymore
because of the things she wanted him to do but that was not the issue right now. He wanted to
know why the hell she has been dragging him all the way to the library and was still acting so
weird. As if she was being watched or followed by someone.

Finally looking her husband she could tell he was still confused and demanded of her to explain
herself a bit more clearly, "you need to tell me the truth Mike and you need to tell me now" she
watched him back away a bit and knew that Raphael was speaking the truth this after noon,
"what is going on with the business? What the hell happened to my mother?" she asked him as
her eyes never left him demanding him to answer her questions.

She had been wondering about these things for a while now but now finally she had the chance
to actually discuss it with him because if she did not discuss it with him, he would lose
everything he worked for. She knew it would destroy him, that was what Raphael was probably
looking for. He wanted to destroy Michaelangelo and the only way to do that is to take away
what he has worked for whole his life and his family.

Narrowing her honey pools on him she could tell he needed a bit more convincing before he
openly would discuss things with her.

"If you don't tell me Mike, he is going to report my mother to the police of some murder that
happened in Rome. The only way for me to save her is to sign your empire off to him. So care to
tell me now?" she asked him firmly.

Sighing Michaelangelo pinched the bridge of his nose and walked to the dark couch in the
middle of the dark lighted room. He heard her footsteps approaching her but he did not turn
around to look at her. He should have seen this coming, he should have known someone would
make his move sooner or later. Did he really think that they could live in some peace and quiet.
If it wasn't the government that was on to something it had to be some guy who wanted to have
revenge on them. It always had to be like this.

Dropping down on the comfortable couch he lets his arms rest on the armrests of the couch and
finally dared to look into the innocent orbs of his curious wife, "I cannot tell you everything
Gabriella because honestly we are still looking for answers. We are certain that your father is
murdered" he started and narrowed his eyes on her when he noticed her press a finger against her
lips indicating to him to be quiet.

Leaning forward she puts her hand on top of his and looked deeply in his silvery blue eyes, "I am
sure someone in this house has informed Raphael about our situation" she whispered to him her
lips almost pressed against his, "let's not discuss this here" she continued as she looked around,
"I do not trust anyone here" she added making her husband nod his head.

He had to hand it to her, she was quite the cunning lady. Slowly he started to understand why his
father had believed that Gabriella was his match. She thought just like him, she was ambitious
not to mention very intelligent and independent. She didn't need anyone, she didn't trust anyone
and she could be very long towards family. She would be the perfect wife for him.
Leaning forward and gave her a haste kiss before he gently took her hand of his and got off the
couch, "I think it's time that I take you on a date right?" he asked her and smirked when he saw
her eyes light up like a Christmas tree, "I mean we did everything backwards, we married, we
had sex and now we are going to date."

Blushing a bright red color Gabriella turned her head a little, she was too embarrassed to look at
her husband right now. She knew sex was the most normal thing to discuss between a couple but
she still couldn't do it. Maybe Rodolfo was right all along, she was just too conservative, but then
again what was wrong with being conservative. If she would be more like Anarosa she would
end up marrying a jerk of a man. Just thinking about the man made her blood boil. The way he
bossed her around, she just couldn't live with it. She knew she just hated him a lot because he
dared to think she just had to follow his wishes. If you wanted to piss her off you had to order her
around like a lost puppy.

Clenching her fist she didn't notice the amused look her husband held in his eyes, "Gabriella I'll
take care of it, don't worry too much about it. You will get wrinkles and end up miserable like
your mother" he muttered the last part making Gabriella smirk a little.

"Are we talking about mothers right now?" she asked him confused as she folded her arms across
her chest, "because honestly that's not fair now you know I have nothing on you" she admitted
and gulped as she felt an uncomfortable feeling overwhelm her, "don't you ever wonder what
happened to your mother, Mike?" she asked him gently.

Running a hand through his dark locks he gave her a gentle smile, "I wonder all the time what
has happened to her Gabriella" he honestly admitted to her, "but it won't make a difference, I can
worry a lot about her but nothing will happen" he whispered and turned so his back was facing
her he didn't want her to see his weakness, because he wanted her to have the illusion of him
being a man without any weaknesses.

Pressing her lips together Gabriella felt like she said too much. She didn't want to see him this
depressed she was just curious about what has happened to his mother yet it seemed to trigger
something inside of him. She had never seen such emotions in his eyes before, it made her want
to reach out to him and pull him in a tight hug and never let go.

Placing a hand on his shoulder she took a step forward and stood beside him, "then do something
about it, change it" she said firmly and finally looked at him, "go find her, find some answers. It's
the only way to change things."

He knew that he should take some actions and finding his mother meant finding the answers he
was looking for yet he didn't want to leave like this not when Gabriella's life was in danger.
Right now her life was worth billions, everyone out there who was in the underworld like him
would want her either alive or dead. Cecilio has placed a price tag on her which cannot be
removed that easily. Turning to her he firmly placed his hands on top of her shoulders making
her look straight into his serious blue orbs.
"I cannot leave like this Gabriella too many people want you right now. You are worth millions"
he whispered and saw her nod a little, "you already know what to do" he whispered more to
himself than her.

He was just amazed she had thought this through like this, it was like she was a female version of
him. For once in his life he has admired a woman to this extent. Feeling a warm comfortable
feeling wash over him he pulled her closer to him scaring the girl a bit with his rash actions, she
gasped when she felt him press his lips against her head and hugged her tightly.

"I finally understand why father believed we should be together" he informed her as he slowly
pulled out of the hug and looked gently down at her, "I will provide you the answers that you
need Gabriella. You should come with me to your old house, it might be useful, you might see
things Gabriel has overlooked."

Shaking her head she gave him a small smile, "I don't want to see my old house. Besides people
will get suspicious if we both suddenly leave to visit my old house. You should go together with
Rodolfo or Gabriel. I will stay here and prepare everything" she said not really going into details
because she was afraid of who might just listen into their conversation.

She didn't know why but she was certain that there was a leak in the house and talking about
things like this in the open was bad. They had to speak serious matters outside the house for now,
it was the only way to be safe from deceive and blackmailing.

"I will make Raphael pay, I promise you Gabriella" Michaelangelo said to her and walked with
her to the door, "I won't let a guy like him blackmail you" he muttered as he clenched his fists
even harder than Gabriella had.

Not only that she could see the fire in his eyes. He was seriously pissed off right now but he
wasn't showing it on his face. It must be years of hard practice because his face was as impassive
as ever. If you didn't know any better you wouldn't think he was upset right now, if anything you
would get the illusion of him being in a good mood. That was certainly not the case right now.
She could tell just by looking in his beautiful yet very dangerous eyes.

"Tomorrow at dinner we will discuss things with Gabriel and Rodolfo as well. We'll eat at our
favorite Chinese restaurant" he whispered to her and held the thick wooden door open for her
like a gentleman, "what?" he asked as he saw the shocked look in her eyes, "I can hold doors
open for the woman I love, don't act so surprised" he muttered to her.

Not believing her ears Gabriella turned to look at her husband and gripped his arm tightly, "did
you just hear what you said?" she asked him and smiled brightly when she saw his confused
look, "you just said you are holding doors open for the woman you love" she said repeating his
words and smirked when she saw him look away.

There was no blush or anything but little gesture said it all, standing on her toes lightly she
pressed a kiss to his cheek and walked past him, "I love you too" she coed while walking quickly
away from him.
Shaking his head he followed after her, "I didn't mean it that way you know" he said stopping in
his tracks when he noticed one of the maids staring at them with a slight smile, "Gabriella?" he
asked still not taking his eyes of the maid, he was pretty sure that wing of the house got cleaned
that morning but then again he didn't check all the employees that was Rodolfo's job after all.

Narrowing his eyes on his laptop screen Rodolfo didn't exactly understand why his brother had
asked him to do this, to work at their mansion people had to go through a background check that
was so complete they knew almost everything about their employees.

"I still don't get why I am doing this Mike, I mean do you really think someone has the guts to
stab us in the back, whoever is doing it must have a death wish."

Shrugging his shoulders Michaelangelo didn't really pay any attention to Rodolfo's rambling. He
knew people did stupid stuff all the time. Turning their backs to the Gavino family was nothing
new. Turning to the big window behind his chair he lightened a cigarette and took a deep drag
while looking out the window. He was certain that woman was someone he had never seen
before, and the amount of time it took Rodolfo to find her said enough. She wasn't supposed to
be there.

"There is no such girl working here" Rodolfo said frowning deeply as he leaned forward , "dark
brown hair, deep green eyes. There is no woman with that description working here, we don't
have green eyed employees working here at all, and everyone is over thirty as well. There is no
young woman, working here Mike."

"But I still saw her, watch the tapes. Ask Gaby, that woman was there dusting whatever needed
to be dusted. If someone has the courage to fool us, you know what that means..."

"Of course I know what that means" he smirked, "things are finally going to be interesting."

Exhaling the smoke Michaelangelo turned around and looked at his brother who had an exciting
look in his eyes, the same look he held in his eyes as well, "exactly, I thought the whole situation
around father was pretty interesting enough but I am sure things will only get more interesting."

"Shouldn't we suppose to be worried?" Rodolfo chuckled as he got up and joined his brother on
the balcony, "I mean someone is actually infiltrated the only place where we should be safe."

"We should be worried" Michaelangelo agreed, "but somehow I am not worried at all."

Nodding his head Rodolfo took a deep drag of his cigarette and turned to look at his brother, "I
heard something interesting today" he started and held back a chuckle when he saw his brother
glaring at him, "yes that matter" he smirked, "what's wrong with holding doors open for the
woman I love" he quoted and chuckled when his brother gave him a smack across the head, "I
need my brains you know don't expect Gabriel to take over from me. You know that won't end
up well!"

"Please don't remind me" he muttered and turned around leaning against the balcony railing, "I
discussed things with Gabriella, I'll inform you and Gabriel tomorrow during dinner at that
restaurant" he said narrowing his eyes on Rodolfo who nodded.

"We haven't eaten there since ages" he said a bit shocked, "I mean the last time we ate there-"

"Was with mom" Michaelangelo added and looked down at his feet, "it's time we move on, you
can't even hear a word that has to do with her. It's not healthy Rodolfo we need to move forward"
Michaelangelo said as he threw his cigarette over the balcony, "I will ensure you I will give you
the answers you seek."

"What about the business?" Rodolfo asked as he watched his brother walk back into the office,
"Gabriella hasn't signed anything over just yet."

"She will" Michaelangelo said firmly meeting Rodolfo's eyes, "trust me she will."

"What do you want me to do about that woman?" Rodolfo asked walking inside the office as
well and closed the door behind him, "if we are going to look for some answers what will happen
with the woman and your not so anonymous enemy?"

"I leave that to Gabriel and Gabriella, we're leaving. We're going to search for mom."

"What about dad?" Rodolfo asked smirking when he heard the frustrated sigh of his brother, "I'm
just saying we have so many unfinished business here, shouldn't we take care of that first?"

"Maybe if we find mom we find some clues about dad's whereabouts."

"That's a long shot."

Nodding his head Michaelangelo was aware that couldn't be the case. If his father was still alive
he was hiding somewhere and no one would find him till he wants to be found. That's why he
has put that on hold, he just want to know what happened between his mother father and Vinnie.
He needed some answers now.

"Do you trust Gabriel enough to leave him alone with Gabriella?" Rodolfo asked as he sat down
on the comfy one-seat, "I mean he is your cousin but we both know that he has a gift. He can
make any woman fall for him. Do you think it's safe to leave your wife alone with him for such a
long time?"

"I need you by my side and I need someone I can trust by Gabriella's side. I am sure Gabriel
knows my woman is off limits."

"If he doesn't know that?"

"I will make sure he understands just that."

Rubbing his jaw unconsciously Rodolfo nodded, "you can be scary when you are jealous. I mean
I thought my jaw would break."

Snickering Michaelangelo looked at the display of his phone, "I texted Gabriel to finish what you
started, we'll leave right after dinner tomorrow. Get everything ready."

Michaelangelo was excited about going to find his mother yet something kept bothering him, he
couldn't get the words out of his mind. Could he trust Gabriel to be alone with his wife for a long
period of time? He knew Gabriel had the reputation of a womanizer but he assured himself the
man wouldn't go after his wife. They were family after all! So why did he feel like he shouldn't
leave his wife behind for this long?
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 26 - Separate Ways (p.1 of 13)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter twenty-six - Separate Ways.

Placing her telephone onto her nightstand Gabriella turned to look at her husband who was
standing in front of the mirror, placing on a black tie to go with his outfit of the day. Sitting
down on her side of the bed she started to observe her husband every way. She had to admit he
was pretty interesting to observe, his facial expressions were as impassive as ever, though his
eyes always told her what he was feeling. She could tell he was annoyed because he kept
struggling with his tie. That was something she found particularly odd. Her husband was a pro
when it came to putting on his tie, he could do it with his eyes closed yet today he kept
struggling with it. Finally having seen enough of this she got off the bed and stepped towards her
husband, who looked up once he heard her footsteps approaching her. She had to admit he had
keen hearing, even when he was lost in his mind he still had the ability to observe his
surroundings. Sometimes he seemed nearly inhuman, but then she reminded herself he also had
emotions like others.

He could get very jealous. He could get extremely angry, but most of all he sometimes behaved
like a child, having those innocent eyes. Eyes she loved to see. Every time he was teasing her she
loved him the most because that's when his guard was down. Then he wasn't Michaelangelo
Gavino the underworld prince, no then he was just Mike her husband. The one who could whine
like a little boy and play around without having to worry about everything else in the world.

Feeling her soft hands cover his he slowly released the black tie and looked at his reflection in
the mirror again, "there is no need for you to do this" he told her in his smooth tone and glanced
back at his blonde wife, "what?" he asked narrowing his deep blue eyes on her as he slowly
raised his hand and brushed a lock behind her ear, "I know there is something on your mind. It's
all written over your face, just spit it out already."
She hated it that she could not hide her emotions like her husband. He could trick people, make
them feel confused about him. He could hide his feelings from the rest of the world, but she
couldn't. She was like an open book to other people. Her mother called her innocent and naive all
the time. Biting her lip as she thought about her mother she gulped away the lump that had
appeared in her throat. She had no time to worry about that woman, she was no where to be
found. Her past was haunting Gabriella now. She hated it that the woman had kept her in the
dark. Now her husband had to leave and take care of her mother's business. She felt embarrassed
because of her mother, she even felt a bit insecure about Michaelangelo right now.

She wondered if he hated her because of her mother, maybe he wasn't even sure what he felt for
her now. A lot of things were happening she figured it would effect there marriage, but she didn't
know how.

Slowly looking up she met his deep blue eyes, "there is something that worries you yet you keep
it from me. Why is that Mike? Don't you trust me?" she asked him softly yet her words were firm
and she never looked away from him not even blinking while she waited for his response.

Pulling away he stepped in front of the tall mirror and straightened his tie a little, he knew she
was awaiting his answer but he didn't know what to tell her. He didn't want her to think that he
distrusts her but then again what was he doing right now? Wasn't it exactly that that he was
feeling? He didn't want to leave her alone with Gabriel because he was unsure what to expect of
it. What if she finds him desirable, what if he gives her the love he could never give her? He was
always busy with work, what if she decided she had enough of it? Wasn't that called distrust?

"I don't know what I am feeling right now" he honestly admitted to her, "I am worried about a lot
of things" he started and faced his surprised wife, "don't worry about it, I will get over it. I just
need to focus on this matter. Everything will work out."

Raising an eyebrow Gabriella folded her arms tightly across her chest while she stared into his
deep blue eyes. He felt like a kid again by the stern look he received of his wife. As if he was
making too much noise in the library and the librarian was staring him down, to make him shut

"Everything will work out?" she questioned, "how?" she asked while dropping her hands, "you
think that you can make it on you own?" she asked him while walking slowly to the nightstand
where she had left her phone, "isn't that the same what your father has done?" she asked knowing
this would upset him yet she didn't keep quiet about it, "now look at the situation he is nowhere
to be found" she said finally and turned to look at her husband again, "is that the fate you want?"

Glaring down at his wife who just dared to talk about forbidden subjects he stepped towards her
this conversation was definitely not over yet, "it's probably because of your mother that he is not
around right now" he spat at her, "don't push it too far Gabriella" he warned her.

Smirking the woman raised an eyebrow at him, "your true feelings came out" she whispered
confusing her husband a bit, "you were thinking this all along yet you never spoke your mind.
You blame me for what my mother has done right?" she asked and watched him step back, "I
understand it if you hate me, I am after all her daughter" she said softly before she walked past
her husband.

Watching his wife open the bedroom door Michaelangelo silently followed after her, "I don't
blame you for anything that woman has done" he told her quietly making sure she was the only
one who heard it, "you know by now that she is probably not even related to you" he whispered
and watched her smile a little.He was right after all. Gabriella was more observant than he
thought, she had figured it out on her own, and day by day he came to understand why she was
selected to become his wife. She matched him quite well.

"If it isn't the happy couple" Rodolfo commented as he walked past them, "hurry up Gabriel is
getting impatient about the long wait. I am pretty sure he has a woman waiting for him" he
muttered making both Michaelangelo and Gabriella share a look.

"A woman is more important than family?" Michaelangelo questioned and watched his brother
shrug, "I didn't mean it that way" he said as he felt his wife tense beside him, "you know what I
mean" he quickly added making said woman smirk.

"Please don't try to talk yourself out of it" she said calmly yet he could tell by the look in her
eyes she did felt a bit offended by his last remark, "I know exactly what you mean, there is no
need for you to speak any further" she said and walked beside Rodolfo as if she tried to distance
herself from him.

Letting out a frustrated sigh Michaelangelo followed after his brother and Gabriella. He didn't
want them to act like this, tonight he would fly back to Italy with Rodolfo and he had estimated it
would cost him minimal three weeks and it could extent to almost months. He didn't want to part
like this, though he also didn't want her to think he was going to give into her that easily. He
would do anything for her, he was convinced of that but he didn't want her to know that. He
didn't want people to think he was wrapped around his wife's finger though he was already sure
he was.

"Took you long enough" Gabriel muttered towards his frustrated cousin, "I hope your hair is now
in place princess" he said sarcastically and looked at Gabriella who repressed a giggle yet he
heard it anyways, "it really was like that?!" he asked confused and watched her shake her head.

"He couldn't fix his tie" she muttered while giving a teasing glace at her husband, "don't worry
it's nothing I couldn't handle" she said in a playful tone and walked to her husband's car turning
around when she didn't hear his footsteps, "are you coming Mike?" she asked as she tilted her
head a bit, "we made Gabriel wait long enough don't you think so?" she asked and smiled when
she saw that annoyed look back in his eyes, "I was just playing" she coed gently.

"Now I understand why Mike is always so tired whenever he is with you" Rodolfo said while
looking at his sister in law, "you drain his energy, with all that pestering and complaining" he
muttered making the woman give him a deadly glare, "I was just playing of course" he said
quickly while clearing his throat, "I already loaded everything in the trunk, we'll leave with your
car after dinner" he said to his younger brother who just nodded his head.Watching her husband
take his car keys out of his pocket Gabriella slowly made her way to her husband, pressing the
palm of her hands against his firm chest making the man look down at her in confusion. He was
being careful with her; whenever she had that look in her eyes he knew something was the
matter. She would try and provoke him or make him do something he would regret.

Pouting her full pink lips she slowly trailed a finger gently up and down his chest while giving
him a playful yet dangerous look, "Mike" she breathed and watched her husband narrow his eyes
on her more warily, "how about I drive us to the restaurant" she started and dropped her hands
when she heard her husband snort.

"I knew you wanted something" he remarked and held the silvery keys in front of her, "don't
wreck my car" was the only thing he said before he got in the passenger seat where she usually
was seated.

Sitting down in the driver seat Gabriella held an excited look in her eyes. She had never been on
this seat before in Michaelangelo's car. She didn't know why it felt more special than her own
car. Smiling brightly she leaned over to her husband and pressed a haste kiss to his lips, "don't
worry I won't wreck your baby" she whispered to him before she puts the car into drive.

"Just follow after Rodolfo" Michaelangelo said in his usual indifferent tone yet his eyes sparkled
when he looked at his excited wife. He didn't understand why a simple thing like driving his car
would make her so happy, but it didn't matter. He was just glad he would be leaving while seeing
her usual bright smile.

"How did it feel?" Gabriel asked Gabriella who was sitting happily next to her husband, it was
amazing how such a simple thing like driving his car would make her this happy, "different?" he
asked her making her smile at the green eyed man.

"It definitely felt different" she said making him smirk, "it felt so amazing!"

Almost choking in his water Michaelangelo gave Gabriella a light tap against her foot
underneath the table. It was enough to make her look at him. Seeing the warning glance in his
eyes she quickly recomposed herself and narrowed her honey brown eyes on the smirking man
across her.

"Were you really talking about the car?" she asked him and blushed when she heard him chuckle,
"stop making fun of me Gabriel!" she warned him.

Putting his glass of water down Gabriel winked at the flustered woman across him, "of course I
was talking about the car" he said making Michaelangelo sigh tiredly, "what were you talking
about?" he asked and faked a gasp, "Gabriella! You are such a naughty girl, thinking about
things like that during dinner!"
Pointing accusingly at him Gabriella glared at the smirking man, "shut up I wasn't thinking about
that at all! It was you who brought it up."

"No it was definitely you; I was talking about the car. You just assumed it was about something
else. It's very disturbing to think about my cousin's sex life" he added making Gabriella only
more flustered.

Having enough of this conversation Michaelangelo locked eyes with the green eyed man, "that's
enough" he said softly yet his eyes told Gabriel he was rather serious about it, "I rather not have
you discuss my private life in public like this" he said looking back and forward between
Gabriella and Gabriel.

Pouting her lips she turned her head away from her husband, "just your private life?" she asked
and snorted, "I am sure I participated in that as well" she muttered and looked back at him when
she heard Gabriel choke in his drink.

"You know what I mean" he said tiredly and rubbed his temples. Rodolfo was really right about
one thing, she really drained all his energy from him.

"You always assume I know everything that you mean" Gabriella said confused, "maybe I don't
know what you mean" she said while rolling her eyes, "you can be very confusing after all."

"All jokes aside, are you sure you'll let Gabriel and Gabriella deal with Raphael?" Rodolfo asked
as he got into the serious matters, "is it really alright. You are his target not Gabriella."

Sharing a look with Gabriella he watched her slightly nod her head and turned to look at his
older brother again, "Gabriella can handle it. We should focus on getting answers back in Italy. I
am sure if we find out more about dad and mom everything will fall back in place. Originally it's
dad that Raphael is targeting."

"I don't understand his story. I cannot believe that dad would hurt innocent people. Do you think
they are involved with the whole Francesca and Vincenzo thing?" he asked making Gabriella
look up with widened eyes.

"You think it's because of my parent's situation that your father is missing?" she asked as she
narrowed her eyes on her husband, "is It because of that, that you are annoyed with me?" she
asked making him take a hold of her hand while holding it tightly in his.

"I told you before I am not mad at you, stop saying that! It has nothing to do with you. Like you
could have known your mother was having an affair with my father. It's because of the fact that
no one of us knows that I am leaving. Stop making a big problem out of everything" he said
harshly making her gulp as she tried to look away from him yet she couldn't.

"Mike" Rodolfo said gently while looking at the couple who were staring in each other's eyes
like there were no other people around them at all, "you're hurting her, let go" he said in warning
tone. He had seen her winch but she didn't pull away from Michaelangelo. He was certain she
didn't want to show any weaknesses in front of her husband, "Gabriella there is no need for you
to worry about this. We'll get some answers" he said gently to the girl and gave her a comforting

Slowly glancing at her husband's older brother she slightly nodded. She didn't forget about how
pissed Michaelangelo could
joyed the last kiss they would have for a few weeks.

His eyes widened when he felt her wrap her arms around his neck and pull him even closer to
her, he was so close that you couldn't even slip a piece of paper between them. He never
expected her to pull a stunt like that especially in front of his family. He felt his heart beating
faster but he managed to keep his face straight as he slowly pulled away, looking in her dazed
honey brown pools.

"You are really something else Gabriella" Rodolfo commented before he got up, "we'll wait
outside" he muttered seeing he didn't want to be part of their goodbye. If anything it was too
mushy for his liking, "don't take too long we don't want to miss our flight" he reminded his
younger brother.

Leaving the couple to their selves Rodolfo lightened a cigarette and offered one to his cousin
who surprisingly refused it, "you're quitting?" Rodolfo asked jokingly knowing they had all tried
that and it didn't work, "another useless attempt?" he asked making Gabriel scoff.

"I am not quitting I am just trying to smoke less" he shrugged while leaning against his car with
his back, "do you think it's wise of Mike to leave in the middle of reorganization and not to
mention the war that Raphael has declared?"

Taking another deep drag Rodolfo leaned against the car as well, "I think it's pretty stupid and
rash" he said and exhaled the smoke with a smirk spread across his face, "but that's typical Mike.
I am sure he has it all planned. Leaving Gabriella here alone, while she still hasn't signed things
over. I think he is just playing a very dangerous game with Raphael."

"Gabriella is just a pawn?" Gabriel asked confused not liking the situation at all, "he loves her,
he wouldn't use her like that right?"

Shrugging his shoulders Rodolfo dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it to put it
out, "I think it doesn't matter to Michaelangelo if he has to use his own family to get what he
wants. He might love her but the empire is what's more important to him. If that means he has to
sacrifice something he loves, he will do it."

"I can't estimate his thinking" Gabriel admitted as he turned around to face his cousin, "what is
he trying to achieve with leaving Gabriella here?"

"To make Raphael slip, one mistake and he loses everything."

"With a slip you mean him falling for the blonde girl?"
"She just has something doesn't she?" Rodolfo asked and turned to look at the restaurant's
doorway, "one mistake is all he needs to make for Michaelangelo to strike back."

"So in the end he uses his wife as a pawn after all..."

Nodding his head Rodolfo couldn't object against that, "yes, to maintain his empire he will
sacrifice the one that he loves dearly."

Shaking his head Gabriel let out a frustrated sigh as he folded his arms across his chest, "we're all
seriously messed up" he sighed making his cousin chuckle, "Mike is playing a dangerous game.
What if it doesn't go the way he plans what if Gabriella turns against him. He loses everything if
she does."

"He is convinced that she will never betray him" Rodolfo admitted to his cousin, "lately he
seems more confident a lot stronger. I don't know where he gets it from. Ever since he has been
together with Gabriella he thinks he can take on everything. It makes him seem more powerful
than ever."

"I just hope everything goes the way he has planned."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 27 - The Games We Play (p.1 of 17)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter twenty- seven - The Games We Play.

Sighing Gabriella closed her book and placed it on the coffee table beside her, she smiled and
stretched a little as she tiredly leaned back against the comfortable one-seat. Looking around the
library she could never grow tired of this place. Getting off the one-seat she left the room having
the need to be in someone company, it didn't matter to her if it was the playful Gabriel. At least
she had someone to talk to, even if it was him. Walking inside the living room she smiled a little
when she noticed him sitting on the couch, watching some re-runs of friends.

"You finished your book already?" he asked when he noticed her sitting down beside him, "I
thought you were going to stay in there till Michaelangelo gets back" he said jokingly making
her glare playfully at him.

"I am not that attached to him!"

"You kind of are" he pointed out making her pout, "you got an invitation" he said taking the pink
envelope off the coffee table and handing it over to her, "I am almost positive it's about
Anarosa's birthday party."
"Why because it's pink?" Gabriella asked amused, "why would she invite me to her birthday
party?" she asked confused.

Shifting to sit more comfortably on the couch she slowly opened the envelope as if it contains
something life threatening. Hearing Gabriel snicker she gave him a warning glance before she
slipped the invitation out of the envelope and opened it.

"She is two years older than Mike" she said surprised looking at the bold twenty-two that was
engraved upon the card, "Mike dated an older woman?" she said and smirked while looking at
Gabriel, "he should be pleased with catching such a lady like me" she commented making the
green eyed man roll his eyes.

"You also have your flaws Gabriella, but yes in general you are less annoying to be around" he
admitted, "plus you can take care of yourself. If it had been Anarosa he had been married to. He
couldn't just leave for weeks like he has done now."

Gripping Gabriel's arm Gabriella grin grew so big she almost looked like the Cheshire cat, "we
should definitely go to her birthday party" she said making Gabriel groan tiredly, "the cleaning
lady might be there! We should take advantage of this opportunity."

"What if that's what Raphael wants?"

Pouting her lips a bit as she thought about it she shrugged her shoulders after a while, "he gave
me his word that I can take it through for a week. He texted me and yes he has my phone
number. Anarosa had called me remember. When Michaelangelo wasn't around."

Leaning back against the couch Gabriel turned the television to mute and focused entirely on the
lively woman who was sitting beside him, "fine then we'll go to her stupid birthday party, but
we'll stay for an hour not a minute longer."

"Why wasn't she the love of your life?" Gabriella coed to him and smirked when she saw that
annoyed look in his eyes, "I mean you stole her away from Michaelangelo and then you grew
tired of her...there must have been something more than that. Why is it that in the end you didn't
want her anymore?"

"That's none of your business" he smiled at her before he got off the couch, "I'll tell Mike about
your evil plan...want to talk to him as well?" he asked as he took the house phone off the table
and looked at Gabriella who shook her head.

"I already talked with him this morning" she informed him before she got off the couch as well,
"I'll ask your sister if she wants to go shopping with me. I don't really know what we should buy

"A new husband" Gabriel muttered as he dialed his cousin's number, "everyone can tell that
Raphael just married her to take advantage of her. She was just so desperate to agree."
"Maybe he actually loves her, we can't tell."

"Please it's obvious he just married her to stay close to us. She would have never invited you to
come to her birthday party. She loathes you. I swear it's Raphael's doing that you are invited. I
mean it's personally addressed to you and only you. You really think Anarosa would go that far?
Don't you remember that for her wedding she had invited Michaelangelo, not you."

"I remember" Gabriella sighed, "it's weird that Raphael is trying to target Mike through me. I
don't have anything of value" she muttered making Gabriel bite his lip nervously."You have the

"True but blackmailing me isn't going to work. If anything the opposite will happen" she said
before she smirked and gripped Gabriel's sleeve as she looked him in the eyes, "since everything
is mine, does that mean I can order you around? Like get me cup of tea now!"

"Your husband says your off your rocker..."

"The way I see it I am now the head of the family, so you all need to work for me. It's all signed
off to my name which means that I don't have to sign it over to Michaelangelo. I can keep it and
start ordering all of you around. If you still want your monthly income you need to make me

"It doesn't work that way" Gabriel said softly as he hushed her, "let me just inform Mike first,
and we'll talk about this later."

"There is no need for it, I am pretty sure it does work that way" Gabriella winked at him before
she grabbed her telephone, "you want to shop with us?" she asked and smirked, "no wait, I order
you to come shopping with us" she said making the man groan.

"Mike your wife needs to get reprimanded."

Giving him a pinch to the side the green eyed man jumped and gave her a warning glare.

"Gabriella your husband wants to talk to you" he said trying to hand the phone over to her yet
she didn't take it.

"I have no time to talk to the husband right now. I have a lot of things to do, I'll try and schedule
a phone call around noon tomorrow" she said smirking when she saw Gabriel getting annoyed
with her, "you know I am a busy woman. Time is money" she said before walking into the dining
room to talk to Adelina more quietly.

"You knew this could happen too" Gabriel said in a hushed tone as he eyed the dining room
warily, "she could understand what it means to have everything. If she decides to keep it we can't
do anything about it. Getting rid of her doesn't change a thing either, when she is gone all the
money goes to her family."
"Don't worry about it, everything is going according to plan. Raphael is going to try and
convince her that we're bad people, he will try and get the money from her. Don't interfere let
him do whatever he wants, in the end everything will work out."

"Mike, this a dangerous game that you are playing. What if the man does get to Gabriella. What
if she decides to follow him?"

"She won't. No matter what he says or does, she will stay faithful to us."

"How are you so sure about that?"

"Because we know where her real mother is."

Sharing looks with Gabriel, Gabriella was glad she wasn't the only one thinking that this birthday
party of Anarosa was outrageous. Both taking a deep breath they prepared themselves for what
was coming.

"Remind me why you dragged me here with you" Gabriel said as he was eyeing the party scene
suspiciously, "I usually like going to parties, but today I feel out of place" he admitted to her.

She had to agree with him, she completely felt out of place as well. She felt like everyone was
staring at them and she was pretty sure it was like that too, "we're Gavinos we take pride in what
we do. We'll hold our head high" she said making Gabriel smirk.

"It's the pep talk Mike always gives you?"

"Yes" she mumbled and looked at him, "it's working right?"

"Maybe you should say it in a stern way, with a deeper voice" he suggested making her roll her
eyes, "let's give her, her present have a drink and get out of here."

"She shouldn't be so hard to find" Gabriella remarked as she looked around for the birthday girl,
smiling when she spotted said girl clinging onto her husband like sticky gum you wanted to get
rid off but couldn't, "Raphael doesn't seem happy at all" she whispered making Gabriel look at

"How can you tell?"

Raising an eyebrow Gabriella turned to him, "seriously look at his eyes he seems almost furious.
Like something happened" she said before she stepped forward, "let's give her, her present and
get out of here. I have a bad feeling about this."

Gabriel had to admit to himself, it was like she had a sixth sense. He could definitely picture her
being an evil master mind. She knew how to move forward, she knew how to take what she
wants, not to mention she could make evil plans without any effort. She had a brain on her and
some common sense. She was perfect, and more and more he came to understand why Cecilio
had handpicked this girl. She was definitely like her father."Happy birthday" Gabriella said
forcing a smile on her face as she looked at Anarosa and her husband, "it's nothing special" she
mumbled as she gave the deep purple bag to her, "we'll should get going now, we still have a lot
of things to do" she said quickly wanted to get out of there.

"Like what?" Raphael asked making her want to reach over to him and strangle him for asking
annoying questions, "it's quite late already, what could you possibly still do at this hour?"

"Not that it's any of your concern but I still need to make a phone call to my husband" she said
emphasizing the word husband making the guy smirk, "besides it's not like Ana will miss us" she
said turning her look at the glaring girl, "right?"

It was subtle but she could make out the look that Raphael had given his wife, she should shut up
and let him do the talking. She shouldn't mess up whatever he was planning. She could tell what
he was saying to her with his eyes. It was what Michaelangelo always did with her.

"Don't be silly" he said as he gave her a warm smile, "you just arrived here, it would be
offending if you just left like that."

He was probably right, but still her mind was screaming to her to get the hell out of there. She
didn't want to stay any longer than necessary. Glancing over her shoulder she saw Gabriel
flashing her a reassuring look.

"Just for a little while then" she forced out and looked at the drink he offered her, "I shouldn't
drink, I still need to drive back" she said making the man chuckle.

"Oh right" he said as he followed her gaze to the Gavino in the back, "so today you're driving?"
he asked and watched her fiddle with her hands, "just one glass won't hurt" he said almost trying
to push her to drink it.

"No I really shouldn't" she said firmly before she smiled at him, "Gabriel is waiting for me, enjoy
your night" she said before walking back to the green eyed man who was grinning at her, "did
you see that woman anywhere?" she said in a hushed tone as she looked around the big hall as
well, "it's way too crowded" she whispered making Gabriel agree with her.

"We need to split up, the chances are higher we find her faster that way" he suggested and
watched her nod yet a nervous look washed over her, "don't worry I'll keep an eye on you too.
He won't hurt you" he said trying to convince her she was safe with him, "you go that way" he
said with a nod before he left her side to find the so called cleaner of their house.

Walking through the crowded hall Gabriella smiled whenever people greeted her, most of the
people she did not know but she remembered that Michaelangelo always told her to be nice and
keep a smiling face up. Searching for the average build lady around a crowd with people only
dressed in high branded clothing wouldn't be so hard. Everything about the girl was average so
being at a place like this she would stand out for sure.

Eyes widening when she felt a grip on her shoulder she turned around thinking it was Gabriel.
Stepping back she gulped when she looked in the eyes of none other than Alessio.

"Looking for someone?" he asked her as if he could read her mind, "maybe I can help?"

"Why is it that you always come to me" Gabriella said eyeing him suspiciously, "I already told
you that I need time, so it couldn't possibly be about the transfer. Do you like me? Because I can
assure you I only love Michaelangelo."

Snickering Raphael shook his head as he held an amused look on his face, "not quite Gabriella. I
don't have a crush on you. I care about you. If anything I try to safe you from those Gavinos" he
said making her narrow her eyes dangerously on him.

"Safe me from them?"

"Do you know what happened to your father?"

"He got killed."

Nodding his head he suggested for her to follow him, not quite thinking it through she followed
him to the garden, looking around she was pleased to know that there were still some people
around her. She didn't want to be alone with him, so it was safe to know that they were still at a
public place."By who?" he asked her making her shrug her shoulders, "it's your mother who
killed him."

Eyes almost popping out Gabriella shook her head, "no, she wouldn't" she said firmly as she
stopped in her tracks and locked eyes with him, "if that's what you said about handing her over to
the police than go ahead, she did not kill him. She wouldn't."

"Maybe not by her own will, but she is definitely the one who pulled the trigger."

Folding her arms tightly across her chest she held her head up high and glared at him, "you got
any evidence backing up your story?" she asked him her eyes narrowed dangerously on him as if
she tried to intimidate him.

"I have hard evidence pointing to her."

"Like what a photo that has been photoshopped?" she asked him amused, "my mother did not kill
him" she said standing her ground.

"Even your husband acknowledges it, he knows it was your mother. Why else doesn't he bother
to look for her. She has been missing for weeks yet no one tried looking for her. Why is that? He
has been searching for his father for so long, why not for your mother as well?" he asked her and
smirked when he saw her hesitating, "she did her job and now they got rid of her."

Gulping Gabriella reached to her purse as her phone kept ringing. Her movements were slow as
she finally puts the phone to her ear, "Gabriella Gavino" she said forcing the words out as she
stared blankly at the man in front of her, "you sure?" she asked as she finally tore her eyes away
from him and looked at the sliding doors to see Gabriel standing there, "I'm on my way" she said
before hanging up and looking back at the man, "it might be true what you said, but I still won't
hand it over to you. It's not ours...don't you know that you shouldn't want too much...people who
only search for power and money won't end up well" she said before she turned around and
walked back into the house.

"What did he want" Gabriel asked as he still eyed the man in the garden, "did he hurt you?" he
asked as he looked at the blonde girl in front of him and observed her making sure she was still
the same, "did he do something to you?"

"I'm perfectly fine" she said softly before walking past him, "we shouldn't let them waiting,
didn't you say that Eugino was quite a hard man. We don't want him to lose his patience" she
called to Gabriel who followed after her.

"I'm sorry Gabriella, we totally forgot about this meeting" he admitted to her, "Michaelangelo
postponed it when you two were fighting, so we forget about it matter seeing it has been quite
hectic lately. He didn't want you to get involved in things like this."

"Did he know Cecilio left me everything when he postponed the meeting?" she asked as she met
Gabriel's eyes.

"He did know back then" he said not really thinking his answer through.

Nodding her head Gabriella couldn't help but to think that Raphael was right. Her mother might
have killed her father, she couldn't prove her innocence. She and Cecilio were the last two
persons who had seen Vincenzo alive, but what motive did her mother have to kill the man? He
gave her everything she wanted. She might have not been pleased in a romantic manner and
turned to Cecilio, so what happened while they were in Rome? She needed some answers and it
felt like Raphael had them, but should she really turn to him? She didn't know anything about
him, he could be lying as well.

"Did you find the girl?" Gabriella asked as she drove back to the mansion going past the speed
limit, "I didn't see her around" she said as she quickly glanced at Gabriel and focused back on the

"I didn't see her" he informed her, "we'll keep searching, she must be around Raphael. I am
certain those two are connected."

Nodding her head Gabriella gripped the steering wheel tighter. She couldn't help but to feel
betrayed right now. What she could make up from Raphael words was, that she was being used.
She had to be honest with herself she felt like being used as well. The only reason Michaelangelo
made up with e was because of the stupid will Cecilio had left. Postponing said meeting to three
months later could only be because he wanted to make sure the empire was still his. In those
three months he would make sure she was only his, and she would sign everything off to him.
That's the only thing that mattered to him.

"You're a reckless driver you know that?" Gabriel asked jokingly as he followed her into the
mansion, "what's with the rush Gabriella?"

"I just want this to be over with" she said looking over her shoulder to meet his eyes, "let's face
the music shall we" she said forcing a smile on her face as she opened the door to the meeting

"You're actually on time" she heard one of the men comment making her roll her eyes.

Closing the door behind him Gabriel looked around the room to see who showed up for this
meeting. It wouldn't be about the will Cecilio left them and about what will happen to his money.
He could see the greedy look in Eugino's eyes. He was definitely here with other intentions.

"Have you made up your mind about the money?"

"I haven't, I need more time" she admitted to them making the room buzz like a swarm of bees.

Talking about a bomb ready to blow. Gabriel looked at Gabriella trying to get her attention, yet it
seemed like she was purposely trying to ignore him.

"Why do you need more time?" Eugino forced out as he narrowed his eyes on her.

"Because there are still some things I need to take in consideration" she said looking away from
them knowing t would create a ruckus among the men.

Narrowing his eyes on her Gabriel could tell she was being serious. Eyes widening he came to
the conclusion she was actually thinking about not giving it to them. She would actually consider
to hand it over to Alessio!? Stepping closer to her he stopped in his tracks when he heard
Eugino's growl.

"You are thinking of keeping it or are you going to give it to someone else?!" he asked her

"Whatever I decide I will let you know" she said calmly as if she wasn't touched by his
overpowering anger at all.

"You need to make a decision now!" Eugino called at her his deep voice booming through the
room, "if you wait any longer a war is going to happen, and it would be all on you!"
"Whatever I decide I will never sign it over to you. I rather keep everything than to let you take
over" she said narrowing her honey brown eyes on him, "stop pushing me around just because I
am a woman" she said harshly as she turned to Gabriel who stood protectively beside her, "is that
all?" she asked him wanting to get out of the room already.

"That's all" he answered her putting his hand on her shoulder, "you did good" he whispered to
her before he let her leave the room, "everyone else is dismissed, except for you" he said locking
eyes with the enraged older man, "I think we need to talk" he said firmly never bulging even
when the older man glared deadly at him.

gnoring the men who were staring at her she made her way to the only place she thought was
safe right now, Cecilio's office... No one entered the room, she never understood why but all she
knew was that it was the safest place in the house. Gripping the doorknob she looked around as if
to make sure no one followed her before she entered the room. She walked straight to the
balcony ignoring the fact that it was pouring right now.

"I just don't know what to do anymore" Gabriella whispered to herself as she ran a hand through
her damp blonde locks.

Closing her eyes tightly she tried to stop herself from crying, the first time she had put her guard
down with a man and this happened. She never thought Michaelangelo would do this to her, was
it all a game to him? Shaking her head lightly she gripped the iron railing of their balcony tighter
in her hands. The rain didn't bother her at all, if anything it soothed her. Hearing footsteps
approach her she figured it was just Gabriel who would try and talk her into getting into the
house. She wouldn't leave just yet. She needed to stay there for a little longer, to clear her mind,
before she would face the music again.

"You're going to get sick if you stay here like that."

That voice didn't belong to Gabriel. Frowning deeply she turned around and gulped when she
noticed who was speaking to her. There he was in all his glory, she couldn't keep her eyes of
him. He stood tall with a proud smile upon his impassive face. His eyes told her he was amused
by the situation yet his face didn't give off any emotion. He stepped towards her, each step
echoing through her mind as he stood beside her gripping the railing in the same manner as her.

"I didn't mean for this to happen" he started as his intimidating blue eyes wandered over the
garden, "I figured that if I left you everything, everything would fall into place. Michaelangelo
would appreciate you more."

"But that didn't happen" Gabriella whispered and bit her lip nervously, "if anything the opposite
happened" she said blinking the tears away that threatened to fall, "I never would have thought
the one that I love would treat me this way."

"I think that it was never his intention to go this far" the man said as he finally looked at her
again, "I'm guessing it's not time for me to leave just yet" he said and gave her a warm smile. A
smile she desperately needed right now, "don't worry princess, everything will be alright" he said
gently to her as his hand stroked her cheek, "you'll be alright."

Finally being able to breath again she looked him straight in the eyes, "but I won't be the same
anymore" she admitted to him, "I wouldn't be able to pretend this didn't happen" she said making
him let out a tired sigh, "I cannot go back and pretend that I am happy with your son. He has hurt
me in so many ways."Pulling his hand back Cecilio reached into his breast pocket taking out his
cigarette pocket, "I fully understand that" he said as he lightened a cigarette and took a drag, "I
wish it wouldn't have gotten this far, but it has. I know you are hurt Gabriella, but I can assure
you that my son loves you."

"Sometimes that's not enough is it?" she asked him meeting his aged blue eyes, "you off all
people should know how I am feeling right now" she said making him agree with her, "for the
time being I think this time apart is like a blessing to us" she said before turning around, "I'm
glad you decided to come back" she stated and looked over her shoulder, "you're the only one
who can fix this mess" she said before leaving the balcony closing the door behind her as she left
the tall man behind.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 28 - Haunting Memories (p.1 of 13)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter twenty-eight - Haunting Memories.

Gabriella sighed as she looked at her telephone that kept ringing, she knew who it was. She knew
perfectly clear who kept calling her, to shower her with another ton of excuses. She didn't need
to be lied to right now, she just wanted to be by herself and dwell in her misery. Sighing she
rolled to her other side not caring that her telephone dropped on the floor with a loud thud.
Closing her eyes she ignored the fact that her bedroom door opened and closed, footsteps slowly
making their way towards her. She slowly opened her eyes when she felt the bed shift but didn't
look up to see who it was. It was either Gabriel who would try and convince her things weren't
the way she thought it was or it would be Cecilio trying to cheer her up, which she didn't need
right now as well.

Hearing the man clearing his throat she figured it was Cecilio seeing his voice was much deeper
than Gabriel's. Sighing she sat up right and finally looked at the man. Raphael had told her a lot
of stories and why not trying to get Cecilio's side of the story. She could see to what extent the
story matched with Raphael. She didn't know who to believe, a man who was out for power and
might or a man who knew the truth about her father's dead yet kept her in the dark.

Neither man could be trusted by if she had to be honest to herself, Cecilio always made her feel
safe. Not to mention he always spoke the truth to her because he didn't fear anything. He was in a
way just like her, speaking his mind without thinking much about the consequences. Maybe he
was just as childish and immature like her. Smiling a little as she met his eyes she leaned back
against the headboard of her bed.
"You have to eat something" he said as he looked at the door and nodded his head as a greeting
towards the maid who pushed through the doors with a tray overfilled with food, "don't make
force that food down your throat" he said as he eyed her warily making her let out a soft chuckle.

"I don't want to experience that" she said softly and looked down at the tray that was now on top
of her lap, "can I ask you something" she said as she sipped from the freshly made orange juice
and looked up to meet his eyes.

"Depends on what you want to know" he said and smirked when he saw her confused look,
"want to make another deal, I'll tell you whatever you want and you give me something back in

Eyeing him suspiciously she tried to think it through. The last time she walked right into his trap,
he gave her the same deal and she ended up getting married to his lying son.

"Your deals are dangerous" she remarked making the tall man chuckle, "last time you tricked me
as well, and I walked right into your trap like a blind fool" she muttered and carefully placed the
glass on the nightstand right next to her bed, "I don't really know if I should except this, what do
you want in exchange?" she asked him curiously.

"Nothing outrageous" he said still not fully telling her what she wants to hear, "if you accept my
deal I'll tell you anything you want to know."

She did want to know what truly happened to her father yet Cecilio's deals were just too
dangerous for her liking. She didn't know what to expect from him. Still her curiosity got the
better of her.

"Fine, I'll accept your deal" she finally stated and locked eyes with him, "what truly happened to
my father that day in Rome?" she asked making the man take a deep breath before he got
comfortable on the bed as well and faced her.

"Well that's a long story" he said and grabbed a waffle off her plate, "so I might as well get
comfortable here" he said as he sat down beside her leaning against the headboard as well.

"You don't have to start at the beginning" she said as she slightly glanced at him before she
focused back on her breakfast or better said lunch, "I know you and my mother had an affair" she
stated casually as if she was talking about the weather.

"That's partly true" Cecilio said calmly not being affected by the harsh tone she had used at all,
"but your parents situation was the same as your marriage with Michaelangelo. They were
married because they had to, family matters being the cause. They had never been in love, your
father already had someone who he belonged to and your mother well...let's just say things
clicked between us the moment we met" he said making shivers going down her spine and not
the good ones either.

"So that could be me and Mike in a few years" she said making him shake his head slightly.
"No not exactly" Cecilio said trying to make her see things more positively, "your father devoted
himself entirely to Francesca so he didn't see that...woman anymore" he said and grabbed the
remote control from Michaelangelo's nightstand, "though things got pretty complicated between
your parents when that woman suddenly showed up, telling Vinnie that she is pregnant."

"What are you trying to say?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes dangerously on Cecilio.

Changing channels he puts the remote control aside as he watched some cooking show, seeing
there was nothing particularly interesting on television, "don't act stupid, you have been
wondering for a while now if Francesca is really your biological mother" he said as he reached
out and took a lock of her blonde hair between his fingers and swirled it around, "I mean you
look nothing alike her at all" he said before releasing the lock, "however you do look a lot like
Vinnie's ex-girlfriend" he said and smirked when he saw panic showing through her honey
brown orbs.

Putting the tray aside seeing she completely lost her appetite she got off the bed and just stared
down at Cecilio who was calmly watching the cooking show. She couldn't stand him right now,
he was acting so calmly telling her that her mother, the woman that had raised her was not her
mother. Not that Francesca was around when she was younger but that did not matter. She had
assumed Francesca was not her biological mother seeing how cold she used to be to her, but now
hearing it, it felt different. Her heart was squeezing painfully, and panic started to rise in her.
Things changed, maybe Raphael was right after all.

"Did she murder him?" she asked coldly while staring at the floor "did she?"

"She was the one who pulled the trigger" Cecilio informed her, "you could say guilt took over
and that made her want to give you a better life."

"So she left me with the man she was having an affair with and ran away?" Gabriella asked while
running a shaky hand through her locks, "why...why did she kill him?"

"He caught us together and told her she could leave. After all, that woman was never around for
him. She was no mother and she was definitely not a loving wife. She was never at home, he
didn't need her by his side. All she did was spending his money and give him nothing in return."

Eyes widening Gabriella looked up meeting Cecilio's eyes. This felt so familiar to her, the
situation felt like she had been through it as well. Though it didn't go the same.

"You plotted this?" she asked quietly, "to see if she would stay faithful to dad but in the end she
chooses you, so you played around with her?"

"You are a smart girl Gabriella. There is no need for you to know more about the situation.
Francesca left, no matter what other people say they will never find her again."
Stepping back she gulped the lump away that had formed in her throat and stared at Cecilio with
complete horror shown in her eyes. She felt her heart beating so hard that she was afraid he
might hear her beating heart. She saw him stepping towards her, which made her back away
from him even more.

"What's wrong Gabriella?" he asked gently though he eyed her warily making sure she wouldn't
do anything stupid, "you don't want to hurt yourself child, and you should watch where you're

"W-What did you do with her?" she asked softly it was almost inaudible but he still heard her.

"She is taken care of, there is no need for you to worry about such matters" he said before
gripping her forearm stopping her from backing away from him even more, "now you have to do
something for me in return, you should always keep your word remember" he reminded her as
his intimidating blue eyes were locked with hers.

"What do you want?" she whispered softly.

She hated herself for showing her fear towards Cecilio, she knew she was shaking and showing
him she feared him was the last thing you should do. You should always stand tall in front of
Cecilio, playing the same mind game as him, yet she couldn't right now. She had to face it, what
this man could do scared her. What if she ended up like Francesca?

"What I asked of you the previous time we made a deal" he said smiling gently at her, "to play
house with Michaelangelo. It's something he never had, I know slowly you will change his cold
heart" he said as he ran a hand through her soft locks smirking when he heard her inhale sharply,
"I don't want him to end up like me" he finally said surprising Gabriella.

"I think it's too late for that" she said softly being scared if she spoke any louder she would
offend Cecilio, "let's say if he had to choose between me and a million dollars it's not me who he
will choose. Your son is incapable of feeling anything."

"That might be true but you still need to keep your word."

Closing her eyes she slightly nodded her head praying he would soon release her arm. He
probably left a bruise on her seeing how tightly he held onto her.

"That's a good girl, now finish your lunch sweety" he said placing a kiss on top of her head like
her father used to do before he left the room.

Finally being able to breathe again Gabriella couldn't stop the tears anymore. Dropping to her
knees she just stared at the floor as she held back a sob, she didn't want to think about it. She
didn't want to know what he had done to Francesca, even though she was never around when she
was little, that woman was still the woman she saw as her mother. Did Francesca know her time
has come? Was it because of that, that she forced her to marry so quickly? Gripping her hear
Gabriella closed her eyes more tightly shaking her head a little. If Francesca knew how
dangerous this family was, why did she leave her with the devil himself?

Walking into the living room Cecilio stared blankly at Gabriel who looked at him like he had
seen a ghost. He probably thought he was seeing a ghost. Pushing his hands in his pockets
Cecilio gave a slight nod to the gaping Gabriel.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like that or are you going to tell me what happened during
the meeting?" he asked while plopping down carelessly on the couch, "Gabriel? "

Blinking a couple of times Gabriel cleared his throat. The man was still sitting on the couch so
he wasn't the undead, but still...they had figured the man was dead because he had been away for
such a long period of time. Slowly stepping towards the couch Gabriel said down carefully next
to the man as if being afraid the man would reach over and eat his brain.

"Eugino got furious" he said quickly and watched the man with a careful eye, "he said Gabriella
would turn her back against us and we would all be dead the moment she does. He kept saying
we should run now that we still can."

"We don't have to worry about that, Gabriella would never do such a thing" he said firmly and
grabbed the book that was on the coffee table, "lately I have found books in the weirdest places
around the house. Who reads all this" he said holding the book up showing it to Gabriel who
nervously laughed. "Rodolfo and Gabriella read them a lot" he shrugged, "even Mike started to
read books."


He couldn't help but to be surprised. He didn't know much about Rodolfo seeing the kid left
home almost the night after he turned eighteen. Michaelangelo never had spare time to pick up a
book, the boy always buried himself in work, to keep himself from socializing. What else did he
not know about his sons?

"Did you talk her out of it?" Gabriel asked as he looked at the second floor making sure said girl
wouldn't suddenly show up, "even I was convinced she would have betrayed us. So what makes
you so sure that she is going to keep her word?"

Smirking Cecilio puts the book back down, "don't you trust me Gabriel?" he asked making the
man gulp and shake his head, "good."

"Raphael is getting an annoyance, should we finally have a word with him?"

"What did Michaelangelo say?" Cecilio asked as he leaned back against the couch and got more
comfortable, "he is the one that is in charge right now" before he chuckled and turned to look at
Gabriel, "correction Gabriella is the one that is in charge right now, if you look at the facts."
"Please don't remind me, the woman was ordering me around all day yesterday" he muttered,
"Mike said we shouldn't interfere, we should let everything fall into place and strike when
Raphael slips."

"He already has."

Raising an eyebrow Gabriel didn't understand what Cecilio was trying to say. He didn't see
Raphael making a mistake. Gabriella was faithful to Michaelangelo not to mention very careful
around Raphael. The man didn't make a mistake just yet, or at least they weren't aware of it.

"He has?" he asked confuse yet silently as if being afraid he got scolded by his uncle.

"Yes, he has."

Gabriel frowned as he realized that Cecilio would not help him understand it. He could ask but
he knew he had to do something in exchange and Cecilio's deals were always life threatening. He
rather finds out himself than to make a deal with the devil.

"Alright, I think I need to inform Mike now that he doesn't have to keep searching. We already
found you."

"But it's not me who is looking for" Cecilio said and smiled overly sweet making Gabriel back
away from him a little, "it's Grachelle who he is looking for. It's a waste of time really he could
have asked me where she was but he had to go do this the hard way as always."

"Sorry sir but you weren't around...and you didn't exactly pick up your phone."

"It depends on who would call me" Cecilio said and smirked before getting off the couch,
"Grachelle lives here nearby, I could give you her address, but I don't want to" he said before
leaving the living room leaving Gabriel annoyed behind.

Why was he the one who always had to deal with complicated things? He liked life simple yet
this family always made life hard on him. Sighing he grabbed his phone off the coffee table and
dialed Michaelangelo's number which he could remember perfectly fine now.

Walking into the bright living room of his mother Raphael smiled as the blonde woman held her
arms open and hugged him gently, "you look dashing as always" she commented making the
man chuckle and hold the woman even tighter in his arms.

"You look great too mom" he said softly before pulling out of the hug.

Smiling the woman sat down onto the beige couch and watched her son pick up the phone with a
rather suspicious looking smirk on his face, "who is it?" she asked quietly making the man shake
his head.
"Just a friend" he said before walking out of the living room to talk more privately, "have you
made up your mind sweetheart?" he asked and chuckled when he got scolded by said woman.

"Please safe it, I have made up my mind Raphael. You can threaten me all you want but I won't
sign everything off to you. Go and turn my mother in, it's not like it would matter anyways."

"What are you talking about?" he asked worriedly as he glanced at the living room where his
mom was seated, "aren't you scared what will happen to her?""She is already dead Raphael."

"That's not possible, I got a report just yesterday that she was perfectly fine."

"Then check again, I am telling you the woman is not alive anymore. So do whatever you like,
you got nothing on me anymore."

Slowly pulling the telephone away from his ear Raphael stared at his dark lightened display. He
had been sure that woman was still alive but why would Gabriella lie about her own mother's
situation. He knew she was speaking the truth. He could tell by the tone of her voice that she had
been crying. She was still crying on the phone, so she had to be right. That woman was dead, but
how? He had put her in a safe house like she requested of him. He tried to protect her from the
Gavino family and now he failed.

"Raphael sweety is everything alright?" he heard his mother call.

"Yeah...I'll be right there" he called back.

Staring at his telephone he was afraid to dial the number, he was afraid to face the facts. If
Francesca was really dead he had failed her request. How could he let that woman down, he had
doubled security around her, how was it possible someone penetrated his system?

Michaelangelo and his brother were in Rome, searching for a dead end. Gabriel was at home
keeping Gabriella company so it couldn't be him. The only option left was Cecilio but he had
been declared dead.

Gulping he gripped his telephone tighter in his hand and finally dialed the number. He had to
find out the truth sooner or later.

"Sir we were just about to call you...sir the woman-"

"Is dead?"

"Yes, we're so sorry sir."

"Have you seen anyone suspicious around before...?"

"No nothing. Whoever it was disappeared like a ghost."

"Not a ghost" he said shaking his head lightly before he disconnected the call, "Cecilio Gavino."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 29 - The need to be loved (p.1 of 14)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter twenty-nine - The need to be loved.

"He'll be here soon."

Watching her father-in-law turn away from her she barely nodded her head at his comment. She
didn't need him to tell what was awaiting her, she knew what she had to do. They had discussed
this situation over and over again and like a broken record it was stuck inside her mind. She had
nothing else she could think of, all that was going through her head right now was to smile
brightly the moment her husband walked towards them, with that heavy bag flung over his
shoulder, and that intense yet distant look in his silvery blue orbs. She had wished many times
she could see through that icy barrier around him yet she could barely penetrate his shield. How
could she be true to her word if she was doubting everything right now?

Cecilio repeating himself over and over again was not so odd at all, because she knew it would
be hard to look him in the eyes and lie with her heart. Her mind would scream to confront him
with everything that happened yet she had to look him straight in the eyes and lie that everything
would be alright. She was telling herself that she could do it but she knew it would be different
the moment said man would stand in front of her. The moment she would stare into those intense
blue orbs everything was lost. She just knew it.

Gulping she closed her eyes tightly to prepare herself mentally. Taking a deep, sharp breath
Gabriella finally opened her eyes again and smiled a little. She felt a bit more relieved after
taking a deep breath like that, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to face him right now. She could be
strong as well, he was not the only one who could go through difficult times, she was just as
tough as him. She wouldn't stand behind him anymore, she swore to herself that she would stand
beside him like his equal.

Feeling a firm hand on her shoulder she looked at her side meeting green orbs which looked at
her with such a sympathizing glance that she felt his warmth going through her, "it will be alright
Gabriella, don't think about it too much, just breath a little" he said trying to encourage her a

She knew he meant it well all the time they had spend together made her grow a stronger bond
together with him, he was all she could rely on the last couple of days. She knew he tried to
speak the truth to her as much as possible. When Cecilio was not around she could talk to him
about everything that was in her heart. Gabriel would not turn his back to her like others, he
would hold her when she was sad he would listen to her when she had no one else to turn to. He
was there for her. She didn't know what they were becoming but right now she didn't want to
think about it either, she had already a lot of things on her mind, like lying to her husband. It
seemed the most common thing in their family everyone was doing it, so why couldn't she?

"Rodolfo just texted me, they are getting their bags right now" Gabriel said to his uncle while
still holding onto Gabriella, "do you want us to wait by the car?" he asked as he turned to look at
the woman next to him again, "it's fine right uncle?" he asked though he didn't look his uncle in
the eyes.

The girl next to him was all he could see right now, and unfortunately for him his uncle had a
sharp eye. Feeling highly uncomfortable because he felt the piercing stare of his uncle he backed
away and straightened up a little. He didn't turn to his uncle though no matter how intense the
glare was he got, he promised Gabriella he would be there for her and that was what he was
doing right now. He wouldn't leave her side until she told him he should.

"It's alright Gabriel you haven't seem them in a while as well. I don't mind you being here" she
said softly yet he could hear her firmly she didn't sound nervous at all and she seemed to handle
the situation better than he imagined she would, "it's alright if you and father stay here" she said
while looking up to give them both a glance.

"Gabriel why don't you get me a cup coffee" Cecilio said firmly as he stepped past his cousin, "I
will keep Gabriella company for the time being."

The harsh tone didn't get to him, Gabriel merely nodded his head before he left to get a cup
coffee for his uncle. He could recognize that glance Cecilio was giving him through everything.
He was warning him, yet he didn't feel like he had to be warned. He had done nothing wrong. He
stayed beside Gabriella when she felt lonely he only talked to her, and sometimes held her when
she was crying over the loss of her mother. It didn't matter that the woman who had died was not
her biological mother, the memories she had with that woman was enough to make her cry her
heart out. So he had no clue why his uncle was suddenly becoming so hostile, it didn't matter to
him though. He would stand his ground firmly just to keep his promise to that woman.

"I had no clue you are such great friends with Gabriel" Cecilio started as he sat down on the chair
behind the blonde woman, "I am glad you are over the loss of Francesca" he said while
narrowing his eyes on the woman who turned around glaring at him, "it's Gabriel who helped
you through this painful situation right?" he asked as he took in her behavior.

Her breathing had become quicker also by the raising and falling of her chest he could tell she
was getting nervous almost like she had something to hide. She didn't dare to look him in the
eyes anymore when he confronted her, maybe there was something she was hiding from him
after all?

"Are you hiding something from me Gabriella?" he asked her firmly.

Gulping she slowly raised her head, she had to reply to him. She had to look him straight in the
eyes like she had done before yet somehow it seemed more difficult right now. Maybe because
she had something to hide from him? Biting her lip nervously she slowly looked him in the eyes
making sure she did not blink, she didn't dare to blink because she was afraid he might get the
wrong idea.


"Seriously letting us think you were dead...why the hell did you do that?!"

Hearing the smooth tone of her husband, the man she had been so afraid to see right now made
her heart squeeze painfully. She stopped herself from speaking before Michaelangelo would hear
anything, she did not want him to know what she was about to tell Cecilio. It didn't concern him.
She had to tell him as little as possible, it was what he was doing with her as well. If they were
equals she had the right to treat him the same way he has been treating her.

Following his father's gaze Michaelangelo turned to look at the blonde girl who had been
standing behind the three tall guys. Taking in her appearance Michaelangelo could tell she had
not been taking care of herself. It's true that make-up and clothes didn't really matter to her, she
felt good in just sweats and t-shirts as well but it was the way her eyes seemed so red and puffy.
She tried to cover the redness with some make-up but he could still see it with his sharp eye. He
knew something must have happened while he was away.

Stepping towards the girl he noticed how she stepped back from him. She seemed to notice it too
because her eyes widened the moment she looked in his eyes. Narrowing his eyes on her he
stopped himself and just stood there, right beside his older brother.

"How have you been Gabriella?"

It was just a simple question he asked of her, yet she was doubting herself. She didn't know what
to answer him. She could not confront him so she had to bite her tongue and force a smile upon
her face. A few minutes ago she ensured herself she could smile happily without much effort yet
she was wrong. She could not force a bright smile upon her face and talk happily to her husband.
She just couldn't do it. She had to hold back from raising her hand and slap him. She could tell
he was getting impatient with her so she had to answer quickly. Gulping she licked her lips and
looked over her husband's shoulder to meet Cecilio's eyes.

"I stayed up all night to finish my series, I have finished the seven books though" she said softly
because honestly she couldn't speak any louder right now, "father scolded me because I
neglected my health" she added and finally looked back at her husband, "how have you been?"

Stepping towards her Michaelangelo cupped her face in his hands and observed her, "is that why
your eyes are so red?" he asked her softly yet his words reached her firmly he was questioning
her demanding her to speak the truth to him yet she couldn't.

Raising her hand she gripped the sleeve of his shirt in her hand and looked him firmly in the
eyes, "yes, I told you I stayed up all night. I know you are very tired right now Mike, I'm actually
quite tired myself...let's just go home."
Still holding onto her Michaelangelo ignored the calls of his brother he could tell by looking in
her eyes that the woman was not speaking the truth to him. Yet he didn't want to force her, just
not right now not in front of everyone. He would speak to her again, when they were alone.
Releasing her he turned and looked at Rodolfo who had been calling for him all this time.


"Dad said he would explain everything once we get home" he said and smirked seeing his
brother look around for their father, "he just left together with Gabriel, you were staring at your
wife like you would devour her so you didn't hear me talking to you did you? You pervert" he
muttered and chuckled when he saw the look in his brother's eyes.

"It's not that" Michaelangelo spoke before he grabbed Gabriella's hand and dragged her along
with him, "let's just go home."

"You really can't wait to get home do you?" Rodolfo asked making his brother growl in anger, "I
am just kidding!"

Looking at the back of her husband Gabriella could tell he was pissed right now, not only
because of the deadly grip he had on her his posture was tense everything about him yelled at her
to run away but she didn't. She should have protested about how he treated her but she didn't, she
just let him drag her away like a rag doll, maybe deep inside she was done fighting. What would
she be fighting for anyways, she had no one to fight for. Her father was dead because of her
mom who isn't really her mother and died as well. Cecilio was right, they were all she had now.

"You're hurting the poor child son" Cecilio commented as he watched his son drag Gabriella
with him, "she is not a toy you can play with, release her" he said gently as he gave a small smile
to Gabriella making the woman even more uncomfortable.

She doubted he believed in his own words, they all thought she was a possession they owned so
she did not believe that he was thinking of her well being. Slightly wincing at the growing pain
on her wrist she looked down at the hand that held her tightly.


Hearing her soft tone the tall man turned to look at the woman who was grimacing. Maybe he
did hurt her after all. Slowly releasing her from his hold he muttered an apology before he got in
the car followed after the blonde woman as well.

"Rodolfo and Gabriel will take a car of their own" Cecilio informed as he closed the door to the
car and looked over his shoulder at the couple in the backseat, "did you find anything interesting
in Italy, Mike?"

"We'll discuss it at home" Michaelangelo said casually as he eyed the driver next to his father,
"you have a lot of explaining to do as well" he added making his father smirk."People always ask
me why I chose you instead of Rodolfo" Cecilio commented making Gabriella look up at the
man in the passenger seat, "you can make decisions that Rodolfo can't."

He used a few words but Gabriella knew exactly what he meant. Rodolfo had a heart he couldn't
make the hard decisions that Cecilio made in life. Mike could. In other words did she marry a
man who was incapable of loving? He told her he loved her, but right now she was doubting he
knew what loving a person meant. He was after all the son Cecilio adores, something had to be
wrong with him.

"Like father like son right?" Gabriella said making both men look at her but she didn't falter, "I
mean you could murder the woman you loved dearly I am not hesitating one second that
Michaelangelo can do the same" she said making the man in the passenger seat give her a
warning glare, "does that mean we have the same faith as you?" she asked as she smirked while
not looking away once from the pissed off man in the passenger seat.

Looking from his father to his wife Michaelangelo knew then a lot more has happened while he
was away, maybe this being one of the reasons Gabriella didn't answer his phone calls.

"What did you do, dad?" Michaelangelo asked firmly interrupted the staring contest his father
and his wife had, "what is she talking about?"

"She doesn't know what she is talking about" Cecilio started as he looked back at his son, " you
are still upset about the loss of your mother, right Gabriella?" he asked in a tone that told
Gabriella to stop right now or she would regret it.

Slightly nodding her head she looked out the window, not replying to his question. She meant
everything she said so she better not speak at all than to lie. She wouldn't lie and even if she
wanted to lie her mind wasn't letting her, it kept screaming to her to confront them, to finally
speak her mind. Keeping quiet was the best solution right now.

"Something happened to Francesca?"

Your father happened was what Gabriella wanted to scream at him but she kept herself quiet, her
nails almost digging into her skin as she clenched her fist tightly to make herself stop from
speaking her mind.

"She passed away a few weeks ago, Mike. Gabriella has been struggling ever since. The poor
child" he said making Gabriella close her eyes tightly trying to block everything out.

Letting his eyes fall upon his wife Michaelangelo noticed how uncomfortable she was looking,
her shoulders were tense. He could tell she did not want to be here. By the way how tightly her
eyes were closed he knew she wasn't alright like his father told him.

"Like I said we'll talk at home" Michaelangelo spoke as he leaned back against his seat, "did
Gabriella made up her mind about the contract?"
"She has already signed everything off weeks ago, I just didn't want to bother you with it."

Opening her eyes Gabriella stopped herself from crying but she couldn't stop that tear to roll
down her cheek, that stubborn little tear that forced it's way out. Quickly raising her hand she
wiped it away with the palm of her hand and let her hand rest in her lap again. She could see the
mansion getting closer and closer she was actually glad they were almost home. She couldn't stay
in the car any longer, she needed to be away from them. She needed to be alone to get her head
straight again

Stopping in his tracks Gabriel looked at the closed door of the bedroom where Michaelangelo
and Gabriella stayed. The noises he heard was not normal it felt like someone was tossing stuff
around, he knew his cousins and uncle requested of him to go to the office as quick as possible
but he couldn't help but to walk to the bedroom and open the door to find out what was going on
with the only woman in the world he ever felt connected with. He just wanted to make sure she
was alright, and from what he saw a few hours ago she wasn't alright at all.

She had been crying and when she waved him off he saw the glimpse of redness in her palm, like
a cat had scratched her or something. Closing the door behind him quickly he watched the
woman stalk around the room grabbing stuff from drawers and the closet and tossing them in the
duffel bag that laid open on the bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked not believing his own eyes as he stepped towards the
woman who was zipping up the bag, "are you going somewhere?"

"They have a lot of things to discuss right now, they won't notice if I leave right now" she said as
she grabbed the bag off the bed and looked at Gabriel who seemed to fail into forming any
words, "I refuse to end up like my mother, now that I have signed everything to Michaelangelo
they won't even care what happens to me anyway. I can't stay here anymore, Gabriel."

"I cannot let you leave" he started as he gripped her arms and shook her a little as if she would
start thinking straight again, "don't you understand what will happen if you leave?" he asked and
shook his head a little, "you know what happened to Grachelle, the same will happen to you!"

"I don't give a damn about pride!" Gabriella screeched as she pushed Gabriel off her, "I just can't
do this anymore. I refuse to follow after a man without having a brain of my own! If you care
about me just a little you will step aside."

Closing his eyes for a second Gabriel tried to clear up his mind. He knew very well what she was
scared of. The last few weeks he had witnessed Cecilio tormenting this woman, he knew she was
having a hard time, but he also knew that they wouldn't let her go. Not until it's Michaelangelo
who asks of her to leave. He rather force her to stay than to be the one dragging her back.

It was harder to drag a person back who had freedom than to force someone to stay who never
knew what freedom was like.
"I can't Gabriella" he whispered as he cupped her face gently being afraid if he touched her a bit
harder she would break, "it's for your own good alright" he said softly while looking her straight
in the eyes, "I have to do this" he said pulling away from her and walking to the door opening it
he froze when he felt two arms wrapped around him.

"I have no one left" she whispered he could hear her voice was strained, no doubt she had been
crying the whole time again, "don't walk away from me as well."

His grip becoming deadly on the doorknob he took a deep breath as he tried to clear his mind. He
didn't know what she was asking of him maybe he did but he couldn't react on his own feelings.
Her arms around her made him feel like he was choking right now. He should have walked away
but something made him turn around and look her straight in the eyes.

Looking into her teary eyes he felt that feeling again what he has been feeling for the past weeks.
He made himself believe that it was nothing but now hearing these words from her made it really
hard on him to pretend he didn't feel anything towards this woman.

Cupping her face in his palms again he slowly leaned in and watched her eyes that desperately
asked of him to continue. Pressing his lips against hers he heard her sigh in relief, encouraging
him even more. Pressing more firmly against her he closed his eyes when he felt her arms
wrapping around his neck pulling him towards her with all her force. He could feel the need she
had to feel passion and love again. He could feel her desperately seeking for someone to hold
herHe knew it was wrong of him to be that person that held her but he didn't care right now.
Stepping forward he opened his eyes and looked down at the woman who he still had in lip lock.
He stepped further inside the room along with her and slammed the door shut, taking a deep
breath he gripped the end of her hair and tiled her head to kiss her more deeply.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter Thirty - Just A Kiss

Pacing around the library Gabriella wasn't particularly searching for a book, she just couldn't sit
down anymore she needed to get her mind of things. Hearing Rodolfo sigh she stopped in her
tracks and turned to look at said man who was sitting on the one-seat by the window. He had a
book in his hand while swirling his reading glasses around in his other hand, watching the blonde
girl walk around like a nervous wreck. He knew something was on her mind yet she didn't talk to
him, he didn't mind if she didn't talk to him because that way he could finish his book but her
pacing around was what got him annoyed as well.

"Are you going to tell me what's on your mind, Gabriella?" he asked impatiently and placed his
glasses down on the coffee table right beside him, "I know you want to talk to me because your
eyes are telling me the truth right now" he said narrowing his blue orbs on her getting her even
more nervous making the girl bite on her lower lip and turn around.
"What did you discuss yesterday?" she asked casually as if she was talking about the weather but
he knew she was rather curious about what happened in the meeting room yesterday, "Mike
didn't show anything I mean usually I can see a thing or two in his eyes but this time...nothing."

"He scolded father" Rodolfo started while closing his book seeing that he wouldn't have time to
finish it anyways, "I was glad I didn't have to do it. Cecilio listens only to Mike anyway so I was
glad I didn't have to do it" he admitted to the blonde girl, "we talked about Raphael, his threats
has suddenly stopped, we figured it was because he knows that you no longer posses everything,
but that's not really the real reason right?" he asked Gabriella making the girl raise an eyebrow.

She didn't know why but somehow it felt like he was accusing her of something she did not do.
She didn't know why Raphael suddenly kept quiet. She had nothing to do with it, she had her
mind on other things right now. She hasn't spoken to her husband or Gabriel and right now she
felt like something big was going to happen. She wanted to know how much Michaelangelo and
Rodolfo already knew, the older brother always spoke his mind because he doesn't particularly
care about what happens to their business so she tried to make him talk. He seemed to know
what she was doing but he didn't walk away either. So it was alright, she guessed.

"I have nothing to do with what Raphael does, you can check my phone records. I have spoken
to him once and after that he didn't bother me anymore."

"I know about your phone call" Rodolfo informed her calmly, "it was a ten minutes call, nothing
that will worry us. But somehow to me it feels like there is something more going on that we
don't know about Gabriella."

"Whatever is going on with Raphael, I swear I have nothing to do with it."

"I heard Francesca was found dead."

Gabriella stopped with organizing the books she and Rodolfo had taken out of the bookcase, she
looked at the book in her hands that almost slipped away. She didn't think he would tell her so
directly. Another pang to her heart that made her breathing stop. She gulped away the lump that
had formed in her throat and closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down. She thought she
had been over Francesca's dead. It was what the woman had brought upon herself, but still it was
only that woman she could think of. It didn't matter to her that Francesca was not her real mother
she still felt like she missed a very important person in her life. Francesca was the woman she
knew as her mother, so it still hurts knowing she was killed by her own lover.

"I heard she was killed by your father" Gabriella spat back making Rodolfo narrowing his eyes
dangerously on the cheeky girl, "it's cruel isn't it. The man you trust with your life pulling the
trigger. I bet she never saw that one coming."

"If she didn't saw that coming she wouldn't have sought protection."

"From Raphael? "

Smirking Rodolfo sat straighter in his chair as he leaned back against it and placed the book
firmly on the table right next to his glasses. Suddenly their conversation got a lot more
interesting. It seemed like the little girl knew more about everything than she led on. It was not
that he would run and tell everything to his brother, he was not like that. But he was kind of
curious of what the little girl was capable of. She had once spoken to his human side after all, she
made him feel guilt again he had to admit she was what interested him. Not in a way that he
would feel the same way about her as his brother but different. She was important to him that
was all he knew. He did not love her in a way that would be inappropriate but maybe just like an
older brother would.

"Maybe that call was more important than you led on Gabriella?"

Shaking her head she turned around to finally face the dark haired man, "it wasn't. Just from the
words he used I could make up he knew about my mother's situation. That's all."


"You don't believe me?" Gabriella asked before she stepped forward and looked down at the
smirking man, "why don't you just check up on me then .I am sure you have the power to find
out what that phone call was about."

"I don't have to check up on you" Rodolfo said while looking her straight in the eyes, "you know
you cannot hide things from us. If it was an important call I can ensure you Cecilio would be the
first to know of it."

"Yes that man knows everything about everyone" she sighed as she sat down on the couch right
across Rodolfo and looked down at her fingers which she fiddled with, "was that all you talked
about" she asked trying to sound indifferent.

She didn't want him to know how curious she was about knowing what they talked about. If she
sounded too curious he would know and try to find out why. She didn't want him to know about
her kiss with Gabriel, it would not only be bad for her but for Gabriel as well. He betrayed one of
his own, that was something that never could happen. Breaking the trust they worked hard for, is
earning yourself the greatest punishment there is. It was partly her fault so she rather not have
Gabriel to be banned because of her. Looking up to face Rodolfo she saw that questioning look
in his eyes but he didn't see much in hers so he didn't question her out loud. She was grateful for

"Nothing important after that" he ensured her yet she could still see the quizzically look in his
eyes, "are you disappointed?" he asked making her roll her eyes, "it seemed that way" he said
before reaching for his telephone, "I have somewhere to go" Rodolfo said as he started typing on
his phone with the speed of light, "we should do this more often" he said making Gabriella flash
a small smile to him.

She rather not.

It felt like he was looking right into her soul. Somehow it felt like he knew more, but he kept it to
himself. She didn't know for what purpose but she didn't ask him either. It was more like a
waiting g game, she could play along with it. If they knew about what happened things wouldn't
have been so quiet, so she was sure they still haven't found out what happened yesterday.

She figured Gabriel kept his distance to make sure they would never get caught either.

"Do what more often? Question each other?" she asked as she let him help her up, "I rather not.
It feels like you are trying to search for something that is not there."

"Are you trying to say that I am wrong about my assumptions Gabriella?"

Blinking she didn't know what he was talking about right now. If he was assuming thing should
she be worried? Maybe he did know that something happened yesterday but he did not speak his
mind? Quickly looking up to meet his eyes she stepped back when she saw him smirking. That
was not a good sign.

"Assumptions are almost never right. You know that right?"

"What if this time I am a full hundred percent right?"

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" she asked as she brushed him off quickly and pushed him in
the direction of the door, "I am telling you that you have nothing to worry about. I have nothing
to do with Raphael and anything else that you are assuming" she said trying to quickly change
the subject.

She was sure he didn't know enough to accuse her, but he knew a bit to start checking up on her.
She rather not have him tailing her the whole time so reassuring him was the best thing she could
do right now.

"I'll keep Mike company for the time you are away."

"I thought the two of you weren't speaking to each other?" Rodolfo asked as he looked over his
shoulder, "well can't keep my date waiting for me" he said waving her off before he left the

Sighing Gabriella closed the heavy door behind her and leaned against it. She watched Rodolfo
walk away from her, with every step he took she could feel her heart beating faster. She felt like
he knew something but she couldn't get it out of him. Michaelangelo didn't show anything and
confronting him was not the best of ideas. He would figure her out in a second and spilling the
beans to him was not an option. He wouldn't think of it as a mere mistake, because neither one of
them was drunk. They both knew exactly what they were doing and didn't think of it being
wrong. He would punish them both severely.

Rolling on her stomach on the broad bed she opened her eyes again and looked at the window
that lets the bright sunbeams in. Blinking a couple of time she lets her eyes get used to the bright
light and turned to her back stretching a little before she opened her eyes again and let out a
relieved sigh. She was just going to finish the magazine Adelina advised her to read a few days
ago she had no idea how tired her body really has been. Sitting up right she was startled by the
loud knock on the door. It couldn't be Michaelangelo because he never knocked, it was his
bedroom after all. It was either Gabriel or Cecilio. She rather not sound to exciting because if it
was Cecilio he would definitely start assuming things. He was already so doubtful at the airport,
she almost responded to him unconsciously too. That man's eyes just did something to her,
wanting to make her speak the truth to him. She rather avoids eye contact with him, because the
intimidating man always knew exactly what people were thinking.

"Come in."

Looking at the door that opened she smiled a little as Gabriel stepped inside closing the door
behind him quietly. Gesturing for her to be quiet he leaned against the door, it felt like he wanted
to distance himself from her but she also couldn't help but to think that he didn't want
Michaelangelo suddenly to barge in.

"Why are you so far away from me?" she whispered as she stood up from the bed and slowly
made her way to him, "I thought you said you wouldn't regret anything."

Nodding his head to her question he looked the other way, "I am not regretting it. It felt like the
only way to comfort you and to relief my own need" he said before looking back at her with a
smirk, "you quite enjoyed it yesterday. It makes me wonder what would have happened if I
would have gone all the way" he said casually making the girl blush a dark red.

"That would have never happened!" she said a bit too loud startling them both, "we don't regret it
but we both agreed it would never happen again" she said more quietly and stood still in front of
him, "we were lucky that we weren't caught" she whispered as she bit her lower lip, "though it
felt like Cecilio was onto us before it happened."

"You mean about what happened at the airport?" he asked quietly as he watched the nervous
looking girl, "it did feel like that. He made me get him a coffee like an errand boy. It felt like he
didn't want us to be together" he nodded, "maybe he felt like there was more between us" he said
before he gulped and shook his head.

There wasn't suppose to be more between them! She was his cousin's wife. He made a bad
mistake and here they were talking about it so calmly, like it was normal. They were surely
going to repent for there sins.

"We shouldn't be meeting each other like this anymore" he said trying to keep rational, "it's
"I didn't ask you to come here" Gabriella smirked as she leans the palm of her hand against the
wall right beside his arm, "you came here on your own accord, couldn't stay away from me?" she
asked with a cocky attitude making the man snort.

"Who are you pretending to be?" he asked knowing full well she was acting like him, "I say it
more smoothly than that" he muttered making her chuckle.

"Couldn't stay away from me...babe" she said before bursting out in laughter herself, "it really
sounds so cheesy" she muttered shaking her head of disapproval, "don't ever talk to anyone like
that's just too cheesy."

"Do you say that because you try to help me?" he asked before he gripped her forearms and spun
them around now it being her who was pressed against the door, "or is it because you don't want
me to say it to other women?" he asked her making her look away.

"Can't it be both?" she asked softly before she looked at him again, "can't it be both Gabriel?"

Brushing his fingers over her pink lips he knew what he was supposed to say. Yet he had a hard
time letting it out of his mouth, he couldn't speak those simple words. He knew something must
be wrong with him right now.

Taking a deep breath he looked away from her gripping her arms even tighter in his hands, "it
can't" he breathed as he looked back into those innocent honey orbs, "it suppose to be like this"
he muttered grabbing a hold of her hand while showing her the white golden band.

Lacing her fingers with him she smirked when she saw the startled look in his eyes. He didn't
think she would do something like that, for once she caught him off guard. The player who
always thought he knew every move was surprised by a girl like her. Pulling him forward by his
hand she pressed her head against his chest while she held him tightly.

"Then just hold me one last time" she whispered.

She knew it was a selfish request but she just couldn't help herself. She knew what he was telling
her, he wouldn't be around that much anymore. She wanted to know what it felt like for once last
time to be hold passionately, no empty gestures or words.

Looking down at the girl who had her head buried in his chest he groaned painfully as he did
something he hated himself for. Grabbing her by the back of her head he made her look at him
again, in that split second he could see how shocked she was before he muffled her protests with
his own mouth. Gripping the front of his shirt for support she just stared at his calm face. He
looked right into her eyes through his eyelashes before he closed his eyes and pressed her harder
against the door. He heart kept beating harder and harder because she was afraid that Cecilio or
Michaelangelo might burst in any minute. Trying to break away she didn't find the power to do

Dropping down on the couch Michaelangelo took a hold of his dark tie slightly loosening it.
Looking up when he heard a door slam rather loudly he narrowing his eyes on the man who
quickly stalked away from his bedroom, from where he was sitting it seemed like the man had a
fight with his wife. It seemed that way, Gabriel was quickly walking away as if he didn't want to
be around her for any second longer. Leaning back against the couch he sighed tiredly. It had
been like that yesterday as well. His father seemed suspicious of Gabriel's excuse yesterday but
he didn't seem to find it weird.

"Go to sleep, you have been buried in the papers for hours now."

Looking at his older brother who stalked into the room like a ghost Michaelangelo tried to glare
at the man but it seemed like he was even too tired to do that.

"We've been away for weeks, I have to keep up with everything. Those hotels don't run itself by
its own. Gabriel has been a great help but I rather do it myself."

"He has been so helpful lately" Rodolfo commenting and shrugged his shoulders when his
brother looked at him quizzically, "I am just tired don't mind me" he muttered and dropped down
on the couch right next to his brother, "I don't want to talk about it either" he said feeling like his
brother would ask him that question.

"I wasn't even going to ask" Michaelangelo smirked making his brother glare at him, "what you
do with your date is none of my business. I rather not know about it, I don't want to have a
sleepless night. "

"Shut up" Rodolfo groaned annoyingly and looked at the television that was still turned off, "did
you talk to Gabriella?"

"I didn't have the time, I will talk to her tonight" Michaelangelo shrugged before getting up,
"what is it to you though?"

"It feels like there is something going on. I just can't place it yet" he said before getting up as
well, "well I might be wrong don't worry about it" he said before walking past his brother, "go to
bed, we'll talk in the morning."

Feeling like a child that has been sent to bed Michaelangelo huffed as he stomped towards his
room. He was too tired to think about what Rodolfo had said. Stepping inside his room he met
eyes of the woman who just walked out of the bathroom, a towel still draped over her shoulders
as she dried her hair.

"Oh you're finished with work?" Gabriella asked before she smiled at him, "you should take a
shower and head to bed" she said before sitting down at the foot of their bed while drying her
hair calmly.
Closing the door behind him Michaelangelo looked around the room. He didn't forget about
Gabriel leaving his room earlier. It seemed like the two of them had a fight but looking at
Gabriella he couldn't make out if it really was a fight or not. It seemed like she wasn't bothered
by it at all.

"Did you fight with Gabriel?"

Stopping in her movements she looked at her husband and shook her head lightly, "n-no of
course not. You know the usual."

She had stuttered. It was just for a split second but he could tell she lied to him. She had to
recompose herself and in that time she looked away from him. It was just a mere second but he
had seen it.

Nodding his head he started to undress himself before walking to the bathroom, "I am glad you
two didn't argue" he said before looking over his shoulders, "I am rather tired, let's talk about it
tomorrow" he said before locking himself up in the bathroom.

Lookingat the closed door Gabriella gulped. The look in his intimidating blue eyes told her she
had made a mistake. Grabbing her telephone she knew she had to tell Gabriel they should stay
away from each other. Even though she did not sleep with him it did not mean she didn't betray
her husband. She didn't want to end up hurt, so she had to stop it before it was too late.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 31 - A Guy's Fantasy (p.1 of 17)

Help I'm married to mafia boss!

Chapter thirty-one - A Guy's Fantasy

I want to thank you all for your votes, it means a lot to me. I hope you will keep supporting me in
the future. Thanks again! Remember feedback is always welcome.

Placing the card back on the table Gabriella pouted her lips as she swatted Gabriel's hand away.
Solitaire was originally an one player game so him interfering with her game was making her
upset. Looking up with a frown she gave the guy a serious warning glance making him chuckle
and lean back against his chair. It was fun to see Gabriella so serious from time to time, the
expression she has on her face he only saw once or twice .She usually looks like that when she
reads her books, or when she is talking to Michaelangelo. He never really took the time to see
her different sides. Looking back at the card game she was playing he wanted to interfere again,
but again got slapped by the blonde girl across him.

"But it annoys me that you haven't moved this card!" he whined making her only glare at him
more, "seriously you are only making this harder for yourself, just let me place this card here-"

"I am playing this game stop interfering!" she muttered and huffed when Gabriel stubbornly
moved the card anyways, "you are really stubborn you know that?" she sighed.
He knew very well how stubborn he was. If he wasn't like he was now, he would have never
played with his own life. Kissing the wife of his cousin was exactly what stubborn people like
him do. Looking up when the tip of her fingers touched his he cleared his throat and looked the
other way. He rather not have anyone to see how she blushed when that happened. Pulling his
hand back quickly he noticed how she straightened herself up as well.

"I know I have been told quite often" he replied softly before he looked back at the cards that laid
upon the table, "you see if you now move this card have won this round" he said
making her look at the table again as well.

"Yes I know I would have won if I moved that card but I didn't want to move it because you told
me about it" she said stubbornly as she pouted her lips again, "I wanted to win on my own
strength, after all."

Chuckling he nodded his head and leaned back against his chair again, "alright then I won't
interfere this time I promise" he said meeting her eyes letting her know he really would keep his
promise to her.

Smiling softly she started to shuffle the cards again, "alright then, I'll win on my own strength
just wait and see" she said quietly making Gabriel smile.

"What a nice feeling you two give off" they both heard a powerful voice say, "I thought
Michaelangelo took a few days off" Cecilio commented making Gabriella look at him and smile

"Yes but he wants to rest" she answered firmly, "you know how noisy I can be, I rather be here
than to get scolded by him the whole time for being loud and annoying" she said shrugging her
shoulders, "is there something wrong with that?" she asked narrowing her honey brown orbs on

Shoving his hands in his pockets Cecilio didn't look away from her once. To him it felt like the
woman was challenging him. He didn't know when she started to become so confident. She
actually dared to challenge him, without blinking once as well too. He had to admit this woman
was interesting, just like Francesca once was. Stepping forward he looked at the cards that
Gabriella started to organize calmly, not being bothered by his presence at all. When did she start
feeling comfortable around him? Just yesterday he could feel how she hated his guts. He
wondered what happened to her.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with that, Gabriella" he replied calmly as he took the seat right
next to her, "I was just asking no need to get so protective all of the sudden" he said making her
clench her fist a little.

Why did it feel like he knew more than he led on?

"Was there something you need of me, father?" she said forcing the last word out, "it feels like
you have something that you want to say to me" she continued making Cecilio shake his head.

"No it's just a quiet day I thought I would spend it with my beautiful daughter-in-law, or did you
have plans already?" he asked as he looked at Gabriel who was sitting right across him, "you two
did seem to have a lot of fun together."

Gulping she forced herself to smile, "I didn't have any plans. I just tried to entertain myself by
playing solitaire. Gabriel thought he would help me since I am hopeless with this simple game."

Chuckling Gabriel shook his head a little, "you really are hopeless at this game you know" he
remarked making the woman glare at him, "I am just stating the truth, Gaby."

Narrowing his eyes on the two who suddenly seemed to forget he was even there, Cecilio leaned
his elbow upon the table while supporting his chin on the palm of his hand, "you two seem to get
along really well" he said suddenly causing the both of them to look at him, "yes such a nice
mood there is between you two" he continued making them both look back at the card game
while trying to act serious again, "oh right there was something I came here for" he said casually
as he looked at Gabriella who forced herself to focus only on the cards in front of her, "you
should come with me for a bit alright, Gaby" he said emphasizing her nick name that Gabriel
used so casually just a minute ago.

Standing up she threw a glance at Gabriel before she followed after her father-in-law. He didn't
use a serious tone to his words but then again Cecilio Gavino was a man you could never figure
out. So she did not know what to expect of this. He could either be on to her or he could just
want to have a talk with her, either way it felt like she should be turning around and run for her
life, but she didn't of course. She knew that day when Gabriel talked her out of it, she had no way
of running away now. She didn't have the courage to do it anymore.

Hearing the heavy click of the door she looked around the office where she didn't spend much
time in. The last time she was here she yelled at Eugino for being inconsiderate. She remembered
that day well. This wasn't a place where she wanted to be often, it just didn't felt right in here. It
felt cold and somewhat it felt like she was being watched though it was not like that, it just felt
that way. She could feel the cold shivers running down her spine. She wanted to be out of this
place as soon as possible.

"Take a seat Gabriella" Cecilio offered as he grabbed a cigarette out of the crumbled pack and
threw the empty package in the waste bin, "what's the matter?" he asked as he noticed how quiet
she had become, "does this bring back memories?" he asked and chuckled softly when he saw
her surprised look, "I heard how you got angry at Eugino here, it still amuses me."

"I am glad I could amuse you" she muttered before she took a seat at the chair he suggested to
her, "is there a reason why you brought me here?" she asked quietly yet being sure she didn't use
a too hostile tone, she didn't want to upset anyone.
"There is a reason Gabriella" Cecilio admitted, "you always are so hasty Gabriella" he sighed as
he ran his fingers through his dark locks and quietly sat down across her, "sometimes it's good to
be patient my dear" he reminded her making her shift a little in her chair, noticing how
uncomfortable she looked a small smirk appeared upon his impassive face, "somehow you seem
so restless lately...Francesca's death has really put you off?" he asked before he narrowed his
eyes on her, "I wonder" he muttered.

"Of course I am restless" she whispered as she looked down at her lap, "I am sitting alone in a
room with the man who murdered my mother, it's only natural right?"

"No it's not that, you always have been a tough one Gabriella" he remarked before he leaned
forward making the girl look at him, "you aren't restless because of what happened to Francesca,
if anything you are now a bit curious about the situation right?"

Raising an eyebrow she leaned back against her chair as if to create more distance between her
and Cecilio. Being close to him made her heart only beat faster, it was like he could smell that
there was something wrong with her so she rather have a bit of distance between them. Not to
mention no one could read this man, one minute he was all kind and gentle with you the next he
could end your life...just like he had done with Francesca.

She rather be very careful with this man, he was the one who held her faith in the palm of his
hand after all.

"Curious?" she questioned shaking her head a little, "why would I be curious about anything?"
she asked confused, "you have killed my mother, I have no need to know how you did it" she
muttered making Cecilio smirk only wider.

"I am not talking about that matter Gabriella" he corrected her, "I am talking about the question
of who your real mother is" he said making Gabriella's eyes widen just for a split second but he
noticed it, "ah you see you are curious about that" he continued making her feel only more upset
with herself, "I would have told you about her if you would have kept your word to me, but you
didn't Gabriella" he said making her look up with a surprised look in her eyes, "that's right you
remember our deal right, Gabriella?"

"Of course I remember that!" she quickly responded ignoring the yelling voice in her mind that
told her to shut up and sit quietly, "but you can't blame me for speaking my mind, I couldn't keep
it to myself anymore, my mother has passed away!"

"There is no need for excuses" he said calmly as he rose from his chair and looked down at the
little nervous girl, "you know very well I don't tolerate any excuses, people who break their
words have to pay...that's what I stand for."

Gulping she slowly raised her head to meet the dangerous eyes that belonged to her father-in-
law, "you...want me to pay?" she asked quietly not believing the words she just spoke she never
would have thought he would actually make his threats true.
Slowly stepping towards her he gripped the arm rest right beside her and smirked as he looked
down at her, "of course, there are no exceptions...even the ones I love have to pay when they
break their promises."

"Did Francesca...break her promise?"

"She did."

Letting out a soft shaky breath Gabriella nodded her head, she wasn't scared she if he wanted to
end her life he would have done it by now. That was not what he was thinking.

"What do you want then?" she asked as she felt more confident now knowing that her life
wouldn't end today, "if I'm not ending up like her, what is it that you want from me?"

Leaning forward Gabriella gulped as she looked straight into the eyes of the legendary Cecilio
Gavino. She was captured between him and her chair, she wanted to disappear in that
comfortable chair but of course that wouldn't happen. She hoped he didn't hear her beating hard,
it was beating loudly and so fast just because of this man. He made her fear life and she figured
he did that with a lot of people.

"You know what I would like to see most?" he asked her and smirked when he saw the confusion
in her eyes, "my son having a real family, you know the husband who works the wife who takes
care of the household and of course their children..."

Frowning she leaned forward making the man lean backwards in the process, "we don't have any
kids and I really am not ready for that yet" she said standing her ground firmly making the man
laugh as he shook his head.

"I am not asking for grandchildren, please everyone knows you are not ready for that. You are a
child yourself Gabriella. You still need a lot of time till you will bloom. I am saying how about
you take care of the household for a week, just to entertain me" he said making the girl blink a
few times before she finally realized what he was saying.

"I don't even know how to cook properly!" she quickly replied, "last time I let Michaelangelo
cook for me I only ate overcooked, limp vegetables and overly fried meat."

"Then you should learn right?" he asked before he leaned back against his desk and folded his
arms firmly across his broad chest, "it's just for a week, since we're all at home it would be very
entertaining to see know you cannot reject me. After all it's you who made a deal with
me Gabriella."

"I know I did something so stupid" she sighed, "next time I'll make sure to hit myself on the head
before I shake hands with the devil" she said tiredly before she stood up, "fine from tomorrow on
I'll be your personal maid" she said jokingly making the man smirk.
"My personal maid?" he asked and winked at her, "I pass on that you want to poison me with
your cooking right" he said jokingly yet his eyes were more serious than his words, "how about
you'll be your husband's personal maid, I am pretty sure it will fulfill his fantasy."

"What fantasy" she said quickly feeling embarrassed her father-in-law actually dared to talk
about their personal life, "I'm leaving if you don't need me for anything else" she said quietly
wishing she could just run out of the office already.

"I'm looking forward to it Gabriella" he coed making the girl groan in annoyance as she slammed
the door firmly shut behind her.

Leaning against the wooden door Gabriella took the time to recompose herself. She figured he
would have discovered what happened between her and Gabriel but that was not the case. It felt
like she could finally breath again now she left the office. Taking a deep breath she leaned more
against the door when she heard someone clear their throat. Opening her eyes she nervously
smiled as she looked at the man she really didn't want to see right now.

"What happened?" Michaelangelo asked as he looked at his wife who seemed even more nervous
now she had seen him, "what did he want from you?" he asked as he nodded to the door
gesturing to his father.

"I-I made a deal with him a few weeks ago, just keeping my word" she shrugged, "did you sleep
well?" she asked quietly as she looked in his tired blue orbs, "you should have stayed in bed, you
don't look fine to me Mike" she said as she stepped forward but stepped when she saw him
stepping back.That hurt.

Did he find out what she had done?

"You made a deal with him?" he asked shaking his head a little, "you of all people should know
what happens if you don't keep your word" he said calmly making Gabriella nervously nod,
"what did he make you do?" he asked though it sounded more like he demanded of her to tell
him about it.

"I rather not talk about it" she muttered feeling embarrassed again, " embarrassing" she
muttered making her husband raise an eyebrow.

"What's the deal?" he asked again making her gulp as she felt how serious he was, "Gabriella?"

"I need to play maid for a week" she huffed, "I'm guessing the staff needs a holiday once in a
while too right?"

Pressing his lips together Gabriella's eyes widened as he saw an expression she hasn't seen on her
husband's face in a while. He couldn't repress himself more and burst out in laughter. Such
innocence she hadn't seen in him for a while now. Feeling her heart swell she gently smiled
while folding her arms firmly across her chest while trying to keep a serious look though she
failed miserably of course.
"You're going to take care of us?" Michaelangelo questioned, "I'll be sure to eat out before I
come home" he said jokingly causing his wife to glare at him playfully, "make sure you leave my
shirts alone, I don't want to find holes in damn because of your ironing" he continued making her
roll her eyes."I can iron your stupid shirts just fine!" she said trying to defend her pride a little, "I
just never cooked before, so I can't say anything about my food. But cleaning the house is
nothing new to me. I can do it just fine!"

"Oh really?" Michelangelo asked curiously, "are you saying you can do it flawless?" he asked
her making her stand her ground firmly as she nodded her head.

"That's what I am saying."

"Really..." he said and smirked as he stepped forward while looking down at his little confident
wife, "so what will I get when I find a flaw in your"

"There won't be a flaw!"

"We'll see...don't forget about this little bet we made alright Gabriella" Michaelangelo said
amusingly before he walked past her and reached for the doorknob, "I'm glad we can finally talk
to each other normally again" he said before entering his father's office closing the door firmly
behind him.

Biting her lip nervously she felt guilt like no other press heavily against her heart. It almost made
breathing painfully for her.

She couldn't be distanced from him when he was being like that to her. She didn't want to push
him away when he was wanting to be close to her. She knew what she had promised Cecilio
when she said I do. She would be by Michaelangelo's side for the rest of her life. She couldn't
fall in love with another person.

She had to stop herself before it becomes more serious between her and her husband's cousin.

It wasn't right to begin with.

"Stop smiling like that" Gabriella said smiling a little herself, "you look like a fool if you ask
me" she said firmly as she looked the other way, "you are sometimes so childish Mike."

"I never said I wasn't" he reminded her, "I just have a lot of things on my mind usually, so there
is no time for me to play around like Gabriel and Rodolfo" he said and took a seat right next to
her on the bed, "I admit to you, that I am really childish at times, and love to make fun of you."

"Why?" she pouted before she smiled as she felt his grip on her forearm as he pulled her towards
him, "is it fun to tease your wife?" she asked quietly making the man smirk only wider.
"It is" he admitted to her, "I love to see you pout like this" he said while brushing his fingers over
her lips softly, "it makes you look so adorable" he whispered to her before he leaned in and
captured her lips in a haste kiss before he pulled away again.

Opening her eyes she smiled a little as she brushed her fingers over his deep frown, "if you are
having fun with teasing me then why are you frowning like this?" she questioned him as she
looked him in the eyes again, "it seems to me you are lying to me Michaelangelo Gavino."

"I don't lie Gabriella Gavino" he said making her cheeks light up like a Christmas tree, "I usually
just talk around the subject or ignore the question that I don't like. I don't lie though."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 31 - A Guy's Fantasy (p.14 of 17)

"That's why people think you are annoying" she muttered earning herself a playful pinch to the

"Father told me about your little deal with him" he said softly as he brushed his fingers through
her soft locks, "he also told me that you were highly uncomfortable when he started talking about
kids..." he said noticing how she suddenly seemed nervous again, "you do know that eventually I
would like to have a child of my own, right?" he asked making her close her eyes as she slightly
nodded her head.

"I do know that" she whispered before she looked at him again, "but right now I am not ready."

"I am not saying that I want children now, I am telling you that eventually it will be something
we should seriously talk about" he said quietly to her as he pulled her towards him gently
holding her in his arms, "I don't know what makes you so restless Gabriella, but I am here for
you. You can talk to me."

Closing the door behind him Rodolfo looked up as he saw small flicker of light by the windows.
He figured he would have been alone in the library tonight but there she was again. By the look
on her face he could tell she was troubled with something. Sighing he made his way to the
couches and took a seat upon the comfortable one-seat that somehow was now his own chair
since he always sat there.

"What's on your mind?" he asked casually making Gabriella look at him with furrowed
eyebrows, "come on everyone can tell by the frowning look you have that there is something
wrong. Did you fight with Michaelangelo again?"

Shaking her head she closed her eyes tightly, "we didn't fight at all" she whispered.

"It's the middle of the night and you're here reading a book instead of snuggling together with
Michaelangelo" he muttered feeling highly uncomfortable after he said that.
"We didn't fight at all."

"Then why are you here?" he asked her confused, "if you didn't fight why does it look like you
feel upset and hurt?"

"I am playing maid in a few hours" she said while flipping to the next page of her book, "it's not
that I feel stressed about it, it's just that I can sleep well tonight. Being here always relaxes me."

"I feel the same way" Rodolfo admitted as he leaned back against his chair, "I did hear about that
little deal you had with father. I must say you are an idiot for falling for his little deals like this.
You do know the next time it will be even more embarrassing right?"

"This will never happen again" she assured Rodolfo, "I can ensure you that's not what I feel
uncomfortable with. I don't mind dusting the house or ironing clothes. It's just that I am not
ready...yet" she whispered making Rodolfo raise an eyebrow.

"Not ready for what?" he asked confused.

She didn't seem like she was intending to finish her sentence. After that the room became quiet,
all he could hear was her soft breathing and the flipping of the pages of a book. He didn't
pressure her to speak further though. If she wanted to talk she would, it seemed like she just
needed the silence right now. So he let her be like that.

"Do you sometimes wonder about what you could have done by now if you hadn't been part of
this family?" Gabriella asked as she looked up from her book, "I couldn't go to college because I
had to become Michaelangelo's wife, sometimes I wonder about what my life would have been if
I did go to college and finished school" she said quietly.

Looking at the quiet girl he noticed how her eyes sparkled a little when she talked about college.
He never really thought about what he wanted to do with his life. He never finished college as
well, but he didn't have a reason to. He could enter his father business without any hardships.
This was the life he was used to, sometimes he wished his family would be more open and more
warmly but that wasn't going to happen. They had always been like this, so there was nothing he
could miss because he never had it to begin with.

"For you it's different, you know what a warm family is like. You know what it's like to achieve
something you have worked hard for. We never really had something to work hard for, since we
were little we have known what we'll become one day. So I never question how my life could
have been."

"I wonder about a lot of things" Gabriella admitted.

"You will only get more upset with this. Wondering about things that could have been, you
should just stop Gaby.
She knew he was right but she couldn't help but to wonder about her life. Would she have fallen
in love with Michaelangelo if she hadn't been forced to marry him? Would Francesca still be
alive if they hadn't been close to the Gavino family? She just couldn't help but to wonder about
these things.

"You're right because I am like this I know I am definitely not ready yet. My mind is still not
made up" she said quietly before she got up and walked towards the door, "don't stay out too
late" she said before closing the door behind her leaving the dark haired guy all by himself.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 32 - Before It's Too Late (p.1 of 15)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty-two - Before It's Too Late.

Thank you all for the support. I really appreciate it. Don't forget to feedback on the story it only
helps me to improve this story =D

Pouring the hot water into Rodolfo's cup Gabriella looked at the steam that slowly rose up.
Placing the teabag in the cup she waited till the color was right and threw the used bag into the
waste bin. Being like this was the only way to keep her thoughts off Gabriel, Michaelangelo and
everything else. She didn't want to keep wondering about her marriage. There was nothing she
could wonder about. Michaelangelo was her life now that was all there was to it. She couldn't
waver like this. She couldn't be kissing his cousin in the dark. It wasn't right. If she didn't want to
end up like Francesca she knew she had to stop right now. People were getting suspicious of her.
Her talk with Rodolfo last night made him doubt her. He was keeping a close eye on her, it made
it more difficult for her to talk to Gabriel about her feelings. She was purposely avoiding him
right now. She didn't want Rodolfo to find out, now that he was observing her she had no choice
but to keep more to herself.

Taking a deep breath she managed to calm herself down and took a hold of the cup in front of
her. Walking with the cup in one hand and a plate with freshly baked croissants she made her
way into the dining room. The guys were quietly eating their breakfast, the breakfast she proudly
made. She surprised them all when they entered the dining room earlier. Breakfast she could
make, making dinner was what got her worried. It was not so hard to place bread into the oven or
to cut fruit, cooking vegetables and what else was a different thing. She was sure she wasn't able
to do it without help.

Looking at her husband who was more experienced in cooking than her seeing their deal made
him almost a cooking pro. She was exaggerating a bit but he was just better than her right now,
maybe if she pleaded with him he would help her, with dinner. He had a few days off, after all.
There was no need for him to be behind his laptop frowning all day or being on the phone
ordering people around. She could have him all to herself.

That sounded so selfish.

Shaking the thoughts off she placed the tea in front of Rodolfo making sure to avoid eye contact
with him, and placed the plate with croissants in the middle of the table.

"Is there anything else you would like?" she asked in general seeing she had to take care of the
three guys that liked to order her around now she couldn't refuse them, "please keep in mind that
I'm the one in charge of tonight's dinner, so if you want to see tomorrow choose wisely what you
are going to ask of me" she said politely yet her eyes told them a different story.

Looking back at his newspaper Rodolfo pretended to be far away from there. He knew when
Gabriella was becoming serious, though he often glanced at her just to see how she was doing.
The things she told him yesterday had worried him and he couldn't help but to keep a close eye
to her now.

Sipping from his orange juice Michaelangelo shook his head lightly, "you know I don't know
what father was thinking, this being a guy's fantasy...please it's not even arousing" he muttered
making Gabriella only lighten up more.

Couldn't he wait till they were alone to say those things! Looking away from him she tried to
focus on breakfast instead. Sitting down next to her husband she made sure she focused only on
her breakfast and nothing more. Looking at either one of the guys made her restless. Rodolfo
who kept observing her to find out what was wrong with her. Gabriel who kept glancing at her
hoping she would give him an answer already, and Michaelangelo who kept making fun of her
so innocently. He didn't know what she was hiding from her and with the second passing by she
felt more and more guilty.

If he started to be so nice to her she couldn't continue what she was doing. Why did he suddenly
changed his behavior? First he was ignoring her guts and now he was paying her more attention
than he has ever done. It made her worried.

Eyes widening when she saw movement in the corner of her eyes she froze when she noticed
what Michaelangelo was doing, "you really don't have to, I can do it myself!" she said quickly as
her husband started to pour her some tea and added the amount of sugar she liked.

"I just poured you some tea, don't worry about it" he said calmly not really bothered with how
she was gripping his arm telling him he shouldn't have to take care of her, "you're my wife,
Gabriella. It's the least I can do for the woman that I care about" he said making her blush up so
darkly she could match a tomato right now.

Placing his fork back down Gabriel shifted his chair and get up. This was just too much for him
to see right now. He cared about her as well, hearing his cousin speak those words made him feel
guilty but at the same time upset as well. He didn't care about that woman in weeks and now
when she was drifting away from him he suddenly took a hold on her again.

Life was really unfair.

"Where are you going?" Rodolfo asked as he watched his cousin leave the dining room.

"Out, I am not hungry anymore" he muttered making Gabriella give her husband a slight push.

"It's all your fault" she whispered making her husband raise an eyebrow, "you started to act so
weird at breakfast, he lost his appetite because of you."

"He didn't lose his appetite because of me" Michaelangelo replied firmly as he sat straight again,
"he might have realized he was already full and therefore has no need for something extra

"That didn't make sense."

Placing his newspaper back down on the dining table Rodolfo glanced at his brother and sister-
in-law before he got up himself as well, "there is something I need to do" he said quickly before
leaving the dining room as quickly as he could without seeming like he had figured out
something huge.

Watching his cousin walking to his bedroom, Rodolfo sprinted the last few steps up the stairs
and gripped his cousin's arm the moment he wanted to open the door, "we need to talk Gabriel"
he said clearly making the man smile a little.

"Let's do it inside alright."

Watching Rodolfo close the door quietly behind him Gabriel could tell Rodolfo was here to
scold him. The look in his eyes said that much. He seemed beyond angry yet he was standing
still by the door for almost a whole minute. Gabriel figured the man needed that minute to
recompose himself. Because after exactly sixty seconds he stopped trembling with fear, just a
gentle smile was seen upon his face.

"The comment that Mike made, made he realize something has going on right in front of me. Yet
I was unable to see it."

"Mike has?"

Watching his cousin open the doors to the balcony he followed after him. He didn't refuse the
cigarette Gabriel offered him and inhaled the smoke deeply as well letting the nicotine kick in.
He needed that to ease his nerves.

"I don't think he knows exactly what is going on, I don't even know what's going on right now,
but it definitely has to do about the recent development of your relationship with Gabriella. To
me it sounded more like a threat really, Gabriel. To him you might be getting too close to his
wife."Letting out a snort Gabriel tapped away the ashes and looked at the beautiful view of their
garden. Cecilio really has been taken care of the garden, maybe as a compensation to his first
wife. It was said that Grachelle loved to walk through the gardens for hours. If he hated the
woman so much he would have redecorated everything yet the man did exactly the opposite of
what people thought he would do. He took care of this garden with care, he made sure everything
stayed the same.

They really do resemble each other a lot. Michaelangelo and his father. They both care for a
woman yet don't show it, they let the woman think she means nothing to him, but deep inside he
cares more for her than his own life.

"Why would he be warning me?" Gabriel asked as he tried to cover up the guilt that he was
feeling right now, "we're just friends nothing more. He did leave for a long period of time
Rodolfo. She was lonely and I was here for her, she talked to me about her feelings. She could
lean on my shoulder when Mike wasn't here."

"Careful because it sounds like she is more to you than just a friend, you haven't seen
Michaelangelo get serious just yet."

"Like when he had punched you right in the face because you played around with his wife to
annoy him?" Gabriel asked and smirked, "I know how furious Michaelangelo can get when
someone touches his possessions, but serious Rodolfo...can you call a living girl your
possession?" he asked making the blue eyed man look away, "isn't it selfish?"

"You should stop right now Gabriel. You're getting yourself into something dangerous. Back off
before it's too late, alright."

"Is it fair?" he asked softly making Rodolfo look at his cousin who seemed deep in his own
thoughts right now, "one minute she means nothing to him the next minute she is his life. If
anything it's him playing with her, not me."

Placing his hand on his cousin's shoulders Rodolfo gripped it firmly, "it's not fair but that's the
way it is. We have no right to interfere between them."

Nodding his head Gabriel smiled a little at his cousin trying to reassure him that he was alright,
"I'm fine really I'll meet you in a minute alright, we should hang out like the old times again. To
get my mind straight again" he said making Rodolfo chuckle and nod his head.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the living room."

Watching Rodolfo walk away Gabriel flicked his cigarette over the balcony and gripped the
railing tightly in his hands. He didn't tell Rodolfo the truth, Rodolfo figured he was doubting
where he stood but he already had crossed the line. He already touched the lips that only his
cousin could touch. He already held her in his arms, in a way he shouldn't.

Maybe after tonight he could get his mind straight again, maybe he could finally go to bed
without having to think about Gabriella and if she is alright. She was perfectly fine, being loved
by her husband and him at the same time. She didn't back away once when Michaelangelo was
holding her, it seemed like she hadn't made up her mind, but he couldn't exactly blame her. She
looked for the comfort she didn't get from her husband, he offered her that. Now her husband
was giving her the comfort she needed, he wasn't necessary anymore.

Life was just too unfair.

Cutting the mushrooms she watched the bowl with vegetables she had cut earlier as well. She
couldn't help but to think about what Cecilio had told her before. Her wanting to know more
about her real mother. She sure wanted to know who the woman was but there was nothing left
of her old house, she had called the maid who had been working there faithfully for years. The
house was sold and all their belongings were gone the day Francesca had died. It was like
someone cleaned up their mess. More like Cecilio keep
can never let go of. By now they are probably wasted in some hotel room."

Rolling his eyes Cecilio knew exactly what his younger son was talking about. Too many times
he had to help those to out. They would never learn, they were still little boys inside. Looking at
Michaelangelo who seemed fixed on the screen he smiled a little. He could always count on him,
he would always stay by his side like this. That's why he never worried about his younger son.

Placing his hand firmly on Michaelangelo's shoulder he made his son look at him a bit confused
with his sudden actions.

"Something wrong?" Michaelangelo asked as he looked at the hand that held him before he
looked up to meet his father's eyes, "do you need something?"

Chuckling Cecilio shook his head lightly before he pulled back again, "I'm proud of you" he said
quietly before he sipped from his tea again, "but you know I don't expect you to be like this
Mike. You can let go sometimes too, just be yourself."

"I am being myself" he muttered not wanting to hear anymore from his father, "you're just
sounding like Gabriella right now, please don't speak any further. I'm already at my limit."

"You know I always wanted you to be happy together with her, it's partly my fault it's going like
this" he said making his son frown a little, "I know you are going to tell me it's not my fault but
it's me who put this strain on your relationship."

"You have nothing to worry about, stop talking like this alright" Michaelangelo sighed as he got
off the couch, "you did what you had to do. Don't talk like this anymore alright" he said while
eying the staircase, "I'm going to bed, you don't have to wait up for those two, they won't be here
until tomorrow morning."

"I wouldn't have stayed up" Cecilio chuckled as he raised his teacup, "I'll just finish this" he said
quietly before he looked back at the screen, "there is a file on my desk, why don't you look at it
tomorrow morning?" Cecilio suggested, "it might just lighten things up between you and the

Nodding his head Michaelangelo didn't ask anything more of his father. He knew it wouldn't
make a difference even if he asked. If Cecilio suggested something you should just do what he
asks of you. He would look at it tomorrow just as his father suggested. Defying him and looking
at the file now was not something he could do. Maybe that's why his father always favored him
over Rodolfo. Rodolfo was stubborn and had a will of his own, he did everything he liked.
Sometimes he looked up to his brother for being the way he was. He wished he could be like him
more, maybe Gabriella would like him more if he became like that, but he couldn't. It wasn't in
his nature. Somehow it felt everything that he did only strained their relationship more.

Opening the door to his bedroom he looked at the girl who was quietly watching some show in
their bed. She met his eyes and gave him a small smile. It was a mere acknowledgement but it
still was enough for him.

"They're still out?" she asked him quietly not looking away from the screen, "did you tell father
not to wait up for them. From what I heard they usually stay out a whole day if not two or three"
she said calmly making her husband chuckle.

"You talked to Adelina right?" he asked as he stepped towards the bed and dropped down tiredly
beside her, "I told him not to wait up" he said softly as he watched her featured she didn't seem
angry with him anymore he was glad she could calm down after their little fight, "I never wished
for things to turn out like this Gabriella."

"I know."

She didn't look at him though, maybe she couldn't look at him right now. He didn't mind it this
way he didn't have to look in her innocent honey orbs. It only strained him more.

"I know I can be harsh at times, but it's not because I don't care about you."

"I know that" she said quietly as she smiled a little, he didn't understand how she could smile at a
moment like this but he didn't question her either because right now she looked very beautiful in
his eyes, "I won't question you Mike. I know you care about me."

"What we talked about-"

"I won't do anything to hurt you, I promise. I will never do anything to hurt you" she whispered
before she looked at her husband suddenly a very serious look appeared in her eyes and he could
tell she was meaning every word that she spoke right now, "so let's drop the subject."

Nodding his head he placed his hand on her head as he kissed her cheek gently before he got off
the bed and started to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt so he could get ready for a nice hot
shower, "we'll drop the subject" he said quietly before he walked into the bathroom closing the
door behind him.

Gripping the sheets tightly Gabriella took a deep breath to calm herself down. She was glad he
didn't question her. She couldn't tell him that she slowly started to fall for his cousin. His
warning had been clear, very clear to her. She had to stop this, so she would. He was right after
all she would only hurt herself and Gabriel in the process as well. She was sure by now Gabriel
had figured it out as well. Other wise he wouldn't be out clubbing till late, he was turning into the
guy he used to be. The guy he was before he met her. She had no reason to blame him for that.

They both knew they had to end things before it would turn into something more.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 33 - Connection (p.1 of 16)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty-three - Connection

I wanted to thank bookwork6193 because of her comment on chapter thirty-one. It really did
help me a bit to write this chapter. Thanks again! Feedback is always appreciated.

Sighing tiredly Gabriella dropped herself down onto the comfy dark couch finally having to sit
down was such a relief to her. She now understood perfectly how the maids usually feel while
cleaning up the house, from now on she would be more considerate towards them, a raise would
be a start. Running a hand through her messy locks she looked up when she heard the door close
loudly, Michaelangelo hadn't left the house today and Cecilio had locked himself up in his office
doing god knows what. So it could be only Rodolfo and Gabriel. Who else had a key to the

So actually didn't know who else had a key to the house and she didn't need to know as well. It
was still not her house after all. She had no say in this house nor did she know anything about it.
So she didn't bother with calling this her home, because it clearly wasn't.

She could hear some tired groaning coming from whoever that was complaining. It had to be
Gabriel, Rodolfo complained only to himself. He didn't feel the need to complain to others
because he didn't feel like other people could help him. He was more to himself, and sometimes
she was grateful he was like that. Though she was still mad at him for telling about her feelings
to Michaelangelo. He had no right to do that because she told him that in confidence.

She would definitely have a talk with him soon, just not now. Not when he came in half drunk
and tired. He must be annoyed and just a small thing would thick him off. She would stay safely
on the couch in her worn out sweats and big comfortable tee.

She knew they would probably make fun of her the moment they saw her sitting on the couch.
Gabriel would make fun of her clothing choice and Rodolfo would just quietly chuckle to
himself and say something sarcastic. She didn't know why but somehow it didn't bother her at
all. It was what they did and either way they brought more color to the house.

Without them it was so empty and quiet. She missed them last night, especially when she had
that serious talk with Michaelangelo. She didn't forget about his warning. He might not know
what happened between her and Gabriel but she was sure he already was suspicious of them. She
had to stay where she was, quietly on the couch. A safe distance between her and the man she
confided for a few times, that couldn't happen anymore.

Not for her sake and not for his.

Stopping in their tracks Rodolfo lowered the cigarette and smirked as he noticed the quiet girl on
the couch, it seemed like she wanted to disappear into that couch right now. Feeling Gabriel
bump onto his shoulder because of his abrupt halt in his tracks he looked at his side sharing a
look with his cousin before they both stared quietly, yet amused at the blonde girl.

Rolling her eyes she folded her arms tightly across her chest and dared them to say something.
She knew neither one of them could let this pass. Whenever someone challenged them they had
to take up that challenge, it was in their blood. She might just have something from them after
all. She was just like that as well, stubborn and competitive.

"Nice pants" Rodolfo commented as he took a slow drag of his cigarette, "it suits your look" he
said making Gabriella raise an eyebrow in curiosity. She knew she probably shouldn't ask for
what he meant but she couldn't help herself, the way he looked at her told her he wanted to say
more, "the whole housewife look, it suits you" he added making her snort.

"Please I cleaned up your mess your room is like the devil's lair I had to wear this, I couldn't
exactly clean it in my Prada dress you would have to compensate for that."

Feeling a vein ready to pop Rodolfo rubbed a hand tiredly over his face, "my room isn't that bad"
he muttered as he went against her accusation, "it's Gabriel's room you must be talking about" he
said jokingly and chuckled when he heard his cousin interrupt him, "just kidding" he added
quickly as he threw an apologizing look to his cousin, "I didn't think you owned a Prada dress, I
thought you liked to keep thing simple."

Shrugging her shoulders she looked the other way as a small smile appeared on her face. It was
true she did like the simple things, but you couldn't blame a girl for wanting a designer dress or
two. If she had the money to spend it why not on clothes. It was better than to spend it the way
Gabriel and Rodolfo did.

"I might just own a designer dress or two" she said firmly as she looked back at the smirking
Rodolfo, "don't dare to smoke that here on the carpet, I just vacuumed it you know!" she warned
him as she gave him a warning glare and pointed at the ashtray on the table, "just put it out and
go take a shower."
Being impressed of her he did what she told him to do, "yes mom" he said jokingly making her
snort with that childish expression on her face, "do I have to go straight to bed as well?" he asked
sarcastically making her smile at him.

"Of course" she replied with that bright smile on her face, "don't even think I'm washing those
clothes for you, you do it yourself. You wanted to stay out late so you have to take care of your
own mess" she said before waving them off, "now go take a shower you smell of cigarettes and
other things I don't want to know off. "

Stepping towards the demanding lady Rodolfo kissed her temple before he pulled away and
smirked as he heard her complaints, "I'm going to take a shower then ma'am" he said playfully
and quickly skipped on the stairs being afraid of her counter attack.

Sharing a glance at Gabriel she flashed him a small smile before she grabbed the remote control.
She felt like she couldn't show him more than that. It seemed the same for him to because he
quickly followed after Rodolfo not saying a word to her. It felt a bit lonely that he didn't talk
lively to her like he used to do, but she had to get used to this.

"You feeling alright?" Rodolfo asked as he walked beside his silent cousin, "you'll get over it I
promise" he said quietly before he walked to his door that was diagonally from Gabriel's room,
"get some sleep okay."

With just a hot shower and some sleep his feelings wouldn't change. Something was definitely
wrong with him, girls offered themselves to him and he couldn't be with either one of them. He
never hesitated before why did he now? Gulping he looked at his cousin who waited by his door,
waiting for his answer. He wanted to know if he was going to be alright, but honestly he didn't
know himself.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me Rodolfo" he said quietly trying to reassure him just a bit, "I told
you those things in confident remember" he said as his eyes became more serious, "don't tell
Mike, alright" he said as he looked down at the doorknob that he was holding tightly onto, "it
was just a kiss, nothing more. It will never happen again."

Slightly nodding his head Rodolfo gave his cousin a reassuring smile, "I know just go to bed, I
won't tell him so stop worrying about it."

Watching his cousin close the door behind him Rodolfo sighed and walked into his bedroom as
well. He knew he promised he wouldn't tell his brother but it didn't feel right. He didn't want to
choose between his cousin and brother they both were important to him. He just wished it was a
mistake, that it would never happen again. That way he didn't have to tell his brother anything.

Dropping his jacket upon his bed he looked at the navy sheets. A small smile spreading across
his face he shook his head a little. The last time he was in his room his sheets were definitely
white, Gabriella sure kept her end of the deal. That's why he thought she was interesting, she was
loyal to her word like them and accepts the consequences without much complaining. She is just
too stubborn for her own liking, almost like him. He didn't want to admit it but losing her would
definitely be a strain to their family bond, so he wouldn't want to ruin that. He would keep this
from his brother, as long as it didn't repeat himself.

One kiss wasn't the end of the world right? She was confused and hurt, she felt lonely wanting to
leave the house. Gabriel stopped her from leaving, it was foolish to do it that way but he still
stopped her. He couldn't hold a grudge to his cousin because of a minor kiss right?

Sitting down on the freshly made bed he looked at his wrist as he took off his silver watch. He
couldn't get the look out of his mind that he had seen in Gabriel's eyes. He knew there was more
to that kiss but he refused to see it. He hoped everything would long be forgotten. Just a few
more days that has to pass by and everything would be like it used to be.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror Gabriella tied her hair in a ponytail and smiled a little. She
seemed more decent than before. She knew she must have looked like a mother of six children
who was tired of life and just needed a bubble bath already. She probably smelled bad too. She
couldn't refuse Adelina anymore, the woman had been calling obsessively trying to get her to
have dinner with her. So here she was standing in front of the mirror looking at her light pink
cocktail dress that fell till her knees. It was decent enough for her husband to let her leave the

Gasping as she felt fingers brush over her bare arms she smiled a little as she looked at her
husband 's reflection, "you sure you don't want to come as well?" she asked again trying to
convince her husband to join her for dinner, "Adelina has been pestering me weeks about it."

Smiling he gripped her shoulders after he had placed the dark trench coat over her shoulders,
"Gabriel and Rodolfo are back home?" he asked as he watched his wife nod, "I'll change my
shirt, I'll be done in a minute" he said before descending into the walk-in closet.

She was glad she didn't have to face Adelina alone, the woman could be quite scary at times.
Brushing some stray locks out of her face she held onto the silver necklace she got from her
mother on her eighteenth birthday. She couldn't take the damn thing off, no matter how hard she
tried. It was something she held close to her heart now, it was the last thing her mother left her in
this world. Sighing she turned around and stepped towards the freshly made bed. Changing
everyone's bed sheets in the house was quite a job as well, she had struggled with the heavy
comforters, not to mention the heavy mattresses. She was glad that was done, in a few days she
could leave that to the maids again.

Fiddling with her fingers she looked at her wedding band that was around her left finger.
Twisting the band round and around she let out a tired huff. She couldn't help but to feel a bit
relieved. It seemed like things in this house were quiet again. She had feared hell would break
loose if someone found out about her and Gabriel but no one found out.
"Did they...seem alright?" Michaelangelo asked as he watched his wife warily.

"Yes, I send them right to bed. They looked tired and smelled really bad" she said jokingly
making her husband smile a bit as well, "Rodolfo was definitely drunk he never tried to be so
funny before" she shrugged and got up as she watched her husband fix his tie and put on his
jacket, "you don't have to look so formal you know, it's just a dinner."

"I want to look my best, Adelina will appreciate it trust me" he said before closing the door of
their closet and walked towards his wife who waited patiently for him, "did he say something?"
he asked making her shake her head.

"Nothing important, he was just making fun of me" she said and winked at her husband, "why
were you worried about me?" she asked playfully and gave him a light push, "I can take care of
myself Mike, you don't have to worry about me that much" she said teasingly before she stepped
towards the door and held it open, "we shouldn't let Adelina wait for too long."

"That's for sure" Michaelangelo agreed as he closed the bedroom door behind him and followed
after his wife, she seemed more lively now maybe she was slowly letting go of Francesca, he
hoped she would because he didn't know how to talk to her about her biological mother if she
wasn't, "what time did you plan to meet?" he asked gently as he held the front door open for her
and followed after her.

"Eight, we still got some time left" she said flashing him a smile, "why do you want to treat me
to a smoothie?" she asked making him raise an eyebrow.

"You want to drink a smoothie?" he asked shaking his head in disbelieve, "of all the things I
could give you, you're asking for a smoothie?" he asked confused, "why not a diamond ring, or
maybe a new dress...a smoothie, you are really weird" he commented making her only smile

"A smoothie is what we both can enjoy right?" she asked as she got into his car, "don't think
about it just buy me a smoothie" she ordered making her husband smirk.

"Look at you ordering me around, you must feel better now."

"What do you mean?"

Glancing at her quickly he focused back on the road, "it seemed like something bothered you, I
couldn't figure out what exactly but it seems that you are over it already."

Something still bothered her, but she wouldn't tell him that.

"Yes I think I am over it."

"Did Raphael contact you after the last phone call you made?"
Shaking her head she looked at her husband who held now a serious look in his eyes. She didn't
think he would bring up Raphael now that they were finally having a sort of date. He didn't ask
her out and they weren't going alone to have dinner, but it still felt like they were doing
something what normal couples would. Why would he ruin it by asking such questions?

"Could we not talk about it right now?"

"Now is the perfect time don't you think?" he asked making her sigh, "we're alone, we can have a
serious conversation now."

"That's true but still" she said wanting to change to subject already, "it will ruin this date" she
muttered making her husband raise an eyebrow.

"This isn't exactly a date Gabriella."

"This is sort of a date!" she whined, "we're out having dinner, so there is another couple
involved. We can call it a double date" she said looking back at her husband, "it's not like you
would ask me on a date, so I consider this our first date."

"What kind of boring date is this" he sighed, "next time I'll definitely take you on a better date
then" he said making her eyes sparkle with hope, "I mean it, it's a promise."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, you know the consequences of that" Gabriella
warned him, "you really want me to make you suffer?"

"I already suffer every day" he mumbled making his wife pout like a little child next to him,
"kidding" he said quickly not wanting her to pout the whole time, not when she considered this
to be a date, "it's a promise even if I have to suffer when I can't keep it."

"Alright then."

Observing her gentle features Michaelangelo smiled a little before he focused back on the road
seeing the light turned green, "you didn't answer my question though, I need to know about it
Gabriella just answer the question and I'll drop the subject."

"He didn't call me."

He didn't ask her anything after that just like he said he wouldn't. He figured Raphael would
want to strike now, now that Gabriella hated his father for ending the life of Francesca but he
didn't do anything. It made him wonder what Raphael was planning. He didn't hear from Anarosa
as well, she always texted him or called him when she had the time. He couldn't believe that she
was busy with important things, since she didn't anything to do at all. He felt like Raphael was
planning something, and being kept in the dark was not a good feeling. He wanted to be a step
ahead of that man. He figured Raphael would still want to get to him through Gabriella but he
left her alone, he just couldn't find a reason why Raphael did that.
He couldn't be a considerate man right?

Leaving her alone to deal with the death of Francesca...

"Hey! You just passed the mall! Did you forget about the smoothie?" Gabriella scolded as she
gave her husband a light pinch to the side making him smirk, "go back already, where were you
with your head" she mumbled.

"Stop complaining woman, I'll turn around!" he remarked quickly as he turned the car around,
"you're getting your damn smoothie."

Getting out of the car once Michaelangelo parked it in the underground parking lot of the mall,
she walked beside him. Not holding his hand just walking quietly beside him. The clicking off
her heels being the only sound around them. Throwing a quick glance at her husband she made
sure he didn't see her watching him, she didn't want him to think that she observed him.

"Why are you being so quiet?" Michaelangelo asked while leading her to the only smoothie bar
he knew, "you usually have so many things to talk about.""Can't I enjoy this date quietly?" she
questioned and giggled when she saw his look, "fine, I don't exactly know what to talk about
with you. You're hard to understand, one minute you are all kind and gentle the next it feels like
you want to bite off my head. I rather keep it safe and just go with the flow."

"I'm not like that."

"Yes you are."

Rolling his eyes he took a hold of her hand and leaded her inside the famous smoothie bar, "I
might be like that but I usually don't mean it" he said trying to apologize in his own way,
"strawberry smoothie?" he asked making her raise an eyebrow.

"How did you know?"

"I know things" he shrugged making his wife chuckle.

"You researched me" she said folding her arms tightly across her chest, "should I be worried?"

"As long if you behave there is nothing to worry about."

Feeling her heart squeeze painfully, she tried to keep a straight face. He didn't know about her
kissing his cousin and if she now kept a distance between them he would never know. She was
safe for now, so she rather be careful with the thing she does knowing that she is being watched.

Sitting down at the table by the window Gabriella looked at her phone going through some
messages as she waited for her husband to arrive with the drinks. She heard him move the chair
about and finally looked up smiling when she saw her drink in front of her.
"Thanks" she said softly as she gave him a gentle smile, "I'm happy. I'm having my first date
with my husband at a smoothie bar, without him frowning or glaring at me" she remarked
making Michaelangelo groan in annoyance.

"I'm not always frowning and glaring. I just work with morons, that's why I'm like that."

"I hope you are talking about Eugino and the others."

Smirking Michaelangelo nodded at her comment, "of course who else could I mean?" he asked
and chuckled when she gave him a playful glare.

"Besides you don't have to do anything, so when I come home you look all perky and well
rested. While I look like crap" he muttered making Gabriella roll her eyes.

"It's not like chose to do nothing, I rather work as well. Or finish college like I planned to do."

Pulling his drink away from his lips he gave her a serious look. Their conversation might have
started playful but now that she was talking about school he wanted to give her his full attention.
He heard from Rodolfo that she wasn't happy with how things are right now, but he had figured
it was because of their argument. Hearing her say it in his face made him a bit worried for her.

She really might not be happy with them, even though he might just not look like he cared. But
he really did care about her.

"You want to go to school?" he asked her, "it's not usually what happens with us."

"I know but I was raised differently when my father was still alive. Francesca did just everything
what Cecilio told her. I didn't understand then but I do now."

"Your father wanted you to go to college?"

Nodding her head she puts her drink down as she looked out the window. She hated it, the
memories that engulfed her right now. She didn't want to think about her father, she repressed all
her memories of him because she feared she would end up broken. He was all she had, the only
person who really cared about her and he was not by her side.

She couldn't help but to think that faith had a funny twist. Her father who loved Francesca got
murdered by her and Francesca who loved Cecilio got murdered by him. It sounded like a bad
soap opera to her.

Snapping out of her thoughts when Michaelangelo cleared his throat she looked him in the eyes
seeing a gentle look appear on his features. He never look at her like that before, flashing him a
warm smile she reassured him with that, that she would be alright.
"He wanted me to go to college. He wanted me to finish college and find a normal job. He
wanted a different future for me."

Smiling a little Michaelangelo nodded his head as he listened to her stories about her father. He
could hear the sadness in her tone yet she tried to be strong in front of him. For once it felt like
he could really connect to her.

It actually scared him a little.

He never connected with another person before, having to feel this way about someone else. Was
something he was not used to.

Putting the photo's back in the envelope Raphael placed it back safely in his drawer making sure
he locked it. He was aware that Anarosa was snooping around when he wasn't at home so the
things important to him he locked away in that drawer. There were things she didn't need to
know off. She was only his ticket in, more he did not need from her.

"Are you sure she is alright?" he asked as the man in the navy suit nodded his head, "keep an eye
on her at all times, by now Cecilio must know about her whereabouts. Doubling security is the
only way to keep her safe."

"Yes sir."

Sighing he watched the man leave his office quietly, closing the door behind him. Looking at is
watch Raphael felt like the ticking of his watch was even louder than it should be. It made him
aware how little time he still had left. The Gavinos were taking over a lot of small businesses if
he wanted to keep his power, he should take actions fast. But the death of Francesca had really
taken a toll.

He was sure he could have kept her safe, yet he failed miserably.

The image of her lying there on the floor in her own blood was an image he would never forget.
It felt like the time he found his own family like that. Again Cecilio did something unforgiveable
to him. He would make the man pay no matter what it took.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty-four - Lying To You

Thank you all for the votes and comments. I really appreciate it!

Hearing the bedroom door open she still kept her eyes focused on her laptop screen. Scrolling
down the page she sat up when she saw an interesting novel she wanted to read, the library was
amazing she still hadn't read every book that they had but it wasn't up to date. Somehow it felt
like it was a woman who had updated that library, a woman whose name shall not be named in
this house. Looking up when she heard someone clear their throats she raised an eyebrow at her
husband who looked very impatient with her. Watching him hold up a navy shirt she held her
ground and just sat there on the bed waiting for him to speak. Groaning in annoyance as the man
flopped his shirt right on top of her head she quickly took a hold of the shirt and placed her
laptop aside, a bit upset.

"What the hell Mike" she cursed as she gave him a slight glare, "is there a reason for you
throwing this on me?" she asked holding his shirt up as if to stress her reasoning.

Folding his arms across his chest he held quite an arrogant look in his eyes. As if he was telling
her he was her superior and deep down she actually felt a bit afraid as she looked in his cold blue
orbs. She could practically feel the shivers go down her spine.

"You know I have a board meeting in an hour. Now look at that shirt more closely, and tell me
what's wrong with it" he said in a calm tone yet she could feel how upset he was with her right
now, "come on look at it."

Looking back at the shirt she held tightly onto she took a hold of it with both hands and observed
it closely. Gulping she knew exactly what was wrong with it. The stripes she made were
unforgiveable. Even she wouldn't leave the house with this shirt on. Looking back at her husband
she nervously smiled at him and placed the shirt aside.

"You should wear the light blue shirt, you look more sexy with that one on" she said softly
making her husband roll his eyes at her attempt to get away with this, "I promise you, it will look
much better on you."

"Gabriella!" he said raising his voice a bit more, "you fail as a wife you know that" he muttered
before he gripped the shirt and stormed off to the closet, "it was my favorite shirt you know, it's
the only thing Rodolfo ever bought for me that I actually liked" he said making her only feel
worse and worse.

"Maybe he buys you a pretty shirt for Christmas this time too" she suggested and got off the bed,
"are you mad at me now?" she asked quietly as she peeked inside the closet.

Fumbling with the buttons of the light blue shirt Gabriella suggested for him to wear he looked at
her through the reflection of the tall mirror, "I'm not mad" he reassured her quietly.

"You say you are not mad but I can actually see you trembling with anger."

"I do not tremble!"

"Yes you did tremble just now!"

"No I didn't"
"Yes you did, Mike!"

Huffing Michaelangelo turned around once he was finished with the shirt and looked at her with
a gentle smile, "I'm not going to play this childish game with you" he said as he stepped towards
his wife making her look up with an unimpressed look on her face, "I did not tremble with anger,
I never tremble" he said firmly making her slightly nod her head.

"Fine you did not tremble" she said sarcastically and smiled back at her husband, "you win
happy now?" she asked making him grip her by her forearm and pull her towards him quickly
leaning down he gave her a haste kiss to the lips before he walked past her.

"Your stubbornness is refreshing really" he remarked as he heard her turn the lights off in the
closet and follow after him, "but since I'm known for being stubborn as well, we might fight like
this more often" he said before turning around making his wife almost bump onto him.

"What?" she asked confused, "since you're leaving I thought you could drop me off at the mall"
she said pouting her lips a bit, "you can do at least that much for your cute wife, right?" she said
in a childish tone.

Gripping her hand in his he smirked as he saw how surprised this gesture got her, "I'll drop you
off at the mall, I need to discuss something with you we can do it in the car now" he said before
he started to drag her along with him.

"Why are you always so forceful" she sighed as she managed to grab her bag while he dragged
her away, "you're actually not driving this time?" she asked as she noticed he was not taking his
own car.

"How can I discuss things quietly with you when I need to focus on the road?" he asked before
he helped her in the car and told the driver to head to the mall first, "you're a handful as it is" he
muttered making her roll her eyes.

"Please you are exaggerating" she sighed as she watched him get in as well, "what's so urgent
that it couldn't wait for you to discuss it with me when you get back from the hotel?" she asked
making her husband smirk wider, "I don't think I like that look on your face much, it feels like
I'm in trouble."

"You're not in trouble" he started calmly though he gave her a playful glare, "you still need to
compensate for that shirt, but you're not in big trouble" he said as he corrected himself.

"Funny" she whispered and gave him a playful push, "what's wrong, Mike?"

"You know what we discussed last week, when we had our official first date" he said using
Gabriella's words. She defined the drinks at the smoothie bar as their first date and he just went
along with it, there was no use for changing her mind because it was already set up, that day they
had their first date.
"I vaguely remember" she said confused, "why you asking?"

"You said your father always wanted you to finish college and find a job, right?"

"Yes I remember that" she said a bit warily now, "did something happen?"

"Why are you always assuming bad things, Gaby?" he sighed, "it's a bad habit you have there,
you know that?"

"I've been living almost a year with you guys to know that only bad things happen in this family"
she said making her husband playfully glare at her, "aside from the happy moments I shared with
you" she added quickly not wanting to upset her husband.

Even though she would never admit it out loud she slightly feared him. She knew fully well what
he could do, you would be pretty stupid not to. Always put your guard up when you're around
Michaelangelo Gavino even if you are his wife. That was her new motto.

"Nice one" he remarked as he leaned back against his seat again, "I talked with father about this,
and he had no objections of you going to college" he said and smirked when he saw how big her
eyes had become, he was sure she was in shock now seeing she hadn't moved now once.


"I can go to college?" she asked confused before she gripped her husband's hands in hers, "you
seriously allowing me to finish school and find a job?" she asked as her smile only got bigger
and bigger, "are you really sure about this?"

Rolling his eyes he tried to ease her grip on his. He had to admit whenever she became excited
she had quite some strength in her.

"You can go to college."


"Yes seriously" Michaelangelo huffed, "no stop clinging onto me, we're here already" he said as
he opened the door and helped her out, "don't stay out too late I'll pick you up after the meeting

"You'll pick me up in two hours?"


Smiling she grabbed Michaelangelo's hand and stood on her toes giving him a gentle kiss to his
lips. She smirked as she felt how tense he got before he replied to her gentle kiss and placed his
hand on the back of her head as he applied more pressure to the slow kiss.
Pulling away she gave him a warm smile, "see you in three hours" she coed before she brushed
him off and walked away from him.

It would have never come to her mind that Cecilio would agree to something like this. It almost
felt like a desperate decision he made, as if to keep her happy so she would remain quiet. She
couldn't help but to think that this could only be a bribe. Shaking the thoughts off she tried to
enjoy this feeling a little more. She was going to finish college and live a life like a normal girl.
No exaggerating parties, no fights and definitely no more being the housewife. She was not fit
for that job anyways.

Entering the big bookstore Gabriella went straight to her favorite section. She couldn't help but
to like romantic novels. She liked a good thriller from time to time too but that would be more
Rodolfo's style. Glancing over at the thriller section she wondered if it was okay for her to buy
him a book. She didn't want him to think she would bribe him or anything. She had a feeling he
knew about her little secret and giving him a present felt like she would want him to keep quiet
about it. Sighing she focused on her books instead. She had made a mental note on what books to
buy, but seeing that she would be picked on in three hours she had time enough to scan through
this books with care.

"My, my don't you look happy."

Looking at her right she stepped away quickly causing the man to chuckle, "w-what are you
doing here?" she asked warily, "I thought I told you clearly that I don't possess anything

"Relax I'm not here to ask anything of you."

Watching him scan through the collection as well she tried to loosen up a little and focus back on
her shopping. She couldn't exactly ask him to leave, this was not her shop. Though she wondered
if she asked Michaelangelo to buy it for her, would he do it?

Repressing the smile to appear on her face she glanced sideways to see what the man was up to.

"I didn't know you were a book fan as well."

"I'm not" he informed her, "I heard you were."

Raising an eyebrow she folded her arms across her chest tightly, "so you're here because of me
but you aren't going to ask me anything? Are you a stalker now?" she asked him seriously
causing the man to snicker.

"I'm not a stalker, I can assure you that. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I mean your
mother has passed away recently. I thought you could use some support but it seems like you are
doing quite well. Her death doesn't seem to bother you at all."
"Please stop right now" she said quietly.

"Oh it's still a sensitive subject after all?" he asked, "I wouldn't tell by the look in your eyes. It
seems you are quite content with everything. I mean you're living with the people who murdered
your mother yet you seem to be content with the way things are. I must say I admire your
strength, I could never do such a thing."

"What do you want from me?" she asked shakily, "please...just state your business."

"Like I said I don't need anything from you. I already got what I want. I just came here to see
how you are doing."

"You have seen me now you can leave again."

"When you are ready to talk, Gabriella why don't you give me a call alright?" Raphael said
giving her a smile before he turned around, "at least you didn't lose your biological mother
right?" he chuckled.

Watching him leave Gabriella didn't notice how she was actually trembling because of the locked
up feelings that were freed again. She tried to forget about Francesca's death she had assured
herself that it happened for a reason. That she couldn't blame anyone, but her own mother. She
was playing with fire and this is how it ended. Now hearing Raphael say it in her face it hurt
more than she realized. Raising her hand she wiped the tears away trying to calm herself down

t least you didn't lose your biological mother, right?

Raphael knew more about her than he led on. She had to find out what he knew. Yet she felt
something stop her, telling her she shouldn't take the hospitality of the Gavinos for granted.

Sighing Michaelangelo tilted his head back and closed his eyes for a little, just enjoying the
peace and quiet he finally got. He didn't think the board meeting would have been such a drag.
He would never take so many days off again, it felt like everything changed while he was away
including the staff's attitude. Opening his eyes again he nearly shut up in his chair as he looked
straight into the playful orbs of his ex-girlfriend.

"You look very tired Mike, do you want me to give you a massage. You know I'm quite good at
it" she said playfully and smirked when Michaelangelo made a face, "you used to like them a lot"
she whispered in a more sinful tone than was necessary at the moment.

"It's not the way you're supposed to talk to another man now that you are married Ana. Not to
mention a married man as well."
"Please stop joking around. Everyone knows your marriage with Gabriella is just a sham. All
business nothing more, like they know that about my marriage as well. Why not have a good
time once in a while" she giggled making Michaelangelo roll his eyes.

"Stop fooling around Ana, why are you here?" he asked being straight forward, "it's not like you
are here to have a drink nor are you here on a vacation. So I can only conclude that you are here
for me, why?"

"Can't I pay you a friendly visit, sweetheart?" she asked as she slightly brushed her leg against
his causing him to glare at her some more, "'re no fun at all. I'm here because I have a
request for you."

Narrowing his blue orbs dangerously on her, he leaned a bit forward as he observed her very
closely. Her wanting something from him never ended well. He had to be very observant with
this woman, she always twisted everything around to her liking. He didn't want her to cause
problems for him and Gabriella they had enough problems as it is. They didn't need her to their
list as well.

"What do you need?"

"Don't be so harsh Mike" she pouted and placed her hand on top of his causing him to pull away,
"it's about Raphael" she started making him a bit more interested in her request, "he calls a lot
with an unknown woman, it's not anyone I know" she said and smirked when she saw the look in
Michaelangelo's eyes, "no it's not Gabriella either, I know he called her a few times. It's someone
else...I just want to know who it is."

"Your happy married life didn't go so well?" he asked as he watched her get off her chair with a
rather insulted look in her eyes, "you were the one who told me everyone knows about it
anyways. Why making such a face."

"You can be pretty harsh you know that?" she asked shaking her head a bit, "well I guess you
can't see it as a negative point you always have been very straightforward with everything" she
sighed as she gripped the chair a bit tighter in her hands while looking down at the white clothed
table, "it's not like it was my choice to marry him in the first place" she whispered.

Raising an eyebrow Michaelangelo closed his laptop and watched her more closely, "it wasn't
your choice?" he asked confused, "so you were forced to marry him?"

"Pretty much" she shrugged, "your father told me I had no choice I had to move on at some point
in my life. Gabriella really is the daughter of a godfather huh" she said shaking her head, "don't
worry I know I shouldn't mess with her, if she wouldn't do anything to me it would be your
father, he is...very protective over her."

"Of course he is. He is the only family she has left. He always did wanted a daughter. If it wasn't
him who would be protect her like this, it would have been me."
"Just find out who the woman is alright" she said softly before she smiled a little, "I won't disturb
your little break anymore" she said before leaving the room.

He did want to know who this woman was Raphael has been talking to so frequently, maybe she
could be the lead to his weakness. Raphael seemed to know a lot about them yet they didn't know
much about him. Typing quickly on his blackberry he ordered Gabriel to research this a bit more,
maybe he could find out more.

Watching his phone ring he smirked as he saw the number and quickly answered it, "you're
quick, did you wait for someone's call?"

"I was about to call you, Gabriella called me to pick her up. She sounded a bit stressed maybe
something has happened."

"Go pick her up then" Michaelangelo ordered.

"I'm already on my way, Mike."

"Did she tell you what happened?"

"No she just asked me to pick her up, she didn't tell me much. She didn't want to disturb your
meeting. She had called Rodolfo but he didn't answer his phone so I was the last option she had"
he chuckled.

"I asked Rodolfo to do something yesterday, I'll inform you at home. When you get back home,
try to find out as much as you can alright."

"My guy is already on it, don't worry about it. I'm almost there, I'll talk to you tonight alright."

Looking at his phone he felt the need to call his wife and ask her what happened, but it seemed
like she didn't felt safe to talk about this with him. She called other people first instead of him,
because she didn't want to disturb him. But she must know that she was the only one he could
interrupt him in these meetings. Somehow it hurt knowing she didn't contact him first.

It felt like she didn't trust him at all.

Scrolling down the screen Rodolfo felt bad that he hadn't picked up his phone earlier. He didn't
want to tell his brother why he had been so down knowing it wasn't him who picked up Gabriella
from the mall because that would only worry him more. It didn't sit him right that Gabriel was
the one who would bring her home when she felt so down. Her being like that was the whole
reason for them starting to have feelings for each other. He was sure if he kept them apart it
would blow away, it was just the moment and nothing more.
Placing the phone back he tried to shrug all the feelings off. He was a bit curious himself about
the whole Anarosa matter. It was amazing how great his brother's instinct was. Just yesterday he
had told him to find out more about Raphael's situation and today Anarosa had requested such a
thing of him.

It was like everything was falling into place, like Michaelangelo predicted and somehow it was
actually quite frightening how similar Michaelangelo and their father was. With the day it
became more clearly why Cecilio handpicked Michaelangelo and not him. With the days passing
by more and more he was grateful that it was not him who followed in their father's footsteps.

Looking over his shoulder to the men who were quietly sitting in their cars Rodolfo slightly
nodded his head as he made gestures to the man in command he would go in. It would be too
obvious if they all went in, he would just quickly look around and head out as fast as he could.
Sources told him Raphael was not at home right now, so he could quickly snoop around. Just to
be ten more steps ahead of Raphael. Michaelangelo could predict to an extend what Raphael
would do but he couldn't predict everything, he was no god. They sometimes needed a little

Nodding his head as the maid opened the backdoor for him he slipped inside like a ghost.
Reaching for the pocket inside his jacket he grabbed the envelope and handed it carefully to the
maid who gave him a small smile and leaded him to the office where Rodolfo had requested for
her to take him. It took him awhile to get her trust but being the type of guy he is he could get her
to give in eventually. Thanking her once she unlocked the door to Raphael's office he stepped
inside and closed the door quietly behind him. It was his lucky day seeing neither Anarosa nor
Raphael was around. He didn't know if it all was faith or that Raphael had seen it coming.
Walking straight to his desk he sat down on the big leather chair and looked around the wooden
desk. There was nothing out of place, the desk was cleared from papers and other things, not
even a computer was there. Which was very suspicious to Rodolfo. Finally looking at the
drawers he tried to open them all, the first one didn't open but the second and third one did.
Looking through all his stuff there was nothing that worried him. Narrowing his eyes on the
locked drawer he knew he had to find out what was inside there. Being the only drawer that was
locked it created quite some suspicion to him.

Looking up as he heard heels clicking he got up as fast as he could he didn't find a place to hide
though the office was decorated spacious so it was just an open area. He could try and fit under
the desk but he knew it wouldn't do him much good, just cost him embarrassment. He didn't want
to come to this but he had to. Taking a hold of the pistol he had placed under his shirt, he took a
hold of the cold metal. It seemed like it was a woman coming his way, he could easily scare her
out and take a leave. Maybe he could even bribe the girl.

Standing right beside the door he waited patiently for the person to enter the office. Gulping as
he heard the door quietly open he stood his ground firmly and waited for the person, definitely a
woman walk inside the office. Seeing her blonde wavy locks he cleared out that it was Anarosa.
Seeing the way the woman dressed she was of age too. She turned around quickly only to face a
gun pointed at her head.
His eyes widening as he saw her face he noticed the smile appearing on the woman's face. He
never would have thought he would meet this woman here, of all places he could have met her it
had to be in this house. Only complicating things more for him.

"Put the gun away son, you can hurt people with that thing" her quiet voice called out to him,
"come on Rodolfo didn't mommy teach you not to play with dangerous things."

Holding the gun only even tighter in his hand he stepped forward his eyes never leaving the
woman who coed so gently to him. His knuckles almost turning completely white he stood in
front of her, his eyes dangerously narrowed onto her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he snarled at her.

"Put the gun away first, sweety."

Shaking his head he pointed it firmly at her causing her to flinch just a second but he had seen it.
She was scared of him, her own son. He knew it shouldn't be that way but he couldn't help it but
to be this hostile to her. She didn't show her face in years and now she was staying at his enemy's
estate. Why would he listen to her requests while she was probably involved with the enemy?

"No" he said firmly, "why are you here?"

Sighing she dropped her hands and just stared at her son who held that hostile look in his eyes,
"you always had a bad temper. I should have known it would be a waste to talk you out of it.
You always had a will of your own, which is why you and your father never got along."

"Stop brining up old memories and answer my question. I did not ask you about the past I asked
you what you are doing here."

"Is that the way you should be talking to your mother, Rodolfo?" she asked him quietly.

"My mother?" he asked confused, "you left us a long time ago, I was raised by the help not by
you. So it's no use trying to think I will find the sympathy for you, because I don't have any."

"It's all my fault you have become like this" she whispered, "I'm really sorry for hurting your

"Stop speaking!" he growled at her, "just answer my fucking question, why are you here?"

"I'm here because my son asked me to stay with him."

Almost dropping the gun out of his hand Rodolfo quickly recomposed himself. He had no time
to waste, he got his question he needed to get out of there as fast as possible. His heart was
aching yet he ignored the painful squeeze to his heart.
"Don't tell him that I was here" he managed to say without his voice breaking before he quickly
dashed out of the office.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. Raphael was Grachelle's son? Raphael was about the
same age as Michaelangelo, so the rumors were true after all? He didn't want to believe them
back then, he figured it were just rumors but now seeing the woman there hearing her speak such
words to him. It felt like his world would crash down. He didn't know what to believe anymore.
Walking to his car he ignored the questionable looks he got, he just needed to go home as fast as
possible. He needed to lay down for a bit and just rest. He didn't think he could take much more

Quickly throwing his jacket on the couch Michaelangelo ignored the quizzical look he got from
his cousin right now he needed to find out how his wife was doing. He hated how she was the
only thing on his mind the entire time, during the whole meeting her wellbeing was the only
thing he could think of. Dashing up the stairs he quickly made his way to his bedroom, slamming
the door open with great force scaring the woman who was sleeping in their bed.

Slowly raising up she rubbed a hand over her face and repressed a yawn, "what's wrong Mike?"
she asked quietly seeing the worried look on his face, "I wasn't feeling well..."

Her eyes widening she gasped as she felt two strong arms wrap tightly around her. He pushed her
against his chest while he held her carefully.

"Did something happen?" he asked her quietly.

"Nothing happened..."

"Stop lying."

Squeezing her eyes shut she tried to sound more honest, she didn't want Michaelangelo to worry
about her. He had enough things that he had to worry about already. She didn't want him to think
of her as a bother anymore. So she wanted to keep her weaknesses to herself.

"Nothing happened I promise" she whispered to him, "I wasn't feeling well, that's all."

He pressed her up against him even more as if he needed to feel that she was alright. She could
tell by the way he held her that he didn't buy her words yet he didn't question her either. He just
held her tightly like that making sure she was alright.

"You don't have to tell me now, eventually you will find the trust to tell me what's bothering
you" he said quietly to her causing her to pull away and shake her head violently.
"It's not that I don't trust you. I just don't want you to feel bothered with me! You already have so
many things to think of, I just want you to rest a bit. I don't want to be added to your list of

"You're not a burden to me, if I gave you that idea than I apologize for it. It feels like you can't
confide in me. You rather confide in Gabriel or Rodolfo than me. I'm your husband yet it feels
like you don't trust me at all."

"That's not true..."

"Then tell me what happened a while ago, that day I found you as a complete mess in our
bedroom. What happened that day?"

Looking away she knew she would hurt his feelings once again. She couldn't tell him what
happened that day. How could she tell him she had been making out with his cousin the whole
time, the room being a mess because she had been packing her things and Gabriel who rushed
out by leaving through the window.She couldn't tell him any of that. He would come to hate her.
She needed him right now so for her own selfish feelings she would keep quiet to him, he would
forgive her for keeping quiet. He wouldn't forgive her for making out with another man, not to
mention his own cousin.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. "

Nodding his head he just kept quiet and pulled completely away from her, "I told you, you don't
trust me enough. It's fine I get it. Don't tell me" he said before he looked at his watch, "I'm going
for a quick shower after that please come down with me for dinner" he said before disappearing
from her sight.

She hated lying to him especially now that he was being reasonable. Telling him the truth was
just not an option he could get pretty hotheaded. He had a great bond with his family she didn't
want to break that, she didn't mind what he would do to her but she felt bad if he suddenly came
to hate Gabriel. She didn't want them to fight, and honestly she didn't want to leave his side

Dropping back down in bed she shifted to her side and held tightly onto the sheets. She wanted
to tell him so badly about her encounter with Raphael yet she didn't had the guts to. He would
worry about her and do something rash. The secrets she withheld from him were piling up with
the day. How she hated herself right now.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty-five - Mother's Love

Thank you for all the votes and comments! Feedback is always appreciated it only helps me
improve this story! So thanks again! =D
Rolling over to his back Rodolfo raised his arm high enough to place it over his eyes as he
engulfed himself entirely into the darkness. A ray of sunshine peeked through the small opening
of the navy curtains just enough to annoy his eyes. He had locked himself up in his bedroom, his
family worrying outside for him yet he didn't have the strength left to reassure them he was
alright. He didn't know if he was alright. He raised a gun to his own mother, he threatened his
own mother. Not to mention he got hurt because of his mother. Groaning in annoyance Rodolfo
tried to forget about everything yet his busy mind wouldn't let him. It was showing the memory
of his mother vividly. The sleeping pills he took was not enough to completely knock him out.
He was dead tired yet still he stayed somehow conscious. The soft knock against his bedroom
door snapping him out of his thoughts. He was kind of grateful to whoever interrupted his
thoughts, he had enough of it as it is. Not pulling his arm away he just listened to the person who
opened and closed the door, their feet slowly making it's way towards him. Because of the
silence he knew it wasn't his brother nor his cousin. It was definitely not his father.

Cecilio would have grabbed him by his feet and pulled him off the bed that was his father's
method. No, this person was gentle so it had to be a woman. Gabriella. Feeling the bed shift he
could tell by the scent of fresh flowers it was indeed Gabriella. Her perfume was something that
stood out, she always chose for sweet smelling perfumes. It went well with the whole innocent,
girl look she had. Frowning as he felt a soft hand against his forearm that was placed to cover his
eyes he merely groaned some kind of greeting to her.

"You're not feeling well, Rodolfo?" he heard her soft voice call to him, "should I get you some
water?" she whispered.

He could tell she tried to keep her voice down, as if she was scared he would break if she spoke
any louder. He was grateful for her consideration but he was not sick. At least he thought he was
not sick, he was feeling sluggishly and he didn't felt like his body had any strength left to drag
his body out of bed. He just wanted to lay there today, and do nothing.

"I'm fine" he whispered back loud enough for her to hear, "I just need some rest, that's all."

"So you're not doing fine" she replied back as she sat more comfortably on the navy bed, "I
should take your temperature just in case."

"You're not my mother."

"I'm glad I'm not your mother" she replied jokingly back before she started to tug on his arm,
"not let me just feel for a bit."

"What do you want to feel" he muttered, "I told you I'm fine."

Rolling her eyes she gave a forceful tug to his arm and smirked when she succeeded to get the
arm away from his head. Seeing him open his dark blue eyes she gave him a gentle smile before
she placed the back of her hand against his forehead, feeling if he was getting warm.

"You're fine."
"I told you so" he muttered.

"You and your brother are so much alike, so childish you two can be" she sighed before she
looked at his nightstand and took the glass of water in her hand, "I'll get you fresh water, I'll be
right back."

"I'll try not to miss you."

Turning to look at the man who was feeling well enough to joke around she placed her hand on
her hip as she gave him a stern look, "the sarcasm won't get you anywhere."

"It's in my nature to sound sarcastic you know that. I was being sincere."

Shaking her head a little she stepped into the bedroom and got him some fresh water instead. She
had never seen Rodolfo looking so weak and somehow it hurt her to see him like that. She knew
what this feeling was like, Cecilio might have been right after all. This was her family. She didn't
want to see her family so weak and broken. She wanted him to laugh at her like he always did.
She wanted him to talk to her in the middle of the night giving her advise like an older brother
would do. She wanted him to get better soon.

Stepping out of the bedroom she looked over at the bed as she heard light snoring. Well, he
missed her dearly alright. Enough to fall asleep. Walking towards the bed she placed the glass of
water back on the nightstand and quickly snatched the sleeping pills away. She didn't want him
to use an overdose. She didn't even know how many he took now. She would warn
Michaelangelo just in case. She didn't want anything to happen to Rodolfo. Not the man she
considered to be her older brother.

Placing the bottle with the pills in her pocket she tucked the tired looking guy carefully in,
making sure he was still breathing. Once she was certain he was safe and sound she brushed her
hand lovingly through his hair before she left his side stepping out of his bedroom, and closed
the door quiet behind her.

Looking up when she saw two concerned looking guys staring at her she grabbed the bottle of
pills out of jacket's pocket and threw it at Michaelangelo who caught it with ease.

"Please make sure you let someone check up on him every ten minutes, I don't know how many
he took."

"How weird he didn't kick you out" Gabriel muttered, "he kicked both of us out when we tried to
see how he was doing."

"Of course he didn't kick me out" she said smirking at the green eyed man, "I'm his adorable
younger sister who he cares so much about. He wouldn't kick me out" she said teasingly before
she looked back at her husband, "he's fine" she reassured him knowing he must worry sick about
his brother he just didn't show it, as usual.

At times his true feelings came out, just like yesterday when they had the trust talk. But most of
the time he kept things to himself making him seem like a brooding person.

"Did he tell you anything?" Michaelangelo asked in his serious tone, "he was like this since

She could tell by looking in her husband's eyes that he thought something might have happened
to Rodolfo for him to act like this. Honestly she wanted to help them but she knew as much as he
did. Rodolfo didn't let go anything personal, he was just joking around like he usually did with

"He didn't tell me anything Mike, he just kept telling me that he was fine. Nothing more."

Nodding his head Michaelangelo turned to Gabriel who suddenly straightened up seeing his
cousin gave him the stern look. Whenever Michaelangelo had that look on his face he knew his
cousin was being serious. Better not go against him.

"Since Rodolfo is not feeling well right now, you'll take over his duties. Go talk to his men
maybe they know more about this matter."

"Yes boss" Gabriel said jokingly causing his cousin to glare at him, "well technically you are the
boss..." he muttered making Gabriella repress a giggle as she looked the other way.

"Boss do you need anything else from me?" she asked causing Gabriel to grin as well, "I'm
sorry" she whispered when she received the icy cold death glare her husband was so good at.

"What are you kids all doing out here" Cecilio asked startling them, "Rodolfo told you he is
doing fine, I'll watch over him. You three go back to your duties, or whatever you all do during
the day. Don't be a bother to Rodolfo" he said brushing them off quickly.

"I'll leave it to you then father" Michaelangelo said feeling much better now that his father
decided to watch over his older brother, "call me if you find anything" he called to Gabriel who
was already dashing down the stares.

"Will do. Call me if you got news on Rodolfo" the green eyed man called back.

Watching her husband walk off Gabriella pouted her lips and turned to look at her father-in-law
who stared right back at her. She didn't know why but somehow she suddenly felt really nervous
wanting to disappear quickly from his sight already. It always felt like the man could look right
into her soul. She didn't want him to find out, if someone was going to find out her secrets she
rather wants it to be Michaelangelo. She finds he can be quite reasonable to talk to at times.
Cecilio only wants things his way. Betraying him would cost you the greatest penalty there is.
Look at her mother. She wasn't going to see daylight ever again.

"Why so nervous, princess?"

Shaking her head a little she moved her eyes to Rodolfo's bedroom door.

"I'm worried."

"Really?" he asked as he stepped towards her gripping her face in his hand he didn't have a
forceful hold on her yet she still gasped, "why are you avoiding eye contact then? "

"I'm not avoiding anything!"

She dared to look him straight in the eyes. It almost felt like he knew he could read people like a
book because he wanted her to look into his eyes. The rumors must be really true then. He did
sell his soul to the devil. It least it felt that way at times.

"You know that lying to me will only end up badly Gabriella" he reminded her, "I know
everything" he said calmly before he released her and stepped towards the closed door, "you
better speak the truth to me because I will find out when you're lying" he said before closing the
door behind him carefully.

Finally being able to breath again she took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. Her heart was
pounding fast against her chest. It was almost painful. Gripping the silver necklace tightly she
closed her eyes trying to remind herself that Cecilio was just scaring her. He didn't know
anything, he just tried to scare her a little.

Finally opening her eyes again she slightly smiled before she walked away from Rodolfo's floor.
He was being watched by his father there was no need for her to stay there anymore. She still had
to fill in a college application as well, during this little peace and quiet she finally got she could
take care of her business.

Sitting down next to his son on the bed he grabbed the remote control off the nightstand and
turned on the television making sure he puts it on mute. Looking at his son who was still
peacefully sleeping beside him he looked back at the screen.

From time to time Rodolfo would shift in sleep, that only being a good sign to him. His son was
still conscious so the guy didn't take an overdose of his sleeping pills. He was grateful to that.
Hearing the heavy breathing stop he felt the bed shift some more and knew Rodolfo was waking
Turning the volume up a little of the television he smirked when he felt a pair of eyes on him,
"you finally woke up. Took you long enough. I was getting worried you might drop into a

Groaning lowly he placed an arm over his eyes tiredly, "sometimes I wished I would be in a
coma" he muttered, "what time is it."

"Almost time for dinner" Cecilio answered casually, "how are you feeling?"



Blinking his eyes Rodolfo sat up straight in bed and smirked as he looked at his father, "what
kind of language is that father?"

"It's me telling you to start talking. You know I have a short temper."

Nodding his head Rodolfo knew all too well how short tempered his father was. Reasonable was
not a word that occurred in his dictionary.

"I saw mom."

Gripping the remote control tighter in his hand Cecilio narrowed his eyes dangerous on the
television, "you sure about that?"

"I know what the woman looks like, I saw her. I saw mom at Raphael's place. She was there all
healthy and alive."

"Did she tell you anything?"

"No" Rodolfo said while getting out of bed he still felt a bit lightheaded but he figured he needed
to eat something right now, "she was just bringing up memories of me and Michaelangelo
nothing more."

"You sure about that?"

Sighing Rodolfo dropped his shirt on the bed and turned to look at his father, "you know don't
you?" he asked surprised, "you know about Raphael?"

"I know about him, does knowing this change anything?" Cecilio asked him, "does it change the
way you feel right now?"

"I don't know what I'm feeling!" Rodolfo snapped, "he's my fucking half brother that's all I
"He's her son" Cecilio agreed, "he knows about the situation too but he still messes with your
lives. You're okay with that?"

"Of course not" Rodolfo said quietly as he sat back down on the bed only in his black wife-
beater that was drenched just like his shirt, "it's just hurts" he finally managed to
say, "it hurts like hell."

Smiling slightly Cecilio got up and stepped towards his son reaching out to him he placed his
hand firmly upon the broad shoulder of his son.

"I didn't want you to find out. I knew you would feel like this, you always have been the
sensitive one. Michaelangelo 's cold heart is slowly melting as well but it's still not enough to
care about this the way you do."

"He knows?"

"He's getting close" Cecilio sighed, "the boy is too damn clever for his own good."

Chuckling Rodolfo nodded, "he always got on my nerves for being the smart ass" he muttered,
"she chose to be with him, like she only acknowledged him as her child. Seeing her there hearing
her speak to me as if she actually cared about me...I just can't take it."

"I know."

"I threatened to shoot her."

"I did the same."

"I couldn't do it though."

Smiling gently Cecilio gave a soft squeeze before he let go of his son, "neither could I, she has
something doesn't she" he said shaking his head a little.

"Yeah the same innocent eyes like Gabriella. It's fucking hard to forget those eyes."

Chuckling Cecilio agreed with his son, "they do have the same eyes."

Standing up quickly Rodolfo made his father only smirk wider, "please don't tell me she is also
related to Gabriella."

"She isn't."

Sighing in relief Rodolfo walked to his closet to throw his dirty clothes in the hamper and change
into something less wet, "thank god she isn't. It would be sick to let Michaelangelo and her get
married if she was related to that woman."
"They aren't related" Cecilio reassured Rodolfo, "they just are the same. Stubborn, they speak
before they think, too naïve, and that damn pride that always gets in the way."

"If you knew about Raphael why did you ask Anarosa to marry him?" Rodolfo asked as he came
out dressed in some clean clothes, "are you planning something again?"

"She needed to let go of my son in order for him to be happy. Raphael needed to be kept a close
eye to so I could achieve two things at once."

"So she spies on him?" Rodolfo asked, "is she doing a good job so far dad because clearly
Raphael is still steps ahead of us? Last thing I heard she sought Michaelangelo's help. Is
something happening?"

"So many questions you have son" Cecilio chuckled, "fresh up and come down for dinner
alright" he said before leaving the room making Rodolfo even more annoyed.

He always liked to leave questions unanswered like this. Like the time they thought he was dead
he didn't even leave them a sign telling them he was still alive. Nothing. The man treated his own
children as strangers at times. He knew he was only doing it to protect them but sometimes being
kept in the dark didn't help at all.

He was glad though that he had this talk with his father, for the first time in years he finally felt
like he connected with his father. Like Cecilio finally spoke honestly to him about his feelings.
He was glad he could have this talk with his father. At least he got some answers to the rumors
that were going on about his mother. It was true that she found someone else, it was also true that
his father threatened her because she cheated on him. But he didn't know if it was true that she
left her sons behind because she was being selfish. Maybe she had no choice?

The way she spoke to him yesterday felt like she cared about him more than he ever realized. He
wanted to speak to her again to find the answers but he knew that was impossible. It was not safe
now anymore, Cecilio knew that he found out the truth so he wouldn't get near that woman

She was beautiful though, he didn't understand why his father cheated on her with someone like
Francesca. Francesca didn't have half her beauty.

Watching his father enter the living room alone Michaelangelo shot up from the couch, making
his wife raise an eyebrow at his rash actions. Not feeling embarrassed at all Michaelangelo
gestured to his father to walk with him making Gabriella clear her throat.

"Do you have something to say?" Michaelangelo asked as he turned to Gabriella who had rudely
cleared her throat like that .
"Weren't you the one who said we had trust issues?" she asked and smirked when she saw the
nervous look on her husband's face, "wanting to talk to father alone means you don't trust me
enough. Isn't this like the pot and the kettle?"

"This isn't the same and you know it."

Hearing him speak in a few words meant she had said enough already. Giving him a small smile
she focused back on the magazine that laid on her lap, "don't come complaining to me then" she
whispered it was loud enough for Michaelangelo to hear but he ignored it for now.

"You always surprises me Gabriella, you're really refreshing to have around" Cecilio chuckled
before he puts his hand on his son's shoulder and pushed him away with him, "when are you two
going to stop arguing already" he sighed once Michaelangelo and he were out of Gabriella's
sight, "being married for almost a year you would think that the two of you would have gotten
along very well."

"She is just so stubborn" he muttered, "she always has to have things her way, and I am serious
about her hiding something from me. I can feel it and you know my instinct is never wrong."

Cecilio knew that all too well. His younger was just sometimes too smart for his liking. He could
never hide things from Michaelangelo like no one could have secrets from himself. Sometimes it
was really a curse to have a son who resembles you quite well.

"Rodolfo is doing fine" he started seeing he could tell Michaelangelo was curious about his
brother's wellbeing, "he was just shocked because he found her" he said and smirked when he
didn't saw anything in Michaelangelo's eyes.

The boy already knew, just as he suspected

"You already knew didn't you, Mike?" Cecilio asked and nodded when Michaelangelo merely
shrugged his shoulders, "why aren't you upset like your brother?" he asked curiously.

"That woman is my biological mother and I surely respect her as my mother, but as a person I
don't think I would really get along with her. Besides I haven't seen her in years there is no bond
between us I hardly know the woman nor do I have the intention to know the woman who
supports the guy who tries to get rid of you."

"Such a loyalty" Cecilio said jokingly as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder, "but if you do
feel the need to talk to her you should know that I don't mind that all. I don't like Rodolfo having
a talk with her because I know he can't handle it well. You're different."

"I'm just being rational. She is only my biological mother nothing more."
Sighing Cecilio pulled his hand back and grabbed the cigarette package out of his pocket, "it's
good to be like that Mike. But sometimes it's also good to have some feelings. Don't become like
me, there is no turning back once you have crossed that line."

"When do I know that I have crossed the line between being human and being...what we are?"

Exhaling the smoke Cecilio looked at his son who held a close eye on him, "when you're able to
pull the trigger on a loved one you know your heart s no longer there."

"Maybe you didn't love Francesca as much as you thought you did" Michaelangelo suggested.

"I loved her alright, business was just more important. Business comes first she came second.
That was all there was to it. When you can make decisions like that you know you're no longer

"I will never let it come that far" Michaelangelo reassured his father, "I'll make sure of it."

"You say that now but what if Gabriella betrays you one day. Would you still feel the same way?
Would you still be able to look past her mistakes?"

Looking at his father Michaelangelo didn't know what to answer. If he said he could he knew he
would be lying. He couldn't judge such a situation. He didn't know what he would do. She was
the woman who grew on him, when she didn't confide him but in his brother or cousin it hurt.
When she lied to him in his face his heart gave a painful squeeze in a way he never felt before.
Could he just forgive her for making a mistake that would hurt him deeply? He didn't know if he

"I don't know if I could do that" he whispered making his father nod, "I really don't know."

"That's okay" Cecilio replied with a soft smile, "I'll be here to make sure you won't make a stupid

"What if you aren't her anymore" he muttered causing his father to glare at him, "I'm just being-"

"Rational...yes I know. It's just you saying stuff like that in people's faces. If I am not here
anymore I'm sure Rodolfo will be right by your side. Making sure you will never make such a
stupid mistake. Believe me you will never have a goodnight rest again, unless you're really far
gone and can easily live with such guilt."

"Do you regret it?"


Eyes widening as she met Rodolfo's dark blue eyes she pressed a finger to her lips.
Eavesdropping was a bad habit but getting caught was even worse. She shook her head lightly
trying to plead to Rodolfo not to say anything. Seeing a smirk appear on his face he stepped
towards her and gave her a wink before he stepped inside the balcony as well.

"What's this father and son time? I feel left out" he said jokingly and chuckled when
Michaelangelo gave him a playful punch to the shoulder, "dad's right though if he's gone it's me
who will make sure you will never make a stupid mistake like him. I know you're acting all
tough, but you cannot live with such a guilt. It would destroy you."

"I could pull the trigger on a loved one if it was necessary" Michaelangelo said quietly causing
both Rodolfo and Cecilio to share a look, they never doubted him at all. They knew he could do

"We know you can, we'll make sure you never do though" Cecilio said sternly as he narrowed his
eyes on his son, "I really do like Gabriella you know. I don't want to loose my precious

"Your precious daughter?" Rodolfo asked surprised, "what about us? We're being outranked by
the blonde."

Giving his son a warning glace Cecilio noticed how Rodolfo looked back at the door before he
focused back on his family. Sometimes it felt like he wasn't needed anymore, but there were the
times they still needed him by their side so until they were completely ready to stand on their
own feet he would stay.

"I'll see you two in the dining room" he said before leaving the balcony smirking when he saw
the blonde sitting in the living room changing channels with a bored expression on her face, "I'm
guessing you're close friends with Rodolfo. It's been a long time since he opened up to anyone."

"I'll just say what I feel and I think he appreciates it" Gabriella replied casually, "he is always
used to people telling him exactly what he wants to hear, to hear someone go against him is
something entirely new to him, not only to him to all the Gavino boys really. I wasn't raised to
keep quiet and accept everything. Dad always told me to stand up for myself."

"Your father had a big mouth too" he agreed, "he always stood up for himself, for anyone really.
That's what I liked about him. He was really...different."

"I know he was different than the most of you, because until the day my mother took me here I
never hear d of you before" she informed him, "you all say that I must have repressed my
feelings that I don't know what happened years ago, but being here still didn't bring back

"It didn't happen here, when you have the time why don't you take a walk around our garden.
Maybe the memories will come back piece by piece" he suggested before he held out a hand to
her, "let's have eat Gabriella, it's getting late already."
Smiling she took his hand and walked with him to the dining room. She didn't know why but
somehow she was more at ease today. Seeing Raphael hearing him speak about her mother was a
blow to her, because she was trying to get over her dead. She felt better today.

"You're sitting on Michaelangelo's seat!" Rodolfo gasped exaggeratedly as he pointed at his

father, "now he can't fool around with Gabriella underneath the table" he said making her light
up like a Christmas tree.

"We're not fooling around underneath the table!" she said quickly, "you're really too much at
times Rodolfo" she sighed, "well at least you're feeling better."

"When is like this, I wish he was back in bed" Michaelangelo muttered as he sat down across his
wife flashing her a smirk that melted her heart right there.

"Watch out for your feet father" Rodolfo whispered quietly making the couple glare at him, "I
didn't say anything" he muttered before he focused on his phone that kept vibrating apparently
someone loved to text him.

"You shouldn't keep your girlfriend waiting" Gabriella smiled before she snatched his telephone
from him, "I'm just curious what women you're interested in" she said with a devious smirk on
her face while she scrolled through his messages.

"Snoop all you want I don't have any secrets."

Well at least not on his telephone he wasn't that stupid to have any useful information there.

"I know her" Gabriella said showing him the picture of one of his contacts, "I graduated together
with her, I never thought you liked this type of girl" she admitted to him, "she was on the honor's

"Please the girls in the club or not the type of girls I would start a relationship with. I know better
than that" he winked at her before he took his phone back from her, "she is a real bookworm, I
never dated her we're just friends."

"Really?" Gabriella asked amazed, "I never would have thought you were this type of guy."

"I'm full of surprises sweetheart. No offence to you" he muttered as he looked at his brother who
didn't seem moved by this conversation at all.

Giggling Gabriella tried to pull away from her husband yet he had a firm grip on her, "Mike
anyone could see us right now!" she whined as she tried to push the guy off her yet he had her
pinned against the wall firmly, "what if your father suddenly walks in on us" she whispered and
closed her eyes letting a soft moan escape her lips feeling her husband's lips pressed against her
neck, "Mike!"

Gasping when her husband pushed her harder against the wall right next to their bedroom door
she wrapped her arms around his neck firmly when he finally released her wrists. Titling her
head a little she smirked when she caught his lips for another kiss she glided her hands sensually
over his chest feeling his abs right through his white shirt.

Pulling away from her lips he gave her lower lip a playful bite, "you always feel me up like that"
he chuckled.

"I can't help having such a sexy husband" she breathed when she felt him pull her up letting her
legs wrap around his waist, "such a sexy, strong husband."

Smirking he held her firmly and entered their bedroom kicking the door closed behind him
before he dropped her down on the soft bed smirking as he looked down at her. Slowly
unbuttoning his shirt he kept a close eye on her making her blush a little yet she was excited on
the same time.

It had been a while since they were like this after all. She was excited to have her husband in her
arms again. Feeling him press down on her she smirked and quickly wrapped her arms around
him pulling him in for another kiss.

She felt really content right now yet she was sure this feeling wouldn't stay like this. This family
was cursed in her eyes. They never could be really happy, always there had to go something

"Raphael what was in the envelope you handed to Anarosa?" Grachelle asked as she sipped from
her tea, "it seemed she was really exited about it, what was in it?" Noticing the look in her son's
eyes she shot up right almost letting her teacup fall down, "what was in it, Raphael?" she asked
yet this time her voice much sterner.

"Something that will make Cecilio regret playing with our lives like we're his toys."

"What was in it?" she asked again seeing her son didn't answer the question he just talked around
the bush, "something that would break Cecilio wouldn't get Anarosa excited. Don't think I didn't
hear the rumors. I know she has been in love with Michaelangelo for quite some time, what was
in the envelope Raphael? Don't make me ask again."

"Fine pictures that will put a strain on Michaelangelo's marriage, besides if they really have a
good marriage like people say they have, this will do no harm to their marriage at all. But if I'm
right Gabriella didn't tell him the truth and this will cause some trouble in the Gavino house."
"I cannot let you go through with this" she whispered before she dashed out of the living room
making Raphael frown a little.


Quickly walking to her bedroom Grachelle closed the door behind her and leaned against it,
while taking her telephone out of her pocket. He called her with this number to let her know
about Francesca's funeral, she thought it was okay to call him now
and inform him. She promised herself she wouldn't talk to him when it wasn't necessary but this
felt like a very important matter, even though she didn't live with her sons it didn't mean that she
didn't care about them.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty-six - The Right Instinct.

Thank you all for the votes, likes and comments. I really appreciate it.

Watching her husband getting dressed Gabriella smirked as she saw that her husband noticed her
staring at him. She used to be embarrassed when he looked back at her with that arrogant look in
his eyes but not anymore, she had seen it all why be embarrassed of it? She had seen it all just a
few hours ago, maybe she was getting cockier like her husband told her. Looking back at the
television her smirk turned into a smile as she heard her husband step closer and closer to her.
She titled her head to her right and giggled when he pressed a wet kiss on her cheek. Wiping it
away with the back of her hand she pretended to be disgusted with it yet she failed miserably
because she had a bright smile upon her face. Was it her or did she seem more lively today?

"What's with that look I'm giving you the attention you always wanted" he said jokingly as he
reminded her of their talk late at night, "you say I should pay more attention to you so I'm
showering you with kisses before I leave" he said with that arrogant smirk spread across his face.

Pouting her lips she moved more away from her husband because she was afraid he might give
her more of those wet kisses. She didn't dislike it at all but she didn't want him to inflate his head
even more. He seemed to enjoy this more than she wanted him to. She did ask him to pay more
attention to her, but she meant it in a completely different way. He should talk more to her, he
should involve her a bit more too. She felt almost out of place whenever he would be busy with
work, together with his cousin and brother. They talked about things she did not know anything
about, it felt like even Anarosa knew more than her.
"I don't need these kind of kisses" she pouted trying to use her puppy eyes on him yet it didn't
effect him at all watching him tap on his cheek she stood up from the bed and placed her hand
firmly against his chest feeling his heart beating under her hand she smiled a bit and stood on her
toes pressing a kiss against his cheek firmly, "you this is a kiss" she said once she pulled back
and sat back down on the newly made bed.

Nodding his head he grabbed the navy, satin tie off the bed where Gabriella had placed it and
started to put it on with ease doing this since he was fourteen he became quite good at it too. He
could do it with his eyes closed Gabriella once mocked him. Watching him fix his tie Gabriella
tapped his foot with hers and winked at him once he glanced at her making him raise an

"Are you trying to seduce me?" he asked her in that playful tone he usually used when he was in
the mood making her roll her eyes, "you weren't?" he asked and shrugged his shoulders, "here I
thought you were trying to woo me, too bad I wanted to stall the meeting a little longer to spend
more time with you here. Well can't let them wait can I" he said knowing full well she would get
annoyed with him.

Standing up she placed her hands firmly upon her hips looking at him like a stern librarian lady,
"you're so mean towards me" she stated and folded her arms across her chest tightly as she
looked the other way, "don't think I will let you have your way with me tonight. I'm not even
going to wait for you when you get back" she said looking back at him with that victorious look
in her eyes thinking she had him, "well have fun with your meeting" she said as she walked
towards the door holding it open for her husband, "I will catch on some sleep seeing someone
couldn't be considerate enough."

Walking towards her he placed a hand on top of her head, "be good don't break anything when I
leave, don't go playing outside and get ready for school. Make sure you double-check everything
alright" he said like a father would to his daughter causing her to roll her eyes. Smirking he
leaned down pressing her against the open door as he covered her lips with his. Feeling her wrap
her arms around his neck he pulled away and winked at her, "I'm leaving."

Sighing she looked at her hand that were now pressed against his chest firmly, "I'll wait for you"
she whispered causing her husband to smirk, "you knew I would" she added.

Giving her a haste kiss to the lips again he walked away from her. She watched him walk down
the stares and smiled before she closed the door behind her quietly. She wished she could always
be on good terms with him like this, this felt like a really married life. She knew though her wish
wouldn't be fulfilled. She still hasn't been honest with him and the urge to confess everything to
him was nearly killing her. She wanted to tell him so badly but at the same time she didn't want
it, because she knew it would worsen the relationship between him and his cousin.

She was just torn between confessing and keeping it to herself.

Falling down carelessly onto the bed she sighed heavily when her back hit the bed. She didn't
realize how tired she was until she laid down on her back with her eyes closed. It felt like she
could pass out any minute now. The damn bastard didn't think of her health. Next time she would
definitely scold him if he was going to be so rough, her body can't take it. Running a hand
through her locks she rolled to her side and clung to her pillow. The bed felt empty without him
there, she realized she was used to having him sleep next to her. The damn guy made her so
attached to him. She wouldn't know what she would do without him.
Turning when she heard a firm knock on the door she watched Rodolfo walk inside calmly, with
a small smile across his face. He placed a cup of tea down onto her nightstand and sat down right
next to her, his hand placed down firmly onto her leg.

"That's my thank you gift. Since you were so worried about me yesterday" he said nodding to the
cup of tea, "I made it myself."

"It's not so hard to make tea" Gabriella muttered as she sat up right and leaned back against the
white headboard, "at least you thought of me so it's alright" she said meeting his dark blue eyes
that seemed so gentle and calm it has been a while since she had seen such a look in his eyes,
Rodolfo seemed to do quite well again she was glad he was doing well again, "are you fine now?
Mentally I mean."

"Yes I'm fine" he reassured her, "I'm not worrying about everything anymore. Besides we have
dad by our side, nothing will go wrong as long as he is here. He won't allow it. We need to grow
up some time too, I cannot mope around and do nothing at all. Michaelangelo didn't sit around
and mope like a little child. It won't happen again."

Feeling the sadness coming from his words she reached out to him placing her hand on top of
his, "I'm here too Rodolfo. I always ask you for advise, I wont you to know that I can listen to
you as well. I might not understand everything you tell me, but as long as you have someone to
talk to about your problems right?"

"Such a good girl you are" he coed as he petted her head like you would do with a cat making the
girl pout and try to pull away from him, "the tea is not the only thing I made" he informed her a
smirk appeared on his face, "you should come downstairs and see what I made."

Getting curious she took the hand Rodolfo held out for her and took the cup of hot tea off the
nightstand as well. She was curious about what he also made. So she followed after him without
complaining. She never would have thought he would love to cook. There were many things she
still did not know of him. All she knew was that he cared about her like an older brother would
so, she clang to him. Feeling he was the safe haven she needed in this house.

Smelling the sweet scent of cinnamon she looked at Rodolfo with widened honey brown eyes,
"you baked something" she asked surprised, "it smells really good too!"

She smiled seeing the confident look in his eyes, she could tell he appreciated it that she
complemented his cooking skills like that. She was sure she asked the wrong guy to help her
with the cooking last time, if he did know that he could cook amazing things like this why didn't
he offer to help her. Rolling her eyes she knew the answer was plainly simple, he didn't feel like
it. He rather reads a good book or enjoy playing a card game with Gabriel than that he would
cook them dinner. Grabbing his arm lightly in her hand she tugged on it and looked him in the
eyes when he looked over his shoulder to look what she wanted of him.
"You're really mean you know that" she said with a blank stare in her eyes, "you could have
helped me with cooking you guys dinner but you rather eat overcooked vegetables than to help

"I would have helped you but you didn't ask for my help" he answered casually as he gripped her
hand that held his arm and let her release it, "besides don't you loved spending time with your
husband?" he asked her and smirked when he saw her looking away because she really did
enjoyed spending time with her husband during that week.

"Fine I won't argue with you" she said as she took a seat on the barstool and gave him a bright
smile that even lightened his mood up, "let me taste a piece of whatever you cooked that smells
so good."

"It's a simple apple pie" he informed her as he placed a plate with a piece of pie on it in front of
her, "my mother's recipe that I found somewhere hidden" he muttered not really feeling like
telling her the details of it.

"Really?" she asked as she looked at the piece of pie, "it must be amazing then" she said softly.

She knew Rodolfo didn't like to speak about his mother openly last time he argued a lot with
Michaelangelo though it had been months ago she never forgot about that day. She bit her lip
nervously and looked up to meet his blue orbs, he seemed to do much better these days. She
wondered if he was over it, and dealt with it like an adult would. They were known for being
childish at times. Though sometimes it felt like they knew a lot more than they led on. "This is
the most delicious pie ever, if you ever see your mom again you should thank her for me" she
said excitedly while eating his pie quickly yet savoring the taste of it she did not see the
sympathetic look in his eyes that quickly faded away as well.

"You might get a chance to tell her yourself" he said in a low tone which she didn't hear because
she was too engulfed in the piece of apple pie, "you can have another piece if you like" he said
while taking the barstool next to her, "there is no need to be ashamed of it.

"I'm not ashamed I just don't want Mike to think I'm fat" she said looking away from Rodolfo
because she knew she just given him a chance to make fun of her.

"I didn't think you were thinking of stuff like that, I thought you didn't care about how you look
but I was highly wrong wasn't I?" he asked as he leaned closer to her getting a sudden interest in
where this conversation was going to, "you're afraid he might like someone else?" he asked.

"Is it bad of me to think that way?" she asked, "I don't know anything about him really. I don't
know who he meets what he does outside this house. I'm left out in the dark, I mean he dated
girls like Anarosa. I should be thinking more about stuff like that."

"You have nothing to worry about."

"You say that but it doesn't feel that way at all, you don't know what people do when you're not
there" she said softly.

She was one of those people, she had done something behind his back. That's why she knew you
couldn't trust people's words. She was being really selfish she knew that but she just didn't have
the courage to tell him and it felt like her heart was breaking every time she had to lie to him.
She had to discuss with Gabriel what to do about this but sometimes it felt like Gabriel was
avoiding her and Rodolfo was making sure they were never together.

Pricking in the last piece on her plate she watched Rodolfo shift nervously on his stool. He must
have figured out what she was talking about because he wasn't letting go of another word.

"The pie was delicious" she murmured. Walking to the sink she rinsed her plate and placed it in
the dishwasher before she took another glance at Rodolfo but he didn't look at her at all so she
felt out of place right now he seemed deep in his thoughts and she didn't want to disturb him so
she walked away.

Stepping into the living room her eyes widened when she saw a tall blonde woman walk inside,
being escorted by her father-in-law. She recognized that woman immediately, she had seen her
from a picture she had found hidden in Michaelangelo's drawer. It was his mother, his mother
returned to the Gavino mansion. What she heard was that her mother was never welcome here
again yet there she was being escorted to her father-in-law's office. She gulped when the woman
met her eyes and flashed her a warm motherly smile. A smile only a mother gave you. She felt
her heart squeeze, as she sucked in a deep breath. The woman was gorgeous in one worth just
throwing her one quick glace she wondered why the hell Cecilio picked her mother over his own
wife. The woman seemed like a goddess, she could just stare at her without blinking. There was
definitely something wrong with Cecilio's eyes, because she could not comprehend why the hell
he didn't want her anymore.

"That's his wife right?" Grachelle asked as she looked ahead again, "she is a beautiful girl,
definitely not a girl I thought Michaelangelo would end up with. You did something right for
once" she spoke g gently not being afraid of her husband at all.

"Yes she is going to college by Monday. Definitely not the type of girl he would have picked" he
agreed with his ex-wife, "she reminds him of you" he added as a creepy grin appeared on his

"Then she must be a handful" she said jokingly yet her eyes didn't tell you she was joking at all
such a serious look in her eyes made you quiet and want to speak no more, "I actually came to
see you because of her" she said going straight to business once they entered his office.

Closing the door quietly Cecilio met her eyes having a warily look in his, "you came to see me
because of her?" he asked confused he was sure they haven't met yet so her wanting to talk about
Gabriella was definitely a surprise to him, "I thought you just wanted to discuss something about
Gabriel and Mike?"
"Well Gabriel, the girl and Michaelangelo" she spoke graciously, she held her head high letting
him know she was not afraid to speak her mind nor was she afraid of him.

She didn't have to speak anymore, he fully understand it. Hearing those three names in one
sentence made it all clear for him. Involving two guys and one girl in one conversation was
enough. Besides Gabriel was known by everyone to be a ladies man. He just made them fall for
him without having to talk to them just one glance was enough. The guy just had a gift guys
envied him for. His looks were a gift too of course, he was a true Gavino and he saw him as a
son but he still would be cautious of the guy. He was certain even a girl like Gabriella couldn't
not resist his charms.

"What is it that you want to discuss?" he asked quietly not showing her any sign of emotion yet
inside he was rather curious to know of this situation he didn't like outsiders to know of their
family situation and after everything that happened between them he did consider this woman to
be an outsider right now, "I do have to go to the headquarters Grachelle. Mike is waiting for me."

"Raphael has pictures of your daughter-in-law" she started while fiddling with her fingers a habit
she always had when getting nervous, "I don't want him to disturb Mike's happiness. I do care
about my sons Cecilio. Those pictures will ruin everything for Michaelangelo. From what I heard
he is rather happy with that girl, I'm sure it was nothing serious what happened. Don't let them
end up like us."

Snorting Cecilio looked at her with such a look of distaste it made her cringle her nose and look
the other way. She knew this man didn't forgive her, after all this years he couldn't forgive her
yet she forgave him many years ago for the mistake he made. She didn't forgave Francesca but
she did forgive him, that woman was a complete different story. She at first had figured her
daughter was the same as her but hearing the stories from Anarosa and Raphael she came to a
conclusion that was definitely not the case. If anything she was more like herself.

One mistake would ruin her life just like what happened to her. She wouldn't let it happen to this
girl. She saw this as a sign, to make things right because she couldn't. She hoped that Cecilio
liked this girl enough to interfere before it was too late. Anarosa always told her that Gabriella
was the favorite of Cecilio so she hoped that was really true and not just a false rumor of a
jealous woman.

"I need those pictures before I decide on anything" he said not looking at his ex-wife anymore
because even she could tell he was afraid to show any emotion, "if that's all you should really
leave right now, I have a lot things to do."

Reaching over she didn't care that he might pull away from her she was certain she still meant
something to him even if he acted like she was thin air she was convinced that deep down, he
still cared somewhat about her.

"You shouldn't take this so lightly Cecilio. You know that girls means a lot to Michaelangelo.
Don't you just want them to be happy. What is the real truth, these pictures won't tell him the
truth only she can do that. Don't rely on the pictures" she said pulling her hand away from his
and quickly got off the comfortable dark one-seat, "I'll leave you be then" she said in her
gracious tone with her head held up high.

She had more class than any woman he had met before, she did come from a wealthy, well-
raised family after all. What else did he expect from her. She was born to be a gracious, beautiful
woman and he took her for granted. Watching her leave he waited till the door was shut firmly
for him to look at his hand that she held so gently. Why was it that he could still feel her warmth
on his hand? Trying to shake the feelings off he turned around and looked out the window. He
has been too careless not paying attention to the situation at home, he knew she was right about
not trusting a picture so he had to talk to the persons themselves. Separately would be better too.
Getting off the seat he loosened his tie as he walked out of his office making his way to the
living room where he had last seen the blonde. He stopped in his track when he saw her there
sitting on the couch together with his oldest son. She didn't seem to regret anything while sitting
there so comfortably, maybe Grachelle was wrong after all? He didn't receive any pictures as
well, if someone was trying to blackmail them, why were they taking so long?

"Why was mom here?" Rodolfo asked as he looked at his father who was standing by the
staircase, "she seemed quite stressed as well, did something happen?" he asked his father trying
to get more out of the man though it would be in vain anyways. Cecilio only told you as much as
he wanted to if he believed it was not necessary for you to know, he wouldn't tell you anything.

"No important reason" he heard his father reply quickly and watched the man walk away, "you're
going to see Mike?"

"Yes, I have to talk to him" Cecilio answered before turning around and looking at them, "don't
go anywhere Gabriella, I need to talk to you when I get back" he said sternly a tone in his voice
she never heard before if she had to be honest to herself she would say it even frightened her a

Watching the man leave Gabriella looked at Rodolfo who had the same look in his eyes, "it
seems you're in trouble Gabriella" Rodolfo remarked as he held tightly onto his magazine, "it
doesn't look good the way he looked at you. I'd say you better run and hide some place safe" he
muttered causing Gabriella to stress even more.

"He knows" she whispered as she held onto the end of her shirt more tightly, "he knows that look
said it all, the only one who doesn't know yet is Michaelangelo but it won't be long till he knows
as well" she said the fear pretty obvious in her face as she tried to think of a way to get out of this
mess, "what should I do?"

Standing up quickly from the couch Rodolfo held out his phone to Gabriella before he pushed it
in her hand seeing she wasn't taking it, "call him, you should tell him personally. If he hears it
from a third person he will be more furious. If he hears it from you, you'll be alright."

"I can't do this over the phone!"

Running a hand through his hair his eyes widened as he found a solution for this problem, "I can
drive you there I'm much faster than dad, he took the driver with him. I can get you by there by
ten. It gives you ten minutes to beg him on your knees to forgive you."

"I'm not going on my knees for anyone..." she muttered with a roll of her eyes before she let
Rodolfo drag her out of the house, "I'll tell him to wait for me" she informed Rodolfo as she
pressed call and called her husband to make sure he would wait there for her arrival.

After having a talk with her husband a small smile appeared on her face while she placed the
phone in her jacket and looked at Rodolfo.

"He'll wait for you?"

"He'll wait for me" she agreed with him, "you're really weird you know that Rodolfo?" she asked
him, "you should be preaching to me now telling me what a big mistake I made yet here you are
taking me to your brother so I can apologize before hell breaks loose."

"Exactly think of this as me saving my own ass as well" he said while gripping the steering
wheel tighter, "besides you already know you made quite a big mistake and you'll never do it
again right?" he asked as he held a dangerous eye on her, "if you do it again it will be me who'll
make sure you regret it."

"I'm not doing it again" she stated firmly, "it was the moment" she whispered though at that time
it was more than just the moment she felt connected to Gabriel but that matter she wouldn't tell
anyone. People wouldn't understand her anyways.

"Dad will be so pissed."

"He'll definitely be pissed at us" she said biting her lip nervously, "you sure you still want to go
through this, I mean he'll be really angry at you as well because you took me here" she said
looking up to see the high building of the hotel Michaelangelo usually was at for meetings and
what not.

"Top floor, don't speak to anyone. Just go to the secretary desk and tell her who you are. If you
get stopped by anyone you'll just lose time" Rodolfo informed her as he watched her enter the

He wouldn't go inside with her, he should stay right where he was so he could give Gabriella a
call if Cecilio arrived. She could get out of there before the man himself would meet with her
husband. He knew this wasn't right he was defying his father's wishes but he didn't want to lose
the one person he ever could talk to and be just himself. She brought the best out of him and
losing her would be a waste to the family. He was sure she changed all of them a little.

Almost looking like she was running Gabriella banged onto the elevator button not being to hold
her frustration in. She knew Cecilio would blow this thing up, it was just a kiss maybe some
feelings but that would stay between her and Gabriel. She knew a picture would make things
look even worse than they were. Besides she hasn't spoken to Gabriel for a few days now, it
seemed like he himself was creating distance between them. There wasn't anything going on
anymore and she wouldn't let Cecilio ruin it because he is so hotheaded. Sighing in relief she
quickly got on the elevator and pushed the 25th button and leaned back near the mirror. Turning
around she fixed her hair a bit not wanting to look like she had been running to get here, maybe
it was true but Michaelangelo didn't need to know that. It would look even more suspicious to
him if she did look like she had came running to him. She wanted him to stay as calm as
possible, that way he would accept it without much problems. She was certain he could forgive
her if she talked to him in private. Hearing the ding of the elevator she smiled a little as she
followed the directions towards the main office. She could tell people were staring at her some of
them were pointing at them some of them were whispering about her. She was certain she was
already known as the wife of Michaelangelo Gavino but no one had seen her personally before,
the wedding was just for close friends and family after all. Stepping aside the female who
seemed to want to talk to her she just flashed a welcoming smile. She had to follow Rodolfo's
advice. Walk straight to the secretary's desk, do not waste any time. Standing in front of the desk
of a tall brunette she smiled a little and tried to ignore the surprised almost shocked face of the
older woman.

"Mrs. Gavino..."

"I called my husband a minute ago is it okay-"

"He is already expecting you!" she said clearly high in excitement for meeting Gabriella for the
first time jumping of her chair she stood beside her in a second and gripped her arm trying to
drag Gabriella with her, "please come, come there is no need to be so shy!"

She wanted to tell the woman she was not shy at all but she kept it to herself. The woman
seemed very excited and joyful to meet her, she didn't want to ruin that image of her by snapping
at her, telling her off. She even had the guts to just waltz in there but she didn't, she didn't want
people to think wrongly of her. She had to act more gracious than that. She was the hotel
president's wife she had to have more manners than that. Watching the woman knock on the door
politely she could tell the woman was frightened of her boss, Michaelangelo must have never
said something to make her afraid of him but just staring in his icy cold eyes and that way he
looked down at you made you feel like you could be the dirt under his feet. He just had a way to
intimidate you not the way his father did but he was getting closer and closer to it. Taking a
sharp breath she ignored the glance the brunette next to her gave her. She had to encourage
herself, talk herself into this because her mind kept screaming to her to turn around and run away
as fast possible. The door was slowly getting opened making her more and more nervous. She
wanted to give the woman a little push so she would use more strength and open the door faster.

"Mrs. Gavino is here to see you sir" she heard the polite voice say of her husband's secretary.
Throwing the woman a quick glance she could relax more seeing she was definitely not the type
of woman Michaelangelo would ever consider dating. The comfortable brown shoes were really
something that he would burn if someone ever bought anything like that for him. The bright red
with white scarf she wore around her neck as a tie seemed to hurt your eyes. Her dress seemed to
be picked out by her grandmother the only thing that she liked about that woman's clothing style
was the black blazer she wore. She definitely had nothing to worry about. "It was nice meeting
you" the woman spoke softly before she closed the door behind her quietly.

Watching her husband sit behind his desk she felt a lot more at ease seeing his relaxed face, he
wasn't stressed at all. His jacket was thrown over his chair while he had unbuttoned the first three
buttons of his shirt, he was probably feeling a bit warm seeing the windows were opened as well.
His tie was loosened as well and he was resting his hand against his palm while he was looking
at his computer screen. Probably looking at some charts again. Those things that made her eyes
hurt and her head spin round and round. She smiled more when he looked away from his screen
to look at her probably wondering why she still didn't step towards him or why she still hadn't
spoken one word.

"You can sit down Gabriella, there is no need for you to stand by the door like that" he said
calmly even by the tone he used she could tell he was very comfortable today not stressed like he
normally was, "or is there a particularly reason you're standing by the door. Is it because you can
run away faster?"

She could tell he was joking by the glint in his eyes. She shook her head lightly and made her
way to his desk taking one of the empty seats right across him. She only had her telephone with
her because Rodolfo had dragged her away so suddenly, she placed it in front of her on his desk
because the moment Rodolfo called her she had to get out of there. So she would have to keep an
eye on her phone.

"I need to tell you something" she started nervously as she tried looking him straight in the eyes,
"your father will come here in a few minutes and tell you about it, I just want you to hear it from
me" she said softly as she gulped suddenly feeling such a heavy weight onto her heart. It was
almost difficult for her to breath properly.

"What is it?" he asked her calmly while he leaned back against his chair and focused entirely on
the guilty looking woman, "you did something that you regret?" he asked her directly making her
nod her head lightly, "just by looking at you I can tell how guilty you're feeling. It's really bad
isn't it?" he asked her in a calm tone yet she had expected from him to be more harshly to attack
her with sharp words but he didn't.

"Yes it's something bad actually" she said even softer now, "something that makes me feel
guilty" she continued as her eyes suddenly become teary. She had the urge to reach out and grab
his hand in hers but she didn't. She sat there like a statue being afraid to move at all, "I did
something a few weeks ago...something you have been asking me about."

"About that night I have been asking you about?" he questioned, "you didn't feel ready to tell me,
so I didn't pressure you Gaby. I always assumed it was something bad because you didn't have
the trust to tell me yet" he said while a smirk appeared on his face, "you finally feel like you can
trust me?" he asked her as he leaned in a bit.

His eyes seemed gentle and he seemed so very comfortable around her yet he knows she had
done something wrong? She couldn't believe this was actually her husband. He was so different
today. He seemed so at ease almost happy.

"I kissed Gabriel" she blurted out not thinking of a delicate way of saying it. She just wanted it
off her chest and so she blurted it out without thinking gulping her eyes widened to the size of
plates, "I mean...yeah I kissed him" she whispered again, "I kissed him and I didn't have the
courage to tell you" she blabbed on and on.

"You kissed him?"

Nodding her head she raised an eyebrow as she noticed how he didn't seem to move at all right
now. Was it finally going through to him that was she did was actually really bad, did he expect
her to have done something else?

"Did you like it?"

Frowning she didn't understand why he asked her such a question. But he seemed to want to
have an answer because he held a close eye on her not blinking at all. He demanded of her to
answer him.

"It was...I mean I didn't...the kiss was..."

"I asked you if you liked it, just reply to my question. It's easy yes or no?"

She knew she couldn't lie to him he knew exactly if she would lie and besides Cecilio would tell
him the truth it was better if she answered him honestly.


"Father wants to talk to me about this? Would you have told me if father wasn't going to come

Gulping she knew this was the point where she could screw up easily. If she told him she
probably would have waited he would start to hate her. But if she lied he would hate her too. She
didn't know what the right answer was in these situations.

"I wanted to tell you for such a long time" she replied honestly because she did wanted to tell
him but she didn't have the courage to yet, "I just didn't want to mess up your relationship with
Gabriel I didn't want you to start hating him because of me."
"Do you have feelings for him?"

"Of course not!"

Maybe she developed a tiny bit of something for him but it was definitely not as strong as what
she felt for Michaelangelo. He was the guy that annoyed the hell out of her and still made her
love him. He was the guy she wanted to cling onto and never let go. He could make her heart
beat faster with just one glance. Gabriel was someone she could start loving after such a
passionate kiss but she could easily forget about him too. He was no the one who captured her
heart. The man in front of her claimed her heart months ago. That would never change.

"Do you regret it? Kissing him?"

She wouldn't argue with him telling him he was asking too many questions because she was cert
it, "I have such an understanding husband."

"Yes you really do have such an understand husband" Cecilio said firmly his eyes being sharp
and harsh anyone would get the hint and keep quiet and walk away but not Gabriella she was a
different story, "aren't you grateful for having to marry him?" he asked before he walked past
her, "there won't be any other man out there like him."

Hearing the footsteps of her father-in-law click away she felt her heart sink into her stomach. He
was really angry with her. His trust was betrayed by her. She could tell he was holding back as
much as possible. Even her husband wasn't as furious as he was. She wished Michaelangelo
wouldn't be influenced by him, because she would get a hard time at home if he did take his
father's words. She hoped he stayed as calm and loving as he was now, otherwise her life would
start to become a living hell.

She really did want to get on the elevator the moment the secretary Miss Swan walked away but
she just couldn't. She walked back with the excuse of getting her phone. She watched as a man
carrying a big envelope walk in front of her. It seemed very important, and seeing he was going
the same direction as her he was going to deliver it to Michaelangelo. She knew this was really
bad of her but she couldn't help herself. She sprinted towards the man and smiled as she walked
beside him pointing to the envelope in his hands.

"Is that for Michaelangelo Gavino?" she asked as she watched the man nod, "who is it from?"

He seemed to look around as he watched Gabriella carefully. He was probably told not to give it
to anyone without authority .

"I'm his wife" she said quickly seeing the doubt in the man's eyes disappear.

"It's from Alessio, R."

She now definitely wanted to have the envelope. She knew this was bad of her but she would
come clean to Michaelangelo when he got home. She wanted to know first what that man was

"I'll take it, I'll deliver it to my husband" she smiled at the man and took it firmly out of his hands
when the man nervously handed it to her, "don't worry I'll make sure it arrives safely" she said
flashing him a bright smile and nodded when he took his leave.

She made sure no one was around to see her leave with that envelope. She was sure no one
would probably tell him too because she was the one receiving the envelope. They wouldn't
question it. She waited till the man was gone before she took the elevator herself. She wouldn't
open it now, not when there could be so many eye-witnesses. She would open it in the car
together with Rodolfo. He was already her partner in crime so why not do this together as well.
The moment stepped outside the hotel she was glared at by her partner in crime.

"Why the hell didn't you answer your phone?! Father saw me!"

"He saw me too" she said before pushing Rodolfo away, "get in the car" she ordered seeing he
saw the dead serious look in her eyes he did as she told him.

"What's that" he asked as he pointed to the envelope she was holding onto so firmly, "did you
steal that" he asked with a smirk appearing on his face, "damn Gabriella I never would have
thought you would do something like that. First cheating on your husband now stealing from
your husband. You're getting worse with the day."

"Shut up" she breathed as she held out the envelope, "it was delivered by Raphael. It has to be
something bad."

"Open it."

Yes, now he was interested. Now he didn't think of it as such a bad idea. He watched her with
curious eyes as she opened the thick envelope. She reached inside and took the papers out. She
gave the empty envelope to Rodolfo and looked at what seemed to be photos in her hands. Her
heart sinking into her stomach she felt her throat becoming dry as she looked at the pictures that
were from her and Gabriel. Such distasteful pictures as well.

"It's good you took that with you" Rodolfo started as he took the photos out of her hand, "with
this Michaelangelo would start doubting your words. We should keep it" he said before he
grabbed his phone out of his pocket, "I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it."

She nodded her head, speaking now would be just a waste. She had no voice left right now to
speak clearly. If she would have let the mail boy pass through her Michaelangelo would have
received those photos, then her father-in-law and her husband had more the reason to doubt her.
Those pictures were taking in such an angle it seemed to be more than just a kiss. Michaelangelo
would have believed she would be lying and everything would have fallen apart.
She was glad her gut had told her to grab that envelope. She saved herself some major drama
with stealing that from her husband. She didn't know if she should tell him.

"Should I tell him about it?"

"No, don't tell him. I said I would take care of it. Don't worry about it alright."

For now she would take his word. She would leave this matter to Rodolfo and just go home
quietly waiting for her husband to have that talk. She didn't know what Raphael had planned for
her and Michaelangelo. It seemed like he wanted to blackmail her husband, though she was
certain he would never succeed. Now with Rodolfo being angry as well she was certain he would
be regretting this in a few days. He would never try to break her and Michaelangelo up again.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty-seven - Bleeding Heart.

Thanks for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it.

She didn't have the courage to walk out the bedroom, she had been staring at the door for quite
some time now yet trying to encourage herself to get off the bed and step towards the door. She
couldn't be hiding from the family like she was doing now, at some point she had to walk
through that door and face the music. Yet she rather wanted to wait a couple more days to let it
all pass by everyone was still very high from everything happened yesterday.

The heavy discussion between her and her father-in-law wasn't very pleasant as well. The way
Cecilio had spoken to her made her feel like he hated her guts. How could she peacefully walk
through that door now and pretend like everything was okay when it was not. They hadn't talked
things over, Michaelangelo send her away at the point where they were cussing at each other.
She remembered that well. She had said some things as well that she regretted right now. She
couldn't live with herself knowing she was disrespectful to someone much older than her.
Someone who brought her into their home and welcomed her with open arms.

She hated herself right now and she was sure the guys did too.

Gabriel had been send away since Cecilio couldn't see him for a while. She didn't want things to
be like this Gabriel was a friend to her. The days the brothers hadn't been around she connected
to him, watching him pack his things and leave made her cry inside. She had texted him
apologizing to him for everything that happened yet he didn't responded back. She was sure he
disliked her now as well.

It felt like she had no one anymore, maybe this was what Raphael had wanted for her to feel.
Like she was the only person on the world. Like everyone hated her.
She knew everyone hated her.

Cecilio thought she was a slut, Michaelangelo was upset with her because of the way ended with
his father yesterday, Rodolfo disapproved of her and well Gabriel didn't say anything but she
didn't need him to say anything about the situation because it was very clear to her. He hated her

She gulped down the heavy feeling and slowly raised to her feet. Being in this room wasn't going
to solve anything, she was just going to beat herself up on everything. She had to make things
right staring with her husband. He was the one she was married to and if she wanted to remain
married to him she had a lot of things to apologize for. The apologies she gave him at his work
yesterday weren't enough she knew that. Even though he said they were going to be okay the
fight she had with Cecilio made things bad between them again. He clearly sided with his father
this time, and to be honest she couldn't blame him.

She knew why Cecilio had been so upset with her that he felt like he was betrayed by her as well.
He felt like history repeated himself yet she was not convinced it did. She didn't want to be
compared to Grachelle. Grachelle was indeed a very beautiful woman and maybe on certain
things they thought alike but they were not the same. Grachelle had really been in love with the
other guy not to mention she had a child with that man. She was definitely not the same as
Grachelle. Maybe she slowly started to feel for Gabriel but before any feelings rose in her she
stopped herself. Yet Cecilio didn't want to hear any of it.

His way was the only way things could be. He didn't listen to her and well she had expected that.
But she wasn't prepared for him calling her a slut in her face so she got angry and called him
names back. In the end she knew she had to keep quiet and just let him call her whatever he
wanted because she knew better than that. She wasn't any of those things he shouted at her in
pure anger. Maybe he was feeling bad about things as well. At least she hoped he was feeling
bad about it as well because that would mean he actually cared about her.

Opening the door she peeked outside making sure no one was around. Once she was certain no
one was around she stepped outside and closed the door quietly behind her. She was really
hungry right now and having some cereal was what was on her list first. Then she would find her
husband and beg him to talk to her, to talk things over and if that was all settled she would think
about talking to Cecilio. That wasn't high on her list though. She was still a bit pissed, even
though she felt a deep guilty feeling as well. The names he called her through pure anger were
still not appropriate and hurt her feelings. It hurt her even more when Michaelangelo didn't
defend her like he was suppose to defend her. He only tried to hush his father, nothing more.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard footsteps coming her way and froze. She wished it was
Rodolfo better him than the other two. She wasn't ready to confront them yet, especially on an
empty stomach. She would probably blab things out again without thinking. She needed
breakfast first. That way she could think clearly. She was really close to bolt out of there yet her
feet didn't move. She was frozen to the spot with her heart thumping rapidly. It was like those
footsteps were echoing through her mind, reminding her of a very cliché scene from a horror
movie. The ones where you screamed to the stupid chick to run yet she walked closely to the
sound. She felt like one of those stupid chicks right now. Instead of running away she stood there
waiting for it to come to her. She looked up from those black sneakers and smirked inwardly.
Not the persons she wanted to avoid right now. Thank god.

"What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be downstairs having breakfast? We all already ate.
You do know we all eat in the dining room right now because of you. Before when you weren't
married to Michaelangelo we never had breakfast together like that. It was all for you. So it
would be appreciated if the person who we do that for is actually there" Rodolfo said to her in a
calm tone that made her smile a little it told her he wasn't pissed at her, though the tone also told
her he wasn't too happy with her as well, he was well neutral she guessed.

"I know Rodolfo. I couldn't come downstairs right now, do you really blame me for it?" she
asked him quietly and watched the glint in his eyes that told her he understood her completely,
"with everything that happened last night I'm not ready to face them both at once. I need to talk
to them both separately" she said as she stepped closer to Rodolfo seeing he was keeping quite a
distance between them as if he was afraid of coming closer to her, "are you mad at me?" she
asked when she noticed the warily look that appeared in his eyes.

She didn't want him to be mad at her as well. He was like a brother to her, he always cared for
her like an older brother would. He gave her advise and he even helped her with an evil plan
against his own father yesterday even though it didn't work out because of her own clumsiness
he did help her. She could talk to him about everything without him judging her yet she was
afraid that this time he did judge her and now he didn't want anything to do with her. She was
afraid she would lose her brother.
"I'm not mad Gabriella. I'm just a bit confused about everything. Gabriel got send away because
of what happened between you two. I know you did everything to stop it but it wasn't enough.
What happened between you two shouldn't have happened in the first place. It's not his fault
alone it's your fault too. And I thought I could live with that because you two regretted what
happened. But I can't, not anymore. Things got out of hand Gabriella. Gabriel won't even reply to
my messages nor my phone calls. Whatever happened yesterday really messed everything up. I
just can't live with that."

"I really did try to stop it" she whispered looking down at her feet seeing the guilt was too much
for her to bare right now she took away the person Rodolfo really cared about and she knew it
really did hurt him because he and Gabriel were like brothers as well, "but he wouldn't listen to
me. I think me begging him not to send Gabriel away got him pissed even more, I think I made
things worse."

"You probably did make things worse by doing that, but that wasn't your fault. You tried to do
the right thing" he sighed as he placed a hand on top of her head and gave her a small smile, "just
give me a few days alright I need to figure this out. I need to find where Gabriel is right now. I
can't let things become like this."

"I'm really sorry" she said looking up to meet his dark blue orbs, "I wish I could help you but
Gabriel isn't responding to me either. I really did want to talk to him since yesterday we didn't
get the chance to."
"You won't get the chance to talk to him for a while now. I hope you realize that" Rodolfo said
as he pulled his hand back and gave her a gentle look, "I'll try and find him. If I find him I'll let
him know you want to talk to him" he said before he walked past her, "you really should eat
breakfast your favorite cereal is waiting for you."

She was glad Rodolfo didn't hate her. He was just hurt with things that happened right now and
she could fully understand why. His best friend was send away because of her and reaching him
was impossible too. She would be hurt too. Rodolfo was really too kind for her. She knew that.
She was glad he could still look at her with those gentle eyes of him. She was glad he didn't
judge her like she thought he would. He would even try and help her have a talk with Gabriel.
She really did owe him a lot. She would go downstairs and have a bowl of cereal after that she
would start trying to make things right. She had to. She owed Rodolfo that much.

Walking into the dining room she observed the area quickly making sure neither one of the
Gavinos she was in a fight with was here right now. Seeing the black jacket around the chair she
knew her husband must be around somewhere. He left his jacket here which meant he probably
went out, to have a smoke maybe with his father as well. She quickly grabbed the bowl with
cereal that was already there for her off the table and bolted out of the dining room. She knew it
was probably Rodolfo's doing. He was really too kind to her. She had no words for it. He took
care of her even if he didn't have to. She made her way to the safest place for her to be right now,
the library. Of all the Gavino boys she knew, Rodolfo was the only one who enjoyed reading a
good book. So the library was a safe haven for her right now. She entered the room quickly and
slammed it shut. Gasping when she saw the last person she thought she would see in here.

She stepped back unconsciously when her eyes met his icy blue ones. She had to admit he looked
just like a model stepped out from a magazine the way he was laying on the couch. The sunlight
just hitting him the right way made him so hot she might have drooled at the sight. Shaking her
head she tried to think straight again, she was still mad at him for not taking her side. She was
still pissed at herself for kissing a guy that wasn't him. She couldn't think he was hot right now
because she had issues she had to deal with. She had to talk to him instead of drooling over him.
She mustered up all the courage she had left and slowly made her way to him making sure she
never break eye contact. He didn't move at all as he watched her step closer and closer to him.
He kept laying there with his arms behind his head, his shirt half undone. He seemed a total mess
right now and it actually appealed to her. She wanted to toss her bowl aside and straddle his hips,
grab the front of his shirt and smack his lips right against hers. She wanted to do all that but she
knew he probably would reject her right now. He didn't even sleep in the same room as her. He
would probably say something like work got in the way but she knew he did sleep just not in his
bedroom. Stopping at the couch right across him she sat down and placed the bowl of cereal onto
the coffee table right next to her making sure it was safe and sound. A girl needs to eat. And she
was one hungry girl right now. She just thought it would be safer on the coffee table right now,
since she did not know how things would turn out.

"I never would have thought you would be here. This is the last place I would look for you" she
admitted to her husband who didn't break eye contact with her all this time as well he just kept
quiet and watched her well, he was the quiet type of guy but she wished he would have just said
something to break the awkward silence between them, "so I thought-"

"You could be safe here and avoid having to deal with us?" he interrupted her as he gestured to
her bowl of cereal right next to her, "not having breakfast in the dining room but here. It clearly
says you are avoiding us. I don't really care either" yeah she felt that right to her heart, "you can
finish eating breakfast, just pretend I'm not here."

She hated how he sounded right now. Like he really didn't care about her anymore. She knew
that was no the case even though they weren't always very affectionate maybe only in the
bedroom that didn't take away that he didn't care about her. She was certain he loved her the
same way she loved him he just couldn't express himself. She didn't like this dead tone he used
on her. It made her feel like he was a complete stranger to her. She wanted him to be everything
but that.

He was her husband. She wanted him to look at her with that cocky look in his eyes and that
devious smirk on his face. She wanted him to wrap his strong arms around her like he usually did
and make her feel safe and loved. She didn't want this guy who pretended she was just air.

"Don't be like that" already regretting the words she spoke she looked the other way trying to
avoid looking in his eyes afraid of what she might see in them, "don't pretend that you don't care.
I know you do care about me. If you didn't care about me this all wouldn't have hurt you" she
said as she slowly mustered up the courage again to look at him and looked him straight in the
eyes, "I have hurt you and I'm really sorry. Please stop avoiding the subject and just talk to me."

She knew pleading with him didn't really work right now, but she had to try. She didn't want to
lose him. He was the one guy on this planet who could turn anger right into passion. He was the
only guy in this world he could make her heart skip a beat with just looking at her. He was the
first guy she ever loved. She didn't want to lose him. She had to try harder to keep them together.

"I'm not avoiding the subject you are. You didn't tell me truth Gabriella. You stole the pictures
Raphael send me because you were afraid of what I might think. So you were feeling guilty. A
guilty conscious means you did do something wrong. I can forgive you for what you have done
with Gabriel but I can't forgive you for trying to deceive me. I hate liars."

"I didn't lie to you!" she snapped feeling angry he was suddenly sounding so much like this
father, "I didn't want you to see the pictures because you should hear everything from me. I
didn't stole them because as your wife I could sign the paper to receive them. I told you about
them and I even showed you them. I was trying to deceive you I wouldn't have told you about
the pictures neither would I have showed you them!"

"You told me about them when I confronted you about it. You wouldn't have showed me the
pictures if didn't tell you Raphael had called me about them."
She hated how calm he sounded right now, he made it seem like a business deal gone wrong. He
kept distance and cold. He didn't sound like his usual self. He was already closing himself up
from her. She didn't want this, she didn't want him to distant himself from her.

"I would have told you about them even if Raphael didn't call you. I told you about me and
Gabriel you were fine with it first. Why did you suddenly change your mind Mike? Why did you
suddenly go back on your words? Did your father say something to you?"

"Don't make him seem like the bad guy Gabriella. This is all on you. You kissed my cousin. It
isn't right. Father didn't say anything to me about this. This is all me. I can't trust you Gabriella. I
need someone I can trust, you're just the same as her."

"Don't say that" she said getting up as she glared down at her husband who just insulted her, "I
am not the same as Ana! Don't put me on the same side as her. I told you honestly about
everything. It's just you who can't accept that. No matter what I say or do it's you who cannot
forgive me. It was just a kiss, I didn't sleep with your cousin like your ex-girlfriend. Yet it seems
you always talk about her say that she broke your heart. I have a feeling Mike that you aren't
over her at all. You always talk about how she hurt you even now you bring her up in this!"

"What are you trying to say?" he asked confused as he got up as well towering clearly over her
yet she wasn't afraid of his height because right now she was beyond pissed she didn't care that
he was the most feared guy in their circle. Right now all she saw was red.

"I'm trying to say that you don't love me at all. You tried to replace me for Ana, but in the end
you still only see her! You don't see me. You see Ana who slept with your cousin, who chose
him over you. That's what you are seeing right now. But I am not Ana, Mike" she said shaking
her head she stepped towards her husband and gripped the front of his shirt tightly in her hand
making him more warily of her, "I will always chose you over anyone else, yet you can't see that.
Because you don't see me" she said gulping away the painful lump, "I really wished you would
see me right now" she said as she pulled him down by his shirt rather roughly and pressed her
lips firmly against his.

He didn't kiss her back but she didn't needed him to. She pulled away after a while and looked
him straight in the eyes. She knew she would probably regret this later on but she couldn't be
here anymore. She couldn't stay with a guy who didn't see her, who didn't love her. She just

"I don't care anymore either" she breathed as she slowly released his shirt and looked up meeting
his eyes, "you can make me look like the bad guy this world is not where I belong to anyways.
Just sign the papers and free both of us from all this" she ignored the fact her voice sounded
shaky and the hot tears stung her eyes she turned away from him and walked away.

He didn't do anything to stop her. She knew then she made the right decision.

She let out a strangled gasp when she bumped into something hard, feeling the way it rose up
and down she knew it was someone's chest. She didn't have to look up to know who it was either.
Looking at the shoes she could just tell who it was. It wasn't Rodolfo who she wished it was.
That way she didn't have to face yet another painful event. She was already breaking in a million
pieces she just wanted to grab her things go to a hotel and crawl into bed. She wanted to drown
in her own misery right now she didn't need anyone to help her with it.

"You should apologize when you walk into someone like that. It's called common decency
Gabriella" he said in his stern tone that made her feel even more unworthy of being there with

"I'm sorry" she managed to say before she stepped aside and tried to walk away only to get
stopped again.

She didn't say anything though she just waited till he spoke his mind. The grip he had on her
wrist didn't seem that hard at all even though his hand was already leaving an red print behind.

"What's with that look on your face. It should be me who is breaking out in tears for the names
you called me" he chuckled but it slowly faded away when he noticed her looking away with a
look in her eyes. He could feel the intense pain she was feeling with merely having a glimpse of
her sorrow filled eyes. It took him awhile to compose himself again as he gripped her wrist even
tighter in his hand, "what the hell happened to you?" he asked as he tried to pull her closer to him
yet she seemed to stand her ground firmly not wanting to move at all, "look I don't give a fuck
about what you called me last night people called me even worse names than that. You don't
have to beat yourself up on it. We can forget about it Gabriella and start over.""No we can't!"

"Of course we can-"

"We can't!" she said firmly as she ripped her wrist out of his hand and looked him straight in the
eyes making him step back unconsciously, "I'm not Anarosa. I'm not the woman your son is in
love with. He thought he could be happy with me forget about the pain that woman caused him
but he can't. Right now with what happened yesterday and what happened between me and
Gabriel just made him see her and not me. He doesn't see me at all."

Turning away from Cecilio she quickly dashed away not even bothering to go to the bedroom
knowing he would follow her. She had to get out of there as soon as possible. She wouldn't let
him force her to stay. She couldn't. She didn't want to lose more of her pride. She wasn't a mere
replacement for that woman, she wouldn't be one.

"Gabriella we're not done talking!"

She didn't say anything though she kept running away, fast. Running down the stares she looked
at the expensive vase Cecilio got from one of his business partners from China. He would really
be pissed if that thing was to be thrown off it's table. She looked over her shoulder seeing the
man right behind her and reached out taking the vase in her hand as she threw it behind her
making sure it was a high throw so he had to catch it. It would safe her enough time to slam the
door behind her and order one of the drivers to take her away. Out the door like she had planned
she breathed heavily and slammed the door shut with quite a force that she felt the doorframe
tremble. She heard a strangled ring of cusses coming from inside the mansion and smirked
turning around she looked at the guy who was about to get into his car, waving out to him she
stopped him making him raise an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"What's with the rush?"

"Could you do a really big favor?"

"Get in."

She flashed him a grateful smile and quickly got into his car slamming the door shut she watched
the front door being opened and in matter of time Cecilio had mustered up enough guys to pull
her back forcefully. Thank god Rodolfo was at the right place on the right time. She heard him
release a very tired sigh as he quickly turned the car around and drove out of the front gates at
full speed.

"You owe me big time."

"I know" she whispered as she nodded her head, "I know that. I'm really grateful to you Rodolfo.
You helped me so much already" she said as she looked at him yet he was focused entirely on his
driving and nothing more, "It's just that things should end before too many people will get hurt."

"Running away doesn't solve anything Gabriella. For how long do you think you can keep
running away you have to face the consequences at some point."

"I already talked to Mike. He didn't disagree with me. I'm not running away from Michaelangelo,
I'm divorcing him."

She wasn't surprised at all when he suddenly hit the breaks, she was just glad at this point that
there were no cars behind them he would have caused a major traffic accident.

"You're divorcing him? Does he know about this or is this something you come up with just

"He knows, he didn't disagree with me. He let me go. It's your father who doesn't know when to
let go. Michaelangelo knows it's for the best."

"So you're divorcing him? I don't believe it. You two belong together, this is just one of your
selfish tricks again isn't it Gabriella?"

"It's not."

"We're going back to the house" he said as he gripped the steering wheel again, "I need to hear it
from him before I take you anywhere else."
"Call him, safe yourself the gas money" she said offering him his telephone that had been laying
carelessly on the dashboard.

"Dad's pissed at you."

"I don't give a fuck. What's going on Mike? Are you and Gabriella-"

"Yes we are. So take her wherever she wants to go."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"Stop screwing with me Mike. You aren't talking to your high school buddy here. It's me. Stop
lying to me I can hear whenever you are talking bullshit. Right now you are full of crap."

"I'll explain everything to you when you get home. Right now make sure she is safe. Take her to
the hotel, she will be watched. There is no need to worry about her safety. I made sure security is
doubled there. Take her to the hotel and come back so we can talk. Don't say anything to provoke

"Fine, I'll take her to the damn hotel. I'm not happy about it though."

Gabriella looked the other way. She didn't know what they were talking about since Rodolfo
seemed to talk in only words. It seemed suspicious, but then again maybe Michaelangelo was
telling him how he didn't feel anything for her and Rodolfo just didn't want to hurt her feelings.
So she didn't think more of it. She just wanted to head to bed already.

"Make sure it's the headquarters."

"I know. Talk to you later."

Looking at the quiet girl next to him Rodolfo handed her his phone, "I'll take you to our hotel.
See it this way you can safe your money wisely while you take care of your matters there and
when everything is settled you find your own place. Don't question me" Rodolfo said pressing a
finger against her lips knowing she was going to protest, "you are alone now Gabriella. You have
no one who will support you. So use your money wisely."

"Fine."She knew he was right. Right now she was living on the money her father saved up for
her. It was a lot but if she was going to spend it on expensive hotels and what not she would not
have a lot to live a long life of luxury. She had no home to go except for the summer house in
Italy which was still a place she could not go without being reminded of her dead father. She had
nothing. So the money was definitely something she had to handle carefully.
"Glad you agree with me" he said as he finally started the car again and drove as fast as he could
to the hotel that Michaelangelo had prepared for Gabriella as a safe haven, "look you can call me
any time if you need anything alright. Just because things didn't end well for you and my brother
doesn't mean things have to end for us. I still see you as a little annoying sister."

"Thanks" she smiled to him as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, "and I still see you as my cool,
handsome brother who still thinks he is twelve."

Chuckling he gave her once last smile before he drove off, leaving her there. He knew she was in
good care there he had nothing to worry about he just needed some answers from his brother
before he would think or say anything. He never knew what his brother was thinking. All he
knew now was that his brother still cared for Gabriella and obviously he didn't agree with a
divorce. So he played a game with her. He didn't know what he tried to succeed by playing this
game though. Having people to think that he was divorcing Gabriella when he actually wasn't
didn't benefit-

His eyes widening as he figured it out .Rodolfo chuckled and gripped the steering wheel tighter.
His brother was too smart for his own good. When Raphael thought he was a step ahead
Michaelangelo was already ten steps ahead of him. The poor guy wouldn't know what hit him
before it was too late. Deep inside Rodolfo even could feel sorry for the guy who thought he was
victorious. He wasn't even close. The pictures achieved him nothing. Yet words would be passed
to him that Gabriella and the Gavinos had a big nasty fight ending in a nasty divorce. That was
the news Raphael would receive unknown to him Michaelangelo never planned a divorce to
begin with. Rodolfo knew his brother was not the cold hearted man he tried to appear to be. He
did forgave Gabriella at the hotel it was just an act to make her think he sided with his father who
totally clueless right now. Michaelangelo even pulled his own father into this little act. Things
couldn't get any better.

Rodolfo admired his brother for his manipulative ways, but he would never admit that to him . It
would only inflate Michaelangelo's ego more.

The damn guy had already enough of it as it is.

He just didn't know how Gabriel being banned from the house fit into all of this.

Well he would find out sooner or later, depending on how fast he could get home.

Ever since Gabriella came to their lives, their lives hadn't been the same, and he was grateful to
that. Their lives would have been quite boring without her in it.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty- eight - Heart Of Stone.

Special thanks to happybunnyx123 for making me such an awesome cover. I really appreciate it!
Of course thank you all for the votes and comments. Feedback is always appreciated!

She looked at her feet which were strapped in black stiletto heels with diamonds covering the
thin straps. She bought herself the pricy shoes to make her feel better, she deserved to treat
herself to something like this once in a while. It took her mind of the currents events in her life.
She had turned off her telephone because too many people were calling her, pretending to feel
sorry for her. She knew better than that. The women were happy that Michaelangelo would once
return to his bachelor life. She knew very well a lot of women were now doing a little victory
dance because they could now have a chance with him. She knew she shouldn't be bothered with
this because it was her who asked for the divorce yet it didn't settle well with her.

Just because she was divorcing Michaelangelo now it didn't mean she would stop caring about
him. She was hurt by him because he wasn't true to his feelings, she was hurt by him because it
felt like he played with her life like she was his puppet. She wanted him to look in her eyes and
gently tell her how much she meant to him but that of course only happened in her dreams. She
wondered if he ever knew how to love. If he even knew what it meant to be together with a
woman and open your heart to her. She figured he didn't know what it meant. All he could care
about was his job and his family which didn't include her.

Him seeing her not as his family was reason enough for her to know that he didn't care about her
the way he should care about her. Yet she kept hoping she would mean more to him than he was
showing right now. She couldn't help but to have a little spark of hope left inside her, that he
would come through those doors any minute take her in his arms and tell her what a big mistake
he made. She really hoped he would do that but of course it wasn't reality. Maybe he was even
glad that he was freed from her. He always did think of her as a bother.

Taking a sharp breath she made sure the tears that stung her eyes again didn't fall. She shouldn't
be crying over this anymore. She had crawled into bed yesterday and cried her heart out. That
was enough. One day she had been sad and depressed and now she should start living her life
again. She received the papers for college already so she could stay here in the hotel as long as
she wanted to, Rodolfo told her that over the phone on their costs of course and that way she
could finish college with an eased heart.

She was afraid she would see him here every once in a while, but Rodolfo told her the chances
that they would meet were very small. So she could stay there without having to worry to meet
him every day. It wouldn't help her get over him, so knowing he wouldn't be around was a big

Stepping inside the restaurant she made her way to the table by the window, she was still treated
with care by the staff which she was grateful for. She still got everything she wanted and even
more. Michaelangelo had been a jerk to her but he still made sure she was well taken care of. She
wondered if he had been this way with Anarosa as well? Did he help her with everything until
she was back on her feet properly? She really wondered what the deal was between them.
Sitting down at the table she smiled as the waiter arrived with her breakfast, her favorite bagels,
pancakes and of course her fruit salad. She would kill for a bowl of cereal as well but
unfortunately a hotel like this didn't serve a bowl of cereal. She had to get used to not having the
big bowl already there for her with everything aside. Rodolfo really spoiled her. Grabbing her
fork she wanted to prick into her strawberry but stopped when the strawberry just disappeared
from her sight, just like that it was gone. Looking up she glared at the man who had swiped the
strawberry away from her.

"You know how much I like strawberries! Couldn't you get your own fruit salad?" she pouted as
she went for the melon instead, "so you're actually staying here as well? I thought being banned
meant they send you to a little island to repent for your sins?" she asked jokingly and giggled
when he gave her a very cold glare.

"Repent for my sins?" he asked and snorted, "it was clearly you who seduced me. The guy
known as prince of seduction got wrapped around the little finger of a blonde bad mouthed girl.
It's all your fault for batting your eyelashes at me" he said jokingly and smirked when he saw the
shocked look in her eyes, "yeah that's right it's all your fault."

"It's my fault?" she asked still rather shocked by his theory, "I didn't seduce you at all. If
anything you dark twisted guy it was you who made all confused. Should I remind you about the
little bet you made just after I got married to Michaelangelo. It's clear to everyone that you were
infatuated by me the first time you met me."

"Infatuated?" he asked playfully, "that might be true, you are very attractive. At least when
you're not wearing sweat pants that old big t-shirt of Michaelangelo or those big nerd glasses.
You can be very sexy."

"Are you flirting with me again?" she asked as she gave him another bite of her melon and
pretended to gasp in surprise when he grabbed her wrist and took the whole piece of delicious
tasting fruit, "those sweatpants and t-shirts are very comfortable if you must know. You should
know that the way I'm looking now is just a disguise. I'm actually that nerdy girl in big glasses
and old t-shirts. "

"I might be" he said as he released her wrist and leaned back against his chair with an intense
look in his eyes that made a blush crawl over her skin, yeah he really did was a prince of
seduction without him even trying he could make a girl's heart melt for him too bad he was never
serious with any girls because he could definitely be dating material, "does it bother you?" he
asked as he leaned forward again looking straight in her big brown eyes, "it doesn't right? You
actually like it."

Pressing a hand firmly against his chest she pushed him back to his seat making the guy chuckle
and shake his head a little.
"It bothers me" she said firmly as she continued with her breakfast, "being an accessory to my
divorce you should take responsibility for it" she pointed out as she handed him a bagel, "like a
gentleman would."

"Being an accessory?" he chuckled, "sweetheart, it's clearly not only my fault that this has
happened. You do realize that if you kept quiet like a good little girl you wouldn't be in a divorce
right now. Michaelangelo would have cooled down after a few days and you would have been
happily married right now" he said calmly as if he was talking about the nice weather right now,
"you can never keep quiet do you? You always have to blab things out. Because of your big
mouth you always get yourself in trouble."

"Well sorry for being a big mouthed girl. It's how daddy raised me to be."

"Yes Vinnie always had a big mouth too. He and Cecilio always had big discussions that took for
hours. He was the only guy that wasn't afraid of the devil. He always spoke up to him and the
weird thing was Cecilio liked him for it too. You would think he would like you for it too."

"He wasn't offended by me" she said clearing that out, "he actually told me he didn't mind it at
all. That we would just start over."


"I walked away. I already told Mike I would divorce him. I couldn't go back on my words no
matter how much I wanted to. This divorce is good for me. I need a change,


"Michaelangelo loved Ana more than he ever loved me. When he confronted me about us, he
only spoke off Ana. I got sick of it and exploded. I just needed to get it off my chest. He didn't
say anything in return, so I figured I was right after all. He compared me with her because he is
still in love with that woman. I was just a mere substitute he thought he could love."

Narrowing his eyes on Gabriella he could see how hurt she was. The hurt through her eyes was
heart breaking. He had a hard time swallowing just by looking in her sorrowful eyes. She was
deeply hurt by Michaelangelo, she was putting up an act here. He could tell all she wanted to do
right now was to burst into tears and cry her heart out. She had too much pride for it though. She
kept her head held high and went back to finishing her breakfast, like nothing had happened.

He couldn't do that. He had seen the pain in her eyes. All he wanted to do right now was just to
take her in his arms hold her close to him and hush her. Running his hand through her silky locks
and tell her how she would be alright. Yet he figured that was probably not the right thing to do
right now. People would talk, they would probably bad mouth her behind her back. Calling her
He wouldn't want that either for her, so he stayed distanced from her. He needed to for her own
sake. She was already having a hard time with this divorce thing, being called a slut was
probably going to make things even worse for her.

So all he could do right now was reaching out to her and place his hand over hers. He could feel
the tension leaving her just by holding her hand like that. She just needed someone to be there
for her and he could be that someone right now. He couldn't love her like he wanted to but he
could be her friend, he could support her through the hard times. Like this one.

"You weren't a substitute" he spoke firmly, "no matter what he tells you I know he is lying. He
never loved her the way he loves you. I know it's hard to believe right now, but he still cares a lot
about you."

"He cares about me?" she asked shaking her head, "yeah right, if he did he wouldn't have let me
go. He wouldn't have let me walk out of his life. I think he actually feels very relieved right now.
He always did tell me I was such a bother to him."

"You are a fool Gabriella."

"You're calling me a fool?" she asked being offended by his sudden words, she was anything but
a fool so why did he suddenly decide that?

"Yes because the one person who was it closest to him couldn't tell the difference between a lie
and the truth. If you loved him the way you say you love him you would have known that he is
clearly lying. Just by listening to his voice Rodolfo and I could tell he was lying. Yet you were
easily fooled."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can't tell you everything."

"Does he love Anarosa?"

"He once did."

"Is he still hurt because of her?"

"He was hurt by her, but that changed. He started to trust another woman again, when we
thought he would never be able to do that anymore."

Nodding her head she squeezed his hand a little before she pulled her hand back, "I don't know
what's going on and you can't talk about it so I'm going to live my life properly. I'm going to
college, I'll try and make a career for myself and when I do meet someone there I won't be
waiting for Michaelangelo. I can't wait for him patiently and put my life on hold. "
"I really can't tell you anything right now. Everything will be alright Gabriella. You will be

"Of course I will" she said smiling to Gabriel, "I'm finally have my normal life back. I can go to
school again and actually make friends without people scaring them off because they think I'm
the godfather's daughter. I'll be alright."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 38 - Heart Of Stone (p.9 of 22)

"You should know that whatever you try to talk yourself into. You always be different. You
weren't born in a normal family Gabriella" he said twisting the big ring around his finger around
that had a silver G engraved in it, "you'll always be the godfather's daughter."

"I won't be that girl" she protested, "my father is dead, my mother is dead and now I'm divorcing
Michaelangelo. This all was their lives. It's not mine."

"You're in denial."

"I'm not. I'm being rational. I'm nothing in that life. I'm not the godfather's daughter anymore nor
am I the mafia boss his wife. I'm just Gabriella now. A simple college student."

"There is nothing simple about you. You were prepared for this life since the day you were born.
You know how to handle a gun and you know how this life works. You know a lot more than
you lead on. Just because you are in denial."

"Me handling a gun has to do with self defense. You know it's important to know how to handle
one. Any time someone could come in our home and try to kill us. It's only to protect yourself."

"So were you not prepared for this life?"

"Stop it" Gabriella said shaking her head not wanting to hear more of this, "why do you try to
change my mind Gabriel? I'm done with this all please let it go. I don't want to be that girl
anymore, I just want to live a simple life now."

"Yeah and you think that those pretty clothes you wear your father earned earnestly?" he asked
and chuckled, "please it's all blood money who do you try to fool? No one is buying this 'I want
to be a college student act'. If you want a change get rid of the money first, it's all money earned
because of what we do. You seem to live of it a quite luxurious life though."

Gulping the heavy feeling away she knew how right he was. She couldn't get rid of the money
even if she pretended to want a normal life. She was accustomed to wear pretty clothes, she
could wear sweatpants and t-shirts a lot too but once in a while she would want to wear that
Prada dress she kept in the back of her closet. Once in a while she wanted to buy herself a nice
diamond necklace. And she could only buy it with the money her father left her.
Blood money.

"You're right" she whispered with her head hung low, "you're right I'm living quite a luxurious
life with the money daddy left me."

"You don't have to feel bad about it" he snorted, "like I said you were born in this life, don't be
ashamed of it. You have girls like Ana and girls like you. Ana type of girls are the ones trying to
get into this life with all their might and you have you. The girls already born in this life. Girls
like you are treated like princesses. Why would you give that up when a girl like Ana is trying so
hard to get what you have?"

"Can't the lies be a reason enough to want out of it. What about the murders. The blood that is on
your hands? You have hurt a lot of people. There are families out there who are crying for their
husbands. Their fathers."

"An eye for an eye. That's the Gavino motto. Simple as that. I don't have a problem with it at all.
They know how we do business. If you want to hurt us don't expect for us to stand back and do
nothing. We'll give the hurt back ten times worse."

"An eye for an eye huh?" she said while taking the glass of whiskey away from Gabriel clearly
he had nothing better to do if he was drinking this early, "that's what's Raphael is doing right
now. You hurt him and he will hurt you back ten times worse."

She saw how tense he got when she mentioned it. She knew she was right though. Cecilio hurt
his family and now he was just doing what they would do. Pay back the hurt they have caused
him. He wasn't doing anything abnormal. It was their way of life. They just couldn't except it that
someone wasn't keeping quiet about their horrible actions.

"It's not the same."

His tone was bitter and firm. It was clear to he that he did not accept her thinking.

"Why is it not the same? Cecilio killed of their family. Cecilio hurt Grachelle. Made her live a
shameful life. Is it not right? I thought you said your motto was an eye for an eye."

"Their situation is not the same!"

"It is! But your pride is hurt! Him wanting to break me and Michaelangelo up, wanting Cecilio to
see his own son have the same life as him is just pay back. Nothing more."

"Shut up Gabriella. You don't know what you are talking about. It's deeper than that. You should
shut up before you actually upset someone with this."

"I'm the kind of girl that never keeps quiet about anything" she said as she rose to her feet, "and
it is the same situation. You are all too proud to admit it though, but that's okay. I'm not part of it
anymore anyways. So it's not my problem anymore" she said smiling to Gabriel before she
walked away.

She knew she had upset him, but she didn't care right now. Someone needed to tell them the truth
about everything. She didn't feel that Raphael was very wrong about his doing. She hated people
with a dark heart but if they could do something like that why couldn't he?"

She knew that Gabriel would inform the others about her thinking and she would piss off all the
Gavinos. Including the caring Rodolfo. She knew he would be as pissed as the others no matter
how close they were. She felt like she shouldn't be here today. Pissing off the Gavinos was never
a wise thing to do. They would make you regret it. They would make you really regret it.

Frowning when she felt a hand wrap around her arm she turned around to look who the person
was that stopped her from walking out the hotel with the little courage she had left right now.
She raised a sharp eyebrow when she looked right at the woman she was just talking about.

Not the slut.

The woman that hurt Cecilio deeply yet he betrayed her first.

She knew men were allowed to do more than women. It was just a simple rule in their lives. Men
had all the power women had none. They should be a good little quiet puppet to them. She wasn't
like that, and well Grachelle wasn't either.

She broke free from everything, so she was sure she could do the same as Grachelle.

"We need to talk sweetheart."

Her voice was very sweet and gentle. She didn't mind listening to it all day but she couldn't talk
to this woman right here. Gabriel was just in the other room. Him seeing her together with
Grachelle was really a bad thing. She knew even if she divorced Michaelangelo they would still
mess with her life. She was aware of that. So she couldn't be seen with this woman in public.

"We can't talk here."

"You're a smart woman Gabriella."

"No I'm just being rational. I don't want Michaelangelo knocking on my door and confront me
about this. I know he wouldn't like it if he heard I was talking to his mother. So I was thinking I
would go get my favorite smoothie how about we talk there?"

"Fine by me, lead the way."

"Do you mind if we go with your car?"

"No they must be tracking yours so it would be wise to take mine" she said and returned the
smile Gabriella gave her, "I know a thing or two about the boys as well. For one they wouldn't
appreciate it, you talking to me. They would definitely make life harder on you, and right now
you're already going through so much."

"So you heard about it?"

Gabriella followed after the woman to her car. She was glad the woman didn't come with a very
fancy car. The boys probably wouldn't even know it was Grachelle that came to this hotel.
Because if they did want to know where she went after she left the restaurant they would see her
step into an unknown vehicle. It would take them much longer to find who she was with. Enough
for her to think of a way to get out of it

"Don't worry it's not my regular car. It's a lease."


"Yeah I knew me coming here for you wouldn't be such a good idea. So I came prepared.
Tracking the stranger you went into a vehicle with will be an impossible task for them."

"They would recognize you from the tapes."

"No they won't. I promise you I took precaution. They won't know who the unknown woman
who kept her face angled just the right way away from the cameras was."

"That's what Gabriel was talking about" Gabriella whispered, "it comes natural to us."

"I thought I told you to watch over Gabriella? You didn't get send to the hotel to enjoy a vacation
Gabriel" Michaelangelo frowned as he threw his jacket on his chair carelessly and ripped his tie
away the damn thing made it impossible for him to breath properly right now, "what did she tell
to you to piss you of like that?"

"She had clear opinions about us and Raphael. I got mad alright, I couldn't stop her and make her
stay with me. I was too damn pissed at her to form a normal sentence."


"Yes she knows more about the situation than we thought. Actually she knows exactly why he is
doing what he is doing. She knows it's about revenge for what Cecilio has done and she doesn't
seem bothered with his motives at all. If you ask me she actually agreed on what he did."

Ripping the door open to the balcony Michaelangelo lightened a cigarette he needed right now.
He heard Gabriel stepping into the balcony as well and turned around taking another deep drag .
"She agrees with him?"

"Yes. In her eye we're the bad people Mike. You know I care a lot about her and I would never
get so pissed at her. A part of me knew she was right. It's our pride that is hurt more, but her
siding with Raphael was just not sitting me well. No matter how wrong we are, she should
always be on our side right?"

"Right. She can be easily influenced by him if she feels this way."

"The way she talked it felt like she knew he wasn't finished with us yet as well. The divorce
wasn't enough. She said he would pay us back ten times worse. We should be prepared. If my
guess is right he just wants to destroy you Mike. She said he will make Cecilio feel the pain he
felt. The way he will get Cecilio to feel that way is through you. That's what I concluded out her

"He will destroy me?" Michaelangelo snorted as he threw his cigarette over the railing and
smirked, "please when I'm done with him only a pile of ashes is left."

"What about Gabriella? What do we do about her?"

"For now, nothing. Let her be. What she thinks right now isn't important. She can feel that way
about us. We know it's true. It hurt our pride yet but what can a girl like her do? She can only
give her opinion nothing more. She has no influences what so ever. So leave her be."


"If she starts seeing Raphael inform me about it. Then it will be time to let her know exactly
which side she should be on."

"You know that the only way Raphael can destroy you is through her."

"I'm aware of that. I thought making her go away would take away my weaknesses. But Raphael
is no fool. He knows how I feel about her."

"Yeah well it's pretty obvious how you feel about her. Even though you are divorcing her you are
still protection her with all your might. It's obvious you divorced her for her own safety."

"I thought it would make Raphael back off. But clearly he saw through my act" Michaelangelo
sighed, "I just couldn't leave her unprotected. I needed someone to watch her. It was my flaw in
this plan but I didn't fail."

"What do you mean?"

"Him wanting to be close to Gabriella will be his down fall. She will be the one that will destroy

"How?" Gabriel asked confused, "what are you planning to let her do Mike?"

Smirking Michaelangelo walked past Gabriel as he gave him a firm tap to his back before he
stepped inside his office again. He was glad Raphael felt the need to be close to his wife, it made
it only that much easier to hurt him. Right now Gabriella sympathized with that man. Maybe in
time they would bond. When she would find out that his father had something to do with the
disappearance of her biological mother, she wouldn't be so nice to him anymore. If everything
played out well she would be the one that got rid of Raphael. He just needed to move the right

"She will be the one that will rid us off Raphael."

"What? You know Gabriella is too good for pulling such a stunt. She would never pull the
trigger on someone innocent."

"What about a murder? Would she still have an innocent heart? Put the right evidence in the right
man's hands and everything will fall into place."

"What do we need to do?"

"Find this woman, and take care of it" he said handing him a file had had laying in his drawer for
quite some time now he just didn't know what to do with the information, "you know what you
have to do when she is taken care of."

"If the truth ever comes out, you know Gabriella will never have the heart to forgive you. We
already took Francesca away from her. Taking an innocent woman away from her, that she will
never forgive us for."

"She won't find out because Raphael is the one who did it. In her eyes. We take this secret to our

Nodding his head Gabriel held tightly onto the file as he grabbed his phone, "let me make some
calls. It will be taking care of" he said before meeting Michaelangelo's eyes, "it doesn't feel right
to me, but then again it doesn't feel right to me that she sided with Raphael either."

"It's not like we didn't do something like this before. If it frees your conscious read her file
closely. That woman is not so innocent. I checked. No one will miss her."

"Why didn't you tell Gabriella about her biological mother though. You had this for quite some
time. You had enough time to tell her about it. Yet you didn't."

"I didn't want her to get hurt. Next to this woman Francesca seems like an angel."
"What do you mean?"

"Vinnie didn't take Gabriella away from that woman by force. That woman gave her to him, she
had no place for Gabriella in her life and up until now she still doesn't want anything to do with
her. She lives a very sinful life. Gabriella would just end up hurt if she ever met this woman."

"You decided for her that it was wrong for her to meet this woman? Another reason Gabriella
will have on her long list of regrets by staying with us."

"Again she will never know. We'll get rid of all the evidence that we were once connected to this
woman. When Gabriella gets back hurt and broken because of what she did to Raphael. She will
never know we knew that this woman was alive. She will be more fateful to us in the process."

"We're really bad people" Gabriel sighed, "I don't know how we can sleep at night."

Holding the file up he nodded at his cousin in a somewhat semi greeting and walked out of the
office. He couldn't say he was happy with this act but he couldn't exactly disagree with it either.
Gabriella even hurt his pride so this was a way to repay her for her words. An eye for an eye. It
wasn't like they were taking away an innocent life anyways. This woman had no clean
background nor did she have someone who would actually miss her. She lived a long pleasuring
life. He wouldn't feel bad about. Taking a deep breath he felt the weight leaving his shoulders.
He could do this without having to drink himself at sleep at night. He knew his pride got in his
way this time.

Taking the file out of his cousin's hand Rodolfo flipped through it and plopped down on the
couch carelessly as he scanned the file carefully. He raised an eyebrow and looked straight into
those green intimidating eyes of his cousin.

"Mike giving you this means you have to take care of her. She is Gabriella's mother. I thought
you of all people wouldn't be okay with this?"

"Gabriella insulted to Gavinos. My pride got hurt it made this a lot easier for me to do plus the
woman is not exactly a saint."

"I can see that. Gambling, loan sharks, bad boyfriends. This woman is living quite the life. But
still I thought seeing how much you care about Gabriella you would feel that this is wrong. She
must have said something really bad to make you okay with this" he said throwing the file back
to his cousin who caught it with ease, "you're mad at her?"

"I'm not mad" he muttered and sighed, "alright maybe I got a little pissed seeing how she felt
about our lives and all but I will be okay by tomorrow. I can face her again with a smile .I just
had to cool down. You know how prideful we all are."
"Yeah we have it bad" Rodolfo agreed, "well since you're back, how about we have a drink? It's
been a while with all the things going on here."

"I need to take care of this fast. Michaelangelo needs this to do be done as fast as possible. You
must already know what he is planning."

"Yeah, I already know."

"What do you think?"

"Honestly, I didn't disagree as well. '

"I start to wonder if we even have a conscious" Gabriel sighed as he leaned back against the
couch and closed his eyes for a bit, "how can we be easily okay with something like this. It
should be keeping us up at night knowing we took someone's life without him having done
something to us. Yet we seem to sleep peacefully."

"We grew up like this. We don't know better than this" Rodolfo shrugged, "wondering about it
too much will only get you a headache. Just don't think about it too much. Besides didn't you say
she lived quite a sinful life. Just imagine her being in Gabriella's life. It will be enough for you to
continue with it."

"Gabriella would really become a ho if she had a mother like this."

Chuckling Rodolfo shook his head, "just because the woman sleeps around?"

"Because she sleeps around with the type of man that pays her for it. You think she can afford all
these because she is a waitress?" Gabriel said as he showed Rodolfo her expenses, "we can say a
lot about Francesca but at least she raised Gabriella well."

"She raised her with a conscious" Rodolfo said as he gave the paper back to his cousin,
"something we've been raised without."

"That's why it's good for us to have her around. She is the reason why we still have some
humanity left. She made us have a conscious. If she stays away for too long I'm worried that
Michaelangelo really becomes a man with a stone heart."

"He could make this plan without even thinking twice. So yeah humanity is slowly slipping from
him because her absence in his life."

"It feels more like he is punishing her."

"Maybe he is. She betrayed his love. Maybe he is punishing her by doing this."
Sighing Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose. If Michaelangelo was really punishing Gabriella
for making out with him he didn't want to know what he would do to her if she actually slept
with him. He was glad things didn't go so far between them. It would definitely not be good for
Gabriella's sake.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter thirty- nine - Heavy Feeling

Thank you all for the votes and comments. It really means a lot to me. Feedback is always
appreciated! =D

She didn't understand why her hands were shaking while she was looking at the piece of paper
she was holding onto tightly. As if she was guarding it with her life. This paper stated it clearly
that it was official, never would have thought he would sign the papers but he did. He did sign
the papers that would end their relationship and it hurt. It hurt her deeply. She had hope for him
left after she talked to Gabriel in the hotel's restaurant two weeks ago. She figured he did love
her and he would change his mind, but she was so wrong. He signed the damn papers without
any disagreements. He would even pay her alimentation. Wanting to rip the stupid paper the
shreds she tried to remain calm, years of practicing yoga helped her with it and slowly she puts
the paper back on the table.

Wiping the tears away that had rolled down her cheeks she took a deep breath and put up a
perfect smile on her face. She couldn't cry, this is what she wanted. She wanted freedom and he
gave it to her. She wanted to be away from their family and well now she had no connections to
them at all. She was back to being Gabriella Valia. A girl with no family whatsoever, she had
cousins living around the world of course but no deeper connection to them. The only people she
was close with were the in-laws and well she should forget about them now. They weren't her
family anymore. No matter what Rodolfo and Gabriel told her.

She had no ties to them anymore because she was no longer married to their cousin/brother.

Looking at the big bag she had packed for her first school day a real smile spread across her face.
She was going to college and live a normal life. She was going to be a student and have
homework, she wouldn't have time to think about things like this. She was still young she could
get over a divorce. She had all the time of her life to find someone else, someone who wasn't
connected to the underworld. No matter how much she loved her Prada dresses, she could give
that away for a chance to have a normal life.

No lies, no murders no nothing.

Just the stress of going to school and getting good grades.

Grabbing the bag off the chair she made her way out of her hotel room and placed the keycard
back into her pocket. She wouldn't want to miss her first day of school because she was crying in
her hotel room. She would hold her head high and pretend it didn't effect her at all. She could cry
all she wanted when she was crawled in bed all alone, in the dark. No one would see her. She
could cry her heart out and have a big smile on her face the next day.

Pushing the straps higher up her shoulder she pushed the elevator button to go down, she knew
she must look like a mess right now so she tried to fix her hair as much as possible. She was glad
her hair always cooperated with her, so her hair was no big issue her. The red puffed eyes she
could do nothing about. She reached into her bag and took out her big nerd glasses as Gabriel
called them to put them on. That way she somehow covered up her teary eyes. Stepping inside
the elevator once it arrived she pushed the button to go to the lobby and stood in the back,
carefully taking out her agenda to look what classes she had first. She was so focused on her
school things that she didn't even look up when the man next to her cleared his throat. She
gasped when the man pushed her a bit, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Gabriel I should have known" she sighed as she placed the agenda back in her bag, "couldn't
you be more gentle?" she asked while fixing her leather jacket, "geez I'm already a total mess I
didn't need your help with it you know."

"I tried to get your attention but you were totally engrossed in your agenda" he said as he leaned
back against the wall, his hands buried in his dark jeans as he crossed his feet at his ankles taking
a very comfortable position like he owned the place. Well in theory he did, but that was beside
the point. It was all glowing from him the Gavino pride, "I thought you would grief more. It's a
very sad day in history today you know."

Snorting she walked out the elevator not bothering to look if he even followed her, "well life
goes on, I couldn't take a day off to be sad and depressed. I have to go to school. I already missed
the intro because of the meetings for the divorce. Now everything is settled I can go to school
without having to worry about anything."

"I forgot you're playing the innocent student right now. Not my usual fantasy I like the naughty
nurse better. You want to get a part time job as a nurse? I know I would love it."

Rolling her eyes in an exaggerating manner she pushed through the heavy doors of the hotel and
shrieked when Gabriel gripped her forearm tightly and guided her to his car.

"You could just ask me!" she scolded as she ripped her arm out of his grip and got into his car
like he wanted her to, "geez you Gavino guys always take things forcefully. You know asking
might be good at times as well. You can't always get things forcefully!"

"I just need to talk to you, so I'll ride you to school."

"A 'Gabriella I'll take you to school' would have been enough."

Putting on the seatbelt she watched him carefully. He seemed more tense today. He did joke
around like he usually did. He flirted with her like he always did as well yet his eyes told her he
wasn't there. He was deep in thoughts though he was still alert about his surroundings she could
also tell he was worrying about something.
"Something happened didn't it?" she asked as she took her little mirror out of her bag and applied
some gloss to make her look a bit more radiant, "I can tell by looking in your eyes. Something is
bothering you and seeing how worried you look, something bad must have happened."

"I may have a lead on where your biological mother is."

Almost dropping the mirror on the ground she quickly gripped it more tightly and glanced over
at Gabriel to make sure he wasn't playing any games. By the look in his eyes she could tell he
was being sincere. He knew more about her real mother. He seemed worried about it too. So it
didn't seem like good news to her.


"And what?"

"What's wrong with her? You don't look too happy about telling me this so there must be
something wrong with this woman. What did she do or what did she say to make you dislike her
this much?"

"Who says I dislike her. I mean I don't really like the woman but I don't dislike her. I mean she is
involved in some shady business. She is addicted to gambling she drinks a lot and has a lot of
men around her. But I don't dislike her."

"But you don't like her either" Gabriella repeated, "so why were you telling me this again? You
don't seem happy about this matter. So why did you tell me about it?"

"Because I thought you might want to know who she is and what kind of person she has become
after all these years. Don't you want to find out more about this woman, after all she is your birth
mother. Why not have a talk with her?"

Nodding her head she gripped her bag tighter in her hands unconsciously. She didn't know she
was that nervous because they were speaking about her birth mother. She looked down at her
hands seeing her knuckles turning white. Her biological mother influenced her more than she
realized. She actually was very nervous to speak of this woman. She took a deep breath to calm
herself down and looked at the guy next to her who was parking his car right next to the gates of
her college building.

"She wants to meet me? Should I go meet her?"

"Why are you asking me?"

She reached out to him placing her hand over his that was tightly on the steering wheel and
flashed him a warm smile, "do you even have to ask? You know you're important to me. Rodolfo
is like a brother to me and you're like my best friend. A person counts on her best friend to
support her through hard times like this. Give her advise that will guide her to do the right thing.
So as my best friend, what do you think I should do?"

Sighing he turned to look at her once he parked his beloved car, "I think you should go meet her,
have a talk with her it can never get any worse. You'll probably regret not talking to her. So I
think you should do it. "

Raising an eyebrow she let out a soft giggle that sounded like music to his ears right now, he
didn't hear her laugh without having to worry about a thing. Even if she wore those big glasses
she looked still beautiful in his eyes.

"Fine I'll talk to her, I assume you're the one taking me there?" she asked and frowned a little
when he shook his head, "you're aren't taking me? I thought that was your job you know
questioning people and that kind of stuff?"

"I do information. Rodolfo is the more...persuasive guy."

"Rodolfo can be the scary guy who gets information out of people?" she asked and smirked when
she saw the surprised almost shocked look in Gabriel's eyes, "alright I don't mind going with
Rodolfo. He is more fun anyways" she joked and snickered as she rushed out of the car, "thanks
for the ride!"

Quickly walking inside the big campus she turned around giving a wink to Gabriel who was
standing warily by his car before she focused back on getting inside. At least she was on time for
her first class seeing how he raced towards her school. She wondered how many fines he had to
pay because of how fast he drives, the whole family for that matter.

Pushing through the heavy doors she smiled as she watched tons of students walking around
having a chat, rushing to classes. She never felt more happy in her life before. It felt like she was
going to start her new life here, no more sitting at home following a husband around. She was
going to start her own life here.

Taking the chair across his cousin Gabriel sat down carelessly and took the glass from his cousin
which was still completely full since the guy was furiously typing behind his laptop. Sipping
from the coke he raised an eyebrow as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Isn't a little too early to drink spiked coke" he said placing the coke back on the coaster where it
belonged, "geez some people need to drive home you know."

"Then don't steal my drink" Rodolfo muttered monotone making Gabriel raising an eyebrow,
"you went to see Gabriella?"

"Yep. I dropped her off at her school. I told her about her mother, Carmen. She asked me what
she should do, she asked my opinion about seeing her mother I mean. I don't know I felt-"

"It's not guilt I'm feeling" he whispered and saw the cocky look Rodolfo flashed him, "alright
fine I might feel a little guilty but still it's normal right. It means I still have some humanity left
inside of me. You guys don't feel anything at all, it's you guys I'm worried about. I mean it's
Gabriella's mother were talking about. We're about to take yet another person that is close to her
away from her. It feels wrong now that I think about it."

"So why didn't you disagree about this matter weeks ago? Why do you suddenly feel bad about

Sighing Gabriel leaned back against his chair as he thought about it. A few weeks ago he
certainly felt like this was the right thing to do. But today sitting there next to her hearing her
speak to him like he was her best friend, like he was very important to her. It made him think this
through. It didn't seem like a good idea anymore but he couldn't back out of it either.

"I don't know, speaking to her today made me suddenly change my mind. Don't worry about it,
I'll be fine. It will be just another job, just another person. I wont look at her as Gabriella's
mother, everything should be fine then."

Closing his laptop Rodolfo took a sip from his drink as he observed the nervous looking Gabriel.
He never saw the guy like that before. He didn't even seem nervous when Michaelangelo
confronted him about the kiss. He seemed to handle that perfectly fine. Today he actually
seemed like a mess.

"So hearing her speak to you like you are important to her made you wrapped around her little
finger?" Rodolfo asked as he smirked at the guy who gave him a dead glare if looks could kill he
would already be dead by now, turned into a pile of ashes, "you're right not thinking about it will
make it easier for you. Just do your job that's it. Besides it will be me who will be there talking to
the woman, you know that if you would have been there things would have been only worse for

"Yeah, that's that and well Michaelangelo did need me for something else."

"Something else? Sounds mysterious to me. Did he plan something devious again?" Rodolfo
asked causing Gabriel to roll his eyes, "you not talking about the 'thing' you two are going to do
is very suspicious so what is it?"

"We're warning Raphael to back off. Giving him a warning seemed only fair to Mike. So if he
doesn't listen we'll frame him like we planned we would."

"Isn't that nice of you" Rodolfo said sarcastically, "it seemed to me even if he did listen to the
warning you would still frame him into murdering Gabriella's mother so I don't see the point in
this giving him a warning."
"Michaelangelo is very strict with this one. I think he would still go on even if he did listen to the
warning. It seems to me Mike expects Raphael to continue messing around with our lives.
Anyways giving this warning isn't for Raphael."

Looking up from his drink Rodolfo knew exactly why Michaelangelo was doing this.

"It's because of her isn't it?"

"Yep he doesn't want to go there alone because of your mother. He is just warning Raphael so
your mother hears it. I think he is doing this so Grachelle can't get mad at Cecilio for you hurting
her son's life."

"How nice of him to think about father" Rodolfo muttered and grabbed his phone out of his
pocket, "so while you two go have tea at Raphael's place I'm stuck babysitting?" he asked and
ignored the glare Gabriel gave him, "I like spending time with Gabriella but it will be all
emotional and all. I don't do emotional things."

"Why because it's emotional? " Gabriel snickered and leaned back quickly when Rodolfo was
out to smack him across the head, "you're getting slow old man" he joked and chuckled louder
when Rodolfo growled in anger, "well you need to suck it up because Mike doesn't want her to
go meet her mother alone.""Why is it that she still gets the chance to meet her mother?" Rodolfo
asked as he placed his phone on the table in front of him and looked at Gabriel who seemed very
confused with his question, "I mean we're going to take care of her anyways, what's the point of
letting her meet her mother?"

"Yeah well if you look at it this will hurt more if you know what the person is like when
he or she dies you know. You connected with that person. Gabriella will get more emotional if
she knows Carmen. It's mean and very evil of us but it will get the results Mike wants."

"I have a very manipulative brother not to mention he might be power hungry too" Rodolfo
sighed before he got up along with Gabriel and looked at the guy behind the bar, "I'm leaving
take care of the rest" he said while closing the big folder and gestured to the closed folder, "you
parked up front as well?"

"Of course I wouldn't want to walk all the way" Gabriel said jokingly as he took his care keys of
the table while he watched Rodolfo taking his stuff with him as well, "you're going to see
Carmen today with Gabriella right?" he asked as he watched Rodolfo typing on his telephone
quickly probably texting Gabriella, "I didn't mention the divorce" he informed Rodolfo making
the blue eyed man snap his attention to him.

"Why not?"

Shrugging his shoulders Gabriel held his keys tighter in his hand, "I don't know it didn't feel right
to talk about it" he said while looking at the ground instead he didn't know how to bring up the
divorce to her she seemed devastated about it he didn't want to cause her more grief, I joked
around about it but I didn't really talk about it with her. That's your job."
Rolling his eyes at that comment Rodolfo looked around the parking lot and frowned. If Gabriel
parked up front like him where the hell was his car. It sure wasn't here.

"So where is your car?" Rodolfo asked him confused, "I thought you said you parked it up front
like me, well I don't see it do you?" he asked in a calm manner yet Gabriel could tell Rodolfo
was as confused as he was.

"It should be here" Gabriel said walking to Rodolfo's silver BMW, "I seriously parked it right
here, right next to your car" he said as he exaggeratedly gestured to Rodolfo's car.

"Yeah you said that but I don't see it" Rodolfo muttered monotone, "or it suddenly disappeared in
thin air or someone is playing a joke on you" Rodolfo stated out calmly as he walked towards
Gabriel, "and look at that your phone is suddenly ringing, it's definitely someone playing a joke
on you."Searching in his pocket with a very annoyed expression on his face as his browned were
furrowed Gabriel grabbed the device out of his pocket with quite a force as he pressed it against
his ear, "seriously Mike this isn't funny" he said quite irritated, "you know my car is my baby."

Rodolfo smirked as he heard that Gabriel was talking to his brother. This was definitely pay
back. He didn't say anything when he found out about him and Gabriella but this really did seem
like pay back.

"Fuck you. Where is my fucking car Mike?"

"Cussing won't help right now" Rodolfo butted in as he unlocked his car, "get in I'll drop you off
at the mention, it's still too early for me to pick Gabriella up anyways."

"I'll seriously hurt you when I get back" he heard Gabriel say before the green eyed man looked
at him, "it's fucking pay back" he muttered.

It was Rodolfo concluded.

"So where is your car?"

"He won't tell me, the damn guy only laughed at me. He didn't say anything about my car at all.
He just ordered me to come back home. I'm seriously going to hurt him when I get back" he said
while getting in his eat and glared at Rodolfo who could ride back home, "you knew about this
didn't you?"

"I didn't know about this" Rodolfo stated perfectly calm, "I think it's fucking hilarious that he
stole your car right in front of you, but I didn't know about it. Be glad he just stole your car, I
mean you kissed his wife-"

"Ex-wife. "
"You know he will be back together with her after everything is taken care of. They'll get
married again and then she is his wife again. She'll be his ex-wife for only a few weeks. So that
term is not needed here."

"It doesn't mean anything. Right now she has no ties to him or us. She is his ex-wife."

Rodolfo noticed how Gabriel seemed very serious about this matter. Somehow it felt more like
he snapped at him for mentioning Gabriella.

"You seem very tense about this all, like you can snap any moment. Is there something I should
know Gabriel?" Rodolfo asked suspiciously.

"I'm saying after all this plotting, I don't think Michaelangelo deserves being back together with
her. He only uses her as a puppet. If that's called love than I'm glad I never been through it.
Because it destroys someone's life."

"He loves her."

"Well it seems that, that isn't enough. Just loving her because his love only hurts her. He only
manipulates her. Hell, we're going to kill her mother and make her believe someone else did it so
she can get rid of him for us. I don't know in which country that's called love, but it's sure not

"You need a time-out" Rodolfo said his defenses all up for his little brother. It didn't matter to
him what Michaelangelo did wrong he would always stick up for him, he was his little brother
after all, "Gabriella is effecting you too much Gabriel. You care more about her than you realize.
Next time Michaelangelo won't just steal your car, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah I know!" Gabriel sighed, "this isn't about me loving her you know that too Rodolfo. This
is about being rational. The girl we so much care about is getting toyed around by us. I thought I
could do it but every minute closer to it, makes me nervous. Makes my hands shake with

"You'll be fine. This is all you know, all your life you have only been in this life. You'll see when
the time comes you'll do the mission without any effort."

Gabriel knew Rodolfo meant it right. But right now he didn't need to hear that. He needed to hear
that the girl who would be toyed around with would be fine. That she would come out of this
without any scars. Not the physical ones, because the physical ones hurt less than the scars on
your soul. Somehow it felt like being with them would cause the girl to have no life at all.

And being in love with her had nothing to do with her wanting her to be safe and living a happy
life without any tears in it.

"Like I said don't think about it too much, Gabriel. We're almost there get your act together.
Don't let Mike or dad see you like this. You don't want them to doubt you."
Fixing his clothes Gabriel nodded. He knew it was better not to let them know. They wouldn't
get off his back when they heard his way of thinking. He could always tell Rodolfo anything but
the others didn't really listen to him. They would just judge him and nothing more.
Michaelangelo could be reasonable at times but him kissing the guy's wife didn't exactly help
with the trust thing.

"I'm good, you can speed up."

Walking out of her school building with her newly made friends Gabriella looked up as she saw
a familiar tall guy waiting by the gates. Big sun glasses on and a pressed suit he seemed to be
straight out of a fashion magazine. The damn guy could have come in less striking clothes. It felt
like every one was watching him and they probably were. Everyone must be wondering right
now who he was waiting for. She wanted to turn around and go back to school but it was already
too late. The guy had spotted her and gave her a small nod in some sort of greeting form. Giving
him a nervous smile back Gabriella walked towards him and gave him a light tap to his forearm.

"Seriously Rodolfo everyone must think that I'm the godfather's daughter right now" she
whispered a she tied to keep up a happy appearance as her fellow students walked by them, "why
are you wearing this anyways. Normally you wear less striking clothes. Like only the blouse and
tie and just jeans. Why you wearing a pressed suit?"

Smirking he leaned his arm over her shoulders as he pulled her close to him and leaded her to his
car, "you are the godfather's daughter and well I'm wearing this suit because I had a very
important meeting today at the hotel. Unlike you I had a very productive day today."

"very productive as in knocking down whiskey and probably vodka? "

Chuckling Rodolfo held the door open for her and rolled his eyes when he saw the hesitated look
in her eyes, "seriously I just drank one glass. Nothing more. Get in I promise you, you'll get there
in one piece."

Listening to him she got in his car and watched him step in as well. She had to admit he looked
good in that black suit and he smelled very good too. She didn't mind right now that people
might think she was the godfather's daughter because honestly all she saw right now was him.

"You look good."

"I know" Rodolfo smirked as he glanced at her, "your friends were all drooling at the sight of
me. So I must be very handsome right now."

"I'm pretty sure they have never seen a guy like you before."
"And what kind of guy is that?"

"The rich, handsome arrogant guy. The guy who seems to be out of there reach yet they still
want to be with him."

"Well too bad for them I'm here to pick up my little sister" he said jokingly and smirked when he
saw her look away from him, " come on you think a divorce will make me change my mind
about you Gabriella. It doesn't matter that you aren't married to Michaelangelo anymore. I still
care about you like you were my little sister. You were the one who yelled at me calling me
childish and making he open my eyes. You were the one who changed me remember. How can I
forget about that."

"Aren't you being all sweet and cuddly right now" Gabriella smiled as she sat more comfortably
in her seat once she got all that off her shoulders, "I wasn't sure how you felt about this" she
admitted to him, "I mean everything happened so fast."

"Don't worry about it, I didn't change my mind at all. So you ready to meet your mother?" he
asked her as he saw the nervous look in her eyes she seemed like she wanted to get the hell out
of his car, "I'm right beside you. "

"I know."


"I didn't know she was my mother till Francesca died. In my eyes she isn't even my mother. I
know Francesca did a crappy job at being my mother but still I saw her as my mother. A very
lousy one but still she was my mother. And now meeting this woman 'Carmen ' or whatever she
is called. It feels so wrong."

"You have met her before though" Rodolfo said spiking her interest, "you just don't remember it

"Very...vague" Gabriella said as she leaned back against the seat tiredly and titled her head back,
"well I'm closing my eyes for a bit wake me, when we arrive there" she said closing her eyes as
she slowly stared to drift away.

Rodolfo smiled as he glanced at her. She seemed very comfortable around him even though he
was about to do something very wrong to her. He knew then what Gabriel meant by it not feeling
right. In theory it sounded very good, but now having to do it, it felt so wrong. The girl who
trusted her life to them was being toyed around by them. He couldn't get rid of the heavy feeling
on his heart right now.

Now he felt bad for scolding Gabriel.

He just hoped meeting the woman who had done so many wrong things in her life would help
them to get the job done perfectly. Not just for their sake but for Gabriella's as well.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Chapter forty - Real Reasons

Thanks for the comments and the votes, it really means a lot to me!

Feeling someone shake her about Gabriella groaned in annoyance as she tried to shift yet it didn't
seem possible. Slowly opening her eyes she blinked them a couple of times to get used to the
bright light that shone through the car windows. Pressing the palm of her hand to her mouth she
yawned tiredly and looked at the person next to her, who seemed to think that this all was very
amusing. Raising a sharp eyebrow she dropped her hands and narrowed her honey brown eyes on

"What's so funny?"

Watching him shift in his seat as he undid his seatbelt he helped her with hers as well, "you are
so funny. You make funny faces when you are asleep, you know that?" he asked as he got out of
the car and quickly got to her side to help her out of the car as well like a real gentleman would.

"I'm glad I could amuse you while I slept the whole ride" she said tiredly as she leaned back
against his car and stretched a bit, "this is the place?" she asked as she looked around finding this
place very off wanting her to as close to Rodolfo as possible.

"Yeah this is it" he said as he placed his hand on her back and guided her to the motel where the
woman was staying, "just stay close to me and don't look at anyone, you'll be fine then."

Frowning as she looked around she couldn't help but to think that she had been here before. The
crappy looking building seemed almost to fall apart as they walked inside. The blue dusty
curtains seemed very familiar, the smell of cigarettes, sweat and what seemed to smell like
bleach filled her nostrils and seemed just as familiar to her. Pressing herself to Rodolfo's side she
watched him give her a gentle look while he guided his hand over her arm and held her hand
instead. She wanted to apologize for the sweaty palms seeing she seemed very nervous around
here but he didn't seem to care. It was as if he knew she would feel miserable being in this place.

"It feels like I have been here before" she whispered to him as she watched the halls they were
passing by everyone seemed to move aside as they walked through the halls as if they knew
exactly who they were, "what's with their reaction?"

Not being as bothered as Gabriella was Rodolfo looked down at her and gave her an encouraging
look, "we settled some accounts here, you know for the people who were going broke and
needed financial support."
"What did you get in return?"

She knew she shouldn't have asked but she was a bit curious about it. This used to be her life and
she couldn't help but to still feel curious about it and of course the fact that it felt so familiar to
her, this place.

"Their full support. If something happens we can count on them. They keep quiet about us and
they pay half their profit to us, it wasn't a waste to help them out."

"This motel as well?" Gabriella asked confused as she looked around, "couldn't you renovate it if
it belongs to you?" she asked confused as she watched him stop at a closed door at the end of the
hallway, "she lives here" it was more a statement than a question.

"This is just a crappy place we sometimes use for other activities" he said not going in too much
detail, "she lives here" he said answering her statement/question, "you ready?" he asked
watching her nod her head in his question before he knocked on the door firmly, "just stay close
to me alright."

"Alright" she said not asking why he would mention that seeing they were meeting her biological
mother she figured anyone living in this crappy place would be considered dangerous.

Stepping back when she heard someone approaching the door she gave Rodolfo a small smile
who seemed curious about her sudden withdrawal, she couldn't help it. She was feeling too
anxious about this meeting her heart was pounding in her chest like crazy and with every click of
the door being unlocked it felt like her breathing got harder and harder. She didn't know what to
expect. Was the woman really dangerous? Why did the woman live in such a crappy place like
this? All these questions kept popping up in her head and with every second passing by she felt
more and more the need to run away. It was better to have a certain image of the woman than to
meet her in person. The disappoint was something she couldn't handle right now. It would just be
another problem piling up her big pile of problems. It was already too high for it to collapse if
something else was added to it. Hearing the door open she was now almost pressed up against
the wall opposite of the door. Her eyes meeting a grayish green colored orbs of a brunette.

Her father definitely had a thing for brunettes she figured.

The woman in the doorway had a slender figure. The eyes of the woman told Gabriella she had
been through a lot she seemed very observant and distrustful. Her long locks were messy and the
cigarette in her hand gave her a sloppy appearance with the short dress she wore with a big robe
over it.


"You must be Rodolfo then" she said as she finally looked away from Gabriella to the guy right
next to her, "I must say your face sounds deeper through the phone."
Letting out a soft chuckle Rodolfo looked over his shoulder to Gabriella who seemed to be very
quiet, not like her usual self, "this is the girl I told you about, your daughter Gabriella."

"I know I could tell by just a glimpse of her that she is Vinnie's daughter" she said and stepped
aside so they could come in, "let's talk inside" she said more in demanding tone as she held the
door open for them, "don't be afraid honey I won't bite" she said noticing that Gabriella wasn't
moving from her place against the wall.

Holding his hand out Rodolfo smiled as Gabriella took it and squeezed his hand firmly. She let
him lead her inside to the couches and sat down right beside him.

Talking about a dream breaking in a million pieces. She would never have thought that her
mother was well this trashy. She expected her to be an average woman, living in an average
house with a car on the driveway, beautiful white fences around it and maybe a dog as well. Not
this trashy looking woman living in a motel wearing what seemed to be a baby doll as a dress. It
didn't seem right to her.

"Looking in your eyes it feels like I'm staring right into his eyes" Carmen said as she tapped the
ashes into the ashtray on the coffee table right next to her, "you have the intriguing eyes of your
father and of course the hair" she commented as she observed Gabriella closely, "you haven't
changed at all, well you grew taller of course and matured more but you still look like that little

"What do you mean?" Gabriella asked confused as she narrowed her eyes on this woman the way
the woman spoke it felt like the woman knew more about her than the other way around.

"How is Vinnie doing these days?" the woman asked ignoring the question Gabriella just asked
her, "he still married to that woman?"

"He died almost two years ago now" Rodolfo informed the woman quietly as he watched
Gabriella from the corner of his eyes, "we didn't have time to inform you as well a lot of things

"He died" Carmen repeated as she looked at her cigarette before she tapped it out and folded her
arms across her chest, "and that woman how is she doing?"

Seeing how Gabriella seemed to be very quiet and more to herself Rodolfo gave her an
encouraging squeeze to her hand before he looked at the demanding woman again, "she passed
away recently as well."

"Really?" Carmen said nodding her head before she looked at Gabriella, "so how much did you

"I asked you how much money you inherited, they both died so it leaves you with a lot of money

Frowning deeply Gabriella found it hard to form any sentences right now. This was the first time
ever that she met her mother and the first thing she was asking was how much money she got
from her dead parents? It didn't seem right to her at all. Was this really her biological mother?
She couldn't believe she was related to this woman at all.

"I heard I had a very bright daughter" the woman continued as she leaned back against the couch
comfortably, "but you don't seem very bright to me at all, you can't even comprehend English."

"I understand you full well what I can't comprehend is you asking me about how much money I
got from my dead parents. It's not a question you should ask when you meet a person you haven't
seen in years. It's rude and disturbing really."

There was the old Gabriella, Rodolfo knew. He was wondering where the bad mouthed girl had
gone. He figured she needed time to process everything but she seemed to be doing fine again.
She didn't seem the scared little girl anymore. He was glad she got over herself. Because if she
didn't speak up he would have spoken up his mind and quite frankly it wouldn't end well. He
couldn't control his anger that well, it was just something that run their family.

The woman didn't seem bothered with Gabriella's reasoning at all, "I heard you got married, is
this the guy you got married to?" she said gesturing to Rodolfo right next to her not waiting for
Gabriella to speak up the woman snorted, "I thought you would marry that brat, you know the
one with the mesmerizing blue eyes. He seemed very full of himself and such a bad temper for
such a little boy."

Gabriella knew exactly who she meant.

Mesmerizing blue eyes.


Bad temper.

Three words to describe her ex-husband.

She just didn't know how Carmen seemed to know about this all. It felt like she knew more about
her life than she thought the woman would.

"I divorced the 'brat' a few weeks ago" Gabriella informed the woman firmly her eyes were hard
and distant the way Michaelangelo always looked at people who he didn't trust.

"How old are you now?"

She had her mind settled. Hearing the way this woman was speaking to her she could only
conclude this woman and she had met before. Maybe a while back but not as a baby, calling
Michaelangelo a brat meant she had met them all a while back. She would definitely have a talk
with the boys later. It felt like there was more going on to this than they had lead on.

"I'm turning twenty next week."

"Just twenty years old and already divorced. Seems like you are more like your mother after all
Gabriella" the woman said jokingly yet Gabriella nor Rodolfo could laugh about it, "the brat said
he would take care of you for the rest of his life. It seems the rest of 'his' life is much shorter than
I thought."

"What is she talking about Rodolfo" Gabriella finally asked through gritted teeth, "why the hell
does it sound like I have met her not too long ago. What aren't you telling me?"

"You mean she doesn't know?" Carmen asked and let out a nasty chuckle that made the hairs on
Gabriella's neck stand straight, "how amusing I thought you wanting to have a talk with me was
about that kidnapping eight years ago" she said while still laughing through gasps for all.

Gabriella looked at Rodolfo demanding of him to answer her now but he didn't seem like he
would tell her anything.


"Gabriella it's just that-"

"Since you're here let me tell you about it personally" Carmen started as she took another
cigarette out of the crumbled package, "I let you go as a baby thinking you could have had a
better life with that woman and Vinnie" she started as she lightened the cigarette and took a deep
drag, "over the years I start regretting letting you go because well I realized that I could have
gotten a lot of money out of Vinnie for you."


"I demanding him to pay up at least ten million but the big dark haired guy with the scary blue

"Cecilio" Gabriella whispered as she looked at Rodolfo who gave her an apologizing look.

"Yeah that guy told me to fuck off, I wouldn't get anything. So I kidnapped you" she said as if
she was talking about the weather so casual she made it sound, "I told Vinnie no money no

"Did he pay the money?" Gabriella asked almost being scared of what answer she would give
"He paid me twenty-five million dollars."

"What if he didn't pay the money?"

Gabriella knew what the woman would answer but she still wanted to hear it. She wanted the
woman to say it, to say it in her face.

"It isn't that hard to pull the trigger. With a second it could all be over."

"You would have done it?"

"Do I look like I could care about a daughter?" the woman asked causing Gabriella's heart to
squeeze painfully as she watched the woman snicker, "I just agreed with this meeting because
honestly the big guy still scars the shit out of me. Vinnie was always kind and he had problems
with killing people. The big guy didn't have a problem at all. He wanted to get you out of here
and then put a bullet right through my head but Vinnie stopped him."

Gabriella didn't know what to say back she just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. She
wanted to get off the couch but was interrupted by the woman speaking up again.

"You were married to the son of that big guy right?" she asked and watched her daughter nod at
her question, "so you got a lot of money out of this divorce too right?" she smirked, "you really
do have my genes."

Standing up quickly Gabriella glared down at the woman who tried to compare her to herself,
she was nothing like this woman. She wasn't money hungry nor could she ever kill someone
without having second thoughts about it.

"I don't give a crap about the money" she said taking out the checkbook from her purse and filled
in a million dollars signing it before she threw it at the woman, "thanks for giving me up it was
the best decision you ever made in your life" she said before dashing out of the room as quick as
she could.

She didn't bother with Rodolfo who was calling after her demanding for her to stop. She ran out
of the crappy looking building and stopped at his car. Pressing her hand against the car she bend
down a little as she tried to breath properly not to mention she didn't want to start throwing up
there because of all the nerves and anger she was feeling right now. She took another deep breath
before she stood straight again and turned around facing the muscled chest of Rodolfo.

Give me a cigarette" she demanded as she watched him lighten one.

"I'm not going to give you-"

"Just give me a fucking cigarette Rodolfo!" she yelled at him watching him frown at her sudden
outburst before he gave her his.
"One drag to calm the nerves that's it" he said watching her carefully as she took the deep drag
and gave him it back, "It's only today that I give you a cigarette because of the situation. I better
not catch you smoking Gabriella" he warned her.

She didn't listen to his threats at all. All she could hear was the nasty comments of her mother
and the nasty chuckles. She wanted to slap the woman right across her face when she talked
about her parents, the woman definitely deserved some slapping seeing how money hungry she

"I feel like throwing up right now" she whispered and jumped when she felt Rodolfo grip her
arm firmly.

"Just breath slowly, in and out" he suggested as he looked her straight in the eyes, "it's normal
with all the stress-"

"Stop talking crap!" she shrieked as she pushed him off her with all her might seeing she needed
to push with all her might or he wouldn't move a bit, "you knew exactly what she was going to
say to me yet you brought me here!" she yelled at him brushing the tears away that annoyed the
crap out of her she didn't want to cry because of such a trashy woman yet she was crying, "why
the hell did you bring me here Rodolfo?! Why would you do that?!"

"Calm down Gabriella-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" she said getting more and more pissed at him, "you know exactly
how I felt these last days and yet you let me go through another shitty situation!"

Leaning back against the car right next to her he gave her a cigarette like she had demanded of
him from the very beginning. She really did need the nicotine right now and maybe a strong
drink as well to calm her nerves. He watched her lighten the cigarette while she took deep drags
of it. It seemed to do her good. She seemed a bit calmer than a minute ago.

"Look I hoped she would have changed. I didn't know it would end up like this. I really hoped
for the best" he said knowing he was lying to her he knew exactly what this woman was going to
say they all knew what this woman was going to say she didn't give a crap about her daughter
like she said just a minute ago she wouldn't have thought twice about killing Gabriella he knew
that fully well as well, "now you have met her and you can move on, at least you have some

She knew he was right. Now she had met her biological mother and she would be able to let go
of this matter. She would be able to let go of such a horrible person. She was glad she did came
here, it hurt her deeply and it was like a fresh new wound to her heart but at least in time she
could look back and have no regrets."Fuck."

"You still need to throw up?" Rodolfo asked her warily as he took a step away from her.
"No I need a drink" she said as she threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped it out, "let's get
out of here, you need to buy me a drink" she said getting into his car and gestured impatiently for
him to get in as well.

Sighing Rodolfo did as the girl demanding of him. Just for today he would let her talk to him like
this. After all they put her through another shitty situation as she called it. It was all on them so
why not listen to her demands? They were reasonable so he didn't have a problem with it. He
could use a drink as well.

Putting his phone back into his pocket Michaelangelo nodded at Gabriel, "they are driving back
to town right now, it went the way we had planned it to go" he informed Gabriel as they got out
of the car and walked towards the house that belonged to their sworn enemy, "she doesn't feel
good right now so Rodolfo said he would stay by her side."

"Figured after meeting such a horrible woman" Gabriel muttered seeing he could relate to how
she must be feeling right now, "so how are we going to do this?" he asked as they walked up the
steps to the front door.

"Short and clean."

"Then I let you do the talking."

Smirking Michaelangelo pressed the bell and stepped back together with Gabriel finish the last
remains of their cigarettes while they waited for the door to be opened.

"Are you sure she is out of town today?" Michaelangelo asked Gabriel, "I don't want to walk into
her today, Gabriella is already pissed about me supposedly caring for that slut. I don't give a fuck
about her but I couldn't tell Gabriella that, If she hears that I was here, she will have the wrong
conclusions about me."

"You gave her reason to conclude you loved that woman."

"I had no choice-"

"Are you two going to bicker there among yourselves or do you want to get in?" they heard a
voice interrupting their heavy discussion, "it's nice to see you in person again Michaelangelo."

"I wish I could say it was a pleasure as well" he muttered as he threw his cigarette aside and got
in followed by his cousin, "to answer your question...Anarosa is not home today she went on a
girls day out today, A spa visit I believe."

Well that was just great the guy heard what they were talking about. Talking about embarrassing.
Clearing his throat Michaelangelo tried to be as calm about this as possible. He didn't want to
give Raphael any reason to make fun of him. He needed this to be short and clean like he
planned it to be.

"I would say you look like crap because of your recent divorce, but you actually look better than
ever" Raphael continued making Michaelangelo smirk at him.

"Of course we were never married for love to begin with. If anything she was just a bother to

"If she was just a bother to you what's up with the heavy security around her. She must have
some value to you then."

"She has."

"And what's that Vinnie's fortune?" Raphael asked as he leaded the guys to his office not
noticing the glimpses Gabriel and Michaelangelo shared.

"Something like that" Michaelangelo said as he got into the office watching Gabriel close the
door behind him, "I'm not here to have small talk with you Raphael."

"I know that you don't do socializing. I mean if you socialized more you still would have been
married today."

Ignoring the comment that really did stung his heart he sat down on the one-seat and stared
straight into the eyes of the smirking Raphael, "I'm telling you this once so listen very careful."

"You should know that I don't-"

Stopping mid sentence Raphael gulped as he saw the gun pointing straight at him, he had no
security around right now. Because he figured they were all talk. Gabriel seemed very serious
about this too. He didn't dare to move right now with that gun pointing at his head. Reaching out
to the button underneath the coffee table would take longer than for Gabriel to shoot his brains

"I told you to listen carefully" Michaelangelo warned him, "I'm guessing you are willing now to
listen to me" he said sounding like his arrogant self yet his eyes didn't let go of anything, "you'll
going to disappear from our sight. You're going to leave this town and never come back. Do you
understand me?"

"W-What if I don't?" he asked never leaving eye-contact with Gabriel seeing the guy seemed
very serious about pulling the trigger if anything Raphael feared that the guy was eager to pull
the trigger actually without hearing his answer to Michaelangelo.

"Then let us be clear on one thing. The threats you gave us. The stunts you pulled on's
nothing compared to what we will do to you. You should ask mother how serious we can
become. You haven't seen me get serious just yet Raphael, but I'm this close to let you see my
true colors. You should know when I hurt you I'll have you begging for me to put an end to your
life, but I won't be willing to give it to you."

He didn't hesitate to think otherwise. He knew Michaelangelo could be very cruel. He heard
stories about what this man could do.

People like Gabriella and Anarosa got out lucky, because he actually did care about them. No
matter what he said. Maybe he doesn't care about Anarosa but he was convinced that the man did
care about Gabriella. Why would security around her be doubled if she didn't have any value to
her. Snapping out of his thoughts Raphael narrowed his eyes on the man who threatened him and

"This is priceless" Raphael chuckled as he noticed the confused looks on both the guys faces but
they didn't seem to know what got him this excited, "so you divorced with Gabriella because you
say she doesn't mean anything to you. She is just a bother right?"

Sharing looks with Gabriel, Michaelangelo slightly nodded his head, "yeah she is a bother to

"So I'm asking myself why the hell is the security around her doubled why you don't give a shit
about her, I mean you say she is only a bother to you. Her father's fortune is nothing like the
empire Cecilio has built up, so she doesn't have any value to you-"

"What are you trying to say?" Michaelangelo asked warily being confused with the sudden
confidence this man seemed to have.

"If she doesn't have any value to you at all, it might be because she is carrying your child.."

Eyes widening Gabriel looked at Michaelangelo who still had a very impassive look on his face.
If this was true he didn't show it and if it wasn't true he didn't show it either.

"Gabriella isn't pregnant."

"I think she is."

"She isn't pregnant, let it go" Michaelangelo said more firmly only causing both Raphael and
Gabriel to be more suspicious about it, "you heard me before leave this town and never come
back if you don't you'll regret it."

Looking over at Gabriel who had lowered the gun Raphael smirked as he saw confusion written
all over the man's face, "I think I'm going to stick around for a bit Michaelangelo. I mean with
Gabriella being pregnant and all it could get really fun here."
Standing up from his seat Michaelangelo clearly towered not only with height but also with
authority over them, "for the last time let it go" he warned Raphael once with a stern look before
he was out the door as quickly as he could followed by Gabriel.

Catching up with his cousin who dashed out of the house Gabriel was glad they didn't run into
Grachelle maybe she went along with her daughter-in-law to the spa out of town. That seemed
like a bullshit story to him but he didn't say a word. It was after all Michaelangelo who would do
the talking this time. So he kept quiet, until now.

"Is it true, Mike?"

Turning around with another cigarette already lightened and inhaled Michaelangelo shrugged his
shoulders, "I just have a feeling, that's all."

"You have a feeling?" Gabriel asked confused as he leaned back against the car, "so you don't
care about her but about the possible pregnancy?"

"You know how I feel about her. I just want to make sure that they are both safe. If she really is

Nodding his head Gabriel just stood there not being able to say a word. He figured even Rodolfo
didn't know about this matter. This changed everything. Quickly grabbing his phone he saw the
confused look on his cousin's face.

"Rodolfo said Gabriella asked for him to buy her a drink. She was upset with meeting her mother
and wanted to get wasted."

"He didn't tell me-"

"Because he doesn't know about the situation! If you keep things from us how are we suppose to
know! We need to warn him about the possible pregnancy"

He knew Gabriel was right but it still hurt his pride hearing him say it. It was just a feeling he
had, Gabriella herself didn't even know he figured. Raphael seemed on to him with just mere
facts. His own father didn't question his tactics when he doubled security around Gabriella. They
all saw it as a normal thing, since it was Gabriella. The daughter of Vinnie, the girl Cecilio saw
as his daughter. It seemed just normal to them, an outsider clearly saw it differently. Seeing this
failed, Raphael only seemed frightened for a second he hoped the other part of his planed worked
out. He just needed the man to disappear from their sight as fast as possible. It didn't matter how
he would disappear as long as he was gone. Just putting a bullet through his head wouldn't work.
Grachelle would never let their father get away with this. She wouldn't blame it on them she
would blame it on Cecilio and Michaelangelo didn't want that. He wanted his father to live
peacefully. A bitter ex-wife complaining to him every day was not something Michaelangelo
would want for his father.
Grachelle could never find out it was their doing, she would never forgive their father. So they
had to make someone else do it for them. No one could blame Gabriella. It could be called self-
defense since the man did bother her all the time.

He just hoped that part of his plan would work, so the guy would disappear already. Maybe take
his annoying wife with him as well. It would all be so much better without them.

Placing his phone back in his pocket Rodolfo sighed as he held the hair back of the blonde
woman who was throwing her guts up near the highway. He needed to stop right in the middle of
driving back home because she felt like she needed to throw up. He was glad he pulled over
because the moment he stopped the car she opened the door and her whole breakfast/lunch was
laying on the ground. He didn't know if it was the stress of the whole divorce and meeting her
biological bitch of a mother or the possible pregnancy. He didn't think she had any other
symptoms than today so he thought it was kind of a long shot of her being pregnant, but he didn't
want to take the risk. He would give her a fake reasoning.

Something like you aren't feeling well so I'm taking you home to rest, kind of explanation. He
knew she would listen to him so he could give her an explanation like that.

Patting her back he just waited patiently for her to be done as he stood beside her a few feet away
from his car. It wasn't like he haven't been through something like this before so he didn't mind it
that much it was not very fresh nor did he want to go through it but if he had to he wouldn't be
annoyed with it.

"You feeling better?"

Getting some kind of groan from her he knew she was still feeling ill. He had to admit the whole
time he was with her she was doing fine until she met her mother so he thought it was more the
stress than her being pregnant, but then again Michaelangelo was never wrong about anything.
So right now they just had to wait he figured.

Chapter forty-one- Spilling My Heart

Pushing her heavy case folder into her bag an annoyed expression was present on her soft
features. Coughing she covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she went along wither
her school stuff. Almost being two months into studying international communication she still
had the passion as the first day. She had been upset and disappointed with losing her marriage, it
was hard on her letting go of Michaelangelo but now that she was always busy doing homework,
projects and what not, it didn't matter that much anymore. She didn't have the time to think about
being a divorced woman like her biological mother called her.

Thinking of that woman only made her blood boil. She had left the woman quite an amount of
money hoping it would please that woman's unsatisfied hunger for money. She couldn't
comprehend how they were related; the woman was so different from her. They both might be
very straightforward and distrustful it couldn't be that she had the genes of this woman.

Carmen told her herself that she looked very much alike Vincenzo. She would keep to herself
that Carmen had also mentioned how she had inherited her genes too after all. That was a small
detail she would keep to herself. She didn't want to be like that woman at all. Carmen was merely
a money hungry woman who could never be satisfied no matter how much money she would
have in her hands.

It was a disease.

Taking the heavy designer bag in her hand Gabriella pushed the thing black straps back upon her
shoulder and looked one more time in the mirror. Somehow she didn't seem like her normal self.
Her skin was a pale almost ghostly color; she had bags under her eyes because of lack of sleep.
She really looked like an exhausted mother of four children. She tried fixing her hair as much as
possible while placing the nerd glasses like Gabriel called them back on. This way it wouldn't be
noticed that much. Besides no one from her classes really noticed. She even had guys calling her
beautiful and some of them being very attracted to her.

She had to admit that she kind of missed the attention. Since she was married to Michaelangelo
she did not have chance to really date with guys. First she had her father forbidding her to see
guys and then she had been married to a very strict, distant man. She didn't have the dating
experience an average teenage girl would have. She felt intrigued with all the attention she had
gotten. Maybe she should have given that smart, journalism student a chance.

He was very handsome in her eyes and she loved the way he was intelligent as well. He had a
good built to him he was not tall like Rodolfo nor did he have broad shoulders like Gabriel. He
did not have those sexy eyes like Michaelangelo nor did he have the smooth, appealing tone her
ex-husband used. None the less she still felt attracted to him like a bee to sweet smelling honey.
If she saw him today she would definitely flirt back this time, not thinking about her ex-husband
at all. He was in the past it was time for her to move on. Never looking back at her previous life.

Giving herself one last encouraging glance she walked out of her hotel room hoping not to bump
into anyone uninvited. Today she wanted to have a normal day, no Gabriel taking her to school
or Rodolfo for that mater nor did she want to run into her ex-husband who had a meeting here in
this hotel. She definitely wanted to avoid any of the Gavinos today. Being very warily of her
surroundings she quickly made her way to the elevators making sure to be quick and clean
without any noises nor bumping accidently her shoulder onto someone else. She would not stop
and smile having a small talk with the staff, she kept looking forward and move to the elevators.
Stopping in the big hall with at least six elevators, she pushed the button quickly and impatiently
shifted her weight from one side to the other wishing the elevator would be here already. Smiling
in relief she quickly stepped inside and pushed the button to close the doors. Eyes widening
when she heard someone to hold the doors open she mentally sighed knowing she couldn't be as
mean to close the doors anyways. Holding the doors open like that person asked of her she
mentally sighed in relief when she noticed it was not anyone she knew. She was acting a bit
hysterical today but she just had a feeling that she constantly was being watched, no matter
where she went it felt like she would bump into a Gavino.

Dashing out of the elevator she made her way to her car grabbing her keys of her bag and
unlocking the door with the speed of light. She was quite satisfied with how quick she could be.
She figured she should rush like this more often, that way she could do tons of other things on a
day without having it to put off till tomorrow like she usually did. Opening the door of her car
her heart sunk to her stomach when she heard the familiar voice of her brother-in-law.

"You're really rushing Gabriella. You don't have school today, so what's with the rush?" he asked
her curiously while holding the door open for her as he watched her, "you're meeting someone?"
he asked her monotone.

It might seem like he was not interested in whom she was meeting but she knew better than that.
His eyes were narrowed on her like he was daring her to say something he did not like to hear.
She wanted to throw it in his face that she had been attracted to an 'average student' but she
didn't. She wasn't in a good mood today and by looking into his dark blue eyes she could tell he
was in the same position as her. It almost felt like he didn't want to be here at all, like he was
forced the stand before her today.

"I'm meeting a few students so we can work on our project" she informed him firmly, "so I have
to go now" she said trying to yank the door out of his grip so she could close it but better said
than done because Rodolfo had quite some strength left in him no matter how tired looking he
seemed, "you have something to discuss with me Rodolfo?" she asked.


The ringing of her phone interrupting their conversation was like a gift sent from heaven to her.
Her phone being the reason he was taken back she had the chance to get away from him, getting
into her car and slamming the door shut she opened her window and looked at the surprised man.
She disliked the way things were going between them since she really did like Rodolfo but she
just didn't want to have to do anything with any Gavinos for a while. After throwing her guts out
and having a fun drunk evening out with Rodolfo he also scolded her for being a lot of thing she
did not understand. She didn't know why he got so furious with her after he gotten a text from
Gabriel. She didn't understand what Gabriel had said to upset Rodolfo all she knew was that the
drinking was over after that phone call and not a minute later she was back in her hotel room
being send to her room like a little child. She just didn't understand the guys and being away
from them would just do her well.

"I really have to go this project is important to me. We'll discuss whatever you want to say later
alright" she said trying to brush him off without hurting his feelings much, "I'll definitely call
you, Rodolfo" she said before closing the window and driving off to school.
Leaving him like that there felt wrong to her but her gut was telling her to stay away from the
Gavinos so she was going to go with her instincts this time. She would stay away and try and be
an average student. Dashing towards the library she smiled as she saw her group together already
waiting for her while already gathering information and organizing things. Placing her bag on the
empty seat next to Loren she said down and smiled to the guy across her. Feeling her cheeks heat
up when he smiled back she didn't realize she was already that into him. He didn't know about
her past that made him more attractive to her. He wasn't part of any shady organization nor did
blood stain his hands. He was perfect. He throwing her that dazzling smile made her dizzy and
somewhat confused. What did she really feel for Michaelangelo and what did she feel for Ethan?
Was she just flattered because of all the attention he gave her? Or did she really think the guy
was cute? Right now all she knew was that she couldn't think straight.

"You're late Gabriella" Rose scolded her as she tried to keep a stern look upon her face yet she
failed miserably, "it doesn't really matter though" she said correcting herself quickly knowing
she couldn't be stern to anyone, "we didn't eve n start yet besides most of the assignments we
already did together last week."

"We just need to agree on a date. You know for staying at the beach house for the photo shoot"
Loren continued to explain to Gabriella as he flashed her a gentle smile, "this weekend the
weather will be nice and the light will be perfect for the shoot I think we should go this

"I agree this weekend will be the best date" Ethan said not taking his eyes of Gabriella as they
played their little staring contest, "don't you agree as well Gabriella?"

Finally giving into this guy Gabriella smirked at him while throwing her hair back giving him
that look she had only showed to Michaelangelo when she was in the mood causing Rose to roll
her eyes, "I agree as well."

"Disgusting" her friend whispered as she focused back on their project, "alright if we all agree on
this we should go home pack our things and meet at the hotel where Gabriella is staying. Is it
okay if we eat dinner first at the hotel's restaurant before we head to the beach house?"

"Of course it is" Gabriella said agreeing with the whole plan Rose just made up, "it will be my
treat" she informed them causing them all to be in cheerful moods.

"What's the occasion?" Loren asked her suspiciously, "you're not always so happy as today. Did
something good happen?"

"No I'm just excited about this project, that's all" she was really excited about this project. A
weekend away meant she wouldn't be followed by the Gavinos she hoped. She hoped they didn't
find out about her little project so she could really have a small vacation to clear her mind, "how
about we meet in the restaurant around half past eight?" she asked.

"Sounds good to me" Rose nodded as she got up grabbing her things, "I'll see you all tonight."
Standing up herself Gabriella inwardly smiled when Ethan did the same. She turned her back to
him facing Loren knowing it would probably annoy him a little. She loved to tease him a little,
unlike Michaelangelo he didn't got very angry nor did he tease her back. He was just simply cute
in her eyes, he would visibly pout. It was like he was the complete opposite character of
Michaelangelo. It felt good, like a change in her eyes.

"You need to wear something more formal than just jeans and sweaters, Loren" Gabriella warned
the laid-back skater, "I know you love your hoodie but remember you're dining at a fancy
restaurant people will look and you'll probably get kicked out by the owner."

Snorting Loren got up as well and looked down at the serious look girl, "you're serious about that
comment aren't you?" he asked surprised, "I thought you were joking, I mean since when is the
president actually present? Doesn't the president of that hotel have many other hotels and casinos
to worry about?"

"This is the headquarters" she informed him casually trying to sound as objective as possible, "he
is around more often than you think."

"And he kicks people out?"

"He does kick people out, not personally of course he orders security to do it" she said being glad
her voice sounded more cool toned than she thought it would, "so something more formal will be
appropriate for tonight" she said narrowing her eyes dangerously on the guy trying to convince
him to listen to her just this once.

"Fine something formal" he repeated as he finally gave into something she asked of him, "but
don't think it will become a regular thing. Me listening to you that is."

"So formal attire might become a regular thing?"

Hearing Ethan chuckle she smirked when she saw Loren's look falter. She couldn't help being
this giddy being with her friends made her lively again. She had forgotten completely about her
run-in with Rodolfo and the way she was feeling queasy and tired. She felt good again; she
figured it was all mentally. Giving the guy one last smile Gabriella turned and walked together
with Ethan to the parking lot. She didn't know why all of the sudden everything turned out to be
so silent. They usually always joked around, but today it was different. She pouted her lips a bit
thinking of something to say, anything to break the awkward silence.

"You seem a lot better today" Ethan started, "I mean you usually have a lot of things on your
mind right? Is everything settled now?" he asked her as he stopped in front of her car and looked
down at her with a sympathizing look.

"Yes everything is settled" she said quickly wanting this subject to be over because honestly she
wasn't ready yet to talk to anyone at school about her once married life no one knew she had
been married before and she wanted it to stay that way, "just issues you know" she
said giving him a warm smile, "so about that drink-"

"You're actually taking up my offer?" he asked her confused since he had been asking her since
the start of the school year but she always turned him down, "the ice princess is actually wanting
to go on a date with me?"

"Why is that such a surprise?" she asked pouting her lips like a little child would, "I told you I
had a lot on my mind because of my family. Things are settled down now."

"So you want to go have a drink with me?" he asked her still not convinced she actually was
taking up his offer, "you want to go have a drink now?" he asked again making sure he heard her

"Yes before we'll have dinner with the rest."

"Alright then" he said still a bit warily before he took her offer to take a seat in her car. Since he
lived on school campus he didn't come by car like her, it was not necessary, "what about the
formal attire?" he asked since she did scold Loren for not wearing anything fancy.

"I'll drive you back to campus so you can change" she said quickly not being bothered with it at
all, "it will all work out."

Driving towards the smoothie bar where she had her first date with Michaelangelo she did feel a
painful squeeze to her heart when she entered the shop. It had after all some of her memories
here, maybe he wasn't always kind to her but here he had been like a real husband to her. She had
to gulp away the lump in her throat as she sat down at the exact same table where she once sat
with Michaelangelo. It was like Ethan could feel that she was feeling uncomfortable because he
gave her a wary look.

"You want to sit somewhere else?" he asked her seeing he felt like she was feeling highly
uncomfortable, "I thought it would be nice to sit by the window since the weather is good today."

"No it's fine!" she said a little too quickly because it took Ethan back, "did you stay at your
parent's beach house this summer?" she asked wanting to change the subject quickly anything
that had to do with her previous life was banned from her conversation topics.

"No I had to work during the summer to pay for college" he said casually as he stirred his straw
around in his cup, "it's really a fancy beach house my mom went all out on it. I re-checked the
list already we have everything settled for the photo shoot" he smirked as he saw Gabriella scroll
down her phone probably re-checking the list they made for things they needed for the photo

"You sure everything is settled?" she asked, "We're leaving tonight I just want to make sure we
don't have to come back here during the night because we forgot something."
"You worry too much that's your problem" Ethan pointed out, "maybe that's why your family
issues were a lot harder on you than it should have."

"That's not true" she said putting her phone away, "I don't worry too much I just want to make
sure our project is going to be good. We need this to be perfect. Besides my family issues were
definitely not the same as organizing an event."

"So what were your family issues about?" he asked her curiously he noticed how she looked
away with a pained look in her eyes. This issue seemed more personal than he figured it would
have been, "you don't want to talk about it. It's okay I don't want to intrude or anything."

"It's just that I can't talk about it. It's really personal, I want to forget yet I can't because I'm
always remembered of it. So I just want to stop talking and thinking about it so I can forget

"You'll never forget about it if you don't move on. Talking about it is one of the first steps of
moving on you know? It will only leave a deep scar on your heart if you don't talk about what
has hurt you so much" he said and gave her a small smile when she looked so surprised at him, "I
know you're hurt because I have never seen such a sadness in someone's eyes before."

"I- "

"You're not ready to talk about it with me, I get it. So you think Rose has sent out the invitations

"She has to the event is next week, if she hasn't. We're taking this promotional photos for
nothing" Gabriella said being happy Ethan figured out she wanted to be busy with school things
rather than her own life, she was grateful to him for being so understanding to her.

Thinking about it more and more these were the little things Michaelangelo never did for her.
Learning little things about Ethan made her compare the two together and it just made her ex-
husband come out more negative. She didn't understand why she had been so in love with him
since he had never treated her kind. Not even with such a little thing as trying to understand her
feelings. It was like a gift sent from heaven to have this weekend away to the beach. It was a
great way to be away from everything here. Maybe little by little she could forget about the

Sighing she took her phone out as it interrupted their conversation. She was actually having a
good time with Ethan and the damn phone dared to interrupt that. She narrowed her eyes on the
display and really struggled with herself over it. She didn't want to pick up because whatever
Rodolfo had to say was about her ex-husband she wanted to forget about so badly. Yet she didn't
want to ignore him because Rodolfo had been good to her, until that day he started to preach to
her like he was her father.

"You can answer that you know" Ethan encouraged her.

"It's no one important" she said softly as she refused his call and turned off her phone, "so you
and Rose know each since..."

"Since I was four-"

She felt bad ignoring Rodolfo's call like that, but she couldn't deal with him now. She did tell
him she would talk to him later about whatever he wanted to discuss with her, but later wouldn't
mean right away. In her book it was in a few days or so. She took a deep breath and tried to
ignore the screaming feeling in her gut.

"She is not picking up" Rodolfo said irritated as he dropped his phone onto the table he was
seated at together with Gabriel, "I tried talking to her about the whole pregnancy thing. It's better
to know before it's too late" he said feeling a bit uncomfortable to talk about this but he had to
because time kept ticking away and with Gabriella not knowing herself it would be dangerous,
"yet she ignores me and she actually dared to ignore my phone calls."

"The guys followed her. She is at the smoothie bar right now with another student" Gabriel said
while scrolling down his laptop not really focusing on Rodolfo since he had another urgent
project he had to work on, "you can pay her a visit there if you want to."

"Another student?" he asked as he flipped his phone around, "I thought she would be working on
a project, that's what she told me when she brushed me off so casually."

"She was at the library for twenty minutes or so after that she left together with a male student"
he said looking up from his laptop to see the surprised look on Rodolfo's face, "we can't exactly
forbid her to see other guys. She is technically no one to us anymore."

"It doesn't matter that she and Mike are divorced she'll always be part of our family" Rodolfo
pointed out clearly as he gave Gabriel a more serious look seeing the guy wasn't taking anything
seriously right now, "what's wrong with you? Why are you so absent minded right now?"

Sighing Gabriel leaned back against his chair as he stretched a bit trying to loosen up his tired
muscles, "I'm trying to find all the possible history on Carmen. We've already decided her faith
but what if Gabriella start asking questions. We should have some proof about her being
connected to Raphael."

"You really hate Raphael don't you?"

"I fucking him hate him" Gabriel muttered as he looked up from his laptop, "not just because he
messes with our family but for him to think that revenge on uncle Cecilio will give him back his
life. He is stupid for thinking that. Whatever happens to his family revenge doesn't get him
"So you're trying to make this as clean as possible to get rid of the guy?" Rodolfo asked amused
as he sipped from his water, "do whatever you have to do. I'm going to pay a blonde student a

"Actually, could I go pay her a visit?" Gabriel asked and noticed the confused look on Rodolfo's
face, "it's not what you think" he said quickly knowing Rodolfo must have thought about the one
mistake they made together, "I just want to know what she thinks about the whole divorce thing
and Raphael and her mother. I just need to know these things."

"Fine you can go. I can promise you she'll play nice though."

"I don't need her to play nice" Gabriel said as he got off his chair and turned his laptop toward
Rodolfo, "you should dig deep. It's good the woman is already wasting the million Gabriella left
her. It gives all the more reason for Gabriella to hate her."

"Not to mention it was Francesca who put her pride aside and took care of the child of her
husband's ex-girlfriend. It will definitely open some wounds on her as well."

"We'll I'm out to scare a little blonde girl" Gabriel said as he puts his jacket back on and left the

Parking his car right next to Gabriella's he smirked as he placed his aviators on. He couldn't
brush the smirk of his face seeing the little blonde girl would be speechless if he walked in them.
He hasn't spoken to her in a while but Rodolfo said she was doing a lot better these days. He
wanted to see for himself and her not picking up Rodolfo's calls made him curious to see how
she was doing now. If she felt brave enough to do that she most definitely had changed.

Pushing through the doors of the smoothie bar he gave a nod to the guy who greeted him for
entering the smoothie bar and was already offering to help him. Ignoring the younger guy
Gabriel made his way to the giggling couple by the window. He didn't like the way they were
leaning over the table to be closer to each other. He definitely didn't like the way he was placing
his hand on top of her and looked down at her with that look. That look Michaelangelo had given
her. It was not right.

Stopping in front of the table his face was impassive as ever. He shoved his hands into his
pockets and looked down at the guy who tried to touch the girl who his cousin loved. He
wouldn't try and make a scene here though it didn't matter since they did own the shopping
center. He just wanted the guy to let go of her and walk away. If not he would be sorry.

Seeing the startled look on Gabriella's expression Ethan looked back at the guy who suddenly
stood in front of their table and gave him a small smile, "can I help you?" he asked confused his
brows being furrowed as he narrowed his eyes on the tall guy in a completely black suit.

"You can start by letting go of my cousin's hand" Gabriel pointed out firmly making the guy
quickly release her hand like he had touched hot fire. He was glad the guy seemed to notice he
had to listen to him or he would be sorry, "we tried to contact you for the last few minutes
Gabriella, why aren't you answering your phone?" Gabriel asked not paying any attention to the
guy who was staring at him in awe and confusion.

"Can't you see I'm busy right now? I don't have to answer my phone right away for you"
Gabriella said irritated as she glared at Gabriel who dared to interrupt her date so brutally, "it can
wait Gabriel" she said wanting to go back to her date without him hovering over them, "do you

"Of course I mind" he said firmly as he grabbed her arm and helped her up making Ethan stand
up as well, "don't even think about it college boy" Gabriel said in a warning tone as he stood in
front of Gabriella and looked down at the guy who was a few centimeters shorter than him.

"Gabriel stop-"

"I don't want to hear anything from you right now" Gabriel said in a warning tone that made
Gabriella realize he was beyond pissed at her right now, "listen college-"

"Ethan" he interrupted Gabriel.

"Ethan" Gabriel said correcting himself, "it's a nasty habit of yours hitting on married women.
Don't come closer to my cousin again alright" he said as he towered clearly over the boy with
height and authority and if Gabriella hadn't been mad at him for pulling such a stunt on her she
would have swooned over him.

"She's married?"

"I'm not married-"

"She is married" Gabriel said gripping Gabriella's hand in his as he gave the kid one last glance,
"so don't come close to her anymore or I'll make sure you'll understand it next time" Gabriel said
firmly before he dragged Gabriella out of the smoothie bar with him nodding at the guy who had
been loyally watching over Gabriella, "take her car back to the mansion" he ordered before he
pushed Gabriella into his car and slammed the door shut as he made his way to his own seat.

"What are you trying to do Gabriel? I'm not married to Michaelangelo anymore!" she yelped as
she tried to get out of the car but couldn't since Gabriel had locked them inside, "seriously stop
being so childish."

"Childish?" Gabriel asked her as he started the engine, "you're the childish one refusing to speak
to Rodolfo because you were messing around with college boy."

"I wasn't messing around with anyone!" she said angry being pissed at Gabriel for acting like she
was some slut, "I'm divorced so I can date other guys right now. I don't see the problem in that."
"Michaelangelo needs to talk to you" Gabriel said not wanting to be the first to tell her about
their suspicions the husband had to do that, " I'm taking you back to the hotel. From there you
two can decide whatever you will do."

"Decide on what?" Gabriella asked confused as she looked out the window making sure Gabriel
actually took her to the hotel, "we're divorced. There is nothing left to discuss. If it's about the
money he can take it back there is really no need for him to pay alimentation."

"It's not about the money Gabriella."

"Then why hasn't he come himself to talk to me? Why is he sending errand boy to do that?"

Feeling hurt with her choice of words Gabriel stopped the car abruptly in front of the hotel
making her gulp in fear as she tried to back away from him a little. She knew she had hurt his
pride, it just came out. She didn't even think about what she was saying like usual. She really did
need to watch out for her mouth like that. Always speaking before thinking. It was a nasty habit
she had to let go of.

"I'm not an errand boy" Gabriel pointed out in a very low yet dangerous tone that made shivers
go down her spine, "if I would have let Rodolfo get you things would have been much more
messier. You always get yourself in trouble Gabriella. For once can't you just stay out of trouble
and be a good little girl?"

"What kind of trouble? I was just having a date with an average guy at a smoothie bar. We
weren't even doing anything! I don't understand all the commotion you are making."

"It's not my place to tell you. Michaelangelo will discuss it with you in your room" Gabriel
started as he got out of the car and held the door open for her like a real gentleman, "just to let
you know I think you deserve so much better than college boy."

"Someone like Mike?"

"You'll understand that he is not such a bad guy Gabriella. You should stop judging him and look
at the hard facts. You'll see that he really does care about you."

"The hard facts are that he signed the divorce papers and distanced himself from me because he
clearly wants nothing to do with me" Gabriella said as she walked past Gabriel and made her
way to the hotel she might as well see and what Michaelangelo wanted to discuss with her she
knew running away would be pointless since his men were all over the place.

Making her way to her room with every little step she took she prepared herself mentally to see
the guy she hasn't seen in a while. The one guy who stole her everything and let go of her like
she was nothing more than trash to him. With every step she took her heart would beat faster and
faster. That queasy feeling in her stomach came back up and suddenly all she wanted to do was
to throw her guts up again. The doctor had said was the stress, she was even losing a lot of hair.
She had to stop stressing around like Ethan told her and start living her life. Easier said than done

Gripping the doorknob she opened the door slowly as if to stall time. She slowly stepped in and
closed the door behind her as she stared straight into the icy, blue eyes of her ex-husband. There
he was standing by the windows looking down at her with that unemotional look in his eyes. He
wasn't letting anything go as usual. She dropped her bag on the couch and threw her jacket on
top of it as she walked slowly toward her husband, standing still in front of him as she stared up
at the impassive man.

"Did you have fun?"

Not understanding his question she merely raised an eyebrow and stepped back when she heard
her ex-husband sigh tiredly. He was already growing tired of her and he just saw her for like two

"Did you have fun on your date with that guy?"

"Do you really want to hear the answer Michaelangelo?" she asked and frowned a little when she
saw him nod, "fine I had a wonderful time with my date" she informed him as she sat down on
her bed and just stared up at him, not knowing what to expect of him now.

"Really?" he asked as he turned around looking out the window again, "I heard you're going to
leave to the beach tonight together with that guy-"

"You have been spying on me" Gabriella stated rolling her eyes, "it's true though I am going to
the beach tonight together with him and two other friends. Is that a problem Mike?"

"Yes" he said firmly as he turned around and looked down at her with such a serious look in his
eyes she sat so straight her spine was hurting, "I forbid you to see any guy right now. You're not
going to the beach Gabriella."

Standing up she was furious with his decision. Who was he to tell her what she could and
couldn't do? She was furious for him thinking he could order her around like she was some slave
to him. She wouldn't put up with it. She would stand her ground firmly this time.

"You have no right to tell me what to do anymore, Michaelangelo Gavino" she said in a firm,
cold tone trying to mirror his behavior since he shined out authority she figured it would work
with her as well, "so I'm going to the beach house this weekend and you can't stop me."

"I can stop you" he corrected her, "I'm telling you once more Gabriella you aren't going to the
beach house this weekend, you aren't going anywhere together with another guy right now."

Crossing her arms in front of her chest she titled her head as she narrowed her honey brown eyes
dangerously on him. If he could be like this to her so could she. It didn't matter to her right now
that he was at least a head taller than her. Not to mention he was a lot bigger. Her anger was
enough to make her this courageous.

"Why can't I go away with a guy, right now? Give me one good reason why I should listen to
you. Because if I'm correct we're not married anymore so I'm not your responsibility anymore. If
I want to go away to a beach house with some friends, you have no say in it anymore!"

Stepping forward closing the little gap that was left between them, Gabriella suddenly realized
how big Michaelangelo was compared to her. He clearly towered over her. His broad shoulders
made him look very strong and big right now. The sudden realization made her look falter and he
noticed it too. That smirk on his face was just mocking her right now.

"You cannot go away right now. It's weird that you haven't noticed it yourself-"

"Haven't noticed what?"

"Will you let me finish speaking for once Gabriella?" he asked as he let out a tired sigh seeing
being with her in one room again was really tiring, she was just too stubborn for his liking right
now, "I don't want you to leave right now in your condition."

"My condition?" she asked confused and dropped her hands as she just stood there stunned not
really knowing what he was talking about, "listen I have been down about our divorce" she said
thinking he meant she was mentally not alright, "and my biological mother's appearance was
really a kick in the gut but seriously I'm over it. I don't need you to worry about-"

"I'm not worried about that" Michaelangelo pointed out directly, "your pregnant and because of
that I don't want you out of my sight."

Giggling Gabriella shook her head and sat back down on the bed thinking this was freaking
hilarious. She would know if she was pregnant and she was certain that was not the case, "no
offence Mike, since you always know everything about everyone but this time you're wrong,
Michaelangelo. I just had my period" she stated out not being embarrassed with something like
that anymore since he already knew about it anyways, "if anyone should know about that first it's

"You're pregnant."

"I'm not" she sighed as she got up again and stabbed her finger at his chest, "does it suck to be
wrong for once in your life?" she asked amusingly but her looks faltered when she saw how
serious he looked right now, "you're not joking around are you?"

"No I really believe you're pregnant" she said gripping her arms when he saw when she seemed
like she was about to collapse, "I don't want you to leave my sight Gabriella. I'm almost one-
hundred percent sure and you know I'm never wrong."
"T-This might be the first time" she said really wishing this was the first time he was wrong
about something, she definitely was not ready for this, "I mean I have been feeling unwell I'll
admit that but it was just the stress. I even saw a doctor before."

"Why is it so hard for you to believe it?"

"Because I just had my period."

"You said yourself you were stressed lately. A lot of girls still have their periods when they're
pregnant. That's not a good enough argument against it."

Growing tired of having this discussion with him she gave in. She stepped back and run a tired
hand through her hair as she took a deep breath trying to figure out how to prove to him she was
not pregnant. Smiling a little she walked to the bathroom and looked at the medicine cabinet
opening it she took out the box and stepped out the bathroom showing her ex-husband the box.

"I'm going to take this stupid test to prove to you I'm not pregnant. Will you then leave me the
hell alone?"

"Gabriella, this isn't just about you being pregnant."

"Then what's it about?" she asked curiously, "Because there wouldn't be another reason for you
wanting me to stick around. Wasn't I a bother to you?" she asked him still being hurt with his
comments he said when she asked him for a divorce.

"Just take the test."

She was confused with how confident he seemed about this matter. She was sure a woman knew
her own body better but apparently she was wrong. He seemed to really believe his own
thoughts. Closing the door behind her she did the test anyway; she just had an uneasy feeling
about it. Suddenly she was really wishing with her heart it wouldn't be true. Maybe her gut was
telling her it wasn't so weird for him to think she was pregnant. She didn't like the feeling at all.
She wanted it to be over with. Washing her hands after she flushed she placed the test down
beside her and started to fix her hair a little. She was glad her hair always fell right in place,
though she couldn't do anything about the tired look in her eyes. Running the cold water she
splashed some water in her face and smiled with the outcome. She looked more awake already.
She didn't know why she wanted to look good for Michaelangelo, maybe she did know why but
she wouldn't admit it to herself.

Drying her hands with her towel she combed her hair quickly just trying to kill some time,
awaiting the test results. She really hoped it turned out negative so she could shove it in her ex-
husband's face. That would feel good to do. Putting on some lip balm she looked at her watch
seeing the three whole minutes were over she took a deep breath and looked at herself once
more. She kept repeating she wasn't pregnant in her head, hoping it would state that on the test as

Taking a deep breath she finally glimpsed down at the device. Pressing her lips together she just
stared at the device not really knowing what to feel. She couldn't feel relieved. If anything it felt
like a thousand bricks just fell upon her. Hearing the firm knock on the door she knew she had to
face him eventually. Feeling a sob daring to come out she desperately tried to stop the tears from
coming. Gripping the device in her hand she stepped to the bathroom door and opened it. The
moment she saw two icy blue orbs staring down at her she lost it.

Dropping the device she gripped the front of his shirt tightly in her hands turning her knuckles
white with the force she used. He was taking back with the force she used because she made him
stumble back and fall down pulling her down with him. She kept holding onto him though.

"It's all your fault" she whispered as she looked down at his shirt not having the guts to look him
in the eyes, "you shouldn't have touched me! You didn't love me at all, isn't it wrong to fuck the
woman you don't even care about!" she snapped at him as the tears spilled anyways, "I don't
want this! I just don't want this!" she sobbed as she gripped his shirt even tighter making him
worried for her ripping his shirt of his body right now. Flinching when he felt her nails through
his shirt he was certain he would have scratches all over his chest by tomorrow.

Reaching out he trailed his hands firmly over her arms before he pulled her towards him. It
surprised him she didn't fight him off but he was still glad she didn't. He held her closely running
his hand gently through her soft locks as he just let her sob.

"Just let it out" he said gently to her as he held her tighter in his arms, "it's okay" he whispered to
her trying to hush her a little.

Her sobs were only getting worse and he really had to listen carefully to her to understand what
she was telling him, "I'm pregnant."

"I know."

"You don't even love me" she whispered as she took a deep breath only to be sobbing again,
"Carmen was wrong after all."

"What was she wrong about?" he asked her gently as he affectionately rubbed her back yet she
was too stressed to notice it.

"That when we were little you promised you would always take care of me."

"I promised I would always take care of you" he whispered as he kissed the top of her head, "I'm
taking care of you Gabriella. She wasn't wrong about that."
"You'll take care of me?" she asked confused as she closed her eyes tightly feeling just tired with
all the crying she had done, "just because I'm pregnant right?"

"That's not true. I do love you Gabriella" he whispered to her finally standing up as he pulled her
up with him as well, "I care about you and I thought letting you go was the right thing to do. But
I don't have that freedom anymore Gabriella. I need you to stay close to me."

"Why? Because you love me?" she snorted, "you're just saying that because I'm expecting your
child. You think I'm stupid. I know how you Gavinos feel about children. Especially if it's a boy.
Don't lie to me alright."

"Gabriella you don't know what you're talking about-"

"I want you to get out" she said firmly as she narrowed her eyes on him, "now."

"I'm not leaving your sight Gabriella. Not when you're like this, you need to calm down" he said
trying to hush her trying to make her less stressed for her own health.

"I want you to get out" she said again this time glaring at him with such a hatred he could feel
her stare burning right through him, "if you don't leave you don't know what I might do to
myself" she said causing him to suddenly be warily of her.

"Are you threatening me Gabriella?" he asked in his vile tone she had only heard twice in her
life, she did feel the shivers all over her body but she stood firmly her ground, "you should know
no one speaks that way to me. Not even you."

"I'm threatening you."

Narrowing his eyes on her he stepped forward only to see her step backwards. Growing
impatient with her he stepped forward so fast she hadn't seen it coming and threw her over his
shoulder like she weight nothing more than a bag of flower, "scream all you want you should
know no one will help you" he said making her quiet down immediately.

She knew there was no use fighting him.

No one would be stupid enough to help her.

Not from him.

Walking out her room he narrowed his eyes on the guy that stood in front him, ready to knock on
Gabriella's door. The guy seemed taken back with this display and seemed utterly shocked. He
stepped backwards a bit and gulped as he looked from Gabriella who wasn't even struggling
against this man to the man's eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked confused.

"I'm taking my wife with me, was there anything you need from her?" Michaelangelo asked and
smirked when he saw the guy's mouth practically fall open, so this was the guy she had a date
with, "if you'll excuse me we have more important matters right now" he said before leaving the
guy's sight.

He knew he shouldn't have reacted that childish but it was fun to see the guy's shocked face. He
must have really had it bad for his wife. Too bad for the guy he wasn't letting go of Gabriella.
She was important to him no matter what she might think. It wasn't just the pregnancy that he
was talking about. He did make a promise to her eight years ago and he wasn't about to break it.
If keeping her safe meant breaking her heart he was willingly to do that. But it seemed because
of the circumstances he didn't have that freedom anymore. He had to keep her close to him in
order to keep her safe.

He knew this would only make her hate him more.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 42 - Experienced Love (p.1 of 26)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Hey you guys. I'm really thrilled with all the feedback I got. A lot of you starting to hate
Michaelangelo and I admit he has been being a jerk to Gabriella, but since he is one of the main
characters I still plan to use him till the very end. I'm really sorry for not updating sooner but
school caught on with me. Unfortunately I have the honor on doing two really big projects at the
same time so I'm always very late at home and tired, so I lost my will to write. I really try to
update as soon as possible for you guys. So please bare with me! Thanks again for all the votes
and comments I really appreciate it.

Chapter forty-two- Experienced Love

She had been pacing around back and forward in her room trying to make a decision. She didn't
want to be the first to start a conversation with Michaelangelo but already being in this house for
three days was making her lose her mind. She didn't want to live somewhere against her will but
if she had to live here she wanted them to act normal to her again, she didn't want to be ignored
or get angry looks from them. It felt to her like she was the one who did everything wrong when
it was really just her ex-husband who messed things up between them. She had to talk to him
about her feelings if she wouldn't she was sure she would explode in tears sooner or later. Even
though she was always acting tough she was still just a little girl inside. Stopping in front of the
office that once belonged to Cecilio she took a sharp breath trying to talk some sense into herself
before she knocked firmly against the door. She frowned when there was no response to her
knocking, she knocked again but still no response there so she gripped the doorknob and opened
the door in a rush causing it to bang against the wall. Biting her lip nervously she looked around
making sure no one saw her making such a ruckus. She stepped inside and looked at the desk
where he usually was seated a cigarette in one hand a telephone in the other. He wasn't there
today though, he didn't tell her he would leave at breakfast this morning.

He had just looked at her before he got up and left. That look he gave her though it was a look
she couldn't erase from her mind. It was as if he looked at her with pure sympathy. She didn't
need him to feel sorry for her if that was the case, but when she looked longer into his gaze she
saw a sadness that pained her heart. She hadn't dared to preach to him back then, she figured she
could always safe that for later. It wasn't like she was going anywhere.

Standing in front of his wooden desk she placed her hands upon the cool desk and looked over it.
It had been cleaned out there wasn't anything out of place even the pencils were placed just the
right way that it was almost scary how strict he was with his stuff. She walked around the desk
and smirked as she took a seat upon the big leather chair. Sitting on it made her feel like some
kind of power washed over her. The chair made her feel mighty. Looking at the closed laptop in
front of her she carefully opened it and pressed the power button, she knew another opportunity
like this one wouldn't be possible so she figured she could sniff around now.

Opening his documents she scrolled down the list, tons of reports were made. It were all digits
on his hotels, clubs and what not. Not interesting to her. She opened his mail and quickly looked
up when she heard footsteps approaching the office. Quickly closing his mail she opened another
window pretending to be on the internet. Looking up pretending to be uninterested she looked
into the eyes of Rodolfo who gave her a curious look. She leaned back when he pulled the screen
down a little to see what she was doing before he placed it back in the right place.

"Did you bring your own laptop with you?" he asked as he took the seat in front of the desk and
leaned back against it letting out a tired sigh, "oh right your stuff is still back in the hotel, if you
want I'll bring you there today so you pack the things you need."

"I suppose I don't need my school stuff with me" she sighed as she closed the window and turned
off the laptop, "I already missed my big assignment so going back to school wouldn't be of any
use anyways. I would fail."

"You tried to go to school like an average teenage girl and there is nothing wrong with that, but
no matter what you try to do you'll never be an average student. You will never fit in there
Gabriella no matter how hard you try. This life will always come back to haunt you."

"It's you guys who always come back and haunt me" she whispered before she closed the laptop
and looked at him seeing his hurt expression, "where is Michaelangelo? He left without a word
this morning I wanted to talk to him about the situation. I have been here for three days without
an explanation. What does he expect of me?"

Leaning over the desk Rodolfo grabbed her hand gently causing her to be very warily of his
sudden actions, "we don't follow you around because we want to make your life miserable
Gabriella. Raphael made it clear to Michaelangelo he isn't done with you. He finds it interesting
that you're pregnant right now you're in more danger than before. Because we care about you we
brought you here, this is the safest place for you right now" he said giving her a gentle look
trying to convince her he was being sincere about his words.

"Even this place isn't safe Rodolfo. Don't you remember the spy that was around here for

"We're being more careful with the staff now. That was a mistake it won't happen again" he said
firmly as he released her small hand and leaned back against the chair again never losing her out
of his sight, "let's just get your stuff out of your hotel room alright" he said as he got up and
offered her a hand to help her up.

Slightly hesitating she still took his hand and let him help her up as she moved around the desk
and walked with him out of the office, "you haven't told me where Michaelangelo is though, I
still want to know" she said firmly and smirked when she saw the surprised glint in his eyes
though it faded quickly it had been there.

He must have figured she would have dropped the subject but she wouldn't. She wanted to know
about his whereabouts he did the same to her so why couldn't he get the same treatment?

"He is taking care of some things."

"What kind of things?"

"Just things."

Rolling her eyes she gave Rodolfo a slight push before she quickened her pace and walked past
him, "some not good enough for me. I want to know where he is" she mumbled as she
turned around and placed her hands firmly upon her hips as she gave him a stern look, "tell me
where he is" she said again.

Stopping in his tracks Rodolfo tilted his head a little as he looked her straight in the eyes. He had
to say he was quite amused with her sudden change of behavior. She is becoming bossier with
the day not to mention she seemed to be more demanding as well. It was quite amusing in his
eyes. He never saw her acting like a strict librarian before.

"You should wear your big glasses right now and maybe pull your hair up."

"Why?" she asked confused as she shifted her weight to her right leg and run a hand through her
hair, "I don't have time to-"

"Because that way you look like a sexy librarian. You know I have a thing for them" he smirked
before he stepped towards her placing his arm over her shoulders as he dragged her with him,
"Michaelangelo is at a restaurant having lunch with a client. You want to go over there and ruin
it for him?" he asked and watched her shake her head nervously, "that's what I thought so let's
just get your things from the hotel alright."
Giving into Rodolfo because she didn't have the strength nor courage to ruin one of
Michaelangelo's business lunches s she still felt like she had to ask more about it but she didn't.

"So you really have a thing for librarians?" she asked amused, "I thought the book thing was just
a hobby but clearly you're very passionate about it."

"You should know how passionate I get about them" he said and chuckled when she pinched his
side, "I was just kidding of course you'll never know about that" he muttered and saw her looking
away with that faint blush on her face, "oh so innocent little Gabriella is still in there" he said
leaning closer to her making her blush brighter and brighter, "how interesting. So the whole
tough exterior you put up because of Michaelangelo no?"

"Of course!" she said quickly as she pushed him off her and walked down the stairs, "I don't
want him to think he can just walk all over me. I have to stand my ground even though deep
inside my trembling like a four year old whenever he gives me those glares and that stern
preaching of his. I can't show him I actually think he is quite scary whenever he looks at me with
that one look, you know-"

"I know" Rodolfo said quickly as he grabbed his keys of the coffee table and leaded her to his
car, "believe I know too well about that look" he said and saw she noticed what he was talking

"I'm sorry about that-"

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I was trying to mess around with my little brother, flirting
with his beautiful wife. I had it coming" he said and smirked when he saw her blush again, "I
never seen you blushing this many times before. Don't tell me it's the hormones already."

Getting into the car she flashed him one last glare before she placed her seatbelt on, "you always
joke around Rodolfo. It's not fun, I'm still very upset you know" she said with that serious look in
her eyes that made him sigh, "he brought me here against my will. Not to mention we're divorced
and having a child together, and I must say I didn't want to become a mother at least until I was
in my late twenties or maybe thirties" she muttered.

"That old?" Rodolfo asked jokingly and chuckled when she tried to hit him again, "sweetheart
things happen for a reason. I thought you believed in the whole destiny and faith thing."

"I grew up" she said looking out the window, "I met my biological mother" she muttered causing
the guy next to her to burst out in laughter, "yeah laugh it off it's not funny at all" she said
looking back at him with that innocent pout and that stern glare, "seeing her made me realize I
don't ever want to become like that at all. I don't want to become miserable and lonely and
staying with your brother will make me become like that."

"Why do you think that? Michaelangelo maybe be heartless and cold at times-"
"Don't forget distant."

Sighing he gave into her, "and distant" he muttered, "but he still loves you. If he didn't he
wouldn't have brought you here. He wouldn't double security around the hotel if he didn't love
you. He wouldn't have searched for your biological mother if he didn't love you. He isn't good
with expressing his feelings. That's all."

"I still don't buy it" Gabriella shrugged, "if he loves me he needs to tell me in my face. If he
doesn't do that then I don't have any reason to believe him. He could have done all those things
just because I'm carrying his child. So he needs to say it to me, then I'll believe him."

"He won't ever say it."

"Then we'll just have to make arrangement with a lawyer for him to see his child don't we?"

"He will never agree with that you know it."

"There is no reasoning with a lawyer. We're divorced I'm the mother. He might just see his child
only in the weekends. It's still good right? He doesn't have the time for the child anyways. So I
don't understand why he needs the child around all day. He's only at home during nights."

"That's not fair Gabriella. You know if he could he would be around more often. Today he is
having lunch with a client for your sake."

"Well I wouldn't know that because he hasn't told me."

"I'm telling you now" Rodolfo said a bit louder growing impatient with Gabriella who seemed to
be more and more unreasonable with the minute.

"Your not my ex-husband so it's not you who needs to tell me."

"You're being unreasonable."

"No you are" Gabriella pointed out as she got out of the car once he parked it, "you're just trying
to change my mind because he is your brother. I get that it's all cute the brotherly love and all but
don't. You just make me want to strangle you" she smiled at him before she walked into the

"Cute brotherly love?" he repeated as he followed her into the hotel, "I feel the same way about
you Gabriella" he said glaring at her back making the woman turn around.

"Where did you say Michaelangelo was having lunch at?"

"I didn't say where he was having lunch" Rodolfo shrugged, "why?"
Pushing Rodolfo in the right direction she gestured to the table where Michaelangelo was sitting,
"I didn't know he was also doing business with a woman" she said looking at Rodolfo with a
confused look in her eyes, "the woman has the same hair color is my mother, let's just go and
grab my things" she said quickly.

Quickly dragging her to the elevators he gulped and grabbed his phone out of his pocket, "maybe
you're biological mother hurt you more than you led on" he pointed out as he quickly texted his
brother, "it was just the back of the woman which you saw yet she made you think about
Carmen. You might want to talk to someone about it."

"Are you suggesting that I should seek help?" she asked confused and stepped into the elevator,
"you're seriously becoming annoying to me" she muttered as she folded her arms across her chest
tightly, "I really liked you before Rodolfo."

"Don't be like that Gabriella. You know you still love me" he coed and chuckled when she
flashed him that playful glare, "you see, you love me."

"I love you so much I want to strangle you."

Rolling his eyes he pressed the button, and leaned back against the wall behind him. For a
second he felt like his heart sunk to his stomach when she mentioned her biological mother,
because Michaelangelo was actually having lunch with the woman. Her seeing her mother there
would ruin the whole plan. He still didn't understand why Michaelangelo suddenly had a change
of plans but he figured it was because of Gabriella's situation.

Placing his telephone aside Michaelangelo looked at the woman sitting across him. She had an
amused expression on her features, she moved her bangs out of her eyes and leaned over the
table giving him that flirtation look Gabriella showed him before. It scared him how much they
looked alike when Carmen looked at him like that. Leaning back against his chair to keep a good
distance between them he tried to keep his face impassive though it was hard for him seeing it
felt like the woman was mocking him but at the same time undressing him with her eyes. He
didn't know how to feel about that other than feeling disgusted. Even though this woman didn't
raise Gabriella she was still her mother. It felt weird being looked at like that by her. Trying to
focus on this meeting he pushed all his feelings aside. On the outside it must look like he was
wearing a mask but in the inside it was like a rollercoaster ride. Carmen made him feel nervous,
anxious and at the same time furious.

She once kidnapped Gabriella just for the money, he would never forget about that. The main
reason why he hated her was because she would pull the trigger if they hadn't paid up he was
sure of it. She didn't care about the fact that it was her own flesh and blood. She was obsessed
with money it was like a disease she couldn't be cured of. Pushing the contract in front of the
woman he took the pen out of his pocket and held it over to her.
"if you follow all these points, the money will be transferred to you the moment you step into
that car" Michaelangelo started as he watched her taking the pen from him, "you better make it
worth the money Carmen."

Signing her name once she read the contract thoroughly she handed the pen back to him causing
their fingers to brush against one other. She smirked when she saw him pull back like he had
touched something hot. It was quite amusing for her to see the mighty Michaelangelo Gavino
being so afraid of her. Looking into his eyes she could tell he wasn't afraid of her though, it
might seem that way in his movements but his eyes were burning with fire. A burning desire to
make her regret what she had done eight years ago. She would try to escape if he would do what
he wanted to, she knew what she had done. Sooner or later she had to pay for all the mistakes she
had made in her life.

Agreeing with the plan Michaelangelo came up with to keep Gabriella safe was her way to do
something for her daughter after all these years. She sipped from her whine never breaking eye-
contact with the man sitting across her. She watched him take the contract back and give it to one
of his bodyguards.

"Raphael Alessio he is Grachelle's son is he not? That makes him your half brother. Why would
you do something to hurt your own family? Don't you think your doing exactly the same as me?
You're not doing this for the money but you can't deny that you're still doing this for your own
benefits" she said and smirked when she noticed she hit a sensitive string.

"Really Gabriella and you sound more alike than you realize" he said sipping from his water to
get the dryness away from his mouth, "he wants to break my father and he is convinced that he
can obtain that goal by destroying me. You know how he wants to destroy me?"

"Through Gabriella" Carmen answered without having to need a hint from him, "so Gabriella
herself is not aware how much you care for her because you have put up quite an act, but you
didn't fool this Raphael. He really must see through you then. I bet you hate it, finally having an
enemy who can see through all your dark motives."

Narrowing his icy blue eyes dangerously on the woman across him he noticed she didn't pull a
muscle. She sat there with that amused look in her eyes, she was convinced he would not hurt
her. He hated it when he was not the dominant one in a conversation. Clearly Carmen was more
experienced with these sort of things through all those years. He knew what kind of life she lived
after she received the money from Vincenzo. She lived a pleasuring life like Gabriel, a lot of
men but not settling down. She was intelligent like Rodolfo always taking care of her business
clean and rational, and he had to admit she even had the cunning personality he had. If she hadn't
done something so horrid to Gabriella he probably would have respected her more. Right now all
he wanted to do was get up and leave but he couldn't. He didn't want her to think he would leave
because she annoyed him, she did annoy him but that was not the trick of this game.

He should have the last word.

"Raphael knew a lot about us mainly because he had a spy planted among us. I can assure you
we have been taking care of that, no is left out in the dark like the other fools who try to
overpower us. Our family has been around for ages Carmen, a fool blinded by nothing more than
revenge will not even put a scratch on us."

"That already happened didn't it?" Carmen asked taking him by surprise, "you divorced Gabriella
because of him and now you forced her to come back because of him. He is playing around with
you, I bet he figured out her situation even before your family did?"

"Are you praising him?"

"I might be" Carmen said before she got up and looked down at the irritated Michaelangelo, "but
even though I might admire him for being the first playing around with the Gavinos I'll still do
my job. You should know I'm not doing this for you, I still hate your father maybe even more
than this Raphael guy."

"What? I'm suppose to believe you're doing this for Gabriella. Your own daughter you would
have killed if Vincenzo didn't pay up the money? I'm sorry but that's just a little hard to believe."

"Believe what ever you want Michaelangelo Gavino" she said watching him stand up as well, "in
the end because of me you'll get rid of that Raphael Alessio and can play house with Gabriella."

Smirking when she saw he was about to say something she winked at him and turned around
walking away from him. She stopped when and quickly moved around the administration desk
when she saw her daughter and Rodolfo walking out of the lobby, carrying bags. Turning to look
over her shoulder she flashed Michaelangelo another amused look before she walked out as well.

Sighing she dropped her duffel bag in the trunk along with the bags Rodolfo had carried and
turned to look at Rodolfo who looked at her with such concern. Frowning she stepped towards
the passenger seat and rolled her eyes when she felt him still looking at her with that concerning
frown on his face.

"What?" she asked harsher than she wanted it to come out, "sorry I didn't mean to snap at you
like that" she whispered running a hand through her messy locks, "I'm just I don't know. I'm

"Stop apologizing Gabriella" Rodolfo said before he got into his car as well and waited till she
was safely inside with her seatbelt on, "you shouldn't have carried that heavy bag. It's not good
for your health" he said making her sigh exaggeratedly.

"I didn't want to be pregnant in the first place" she said as she looked at him while he was
focused on the road making sure they would arrive safely at the mansion, "I'm just two and half
months pregnant. Don't treat me like I'm carrying a whale or something."
"That's almost three months. You should know you're still in a dangerous period of your
pregnancy. You could easily get a miscarriage."

Seeing her looking away he knew it didn't mean a lot to her. Boy, she and Michaelangelo had a
lot of differences. Lately it seemed like they would never meet eye to eye anymore.

"Who was the woman Michaelangelo was meeting?" she asked trying to change the subject
though she knew even if she changed the subject he would never forget about it she just wanted
to talk about something else for her own sake, "he seemed really furious."

Glancing over at her he looked back at the road, "you could actually tell by just glancing at
him?" he asked surprised not believing she figured him out with just one look at him, "how could
you tell?"

"What do you mean how could I tell?" she asked confused, "it was so obvious it was like he was
burning holes into her with that glare" she said rolling her eyes as she got out the car once he
parked it neatly, "why are you so surprised?"

"Because no one else seemed to be able to read him like that. So just by looking into his eyes you
could tell he was furious at the woman" he said being still amazed with her as he got the bags out
of the trunk stopping her when she wanted to help him, "I get it you don't give a fuck about that
child but we do. So as long as one of us is around we won't let you put that child in danger.
Hurry up and get inside" he said with that scolding look in his eyes.

Not liking the situation she still got inside anyways, she knew she wouldn't win this argument
with Rodolfo. She didn't understand why they cared so much about this child. It wasn't a planned
pregnancy nor is this child coming into a loving family. If she could make a decision she knew
she would either choose for adoption or abortion, but Michaelangelo would never agree with
either one of those. It was that damn Gavino pride.

Walking towards his car Michaelangelo stopped when he felt someone pulling his arm, turning
to look at that person he raised an eyebrow quizzically and pulled his arm back rather forcefully
causing the woman to step back startled by his reaction.

"I just want to talk Michaelangelo that's all" she quickly said noticing the impatient look in his
eyes, "just...please?" she asked him with pleading eyes.

He usually didn't buy those looks at all, like people said he had a stone heart but the tone used it
sounded almost desperate. He might not love her but he still cared for her, he did date her a few
years back there always be a connection between them, something Gabriella noticed while he
tried to hide it. If she was still having lingering feelings for Gabriel he would be just as furious at
her so he did understood her but that didn't mean he would be reasonable with her about it. He
still felt like she was making a big deal out of it. With time he could really forget about this
woman. She just needed to give him more time.

"What do you want to talk about Ana? I haven't seen you around for a while and now it seems
like you're...running. Are you running away from your dear husband?" he asked her sarcastically
as he leaned back against his car and folded her arms in front of his chest sternly, "you look
horrible" he stated casually like he was talking about the weather.

"Yes thank you for noticing" she blurted out rolling her eyes at him, "you don't understand Mike,
your father and Raphael got into a huge argument. Cecilio wanted to make this whole problem
go away for you so he wanted to talk to Raphael apologize to him for his younger years but
Raphael wouldn't listen. Things got out of hand Mike!"

Eyes widening Michaelangelo pushed off his car and gripped Anarosa by her shoulders shaking
her about trying to make her talk slower since he only heard parts of it. With the parts he could
make out what she was saying but he wanted to know about it in more details.

"Is father hurt?" Michaelangelo asked quickly as he gripped the woman tighter, "is father still
there with Raphael?!"

"No!" Anarosa quickly said as she flinched at the force Michaelangelo used on her because of
concern for his father, "please let go of me" she whimpered trying to pull out of the firm grip the
man had on her, "it's hurting me Mike!"

Realizing he was gripping her too tightly because of his own frustration he pulled away like he
had touched something hot and leaned away from her.

"Do you know where he went?" he asked quickly, "did Raphael say or do something to you?"

"He was furious" Anarosa admitted, "it scared me to see him like that. He told me he would
never forgive you and he started to get this look in his eyes Mike! He is too far gone, not even I
can reach him now."

"You never reached him Ana" Michaelangelo sighed as he took his phone out of his pocket
warning his cousin and brother to look for Cecilio, "you know he just used you for information.
Marrying you had nothing to do with love. You two used each other to get over your own

"Then maybe I want just that!" she screeched, "it's not like the one that I did truly love would go
down on one knee and ask me to marry him. Better yet he fell in love with a girl who will never
appreciate his love the way I do!"

"You know nothing about Gabriella. Don't talk about her like you do know her. You know I was
never really into our relationship Ana. You having sex with my cousin didn't really help as well"
he said holding his hand up when she wanted to protest against his reasoning, "I don't need your
excuses we're done Ana. If you're in trouble I'll help you but don't get the wrong idea about it. I
will never love you ever again, even if Gabriella and I wouldn't be together I would never take
you back."

"Why would you say that" she said noticing he started talking about possible break-ups, "is it
that you and Gabriella are having problems already?" she asked as a smile spread across her face
so bright it made him sick, "it is isn't it?" she asked.

Trying to end this conversation because he didn't think it would do somewhere he shrugged his
shoulders at her question and took out his car keys like he had planned to do before she stopped
him, "if there isn't anything else you want to share with me on your husband there is no need for
us to have this conversation anymore. If you want to be safe from Raphael since he is out of
control you can stay at the hotel" he said before getting into his car not giving her another minute
to waste.

Driving towards the mansion he put on the headset when he felt his phone vibrate, "yeah talk to
me Gabriel."

"Zio is doing just fine. Grachelle verified that he was just really trying to talk to Raphael. It's
Raphael who couldn't accept his apologies for him losing his family. Raphael is really damaged
because of us and he won't rest till we feel the same pain he has been through when he lost his
father and brothers."

"Did mamma have other children with him?" he asked confused.

"No your mother just recently got involved in Raphael's life. His father, stepmom and two

"Did papà really hurt his family because of jealousy? Somehow it's really hard to believe. Why
would father go apologize if it was revenge it doesn't make sense. I'll talk to papà later" he said
gripping the steering wheel tighter, "how is Gabriella doing?" he asked Gabriel making the man

"Hanging out with Cecilio. They seem like best friends playing a game of Mario Cart on the
couch" he muttered making Michaelangelo raise an eyebrow at that, "I know you must think it's
weird that they suddenly made up but maybe your father is in a good mood because he seemed to
have talked things over with her. It's just you Mike."


"He is mad at her for other reasons he doesn't want to talk to me about it. He said it's your
problem and he is too tired to interfere in that."

"What other reasons?"

"I don't know what he meant by that, after they got back Rodolfo locked himself in his room
doing some of the tasks you still had open. He is coming a far way too he must be trying to calm
his thoughts by burying himself in work."

"I'm almost there" Michaelangelo said before hanging up the phone.

He didn't understand what happened between Rodolfo and Gabriella that made him so pissed.
They seemed to be doing fine at the hotel, so it must have happened in the car or at home. Either
way no one else seemed to know about it since he hadn't been contacted about it. He knew he
had to talk to both of them before he could do something about their problem. He needed
Rodolfo to be there for Gabriella when he wasn't able to. Rodolfo should be the person she could
run to since it couldn't be him anymore. Not after the many times he hurt her. Parking the car
right next to Rodolfo's black Aston Martin he got out of the car and looked at the mansion that
seemed really quite from the outside.

Preparing himself mentally he walked inside the mansion and looked towards the living room
where he indeed found his father and Gabriella on the couch having some bonding time. Meeting
her eyes she had a look on her face like she just saw a ghost.

"It's just me" he said giving her a light smile before he walked towards them, "why do you look
so scared suddenly? Have I done something to make you afraid of me?"

"You startled me" she answered all too quickly before she focused back on her game, "who was
the woman you were meeting at the hotel?" she asked making Cecilio glance at his son with an
amused expression on his face, "Rodolfo seemed to be hiding something from me when I asked
him about it, he didn't answer me directly so I'm asking you to be honest with me, since you
haven't been for all the months we have been married, was it my mother you were meeting?"

Being shocked she actually asked him that directly he tried to remain as emotionless as possible.
He didn't want to let her know it was actually her mother he was meeting. It wouldn't be right for
his plan. Carmen would get out of this unharmed she wouldn't be in Gabriella's life anymore. She
would be the reason why Raphael would leave them alone as well. After all she is the one being
related to his father.

"It was just a business associate that I met Gabriella. I do have female business partners am I not
allowed to have those?" he asked her jokingly, "is it your jealous side that suddenly acts up?"

"Of course not!" she said throwing him a glare, "it was me who divorced you remember. Like I
would care that you would be having a date with another woman. Maybe she can get used to
your coldness and lies."


Looking at Cecilio who gave her that warning tone she looked back at Michaelangelo noticing
the confused look in his eyes. She knew it wasn't because of the reasoning she just gave him it
was something else. She kept quiet after that letting him do all the talking it didn't occur many
times that Michaelangelo would approach her on his own like that. She would take advantage of
the situation.

"Listen Gabriella I didn't mean to act like that towards you. I had to-"

"Because of business, yeah I heard that before. I'm always left out because I'm a woman right I
get that. This family business you have is only for the men in your family and so women can
know nothing about it. Well that sucks because it makes you keep so many secret from me that it
feels like we're struggling just to breath properly. I don't need that kind of relationship
Michaelangelo. So for this child, I would stay here in this house because you asked me to but we
won't be romantically involved."

"So just like that you're cutting me out of your life. Not even letting me explain the situation to
you?" he asked her, "I kept quiet about it because I was trying to protect you Gabriella."

"I don't need that kind of protection!" she said making him narrow his eyes on her dangerously
for her sudden outburst, "I don't need any of this. If it was a decision I could make I would get
rid of this child."

Suddenly feeling like a ton of bricks hit him he sat down across her taking the remote out of her
hands to make her focus on him, "what did you just say? You actually have thoughts like that
Gabriella?" he asked confused, "this isn't you talking-"

"You don't even know me! You never spend time with me so how can you possibly know what
kind of person I am. People change Mike! I am not that twelve year old girl anymore. You
showering me with gifts isn't going to replace the need for love. All those diamond necklaces
feel like a heavy pressure around my neck. I don't need that kind of love."

"You knew from the very beginning that I was this kind of guy. Being an owner of dozens hotels
and clubs does mean I have to work hard. No matter what you say this life of luxury is what you
like and are used to. To provide for those designer clothes I do have to work hard" he said
gesturing to the clothes she wore.

Gulping she knew he was true about that. She grew up in luxury suddenly not having that kind of
life would be hard on her. She just tried to make him understand why she couldn't be with him
anymore and yet all he said was the truth to her. She knew what she got herself into. Why did she
suddenly regret it.

"It isn't just that" she started as she glanced over at dining room where Cecilio had walked to
since they were discussing private matters, "it's always Anarosa you're talking about as well.
Like how she hurt you and how you will never forgive her. If you will never forgive her cut her
out of your life. Either forgive her and let her in your life fully or don't forgive her and end things
with her. Don't leave her hanging because it's not only hurting her but also me."
"I'm not involved with her anymore" Michaelangelo sighed being tired to have this discussion
with her over and over again, "you're the one always bringing her up. It's true that she hurt me
but you won't know that kind of thing since you have never been in love before."

Yeah that hurt.

He saw the way her face faltered when he mentioned that and already regretted saying it to her.
She never fell in love with someone else because her father wouldn't allow it. Partly because of
them. He knew he should never have mentioned it. Maybe she was right all along. He always did
get really frustrated when they discussed Anarosa, maybe she did mean more to him than he

"That's right you're the first guy I fell in love with. So since we're not together anymore I'll just
experience it now, nothing is stopping me. I'll get back to you when I experienced those things
myself" she said holding her nose up as she walked away from him.Help I'm married to a mafia

Thank you all for commenting and voting. I really appreciate it. I love to get the feedback it
makes me want to write more and improve the story . Don't hesitate to leave me some feedback. I
uploaded another chapter quite soon I think. I really try and update as fast as possible but
because of school I cannot update as fast as I used to do. So please bare with me!

Chapter forty-three - Dirty Elevator Deeds

Looking up startled from her novel Gabriella recognized that knock out of thousands others. She
knew exactly who was standing in front of her door without that person to having to call out to
her. Gulping she tried to encourage herself into facing that person, her ex-husband. She wanted
to face him with the same confidence he always shown her. She wanted to be his equal so the
pep talk to herself was necessary. Sitting right she pushed her book aside, and faced the door
with a confident look in her honey brown orbs.

"Come in" she said firmly brushing her stray locks back. Watching him walk in and close the
door quietly behind him she could tell hew anted to talk to her about what happened yesterday no
doubt, "you want to talk about yesterday?" she asked him.

He met her eyes not saying a word as he sat down by the windows, observing her from a distant.
He seemed to be deep in thoughts she could only imagine what he was thinking about, because
his eyes were this time not showing her everything. Maybe Rodolfo had a talk with him and now
he was being more careful with his emotions.

"I think everything is being said already Mike. We are too different to even try and make this
work" she said looking down at her bed following the flowery pattern, it was better than to stare
in his eyes the judgmental look was killing her, "I meant it" she quickly added seeing she noticed
the questioning look in his icy blue eyes.
He leaned back against the white couch as if to sit more comfortably because he felt like this was
going to take much longer than necessary. His expression was emotionless like always maybe
even more than always today. She was certain now that Rodolfo had talked to him, informed him
about her latest statements. She wanted to know what Rodolfo told his brother for Michaelangelo
to become so serious with her. He always had been serious with her but this was different. It
seemed like he was furious with her as well.

"Is it about the child? About the statement I made not wanting it?" she asked and saw that it
caught his attention so she figured she was right, "I meant it, Mike. I'm too young to become a
mother and quite frankly you're not fit to become a father."

She saw the look in his eyes changing with in a split second. He became from calm and collected
to furious and anxious. She didn't understand why he was anxious but the furious glint
overpowered it. She felt like she had to move back in order for him to not hurt her. She knew he
would never raise a hand to her but it felt that way just by looking in his eyes.

"How can you say something like that Gabriella? It's a child it has the right to live. We made that
mistake so you should take responsibility for it how could you even think about not wanting it at
all? Besides I thought Vinnie raised you strictly as a catholic. You should know abortion is out of
the question."

He may sound rational. His eyes told her otherwise. With every word his eyes became hotter and
hotter she would have been a pile of ashes right now if his looks could really kill.

"I've been raised that way" she agreed, "but I would rather have that option than to let a child
been born into this bloodshed life. Don't think you're invincible Michaelangelo, you say you're
doing everything to protect me and you think you're doing a great job at it. But you should know
if people really got serious with you they would have killed me by now. Nothing is going to stop
a person who is steered by anger like you are most of the time. I wouldn't want it to be raised
without a father...or mother."

"It's all theories. Nothing you say is based on facts!"

"It's based on facts!" she yelled back as she glared at the man who dared to think she was just
speculating because she hated him she didn't hate him far from it, "my father died! Killed by my
own mother so don't tell me it's not possible. I don't want this child to have the same life as I

"So you're saying we would end up like them. One day you pulling the trigger on me because
you cannot live with me any longer? We're not even together anymore right? So you have
nothing to worry about" he said as he got off the couch and stepped toward her, "unless you want
to change that?" he asked warily sitting down right next to her.

Looking deeply into his eyes she was searching for something more, something that told her that
he might feel the same way about her as she felt for him yet she couldn't see that sparkle she was
looking for. He didn't love her. That was all she could make out. She was just his 'safe' love. She
would never cheat on him with multiple men. She would stay at home because he told her. She
would bond with his family and treat them with respect. All these things were things Anarosa
would never do. Anarosa brought that life into his eyes not her. She was just the girl who was the
safest for him to date.

"I don't want to become your convenient love" she whispered shaking her head trying to get the
creepy thoughts out of her mind, "we shouldn't start over, it's not love that you feel for me."

"Convenient love?" he asked not understanding what she was trying to say to him, "I never
thought of you-"

"Don't lie to me" she started as she gave him that sharp look making him shut up and actually
listen to her, "we discussed these things before we got married, do you remember? You said
there yourself that it was convenient for you to stay with me. I wouldn't bother you and you
wouldn't bother me. You haven't changed since that day Mike. I have, I fell in love with you. So
I did become a bother to you, because I love you" she said gulping away that lump that formed in
her throat because of the heavy feeling, that feeling that you had when you were about to cry.
She felt the tears sting her eyes just a few more minutes and she would burst into tears right in
front of him. She didn't want that. She wanted this to be over before he saw her crashing down,
"I won't bother you anymore" she whispered.

Suddenly reaching out to her almost gave her an heart attack as he gripped her shoulders firmly
to actually make her look in his eyes.

"You don't know what I'm feeling" he said sharp and firmly making her just stare into his eyes
being afraid to say something because of that look he held into his icy blue orbs, "I admit it at
first I didn't want anything to do with you romantically" he said releasing her shoulders because
he was aware he always used more force than was necessary it was just a habit of his, "but isn't it
proof enough for you that when Rodolfo tried to flirt with you I drove back here almost instantly
because I was jealous for him being together with you. Isn't that proof enough?" he asked her.

"Yeah that or you were mad because someone else was touching your possession" she muttered
and got up quickly walking to the windows to create some distance between them, "look
Michaelangelo we could have hours of discussions but I won't change my mind. I won't get back
together with you just because I'm pregnant. That's not a good enough reason for me" she said
turning around looking him straight in the eyes with her arms firmly crossed in front of her chest.

Leaning his palms down the bed he leaned back a little tilting his head so he could meet her eyes,
"then what's a good enough reason for you?" he asked her as he got up as well breaking that
distanced safety from hers again and trailed his hands over her arms making her let out a soft
gasp, that was enough for him to understand that deep down she still had feelings for him, "what
should I do to make you understand how I feel about you?"

Narrowing her honey brown eyes on him she wondered if it was okay for her to let this happen to
her. She didn't want to regret anything later. She didn't want to regret getting back together with
him. If she would give him the reasons she was searching for would she still be happy after a
year? Would it be different from how she was living now?

Still hesitating about this she slowly opened her mouth making her focus only on her, "I want
you to say it, I want you to confess your love to me. Seriously not halfhearted I won't accept any
halfhearted confessions. I want you to be honest with me Mike. I want you to tell me what you're
planning if it's concerning me. I want you to at least have a date with me once a month. Just
spend your time with me, no funny businesses or business partners. Just you and me" she said

He seemed to be thinking it over seeing he just stared at her with a very intense look. She
wondered if because of her demands he was backing down now? If he was that was proof
enough for her to know that he didn't actually care about her. He was a man who always thought
ten steps ahead she could see it in his eyes as well. He seemed so faraway right now as if he was
calculating things in his head. She wanted to tell him to forget about it but he beat her to it.

Placing his hand on her cheek he slide his hand over her jaw placing it firmly against the back of
her neck, titling her head a little to have her head in a perfect angle for him to kiss her. His lips
brushed over hers making her eyes widen, pressing her hands against his chest to stop him from
doing that. If that was a confession in his eyes, she would definitely not accept it.

What he did next surprised her so much that he could actually hear her beating heart, "I love
you" he whispered against her lips as he looked straight in her confused honey brown eyes, "I
really love you" he whispered again only causing her head to spin around more making her feel
like she was sitting in a rollercoaster ride, "you're the only girl that I have ever loved this way"
he breathed to her.

She wanted him to stop. If he would say any more she figured she would be on the ground right
now because her knees would give in. She gripped his shirt firmly as she looked away being too
embarrassed for her to look in his eyes. She never would have thought he would actually say
that. He was definitely not the type of guy who would confess at all.

"I love-"

"Please no more" Gabriella said quickly as she pressed her fingers against his lips to stop him
from speaking, "I believe you" she said shaking her head a little being confused he could actually
confess why didn't he do that months ago they wouldn't have been divorced if he did that, "I love
you too" she whispered back letting him know it was a mutual feeling the shared.

Seeing that cocky smirk spreading across his handsome features she regretted saying that
already. She had no time to roll her eyes in an exaggeratedly manner because he crashed his
warm lips against hers causing her to gasp into the kiss as her eyes widened to the size of plates.
She was startled with his sudden movements she didn't think he would actually kiss her. Pressing
the palms of her hands against his chest firmly she closed her eyes and actually kissed him back
when she felt his heartbeat against her hand. It was just as fast as hers, so she figured he actually
felt the same way as her. She was even more surprised when he titled her head and took
advantage of the fact she opened her mouth to protest because he slipped his tongue in and
actually dared to deepen the kiss already. Letting out a chuckle she tried to participate the very
dominant kiss he was giving her. She just had to get used to it, he was just a very dominant man
and changing him would be just a waste of time. This was who he is, and if she had to be honest
with herself this was what she liked about him. He could get very passionate, making her head
spin making her breathing almost stop and making her heart pound so loud that everybody else
could hear it beating.

Pulling out of the kiss since she did need to breath she just stared into his eyes with that hazy
look in her eyes. It was just a kiss bit it already tired her out in a good way of course. She licked
her lips and felt her cheeks heating up a little when she saw that amused glint in his eyes. Feeling
him pull her in she gladly let him embrace her tightly. His scent was already burned in her mind
as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes just being comfortable in his arms. She knew this
happy moment wouldn't last long though. He still had those other demands to fulfill and she
knew that was going to be hard on him.

His job came first then her. She wished now he was going to have a child that it would change
but that was only wishful thinking of course. This is what he wanted whole his life, he was
trained for it ever since he was eight. This was all he knew letting it come second was not an
option for him no matter how much he loved her.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 43 - Dirty Elevator Deeds (p.10 of 22)

"So how about I take you on a date today?" he asked but stepped away from her when he felt his
phone vibrate making her look up at him with curiosity she was probably wondering what he
would do, "I have to take this" he said as he looked at the caller I.D, "it's-"

"It's important I get it" she cut in sharply as she gave him a light smile, "we'll do something else
another time, clearly you're too busy today. One step at a time right?" she asked though he could
hear in her tone she didn't mean it she was quite disappointed but she was just acting tough, "I'm
downstairs if you need me" she said before dashing out.

Sighing he rubbed a hand over his face tiredly and answered the phone, "what do you want?" he
snapped not caring he was hurting this woman's feelings.

"Is that the way you should talk to your mother Michaelangelo?" she asked.

"If it's the woman who was never around, cheated on her husband with his own business partner
and is currently living with my enemy whose her son then yes I have the right to talk to that
woman this way."

"Always so snappy Michaelangelo, that's why you're having problems with Gabriella. If you talk
to her like that of course she is going to leave you."
"If you called to preach to me I'm hanging up now" he warned her.

"No I called to ask you if you knew Carmen was Artur's sister?" she asked in a high pitched tone
telling Michaelangelo that she was desperate right now, "did you send her to us?"

"If Carmen is Artur's sister why are you complaining to me? He is nothing to me other than my
uncle-in law I guess" he said amusingly and heard her gasp, "why are you so worried about
Carmen? Is she invading your territory?"

"She and Raphael are talking privately neither one of them wanted me around. I know you send
her to our home Michaelangelo. Tell her to mind her own business, tell her to leave. Now."

"You have no right to boss me around. If she wants to talk to Raphael it's probably because he is
her nephew. Don't get so jealous it's making you even uglier" he muttered and looked at his
watch, "I have another appointment, don't call me for something like this. Deal with your own
family problems."

Hanging up he pocketed his phone and walked out of the guestroom as well. He hated it that he
had to go to the hotel right now to meet with Carmen. He wanted to stay with Gabriella now that
they have made things up, kind of. He figured if he would take a distance from her things would
be exactly the same again. Walking into the living room he watched her watch an Italian soap
with his father. They seemed to be on good terms lately, he didn't understand why though. She
and Cecilio always had this thing where they would annoy one another. It was a rare sight to see
them bonding like that. Walking to the couch he gripped the leaning and looked down at

"I need to go to the hotel, I'll be back before dinner. I want to have dinner together with you."

"You want to have dinner together with me?" she asked, "why don't we have dinner at the hotel's
restaurant?" she asked and saw him hesitate for a second, "I'll wait in the restaurant and you can
meet your business partner or whoever in your office."

It was too dangerous in his eyes to do that, she would definitely find out he was having a deal
with her mother but if he refused she would be so suspicious that he would be cut out of her life
again. Putting a forceful smile to his face he agreed with her.

"Then let's have dinner at the restaurant" he said softly while texting Carmen quickly to come via
the back entrance to meet him in the office, "so can I assume we're back together?" he asked her
curiously as he placed his hand on her back and leaded her out the door.

Turning around she gave him an amused look, "you're on probation" she answered causing his
look to falter, "business always comes first with you. I saw the look in your eyes when I
suggested I would come with you, you were nervous. So there is something you don't want me to
let in on. You're not telling me about it, so should I assume it has nothing to do with me?"
"It's about Raphael and my mother" Michaelangelo said quickly since it was kind of about them,
"they're having problems because Raphael's aunt suddenly showed up. She thought I had
something to do with it" he said not giving any more details.

It a part of the truth he just left out the details that would piss her off. She seemed to accept it as
well so he was glad she didn't ask any more questions about it.

"Please you cannot enter his office!" the secretary screeched as she tried to block the door of her
boss, "Mr. Gavino specifically told me who can and cannot enter. Miss you cannot enter his
office, ever" she said trying to make the woman understand what she was trying to tell her, "he
said if you want to contact him be more of a woman and dare to meet him at his house" she said
looking away when she got a death glare from the ginger haired woman, "it's his words!"

"Dare to meet him at his house?" she repeated offended, "why?" she asked before she rolled her
eyes and let out a very ungraceful snort, "I take it everything is peachy again between him and
the Mrs."

"Mr. Gavino rarely talks about his private life."

"Is Mrs. Gavino here as well?" she asked the nervous looking secretary.

"She is" she replied, "Mr. Gavino is in a meeting right now after that he is having dinner with his
wife so he has no spare time for you today. If you want to contact him do it the way he asked,
otherwise you aren't going to get the chance to meet him" the young woman spat on her clearly
the brunette was o fan of Anarosa, "please leave right now before I have to contact security."

Leaving almost immediately after the brunette mentioned security Anarosa stopped by the
elevators and looked around. She wouldn't take no for an answer. She never has. She would wait
till Michaelangelo would be finished with his meeting and just corner him in the elevator, it
wasn't like he could go anywhere if she cornered him there. It would be just him, her and the four
walls around them. Giving her the perfect opportunity to have a hear to heart conversation with
him. She heard Raphael mention that Michaelangelo and Gabriella were having problems and
Adelina blabbed it out as well so this was the right time to try and persuade him a little.

"Gabriella is waiting downstairs?" Carmen asked as she got off the chair and put her coat back
on, "I made sure she didn't see me, you have nothing to worry about. Besides your security was
very subtle about it as well so you can breath a little, kid."

"I'll breath properly when you're out of this place without her noticing anything" he said as he
got up as well and closed everything, making sure he locked his drawers as well, "you sure you
convinced him?" he asked her again to make sure the plan was going well.
"He bought it" Carmen nodded, "I'm his aunt after all, it's not a lie though. Cecilio was not the
one who killed his father and brothers. Your father tried to protect them even if Artur stabbed
him in the back by going with his wife. Cecilio is a man of his words. It's probably Grachelle
who made Raphael think it was your father who killed Artur."

"I can guarantee you that it was Grachelle" Michaelangelo said quickly as he lightened a
cigarette offering her one as well when she took it he lightened it for the woman and went back
to shutting down his computer, "she probably wants someone to hate papà as much as her. He
did humiliate her after he found out she was together with Artur and well he did cheat on her first
as well. It's like payback time on her side. She just didn't take into consideration that Raphael
would do it by hurting me. Now she is trying to fix things that cannot be fixed."

"I never liked the woman" Carmen shrugged, "she always felt like she was better than me when
me and Vincenzo were together."

"She is close friends with Gabriella though."

"I don't buy it. She doesn't like me, why would she try and be nice to my daughter?"

"I didn't buy it either" Michaelangelo muttered, "but I can't forbid Gabriella to stop seeing her.
She would hate me if I try and restrain her. Letting Raphael leave is the only option left."

"Don't worry I think I convinced him to come with me to Italy."

"I hope you're right" he said as he led the woman out of his office and looked at the anxious
looking secretary, "what was all the noise about?" he asked as he stepped towards her desk and
noticed how she started to drop things and look away from him being all embarrassed, "did
something happen?"

"A bright red haired woman came by, she looked like the woman in the picture you send me so I
stopped her from seeing you. She didn't seem like she was planning to give up though sir."

"I deal with the woman later" he sighed and looked at Carmen who already left together with his
bodyguards, "keep me up to date, Carmen."

"Will do handsome" she winked at him and chuckled when she saw how taking back he looked,
"don't you dare standing up my daughter go see her now she has been waiting a very long time
already" she said before leaving.

Smiling he looked at his secretary giving her a gentle look, "you did well really. Don't worry
about it I know she can be very threatening, don't let her get to you alright. I'll deal with her. You
finish up that memo and go home be with your family alright" he said before leaving himself.

Carmen was right he shouldn't let his wife keep waiting for him she was probably just as hungry
as he was. He hoped she ate before him because he didn't want her to feel unwell because of him.
She did need to watch her health after all. Stepping inside he elevator he wanted to push the
button but looked up when someone stepped inside as well. Frowning when the doors closed he
glared at the woman who was standing in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked her annoyed and leaned back against the walls to
try and keep his distance from her, "I thought my secretary made it clear to you that I don't want
to see you."

"I heard you were having problems with the wife" Anarosa started as she stepped slowly towards
him, "you wanting me to meet you at the mansion I can only assume it's because of her. She
doesn't want you to meet me alone so you don't."

"It's not because of Gabriella I just don't want to have you around me, with just the two of us.
You have these illusions of me being attracted to you but it's definitely not the case. Have you
ever looked at Gabriella not only is my wife far more intelligent and kinder than you she is also
much more attractive than you. Why in the world would I go for you when I have a very
attractive wife."

"You're not even married!" Anarosa chuckled, "stop putting up an act I know the truth" she said
standing so close to him now that he felt the need to throw up because of the amount of perfume
she used.

"That's changed in a split second. We never stopped loving each other it was just an act for your
husband" Michaelangelo smirked, "why is it that you came here to force yourself on me while
you have a husband at home waiting for you?"

Trailing a finger down his chest he quickly grabbed her hand to stop her from putting her charms
on him it wouldn't work anyways. He froze though when he felt her other hand on his belt,
snapping it open causing his eyes to widen and look down at the woman who was already on her
knees wanting to push her away he froze when the doors opened. Terror spreading across his
face when he saw a blonde haired girl looking straight at him with the same look in her eyes.

Placing a hand on her hip she glared at the couple who didn't seem bothered with her appearance
at all. Anarosa was still on her knees and Michaelangelo didn't have the intention to push her
away. Why would he if he got a blowjob anyways?

"What the hell do you think you're doing Anarosa?" Gabriella asked and saw the woman get up
lick her lips as she brushed her hair back with an amused expression on her face.

"Damn, I couldn't please you like the way I-"

"Shut up" Michaelangelo said firmly as he quickly zipped up his pants and stepped towards
Gabriella his heart squeezing painfully when she stepped away from him, "Gabriella it's not what
you think!"
"How the hell is it not what I think, she was on her knees giving you a fucking blow job. How
can it be anything else?" she asked confused, "I'm not totally oblivious you know!"

Grabbing her hand in his he didn't care that she tried to pull away, "don't ever come close to me
again I'll won't hesitate to take care of you Anarosa" he said warning her sharply before he
focused on Gabriella, "I'm telling you it's not what you think, I'll let you see the security tapes to
proof my innocence" he said as he tried to touch her face yet she moved her head, "I promise you
Gabriella I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never do something like this, especially
with that woman" he said dragging Gabriella away with him.

Pulling her hand back forcefully Michaelangelo turned around to look at the woman who seemed
deeply hurt, her eyes told him everything. He was back to zero again with her. Now he was even
distrusted with her.

"I will look at the tapes just don't touch me right now. You disgust me" she whispered before she
walked past him to the elevators at the other end of the hallway seeing that leaded to the security
room, "I can't believe it" she whispered shaking her head a little, "it's fucking disgusting" she
whispered again but more to herself.

Standing behind Gabriella he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, how did things already
become so messed up between them again. It was like other people just didn't want them to be
happy together. He should have pushed Anarosa away from him sooner. He could still feel her
around him it disgusted him as well. He didn't blame Gabriella one bit for being disgusted with
him even he was disgusted with himself.

"If I proof my innocence will it have effect on our relationship?" he asked her, "will you be able
to forget about it?"

"Of course I can't forget about it. If you're innocent I'll fucking kill Anarosa for doing something
only I should be allowed to do. If you're innocent I'll definitely hurt her" she muttered.

Smirking Michaelangelo leaned closer to her as he leaded her inside the elevator, "only you're
allowed to do? So you're going to-"

"Now not anymore" she smirked, "not even if you take ten showers today I would still feel like
you have her germs all around you. I would still feel disgusted with you. So you should thank her
for messing things up for you if you are innocent of course."

"I'm innocent!"

"I don't trust your words, you seemed to enjoy yourself there."

"She fucking surprised me, I wanted to push her away. I mean it."

"She messed up everything" she said turning to her husband, "this one time I would allow you to
make someone disappear."
"You want me to make her disappear?" he asked amused, "so now you're cool with everything?"
he asked her.

"Just her. She deserves it" she said narrowing her eyes on Michaelangelo, "because if you don't
do it, I will."

"It's just the hormones talking" he reassured her making sure to keep a right distance between
them since she still felt disgusted with him, "you will regret it later on. You cannot hurt a fly

"I can hurt you right now for letting another woman give you a blow job" she muttered and
stepped out of the elevator while flicking her hair back, "but I won't get my hands dirty" she said
giving him a light glare as she slowed her pace and let him pass her so he could lead her to the
security office.

"I didn't enjoy that at all!" he said trying to make her change his mind, "I'll shower as many times
as it's needed to get you to let me close to you again" he said while holding the door open to her,
"I'm proud of you though that you actually accepted this."

"It's not like I can go anywhere. Besides you confessed to me didn't you?" she asked and smiled
when she saw his surprised look, "so I believe you. You love me, you wouldn't mess things up by
letting that slut do something like that to you."

"Exactly, so why want visual proof of it?"

"To make sure you aren't a liar" she muttered, "you would do the same wouldn't you?" she asked
him a she sat down on the chair one of the man offered her.

"I would" he agreed and gripped the chair as he ordered the to show her the tapes of the elevator
he was in just a minute ago, "thanks for believing me" he whispered to her and smirked when she
gave him that teasing look.

"You see what kind of effect being honest with your feelings has? I never been this reasonable
before right?" she asked and smirked when he shook

his head, " that's because now I have certainty about your love. So I wouldn't doubt you

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you all for the comments and votes. You know I love to get some feedback on the story it
makes me want to write more and keep your thoughts into consideration while writing the next
few chapters. Sorry for the long wait but I really tried to update as soon as possible. Don't forget
to leave me a comment, feedback is much appreciated.
Chapter forty-four - Suspicious Bonding Time.

Walking out of her bedroom all dressed and perky she pouted her lips an innocent way as she
looked around thinking what to do today. Being back in the mansion was actually boring her out
as well; she had nothing to do other than reading and watching TV. The guys didn't have time for
her since they were busy with their own lives, so it was just her and the staff. Not that they would
actually keep her company since they were afraid the guys would make a harsh remark, ending
their time at the mansion. They earned a lot and they were not about to give that salary up for

Walking into the living room she sat down lifelessly on the couch and grabbed the remote
control changing to a cooking channel. She smiled when she saw one of the maids walking
towards her with a tray filled teacups. She leaned back as the young woman gave her a warm cup
of tea and placed the tray down on the table.

"Is Rodolfo coming home?" Gabriella asked seeing the black batman cup on the tray, "I thought
he would come back next week?" she asked confused wanting to reach out of the cup but gasped
when her hand got swatted away by a much bigger hand.

"Don't you dare steal my cup" his warning voice called out to her making her eyes widen to the
size of plates, "you really missed me" he stated and sat down next to her giving her a kiss to her
head before he reached out for his teacup thanking the made who brought the tray there for them,
"I get it you were bored out of your mind already" he said guessing it right at the first time.

"Michaelangelo doesn't have time for me already" she simply stated and gripped her teacup
unintentionally tighter in her hands, "I don't even know where he is, one of the maids told me he
is still in the mansion and I did saw his cup on the tray as well...there are still parts of the
mansion where I haven't been before but he usually stays at the office-"

"He is in the basement" Rodolfo interrupted, "if he is not in the office working behind his laptop
and he isn't at one of the hotels or clubs he is downstairs training."

"Training?" Gabriella asked as a grin spread across her brightened face, "like shooting and
martial arts?" she asked with raised eyebrows nudging his side with her finger, "or just the usual

Smirking at the questioning woman Rodolfo merely shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't going to
tell her about it, there was no need for her to know since she wasn't allowed to go downstairs and
she wouldn't even find the entrance to get in the basement.

"Don't be like that" she muttered nudging him a lot harder causing him to groan.

"You're stronger than you look" he said rubbing his side as he warily moved his mug about, "do
what you want but I am not going to tell you about it. It's not a place where you're allowed to go.
Just forget I ever mentioned it to you. Mike would never let you go down there."
Raising an eyebrow she really didn't understand why he was making such a big deal about it. Her
father taught her how to shoot a firearm and she did now a few self defense moves since there
were a lot of people trying to kidnap her in her younger years. She figured all the training
happened right after Carmen kidnapped her. It must have scared them all, even her since she
repressed the whole memory. It must have been that awful for her to hide that deep inside of her.

"You'll see I'll find the entrance" she said shifting a bit to look more closely at him, "what if I
find it Rodolfo. What will you give me?" she asked and smirked when she saw that glint in his
eyes suddenly he was very interested in this bet, "something that is very precious to you..."

"My car?" he asked and smirked when he saw her shake her head, "fine if you win I'll give you
my service for a week but if you don't find the entrance within a week you'll have to give me
your service for a week."

"So we'll be each other's slaves for a week if the other one wins?"

"That's the idea."

"That will be fun" Gabriella said getting off the couch while leaving her mug on the table in front
of them, "I'm looking forward to it already. I'll start now since I have only just a week. You seem
very convinced that I wont find it" she said smirking down at the man, "wait and see Rodolfo
Gavino I'll find that stupid entrance and will surprise you in many ways."

"Many ways?" he chuckled, "I'm sure you won't find it Gabriella. It's hidden."

"I'll find it. You can't do anything about it. You have to promise you won't cheat" she said
holding out her hand and smiled when he shook it in a gentle manner, "alright I'm going to find
that damn basement."

Finding it quite amusing how driven she was about this whole basement matter he still couldn't
let her go, not now. Grabbing her wrist he pulled her back down on the couch and placed an arm
casually over her shoulders causing the girl to raise her eyebrows at him again.

"Finding the basement can wait Gabriella" he said taking the remote control from her seeing she
still had it in her hand and smirked, "don't give me that look I came back just for you why don't
you just spend some bonding time with me sis?" he asked and chuckled when he saw her scrunch
her nose at him using that word, "you know Michaelangelo would want that."

Sighing she leaned back against the couch and snuggled closer to him, "fine but I'm not doing
this because Michaelangelo would want us to get along with each other!"

"So you're doing this because you love spending time with me?" he asked and watched her want
to get away from him but he held her back, "I'm just kidding, let's just watch a movie together
alright. We were best friends before our little fall out right?"
"We had a fall out?" she asked narrowing her eyes on him, "when exactly? "

"You know when you...and know?"

"No I don't" she said finding it odd he was suddenly acting so weird Rodolfo never stuttered if he
stuttered something must have been seriously wrong, "I made you that angry?" she asked seeing
the question marks appearing on his forehead, "you only stutter when you are seriously pissed at
someone. So I must have done something to piss you off. What did I do? Because I didn't know
we were having a fall out?"

"You know we had that discussion that day we brought you back to the mansion. You even
slammed the door dramatically" he said and pulled her closer to him wanting her to drop the
subject already because just like his brother he didn't like to talk about his feelings, "let's just
watch the movie together alright."

She wasn't letting it go though. She was a stubborn girl who wanted to talk things over and not
just let things go and pretend it never happened. She really was the only girl who could make
their blood boil but in the end they knew she was right. At least most times she was right.

"So you were leaving for two weeks to cool down?" she asked and shifted around in his arms to
look at him, "you left because of me Rodolfo?"

"Not just because of you" he muttered shaking his head a little, "I really had some things to sort
out, you know work related stuff" he said not wanting to go in details with her on that, "but the
time away from you made me cool down as well, so yes you can say I used that time to get over

"So you were angry at me but you didn't even talk to me about it?" she asked causing him to let
go of her and rub his temples in an annoyed way as he let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Please drop it already" he said looking at her again, "it feels like you're married to me right
now, it doesn't feel good at all" he said and leaned away from her when she was about to hit him,
"you got so violet over the past few days Gabriella" he said jokingly but cleared his throat when
he saw she wasn't amused with him at all.

"I thought we talked about everything together" she said looking away as she felt more hurt
about this matter than she should, "you're my big brother...aren't they suppose to be caring and
understanding?" she asked and sniffed causing Rodolfo to grab her by her shoulders to make her
look at him seeing her teary eyes just stunned him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 44 - Suspicious Bonding Time (p.7 of 26)

"Are you seriously crying?" he asked watching her shrug her shoulders, "why are you crying?"
he asked confused, "you never cry unless it's Michaelangelo acting like a bastard which is almost
everyday...but you don't even cry every day why the hell are you crying, Gabriella?" he asked
not handling that he made a girl cry, a girl he actually cared about.

Pushing him off her she stood up and wiped her face with her sleeve, "I'm not crying! I'm just so
confused right now!" she shot at him before she pointed a finger at the stunned guy, "I'm going
to find that basement and when I find it I'm going to make you suffer as my personal maid" she
said making the guy protest.

"Maid?! Seriously a maid?" he asked standing up as well but already facing her back seeing she
was almost running into the kitchen, "I rather be a butler if you win you know!" he called after

She didn't listen to his protests though she walked into the kitchen which was her new safe haven
seeing the office was almost occupied by her husband and his employees. Looking at her empty
hand she shook her head, he wasn't her husband anymore. He was just her boyfriend. Biting her
lip it felt so odd to her to have a boyfriend, she never had a boyfriend before. It was weird calling
Michaelangelo her boyfriend instead of her husband. Everyone else called him her husband even
though they weren't even married anymore. Standing still at the marble counter she touched the
cold white counter and sighed, she hasn't even thought about these important things since
everything was happening so fast...again. She was forced into marrying someone she didn't even
know and now she was pregnant without even wanting it. She didn't know what to do anymore.
She figured she just let them handle it and sit back this time. She was too tired to struggle
anymore. It had no use with this family anyways. Looking up when she heard someone walking
in she smiled a little and mentally sighed seeing it was just the staff. She had no strength right
now to face Rodolfo, since she had a dramatic exit which used up more of her energy than she

"Rodolfo said he made you cry" she heard a familiar cool tone say making her smile almost
immediately, "but it doesn't seem to me that you just have been crying" he stated as he stepped
closer to her and pulled her towards him pressing a kiss to her head.

Clutching his shirt she looked up giving him a confused look, "you're sweating a lot" she
remarked as she looked at her hands before she clutched his shirt again which was soaked as
well, "he didn't make me cry" she admitted causing him to raise an eyebrow seeing she stated the
obvious to him, "I just wanted to make him suffer seeing he didn't tell me he was angry at me. I
knew if I cried he wouldn't know what to do. Rodolfo has a soft spot for girls who cry he
pretends he likes to toy around with them because he doesn't care but last I heard he still takes
good care of his ex-girlfriend which he dated for two years straight."

Being confused that Gabriella knew so much about his brother, especially about his love life he
made her look at him, "how do you know that?" he asked confused as he leaded her to the
counter and let her sit on top of it as he grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge throwing her one
as well before he made his way back to her and stood between her legs causing her to tease him a
bit by wrapping her legs around his waist giving him that teasing look, "Rodolfo doesn't like to
talk about his girlfriends. "
Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him one time before she pushed him away from
her, "I still can't do this with you, you know" she said teasingly as she sipped from her water, "I
still see Anarosa giving you a blow job every time you kiss me" she muttered, "and if you must
know I didn't hear it from Rodolfo" she said not giving him the source of the info she received.

Groaning tiredly he sat down next to her on the counter and knocked down his water bottle
almost in one sip, she figured with how wet his shirt was and the sweat dripping down his back
and forehead he must have been exercising the whole morning, "so who told you it? I asked you
how do you know about it, you answered I didn't hear it from Rodolfo. But that's not what I
asked you, so you're avoiding the question" he said narrowing his dangerous blue orbs on her,
"you don't want to give me the source Gabriella-"

Pushing him off the counter with all the strength she has left she gave him a warning glace,
"don't use that crap on me Michaelangelo" she warned him narrowing her eyes on him
dangerously as well, "I'm your girlfriend not the bitch who double-crossed you for a billion

"I'm Michaelangelo Gavino, no bitch is stupid enough to double -cross me" he said giving her an
amused look he didn't know she had that much strength for her to push him off the counter like
that. It actually amazed him, "and are you actually calling yourself my girlfriend?" he asked
jokingly shaking his head a little causing his slightly wet hair to stop sticking at his forehead,
"you know we'll be married before the kid is born right?"

"Don't be so sure of that" she said pushing him away with her foot when he tried to get closer to
her again, "Anarosa was stupid enough to do that" she smirked and chuckled when he grabbed
her foot and tried to pull her off the counter making her squeal and apologize to him, "fine I'll
stop joking around let go of my foot already!" she sighed and pouted when she saw his victorious
smirk plastered on his face, "and you know I don't know anything about getting married to you,
you didn't even ask me to marry you" she pointed out as she walked away from him making sure
to sway her hips a little, "so I'm still just your girlfriend" she winked at him before she walked
out of the kitchen hearing him curse.

She was actually quite proud of herself that she could say that to him without blushing or
fainting of being nervous stating she wanted him to propose to her. She just wanted him to ask
her to marry him because he loved her not because he felt like he was forced to marry her
because of the child. She didn't want it to be a forced marriage again the first time it didn't work
out and it wouldn't work out now. Smiling brightly she walked to the library hoping it was
Rodolfo free so she could meet her secrete source.

Closing the door behind her she made sure the place was empty of Gavino boys. She smiled
contently to herself as she made her way to the very back of the library the only place where no
one would every go since no one could actually read that many books in a life time. She grabbed
her phone out of her pocket keeping a warily eye out as she texted her secret source to come
meet her in the library. She felt victorious when she got a message back saying she would come
meet her at their secret hideout.

Frowning Michaelangelo pushed Gabriel aside as he sat back down on the bench, drying his hair
with a towel. He was just too deep in thoughts to actually like the usual sparing matches they did.
Gabriel noticed it as well, he didn't like winning from Michaelangelo because the guy wasn't
concentrating. For once he wanted to win because of his own effort, it wouldn't feel right if he
didn't win that way. Sitting down next to his cousin Gabriel leaned back against the white
painted wall and sipped from his water bottle as he glanced over at Michaelangelo again.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 44 - Suspicious Bonding Time (p.12 of 26)

"So what happened now?" he asked making the guy raise an eyebrow at his question, "don't lie it
isn't going to work on me. You met up with the wife and something happened. You're only
confused like this when Gabriella done something or said something to you which you don't

Dropping his towel next to him Michaelangelo didn't know how to talk to Gabriel about it. It
wasn't something bad that happened, well he considered it something bad because it was highly
embarrassing for him but it wasn't actually something that would cause another argument
between them. He just didn't know how to handle the whole thing. Looking at Gabriel who
waited impatiently for his reply Michaelangelo just sighed and shook his head a little still not
believing himself what he had to do to please the woman. She really knew how to push all his

"Gabriella wants me to propose to her. You know the real deal flowers, ring the whole mushy
proposal stuff" he said getting disgusted with the idea of going on one knee and ask her to marry
him because he wants to spend the rest of his life together with her, that was just not him, "it's
just not me" he said getting madder with the second as he thought about it, "I already got over
the whole sharing our feelings stuff but this is just too much for me."

"She wants to change you" Gabriel said amused, "if you don't want to do it, then just don't. She
knows you're not the romantic type of guy. Propose to her in your own way."

"I don't even know what my own way is."

"If you were going on a date with her where would you take her?"

"Probably to the smoothie bar where she loves spending her time."

Nodding his head Gabriel got up and smirked down at his cousin who he for once could lecture,
"then take her to the smoothie bar buy a ring and ask her the question in your own way. If you
don't like long speeches about how much you care about her, just keep it short. Just keep it real.
She will appreciate it."

Standing up Michaelangelo actually had to admit to himself that for once talking to Gabriel
about his love life wasn't so bad. He was actually being serious about it this time. It was kind of
creeping him out as well since he didn't know the man could be so deep about something like
love. Gabriel never loved anyone before except for his sisters. He had a sister complex, girls
didn't matter to him that much. He could give them the best dates of their life but it would never
go further than one or two dates. He had probably attachment issues as well.

"Ready to lose?" Michaelangelo smirked as he walked back to the center of the room giving
Gabriel that confident 'I'm gonna make you cry' look, "I won't go easy on you" he warned the
green eyed guy causing him to snort.

"I don't need you to go easy on me!" Gabriel shot back as he got in defensive stance eyeing his
cousin suspiciously, "I feel that this time I'm gonna win!"

"It's just your imagination" Michaelangelo taunted back.

"What's going on in here" Rodolfo said as he walked in casually eating his fruit salad, "are you
two fighting again? Do I need to get dad?" he asked and smirked when they both started to scold
him, "yeah, yeah team up on me" he muttered as he took a comfortable seat on the bench and
watched them, "did Gabriella show up?" he asked doubting she did but he still had to ask.

Frowning both Michaelangelo and Gabriel shook their heads finding it weird he would ask
something like of them.

"She didn't show up" Gabriel started as he shared a look with Michaelangelo, "she isn't going to
show up either right?" he asked Rodolfo who nodded his head.

"She thought she would find this place before as week, I give her two days before she gives up"
he informed them, "I just thought since I didn't see her anywhere she might just have found the
place after all."

"She won't find it" Michaelangelo assured his brother, "why is she searching for the basement
anyways? It's just boring stuff anyways I don't see her picking up a gun and start shooting at the
dummies" he muttered making Gabriel agree with him, "she should just stay in her library."

"Damn she must be in library" Rodolfo muttered before getting up, "I did check the library but I
didn't hear a sound but I did find her sweater there, she must still be in library" he said before
walking past the sweating guys, "don't kill each other" he warned them before he left the place in

Hearing the door being opened Gabriella froze to her spot she never felt her heart squeezing so
painfully before because of fear. She even had a hard time breathing because she was afraid of
being caught. She looked at the girl who had the same fear stricken expression on her face,
making her take a deep breath. She had to stay calm for the both of them. Rodolfo was still at the
couches looking around for her at the other side of the library. She had to go meet him there and
lead him out of the library so Carla could escape safely.

"I'm going to keep him busy make sure you get out without getting seen" she whispered to the
maid before she quickly dashed towards the couches and gave Rodolfo a forceful tap to his back
causing the guy to groan out and trying to rub his back, "what are you doing?" she asked giving
him a curious look as she swayed a little acting all innocent and perky, "you were looking for
me?" she asked and placed her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyes on him causing the
guy to step back a little and stand his guard, "you need something Rodolfo? Or did you just miss
me so badly you wanted to spend your precious time with me again?" she asked in a high pitched

Sighing he rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the front of her shirt looking into her amusing
brown eyes, "I missed you so much I felt like I died every second you were away from me" he
said firmly as if he was talking about the weather, "you just left like that, you can't just leave a
person hanging like that Gabriella. It isn't nice at all" he said before releasing her from his grip
causing the girl to stumble back as he tossed her, her sweater, "put it on I'm taking you out."

"Out?" she asked confused as she followed Rodolfo out of the library being quite relieved that he
suggested going out together instead of her it made her look less suspicious so she acted like she
was quite surprised about his sudden suggestion instead of being relieved, "where are you taking
me then?" she asked as she gave him a light playful push, "you're going to take me out

"You want to go out shopping?" Rodolfo asked her as he helped her in his car and sat down in
his seat, "I wanted to take you to the smoothie bar since Michaelangelo told me you loved it, if
you want to go shopping we can do that too."

"I want to go to the bookstore" she said in demanding tone causing the guy to chuckle, "and
you're buying me new books" she added.

"Fine princess I'll buy you new books. You know any other girl from our family would have
asked for diamond necklaces or maybe a new pair of shoes or something, but're asking
for books. That's something new."

"I like books, having diamond necklaces around my neck is only leaving a lot of pressure on my don't last long books are forever and they don't have a negative after effect."
"A lot of pressure around you r neck huh, like people expecting a lot of you because they gave
you diamonds?" he asked and nodded when she told him he was right about her conclusion,
"you've really thought it true then, you're going for the safe gifts?"

"Yep, I like it safe" she said regretting it the moment it left her mouth because she knew Rodolfo
would tease her about it, "don't even dare to make a joke about it, it's too obvious!"

"You're right it's too obvious" he agreed not joking around her being safe since she was not
otherwise she wouldn't be pregnant right now, "though-"

"I told you to shut up about it" she warned him giving him a pinch to the side causing him to
scold her, "eyes on the road Rodolfo!"

"Fuck" he muttered as he just barely dodged a car, "you made me do that. Don't assault me when
I'm driving woman!"

"You should listen to me then" she said rolling her eyes being inwardly relieved he didn't hit that
car, "nice dodging though" she muttered.

"I'm a professional" he said though it was just luck he figured, "let's just try and arrive safely at
the bookstore" he said giving her warning glances, "so no attacking the driver" he said in a firm
tone making her sigh and nod her head.

"Fine no attacking the professional driver" she said mocking him though he didn't notice it.

Getting out of the car she followed after the cranky Rodolfo, she noticed that the past few days
they only had been fighting. She didn't know what it was but somehow they always managed to
get annoyed with each other. It hadn't been like that; she couldn't help but to wonder that he was
hiding something from her. Something that they should talk about yet he didn't seem like he
would ever bring it up, so they were doomed to be like this for a very long time. She didn't want
to be cranky and moody around him, he was Rodolfo. The big brother she could run to. She gave
him a light smile when he looked at her and skipped towards him grabbing his arm towards her
and giggled when he flashed her a playful smirk.

"So you're not mad at me?" she asked when she noticed he acted normal again, "it seemed like
you were annoyed with me" she remarked as she held his arm while they walked into the
bookstore, "you sure there isn't anything you want to talk about?" she asked again.

Pushing her towards the cooking books he sighed tiredly when the woman he tried to avoid still
managed to see them, "whatever she says don't listen to her Gabriella. Trust me on this alright"
he warned her before he pushed Gabriella slightly behind him and faced the blonde woman.

"I tried calling you for at least ten times today" Grachelle started as she narrowed her eyes on her
oldest son, "the same for Michaelangelo. You two should remember who gave birth to you" she
said shaking her head a little showing him how disappointed she was with her sons, "I don't
know what you two have planned but it isn't going to work" she warned them as she narrowed
her eyes dangerously on Rodolfo yet it didn't scare him at all he just kept glaring back at her
making her back down instead.

"Listen Grachelle I don't know what is going on with your son" he said stretched the word son
since she seemed to care more about Raphael than she cared for him and Michaelangelo, "but we
have nothing to do with it. We have better things to do than to play childish games" he said as he
glanced over his shoulder making sure Gabriella was still there since the stubborn girl always
seemed to get lost, "if you don't mind we came here to look at some books" he said indicating to
the woman to leave.

She didn't seem ready to leave yet though she wasn't convinced with him and he could tell by the
look of hesitation in her eyes. She probably had a lot more to say to him but he could partly she
was scared to speak her mind to him. He wondered if she was scared for him to finally have the
courage to pull the trigger."You called me Grachelle" she said looking down at her feet showing
him she was getting anxious, "I'm still your mother Rodolfo that's not how you should talk to
me" she said giving him a warning glare before she pushed the straps of her designed bag higher
upon her shoulder, "you should tell the woman to back off" Grachelle said noticing this caught
her son's attention, "I won't let her talk Raphael out of this. You deserved what was coming for
you" she said in much softer tone.

Feeling Gabriella's grip on his hand he knew the girl was trying to calm him down. He wondered
just how much she must know about this. She must have figured it was about the whole feud
between them and Raphael but she shouldn't know who the woman was Grachelle was talking
about. He better cut this conversation before she would figure out too much.

"We knew you had something to do with the mind games Raphael was playing on us" Rodolfo
said and gave her a light smirk, "yet your plans failed because you wanted to make dad pay
instead Raphael chose to bother your favorite son Michaelangelo. Now you're chickening out but
there isn't anything you can do to make this right. You must be scared must be so
terrified that you don't want that woman to come between you and your son because right now he
is your safe haven. I'll admit that he is powerful. So if he is gone you're all alone and you cannot
do anything about it if Michaelangelo decides to pay you back."

"They say Michaelangelo doesn't give mercy to anyone not even his own family. If he finds out I
started this I'm sure he'll pay me back ten times worse" she whispered and looked at Rodolfo
with those puppy eyes Gabriella always used on them, women really knew how to bend him with
their eyes, "you'll hurt your own mother Rodolfo?" she asked.

He felt the girl tugging on his hand and looked over his shoulder to see Gabriella step forward to
stand beside him. She was holding her head high as she gave Grachelle a look. He couldn't figure
out what those emotions were in her eyes. He could see a glint of anger in them but there was
something else as well. Seeing her cringe her nose he figured she was just disgusted with the
woman. He didn't think she would feel that way about Grachelle since they figured she was
Grachelle's BFF.
"Michaelangelo wouldn't lower himself to that level. He isn't stupid enough to want revenge on
something that happened years ago. Not to mention something that he had coming. You cheated
on Cecilio; you ran away with his friend you had another child with that man. It's all on you. For
you to want revenge on papa is something no one understands because you have no real reason.
You're doing all this because you're humiliated by that man? Because he chose Francesca over
you? In my eyes you're just pathetic."

Pressing his lips together Rodolfo really had to force himself not to laugh when Gabriella said
those things to his mother. She knew more than he thought she would but he was glad someone
said those things in her face. Grachelle needed to hear that. For years he had been blaming his
father for things like this as well yet it wasn't Cecilio's fault. Well he did a lot of stupid things as
well but considering his mother, he had nothing to do with the death of her husband. It were all

"If you excuse us we have some shopping to do" Gabriella continued flashing the woman a slight
smile while her eyes were just cold as ice and dragged Rodolfo away from the woman.

"I never would have thought you would do something like that Gabriella" Rodolfo admitted to
the blonde woman who seemed still very upset right now, "why are you so upset?" he asked her
as he stopped and brushed her hair out of her eyes making her look in his eyes, "are you going to
cry again?" he asked her causing her to snort and slap his hand away.

"I'm not going to cry!" she shot back at him as she pushed him back a little, "I'm just upset with
her. I thought she was different yet she is the same as Anarosa and I can't stand Anarosa at all"
she said fuming with anger making her cross her arms in front of her chest in a stern manner.

"Anarosa?" Rodolfo questioned as he shoved his hand n his pockets and gave her an amused
look his blue eyes glistering with playfulness, "is it because of the elevator thing?" he asked and
chuckled when he saw Gabriella's surprised look, "I had to drag it out of Michaelangelo but he
told me. I must say I believed you."

"Believed me?"

"That you would kill her" he replied, "you're a very possessive girl Gabriella. You might not
look like it but I think you got some guts no one dares to defy Michaelangelo but you do it. No
one dares to start an argument with my father but you do it as well. You ran away and you still
are bossing Michaelangelo around like you own him" he said and chuckled when he saw her
shaking her and give him a weird look, "I'm just saying when you're angry I'm definitely
convinced you could do something like that."

"I'm not bossing him around, I just want him to listen to me" she muttered and looked around,
"let's just go book shopping like we planned" she said giving him a smile that she actually meant,
"remember you're paying" she said reminding him about their deal before she disappeared to the
section of her favorite kind of books, thrillers.
As she was looking through the books she looked across her seeing Rodolfo having an intense
look in his eyes as he was searching for the books that he liked as well. She smiled as she pulled
out her phone and took a picture secretly being happier when she noticed he didn't see her at all.
She thought they were all very warily of their surroundings but he didn't seem to notice it. She
could definitely tease him a few weeks with this.

"You think Grachelle will stop now that we talked to her?" Gabriella asked him curiously as she
placed her phone back in her jacket's pocket, "I mean she must have figured out by now that she
is wrong. So you think she will back off?"

"She won't" Rodolfo simply stated, "She is as stubborn as you Gabriella. She always wants
things her way she will do anything to get it her way. It's also something Michaelangelo possess,
so that's why you two argue a lot. Stubbornness runs in both your genes."

"So she will plan something evil again" Gabriella muttered as she grabbed two books that
seemed very interesting to her, "you should tell Michaelangelo about it."

"I will" he chuckled as he gave her a weird look, "you're suddenly very interested in stuff like
this" he remarked as he moved to her side and helped her carry the books, "you want to join the
family business?" he asked making her give his side a light pinch.

"As if that's even possible" she said as she walked to another section, "I just don't want her to
cause another ruckus for our family."

"How cute" he coed making her blush a little as she pushed him softly, "you care so much about
us" he said before he gave her a wink, "no need to worry sweetheart we can take care of
ourselves perfectly fine, just think about your own health alright."

"You're my family" she admitted as she smiled a little and looked down at her fingers, "so I'll
worry no matter what you say or do" she said causing him to smile as he placed an arm over her
shoulder and pulled her towards him.

"I know" he whispered to her as he kissed her head.

"If he told Grachelle about moving to Italy with his aunt than he must be really considering it"
Gabriel said as a relieved look appeared on his face while he sat down across Michaelangelo who
seemed intent on his laptop screen, "should we keep an eye on Grachelle?"

"Already on it" Michaelangelo interrupted, "she is being watched by our men no need to worry
about it. Last update she was going to the spa with Anarosa."

"With Anarosa?" Rodolfo asked confused as he leaned forward leaning his elbow on the wooden
desk as he leaned his head against the palm of his hand and looked at Michaelangelo who
seemed confused with his question, "didn't you say last time you went to see Raphael she already
went to the spa with Anarosa. So what? It's their regular mother, daughter activity?"

Noticing what Rodolfo wanted to say Michaelangelo grabbed his phone, "you're right it's
definitely something we should look more into it. Gabriella told me last time that Grachelle
wasn't fond of Anarosa at all."

"Exactly so you're going to the spa with the girl you absolutely don't like?" Rodolfo asked
shaking his head, "I don't buy it. Suddenly becoming friends with Anarosa is definitely
suspicious in my eyes. You should double the men you have on their case."

"Don't worry about it" Michaelangelo said as he tossed Rodolfo a little black box, "you think
she'll like it?" he asked making his brother raise an eyebrow while he opened the box to see the
platinum ring in it with a subtle diamond.

"Anarosa or Gabriella?" he asked jokingly, clearing his throat when Michaelangelo glared at
him, "she'll like it. It's so like her you know she doesn't like flashy things. She made me spend
hundred dollars on books instead of clothes. It says a lot about her doesn't it."

"You already figured out how you're going to propose to her?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"Yes I have figured it out" he answered not going into details about it causing Rodolfo and
Gabriel to share a look.

"You're not going to tell us about it?" Rodolfo asked him now getting a lot more curious about
this whole proposal Michaelangelo had planned for Gabriella, "you can't just tell us you're going
to propose to her and not tell us how."

"I can" Michaelangelo smirked, "I don't need to tell you guys about that. It's private."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you all for the lovely comments and all the votes it really means a lot to me! I love getting
some feedback on the chapters! It was a bit hard for me to write this chapter since I didn't want to
make Michaelangelo out of character about the whole proposal thing. I hope you'll enjoy this
chapter, let me know what you think.

Chapter forty-five- His Painful Wounds.

Dashing through the empty hallways of his mansion Michaelangelo tried his hardest not to run
into his cousin or older brother. They had been nagging at him for two days now trying to get
some answers out of him about the proposal. He had been purposely avoiding them but he also
was aware of the fact that he couldn't keep avoiding them because quite frankly he needed them
He had a meeting planned with Carmen about her mission to get Raphael the hell out of their
way but he also had a date planned with his 'girlfriend' who had been around the mansion trying
to find the door to the secret basement which wasn't that much of a secret. Most of the people in
the mansion knew about it, he just demanded of them not to tell Gabriella about it. He knew she
liked experiencing new things maybe shooting and martial arts wasn't anything new to her but he
still preferred her to stay faithful to her books and dramas. It was the safest she could have in her
condition right now.

Running a hand through his messy dark locks he looked around the corner to make sure neither
Gabriel nor Rodolfo were around before he walked into his office and sighed mentally in relief to
see no one around. Closing the door behind him he sat down behind his desk and pulled his
laptop closer to him. He had just about ten minutes alone time left before Rodolfo or Gabriel
would burst through that door. Ten minutes was enough to check his reservations and to cover it
up. He opened his drawer once again and looked at the black little box that he kept hidden in
there. He would keep it simple, just the way Gabriella would like it. No fancy restaurant and
definitely no flashy exterior. He would just give her the real him, just the way she liked it.

Closing the drawer quickly he placed the key back in his pocket and closed all the windows he
had opened on his laptop focusing on the door that was about to get opened since he heard loud
footsteps approach him. Leaning back against his chair he nodded back at Gabriel who entered
the office carelessly taking the chair in front of his desk.

"You've been avoiding us" he remarked being straight to the point with his cousin, "seriously we
have been searching all over the place for you and we checked the office four times already, you
were definitely avoiding us. I thought you said you needed us for something urgent" he said
frowning a bit as he tried to keep it as straight as possible with his cousin.

He knew Michaelangelo appreciated it. He liked things to be all business no need to talk around
the bush with him. He wouldn't listen to you anyways.

"I needed you for something" he agreed calmly as Michaelangelo turned his laptop towards
Gabriel and showed him his schedule, "I need to meet up with Carmen today. I have booked this
bungalow for me and Gabriella for a weekend and I need to go to the hotel to cancel all my
meetings for that weekend, so I'm meeting Carmen there. I had a date planned for me and
Gabriella, just having dinner at the restaurant but I can't have both Gabriella and Carmen at the
hotel. So I need either one of you to keep her company while I'm getting an update from

Gabriel leaned back against his chair and narrowed his green orbs on his cousin who seemed
very calm about this all. He was meeting Carmen and Gabriella at the same time at the same
place, why the hell could that man be so relaxed? He really wondered if his cousin really
possesses any feelings or a heart for that matter.

"So we need to keep Gabriella company while you meet up with Carmen and take care of your
big proposal weekend?" Gabriel asked before he got off the chair and looked down at
Michaelangelo who didn't even look up from his laptop once, "I can do it" he said firmly not
wanting to worry Michaelangelo about his feelings for Gabriella considering what happened
between them, "Rodolfo is currently busy with the Anarosa, Grachelle case so I will do it."

Just merely nodding his head Gabriel figured he got green light from his cousin.

"I trust you Gabriel" were his final words which made Gabriel's heart sped up.
He didn't expect Michaelangelo to say something like that. It would stay with him for the rest of
the day every move he would make would make him remember the words his cousin spoke to
him. He sighed tiredly and got out of the office. He wished Michaelangelo didn't say something
like that to him it ruined his confidence right now. He knew he would never come between his
cousin and Gabriella but just hearing Michaelangelo say that made shivers go down his spine as
if his cousin warned him about not trying anything on his girlfriend or else...

It was just freakin' scary.

Making his way to the living room he looked around the empty room, the girl usually would be
found here sitting on the couch, a book in one hand a cup of tea in the other. She wasn't here
right now so maybe she was in the library seeing that would be her second favorite place in this
mansion. Dashing up the stairs Gabriel smiled at the maid who just walked out of the library that
was just odd...seeing this morning it already had been cleaned; maybe he was right after all.
Gabriella must be in the library his conscious yelled at him. Smirking he opened the door and
stepped inside, smirking wider when he saw the girl standing by the windows with a phone
pressed against her ear as she turned around smiling at him like he was her favorite person of the
day. That confused him but he still smiled back at the excited girl who walked towards him.

"Guess what" she chirped causing Gabriel to shrug his shoulders seeing he didn't know what
would make her so excited, "I beat Rodolfo to his own game, I found the basement" she stated
making Gabriel's eyes almost pop out seeing how he didn't expect her to say that.

He thought she would say something like I bought a new book or I'm so happy to be together
with Michaelangelo or something in that direction. Not something they didn't want her to find
out about.

"You didn't find it" he said narrowing his green orbs on her as he placed his hands firmly upon
her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, "you didn't find it right?" he asked again sounding so
serious that she felt she had to answer immediately seeing it seemed like a big deal to him.

"I almost found it" she muttered looking away from his intimidating green orbs, "I just got a lead
on it and I just need to go and-"

"Michaelangelo asked me to take you out shopping" he interrupted making sure she would forget
about everything she just said, if she got a lead it meant she didn't find it just yet. He should just
keep her busy and make her forget about the whole basement, "he has planned something big for
you for this weekend so shopping for new clothes is required."
"It is?" she asked and gave Gabriel a curious look as she gripped the front of his shirt and pulled
him even closer, "will you tell me about it?" she asked him narrowing her eyes dangerously on
the man who already was sweating because of this girl who made him so anxious, "will you
Gabriel?" she purred to him causing him to pull away from her.

"Seriously Gabriella you're too much of a tease for your own good" he said fixing his shirt a
little, "you know we're friends but you should always remember that I'm just a guy as well" he
said warning her as she seemed to understand what he meant, "I'm not Rodolfo I cannot love you
in a brotherly way" he muttered, "so please mind your actions alright" he said making her nod.

"I'm sorry" she said quickly before she winked at him, "I won't come close to you anymore" she
said before walking past him, "didn't you want to take me out shopping?" she asked turning
around as she gave him a playful look, "you should know that I won't forget about the basement
though Gabriel, I'm really close" she said putting a bit of danger to her tone before she giggled
and held the door open for Gabriel to step outside as well, "so where is Michaelangelo now? I
thought we would have dinner together?" she asked Gabriel.

Closing the door behind him he placed an arm around her shoulders and leaded her to the living
room as he made her sit down on the couch so he could go grab his jacket. Returning to the
curious blonde he threw her jacket at her as well causing her to curse him seeing it landed
perfectly on top of her head.

"I'm not a girl who cares about something like her hair but you could have just given it to me"
she said giving him a glare that made him smirk at her, "don't give me that damn smirk" she
muttered as she stood up to put on her jacket, "I like Rodolfo better" she said.

"I like Rodolfo better as well" Gabriel replied back making the girl glare at him some more, "but
he isn't around is he?" he asked as he held out his hand and walked with her out of the mansion,
"Michaelangelo has to take care of his schedule because of the things he planned for you so after
he is done I'll take you to the restaurant so you can have your date."

"It isn't a date" Gabriella interrupted, "its just dinner" she muttered as she got into the car, "he
didn't even ask me if I wanted to go on this so called date, he just said we're eating at the

"Believe me, it's a date" Gabriel said as he pulled away from the driveway, "it's his way of telling
you it's a date you know he isn't the romantic type of guy so you shouldn't expect red roses and
diamond necklaces when he asks you on a date."

"I wasn't expecting that!" she said shaking her head a little like a little child would do while
throwing a tantrum, "I just expected a bit more" she whispered before she looked out the window
looking at the people that they passed by, "you know less demanding and intimidating while he
asks me this kind of stuff. Like you're just a guy, I'm just a girl Gabriel. I want a little bit more
than that."
"You can't change the guy in one day" Gabriel started as he glanced at the girl who looked at him
with curious honey brown orbs causing something to flutter deep down, "it will take some time
for him to lose the demanding bite to his tone or the intimidating look in his eyes. For years he
has been that kind of guy he can't just turn off that switch."

"I know that" Gabriella said giving Gabriel a much softer look, "I just want to he
different when he is with me?" she asked him curiously her eyes shining so brightly it made him
want to hug her tightly and never let go seeing how innocent she looked right now.

"He is different with you" he replied to her, "He loves you."

"I know he does" she smiled as she got out of the car and waited for Gabriel to be at her side, "I'll
believe you then" she said making Gabriel raise an eyebrow at her, "about him needing some
time to open up to me. I know it will take a while but I love him as well."

"I know you do" Gabriel smiled at her before he pulled her into the mall, "enough with the
mushy stuff let's do some shopping alright. Michaelangelo didn't give you his credit car for
nothing let's make him take care of you nicely."

Smirking she agreed with Gabriel on that one. Since he postponed their date because of work
why not make the guy pay for it. She knew he would do this more often so she could spoil
herself a little bit she doesn't spoil herself that often.

"What's with that mischievous glint in your eyes?" Gabriel asked as he followed after her from
shop to shop since this was more like a babysitting assignment, "are you plotting something
devious Gabriella?" he asked her making the girl gasp in surprise.

"Me and devious?" she asked acting a bit more surprised than it was necessary so he figured she
was indeed planning something evil, "please Gabriel you should know that those two never are
used n one sentence, I'm not that kind of person" she said giving him a playful glare, "unlike you
I'm a very honest, straightforward person. Plotting is not something I do as my job nor do I do
that in my spare time."

"It's now even more suspicious you denying all that so forcefully tells me you're indeed plotting
someone" he simply stated as he carried her shopping bags for her looking at his watch to see
how many more minutes he had left, "so spill the beans already sweetheart."

"There isn't anything to spill" she said as she guided him to the famous smoothie bar and ordered
them her favorite drink. Giving him his drink she sat down across him and smirked, "I'm
pregnant and I still had my period" she said causing him to choke in his drink, "I thought you
wanted to know more about me?" she asked innocently, "I am a very unhappy pregnant lady, I
thought pregnancy was like a happy moment in a woman's life. It's not working out for me
though" she muttered, "I'm not mother material after all."
"Of course you're not" he said as he looked her straight in the eyes not even blinking since their
conversation had gotten more serious, "you're just twenty years old not even legally old enough
to buy alcohol. Of course you're not mother material."

"So you agree with me?" she asked confused as she stirred her straw around her drink and pouted
her lips a bit as she wondered how deep this conversation could get it wasn't a regular thing for
Gabriel to become serious like this, "you think I'm not ready to have a child just yet?"

"I didn't say that" he pointed out, "I said you're not mother material I didn't say you weren't
ready" he continued as he sipped from the drink she ordered for him which tasted better than he
expected he could understand now why Michaelangelo got addicted to this stuff as well, "don't
you know with time you'll learn how to care for the child, you don't have the experience yet, so
because of that you're not mother material, I think since you're a very smart woman you can
handle almost anything."

Smiling brightly she felt her heart skip a beat with the look Gabriel gave her. She hasn't felt this
goof in a while now. Him praising her like that made her feel like the happiest girl on the planet
right now. It has been a while since someone praised her like that, it felt really good. It made her
all mushy and warm inside. She just wanted to reach over the table and hug the air out of the guy
though she didn't. It was highly inappropriate since she did promise to him she would be more
thoughtful about him being just a guy.

"Thanks Gabriel" she said softly as she flashed him a gentle smile, "I really appreciate it, you
saying that to me. It means more to me than you know."

"Even though I'm not made out of stone like Michaelangelo, I still don't like the mushy stuff
either" he warned her as he flashed her his famous smirk that made girls melt at his feet, "so I
better hope you're not thinking about hugging and crying" he muttered.

"You know you want to" she coed to him giggling when she saw him tiredly roll his eyes and
grab the bags off the chair next to him, "where are you going I didn't even finish my drink yet!"
she complained to him finding it odd he suddenly decided to leave like that, she was just joking

"I would love to stay here with you and talk about my feelings" he said sarcastically as he held
out his wrist to her, "but you see you're late for your date, so we better get going Gabriella" he
said helping her up to her feet and gave her, her drink, "you're very slow Gabriella I finished
mine ten minutes ago."

"You did not liar" she remarked as she followed after the guy, "this all feels rushed like you had
somewhere else to go but you couldn't because you had to stay with me" she pointed out as her
eyes brightened at hearing her own comment, "you had to stay with me didn't you? As like an
"Of course not" he said far too quickly for him to expose himself, "dammit" he muttered as he
saw the look in her eyes that told him he was busted, "alright look Gabriella-"

"Drive me back to the hotel right now" she ordered as she got into the vehicle, "get moving
Gabriel!" she warned him as her eyes hardened to a dangerous point which told him he better
keep his mouth shut and just drive her to the hotel already, "I was so stupid to fall for this
bullshit" she said shaking her head, "who is he meeting Gabriel?" she asked him and narrowed
her eyes on him seeing he was hesitating to tell her anything?" who is he meeting?" she asked
again this time much louder.

"Damn you can be just as demanding as your husband at times" he said before noticing what he
said and smirked at the surprised looking girl, "I mean boyfriend" he corrected himself as he
chuckled about the little inside joke, "I don't know if he is meeting someone" he lied this time
making sure he didn't show any kind of emotion to her, "I just know that he had to take care of a
few things before he would surprise you with a gift, that's all I know."Help I'm married to a
mafia boss - Chapter 45 - His Painful Wounds (p.13 of 26)

"Are you lying to me?" she asked and stared into his eyes when he had the time to look at her, "I
know I said I would trust him from now on I just can't help to feel this way."

"Why are you so insecure about yourself?" Gabriel asked curiously, "you're a very attractive
woman I don't understand why you think so lowly of yourself. You turn more heads than you
think; it's just that most people know you're off limits."

"Most people in our circle" she corrects Gabriel causing him to glare at her, "if I wasn't pregnant
with Michaelangelo's child and he wouldn't have kidnapped me to the mansion to make me fall
in love with him again I would have started to date again."

"Shut up" he said firmly as he gave her a serious look, "you know you would never fall in love
with an average guy you need this life Gabriella. This life is all you know."

"This life makes things difficult for us. I'm not insecure at all I am just warily of you guys. Just
looking into your eyes says enough. Right now Michaelangelo is doing something that I don't
like and because of that you had to babysit me. If he isn't meeting Anarosa he is meeting
someone else I don't like, or someone else I should know of."

"Why can't you just be a good girl and stay at home like other wives" he muttered. He was aware
how well she knew them just by looking in their eyes she could tell the difference between a lie
and the truth. They needed more practice right now seeing this one girl could see right through
them, "we're here promise me you won't make a scene you know we have a certain reputation to
keep up with."

"I won't make a scene" she smiled at him before she got out of the car, "let go of my arm" she
warned him as she tried to pull away but he held her more tighter than she thought he would,
"Gabriel I'm not joking around" she whispered to him making sure he was the only one who
could hear her right now, "you're just stalling time, so he is meeting someone isn't he?"
Releasing her he held his hands up, "go and find out then" he said giving her a small smile and
watched her stomp off to find his cousin he sighed in relief and yet something still nagged at him
Michaelangelo didn't text him if it was safe he did arrive at the appointed time but he wasn't sure
if Michaelangelo was done yet quickly dashing to stop Gabriella he froze when he saw
Michaelangelo leading Carmen away luckily only her back was seen by him and Gabriella but he
knew it was Carmen and she didn't he didn't know what Gabriella would make of it, "Gabriella?"

Turning to Gabriel she frowned a little as she folded her arms in front of her chest tightly and
gave him that stern look a mother only could give, "I think it's the same woman he met here at
the restaurant the last time I was here with Rodolfo" she said and stepped closer to Gabriel who
tried to stay as impassive as he could, "so this business partner of Michaelangelo how often does
he has to meet her? What exactly does she do again?"

"Are you jealous?" Gabriel asked as he tried to talk around the subject, "it sounds like a snappy
tone you used so you must be jealous right?" he asked as he leaned towards her and smirked,
"what is there to be jealous about?" he asked her curiously, "it's just a business partner like
Rodolfo told you, you're his girlfriend."

Girlfriend sounded so weird to her now. She had no problem with the term a few days ago but
now it nagged at her. As his wife she had more confidence than as his pregnant twenty year old
girlfriend. The woman he was meeting seemed older than her but she never saw her up front, she
wanted to see the woman's face. Stepping inside the restaurant she frowned when she felt Gabriel
stop her.

"You don't want to come over as a jealous girlfriend, trust me" he warned her though it wasn't for
her sake though he just didn't want her to find out who exactly Michaelangelo was meeting if she
did saw Carmen it meant that he failed and he didn't want to fail since Michaelangelo would only
mock him again, "let's confront the man later" he said and mentally sighed in relief when she let
him drag her away, "how about we buy some diamonds on his expenses?"

She loved the idea, "how about we do that" she agreed with Gabriel as they made their way to
the little jewelry shop in the hotel, "I want the most expensive pair of earrings" she said making
Gabriel chuckle.

"You're a fast learner Gabriella" he told her as he looked over his shoulder to see Michaelangelo
meet his eyes giving him a nod. Everything was clear, he was glad he talked himself out of
trouble this time it didn't mean Gabriella would listen to him the next time something like this
would happen they had to be more careful next time, "let's choose something nice."

After choosing her pair of earrings she felt a bit better about the whole meeting Michaelangelo
had with his so called business partner, but feeling better about it didn't mean she wouldn't
confront of him about it. She didn't feel right about him meeting that woman so often. Either
something bad was about to happen and Michaelangelo was part of it or he was meeting her too
often giving Gabriella reason to be suspicious of him.
Stepping inside the restaurant only to be followed by Gabriel she tapped her boyfriend on his
shoulder causing the man to turn around and be faced with an enraged pregnant girlfriend.

"What's wrong?" he asked her as he tried to read her yet only fury was what he could make out,
"you can leave Gabriel" he said thanking his cousin with his eyes.

Never looking away from her husband she gave him a smack against his shoulder, "why are you
meeting that woman so often?" she asked being straightforward about it causing her boyfriend to
be a bit taken back about it he didn't think she would just ask him like that it overwhelmed him a
little but then again it was so like Gabriella she didn't like to talk around the bush she was going
straight for what she felt, it was a threat she had that he definitely liked, "are you plotting
something again Mike?" she asked him curiously as she narrowed her eyes on her boyfriend who
only seemed to be amused with her reaction.

It was cute in his eyes to see her being that stern and straight with him. It was refreshing to have
someone act like that to him.

Rubbing his shoulder a little seeing the short woman indeed had some strength to her he cleared
his throat and took the glass of water off the counter leading her to a private table in the near end
of the restaurant.

"She is no one important" he said looking her straight in the eyes letting her read his true feelings
since he knew she could, "you have nothing to worry about Gabriella, if I hear you talking like
that it almost feelings like you're very jealous of that woman. It's cute."

"It's disgusting."

"What is me meeting that woman?" he asked confused.

Rolling her eyes she shook her head at him, "no not that" she said smirking at him, "you calling
me cute it's not like you. So out of character Michaelangelo. Are you getting soft Michaelangelo
Gavino?" she asked him playfully and giggled when she heard him grunt, "my oh my we should
re-educate you. A Gavino should not ever show his true emotions" she said trying to sound clear
and business like yet she couldn't help but to chuckle."Shut up" he muttered as he gave her a
playful glare, "you know I only loosen up around you. How can I not if I don't do that you'll nag
at me and if I do turn softer to you, you also complain about it. Woman please make up your
mind already."

"I want the real Michaelangelo Gavino" she said with a straight face as she leaned over the table
looking like she was about to kiss him yet when he leaned in as well she pushed him back, "so
who is that woman Mike?" she asked causing him to groan in annoyance.

She really didn't know when to stop asking questions.

"She is just a business partner I promise!" he said as he gripped her hand in his and kissed it
causing her to flush, "you're the woman that I care about there is no one else" he said looking her
straight in the eyes when he said that causing her to only redden more, "that's all you need to
know alright."

Looking down at the table she was not sure how to talk to him about her feelings. She wished he
didn't say something like that to her it caused her to be a nervous wreck. She didn't want to sound
like a giggling school girl yet she was already turning out to be one right now.

Taking a deep breath she calmed her nerves down a little and looked up to meet his amused blue
orbs. His damn eyes were penetrating her soul, she felt like he could see right through her. Like
he could read her mind like that.

"You're not letting me into this business" she whispered as she tried to speak up louder yet his
eyes didn't allow her that freedom, "I get worried at times with who you are meeting
Michaelangelo, do you blame me for that?" she asked as she saw his eyes soften up for her,
"you're gone a lot and when you get home you don't have time for me, it's not good for a
woman's confidence you know."

He could feel her pain just looking into her eyes. He didn't know what to tell her, it wasn't like he
could change anything about that. His job always came first to him even if he loved her so damn
much. He couldn't change a thing about the way he was living right now. He just gently rubbed
his thumb over her hand trying to let her know he indeed cared for her as he gave her a gentle
smile that made her somewhat smile a bit to him.

"I know I'm hurting you with what I do" he said as he looked down at the table for a second to
figure out how to explain himself to her without sounding like a complete jerk, "but I cannot
change a thing about that right now, you're the only woman that I love there won't ever be
another woman who can take your place. Please just bare with that for a while?"

"I know I'm asking a lot" she nodded as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips
surprising the hell out of him which made her smirk seeing for once she took him off guard, "I'm
glad you're trying Michaelangelo you sound a lot different than when we got married. You have
indeed changed a lot; this is good enough for me."

"So you can hold on to that?" he asked her and nodded when she told him she could, "I love you"
he told her before he leaned over the table again and pressed his lips firmly to hers letting the
kiss last longer than the peck she gave him.

Tiredly leaning back against her pillows Gabriella stared at the ceiling as she tried to put
everything together what she had been through today. Something just told her the whole story
Gabriel and Michaelangelo told her wasn't right. She trusted his word when he said he wasn't
having an affair but still something nagged at her, telling her to be careful. She didn't know what
to do with that feeling and neither Michaelangelo nor Gabriel were much of a help to her. They
didn't know how to talk to a woman, she needed Rodolfo right now. Yet he was still missing.
Her eyes widened when she heard a firm knock against the door and sat up right almost
immediately. She felt a warm feeling overwhelm her as she smiled, greeting the man that came
in with that big smile of hers. He was definitely in tune with her he knew when to be around and
where. She knew Michaelangelo probably told him she was having a hard time and right now she
didn't mind her boyfriend doing something like that.

She needed that shoulder to lean onto right now.

"Mind if I lay down next to you?" he asked though he didn't even wait for her response, "I don't
care what you say" he added as he gave her that arrogant look, "I have been driving around town
all day long I'm tired and I feel like sleeping any minute right now so you have at least ten
minutes to talk."

"Ten?" she asked and leaned over to see his face since he had his back towards her, "Rodolfo
you're gone even before I finish my first sentence" she informed him making the guy scoff.

"Please I'm tired but I can still listen to you. Just don't annoy me with the usual crap about
Michaelangelo I can't deal with that right now, so no Anarosa or whatever" he muttered.

"You remember the business partner Mike was meeting a while ago. The brunette?" she asked
and frowned when she saw Rodolfo facing her, his eyes looking more awake than a second ago
something triggered his interests alright, "who is she?"

Clearing his throat he placed the pillows against the headboard and leaned back against it taking
a more comfortable position, "she is taking care of some human resources affairs. Nothing
special. Are you worried? You think his heart flutters for her as well?" he asked in that sarcastic
tone she hated the most.

Giving him a light push she smiled when he pulled her towards him, "I'm worried" she admitted
to him, "I'm very worried he will find someone, and I'll end up with a child" she muttered, "this
whole pregnancy thing worries me" she admitted to him.

Sighing he kissed her head and rubbed her back gently, "you have nothing to worry about alright,
he isn't planning this weekend away thing for you just because he wants to fuck you. Yes I told
you about the surprise he planned, acts surprised when he asks you tomorrow."

"I already knew about that. Well I didn't hear of it in words but Gabriel let go enough words for
me to make out that he was taking me somewhere. And please as if I would have sex with
Michaelangelo right now, don't forget about the elevators."

"You should forget about that" Rodolfo sighed, "she forced herself on him it wasn't as if the guy
could do anything about. She touched his private part, he couldn't stop anymore after she took
him...okay let's stop right there. Just forget about it. Do us both a favor."
Giggling she nodded and sat up right looking down at Rodolfo who turned his back to her again
he was probably going to sleep like he mentioned. He did seem tired and his movements seemed
a bit forced. It worried her a little.

"What exactly were you doing today?" she asked him as she ran a hand over his arm gently, "you
seem in pain Rodolfo" she whispered as she tried to make him look at her yet he didn't let her,
"look at me, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine I just need some sleep" he muttered though she could tell even that came out forcefully,
"just leave me alone woman you nag too much sometimes it really does feel like you're married
to me" he groaned before he placed an arm over his eyes.

Noticing he held onto his right side she gripped his arm and pushed it away forcefully causing
him to grunt out in pain. She knew than he had more pain than he led on. She pulled his shirt up
in a flash; he didn't know what hit him until he felt the cold air hitting his bare stomach.

"Shit what are you doing?" he scolded but he was already too late she had seen what he tried to
hide from her, "it's nothing I just need some bed rest" he told her since he could see the terror in
her eyes.

"That's not nothing!" she said as the tears already stung her eyes, "the blood is seeping through
your bandages Rodolfo. You need to see a doctor" she warned him as she tried to touch the
wound but he swatted her hand away, "Rodolfo!"

"I've already seen a doctor. Its fine the wound isn't infected. I told you I just need to rest it's not
that wound that hurts" he muttered as he pointed higher, "I bruised my ribs" he muttered making
her raise an eyebrow, "I jumped out of a window, I landed wrong" he muttered and rolled his
eyes when she snorted because she tried to stifle a laugh.

"You jumped out a window?" she asked shaking her head a little, "you're crazy!" she said before
she got off the bed and made her way to the bedroom, "we're going to change those bandages
though Rodolfo, after that you can sleep alright."

"You know that's all I'm asking of you, just some goodnight sleep right now" he muttered and
watched her come back with a first-aid kit, "you promise you let me sleep after this mom?" he
asked jokingly causing her to press a bit harder against his wound which made him growl in
pain, "dammit Gabriella!"

"You shouldn't make jokes about me right now, I'm really powerful you know" she warned him
and smirked when she saw he got the hint, "good now take off your shirt, no dirty comments"
she said beforehand since she knew he liked to make jokes when he was feeling nervous or
worried about something just to lighten the mood a bit.

"I can't believe I let you do this" he muttered.

Ignoring him she helped him change his bandages. She didn't know what was going on but it
really worried her. He held the pain in just to listen to her it made her heart squeeze painfully.
She hated herself right now whining to him like a baby when he was in serious pain. She should
have seen his face contort in pain but she didn't. She helped him in a shirt of Michaelangelo and
tucked him in carefully though he didn't notice because he was already gone because of the
medicines she made him take.

She watched his face relax a little and brushed a hand through his slightly damped hair giving his
head a kiss.

"He is going to be fine, he has been through worse than this" Michaelangelo said as he stepped
inside his room closing the door behind him and took the bloody shirt from Gabriella, "don't cry,
it's not your fault."

"How can you be so normal about this? He was in serious pain and I acted like a child around
him!" she said shaking her head a little, "how can I act like I'm not guilty. He told me to keep it
short yet I didn't understand it, I joked about it."

"He'll be fine, if he couldn't handle it he would have told you" he said as he walked back to her
after putting the shirt in the hamper, "let the man sleep in peace now he's been through a lot
already he doesn't need you to be acting like a mother hen right now."

"You too" she said giving her boyfriend a glare, "first Rodolfo calls me mom and now you. You
know you two are making me grow silver hairs" she muttered as she looked one last time at
Rodolfo, "you sure he'll be alright?"

"You want dad to watch over him?"

"It would make me feel better."

"Fine" Michaelangelo said as he opened the door of the bedroom and leaded her out, "we'll let
him watch over Rodolfo" he said as he took her hand in his and gave her a firm squeeze letting
her know everything would be alright, "you really care about us more than you think you know."

"Of course I care about all of you" she said giving him a confused look, "you're the only I have
left. Why wouldn't I care about you?" she asked before she found the answer herself, "I may act
tough at times but I'm still just a girl inside."

Chuckling he pulled her towards him and kissed her head, "we care a lot about you too" he told
her as he walked with her to the living room, "you should rest too Gabriella, it looks like you're
about to faint" he told her and smiled when she pushed him down the couch and rest her head on
top of his lap while laying down, "I'll watch over you" he whispered to her gently.

She didn't know how tired she really was until she closed her eyes; maybe Michaelangelo's
warmth was comforting her into a deep slumber. All she knew was that she was grateful to them
all. She didn't admit it often to them but they were really all she had left. So she cared more
about them than she led on.Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Hey everyone. I have to admit to you guys this is my own personal favorite chapter of this story.
I didn't know I could make one of the main characters this romantic for a man who always had a
stone cold heart. Just had to share that with you haha. Thanks again for all the votes and
comments. It means a lot to me and I definitely like getting some feedback. Hope you enjoy this
chapter =D

Chapter forty-six- Gabriella's Fairy Tale

Zipping up her duffel bag Gabriella glanced at the man who was sleeping in her bed. He seemed
to have a peaceful expression on his face but she was still worried about him, she couldn't help
but to be concerned about his well-being. She knew he would do the same for her, he hated how
she was always checking up on him but she knew he would do exactly the same. She glanced
over at the bathroom where her husband was currently staying in. She didn't even shower that
long as him, she hadn't seen him all night so she wondered if he was in the same situation as
Rodolfo. Did he come back home all bloody and beat up? She didn't know. She didn't see him
get into the shower as well, she didn't even know if he just got back from wherever he was. She
didn't ask either.

Moving to the sleeping man she brushed his hair out of his face and kneeled down to look at him
more carefully. She was about to pull the covers away from him when she heard someone clear
their throats as if to warn her. She didn't jump up though, she was sure whoever was warning her
wanted her to be surprised but she wasn't. She wasn't doing anything wrong, she was worried
about him and just wanted to check his bandages nothing more. She looked over her shoulder
and smiled gently when she saw her father-in-law giving her that same smile back.

He moved towards her and sat down next to his son nodding to her to continue whatever she was
doing. She pulled the covers gently away from him and looked at his shirt; the blood didn't seep
through like two days ago so his wound was healing, she just wondered in how much pain he
was. Pulling his shirt away from his wound she looked at the clean bandages smiling to herself
when she noticed she was right about him. His wound healed, thank god. She had been so
worried that she couldn't leave his side anymore. Now she could go the weekend away without
worrying about his health. She let go of his shirt and tucked him in again, like a mother would do
with her child. She ignored the chuckle of her father-in-law and took a seat next to him while
facing Rodolfo.

"You should stop worrying about his health. You know he would scold you if he knew you were
acting like this. You're going the weekend away with your boyfriend, as you refer to
Michaelangelo" he said clearly letting her now he didn't like the term 'boyfriend' she always
used, "you should stay at the beach house with a more positive attitude otherwise this whole trip
is for nothing."
She knew he was right, Michaelangelo did plan this for them to be together, alone. To get to
know each other better and of course she heard from Gabriel about his proposal plan. She was
prepared for it but she couldn't let Michaelangelo find out about it. He would feel too proud to
continue with his whole plan and afterwards he would scold Gabriel for blabbing everything to
her. She looked down at her hand where used to be her wedding band and smiled a little.

"You're right" she admitted still glancing at her empty finger and pressed her lips together trying
to force the smile away that threatened to come to her lips, "I just can't help being worried about
Rodolfo. I know he would do exactly the same for me. I love him, how can I not worry about
him?" she asked her father-in-law who merely chuckled at her reaction.

"I'm glad you are worried about Rodolfo that much Gabriella, but as his father I am capable of
taking care of him. You need to leave this matter to me and enjoy this short holiday. I promise
you there won't be another time in the near future. Why don't you enjoy this the fullest?"

Remembering what she wanted to ask Cecilio she glanced at the bathroom door making sure her
boyfriend as she referred to Michaelangelo didn't come out any minute. When she was convinced
he would be there for a little longer she looked back at her father-in-law.

"Did Mike return home last night?" she asked him she told herself she wouldn't question anyone
about it but she just couldn't help being curious the little insecure Gabriella inside her head just
kept screaming to her to question someone about it, "I can't remember him coming home."

His smile fading immediately after hearing her question Cecilio glanced at the bathroom door as
well. It was as if he needed to figure out if it was okay to tell her.

"He didn't" he replied calmly as he narrowed his icy blue orbs on her, "he isn't hurt he just got
into something that he should have avoided but sometimes things like this cannot be avoided. He
finished Rodolfo's job but it took him longer than he expected. So that's why I'm telling you to
enjoy this weekend a little. Be positive not just for yourself but for him as well. He needs it."

Frowning she glanced at Rodolfo who seemed to sleep through this all so peacefully. She
wondered if she gave him too many sleeping pills. Quickly placing her hand on his chest she
sighed in relief when she felt his heart beating softly against her palm and his chest going up and
down slowly.

"What kind of mess did Rodolfo get himself into?" she asked Cecilio as she looked at him while
keeping her hand on top of her brother's chest, "since Michaelangelo had to interfere I can only
assume something bad has happened."

"Matters of the past" he replied shortly as he smiled seeing how Gabriella was being like a
mother hen over his sons he knew they were in good care if he should not be there anymore. He
could tell it made her confused to see him smiling but he just couldn't help himself, "it has
nothing to do with Raphael this is something that happened in his teenage years. It's an unsolved
"In his teenage years?" she asked as she glanced over at Rodolfo having questions marks written
all over her face, "did Rodolfo do something really bad during his teenage years then?" she
couldn't imagine what he had done to make the outcome like this.

Rodolfo was shot and she didn't know if she should even believe his story about jumping out a
window. Michaelangelo didn't come home and was probably washing away the blood that
covered his hands right now. What was so bad that made the situation like this?

"What happened" she whispered.

"You know the usual" Cecilio shrugged, "ex-girlfriends and money" he said and smirked when
he saw the glint of acknowledgement in Gabriella's eyes, "it's not something I felt to interfere
with. Rodolfo's weak point has always been women. He may act tough but he could never do
anything to hurt a woman he cared about once. But of course that woman didn't feel the same
way about matters like him."

"His ex-girlfriend shot him?"

"His ex-fiancée shot him, yes" he said and got off the bed when he heard the shower being turned
off, "it is none of your business Gabriella. Things have been taken care of there is nothing for
you to be concerned of. Have you packed your bag yet?" he asked as he moved to the bag that
Gabriella had placed on the floor and grabbed it placing it back on top of the bed, "you sure you
have everything?" he asked ignoring the fact that his son just walked out of the bathroom in only
a towel.

"Well isn't it cozy in here" Gabriella heard Michaelangelo comment as he moved to the closet
letting the door ajar, "you packed your things yet?" he called causing her to roll her eyes since
Cecilio just about asked her the same a minute ago.

"Yes dad!" she called back and gave Cecilio a playful glance when he shook his head at her
comment, "why don't you tell me your reason for not coming home last night" she said and
ducked when Cecilio was about to give her a tap to her shoulder, "you should think your answer
through before you reply back to me" she said hinting him that she knew more than she led on.

Standing in the doorway with his jeans undone and his shirt still open he dried his hair with a
towel as he narrowed his eyes on her trying to read her. She had to admit to herself that he was
really good at that as well. He wasn't the feared mafia boss for nothing of course. The man was
slowly becoming just like his father. Looking into his eyes she remembered the day she first met
Cecilio Gavino. He held the same look his father held that day. It kind of scared her yet she
didn't show it.

"So I assume papa told you about it" he said glancing at his father who didn't give any type of
hint back just stared blankly at his son before the man took a seat on the bed, "it was nothing,
Rodolfo couldn't hurt her not even when she pointed that gun to his head so I had to take matters
into my own hands. No one hurts my brother and gets away with it not even a woman."
"No differences between men and women?"

"No you get treated the way you treat other people. There is no sympathy because you're a
woman. We're all equals right Gabriella? There should be no differences between men and
women right?" he asked her knowing she was proactive on that.

"Right" she nodded as she gulped and looked down at her hands wondering if she ever did
something wrong she would get it back ten times worse since it was the Gavino motto, "don't I
get special treatment though?" she asked looking up as she gave him an innocent look with that
sparkle in them she knew men couldn't resist, "if I ever did something to hurt you wouldn't you
treat me differently?" she asked curiously.

Feeling out of place Cecilio took that as his cue to leave. He didn't say anything as he walked out
of the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He was not going to interfere between those
two. It was just too tiring.

"I don't know what you're after Gabriella" he said as he slowly buttoned up his shirt while never
taking his eyes of her because of the sudden change in their conversation, "have you ever did
something wrong to make me want to do or say something to you?" he asked her as stepped
closer to her seeing her eyes harden as if she put her guard up now, "should I treat you
differently than other men or women in my life?"

"Of course you should treat me differently!"

Smirking he stood still in front of her as he gave her that amused smirk of his, "why?" he asked
in that smooth tone that could make her melt to his feet yet she didn't because she knew he would
have her right where he wanted her to be.

Gulping she tried to encourage herself to have a straight face and hoped her voice wouldn't break
when she talked to him.

"Because I'm the woman you love" she replied back casually, "and the mother of your child" she

"You know how to bend me" he muttered as he placed his hand on the back of her head
surprising her as he pulled her closer to him her lips almost meeting him yet he kept her at the
right distance to only tease her lips, "I do love you, but I don't know how I would react if you
ever did something to hurt me, the way Christine hurt Rodolfo."

"You mean shooting you?" she asked as she looked from his mesmerizing eyes to his full lips,
"you know I would never do that. How could I shoot the man that I love? You know I would hate
myself too much" she whispered as she referred to the event that happened between Francesca
and her father, "I wouldn't have the heart to do that" she repeated.
He knew exactly what she meant by that. He could hear her voice trembling when she spoke
these words. It was enough for him to put an end to this conversation. He was certain they would
never end up like Francesca and Vincenzo or Rodolfo and Christine. They were different, even
though they fought a lot at the end of the day they still wouldn't regret being together.

Having enough of the distance between them he firmly placed his lips against hers. Feeling her
hands grip his arms he opened his eyes to look at her. He couldn't help but to smirk as he saw her
with her eyes closed and her cheeks flushed while he kissed her. He could never grow tired of
her. She intrigued him, she dared to be different. She was the only person in the world who dared
to question him without blinking. To answer her question he would definitely treat her
differently than other people just because he loves her.

"Safe that for the beach house please."

Pulling away from Michaelangelo as if she touched something hot Gabriella turned her back to
the man who just scolded them. She was too embarrassed to face him. She clearly wouldn't have
made out with her boyfriend if she had known Rodolfo had been awake. She never felt so
embarrassed in her life before. She was glad they didn't go any further than just kissing. She
would have died right there of shame if something else happened between them. She could hear
her heart beating in her ears because of how shocked she had been to hear him scold them.

"Ah you're awake" Michaelangelo replied calmly. He wasn't embarrassed about this at all unlike
Gabriella he thought it was completely normal to be affectionate, "you gave Gabriella a near
heart-attack" he muttered as he glanced over at his girlfriend who was still too embarrassed to
look at his brother, "you feeling better?" he asked as he moved towards his brother and looked
down at the man, "you're sweating" he remarked not saying anything more than that though his
eyes told Rodolfo more than his words.

Glancing at the girl who had her back towards him Rodolfo smirked and looked back at his
worried brother, "I had a bad dream" he replied casually as he sat up right and started to unbutton
his shirt, "shouldn't you be leaving? It's already noon" he said as he glanced at the digital clock
on the nightstand, "since I have slept in this room I can assume you didn't come home last
night?" he asked as he looked at his brother with narrowed eyes.

"I didn't come home last night" Michaelangelo replied as he took the damped shirt from his
brother and threw it at Gabriella, "put that in the hamper since you're being really productive
over there" he said causing the girl to glare at him, "can I assume you were having bad dreams
because of her?" he asked Rodolfo who avoided his eyes when he mentioned the girl who caused
him this pain.

"It's fine now" was the only thing he said as the man took a sharp breath and looked back at his
worried brother, "you took care of it" he stated as he got out of bed and looked down at his
bandages, "Gabriella changed them again" he remarked and looked at the bathroom, "I told you
to mind your own business" he called to her only to get scolded back by the blonde, "I'm gonna
hit the shower take your girlfriend with you to the beach house I'll be fine" he said giving his
brother a reassuring look before he walked into the bathroom and grabbed Gabriella by her wrist
throwing her out the bathroom, "don't come back before Monday" he warned her before
slamming the door shut in her face.

Looking stunned at the closed bathroom door Gabriella turned looking at her husband with her
mouth agape, "seriously did he just throw me out and scold me as well?" she asked shaking her
head a little, "damn Rodolfo" she called louder wanting the man to hear her.

"Love you too sweetheart" she heard him call back only to make her snort.

"Come on I should take my girlfriend to the beach house" Michaelangelo chuckled as he took the
duffel bag Gabriella packed for the weekend and leaded her out the bedroom, "he is definitely
back to his ordinary self, I told you he would heal quickly."

"That is not his ordinary self" Gabriella pressed as she looked over her shoulder to the closed
bedroom door, "he's trying to cope with the fact that his ex-fiancée just got killed by his brother."

"Gabriella" Michaelangelo sighed as he made her look at him since he didn't want her to
misunderstand the whole situation, "she got what she deserved, if the woman would have used
words instead of violence this wouldn't have happened to her. She was getting herself into
matters that she couldn't handle. I promise you no innocent lives were taken."

Sighing Gabriella merely nodded her head. Honestly she didn't want to know the reason of why
the woman has been killed; it was still murder in her eyes. She didn't want to look at
Michaelangelo and be reminded of a murder so she didn't want to know about him 'taking care'
of people.

"I'm just glad neither one of you got badly hurt because of that woman" she said remembering
the woman's name, "she was an American girl right?" she asked since the name wasn't familiar to
her at all."

"Yes she was an American girl."

She didn't want to know more about the woman. If she knew more about the woman she feared
she would have a guilty conscious. She heard Rodolfo type of woman clearly matched her
personality she didn't want to think of a woman like her getting hurt because she was simply lost.
She must have loved Rodolfo very much to turn hysterical like this. That was the only thing she
could conclude out of the whole story she has heard. She would talk about this privately with
Rodolfo himself. Right now she would just enjoy her stay at the beach house together with the
man she loves.

Watching her boyfriend walk into the beach house she smiled brightly as she looked around, she
had to admit the weather was wonderful today it was actually a perfect day to stay at the beach
and just lay around doing nothing. She was glad Michaelangelo organized this trip, all the time
they had spend together he never had done anything like this. She was grateful that he was at
least trying to have small changes in his life.

Stopping in her tracks she stepped back unintentionally when she saw said man turn around and
look at her with a very intense look in his eyes she didn't even know what to make out from that
look. She didn't know if he was just as happy as her or that he was suddenly remembering he had
some big meeting planned.

"I made dinner reservations for tonight you want to go down at the beach first?" he asked and
smirked when he saw her eyes lightening up like a Christmas tree, "I take that as a yes" he said
as he motioned for her to come closer.

"What happened to you Michaelangelo Gavino" she asked surprised as she stepped towards him
like he asked of her and gripped his shirt lightly while looking up to meet his eyes, "I like this
side of you" she whispered to him as she leaned up and met his lips before she walked past him
and entered the beach house, "I'm really glad you arranged this, we should do this more often"
she regretted it the moment it slipped off her lips.

She knew wishing of him to spend more time with her like this might be just too selfish. They
could only afford this luxury because of his job and so she couldn't demand too much of him.
She already demanded dinners with him once a month, she didn't know what he would feel if she
asked this of him as well.

Closing the door behind him he dropped the bag down on the couch and sat down leaning back
and smiled when his girlfriend handed him a water bottle, "I don't mind it if I could squeeze it in
my schedule I would definitely take you here more often" he said making her smile as she
quickly sat down next to him and shook him about.

"Hearing you say that, should I assume you bought this?" she asked and smiled only wider when
she saw him nod, "so if you don't have the time I could always demand Rodolfo to take me" she
said leaning back and giggled when she saw the look he gave her, "what I'm not staying home
summers when we have an awesome beach house!"

"So you assume we'll be together forever" he said amusingly and saw the blush spreading across
her cheeks when he mentioned her remark, "so during all the upcoming summers I won't be able
to see my child?" he asked her only causing her to blush deeper and deeper.

"Well then you should do something about it, daddy" she said jokingly and quickly looked away
from him feeling even more embarrassed now she had said that, "that didn't sound right to me"
she muttered shaking her head, "you're just not father material yet" she informed him casually as
she looked back at him, "I mean you might be responsible and you can definitely provide us with
everything we want but you don't have what's most important for a child" she said making him
narrow his eyes on her waiting for her to finish her preaching.
"What is it that I don't have?" he asked curiously since she didn't finish her preaching, "isn't it
enough, I can protect my wife and child and I can provide them with the things they need."

Leaning closer to him she pressed her hand on his chest and looked up meeting his eyes, "a child
needs a lot of love Mike. It's what Rodolfo didn't get; it's what made him like what he used to be.
Having Cecilio worrying for him now, loving him now will not make up for the love he missed
during his childhood. Rodolfo will always be damaged" she said as she pulled her hand away and
got off the couch, "well let's not waste our time on the couch shouldn't we get dressed for the

She didn't want to continue this argument and she could tell by the look on Michaelangelo's face
he didn't want to continue it either. He seemed touched with what she said but she doubted he
would do anything about it. It was like people said you can't change someone's personality in a
day it would take time. She figured when the time came he would slowly change his attitude. She
hoped he would. She didn't want her child to go through the same things as Rodolfo had.

Biting her lip nervously she noticed how she slowly started to accept this child, thinking of its
future. She figured Gabriel was right after all, it would come naturally. She really hated her way
of thinking but seeing there was no changing the situation she needed to accept the fact that in
half a year she would be holding a baby in her arms.

"I'm really scared" she whispered as she watched her boyfriend give her a worried look as he
pulled her closer to him, "I'm really not ready for this yet" she said making him understand what
she meant by being scared, "I don't want to go through a painful labor. I'm just twenty years old"
she continued making her boyfriend shake his head.

"You'll be fine. You're worrying too much" he said as he placed his arm over her shoulders and
leaded her to the bedroom while carrying their bag in his free hand, "just a minute ago you were
worrying about his future" he said and looked at Gabriella smirking when he saw her look, "or
her future" he added.

"It could be a girl you know" she told him as she sat down on the bed and watched him unpack
their belongings, "you have a problem with that?" she asked curiously.

Looking up from the bag Michaelangelo shrugged his shoulders, "I don't mind at all" he said
tossing her their towels, "as long as it's healthy right?" he said before he smirked as he noticed
she didn't pack a bikini, "you know you could still wear a bikini now so why did you pack a
bathing suit? I saw you had tons of bikinis lying around. You even packed the unattractive one"
he muttered as he tossed her, her bathing suit.

Looking at the black bathing suit she pouted her lips and looked up at her boyfriend who went
back to unpacking their stuff. It was like he never commented about her bathing suit being ugly.
"I like this one, I thought you would appreciate it too" she admitted as she threw him a teasing
look, "you know I'm irresistible in my bikini" she said as she got up and was about to walk to the
bathroom only to be stopped by Michaelangelo who spun her around to face him, "what?" she
asked carelessly.

Looking down when she felt a firm grip on her breast she gulped as she looked at the big hand
that was grasping her breast firmly, "Mike!" she scolded as she pushed him away from her,
"what the hell?!" she yelled as she rubbed over her now sensitive breast because of his firm hold.

"Your boobs got bigger" he said calmly as he went back to the empty bag zipping it up so he
could put it in the closet along with their clothes, "of course you would be irresistible in a bikini
they would pop out of your top."

She just stood there looking at him with her mouth agape. She never thought of him to be this
bluntly about these things. She always thought he was more conservative.

"You made the right choice to bring along that bathing suit instead" he said as he turned around
to look at his stunned girlfriend who still looked at him in pure amazement, "weren't you going
to change?" he asked and smirked when he saw she still wasn't done staring, "yes I touched your
boob get over it" he said shaking his head before he walked past her.

Turning around to look at him she threw his towel at his head to make him look at her again,
"you can't just grip me like that!" she finally told him and ignored his snort, "besides my boobs
are really sensitive right now" she muttered as she gave him an accusing look.

"Sorry" he told her still shrugging his shoulders before he mentioned to the bathroom, "you
should really change we have dinner reservations remember. We only have two hours left, so
hurry up" he said neglecting her subject about her sensitive body parts.

It wasn't like he didn't touch her breasts before. It was weird how she felt so embarrassed about it
in his eyes since he had seen and touched it all already.

"You're really hateful sometimes" Gabriella sighed as she walked past him entering the
bathroom, "it's a big deal to me you know you just grabbing my breast like that" she called to
him as she started to change into the bathing suit he called unattractive.

"I touched it all before, I don't see the problem with it" he said as he stood in the doorway and
chuckled when he heard her gasp, "really Gabriella you're acting like it's all new to us. You're
pregnant of our child remember. I have seen and touched it all already!"

"Yes but we haven't been together for a few weeks it jus feels like we're starting all over again. It
just feels weird to me to suddenly have you touching me like that again."
"Why? I'm your boyfriend" he spat the word at her making her raise her eyebrows at the tone he
used, "there is nothing to be ashamed off you know. You have a nice body" he said nonchalantly
only making it worse for her.

"Mike!" she sighed as she pointed him to the door, "please let me get dressed in peace" she said
since she knew he would not understand her whole reasoning so there was no point into
discussing this further with him, "I just don't feel comfortable to have you around right now
when I'm naked."

"Fine though I still find it odd" he told her before he left her alone closing the door behind him
like she asked of him, "you're being weird" he called to her before he walked away from the
bathroom tossing his clothes one by one on the bed so he could change in his shorts as well, "I
know you were a cup C before" he said teasingly and chuckled when he heard her scold him

"Shut up!" he heard her screech before the door opened and revealed an embarrassed blonde,
"can't we just drop the subject about my body parts?" she asked as she stepped towards him and
looked at his attire, "you're done as well" she remarked surprised.

"Of course I'm not embarrassed about my body at all. I know I have good built" he shrugged and
heard her gasp and call him arrogant, "well I rather be arrogant then" he shrugged casually, "at
least I'm not a little insecure school girl like some of us are."

Rolling her eyes she gave him a light push before she grabbed her sunglasses off the bed and
placed them on grinning widely at her boyfriend, "are we going or what grandpa?" she asked and
giggled when he sighed tiredly and followed after her with that annoyed look on his face she
always loved teasing him you either get no response at all or he'll be pouting like a child it was
cute in her eyes, "since you brought me here Michaelangelo" she said turning to look at him
while putting on her turquoise sarong, "should I expect something special?" she asked him gently
yet her eyes were having a curious glint to them.

He knew she had an idea of what he planned; either Rodolfo or Gabriel must have told her
already. He wanted it to be a surprise to her but he kept in mind that neither his brother nor
cousin could keep a secret from this girl. She had a way with them; she could probably bend
them over with that twinkle in her brown orbs. She was more manipulative than people thought
she was. She probably didn't even know she possessed that treat and he wouldn't tell her either,
he didn't need her to use that ability of her on him. It would only cause problems.

Placing an arm around her waist he pulled her closer to him and ignored the smirk she held on
her face as he guided her to the beach chairs, "you know what I'm gonna do" he asked as he
helped her sit down and nodded over to the beach bar near their chairs, "getting a beer" he said
knowing she couldn't have anything alcoholic knowing it would annoy the woman, "you want
some water?" he asked and chuckled when she tried to slap him yet he ducked away in time,
"don't get so violet with me, I'm trying to take care of you" he said teasingly and leaned over
giving her a kiss to her head.
"I really hate you right now" she mumbled though she held a smile to her face when she felt him
kiss her head, "water will be fine" she added as she watched him walk away fully aware that the
eyes of other women followed after her boyfriend, "loser" she muttered shaking her head a little.

If those women only knew what he was in real life they wouldn't be gawking at him like that.
She had to admit to herself that he looked stunning without his shirt on right now, she didn't like
that tattoo much but she couldn't do anything about that, he got that before he met her. She
would have scolded him if she knew he would get one. She placed her hand over her belly and
sighed she knew she had to take off her piercing anytime soon. It wouldn't be comfortable with
it. She blamed Michaelangelo for her to be like this, though she knew he was also right. She was
getting accustomed with the idea of becoming a mother.

"What are you doing?" she heard her boyfriend say making her gulp she didn't want to know
what he would be thinking right now seeing her rubbing her stomach.

"It's not what you think" she said quickly as she took the water bottle from him, "I just need to
take off that piercing soon" she said as she nodded at his tattoo, "just so you know if we would
have been together before you got that I would have probably hit you for taking one."

"You don't like it?" he asked and shrugged his shoulders, "it's the family pride you know" he said
as he leaned back against his chair and glanced over at his girlfriend, "Gabriel and Rodolfo have
about the same one."

"Same place as well?" she asked and chuckled when he saw him raise an eyebrow, "just
curious!" she said reaching out to him as she tapped him against his right shoulder, "you know
when you're like eighty you'll regret it."

"You think I'll die old?" he asked her making her glare at him.

"Of course I think that!" she said making him smirk seeing she was again worrying about them
more than she should have, "I don't want to be old alone" she muttered.

She stopped mid sentence when she saw a brunette approach them. She was curious about what
this woman was about to do since she stood still in front of her boyfriend's chair and flashed him
that flirtatious smile. She knew she was kind of jealous of the woman, even though she knew she
had nothing to worry about seeing that woman approach them trying to flirt with Michaelangelo
in her presence made her feel a bit insecure and maybe even a bit angry.

She was just curious to what Michaelangelo would do. She raised an eyebrow when she saw the
woman facing her instead of her boyfriend. She didn't think the woman would ask her out that
would have been embarrassing since she was expecting the woman to ask Michaelangelo out.

"Do you mind if I ask your brother out for a drink?" she asked causing Michaelangelo to snicker.
"Excuse me?" Gabriella was just stunned seeing the woman called her Michaelangelo's sister,
"my brother?" she asked and slapped Michaelangelo's shoulder trying to make him stop
laughing, "You can ask him out, though as his girlfriend I would advise you not to since I'm very
possessive over him."

"Girlfriend?" the woman asked as crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked from the
smirking dark haired man to the blonde woman, "you two didn't seem like-"

"She is my girlfriend" Michaelangelo interfered seeing he didn't want to listen to the woman's
nagging about how they probably didn't even look like a couple to begin with, "I have no interest
in other women other than her" he said and looked at Gabriella who was blushing madly at him
her eyes telling him he was doing a good job so far, "besides I have a thing for blondes."


"Actually can I ask of you to take a picture of us?" he asked and saw the woman hesitate before
she smiled and nodded, "thanks" he said as he handed her his phone and pulled Gabriella off her
chair letting her sit on his lap as he wrapped his arms around her.

"What are you doing?" Gabriella asked confused as she looked back at the woman who was
trying to take a shot of them, "thank you" she said taking the phone back of the woman who
quickly took her leave.

"You know besides our wedding pictures we don't have anything else" he said and saw her nod,
"so since this is our weekend away why not make the best out of it?" he asked her and held her
even tighter to him causing her to giggle.

"You definitely are beginning to grow on me again" she smiled and wrapped her arms around his
neck as she pulled him in for a kiss, "you shouldn't spoil me too much I might just get used to
this luxury" she admitted to him and pressed her lips against his again.

Trailing his hand over her back he heard her take in a sharp breath making him amused and just
maybe in the mood for something else. He couldn't think of that right now though they still had
dinner reservations and he couldn't cancel on that. After all it was important because of what he
had planned afterwards; the long stroll wasn't just because he liked to enjoy the full moon.

"Glad to hear that" he said as he pecked her again against her lips before he hoist her up in his
arms and got off the chair himself, "but we got a few more minutes left before we should get
ready for tonight how about a swim, Gabriella?" he asked and even before she could answer she
was already being thrown in the water.

"Bastard" she called yet it didn't seem as mean as it should have been because of her giggling, "I
don't know if I want to have dinner with you, who said I agreed!" she said before she splashed
him wet as well causing him to mutter curses at her, "serves you right" she said with that devious
look in her eyes as she placed her hands firmly on her hips, "you can't just go around kissing a
girl and the next minute throw her into cold water, it's not good for my heart."

Chuckling he couldn't help but to feel so happy here. It had been awhile since he could act so
freely again. He was glad Gabriel and Rodolfo talked him into this. Without them he would have
never gotten through with it. It wasn't only good for him he could tell by the way Gabriella was
laughing, smiling, the way her eyes sparked and the way she just glowed she was just as happy
as he was.

"We should get ready for tonight Gabriella" he said offering her a hand which she didn't take she
just simply stared at him trying to judge him, "I promise I won't do anything mean to you. Let me
help you sweetheart" he said teasingly knowing she would still feel suspicious of him, "I
promise" he pressed.

Huffing she finally agreed to it and took his hand while having a warily eye open for him. She
didn't trust him just yet. He did ruin their happy moment before too. Why not ruin this moment
as well? She sighed mentally in relief when he didn't do anything to ruin that moment. She
looked down at their hands being confused that he didn't let go of her hand. He never held her
hand this tightly before; she felt her heart flutter the way Rodolfo spoke of before she left with
Michaelangelo. She definitely didn't want any other girl to feel this.

She didn't know what happened to the man she used to be married to. It was like she was seeing
a whole another Michaelangelo. She was even feeling the need to ask him where that dominant,
cold hearted guy went because this wasn't her ex-husband she was seeing. Was he even laughing
heartedly right now? She couldn't help but to blink her eyes a couple of times to make sure she
wasn't just hallucinating. She took the strawberry ice-cream he bought her and looked down at
their hands, which were intertwined.

He was even being romantic. She wanted to ask him if Gabriel was the one who gave him this
advice; she expected this kind of thing of Gabriel. He knew how to get to a woman;
Michaelangelo always just was very business like. This was different he was actually showing a
whole other side to him. A side she wanted to see more often.

"Please tell me we're going to stay down here forever" she said teasingly as she squeezed his
hand a little, "if this is a dream I definitely never want to wake up again" she continued only
causing her boyfriend to snicker louder.

"It's a luxury" he told her as he stopped on the boulevard and looked her straight in the eyes, "I'm
keeping it simple yet honest, just the real me."

"This is the real you?" she asked as her eyes softened to him, "then I wish you would always
show this side to me when we're alone."
"I will."

"You promise?"

Smirking he took the little black box out of his pocket which he kept safe there for the whole
evening and opened it to her, seeing her eyes widen to the size of plates as she looked from him
to the ring and back to him.

"Seriously?" she asked not believing her own eyes right now, "you actually listened to me?!" she
said being so surprised her voice just got a lot higher.

He didn't go down on one knee though but she didn't care. She just wanted him to be himself and
he was. He took her to this beach house to be together with her, he spends time with her at the
beach just having fun and no other cares in the world, then he took her out to have dinner
together at a fancy restaurant even if it had been a family restaurant she would have been okay
with it. And now a stroll on the boulevard to enjoy the nice view of the night sky and he was
about to ask the question. She didn't care how he did it; the gesture was enough for her to melt at
his feet.

"Gabriella Rosabella-"

"Please don't use all my names-"

"Why I love all of them. I especially like Rosabella maybe if it's a girl we should name her

"Why, why in world would we do that?" she muttered, "I don't like the name at all."

"Your father liked that name" Michaelangelo pressed.

Smiling she sighed and shook her head a little, "you just now how to convince me don't you."

"Gabriella will you marry me?"

She knew he was about to ask it, but the moment those words left his lips she felt like the world
around her was fading. All she saw was him and that handsome smirk of his. She didn't care that
her strawberry ice-cream was melting in her hand right now. She didn't care that people around
them were staring and cooing at her boyfriend's gesture. All she saw was him.

The man who once forcefully made her his wife.

The first man in her life she fell in love with so deeply it hurt.

The man who could break her heart into a million pieces and never let it get glued back together.
The man who could make her laugh through the tears she cried.

The man whom she simply loved with whole her heart.

Just nodding she watched him slide the ring around her right ring finger. She didn't have an
engagement ring before. The first time they got married it was all rushed. This time she would
actually enjoy her own wedding ceremony.

Chuckling he took the melting ice-cream away from her and made her sit down on the bench
while he got some napkins.

"You were that shocked?" he asked as he helped her clean her hand, "I can be romantic, I just
never have the time to express myself like that and when I do have the time I'm just feeling really

"I understand" she said softly as she finally found the words again to speak, "I fully understand
but I like this guy" she said clinging onto his shirt as she gave him that desperate look, "I don't
want to let go of this Michaelangelo."

"You don't need to, I promise."

Hearing him say that she gulped away the lump that had formed in her throat. She never thought
he would have promised such a thing but he did. Maybe slowly he was changing in the man she
wanted him to be. She hoped he would never go back to his words.

"But you know I can only show you this side of me."

"That's all I'm asking for."

Taking her chin in his hand he made her look at him and gave her that gentle look that she was
only allowed to see before he pressed his lips gently against hers. She had never been kissed that
soft and lovingly before. She could actually feel his love flowing through that kiss. She let out a
soft gasp when the kiss became rougher, the need he had for her only growing stronger and
stronger. She let him pull her off the couch and chuckled when he tugged on her hair to let it out
of its elastic band.

She didn't care that he gripped her hair that tightly all she could think of was being kissed like
she made a fierily passion burn inside of him. For once he made her feel like she was the most
beautiful girl in the world and all he could see was her.

She really wished this weekend would never end; it was like her own little fairy tale here.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Hello guys! It has been a while since I last updates. School being in the way it being the main
reason why I lack ideas lol. I'm grateful to you all for the share of votes and comments it means a
lot to me! This chapter is a little full of drama because I felt like a few people needed to move
on. So this is like a closure to one of the characters that will not be around anymore. And of
course some added drama too lol. Don't forget to leave me a comment.

Chapter: Forty-seven- the dagger through my heart.

Rolling to her side Gabriella took a deep breath trying to calm herself down yet the laughing
didn't stop and so she could only gasp for air. Struggling against her pushy fiancé she held up her
hands trying to show him she surrendered to him. Michaelangelo would have none of it, she tried
to roll away from him but if she rolled any further now she would fall off the bed.

"Mike! Mike!" she squealed her face almost red because of the lack of air, "please you win!" she
gasped and inhaled deeply when his hands stilled, "you win" she whispered as she clenched his t-
shirt and pulled him closer to her, "it's so unfair "she pouted trying to look cute for her fiancé
who didn't seem affected with her pouty look at all, "you can't tickle me to get everything your

Chuckling he leaned closer to her laughing louder when she closed her eyes tightly as if he
wanted to attack her again. Smirking he pressed a kiss to her forehead he pulled away watching
her open her eyes which sparkled with amazement. Brushing her hair out of her face he cupped
her face gently in his hands as he looked her deeply in her eyes.

"You kissed me" she whispered watching him nod his head, "I thought you would attack me
again" she admitted before her lips curled up to a small smile, "I don't want you to kiss my
forehead" she said teasingly as she leaned up a bit and pouted her lips in the process causing her
fiancé to snicker.

Leaning down he complied to her wishes and kissed her lips like she wanted to. Kissing her
gently he pulled away and looked in her eyes to see them twinkle with happiness He was glad he
could make her feel like that again, like she could love him without any fear. Watching her eyes
he felt her slide her hand over her chest to his heart pressing her palm against his chest more
firmly. She smiled warmly at him at feeling his heart beating rapidly. Maybe that was the
evidence she needed to know he felt the same way about her as she felt for him.


Both looking at the nightstand Michaelangelo frowned as he grabbed the device and pulled fully
away from the girl sitting down as he answered his phone annoyingly.


Giggling Gabriella sat up as well and wrapped her arms around him leaning her chin against his
shoulder as she watched his face. She narrowed her eyes on him when she saw his face drop. He
almost looked like he was upset. She held him even tighter as she tried to encourage him a little.
She didn't like seeing that look on his face. She never saw this kind of look in his eyes before.
She couldn't quite place it maybe it was a mixture of guilt and sadness but she wasn't sure.
Feeling him pull away she watched him place the phone back. There was almost a nervous look
in his eyes as if he was scared to tell her about his phone call. It only worried her more. What
happened this time? Did someone die again? Did someone attack their family again? She
couldn't help but to hold her breath as she watched him pace around nervously.

"Who was it?" Gabriella asked as she watched him carefully, "who called you, Mike?" she asked
wanting him to speak the truth to her, "Michaelangelo?"

Sighing he rubbed a hand over his face before he kneeled down in front of her placing his hands
on her legs firmly as he looked in her eyes.

"It was Anarosa" he started watching her face drop the moment he mentioned that name to her,
"Raphael is leaving and she is devastated-"

"So?" Gabriella asked shaking her head not understanding what Michaelangelo tried to tell her,
"he is leaving her so what? What has it to do with us?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes on
him when she saw him not having the same look as her, "you're feeling sorry for her?" she asked
confused, "you're actually feeling sorry for her?"

"Look it's my fault he is leaving. I'm the one who made him leaving. So Anarosa being without a
husband is all my fault. I should take responsibility for it."

"No you shouldn't" Gabriella said firmly as she pushed his hands off her legs, "feeling sorry for
her failed marriage is just an excuse. Everyone knows they never loved each other. Her calling
you about her so called failed marriage is just an excuse and you know it!"

"Even if it's fake she has no one Gabriella. She has no one to rely on I can't just leave her like
that, what if something happens to her. I don't want to have a guilty conscious. I thought you of
all people should understand that."

Feeling really offended with his last statement she glared at the man who tried to talk to her
sensitive side. If it was any other girl that had made that upset phone call she would have let him
help her but not Anarosa. Not the snake.

Snorting Gabriella shook her head as she folded her arms across her chest tightly, "guilty
conscious?" she asked rolling her eyes at him, "please just save it!" she yelled at him, "if you
want to help her just go don't try and find excuses for it. It's not me who you should try and
convince because me on the other hand want nothing to do with her" she said before getting off
the bed and grabbing her phone out of her pocket, "you should go and help her right before she
has a mental breakdown because of her husband who loved her dearly" she said sarcastically as
she pressed the phone to her ear, "please don't joke around" she said seriously as she heard
Rodolfo's teasing tone, "come pick me up from the beach house Michaelangelo is going to keep
Anarosa some company" she said listening to Rodolfo's outrage, "just come and pick me up" she
said not bothering to join this discussion because she would yell her heart out to him the moment
they were driving back to the mansion.
Grabbing her arm Michaelangelo frowned when she turned away from him not even wanting to
look at him, "look at me Gabriella" he said hearing her huff in annoyance before she turned and
looked at him complying to his wishes, "you didn't have to do that you know I would have taken
you home"

"Yes you would have but I don't want to sit in the same car as you right now" she said firmly
watching his offended look, "just leave and comfort your friend. She needs your right. I mean
she and Raphael had so many loving memories. I don't think she is able to survive this without
him" she said firmly the sarcasm dripping of every word she spoke.

"You don't have to be like that" he said softly trying to calm her down, "this isn't like you."

"I have to be like that" she said pointing a finger at him, "who was there for me when you left
me?! Who was there for me when I was feeling like I was alone in the world?! Don't give me this
bullshit about her having no one!"


"Not only did I have no one!" she started as she pushed him away from her when he wanted to
calm her down, "you were the one who took everyone that I loved away from me! The man that I
loved caused me to be alone in this world!"

"Don't bring the past into our conversation Gabriella. Don't you think you're going a little too
far? I thought you forgave me for that? Didn't we come here to leave the past behind? Why are
you being like this?" he asked her calmly trying so hard not to let this thing explode into
something big.

Dropping her hands Gabriella sighed and turned away from him as she looked out the window
hoping Rodolfo would arrive sooner or later. She just wanted to leave this place. She wanted to
leave this place with the happy memories they made not this argument.

"I can't help it" she whispered as she turned around showing him her tears the tears she tried so
hard to hide from him, "how can I not worry Michaelangelo?! She is the woman who is trying to
get between us every moment she can get. How can I not worry about you two being together.
Last time that happened she gave you a fucking blowjob and you didn't do anything to stop her!"

Throwing his head back he huffed in annoyance. He knew she was right, she was right about
everything but something told him he still shouldn't leave Anarosa behind, what if she hurt
herself he would blame it on himself. He didn't want to live with another dead body on his

"You're right" he told her calmly once he could control himself, "but I promise you, you have
nothing to worry about Gabriella" he said while moving towards the blonde girl being careful
because he was afraid she would pull away from him, "it's you who I love, didn't you say you
would trust me again?" he asked as he brushed his hand through her messy blonde locks smiling
when she finally softened up, "I will just go and look if she is alright, after that I'll come straight
home I promise."

"You better not break that promise" she told him carefully her eyes hardening because of her
warning, "if you even look at her the wrong way I will hunt you down and make you regret it do
you understand that Michaelangelo Gavino?" she asked seeing his surprised look because of her
sudden warning, "you're not the only one being scary and intimidating you always forget that I
used to be part of a very powerful family as well. I got my connections as should
know my older cousins are like my brothers...hurting their little sister will not do you well
Michaelangelo Gavino."

Gulping he was fully aware of her older cousins back in Italy, even though they became now the
most powerful family around it didn't mean the Valia family completely died down. With
Vincenzo gone it didn't mean his empire was completely gone. Gabriella was still the rightful
heiress of that man's emperor. He should never forget about that. Straightening up Michaelangelo
tried to look cool and collected. He couldn't let her know he actually felt a bit of fear of what her
cousins might do to her if he hurt her.

"Forget about it" Gabriella muttered and smirked, "unlike you I wouldn't use my power for
arguments like this" she said knowing it would thick him off some more, "I have higher
standards than that."

She could tell she really got to him. She should have kept quiet but she couldn't, she just couldn't.
She wanted to hurt him in some way. If she couldn't do it physically she would do it mentally
pissing him off a bit and making him aware of her knowledge. Making him aware of the fact no
other woman could replace her in his life. She was unique, he should always remember that. If he
didn't Anarosa might just have a chance to steal his heart from her. She would not allow that.

"Someone ordered a chauffeur?" she heard the sarcastic voice of her brother ask, "so you can
almost touch the tension in here" he said as he looked from Gabriella to Michaelangelo, "what's
going on?" he asked as he folded his arms in front of his chest tightly and demanded an answer
from either one of them.

Looking at Rodolfo Gabriella shot a glance to Michaelangelo who didn't bother to look at his
brother. He seemed to be deep in thoughts, maybe thinking his choice through. She hoped he was
changing his mind; she really didn't want him to go and spend time with Anarosa.

michaelangelo is going to see Anarosa because the girl calling him crying her husband is leaving
her" Gabriella said and smirked when she saw Rodolfo's face he was clearly on her side with this
argument, "I don't want him to go but he isn't listening to me."

"Are you serious?" Rodolfo asked surprised not believing his brother would do such a thing, "are
you really going to see Anarosa?" he asked confused.
Shoving his hands in his pockets Michaelangelo turned to look at his confused brother who was
gaping at him really just confused about his choice.

"I am going to see her" he said firmly as he glanced at his fiancée, "I told you Gabriella you have
nothing to worry about it's just a small visit. I'll come back home straight away. I just want to
make sure the girl didn't hurt herself."

"Why do you need to do that?" Rodolfo asked as he moved to Gabriella and flung his arm over
her shoulder obviously siding with her against his brother, "let me or Gabriel pay her a visit. We
might dislike her but we'll still make sure the girl didn't kill herself."

"She asked me to come" Michaelangelo shrugged, "not you and not Gabriel. What if you paid
her a visit and she calls me saying I lied to her and decides to hurt herself anyways? Then her
death is on all our hands."

"Who cares?" Rodolfo snapped at him, "She is not your wife!" he sighed, "you shouldn't care
about such a thing. She can't have you come running to her because she cried like a little girl
about her sham marriage. The only reason she was crying is because her pride is hurt. First she
loses you because you grew tired of her. Then she lost Gabriel because he thought she was a slut
and now she loses Raphael who didn't think anything of her but a key to his master plan. It's just
her fucking pride and you going there meeting up with her is just going to feed that hunger of
arrogance of her."

"You see it's not just me who thinks that way" Gabriella said as she walked to the bed to start and
pack their bags, "you thought I was being the jealous girlfriend, but your brother feels the same
way as me, so it must not just be me."

Watching his fiancée pack their bags he sat down next to their bag and looked at her who refused
to share him a glance worthy, "I told you not to be like this" he whispered to her ignoring the fact
that his brother was in the room as well, "we'll talk about it when I get back home alright, just the
two of us" he whispered to her making her smile slightly at him.

"Listen" she started but got interrupted by his phone ringing. Scoffing when she heard the voice
of Anarosa shrieking through the phone she shook her head "oh I'm sorry I don't want to come
between you and your little girlfriend" Gabriella said letting go of the bag and grabbed Rodolfo
by his arm, "drive me back home" she whispered watching him hesitate because of his brother,
"now Rodolfo!"

Sighing he let her drag him to his car and shot one last glance at the beach house, "you shouldn't
leave like this Gabriella it isn't right for your relationship with him."

"Staying there one more second will make me so stressed it wouldn't be good for the baby's
health. It's not me who is really wanting this child I wouldn't care if I lost it. But the other way
around I know Michaelangelo would be devastated knowing it was because of our fight I would
be losing our child."

"You can really say that you don't want this child?" Rodolfo asked confused as he narrowed his
eyes on her, "how can you be like this Gabriella? I thought over the weeks you would grow and
love the child" he muttered shaking his head a little as he started the car, "it's scary to hear a
woman talk like that, I thought it was natural for a woman to start loving the baby."

"Because of me loving this child I wouldn't want it to be born into this life. I wouldn't want it to
have a father like Michaelangelo" she said making Rodolfo nearly step on his breaks if it wasn't
life threatening to them, "like he doesn't listen to me today to not go and see that evil witch, he
will always have things like this. He wouldn't be around for the child to even know who his or
her father is. I wouldn't want the child to grow up hating their father. It would kill me."

"You wouldn't know if it's going to be like that."

Smiling she met Rodolfo's eyes. He didn't need her to explain herself he knew what she meant
with that one smile. He couldn't argue with her anymore because he knew she was right. Who
was he to defend his own brother like the guy listened to him when he tried to change the guy's
mind about Anarosa? He couldn't argue with Gabriella anymore and watching the girl it wasn't
just because of the argument with Anarosa. Looking in her eyes he saw a pain so deep he knew
no one could heal that wound. He just stayed quiet hoping the girl would slowly feel better.

Wiping her tears away Anarosa looked at the door seeing the man she called a few hours ago
walking inside. He stopped in the doorway as he looked down at her. She could tell he was
feeling sorry for her just by looking in his eyes, she could also tell he was feeling guilty. She
knew it was his fault that Raphael was leaving so he should feel guilty about her pain.

"Are you just going to stand there?" she asked with a strained voice causing him to step back
unconsciously he didn't think she would have taken this so hard, "it's your fault" she whispered,
"it's all your fault."

"Look I know I made him leave, but it was for your own good as well Ana" he started as he
stepped closer to her sitting down next to her on the sofa, "you know yourself he wasn't a good
man. He was obsessed with revenge his mother printed in his head."

"I know that" she nodded, "but now our child will grow up without a father" she whispered and
watched Michelangelo's face drop as he looked down at her hand that was pressed against her
stomach, "I don't know what to do anymore" she said shaking her head. "I just don't know what
to do."

Gulping he couldn't help but to feel sorry for her now. He couldn't help but to reach out to her
and pull her in a hug. Maybe this was his weakness he didn't know all he could do was listen to
his heart and right now it was telling him to pull her close and try and comfort her as much as he

"It will be alright Ana. You will be alright" he told her in a hushed tone as he tried to calm the
distressed woman down, "I'm here for you."

Even though his heart told him to take care of this distressed woman he heard a voice screaming
to him to let her go and take a distance from her. He couldn't help but to be remembered of what
she had done to him in the elevator. What would Gabriella think if she saw them like this? He
should pull away and sat at the near end of the sofa but he couldn't. Which confused him? He just
didn't know what to do anymore. He wanted to comfort this woman but at the same time he
wanted to stay away from her as far as possible.

Dropping her phone carelessly in her bag Gabriella couldn't believe her fiancé was canceling
their dinner because of Anarosa. The whole reason being unbelievable. It wasn't just that she
thought it was an insult to her him being so caring towards Anarosa because she was pregnant
was killing her. It was literally a knife through the heart. She was also pregnant four months
now; Anarosa didn't need his attention like she needed it. It was just killing her more and more
every day.

Walking straight to the bar she looked at the drink the woman next to her ordered. She wanted
one. She desperately needed one. She looked down at her hand shaking because she was about to
do something her mind was screaming her not to do. She read a lot of books to know she would
turn her revenge to her baby instead of her fiancé. Sighing in defeat she shook her head and
gulped the lump away in her throat.

"A water please" she said being proud of herself she didn't order a wine or champagne because
she was really longing for one right now.

"You look like crap."

Clenching her hand Gabriella felt the voice of that woman pierce her eardrums. She moved her
head towards the woman next to her and forced a smile on her face. A smile that was so forced it
even hurt her cheeks in the process.

"You should look like crap yet you don't" Gabriella commented as she observed the woman from
head to toe, "you're going somewhere?" she asked as she sipped from her water, "you're finally
leaving my fiancé alone?" she asked sarcastically.

"Champagne please" she heard the woman ask causing her eyes to nearly pop out, "I'm going to
have dinner with your fiancé silly. I mean broken hearted girls like me should have a nice dinner
too right?" she asked and smirked when she saw the deadly glare of Gabriella, "why so upset?
You know I'm a bitch why be so surprised about it" she said raising her glass to Gabriella.
"You're not pregnant are you" Gabriella scoffed as she pushed her glass of water away from her,
"you're using this as an excuse as well to get to him" she said before grabbing her phone out of
her bag, "you want to cause a scene Anarosa? I'm promising you right now that I'm going to be
the queen of it. Everything you will do I'll do it better" she said and winked at her, "have fun at
you dinner."

"You're just being jealous" Anarosa muttered causing the blonde to turn and look at the ginger
haired girl who was holding her chin up high feeling better than her once again, "you can't take it
I won again from you. You're very disappointing Gabriella for someone being born into this
family you're seriously weak."

Smiling at Gabriela who made it by her side because of her small text, she gave her bag to the
man. She was glad she decided on dinner at the hotel it was a central point the boys could meet
up with her. She knew always one of them would be around. Stepping forward Gabriella
clenched her fist and smirked, "I might be weak in the department of being a slut and a
manipulative bitch like you but there is something you learn being raised in this family."

"What is that?"

"This" Gabriella said firmly as she punched her straight in the face not caring everyone around
them gasped and looked at them shockingly she ignored the snickering Gabriel and took her
purse back, "take care of her don't worry she isn't pregnant, she made it all up like she usually

"Just let go of me!" Anarosa shrieked as she struggled with the keys, "like I'm not embarrassed
enough already!"

"You're the one messing with Gabriella in the first place. You should have known at some point
she would blow" Gabriel informed her casually as he gripped the keys out of the woman's hands
and pushed a tissue in her hands, "take care of your nose it's still bleeding" he muttered as he
opened the door for her and stood in the doorway, "what are you waiting for? I'm not going in
with you."

"Fine" she muttered ready to slam the door shut, "I will make her regret this" she said before
gripping the doorknob firmly shutting the door gasping when it didn't close like she wanted to, "I
thought you wouldn't come inside" she said sarcastically as she took the pressed tissue away
from her nose and made her way to the bathroom ignoring the footsteps that were following her.

"Can't you drop it already by now Gabriella must have told Michaelangelo about your lies. He
will never believe you again. Why provoke the woman when you know she is better than you in
every way."
"Because!" she yelled at Gabriel as she dried her face with a towel and looked down at it, "she
stole everything from me. I was the most important woman in your lives. He didn't even know
her and he fell head over heels for her! You fell for her and even Rodolfo fell for her. She stole
everything from me!"

"You're the one who messed it up in the first place" Gabriel started as he stepped closer to her
and took her towel away from her helping her clean her face properly, "you're the one who
cheated on him you're the one who thought of me as second choice. You should know a lot of
people don't like those things."

"Gabriella cheated on him as well!"

"Ouch, I felt that one going straight through my heart" he said teasingly before he dropped the
towel in the hamper and leaned back against the counter of the sink, "you need to let go of it
Ana. You need to live your life; Michaelangelo will never look at you with the same eyes as he
looks at Gabriella."

Stepping closer to Gabriel she nodded her head and held onto his arm, "thanks" she muttered
causing his eyes to almost pop out, "you helped me even though you didn't want to, even a
heartless bitch like me knows when to be grateful" she said jokingly before she walked away
from him turning around when she felt him grip her arm, "what?"

Gasping when he pulled her towards him her eyes widened when she felt his lips pressed against
hers. His eyes fluttered closed as his hand pressed against her cheek keeping her in place as he
kissed her so lovingly. She felt her heart racing when he kissed her more and more passionately.
It had been a while since she had been kissed like that. She couldn't help but to blush. Placing her
hands firmly on top of his shoulders she closed her eyes as well and kissed him back.

Giggling when he pulled her up and carried her out of the bathroom she nearly screamed when
he almost dropped her. Standing on her feet she hid behind Gabriel as she looked at a pair of
shocked blue eyes.

"I think I'll going to be sick" Michaelangelo muttered as he looked the other way, "Gabriella told
me she hurt you so I came to see if you were fine but by the looks of it you're doing more than
fine" he said shaking his head before he turned back to the door turning around again as he
remembered something, "I won't be needing these anymore he said throwing the keys to Gabriel,
"you'll be alright from now on" he told Anarosa before he walked away leaving his cousin and
the woman confused behind.

"What the hell just happened" Gabriel whispered to himself as he looked at the keys he just
caught, "it doesn't seem like Gabriella told him about your little secret" he said pushing the keys
into her hands, "you should be grateful for that since you lied and tried to steal her fiancé away
from her" he said acting all serious again as if Michaelangelo had been his wake-up call.

Holding his hands up he made her quiet down because of the look of pure shock in his eyes. He
regretted it and she couldn't actually blame him for it. He had been hurt by her before why not
this time as well.

"I'm going home. It was a mistake. Don't think more of it" he warned her before he walked out
the door closing it behind him knowing he must have put another scar to her heart but he just
couldn't be together with a woman like her not even when the passion had been so great between
them, she was not right for him.

"You're still here" Gabriel muttered as he walked to his car together with his cousin, "you didn't
have to wait up for me. What if I didn't come out?"

"I knew you wouldn't stay there after seeing me. It brings up memories doesn't it?"
Michaelangelo asked as he offered Gabriel a cigarette which he took, "what was it that Gabriella
didn't tell me?"

"Anarosa not being pregnant."

"I already knew that."

"You knew about it? Then why did you stay and help her?" Gabriel asked confused, "you know
Gabriella is so pissed right now."

"I know but I was trying to convince Anarosa to go back to her mother. That it would be good
for her health to spend some time at her parents' house. She was hesitating about that decision
but I think after Gabriella punching her and you breaking her heart again she will take up that

"She will go" Gabriel nodded, "we hurt her enough, she knows her time with us is over. What are
you going to do about Gabriella though? Rodolfo texted me that he couldn't find the woman."

"What do you mean? I spoke to her at the hotel ten minutes ago" Michaelangelo said reading the
text Rodolfo send their cousin, "let him go look for her you can track her down by her credit card
or cell phone right?"

"Right I just need some time-"

"Stop the panic Rodolfo got called by her."

"What did she say?"

"She is at Francesca's grave" Gabriel whispered as he saw the look in his cousin's eyes, "you
know you would have caused her some mental damage because of choosing Anarosa over her.
Don't be surprised if she suddenly meets up with Carla or Grachelle" she said jokingly as he
unlocked his car, "that would be all on you too!"

He knew Gabriel was right he really did hurt his fiancée in more ways than he could apologize
for. He wanted to explain the situation to her but he just couldn't because part of him really felt
sorry for Anarosa. He would not only be lying to her but to himself as well. So keeping it to
himself was the safest way. He needed more than a weekend away to a beach house to make this
right with her.

Driving back to the mansion Michaelangelo frowned when he saw the blonde he was just
thinking about being hugged by his brother. He never really cared about them hugging since he
knew it was just a brother and sister relationship between them but this time seeing it, it felt like
there was more to it. A deeper feeling than just being brother and sister.

Parking his car next to Rodolfo's Michaelangelo got out of his car and walked to them. Stepping
closer and closer he could actually hear her sob. His hostile guard pulling lowered by the second.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know she just won't stop crying" Rodolfo said gently as he released the blonde who had
been clinging to him and let his brother take over, "don't hurt her or I'll punch you the same way
she did to Anarosa" he warned his younger brother before he walked away.

Michaelangelo didn't need Gabriella to explain this to him. This has been the first time she had
paid a visit to Francesca's grave. He knew she thought she could handle it but she couldn't.
Wrapping his arms around her tightly he kissed her head.

"I'm so sorry Gabriella" he whispered to her, "I'm so sorry-"

"Shut up!" she shrieked at him, "I don't want to hear it right now" she said between gasps of air
because of her sobbing, "just shut up!"

He listened to her and kept quiet. Him apologizing about his mistakes was not what she wanted
to listen to right now. He could understand that. She just went to see her mother; it must have
been hard for her. She was the only person she could run to and that person was buried six feet
under the ground.

He pulled away from her when he felt her gripping his arms so tightly it hurt. His eyes widened
when he saw the look of pain on her face, watching her press a hand to her stomach as she
almost fell down but he caught her before she could get hurt.


"I'm fine-"
Her scream of pain told him she wasn't fine at all. Her hand clenching around him so tightly it
would leave her nail prints on his skin told him she wasn't fine at all. He took her in his arms
quickly as he watched Rodolfo run outside because of their screaming.

"What's going on" he asked confused as he saw Michaelangelo rushing to put Gabriella inside
his car, "Mike?!"

"I'm taking her to the hospital for the time being you're in charge" Michaelangelo said making
his brother frown, "you know what to do" he said firmly making his brother nod, "I'll call you
when we'll get some news on her status" he said before getting into his car and drove away as
fast as possible.

Watching the woman through the rear mirror he bit his lip nervously as he saw in how much pain
she was. He saw her opening and closing her eyes. He didn't know if she was going to pass out
of the pain or that she was passing out and because of the pain she was waking up every time.
Not caring about anything else he just wanted to bring her as fast as could to the hospital.

He knew if something happened to her he would never forgive himself.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 48 - Pleasant Surprises (p.1 of 21)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for the votes and comments! I really, really appreciate it!
The feedback is wonderful. You letting me know your thoughts are really useful to me writing
new chapters. So don't be afraid to give me your opinion. For this chapter it starts out a few days
later after Gabriella was hospitalized. Don't worry she is alright! LOL I think that's all the
information you need while reading this chapter =D Enjoy reading this chapter.

Chapter forty-eight- Pleasant Surprises

Leaning her head back against the big pillow of her hospital bed Gabriella narrowed her eyes on
the man who was sitting beside her with that guilty look in his eyes. Right now she didn't need
him to look at her like that, she needed him to either explain himself or look away so she didn't
have to deal with it. She didn't need his pity especially if it wasn't really for her. She didn't know
if he was worried for her or the fact that she almost lost their baby. So being worried for their
baby instead of her was making her feel upset, it was selfish of her to think that way, but she
couldn't help but to have these thoughts. Bed rest was what the doctor advised for her, just
resting a lot and absolutely no stress which she was aware of that it was nearly impossible to
avoid by being in this family. Everyday was a stressful day for her.

She let out a deep breath as she looked at the ceiling in the process, she didn't want to start a
conversation with him since he was one of the reasons she was in this bed, heavy medicines to
prevent the baby from being born since it was way too early. She looked at her fiancé who made
her look at him since he wanted to say something to her.
he was glad he took the first step because she certainly wasn't going to take it, maybe it was an
act of pride but she refused to be the one making the first move. In a way it felt like it would
make her appear weak if she was the one taking the first step.

"Since the doctor said you need a lot of rest how about we let you stay at the hotel" he started
making her frown a little since that wasn't the subject she wanted to talk about, "you don't have
to do a thing there, you can just read your books watch your favorite movies" he said with a
small smile trying to encourage her, "just think about it alright?"

Nodding her head slightly she took a deep breath preparing herself to start the heavy discussion
about his ex-girlfriend again. She knew he considered it to be a closed subject but it wasn't a
closed subject to her. It wasn't even near closed yet since he felt a very strong feeling for her. It
annoyed her that he still felt that way for Anarosa; in her opinion the woman didn't deserve that
kind of kindness at all.

"About Anarosa, Mike" she said watching a hint of annoyance flashing through his eyes but it
was gone as fast as it appeared in his icy blue orbs, "what are we going to do about it. You know
how I feel about you being together with her because her husband left, and I know how you feel
about me not wanting you what are we going to do about it, Mike?" she asked wanting
him to speak his mind honestly with her no excuses just the plain truth is what she asked of him.

Grabbing her hand and holding it tightly in his she raised an eyebrow at his sudden actions. She
was aware of the serious look in his eyes, maybe this time he would honestly speak his mind to
her. No vague answers and no excuses. Just the plain truth. That was all she ever wished for.

"I'm aware of how you feel about me visiting her. I also know of her not really being pregnant, I
think even my mother could figure out they weren't together because they fell in love with each
other. It wasn't just because I felt sorry for her that I went to see her" he said trying to explain the
situation carefully to Gabriella, "I wanted her to go back to her parents; this place is not right for
her anymore. I'm really sure I got through her, Gaby. It's no excuse it's the truth. I tried to
convince her to go back to her hometown, and I heard from Gabriel she really did leave this

"So Anarosa is gone out of our lives? She is really gone out of lives?"

"She is gone out of our lives for now" Michaelangelo corrected her, "I don't know how long she
will stay in her hometown. It could be that tomorrow she suddenly feels like herself again and
will come back. Just in my opinion she won't be bothering us again."

She hoped Michaelangelo was right about Anarosa. She hoped the woman finally opened her
eyes and realized this family is not her family. That she should let it go, she wasn't part of it
anymore since the moment she became an ex-girlfriend. She really hoped Anarosa realized that.
Otherwise she was even stupider than she looked.
Taking her hand back from her fiancé's firm grip Gabriella leaned back against her pillow finally
having the feeling of security. For now she could be okay with Anarosa being gone for a while.
She wasn't happy about the method Michaelangelo used but at least he got it right in the end.

"It doesn't mean I'm happy about how it went, Mike. I hope you realize that. I need you to give
me the feeling that I'm part of you, part of what you do. I'm not an innocent girl you met in the
coffee shop who has no clue of what's going on in our world. I was born into this life as well and
you need to realize that we're a team. We should be more like Adelina and her husband. We
should be one."

He knew she was right; she was part of this world. That being the whole reason why his father
pushed Gabriella on him. It was just his dominant side that made it nearly impossible to include
her in everything he does. He wanted to do as much as possible by his own and he was aware
that, that little treat in his personality was the reason for them to fight a lot. He was very
independent when it came to his job; he also had this prideful treat in him that he wanted to
protect his family with all his might.

He needed to rely on her more. She is a lot stronger than he thought she was. He didn't mean that
mentally, she was physically capable of throwing a good right hook as well. He would never
forget about that, so he could rely on her more only if his prideful side would let her.

"I promise when you're ready I'll include you more into my life. Just right now I can't, I hope you
can realize that too?" he asked her and watched her nod her head.

"I'm aware of my situation now, Mike. Just after the baby is born you should know I'm not just a
pet you come home too. I'm stronger than I look Michaelangelo. I can help you. Maybe not
physically like Gabriel and Rodolfo who jump through windows and beat people to a bloody
pulp" she muttered smiling when she saw his brightened mood, "but mentally I'm a lot stronger
than them."

"Far more intelligent too" he added.

"Damn right!"

Chuckling he leaned closer to her and pressed a kiss to her head.

"We're a team" he said making her smile warmly, "I will rely on you more" he promised her.

"Good" she said giving him a stern look, "now go home and pack my bags I want to stay at the
best suite you have since I deserve some pampering" she said trying to sound serious yet her eyes
told him she was joking.

"You deserve it" he told her as he got up and brushed his hand through her hair affectionately,
"I'll be back before you know it. You get some sleep, I'll definitely arrange for you to stay at our
best suite."
Closing the door behind him, he leaned against it and exhaled deeply. He couldn't shake off this
feeling of guilt. He was very much aware of the fact that it was all his fault that she almost lost
their child. He didn't know what choices he should make, he was now aware of what harsh
decisions his father had to make over the years. They really should have appreciated him more
than they did. Well at least he showed enough appreciation and Rodolfo was making up for the
lost time. He made a mental note to properly thank his father soon.

Walking to his car he stopped when he heard the ringtone he chose for Rodolfo. Taking his
phone out he answered it while getting into his car.

"What do you need?" he asked while starting the car and putting the phone on speakers so he
could drive properly, "I'm on my way home so if this can wait I'll be there in less than ten

"It can't wait" Rodolfo stated firmly, "I thought you took care of Christine. Anarosa is gone but
another person we thought have left isn't exactly gone out of our lives. We should let someone
watch over Anarosa more carefully; maybe she suddenly pops up again too."

Michaelangelo was aware of the sarcasm Rodolfo used. It meant the guy wasn't happy at all right

"I didn't kill Christine if that's what you thought. I couldn't, you know I couldn't."

"Why is that exactly? Aren't you known for being ruthless? Why show her your caring side?" he
heard his brother ask sarcastically.

"You mean you don't know?" Michaelangelo asked being shocked that the woman herself never
talked to his brother about this case he was convinced the woman had hurt his brother because of
her situation, "fuck, this is not what I want to deal with right now. Listen let someone watch over
Anarosa. I don't want her to suddenly show up again and when I get back we'll talk. Don't go

"Yes, dad."

"Shut up" Michaelangelo said sternly, "this is serious Rodolfo."

"Well I wouldn't know since you didn't tell me about this situation. How is Gabriella doing?"

"She needs to rest. I think it's best if we stay at the hotel for some time. So she can take her mind
of things and just relax, you know."

"Finally you're thinking like a caring boyfriend instead of a dominant father."

"I'm almost there" Michaelangelo said hanging up the phone so he could focus on driving his car
at a proper speed since he already got a very high amount of cash he needed to pay for exceeding
the speed limit.

He wasn't sure how he should break this news to his brother. He thought Rodolfo had a talk with
this woman ages ago and Christine attacking Rodolfo seemed like her way of handing the stress
her situation brought upon her after all these years. That certainly was not the case since his
brother sounded so clueless. Just great. What was this woman after? He really didn't have the
energy to take care of another hysterical woman.

Another bump in the long road ahead.

He was pretty sure now that he was not meant to be happy. It's definitely karma.

Getting out of the car Michaelangelo walked straight into the house, he longed for a cigarette
right now but he could do that on the balcony together with Rodolfo. He needed to inform his
brother right away since the man sounded upset.

He nodded at Gabriel who was just about to leave the house, "are you going to arrange a guy to
stay at Anarosa's hometown? You know to make sure she doesn't decide to come back without us

"I already have someone on it. I didn't trust her; I hope you don't mind I did it without your
permission? I was really going to inform you about it, but you know the situation-"

"Of course not. She can't be trusted. I think her being damaged makes her unstable. Be prepared.
I just have a bad feeling about her Gabriel. I don't know why I have this feeling but just
something tells me, something bad is going to happen."

"I know the feeling trust me. What's going on with Rodolfo? He seemed very stressed and he
didn't want to talk about it with me before he got some answers from you. It sounded really
serious to me; it kind of got me worried."

"We'll talk about that later. I talk to Rodolfo first."

"Of course I'm getting excluded again" Gabriel joked and chuckled when he saw his cousin roll
his eyes, "how is Gabriella doing?"

"She is fine. She just needs to rest. You can go keep her company, I think this will take longer
than I expected. I don't want her to be alone."

"I'll babysit her then" he said waving his cousin off as he walked out of the door.

Walking straight to the office he joined his brother on the balcony. Taking a cigarette from his
brother he lightened it and immediately felt some of the stress leaving his body. That's definitely
something he needed right now. He didn't want to be the one breaking this news to his brother,
there was a very high chance this statement wasn't true but that didn't mean his brother didn't
have the right to know about it. Especially since he got hurt by his ex-girlfriend because of this
reason. Exhaling the smoke he looked at his brother from the corner of his eyes to see that
Rodolfo was just like him very stressed with everything that is happening to them right now. His
jaw was clenched; he seemed far away with his thoughts. They definitely needed a break.

Just a few days without all the fights and people getting hurt in their family.

"Are you sure Christine didn't mention to you why she was so upset with you?" Michaelangelo
asked trying to find out just how much Rodolfo already knew about the situation.

"I'm told you she just started yelling at me. Calling me names and then she shot me. There wasn't
anything from her rants that I could make out off as important. She was just very angry that's

"She told me you're the father of her daughter" Michaelangelo said bluntly, "the girl doesn't look
one bit like you so I have my doubts. Just that was enough reason for her to hate you I guess. I
don't know about the situation and honestly Rodolfo right now I don't want to know. We'll find
out the truth though. I just couldn't take her life at that time. How could I let a child be alone on
this world?"

"It's not my child."

"I don't doubt your answer. I'm pretty sure she just wants a reason to be mad at you. Just... we
need to find out about it before she starts demanding things from us, or did that already happen?"

"Yes that's why I called you. She tried to blackmail me without me knowing she supposedly had
a child. I'm serious I didn't have child with her. I saw her a few times after our break-up. She
definitely wasn't pregnant. I'm just very sure this isn't true. She had a boyfriend after our break-
up; this just doesn't feel right to me."

"We'll fix it, I promise you" Michaelangelo said firmly as he flicked his cigarette away and
turned to look at his brother, "Gabriel is watching over Gabriella right now. How about we have
a talk with dad first about the situation?"

"About Christine?"

"Yes he should know about it. So we're all prepared for whatever doom she will bring to us. I'm
pretty sure too that she won't leave us alone for a while. If we didn't have an obsessive stalker
already. Now that Anarosa is gone someone just had to ruin everything for us again. I'll make her
suffer if this thing is false."

"You'll put aside your guilty conscious about that child?"

"I'll personally find that child a home if that woman is trying to blackmail us for money."

"That's the Michaelangelo I know again."

"I don't want to be this guy" he confessed as he held the door open for his brother, "but someone
has to make the harsh decisions. If it's not you it's me who needs to do this."

Looking up from her book Gabriella raised an eyebrow as she saw Gabriel walking inside her
hospital room with that gentle look in his eyes. Ever since she got hospitalized they were much
nicer to her, it was almost scary in her opinion.

Lowering her book she closed it carefully her eyes never leaving the smiley Gabriel, "watching
you smile like that makes me shiver in disgust" she told him causing the guy to chuckle as he
took the seat right next to her, "I'm serious though there is no need for you to be this nice to me. I
almost list the baby I get it, it was horrible. Please treat me the same way you always did. I'm not
dying" she told him wanting to have this off her heart already.

He took the book from her hands and placed it on the table next to him. He was sure she was
about to put it away anyways. Why not help her out since she needed to rest. He didn't want her
to stress either so he figured if he was nice to her she would be carefree.

"I don't want you to worry about me, so I thought coming here without the usual moody behavior
would be appreciated by you. You always surprise us in the weirdest way. You want me to be
moody and tell you about all my depressed thoughts so you can worry about me? You feed on it
don't you Gabriella?"

"I do not!" she said feeling insulted by him though she knew that was not the case, "I just want
you to be yourself. You should know by now I appreciate that a lot. You being this smiley,
happy not the real you. If you wouldn't scold me right now, it would be too scary!"

"Scold you?" he asked as he leaned back against his chair to sit more comfortably as he took of
his shoes and placed them on her bed, right on top of her legs, "why would I scold you? I get
why you got so stressed."

"You get it?" she asked as she looked from his feet to his face and gave him a playful glare,
"that's good to hear. I heard you actually almost got back together with that woman. I had no idea
you would go back to her. Didn't she break your heart?"

"I didn't" Gabriel simply stated, "it was the moment, we just kissed nothing more. I don't need to
explain this to you! You're not my wife" he said jokingly and smirked when he saw her cute
pout, "listen, I would never go back to her, I rather die single than to go back to her."
"So what brings you here?" Gabriella asked as she noticed the thick air between them she could
tell Gabriel needed the subject change so she didn't press him about Anarosa anymore what
happened between them really was not her business as Gabriel stated jokingly, "don't give me
that 'I wanted to be with you' crap because I know you rather be out than to be trapped in here."

"Why would you say that?!" he asked trying to sound offended yet his eyes gave him away,
"Mike asked me to keep you company, is that wrong?"

"No" she said giving him a smile, "I rather have you say that than lie to me."

"So you're not mad at me?"

Shaking her head she gave his leg a soft tap, "I'm not mad. Why would I be mad? You told me
the truth right?"


"So I'm not mad. You're here because Michaelangelo asked of you and not because you wanted
to spend some quality time with me because you missed me greatly. I hate liars. You should
know that by now. Something happened didn't it?"

"It's nothing to worry about right now" Gabriel started as he told her with his eyes to hold her
horses since she was about to question him again, "Michaelangelo wanted to talk to Rodolfo first
before he tells me anything. All I know is that something happened to Rodolfo and the two of
them wanted to have a talk first before explaining things."

"Something happened to Rodolfo?" Gabriella asked as she narrowed her eyes on Gabriel who
merely shrugged his shoulders because this time he really didn't know what was going on, "he
didn't get shot again, did he?"

"No he is physically doing fine Gabriella" the green eyes man told her before he got his feet of
the bed and stood up nodding to her to move, "move woman I want to get comfortable too, why
should you the only one who can have bed rest" he said and smirked when he saw her roll her
eyes but still moved so he could lay down next to her.

"I thought Michaelangelo would come here with my stuff. Their conversation must be very deep
seeing he is away for almost an hour now."

Putting his arms behind his head Gabriel watched the television above her bed as he focused on
the cooking show she was watching before he intruded her privacy, "I really don't know what it's
all about, they didn't tell me anything. Whatever it's about it's something I can't know off and
neither can you I suppose" he said watching the woman give him a glare as she looked away not
liking it at all, "am I not right?" he asked her.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 48 - Pleasant Surprises (p.15 of 21)
"You're right" Gabriella told him as she took the remote control in her hand and turned up the
volume, "I just want to know about it. Now finding out you know nothing about the situation at
all it makes me curious. It has to do with Rodolfo's previous wound or maybe Anarosa or

"Why are you still looking at me?!" he asked as he gave her shoulder a light push, "I told you
woman I don't know anything this time. I'm really just useless. That's why your dear husband
sends me on babysitting duty."

"Dear husband, please we're not even married yet!" Gabriella told him and snorted when she saw
Gabriel give her a confused, "and no one needs to babysit me I can take care of myself perfectly

"You can't take care of yourself. You got all hysterical when you knew your husband chose
Anarosa over you. You went straight away to see Francesca knowing the impact it would have
on you was too great of a risk yet you still went. You really can't take care of yourself.
Sometimes you're just plainly selfish. "

"You think I'm selfish?" Gabriella asked not believing someone actually thought of her as selfish
she was the last person in their circle who was being selfish, "I'm not selfish, and the one who is
selfish is Anarosa. Thinking she could still make Michaelangelo fall for her, and if he isn't falling
for her she would go with you. That's selfish."

"Or just whorish."

Sighing Gabriella gave him a punch to the shoulder a lot harder than Gabriel had done with her
causing the man to groan painfully, "that's for calling me selfish" she told him as she folded her
arms in front of her chest tightly and watched the cooking show together with Gabriel, "Mike
should hurry up I want to have a bubble bath so desperately."

"Are you feeling aright?" Gabriel asked as he glanced at her to see her face, "are you tired? Do
you want to sleep? Or are you hurt somewhere?"

"I'm perfectly fine .There is no need to worry" she told him as she kept watching the show
instead because she was a bit tired of all their concern she was doing fine and the baby was fine
too they could stop worrying now, "I'm fine and the baby is fine too" she informed the man next
to her.

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asked her, "It's just that you always pretend to be tough on the outside
but when you're alone you cry your heart out."

"I didn't cry my heart out" she said shaking her head a little, "it just finally hit me that I can't run
to my mother anymore for advice. It's just not possible. If Michaelangelo emotionally hurt me I
have no one to go to. No one who will take sides with me."
Smiling to her he pulled her towards him letting her lean her head against his shoulder for
support as he brushed his hand affectionately through her soft blonde locks. She was right, he
knew she was right. She had no one to go to, no one she could share her secrets with because
everyone somehow ended up spilling everything to Michaelangelo. She needed someone tougher
than his cousin, someone who dared to stand up against that dominant man. His eyes widened as
he got a brilliant idea, he knew someone who was scarier than his cousin. He knew someone who
even scared his cousin, the boss of the mafia family.

Smirking he pulled away from Gabriella abruptly causing her to raise an eyebrow up in
confusion. She didn't quite understand why he suddenly got so lively. A moment ago they were
both silently feeling sorry for her the next minute it seemed like he had won the lottery.

"I know someone" he started as she slightly nodded her head, carefully listening to him, "I know
someone who you can trust. Someone who scares everyone, including my cousin Michaelangelo
Gavino" he said proudly.

Turning completely to Gabriel, Gabriella couldn't hide her curiously anymore. She wanted to
know who this person was Gabriel had in mind. Normally Gabriel didn't come up with bright
ideas. At least not in front of her, she knew he was unique in his field, but normally he would
just be childish and play around. So she relied on Rodolfo for advice.

"Who?" she asked carefully being afraid he would turn this all into one big joke, "who is this
person that scares even my dear fiancé" she said sarcastically.


Her eyes widened as well at him mentioning his older sister. Why didn't she think of that? It was
the most obvious solution yet she didn't come up with it. Gabriel was right this time, everyone
was scared of Adelina. She was the oldest one among them, they respected her but the most
dominant treat she had was scaring people. She was good at it with her big mouth and her hard
hand. She wasn't afraid to raise her hand to either one of the Gavino boys. She enjoyed educating
them. She was the right person to go to, yet she couldn't come up with this solution on her own.

Looking down at her lap she felt guilty. She felt guilty because she didn't noticing before that
Adelina could be her person she could run to, why didn't she notice that before? Didn't she think
of Adelina as a close person in her life? Those questions made he heart sink to her stomach.

"Stop pouting" Gabriel told her strictly as he made her look up to meet his eyes, "I know what
you're thinking right now. Why didn't I think of that? Why did Gabriel have to tell me about it?
Isn't she a close friend? Isn't she my cousin?" he said imitating her voice causing her to roll her
eyes since it didn't sound like her one bit, "it's not your fault you didn't think of her, first. You
only have us in your immediate circle. Of course Adelina wouldn't come first to mind. Don't
worry about it."

"I do worry about it. Adelina is like a sister to me, so why didn't I think of her first?!"
Sighing he took a hold of her shoulders and shook her about. He hated it how she always blamed
everything on herself. Adelina wouldn't mind her not noticing her before, she would joke about it
but she wouldn't mind it. She would understand the situation. She might be tough but she was
also a very balanced, reasonable woman. Adelina could be like her sister, the person she could
trust, without her having to worry it would go straight to Michaelangelo.

"Get over it, you realize now that you Adelina. So stop worrying. It gives me a headache!"

Releasing her he got off the bed and walked to the door after he heard a firm knock to it. It was
probably Michaelangelo with Gabriella's stuff. It took him a while so they both knew
Michaelangelo had a tough conversation with Rodolfo. They were also both curious to what
Michaelangelo would tell them. Holding the door open for Michaelangelo to enter Gabriel closed
it after Michaelangelo was inside already beside his fiancée, pampering her like a little child.

"Why do you seem so upset? Did you two fight?" Michaelangelo asked as he eyed his cousin
suspiciously, "what's with the looks?"

"We didn't fight" Gabriella told Michaelangelo as she brushed her fingers over his frown trying
to calm the man down for a bit, "I forgot about Adelina and it made me upset. Gabriel scolded
me for stressing out, since it's the reason why I'm here in the firs t place."

Mouthing a thank you to his cousin, Michaelangelo dismissed him and focused back on his
fiancée. He gestured to the bag at her feet, "you can get dressed, and the doctor is going to
discharge you since you're already stable for a few days. You just need bed rest. I arranged a
suite for us, at the hotel."

Looking from the dark bag at her feet she slowly shifted her eyes to her fiancé who raised an
eyebrow at her when she gave him a teasing look. He didn't know what to expect from her right
now. Her having that look in her eyes was never good. His eyes widened to the size of plates
when she pulled him towards her and crashed her lips against his firmly. He couldn't react, he
was just...shocked. She had her eyes shut as she moved her lips against his, caressing his lips
with hers so lovingly. He could feel all of her feelings through this kiss. It made his heart beat
faster with the second, as a warm feeling washed over him. Watching her pull away from him he
blinked as she simply smirked at him.

Holding out her hand she smirked wider when she saw his confused eyes go from her lips to her
hand, "help me out of bed so I can get dressed" she told him since he was still dazed from the
sudden kiss she gave him, "thank you" she said lovingly pressing another kiss to his lips and
chuckled when she saw his eyes move to her lips again.

Taking out the clothes she needed she locked herself up in the bathroom to get a quick shower,
and to get dressed. All the while she did everything with a bright smile upon her face. She
startled him with her kiss, for once it was her who took the first step. She was very proud of her
ability to make her fiancé so dazed by a kissFor once it was him and not her who was completely
stunned because of a simple kiss.

Taking a deep breath Rodolfo closed his eyes and exhaled loudly. He felt his nerves leaving him
but it wasn't enough, he needed a cigarette so badly but he was already through his packages. He
smoked two packages on his way to Christine's house, and now he was left without any damn
cigarettes. Watching the doorbell he needed to ring he stepped back when he heard noises
coming from the other side of the door.

Finally having the courage he rang the doorbell. He exhaled once more before he could hold a
straight face like always. All the emotions were gone from his face and eyes. He needed to let
her know she couldn't mess with him. He needed to let her know that she would be sorry if she
ever pulled a stunt like this on him again.

Hearing her open the door he gave her his infamous smirk startling the girl, "hello, Christine. We
need to talk."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thanks for the votes and comments. Since the last chapter was a cliffhanger this continues from

Chapter forty-nine- Out Of His Hands

Narrowing his eyes on the woman in front of him, it amazed Rodolfo to see so much fear in a
person's eyes. It looked like she had seen a ghost; he also noticed how her hand was trembling as
she just stared at him, no other emotion than plain shock written over her face. He held back his
amused look so he could make his point; he wanted her to know she would never blackmail him
or his family again. She would regret it; she would be begging them for mercy when it would be
too late. Stepping forward he raised an eyebrow when he heard her loud gasp. He also noticed
how she wanted to slam the door shut in his face but he quickly stopped her.

"I told you we need to talk Christine" he said politely holding back his anger better than he
thought he would, "it's not polite to slam the door shut when the father of your child wants to talk
to you" he said and smirked when he saw her look away embarrassed with what he just told her.

That look said enough, she had been lying to Michaelangelo. She forgets one thing though they
were no fools. Michaelangelo didn't believe her lies and he would never believe his lies no
matter how important she once had been to him. Her current personality made him feel disgusted
of ever loving her with whole his heart. She dropped her hand that held the doorknob and she
slowly stepped back, letting him step inside her house. She knew she couldn't stop him even if
she wanted to. He was more powerful than her, he seemed furious but she couldn't blame him.
Last time they talked she had shot him, what else did she expect from him? He was not only hurt
physically by her but mentally as well. She knew once she had been his love of his life. Shooting
him was not the bests of ideas she had. She stopped in the living room and looked around; to him
it looked like she was searching for something or someone. He made sure he put his guard up for
any unexpected surprises. Maybe another gun.

"Why do you look so nervous Christine?" he asked her calmly as he sat down on her couch and
looked around the room as well, "where is your boyfriend? The one you chose over me, I mean"
he said his pain very clear in his voice as he called that man her boyfriend.

Looking down at her feet she closed her eyes tightly. She didn't know what to tell him, that she
made the wrong decisions back then and that she was now very jealous of him moving on so well
while she couldn't, while she was still stuck in the past? She couldn't tell him anything. She
didn't dare to tell him anything because she was aware of his reputation or rather his family
reputation. He would pay her back the pain she brought him, ten times worse. She heard the
rumors she wasn't stupid. She should have aimed better that time, she shouldn't have hesitated.

"What's with that guilty look in your eyes?" he asked her and smirked when he saw her startled
look, "you should have aimed better right?" he asked her and chuckled when she looked down
with that embarrassed look taking over, "you're right about that thought though Christine, you
should have killed me, because now I'm going to make you suffer. You're going to wish for your
death" he said calmly as he got off the couch and stepped closer to her noticing how she backed
away from him while he stepped closer and closer to the scared looking woman.

"Grace is your daughter!" she told him making him stop in his tracks, "I might have lied about
my so called boyfriend but I never lied about her! She is your daughter" she told him and finally
dared to look him straight in his eyes as she flicked her hair back and stepped closer to him no
longer being dominated by him, "your father told me it was better for me to leave, that I wasn't
right for you. So I lied about Todd there is no Todd who I was going to marry. Your father told
me to disappear and I did!"

"You're lying!" he told her as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him making the
woman gasp out yet he didn't know if it was in fear or because he hurt her right now he couldn't
even think about that, "she is not my daughter."

"She is!"

Sighing he pushed her away from him as he ran a hand through his hair and turned around, he
didn't know why his mind was screaming to him to listen to her. To let her speak up. Taking a
deep breath he calmed himself down and turned around, narrowing his eyes on the brunette.

"Fine, let's say the girl is my daughter. Why the hell did you shoot me? You're the one who
asked me to come meet you; did you ask me to come meet you to kill me? You should have
known the risk of shooting me; you should have known I would never let it go!"

"Gracie is very sick, Rodolfo" she told him as she looked down at her feet her eyes being hidden
by her hair, "I-I would have done anything for the money!"
Frowning he stepped closer to the sobbing woman, gripping her shoulders firmly as he made her
look at him, "someone asked you to kill me?" he asked her and saw her nod her head, "who
asked you it?!"

Shaking her head she tried to pull away from Rodolfo yet the force he used on her made it
impossible for her even to move the slightest bit, "I don't know who he was!" she told him as she
finally looked him in the eyes he could tell right now she was speaking the truth to him, "all I
remember is that he had an ugly scar on his face."

His eyes widening Rodolfo knew exactly who this woman was talking about, he knew a man
with an ugly scar on his face, and he knew that man very well. Chuckling Rodolfo shook his
head a bit, "so he knew about you and your daughter...this is bad" he said more to himself as he
gripped her more firmly in his hands, "how sick is she? Your daughter?"

"I told you she is your daughter too" the woman whispered as she tried to look him in the eyes
without letting him know he was physically hurting her by gripping her so firmly, "if you want to
know why don't you come visit her in the hospital."

"What do you mean hospital, Michaelangelo saw her right?"

"I showed him a picture" she told Rodolfo as she mentally sighed in relief when he finally
released her, "she needs treatment right now Rodolfo. It's expensive and I would have done
anything, even if it meant to murder the love of my life."

"Shut up" he told her she could tell right now he was not only shocked but hurt, hurt because of
all the information he got on such short period of time, "I can't deal with this right now, I just

"Because you moved on?" she asked him as she rubbed her arms softly and looked away from
him, "she is very beautiful you know...the blonde-"

"She is my sister-in-law" he told her right away since he didn't want anyone to misunderstand
since Michaelangelo would definitely hurt him in so many ways, "but I did move on Christine.
Aside from what really happened, I really did move on. "

"I'm not asking you to come back to me" she told him, "I'm asking you to come visit Grace just
once in the hospital you will know then that she really is your daughter" she said while handing
him a picture of the little girl.

"She doesn't look like me" he said and heard her let out a soft giggle, "she has my hair and eye
color, but you should look closer than that Rodolfo. I leave it to you to decide on what you'll do.
I didn't hurt you because I wanted revenge on you or anything like that. It was an opportunity I
would take for her; I knew you would be strong enough to make it."
"What if I didn't?" he asked her as he placed the picture down on the coffee table, "if you would
have killed me my brother would have made sure you wouldn't live to see your daughter get
better. Unlike me Michaelangelo doesn't make a difference between men and women. They all
get the same treatment if they have done something to hurt our family."

"Yes you're younger brother is very...temperamental, but that was a risk I would have to take for
Grace. She is my daughter I can't just sit back and let her die!"

"She is that sick?" he asked her and saw her nod her head as she moved to the dining table, "why
didn't you just ask me for help? Why did you have to make a deal with that man? He wouldn't let
you go with just one time...I'm guessing he is the one who made you call me?"

"I told you I would do anything for the money" she said as she gave the paper she was looking
for to Rodolfo, "I'm a's my job to protect her" she whispered.

Gulping Rodolfo closed his eyes as he felt his heart sinking to his stomach. He actually felt bad
now about rushing to her house and attacking her like that. He felt a painful squeeze to his heart
as he gave her back the paper.

"I'll give you the money. Don't associate with him anymore, got it!" he told her as he narrowed
his eyes on the woman who agreed with him, "I'll make some calls while you pack your things.
You're not going to stay here anymore, it's not safe."

"You don't have to-"

"It's not because of you I'm doing this" he told her firmly as he held onto his phone; "if she is my
daughter I should at least do something right for her."

"Thank you-"

"I told you I'm not doing this for you."

Smiling she placed her hand on his cheek, "and I'm telling you that I'm grateful to you for
opening your heart like that. I know I have hurt you" she said pulling away from him before he
could push her away and turned around moving to the bedroom to get her stuff like Rodolfo
demanded of her.

Dialing his brother's number Rodolfo rubbed a hand over his face as he sat down on the armrest
of the couch and looked out the window. He didn't know what to think or feel anymore. He knew
he would never open his heart again for this woman, but what if she wasn't lying about this girl
being his daughter? How could he live with himself knowing he would have been the reason why
his daughter wouldn't live anymore? She was really sick, he could only imagine through what
hell Christine must have gone through.
"It's me; I need you to arrange a room for Christine. I'll tell you personally, alright. Don't ask
questions just do it, for me" he said quietly as he eyed the bedroom Christine disappeared into,
"also we need to have a talk with dad again and Eugino."


"Dad knows a lot more. He lied to us; I need him to tell me the truth. Eugino was the one who
made Christine kill me and the one who ordered her to blackmail me. I'll tell you all about it
later. Just arrange the room alright."

"Fine, you have a lot of explaining to do though."

"Yes dad, how is Gabriella doing?"

He heard his brother sigh which made him chuckle, "she is doing fine, I just can't help but to feel
guilty ever time I look at her. No matter what she says to me, I know it's my fault."

"You better remember this feeling" Rodolfo told him as he got off the couch when he saw the
brunette stepping inside the living room again, "it will be the reminder of the time it almost went
wrong in your personal life, maybe next time you'll make the right call."

"How about you, do I need to remind you about the woman who ruthlessly shot you and let you
fall out the window?"

"You don't need to remind me, I get reminded of it every time I look her in the eyes" he told his
brother before he stepped closer to Christine and spun her around dragging her by her wrist out
of her house, "I'll see you at the hotel."

"Was that your brother?" he heard the woman behind him ask; "your father picked your younger
brother over you? Don't you feel upset with that?"

"I don't" he told her, "when I see how much hardships my brother has to go through, I'm glad my
father picked him over me. I could never live the same life as him."

"Is your brother that unhappy? Didn't you say you have a sister-in-law that means he is married

"I don't trust you enough to share personal things with you. All you need to know is that I'm
doing just fine with how my life is right now. Get in the car" he told her as he opened the door
for her and helped her into the car before he moved to his seat and slammed the door shut, "do
you have all the numbers in your phone written somewhere else?"

"Yes I have-"
Grabbing her phone from her he tossed it out the window and ignored her loud gasp, "I'll give
you a new one, forget about that one. You needed a new one anyways. Since you have the
important numbers with you there is no need to cry over it."

"I'm not crying!" she told him as she folded her arms across her chest and shook her head in a
childish manner, "I just don't like it when you feel like you can decide over my life like that. It
reminds me of your father, and I really dislike that man."

"I promise you, you're not the only one who does."

"Isn't he afraid someone will try and hurt him? Like he has hurt many people before. He is the
reason why we never got married you know! Doesn't it hurt you?"

"No. Father always made the right decisions. If he thinks you were not right for me, he is
probably right. I don't need to hear the reason for him to break us apart. Back then I would have
been furious but right now I just want to know what amount he gave you and if it was Eugino
who delivered it to you."

"You're not mad about it?" she asked as she looked down at her hands feeling the hurt
overwhelm her, "so you agree with his methods? You think it was right of him?"

"I told you father always makes the right decisions. It took me years to see that he only wanted
was what best for us. Right now whatever you say or do it will never change my mind about that
man. He uses cruel methods and he doesn't show mercy to anyone, but he always did what he did
to give me and Michaelangelo a better life. I would never turn my back to him."

"You have changed" Christine told him, "You have really changed. When we're younger you
would have never thought it was right of him to interfere between us. I liked that Rodolfo better."

"Sorry to hurt your feelings, but that Rodolfo is never going to come back. A lot of people like
this one better."

"Yes your father and your brother might like this Rodolfo" she muttered.

"Yes and my cousin and my sister-in-law."

"You mention her a lot" she said as she looked at Rodolfo who shrugged his shoulders at her
comment, "she must be important to you. If your father accepted her she must be a very obedient
wife huh, someone who can keep up with your rules and standards."

"Actually she is not like us. She has a very big mouth and she always stands in our way, but yes
father accepted her with his heart. She is like a daughter to him and like a sister to me."

"What makes her so special?"

"Her stubbornness. Her kindness. She might be a pain in the ass but the end of the day she is
what keeps our family together, she is the reason why we've all changed."

"She is the reason for your changes?"

"She is."

"I like to meet her then. Personally."

"You might just meet her."

Stopping the car in front of the hotel he gave the keys to one of his men and watched the woman
get out of the car as well looking in pure amazement at the hotel and the men who suddenly
appeared behind them, "you're like a celebrity" she whispered to him and protested when he
gripped her arm firmly again, "I'm not running away you can let go you know!"

"I know you're not running away, I'm guiding you to the right floor" he told her as he pushed the
elevator button and released her, "you're going to drop your stuff in your room and then let me
meet your daughter."

"I would have let you meet her. You don't need to be so pushy. I told you only your family likes
the new you. Whatever that woman did to you, it's not good. You're not that caring Rodolfo
anymore" she whispered as she looked away.

"I'm caring, just not to you. You don't deserve it. I hate people who make deals with people who
want me dead. It's natural for me to feel this way you know. Any other person would feel the
same way as me."

She knew he was right about that, she couldn't tell him off. Stepping inside the elevator she
watched him push the seventh button, so she wasn't getting the top floor but that was okay this
fancy hotel, even the first floor was good enough for her."

"So you're brother is the owner of this hotel now right? That's why he could make arrangements
so fast?"

"Just one phone call of him is enough" Rodolfo told her as he gestured for her to step out of the
elevator first, "he is staying here as well for a few weeks so it went a lot faster that way."

"Why is he staying here? Did his wife kick him out?"

"You ask a lot of questions" Rodolfo sighed as he nodded at the man who was standing beside
the door leaning against the wall as he was making a phone call, "how is she?"

"I'll call you later, make sure you send the file to Gabriel" he said before hanging up the phone
and handing his brother the key, "you keep asking that, she is doing just fine. You know how she
is; she is tougher than she looks."
"I'll come visit her soon" Rodolfo told his brother and smirked when he heard his brother sigh,
"Please do, she keeps asking for her older amazing brother. It makes me feel like I'm not good
enough, all joking aside though you have some explaining to do."

Christine felt so out of place right now, they were talking about things she did not understand.
Not to mention they both acted like she wasn't even there, it wasn't always like this. She
remembered Michaelangelo from her time dating Rodolfo, he always had been a man of a few
words but still at least he acknowledged her back then. Rodolfo changed too. He never was a big
fan of his brother but now they seemed like really close brothers.

"Is your wife sick?" she asked earning both Rodolfo's and Michaelangelo's attention, "I'm sorry I
was just curious since Rodolfo has been asking for her a few times now, about her well-being."

"Take care of her, meet me in my office when you're done" Michaelangelo said ignoring the
questions the woman was asking of him, "I've done a background check half of it is true just
don't believe all of her crap" he said as he narrowed his eyes on Christine who wanted to object,
"yes I'm talking about you, your daughter is very sick that's true she is getting treated for
Leukemia and as a father to be I can understand how you must feel but Rodolfo is not the father.
You're just making him feel bad about the situation; you should know I don't forgive anyone who
tries to mess with my family."


Placing his hand on the woman's shoulder Rodolfo gestured to her to keep quiet, "I don't trust
her, but we're still giving her the money for the treatment right? The child deserves it even if her
mother is backstabbing liar."

Rolling her eyes Christine took the key away from Rodolfo and opened the door. She couldn't
listen more to their ranting. She was sure Rodolfo was the father, he had to be. There was no way
that bastard would be part of her life.

"I'll meet you at the office in two hours, go be with Gabriella till then" Rodolfo told his brother
and held out his hand, "don't start with but I have so much to do...I'm aware of that but you said
you felt guilty about her situation, if you do feel guilty about it then do something about it. Make
up for it. Don't lock yourself up in your office."

"Fine, see you in two hours."

Closing the door behind him Rodolfo looked at the woman who was glaring at him. It didn't
affect him though his brother was right. He shouldn't trust this woman.

"So you heard it right, we've done a check on you. You're not clean, you're whole story isn't quite
right yet Christine and honestly I don't want to know, but just so we're clear Grace is not my

Looking at the door that had been opened a small smile appeared on her face; she placed the
remote control back on the bed and scooted up so her fiancé could lie down next to her. She
brushed her fingers over his face that looked very tired. She could tell by his eyes that he was
having a very hard time, it was probably because of Rodolfo's situation which he didn't want to
talk about right now. She just wished he would. She wanted to help him, she figured just
knowing about Rodolfo's situation wouldn't be stressful to her at all. Yet Michaelangelo didn't
agree with it therefore he forbade everyone to talk about it with her, even her reliable source was
not so reliable anymore.

"You want to talk about it?"she asked and sighed when she saw him open his eyes and give her a
look, "I just want to help you, it hurts me to see you like this" she told him as she placed her
hand firmly against his chest and leaned up to kiss his lips, "you don't have to tell me everything
just the parts that makes you feel so upset."

Rolling to his side so he could look at her he glided his hand over her back as he stopped at her
the small of her back and held her towards him, "Rodolfo's ex-girlfriend is in a lot of trouble. She
lied a lot to him and right now I'm afraid she will get to him. She always had a way with him; she
somehow could manipulate him very well. To the point of him hating his family. I'm just scared
she will change him back again, she will change him to that destructive guy."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 49 - Out Of His Hands (p.16 of 26)

It was weird to hear about Rodolfo's past, she knew he had changed a lot. She was aware of how
he tried to break her and Michaelangelo apart when they just got married. She was also aware at
how good he was at manipulating her. He hurt her and she scolded him for it. She told her what
was on her heart and somehow her words gotten to him, she didn't know why she had that effect
on him but it didn't matter her words changed him. She didn't want him to change back to that
scary man. The man she didn't know.

"I don't want him to change back to that man" she whispered to Michaelangelo, "maybe you
should ask him to stay with me while you take care of his ex-girlfriend's business."

Brushing his hand through her hair he knew she was right. It was a lot safer to let Rodolfo stay
with Gabriella since she had a positive effect on him. Of course it was not fair against his brother
not to deal with his own problems but then again if Christine got to him it wouldn't be good for
the family. He was thinking of the bigger picture here, he was thinking of their future. He didn't
want to lose the bond he created with his brother. It would break him.

"You're right, that would be the best solution. I don't think he will object to it. If he does I'll let
you beg him to stay with you. He would definitely change his mind then."
"I'm a good actress you know" Gabriella smiled as she placed her hand on his cheek and kissed
him one more time, "so where is he now? He is together with that woman right?""He is together
with her right now; he'll meet me at the office in two hours."

"So I get to have you all to myself for at least two hours?" she asked and giggled when he moved
them about so she was on top of him, "you know bed rest doesn't include having sex with my
fiancé. I should be resting after all!"

"You're no fun" Michaelangelo joked as he let her roll of him again, "so we're just going to
watch a movie?" he asked her and smirked when he saw her pouting not liking that as well, "you
see you wanted it as much as I wanted it" he said teasingly earning himself a smack across the
head, "such a violent fiancée I have" he pouted.

"I might be violent but that's why you love me" she said teasingly and winked at him, "I would
be no fun if I was like Anarosa right" she said and chuckled when she saw his amused look fade
quickly, "you're so lucky to have me!"

Her eyes widening when she saw his look she shook her head and quickly sat up right, "no!" she
said louder when she saw what he wanted to do to her, "you promised you wouldn't attack me
again" she said holding out her hands, "I don't think I can handle it right now" she continued
trying to change his mind to no avail.

"You brought this upon yourself" he chuckled as he started to tickle her hearing her giggling
reaching his heart, it made his heart warm up by hearing her laugh happily like that, "did you
reflect on your actions yet?" he asked teasingly and chuckled when she gasped for air while
telling him she did.
"You're right I'm the lucky one!" she giggled as she tried to scamper away from him, "I mean
every woman on this planet would want a guy like you" she said between gasps for air and

"That sounds like another insult!"


Finally releasing her he watched red face; she had tears streaming down her face as she was
trying to get some air in her lungs again. She sat up right and fixed her hair as much as she could
while wiping her tears away as well.

"You're so mean" she whispered as she gave his shoulder a light slap, "this is no way you treat a
sick woman" she said ignoring him when he disagreed with her, "I deserve an ice-cream right
now, you better get me a strawberry ice-cream" she demanded of him.

"Just because you're asking it me so nicely" he muttered as he got off the bed and helped her up
as well, "I think its okay for you to eat an ice-cream with me downstairs, but we're not leaving
until you fix your hair you really look like crap right now"
Glaring at him she punched him hard against his forearm causing him to groan out as she made
her way to the bathroom, "serves you right Michaelangelo Gavino. You should know better than
to insult your beautiful fiancée."

"My beautiful fiancée?" he asked and chuckled as he looked at the bathroom door, "you mean
my very annoying, very demanding, very stubborn fiancée" he called to her and chuckled when
he heard her curse him, "you still need me to buy you an ice-cream you better be nice to me!"

Opening the door instantly she smirked at her fiancé as she stood in the doorway with her arms
crossed in front of her chest, "you know dear fiancé of mine, I don't need you to buy me an ice-
cream for one I have my own capital that I can spend and two I can find another man to do that
for me, if you don't want to pamper your very beautiful and caring fiancée."

Shaking his head he took her hand in his and made his way out of the bedroom together with her,
"you are something else Gabriella. You better not let another man buy you an ice-cream or else
I'll make sure that guy never sees daylight again."

"You're a very jealous man Michaelangelo. I can't say I dislike it" she said and giggled when she
saw his cocky smirk, "if it's a boy I really wish he has your eyes" she told him.

She gasped when he pressed her against the wall and captured her; she looked into his eyes to see
that dominant yet affectionate look in his eyes. She was captured by it, she couldn't look away
anymore. All she could do was staring back and let him take control of her. She closed her eyes
when she felt his lips press against hers, caressing her lips softly with his. He was kissing her
slow and soft, which made her feel cherished by him. She could actually feel his real emotions
through that kiss it made her heart beat a lot faster. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she
pulled him even closer not caring about the people passing by. All she could do was feel him.

Swatting her fiancé's hand away she gave him a glare as she hogged her ice-cream, she wasn't
about to share it with anyone. It had been a long time since she actually longed for food which
didn't make her sick to her stomach so she would not let him even take a bite from her ice-cream
if he wanted a vanilla ice-cream with fresh strawberries he had to order his own damn, ice-

"You're seriously going to be like that?" he asked her and chuckled when she threw him another
glare, "alright, alright no one will touch your ice-cream" he muttered as he held his hands up in
defense, "I'm guessing you really longed for that ice-cream."

"It's the first thing that didn't make me sick in a very long time" she told him as she took another
bite and, "did Rodolfo contact you yet?" she asked as she got worried over him, "didn't you say
he would meet you in two hours, it has been two hours you know" she muttered as she looked at
her watch again, "what if he got hurt?"
"You need to relax; he is just ten minutes late. He is probably parking his car in the parking lot,
no need to get worked up."

"Dammit why did you hog my parking space" a very angry Rodolfo muttered as he took a seat
next to Gabriella and took a spoonful of her ice-cream causing her eyes to nearly pop out as she
watched him eat her delicious ice-cream, "you know that's my space, my name is clearly written
on the board."

"Yes I'm aware of that" Michaelangelo said as he smirked seeing his fiancée was upset with
Rodolfo taking a bite from her ice-cream, "it was the closest space to the door, it's better for

"Or you're being lazy and are using Gabriella as an excuse to be closer to the door" Rodolfo
pointed out as he looked at Gabriella giving her a kiss to the cheek, "you look much better" he
told her and gave her smile back.

"I'm feeling a lot better too" she told him as she looked at her ice-cream, "just don't touch this
again, it's mine" she told him firmly and ignored the chuckle of her fiancé, "how did it go with
your ex-girlfriend?"

"Better than I expected" he said as he looked back at his brother, "she admitted that Grace is not
my daughter, just her reasoning was a little bit off. We need to look at matter; I think something
deeper is going on here. Eugino is no where to be found, I guess he figured out got to him."

"Rodolfo" Gabriella started as she shared a look with Michaelangelo before she looked back at
Rodolfo, "I discussed it with Mike just now, and I would appreciate it more if you would spend
time with me instead of him. All we do is fight anyways" she muttered as she looked the other

"I think that's for the best" Rodolfo said causing both Gabriella and Michaelangelo to be
confused they both figured he would disagree with it but he didn't, "I just can't be together with
that woman in one room. I don't know why I ever loved her, she is such a nagging person not to
mention so curious. She wants to know everything about everyone. She keeps talking and
talking. She drives me insane."

"Maybe you realized what you really want in a woman" Michaelangelo pointed out, "I mean
after meeting Gabriella I felt the same way about Anarosa. Well I thought worse things about her
but that's not important."

"Yeah maybe, all I know is that I want no where near that woman. It feels like she still wants to
get back together with me. I really don't want anything to do with her."

Nodding his head Michaelangelo smirked, "I'm glad you feel this way because I was really
worried she would get to you."
"I'm not the same anymore, Mike. I didn't know the truth back then, I was different. Now I know
what's important to me" he said as he smiled to Gabriella and looked back at his brother, "my
family is all that matters now."

"I'm pretty sure she won't be so talkative with me around" Michaelangelo pointed out, "she
always disliked me."

"Yes you and dad. She said you were very temperamental when she met you, and she hates
Gabriella because she says Gabriella has changed me. She wants to meet her in person."

Getting interested in this conversation Gabriella nodded at Rodolfo, "your annoying ex-girlfriend
wants me meet me? I'm curious; she says I'm the one who changed you?"

"She thought you were my girlfriend, I guess she must have seen us together somewhere. I told
her you were my sister-in-law and that you're the one who opened my eyes about my family. She
didn't like it one bit, she said she liked the old me better."

"Yes because the old you danced at her feet. You did everything she told you to do. She was
treated like a queen when she didn't deserve it. She got pregnant of that other guy, and when they
found out their daughter was seriously ill the guy left her because of the high bills she needs to
pay. Now she is trying to get back with you because of your money and the fact that she is

"When you say it like that I feel used" Rodolfo muttered and shook his head, "don't dare to say it,
I know I was used. It's enough for me to admit it I don't need you to say it" he told his brother as
he gave him a warning glare, "it's true it's all true but I couldn't let the kid die, she needs the

"So your ex-girlfriend or ex-fiancée cheated on you with another guy. Got pregnant and left you.
Now she comes back because of a sick child, shoots you and you still care a lot about her?"

"I don't care about her" Rodolfo said firmly wanting them both to grasp that, "I just can't let that
child die, money is not an issue to us."

"Alright I understand" Gabriella smiled at Rodolfo as she pulled him close to her and kissed his
cheek, "you did good Rodolfo. You shouldn't let that child die because you want revenge; you've
really changed in a good way."

"I know" Rodolfo smiled as he looked back at his brother, "what are we going to do about
Eugino. We need to find that rat."

Michaelangelo seriously was tired with everything that has going on in his life. Now that
Anarosa was gone he just didn't know if it was on a long term, Rodolfo's ex-girlfriend was being
annoying. She wasn't as tough as Anarosa but she was very annoying in her own way. All the
lies were doing no good to her. Associating with Eugino made it even worse. He wanted to hurt
that woman so badly, but he couldn't. Just not now he knew of the reason why she did what she
did. She had to, to protect that sick little girl. He wasn't that heartless. It just didn't make him hate
her less.

"It's Gabriel" Michaelangelo told them as he answered his phone, "you should come to the hotel,
we're having dinner here" he told the man and smirked when he saw Gabriella's eyes lit up.

"I can't Mike, I'm heading over to the airport right now. I received a call from one of the men that
I stationed near Ana's house. She is dead Mike, we we're right about her being unstable. She
committed suicide."

Almost choking in his water he held out his hand when Rodolfo tapped him on his back to help
him breath again, "you really sure about this matter. I mean one-hundred percent sure?"

"I'm sure, they got the results back. It's really her."


"Don't come as well. Just stay with Rodolfo and Gabriella, there are a lot of problems for you to
solve there. I'll handle this."

"Thanks Gabriel."

"You're welcome, take good care of Gabriella!"

Rolling his eyes seeing everyone warned him about this he let out a tired sigh.

"I will take good care of my fiancé, Gabriel. Report back to me when everything is finished

"I will."

Placing his phone down on the table Michaelangelo cleared his throat. He didn't know how to
break the news to Rodolfo and Gabriel seeing they both disliked Anarosa. He knew they
wouldn't feel down because of it or bad either. They would probably just shrug it off like nothing

Yet he felt like even though she was a bad person, who lost her way of life. She still deserved
some credit, maybe Gabriella was right. She was just a person in his life he could never forget.
Just like his mother who left them and Francesca who they took care of.

"I can't Mike, I'm heading over to the airport right now. I received a call from one of the men that
I stationed near Ana's house. She is dead Mike, we we're right about her being unstable. She
committed suicide."
Almost choking in his water he held out his hand when Rodolfo tapped him on his back to help
him breath again, "you really sure about this matter. I mean one-hundred percent sure?"

"I'm sure, they got the results back. It's really her."


"Don't come as well. Just stay with Rodolfo and Gabriella, there are a lot of problems for you to
solve there. I'll handle this."

"Thanks Gabriel."

"You're welcome, take good care of Gabriella!"

Rolling his eyes seeing everyone warned him about this he let out a tired sigh.

"I will take good care of my fiancé, Gabriel. Report back to me when everything is finished

"I will."

Placing his phone down on the table Michaelangelo cleared his throat. He didn't know how to
break the news to Rodolfo and Gabriel seeing they both disliked Anarosa. He knew they
wouldn't feel down because of it or bad either. They would probably just shrug it off like nothing

Yet he felt like even though she was a bad person, who lost her way of life. She still deserved
some credit, maybe Gabriella was right. She was just a person in his life he could never forget.
Just like his mother who left them and Francesca who they took care of.

"I can't Mike, I'm heading over to the airport right now. I received a call from one of the men that
I stationed near Ana's house. She is dead Mike, we we're right about her being unstable. She
committed suicide."

Almost choking in his water he held out his hand when Rodolfo tapped him on his back to help
him breath again, "you really sure about this matter. I mean one-hundred percent sure?"

"I'm sure, they got the results back. It's really her."


"Don't come as well. Just stay with Rodolfo and Gabriella, there are a lot of problems for you to
solve there. I'll handle this."

"Thanks Gabriel."
"You're welcome, take good care of Gabriella!"

Rolling his eyes seeing everyone warned him about this he let out a tired sigh.

"I will take good care of my fiancé, Gabriel. Report back to me when everything is finished

"I will."

Placing his phone down on the table Michaelangelo cleared his throat. He didn't know how to
break the news to Rodolfo and Gabriel seeing they both disliked Anarosa. He knew they
wouldn't feel down because of it or bad either. They would probably just shrug it off like nothing

Yet he felt like even though she was a bad person, who lost her way of life. She still deserved
some credit, maybe Gabriella was right. She was just a person in his life he could never forget.
Just like his mother who left them and Francesca who they took care of.

"Anarosa committed suicide."

Staring blankly in front of them, Rodolfo glanced at his side to see the reaction of Gabriella. He
was quite surprised when he saw sadness in her eyes, it almost looked like she was about to cry.
He didn't understand that. Didn't she hate Anarosa deeply? Why would she cry for her?

"I didn't want her to do something like that" Gabriella said shaking her head forcing herself not
to cry, "it on us that she did something like that" she whispered as she looked at Michaelangelo
who looked away with the same pain in his eyes.

She knew what he was thinking right now, another person's blood was on his hands again.

Reaching out to her fiancé's hands she took them in hers and gave him a light smile, "you tried to
protect her from this, you did everything you could. There was nothing you could have done, you
stayed with her, you comforted her and you brought her home back to her parents."

"I know" Michaelangelo said as he gave her a smile back, "I know that, it just still feels wrong to

He didn't want Gabriella to hear this all since he knew she would worry about it, but she was the
person he could talk to about these matters right? She said it herself that she wanted him to
confide in her, so couldn't he rely a bit more on her?

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it. This chapter takes place after a
week after Anarosa's death.

Chapter fifty - Gambling With Life

It has been a week since they received the news of Anarosa committing suicide. Gabriella fooled
herself telling herself everyday it was another joke, another joke people played on them. She
didn't want the news to be true since she had seen the look in Michaelangelo's eyes. He blamed
himself for what happened to that woman and there was nothing she could say or do to change
his mind. It hurt her knowing that his feelings for this woman was a lot deeper than he always
told her, maybe it wasn't love but still knowing he was this hurt because of what happened to
Anarosa was heartbreaking.

She had been there by his side during the ceremony. It had been a great impact on her too but she
could let go, even if it might have been their fault she was feeling depressed in the end she did
everything on her own accord no one forced her to chase after a man that was already married,
no one first her to marry a man who didn't love her and no one forced her to try and get back
together with Gabriel. Everything that happened in her life was because of her own actions, they
shouldn't blame themselves for what happened to her.

Just Michaelangelo didn't seem to agree with them.

It felt like she was losing him, everyday he seemed further and further away from her. She
figured after their moment in the restaurant he would be relying on her a bit more, letting her into
his life, but right after that he closed himself up again. There was a thick barrier between them, a
barrier she couldn't penetrate.

Gulping she looked down at the closed book on her lap, they still followed the plan. Rodolfo
would stay away from his ex-girlfriend and stay with Gabriella while Michaelangelo would take
care of Christine and her child. Eugino had been seen in Paris but when they got there it had been
false information. He wasn't even near France. He seriously had done something wrong to be on
the run like this. Not just wanting to kill Rodolfo there had to be something else, something else
they still needed to discover. They checked their income, their capital was still the same. Eugino
definitely didn't touch their money, nor did he steal any important documents.

Cecilio even didn't see that one coming, since he trusted Eugino. Something else was going on,
something deeper than just wanting wealth and power.

Leaning back against the sofa Gabriella glanced over at the man who was intensely playing a
game on the game console Michaelangelo bought so Gabriella wouldn't leave the room that
often. It just wasn't her who used that thing often, it was either Gabriel or Rodolfo claiming it.
She couldn't even play along with them, since they said she wasn't good at it at all. Gripping his
glasses she took it off his face and held it up.
"You know my fiancé bought that for me, when will you stop hogging that playstation?" she
asked and ignored his chuckle since it felt like he was mocking her, "I mean it though, I'm really
not that bad in playing games you know you two are just assuming things. I bet I can beat you in
a soccer game" she told him as she held up the game, "you know I'm a diehard soccer fan you
cannot beat me."

"Really?" he asked amused as he complied to her wishes since it really was her present after all
he couldn't hog the thing all day long, "well let's see your so called skills then" he told her as he
put the game on like she asked of him.

Both jumping up when they heard the door slam loudly Gabriella shared a look with Rodolfo as
she pushed her controller aside. That scary look on her fiancé's face told her they shouldn't make
a sound, even if they dropped a needle right now he would be able to hear it and explode.

"Turn that thing off!" he told them causing her to press her lips together as she looked the other
way she wasn't too fond of his newly mood every since Anarosa's funeral he had been acting like
that, "I cannot believe Gabriel is late, I found the cause of Eugino's behavior" he told them
causing them both to jump off the couch and walk towards him.

"You seriously found out why Eugino left?" Rodolfo asked still not believing his brother. They
had been searching for the link for over a week and his brother left just for two hours and he
found the link of Eugino wanting them dead and running away, it was just so hard to believe,
"did he call you and tell you?" he asked jokingly but quieted down when his brother shot him a

odolfo cleared his throat when he noticed his brother was seriously in a sour mood. He was like a
bomb ticking away ready to explode. Gabriella didn't seem too happy with this behavior of her
fiancé. She didn't even look at him right now, what made him worry even more was when the
woman got off the couch and walked to the closet, taking out her jacket. He wanted to ask her
about it but his brother beat him to it.

"Where are you going?" Michaelangelo asked as he eyed his fiancée, "you know you cannot
have too much activity."

Stopping in her tracks the woman turned to look at the dark haired male, it seemed like her eyes
were ablaze. She narrowed her eyes to a dangerous point and stepped forward like a predator.
She took a deep breath but not because she was nervous, no that was certainly not the case. Right
now he was looking at a woman who was boiling with anger. He never looked in such dangerous
eyes before. He felt his heart squeeze because of maybe anxiousness, he was not quite sure what
he was feeling as he looked at her.

"Since when do you have the right to decide over my life?" she asked calmly yet her eyes told
him she was far from being calm, "let me make this clear to you, you have no right to decide
over my life. Especially not now when your mind is consumed by another woman. It makes me
sick" she told him before she turned around and walked away not caring that he had no time to
reply back to her. She made her point and now she had to get out of there, some fresh air would
do her good.

Staring with pure shock at the door Michaelangelo didn't know what to feel right now, she really
did surprise him. He had never seen such a dangerous look in her eyes before. He was upset as
well since he didn't like the way she talked to him especially in front of his brother, but that aside
he had the right to feel like this. He didn't think of Anarosa in a loving way, he just felt sorry for
her. He felt a deep regret that was eating a whole in his heart, even Gabriella could not fill that
hole anymore.

Sighing he sat down next to his brother, holding up his hand when he saw Rodolfo ready to open
his mouth to him. He really didn't need his brother to preach to him as well. He knew fully well
what Gabriella meant. He felt like it was between them and neither Rodolfo nor Gabriel had a
say in this. So listening to them would be pointless and a waste of time in his eyes.

"Rather than discussing my personal life let's think about what to do about Eugino. Did you
know Christine and Eugino have a deeper bound than you can imagine?" he asked as he looked
at his confused brother who clearly didn't want to hear more about this matter but he had to
simply because Eugino had something of them yet they couldn't find what he had stolen, "he is
the grandfather of Grace."

Shaking his head Rodolfo could not believe his brother's words. He doubted he heard it right,
that just couldn't be possible. If Eugino was Grace his grandfather it meant that Eugino had a son
who slept with Christine while he was dating her. That was a kick in the gut. Eugino's son stole
his girlfriend from him when he was eighteen years old and Eugino pretended not to know
anything about his case. It was not only a slap to the face it also made him furious. The man
knew about everything yet he never opened his mouth to them. It meant that from the beginning
on, Eugino had not been loyal to them.

The could not let this pass.

Revenge was the only thing that came to his mind, but he could not decide that on his own. His
father had the right to make decisions since it was concerning his partner.

Michaelangelo noticed how Rodolfo was clenching his jaw, he seemed beyond furious and he
couldn't blame his brother either. If it had been him he would feel the same way.


Just utterly betrayed was all he could think of.

"Don't worry about this, I'll take care of it" Michaelangelo told his brother and frowned when
Rodolfo looked at him with that deadly glare of him that was no the reaction he wanted to get
from his brother since he only wanted to help the man, "what?"
"I know that you want to help, Mike" Rodolfo stared as he clenched his fist trying to control his
anger as much as possible, "but right now I need to work on this as well, it has to do with me.
You cannot exclude me do you hear me, even if you do exclude me I'll interfere."

"I understand."

"You understand?" Rodolfo asked as he narrowed his deep blue eyes on his brother, "are you
sure about that?" he asked trying to get a straight, honest answer from his younger brother.

Looking back at his brother Michaelangelo didn't look away once, his eyes telling Rodolfo he
was being sincere this time, "I understand what you're trying to say. I won't exclude you. The
first thing we need to do is track down the man. We can use the girl as bait, it's harsh but it's the
only way to get to Eugino. We target his weakness, Grace."

Rodolfo felt a pang to his heart hearing that. He had seen the sick little girl, he knew it was
wrong to use the little girl as their bait but Michaelangelo was right. His ruthless thinking was
needed in times like this. To lure Eugino out of his hiding place they needed to hit his sore spot,

"You're right Grace is the only option we have left to get him out of his cave" Rodolfo admitted
as he got off his seat and looked down at his brother who smirked at him, "we need to talk to dad
about Eugino. It doesn't feel right to me to start this war against him without dad's permission.
Eugino has been his friend for all this time after all. Maybe not a trustworthy friend but still."

"His only real friend was Vincenzo but he is buried six feet under ground" Michaelangelo said
carelessly speaking of his father-in-law, "you don't need to say it, I know I am very harsh and
unemotional about these matters. I cannot help it, it's who I am. Even Gabriella cannot change
this side of me"

"She better not change it" Rodolfo said as he looked away hating what he was telling his brother
but he knew it was right, "in this business you need that ruthless attitude of yours. Me or Gabriel
would have been dead by now. Dad made the right choice, you're perfect for this role."

"It doesn't mean I'm that emotionless. I do get hurt" Michaelangelo admitted but not calling his
weaknesses out loud as he got up as well, "but I can endure it pretty well" he said quickly
recovering himself as he looked at the closed door, "now I need to find an outraged fiancée."

"You messed things up again" Rodolfo sighed, "it took you so long to make things right with her,
and one comment and everything fell apart."

Yes since they were both stubborn people things like this happened a lot to them. They fought a
lot and they often misunderstood each other. He knew he was the one to blame for it, since he
never talked about his feelings nor his thoughts with her. She was bound to misunderstand him in
the process.
"I'm going to find my fiancée and try to do some damage control. You need to go to the hospital
and try an question Christine. Don't make it obvious. If you need to play with her heart, just do it.
Don't feel regrets. She is the one who hurt you first. Use that anger and try and play her

"Damn, you're worse than Gabriel" Rodolfo chuckled as he walked out the suite together with his
brother, "I'll be at the hospital then" he said before walking away taking the elevator while his
brother went to the direction of the security room to look at the tapes to find his fiancée.

Closing her eyes Gabriella inhaled deeply letting the fresh autumn air fill her nostrils. It made
her think straight again. Her fiancé's behavior cut her deeply, he didn't even notice how he talked
about Anarosa. He loved her, he loved her deeply and he was unaware of it. It was even worse to
her that he was in denial of his feelings. It felt like she would always come second to him.

First his job then her. First Anarosa and then her.

That's how he made her feel, people told her she was wrong about her assumptions, but
Michaelangelo's actions still didn't make her assumptions disappear. He still didn't do anything
that convinced her that she was the only woman he loved.

His reaction to her death was heartbreaking, it suffocates her. She wanted to disappear right now,
just crawl into a ball and cry her heart out. That's was she wanted to do but she didn't. Instead she
stayed in the park, watching families have fun together. Father and sons playing sports, mothers
watching their children closely. It all made it even worse.

A picture of a perfect family she could never have. She would mostly be alone with her child,
Michaelangelo would be working ,he wouldn't change. A child wouldn't change a thing. It would
only make life harder on her.

Everything seemed so unfair to her right now, nothing made sense anymore.

She looked at her telephone that she had clenched in her hand, it had been going off for every ten
seconds. She saw that she had missed over twenty phone calls already. Most of them of her
fiancé and a few of Rodolfo and Gabriel who probably were seeking her because of

Leaning back against the park bench a small smile appeared on her face, they were clueless. It
made her a bit happy about the whole situation. The park was right across their hotel yet they
didn't go for the obvious place, they probably searched around the shopping malls and the stores
thinking she would be calming herself down by buying stuff. Things like that didn't help at all,
she needed her fiancé to be honest with her, that would calm her down and maybe him
apologizing to her would help even more.
Like that would happen though.

Michaelangelo was such a prideful man, he rather fight with her for months than to apologize

She looked at the blonde woman who was meeting a man across her, at the ice-cream stall. It
seemed harmless to other people but Gabriella knew better. Grachelle being at the park, meeting
Cecilio didn't seem right to her at all. Why would they be here together, it couldn't be that they
were thinking about getting back together? She knew that even after all these years that had
passed, Cecilio still held a grudge to this woman. Getting back together with her would be out of
the question. They were discussing something, something important. Something their children
should not know off. If they spotted her, no one would find out. Gabriella pressed her lips
together as she looked around making sure no one noticed her as she moved closer to the couple,
who seemed to be very cautious of the area as well. She just needed to get close enough to make
out a few words.

She was still hesitating between eavesdropping them and just stepping towards them. Bumping
into the ice-cream stall, eavesdropping them was already out of the question. They both looked at
her, startled but not furious nor guilty. That made her more curious about the whole situation.

Turning to his daughter-in-law Cecilio gestured for Gabriella to come closer. Placing his arm
over her shoulder he pulled her towards him and pressed a kiss to her temple before he gave her
a stern look again.

"What are you doing here all by yourself Gabriella?" he asked the woman who looked away after
he mentioned her being alone at the park, "did you and Michaelangelo fight again? Did he do
something to hurt you again?" he asked causing Grachelle to chuckle.

"Of course he did something like that, he is your son after all" she spat at the man who glared at
her for making that comment so carelessly, "you two don't care about our feelings, you can
trample over the feelings of your wives but you caress the feelings of your mistresses."

Gabriella pressed her lips together, trying so hard not to yell out of happiness that someone
finally understood her feelings. Grachelle had been straightforward and harsh about it, but she
was right. The look in Cecilio's eyes told them Grachelle had been right, but not been subtle
about her outburst. The man didn't like it one bit, a comment like that. It hurt his pride after all,
Gavinos were such prideful men after all.

"Did you fight because of Anarosa again?" Cecilio asked Gabriella momentarily letting
Grachelle's comment slide though both women knew he would not forget about it, he would
remember this well and at the right time he would hurt Grachelle even more than she has hurt his
pride, "there is no point into repeating the same argument over and over again Gabriella. It's very
clear, Michaelangelo does not love the woman, when will you understand that?"
Trying to pull away from her father-in-law she gulped when she noticed she made the mistake of
trusting him. What made her think that she could even trust him? Of course he would side with
Michaelangelo, it was his son after all. Taking this matter so lightly, it made her want to cry out.

"You really don't understand women at all" Grachelle snorted as she folded her arms tightly
across her chest, "when a woman feels like her husband is betraying her feelings, she is right
most of the times. A woman just sees the changes in him."

"Anarosa is dead, you need to accept that. Michaelangelo will get over it, can't you let this slide
once Gabriella? Do you always need to make life harder for Michaelangelo? You know very
well how hard things has been for him already, he needs you as his safe haven. "

Closing her eyes Gabriella tried hard not to let her tears fall. It hurt to hear Cecilio talk to her as
if she was the problem of their arguments. If he stopped loving Anarosa, or would just be honest
about his feelings they wouldn't have this problem. She would close her heart to him if he loved
Anarosa and if not she would apologize and they could move on.

It seemed very simple to her, they were the ones making this hard.

Opening her eyes Gabriella took a deep breath and forced a smile upon her face. If he could
make her feel bad, why couldn't she make him feel bad as well? She would treat him the same
way he treated her. He made her forget her questions because of all the blaming that he did, but
he wouldn't confuse her any longer.

"So why are you two meeting out here, so secretive?" Gabriella asked and smirked when she saw
the startled hint in her father-in-law's eyes, "did you two discuss something Michaelangelo and
Rodolfo should not know of? Has it something to do with Christine?"

Their reaction told her it had something to do with the woman, Rodolfo once loved. They
seemed guilty. Their eyes told her a lot more than she should know of. They sharing looks and
for once siding was not a good sign.

"How do you know Christine?" Grachelle asked curiously, "I thought it was a sore spot to
Rodolfo. He rather not talk about her, not even with Gabriel. So how do you know about her?"
she asked.

Her tone did not seem very polite anymore, if anything it sounded the same way Anarosa always
talked to her. Gabriella didn't like it one bit but she would not show it. She would put up the
same attitude. She would no longer let these people walk over her, or give them the idea they

"Rodolfo told me himself" she said bluntly, "you seem quite defensive on this subject, so I figure
rumors are true after all" Gabriella chuckled and noticed the grip her father-in-law on her
tightened so she was going in the right direction, "I never expected you to go along with the
things Cecilio has done" she was fully aware of using her father-in-law's name would not be
appreciated by this man.

She was doing it on purpose. She learned from Michaelangelo that only a calm mind would think
clear and act wisely during these kind of talks. She would push her father in law so much that he
would admit a lot more to her than he wanted to.

"What do you mean, Gabriella?" Grachelle asked not backing down at all, Gabriella figured that
much. Grachelle was a tough woman after all, years of experience she had, "that I only wants
what's best for my sons, if you mean that than yes I went along with what Cecilio did" she said

"What's best for your sons?" Gabriella asked as she tried to pull her arm away from Cecilio to no
avail, "so the rumors are right. I really don't care that you broke up Christine's relationship with
your son. I really don't care. Just to let you know, the both of you I'm not Christine. I'm not weak
like her" she told them as she violently pulled her arm away and glared at her father-in-law,
"remember that clearly next time you try and persuade me to keep quiet" she told him keeping
her face straight which was quite impressive seeing she was feeling such fear deep inside that it
was making her heart squeeze painfully.

She stepped back when she saw that serious look in Cecilio's eyes, he was going to make her
regret having big mouth she could feel it. She wouldn't regret speaking her mind though no
matter what punishment would await her, she wouldn't regret her words.

"Quite a few words you had there" Cecilio said as he lightened a cigarette since he clearly
needed something to need to relief the stress this woman brought upon him, he could now
understand why his son became a chain-smoker. This woman just had the ability to make your
blood boil in ten seconds, "are you done now?" he asked her quietly before he turned to
Grachelle, "we won't be meeting again, you know what to do" he told her before grabbing
Gabriella by her arm and yanked her forward dragging her along with him, still pretty careful
though which took a lot of patience on his side.

Gabriella didn't utter a word, she knew she was out of line. No one spoke to Cecilio that way, not
if you wanted to live a long happy life that was. She pressed her lips together as she watched the
back of his the man who was dragging her towards his car. His driver opened the door for them,
making Cecilio thank the man before he let his daughter-in-law step in first.

He looked at her for a second before he slightly opened the window to let the smoke out as he
lightened another one, "you have nothing else to say anymore, Gabriella? I thought it was
refreshing hearing you speak your mind like that" he told her.

She didn't know what to think of him right now. She didn't know if he was being serious or
sarcastic. She just knew to keep her mouth shut.
"Where is Michaelangelo?" he asked Gabriella since the woman wasn't very talkative anymore
he decided to be the one taking over this conversation, "you two fought again, so where is he? I
bet he searching for you right now, you left in a rush and made sure to let your telephone at
home right?"

Giving Cecilio an innocent smile she looked out the window, it was better than to look at him
right now, "I did leave my phone at the hotel. I forgot about it when I left the room" she said
leaving out the fight and the part where she left angry out, "if it's important he would have found
me. I'm sure of it."

"Really?" Cecilio asked amused as he flicked the cigarette out the window and closed it, "you
know that he has a very busy schedule. Christine showing up here is causing enough problems as
it is, we still have Eugino running around as well, it's like a bomb ready to explode and here you
are throwing a tantrum like a little girl. You should know your place Gabriella. This isn't the time
to act like a spoiled brat."

Scoffing Gabriella folded her arms tightly across her chest as she rolled her eyes, "spoiled brat?"
she asked and shook her head a little not believing Cecilio dared to talk about her like that, "I'm
sorry I'm pissed at your son for loving his mistress, it won't happen again" she said snapping her
head into his direction as she narrowed her eyes on him, "next time I'll offer him to sleep with
other women" she said putting up a sarcastic warm smile before she looked away from the man

"You're really something else Gabriella" Cecilio sighed as he looked out the window as well
seeing even they couldn't meet eye to eye right now, "it's not what I meant you know that. Why
do you need to make it sound like that? You know Michaelangelo would never cheat on you."

"I don't know about that!" she said as she glared at her father-in-law the tears already stinging
her eyes as she no longer could keep her anger inside, "loving her aside from me is like cheating.
It's worse than cheating! I rather have him sleep with a woman he doesn't care for at all than to
come home to me while his heart is with another woman! It hurts even more! Why did you make
me marry him?! Why?!"

Watching the tears roll down the woman's face Cecilio knew he had to calm her down before she
would fall ill again. He was sure this time she wouldn't be okay, he needed her to take a deep
breath and lay down. Today had been too eventful for her already.

"Let's forget about it for now alright Gabriella" he told her quietly as he helped her out of the car
once they were at the mansion, "you'll go and fresh up while I'll let Carla make you your favorite
tea alright?"

Nodding her head Gabriella couldn't reject his offer. It wasn't his fault that his son just couldn't
make-up his mind right now. It's Michaelangelo's fault that they were like this not his father, so
she couldn't blame the man.
"I'm sorry" she whispered as she watched the man turn around and raise an eyebrow at her, "I
shouldn't have yelled at you, it's not like you can help it that our relationship is like this" she said
before walking towards her old bedroom to freshen up.

Watching the woman disappear in the hallways Cecilio turned around as well making his way to
the living room. He didn't want his son and this girl to end up like this. It wasn't right, it wasn't
how things should be. He thought by now they would have been still happily married and already
have a kid running around. They were divorced, and trying hard not to make her lose her child.
This was definitely not how he planned things to end up. Maybe this would be his first failure in
life. Shaking his head he grabbed his phone out of his jacket and dialed his son's number. He
should inform Michaelangelo seeing the man must be still searching for his wife like a madman.

"Dad, is something wrong?"

"Why do you assume that something is wrong whenever I call you?" Cecilio asked finding it
amusing that his son always asked that question first whenever he called, "I ran into Gabriella at
the park. She wasn't feeling well so I took her home, you should come pick her up."

"Aren't you going to ask what happened?"

"I already know" Cecilio said calmly, "I'm not always one to interfere in these matters son, but
you should pull yourself together first before you come and face Gabriella. You have really hurt
her emotionally. I don't think she will pull through if you keep this up much longer."

"I know that" he told his father as he let out a huff, "I'm coming over, please make sure she
doesn't leave."

"Believe me she can't leave" Cecilio said before hanging up.

Even if Gabriella had plans to runaway again her body wouldn't react to her wishes. She seemed
dead tired when he brought her home, like she was ready to collapse. His eyes widening as that
thought came up to him he quickly dashed up the stairs in a rush, what if she really did collapse?
Trying to open the door Cecilio frowned when the door was stuck, she locked the door on him.
Sighing he knocked firmly against the door trying to make her open the door.

"Gabriella open the door, we need to talk honey!" he told her and frowned when he didn't get a
response to her, he looked at the woman who was walking towards him with the cup of tea for
Gabriella, "Carla is here with your tea sweety, open the door."

They both looked at each other when there was still no response. It wasn't like Gabriella to
rudely ignore people like that, no matter how angry she was.

"Something isn't right" Cecilio muttered as he stepped aside and let the men open the door
forcefully thanking them he quickly rushed inside the room to find Gabriella unconscious on the
bed maybe he had been right and she went to sleep.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 50 - Gambling With Life (p.21 of 22)

"I'll put this on the nightstand maybe she'll wake up" Carla said in low tone as she moved to the
nightstand and placed the cup of tea down frowning as she knocked down an empty bottle, "sir
isn't this Rodolfo's sleeping pills?" she asked as she held out the bottle.

Snatching the empty bottle out of Carla's hand Cecilio read the label, dropping the bottle as he
realized what really happened to the blonde girl. Moving to her side he pulled her up, holding in
his fear when he noticed how lifeless she seemed, it couldn't be true. It just couldn't. Feeling her
pulse he held his breath when he felt her pulse it was weak but it was there.

"Quickly call Michaelangelo, I'm taking her to the hospital!"

Carla nodded as she gave the empty bottle to one of the men so they could show what pills she
took, "I'll call him right away" she said watching the man rush out with the lifeless girl in his

The driver rushed to the hospital ignoring all traffic lights like Cecilio had ordered. He tried
shaking the girl awake but her not responding to him made him fear for her life. He didn't know
what she was thinking playing with her life like that, she couldn't be too unhappy. She just
couldn't be. This wasn't like her at all, he was sure Gabriella would never do something like this.

She was too prideful to end her life this way, she said it herself she would never hide . Whatever
was going on between her and Michaelangelo she would never take things this far.

"Call Gabriel and let him check all security tapes around the mansion" he said in a low tone yet
authority boomed through.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you for the comments and votes. It really means a lot to me. Here's chapter fifty-one lol I
got it out much faster than I expected. I hope you like it =D

Chapter fifty-one - Gavino Policy

Slowly opening her eyes Gabriella groaned as she felt like her head was ready to explode.
Reaching out she brushed her hair out of her face and blinked a couple times to get her eyes used
to the lighting. She pressed her lips together when she saw Michaelangelo sitting next to her,
looking up from his telephone when he noticed she was awake. He pocketed it quickly and sat
straight, he didn't seem happy at all. His eyes didn't soften when he looked at her if anything it
seemed like he was furious with her.
"What happened?" she asked and gulped when she saw him clenched his fist to the point his fist
became pale white, "Mike?"

He let out a sigh like when a parent is furious with their child yet they tried to remain calm. It
seemed like he was handling a little child.

"Why did you do it?" he asked not looking up to meet her eyes once, "why?" he repeated.

She wanted to answer him yet she didn't know what he was talking about, her head felt fuzzy and
ached, "I don't know what you're talking about" she said softly as she looked back at him yet he
still didn't look at her, "that's why I'm asking you what happened."

He shook his head out of frustration and got off his seat. She watched him grab something off the
table next to her and held it out to her, "this is what I'm talking about!" he said causing her to
raise an eyebrow, "why the hell did you take those you know you're not allowed to take those!"
he told her dropping the bottle carelessly on her lap.She reached out grabbing the bottle in her
hand and looked at the label to only frown deeper, "I didn't take those" she said as she looked at
her fiancé, "I went to freshen up and took my vitamins."

"Stop lying!" Michaelangelo said raising his voice startling her little since she never heard him
raise his voice to her like that, "the results came back your blood contained the doses of seven or
more pills, you didn't take your vitamins so stop lying!"

"I'm not lying!" she said dropping the bottle back down on her lap as she looked at her fiancé
being upset with the fact he thought she would lie about something like that, "I'm telling you that
I took my vitamins, I never took Rodolfo's pills!" she said shaking her head, "why would I do
that? Even if you love another woman I would never gamble with my life like that! I would
never do that, not even for you!"

He sighed looking up to the ceiling since he couldn't look at her. He didn't know what to believe
anymore, the results were hard evidence of her taking sleeping pills yet he was also aware that
Gabriella was nothing like Anarosa. She would never play with her life like that, she actually
valued life. He was aware of that too. He just didn't know anymore. Gulping he took a deep
breath calming himself down a little as he sat back down on the chair and looked at her.

"It's a miracle that you didn't lose the baby" he told her, "yet they aren't sure if this has damaged
the child" he told her softly as he looked down at his hands, "I want to believe you Gabriella, but
until Gabriel has found evidence about you not lying to me, that you have been framed I cannot
be with you in one room."


"I just can't be with you in one room right now. I'm really furious, I'm afraid I might hurt you" he
told her as he looked up finally meeting her eyes, "I know it shouldn't be like this, but I can't help
it. You endangered the child's life Gabriella, I really know I should be trusting your word..."
"But you aren't" she told him straight out as she shook her head and looked the other way, "you
don't trust my word, that's enough for me" she told him as she looked at her hand and smiled a
little, "you don't have to be here if you don't want to, I'm not stopping you. It's not like I stop
living without you" she said slipping off the ring and held it up, "I cannot be with a man who
doesn't trust me."


"What?" she asked still holding the ring out he didn't take from her, "it's how you want it. We
shouldn't force our relationship. Better said I don't want to stay with a man who doesn't love me
nor trust me enough. Half hearted feelings are not what I need" she said staring straight in his
eyes when he forcefully took her wrist in his hand.

She didn't gasp nor did she show any pain as he gripped her wrist tightly in his hand. Most
people would have at least flinched by now seeing the force he had used but she didn't. She just
stared straight back at him.

"I wasn't ending this, I just said I don't want to hurt you. You know you cannot leave me."

"I don't know such thing" she said firmly as she pulled out of his grip, "even if you aren't ending
this, I am. We're done."

Letting out a frustrated sigh Michaelangelo held up his hands and walked to the door turning
around to look at her one last time, "you saying that doesn't mean a thing, I'm not letting you go.
It doesn't matter how you feel about this, you cannot leave me anymore. Once you're in the only
way out is through a body bag."

Hearing him slam the door shut she finally let out the whimper she had been keeping in. She
threw the ring on the closed door as she buried her head in her hands and sobbed to her heart
content. She didn't want him to see her like that, so she waited till he left the room. She heard the
knocking on the door but didn't look up when she heard someone close the door behind them and
step towards her.

She hiccupped and raised her head when she felt an arm around her, and her head being pulled
towards the man's chest. His cologne told her who he was. She closed her eyes and let out her
feelings again, she didn't care if he saw her like this. It wasn't like he would be telling anyone.

"It's okay" he told her softly as he brushed his hand through her hair gently, "it will be okay" he
repeated trying to calm her down a little yet he knew that she should cry her heart out, it would
make her feel better.

Gripping his shirt tightly in her hand she continued to cry, she felt him pulling her in an embrace
as he sat down on her bed and moved them a little so he could sit comfortably letting her lean
onto him while she cried.
"You know he is very stubborn. He just needs to calm down a little Gabriella, you've really
scared him you know. For a minute we all thought we would lose you. Don't take it by heart
what he told you just now. He isn't thinking straight right now."

Pulling away from Rodolfo she wiped her tears away as she tried to calm her breathing down
first so she could talk to him without gasping and hiccupping too much.

"What he said just now was what he really meant. It's not something he said out of frustration.
He doesn't trust me nor does he love me as much as he should. It's the truth, he didn't even
disagree with me when I told him that's how he makes me feel. It's the honest truth, so whatever
you try to say right now is really sweet but you won't convince me otherwise."

Giving her the freshly water filled glass he affectionately ran his hand through her hair, "it's not
like that Gabriella. Deep inside you know he loves you limitless. What he feels for Anarosa is
not love, it's guilt."

"It doesn't feel that way towards me, he makes me feel like second place all the time" she said
and smiled a little as she looked at the water in her glass, "I don't want to talk about it anymore,
it's over. Whatever he says I am not coming back."

"You know you cannot leave, it's just not possible anymore."
"Why is that? Because he loves me so much that he doesn't want to lose me or is it because I'm
carrying his possible heir?"

Smirking when she saw Rodolfo hesitating she held up hand, "if you speak up let it only be the
truth, if not don't say anything."

"He doesn't want to lose you, and not just because of the child" Rodolfo said and grabbed her
chin when she wanted to look away from him, "I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth I have
never seen my brother like this before, he was seeing red and ready to hurt anyone who might
have done this to you, so I know that what I told you just now is the truth."

Pushing his hand away from her face she rolled her eyes and leaned back against her pillow, "so
you believe me when I say that I didn't take the pills?" she asked him softly.

"I believe you because that bottle was already empty" he said and took it off her lap, "I found the
container of your vitamin pills in the bathroom, we just need to get the results back on the pills to
see if someone really did switch them."

"I'm lying in the hospital so it seems that way doesn't it?" she asked him sarcastically, "someone
framed not just that someone tried to kill me" she said and smiled to Rodolfo, "can you
think of one person that might want me out of the way?" she asked him quietly.
His eyes widening at her mentioning that he did know someone with a motive to get rid of
Gabriella, it just didn't seem possible to him at the time. That woman wasn't that smart in his
opinion how would she have done it by herself. Wanting to share this information with his
brother Rodolfo reached out to Gabriella and kissed her head.

"I promise you whoever did this to you will pay" he whispered to her before he turned around
only to be stopped by her.

"We both know who did this, are you willingly to hurt the woman you love for me?" she asked
him and let go of his shirt, "it's okay I can understand why she tried to kill me, I'll get over it."

Turning around he glared down at her for speaking that way, "don't pretend it's okay to hurt
someone innocent. You have done nothing wrong to her, so it's not okay for her to try and kill
the person I love the most right now. I'm willingly to hurt her for what she has done to you."

"I don't want you to."

"You're very unreasonable right now Gabriella, why would you let her go?"

"Because I can understand her motive" Gabriella pointed out as she gripped the sheets in her
hands, "she hates me for making you forget about her, if I wasn't here right now you would have
gotten back together with her, even I'm sure of that. So I can understand her. A jealous woman
can do dangerous things."

"You never done anything wrong to Anarosa before not even when she got down on her knees
and gave Mike a blowjob right in front of you. It's only people with low standards who commit
acts like that. Right now she is no different than Anarosa in my eyes."

Sighing Gabriella nodded her head and looked up at the ceiling, "they're just lost on their path,
don't let her end up like Anarosa. Just talk to her, conversation is better than confrontation don't
you think so?" she asked him and shifted her eyes back to Rodolfo, "right now you're the most
reasonable Gavino to talk to. Don't let Michaelangelo get to her first."

"I'm sorry" he whispered to her as he turned around walking towards the door as he gripped the
doorknob in his hand he looked over his shoulder to the blonde woman, "but that's a request of
you that I have to neglect."

Watching Rodolfo leave, Gabriella sighed and closed her eyes. She knew their assumptions were
right it was Christine who did this to her. It just nagged at her how Christine had the power to do
such a thing. It seemed more like something Michaelangelo would have done to someone on his
hit list. Letting people think a person committed suicide, it was a clean dead.

It just didn't seem like something an average girl like Christine would do.

Throwing his jacket carelessly on top of the couch in the living room, Michaelangelo looked at
his cousin who turned his laptop around letting him see the evidence they got so far. He wanted
to believe her word, he really did it was just that he got so angry knowing someone was out to
hurt his family, really hurting his family. All his frustration he let out on her, it wasn't meant that
way. He shouldn't have reacted like that but he couldn't turn back time. He had to do a lot of
apologizing later on, he was aware of that.

"Definitely someone who has knowledge about our security system, Mike. It might be someone
who recently left without a word" Gabriel said hinting to the right hand of Cecilio who was no
where to be found, "you know now that you and Gabriella are divorced the contract is invalid.
Everything is right back on her name, and with her gone it will straight to Eugino. Are you aware
of that? He certainly has the motive."

"So what's Christine doing here? Persuading Rodolfo to care about her child?"

"That's a whole other story, I really think Christine is here for personal reasons. Eugino is just
merely doing this for power."

"It just doesn't fit, that's all. I admit that Eugino is definitely the one trying to take out Gabriella.
But for Christine, I don't know what her motive is. Revenge on Rodolfo? Revenge on mom and
dad? I should have a talk with her soon."

Smirking Gabriel leaned back against the couch as he looked up meeting his cousin's eyes. The
tone that Michaelangelo used was rather serious, the tone he used when he was beyond pissed.
Someone was going to pay for what happened, and that person happened to be Christine. She
was right here, while they didn't have a clue where her father might be. She would be the easy
target, the bait.

"So you're really going to hurt a woman? Oh right you're the one seeing men and women as
equals. No matter if you're a man or a woman if you had committed an act to hurt this family,
you'll pay. No exceptions right?"

"Right" Michaelangelo nodded, "I don't care that she is a woman. Eugino is not around, he might
have gotten passed security because he knows all the codes and all the places where we have
cameras and men watching out, but he isn't physically around. The one who replaced Gabriella's
vitamins was definitely Christine."

"You have got to admit, she has guts, Mike. She dared to hurt the Mrs. I'm just saying no one
would dare to do that without having a concrete plan. She has nothing, yet she still tried to hurt
Gabriella. Someone like that is rare these days."

Rolling his eyes Michaelangelo sat down next to his cousin. Nothing showed up on camera
which was even more suspicious. It really meant it was a job from the inside. He would
definitely have to take Eugino out fast before he would actually succeed in getting what he
wanted. He wouldn't hurt Gabrielle nor would he get his hands on the empire Cecilio created.

"Find out Christine's exact whereabouts. We should stall her while we get that child out of the
hospital" he said as he grabbed his phone out of his jacket that he carelessly had tossed away,
"I'll make some phone calls. We should be able to get a set-up for that child here."

"You're going to kidnap the child out of the hospital but with medical care. That never happened
before" Gabriel remarked as he sat straight and looked his cousin in the eyes, "don't care what
happens to Christine but an innocent child should not be hurt, right?"

"Right" Michaelangelo nodded as he got up and walked to the doors that lead to the garden so he
could have a smoke without the head-maid scolding him.

Placing his laptop aside Gabriel looked at his cousin who was standing in the garden, smoking a
cigarette to calm the nerves. He had never seen Michaelangelo like that before, for the fist time
in life it seemed like his almighty cousin was lost. He was handling this case with pure anger
instead of a calm mind which he always suggested for them to do, whenever they were in
trouble. He didn't want to be the one telling his cousin this since he could understand why, it just
seemed dangerous. If Michaelangelo wasn't the one with the clear mind, who was?

Frowning when he felt his phone vibrate he took it out of his pocket and looked at the display,
confused to see the caller ID.

"I thought phones weren't allowed in the hospital" he said confused, "are you breaking the rules,
Gabriella. Such a naughty girl you are" he said teasingly earning himself some scolding form the
blonde woman.

"I'm not in the hospital" Gabriella told Gabriel causing the man's eyes to almost pop out as he
immediately got off the couch, "don't you dare running to Michaelangelo. Since the guy doesn't
believe me, I figure I handle this myself."

"What are you planning to do?" he asked her as he stopped in his tracks fearing if he did tell
Michaelangelo she would do something dangerous, "you should be in the hospital Gabriella,
even if you feel fine you're not fine. There is too much toxic in your blood right now, you need
to go back."

"I'm fine" she said knowing he would scold her for saying that, "I'll go back to the hospital after I
have a talk with the woman herself."

"What woman?" Gabriel questioned before he fully understand what woman she meant, "no turn
back right now Gabriella. You're out of your mind, you don't need to have a talk with her. If you
have a death wish that is, you should go and have a talk with her. But you know I think by now.
Michaelangelo is so far gone that he might just kill you yourself if you do something so stupid."
"He has no say in this, we're not together anymore after all."

Sitting back down on the couch Gabriel felt like suffocating with all the stress she put on him.
This woman was really too stubborn and thickheaded.

"So what are you planning the do?" he asked her, "just walk around town till you find her?"

"Of course not that would be a stupid thing to do" she said causing him to raise an eyebrow at he
choice of words, "that's why I called you you're the computer expect right, track her phone for

"Why would I do that?" he asked her as a smirk appeared on his face since she needed something
from him he could negotiate over it, "it's not like you're together with Michaelangelo anymore,
so that means we're no longer related as well. So why would I want to do something like that for
a complete stranger?" he asked knowing it would stall time, just long enough for him to track her

"Gabriel, you're really testing my patience here-" stopping midsentence Gabriel clenched as he
released she found out what he was planning, "I didn't ask you to track me did I?" she asked him,
"I really hate to do this but if you tell Michaelangelo about my whereabouts I won't be going
back to the hospital which means it will only harm the child even more."

"You're pretty sick" Gabriel sighed, "fine I'll text you here location. I'll be meeting you there,
after the talk you had with her I'm taking you back to the hospital personally."


"You're really crossing the line right now, Gabriella. Michaelangelo is coming back inside if he
finds out I helped you with this it's not just you who will feel his revenge. I really do mean feel"
he muttered before he hung up the phone quickly seeing his cousin was coming back inside with
that warily look in his eyes, it already felt like he was on to him. The man definitely had a sixth
sense for these kind of things. It was too frightening.

"Is it Rodolfo?" he asked causing Gabriel to sigh mentally, "no an outraged woman" he said
referring to Gabriella, "she is really out of her mind" he said shaking his head causing his cousin
to raise an eyebrow in confusion as he took a seat right next to Gabriel again.

"I thought you didn't hand your phone number to your girlfriends."

"She is different, someone who you can't get rid of" he muttered before he texted the location to
Gabriella the woman he was badmouthing right now he really did think she deserved that much it
didn't matter how much he loved her even she could cross a line that was the bottom line, "you
know that feeling?""I do" Michaelangelo said shaking his head before he took out his phone and
looked at the time, "we need to get a hold of that child before Christine decides to move her. She
is still in the hospital which we give money to. "
"Christine isn't aware of that?"

"Not aware of it right now, we need to move fast."

Michaelangelo had no idea how fast he had to move, after Gabriella confronted Christine about
everything it would be only matter of time before Christine decides to move locations.

"I'll ask Rodolfo to keep Christine away from the hospital so you and you're men can get the
child out" Gabriel said trying to make his cousin move faster than planned he had to do it now
before everything would go wrong, "we need to move fast like you said, I think right now is a
good time since Rodolfo is already out with the woman she wouldn't find it suspicious of he
stalled her a bit longer."

"You're right" Michaelangelo said not finding it odd at all that Gabriel suddenly decided this on
his own, "I'm heading to the hospital, call me when you are certain Rodolfo and Christine are far
away from it."

It felt wrong lying to Michaelangelo but he had to do it. Gabriella was making him do it, it was
either tell Michaelangelo and both get hurt by him or keep quiet and both dodge the bullet. He
loved her enough to let her dodge the bullet as well. He wondered if she would have done the
same for him though.Grabbing his phone he looked at the hallway to hear his cousin and his men
leave, he could safely text Gabriella right now. Telling her to stay put and wait for him. He
needed to make sure Rodolfo was aware of Gabriella's actions so he wouldn't be completely
taken back when he saw her.

"Something happened? Your phone is ringing almost every second" Christine commented as she
looked at the man who was sitting across her putting his phone back in his jacket.

"My sister-in-law just got hospitalized. Someone switched her vitamins" he said looking her
straight in the eyes to observe her as he mentioned the pills. She seemed honestly shocked
though. He didn't see her get happy or maybe guilty because of what happened to Gabriella. She
really seemed shocked with this information.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

She was the one who did it after all right?

"Someone did that?" she asked as she looked down at the table, "how horrible didn't you say she
is expecting? It wouldn't be good for the child at all. How is she right now?"

"You'll find out soon enough" Rodolfo sighed as he waved to the couple making their way
towards them, "we had evidence of you being the one switching her vitamins. Why don't you tell
her personally if you were the one who did or didn't do it."
Following his gaze Christine saw the blonde woman making her way towards them together with
Gabriel. All the boys seemed very intrigued with her. It didn't happen often that the three of them
get along with one girl. They all had their own standards, she must be special if they all liked her.
She had to admit that she was an attractive woman, just she didn't take care as much of herself
like she should have. She seemed very pale right now, and the dark circles under her eyes told
them she wasn't feeling well right now. The woman stopped at their table and took the seat next
to Rodolfo since he offered it.She could tell Rodolfo was very concerned about this woman's
well-being. His eyes were full of concern and he placed an arm protectively over her shoulders
as he kept her to him. She could understand why yet it didn't seem right to her. It actually made
her heart squeeze painfully to see Rodolfo like that with another woman, even if it was his sister-

"You stubborn girl, why did you come here. You should have listened to Gabriel" he said as his
cousin agreed with him, "after this we're taking you back to the hospital straight away."

"That's part of the deal I made" Gabriella said never taking her eyes away from Christine. No
matter how she looked at her in her opinion Christine couldn't have done it, "I just want to see
the woman who might have switched my pills personally."

"I didn't do it-"

"I know" Gabriella said making them all stare at her, "looking at you right now, I can tell you
didn't do it. You wouldn't risk your daughter's life just to get revenge would you?" Gabriella
asked making the woman shake her head.

"Exactly! I know if I did something to you Michaelangelo would never forgive me for it. I admit
that I really did wanted to hurt you when I found out you were the one changing Rodolfo. It
made me really jealous, but I wouldn't risk Grace's health for revenge."

"But your father would, right?" Rodolfo asked making Christine gasp as she looked at him, "we
know about Eugino being your father. I don't know what the situation is between you two, but
I'm certain he doesn't care about what happens to you or Grace. He was the one who did it

"I don't know!"

"You don't know or you can't tell us?" Gabriel asked her.

"I can't tell you" she whispered as she gulped meeting Rodolfo's eyes, "he would hurt Grace if I
told you anything."

Sharing looks with Gabriel Rodolfo slightly nodded as he got the message. The mission went
well, they could leave now.
"It's not him you should fear" Rodolfo said as he got to his feet and pulled Gabriella with him,
"it's Michaelangelo who you should fear right now" he told her before he walked away dragging
Gabriella with him.

"What was that all about?" Gabriella asked as Rodolfo helped her in his car and waved to Gabriel
who took off seeing Rodolfo would take her to the hospital now, "did Mike do something to her
child?" she asked startled as she looked at Rodolfo who merely shrugged his shoulders scaring
her even more, "no he didn't" she whispered, "he wouldn't hurt an innocent child."

"No he wouldn't" Rodolfo agreed with Gabriella as he sped off to the hospital, "but that doesn't
mean she deserve it. You know our policy an eye for an eye. They hurt his child so they should
expect the same treatment."

"Can't you see she is being manipulated by her father! She has no say in this. She just follows
him blindly for the sake of her daughter. In this situation that policy doesn't apply to."

"Says who?" Rodolfo asked showing a side of him Gabriella never saw before, she saw this treat
in Michaelangelo this morning and now she was seeing it in Rodolfo, "to us it doesn't matter
what to situation is."

She didn't dare to speak up anymore. His eyes told her to keep quiet, she was afraid of what he
might do. She had seen this side in Michaelangelo that morning and it wasn't pretty at all. She
was acting tough yet inside she was crying like a little girl being scared of him. Right now she
was feeling the same way. So she just kept quiet.

She really hoped the little girl was safe. She never would have expected them to go through these
kind of methods. It was a whole other side to this family. The side that other people were scared
of and if she had to be honest, even she was scared of this side of them.

Help I'm married to mafia boss!

Thank you all for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it! I love getting feedback because
it helps me to write a better chapter next time =D This is a day after Michaelangelo kidnapped
Grace, the daughter of Christine. Enjoy reading chapter fifty-two ^ ^

Chapter fifty-two- Breaking Too Fast

Placing the remote control down after she found the right channel, Gabriella looked at the door
when she heard a firm knock. She didn't want to get her hopes up, she had been waiting
yesterday for Michaelangelo to show up or at least call her and tell her that he was wrong, yet so
far no luck. He really didn't think he did anything wrong, it made her only more upset than she
already was. She didn't want to be like this in front of Rodolfo or Gabriel, they had been very
helpful to her yesterday even when she was being unreasonable. She sighed and leaned her head
back against the big pillow taking a deep breath to calm her nerves before she called for them to
come in. She glanced over at the door to see Rodolfo standing there with a metallic blue balloon,
with the line get well soon causing her to smile and roll her eyes.

"That's very cliché, its not like you" she commented as she watched him step towards her tying
the balloon on her bed's headboard, "you know I'm still a bit mad at you for yesterday" she said
softly as she focused on the television again, "even that balloon can make me change my mind."

He looked at her pouty face and slightly smiled before he took the seat next to her bed. He could
tell she was really upset yet she tried to laugh it off by acting as if nothing had happened. She
didn't look in his eyes longer than five seconds, he knew she couldn't bare look in his eyes. She
must feel like she looked in his brother's eyes. It would break her. He didn't want to bring up his
brother in front of her, especially since he did something she despised and told him not to do.

Clearing his throat Rodolfo looked at the television as well seeing her watch some cooking show.
She always watched those yet she didn't cook herself that often.

"You always watch these shows, when are you planning to cook me dinner?" he asked her and
smirked playfully when he heard her huff and give him a playful push, "I ironed this shirt myself,
don't ruin it" he warned her.

Snorting Gabriella couldn't help but to smile. His laidback personality like this always made her
cheer up. She wondered if he knew that, either way she was grateful to him for trying and cheer
her up. But nothing could make her forget about this. She glanced at the white gold ring on her
table next to her bed, the nurse has placed it there yesterday for her. He really didn't give her any
attention she figured things were really over between them.

Rodolfo noticed her looking at the ring and took it off the table, startling her when he took her
hand and was about to place the ring back on. She quickly pulled her hand away glaring at the
man for his actions.

"It's off for a reason Rodolfo" she told him quietly as she folded her arms across her chest tightly
giving him no access to her hands, "I would have told him I was wrong if he at least showed up
but he didn't show up or even give me a lousy text message. That's all I needed to know. That
ring will no longer be placed around my finger" she told him firmly.

"Don't act like this Gabriella" Rodolfo sighed as he held the ring in his hand tightly,
"Michaelangelo was really busy yesterday he had to...attend an urgent meeting with a client, he
would have come but things got in the way."

Noticing how Rodolfo stopped himself midsentence it got her curious. He stopped midsentence
and recomposed himself. She noticed it how he looked away from her that moment, no matter
how she looked at it, it seemed like Rodolfo looked away to think of another excuse to tell her. It
just seemed that way, since he acted suspicious in her eyes.
"So he was meeting a client?" Gabriella asked not letting him know she was already on him, they
thought she was really clueless but in reality she was far from it, "was he meeting the client at
the hotel?"

"Yes, he had dinner with the client. It got pretty late, he wanted to come over but he just

"Really?" Gabriella asked and nodded her head, "it must have been a very important meeting for
him to neglect me like that" she remarked, "was it about the invalid contract?"

Frowning Rodolfo didn't know what he should think of her question. Was she talking about the
contract that was no invalid because of their divorce? How could she know? It's not like anyone
told her.

Smirking Gabriella took the remote in her hand again and looked at the television not giving him
a glimpse worthy right now, "I know about the contract. Didn't Michaelangelo think I read
through the rules and restrictions. Daddy always told me never to put my name under a
document without carefully reading it through, you never know what to agree to" she said and
smiled as she turned her head towards Rodolfo and gave him that amused look which made him
slightly annoyed with her since she was acting so cocky right now, "are you trying to make
things right between me and Michaelangelo because of that reason?" she asked, "because if we
don't get married again, everything will still be on my name. You would hate to lose the empire
right?" she asked.

Grabbing her chin in his hand he made her look at him. His eyes told her he was being serious, it
reminded her of the look he gave her in the car. Rodolfo rarely gave her these looks. He must be
really upset with what she was saying, but none of it was false. She just spoke her mind to it, she
shouldn't regret it.

She should never regret speaking of her feelings, it's nothing to be afraid of. It was what her
father always told her, to be true to herself. That was what she was doing. She just came to
realize Gavinos weren't so fond of people speaking their minds.

"I don't care about the empire" he told her firmly, "I don't want to lose the one woman who
taught me to be honest with myself, to face my own emotions more honestly. Right now my
brother isn't thinking straight because of everything that has happened. All I can say is that his
feelings for you are true. There is no mistaken it. Michaelangelo loves you more than anything.
He just can't let you know it, because he is afraid of losing himself. He is afraid to I
did" he said releasing her from his grip as he got off his seat and held up his cigarette package, "I
need a smoke, I'll be right back" he said making the woman nod as she watched him leave.

Clenching her white t-shirt tightly Gabriella looked down at her hands. Her hands were actually
trembling because of the anxious feeling she had. She leaned her head back against her pillow
and looked out the window. She didn't know what to believe anymore, looking in Rodolfo's eyes
she knew he had been sincere of every word he spoke. Yet her mind didn't want to comprehend
it. She knew she had changed him, but the man she really wanted to change didn't even show
progress. No matter what they did, no matter what they said. He always went back to his old,
cold self.

She didn't know what to do anymore, his words kept echoing through her mind. It was too late
for her to get out. The only way was going to be through a body bag. He had been sincere about
that too. She couldn't separate his feelings anymore. The first minute he loves her the next the
loathes her. She just didn't know what to do anymore.

Looking down at her hands she knew that, that wasn't the reason why she was so anxious. She
knew she was being in denial, which made her heart squeeze painfully. Even though she knew it
was better for her to run away, a part of her didn't want to leave them. A part of her wanted to
stay behind together with Michaelangelo. Raising their child together, being a family together.
That feeling made her be sick with herself.

Leaning back against the wall Rodolfo looked at the crowded parking lot of the hospital.
Christine had been calling him non-stop but he didn't answer one of the phone calls. He knew
exactly why she was calling him every second. Grace wasn't there, she wasn't laying there
peacefully in her hospital bed. He was just afraid he might run into Christine here, he rather
avoided her right now. Gabriella shouldn't find out about what they had done to the child. She
would hate them even more. So hiding from Christine was all he could do.

"Yes she didn't find out about it, yet it's really hard for me to keep making excuses about your
whereabouts" he sighed as he observed the place carefully making sure no brunette was coming
close to him, "how is the girl doing?" he asked.

"She is doing fine, she is getting treatment of the best doctor there is here. Don't worry about that
child, she is doing a lot better here than at the hospital anyways. Was she really pissed?" he
asked his brother.

"Yes, the engagement ring is still laying on the table. I don't now what you should do to make it
right. I think in this case you two just need time. It would help if you would show up here and
talk to her. Just forget about what happened and move on."

"We can't forget about what happened. I know she will never forget about it. I said a lot of mean
things to her. Things she shouldn't forgive me for. Things that I wouldn't want to be forgiven

"You told her you didn't trust her word about the suicide attempt. Can anyone blame you? You
were afraid and pissed at the same time. You weren't thinking straight. Come down here and tell
her that personally. I can say those things for you but it only makes you look worse. It's like you
aren't even trying right now."
"Rodolfo I cannot leave this place. I'm meeting Christine in two hours. I should prepare for the
meeting. Right now it's really inconvenient. The only reason why you are with Gabriella is to
babysit her. I'll give her a call later, this just has to go well you know. It's the only chance we
have to get a hold of Eugino."

Rodolfo could understand where his brother was coming from. Gabriella should be able to be
more lenient since she did marry him for these reasons. Cecilio didn't find him just a random girl
he find his son the girl who could understand this life and wouldn't complain about it. She didn't
complain about it all the time, she just wasn't happy with it either. He was torn between these
two. He didn't know which side to pick, he rather not pick a side at all seeing they both were
being stubborn and childish.

Flicking his cigarette away Rodolfo narrowed his eyes on the brunette who was making her way
towards him. Just great this had to happen to him again. He was just here to avoid all the
pressure, crying and yelling yet it found him while he was hiding.

"I gotta go, Christine's here."

Putting his phone away he looked at the woman who stopped in front of him. Her eyes all red
and puffy because she had been crying. The dark circles around her eyes told him she didn't sleep
either. Who would sleep while their child had been kidnapped by dangerous, ruthless men?

"You're looking very alive today, Christine" Rodolfo commented earning himself a glare from
the woman, "I was being considerate of you" he joked.

She wasn't in the mood for jokes though, he knew why but this time he didn't feel sorry for her at
all. It had to be done. The betrayal he had been put through was enough for him to put his anger
into this case. She cheated on him and her father betrayed him. It was a good enough reason for
him to join his brother in this."Cut the crap, Rodolfo" she said venomously, "where the hell is
Grace? You know she cannot be without her medicines! Why the hell did you take her?!" she
asked causing a scene which attracted a lot of people to them.

He didn't particularly care about it, but it wasn't fun to threaten her in front of these people as
well. They paid this hospital hush money, just the patients and guests were not being paid. A
scene here in public was inconvenient.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Christine. I'm visiting Gabriella you know she is a
patient here" he told her calmly as he looked at his watch pretending to be late, "I have to see her
now, she doesn't like to be kept waiting. A hot tempered girl she is" he said giving her wink
before he walked past her only to get grabbed by his arm by the brunette.

"I know you're lying. Your tone might be believable but your eyes tell me a different story. You
know what I'm talking about."

Turning to look at the brunette he pulled his arm forcefully away from her, causing her to step
back since she could tell he didn't like the way she was treating him.
"Listen I told you that I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Don't ask me again, you'll
regret it" he told her giving her a small smile before he turned around again and walked away
from her.

Pouting she folded her arms across her chest and looked at his back. She smirked when she knew
what she had to do. If he could play like this so could she. She wouldn't just sit back and let them
treat her like this.

"If you don't tell me what's going on here, I'll tell Gabriella" she said noticing how he stopped in
his tracks after hearing the girl's name, "I know she won't be happy with hearing what happened
to Grace. You wouldn't want her to know right?" she asked and saw him turn around again.

His eyes dark and hard.

If he could she would swear he would pull the trigger on her right there.

He didn't because of all the people around, if they weren't around she was sure he had done it.

"Dare to tell her" he told her narrowing his eyes on her, "I can't promise you you'll see the
outcome of it."

She looked down at her feet, she knew he was right about it. He never made false promises, if
she told Gabriella she would be sure he would end her life. She wasn't valuable to him anymore,
not after what she had done to him.

"I won't tell her" she said softly looking up to meet his eyes, "but I think is low what you and
your brother has done. Grace didn't deserve this. "

"Gabriella didn't deserve this!"

"I told you I have nothing to do with her being here" Christine sighed in frustration, "I have no
idea who has done that to her."

Stepping forward he noticed how she gasped and stepped backwards, she seemed to be aware of
how scared she should be of him. He gripped her by her arms and pulled her towards him,
looking deeply in her eyes. She couldn't look away from him because she didn't dare to look
away from him and because of the fact his eyes were just alluring. The Gavino boys could lure
any women to them with those mesmerizing eyes of them. It was a curse.

"Do you dare to say you don't know who has done it to her?"

She pressed her lips together. He already knew she was aware of who had done this to Gabriella.
She didn't dare to lie to him yet she couldn't tell him the truth either.
"I might know."

Releasing her he pushed her off him and turned around. He walked away from her this time she
didn't dare to stop him.

Pushing through the doors of the hospital Rodolfo ignored anyone who looked at him or greeted
him. He was beyond pissed of what happened between him and Christine. She knew a lot more
than she led on. She was scared of someone, she was protecting someone. He was sure it had to
be Eugino, but how could her own father treat her like that? Even the cold hearted Cecilio never
treated his sons like that. There was something more to them, Michaelangelo would find out. He
had his way of getting the truth out of people.

Stopping in front of the door of Gabriella's room he took a deep breath. He didn't want to bother
her with this, especially since she would freak out if she knew about what they were planning to
do. She always cared too much about people, it was her weakness. She should think more about
herself than to worry about others. They didn't worry about her. Christine knew about who
switched the medicines and she didn't care. So why would Gabriella care about what happened to

It just didn't seem right to him.

After he took a deep breath he felt a lot better, it was also because of the cigarette he just
smoked. He opened the door and smiled when she met his eyes giving him that warm glance.
She always seemed so warm whenever she looked at you. He wanted to wrap his arms around
her and just hold her closely whenever she looked at him like that. Closing the door behind him
he made his way towards her and sat back down in the chair next to her.

"Did you calm down a little?" she asked him.

"I did" he told her, "did you calm down a little?" he asked making her chuckle.

"I'm not mad" she told him and looked down at her hand holding it up to him, "I had enough time
to think about everything" she said softly and smirked when he grabbed her hand and looked at
the ring closely his eyes widening as he saw what ring she was wearing.

"You changed your mind?" he asked her confused as he let go of her hand, "I thought you
wouldn't change your mind about Michaelangelo. What made you change your mind?" he asked

Sighing she twisted the ring around her finger because of the nervous feeling she had, "I agreed
to marry Michaelangelo because I have enough experience of being in this family. I wouldn't
break my promise to father, it wouldn't be right. I made a deal with him, last time it was
Michaelangelo who let me go so Cecilio had nothing to say about it but this time it would be me,
and since Michaelangelo doesn't want to hear about it, it would be a bad idea breaking up with

"It has nothing to do with you loving him?" Rodolfo asked her, "can you look me in the eyes and
tell me it's really over? Can you say that?"

She shook her head. She couldn't say something like that. She would always care about
Michaelangelo but she also knew that she couldn't agree to his lifestyle. He was never
considerate enough of her feelings.

"I can't say that I stopped loving him, it's just that I cannot say that I don't hate his ways either.
He is very selfish and destructive. I'm afraid that if he falls he will drag me with him."

"You know he wouldn't never let it come that far."

"What about now? Someone wants revenge on you so they try and kill me? Isn't that a great
example of me being dragged down with you?" she asked him.

Looking away from her she knew that she was right. He couldn't look her in the eyes anymore
because of guilt. He knew she was suffering because of them.

"I was being accused of hurting our child because I was being selfish. It's what happens in this
business but I cannot say that I'm not deeply hurt by it. He didn't trust my word, it hurt me so
much I felt like my heart would stop beating."

Grabbing her hand in his Rodolfo made her look at him as he met her eyes, "you mean a lot to all
of us Gabriella. Whoever did this to you will pay for it."

Narrowing her eyes on Rodolfo she could tell he was being victorious of something, that glimpse
in his eyes told her that much.

"You already have the person who did this to me" she said shaking her head lightly when she
saw that he wanted to disagree with her, "don't deny it" she told him, "I can tell by looking in
your eyes."

"You're not the first person who told me that" Rodolfo sighed, "maybe I should ask
Michaelangelo to train me" he muttered and smiled when he heard her laugh.

At least she was laughing like that again. It made his heart warm up a little knowing she wasn't
too unhappy with them.

"Michaelangelo is pretty good at it but sometimes I can tell if he is speaking the truth by looking
in his eyes" Gabriella smiled as she saw the curious look in Rodolfo's eyes, "he can't hide
everything from me, that's why I also know when he is going to lie to me. Because when he is
planning to lie to me he always looks away from my eyes. Like you just did when I told you, you
already have the person who might know a lot more about my pills getting switched. You didn't
want to look me in the eyes."

"Yes, I knew you would tell if I would lie to you. I don't want to lie to you Gabriella."

"But sometimes it has to be done?"


She gave him a warm look before she scooted up and gestured for him to lie down. Taking of his
shoes he did what she suggested seeing he was rather tired, maybe she saw it by looking at him.
He leaned his head back on her pillow and looked at the television as well, being glad that
cooking show was over.

"I couldn't leave even if I wanted to, right?"

"Right, he would hunt you down and make you pay for leaving him" Rodolfo informed her
calmly before he glanced at her, "besides I would hunt you down with him" he smirked at her,
"you're the first person he dates that I like. I wouldn't want another Anarosa to be by his side."

"I'm not that great."

"Everyone has their flaws" he agreed, "but you have a gentle personality that matches his harsh
one. You complete each other."

She always knew Rodolfo was very mature, but hearing him say this made her admire him more.
He could always objectively speaking his mind ,though he find it hard. He still did it. He didn't
take sides, he just spoke of the facts. She liked that about him.

Biting her lip nervously Christine looked up at the mansion which she hasn't seen in years.
Rodolfo only took her here on time, that was in the beginning of their relationship. After his
brother and Cecilio didn't approve of her he left. He was already very unhappy back then with his
home situation. Now he seemed to be okay with it, like he accepted it.

His new personality scared her, he didn't need her. That's what made her scared. He used to rely
on her with everything, now he was independent and he actually had a lot more people in his life
that he cared about. Not just her. She was liked it when he only thought of her, when he only
loved her. It was selfish but that's what she liked back then.

Sighing she walked through the gates of the mansion and noticed that right after she walked in,
the patrolling guys were watching her, closely. She felt really out of place here. She was sure if
she turned around and ran away they would drag her right back here.
She walked through the big doors once they opened for her and looked around. A lot had
changed since she had last been here, she was sure Gabriella had something to do with it. This
place looked more like a home now, no one used to be around. She was sure now they were
around more, she noticed how games were scattered all over the glass table. The black coffee
tables had books all over them, not all of them the taste of Rodolfo so she must be a book fan

Hearing someone clear their throat she looked ahead again to see Michaelangelo standing there,
in all his glory. She had to admit he looked good, he just didn't give her the feeling Rodolfo gave
her. He gave her the feeling of comfortableness and warmness. Michaelangelo was just cold and
business like. She never imagined he would be married first. He didn't seem like the type to get

Now he was even going to be father. That was even more than she expected of him, it was a

"You wanted to see me" she said meeting his eyes. His eyes were cold like they usual he hadn't
changed at all, "is she okay?" she asked softly.

She didn't want to upset him, she knew if you upset Michaelangelo you wouldn't be too happy.
He could make your life a living hell within seconds.

"Yes, follow me" he said leading her to the wing she had never been before she figured it was
top secret seeing Michaelangelo seemed warily about everything he did right now, "have a sit,
Christine" he said while closing the door behind him.

She felt her heart thumping fast, this room was empty. Only a table was located in the middle of
the room with a few chairs around it. She knew then she should have run when her mind
screamed it to her. It didn't matter if his men got her, it would have been a lot better than being
tortured. She knew if she didn't speak her mind he would make her, force her to speak her mind.

She didn't like that idea, unlike his brother Michaelangelo didn't feel sympathy for people. That's
why she assumed he would never get married. He didn't seem the type to get married, because he
couldn't love. That's what she always thought of him. A man that couldn't love or could feel love.

"What's with that uneasy look on your face?" he asked her as he threw his jacket around the chair
and lifted his shirt slightly revealing the object which she feared right now, "we're just going to
have a talk Christine" he told her calmly yet that shiny gun told her it wasn't just a talk.

"Then why are you taking out your toy?" she asked making him smirk seeing the words she used
to refer to his gun, "it doesn't seem like 'just' a talk to me" she muttered as she leaned a bit further
away from him seeing that thing in his hand scared her.

"This is just a security" he said as he sat down across her he seemed very comfortable here, it
made her sick, "it will make you talk, right Christine?" he asked as he looked down at his toy and
looked back at her with that cocky look in his deep blue eyes, "I can hear your heart beating fast
from here" he smirked.

She inhaled sharply as she felt the tears prickling her eyes. She was sure he could hear her heart,
it was beating so loud and fast there was no doubt about it.

"What would I talk about?" she asked him.

Shaking his head he raised the gun a little higher letting it rust upon the table as he looked her in
the eyes, "that's not the best way to start. You know what I want, you should start talking if you
know what's best for you."

"I have no idea what you want from me" she said shaking her head hating herself for letting the
tears spill, "I didn't try to kill Gabriella, I mean it! "

"You know who did want to kill her" he said calmly, "you want to see Grace again?" he asked as
he looked at the table shoving the folder in front of him towards her, "she is doing fine, with or
without you she will be fine."

Her eyes widening as she looked at the pictures she pressed her lips together. He knew they
didn't hurt her daughter, they wouldn't hurt a child but that didn't take away what he just told her.
She would live on with or without her mother. That's what he told her.

"I can't tell you!"

"Why not?" he asked as he got up and stood next to her leaning against the table, "it's me who
you should be scared of. Right now it's me who has your life in his hands not your father."

He noticed how she reacted to him mentioning Eugino. He was going in the right direction with
this. She was definitely acting hysterical now. She shook her head as the tears flowed even more,
"he can't find out he won't spare her life!"

"Grace?" he asked, "did he threaten you to kill Grace?" he asked confused, "what kind of
grandfather would kill his own granddaughter."

"I'm not his biological daughter" she muttered, "why would he care about me."

"Where is he right now, Christine?" Michaelangelo asked her, "is he the one who tried to kill

"I can't tell you" she said again a bit more fiercely this time, "I told you I can't tell you why won't
you listen to me?" she asked as she looked him in the eyes, "he will hurt her I can't gamble with
her life!"
"But it's alright to gamble with Gabriella's life?!"

"She is fine isn't she?! She will always be fine but I can't say the same about Grace!"

Clicking the safety of the gun her eyes widen at the click echoing through the room. This wasn't
good. She ticked him off, she should have chosen her words more carefully. Gabriella was a very
important person to this family, not only Michaelangelo acted this way Rodolfo too. She should
have known talking about her this way would be bad, really bad.

"She is worth less than Grace is that it?" Michaelangelo asked, "why? Isn't she just as innocent as
Grace. Not even that is it okay to gamble with a pregnant woman's life?"

"I didn't mean it like that" she said trying to apologize.

"You meant it" he pointed out, "you don't like her, you have the motive to want her dead."

"You said I was innocent before, why do you suddenly blame me for this again?!"

Raising the gun to her head she froze in her spot, "because unless you don't prove me wrong I'll
put this murder attempt on your head. An eye for an eye, Christine. You know what that means."

"I didn't try to kill her!" she said trying to change his mind, "would you kill an innocent
woman?" she asked trying to talk some sense into his caring side. She made a mistake though he
didn't have one.

"You're not that innocent Christine. We have lot more reasons to want you gone."

Taking a deep, shaky breath she looked at the gun that was still pointed at her, "it wasn't me who
tried to kill Gabriella, isn't that what you wanted to know?" she asked as she looked him in the
eyes again, "it's not me!"

Sighing in annoyance he gripped her by the ends of her hair pulling her closer to him making her
groan out in pain seeing the force he used, "that's not what I wanted to hear" he said pressing the
gun to her thigh making her beg him with her eyes not to do it, "you wasted your first chance
with me" he said pulling the trigger causing a loud scream to leave her lips.

"Let's not waste the two chances you have left shall we" he said getting up as he pushed her back
in her chair.

As she was crying out in pain it made her sick how he didn't seem affected at all, it made her
want to throw up seeing how normal this seemed to him. He didn't seem bothered with all the
blood at all nor her screams. He was not a normal human being anymore.

"So where is Eugino hiding right now?" he asked again as he looked at the woman pressing her
hands to her thigh to keep herself from spilling too much blood.
"He is in Rome!" she said firmly looking up to meet his eyes, "he is in Rome okay!"

Chuckling he shook his head, "you're no fun Christine I thought I would have more fun than this,
I wanted to pull the trigger just once more. Such a shame, you broke too quickly" he said putting
the safety back on as he held it up, "they'll take care of your wound, don't be so scared" he said
with that amused look in his eyes as his men dragged her away.

"I didn't think she would spill everything so fast" Gabriel said as he looked at the chair that was
now covered in blood, "well she was only acting though. It wasn't that big of a surprise."

"Let the Valia cousins search his whereabouts in Rome. A price tag of ten million dollars would
be enough right? He isn't that much of a threat in person he can only reach out to dirty methods."

"Ten will be fine" Gabriel agreed as he turned around, "let's get out of here, the smell makes me
sick" he muttered as he walked out the room together with his cousin, "what are you doing?" he
asked as he watched his cousin press his phone to his hear.

"Calling Gabriella she wanted me to call remember" he said as he cleaned up his gun and placed
it back under his shirt, "you picked up fast, it didn't even ring two times" he said jokingly causing
Gabriel to roll his eyes.

Yes it

was sick how normal this seemed to them, how Michaelangelo could just shoot someone in the
leg and be all caring and loving to his wife the next minute. It was very disturbing he could
understand why Christine gave Michaelangelo that look.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 53 - His World You Accepted (p.1 of 24)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Hey guys, it has been a while. I have been busy with school and my personal life so yes it really
has been a while lol. I did my best to get this out as soon as possible. It isn't a dramatic chapter
because basically I wanted to love into this story again before I move on. Just a few more
chapters and we're finished! I'll stop the story once the child turns one and then I'll move to
Rodolfo's life. Just a book dedicated to him. I forgot Adelina's husband his name which is bad of
me so I didn't refer to him in this chapter by his name lol I need to reread my own story! How
stupid is that! Hahaha yes, I'm embarrassed with myself right now, but he didn't have a big role
so I guess it could be because of that. Anyways this is the longest note I have ever wrote so I'll
stop and just enjoy this chapter! Thank you for all the comments and votes!

Chapter fifty-three - His World You Accepted.

Placing down his papers on his desk in front of him, Michaelangelo looked at the door being
opened. He narrowed his eyes on the man who strolled towards him with that confident smile
spread across his face. The face with the same contours as him, just a bit older. His brother
seemed very pleased today, his walk was proud and steady. His eyes never been more amused in
his life before. It felt like Rodolfo was mocking him, and he probably was.

Looking back down at his papers Michaelangelo pretended to be busy working on his paperwork
while he actually had done them an hour ago. He was just about finished when his brother
walked in but this was a good excuse to avoid the obvious talk his brother wanted to have with

Rodolfo took the seat in front of Michaelangelo's desk once belonged to their father who retired
months ago. He belonged behind that desk, it was like everything in this office always had been
Michaelangelo's. He pulled the black ashtray towards him and lightened a cigarette, offering his
younger brother one since by the look of it the man was very tense.

"Why do you look so stressed?" Rodolfo asked calmly as he exhaled the smoke, "your fiancée is
being released today. Still pregnant and healthy, well how healthy a stressed pregnant woman
can be" he said as he watched his brother look up with a very serious look in his eyes, "did I say
something to insult you?" he asked his younger brother seeing the look he just got.

Shaking his head Michaelangelo leaned back against his seat, "it's not about that. I just don't
know what to do about Gabriella returning to the mansion. Christine is still recovering from the
shot, I don't want her to come close to Gabriella, and do you understand Rodolfo?"

Nodding his head Rodolfo knew exactly what Michaelangelo meant by that. If Christine came
close to Gabriella and talked about what happened to her, who hurt her things would be bad for
their relationship again. They were already trying so hard to make things work, Christine should
stay out of the picture. Her recovery was going steady, she could use her leg a bit better now.
They didn't want to help her at first, but Michaelangelo had seen the guilt in Rodolfo's eyes. He
didn't speak his mind to his younger brother about Christine's situation and he didn't have to
either - Michaelangelo understood him perfectly clear with just the eye-contact.

Looking at his laptop screen Michaelangelo saw that Gabriel was about to arrive at the mansion
together with Gabriella. He should welcome her warmly, she deserved that much. The talk about
Christine set off the mood, he couldn't have that for Gabriella's sake. She would just worry
herself if she knew something was off, so they both had to pretend like everything was going
perfectly fine.

"Gabriella will arrive soon" Michaelangelo started as he got off his chair, "I don't want to worry
her, so all talks about-"

"Christine are banned, yeah I get that" Rodolfo said as he smiled to his brother following the
man out of the office, "father left without a word yesterday is everything alright with him?"
Rodolfo asked since his father didn't pick up his phone this morning when Rodolfo called him.
Rodolfo was sure Michaelangelo did reach him so he was asking his younger brother about his
father's whereabouts. It was a kick in the guts that his father consulted with Michaelangelo first,
but then again it was how things should go since Michaelangelo was the one in charge after all.

Glancing over at Rodolfo, Michaelangelo shrugged his broad shoulders nonchalantly, "he went
to Italy to join the Valia cousins. Not just for business, he hasn't spoken to them in a while since
they are practically family father felt the need to keep the family bond strong."

"You can't call it anything other than just business. He doesn't want that bond to weaken because
we need the Valia cousins" Rodolfo pointed out as he walked towards the couches and sat down
in the one-seat closest to the television, "whatever I was just worried about dad really, Gabriel
just arrived" he said while holding up his phone indicating to his brother to leave.

Nodding his head Michaelangelo shared one last glance with his older brother before he walked
out the front door and smiled when he saw a familiar beautiful blonde getting out of the car.
Over the weeks she was recovering in the hospital she gained more weight. He didn't think it
made her less attractive quite the opposite of that. He felt his heart swell with proud knowing she
was carrying his child. Their child. He walked towards the blonde woman who was being guided
to the mansion by his cousin and nodded briefly to Gabriel making the man let go of Gabriella's
arm before he pulled the woman close to him.

"You saw me a few hours ago" Gabriella giggled as she felt his grip getting tighter around her,
"you're so silly" she said softly as she ran her hands over his firm arms to his shoulders letting
them rest there, "I feel fine Mike" she said knowing he was still very worried about her well-

She was doing just fine, actually she felt the need to be more active these last days. She didn't
like staying in bed anymore, she wanted to walk around freely and maybe do some light chores
too. Staying in bed all day made her feel weak and very useless. She didn't want to be useless to
them, she didn't want to let them do everything for her. She needed her little freedom, it made
her feel independent though she knew she would never be independent ever again.

They wouldn't let her.

She released her fiancé from her grip and looked him in the eyes. His blue eyes were glistering
with something she didn't see often in his eyes. He seemed to notice her staring because the
warm feeling disappeared from his eyes in a split second. She was aware of him hiding these
feelings from everyone because he didn't want to love, it made him feel vulnerable. They both
had their weaknesses.

They just needed to learn and live with it.

"I missed you" she said and smirked when she saw the shocked look written all over his face,
"I'm glad to be back home, so I can be with you again" she said truthfully. These things had been
on her heart she wanted to keep it to herself but she told herself she needed to express herself
verbally to Michaelangelo to let him learn how to love.

Baby steps is what he needed, telling him everyday what she felt for him would slowly crack
him. That shell around him that he put up to keep himself from speaking his honest feelings out


Pressing her finger against his sensual lips she shook her head lightly, "don't say anything, I told
myself I would tell you everyday about my honest feelings. I don't expect an answer back. I just
want you to hear my feelings about you everyday."

It confused him. He didn't know what she was up to by doing this. What was she expecting to
achieve with telling her feelings to him? He assumed she wanted to hear him say those things
back but she just told him not to. So what did she want with this?

She saw the confusion in his eyes. She would slowly get to him, right now he wouldn't
understand but in few weeks hearing her say how much she loved him everyday would do
something to him. It would move his heart, his frozen heart.

She hoped it would make that froze heart beat with passion again.

It just had to, for her and the baby's sake.

She watched him closely when he stepped forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek before he took
her small hand in his and walked with her to the mansion. She knew it confused both
Michaelangelo and Gabriel, her new attitude but she just needed to be like this. She needed to be
positive. If she didn't stay positive she was sure she would break.

"Are you feeling alright?" Michaelangelo asked worrying about her health the doctor told them
she needed to rest a lot after all. The trip from the hospital to the hotel and back to the mansion
must have been tiring for her, "you can lay down if you want to" Michaelangelo suggested
though by listening to his tone she knew it was more a demand of her fiancé than a suggestion.

She looked at him and shook her head a little, "I'm not tired at all baby" she said and saw how he
was taken back by her calling him that, "I feel like I need to be more active. Laying down all day
is actually more tiring" she told him and released his hand as she stepped into the living room
walking to her older brother who awaited her with open arms. She wrapped her arms around him
and leaned her head against his chest firmly while closing her eyes as his cologne filled her
nostrils it was very welcoming it just smelled like her older brother, so very comfortable.

"I'm glad you're back, Gabriella" he told her. She could feel his chest vibrate as he talked to her,
"I know you want to be more active because it makes you feel useless to stay in bed all day, but
promise us you'll take it easy. If not for us do it for the baby's sake" Rodolfo reasoned with the
pregnant woman making her nod.

She pulled out of the hug and looked at the older man who looked into her brown eyes awaiting
her answer patiently. If Rodolfo didn't ask this of her she was sure Michaelangelo or Gabriel
would have. She guessed Rodolfo said it first, as the oldest and more mature one.

"I'll take it easy, I promise" she said as she pressed a hand against her bump and sighed, "I got up
this morning and felt really fat" she muttered making the guys look at her weirdly, "my favorite
dress didn't fit me" she said rolling her eyes causing Gabriel to snicker and walk away before he
would hurt her feelings and Rodolfo to surprise his snicker since the pout was very cute in his
eyes, "I'm in a very bad mood" she muttered.

"You're still beautiful" she heard her fiancé say causing her to turn around and look at him with
curious eyes as the blue eyed man stepped towards her and brushed his hand through her silky
blonde locks, "I don't care about this at all" he said as he proudly covered her hand on his bump,
"I think you're very beautiful like this" he repeated making her blush a little.

She didn't want to rush into things but maybe her affectionate words were moving him a little
already. She hoped they were.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" she asked making Rodolfo clear his throat seeing they were now
discussing private things he didn't want to get involved with. He left the room without a word,
couples flirting like that and with those looks in their eyes meant trouble for him. He didn't want
to be around while they were going to get all mushy, "I guess you are" she whispered when she
saw that confident look in his eyes.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she looked in those dominating eyes. She was about to lean
in when something popped in her mind, she didn't greet her father-in-law yet. She pulled away
quickly causing her fiancé to groan in frustration seeing she ruined their moment.

"Sorry" she muttered and smiled as she looked around the living room, "where is father?" she
asked catching her fiancé's attention, "he isn't around?"

Shaking his head Michaelangelo stepped closer to the confused woman and held out his phone,
"he isn't around, he needed some time for himself" he said quickly and watched her press the
phone to her ear, "I'll be in the kitchen, don't run off" he warned her seeing she tends to do that

She pouted her lips giving him a playful glare before she sat down on the comfortable couch and
watched her fiancé leave the room. It was weird how he didn't tell her why Cecilio left, he
needing time for himself seemed like a lame excuse. Like something more was going on here.
She didn't want to jump to conclusions so she stopped herself before she would look more into it.
Maybe Cecilio really needed a break since the boys tired him out. It was possible.
"Where did you leave Gabriella?" Rodolfo asked as he placed his mug down and watched his
brother pour himself some tea as well, "it's different with her around. The house seems more
lively within seconds" he told Michaelangelo who couldn't agree more.

Since she has been away for so long he really noticed the difference with her being around and
her not being around the house. Without her the house was too quiet, not to mention it seemed
colorless. Her bright personality just brought a little color to their lives, the color they needed in
their lives.

"She wants to talk to dad" Michaelangelo shrugged as he sat down on the barstool next to his
brother and sipped from his tea, "those two really can't live without each other. They fight a lot
but in the end they both take each other's sides. I don't understand their relationship at all."

"Yeah, don't try to understand it. It will only give you a headache" Rodolfo suggested and looked
at his brother who was quietly enjoying his tea like he did, "Gabriel is talking to Adelina right
now. He says it's really hard to block that woman. You have to face it, she is going to pay us a
visit with or without your permission."

"It's not that I don't like her" Michaelangelo sighed, "it's just she brings the bad side out of
Gabriella" he muttered as he narrowed his eyes, "she always pushes Gabriella to follow her heart
and all that crap. It's good I get it, but as our cousin she could be more supportive of me."

"You don't like her that much because she lets Gabriella fight with you to her heart content"
Rodolfo chuckled, "Adelina isn't afraid of you that's the real reason why you don't like her that
much. She doesn't shut up just because you give her a look. It bothers you so much that she
doesn't backs off like most people would" Rodolfo told his brother as he patted his shoulder and
smirked, "get used to it little brother, she is family. Family is not afraid of each other."

Placing down his mug as well Michaelangelo looked at his brother who was taking a piece of
freshly made apple pie down on a plate and got him one as well. Them taking care of each other
like this seemed normal but it wasn't always like this. It seemed to go on auto-pilot now, another
thing Gabriella taught them.

"Its family who you should be afraid of" Michaelangelo told his brother who narrowed his eyes
on him now, "you'll trust your family blindly and some people would take advantage of that.
Look at what happened to Vincenzo. "

"Yeah, you might be true" Rodolfo shrugged, "what do you want to do about it?" he asked
knowing there was no protection to that. You just had to have faith in each other. If not better be
prepared for the worst.

"Prepare for it. Sign contracts."

"You want us to sign a contract which says we can't kill each other?" Rodolfo asked amused, "so
what happens if you break the contract, you'll get killed in the process too?" he asked shaking his

"Joke about it all you want, but I'm putting up a solid contract between me and Gabriella. This
time when we'll get married I'll make sure everything is noted down on paper."

"You think Gabriella will sign a contract like that?"

"I don't know, she might just sign it without reading" Michaelangelo shrugged making his
brother sigh and shake his head. Of course he needed to show this side of him again, he could be
caring but in the end Michaelangelo can't change who he is.

"You should get her drunk if you want to let her sign a contract in your benefit" he muttered
knowing what type of woman Gabriella was she would never do such a thing.


Both glancing at each other they put up their poker faces again. Gabriella looked from Rodolfo
to Michaelangelo and narrowed her eyes. She didn't know why but somehow they both seemed
very suspicious, not to mention Rodolfo seemed a bit upset.

"What's going on?" she asked as she placed her fiancé's phone down and walked towards
Rodolfo, "are you feeling alright, Dolfo?" she asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder and
looked in his eyes, "you seem really upset. Did something happen with Christine?" she asked
making Michaelangelo narrow his eyes on them.

Smiling Rodolfo placed his hand on top of hers and pulled it away from his shoulder. Giving her
hand a light squeeze before he released it, "I'm just a little tired, sis. Nothing to worry about" he
told her as he got up and walked to the apple pie their chef made, "this pie is really amazing" he
told her as he placed a plate in front of her and gave her a fork, "just try it."

"You didn't like pie that much right, Mike?" Gabriella asked, "This pie must be good then" she
said making the man chuckle.

"It's good" he told her, "did you talk to dad?"

"Yes! That's why I called you" she said as she moved towards the stool next to him and sat
down, "dad will be staying there for a while and he asked me if I would come and pay them a
visit as cousins I mean. Since I'm just four months pregnant I can still go, can I go?"
she asked knowing if she left without his permission he would get really mad at her, "I just want
to see my cousins again" she said trying to convince him to let her go.

"You just got out of the hospital, Gaby" Michaelangelo said softly trying to say this to her in a
very calm and gentle manner so he wouldn't upset her, "I just don't think it's such a good idea to
fly all the way to Italy. We'll definitely pay your cousins a visit soon, maybe we could get
married there?" he suggested.

"In our home town?" she asked and smirked, "I would love that."

"So you're okay with this?" he asked her knowing if he didn't clear things up with her they would
misunderstand each other again, "we'll go after the baby is born?"

"Yes" she said and wrapped her arms around his waist as she leaned in and pecked his lips,
"Adelina told me she'll be coming over today. She wants to organize a baby shower for me."

"That's kind of her" Michaelangelo muttered making his brother snicker, "how late will she be
coming over?" he asked wanting some time to mentally prepare himself. He was sure the woman
would blame him for everything that happened so far. She was worse than his mother.

"After dinner, she is going out with her husband. Why don't we do stuff like that more often
too?" she asked and pulled away from Michaelangelo, "they seem so in love. I want to be like
that" she muttered.

"Aren't we like that?" he asked causing her to roll her eyes, "what is it that you want then?"

"I don't know. I want you to be more affectionate I guess" she shrugged, "just calling me Gaby
more often. Telling me you love me more often too."

"I love you, Gaby" he said in a flat tone which made her sigh.

"You're hopeless" she muttered before she focused on her pie instead, "this pie is even more
affectionate to me than you" she smiled to him before she got up and took the plate and fork with
her, "I'm going to enjoy a movie while eating this pie, don't disturb me. I mean it Mike, I'll bite
your head off."

"Hormones?" Rodolfo asked making her nod, "We'll stay out of your way."

Standing in the doorway of his brother's bathroom Michaelangelo leaned against the doorpost,
letting out an exaggerated sigh. Gabriel was downstairs getting yelled at by his older sister. He
rather not goes downstairs right now because he knew he would be her next victim. Rodolfo was
the one who would get a hug, he was the one who would get beat up by the green eyed vixen.

"She is going to kill me" Michaelangelo said making his brother smirk as he looked at
Michaelangelo through the reflection of his mirror, "Gabriella will be crying and whining right
now and I'm going to get beat up by my older cousin. You're my brother you should be
defending me."
"I'm so surprised" Rodolfo said turning around to look at his brother, "you're actually afraid of
Adelina. It's really refreshing" he said smiling brightly as he walked out of the bathroom
followed by his younger brother, "I'll stick up for you, but you need to do something in return."

"Right now?"

Smiling Rodolfo turned to look over his shoulder, "not now, I don't need anything from you right
now. You just need to remember this that you owe me something."

"You know I'm a man of my words when it comes to business."

"I know, but does everything always have to be business with you?" Rodolfo asked him as they
walked out the bedroom, "if it is, you shouldn't want a wife and kids. It doesn't combine well.
You know it."

"I already have the kid, I can't not want a wife."

"So you don't want to marry but you're going to get married because she is going to have your
kid. It shouldn't be like that."

"No, you know it's not like that" Michaelangelo pressed as eyed Adelina who was still yelling at
her brother, "Gabriella means a lot to me, it's just sometimes we don't meet eye to eye. Everyone
has that."

"True, but she is the one compromising all the time. It should be from both sides. Just to let you
know" Rodolfo said before he walked to Adelina and pressed a kiss to her cheek, lightening to
mood up with his presence.

"Tell this idiot he shouldn't sleep with everything that moves. He'll definitely have a kid
somewhere. I'm positive" she sighed as she held up her fist when Gabriel wanted to protest, "I'm
serious Gabriel, don't need to settle but you can stay with one woman for a bit longer than just a

"The last one just lasted for a day-"

Eyes widening Gabriel glared at his cousin for ratting him out like that. Rodolfo knew everything
about him, it wasn't safe to talk about his sex life in front of his sister. He knew she didn't
approve of his life style, but he was a grown-up he didn't need her to tell him what he can and
can't do.

"That's why I don't life at home anymore, Lina. You can't tell me what to do. I'm not living under
your roof anymore."
"He has a point" Gabriella said shocking all the people in the living room with her statement,
"well it's true" she said noticing all eyes were on her, "he doesn't live under your roof anymore so
you can't put up your rules, it just doesn't apply here Adelina. No offence to you, but he doesn't
have a girlfriend, so he can sleep with whoever he wants."

"Gaby" Adelina sighed taking a seat next to the blonde who was curled up in the corner of the
couch with the remote control in her hand while she was sipping from her orange juice, "you
approve of his life style?" she asked confused not understanding why a conservative girl like
Gabriella would take sides with her younger brother.

Holding up her drink she smiled when her fiancé took it from her and placed it down on the glass
table. She placed her hand on his lap when he sat down on the armrest next to her and looked at
Adelina who expected an answer from her.

"It doesn't matter what I think. If he wants to live like that, it's his call. He isn't a kid anymore
Adelina. You need to learn to let go."

Yes, that was a slap in the face. She thought Gabriella would back her up seeing her beliefs and
standards. She expected this answer from Rodolfo, yet he didn't speak his mind right now. He
actually blabbed Gabriel's personal things out without noticing. Leaning back against the couch
Adelina shook her head and sighed when her husband tried to calm her down.

"Maybe you're right" she muttered.

She knew she was right but she wouldn't tell Adelina that. The woman already seemed very
stressed as it was. She was probably having more troubles than she let on. She watched the maid
walking in and placing down champagne glasses. She narrowed her eyes on Adelina when she
passed on the champagne and asked for water.

"You seem very stressed, Lina" Gabriella said as she leaned more against her fiancé and eyed the
woman carefully, "we have a really tasty apple pie in the kitchen do you want to grab some?" she
asked and got off the couch with Michaelangelo's help.

Once in the kitchen and out of hearing reach from the guys she made Adelina sit on the barstool
while she gave her a plate with the apple pie which was overly delicious.

"That's really good" Adelina agreed as she watched Gabriella take a seat next to her, "you seem
very happy Gabriella, and you talk things over with Michaelangelo?"

"No" she said shaking her head, "I just accepted this, and I still say it when I don't like this but
this life as him being the head of this family...I accepted it. It's not like I can get away from it
anymore, it's too late so why not just accept it and be happy. I'll just sit down the whole day and
do nothing. Most women would be pleased with it, I wasn't one of them but I should force
myself to become one of them. "
"You'll get used to it" Adelina said smiling a little as she sipped from the orange juice Gabriella
just poured her, "I didn't like it at first either, but you know it isn't that bad. Besides after a while
maybe you can start your own boutique or whatever."

Something like you did" Gabriella smiled, "I heard you started your own spa, you didn't even
invite" Gabriella said acting like she was hurt only to get laughed at by Adelina.

"You were in the hospital, you couldn't visit it even if you wanted to. I hope they found whoever
tried to kill you."

"They don't talk about it, so I assume they did" Gabriella shrugged before she nudged Adelina
making the older woman look at her, "you passed on your favorite bubbles just now, Gabriel
specifically asked for that brand because it's your favorite. Are you feeling unwell?" she asked
trying to subtly hint what she wanted to ask.

"Are you going to ask what you want to?" Adelina smirked and nodded her head making
Gabriella's eyes nearly pop out, "we just want to wait till its showing. Don't tell Gabriel yet."

"That's why you were lecturing him about his personal life" Gabriella commented, "he is going
to be an uncle" she said shaking her head not believing it, "you should tell him so he has time to
prepare himself for it" she smirked.

"Well I'm just a few weeks into my pregnancy so I assume he changed a lot after your child is
born" she said and chuckled when Gabriella rolled her eyes at her, "I just want the child to have a
responsible uncle you know. Cordy is still a teenager, it's Gabriel who I'm relying on."

"Cordy needs a responsible brother too" Gabriella said and got off the barstool, "I'll talk to Mike
about it, maybe he and Rodolfo can subtly hint something to him" she said bursting out in
laughter together with Adelina, "yeah right bad idea. They're not subtle about anything."

"Yes they are, just when it's about business."

"I hate it" Gabriella admitted, "Michaelangelo treats our relationship like it's a business deal. I
feel like when we're fighting he treats me like his employees."

"It didn't went like that in the hospital" Adelina sang and smirked when she saw the shocked face
of Gabriella, "I hear things" she shrugged as she held onto Gabriella's arm and walked back into
the living room with the blonde.

"Done gossiping about us?" her husband asked making the girls roll their eyes. Releasing
Gabriella's arm Adelina went back to sit next to her husband, "have you calmed down?" he asked
making her nod.
"I accept that my brother is a playboy" she smiled eyeing her younger brother who rolled his
eyes, "and is a great example to our teenage sister who probably will pick up his lifestyle and get
pregnant in her teenage years."

"Adelina!" Gabriel warned as he locked eyes with his older sister, "please, I get your point.
Enough is enough. I get it, you don't like the way I live, and I'll try to change. There is no need to
get all dramatic with this. You're like Gabriella when the chocolate ice-cream is gone."

Smirking Gabriella turned her head. She couldn't keep a secret that well so she better not look at
them while they discussed Adelina's behavior. It was a lot like her.

"So I want to organize this baby shower before Christmas" Adelina said changing subjects
quickly because she wasn't ready to tell everyone yet about her pregnancy, "It will give her
enough time to rest and prepare for a day with the girls."

"You want to do it here?" Michaelangelo asked as he gave Gabriella her glass of orange juice,
"you could have the restaurant too" he suggested, "we just close the restaurant for the baby
shower. You'll have the best dishes and service."

"That's a great idea, Mike" Adelina said smiling at her younger cousin, "you're actually not that
bad. I came here to yell at you, but Gabriella seems very happy with you so I stopped before I
could yell at you. I don't understand why she loves you that much."

"It's the eyes" Rodolfo joked and smiled when Gabriella threw him a glare, "so you want us gone
on the baby shower day?" he asked and smirked, "does that mean we can have a guys night out?"

"You can" Gabriella said and looked at her fiancé, "but I trust you to keep an eye on them" she
said gesturing to Gabriel and Rodolfo, "and you should watch them too" she said making
Adelina's husband smirk and nod.

"We're both adults Gabriella, we don't need a sitter" Gabriel said offended as he leaned back
against his one-seat, "we'll take the driver with us, its very responsible."

"Wasn't there a real that Cecilio made up" Adelina pointed out and smirked when she saw the
shocked faces of Rodolfo and Gabriel, "no girls in the house unless it's the girl you're going to
get married to. So be aware if you take a girl with you, Cecilio will take the first plane back to
get both your buts."

"I would love to see that" Gabriella chuckled and nodded, "besides get used to it, when the baby
is here I expect both of you to be on your best behavior."

"Have we taken a girl home with us, since you have been here Gabriella?" Rodolfo asked his
sister-in-law who shook her head, "it's just a guy's night out, we'll play pool while watching a
game and have pizza or something. Clubbing is over. We're not teenagers anymore. I don't have
the energy to go clubbing anymore."
"You have the energy" Gabriella smiled, "your beliefs has changed" she remarked making him
nod. He knew she was right, since she has been in the house his beliefs changed. He didn't just
pick up girls anymore, now he got picky about what woman he was going to date. He wasn't
always like that. That's how he ended up with Christine in the first place, "I'm glad I changed."

"I wish everyone could be like that" Gabriella said glancing at Michaelangelo who squeezed her
hand gently. He knew that she wanted him to change but he just couldn't. For the sake of their
empire it would be best if he didn't get too soft. Their lives would be in danger if he did soften
up, "so it's settled then?" she asked noticing the mood changed because of her comment.

"Yes, just tell me the date and I'll make sure the restaurant is all yours" Michaelangelo told
Adelina who nodded, "just not around Christmas because I make the most profit during

They all talked about minor things in their life, just to catch up with each other. Gabriella
couldn't feel more happy right now, it really felt like this was how a family should be aside from
the few phone calls Michaelangelo took away from them. She just needed to accept that, and she
noticed that slowly it started to bother her less.

Laying back against her headboard she watched Michaelangelo put on his t-shirt while he looked
at the television. He took a quick shower while she got in bed and put on a DVD.

"Scoot up" he said while laying down next to her placing an arm around her while pulling her
closer. His shower gel filled her nostrils. It was very manly scent, it definitely screamed to her
that it fitted his personality, "what did I miss?"

"Not much, she is having an affair with him while he is married to the woman who he had an
afraid with while he was married to her" she said making him only more confused, "it's funny"
she shrugged before she placed her hand on his chest and smirked seeing what affect it had on
him, "what?" she asked innocently and bit her lip when he gave her that seductive look that made
her like butter in his arms, "I missed you" she whispered to him and closed her eyes when she
felt his lips against her neck.

"You shouldn't tempt me" he told her as he trailed his lips over her neck before he kissed her lips
and pulled away, "you need to rest" he pointed out and chuckled when she whined at him, "I'm
sorry Gaby, but it's true."

Smiling she cupped his face and kissed him surprising him by her sudden actions, "you called me
Gaby without wanting something from me" she told him and winked, "I think my softness is
getting to you."

"Are you just seeing this?" he asked her and smirked as he laid down on his back pulling her on
top of him, "I think you need to show me how much you missed me, because I'm not seeing it"
he said teasing her loving how her cheeks got a bright red color and her heart sped up with them
being that close.

It was true what he told Rodolfo, even if he didn't use the words he still felt it for her. He couldn't
let her go even if he wanted to. She was a part of him now and maybe he didn't tell her as often
as he should but he was sure he could make her feel how much he cared for her.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 54 - The Secret Adelina Hides (p.1 of 25)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

It's been a while! Hope you like this chapter, don't forget to vote or leave me comment ^ ^

Chapter fifty-four - The Secret Adelina Hides.

Gabriella rolled to her side, closing her eyes as a soft groan escaped her lips. She wasn't feeling
all too well today. Michaelangelo left her early in the morning to get workout in the gym, and
right now because of his absence the bed felt cold to her. She missed his body warmth next to
her. She opened one eye to glance at the digital clock on her nightstand and mentally groaned

It was just eight in the morning and she already wanted this day to be over with. People always
loved to have a baby shower and those kind of things, but she was different. She didn't even
know who Adelina invited. A month passed by so fast that she hardly had the time to just think
about what happened in her life. Cecilio was still in Italy enjoying his lazy days there, he didn't
even call anymore. She always observed her fiancé's face to see if something was wrong, but the
poker face he put up didn't tell her much - so she assumed everything was still going well in

Closing her eyes again she rolled to her back and started to talk herself into getting up and
getting ready for the day. She shouldn't be in bed for too long - Michaelangelo felt the same way.
He got up at six and started his daily routine of workout in the gym. He would come back any
minute now and take a shower before he would get to work.

It was a Saturday morning but he still worked Saturdays. A workaholic is what he was but he
still had the nerve to deny it. She knew he had no choice, this is what he was raised for. He didn't
even know any better so she didn't interfere with it. She accepted this life style.

She slowly sat up in bed and placed her pillows against the headboard, slowly leaning against
them so she could watch the morning news. She glanced at the door when she heard a firm
knock, raising an eyebrow seeing someone actually knocked. It wasn't her husband, that's for
sure. He wouldn't knock to get into his own room unless he knew she would be naked or
something, which was definitely not the case.

"Come in."
She narrowed her eyes on Rodolfo who opened the door and stepped inside, all dressed in gym
clothes. He stopped right next to her and placed a bottle of water down along with some vitamins
which was her fiancé's job, but him not being here beside her meant something must have come
up - something urgent.

"What happened to Michaelangelo?" she asked using his full name only when she wanted to
know the honest truth from them, "he usually gives me my vitamins and some water" she said as
she took them without much complaints since she knew she needed the extra vitamins.

Taking the spot beside her, he laid back down next to her not even bothering to ask if she was
sitting alright. He just assumed he could sit next to her, leaning with his body against her smaller
form. She rolled her eyes at him but didn't say much, the bed just got a lot warmer with him next
to her. So she didn't complain.

"Something happened at the hotel. I didn't ask him for an explanation since I'm not his wife" he
shrugged and looked at Gabriella who didn't seem to like his answer that much, "I'm his brother
Gabriella, I don't ask him those things. I know he would never do something to hurt you, so that's
enough for me."

She could understand that knowing that she would be alright would be enough for Rodolfo, but
wasn't for her. As his fiancée she felt responsible for his well-being, yet he didn't seem to agree
with it. She leaned her head back and got out of bed, "I'm gonna take a shower" she murmured
before disappearing the bathroom. She just needed the time alone right now.

He got up as well and walked to the bathroom standing in front of the door as he turned around,
as if it would give her even more privacy, "I'm downstairs, and I'll be your personal assistant
today or something like that. Adelina insisted that I would take care of you till the baby shower
after you arrive at the restaurant I'll enjoy beating my brother and cousin in a game of pool."

Smiling she shook her head a little. These boys were so competitive, neither one of them would
want to admit defeat. They were definitely alike in that area. "I know you're good at it, Rodolfo"
she called to him as she looked at herself in the mirror and tried to fix her eyebrows a little
though she already had them done it was just a habit of hers, "but I have to say a man like
Michaelangelo will win" she shrugged.

"You're just saying that because you're his fiancée. I bet your cheering for me in the inside."

She rolled her eyes and looked at the door. She didn't see his shadow anymore, so assumed he
walked away this time.

After taking a bath and she had gotten dressed she walked out of the bedroom and made her way
to the living room where Rodolfo was waiting for her. She made him wait quite a while now and
he didn't complain about it either. That's what she loved about him he didn't complain that much,
and if he did he did it with tact. He only told them the facts no personal issues he involved with
it. It was just so Rodolfo to be patient and quiet about everything. She was wondering how he
used to be. After all Christine wasn't very pleased about his new personality. It made her wonder
how he used to act around people, how he interacted with his family.

Walking to the couch she took the seat next to him and leaned closer to him, bumping her
shoulder purposely against him so he looked at her. She winked at him and nodded at the clock
across the room.

"Sorry I made you wait for so long" she said and exhaled deeply, "I actually don't want to go to
this baby shower but Adelina worked so hard for it and seeing her condition I should appreciate
her actions more" she said before her eyes widened seeing she blabbed out something very

She gulped and looked down at her hands. Adelina wanted to tell them herself and now she did
it. She was glad Gabriel was already with his sister instead of home with them that would have
been an ugly mess. Rodolfo could keep secrets but he and Gabriel were pretty close. She didn't
know if she could trust him with this but she just had to.

"Don't ask" she said holding up her hand, "Adelina will tell when the time is right" she said and
got off the couch, "it's time to join the girls. The sooner I leave the sooner you can play pool with
the guys" she said trying to cheer up Rodolfo a little though she knew he loved staying home as

He used to go out a lot nowadays they had their kind of book club. They would spend their time
together in the library reading books while enjoying the peace and quiet. It was amazing, she was
glad they could do things like that together.

"I don't want to know if she doesn't want me to know" he shrugged knowing he might come off
as confusing to Gabriella, "anyways let's get you to the baby shower. It's fun Gabriella. You need
to get out more, otherwise you'll get lazy" he said calmly like he didn't speak in a negative way
to her at all.

"Thanks, I like being called lazy" she muttered and rolled her eyes when she saw him opening
his mouth to apologize to her, "I know what you mean there is no need to apologize for it" she
said before she helped him up by pulling him to his feet, "Gabriel brought me to the doctor
remember" she said while walking together with Rodolfo to his car, "I had an appointment but
Michaelangelo couldn't take me..."

"I remember it was last week" he said while holding the door open for her, "I'm not forgetting
things that easily Gabriella. How old do you think I am" he said making her smirk and press her
lips together so she wouldn't upset him even more, "don't answer that little vixen."

"I'm not a vixen!" she sighed before she leaned back against the seat and got more comfortable,
"I know the gender of the child" she said and smirked when she saw Rodolfo's surprised look, "I
just don't know if I want to tell Michaelangelo. I want to know his reaction."
"It's a girl."

"It might be a girl, it might be a boy."

"Why don't you want to tell him? He is the father of the child, he has a right to know."

"A little birdie told me that my fiancé wants me to sign a contract before we get married. I don't
know if I should tell the gender before or after we sign that contract."

"You need to listen to your heart Gabriella, not to other people."

She nodded. She knew he had a right to know, but she had a right to know about her future. She
wanted to know what things he was going to note down on that contract, it was only logical it
would be a contract to his benefit. She was also aware that his expensive lawyers were good in
formulating sentences in such a positive way people would get confused. It made her think she
was one of those people who would get confused and sign such a contract."My heart tells me to
talk to Michaelangelo first."

He nodded and glanced quickly at her before he focused on his driving again, "then that's what
you need to do. Talk to Michaelangelo first" he said before he parked the car in the parking lot of
their hotel and helped her out of the car like a real gentleman would, "a lot of foreign cars are
parked here so I'm guessing the girls are here."

"I don't know half the people of your family. I just briefly met them on the wedding and the party
where I met Gabriel for the first time, but that's about it."

"Don't worry you'll be alright. They'll be afraid of you, after all you're protected by us" he
smirked making her sigh and nod her head, "just be you, and everything will be alright" he told
her as advice before he placed his arm over her shoulder and leaded her to the restaurant.

She stopped abruptly making Rodolfo stop along with her. Her eyes were fixed on the man in
front of her, at the reception desk and Rodolfo followed her eyes to that man as well. Her fiancé
was standing there at the desk leaning over it while talking to the receptionist. Her giggle was
aching her ears, and her bright smile hurt her eyes. She didn't know if Michaelangelo noticed
what he was doing. He was publically flirting with his receptionist!She felt Rodolfo squeezing
her arm a bit to let her know he was there for her, but that wasn't enough for her. She didn't want
to see her fiancé flirt with his receptionist. He shouldn't be flirting with anyone but her! She was
so close to stomp towards him and asks him what he was doing, but it would damage his
reputation and she knew better than that. After all she told herself that she accepted his world,
the world she was born in as well. So stomping up towards him and making a scene was not
something she could do.

She smirked and looked at Rodolfo with an evil glint in her eyes. Within seconds he got the
message. He let go of her so she could proceed with her plan to stop this flirtation that was going
on between the older receptionist and Michaelangelo.
Placing her hand against his arm she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "baby, you
left so early this morning" she whispered to him but loud enough for the brunette to hear her. She
turned to the woman who seemed flustered and pretended to be occupied with work, "Gabriella
Valia" she said introducing herself while holding out her hand and shook it with the surprised
older woman, "nice to meet you" she said before turning to Michaelangelo again.

She inwardly smirked because he seemed quite surprised as well. He seemed like he didn't know
what to think of the situation. She could tell he recomposed himself quickly and took a distance
between him and the woman. She was glad he did that, because she didn't want to be even more
obvious about this situation.

"I had an urgent meeting, sweety" he said as he placed his hand on the small of her back, "aren't
you supposed to be at your baby shower?" he asked and turned around leading her to the
restaurant where she was supposed to be, "it's fun, you can finally be around women again.
Being with us must be very tiring" he said and placed a kiss to her temple.

"Don't worry Gabriella, I will look after him" Rodolfo told her since he knew she would be
worried about him right now, "just enjoy your baby shower, it's not something which you can
have that often after all" he said making her smile.

"I thought we would have lots of children Michaelangelo" she said as she looked at her fiancé
whose eyes seemed to pop out at her suggestion, "don't you want to have more children?" she

"Of course I want to have more children" he said before releasing her because he spotted Adelina
who was already making her way towards them, "I'll see you tonight" he told Gabriella as he
kissed her on the lips quickly and turned to his brother who smirked, "we'll go with my car" he
stated not even letting his brother decide over this matter, "is Gabriel done for today?" he asked
since Adelina asked for her younger brother's presence.

Folding her arms in front of her chest she gave her younger cousin a stern look. With most
people she would say they would be scared of her when she was looking at them like that, but
with him she could never make out of his expression what he was thinking. His poker face
worked on her nerves.

"He is done" she said answering his question, "don't make it too late, just a game of pool and
eating pizza with the guys. Nothing more" she said reminding Michaelangelo on what he and the
boy should be doing.

"That was the plan from the beginning" he replied casually before he turned around, "we're going
with my car" he told Gabriel who joined them.

"So we need to let our men take our cars back to the mansion" Gabriel sighed as he followed
after his cousins, "I'm glad you asked for me to come, Adelina was driving me crazy!"
"Of course she was" Rodolfo chuckled, "she is making you pay for being a playboy" he shrugged
and got into his brother's car in the passenger seat, "so what was that about?" he asked
Michaelangelo and noticed how his brother pretended to be confused about his question, "you
and the receptionist, what the hell was that about?" he asked again while being more specific to
his brother seeing he was pretending that he didn't know what he was asking.

"Nothing, she just passed me an important message."

"If you say so."

"I'm saying so."

He always needed to have the last word. Sometimes it was annoying as hell to them.

"How did he act with the receptionist?" Gabriel asked Rodolfo being curious about this subject.

"He was leaning over the counter and was letting the girl giggle and blushes a lot. He was
definitely flirting with her if Gabriella didn't interfere they would be all over each other."

"That's not true" Michaelangelo said in his usual monotone, "we were just discussing a client's
behavior, nothing more. Don't make a big deal out if it."

"It was a big deal, and your fiancée thinks so too. You were openly flirting with another woman
in front of her. It's nothing something a woman will forget. Believe me she will make you pay
for it" Rodolfo told his brother.

"She can't make me pay for something I haven't done."

Again, the last word in their discussion. Rodolfo didn't let it annoy him much since he knew
Michaelangelo was aware of his wrong doing. He ruined things with his fiancée, not badly but
enough to make her want to let him pay for it. He would pay for it. It wasn't in his sister-in-law's
nature to let something like this pass.

Walking out of the restaurant she smiled when Adelina and Cordelia came by her side, with
those bright faces. Cordelia hooked her arm together with Gabriella, making the older woman
smile gently at her.

"Busy with school?" she asked seeing she hasn't seen Cordelia for a while, "I haven't seen you in
such a long time, I'm glad you came today" she said pressing a kiss to the girl's head before they
walked together to the parking lot.

Adelina flashed Cordelia a stern glance before she stopped Gabriella, "didn't you say you should
wait for Michaelangelo?" she asked confused seeing Gabriella was leaving alone, "the guy will
get pissed and you know it" she muttered before she leaned against the car watching a smile
appear on Gabriella's face.

"I'm gonna let him enjoy his day with the guys. They don't go out that often anymore, he is still a
twenty-one year old. He should act like one at times" she said making Cordelia smile and nod,
"so what was with that look you gave Cordy?" she asked confused.

She was sure Adelina thought she was being subtle, but she had seen the look. It was the look a
disappointed mother would give her children.

"Cordy is experimenting with partying and cigarettes. I told Gabriel he is being a bad example
for his sister!" she said mad and ignored Cordelia who whined.

"You can't blame this on Gabriel" Gabriella said confused as she looked at Cordelia who seemed
to agree with her even though it would only get her in more trouble, "if Gabriel jumps of a
building should she does the same thing. Besides in front of his sister he has only shown his well
mannered side. Plus he hasn't been going out that often since he lives in the mansion. It's the age,
Lina" she told the older woman and turned to Cordelia."It's not that bad, Gabriella" Cordelia
muttered, "Adelina is exaggerating because she wants me to live in a prison. I tried to smoke but
I didn't like it. It was just one time, and the partying is too much as well. I went to a friend's
house who had a small birthday party."

"I think Adelina is exaggerating too" Gabriella said making the older woman roll her eyes and
sigh, "if it's too much Cordelia can stay with us instead" she suggested seeing Adelina wasn't
herself these days maybe she needed the day off as being an older sister.

"I would love that!" Cordelia said and turned to Adelina who folded her arms across her chest,
"why can't I stay at the mansion? My cousins are there, and you said it yourself that you find
Michaelangelo very responsible!"

"Yes, he makes sure the lives are being lived" Gabriella whispered before she placed her hand on
top of Cordelia's shoulder and looked at Adelina with a small smile as well, "Cordelia can spend
more time with her brother like this as well. Just rest a few days alright?" she suggested and
smiled when she noticed she had somewhat convinced Adelina.

"She can stay but you should check up on her homework, she instead to flank it. She shouldn't be
texting on her phone that often since she already had a very high bill the last time-"

"Adelina you're acting like a mother over Cordelia" Gabriella said shaking her head, "you should
remind yourself that you're her sister not her mother" she said gently before she gestured to the
car, "get in Cordy, we'll shop for some clothes. It's all on Michaelangelo" she whispered to her
and smiled when she heard the younger girl giggle, "We'll take good care of Cordy!" Gabriella
said before she let the driver close her door as well, "I need to call Michaelangelo" she whispered
grabbing her phone out of her bag and winked at Cordelia who was grabbing a cold water bottle
out of the fridge of the limo.
"Hey, Gaby. Is the party over already?" she heard her fiancé ask.

"It's over" she said calmly and looked at Cordelia who was sipping from her water, "I took the
limo to go home, so you can spend more time with the guys. You should kick their asses" she
whispered to him and smiled when she heard his chuckle, "yes I know what I said" she said
quickly since she remembered she cheered on Rodolfo, "but you're my fiancé of course I would
be cheering you on."

"I know you were acting like you didn't care" he told her, "you're okay with this?" he asked again
making sure she wouldn't be upset if they came home later, "I just won with pool so we're going
to watch a game now. We won't be home too late."

"I know" she said and leaned back against her seat, "besides Rodolfo is right there to make you
two behave" she said jokingly and smirked hearing his complaints, "Cordy is staying with us for
a few weeks. So I'm going to shop with her for some clothes and then we'll be going home
watching a movie."

"Is Adelina okay with that?"

"Yes, she was very stressed. It seemed better to me if we let Cordy stay with us for a while."

"I really think something is going on with her and Aiden. I need to let someone check up on
them. She has been acting weird since a few weeks."

"Yes I think so too" Gabriella admitted, "Just enjoy your day today alright. I love you" she said
before hanging up not giving Michaelangelo time to respond to her, "so let's try to reach
Michaelangelo's limit" she said holding up his card.

Pressing her lips together Cordelia didn't know if it was such a good idea. She knew Gabriella
could nearly do anything she liked because she was engaged to her cousin but Michaelangelo
still scared her. She didn't want to piss him off. Gabriella could tell by looking in the younger
girl's eyes that she was hesitating. She was probably just afraid that Michaelangelo would yell at

"No need to worry, there is no chance we can reach his limit with just two hours of shopping.
You would need a whole year to reach that limit" she said winking at her, "besides
Michaelangelo isn't that bad. He just acts tough but he is really a softie. He won't get mad, I

"I just don't want to upset him" she whispered and looked away from Gabriella, "Michaelangelo
can be really scary."

"Scarier than your sister?"

"He is your cousin Cordelia. You have no need to be worried about him. He isn't that bad, really.
He loves his family he would never do anything to hurt them. Just trust me on this."

It was weird to her that she had to praise her fiancé like that. She was it was clear to his family
members that he only acted that tough to the outside world. But clearly it wasn't that obvious to
them. Maybe it was better that way too. So people wouldn't walk all over him. Somehow she
respected him more knowing his family saw him as a well respected man.

"You're happy together with Michaelangelo?"

Gabriella nodded her head. They fought a lot and sometimes she really questioned if she could
be happy with him but if she was being honest with herself. She was happy together with him.
He cared for her and their child, he worried about them all the time and even though he can't
admit it because he has some issues he needs to deal with he loved them with whole his heart.
His trust issues just needed to be dealt with.

"I'm happy together with him Cordy. I told you, he isn't that tough as he looks. You'll understand
when we're at home. He is a different person at home.""Well it's true that I only saw him at
family dinners and parties."

"Let's just enjoy a shopping spree" Gabriella winked at her, "we'll worry about the boys later."

Stepping inside the mansion, Michaelangelo looked at Rodolfo who gave him a light smack
against the shoulder. He had to admit the house smelled really inviting. He didn't know the chef
would be baking a cake. It made the whole house smell inviting. He dropped his jacket on the
couch and followed after his cousin and brother into the kitchen only to be surprised. He raised
an eyebrow when he saw his fiancé baking a cake together with his younger cousin. He smiled
when she noticed him and walked towards her, he was still a bit warily of what happened
between them this afternoon, but she seems to forgotten all about it. It was better for him.

Pressing a kiss to her cheek he patted his cousin over her head before he walked to the sink to
wash his hands after Rodolfo.

"You don't think I have forgotten about today have you?" Gabriella asked him quietly and
watched him clear his throat as he took a seat on the barstool, "I'm just kidding" she said giggling
since she had never seen such a wary look in his eyes before.

He really felt bad about what happened in the hotel. She was angry to see him flirting with that
woman right there, but thinking about it she knew she had nothing to be jealous of."You don't
think I would stay angry for a long time?" she asked and shook her head, "I thought it through
and came to a conclusion that I'm much more attractive than that woman and you wanting to flirt
with her, is actually really sad" she said making Gabriel chuckle and look away since his cousin
threw him a deadly glare for laughing at him.
Cordelia didn't quite know what to do. She found it interesting to see Gabriella challenge her
cousin like that, no one had the guts to do that. She knew right then why she always liked the
blonde woman so much. The woman was different than all the other women that had been over
the floor, Gabriella was always herself, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She wished she
could be more like her. Be herself without any doubt.

Placing his arm over his younger sister's shoulders Gabriela pressed a kiss to her head, "how are
you feeling Cordy?" he asked and watched her raise her head to look at him, "did Adelina give
you a bad time again?" he asked her quietly making her shake her head.

"Lina is just really stressed right now. Things aren't going so well between her and Aiden. I
understand why she has been like that to me, but it was just too much-"

"Things aren't going well between her and Aiden?" Michaelangelo asked making the girl gulp as
she quietly nodded her head, "are they fighting?"

"I don't know what's going on between them, all I know is that they have lots of arguments
behind closed doors. They definitely don't want me to find out what they're fighting about" she
shrugged, "I tried to ask Lina about it, but she just denies it."

"Really?" Gabriella asked as she locked eyes with Michaelangelo. For the first time it really felt
like they were thinking on one line. They had to help Adelina and Aiden. If Aiden did something
to hurt the older woman the Gavinos would definitely not forgive him for it, "well they have
been married for a long time, maybe they just need some time apart?" she suggested.

"Aiden suggested it, but Adelina wouldn't want to hear anything about being apart from each

"She hasn't told me about this" Gabriel said as he released his little sister, "that's why she has
been annoying me so much as well. It's what she does, she always tries to vent her anger on
others while she is stressed."

Nodding his head Michaelangelo helped Gabriella taking the cake out of the oven, since he didn't
want her to hurt herself. He was glad she was over the fact that it seemed like he was flirting
with that woman. Maybe he did it unintentionally. He would never flirt with another woman,
since he knew she was right about him. She was the one for him. Next to her other women just
seemed so dull.


He looked at Gabriel and nodded his head yet he wouldn't speak his mind from now on. Cordelia
was in the room as well and he didn't need her to hear unnecessary discussions. She was too
young for it and better yet she shouldn't know about this business that much.
"The cake smells really good" Rodolfo said catching the attention from Cordelia, "it smells like
the chocolate cake your mother used to make" he said making her nod her head.

"Yes I told Gabriella about it and she suggested to make the cake since it would make me feel
better" she smiled as she glanced at Gabriella who was feeding Michaelangelo a piece of the hot
chocolate cake she seemed so far away right now, "and it did make me feel better" she said
looking away since it felt like they had their private moment together.

"You two are really strange you know that" Gabriel sighed and looked at the plate his sister
shoved towards him, "one minute you fight the next you're all over each other, making other
people lose their appetite" he muttered.

Leaning away from Michaelangelo with a bright blush on her cheeks she cleared her throat and
took the apron off, placing it back where it belonged. She turned to look at Rodolfo who leaned
back since she suddenly gave him that suspicious look. It felt like he did something wrong, yet
he didn't know what he did wrong in her eyes.

"I was just curious Rodolfo, have you heard from Christine lately?" she asked him taking him
completely off guard.

Christine was a forbidden subject. Michaelangelo told him not to speak of the woman in front of
Gabriella so he had to lie to her. He rather has a pissed of Gabriella than a pissed of
Michaelangelo since you would never know what to expect of the man.

"I haven't heard from her, maybe she finally realized that I need my time alone."

"Somehow I feel pity for her" Gabriella said as she shrugged her shoulders, "well since you don't
want to have anything to do with her I should respect that" she said and took a glance at
everyone who was around the cooking island, "let's move this to the dining room" she suggested
and smiled when everyone agreed with her.

Sharing a look with his brother, Michaelangelo was glad Rodolfo dodged the bullet. Christine
was all better now, but she would think twice about lying to them. She was keeping low, and he
appreciated that she did that. He didn't want to hurt her again, it wasn't the most favorite thing he
did in the world. Especially since he knew if Gabriella found out she would hate him.

He rather avoids situations like that.

After spending some quality time with the family Gabriella walked back together with her fiancé
to their bedroom. She was glad that with this matter they were thinking alike. Something was
going on between Aiden and Adelina, something bad. Since Cordelia was suffering from it, even
she thought it was necessary for them to interfere. Usually she would have hated it, but this was
different. Closing the door behind her she laid down on the bed while Michaelangelo would use
the bathroom first.
"It must have been tiring" he said as he was taking off his clothes to throw them in the hamper,
"you said the extra weight was not that bad at all, but from looking at you, you were just acting

She nodded her head as she rolled to her side and looked at her fiancé who was walking around
in his jeans hanging low on his hips. Shirtless. She couldn't keep her eyes of him. She knew this
wasn't like her, how she hated her raging hormones right now. It wasn't the time to be lusting
over Michaelangelo. Shaking her head lightly she focused on the television instead and grabbed
the remote control to turn it on. Even though she acted quickly, he had still seen the look in her
eyes. It amused him to see how she tried to fight the feeling.

He stepped towards the bed making her raise her head a little to look him in the eyes, "something
wrong?" she asked confused since he was about to hit the shower but somewhere along the way
he just stopped and walked towards her. She could only assume something came to his mind, for
him to suddenly stop and walk towards her.

He smirked and ran a hand through her soft locks making her eyes widen a little as she tried to
stay as calm as possible, "I saw that look in your eyes" he told her calmly as he took a seat next
to her and noticed how her temperature rose within seconds, "why are you trying to refuse it?
We're not strangers Gabriella" he told her making her blush even more.

"I know that" she said softly suppressing a moan when he was massaging her shoulders a little to
help her relax, "I just don't feel like this is the right time-"

"Why isn't it the right time?" he asked her and pressed her back to the bed making her gasp as he
got on top of her, hovering over her with his strong arms keeping him up, "seeing that look in
your eyes made me want you as well" he told her and smirked when he saw her looking away
because he just got her so embarrassed with admitting that to her.

She pressed her palms to his firm chest, feeling his heart beating so fast that it was almost similar
to hers. He was definitely not lying about him wanting her as well. She didn't know what it was
but lately it felt like Michaelangelo was trying as hard as she was to make their relationship as
comfortable as possible.

Leaning up she kissed him first surprising him a little but within seconds he kissed her back with
the same amount of passion. She could get used to this. This was how they were supposed to be.
On the same side and passionate about their love. If they could be like this more often she didn't
mind his job. She was sure she could live with it.

Closing the door behind him Gabriel sighed and joined his cousin in the library. He didn't go
there as often as Rodolfo but he could understand why the man loved this room. It was very quiet
and had this calm atmosphere. He couldn't quite place this feeling yet. Sitting down next to his
cousin on the one-seat he leaned back and closed his eyes.
Just enjoying the little peace and quiet here.

"Father called, they find something that might lead to Eugino. Michaelangelo hasn't read his
messages yet so I assume he is busy with the wife" he said making his cousin roll his eyes, "I
plan on visiting Christine a visit soon. I should face her sooner or later" Rodolfo shrugged.

Gabriel didn't know what to think of that. Of course Rodolfo needed to have a talk with that
woman, so he could have closure. The way things went wasn't enough to make him move on. It
was just that he didn't quite trust the woman. She shot him once, why wouldn't she shoot him
again and if she did that she might just hit her target this time. He didn't want Rodolfo to meet
that woman alone.

"I don't want you to meet her alone. I'm sorry Rodolfo but she is just not to be trusted. She might
just shoot you again and this time she might just really hit her target."

"I knew you would say that. I plan on asking Mike to join me. She is really scared of him right

"Yes, he scared the crap out of her. She thought he was bluffing when he said he would shoot
her. She saw a side of him not many people see that often."

"So taking him with me might just scare her enough to make her speak the truth."

Gabriel couldn't agree more with him. It was better to take Michaelangelo with him. It just meant
that he had babysitting duty. He didn't mind since the girls were really a handful and it was never
dull with them, but lately he just didn't have any interesting jobs.

"You should find out more about Adelina's situation. She is hiding something Gabriel. While
we're going to pay Christine a visit why don't you try and find out more about your sister and her

"What about Cordy and Gabriella?"

"They can take care of themselves. Besides there are so many guards around. They'll be fine" he
assured Gabriel while closing his book, "well unlike my brother I actually need my rest right
now" he said before leaving the library.

Gabriel was worried about his sister. He didn't show it to his cousins but he was deeply worried
about Adelina. He should have seen that she was under a lot of stress, yet he didn't notice it at all.
It made him feel like a horrible brother. He would definitely hurt Aiden if he did something to
upset his sister. No matter how much older the guy was, if he did something to make Adelina cry
he was going to pay for it.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

This is chapter fifty-five already. It's really coming to an end. I feel like there is no plot after this
so it's better to end it. Just the deal between Aiden and Adelina and the baby being born of course
and that's it. I'm looking forward to the end! Haha Don't forget to vote or comment.

Chapter fifty-five- Rodolfo's Conscious

Walking out of the bathroom with a towel draped over her shoulders while she was drying her
hair lightly she smiled seeing her husband standing on the balcony of their bedroom. It was cold
these days but he didn't seem to mind it, he now didn't smoke in front of her anymore since it
was his way of taking care of her. No smoking in front of her - because it was bad for the baby's
health. He was a lot more caring than he wanted to admit. She sat down on the end of their bed
and continued drying her hair while watching the morning news. It was rare that Michaelangelo
didn't leave for work early, usually he was already gone. She wouldn't complain about it though
she would love to spend more time with him. To be more like a married couple. She heard the
door open and glanced at Michaelangelo who stepped inside the room. The cold air made her
shiver a bit causing her fiancé to watch her with a cautious eye. He stepped towards her and took
the towel from her to help her dry her hair.

"I'm sorry" he told her gently as he dried her hair a bit for her, "I didn't think you would be done
so soon" he told her as he stopped drying her hair and walked to the bathroom to throw the towel
in the hamper. He came back with the hairdryer and saw her face turn into a pout, "I know you're
being lazy these days but you'll catch a cold if you don't dry your hair properly."

She knew he was right about her catching a cold, but she was feeling really tired today. She
didn't want to dry her hair. All she wanted to do was lay back and watch a good movie. She
watched her fiancé turn on the dryer and motioned for her to turn so he could dry her hair for her.
He didn't tell her that often that he loved her, he was a guy of deeds and not of words. So she
knew with these things he does for her, he was telling her he cared for her. It was enough. She
wouldn't be happy with this before, but right now she wouldn't take these little things for granter.
She gave up on trying to change him, it would take years to manage that. So instead of changing
him she just tries to adapt to him.

It was less tiring for her, she still got her moments where she was so pissed that she was ready to
explode, but with counting to ten she could achieve a lot.

"I'm just tired today" she told him and frowned a bit, "and you're partly responsible for it as well.
If you would have let me sleep last night, I wouldn't be so tired right now" she told him only to
cause him to chuckle instead of feeling sorry for her.

"You flatter me sweetheart" he told her and turned the device off and walked back to the
bathroom to put it away once back in the bedroom he motioned for her to follow him, "let's have
breakfast together."
She didn't complain and followed him out of the bedroom. She was surprised when he took her
hand in his and pulled her closer to him. He seemed a lot more affectionate these days, it felt like
he had done something wrong and was trying to make up for it. She didn't know what he had
done wrong to feel so guilty about it. It has been a week since her baby shower and she could
honestly say that they didn't have a fallout the whole week.

It just felt weird to her.

"I'm going to pay Christine a visit together with Rodolfo this evening. He wants to talk to her but
we suggested that he doesn't do it alone."

She didn't think he would ever share this with her. It was business after all, he would join
Rodolfo to make sure his brother wouldn't get hurt while Rodolfo got his closure. She could
understand why they would go and talk to her, so she wouldn't complain about it. She just
nodded her head and squeezed his hand a little letting him know she was worried about them.

"Be careful, last time Rodolfo got shot" she reminded him, "but that's why you're going too" she
continued and sighed. She knew that Rodolfo only took his brother with him because he was
known as the scary one it sometimes bothered her, "I hope Rodolfo gets his closure this time."

He placed his arm over her shoulder and leaded her into the dining room. Cordelia was already
sitting there, enjoying freshly made pancakes. She looked up from her plate and flashed them a
bright smile. It reminded Michaelangelo that Gabriel was having a talk with his older sister right
now. He hoped everything was going well. Adelina still didn't release any information about her
and Aiden. It worried him. Something was going on between those two and they needed to find
out what since it affected a lot of people. Whenever Gabriella and he fought it just affected the
two of them. Other people felt bothered with it since they were close to them. But their fights
never hurt anyone else. He just hoped the didn't. He sat down next to his fiancée and looked at
Cordelia who looked away once their eyes met. He didn't understand why she was so scared of
him. He always treated her with care and tried to make sure he never spoke business in front of
his younger cousin. Yet she still seemed frightened of him.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked trying to start a conversation with her, "Rodolfo and I aren't
home tonight maybe you can watch a movie together with Gabriella or see a play or something "
he asked them and saw Gabriella pout her lips while she was thinking about it.

She turned to Michaelangelo as she got an idea, "actually Mike I'm really tired. If Cordy doesn't
mind I just want to stay at home and watch a movie with her" she said glancing at Cordelia who
nodded her head, "besides Cordy has homework to do" she continued making the younger girl

"I forgot" she whispered and looked the other way, "it happens sometimes. I'll do my homework
after breakfast so we can watch a movie tonight."

"I can arrange a tutor for you if you find it difficult" Michaelangelo said making the girl's eyes
widen, "you need a tutor?" he asked as he saw her face brightened at mentioning a tutor to her.
"Yes I find math a bit hard to do. Can you arrange that, Michaelangelo?" she asked confused.

"Of course I can. "

"Of course he can" Gabriella snickered, "he is superman."

"Joke all you want about it" Michaelangelo muttered as he took his phone out of his pocket and
scrolled down his contacts, "but I can arrange nearly anything" he said making her roll her eyes.

She wanted to tell him that it wasn't weird that he could do that since he was the infamous mafia
boss around here. Of course everyone wanted to help him since they feared for their lives. Not
only that but they also received lots of payments from the Gavinos. People would love to help
them, it was only for the money and nothing more. She wanted to say that but she kept quiet
knowing it would end up in another discussion.

She looked at Cordelia who seemed very taken back. She didn't know what to do to make her
feel more at ease around them, she figured when Gabriel would come back the girl would feel
more comfortable around them. Glancing at her fiancé she watched him sip his coffee while he
read the newspaper. He looked like a normal guy right now, but of course you couldn't judge a
book by it's cover. She sighed and leaned back against her seat putting her hand on her swollen
stomach as she reached out to grab her cup of tea.

"Are you feeling unwell?" she heard his deep voice ask her making her slightly nod, "why don't
you go upstairs, I'll let Carla bring you breakfast on bed" he suggested making her smile slightly
and lean towards him to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks" she whispered before she got up giving Cordelia an apologizing look, "I'm really sorry
Cordy. I'll ask Gabriel to come back quickly so he can spend some time with you. I just don't feel
so well right now" she said taking her leave together with the maid.

"She looks really pale" Cordelia remarked making her cousin look at her and slightly smile.

"Yes she was feeling sick this morning" he shrugged before he took his mug of the table, "why
don't you do your homework after breakfast. Gabriel will be back by lunch so he can keep you

"Gabriel is with Adelina right now?" she asked and nodded when Michaelangelo answered her
question, "I really hope everything is alright with her, she just wont talk to me about it."

"She might think you won't understand it" he said calmly as he looked at her plate and placed
two pancakes on top of it making the girl gasp, "you need to eat more, it's unhealthy to just have
a bagel" he told her making the girl roll her eyes.

"I also had a pancake!"

"Just one pancake?" he asked in a sarcastic tone which made her lean back and pout her lips like
a little child, "please even Gabriella who is feeling sick eats at least three."

"Yes but she is eating for two!"

"There is no point into arguing with me Cordelia" he told her which made the girl sigh. She was
aware that there was no point into arguing with Michaelangelo since he always got his way, "just
eat your pancakes I won't leave until that plate is empty."

"Yes sir!"

"Don't take that tone with me" he told her making the girl giggle.

"Sorry" she muttered.

She wasn't sorry though, she understood why Gabriella loved making fun of this guy. He always
had a straight face, but whenever you challenged him something changed about the guy. His eyes
seemed a darker blue and he got this amused look in his eyes. Like he was really enjoying the

Maybe she was wrong about him, maybe she shouldn't be so scared of him.

Both glancing at the door because Gabriel came in with lots of noise, Michaelangelo raised his
eyebrow as he looked at his cousin. He noticed that Gabriel clenched his jaw and had a very dark
look in his eyes. His talk with Adelina didn't went as well as he expected. Gabriel took a seat
next to his younger sister, giving her a quick kiss to her cheek before he started to load his plate
with food. He was angry alright, after breakfast he would probably vent his anger in the fitness
room."How is Adelina doing?" Michaelangelo asked calmly yet Gabriel could hear the hint of
authority in his tone. Mike, was demanding of him to tell about his talk with his sister, "you don't
seem very pleased" he remarked with that calm look in his eyes. Mike didn't want to alarm
Cordelia he figured.

He better act a bit more calm since his younger sister was in the room as well. He looked around
only to notice that Gabriella wasn't around. He was so angry that he didn't notice that the blonde
wasn't at the dining table.

"Where is Gabriella? Is she still sleeping?" he asked confused since the blonde was always up at
this hour, "I talked to Adelina, she didn't seem to think that she and Aiden were having
problems" he shrugged and narrowed his eyes on his cousin trying to make the man understand
they would talk about this some other time.

A more convenient time.

"Gabriella didn't feel right so I told her to stay in bed today" Michaelangelo said as he leaned
back in his chair and looked at Cordelia who ate her pancakes, "I need to meet up with Rodolfo
at the main office. Stay with Gabriella and Cordelia at home, I'll see you tonight" he said while
getting up from his chair and gestured to Gabriel's little sister, "make sure she eats all of it" he
said making the girl sigh.

"Michaelangelo I'm not a little girl anymore" she said shaking her head a little in a childish way,
"you know I'm almost eighteen!"

"That means you're still a teen. You need to listen to your older cousin" he pointed out.

"You know you married Gabriella when she was eighteen."

Smirking he looked down at the girl with an amused look in his eyes. This was the first time she
ever dared to speak her mind to him. It was refreshing.

"Don't act smart" he told her, "you better eat everything or I'll need to give you a fitted


"Yes really, something like no phone calls for a month or maybe no internet for a month without

"You're a brute" she muttered making the guys chuckle, "I'll eat everything and make my
homework" she said and gave her cousin a smirk, "but then I want at least five-hundred dollars
as allowance."

"So you're trying to make deals now with me?" he asked amused, "if you do what I have asked of
you to do I'll make sure you can get an allowance, but it will only be one-hundred dollars. I can't
give you five-hundred dollars just because you ate your breakfast and made your homework.
Please I'm a very strict business man. You need to do a lot more to please me."

"But I'm your cousin, you should be more reliant with me."

"Nope when you're demanding things for me, I treat everything like a business deal" he said as
he pushed his chair back and waved at her, "I'll see you tonight, the tutor will be here at eleven.
He'll mail your homework to me. So I can make sure you made it."

Watching him leave she looked at her brother, "he isn't that bad, I don't understand why people
always told me that he was such a scary man."

"Because he is scary, Cordy. He might be nice to us but to the outside world, he won't be this
kind. Trust me, don't do anything to upset him because Michaelangelo is a very strict man.
Telling him that you're his cousin won't work on him. He judges everyone with the same criteria,
family or not."

"Yes really."

"But you like him right?"

"Of course, he is a nice guy."

"So I shouldn't be scared of him but when he asks of me to do my homework I should do it,
because I will regret it if I showed up empty handed?"


Nodding her head she glanced at her watch and grabbed her fork and knife, "then I should
quickly finish my breakfast because the tutor will be here in fifteen minutes."

Smiling Gabriel sighed. He was glad his cousins were taking care of Cordelia especially since his
mind wasn't here right now. He couldn't get the look of his older sister out of his mind. He had
seen that look before, Gabriella had the same look in her eyes when she and Michaelangelo were
in the middle of a divorce.

It hurt him more knowing that Adelina was lying to him. She was pretending that everything was
alright between her and Aiden. She even got furious with him for suggestion that they should
talk things over. She was either really lying to him because she didn't want anyone to know
about their problems or she was just in denial. He hoped she was lying to him because then they
weren't having any problems. If she was in denial he needed help from a woman, because he
didn't know how to help Adelina if she and Aiden were going to get a divorce.

"Are you even listening to me Gabriel?" Cordelia asked as she bumped him against his arm, "I
was asking you if you could check up on Gabriella. I'm worried. She was really pale before
Michaelangelo send her to bed."

Nodding his head he ruffled her hair, "I'll check-up on her. Don't worry. You finished breakfast
why don't you go to the living room and wait for the tutor. You can work on your homework in
the living room."

He watched his sister leave the room and got up himself. He wanted to see Gabriella since she
was usually the sane one in the house. He could have a chat with her about his feelings, he
couldn't do that with his cousins because they weren't good with just listening. They would
always give a solution on how to solve things but sometimes it wasn't the solution you wanted.
Sometimes you just wanted someone to be there for you when you were having a hard time. Like
a moment as this. He walked to Gabriella's bedroom and knocked firmly before he stepped
inside. He saw the woman lying in bed, resting against the headboard while she was watching

"Hey stranger!"
Hearing her speak with such enthusiasm he knew he made the right decision to have a talk with
her first before he would meet his cousins tonight. She would get his mind to work straight
again. His mind was too clouded right now for him to have an opinion about everything.
Stepping towards the bed he watched her pat to the empty spot beside her. He was glad
Michaelangelo and she sorted things out. She was such a warm person, she treated her family
with such care.

"You don't look so good" she told him once he took the spot next to her, "do you want some
water?" she asked and gestured to the glass and bottle on the nightstand beside him, "Carla left
me that, you can have it."

"No I'm good" he said as he leaned back like Gabriella and glanced at the TV, "I talked to
Adelina today."

"So I heard."

"She told me she wasn't having any problems in her marriage, and that was invading her privacy.
She got really upset with me, and she started to scold me in Italian" he said as he looked at
Gabriela who gave him a gentle look.

"Gabriel, what did you feel about her telling you she wasn't having any problems with Aiden?"

"I felt like she was lying to me."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked him.

He nodded his head, "yes she didn't look me in the eyes when she was telling me that everything
was fine in her marriage and that I shouldn't interfere. It felt like she didn't want anyone to find
out. Like she felt threatened when I brought it up."

"Did you get angry with her when she started to scold you?" she asked making him shake his

"No, because I knew she was having a hard time. I just let her scold me."

"You did well" she said and leaned her head against his shoulder just staying close to him like
that because she knew he needed someone's warmth, "it was good that you didn't talk back to
her. What are you planning to do now, Gabriel?"

"I want to talk to Aiden about it."

"Do you think it will help you if you talk to Aiden about your sister's marriage?"

He nodded as he held Gabriella closer to him as well, he didn't spend even ten minutes in her
presence and he could already think clear. If Michaelangelo would let this woman go he would
definitely hurt his cousin and tell him over and over again what an idiot he was for letting a
precious girl like her go.

"I need to find out the truth. That's one of my duties in the company as well. It's something
which I'm good at. I already talked to Adelina, so Aiden would be the next one to talk to. After
that I'll research their background. I usually don't invade my family's privacy like that, but I have

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 55 - Rodolfo's Conscious (p.14 of 19)

"If that's how you feel, then you should do it."

"No comment about it at all?" Gabriel asked her surprised.

"Gabriel, I can't tell you what to do. I feel like Adelina is troubled as well. I want you to help her,
and if you think that this is the best way then you should do it like this."

He nodded his head and leaned forward pressing a kiss to her head before he got off the bed,
"thanks for listening to me" he told the blonde woman who smiled at him before he left the

Parking his car in front of the apartment complex where Christine was staying, Rodolfo glanced
at his brother who was in the backseat working behind his laptop. The workaholic didn't spoke
one word to him the whole trip to Christine's house. The man glanced his laptop and got out of
the car without a word.

"Just leave the car like this, they'll watch it" he said nodding towards the guards he took with
him, "let's get this over with alright."

Rodolfo knew Michaelangelo was rushing this because they had Adelina to worry about. He
didn't blame him for this at all. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible as well. They
got to the fourth floor and stopped in front of the apartment which belonged to Christine.

"You arranged this for her?" Rodolfo asked.

"Yes, this is one of our buildings. It's better to keep an eye on her. She has been a good girl. So
I'm sure she will have that talk with you."

Rolling his eyes Rodolfo chuckled and rang the doorbell. He stepped back and focused on the
door instead of his brother who suddenly made him nervous. He knew Michaelangelo was here
just in case Christine would do something rash again, but right now his presence was really
"Just relax" Michaelangelo told him quietly and right after that the door opened. He relaxed just
as his brother told him, it was just a talk nothing more, "hello Christine how have you been?"
Michaelangelo asked and got in after Christine held the door open for them.

"Good, you should know I have been doing well" she pointed out since Michaelangelo had
people check-up on her almost everyday, "my leg is recovering well, if you want to know."

"There is no need to, I know our doctors took good care of you" Michaelangelo said before he
took a seat on the couch and looked at her, "you're back to your regular self" he pointed out
making her shake her head.

"I can never go back to being myself" she told him quietly and sat down across the brothers, "my
leg isn't working a full hundred percent anymore!"

"Aren't you a sad person?" he asked sarcastically, "because of you Gabriella almost
it's your turn again..." he said challenging her to speak to him one last time with that tone.

She got the hint though, she wouldn't speak again. He was right in a way, she knew who wanted
Gabriella out of the way and she didn't do anything to stop it. He didn't try to kill her, which she
knew was their policy. An eye for an eye, even though she was still mad at him for shooting her
in her leg she was also grateful to him as well.

"I received word today that our men have tracked down your father" Rodolfo said and watched
surprise appearing in her eyes. She tried to suppress it but he saw it. She didn't like that
announcement, "by tomorrow your father will be buried six feet under ground."

Michaelangelo watched Christine gasp and turn so they didn't see her reaction but it was already
too late for that. In that split second he had seen anger, hurt and sadness flash through her eyes.
He was very observant after all. She expected her father would have fled by now. It meant that
she was aware of them questioning her. She released information they needed to hear, even
though the problem was solved, he still didn't like being played by a woman like her.

"You seem very surprised about hearing that, did you expect something else?" Rodolfo asked as
he got up and stepped towards her grabbing her by her shoulder to turn her around, "why are you
crying Christine? You knew when you told us where he was that we would find him and dispose
of him the moment we got what we wanted. That's the future of a traitor."

She pushed him off him and shook her head, "I told you where he was because he should have
fled Italy by now!"

Raising an eyebrow Rodolfo looked over his shoulder to his brother who had a very dangerous
look in his eyes. Michaelangelo was pissed. He could feel his anger from where he was standing.
This was not good. At least for Christine.

"The Valia cousins are very skilled when it comes to tracking someone. Besides their dear
cousin's life was in danger because of that man so they worked extra hard to find him."
"Gabriella's cousins?" she whispered, "I don't understand don't they live in Sicily?"

"You know an awful about our family, Christine" Michaelangelo said getting up from his seat as
he stepped towards them, "I can't let you go like this. It's dangerous for us to let someone like
you go."

Rodolfo was aware of what that meant. They needed to dispose of Christine. If this information
got into the wrong hands, they were all in danger. Yet somehow something deep inside hurt
knowing he needed to dispose of his ex-girlfriend. It wasn't in his nature.

Michaelangelo felt his brother stiffen next to him and focused back on Christine. He needed to
handle this fast so Rodolfo's conscious wouldn't start playing up. Reaching to his gun under his
shirt clicked the safety pin and pointed it Christine who was near tears. He knew what would
come next. She would start begging him for her life. The faster he moved the better. Reaching
for the trigger he stopped and looked at Rodolfo who grabbed his arm in his hand.

"Not right now" he told his brother never taking his eyes of Christine, "let them take her to the
mansion. We need to talk first" Rodolfo said before he walked away opening the door to call the
men in to take Christine with them.

Placing his gun back he watched Christine mutter a quiet thank you to Rodolfo. Though she
wasn't aware of how bad things were for her. Rodolfo wouldn't change his mind because he
knew how dangerous it was to let her live. Their family would be in danger.

In the end the right thing would be done, her execution would be stalled that was all.

"Don't be so grateful, your future won't change" Michaelangelo told her before he walked past
her and walked out the apartment together with his brother, "care to explain why you stopped
me, Rodolfo?"

"We should make sure her child gets a home and will be taken care of. You can't just shoot her
and move on. What about her daughter?"

"You're very caring" Michaelangelo remarked, "it won't get you anywhere and you know it" he
said as he grabbed his brother's keys out of his hands and gestured for him to get in the car, "let's
talk about this at home. I want this to be done quickly so we can focus on Adelina instead."

Doing what his brother asked of him Rodolfo got into the car. He didn't complain about the fact
that Michaelangelo just took control of him. He just stopped Michaelangelo from shooting his
ex-girlfriend, his conscious told him it was not right to kill her. She knew a lot about their family
and she probably knew a lot more too. It was best for them to dispose of her, but he knew there
were other ways too. They could always pay her for not speaking, letting her sign a contract. She
would do anything for her child, they could use that against her. He just couldn't let his brother
pull the trigger on her.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Another chapter to help I'm married to a mafia boss! This chapter will close Rodolfo's past and
introduce you to Adelina's problems. Just four months to go till Michaelangelo and Gabriella will
expect their first child. So I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to leave me a vote or

Chapter fifty-six - Facing Your Mistakes.

Leaning back against his chair Michaelangelo narrowed his eyes on his older brother. His eyes
were a very dark blue color, Rodolfo had never seen this look in his brother's eyes before. It
looked like Michaelangelo was ready to reach over the desk and strangle him right there.
Michaelangelo was beyond furious, the fire in his eyes made him suffocate. He didn't dare to
speak without Michaelangelo's permission to speak. It was weird how his younger brother could
make him feel like this, it wasn't suppose to be like this. He was the older brother after all.
Gulping he cleared his throat and leaned back as well trying to get as comfortable as possible. He
needed to relax, he couldn't let his observant brother notice that he was actually scared of him
right now. It would give him a lot more power than he already had. He couldn't tell
Michaelangelo what he wanted to hear. He couldn't give him an explanation about Christine. He
didn't know himself what he felt for the woman. It wasn't love. He was sure of it. He loved her
once and it wasn't the same feeling as then. It was close to pity, maybe.

"Listen I don't know why I did that, Mike" Rodolfo started since he knew Michaelangelo wasn't
about the start the conversation. He needed to have this off his chest, "I just couldn't let you
shoot her, I guess she means more to me than I thought she did" he said looking away from his
brother's eyes, "but it's not love, that's for sure. I can promise you that it isn't love."

"Then what is it?" Michaelangelo asked him never taking his eyes of Rodolfo, "you know that I
can't let her go. People don't keep their word, no matter how scared they are. When they need
money they risk everything. You were proof of it. Christine would sacrifice you if she could get
money out of it. She will be a threat to our family, Rodolfo."

He knew that she would be a threat to them, but he just couldn't get it over his heart to shoot
Christine. He just couldn't do it.

"I know that."

"Then if you are aware of that, you are also aware of the fact that we need to take care of her
now. Eugino is taken in by the Valias. We just need to get rid of his daughter and then all the
people who form a threat to our family are gone."

"I'm aware of that" Rodolfo said again before he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, "but I
just can't look in the mirror while knowing we took her life."
"Then you do love her" Michaelangelo said while shaking his head a little, "there will be
someone else Rodolfo. You will someone better than her, she isn't worth it. The woman shot
you. Maybe you feel something really deep for her, but I promise you that it isn't the other way
around. If she could kill you she would do it and you know it."

He knew that Christine probably wouldn't hesitate when it came to this decision. Hell, she
already tried to get rid of him. It was just his luck that it didn't happen, that he was shot in his
side. If she had more experience with shooting she would have killed him. He didn't know what
happened to Christine, he was just really a fool back then. She said that he changed. So she
always had been like this. Money hungry. He knew he should let go of her, that he would find
someone else to give his heart to, but he just couldn't.

"Do you want to talk to her alone?" Michaelangelo asked surprising his brother with that
question, "to get your head straight. When you talked to her alone you will see that she isn't
worth it."

"I'll talk to her."

He hoped it wasn't a mistake to make this decision. What if he talked to her and he fell in love
with her again? he couldn't have that. She was bad for his health. If she had the chance she would
get rid of him. She was definitely not the right woman for him.

"Good, you know where to find her" Michaelangelo said as he got off his chair and held out his
cigarette packet, "you'll need it" he assured Rodolfo who didn't hesitate at all. He knew he
needed one before he would face Christine.

Leaving the office Michaelangelo sighed and ran a hand through his already messy hair. He
didn't know what to think of Rodolfo right now. He hated it that his brother was in love with a
woman like Christine. He wasn't traditional or anything but he just didn't want his brother to be
with a woman who could take his life any minute of the day. Gabriella suggested to other day to
help Rodolfo find a nice, caring woman. But where the hell do you find such a woman? He
shook his head slightly and walked into his bedroom seeing the blonde woman in bed with a
book in her hand while she was watching TV. He worried for her. She wasn't as lively as she
used to be. The pregnancy was really hard on her, and he had to admit to himself that he missed
that spark in her. She always made his blood boil, but in a good way. Seeing her laying so fragile
in bed, made his heart break for her. He wished he could do something, but the doctor told them
that every woman experienced pregnancy a bit different. She was taking her vitamins and
everything but she was just always tired. Not to mention the sickness. It wasn't a regular thing
but it was still very hard on the both of them. Yesterday he just shook her too much making her
empty her stomach. He would be more careful with her now. He didn't want to end up being
thrown up on. That was one hell of an experience.

Never again would that happen to him.

"You look worried" Gabriella remarked as she watched him walk to the bed and take the spot
next to her, "you had a talk with Rodolfo" she stated and ran her fingers over his frown, "you
can't tell him what to do, Michaelangelo. It's his own decision. You did let him make a choice,
right?" she asked him.

Wrapping an arm around her he pooled her close to him and rested his cheek against her head,
"yes I let him make a choice just like you asked of me. He said he would talk to her. Are you
sure it will make him change his mind though?" he asked confused, "because it looks like he still
loves her."

"I'm sure that he will change his mind about her Michaelangelo. Christine was nice, but you're
right about her not being right for him. She has different believes, they are too different from
each other to start a relationship again. I know we're both different as well but we also have a lot
of things that we agree on. They don't have that. She thinks he changed, and it might be true. His
beliefs might have changed. It just won't work out for them anymore."

"We need to get rid of Christine. She is a threat."

"And you know how I feel about that. I still think that you should keep an eye on her."

"That's the thing we can't agree on. It's not how I work, Gabriella. You know I like this nice and
clear. Letting her live on is a loose end. You will always have to worry about her"

"Send her to Italy."

"We can't ship off everyone to Sicily!" he chuckled.

"Zio can keep an eye on her there. No one will target you from all the way from Sicily. You're
loved there."

"I know that but I just want to handle my own business. Christine is our responsibility. We can't
let zio handle our problems. It isn't right."

She sighed and leaned more against her fiancé as she let out a sigh, "fine, I can't win this
anyways. Do whatever you want. I have a clean conscious I know I don't approve of it" she
muttered making him smirk a little.

"I'm glad we can openly like this now, Gabriella. I used to keep these things from you, but it
feels so much better to let you into my life. I'm glad that you aren't judging me anymore."

"I told you that I accepted the fact that you won't change. So I just have to adept" she shrugged,
"it's definitely less tiring for me."

He didn't know what to tell her. He couldn't tell her he was happy about her statement but he
couldn't tell her he didn't like it either. He wish he could have changed for her, be more loving
more caring like she wanted, but he couldn't. He was raised to be intimidating, to be demanding
and to be damn proud of his last name. He kissed the top of her head and just held her close to
him, making sure he didn't move her about too much. He didn't want her to throw up on him
again. He felt her hold onto him more firmly as well. She was always acting tough but at
moments like this she couldn't pretend anymore.

"Are you feeling a little better?" he asked making her turn her head to look at him, "you were
sick yesterday remember?" he asked his tone suddenly a bit more vile which made her snicker.

"I told you I wasn't feeling up for it!" she muttered, "I told you I was feeling sick but you
couldn't keep your hands to yourself, it's all your own fault Mike" she told him shrugging her
shoulders, "if you would have listened to me, it wouldn't have happened."

She was acting tough, like she didn't care about it, but it actually embarrassed her. She didn't
want to end up throwing up on him. She pushed him off him but just not quick enough, his shirt
slightly got victimized by her. She couldn't remember what his face looked like but she was sure
he was very disgusted with her yesterday.

"You always say you're not feeling up for it" he told her as he made a face, "then you keep
screaming Mike, don't stop, don't stop!" he said trying to imitate her tone which he failed at

"I don't sound like that!" she said giving his shoulder a slight push before she sat up right and
took his face in her hands, "I'm sorry about yesterday" she said while her face turned a bright red
color, "I actually felt so embarrassed about it that I locked myself up in the bathroom."

He nodded, he didn't need her to tell him. He was the one on the other side of the door trying to
tell her he didn't mind it. He couldn't be mad at her, she was pregnant with his child after all.
Things like that happened. Besides he was pretty sure when the baby would be here, he would
get thrown up on more often. He made her look at him again and gave her a gentle smile.

"I don't mind" he told her straightforwardly, "things like that happen Gabriella. I have been
through worse things, believe me" he told her before he moved off the bed and took her in his
arms making her squeal.

"Mike what are you doing?" she asked confused as she wrapped her arms firmly around his neck,
"where are we going?" she giggled as he took her out the bedroom and walked down the stairs
with her making Gabriel and his sister look up when they heard loud noises coming their way,
"Mike?! You can put me down, I can walk by myself!"

Gabriel and Cordelia shared a look and watched Michaelangelo carry his fiancée to the living
room. He still held her in his arms while he looked at them, "how about we have lunch together
at the newly opened restaurant?" he asked and saw a bright smile appear on Cordelia's face, "let's
go then" he said seeing Cordelia already accepted without looking at her older brother.

"Mike?! I'm not even dressed to eat at a restaurant" Gabriella blushed since she was in her
sweatpants and his wide t-shirt, "you should let me get dressed first!"
He shook his head and held her even tighter in his arms, "I own that restaurant. No one will
notice" he told her as he made his way to the hallway and nodded at her tennis shoes, "can you
bring those to the car, Carla?" he asked as he looked at the maid who followed them and nodded
her head.

Watching Michaelangelo carry his fiancée to his car, Cordelia smiled brightly and looked at her
brother, "they're really cute" she told her brother who snickered and shook his head, "I don't
understand them though" she said while they followed after the couple, "they always fight but at
the end of the day they seem so in love" she said raising an eyebrow trying to ask her brother to
explain it to her.

"No one understands what they have" he shrugged as he put an arm around his sister's shoulders
and leaded her to Michaelangelo's car, "they just belong together I guess" he shrugged though he
didn't believe in that sort of thing. There was no happily ever after to him. His sister was living
proof of that.

Helping his sister get in the car next to Gabriella he closed the door and got in the passenger seat,
"are you feeling any better, Gabriella?" he asked smirking at his cousin who looked the other
way because of his question which embarrassed him, "I heard you were feeling really sick
yesterday" he said making Gabriella press her lips together and look away as well.

"I feel better" she told Gabriel and cleared her throat, "so have you found out more about
Adelina?" she asked Gabriel who shook his head, "I really wish we could move faster" she said
and rested her hand on her swollen stomach and smiled, "did you talk to father yet,

"Yes, he will be back in four months, he wants to be here when the baby is born" he told
Gabriella as he met her eyes through the rear mirror and smiled, "the wedding will be a month
after the baby is born."

"It's a small wedding this time right?" she asked him since their first wedding was too much for
her since Francesca organized it after all, "just us."

"Of course, just us in a small church."

"Do you know what the gender is?" Cordelia asked making Gabriella freeze. She did know what
the gender was but she was trying to find the right time to talk about it with Michaelangelo,
"your five months pregnant right? I thought about then the gender would be visible?"

"I know what the gender is" Gabriella said making Michaelangelo eyes widen.

"Then is it a boy or a girl?" Gabriel asked before Michaelangelo could.

"What do you think it is?" Gabriella asked and smiled to see them all think deeply about it, "what
do you think it is, Mike?" she asked as she looked at the back of her fiancé's head.
"A girl?" he asked making her smile brightly, "it's a girl?" he asked since she smiled so brightly
that it felt like he was right about his answer.


"It's a boy?!" Cordelia asked and smiled, "maybe that's why the baby is so restless. It's
Michaelangelo's son after all" she commented making Michaelangelo shoot her a playful glare.

"What's that suppose to mean, Cordy?" he asked as he focused on his driving but still tried to
interact with his family, "you should know that the noisy one of us is Gabriella. So the child
most likely has it from her."

"I was a very shy kid!" Gabriella protested, "papa said that you were a very naughty, very loud
child" she said crossing her arms and smirked when she saw his surprised look, "yes I told father

"You talk to father a lot?"

"Yes, we talk every morning" she told Michaelangelo like it was the most normal thing in the
world, "he is worried about my health after all."

Michaelangelo nodded his head. It was good that his father and Gabriella were getting along like
that. He didn't know why but he couldn't stop smiling. He would have a son in four months. It
made his heart swell up with pride. Not just because he would have an heir to take over the
business, he would have been happy with a girl as well, but still... He looked at Gabriella through
the reflection of the rear mirror and winked at her making her blush and look away.

He was happy to have met this woman.

=Looking at the closed door, Rodolfo felt his blood racing through his veins. He didn't know
why he was feeling so nervous. Michaelangelo's words were echoing through his mind. You care
about her more than you think. That was the only thing that kept running through his mind. He
wanted to forget about it but he couldn't. He didn't care about her! He was sure about it. He just
felt sorry for her, that was all. He nodded his head and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath
trying to calm himself down before he knocked on the door firmly and opened the door which
was guarded by their guards. Nodding at them he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

He looked at the woman who was sitting on the small couch, with the remote control in her hand.
Even though Michaelangelo said he didn't make a difference between men and women they
never gave this treatment to men. He took a seat next to her, never taking his eyes of her. He
could tell that it made her nervous. She was breathing with much harder than before and gulped
"You look happy" he told her and smirked a bit, "too happy for someone who should fear her

Finally looking him straight in the eyes she narrowed her eyes dangerously on him. She didn't
know what he expected of her. She hasn't seen her daughter in so long and his brother treated her
so lowly.

"If Michaelangelo wants to kill me, he will. Sulking here won't change my faith."

"So you accepted your faith?" he asked her, "it didn't look like you were ready to take the bullet."

She clenched her fist tightly on her lap and shifted to sit more comfortably while she focused her
attention entirely on him, "I don't know what you want from me! I'm scared shitless! What do
you want me to do? Throw myself at your feet and thank you for saving me?! I'm not grateful at
all. You just stalled it, I know Michaelangelo will do whatever he likes anyways."

"You're scared?" he asked her and moved his hand to her face surprising himself with his
actions. He brushed a lock out of her face and looked into her scared orbs, "I need to know about
your true feelings Christine. I need to know how you feel about me" he said quietly making her
close her eyes and take a deep breath.

"What good will it do you?" she asked him, "it won't change anything."

"It will mean a lot to me" he said as he made her look at him again as he held her face tightly into
his hands and narrowed his eyes on her, "I need to know Christine, please."

Moving her hand to hold his wrist he saw her lips tremble. She was about to cry but she didn't.

"I love you Rodolfo. I never stopped loving you" she whispered to him, "but I'm also not a naïf
teenage girl anymore. I'll do what I have to do. I had to protect my daughter. I didn't hesitate to
shoot you for her sake. If I had to do it again, I would do it" she told him.

He nodded his head. He understood her. He would have done the same if it could save his
family. He released her from his grip and got off the couch. He knew it confused her but he just
couldn't stay there with her anymore. He thought it would mean something to him, hearing her
confess her love to him. But it didn't mean anything to him anymore. He thought his heart would
skip a beat like it used to do. But it didn't. He changed. He was really just feeling sorry for her.

"I'll try and change Michaelangelo's mind" he told Christine, "but if you break my trust one more
time, I will personally hunt you down and take care of you" he told her before he turned around
and walked to the door.


He didn't turn around but he did stop in his tracks.

"Thank you" she whispered.

Smiling slightly he turned around and looked at her, "I'm not doing this because I love" he told
her making her release a shaky breath as she looked into his eyes, "I'm doing this because I feel
sorry for you. I thought I would feel something if I heard you tell me that you love me, but I
didn't feel anything at all. Nothing."

"Nothing?" she asked confused, "you felt nothing?"

"I felt nothing" he repeated and shrugged his shoulders, "have a nice life, Christine. Make sure I
don't see your face ever again" he said before he turned and reached to the doorknob.

Leaving the room he closed it behind him and looked at the guards, "bring her wherever she
wants to go. Make sure she leaves the city though" he said before he walked away and let the
guards handle her.

He would tell Michaelangelo personally that he let Christine go. But not because he loved her,
because he felt sorry for her. Her words really meant nothing to him.

Taking his phone out of his pocket he frowned when he heard his brother say that they were at
the new restaurant that he opened, "you all went to have a family lunch without me?" he asked
and snorted, "good to know that I'm not seen as part of the family" he said amusingly since he
heard his brother soften his tone because he felt sorry for him, "I'm kidding Michaelangelo. We
need to talk, so when are you back at the mansion?"

"In an hour. Did you finish your talk with Christine?"

"That's what I want to talk to you about. I have to do it personally though, so I'll see you at the
mansion in an hour. Give Gabriella a hug for me" he said before hanging up the phone so he
couldn't hear his brother's protests.

Michaelangelo wouldn't like it. He would freak out and probably scold him in every language
that he knew. But at least he could look at himself in the mirror. At least he could sleep at night.
Letting Christine go felt right. He was sure she would do as he told her, she would never show
her face again. Her eyes told him she was sincerely scared of Michaelangelo. He didn't know
what his brother has done to make her so scared of him, but it was good. It made her obey their

Walking into the mansion Gabriella squeezed Michaelangelo's hand a bit to let him know he
should calm down. After he received Rodolfo's call he was spacing out a lot. His worst fear came
out, Rodolfo let Christine go. He didn't know his brother was that clueless. Everything that
happened in their lives would go through him, he was the head of the family after all. A few
minutes after Rodolfo had called, one of the guards that were protecting Christine called him to
let him know Rodolfo gave them orders to move Christine. He stopped them immediately but
ordered them to keep it from Rodolfo. He needed to talk to his brother privately. Rodolfo was
losing his mind after all. Looking at Gabriella who gave him a comforting smile, he placed his
jacket over her shoulders and kissed her head.

"I will calm down" he told her making her raise an eyebrow and give him a look that told him
that she didn't quite believe him yet, "I promise, why don't you go change and we'll have a nice
family dinner later?" he suggested and watched her smile a bit before she and Cordelia left the
room together.

"What do you want me to do?" Gabriel asked while standing beside his cousin, "I could take care
of Christine. I don't mind it, I totally agree with you. It has to be done" he said since it would be
a threat to their family if they let Christine go. He already had Adelina to worry about, a short
tempered brunette was just too much.Nodding his head Michaelangelo turned to Gabriel, "take
care of it discretely. Don't let Rodolfo find out before I had this talk with him" Michaelangelo
said before placing his hand gently on Gabriel's shoulder and let the man leave.

Running up the steps he made his way to the office. It was his brother at the other side of the
room so he had to calm down. He wasn't ready to have a big argument with the man. He wanted
Rodolfo to be in his son's life. He was probably misguided because of his feelings. He should
change the man's thoughts. After this talk he was sure Rodolfo would start being himself again.
Reaching out to the doorknob, Michaelangelo opened the door and stepped inside his office.
Rodolfo was at the balcony smoking a cigarette. He closed the door behind him and joined his
older brother on the balcony.

"You had lunch at a restaurant while Gabriella was still in her PJ's?"he asked amused watching
his younger brother nod and shrug his shoulders, "yeah well who cares right? It's your restaurant"
he muttered and chuckled shaking his head, "by now you must have heard about it" he started
and looked at his brother who still held a straight face. At times like this he hated it. He hated
that his brother could keep a poker face on all the time.

"I heard about" Michaelangelo confirmed, "but I didn't agree with it, I let them take Christine
back. She didn't struggle. She said she knew this would happen. I just can't seem to understand
this Rodolfo. Do you love the woman or not?" he asked confused, "because your actions tell me
that you do love her, but you keep denying it. What's going on?"

Rubbing a hand over his face tiredly Rodolfo let out a sigh. He didn't know how to explain this
to Michaelangelo. Michaelangelo didn't understand these feelings because he never had them. He
never felt sorry for anyone. Maybe that one time for Anarosa. But that was about it. In the end he
still slept fine knowing the woman killed herself because of them. He didn't know how his
brother did it, but he couldn't.

"I don't know why I can't turn it off anymore" Rodolfo said as he watched Michaelangelo sigh
and shake his head, "how do I turn it off, Mike?"
"You just do it, without thinking about it too much. You shouldn't let that person get to you
emotionally. You said it yourself, you don't love her so pulling the trigger on her won't be hard
on you. Just remember that feeling, that feeling of her cheating on you. That feeling of when she
blackmailed you into thinking that girl was your daughter. Remember that feeling you felt when
she shot you. With that feeling you should look at the gun in your hand and ask yourself if you
can do it."

"I can."

If Michaelangelo put it like that he could easily grab his gun and point it at Christine. He did the
same with his mother. He didn't hesitate to threaten her then. Why should he with Christine. He
cared more about Grachelle than Christine. So it should be a lot easier.

"You're right" Rodolfo said nodding his head as he flicked his cigarette over the balcony, "you
want me to take care of the loose ends?"he asked and watched his brother shake his head.

"Gabriel is already on the job. I want you to do some research on Aiden. While Gabriel takes
care of your problem you should do the same for him" Michaelangelo said as he walked past his
brother and stepped into his office again, "can you do that?" he asked not looking at his brother

Closing the door behind him Rodolfo stepped in front of Michaelangelo's desk, "I can do it. I'll
do some research on Aiden. Adelina is still lying about her and Aiden?"

"Yes, she won't let go of anything."

"She is a tough one, did you figure it would go so easily. But she is pregnant right?"

"Yes, so we should be careful with her."

Nodding his head Rodolfo took out his phone and held it up, "I'll make some calls. I'll take care
of this, tell Gabriel to pull off this case. It's too personal for him. While he cleans up after me I'll
do the same for him."

"Tell me if you find something" Michaelangelo said watching his brother leave the office. He
was glad Rodolfo was taking his more lightly than he figured. He thought a big argument would
start yet Rodolfo seemed to understand his own mistake. It was good at least Rodolfo could
reflect on his own mistake. It was something he himself found hard to do.

Leaving the office as well Michaelangelo closed the door and made his way to the bedroom. He
smirked when he heard the water run in the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Cordelia
was nowhere to be found so it was just him and Gabriella. He hoped she wasn't feeling sick right
now. Making his way into the bathroom he smirked seeing his fiancée standing in the shower
while humming a song. She didn't seem to notice him at all. Closing the bathroom door he
reached out to his tie and took it off along with his shirt. When his jeans dropped to the floor he
saw Gabriella turn around with a flushed face. She recomposed herself quickly and smirked. He
loved to see that devious smile on her face. She was getting used to this, she usually would blush
and cover herself but she didn't do that anymore. He joined her in the shower and wrapped his
arms around her.

"Are you feeling sick again?" he asked her and watched her roll her eyes, "I figure that's a no" he
chuckled and pulled away from her while placing his hand on her swollen stomach, "I really
need this right now" he whispered to her as he made sure they were both underneath the hot rays
of the showerhead and closed his eyes.

Gabriella leaned her head against his wet chest and closed her eyes for a bit. She could hear his
heart beating at a calm pace. It made her feel comfortable and more relaxed.=

Shaking her head Adelina sighed and buried her face in her hands. She didn't know what to do
anymore. Gabriel and everyone else were trying so hard to discover the truth. Everyday it was
harder and harder to hide the truth from them. She wanted to solve things together with Aiden
but they just couldn't because her cousins and brother were interfering with their business. She
was embarrassed to tell them the truth and she knew Aiden was as well. She was mad at him for
a very long time, but she couldn't stay angry with him anymore. It happened in the past so she
shouldn't blame him for something that happened in his past. They were just married for five
years. What he did with his previous lovers were none of her business. But now, that past of him
caught up with them. She sighed and looked up. She saw her husband look at her with those
circles around his eyes. He slept a lot less than her.

"What are we going to do about it Adelina?" he asked and sat down beside her, "Michaelangelo
is going to find out, he will put his team onto our case. Within days they will find out the truth"
he whispered to her, "your cousins will hate me."

Shaking her head she reached out to him and took his hands in hers, "till now they still haven't.
This is our problem Aiden. I didn't tell them about it, because I wanted to solve things with you.
But I fear that you're right. Within days they will discover the truth and confront us about it."

"We should tell them before they find out their selves. They will appreciate it."

"I can't tell them, I don't want them to think that you cheated on me. Gabriel is hotheaded. I don't
think he'll understand."

"You forgave me. He should too."

"He won't because that girl was someone he introduced to you. He will blame himself and
because of that he wont be able to forgive you."

"Then we'll make him understand that our relationship is still the same. That nothing has
Shaking her head she took her hands away from him, "but our relationship did change Aiden!
You're a father of a six year old boy! Your ex-girlfriend is trying to get you back while we're
expecting a child of our own. It's a lot to handle, Aiden."

"I know that. I just want to do what's best for us, Adelina."

"Right now I don't know what's best for us. I really want to tell Gabriel about it. But I know this
will cause some ruckus among the family. They already have Christine to worry about. I don't
want to burden them with our problems."

Nodding his head, Aiden could understand what Adelina was saying. But he just wanted to tell
her family about it because he should have the decency to do at least that much. He knew it was
a matter of honor and pride. Michaelangelo would appreciate it. They would be less hard on him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thanks for the votes and comments. You all know that I love to receive feedback! =D I posted
the prologue of Rodolfo's story. I will start posting the chapters after this story is finished.

Chapter fifty-seven- Gabriel's Ex-girlfriend

Suppressing a giggle Gabriella pressed her pink lips together and buried her head more into her
fiancé's side. The palm of her hand was resting on top of his firm chest. His chest was slowly
going up and down with every breath he took. She could feel his heart beating calmly underneath
her hand. It comforted her. She felt him nuzzle her just right beneath her ear, her sensitive spot.
She couldn't handle it anymore and just let her giggle out. She felt him smirk against her skin and
pouted her lips a little though it didn't last long because she burst out in giggles again. She
gripped his white t-shirt a in her hand and moved her head.

"You know it tickles there" she whispered to him and smiled brightly as she looked up to meet
his beautiful blue orbs, "you're usually already up. You would have hit the gym, taken over ten
companies, scold people because they didn't do their job properly and on the phone with at least
five business partners" she said summing up his usual routine, "so what happened?" she asked
him quietly as she relaxed her hand again and let it rest on his chest.

She felt him pull her closer to him and rest his cheek against her head. Lately she felt more loved
by him, with just the little things he did. Pulling her closer like this, or kissing the top of her
head. Not to mention that it should be her whose hormones were ragging yet it was him who
suddenly spiced up life. She blushed at the thought of it. It was like he could read her
thoughts because he smirked and pinched her side playfully.

"I wanted to spoil my fiancé a little" he told her in his smooth voice which made shivers go
down her spine, "I'll take over twenty companies this afternoon to make up for it" he joked which
made her roll her eyes, "you look a lot better today" he commented as he made her look at him,
"you didn't feel sick this morning and you were okay with me moving you about yesterday."

She nodded her head. It was true the sickness wasn't that bad today. She could move around
freely without feeling sick. The weight of her belly was making her feel uncomfortable when she
was laying on her back so she was laying on her side which usually made her feel sick, but not
today. She moved her free hand to her belly and placed it carefully on it.

"I don't feel sick today at all" she told him as she smiled a little, "maybe it will stop?" she asked
and shrugged her shoulders before she slowly sat up and looked down at her fiancé who still had
an arm around her, "we shouldn't be lazing around, though I like spending time with you. I'm
hungry. I need at least two sandwiches, some fruit and a cup of tea."

"I need to talk to Rodolfo" he muttered as he sat up as well making her raise an eyebrow since he
suddenly brought his brother up, "you mentioned tea and it reminded me of Rodolfo" he told her
while leaning closer to her and press a kiss to her cheek.

She smiled when she felt his lips against her cheek and let him help her out bed. She didn't pay
much attention as her fiancé was undressing and hitting the shower. She just placed some
toothpaste on her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. She usually would have been
embarrassed to share the bathroom together like that. But not anymore. She didn't understand
why she used to be so embarrassed about it. Michaelangelo told her in the beach house as well.
They had seen it all. Why be embarrassed about it? She turned to look at the steamy shower and
waved at Michaelangelo to get his attention.

"Why did you suddenly bring up Rodolfo?" she asked him and watched him rub some shampoo
in his dark hair, "did something happen to him yesterday?" Gabriella asked since she reminded
how Michaelangelo had acted in the restaurant.

Michaelangelo was very anxious the whole trip back to the mansion. She didn't ask of him what
he discussed behind closed doors, because if he didn't want to talk about it she wouldn't press
him about it either. She learned her lesson. Michaelangelo needed time. If you pushed him too
much he would bring his thick walls up again and you would never be able to penetrate it.

"Nothing happened, I gave him an assignment. I just need to hear his rapport" Michaelangelo
said calmly while he was rinsing his hair, "give me my toothbrush" he said and watched her
place some toothpaste on it before she gave it to him.

"Will you be at the main office today?" she asked him as she turned to the sink again and rinsed
her mouth before she dried her face with a towel and turned to look at her fiancé who was
brushing his teeth, "I could do something fun with Cordelia. She has been here for a while. I feel
guilty for being sick the whole time. I want to spend more time with her."

"She understands it, Gabriella" Michaelangelo told her as he rinsed his mouth and turned off the
shower taking the towel which his fiancé handed to him, "don't worry about things like that. I'll
be at the main office today. I might be home late, I'll call if I have to stay longer at the office" he
said before stepping out of the shower giving her his toothbrush.

She puts everything back in place and followed her fiancé. She sat down at the end of their bed
and watched him get dressed, "I know she understands it, but it still makes me feel bad" she said
and smirked when she saw him give her a naughty look, "you'll be late, besides you just taken a
shower" she reminded him since she saw his eyes darken a little.

It was the look he always had before he started things with her.

"Yes, we'll continue things tonight" he said making her giggle, "don't worry too much Gabriella,
you always worry about others. Think about yourself for once" he told her as he buttoned up the
lasts two buttons and placed his tie on before he stepped towards his fiancé and placed a kiss on
her cheek, "I'll see you tonight" he whispered to her before he walked out the bedroom leaving
her to do her own things.

Gabriella ran a hand through her messy blonde locks and gripped the gray t-shirt she was
wearing that belonged to her fiancé. Lately she was more comfortable into wearing his shirts to
bed. They were wide enough for her belly to fit in. All her other clothes were getting too tight.
She was bloated. She was aware of that. She had a lot of water. She smiled as she got up
caressed her swollen stomach a little. She still couldn't believe that she thought about ending her
pregnancy. After seeing that little blot for the first time when she was still a few weeks into her
pregnancy it made her change her mind, and now that little blot changed into a real baby it made
her love him unconditionally. She gripped the end of the t-shirt and took it off dropping it in the
hamper so she could take a shower. After taking a shower and putting on some wide,
comfortable clothes she made her way to the living room and sat down next to Cordelia who was
working on her homework. She was now getting homeschooled since Michaelangelo only
wanted what was best for her. She got the best teachers and tutors. With these little things he did,
she knew Michaelangelo would be a good father to their child. "Good morning Cordy" she said
happily and kissed the girl on her head, "you're already done with your lessons today?" she asked
since Cordelia only had morning lessons on Friday.

"Yes, I'm just working on some homework" she shrugged and looked at Gabriella who seemed
ready to hit the gym, "are you going to work-out today?" she asked since Gabriella did do yoga
since a few days to get some exercise.

"No, I wanted to go to the mall. I need some new clothes, my old clothes don't find me anymore"
she said quietly and smiled at Cordelia seeing the girl's eyes brightened, "so you're going to
finish your homework" she said and looked at her watch, "while I'll have some breakfast, and
we'll leave around twelve alright."

"Sounds good to me" Cordelia said and went back to her homework since she really wanted to go
on a shopping spree with Gabriella. It had been a while since they did something fun since
Gabriella was feeling sick lately. It seemed the woman was feeling better today. She was glad the
woman didn't feel sick anymore. It was hurting her to see the always bright and cheerful woman
so pale and fragile looking.

Gabriella sat down in the dining room and looked at Gabriel who was drinking his coffee quietly
while looking at his i-pad. He didn't seem to notice her, which was a surprise to her. The Gavino
boys were always very observant. It was what she hated the most. They could tell every little
change. She smiled a little and snapped with her fingers making him startle with hearing it.

"You were deep in thoughts" Gabriella announced as she loaded her plate with food, "did
something happen?" she asked him quietly as she poured herself some tea and sipped from it.

He didn't know what to tell her. He took care of Rodolfo's loose end yesterday. It made
Michaelangelo give him a rest today. He could take a day off and spend time with Gabriella and
Cordelia. It was more like babysitting duty again. Not that he mind it. He needed a day to clear
his mind. He took a life, Christine's life. It wasn't like he was close to her but he still felt
something. It was the woman Rodolfo used to love. He didn't love her anymore, but it meant she
was at least somewhat close to the family. He leaned back against his chair and looked at
Gabriella who was quietly enjoying her breakfast. It was good to see her all bright and cheerful

"I was just going through some photographs" he said as he turned off the device and placed it
away, "you look better today, Gabriella. Are you feeling better?" he asked her.

She nodded her head and flashed him a smile, "I feel more alive today. I didn't feel sick this
morning" she told him and looked back at her bagel, "after breakfast I'll go shopping with
Cordelia, do you want to come with us? I wanted to buy new clothes for me, and I want to start
looking for a baby room and baby clothes."

"It's good to know the gender" he said and smiled at her when she gave him a cheeky look, "you
knew it was a boy for a very long time right?"

"Yes, I just wanted to make sure Michaelangelo wouldn't have a preferences. Since this is the
mighty Gavino family I wanted to know if he would be okay with me having a girl. But from the
looks of it, he actually really wanted to have a girl."

"Yes but he's still very happy."

Nodding her head she couldn't say that he was wrong. Michaelangelo seemed very happy with
her being pregnant. With the day he got more and more excited about becoming a father. They
were very young but she was sure she could handle it. If she couldn't she was sure Michaelangelo
would hire someone to help her through it. She used to hate it, not being very independent but
now she could compromise more. Her mother would have been proud of her. Well, not her
biological mother but Francesca.

"So are you coming with us to the mall?"

"I guess. I don't have anything else to do. Michaelangelo gave me the day off."

"That's nice of him, and that while he has to take over twenty companies today."

"Twenty?" Gabriel asked confused.

Giggling Gabriella shook her head, "it's an inside joke" she muttered.

"You two are very close lately. It's good to see that you two worked things out. It makes both of
you happier. You smile a lot more and even Michaelangelo smiles a lot more too."

She knew he was right. After she tried to change herself a bit she noticed that Michaelangelo was
doing the same. Maybe in a while he would soften up even more to them. It was good to see this
bright side of Michaelangelo even if it was just a little bit. It was enough for them.

Leaning back against the couch in Michaelangelo's office Rodolfo looked up when he saw his
brother ending his phone call. Michaelangelo let out a huff and rubbed a hand over his face
before he looked at Rodolfo who was going through some files his private detective left.

"Did you find out something interesting?" Michaelangelo asked and saw that Rodolfo shrugged
his shoulders, "nothing of importance so far" he muttered and looked back at his laptop, "I
wished Adelina would just talk to us" he told his brother, "she is our cousin I don't want to be
suspicious of her, but the way she is acting doesn't make it easy for me to feel otherwise."

"I know what you mean" Rodolfo said as he looked up from his files, "the more she denies that
she is having problems with Aiden the more angry I get. It's so obvious that those two are having
a hard time, why won't they just talk to us about it?"

"They want to solve their problems first" Michaelangelo said as he tried to put himself in their
shoes, "but it has been going on for so long that it no longer implies to them. They're causing
other people to get hurt, which means we have the right to interfere now."

Rodolfo knew he was speaking of Cordelia who had a fight with her older sister. That's why she
was staying at their mansion now. She was having a good time there, Rodolfo figured that the
little girl wouldn't go home anymore. Not that he minded. There were enough rooms available.
Even if Michaelangelo would have a dozen kids the mansion would still be big enough.

"So I heard you're going to have a son" Rodolfo said and saw his brother's face brighten,
"Gabriella told me a few weeks ago that she knew the gender but she didn't want to tell anyone
yet. So I guess you passed her test."

"I guess I did" Michaelangelo said shrugging his shoulders, "lately things have been going very
well between Gabriella and me. I feel like I can rely on her more. It should have been like this
from the beginning."
"You have changed. That's what happened."

Michaelangelo frowned a little but didn't deny it. Maybe he changed a bit. He didn't think he
changed in a bad way. He could still do his job properly. But he could now make his wife happy.
Hearing her giggle early in the morning. Seeing her smiley face the whole day. He didn't make
her cry anymore. That was what mattered.

They both looked up when Michaelangelo's new assistant stepped into the room. For one he was
male which made Gabriella happy, and the second positive point of this new assistant was that
the guy wouldn't fall in love with him since he was married. He was glad he hired this new
assistant, Ben. Ben was about to open his mouth when Adelina pushed him aside and walked
past him, making both Michaelangelo and Rodolfo both raised their brows and looked at the
woman with the confident look in her eyes. It was like she was hear to fight a battle with them.
She never been more confident in her life before. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at
them with her chin held high.

"We need to talk, cousins."

Standing up Michaelangelo looked down at the woman who tried to stand tall. He crossed his
arms in front of his chest and nodded his head, his eyes never leaving hers. It was like they were
fighting a silent battle. Both of them wouldn't lower their defenses first.

"Then have a seat, Adelina" Michaelangelo said nodding to the comfortable one-seat in front of
his desk, "and we'll have that talk" he said before looking at his assistant who seemed confused
about this situation, "I'll handle this, Ben. You can leave now" he said dismissing the man.

Sitting back down in his chair, Rodolfo took the seat right next to Adelina. She should feel the
pressure of her cousin's eyes on her but she seemed to cope with it just fine. She still held her
head high and narrowed her green eyes on Michaelangelo, as if she was daring him to speak
before her.

"What do you want to talk about, Adelina?" Rodolfo asked calmly snapping her out of her
thoughts, "you have a very serious look in your eyes, so it must be something important."

She looked at Rodolfo and nodded her head. She couldn't be mad at Rodolfo nor Michaelangelo.
They were her cousins and she figured they just wanted to help her. She just didn't like it when
people didn't listen to her and interfered with her business. They broke her two rules, which
made her furious. But now looking at them she could look beyond their cold exterior. They cared
deeply for her, they were worried about her. They were family after all, so she knew it wasn't
weird that they cared for her. She couldn't stay mad at them after seeing that look hidden in their

"You were right about me having problems" she started as she looked from Rodolfo to
Michaelangelo who narrowed his eyes on her, "but it's something that I need to solve by myself.
I appreciate it, that you want to help me. I just don't want your help" she said as she saw
Michaelangelo clenching his jaw.

That was not something he wanted to hear. Somehow his eyes darkened and made shivers go
down her spine. She knew now why people were afraid to look Michaelangelo in his eyes
whenever he was furious about something. She didn't know how Gabriel coped with this. Maybe
the woman was blind and didn't notice the change in his appearance.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 57 - Gabriel's Ex-girlfriend (p.13 of 25)

But she noticed it, and it scared her.

"You don't want our help?" Michaelangelo repeated, "I don't care that you don't want our help,
we'll fix this problem for you" he told her and noticed her open her mouth to protest, "the
moment you made Cordelia cry because of your stressful life was the moment you lost the right
to solve this on your own. It shows us that you aren't capable of fixing it by yourself."

"It's personal! I don't want you to interfere with my personal life. It's something Aiden and I will
solve on our own!"

"What are you going to solve on your own?" Rodolfo asked as he made Adelina clear her throat
and slowly look at the serious look man beside her, "it's personal and something you and Aiden
have to fix. So I'm guessing it has to do with your marriage with Aiden. Seeing how mad you get
whenever we bring up your marriage something must be really wrong between you two" he said
making her gulp and look away.

They were always way too observant. She didn't know how to talk herself out of it. She already
told him he was right about his assumptions since she looked away from his eyes. If she would
deny it with whole her heart they would only know that she was really lying to them, that
everything that they were thinking was right. She needed to handle this calmly. She needed to
stay calm like Michaelangelo and Rodolfo. They didn't seem to yell nor did their looks falter.
Years of experience they had. She heard that Michaelangelo lost his calm once in a while. But
that was only because Gabriella was a very stubborn woman. In business life he was like a robot.
No emotions were ever seen on his face or in his eyes. She wished that she could be the same as
him. It would make things easier for her right now.

"Yes there are some problems between Aiden and me. We'll handle it ourselves though."

"Did he hurt you?" Michaelangelo asked.

"Physically no."

"So he hurt you mentally" Rodolfo stated as he leaned back against his chair and tried to sum up
every possible thing Aiden has done to hurt Adelina, "he cheated on you."
Gulping Adelina didn't know where to look. He cheated on her before the got married, yes. He
apologized to her back then, but now his past was hunting them. His six-year-old son was what's
getting them to have arguments till late at night. She was stressed and she yelled at Cordelia
because of that. She felt like a really bad sister right now.

"He cheated on you" Michaelangelo confirmed since Adelina was near tears, "what did you do
about it?" he asked as he reached into his drawer and gave her a paper so she could wipe her
tears away, "do you want us to have a talk with him?" he asked her.

She knew that with or without her permission they would have a talk with Aiden.

"He cheated on me a long time ago" she told them surprising the both of them, "I forgave him for

"But what's the problem then?" Rodolfo asked confused, "if it was a long time again, why would
you bring it up again? You forgave him so what happened in the past shouldn't be brought up
now, right?"

She shook her head, "it was that way until she showed up" she whispered and pressed her lips
together trying to make sure she wouldn't burst out in tears in front of her cousins again, letting a
few tears spill was bad already.

"She showed up?" Michaelangelo asked, "you mean the woman who he had an affair with?"
Michaelangelo asked and got off his chair making his way towards Adelina. When he stood in
front of her he leaned against his desk and looked down at the stressed woman, "what is her

She knew he would make sure that woman wouldn't be burden to her again.

"She showed up" she repeated, "she showed up with her child."

Narrowing his eyes on Adelina, Rodolfo understood then what the problem was. She was so
deeply hurt and her voice shook when she spoke the word child that knew right away what was
going on. Looking at his brother he could tell that Michaelangelo figured it out as well.

"Aiden's child" Rodolfo confirmed.

"Yes Aiden's child" Adelina agreed, "everything would be fine, I would let him take
responsibility but that woman just won't leave us alone. Aiden would see his child in the
weekends and everything would be fine. But that woman doesn't agree with it, she comes
between Aiden and me the whole time."

"What's her name?" Michaelangelo asked again this time in a more demanding tone which made
her look at him, "what's the woman's name, Adelina?"
"Melissa Thompson."

Eyes widening Rodolfo cleared his throat and shared a look with his brother. He needed to talk to
Michaelangelo privately.

"We'll take care of this problem. If it's really stressing you out you can stay with us in the
mansion. It's not good for your health to be in a situation like this, you should think of your
baby" Michaelangelo said making her nod her head. She didn't even question him to ask how he
knew. She knew nothing was kept a secret to the Gavino boys.

"I'll be fine with Aiden. It's not him who causes problems for me. It's that woman."

"Don't talk to her anymore" Rodolfo said making Adelina look at him, "leave this to us, don't
open the door for her and don't let Aiden be with her as well. Why don't you and Aiden go on a
vacation together?" Rodolfo suggested, "a nice beach vacation?"

Frowning Adelina could tell that Rodolfo wanted her away from here. She knew she shouldn't
protest against their wishes and sighed in defeat.

"Fine you arrange a vacation for us and we'll leave" she said getting off her seat, "just make sure
to inform me when everything is settled" she said as she looked at both her cousins before she
left the office.

"What was on your mind?" Michaelangelo asked since he did notice the look his older brother
gave him. Rodolfo knew something more about this situation but he couldn't speak about it in
front of Adelina.

"I know Melissa" he told Michaelangelo making his brother frown, "she was together with
Gabriel for six months."

"That's a long time for Gabriel" Michaelangelo joked but didn't laugh since he knew this was a
serious matter, "so Melissa was introduced to Aiden by Gabriel and then she cheated on Gabriel
with Aiden, the brother-in-law of her boyfriend. What a nice girlfriend Gabriel had."

"Gabriel doesn't know she cheated on him. Things just didn't work out between them. She
wanted him to love her and well we both know that we are all incapable of feeling that emotion.
You're still having problems with admitting it loudly and well I met someone who made my
heart break in a million pieces. They split because Gabriel didn't give her what she wanted."

"So Gabriel doesn't know his ex-girlfriend cheated on him?"

"No, Melissa has a child with Aiden. That's sick."

Michaelangelo couldn't disagree with his brother on that. It was weird knowing that his cousin's
girlfriend has a son with his cousin's brother-in-law. Alright ex-girlfriend. It was still weird, no
matter how you looked at it.

"One of us should tell Gabriel" Michaelangelo announced and walked back to his chair, "and
since you're closer to Gabriel than I am, I'm suggesting that you tell him about Melissa. Besides
you knew her, not me."

Michaelangelo had a point, he did know Melissa. But he didn't want to hurt Gabriel's feelings.
He didn't love Melissa but it would still hurt his pride knowing the woman cheated on him while
he was together with her. Not to mention that the cheating ex-girlfriend was the mother of
Aiden's child. Yes, Gabriel would be mentally hurt after he heard this. He didn't know how to
break this news to the guy without hurting him.

"How should I tell him?" Rodolfo asked as he thought about possible ways to break the news to
Gabriel, "I should do it quick and clean, but there is no way you can break this news to someone
without their feelings getting hurt."

"Go out with him, play pool, drink a beer while watching a soccer game. I don't know how you
want to start having this conversation with Gabriel, as long as you do it. He needs to know before
he finds out himself. It will only hurt him more. I'm sure Melissa wants something from Aiden,
since she is bothering them."

"I'll take Gabriel out the house, you should find more about Melissa" Rodolfo said as he got off
his chair and looked at his brother, "I'm going home to talk to Gabriel. Why don't you book that
vacation for Adelina and Aiden. Hawaii maybe?"

"Yes, I'll let Ben book a vacation for them. Make sure the guards watch over Cordelia and
Gabriella when you take Gabriel with you."

Nodding his head, Rodolfo flashed his brother a small smile before he left the office. He never
would have thought this was the problem Aiden and Adelina were having. While they were
enjoying a nice vacation in Hawaii they would take care of the couple's problems. He loved his
cousins and he wouldn't tolerate anyone trying to break up his cousin's marriage.

Smiling as Cordelia was helping her unpack all the bags with baby clothes, Gabriella looked at
the door when she heard someone come in. Rodolfo let a minute ago together with Gabriel so she
figured it could only be her fiancé. She smiled even wider when she saw that her assumptions
were right. She turned her head a little and heard his chuckle since she was inviting him to kiss
her cheek. She saw his eyes wander to the bed which was loaded with bags and smirked.

"You bought a lot of stuff" Michaelangelo commented as he looked at the blue little shirt
Cordelia was holding up, "I see our son is already getting spoiled" he said amusingly and sat
down next to Cordelia who was helping Gabriella sort the clothes.
"We're sorting them just to see what we have. Carla will wash them later" Gabriella informed
before she glanced up to meet her fiancé's eyes. He didn't seem worried nor did he seemed
stressed. She still found it weird that Gabriel and Rodolfo left so suddenly. She figured
something was wrong, but looking at her fiancé she couldn't make out if it was really true,
"Rodolfo and Gabriel left a minute ago" she said trying to see if his eyes changed, but they

"Yes, Rodolfo wanted to go out. They have been in the house for too long. You know a guy's
night out" Michaelangelo shrugged and placed an arm over Cordelia's shoulder, "I talked to
Adelina today" he said making the younger girl look up with surprised eyes, "she is doing a lot
better. But to help her relax more we booked a vacation for her and Aiden. They'll go to Hawaii
for a month."

"A month?" Cordelia asked surprised, "that's nice of you" she said a bit confused about the
sudden announcement, "I guess Adelina needs it."

"Yes Adelina definitely needs a vacation" Gabriella agreed as she looked at the bags that were
for her, "I bought new clothes for me as I don't have to use your clothes anymore" she
told him and saw him smirk.

"That's too bad, I love seeing you wearing my clothes."

She blushed a little as she heard his comment. She knew he loved seeing her in his clothes. She
only wore a t-shirt or a shirt to bed. He loved running his fingers over her bare legs. It was just in
his advantage if she wore his clothes.

"I can't always wear your clothes" she shrugged, "you're home early" she said as she
unintentionally looked at her watch, "it's just a little over five...are you feeling unwell sweety?"
she asked in a overly sweet tone which made him cringe.

"I wanted to spend time with my fiancée and my cousin" Michaelangelo said flashing them a
grin, "can't I come home early to be with my family?" he asked and noticed how the girls shared
a look after he said that.

"You can, but it's weird" Cordelia muttered to her cousin, "since I have been here, you always
put your work first" she announced and looked at Gabriella who seemed to agree with her,
"you're very kind to spend a lot of time with Gabriella, but work is work."

"Alright" he sighed as he released Cordelia and rolled his eyes, "I was worried because you two
were home alone, I just wanted to be around to make sure you two would be alright."

"Thanks for the concern" Gabriella chuckled, "but we can manage, Michaelangelo" she said as
she looked at Carla who walked in to get the baby clothes which she should wash before they
would be put in the dresser, "we bought all the furniture for the baby room" she said and looked
at Michaelangelo who nodded, "they'll be delivered on Monday."

"So you had a fun day together?" he asked as he looked at his cousin who smiled at his comment,
"looking at your bright face I can assume you had?"

"Yes, I love spending time with Gabriella" Cordelia said making the blonde woman coo and
reach out to her giving her a kiss to her head, "so Rodolfo and Gabriel won't be coming home
today?" Cordelia asked her cousin who shrugged his shoulders at her question. He really didn't
know about that. He didn't interfere with their business. Rodolfo had to break the news to
Gabriel, he didn't care how his brother did it. As long as it was done.

"Why are you asking?" Michaelangelo asked Cordelia who blushed a little seeing the serious
look Michaelangelo gave her, "am I not good enough, Cordy?" he asked making his fiancée
chuckle, "you actually hurt my feelings."

"I was just curious" she muttered.

After unpacking all the bags they had a nice dinner together in the dining room. Michaelangelo
was good at making them forget about all the question they had on Rodolfo and Gabriel leaving
abruptly. He would tell them when the time was right, at least he would tell Cordelia when the
time was right he would inform Gabriella when they were alone. He glanced at his fiancée who
suppressed a yawn and smirked. He got off his chair making both girls look at him in surprise.

"We're heading to bed, Cordy. I know it's Friday just don't make it too late, alright?" he asked
and saw her nod slightly at his order. He smiled and looked at Gabriella helping her off her chair,
"I should put you to bed Mrs. Gavino you seem really tired."

"I'm tired. I loved shopping with Gabriel and Cordy, but all the walking around made me very
tired" she admitted as she let him drag her out of the dining room, "night Cordy!" she called
before she left the room together with Michaelangelo, "what's with the rush?" she asked
confused, "do you have other plans, Michaelangelo?" she asked amusingly seeing the rush he
had to get them faster to the bedroom.

He looked over his shoulder showing her a serious look. So, maybe he wasn't thinking about
making his moves on her. She didn't know if she should be happy or sad about that. Every night
he would try and seduce her with success of course. This time it seemed like he had something
important, something serious to discuss with her. She watched him close the door and motioned
for her to sit down on the bed.

"Adelina told us about her problems with Aiden today" he said holding up his hand to tell her to
wait before she would speak, "Aiden had an affair a very long time ago, and they thought it was
in the past but that matter haunted him. The woman whom he had an affair with showed up with
his child. I looked at the DNA tests that were done, and it matches his DNA. He really is the
father of that child."
"So what are they going to do now?" Gabriella asked confused. Her heart was aching for
Adelina, she must have suffered badly when hearing this news, "you send them away to take care
of this, I assume."

He nodded his head. Gabriella had a very good intuition. She knew what steps he would take and
when. It was dangerous but at the same time it excited him to know that this woman knew his
way of thinking.

"I want to offer the woman an amount of money to disappear forever. She managed to take care
of the child without Aiden for six years, why would she suddenly want his help. I'm still waiting
for my detective's answers. Something is wrong about that woman, and we're going to find out

Gabriella couldn't help but to agree with Michaelangelo's assumptions. If the woman suddenly
showed up after all these years, something must be wrong with her. It wasn't necessarily bad but
until now they have only gone through bad situations. So she couldn't be very positive about the
woman suddenly showing up.

"What has this to do with Gabriel?"

He knew she would ask that question since she had seen the seriousness in his eyes. Gabriel was
observant. He figured that after her spending so much time with them she was slowly taking over
their habits.

"The woman is Gabriel's ex-girlfriend."

"And Gabriel doesn't know about this yet" Gabriella said softly to herself, "this is really wrong"
she said as she looked up to meet Michaelangelo's eyes again, "you should handle this very fast"
she never liked this kind of business but right now she was encouraging him. She just wanted
Adelina to live happily together with Aiden and her baby.

"I'm trying to handle this as fast as I can" Michaelangelo said as he moved to the bed and pushed
her softly down on the bed before he laid down next to her and wrapped an arm around her to
pull her closer to him, "its refreshing to hear you encourage me though, that never happened
before" he told her amusingly.

"I want this to be over with for Adelina" she whispered and inhaled sharply when she felt his
hand gliding over her side and stopping at her thigh, "what happened to you Michaelangelo.
When I wasn't pregnant with our son you were never like this with me" she told him and looked
him in the eyes.

"I just want to feel you, to be close to you as much as I can" he told her quietly as he trailed
kisses down her neck, "are you refusing me?" he asked her.
Letting out a shaky breath she closed her eyes and gripped his shoulders when he applied more
pressure to his kisses, "no!" she gasped.

He looked up and smirked when he saw her face in pure pleasure. Yes he knew he changed a lot,
everyone was right about assuming that Gabriella changed him. He didn't mind it either. If he
could see her like this more often it was worth it, receiving her love was worth more than
anything in this world to him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it. Gabriel's reaction to hearing about
his ex-girlfriend will be in this chapter. Also a confrontation between him and Melissa. I hope
you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to leave me a vote or comment. Feedback is very much

Chapter fifty-eight- I'm Not Cute!

Placing on her bathrobe Gabriella looked in the mirror and fixed her hair a little. She was
grateful that the sickness was almost completely gone, she shouldn't be too happy yet but right
now she was just grateful. She tightened the robe a little more and walked out of the bedroom.
When she woke up around seven, the spot next to her was already empty and cold. It was
Monday and Michaelangelo was always very stressed on Monday. Since he didn't work overtime
on Friday she figured he would be even more stressed than usual. She looked across the hall to
the secret passage that leaded to their fitness area. She knew he was still at home since his car
was still in the driveway. She figured she could spoil him a little since he has been very good to
her for the past few weeks, the least she could do was make him some coffee and breakfast. She
knew they had people hired to do it for them, but as his fiancée she wanted to make him
breakfast for a change.

She stepped into the kitchen to be greeted by their staff. Giving them smiles she walked to the
chef and took the cup out of his hand.

"Is this for Michaelangelo?" she asked and saw the startled look in his eyes, "I wanted to make
him coffee, but if Carla brings him the coffee I can make the pancakes?" she suggested and
watched the look in the man's eyes change.

She figured he was scared because somehow she wouldn't be happy with his coffee.

"Mrs. Gavino-"

"It's still Miss Valia" she corrected him, "we're not married yet" she said and giggled when she
saw him quiet down again because of embarrassment, "I was just joking, don't be so uptight,

He laughed and shook his head as he gave Carla the cup of coffee that belonged to
Michaelangelo, "my name is Gary, Miss Valia."
She nodded her head, "I know that, I hired you remember. I just think you look more like a
Miles" she muttered and pressed her lips together, "but since I corrected you it's only fair that
you correct me as well" she winked at him before she started to make the pancakes that
Michaelangelo liked.

"It's my job to cook, Miss Valia" Gary reminded her, "I would like to keep my job" he said softly
and watched the blonde woman smile, "I really like it here" he continued trying to persuade the
stubborn woman to let him cook instead.

"Don't worry Gary, I just want to spoil Mike. Why don't you make me those vanilla muffins? I
would like to have some vanilla muffins. Oh, and Cordy loves brownies. Could you make some
brownies too?"

He knew she wanted to make him feel more comfortable around him. He just did as he was told
and started to make the things Gabriella asked of him.

Once she was finished making the things Michaelangelo liked she let Carla take it to the dining
room. She looked at the clock right next to the door in the dining room. He was done with his
usual work-out and would be in the shower right now. She looked at Carla who walked by with
an empty cup of coffee. She felt like a housewife more and more. She just wanted to look after
him since he was the one that looked after them. She sat down at the dining table and smiled
when Carla brought her some peppermint tea. She loved peppermint tea these days, since she
didn't drink coffee that much anymore. Rodolfo appreciated her new love for tea, now they could
drink a cup of tea together while reading a book together in the library. She smiled at the
thought, she wished Rodolfo and Gabriel would be coming home soon. The weekend without
them was really too quiet for her liking. The boys always kept the house lively. She looked at the
door when she heard someone come in and flashed her fiancé a warm smile. His hair was still
slightly wet while he smelled like a fresh summer breeze. He sat down next to her and pressed a
kiss to her cheek.

"You're up early. You could have stayed in bed, Gabriella" he told her since he kept her up the
whole weekend he knew she needed to rest more, "smells good, didn't you ask Gary to bring you
breakfast as well?" he asked and watched her shake her head.

"I asked Gary to make me some muffins. I made you breakfast" she said and watched pure
surprise spreading in his eyes, "I wanted to spoil you since you have been really good to me for
these past few weeks. I just wanted to do something back" she told him.

He shoved his plate closer to him and held up a piece to feed her before he ate the pancake
himself, "it's really good" he told her, "you know I can cook well now as well" he told her since
he cooked dinner for her when he lost the bet, "I didn't need you to make me breakfast though,
you deserve to get spoiled by me since it's the other way around. You have been really good to
me" he pointed out.
She knew what he meant, he didn't need to tell her how she had been good to him. She stopped
being the stubborn, noisy Gabriella. She was still stubborn and they had a lot of arguments but
not arguments which were bad for their relationship. They had arguments that made Cordelia
laugh, so she figured they were really silly. Fighting with Michaelangelo just made their
relationship more lively. It brought passion in their relationship. After an argument
Michaelangelo usually got this dangerous hint in his eyes that told her to run otherwise he would
devour her.

Not that she minded it, he was very addicting. She couldn't get enough of him anymore. She
wished they were like this before she got pregnant. It would have been a very interesting
relationship they would have shared. If she gave up fighting against his way of life she would
have been enjoying this side of him sooner.

"What are you thinking about" he asked since he noticed how a blush spread across her face,
"aren't you getting tired of it, Gabriella?" he asked her playfully and chuckled when she flashed
him a dangerous glare, "Cordy is coming" he told her so they would start talking about
something else. It would definitely spoil her appetite when she heard them talking about their sex

"Morning" the teenager muttered as she took a seat next to Gabriella who kissed her head, "you
two are up early" she said a bit surprised and looked at Michaelangelo who seemed too cheerful
for this early in the morning, "you're too cheerful for this morning, Mike" she muttered as she
leaned more against Gabriella who held the teenager close to her.

"Its better to get up early" Michaelangelo told his cousin, "that way I can spend this day without
wasting any second of it" he said making the girl roll his eyes and sigh.

"Yes that's true, but people who don't run an international company, hotels and clubs like to sleep
a little longer. They don't have to worry about wasting seconds of the day."

"True. But those people are living off the money of the people who do run international
companies, hotels and clubs. Maybe they should be more considerate of those busy people?"

She knew she wouldn't win this argument since Michaelangelo was right. They never showed
him enough consideration yet he was working so hard to maintain their luxurious lifestyle. She
flashed the man a smile that made him raise an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"Thank you Michaelangelo for taking care of us" she said monotone which made Gabriella burst
out in laughter, "I really appreciate it that you work hard to let us spend your money."

Gabriella noticed how Cordelia was becoming more and more daring each day that she spend in
this house. She used to be scared of talking to Michaelangelo, now she was actually taunting the
man. It was hilarious to see. She figured that Cordelia felt more at ease in their house now. She
was glad they could help her develop herself. She would grow a lot more. Somehow Cordelia
reminded her of herself.

Michaelangelo shared a look with Gabriella and noticed how amused his fiancée was. Cordelia
definitely changed these last days. She was more daring. He never would have thought Cordelia
would make such a comment about him. It was different and somehow it caused him to smile.
Seeing his cousin grow emotionally because of them felt good. It made him belief that he could
be a good father to his child.

"Yes I knew you only cared about the money and not me" Michaelangelo said shaking his head a
little as he tried to let her think that he was disappointed in her, "it's good to know that I'm only a
walking credit card."

Cordelia looked at her cousin who held a disappointed look in his eyes. She didn't mean to hurt
him but she did hurt him apparently. She glanced at Gabriella who kept suspiciously quiet beside
her. Shouldn't Gabriella comfort her fiancé at a time like this. It almost seemed like the two of
them were playing a game, a very dangerous game with her. She did notice how the couple
shared looks and flashed smiles to each other. Did they treat her like a child?

"You two do realize that Gabriella is only three years older than me?" she asked and looked at
Gabriella who raised an eyebrow at hearing her comment, "so you aren't that mature compared to
me" she pointed out making the both of them scoff and look away.

"In age we might be not that much older but we have more experience in life than you"
Michaelangelo told his cousin calmly, "we grew up in different families, Cordelia. People
expected more of us than you."

"Yes people expected of us to be mature at the age of eighteen. Our lifestyles were completely
different" Gabriella said as she ran her hand through Cordelia's hair who suddenly slumped down
in her chair maybe in a sign of defeat, "but you should be glad that you didn't grow up like us.
You should take your time to grow up."

Glancing at his watch Michaelangelo got off his chair and looked down at the girls who smiled
warmly at him, "I'll see you both tonight" he told them, "they'll deliver the furniture for the baby
room today right?" he asked Gabriella who nodded her head at his question, "let them put the
furniture in the guest room in our wing first. The room still needs to get painted."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 58 - I'm Not Cute (p.8 of 27)

"Yes I already thought of that" Gabriella told him and got off her chair as she walked towards
him to kiss his cheek, "don't come home too late" she told him since she knew Mondays were
always very long and dreadful for Michaelangelo. He always worked overtime on Monday.

He nodded his head before he left the room. The room suddenly turned gray in her eyes. She
didn't know why his presence lightened her mood these days. His gentleness was rubbing off. If
he stayed so gentle and sweet to her she would get addicted to him. He shouldn't spoil her too
much. She turned around only to be greeted with a bright smile of Cordelia not to mention the
mocking look she held in her eyes. The girl really got more confident these days.

"Have you and Michaelangelo always been like this?" she asked and noticed the confused look in
Gabriella's eyes, "I mean like these lovesick couples who can't live without each other?" she
asked making Gabriella snort and flash her a playful glare.

"We've come to an understanding just recently. We didn't marry for love and it certainly didn't
develop quickly after we got married. We fought a lot, and Michaelangelo had intimacy issues.
Just recently we really fell in love."

"If you didn't love Michaelangelo why did you two get married?"

Gabriella pressed her lips together. She forgot that only Rodolfo and Gabriel knew the truth. It
was just a business arrangement nothing more. They pretended to be in love in front of other
people. She forgot that they didn't want their family to know about the real conditions of their

"I used to love Michaelangelo as a kid" she said remembering what her mother told her, "we just
haven't spend time together after that. So it wasn't that we married because we fell in love. We
married and figured love would come later."

"Really?" Cordelia asked and nodded her head, "so let's say that you didn't have an arranged
marriage and you would have met Michaelangelo somewhere, would you date him?"

"I think I would."

"You think you would?" she asked not understanding Gabriella's answer, "so you aren't so sure
about it?"

Sitting down across Cordelia, Gabriella smiled when Gary served their muffins and brownies. He
also made them toast and a fruit-salad which she could really appreciate. She thanked him and
looked at Cordelia again.

"Michaelangelo was a very isolated man before I met him. He is different now but in the
beginning he couldn't show anyone if he cared about them. He wasn't gentle with his words and
he had a lot of issues he needed to deal with. Besides Anarosa was within the package as well. I
was very picky and sarcastic back then. We wouldn't match very well. So I'm not sure if we
would have fallen in love if we weren't in an arranged marriage."

"But Michaelangelo fell in love with you. I also noticed that he has changed a lot. He is
definitely more gentle and caring. So you don't regret being married to him right?"

"I don't regret getting married to him for a second time" she said winking at Cordelia.
Cordelia nodded her head. She never knew the history between her cousin and Gabriella. It was
interesting to hear about it. She could tell by looking in Gabriella's eyes that she really loved
Michaelangelo. Seeing how her cousin reacted around Gabriella she was certain about his
feelings for Gabriella being mutual. The girls both looked at the door as they heard lots of noises
coming from the hallway. Getting of their chairs they made their way to the living room.

Rodolfo raised an eyebrow as he saw Gabriella in her bathrobe and Cordelia still wearing her
PJ's. He was supporting Gabriel who by the looks of it was still very drunk. Gabriella didn't want
to know what the two of them did together on their boys night out, which lasted a whole
weekend. By the smell of it they drank expensive liquor, smoked a lot and she didn't want to
know what else mixed with their cigarette and alcohol scent.

"You two look bright and awake" Gabriella muttered as she crossed her arms in front of her chest
in a stern way, she looked like a mother who awaited her teenage sons to ground them, "are you
going to explain to me why he looks half-dead and why you smell bad" she said holding up her
chin a little to show who was in control here right now.

Rodolfo smirked at seeing her act like that, "I'll explain it to you later. First I need to dump him"
he said referring to his cousin who was half unconscious, "I'll put him on the couch no way I'm
going to drag him to his room like this" he said as he walked to the living room and dumped
Gabriel on the couch rather roughly which made the man groan.

Gabriella grabbed a blanket and placed it over Gabriel watching his sister help him out of his
jacket and take off his shoes to get him more comfortable.

"I don't understand" Cordelia said as she watched Gabriel, "he hasn't been like this for months.
What happened?" she asked as she looked at Rodolfo who merely shrugged with his shoulders as
response to her question.

"Boys night out. It's allowed every once in a while" he said as he looked at his watch, "why don't
you get dressed. Your teachers will arrive soon, go get dressed" he said as he watched the young
girl sigh and walk away doing as she was told by her older cousin.

"Are you going to explain yourself to me, Rodolfo?" Gabriella asked and frowned when Rodolfo
placed an arm over her shoulders and pulled her close to him, "Rodolfo?" she asked a bit louder
trying to get him to speak.

"I'm going to tell you all about it" he said as he leaded her to the staircase, "but let's go to your
room first. I need to take a shower and you need to get dressed" he remarked seeing she was still
in her bathroom and slippers, "this style suits you, but you should wear some clothes."

She gave up and followed after Rodolfo. Once they were in her bedroom behind closed doors she
turned to look at Rodolfo who was taking off his shirt while walking to the bathroom.
"You're feeling too comfortable around me" she told him as she made her way to the closet and
took off her robe to get dressed, "are you going to tell me about your weekend with Gabriel
now?" she called seeing she heard the water run which meant that Rodolfo was already taking a

She got dressed in a comfortable dress and looked around Michaelangelo's clothes to give
Rodolfo clean clothes. She placed the clothes on the bed and sat down on the couch by the
window. She didn't want to give him the impression that she was waiting for him to get out of
the bathroom to get dressed. He must think she is a pervert if she did that. So she grabbed a book
and just sat down quietly while reading it. She looked up when she heard the water stop. He
would tell her about his weekend now. She was curious to know what Gabriel's reaction was
upon hearing that his ex-girlfriend was the mother of Aiden's child.

"You picked out some clothes for me. Isn't that kind of you" he said making her roll her eyes. He
chuckled and started to get dressed quickly because he knew Gabriella would feel uncomfortable
if he was going to walk around half naked, "so the weekend away" he started as he was buttoning
up his shirt, "it was interesting."

"Interesting? How?" Gabriella asked.

Rodolfo took a seat next to her on the couch by the window and leaned back down as a sigh left
his lips. Looking at him she could tell by the circles underneath his eyes that he didn't sleep
much this weekend. It must have been one hell of a weekend the guys had. She didn't want to
know about it in details. Just knowing about Gabriel's reaction on hearing the news of his ex-
girlfriend was enough. She was sure she would regret hearing about their weekend in details.

"Well Gabriel-"

"I warn you don't tell me about your sex adventures. I just want to know about Gabriel's

Rodolfo opened his eyes and smirked at her, "that's a shame I wanted to tell you about the hot
brunette that shared my bed-"


Chuckling he shook his head, "alright, alright no stories about women" he muttered, "now the
weekend got a whole less interesting" he told her and saw her roll her eyes, "I told Gabriel about
Melissa, the ex-girlfriend" he said since he knew they never mentioned her name in front of
Gabriella before, "and he seemed to deal with it but after seeing him knock down glasses of
whiskeys like they were shots it told me he couldn't handle it at all.""So he still has feelings for

"Maybe not feelings but you can understand that he feels betrayed."
"Yes, of course I can understand that" Gabriella said quickly. She knew it hurt knowing the
person you are dating cheated on you with another person it felt like your heart was getting
ripped out when hearing about it, "but since you returned does it mean that he has calmed

"No he hasn't calmed down at all. I figured I should stop him before he destroys himself. He
needs to sober up and talk to Melissa. Confront her about everything."

"That's with you guys you always search for solutions" Gabriella sighed as she got up and threw
her book on the bed, "clean your mess up" she ordered and heard Rodolfo snicker, "sometimes
people don't need solutions but need someone to lean on."

"Don't let there be too much leaning onto someone. You know there is an attraction between you
and Gabriel."

Hearing Rodolfo mention that was stab to her heart. They certainly didn't forget about the
mistake she and Gabriel made. She knew where to draw the lines this time, she didn't need him
to remind her about her mistakes. She was under Michaelangelo's spell. She wouldn't betray him.

"Just clean the mess up" Gabriella muttered as she left the room.

She was a bit upset with the comment Rodolfo made, she just didn't want to meet Gabriel while
being upset. He didn't need her complaining to him, he needed her to listen to him. She took a
deep breath trying to calm herself down and smiled when she succeeded. She counted till ten
after all. She walked to the couch and saw Gabriel laying there with an arm over his eyes. Her
shadow must have annoyed him because he groaned and shifted his arm a bit to see who blocked
the light.

"We need to talk" Gabriella said as she held out her hand persuading him with her eyes to take
her hand. Once he took it she helped him up, "let's go to your room. You can fresh up while we
talk" she suggested and watched him walk in front of her.

He didn't complain at all. She was bossing him around and he didn't make a weird comment. He
was definitely not himself right now. She had seen the hurt in his eyes. He was hurt by his ex-
girlfriend. She wanted to take the pain away but she knew she couldn't. Heartache was something
no one could take away. She closed the door behind her and made her way to his bed. She sat
down and watched him take off his jacket and place his jacket and shirt on the chair before he
disappeared in the bathroom.

"What did you want to talk about?" he called from the bathroom. The door was ajar since he
knew she wouldn't step inside the bathroom, "didn't Rodolfo already inform you about
everything?" he asked.
She looked down at her hands and shook her head, not that he could see that right now, "he told
me a bit about it. But I wanted to know how you were feeling" she told him, "it must have hurt
deeply, Gabriel. I just want to know how you handle things..."

He seemed very quiet after hearing her talk about his heartache. She didn't know if she should
step inside the bathroom to see if he didn't faint. He probably didn't faint because she heard him
put the shower on so he was probably just thinking about what to tell her. Gavinos didn't like to
talk about their emotions that much, you needed to drag it out of them. She just needed to
pressure him a little bit more.

"I'm not doing this to interfere in your business Gabriel" she told him since she aware of the fact
that it might sound like she was trying to meddle in his business, "I'm worried about you, you
mean a lot to me. You know that right?" she asked trying to make sure he understood that he was
important to her.

"I know" he told her his voice a bit loud because he was probably rinsing his hair, "I'm hurt, but
I'll live."

"What are you going to do now?" she asked him, "now that you know about what your ex-
girlfriend has done? Are you going to confront her about it?" she asked trying to analyze the man
in the shower a bit. She just wanted to know what he was planning to do about this situation. He
cared about his sister so he must have a plan.

"I'm going to confront Melissa" Gabriel told her, "I want to know her side of the story before I'll
do anything" he said as he stepped out of the bathroom in only a towel around his waist, "it's how
you would have handled the situation right?" he asked her in a playful tone.

He was almost back to being himself. She would have believed that he was back to being
himself, but his eyes told her a different story. He was hurt and just joking around wouldn't
change the fact that Melissa trampled over his feelings, maybe she was the reason why he
became a playboy?

"It's what I would have done" she said agreeing with Gabriel, "you can't just act without knowing
the truth. You heard Aiden's side of the story now it's time to hear Melissa's."

She looked away when Gabriel was putting on his boxers and pants. He told her she could look
again when he was just shirtless. He smirked as he saw the blush on her cheeks but decided to
keep his words to himself. She was here because she was worried about him, he appreciated it.
Gabriella was really the only person here in the mansion that kept them sane. She was real. She
was like a ray of sunshine that colored their gray looking worlds. She was the best thing that
happened to them, so he wouldn't take her presence for granted right now. He would taunt her an
other time.
"I'm going to talk to Melissa soon" he told Gabriella as he placed on his watch and made his way
towards her, "that shower was really refreshing I feel alive again" he said calmly and looked
down at her, "thanks for worrying about me."

Standing up she took him in her arms and smiled, "you don't have to thank me for something like
that, silly. You're family it comes naturally" she said as she pulled out of the hug and gave him a
comforting look.

Michaelangelo looked up from his laptop and raised an eyebrow when his assistant was
hesitating in the doorway. Ben seemed very nervous like he had done something wrong, he hated
it when people acted like that. He wished more people were like Gabriella, just spitting out
whatever was upon their hearts. It made life a lot easier. Michaelangelo leaned back against his
chair and narrowed his blue orbs on the nervous looking assistant.

"Are you going to tell me what's on your mind soon, Ben?" he asked a little harsh since he was
getting impatient with the man, "I still need to go through this rapport from the club, after that I
have a meeting with one of the managers" he said to his assistant trying to make the man speak
his mind faster.

Nodding his head the young man cleared his throat, "yes I understand sir. A woman is here to see
you she said that it was urgent."

"How did she get on this floor? Don't we have security who stops unexpected visitors. I need to
talk to them later about it" Michaelangelo sighed, "what does the woman want?"

"She wants to talk to you, that's all she said. It looked like it was really important..."

"Let her in."

Michaelangelo knew if Ben thought it was important, it must be very important. The guy was so
scared of him, that he would never do anything wrong. He didn't understand why the man haven't
calmed down yet. Ben worked there for almost two months now. He figured after two months the
man would feel a lot more comfortable around him, but that wasn't the case.

Ben let the woman in and Michaelangelo quickly understood why Ben was so nervous about this
woman. He send this woman's picture to all his employees so the would be very alert when this
woman would appear in his hotel. It was amazing that security didn't call him right after this
woman entered the lobby. He really needed to talk to them soon, they were probably just
slacking off.

"Sit down, Melissa."

The woman obeyed him without uttering a word. She never looked away, she stared right into his
eyes while she took a seat on the leather one-seat in front of his desk. Rodolfo always liked those
chairs, that being the only reason why he didn't replace them yet. Melissa seemed very calm as
she was sitting across him. She must know about his reputation yet she didn't blink once, nor did
she seem stressed or nervous. It intrigued him. Only Gabriella so far dared to be this comfortable
around him.

"Your security should be reprimanded. They let me right through because my short skirt and low
top. They didn't even ask me about my intentions."

Now observing her from top to bottom he had to admit that she was indeed wearing very flashy
clothes. As a man he couldn't blame his guards that they only had eyes for one thing. He breasts
were about to pop out of the top. It was very distracting, not to mention her long legs that she
was showing off. He wondered if she always wore clothes like this, or that she picked this
particularly outfit because she wanted to get past his guards.

He hoped it was the last one for Gabriel, otherwise he would make fun of the man for at least
two or three months.

She had a cute face, her full lips were beautiful and her eyes were a really warm brown color.
They weren't as deep and alluring as Gabriella's but they were still very intriguing. There was
nothing wrong with her face. Just the clothes were horrible.

"If you look like that you can expect that men can't think about anything else" he told her and
saw a smirk appear on her face. So she wore this outfit to get past his guards. He had to
compliment her for that, "you're very confident I must say" he said as he narrowed his eyes on
her, "you should know that Gabriel is more reliant than I am. What is it that's so important that
you have to discuss it with me, Melissa?"

"I heard that you were the head of the family" Melissa started as she tried to push her skirt down
a little. He wasn't looking at her like those men in the lobby did but she still felt uncomfortable.
She didn't want to look like this but she knew this was the only way to get a meeting with
Michaelangelo without having people question her, "so I thought I should speak with you first."

"Aiden doesn't work for me though."

"Yes but as Adelina's cousin you must be involved in this."

She was very alert. This might be the first woman he would approve of. If Gabriel met a woman
like her he wouldn't mind him taking her to the mansion. She wasn't anything like those airheads
he usually dated.

"That's right, I'm very protective over my family" he told her.

She nodded her head, "I understand that. That's why I came to see you first."

"And Aiden being out of the country has nothing to do with this?" he asked her amused.
She gulped and let out a sigh. He could see that her eyes softened. She even seemed nervous

"Maybe" she said and closed her eyes for a second before she looked him right in the eyes again,
"but I was planning on seeing you. You're the one who makes the decisions, am I right?"


He used the exact words she used. He knew it always confused people and made them irritated.
When they were irritated they would speak their minds freely because they weren't thinking
straight. It was his way of getting information out of people.

She didn't seemed moved by his trick though.

She seemed just as calm as before.

"Joel is really Aiden's child" she said as she held out the document she received from the doctor,
"I wanted to contact Aiden and tell him about it but I couldn't reach him since he's out of the
country" she said as she watched Michaelangelo read through the paper before he placed it down
and looked at her again, "I don't want him to support me. I just need a little financial support for

"You managed perfectly fine for the first six years. Why can't you handle it now?"

"You must know why I can't handle it now" she said as she dared him with her eyes to tell her
differently, "you're Michaelangelo Gavino the infamous business man around here. You know
everything about your enemies and you must see me like your enemy, right?"

"Why don't you get a new job?" he asked her.

"Because none of the jobs can be combined with raising a child. If Aiden gives me a little
financial support for Joel I can give him a better life. I will manage my own life. He just needs to
help his son out a little. Don't you think that's what a father should do?" she asked, "you're
becoming a father yourself. You should know this intense feeling of wanting to protect your

He should praise her. She didn't come here unprotected. She did her research about him, he was
very amazed. He admired her. She was definitely the first interesting girl Gabriel ever dated.

"I might just understand you" he admitted, "for now I will give you an apartment close by.
Everything will be arranged for the boy. I advise you to find a job for yourself. About Aiden
being more in the child's life, I can be arranged. But you must remember that he's married and is
about to have another child. Things will go our way not yours."
He could tell she was annoyed with the way he was telling her what to do. But she didn't utter a
word against him. She really knew how to handle this situation. She must have done a pretty
damn well research about him. He would put more people on her.

"Thanks" she said while getting up, "you're putting me in one of your apartments right?" she
asked and saw him nod, "because you want to keep an eye on me" she continued and saw him
smirking because she saw right through him, "I'll find a job you don't need to worry about me. I
won't use Joel's money to support myself. But you're people will tell you, I'm sure of that."

When the door opened and two men in neat looking suits stood in the doorway Michaelangelo
gestured to them, "they'll take you to your new apartment. Where is your son?" he asked.

"With my cousin in the car."

"They'll take you to your apartment. One of the men will bring you car later" he said before
dismissing her.

It amazed him that Melissa actually showed up here and asked him about the money so
straightforwardly. Seeing the information Rodolfo found about her, he knew she wasn't lying
either. She just got fired of her last job. She was working as an assistant in a law firm. After that
she was unemployed. With a child life wasn't that easy. He could understand that she wants some
financial support of Aiden. Just the way she was forcing Aiden to spend time with Joel was a
little suspicious to him. He didn't understand what she would achieve with it. If she wanted to
break up Adelina's marriage he would make her regret it. Having his people keep an eye on her
was the best thing he could do right now.

Gabriella was sitting on the rocking chair right next to the baby bed. She frowned as she listened
to Michaelangelo's story and watched him as he was sitting on the light blue couch by the
window. His jacket was throw over the armrest, while his tie was loosened and his first three
buttons were opened. Even with that stern look on his face he was very attractive in her eyes. She
was about to lick her lips and throw herself on him but remembered herself that they were having
a serious conversation.

"So they actually let her through?"

Michaelangelo chuckled, "yes but you can't really blame them. The woman used her charms to
get passed them, not to mention that the clothes she was wearing were very...revealing."

"Did you like what you see, Mike?" Gabriella asked as she narrowed her eyes on him and
watched him with an amused look in her eyes, "you looked away when you mentioned her
revealing clothing, so you must have liked the view."
"I'm a man Gabriella. I'm not made out of stone. A woman dressed like that will get to me. I
stayed loyal to you. I looked, but that's it."

She had to laugh seeing how defensive he got. She couldn't blame him for looking, if woman
offered him the view, why not look a little? She could understand it, she was also aware that he
wouldn't cheat on her. She just loved teasing him about it. It was the only time when he would
get so flustered.

"I believe you."

He let out a sigh and leaned back against the light blue couch. The baby room was amazing. Just
in few hours the empty room was decorated in light blue and white. It had a very calm feeling
over it, he could see Gabriella sitting there on the rocking chair while giving their son his bottle.
The thought made him smile and his eyes shine a little. Gabriella's heart melted when she noticed
that look in his eyes.

"So what did you do about her?" Gabriella asked him breaking him out of his thoughts.

"I placed her in one of our apartments. I have four people watching over her. But I did agree with
the financial support for the kid. The documents don't lie. I asked my people to check it out, to
speak with the doctors that took the test. Aiden is really the father. So I couldn't deny her the
financial support for the kid.""You're cute" Gabriella whispered.

Frowning Michaelangelo smirked as he looked at her, "I'm a lot of things Gabriella. People call
me a lot of things but cute isn't one of things I heard before."

"That's because they don't see this side of you. You felt sorry for the woman because of the little
boy. Your heart broke after hearing that she couldn't take care of her son anymore. You feel
sorry for the kid so you gave them a place to stay and money to have food on the shelves. That
makes you cute."

He rolled his eyes and gestured for her to come sit next to him. He placed an arm over her
shoulders and pulled her closer to him once she sat down next to him.

"This room is really beautiful."

"It's really like a boy's room" Gabriella smiled, "it's cliché but still...I like it."

"I like it too" he said agreeing with his fiancée, "I can imagine you with our son in your hands,
rocking him while feeding him his bottle."

"See...saying things like that...makes you cute" she said with a smile on her face before she
placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him gently, "you can deny it all you want, it doesn't
make me change my mind."
He smiled as he held her tightly in his arms. She was the only woman in the world who would
see this side of him. She was also the only person thatnoticed that he warmed up a little. The old
him would have never helped a woman like Melissa. He changed and it was all because of the
woman in his arms.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thank you all for the votes and comments. I'm really happy to see that this story got over a
thousand votes. That's a lot more than I expected it to have. So I really thank you for voting and
giving me feedback. I really appreciate it!

Chapter fifty-nine - Behind His Back.

Pulling his wife closer to him Michaelangelo placed a kiss to her temple, and smiled hearing her
soft chuckle. He was leading her to the living room while softly kissing her or nibbling on her
ear. He was just teasing her a little, when he was being affectionate with her like that he could
hear her laugh warmly and smile brightly, like she was the most happiest woman on this planet.
It gave him a good feeling about himself, like he was doing all the right things for her. He knew
he was far from being the dream husband, but at least with her being happy like this he wouldn't
feel that guilty anymore. He looked up when the arrived in the living room and raised an
eyebrow at seeing Gabriel laying on the couch with his eyes closed while his sister was working
on her homework. Cordelia looked up when she heard Gabriella and Michaelangelo and flashed
them both a smile.

"What happened to your brother? Did you tire him out?" Michaelangelo asked as he released
Gabriella and sat down next to Gabriel's head. The dark circles said enough, Gabriel didn't close
one eye at night. He was probably still worrying about Melissa and Adelina.

Rolling her eyes at hearing Michaelangelo accuse her of being the reason why her brother was
sleeping Cordelia looked at her brother as well, "he is so boring he promised that he would help
me with my economics but fell asleep the moment he read few pages of my textbook. I can't
believe he works with digits while he is so lazy!"

Michaelangelo nodded his head. He knew Gabriel needed to talk to Melissa soon, but he didn't
know if that was such a good idea yet. Rodolfo said that Melissa had a warm effect on Gabriel.
Not in a bad way but he couldn't quite say if it was in a good way either. The way Christine
changed Rodolfo was differently. She wanted him to be the selfish, arrogant guy again. That was
never going to happen. But Gabriel was very emotional when he was together with Melissa. It
wouldn't be good for their work if he got that emotional again.

"Just let him sleep, Mike" Gabriella said as she sat down next to Cordelia on the rug which made
Michaelangelo narrow his eyes on her, "I'll be fine! You just need to hoist me up later" she
muttered while placing a hand on her belly, "I just have too much water..."
"Yes you have a really big belly for just being five months pregnant" Cordelia agreed, "it seems
like you're almost going to have the baby."

Gabriella couldn't agree with her more. She definitely looked like she was about to have a baby
while she was just five months pregnant. She looked at Michaelangelo and sighed when she saw
him annoying Gabriel a bit.

"You're being childish!" she said seeing Michaelangelo pinched Gabriel's nose making the guy
shift to his side with a groan, "if you keep that up I'll definitely make you regret it" she was very
protective of Gabriel. She knew how hard it was to get over a broken heart. They needed to be
more supportive of him, helping him more. He didn't need solutions about Melissa he needed
someone to hold him.

Holding his hands up Michaelangelo gave her a very innocent look, "sorry, I'll stop alright!" he
said quickly since he didn't want to sleep on the couch tonight. He knew he could sleep in one of
the guestrooms if Gabriella did kick him out but he preferred his own room. Gabriella was using
him lately to support her belly at night, she would lay right next to him which made him get used
to her body heath.

So getting kicked out of the bedroom was not an option.

"It's really funny to see how Gabriella can make you listen like a lost puppy" Cordelia muttered
making Gabriella snicker and Michaelangelo glare at her which made her tense up a bit since she
never saw such a destructive look in her cousin's eyes before but with Gabriella right beside her
that fear faded away almost instantly.

"When you meet someone, you'll understand this behavior" Michaelangelo told his younger
cousin, "sometimes you have to be submissive" he shrugged, "I like sleeping in my own bed so if
Gabriella gets upset with me I might just get kicked out of it. I don't want that, so I listen to her."

"So Gabriella can actually kick you out your own room" Cordelia said amused, "I heard
Michaelangelo Gavino is the most toughest and heartless person in the world. The way you are
acting though makes a guy like Rodolfo looking tough."

"You don't think he can be though?" Michaelangelo asked amused.

"No, in my eyes Rodolfo was the nicest one."

"But now that changed?"

Gabriella smiled as she listened to their conversation. By the day Cordelia seemed to get closer
and closer to Michaelangelo. Their conversations were always very interesting in her eyes.
Cordelia was always trying to push Michaelangelo's buttons.

"Yes, now that I practically live here I see a whole new side of you Michaelangelo. I really like
you a lot more now."
"Thanks" he muttered, "so you didn't like me that much before right?" he asked Cordelia and
smirked when he saw her blush and quickly look down at her homework, "you hear how my own
cousin talks me Gabriella? It actually breaks my heart."

"You big baby" Gabriella smiled, "I thought my love was enough" she said playfully and saw
Cordelia looking up with big, curious eyes.

They all looked at Gabriel when they heard him groan and shift on the couch. He rubbed his eyes
and looked at them with very annoyed eyes.

"You're all so loud this early in the morning" he muttered and opened his eyes when they
laughed at him, "what?"

"Gabriel. Sweety" Gabriella started and smiled kindly to him, "it's already a few minutes past
twelve" she told him and saw him sitting up quickly and look at his watch to see that the woman
was right, "you dozed off."

Michaelangelo smirked when Gabriel looked at him with confused eyes. He must be thinking
why Michaelangelo let him sleep in. He just felt sorry for his cousin, that being the only reason
why he let the man sleep in.

"I'm working from dad's office today" Michaelangelo explained, "Rodolfo is at the main office in
the hotel" he continued and placed a hand on his cousin's shoulders since it seemed like Gabriel
was a little disorientated, "and you can work from wherever you want. Just take your laptop and
read through the new marketing plan or whatever, just do something to get your mind of things."

Gabriel nodded his head. He was grateful to his cousin for giving him this offer. He really didn't
feel like going out today. The whole night had been thinking about how to approach Melissa.
When he tried to find her she already found his cousin first. He didn't like it that much that she
didn't think of meeting with him first. He thought as her boyfriend which she cheated on without
ever letting him know he had the right of getting an explanation from her. Yet she didn't seem to
think of him being that important. It hurt him, it really did hurt him.

Gabriella noticed the dark look in Gabriel's eyes. He seemed far away in his thoughts again. She
felt really sorry for him, she knew things must be really hard on him right now. She shared a
look with Michaelangelo before she held out her hand and let Cordelia help her up. She sat down
next to Gabriel as well and gave him a kiss on his cheek causing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"Why don't you take a shower?" she suggested, "Cordy and I will make you your favorite apple

"It's not-"

Gabriella pressed a finger to her lips suggesting to him to stop talking, "we'll make you that
apple pie."
He nodded his head. He figured he couldn't argue with Gabriella, she would win in the end
anyways. She always had her way of making people do what she liked. He didn't know what
kind of super powers she possessed she just had her way with people.

"Are you feeling alright, Gabriel?" Cordelia asked since she got worried about her brother as
well, "you don't look so good."

Gabriel rubbed a hand over his tired face and sighed. He didn't want to make Cordelia worry
about him. This was what Adelina warned him about. She told him to act more mature in front of
Cordelia. He didn't want her to think of him as weak. So he opened his eyes again and flashed
her a very convincing bright smile.

The kind of smile which made girls melt at his feet. Gabriella felt her heart skip a beat while
seeing him smile like that. She knew a lot of girls must have enjoyed seeing that smile on his
face and she couldn't blame them either.

"I'm fine Cordy" he said before he looked at Gabriella, "I'm going to take a shower then" he said
before getting up and walking to the staircase.

They watched Gabriel leaving the room and shared a look. Gabriella knew that he was trying to
act positive because of his younger sister being in the room. She was glad that Michaelangelo
offered such a deal to him. He should stay at home for a bit to regain his confidence again. He
didn't look like the old Gabriel, and she knew it was hard for him to be his old self again. They
would help him, but it would take some time.

"He should talk to Melissa. It might help him to get the answers that he has been longing to hear"
Gabriella suggested and frowned when Michaelangelo gestured to Cordelia with his eyes, "you're
not planning on letting them meet are you?" she asked him ignoring the fact that he didn't want
to talk about it in front of Cordelia.

The girl was seventeen not a child of eight. Cordelia knew about the situation so she didn't
understand why they were making an issue out of it.

"Yes, Gabriel should talk to his ex-girlfriend. It would help him a lot" Cordelia said agreeing
with Gabriella, "if you don't trust the situation, you should accompany him, Michaelangelo"
Cordelia said making her cousin roll his eyes.

Now she was even demanding him to do things her way. She was really growing up too fast.

"I'll think about it" Michaelangelo said as he looked over his shoulder to the staircase, "we
should let him rest for now."

Gabriella sat down across Cordelia. They decided to have lunch together in the hotel's restaurant.
They would wait for Rodolfo and go home together with him, Michaelangelo needed alone time
with Gabriel - he would discuss Melissa's situation. She leaned back against the comfortable
chair and smiled at Cordelia who was analyzing the menu like it was a difficult math problem
she needed to solve.

"What's wrong, Cordy? Haven't found something you like?"

"That's the problem there are so many dishes, I don't know what to pick" she sighed and looked
at Gabriella who seemed like she already made up her mind, "how do you do that?" she asked
being amazed with the blonde woman.

"I know what I want, I have been dying to eat some Italian pasta. The chef here is better in
making the pasta than the one at home" she shrugged, "so I knew what I wanted the moment we
left the house" she said with an amused glint in her eyes, "what about you? You don't have to
pick anything fancy, it's just us Cordy. You can pick whatever you want."

Cordelia nodded. She always had to eat something elegant, not too heavy. So it was just a habit
to always pick something not to her taste. She pouted her lips and looked at Gabriella, "is that
pasta really that good?"

"It tastes like the pasta nonna would make."

"Really? I should try that then" she said while placing the menu back. She frowned when a
brunette made her way towards them. She had a very confident look in her eyes, maybe it was
someone Gabriella knew, "there is a woman coming this way, do you know her?" she asked as
she gestured to Gabriella towards the brunette.

Gabriella shook her head. She didn't know the woman, but it seemed like the woman knew them,
"we'll find out who she is in a minute" Gabriella whispered to Cordelia.

"Gabriella Gavino, right?"

"It's still Gabriella Valia" Gabriella told the woman making Cordelia roll her eyes. She knew the
Gavinos didn't like it that she always used her own last name since in their eyes she was one of
them, "can I help you?"

"You're Michaelangelo's fiancée right?" she asked and pointed at the big guy behind her, "he told
me you were his fiancée" she said making Gabriella nod.

"Yes, that's right. Do you want to speak with him?" she asked as she was about to reach in her
purse to get his card but the woman stopped her, "no I want to speak with you, actually...alone"
she said shifting her eyes to the man who was protecting her like she was a porcelain doll that
would break any minute.Gabriella could understand that the woman was feeling uncomfortable.
At least with her the men were hidden, so she wouldn't have to feel that nervous.
"Can you leave us alone for a second?" she asked the guy hoping he would listen to her. She
knew they strictly listened to Michaelangelo so she was afraid she would have to call him first to
let the man leave, "just a second" she repeated trying to make him leave.

He seemed to think about it before he nodded and left them. She watched him take place next to
her guard in the doorway. At least he gave them enough privacy.

"Thanks" the woman sighed as she took a seat next to Gabriella, "I'm Melissa Thompson" she
said holding out her hand which Gabriella shook.

Gabriella heard Cordelia take in a sharp breath. Melissa seemed aware of it to because she
shifted her look to the girl across them.

"You look like him" she told the girl whose eyes narrowed on Melissa, "you have the same
daring eyes. The eyes that can penetrate anyone's soul" she said jokingly, "the hair is a common
treat in the Gavino family, but Cecilio's kids has blue eyes. You have green. That's the only
difference I suppose."

"Cordelia, honey are you feeling comfortable are do you want to keep Rodolfo company?"
Gabriella asked the teenage girl.

"I'm fine" she whispered.

Gabriella could tell by looking in her eyes that the girl wasn't fine at all. She was keeping a tough
appearance. She didn't mind that Cordelia wanted to be around, to listen to what Melissa had to
say. But she feared that Melissa would say things Cordelia wasn't prepared on hearing. Gabriel's
sex life was definitely not something Cordelia should know of.

"You have to hurry" Gabriella told Melissa, "I think by now the security guards must have
warned Rodolfo. In about three to five minutes he'll be around."

"I'll make it quick, Christine told me that you were reasonable to talk to."

"Christine?" Gabriella asked her being amazed that the girls knew each other.

"Gabriel and Rodolfo are like twins. They always stick together, it's only natural for their ex-
girlfriends to know each other" Melissa shrugged, "besides I know what Christine did was
wrong, but she used to be really fun to hang out with. We were like best friends. She told me that
you could talk some sense into the guys."

"It depends on the situation. I felt like Christine was speaking the truth about the attempt on
murdering me. I don't know if I can say the same about you."

"I just want to talk to Gabriel. But I can't reach him. I don't want him to misunderstand the
"You have a child with his brother-in-law, Melissa. If Gabriel is ready to talk to you he would.
What's there to misunderstand?" Gabriella asked confused.

"About me cheating on him" Melissa whispered quietly since she saw her guard by the doorway
talking to someone with a very serious look on his face. Gabriella was right, Rodolfo would be
here any minute, "I didn't cheat on him. I really loved Gabriel. We broke up a week before I slept
with Aiden. I didn't know Aiden was married."

"He was engaged. He got married a few weeks after you two...slept together."

"He told me he was single."

Gabriella shared a look with Cordelia. Cordelia seemed to belief Melissa. She wasn't glaring at
Melissa, she was just listening to her story. Her eyes told Gabriella that she seemed to sincerely
belief Melissa. That meant something wasn't right in Gabriel's family.

"He lied to you?"

"Yes, I was drunk...trying to get over my heartache. My friends organized a night out, and he
was there. We talked, and one thing led to another..."

Gabriella nodded not wanting more details about the one-night-stand Melissa had with Aiden.
That was just too much for her.

"After that he left, and told me he had to go to his girlfriend. I didn't contact him because I heard
he was getting married to a Gavino. Everyone knows to leave them alone."

Gabriella sighed and reached out grabbing Melissa's hand, "I'll talk to Gabriel, but you should
leave now. If Rodolfo comes here first it will be harder for you to talk to Gabriel" she told
Melissa and nodded to the kitchen, "go that way" she whispered seeing Rodolfo was already
stepping into the restaurant, "you should go as fast as you can" she whispered and watched
Cordelia getting up.

"I'll take you" she said making Gabriella smile.

She was amazed that Cordelia wasn't like the other Gavinos. She actually had a heart too.

Gabriella sipped from her glass of water and looked at Rodolfo who frowned seeing that
Cordelia left with Melissa. He looked down at Gabriella while crossing his arms in front of his
chest. His look said it all. He was pissed, maybe even beyond being pissed. He didn't want to
make a scene in the crowded restaurant so he didn't run after the girls.

He took Cordelia's seat and narrowed his eyes on Gabriella who didn't seem bothered with his
glares at all.
"What did Melissa want?"


"Don't act stupid Gabriella. Melissa, I saw her sitting here with you at the table. I can show you
the tapes if you want to continue acting like you're stupid."

Gabriella shrugged her shoulders, "she didn't tell me her name, she liked my purse. So I told her
where I bought it."

Rodolfo rolled his eyes, "please, Melissa can't even buy a designed bag" he muttered, "what did
she want, Gabriella? Should I involve Michaelangelo in this?" he asked her.

She was amazed that he actually tried to threaten her with involving Michaelangelo in this.

"You could do that" Gabriella nodded, "it won't make a difference though."

"Are you sure about that?" Rodolfo asked her, "I can call him now" he said taking out his phone
and placing it on the table, "what did Melissa want Gabriella?"

"Are you treating me like all your victims?" she asked amused as she purposely placed her hand
on her stomach and let out a sigh, "I'm really tired" she whispered and inwardly smirked seeing
his look falter.

She knew in four months she couldn't use the excuse of her pregnancy. Now that she was
pregnant she would just take advantage of the situation. The boys took advantage of their rough
appearances why couldn't she take advantage of the situation too?

"You want to go home?" he asked her, "I'll take you home and we'll have this discussion there. I
don't know how Gabriel will feel about this though."

Damn Rodolfo. He knew that right now Gabriella was feeling really bad about Gabriel's
situation. She just wanted to protect him though she knew he didn't need her protection.

"Fine, she just wanted to know how Gabriel was doing" she shrugged, "she is his ex-girlfriend.
She probably still feels something for him, to come all this way to ask about him."

"Just about Gabriel?" he asked confused, "she risked everything to come here and ask you of all
people about Gabriel. Why would she do that? You're holding something back from me

Gabriella shook her head. She wasn't lying to him. Melissa did want to know about Gabriel, she
just wanted to talk to him as well. That was the part that she left out. If Rodolfo knew about
Melissa wanted some private time with Gabriel he and his brother would do anything to prevent
that. Michaelangelo wasn't all too happy about letting Melissa close to Gabriel. So she knew that
Melissa was desperate. That must have been her motive to search out for Gabriella.

"I'm not lying" Gabriella said narrowing her eyes on Rodolfo trying to convince him by keeping
her face straight, "she heard from Christine that among all the Gavinos I'm the most reasonable
to talk to. She knew that neither you or Michaelangelo would tell her what she wanted to hear, so
she came to talk to me. One of the guards must have felt sorry for her and told her about me and
probably knew that I was here since you have so many people protecting me."

"You know it's necessary to protect you after someone tried to kill you."

"Yes, anyways...that's what she wanted from me. Nothing more."

"Did you tell her about Gabriel."

"Of course. She seemed very sincere about her feelings for him. To be honest she seemed like a
very intelligent woman. The kind of woman I didn't expect of Gabriel to date. So I felt sorry for
her and told her about Gabriel."

"It's none of her business anymore. She betrayed him!"

Gabriella narrowed her eyes on Rodolfo, "are you sure about that? So you're only taking Aiden's
side?" she asked him, "I thought of all the guys in the family you would be the mature one
Rodolfo. But even with this situation you're like the others right? It's always the woman's fault

"What are you implying?"

"That Melissa and Gabriel weren't dating anymore when she slept with Aiden, but you already
knew that. Aiden seduced her, slept with her, dumped her and married Adelina. He used her.
You're still blaming her though because she is the woman."

"She should have known better."

"Really?" Gabriella asked, "so the guy can cheat on his girlfriend and gets away with it. Melissa
is the victim not Aiden."

"I disagree with you" Rodolfo said, "if you care about Adelina you will stop talking like that."

"If Adelina is blaming Melissa for everything, then she isn't the kind of woman I thought she

"The kind of woman who loves her husband unconditionally. You would blame the other girl as
well if you were in this situation."
"No I wouldn't."

Rodolfo shook his head, "you're saying that now."

Gabriella didn't like the way he was talking. It wasn't like the Rodolfo she knew. Melissa didn't
do anything wrong, and they knew that. Yet she still got treated like it was all her fault. Even
Adelina...she didn't think Adelina would be like this. It made her change her mind about that

"Are you implying that Michaelangelo will cheat on me someday?" she asked and saw the
change in his eyes, "even if he would cheat on me you would never tell me right? That's the
Gavino policy around here. Let me warn you now that the day I find out Michaelangelo cheated
on me is the day I'll leave him for good.""Your love has become really strong Gabriella, believe
me in a few years you'll think about this subject quite differently. You'll have kids to think about
as well."

"The kids I don't worry about. I know they'll get treated alright, it's myself I have to protect. In
the end I'm not a real Gavino. I know which sides you will pick, it's not my side" she said and
saw all the emotion fading away from his face, "I'll get treated like Grachelle. But I don't care.
She survived. I think if this ever happens to me she'll be very supportive of me."

They both stopped their conversation because Cordelia made her way towards them. Gabriella
could tell though that Rodolfo wasn't finished with her yet. She was finished though, she said
what she had to say. Maybe everything was fine between her and Michaelangelo right now, but
this situation made her aware of their behavior again. It made her put up that shield again, to
protect herself. She had to since no one else would.

She smirked as she figured that she might just have one person to support her.

"I know someone who would take my side" she said smirking at Rodolfo who frowned.


"Cecilio Gavino, I'm sure daddy wouldn't want to lose his beautiful, kind-hearted daughter-in-

She saw the twitch Rodolfo got and knew she was right about her suggestion. Cecilio didn't want
to lose her, he brought her in the family and if Michaelangelo was stupid enough to play with fire
he would get scolded by his own father. He would choose Gabriella over him. Cheating on her
was not an option.

"You might be right about that one" Rodolfo whispered.

Being back at the mansion, Gabriella helped Carla in the kitchen with the dishes. She didn't do it
because she was being considerate. She would help her if she had to but right now it was very
convenient to her to be in the kitchen without making Rodolfo and Michaelangelo suspicious.

Gabriel was sitting at the bar eating his ice-cream peacefully. This was her moment, she could
talk to him without Rodolfo or Michaelangelo interfering. She placed the cup on the counter and
made her way to Gabriel, she took the barstool next to him and smiled when he held up his spoon
to feed her some chocolate ice-cream.

"This is so delicious" she whispered and smiled when Gabriel nodded, "is it home made?!" she
asked as she looked at Carla who smiled.

"Yes Mrs. Gavino."


"Gabriella Valia" Gabriel interrupted with a smirk, "you're really hung up on that aren't you, it
makes me wonder how happy you are being together with Michaelangelo."

"Right now?"

"Yes right now?"

"Very" she told Gabriel, "but I'm also prideful about my family. Like you are with your family."

She saw the change in Gabriel's eyes. It was there for just a second but she saw it. He didn't
agree with her comment, but he didn't speak up his mind. He must have had a discussion with
Rodolfo or Michaelangelo because he didn't seem happy at all. It made her want to pull him into
a hug and protect him from the outside world.

Though with her strength she could never protect him.

"I talked to Melissa today" she whispered and watched him look up with a surprised glint in his
green eyes, "I asked her about your past with her. She told me the truth about her...affair with
Aiden. Do you want to hear her story?" Gabriella asked him carefully.

She knew there was always an option that he didn't want to hear it and she had to respect that. So
she tried to get the message across in a very careful way.

He seemed to analyze the situation. She could tell he was torn between knowing her side of the
story and believing his sister. She could understand that it was difficult for him. But seeing that
he was hesitating meant that he still cared about Melissa. She liked Melissa. She met her once
and she already liked the woman very much. She didn't want to push him but maybe he just
needed a slight push to hear her least.
"I believed Melissa and you know how fond I was of Adelina."


"Yes was."

That told him enough. His eyes darkened a bit and by looking in his eyes she could tell that he
would want to know more about Melissa's situation.

"What did she tell you?" he asked quietly.

"I can tell you, but you can talk to her yourself. She asked me arrange a meeting between you
two. I think you should talk to her about everything. She still loves you Gabriel."

He nodded his head. It was difficult to arrange a meeting between him and Melissa since they
were being watched. But if you really wanted something you had to give everything you got. She
would help them. She wanted Gabriel to form his own opinion, not being pushed by his family.
Family was important but everything had their limit. Adelina couldn't get what she wanted by
ruining someone else's life.

"You're mad at Adelina?" Gabriel asked.

"I think that she really loves Aiden and that she is afraid that Melissa will ruin that. She twisted
words around and being a Gavino she gets what she wants. Melissa doesn't want to be with
Aiden, Gabriel. They have a child together, that's all."

"Melissa was the nicest girl I ever dated" he admitted.

"She seems well educated."

"Yes wanted to become a lawyer but things changed. So I'm guessing she didn't achieve her

"She had a kid, I assume she couldn't pursue her dream."

He nodded his head and placed his hand on top of Gabriella's head, "I'll talk to her, just don't let
anyone know we had this conversation" he whispered to her, "for your own good."

She nodded her head. She was fully aware that she would have a huge fight with the brothers if
they found out what she did. In the end they would accept it, but not right now. Not when
Melissa was being seen in the wrong day light. She would be supportive of Gabriel and Melissa.
If she had to do this behind her fiancé's back. She would.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss.
Thanks for the votes and comments. I got a tip from one of you which I'm going to follow. I'm
going to set up a regular date for an update. I'll update this story every Friday. If I get twenty
votes before Friday I'll update before that of course. That's...about it lol

Chapter sixty - The Last Goodbye.

A month later Gabriella was trying to persuade Michaelangelo into letting Melissa talk to
Gabriel. She was now six months pregnant. She smiled when she felt her fiancé wrap his arms
around her from behind and kiss her softly on her neck.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Michaelangelo Gavino?" she asked in a husky tone which made
him smirk against her skin.

"What if I am, Gabriella Valia?" he asked as he trailed kisses up her neck to her cheek and kept
his lips there longer which made her giggle.

"I'm still thinking that it's better for Gabriel to talk to Melissa" she reminded him, "Cordelia
agrees with me and even Gabriel agrees with me!"

He released her from his tight grip and turned her around to make her look at him. She narrowed
her honey brown eyes on him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He didn't take her arms off
him which meant that he wasn't mad at her, so he might just agree with her offer.

"I know that you're trying to help him, Gaby" he said as he looked her in her eyes and leaned
forward pressing a small kiss to her lips, "but I also have to think of Adelina's feelings. She is my
cousin, she won't be so happy if we neglect her wishes."

Gabriella nodded. She knew Michaelangelo cared about his family, and Adelina's wishes were
made because right now...she is the jealous wife. That didn't take away though that Gabriel's
feelings were being neglected.

"What about Gabriel, Mike? What about his feelings?" she asked quietly, "Melissa loves him and
seeing the way he acts I think that he still loves her too. Should we neglect their feelings just
because Adelina is throwing a tantrum?" she asked him.

She saw a change in his eyes. He was thinking about it. She was glad that he at least tried to
think of her reasons. He used to neglect all her suggestions, seeing him just thinking about her
reasoning made her heart swell up. She couldn't help but to lean forward and press another kiss
to his lips, a loving, slow kiss just to let him know how she felt about him. She felt his hand
trailing up her back making her moan softly.

"Does your back still hurts?" he asked seeing she couldn't sleep at night since the weight was too
much for her, "don't you want to lay down for a bit?" he asked and saw her shake her head.
"If I lay on my back I feel like I'm getting crushed, like I'm suffocating because a heavy weight is
pressing down on me and if I lay down on my side I feel like throwing up" she muttered and
pouted her lips, "do you still want more kids?" she asked and rolled her eyes when he chuckled.

"When you're holding our little boy in your arms you're going to tell me that you want more kids,
trust me. Just three more months baby, you've been doing great so far. It's just because you're
tired that you're not really happy right now" he said as he leaded her to the bed and let her sit
down, "how about I'll give you a massage?" he asked and heard her chuckle.

"That's sweet of you" she giggled and shook her head, "I actually want to take a long, warm bath
later on" she told him and leaned her against his shoulder as she closed her eyes for a bit, "is it
really okay for you to work at home?" she asked since Michaelangelo has been working in his
father's office for the last month. She liked it because she could spend more time with him but
she also felt bad about it. She knew how important his work was after all.

"I'm fine, Gabriella" he told her as he ran a hand through her soft, blonde locks, "Rodolfo and
Gabriel are working from the main office. If they need anything they can call me. It all works out

"At least you have them" she said quietly as she pulled back and looked at him, "so you're going
to think about letting Melissa and Gabriel have a talk?"

"Yes" he told her as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her head before he got off the bed,
"I'm going to get back to work, my break took two hours. I think Rodolfo and Gabriel have been
calling me non-stop."

"They have been calling you non-stop" she smirked, "they even called me" she reminded him as
she looked at her telephone, "I think by now they have cursed us in every language they know"
she muttered and puts her phone back on the nightstand, "I'm going to see what Cordy is doing"
she said letting him help her up and walked together with him out of the bedroom.

She watched him walk towards his father's office and took the stairs to see what Cordelia was
doing in the living room. She heard the TV so she figured that the teenage girl was watching a
show or maybe a movie. She took a seat next to Cordelia on the couch and smiled when the girl
leaned her head against her shoulder and let out a sigh.

"Gabriel and Rodolfo called me" she told Gabriella which made her smile, "they were
complaining that Michaelangelo should answer his phone."

"Michaelangelo is back to work" Gabriella said as she brushed her hand through Cordelia's hair
and watched the movie together with her, "I was trying to convince him to let Gabriel and
Melissa see each other. He said he would think about it" she told Cordelia who sat up right and
nodded her head.
"I think it's for the best of Gabriel and Melissa talk about everything that has been on their hearts.
How things are going right now isn't really fun for either of them. I'm actually quite disappointed
in Adelina" she told Gabriella, "I never would have thought she would act like this."

"Like a little child?" Gabriella asked.


"It's a woman whose deeply in love, she just doesn't want to share Aiden. But she doesn't realize
that because of Joel, Aiden and Melissa will always be a part of each other. She shouldn't
separate Joel from Melissa. I'm not saying that Adelina wouldn't be good for him, but Joel is six
years old he already knows who his mother is. She shouldn't take that away from him."

"I agree with that. Melissa isn't mean or acting selfish. She just wants Joel to have a future so she
asks Aiden to spend time with his son and help her financially so she can give him a good
education and everything. I understand Melissa completely. She might just still be in love with

"I think that Melissa still loves him as well. So Adelina has nothing to worry about, but I think
that she doesn't want Gabriel to be with Melissa as well. It has to do with pride mostly. You
Gavinos have this really huge...ego" she muttered and was surprised that Cordelia agreed with
her, "she can't tolerate this woman being close to her family because she thinks that Melissa
seduced Aiden six years ago."

"Aiden should have known better, he was already engaged. He was just having fun and thought
that no one would find out about his one-night-stand."

"Exactly. So I don't blame Melissa either, and the way I heard Michaelangelo talk just a minute
ago, he also agrees with us. But he is really torn. He doesn't want to hurt Adelina's feelings."

"Michaelangelo is really too kind" Cordelia laughed, "he has really changed. He would have
never stayed at home because his wife needs him. I think that you changed him, Gabriella. And
in a good way. He actually got warmer, and knows how to love."

"He already knew that before. He just didn't want to show people that side of him" Gabriella told
Cordelia, "it has to do with his job, this side that he shows us Cordy. Is just for us...he's still that
business man with a solid policy. His rules hasn't changed."

"Did you want to change that?"

Gabriella shook her head. She wanted Michaelangelo to warm up towards his family and he did.
That was all she was asking for. Seeing that Cordelia was really fond of him meant that he was
doing a good job at protecting and loving his family. She didn't hesitate to think that he would
make a really good father to their child.
"What's that?" Cordelia asked as they both got up after hearing a door get slammed really loudly
and footsteps making their way towards them, "did you expect someone, Gabriella?"

Gabriella merely shook her head. She frowned when she saw a greened eyed woman standing
across her with a very angry look in her eyes. She had a nice tan, she probably got that from her
stay in Hawaii. The look in her eyes though told Gabriella that Adelina didn't come here to have
a nice talk with her. She came here to tell her what she thought of Gabriella defending Melissa.
Gabriella held her head high though, Adelina didn't scare her. She might just scare her cousins
but not her.

Cordelia looked from her sister to Gabriella. Gabriella could tell that Cordelia was
uncomfortable with this situation. She changed, she got more confidence but maybe Cordelia
wasn't ready yet to stand up against her older sister. Gabriella couldn't blame her for that.

"You got back from Hawaii already?" Gabriella asked trying to interrupt the uncomfortable
silence between them, "I thought you could stay as long as you wanted."

"Yes but that was before I heard that you're actually supporting Melissa! How could you Gaby?"
Adelina asked as she stepped forward and stopped in front of Gabriella and Cordelia, "you
should know how I feel about this situation, I can't understand why you would go behind my
back and let that woman be close to my brother while she is trying to get between me and

"She doesn't want to get between you and Aiden" Gabriella told her quietly, "she wants to talk to
Gabriel about everything that happened and I think that's for the best. You're not thinking about
what's best for your brother you're thinking about yourself, here. You're pride got crushed and
that's what stops you from letting that woman being together with Gabriel."

"There is no relationship between Gabriel and Melissa" Adelina told Gabriella firmly, "you think
I'll let her be together with my brother while she has a child with Aiden. That would be wrong!"

"Why would that be wrong?" Gabriella asked, "Aiden and Gabriel are not related...besides
Gabriel met her first...they were in love, their love is something you have no right to interfere

"You have no right to interfere with this!"

Gabriella narrowed her eyes on Adelina. She never would have thought the woman would act
like this. She always seemed very mature in her eyes, but right now standing across the hysterical
woman made her change her mind about it. She might just not like Adelina as much as she
thought. She knew it was because she was very emotional that she was acting like this, but she
still couldn't be that understanding with Adelina.

"I'm not interfering, I'm just giving my opinion about Melissa. I like her, and I belief her."
"You belief her?" Adelina asked shaking her head, "unbelievable Gabriella. We're a family and
you're choosing her side?"

"I'm not choosing anyone side, I just want what's best for Gabriel. He told me he wants to talk to
Melissa. So there is nothing you can do about it. He'll talk to her and from that on they'll decide
what they're going to do. You have no right to interfere with that" Gabriella told the furious

Adelina reached out grabbing her sister's arm and pulled her towards her, "I don't want Cordelia
to stay here anymore" she told Gabriella as she tried to make Cordelia leave with her but the girl
didn't move an inch.

"I don't want to leave!" Cordelia said as she tried to pull her arm back, "you can't always tell me
what to do!"

"This woman is filling your head, Cordelia!" Adelina told her being surprised that Cordelia was
actually standing up against her, "stop acting like this, you never were like this before. It's all
because of her!"

"No, she learned me to stand up for myself! You just can't handle it because you can't control my
life anymore. That's what you want Adelina, you want to control all our lives. My life and
Gabriel's life, but it doesn't work that way! We can think for ourselves now, we're not children

Michaelangelo stepped into the living room and placed an arm around Gabriella, pulling her
closer to him in a protective manner. He narrowed his eye on Adelina who was glaring at

"What's wrong?" he asked confused.

Looking at the situation he figured that Adelina was mad at Gabriella and tried to make Cordelia
leave who didn't want to leave and was struggling against her older sister.

"Let go of her, Adelina" Michaelangelo said calmly as he released Gabriella and stepped
forward, "against family violence is never the answer" he said as he took her hand in his and
made her release Cordelia's arm. He dropped her hand and looked at Cordelia who was near
tears, "you can go upstairs, everything will be fine."

Gabriella loved seeing this protective side of Michaelangelo. He was being very protective over
Cordelia, she was right about him being a good father. He would be this patient and calm with
their child, she was sure of it. He turned to Adelina once Cordelia was out of side and crossed his
arms in front of his chest.

"I get that you're hurt Adelina, but you should know that I don't tolerate anyone yelling to my
fiancée like that. If you have something to say to her now, you can do it through me."
Gabriella felt like she was about to melt to his feet. He never done this before. She knew that he
was concerned about her health since she almost lost the baby a few times. He just didn't want
her to be in these stressful situations. She saw a flash of guilt going through Adelina's eyes but it
was gone in a split second. She must still be hurt about the fact that Aiden cheated on her and his
past got back to hunt them. She could understand that Adelina was hurt, but she needed to let it

"I think you're fiancée should know her place in the family. She isn't a real Gavino, so why is she
interfering with our business?!"

Yeah, that hurt. She wasn't a Gavino by blood she got that, but she was pretty sure that even
Cecilio accepted her as one. She was his precious daughter like he always told her. She blinked
away the tears that were stinging her eyes and turned to look at Michaelangelo. She hoped he
would say something, something to protect her pride.

She felt him pull her closer to him and held her close to his body. His body heath was
comforting. His protective ways made her swoon, but she wouldn't tell him that. That would only
inflate his big ego.

"I think this is really simple, Adelina. Let the lawyers decide what they'll do about Joel. You
have nothing to say about the arrangement they'll decide on. I heard Aiden wants to spend time
with his son, if you can't accept that you need to realize that it might not be right for you two to
be together."

"If Gabriella had a child with someone else would you be able to take care of that child?" she
asked Michaelangelo, "would you be able to look at that child, the child of another man?"

"I wouldn't blame the child for what happened" Michaelangelo said as he placed a kiss to
Gabriella's head, "you should have a very good talk with Aiden, Adelina. He can only see his
child in the weekends if that bothers you and you don't want to divorce him, you'll leave the
house for the weekends...if you don't want to do that than just accept it already."

Adelina sighed and shook her head, "I need some time" she said as she looked from
Michaelangelo to Gabriella, "maybe you're right maybe my pride is hurt, and because of that I
don't want to see you for the time being" she said narrowing her eyes on Gabriella.

Gabriella nodded her head, "that's fine" she said holding back the fact that she wasn't even going
to see Adelina for now, "but if you think that I would leave the moment I see you in the hotel or
at a shop, then you're wrong."

"I'm not leaving either" Adelina pointed out, "I think you can be more understanding with me-"

"The hotel doesn't belong to you" Gabriella pointed out, "if you feel uncomfortable being in one
room together with me it's you who should leave" she shrugged.
Adelina shook her head and turned around. Gabriella knew the woman was just throwing a
tantrum. In a few days she would change her mind and apologize so she didn't want to say
anything to upset her too much. If they had a huge fight it would be harder to get along together

She looked at Michaelangelo after Adelina left and smiled brightly. She wanted to hug him
tightly and say sweet things to him, but for one her stomach would be in the way. She couldn't
quite hug him right, like that. So she stood on her toes and placed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"You were amazing. I felt really protected and loved" she told Michaelangelo and raised an
eyebrow when she saw him acting nervous, "why are you so nervous, Mike. I complemented you
before right?" she asked being very amused with his behavior. It looked like they were teenagers
again, this being their first relationship. That's how he acted.

"Yes" he muttered, "don't worry about Adelina she'll change her mind in a few days. It's just the
shock that's all."

Gabriella nodded her head, "I'm not mad at her, I just wanted her to be more understanding with
the situation. I guess I can understand that she feels threatened because she is pregnant herself,
but would be a lot better if she accepted it."

"It will take some time but she and Aiden will be fine" Michaelangelo told her and wrapped an
arm over her shoulder while he leaded her to the stairs, "you should see how Cordelia is doing. I
was amazed to see her standing up for herself. You have a really good influence on her"
Michaelangelo told Gabriella.

Hearing him say that made her more confident in herself. Adelina did tell her she was interfering
with their family. She was glad that Michaelangelo didn't think that of her. Only what he was
feeling about her mattered.

After she checked on Cordelia who was already very cheerful again she smiled and closed the
bedroom door behind her. She was glad she persuaded Cordelia to call her sister and apologize.
They were still sisters and she wouldn't want to come between the bond they had. Cordelia
seemed very cheerful after she talked to her sister. She figured they talked everything over. She
sighed and made her way to the office of her fiancé. She stepped towards his desk and took the
seat in front of it making him look up from his laptop.

"How is Cordelia doing?"

Gabriella merely shrugged her shoulders, "better than me. She talked things over with Adelina,
so she is happy again. I should talk to Adelina as well" she muttered and saw her fiancé smirking
at her, "I wasn't really nice to her" she continued.

He nodded his head, "true you were a bit mean" he muttered, "but you're emotional right now
and Adelina is very emotional as well. She'll understand. You two were always very close, you
should talk to her again...when the both of you cooled down a bit."
"I will" Gabriella agreed, "seeing how Cordelia handled everything made her seem so much
more mature than I was" she shrugged, "I'm usually that person who calmly handles everything"
she said making Michaelangelo chuckle and shook his head, "are you making fun of me?!"

"Yes" he said with a bright smile, "you always think with your heart've always
been a very emotional person. That's just you. You say what comes to your mind almost
instantly, we've gotten used to that but other people might not be so fond of it."

"Yes, I'll apologize to Adelina" she sighed and leaned back against the chair, "you knew I would,
right? That's why you didn't make such a big deal out of it..."He merely nodded his head, "now I
should get back to work, I already skipped so much that Gabriel and Rodolfo are scolding me.
I'm always the one who scolds them" he reminded her.

"Now you know how they feel" she told him playfully before she got up, "I'll let you get back to
work then" she said before leaving his office.

Gabriel was about to leave his office but stopped when his secretary made her way towards him.
He saw the nervous look in her eyes and assumed something must have happened, something he
might just not like that much. He could always tell by looking in her eyes what she was feeling.
He placed his laptop back on his desk and leaned against it while he looked at the blonde

"Is something wrong, Naomi?" he asked her carefully, "you don't look so well, did something

"Michaelangelo gave me strict orders not to tell you but..."


She looked down at her feet, she seemed to encourage herself into talking. He raised an eyebrow
as he watched her have a dilemma with herself.

"I let Melissa Thompson in" she said softly, "she said she wanted to have just five minutes of
your time, I knew what Michaelangelo's orders were but..."

"It's fine" Gabriel said quickly, "let Melissa in" he said before brushing her off, "don't worry
about it, Naomi" he said trying to calm the blonde woman down a little.

She nodded and gave him a warm smile before she stepped out of his office and gestured for
Melissa to step inside Gabriel's office. Melissa closed the door behind her and smiled at the man
who was still leaning against his desk. His tie was laying upon his desk, and his first two buttons
were undone. She figured that he was having a very stressful day. His hair was messier than
usual as well.
She stood across him, not bothering to take the chair he gestured to her to sit in.

"I told you, I'll just take up five minutes of your time" she said quietly and saw him slightly nod,
"I just wanted to...see how you're doing."

She was very careful with her words. He wondered why, she was never afraid of him. He wanted
to know what changed that. Did his family do that to her? He didn't know if he should happy or
mad about it. Melissa still meant something to him, he just didn't know what.

"As you can see I'm doing just must have seen that in the newspapers too. It wasn't
necessary to see me in person to figure that one out."

He was still the cynical Gabriel. She knew he still didn't belief in marriage, children and
everything around it. Something she always wanted from him. It was the reason they split after
all, he wanted to have a relationship just for fun...she wanted more than that.

"It might just be a excuse to come see you in person" she muttered as she folded her arms across
her chest because she was doubting she could hold the nerves in she didn't want to do anything
stupid, "I talked to Gabriella...did she tell you about my...night with Aiden?"

"She did. To be honest, I don't really care what happened between you and Aiden. I can do the
math we were not together when you slept with him. It's none of my business who you sleep

"Then why are you mad at me?" she asked him quietly.

"I don't care that you slept with another man, but I do mind that you slept with my brother-in-
law. No matter how drunk you were, you should have known better. You lied to Gabriella saying
that you didn't know who he was. You knew perfectly well who he was. I introduced you to him.
You slept with him and now you're trying to crawl out of the mess you made."

"Yes I might have told Gabriella a little lie" she shrugged, "I figured that after she asked you to
come and talk to me, you would have told her the truth, but you didn't...what does that mean
Gabriel? Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

He knew where this was going. She was trying to persuade him that he still loves her. They were
all confusing love with lust. He never loved a girl before, he desired a girl, but love was
something he could only feel for his family. He figured that one out just yesterday. Thinking
about Melissa and the whole situation more clearly he realized that he didn't love her. He still
couldn't answer her feelings. He couldn't six years ago and he still can't.
"Because I care about you. Not in the way you want me to" he said trying to make things clear
with her, "you were always very kind, Melissa and very bright. You were different from the most
girls I dated, but that doesn't make you special."

She slowly stepped towards him, dropping her arms to her side. She couldn't believe that he said
that she wasn't special to him. She was the only girl he ever introduced to his family. Not his
whole family but some of the members. It was more than any other girl ever dreamt of.

She was indeed special to Gabriel Gavino.

"You're a liar too" she told him, "I'm special to you, I'm the only girl you ever introduced to your
family. That makes me special, right Gabriel?"

Gabriel merely shrugged his shoulders, "think of it what you want, I'm telling you that you're no
different from any other girl I ever dated. I had a lot of time to think about this situation Melissa,
and I think it's for the best that you take the money and leave."

"What money?" she asked confused, "I told every Gavino here that I don't want the money for
myself, I just want Joel to have a better life than I had. He has a right to know his father."

"Yes, it's true but can't you see that it's not working out. Six years you have been hiding Joel. It's
suspicious that you suddenly show up again. I'm giving you the money to pack your things and
leave. It's enough to buy a house and save it for Joel's education."

"You want me to leave, Gabriel?" she asked quietly.

He stepped forward as well. They were so close that you couldn't even slide a piece of paper
between them. He heard her breathing hike because he was so close to her. He leaned forward,
his lips nearly touching hers, "I want you to leave" he whispered before he pulled back again.

"Why, because you feel threatened by me?" she asked as she placed her hands upon his chest and
smirked when she felt his heartbeat beating so fast beneath her palms, "your heart is telling me
something else Gabriel. You don't want me to leave" she said softly as she mimicked his actions,
letting her lips being dangerously close to his.

She could tell he was taking back by her words, his eyes widened for a second, but he was a
Gavino. They could recompose themselves in a split second.

"You don't mean anything to me" he told her quietly as he pressed a hand to her shoulder and
tried to push her slightly back, "please take up my suggestion if I mean as much to you as you
claim me to be" he said before he turned to his desk and placed his laptop in it's case, "your five
minutes are over, Melissa."

Melissa nodded her head, "I'm going to disappear then..."

He held up an envelope and gave it to her, "that's the best decision you made so far" he told her
as he watched her take the envelope.

Her fingers brushed against his and she could feel his body heath rise just because of that slight
touch. He was lying to her, she could tell. She didn't persuade him to speak the truth though, she
knew he would never speak the truth to her. His pride for his family name was just getting in the

"But before I go I want you to kiss me" she whispered.


"To prove something."

He sighed and grabbed her by the back of her head pulling her closer, "you know I can control
myself perfectly fine" he whispered to her before he pressed his lips against hers and gave her a
slow, tender kiss. Just before she was getting into it he pulled away and smirked, "did you get
what you want?" he asked her.

She smiled and pulled away from his grip, "yes. You're even worse in lying than me" she told
him before she walked out of his office.

Gabriel watched her leave and let out a shaky breath. She was right about him, he was indeed a
bad liar. It was one thing to lie to her but to lie to himself was even worse. He rubbed a hand
over his face before he grabbed his things and walked out of his office as well. He looked at his
secretary who was about to go to the elevators as well and walked together with her.

"You don't have to worry about today" he told her as he flashed her a small smile, "everything is
taken care of, don't mention it to anyone, alright?"

She nodded her head to his request. He knew Naomi would keep quiet about this matter. She was
his perfect secretary after all. He had to thank Michaelangelo one day for finding such an
efficient woman.

Rodolfo, Michaelangelo and Gabriella were sitting in the living room. The guys were playing a
soccer game on the playstation, with a lot of cursing and yelling. She was glad their son wasn't
born yet because she was sure he would take over that habit of them. They really needed to do
something about their behavior. She looked at Gabriel who made his way towards them and sat
down next to her placing an arm over her shoulder.

"You're late" Rodolfo pointed out, "Naomi said that you were still working on the marketing
plan for that new restaurant and didn't want to get interrupted. Are you becoming a workaholic.
Do we need to reprimand you like we did with Michaelangelo?"
"We?" Gabriella asked and giggled when Rodolfo rolled his eyes.

"Why are you two talking about me like I'm not even in this room?" Michaelangelo asked before
he looked at Gabriel, "you don't look so well" he pointed out as he narrowed his eyes on his
cousin, "did something happen?"

Gabriel looked at his cousin who seemed to analyze him, "yes something happened. Something
good" he told him before he looked at the screen, "you're losing your game Michaelangelo I
think even Gabriella can kick your butt" he muttered and chuckled when the woman next to him

"It's because he chose such a worthless team!"

"Don't talk shit about my team" Michaelangelo said calmly as he focused back on the screen,
"you're just lucky that's all!"

Gabriella looked at the guys interacting with each other and smiled. She didn't know what
happened to Gabriel but she could tell he was doing a lot better than he was a few weeks ago.
She figured that he finally got the answers he was looking for. She leaned back against the couch
and smirked when he pulled her closer to steal her bowl of popcorn. At times like these she felt
like a real family, without the million problems and people trying to hurt them. Just a normal

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

I received the twenty votes so as promised here is the next chapter! It's not that interesting, but I
promise the next one will be. I'm doing a time skip in the next chapter so Gabriella will be eight
months pregnant. Chapter sixty-three will be about the baby! I want this story to be finished with
seventy chapters so I hope that I can fit everything in just nine more chapters. Thanks for the
votes and comments and enjoy this chapter. Twenty-five votes means an update before Friday!

Chapter sixty - one - Trusting No One.

Gabriella pulled her hair up in a ponytail since it was being in the way today and walked out of
her bedroom. Michaelangelo left early in the morning, he had a meeting at his main office.
Normally he would be here spoiling her with attention, something she got used to. So now she
was feeling lonely and cold. She wanted his arms around her, she figured that he spoiled her a
little too much lately. If he kept this up Rodolfo was going to be right. She wouldn't be able to
live without him, she would turn into a foolish girl who loved him unconditionally. Sighing she
closed the door behind her and looked at Carla who was walking fast through the hallway with a
tray in her hands. It was a steaming hot cup of coffee she was taking towards Cecilio's office.
One of the guys occupied that office. Following after Carla she was curious to see who stayed at
home today. She raised an eyebrow when she was greeted with a very bright smile of Gabriel
Gavino. He gestured for her to come closer since she was still standing in the doorway looking at
Carla who was placing the cup of coffee on the desk.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" he asked her with that cocky smirk on his face. The old
Gabriel was back alright, "come in Gabriella" he told her again.

This time she did as she was told. There was no point into arguing with a Gavino, they wouldn't
give up easily and neither would she. It would be an endless struggle not to mention very tiring
as well. She watched Carla leave the office and took a seat in front of the desk.

"You seem very cheerful today" Gabriella remarked, "a week ago you were wallowing today
you're acting like you're arrogant self" she said narrowing her brown eyes on him, "what

He sighed and stepped in front of the desk. Leaning against it like Michaelangelo normally did
made her raise an eyebrow and look at him with curious eyes. It felt like he had something to
discuss with her, something important. Maybe that's why he called her into Cecilio's office after
all. She leaned back against the leather one-seat and tried to relax.

"I feel like myself again" Gabriel told her, "you know that day I came in late, when Mike and
Rodolfo were playing that soccer game?" he asked Gabriella who nodded since she did
remember what day he was talking about, "I had a talk with Melissa. She came to see me at the
office in the hotel."

Gabriella was amazed that Melissa did something so daring. Stepping into the hotel where
almost every staff-member knew her face. That was something Gabriella would do, since she
knew the boys were all talk to her. To Melissa it was a different story. That's why she find it very
daring of her. That woman was definitely full of surprises.

"So because of the talk you're feeling better?" Gabriella asked him, "we should have let you talk
to her sooner's good to see you smiling like yourself again" she said and saw him give
her a playful glare.

"You're insulting me, right?" he asked and shook his head when he heard her chuckle, "anyways
we talked, and I asked her to leave" he told Gabriella who gasped at hearing his words, "you
were right about what I feel for her, but I also know that it won't work between us. I had to let
her go."

Gabriella merely nodded her head. She was glad that Gabriel did what he wanted to do. Not
because Michaelangelo or Rodolfo told him what to do, just following his own heart. If that
meant that he wanted Melissa to leave she would support him in his decision.

"I'm glad you made your own decision, Gabriel. This way you won't regret anything, right?" she
asked and saw him hesitate before he nodded his head.
"I won't regret my decision" he told her again and sat down upon the desk as he smiled at her, "I
didn't send her away with empty hands though, she came here to ask Aiden for financial support.
So I gave her the money she needed for the child."

"So she is really gone?" Gabriella asked.

"My guards dropped her off at the airport this yeah she is really gone."

Gabriella got off the chair and stood in front of him, looking into his green bright eyes. She could
tell he was telling the truth to her. He was sure about his decisions, no regrets. With knowing that
he wouldn't regret anything she could stop worrying about him. She placed a hand upon his
shoulder and squeezed it softly.

"Now I need to swallow my pride and apologize to Adelina" she said quietly and saw Gabriel's
lips curling up at hearing her remark, "I hope she won't make things too hard for me" she
muttered and released his shoulder, "how about you accompany me?" she asked softly, "as a
favor to me since I supported you."

He chuckled at her request and got off the desk, "I'll go with you, how about we have lunch with
her?" he suggested and nodded his head when she agreed with him, "I'll call her and ask her to
come meet us at the hotel."

Gabriella let Gabriel handle things and made her way out of the office. She was glad Gabriel was
doing fine again. He was back to being his cocky yet caring self again. She missed that side of
him. The side of him that always made fun of her. She noticed that she kept smiling like an idiot
and scolded herself. She turned around when she heard Cordelia calling for her.

What's wrong, Cordy?" she asked as the younger girl stopped in front of her, "I'm going to have
lunch with Gabriel and Adelina later on...maybe you can join us?" she asked the girl who shook
her head.

"Actually Gabriella...I was wondering if I could have some friends coming over?" she said with
bright hopeful eyes. It seemed like she was afraid that Gabriella would say no. Gabriella didn't
know why Cordelia was still so unsure about herself, "there all girls" she added quickly making
the older woman laugh.

"I knew your friends would be girls, Cordy. I would be surprised if you asked guys over, while
you have an overprotective brother and two cousins who would scare those guys away" she
shrugged, "how many girls are coming over?" she asked as she walked with Cordelia to the stairs
so they could sit down in the living room.

"Five friends."

Gabriella smiled and nodded her head. She didn't have that many friends when she was at high
school. Most of the guys got scared away by her father's guards and the girls only wanted to be
friends with her because of the money. She could count her real friends on her fingers. She
looked at Cordelia and ruffled her hair.

"Fine by me, invite them over" she said and looked at her watch, "but Gabriel and I are leaving
around late are they coming over?" she asked Cordelia.

Cordelia seemed to hesitate about the time. Gabriella figured she was hesitating because she was
scared to ask anything. Gabriella sat down on the couch and pulled the girl closer to her giving
her a light kiss to her head.

"You know you can invite them over even without one of us being at home. I trust you, Cordy."

She knew that would make her more comfortable. The girl nodded her head and flashed
Gabriella a warm smile, "I'll invite them over around four, maybe when you get back we can all
help in the kitchen. One of my friends can make an amazing apple pie. It's really delicious."

Gabriella looked at Cordelia who was talking about her friends and her cooking adventures.
Cordelia was glowing lately, she seemed to do a lot better. Michaelangelo was getting used to
her teasing, she probably had a relationship with him she could never have with Gabriel since
Adelina had strict rules. Adelina...she really wanted to talk things over with her. She used to
think that she and Adelina were very close, that Adelina could understand her. Maybe Rodolfo
was right, when you love someone so much you would forgive him easily and take sides easily
too. She was sure that if she had to choose between believing Michaelangelo and believing his
mistress she would belief him first, even though she told Rodolfo a different story. In her heart
she knew he was somewhat right. She leaned back against the couch and placed a hand softly
against her belly.

"I hope we can talk things over without much drama. If that happens...I'll be in time to taste your
delicious apple pie" Gabriella told Cordelia, "if it gets late are you're friends going to stay over?"

"Like a sleepover?"


Gabriella saw the younger girl's eyes lightening up like a Christmas tree. Her suggestion made
the girl feel like an average teenage girl again. She knew when she was younger she wanted to
do these things but it wasn't possible, she just wanted Cordelia to experience the things she
couldn't. Sleeping over at your cousin's house didn't count.

"Do you think that it's allowed?" she asked Gabriella who raised an eyebrow at hearing that silly
question, "I mean will Michaelangelo be okay with it?"

"This house isn't only his property Cordelia" Gabriella pointed out, "if I gave you permission it
should be enough" she muttered as she gave Cordelia a hurt look, "I see that you don't find my
approval of much worth...I understand things completely."
"No...I didn't mean it like that-"

"I know what you mean" Gabriella winked at her, "Mike will be fine with it, don't worry about it.
Ask your friends to pack their things, we have enough rooms for them."

After talking about the sleepover Cordelia was organizing in just a few hours, Gabriella made
Carla help the younger girl out. She wanted to help her with preparing the night but she had to
have lunch with Adelina. Adelina was family and she needed to have a good relationship with
her family. Michaelangelo didn't scold her about her behavior towards Adelina, but she had seen
the look in his eyes. He wasn't too happy about it either, he just kept quiet about it since she was
pregnant. That being the only reason for him not speaking his mind, kind of hurt her feelings.
She looked up when Gabriel told her Adelina was on her way and took a deep breath.

"It's just Adelina, Gaby. Why are you so nervous?" he asked amused, "I thought you weren't
afraid of Adelina?" he asked her and smirked when Gabriella threw him a dirty look.

"I'm not afraid of her, I just want to talk things over with her. She is family, we shouldn't fight.
Family should support each other" she told Gabriel and pricked with her fork in her fruit salad,
"we don't have to agree with everything, we can have our own opinion about certain things,

He agreed with her. Just some people didn't see it that way. In that way, Adelina was a lot like
Michaelangelo. They only saw their way as being right, everyone else was just always wrong.
Maybe that's why they always clashed. They always had their differences. Gabriella smiled a
little when Adelina took a seat next to Gabriel, across her. She kissed her brother on his cheek
and flashed Gabriella an apologizing look.

"I really hated it, how we parted last time. We shouldn't have fought like that about something so
stupid" she muttered and shook her head in disapproval, "we already been through a lot right,

Gabriella nodded her head, "yes it would be stupid to let something like this come in our way.
I'm really sorry Adelina. I understand how you feel about this subject and I should have been
more caring. I just yelled at you and told you all the things you did wrong while I didn't even
look at what I was doing wrong."

Adelina smiled and took a sip from the water the waiter brought her, "let's just say that we were
both very emotional" she said and winked at Gabriella, "we'll forget about it okay" she said in a
softer tone and ordered pasta while Gabriel ordered a steak and fries, "what do you want

"She already ate" Gabriel laughed and saw Gabriella blushing brightly, "we have been waiting
for thirty minutes and she just couldn't wait!"
Gabriella looked down, "I just want some fries" she told the waiter who noted it down, "yes I'm
sorry I didn't eat much at breakfast so I was starving!"

The conversation went on with ease. Gabriella didn't think this would be so easy, she thought
Adelina would be a lot angrier yet she was feeling the same as she was feeling. They were both
feeling bad about saying those things to each other since they went through a lot already because
of Anarosa. She was starting to like Adelina again. Rodolfo was just so right that it made her
blood boil. She wouldn't admit it to him, never! It would inflate his ego only more!

Placing her jacket on the couch Gabriella stepped back when she saw Michaelangelo walking
towards her with a very serious look in his eyes, and she didn't even start to think about what that
frown meant. She looked around and heard loud giggles and saw the living room filled with
snacks and drinks. Michaelangelo didn't seem happy at all. He stopped in front of her with his
arms cross in front of his chest in a very stern manner. He was definitely going to scold her. She
bit her lip nervously and looked over her shoulder, Gabriel fled the scene! He left her alone - he
probably got scared away by the girls not Michaelangelo.

"What's the meaning of this Gabriella?" he asked her straightforwardly not even bothering to
greet her like he normally would - with a kiss, "I come home early to be overwhelmed with
screaming teenagers, girls...not to mention" he muttered, "you should know we're not safe with
so many girls hanging around our house!"

"How many girls?" she asked confused, "Cordelia just invited four friends over" she said
frowning back to her fiancé who chuckled and shook his head. She said something amusing

"Four girls?" he asked and gestured to the exploded living room, "you think that four girls make
that much of mess?" he said shaking his head, "there are at least ten girls hanging around...I
counted them I'm pretty sure it's ten teenage girls hanging around here."

"Ten?!" she asked - her eyes almost popping out, "I told Cordelia that she could invite four girls
over, not ten girls. I never agreed with that!"

"You got tricked by my cousin" Michaelangelo chuckled finding it very amusing that Cordelia
did this behind her back, "those girls are keeping Rodolfo off his work. He doesn't know how to
handle them and ran away and I saw that Gabriel ran away as well."

"You're brother and cousin are weak" Gabriella muttered as she pushed her way past him, "how
bad can it be? I just became an adult I can imagine there is much of a difference between them
and me."

Michaelangelo grabbed her arm and made her look at him, "you're forgetting Gabriella that you
didn't have an average high school life. Your father protected you like you were a fragile rose
petal. You're completely different from them."
"I need to let Cordelia know that she broke my trust!"

He sighed and placed an arm around her middle and walked with her to the kitchen, "just let me
do it, you're already upsetting yourself too much. Besides she already stepped all over you, since
she is still somewhat scared of me it's for the best that I tell her that she crossed the line."

Gabriella just nodded her head. She didn't want to argue with Michaelangelo, she knew he would
give her ten reasons why she shouldn't do this and she would agree in the end. So she figured it
was better to keep her mouth closed now, that way it was less tiring.

They stepped into the kitchen being greeted with loud giggles and soft muttering. She heard one
of the girls praise Michaelangelo. Glancing at his face she could tell he heard it too, it definitely
inflated his big ego. She rolled her eyes and tried to focus on Cordelia instead. She was aware
that other women find her fiancé attractive. She could be jealous when they were praising him
and trying to win her over, but with teenagers...that was a different story. It was somewhat
amusing to hear them talk like that about Michaelangelo.

"Cordelia, we need to talk" Michaelangelo said straight out, he didn't smile warmly nor did he
talk around the bush he just stated what he wanted, "now."

Cordelia didn't hesitate when he ordered her to have a talk with him. Michaelangelo was right all
along she was still somewhat scared of him. She came running towards them in a split second
because he told her they needed to talk. He gestured for her to follow after them to the hallway
and closed the door so they could have a private conversation.

"Gabriella agreed with just four friends coming over, Cordelia" Michaelangelo explained, "care
to tell me what the meaning of this is?" he asked gesturing to the closed door of the kitchen.

Cordelia nervously laughed and rubbed the back of her head, "I only invited four people over but
they told their friends and one way or another they all ended up here. They heard about the rich
Gavino family so they all came...they were just curious I guess."

Gabriella pressed her lips together and looked away. She knew exactly why the girls were here.
They were here to see the most attractive guys around, she had to admit that she was surrounded
by living Greek gods. She was engaged to one! Not to mention the big mansion and all the
gadgets were pretty amazing too. If she was an outsider she would want to have a chance like
this as well. The mansion was a save haven, aside from family not many outsiders as they called
them came over.

"We can't send them away now since it would be rude" Michaelangelo concluded, "we'll let them
stay till tomorrow afternoon, when they're gone we'll discuss your punishment Cordelia.
Breaking our trust doesn't go unpunished."

She nodded her head and accepted it like an adult. Gabriella praised her for accepting everything
so well. If it were her she would have made a fuss about it, in the end she would still end up with
a fitted punishment but at least it would feel like she defended her honor. Cordelia couldn't help
it that her friends wanted to see the mansion and the infamous Gavino boys.

Watching Cordelia mingle with her friends again, Gabriella pulled her fiancé aside so they could
be alone again. They ended up in their room since the living room was a living hell and the
dining room was already occupied too.

"You handled it very well, Michaelangelo" Gabriella complemented him, "you reminded me of
my own father. Sometimes he acted like I was a little child" she narrowed her eyes on
Michaelangelo who wanted to say something but stopped himself, "I'm less and less worried with
the day" she said while placing her hand on her stomach, "you're going to be a very good father,

He smirked at hearing her say that. It made his heart swell up, he had been struggling with the
idea of becoming a father. He didn't talk to anyone about it, he kept it to himself. To be honest he
didn't trust anyone with speaking his mind. He was scared...scared that he couldn't become a
good father, that he would neglect his son like his own father did. Not that he didn't love his
father but he didn't have the loving family like Gabriella did. She got all the love in the world
from her father even her mother was good for her too. They were totally different in that way. He
was forced to take care of himself along with Rodolfo because Cecilio was a very busy man. It
made him strong though, it made him what he is today.

"It's good to hear you say that" he admitted to Gabriella who raised an eyebrow and pulled him
closer to her to make him look in her shocked honey brown eyes, "I mean it Gabriella...I was
kind of worried" he told her quietly.

She wrapped her arms around him and softly pressed her lips to his. She didn't speak she just
kissed him, the slow tender kiss was all he needed from her. With the kiss she told him what she
felt about him, what she really felt in her heart. She pulled away and smiled warmly at him.

"I know you were worrying" she told him and pressed a finger to his lips when he wanted to
speak, "your eyes tell me everything Michaelangelo, I just want you to realize that you're not
your father. You're different, you'll give the love this child deserve" she told him before she
kissed him again.

He looked at her face. She had her eyes closed and a faint blush upon her cheeks. She was really
into the kiss, it made him smirk and wrap his arms around her as well. He needed to feel her, he
needed to know that she was there, really there in his arms. He abruptly pulled away when he felt
the kick of his son. He looked at Gabriella who placed her hand on her stomach and sighed.

"He is really active today" she muttered, "I had to pee at least five times at the restaurant, I was
really embarrassed" she said shaking her head a little which only made her fiancé chuckle louder.

"Gabriella it's normal, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed about it."
She pouted her lips and leaned away from her fiancé to look him in his eyes, "now that we're
talking about children...did you plan on having more children?" she asked and saw the shocked
expression in his eyes, "I just want to know how you feel about this."

It was hard enough for her to talk about it, with the look he gave her she wanted to run out of the
bedroom out of shame. She thought it was a normal question to ask of her fiancé but he looked at
her like she was crazy.

"This one wasn't planned" he told her but it felt like he was talking to himself, "I always assumed
we would have more kids. But we should focus on this one first."

It wasn't like he was suggesting anything to her, it was an order. The way he spoke, his eyes it
told her that she shouldn't ask questions anymore. Discussion was closed. She didn't know why
he was so taking back about that subject. She just dropped it for now and laid down next to him
on the bed. She let out a relieved sigh once her head hit the pillow. The lunch with Adelina and
the confrontation with Cordelia was really too much. She needed her rest right now.

"You talked things over with Adelina at the restaurant?" he asked her since he wanted to change
the subject, "Gabriel told me about it, did you think it went well?" he asked to make sure that it
really went well in her eyes. Gabriel give him a summary he just plainly told him that everything
was fine from now on and they didn't need to worry about Gabriella and Adelina having a silent

"It went well" Gabriella told him, "we talked things over, apologized and realized as well that we
were just too emotional. Adelina suggested that we should have a girls night soon. I let you know
if I feel like it, then you and the boys can go out and play pool again."

"Rodolfo would like another match. He couldn't accept the fact that I won from him" he
chuckled, "this time we should make a bet...I should ask him to give up his Aston Martin."

Gabriella frowned and looked at Michaelangelo who seemed very happy about his idea, "you're
going to take away his baby? You're very slick Michaelangelo. Why would you take away his
baby? You know he wouldn't survive it. He would be acting like Gabriel or maybe even worse."

"It's just a car."

Michaelangelo was taking it lightly now, but she heard that he used to be exactly the same as
Rodolfo. He knew now what it was like to share something special with a woman, but when he
was single just like Rodolfo his true love was his car.

"You used to think like Rodolfo. Now that you have me and your son it's different for you."

Michaelangelo knew that Gabriella was right. She changed him in so many ways, but he
wouldn't admit that to her. He was a guy, a very traditional Sicilian guy. He wouldn't want to let
his fiancée know that she was right about everything. That he changed his principles for her. He
caught himself caring more about people than he should and that was all because of her. She was
making him weak!

"You know that you're making me become a softie. I need a guys night out as well" he muttered
and heard her snort, "I mean it Gabriella, sometimes I don't feel like myself anymore" he told her
and turned to his side so he could look at her, "I need to toughen up again, because if I don't our
safety will be at risk again."

She understood what he was saying. Everyone feared Michaelangelo Gavino and if they knew
that he was becoming soft, they would strike. It would be the end of the powerful Gavino family.

"What happened to Eugino?" Gabriella asked since they were talking about the end of the
powerful Gavino family she realized that one of the people that wanted to take them down
suddenly disappeared, "did you catch him?" she asked curiously.

She looked at Michaelangelo who didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it. Too bad for him
that she wasn't going to let it go. Eugino wanted to kill her, she felt like she had to right to know
whatever happened to that man. She feared that Michaelangelo put an end to his life but she
couldn't be sure unless she heard it from the man himself.


He sighed and sat up right running a hand through his messy hair, "I asked your cousins to take
care of him. I got a call that they caught him. They received ten million for it."

"They caught him and that's it?"

She didn't belief it and looking in his eyes she knew she was right too - they didn't just catch him.
They put an end to his life and received a reward for it. It worked like that in their world. She
should get used to it, since it happened a lot to them yet she felt like it was very foreign to her. It
felt like her breathing stopped because someone was squeezing the air out of her.

"Don't act so surprised Gabriella, you knew this would happen to him. It's not new to you at all."

Michaelangelo was right, it wasn't new to her but he couldn't blame her to find it scary. She
didn't want to know more about it. She gulped the lump away that formed in her throat because
she heard about Eugino and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She asked Michaelangelo
about the details so she had no one to blame but herself.

"The contract...should we resign it?" she asked and saw him having a very thoughtful look on his
face, "Gabriel and Rodolfo told me that the contract wasn't valid anymore, because we got
divorced. So everything is back to my name?"
"If you think that you can leave with everything you're wrong Gabriella, I just want to warn you
beforehand. I'll hunt you down and drag you back to the mansion personally if you dare to leave"
he said and ignored her groaning, "I need to warn you I don't want you to tell me that I haven't
warned you."

"Why would I leave?!" she asked and narrowed her eyes on him, "you still don't trust me do
you?" she asked and sat up right with so much effort it tired her out yet she didn't want his help
right now, "you think that because I own the empire now that I would leave your side?" she
asked and glared at him, "what kind of woman do you think I am?"

"I don't trust anyone with whole my heart, you knew that all along" he told her and got off the
bed, "I just want to let you know that I won't tolerate it if you would leave while the empire is on
your name, not to mention that you're carrying our child."

"Exactly! So why the hell would I leave your side? I thought you realized how much you mean
to me, but apparently I was wrong."

"You're not wrong but I'm always very careful" Michaelangelo shrugged, "don't take my words
by heart, I just wanted to let you know how I feel about the contract. When we are getting
married again, I'll let my attorney set up a new contract which you need to sign."

Gabriella didn't say anything she just nodded her head and let him leave. She was hurt to know
that he didn't trust her with whole his heart like she trusted him. He considered the possibility of
her leaving with his child! She didn't think he would even consider such a thing! She felt like
screaming loudly, she grabbed her pillow and buried her face in it. She knew it were just tears of
frustration, but she was still embarrassed. She wished she never started to ask about the contract
since it made him say those painful words to her. She wished she could turn back time.

Michaelangelo looked up from his laptop and frowned when he saw the serious look on his older
brother's face. Rodolfo must have heard something about Gabriella and his 'discussion'. He didn't
consider it to be a fight since he just warned her. He spoke his true feelings and he thought that
she would appreciate it. After all she was the one who wanted him to be honest with her, so he
was being honest with her. He didn't want her to leave, not with his fortune and especially not
with his child!

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 61 - Trusting No One (p.21 of 22)

Rodolfo took a seat on the one-seat he always took and shook his head in a disappointing
manner. Almost the same look as their father crept up in his eyes, "you hurt Principessa's
feelings. She was crying out of frustration. I calmed her down, you should know that some
comments will make her upset again. Do you want her to lose my nephew?"
It made Michaelangelo soften his look when Rodolfo referred to his son as his nephew. He knew
it was stupid of him to start an argument with her but he just couldn't keep quiet anymore. He
needed to let her know how he felt about everything and so he did. He didn't need his brother to
tell him that he was wrong, because he knew that.

"I know I hurt her feelings I'll make it up to her later tonight" he muttered and ignored the snort
he heard Rodolfo make, "since she brought up the contract I realized that we need to hire an
attorney to make up some new ground rules for the contract. The old ones don't work in our

"I think that was the idea" Rodolfo said rolling his eyes, "that way it ensured the fact that you
would stay married to Gabriella. The moment you try and leave her the weight of losing your
company will make you change your mind. I think it was a pretty smart idea of dad. He ensured
your future with Gabriella, don't change the rules."

Michaelangelo wouldn't want to hear any of it though. He needed to change the rules, to ensure
his happiness and hers as well. New rules would make life easier for the both of them if things
ended up badly. He dialed the number of their usual attorney who had his main office in Rome
and told him the details of his phone call. He needed to change the contract and fast. In a few
months Gabriella would give birth to his son and they would get married again, the contract
needed to be done before that. Even though she taught him to love, she didn't change all of him.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss

Thanks for the votes and comments. In this chapter Gabriella and Michaelangelo will be blessed
with the presence of their son lol Hope you like it! Twenty-five votes means an update before

Chapter sixty-two - The Light In Their Lives

3 months later.

Gabriella felt bloated as she looked in the mirror, she was huge! She didn't need Gabriel,
Rodolfo and Michaelangelo to make fun of her she was very much aware of how she looked.
There was no way she would think about having a second child soon! She needed to get her
figure back, she didn't care much about appearance but looking in the mirror she was
embarrassed with herself. The boys were making a lot of fun with her, but at the end of the day
Michaelangelo would hold her and tell her she was beautiful. She didn't forget about his words
though, his words still echoed through her mind like a broken tape. He was always very
straightforward like her, and he always said the truth and nothing more, but hearing him openly
tell her that he didn't trust anyone really hurt her. She thought that to some level he would trust
her. If it was someone who needed to have trust issues in their relationship it should have been
her, but even she trusted him. So his words made her heart squeeze painfully.
She brushed her locks out of her face and stepped away from the mirror, there was nothing she
could do to make her look better. The huge belly would still be in the way. It was enough for her,
the nine months pregnancy could end now. She wanted to hold her son in her arms and sum up
all the features he got from either her or Michaelangelo. She wanted him to have his dark hair
and very intense blue eyes. She like that about Michaelangelo, his eyes made him even more
attractive. She turned to look at the door and narrowed her eyes on her fiancé who walked
towards her with a huge grin on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" she asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, "if you
are going to make a comment about my stomach I'm going to hit you!" she warned him so he
was aware what she might do to him if he dared to make a remark.

His grin didn't fade away though if anything it just got bigger after hearing her threatening him.
She narrowed his eyes dangerously on him and dropped her arms when he wanted to touch her.
She didn't want it to happen but it did. Her body just reacted to him! Every time he touched her
she would turn to jelly and forget about everything in the world, she needed to protect herself
from him, especially when he had that dangerous look in his eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands in his jean's pocket in a very nonchalant manner.
He seemed in a good mood, it almost looked like his eyes were sparkling with excitement but at
the same time she saw a very dangerous glint to them. She didn't know what to think of him right
now. What was he doing here? Shouldn't he be at work? She was confused and unintentionally
stepped back. The way he narrowed his eyes on her made her realize that he didn't like it that she
did that.

"Are you scared of me Gabriella?" he asked her as he reached out to her and grabbed her by her
arm pulling her closer to him, "I just wanted to see how my beautiful fiancée was doing" he told
her as he brushed his hand in a soft manner through her hair, "you're close to your due date
Gabriella...I just want to be around when it's time."

She shook her head lightly and let out a soft laugh. It sounded like music to his ears, it made him
feel more at ease hearing her laugh. The last few weeks she seemed very far away with her
thoughts, he knew it was because of his warning that she was being like that, but he wasn't about
to take his words back. He meant it, and she knew exactly why he said it. It was something that
was on his mind and just like her he sometimes just had to express himself even if the words
would hurt someone. It was one of the treats they had in common. In a few days she would be
over it, he hoped.

"So you're going to take a few days off from work to wait for my water to break?" she asked
while looking at him with those amused glittering eyes. She was having fun, he wouldn't want to
stop her from that. It was better than to see her frown all day, "that doesn't sound like you at all
Mike. Did something happen? Did Rodolfo scold you?" she asked and smirked when she saw
him raise an eyebrow at her question, "he did, didn't he?" she asked and gave her fiancé a light
push against his shoulder, "you're being submissive to your brother?! I wish I could demand
things like this from you."
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, "you know you can almost make
me do anything" he said and rolled his eyes when he heard her emphasize the word 'almost', "I'm
the head of so many hotels, restaurants and clubs Gabriella...I have a certain reputation to hold,
not to mention how many enemies I made along the way."

She nodded her head. She didn't want to talk business with him, they needed to keep that
separated otherwise they would be arguing again. Rodolfo made his brother come and see her
and so she had to enjoy this little moment. She knew it wasn't good to keep so many things to
herself, but this way their relationship was going really well. In the end she did love him, she did
want him to be close to her so she could make some sacrifices for him.

"You can go back to work, I can manage Gabriella. Besides I have Cordelia who is helping me a
lot. We should give her something in return, I feel like she is babysitting me."

"Yes when the baby is born we'll give her a nice weekend away to a spa together with Adelina.
Adelina could use it and maybe some of her annoying friends can join them too."

"Some" Gabriella snickered, "she lied to me she said around four or five friends and in the end
the house was full with teenage girls hanging around, baking cakes and playing those dance
games. I felt really old and I'm just in my early twenties."

"I told you we already we were raised differently. There is nothing you can do about it. If you
want to feel young again you should go have a night out together with Rodolfo and Gabriel" he
suggested and smirked when he saw the face she made.

"I don't want to be around when they're hooking up with girls. I'm already feeling like throwing
up with just thinking about it. I don't need to know about their sexual adventures."

He pulled out of the hug and looked her in the eyes, "I think it's time for them to settle too. The
sexual adventures as you call them it's fun for just a few times, in the end I like it better to have
just one woman at my side."

"You mean one woman who doesn't complain and lets you live your life" she shrugged, "it's
harder for them to find someone like me" she told Michaelangelo who actually agreed with her.

"You're right only a girl with the same life as ours can accept this."

She looked at him as he answered his phone and brushed him off letting him leave the bedroom.
Hearing at the tone he was using he was talking to either Gabriel or Rodolfo. They were
probably already looking for him because something important came up. Only a girl like her
could accept this abrupt change in his behavior. She made her way out of the bedroom too and
looked over her shoulder to see her fiancé making his way to Cecilio's office. Something
important came up. She made her way to the living room and sat down next to Cordelia who was
doing her homework while watching some comedy.
"I saw Michaelangelo's car outside, so he is back at home again?" Cordelia asked with that light
smile on her face she found it very amusing the way Michaelangelo was fawning over his
fiancée, "I saw that!" she snickered seeing Gabriella rolled her eyes, "he is just very concerned
about you, I think it's romantic-"

"What do you want from me, Cordy?" Gabriella asked since she saw the look in the teenager's
eyes. Cordelia wanted something from her but the punishment Michaelangelo gave her placed
limits on her having fun, "you want to go out?"

"I want to go to the movies with some of my friends."

Gabriella narrowed her eyes on Cordelia trying to see if the girl was lying to her, "the girls who
were here a few months ago?" she asked warily making Cordelia gulp and press her lips together.
That was all Gabriella needed to know, the girl was lying again, "with who are you really going
to the movies?" Gabriella asked this time a bit more serious, "a boyfriend?" she asked and
gasped when Cordelia blushed and looked away, "oh my god" Gabriella whispered, "I can't let
you go, your brother will hurt me if he knew I gave you permission to go out with a boy!"

"But I'm old enough to date! I can't see the harm into going to the movies with a normal guy. A
guy who wants to go on a date with me for who I am, not because he is forced because his
parents think it would be good for their business. Just an average teenage boy!"

"Get used to it honey" Gabriella shrugged, "I couldn't date either, my father would scare every
boy away and if it wasn't my father it were those guards hanging around me. Just face it already,
since you're in this family there are certain things you can't do."

Cordelia huffed and leaned back against the couch pouting because she couldn't do what she
wanted, "I won't accept it. I want to date Michael, so I am going on a date with him. I just don't
know how but I'll get Gabriel's permission."

Gabriella smirked at hearing the tone she used. She was very certain about her decision. She was
going to go out with that boy, and it didn't matter to her what it would take. It made Gabriella
think back about the way she used to be. If her father disagreed with something she would find it
even more challenging. She knew it was annoying to her family but that's the way she was and
she saw the same look in Cordelia's eyes. The girl was planning something.

"Are you going to blackmail you're brother?" she asked amused, "because I don't think there is
something else that could work" she said shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalant manner, "I
think it's funny, I would like to see what you come up with" she smirked.

Cordelia glared at Gabriella and folded her arms in front of her chest, "I think of something, by
the end of the day my brother will agree with letting me go on the date. With or without
blackmailing him."
"And if he doesn't agree with it? What are you going to do then?"

"Then I'm going through the window to leave this house."

Gabriella laughed and shook her head, "you're bedroom is on the first floor. You're not going to
make it down without hurting yourself."

"I figure something out!"

"What are you going to figure out?" Gabriel asked making both Gabriella and Cordelia freeze
and stare at each other with dilated pupils, "what's with those looks on your faces, did you two
do something wrong?" he asked making Cordelia let out a shaky breath while Gabriella cleared
her throat and shook her head.

"No we were just having a girl's talk. You came in at the wrong moment."

"I think I can handle those girl's talks. If you're talking about periods I don't feel embarrassed at
all" he said and chuckled when he saw the disgusted look on Cordelia's eyes, "a girl having her
period is like a blessing to me, that way I'm certain I didn't get her pregnant" he muttered and
dodged the pillows that were aimed for him.

"You're disgusting" Gabriella whispered, "so I've been thinking Cordy has about the right age to
date don't you think Gabriel" she said and watched the look in Gabriel's eyes fade he suddenly
became very serious, "so what would you say about Cordy going on a date."

"I would say that you're out of your mind Cordelia. I won't let you go on a date" he said as he
narrowed his eyes on his sister, "forget it, you're too young!"

Cordelia jumped off the couch and glared at her older brother. She was furious with him just
deciding about things like that. He didn't even consider it, he just declined it right away, "I'm too
young?!" she blurted, "I'm sorry but weren't you the guy who lost his virginity at the age of

"Fifteen" Gabriel corrected her and folded his arms across his chest and looked down at her with
that dangerous look in his eyes. That look that told you to shut your mouth and take a seat again,
"For one it was a mistake that I made at a very young age. I would change that if I could and two
you're a girl so the rules don't apply to you."

"Because I'm a girl?" she asked not believing her brother could be that shallow, "you're being
very unreasonable! It's just a date, I'm not asking of you to give me permission to have sex, if I
want to have sex I will!"

Gabriella pressed her lips together and tried to keep as quiet as possible. She didn't want to
mingle into this conversation. She could feel the tension! Gabriel was near exploding while
Cordelia was just throwing more and more oil on the fuel. She was really testing out her luck, he
would definitely lock her up her room till she was at thirty!
"You shouldn't talk like that Cordelia! You have no idea what you're saying!" he said ignoring
the footsteps he heard that made their way towards them since they were practically yelling at
each other, "you can't go on that date and since you made a comment like that I'll make sure that
whenever you leave the house you'll be watched."

He was speaking in a low, calm manner but Gabriella could tell that he was everything except
calm. He must have felt like a ton of bricks fell upon him because he was suddenly breathing
very hard. His tie was undone and his first few buttons were open.

"What's going on here?" Michaelangelo asked confused, "I could hear you two in my office" he
told them and looked from Gabriel to the furious Cordelia, "why are you two fighting?"

"Because my brother is being unreasonable!"

"I'm being unreasonable?!" he asked, "you just told me that you would have sex with anyone!"

Gabriella heard Michaelangelo cough uncomfortable. Yes, that was something he didn't want to
hear about his younger female cousin. He looked at her and gave her the same stern look that
Gabriel was giving her. Poor girl made it really difficult for herself. Now she should keep quiet
and sit down on the couch, just nod to everything they say. That was the best solution right now.
She wanted to warn her but she didn't know how without making Gabriel and Michaelangelo
shift their attention to her.

"You're just seventeen and are already thinking about sex?" Michaelangelo asked, "shouldn't you
date first before you even consider the possibility to sleep with someone?"

"Yes, if you would let me go on date!"

"You can't go on a date" Gabriel told her again.


"Because I said so" he muttered.

That was the answer you should never give an angry teenage girl. Gabriella feared that Cordelia
would hurt her brother if he would give another unreasonable answer. She got up and looked at
the boys before she shifted her look to Cordelia.

"Listen Cordy, what if Gabriel meets the guy first. If he approves of him he sends a guard with
you to make sure you are safe. That way you can go to the moves with guy. I agree with the boys
though you're not ready to have sex yet."

"Why because I'm too young?" she asked sarcastically.

"No, because I think it's wrong to have sex after a first date. You don't even know that guy well
enough to start sleeping with him. Just try and get to know him first before you think of anything

She felt the Gavinos evil glares on her but she ignored them. Forbidding a teenage girl from
having sex would probably just make it more alluring for her to try it, especially when her
brother is addicted to it. She now understood what Adelina meant with his behavior being a bad
influence on Cordelia. All his mistresses were not a good example to Cordelia. He really didn't
give her the right example, don't just have sex with anyone get to know the person first. She
glared right back at them and smirked when she saw how taken back they were.

"At least Gabriella isn't being as stupid as you two are" Cordelia muttered and ignored their
protests, "I'm not going to have sex with the guy I just want to go to the movies with him, and if
it will put you at ease you can meet him first" she shrugged and looked at Gabriella flashing her
an apologizing look for somewhat calling her stupid, "I didn't mean what I said, but-"

"I get it" Gabriella interrupted, "I can understand why you were saying those things, your brother
doesn't give you the right example. The way he does things isn't the right way Cordelia. Don't
just have sex with strangers, it should be something special, don't you think so?"

"Yes" she said nodding her head and flashed a smile to Gabriella, "I was just messing with my
brother, I'm not going to follow his way of living. It would be too tiring not to mention the
reputation I would get..."

"Why are you two talking about me like I'm not even in the room?" Gabriel asked confused as he
huffed, "fine I'll meet the guy, but if I don't trust him I won't let you leave without a guard, do
you understand that Cordelia?"

"Yes" she said rolling her eyes, "I understand you perfectly fine, big brother."

Gabriella wanted to joke around with Gabriel but placed her hand on her stomach as she felt a
sting. She took in sharp breath and felt Cordelia gripping her arm next to her.

"Are you alright?" she asked concerned.

"Yes I'm-"

Gabriella closed her eyes tightly as she felt another wave of pain overwhelming her. She wasn't
fine, she wasn't fine at all. She opened her eyes to see her fiancé standing right in front of her
trying to comfort her.

"You're not fine" he whispered to her and was about to order Gabriel to get the car when he felt
something wet on his feet he looked down as he heard Gabriella say 'oops', "if you weren't in
labor right now I would yell at you" he whispered calmly to her and watched her smirk in
between the breathing and trying to calm down Cordelia who was freaking out beside her.
"Sorry" she muttered she was about to comment about his new Italian shoes but before she knew
it Michaelangelo had swept her off her feet and was carrying her to his car.

"You'll be fine, remember what the doctor told you. If you do your breathing the right way,
everything will be less painful" he said as he tried to calmly handle her yet he was freaking in the

He was ready to become a father he had been so sure for a couple of weeks but now that the time
was here he was stressing out again. Gabriella had a lot of complications during her pregnancy,
what if their son wasn't healthy? The doctor told them that the baby was just fine but he was still
worrying, that was what parents do right?

Rodolfo looked at Cordelia who was holding a small bundle in her arms with such a
heartwarming look on her face. He looked around but didn't see the father of the little bundle.
Cordelia noticed his presence and stepped towards him, handing him the little blue bundle.

"It's your turn zio" she said and smiled wider when she saw the look in Rodolfo's eyes fading.
His face lightened up the same way hers did when she first looked at the little boy, "he got the
dark hair from our side of the family...I'm curious about his eye color."

"He hasn't opened his eyes yet?" Rodolfo asked as he protectively held the little boy closer to
him, "so he is lazy?" he said jokingly.

"Yes, Michaelangelo said that he only opened his eyes and cried loudly when he needed to be

"Where is Michaelangelo?" he asked as his concern about his brother and sister-in-law came
back, "why aren't you two with them?" he asked confused.

Gabriel and Cordelia shared a look. That said enough, Rodolfo could see the concerned looks
they had n their eyes. He reminded himself that he had to stay calm because he was holding a
fragile small baby in his arms. He sat down next to Gabriel and waited for them to speak to him.
To tell him what was going on with Gabriella right now.

"Gabriella is resting, she lost a lot of blood. They said she would be fine, so there is nothing to
worry about" Cordelia said quickly trying to make sure she told this calmly to Rodolfo so he
wouldn't freak. She was aware of how close he was with Gabriella, they fought a lot but in the
end they loved each other. She was like a little sister to Rodolfo, Cordelia was aware of that so
she wanted to put him at ease, "she is fine she is just resting" Cordelia repeated, "Michaelangelo
wanted to stay with her so he gave little Luciano to us."

Rodolfo looked at the little boy in his arms and smirked. He was sure Gabriella named this little
boy, a name that fitted him well. He looked at the closed door and felt a heartwarming smile
appeared on his face. He knew his brother was only acting tough, now he was there beside
Gabriella worrying about her health. He was probably holding her hand so tightly that it was
almost painful to her. He shook his head and looked at the little boy again. He would bet all his
money on it, that this boy had his father's eyes. It was a common treat in their family, he just had
to have those intimidating blue colored eyes.

"It's blue" he whispered and saw Cordelia frown a little at his comment, "his eyes I mean, I'm
pretty sure he has blue eyes like his father"

Cordelia nodded and smiled, "I bet you're right about that, it's a common treat in our family. We
have very unique eye colors" she nodded, "Gabriella told me she wanted Luciano to have the eye
color of his father. She said that was the only treat he can inherit of Michaelangelo."

Rodolfo chuckled and nodded, "she wants him to be warm like her" he muttered and looked up
again, "when did he have his last bottle" he asked since Gabriella was still unconscious it was
pretty clear to him he got bottles.

"An hour ago" Cordelia informed him, "his stomach still needs to get used to it so he-"

She was too late with explaining it to Rodolfo because the little boy threw up on him. It wasn't
that bad just a little white stain on his jacket but Cordelia couldn't help but to burst out in
laughter when she saw the disgusted look on Rodolfo's face. Rodolfo frowned when he heard
Gabriel snicker as well.

"He is feeling very comfortable with his zio Rodolfo" Gabriel chuckled, "he didn't throw up on
me before."

Rodolfo took the white colored bib from Cordelia and cleaned his nephew up and after that he
tried to clean of his jacket as much as possible. He was disgusted at first since it felt hot and
stained his newly bought jacket but just looking in the little boy made his heart melt. He was sure
this little boy would melt Michaelangelo's frozen heart. He would change his father, he was sure
that this little boy had the power to do that. Just with one look and you were sold. He froze when
he saw the little boy open his eyes. Blue. His eyes were blue just like his father.

Gabriella brushed her hand through the thick dark locks of her fiancée and smirked when she
saw how startled he was with her soft touch. He was holding her hand tightly while he fell
asleep. She was worried about his back since he was still sitting on the chair while his head was
resting on her bed. She didn't want to wake him but she had to, it was better for him to wake up.

"You can release my hand now" she told him softly, "I'm not going anywhere. Besides I think
my hand fell asleep with the force you used" she said with an amused tint in her eyes. She
thought he would release her hand after she made fun of him but he didn't. He sat upright in his
chair and reached out to her placed his hand on her cheek, "Caro, I'll be fine. Don't you want to
be with Luciano?"
"Caro? You never called me that before."

She smiled and nodded, "I'm a mother now maybe I should change a bit?" she asked and saw the
look in his eyes. She could tell he was proud of her he told her that over and over again when she
was giving birth to Luciano it made her feel stronger than she was, "I feel much better now" she
told him as she felt his grip loosen on her hand.

"Luciano is with Gabriel and Cordelia so he'll be fine" Michaelangelo said as he lovingly placed
a kiss on her head, "I didn't want to fall asleep" he admitted to her.


"Because I was afraid...that I might lose you."

She never saw this side of him before. He seemed so different, so fragile. The look in his eyes
told her he was telling the truth, he was afraid of losing her. She bit her lip and repressed the urge
to burst out in tears and pull him in a tight hug. She wouldn't be able to hold him since she was
still surrounded with cords and what not.

"You're not going to lose me, no matter what you do Michaelangelo...I'll be beside you."

He nodded his head and looked at the door when he heard a firm knock. He pulled his hand away
from her cheek and walked to the door to open it. He smiled a little when his brother walked in
with a sleeping Luciano. He saw the look of relief in Rodolfo's eyes when he saw Gabriella
laying awake in her bed.

"You made me worry" he told her, "but you look fine, maybe a little pale..."

"You two brothers worry too much about me, it's sweet but it's not necessary. I'll be fine, so you
two need to stop worrying and take care of Luciano for me, since I'm stuck here for a little

"Luciano...tell me sis how did you come up with that name?" Rodolfo asked amused as made his
way to the bed and sat down on the chair beside her giving her Luciano, "we're not in Rome with you could have given him an American name why Luciano?"

Gabriella pressed her lips together as she looked at her fiancé. It was easy, because of Luciano
they were back together. Because of her son she could see a whole other side of the man she
loved. He was the light in their why not give him that fitted name, calling him Light
didn't seem appropriate to her so she gave him an Italian name instead.

"It fits him" was the only thing she told Rodolfo by the look in his eyes she could tell that her
brother-in-law understood it, "so I can go home by the end of the week, and when I arrive at the
mansion I want a steaming hot cup of espresso waiting for me."
Rodolfo rolled his eyes at her, "sure Principessa, anything else?"

Gabriella glared at Michaelangelo who laughed at her for being taunted by his brother, "I want
my old figure back too...can you arrange that?" she asked with raised eyebrows and giggled
when she heard him snort.

Michaelangelo looked at Gabriella who was tenderly holding their son. Rodolfo was right she
looked very pale, her usually peach colored tan was gone. She looked very fragile, like she was
fading away but he didn't know why she still looked very beautiful to him. He must be losing his
mind. He looked in the hallway and gestured for Gabriel and Cordelia to come inside as well.

"Why were you two waiting in the hallway?" he asked confused, "you're family" he said and
regretted it the moment he said it since Cordelia squealed and pulled him in a hug.

Gabriella smiled as she looked at them interacting with each other. It was just a slight change but
it was there, Michaelangelo was already changing a bit because of Luciano though he probably
didn't even see it. He was a bit different, he didn't seem uncomfortable with showing affection
and since he was here the whole day with her he didn't look at his phone once.

"We need to call dad!" she said in an octave higher which made them smile.

"Dad is on his way home, Gabriella. Just think about your own health, alright?" Michaelangelo
asked as he took a seat next to her on the bed and kissed her head, "cara."

She blushed hearing him call her that with his family around. She could see the looks that were
being exchanged and blushed even more. She watched Michaelangelo smile and gesture to
Luciano. She nodded her head and gave him his son, seeing him holding the baby made her heart
swell up with happiness. There was no doubt about it, Luciano had a lot of features of his father.
The hair, the eyes and even his nose. She would study him later to see what features he got from

"When are you coming home, Gabriella?" Cordelia asked as she took a seat on the armrest of
Rodolfo's chair holding Gabriella's hand in hers, "soon?" she asked which made Gabriella smile
hearing how attached the girl was to her.

Gabriella nodded her head and placed her free hand on top of Cordelia's, "I can go home this just four days without me, can you manage that?" Gabriella asked and smiled when
Cordelia nodded.

"Is Luciano coming home Friday as well?"

"He can go home today, he is completely healthy."

"So Michaelangelo is going to take care of his son all alone?" she asked and smirked at her older
cousin who was talking to his son in a quiet tone, "can you manage that Michaelangelo?" she
asked using the motherly tone Gabriella used on her.
"Since Gabriella is here the nurse said it would be better for Luciano to stay here. But I can take
care of my son, if he can go home today I'll take care of him..."

Gabriella giggled as she saw the challenging looks going back and forward between the cousins.
She didn't doubt Michaelangelo one bit. He would take care of Luciano perfectly fine.


Gabriella frowned as Michaelangelo helped her out of the car. It made her feel like a very old
lady who couldn't walk anymore, she had two healthy legs she could walk to the mansion by
herself perfectly fine. She sighed when he held tightly onto her arm.

"I know you can walk by yourself. Just do this to ease my own mind, alright?" he asked and
smiled when she nodded and let him help her inside the mansion, "Luciano got his bottle when I
came and pick you up so I told dad to keep an eye on him while I was away."

Gabriella's eyes brightened when she smelt the freshly made coffee. An espresso waiting for her,
just like she requested of Rodolfo. She couldn't help but to smile widely and look at
Michaelangelo who returned her look, "you guys are amazing" she whispered and shook her
head, "you really make me feel like a Principessa" she muttered.

He chuckled and placed an arm around her shoulders as he leaded her towards the living room.
Cecilio was sitting on the couch while holding his grandson. He looked up when Gabriella made
her way towards him and gestured to the cup of coffee on the table, "Rodolfo just placed that
here for you, the guards warned us that Michaelangelo's car arrived."

"Thank you Rodolfo!" she called and giggled when she heard a muttered 'no problem' being
called back, "how is he doing?" she asked as she took a seat beside her father-in-law and sipped
from her espresso.

"He sleeps a lot...and that's about it" he shrugged, "he is just like an average baby" he said
jokingly and saw Gabriella glare playfully at him, "I know what you meant by that question
Gabriella...Luciano is doing fine... he is a healthy little boy."

She nodded her head and watched her family gather around the boy wanting to take over from
Cecilio. The little boy already won all their hearts over. He was going to be one spoiled little

boy, she had to have a talk with Michaelangelo later about this. She didn't want her son to be
spoiled rotten. He needed a balanced live with the right amount of discipline and love. She
looked at Michaelangelo and felt her heart skip a beat again. He seemed so much more attractive
now...she didn't know what it was but if she didn't just give birth to Luciano she was sure she
would have jumped him right then and there. She saw him smirk towards her and figured that he
noticed the look in her eyes. She didn't blush though, he was her fiancé so she figured that she
had the right to look at him like that.

Help I'm married to mafia boss.

Thanks for the votes and comments! Just seven more chapters to go till this story is finished. Just
to remind you it's not the end of the Gavino's though. Rodolfo's book will be with the old
characters as well. Twenty-five votes means an update before Friday!

Chapter sixty-three- The One You Love

A month later.

Gabriella was sitting in the living room with her son laying on her lap. She was studying his
features trying to see some of her treats in him. It was obvious that he was like a little
Michaelangelo. She didn't mind that he looked like his father but she just wanted one or two
treats in her baby boy coming from her. She pressed her lips together - something she always did
when she was nervous and narrowed her honey brown eyes on Luciano. Her heart melted when
the little boy opened his eyes and stared back at her. It seemed like he was studying her as well.
She knew he can only see object from nearby but it still felt like her son was looking at her,
seeing her. She smiled at him and brushed her fingers softly over his cheek. His eyes were the
intimidating blue color of his father, his nose was the same as well not to mention the dark hair
color. Michaelangelo told her a couple times that their baby smiled the same way she did - a
carefree, heartwarming smile. That description always made her heart skip a beat. She didn't
know Michaelangelo was capable of speaking so romantically but he was. Ever since Luciano
was born, he changed quite a lot.

He changed shifts with Rodolfo so he could spend with her and Luciano. He was far more caring
towards her and their son. He seemed more emotional too. She thought it was just her who
noticed these changed but Cordelia told her the same things just yesterday. Michaelangelo has
changed because of their son. It hurt a bit because he didn't change because of her, but she would
accept this change as well.

"You look just like a little Michaelangelo" she coed to her son and laughed when he reacted a bit,
"yes you do sweetie you're just like your father" she whispered to him as she shifted him in her
arms and held him tenderly to her chest.

She didn't notice that Michaelangelo just came in and observed her and his son. He smiled as he
saw how Gabriella was interacting with Luciano. It seemed like the boy was listening to her as
well. He was aware of how he got used to her warmth, so they made some rules about it. If he
was sleeping they should just let him stay in his bed so he wouldn't get too used to being hold,
otherwise it would give them a lot of restless nights. He made his way towards her and pressed a
kiss on top of her head and kissed his son's little hand. He smirked when Luciano looked up right
away and met his intense blue orbs.
"Your mother is spoiling you again" Michaelangelo commented as he gave his fiancée a stern
look, "weren't you the one who came up with the rules of not spoiling our son too much?" he
asked as he sat down next to her and took Luciano from her, "we're putting him back in his bed"
he said and made Gabriella nod.

He was right she was the one who came up with the idea and he was just following her wishes.
He thought she was right about not spoiling him too much, especially when they were thinking
about having more children. Not letting him get too used to being hold in their arms was going to
make sure he would sleep in his own bed. She watched Michaelangelo get off the couch and hold
out his hand to help her up as well.

"So we're going to place this little guy in his bed and you're going to take a nice, warm bath" he
said and saw her eyes widen at his suggestion, "you're still not fully one-hundred percent
Gabriella. You're acting tough but I can tell by looking in your eyes that you're actually really
tired. You're not accepting the help of the nanny I hired so I had to fire her again, but you're not
managing this quite well either...I'm really worried" he told her and saw her pressing her lips
together again, a habit she picked up these couple of weeks. He knew whenever she did that she
was nervous about something, "I get it, you want to take care of Luciano by yourself since you're
not working you want to do something useful...but you have to understand that you have been
through a lot already Gabriella, sometimes it's ago to lay back and rest."

Gabriella knew Michaelangelo was suggesting this out of worry. He was still not over the fact
that he almost lost her again. He didn't let her in the kitchen anymore and she couldn't help Carla
with little housework things as well. He was very clear about her resting a lot to get her strength
back, but after being home a for a month she felt like she was fully recovered. Michaelangelo
just didn't agree with her. She sighed and ran a hand through her soft locks as she followed her
fiancé to their bedroom.

"I'm fine Michaelangelo, you're just worrying too much about me. I'm not a porcelain doll. It
happens to a lot of women...the blood loss, I rested enough really. I'm just tired because of his
late night bottles, but I can manage it. You're all helping me a lot. I just want you to stop
worrying about my health."

She closed the door behind her once they were in their bedroom and watched Michaelangelo
place their son in his little bed. They decided to have his bed in their room for the time being.

"You know that I can never stop worrying about you" he plainly told her without blinking once.
It was not like him to speak about these things so she knew that it was really on his mind...her
health. She didn't understand why he was so scared about it, the doctor told her she was perfectly
fine, "you're the woman that I it so weird?"

She shook her head. No, it wasn't weird that he was worrying about her - it was just too much.

"It's just a little too much sometimes...sometimes it feels like I'm suffocating because you treat
me like a doll, I'm just an average girl Michaelangelo...I'm not different than anyone else. I want
you to treat me like that as well. Just let me breath....give me some space to make mistakes and
learn from them."

He nodded his head, he was actually listening to her something he didn't do when Luciano wasn't
here. With these little changes in him it made her love him even more. He even mentioned that
he was going to change the contract between them, because he was wrong about not trusting her
too much. She bit her lip softly and stepped towards him throwing her arms around his neck.

"I really love you, Mike" she whispered to him and smiled when he leaned forward and pressed
his lips firmly against hers. She pulled away for a bit and looked in his eyes, "you know that
right?" she asked him and smiled when he nodded.

He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her in for another kiss, a longer one. She
pulled away too fast for his liking, he understood what she was feeling by kissing her he didn't
need her to explain it to him again. His lips were caressing her softly, telling her how much he
loved her. His kisses were tender, making her groan out in frustration that he just kissed her so
slow and soft. He smirked in the kiss and pulled away giving her that famous Gavino look - the
look that made girls melt in their arms.

p I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 63 - The One You Love (p.6 of 20)

She pressed the palm of her hands against his chest and felt proud feeling how fast his chest went
up and down. She could feel his heartbeat going as fast as hers. He was affected the same way as
her about this kiss, he was just acting like it didn't get to him. She didn't want to ruin this
moment between them but she had to tell him what has been on her mind for a few days. She
wanted to know what he thought about her idea, if he didn't like it she would forget about it but if
he partly liked the idea she wished he would agree with her suggestion. She pulled out of his grip
and sat down on the bed, near the bed of Luciano so she could keep an eye on him while talking
to his father.

"I have something on my mind Michaelangelo, I have been thinking about it for quite some time
but I just didn't know how to start this conversation with you" she told him since she knew this
was a very sensitive subject in the Gavino family, "I wanted to let Grachelle see her grandson"
she said softly and looked up to meet Michaelangelo's eyes to see what he was feeling about this

She couldn't see what he was feeling, his eyes were hard and his face was emotionless. He had
his business face on. She pressed her lips together as it made her nervous to look in his eyes like
this. She wanted to know what he was thinking, she wanted to hear him say something but he
just kept quiet and stared back at her with that straight face of him.

She mentally sighed in relief when he took a seat next to her and brushed her hair out of her face
in such a tender way.
"I think you're right" he told her, "Grachelle should meet her grandson, but I don't want her here
for longer than an hour. Dad and Grachelle still have issues that they can never solve because
they're both too stubborn. We'll let her meet Luciano and then she has to go."

It was at least something, she had to take this offer because there wouldn't come another one.

"An hour is fine" Gabriella nodded, "Luciano only has her as a grandmother so I want him to
know who she is. Carmen isn't a great example and well...Francesca isn't around he
only has Grachelle left."

Just for the sake of Luciano he was agreeing with this because he still didn't want to have
anything to do with his mother. He didn't forget about her leaving them to be with another man.
Sure their father made a lot of mistakes too, especially the mistake he made by having an affair
with Francesca but at least their father didn't have other children beside them. Raphael being
Grachelle's son who was raised by her was too painful. He would never forgive her for that. So
just an hour was what he could deal with.

"I can only deal with just an hour" he told Gabriella who nodded at his decision, "we should
warn Rodolfo and dad about this too. I don't want them to come home and be shocked with her
appearance, we should give them time to prepare for it. "

"I understand, Mike" she told him with a warm smile as she placed her hand on top of his, "just
an hour is fine by me. I just want to make this step we should give our son a good example don't
you think, Mike?"

He just nodded his head before he looked at his watch, "it's five already...go take that bath I'll
stay here and watch Luciano" he said before he took his laptop out of the drawer of his
nightstand, "why are you looking at me like that?" he asked as he saw Gabriella staring at him
with a grin on her face. It was kind of scaring him off.

"You have changed so much, Mike. It makes me want to hold you the whole time, I don't want
you to leave my side" she told him and heard him chuckle and pull her up.

"Go take that bath already" he muttered as he playfully pushed her in the direction of the
bathroom, "you're wasting precious time" he told her and gave her a playful slap to her read
which made her move faster with a flustered face. He chuckled at her innocent reaction and sat
down on the bed while leaning back against the headboard so he could work comfortably.

Gabriella glanced beside at her at her fiancé who was enjoying his pizza. They wanted something
different today, something not made by their chef. He was worrying about his job but Cecilio
reassured him that they just wanted something different today and that he can work here for the
rest of life. Gabriella wanted to tell Rodolfo and Cecilio about their decision but it seemed better
to her if Michaelangelo did that. He had more authority than her, if he said something people just
followed him without asking any questions. She placed her hand softly upon his thigh
underneath the table and smirked when she got his attention, she gave him a slight nod as she
gestured with her eyes across the table, to his father and older brother.

Michaelangelo shared a look with Gabriella before he placed his piece of Pizza on his plate and
cleared his throat. That made everyone around the table glance up at him. He frowned when
Gabriella didn't pull her hand away, and started teasing him. This was a whole other side of her
he didn't know. It was actually turning him on but he couldn't be turned on while having dinner
with his family. She was being a little tease, he would get back at her for that later.

"I'm going to let Grachelle meet Luciano. Just for an hour, I just want Luciano to meet her once
in a while so he knows who his grandmother is."

Both Rodolfo and Cecilio were silent for a while. They just stared at Michaelangelo and
Gabriella for a while which made her even more nervous. The Gavino family had the ability to
keep a straight face at times like these, it was a treat she hated. She wished her son didn't have
this treat, she wants him to have her warm personality.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 63 - The One You Love (p.10 of 20)

"You're right Luciano should know who is grandmother is" Cecilio finally answered as he shared
looks with Gabriella and Michaelangelo, "it surprises me that you made this decision, Mike. You
have changed so much."

Michaelangelo didn't like it that much that they all kept saying that. He was aware that he
changed his beliefs for his son, it was hard on him but he did it because he was now a father.
Gabriella became more understanding and more tenderly with him so he wanted to change as

"I have to, I'm a father now."

"You don't want to be like me, right?" Cecilio asked.

Gabriella gulped as she looked from Cecilio to Michaelangelo. She didn't look at it that way.
Maybe Cecilio was right, Michaelangelo wanted to give his son the love Cecilio couldn't give
them because of his job. Looking in her fiancé's eyes she could tell that Cecilio was right, it was
there for a second the split feeling of regret. Michaelangelo recomposed himself quickly of
course. Gavinos didn't like being weak, so the regret disappeared as fast as it came.

"That's right, I want to be there for my son. I want him to know what a family is about. I don't
want him to become like me, learning how to love at a late age. It will be nearly impossible if
you don't meet the right person who teaches you how to love."

Cecilio just nodded his head. He didn't say anything more, but Gabriella could tell that he wasn't
feeling well anymore. He was feeling sorry for the way he raised his sons. There was nothing he
could do about it now but he could be there for his sons now. He took such good care of Rodolfo
when he was shot, and he protected them all with all his might. It was all he could do now. She
didn't blame him of anything and she knew that Rodolfo and Michaelangelo didn't as well.

She wanted to talk to him privately later to make sure that he knew that his presence was
appreciated. Rodolfo didn't say a thing about his mother coming to pay a visit. He was very quiet
he just let his father do the talking. She didn't know if she should assume that his silence was an
agreement or not.

"Have you two thought about a date yet?" Cordelia asked breaking the awkward silence, "you
know the wedding date. You said that after giving birth to Luciano you two would get when is the big day?" she asked making Gabriella blush and look down at her plate.

They only discussed things concerning Luciano, they hadn't thought about getting married again.
Michaelangelo mentioned the contract a couple of times but that was about it. No wedding plans,
nothing. They being a traditional Sicilian family she knew the marriage should happen soon.
Luciano's parents should be married that was what Michaelangelo said a few times. His name
was on the birth certificate but a marriage was something she wanted too. She wanted to get
married to Michaelangelo with a real smile this time, with a real kiss and a real wedding night.
She wanted it all to be real this time.

"We haven't thought about a date yet. We were too busy with Luciano" Michaelangelo answered
as he looked at his cousin who was looking at them with hopeful green orbs, "I want it to be soon
though, if it's possible in two or three weeks."

Gabriella eyes nearly popped out of her head when he said that. She knew it was possible to
them but she still didn't have her regular figure back. She didn't want to wear a beautiful wedding
dress while being two sizes bigger and she didn't even think about the sexy lingerie yet.

"It's really fast" she whispered and looked at Michaelangelo who shrugged his shoulders, "I need
at least two months to lose some weight" she muttered.

"You're fine like this" he told her and looked at Cordelia, "if it bothers you so much you can use
the fitness room, three weeks should be fine. You're getting married to me, I have seen it all
already Gabriella" he said so calmly that it made her blush.

He shouldn't speak like that in front of their family! It made her feel so embarrassed.

"I know that!" she whispered and looked away from the rest of the family, "but I just want to be

"You're beautiful."

She sighed and shook her head, "you're not giving me a choice are you?" she asked him and
nodded her head when he said no, "fine in three weeks then."
"Gabriella you should be pleased with Michaelangelo finding you perfect like this. Don't you see
how fortunate you are that your fiancé thinks you're beautiful no matter how you look."

"So you're saying that I'm fat" Gabriella muttered and looked at Cordelia who blushed and
looked away from her, "it's okay, I understand why it has to be so fast" she shrugged.

After dinner Gabriella watched Michaelangelo leave the room together with his father. Rodolfo
had been very quiet the whole time, he didn't comment about their decisions nor did he look at
them. She knew something was wrong, something was on his mind. He just didn't want to speak
about it openly. She cared about him, so she figured that she would make him talk to her.
Following after the tall dark haired guy she gripped his arm when he was about to walk towards
the staircase, making him turn around and look at her. She had never seen such a blank
expression in his eyes before, something was definitely on his mind.

"We need to talk" she said as she gestured towards the stairs, "let's wake Luciano, if he sleeps the
whole time it's going to be another long night for me" she told him and frowned when he
followed her without a word. Usually he would make a comment about her, or just say anything
really. This wasn't like the Rodolfo she knew.

Opening the door she smiled when she heard her little boy make sounds. He was already awake,
he wasn't crying though. She looked at the nanny who stayed with him while they were having
dinner and smiled brightly.

"Thank you Sophie, I'll take it from here" she said dismissing the younger girl and took her son
in her arms. She stepped towards Rodolfo and gave him Luciano so she could start filling his
bath, "something is on your mind and you didn't want to speak up in front of the
what's on your mind?" she asked as Rodolfo followed her in the bathroom to help bathing his

"What's on my mind?" Rodolfo asked confused and shrugged his shoulders, "I was just thinking,
I'm fine Gabriella. Are you worried about me?" he asked and smirked when he saw her pouting
her lips and nod her head, "I think you're right about Grachelle meeting her grandson but still...I
still can't be around her."

She understood that. She knew that Grachelle had hurt them all deeply, but she didn't want to
exclude the woman out of their lives. Just an hour would be fine...she figured.

"It will be really just an hour...Michaelangelo doesn't want her around either and I get it. I just
feel that I will regret it later if we don't let her meet him Luciano occasionally. I won't make a
habit out of it, just a few times a year...would be fine right?"

He nodded his head as he helped her bathe Luciano. The little boy had his eyes wide open, like
he was scared of the water. He was crawled up in his uncle's arms and squirming quite a bit.
Gabriella smiled as she watched Rodolfo trying to soothe the little boy.
Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 63 - The One You Love (p.15 of 20)

"You're really quiet though, I haven't seen you like this before. It got me worried" Gabriella said
as she watched Rodolfo with narrowed eyes as if to try and search for the reason of him being so
different, "are you sure you have nothing on your mind?"

Rodolfo shook his head as he turned to Gabriella who placed a towel over his shoulder and
watched Rodolfo pull Luciano to his chest while she wrapped the little boy up in the towel she
placed over Rodolfo's shoulder. She walked ahead of him so she could grab a few clothes for her
son and turned to look at the bed where Rodolfo placed Luciano and dried him, while playing
with the little boy as well.

"You should find yourself a wife soon. You'll be a good father" she remarked and giggled when
she heard Rodolfo snort.

"Just because I spoil my nephew doesn't mean I'll make a good father. It will take years before I
settle down Gabriella. I'm not ready to give up my bachelor life just yet."

She rolled her eyes and handed him the little clothes of her son, "you're too much, aren't you
tired of all those one-night-stands and those mistresses. You spend a lot of money on them it
would be cheaper if you just marry a girl."

"That would mean I would have to have sex with the same woman every day."

"Is that so wrong? I think when you find the right woman the sex will be amazing every day" she
muttered and heard him chuckle, "it's going fine between Michaelangelo and me right? Why
can't it work for you?"

"Because I already got hurt once. Now I closed up my heart. I don't want to go through that
disappointment and pain again. Once was enough. Besides you saw what happened, my ex-
fiancée shot me! Not all girls are like you Gabriella."

"And what type of girl am I exactly?" she asked confused since it felt like he insulted her though
she was certain Rodolfo would never do that to her. So he had her curious.

"You know the girl who was born into this world that we live in. You understand what it means
to be a wife to a Gavino because you were raised with the same rules and values like us. You
know how to be independent and you can defend yourself perfectly fine too. Not to mention that
even though you and Michaelangelo fight a lot you're never a bother to him. There aren't many
girls like that out there anymore."

"You'll find someone" Gabriella shrugged as she took her son from him and held the little boy
close to her she smiled warmly when she saw his eyes closing again, "I need to give him his
bottle" she muttered and looked at Rodolfo giving him that warm look that melted a guy's heart,
"Rodolfo I'm sure you'll find the perfect girl for you soon. I just feel it" she whispered before she
winked at him and walked to the door, "are you coming?" she asked and saw him shake his head.
"I'm going to see Michaelangelo, this talk about love freaked me out" he muttered ignoring her
chuckle as he walked away from her.

Gabriella watched Michaelangelo holding their son while they were listening to Adelina who
took the wedding preparations upon her. Last time Francesca took care of their wedding and now
Michaelangelo's older cousin would do the task. Gabriella didn't mind at all, she was happy that
Adelina wanted to do it - it felt like a heavy burden left her shoulders. She wasn't against this
marriage, not at all she wanted to get married to the man she loved - the father of Luciano. It was
just a bit soon to her liking. In three weeks they had to say the vows to each other again. Her
eyes widened when she remembered the last time in the church. Michaelangelo made fun of her
names. She couldn't help it that her parents gave her so many names. She was embarrassed of
them too. She didn't realize a soft blush spread across her cheeks until Michaelangelo mentioned
it. He was just too observant for his own liking. He probably already knew what she was
thinking about too!

"Gabriella Rosabella Sevina Valia" he said making her glare at him, "I told you if we have a
daughter someday I want to name her Rosabella. I really like that name."

"I dislike that name!" Gabriella sighed, "why do you need to say all those names, Gabriella will
work fine right?" she asked and looked at Adelina who shook her head."It has to be like last
time, I will agree with holding the wedding here in the garden since Zio's garden is beautiful that
doesn't take away though that I want to keep it the same as last time. It was very traditional,
simple but still perfect. Your mother really knew how to prepare a huge wedding" she said and
smiled brightly, "don't you want to have about the same wedding in name of your mother?"

She couldn't say anything against that. She would go along with it just for Francesca's sake. She
happy the woman got because she got married to Michaelangelo. Last time was a fraud though,
this time she would really marry him because she wanted to not because she was forced to marry
him. She looked at their son and placed her hand on Michaelangelo's arm before she leaned
forward and kissed her little boy on top of his head.

"About the wedding night-"

Gabriella blushed brightly and ignored her fiancé's chuckle, "there is no need for that. Besides I
don't want to leave Luciano alone."

Adelina gave her a stern look and folded her arms across her chest, "Luciano can stay with his
grandfather and uncle. They'll take care of him while you two stay the weekend at a fancy hotel,
and not one of the Gavino hotels since Michaelangelo would feel the urge to get to work when he
enters the hotel. "
Gabriella sighed but didn't argue with Adelina just because she would lose the fight anyways.
Just a weekend away from her little boy was going to be fine. She figured that she would be able
to do that. She looked at Michaelangelo who didn't utter a word either about it.

"That's settled then" Adelina said as she leaded the couple back in the house since it was getting
colder, "tomorrow I'll take you and Cordelia out for some shopping" as if she could read
Gabriella's thoughts she shook her head, "there is no way you're wearing your old wedding dress.
We'll get you a new one. Besides it seems like you went a size up" she and blushed when she
saw Gabriella's glare.

"That's not my fault" she muttered, "I wanted to wait a bit longer to get my old figure back!"

Michaelangelo placed an arm around her middle and pulled her closer to him. He knew she was
struggling with her looks for quite some time now. He didn't know what to do to make her feel
confident about herself again. She was beautiful, she didn't even have the pregnancy fat
anymore. Just a few weeks in the gym would solve everything. He didn't understand why she
was making a big deal out of it, but he knew he had to support her otherwise it might just get

"I told you, you're very beautiful. Don't doubt yourself" he whispered to her and looked at
Adelina, "if that's all you need to discuss why won't we sit down in the living room and have
some tea?"

Sitting down in the living room they

discussed all the preparations for the wedding. Glancing at the blonde woman Michaelangelo
smiled warmly at her, before he placed a kiss to her head. He didn't care about the size of the
wedding nor what she would look like, even if she would wear the usual sweats and old tees he
would still think she was beautiful. He would show her how beautiful she was during their
wedding night. This time things would be different because now they were really in love. He
couldn't wait to get married to her, the sooner the better.
Help I'm married to mafia boss.

Gabriella cousins make an appearance in this chapter. I'll name them here so you won't get
confused along the way. You have four brothers, the oldest is Angelo: 27-years old then you
have Dino 25-years old, Larenzo 22-years old and Rico 20-years old. Thanks for the votes and
comments! 30 votes means an update before Friday otherwise...the next update will be on Friday
the 30th !

Chapter sixty-four- Romantic Weekend Away.

Three weeks later.

Gabriella looked in the mirror of the bathroom. Michaelangelo slept in the guest room yesterday
because they had to follow Adelina's strict rules. She didn't protest against her because Adelina
would bring up their first wedding again, she had enough of that. She didn't want to think of her
first wedding with Michaelangelo, this one had to be perfect. This time they would marry each
other because of love - not because they had to. She smiled as the stylist was helping her with her
veil and tiara. The small tiara had been a gift of Cecilio a very fitting gift since they started
calling her principessa the whole time. It was like a cynical joke. Looking in the mirror she
smiled when she saw Cordelia making her way towards her in her beautiful light blue dress. The
dress Cordelia was wearing was the only thing in this whole wedding what she picked, she didn't
mind it but she was happy that Cordelia was wearing it.

"You look beautiful Gabriella, really like a principessa. The dress is definitely a lot...bigger than
the first one" she said trying to say it nicely making Gabriella chuckle and nod.

"Yes Adelina's gift...a very expensive wedding dress. I thought the first one was good, I lost
some pounds too, if we waited a few more weeks I would have worn that dress again. It was
simple but I liked it."

"You don't like this one?" Cordelia asked and smiled when Gabriella shook her head.

"I like it, it's just so big that I doubt I would fit in the car when Michaelangelo and I will leave."

"That's why you have a second dress" Cordelia pointed out.

Yes a second dress. She hoped the wedding was what Adelina expected it to be, because they
had spend quite some money on it. She didn't want to disappoint anyone because of that huge
amount of money. She was just glad she could marry the guy she loved, nothing else mattered to

"How is Luciano doing?"

"He just got his bottle from Rodolfo, so he is sleeping" Cordelia shrugged, "he is doing what a
two month old baby should do."

Gabriella knew Cordelia was right, she couldn't keep worrying about her son. He was in good
hands, the Gavinos treated him like he was made out of gold. He would be one little spoiled boy
later on, she was glad Michaelangelo was on her side - agreeing to raise him with a balance
between discipline and love. Just the same way she was raised, she couldn't speak for
Michaelangelo since he was raised by a handful of nannies. She sighed and turned fully to
Cordelia once her stylist was done with her hair and make-up. She followed the younger girl out
of the bathroom and watched Adelina rush in with a very stressed look on her face.

"Adelina you need to breath, remember that you're five months pregnant. You need to sit down
every once in a while and just relax" Gabriella reminded her and ignored the huff of the older
woman, "I know you don't like to hear it, but you have to...for my little cousin" she said and
smiled when she saw Adelina's look soften.
"You're right" she muttered and sat down on the bed while observing Gabriella, "you look
beautiful" she pointed out with a straight face which made Cordelia giggle and shook her head, "I
have a surprise for you" Adelina whispered and saw the shock on Gabriella's face appear, "you're
going to like this one, trust me" she said and smirked when she heard a knock on the door.

Gabriella pressed her lips together as she looked with an anxious face at the door, she didn't
know what Adelina planned, but Adelina was going all out today so she was being very careful
with what was coming for her. Her eyes widened when she noticed the four guys stepping inside.
Four tall, blonde guys. She smiled brightly as she held out her arms and hugged her oldest

"Since you weren't given away at your wedding last time, I figured we should change that"
Adelina shrugged and giggled when she heard a muttered thank you from Gabriella, "you're
welcome honey. I'm partly doing it for myself, the single women out here deserve to have some
fun right" she chuckled and winked at the guys who smirked at her.

Gabriella pulled out of the tight hug and pressed her palm against her older cousin's cheek. His
dark brown eyes sparkled with a devious glint. Michaelangelo must have spoken to them already.
She didn't want to get taunted by her cousins already, she just got reunited with them.

"Angelo, I figured the next time I would see you, you would have been married by now and have
at least one child" she said and smirked when she saw him roll his eyes and place his hand on top
of hers before he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Sorry Gabriella but you know it's hard for us to settle down" he chuckled as he looked at his
brothers, "though I think that Larenzo will actually settle down soon."

Gabriella looked at the third brother and stepped towards him, pulling him in a hug. She didn't
think her cousins would actually decide to get married. They were quite the same as the Gavinos.
Unless it was a forced marriage they wouldn't settle down, they liked their freedom too much.

"I'm glad one of you is going to do the right thing" she said loudly and ignored the protests she
heard from the others, "I'm very proud of you Larenzo" she said though he was older than her
she spoke to him like she speaks to her son, "you should be ashamed Angelo, you're younger
brother is going to get married first."

Angelo shook his head and placed an arm around her shoulders as he pulled her closer to him, as
the oldest cousin he always has been very protective over her. She didn't mind it either, she loved
being spoiled by them, they were the last family members she had left.

"Mom and dad can't wait to see you again, Gabriella. Cecilio told us you would come visit us
soon but then you had your son and now you're getting married. You know you still have to visit
us in Italy, they'll demand it of you" he told her as he leaded her out of the bedroom followed by
his brothers and the Gavino girls.
"You met Luciano?" she asked with a smile, "I really wanted to go to Rome, but I couldn't fly
anymore" she shrugged, "I wasn't stalling or anything" she said since she saw the playful glare in
her cousin's eyes, "I swear I'll come and visit you guys soon" she said looking over her shoulders
to smile at her cousins.

She loved spending time with her cousins, they were like her brothers after all. Since her father
died their contact just became less and less. She had good reasons too, their lives haven't been
going that smoothly but now things had been quiet for some time, maybe they could go to Rome
pretty soon. She loved seeing her old house again, she knew it was still same...of when her father
got murdered there but it was time for change. She should go back there and redecorate

After the wedding

Gabriella looked at Michaelangelo who was having a glass of whiskey with his brother. She
didn't mind it that he was drinking today, it was just his second glass. He could hold his liquor
well, she wanted him to be more aware of his behavior now that they were parents but
today...she could look over it. She smiled when her younger cousin took a seat beside her and
placed an arm over her shoulders while holding her close to him. She might be older than him
but his built didn't make it look like that - she was sure that he spend a lot of time in the gym.

"You still box?" she asked and saw him smirk, "you know I don't like it at all" she muttered as
she held onto his hand and narrowed his eyes on him, "I know that look in your eyes Rico, you
want something from me" she whispered and smirked as she gave him an amused glare, "what do
you want?"

He nodded towards Cordelia who was standing at the fountain with some of her friends. By now
she knew all those teenage girls by name since they have been coming over frequently - not
something the guys liked. They always came up with excuses to avoid the squealing teenagers.

"What about her?" she asked and froze when she saw the look in his eyes, "no you can't be
serious" she whispered, "she is Gabriel's little sister" she whispered to him and shook her head,
"she is off limits Rico" she muttered making sure no Gavino was in hearing range.

"What if I like her too much?" he asked making Gabriella raise an eyebrow, "I don't know her
yet but I think she is pretty cute."

"Pretty cute isn't good enough" Gabriella said as she turned to him and placed her hands on his
cheeks making him look her in the eyes, "you don't want the Gavinos to turn into your enemy.
Unless you want to marry her in the end, you should go for one of her friends" she muttered.

She didn't like to put it that way but she had to, she didn't want a fight between the Gavinos and
her family. It would be like a war, something she didn't want to happen.
Rico placed his hands on hers and took her hands of his face, "I understand, but don't you think
I'm too young to even think about marriage yet?" he asked and made her chuckle.

"Please I got married when I was eighteen" she reminded him, "but yes maybe you're too young,
but a long term relationship is what she wants, so if you're up for that with a marriage in the
future then you have my blessing. If that's not the case I have to stop you, Rico."

He nodded his head, "fine the Gavino girl is off limits" he muttered, "I didn't think you were as
old fashioned as them Gabriella" he pointed out.

"I have to, you don't understand how protective they are of their women. They're going to hurt
you, and I don't want that. You mean a lot to me Rico. You know that you're all like my brothers.
I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

He nodded his head and pulled her closer, giving her a kiss to her head, "I know you're just
trying to protect me. You're just a few months older than me though just keep that
in mind" he said before he turned to look at the tall guy who was taking a seat next to him.

"You should get changed Gabriella, the car is waiting for you" Rodolfo told her and looked at the
youngest Valia cousin, "I heard you're going to start working at your father's company" he said a
bit more formal, "we should have a drink sometime, to discuss some matters" he said very formal
which made Gabriella wonder what was going on.

Rico just nodded and smiled back at Rodolfo. Apparently the guys had some understanding. She
didn't want to interfere with that, it wasn't her business. She just shrugged her shoulders and got
off her chair, "I'm going to say goodbye to my cousins and then I'll head upstairs to get changed"
she told Rodolfo before she left to find her other cousins.

Michaelangelo looked at Rodolfo who made his way towards him and took the glass of whiskey
from his brother, "you're trying to get me drunk" he muttered and saw the smirk on Rodolfo's
face, "are you trying to ruin my wedding night?" he asked and chuckled when Rodolfo merely
shrugged his shoulders with that amusing look in his eyes.

"I just try to make you feel more at ease little brother" he said as he squeezed Michaelangelo's
shoulder a bit, "you're so stiff" he muttered and turned to look at Gabriella who just hugged the
last cousin, "this time it went much better, not that I can compare it with the last time" he said
making Michaelangelo snort, "I told you that I was sorry for not being there."

"You weren't sorry that all" Michaelangelo pointed out, "that blonde actress was more important
than my wedding" he said and sighed, "but at least you were present at this one" he said
sarcastically which made his brother give him a playful push, "I'm going to check on Luciano
one more time" he said giving his half emptied glass to his brother before he rushed into the
mansion bumping onto his wife who rushed in the same time as him.
"Sorry" she muttered looking up noticing it was her husband who she bumped into, "you're going
to get changed as well?" she asked surprised since she actually liked seeing him in his suit it was
custom made it fitted his athletic built quite well.

"No, I'm going to check on Luciano" he said as he walked together with her to their bedroom
where Luciano was being hold with Sophie their nanny.

Gabriella didn't comment on that. Luciano was important to Michaelangelo, she just thought that
it was very cute to see that twinkle in his eyes whenever he mentioned his son. He was really a
good father though he doubted it at times. Holding his hand in hers she squeezed it softly and
smiled when he leaned in and kissed the side of her lips before he opened the door of their
bedroom and let her walk in first.

She went straight to their closet to change clothes while Michaelangelo leaned over the baby bed
and looked at the little boy who was sleeping. He dismissed the nanny so she could enjoy the rest
of the evening, and took the little boy in his arms. He smiled when Luciano opened his eyes and
looked at him with his very big round eyes. It made his heart melt. He cleared his throat when he
heard his wife coo and call him cute.

"I'm just making sure that he is alright" he muttered and ignored the snickering of his wife. He
sat down on the bed and held Luciano close to him, the warmth of his body letting the little boy
stretch a little before he went back to sleep, "I really love him" he whispered and smiled when
Gabriella placed her hand on his cheek and kissed his lips.

"I really love him too" she said as she turned around and gestured to her dress, "could you zip me
up" she asked and smiled when she heard him get up and zip her dress up with one hand since he
was holding Luciano.

She turned around and smirked when she saw his surprised look when seeing her in the very
short turquoise dress. She rolled her eyes when she saw a flash of dislike going through his eyes
- he liked the dress, he didn't like it that other people would see her in it. She sighed and took the
white cardigan off the bed and held it out in front of him before she placed it on.

"Better?" she asked sarcastically and snorted when he said yes, "I can't believe that you're acting
so conservative."

"You know I'm a very traditional man" he said winking at her before he took her hand in his and
leaded her out of their bedroom, "we'll give Luciano to Rodolfo and then we'll leave" he told her
and smiled a little when she squeezed his hand.

Adelina smiled when she saw Michaelangelo and Gabriella walk into the living room.
Michaelangelo made his way to his brother to give Luciano to him while Gabriella walked
towards Adelina and Cordelia to say goodbye to the girls. Once standing in front of Adelina she
pulled the older woman towards her, being careful of her stomach.
"Thank you" she said softly and pulled out of the hug to look in her green eyes, "it was very
beautiful. I'm really grateful that you did this for us" she told Adelina and smiled when the
woman brushed her off.

"It's no big deal, you know how I love to arrange these things" she said and looked over
Gabriella's shoulder with a smirk plastered on her face, "it seems that the husband can't leave his
son behind" she muttered as she turned Gabriella around to see it for herself.

"Luciano is too adorable" she muttered, "once you look in his eyes you're sold" she said
apologizing to Adelina, "I have to drag the husband away" she muttered before hugging Cordelia
tightly and left to let Michaelangelo give Luciano to his uncle, "Mike?" she asked and chuckled
when she saw his startled look.

That was a first time - it actually felt really good too.

She folded her arms across her chest and looked at him with an amused look in her honey brown
eyes. A smirk appeared on Rodolfo's face as he still waited for his younger brother to give
Luciano to him. Michaelangelo was having a hard time with handing the baby over. It was
actually quite amusing to see, he never saw his brother like this before. He was so attached to the
little boy. That could be a good or a bad thing though. He didn't know what he should think of it
just yet.

"Please hand Luciano over to Rodolfo" she told Michaelangelo as she stepped forward and
pressed a kiss to her son's little head, "he'll be in good hands."

"I thought it would be you who would be here, having a hard time with leaving. Now it's me" he
muttered and heard Gabriella chuckle.

"We're back in two days, he'll be fine" she told Michaelangelo and nodded to Rodolfo, "don't you
trust your own brother with your son?" she asked trying to persuade him a little.

"Of course I trust Rodolfo" he said a bit louder before he handed Luciano over, "if he is being
difficult just call us alright" he said as he looked at Rodolfo who chuckled.

"Sure, just leave already" he told his brother.

Gabriella leaned back against her seat and smiled when Michaelangelo handed her a glass of
champagne. She just drank half a glass on their wedding since she was afraid she would trip over
her own feet and cause an embarrassing scene. She pressed the glass to her lips and observed her
husband's face. He seemed much calmer, maybe he wasn't worried about Luciano anymore. At
least she hoped he would enjoy this weekend a little with her, their honeymoon would be just
two days so she wanted to enjoy those two days at their fullest.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Michaelangelo asked as he leaned closer to her, "see
something you like?" he asked and chuckled when she grabbed his shirt with her hand and pulled
him closer so his lips were hovering above hers.

"I like everything about you" she calmly told him which surprised him since she always was so
shy about everything, "what's wrong Michaelangelo?" she asked and smirked as she pecked his
lips, "are you nervous?" she asked and chuckled when he snorted and pulled her on top of him.

"I should ask you that!" he told her as his hand ran over her back and placed his arm around her
middle to hold her to him, "it feels strange to leave Luciano behind" he admitted to her, "even if I
wasn't around I would know he would be at home with you."

She felt her heart squeeze with him being so honest to her, Michaelangelo rarely talked about his
feelings, she just figured that he was incapable of doing it. He sometimes admitted a thing or two
to her and it always shocked her. She knew she had to listen to him and just carefully answer, so
he wouldn't close his heart.

"Rodolfo loves Luciano, he always helps me with taking care of the little one. It might be weird
but your father knows a thing or two about babies as well. So Luciano is in good hands" she told
Michaelangelo before she placed her glass down and cupped his face in her hands, "I want you to
focus on us right now, we just have two days to enjoy this" she whispered before she placed her
lips against his.

She started to kiss him slowly, just letting him focus on her. After a few seconds he recomposed
himself and took control of the slow kiss. Turning it more passionate, the passion she was
looking for. Since Luciano was born they didn't have much time to enjoy moments like this, she
wanted him to love her in any possible way, she so desperately wanted to feel him close to her.

Cordelia gasped when Rodolfo pushed Luciano in her arms and held up his phone, "I have an
important meeting right now and I can't take Luciano with me. It's not so hard to watch him" he
said as he stepped closer to his cousin and nephew, "if he cries you should hold your finger close
to his mouth to see if he's hungry. If he opens his mouth, he needs his bottle. You changed is
diapers before with Gabriella. Most of the time you just have to let him sleep. You can either
hold him or put him in his bed, it's really easy" he said before he looked at his phone that was
ringing again, "good luck!" he said before rushing off.

"Rodolfo! I don't think I'm ready to take care of child just yet!" she screamed after him and
gulped when she felt the baby stir in her arms because she was being so loud, "I'm sorry
Luciano" she whispered to him as she held him closer to her and kissed his head, "sst go back to
sleep" she said softly and smiled when he closed his eyes again.

Panicking she walked in circles around the couches, being afraid that if she placed Luciano down
that he would wake up. She heard someone clear their throat and blushed when she saw her uncle
looking at her with a very confused look in his dangerous blue orbs. He stepped towards her and
chuckled when he took Luciano over.

"Rodolfo left you alone with him?" he asked and saw Cordelia blush, "come on sit down
Cordelia" he said in his very deep bass voice and sat down next to her giving her Luciano, "just
hold him like this, he likes to feel your warmth that's all this little boy needs" he said and leaned
back while turning the television on.

Cordelia felt a bit more at ease with her uncle here which was strange because she always feared
him the most, next to him Michaelangelo looked so kind. She sighed and tried to relax more,
holding Luciano while she was watching a comedy together with her uncle. It was weird but she
had never spend a day like this with him before, she always seen him at big family dinners or
parties and that was about it. Maybe she could use this opportunity to really get to know him.

"Zio are you going to stay with me, I don't know how to take care of a baby all by myself" she
told him and saw a very rare, gentle smile appearing on his face.

"Of course, though Rodolfo must have told you that it's really no big deal to watch over him.
You did it before right?" he asked her.

Cordelia frowned and shook her head. She did hold him a lot and helped Gabriella but being
alone with the baby never happened before. She always had someone around who knew what to
do if Luciano started crying. She didn't want to hurt this precious little creature. He was so small
and soft, she was so scared that she would break him. Which was weird since she was comparing
him to her porcelain doll.

Gabriella trailed her hands over her husband's bare chest and pressed her palms down on his
chest while she looked into his eyes. His eyes were so big as plates while he hypnotized her with
his beautiful blue orbs. Her husband and son were really dangerous people to her, they could
definitely bend her with those beautiful blue colored eyes. Brushing a hand over his face she
pressed a kiss to his lips and smirked when his chest was still going up and down fast while he
was trying to catch his breath. She never shown him this side of her, they both didn't even know
she had this wild side to her. By the glistering in his eyes she knew he very much liked it too.

He tried to hold her to him with his strong arms, yet his strong arms never held her this softly to
him. He probably didn't have any strength left, it made her feel proud of herself. At least she
could make him weak to his knees like this.

"I never knew you turned this wild" he whispered to her and tried to roll them over so he was on
top now, "you really got me curious now" he said as he trailed kisses down to her jaw towards
her neck and smirked when she started to make those soft, delicious sounds again.
Gabriella tangled her fingers in his hair and leaned her head back against the soft pillow, "you're
killing me" she whispered as she closed her eyes and just tried to feel him speaking up would
cost too much precious energy.

She was grateful to Adelina to book this room for them, she could enjoy these two days her
fullest with Michaelangelo. It had been so long since they really enjoyed each other's presence.
Aside from having sex they also had champagne in the tub and ate dinner on the balcony. It was
just something she always dreamt of, just having a romantic weekend away with the man she
loved. She knew though

the moment these days were over they had to get back to their lives - their lives without so much
romance. She would make sure Michaelangelo would remember this weekend like she would.

Help I'm married to mafia boss.

I know I would have to update this chapter yesterday, but I simply forgot! I'm really sorry! So
here is chapter sixty-five! Thanks for the comments and votes, it means a lot to me. After this
chapter we only got five more to go. I already wrote three chapters for the next story, and I have
a new story already planned to. Hope you like this chapter! Enjoy! And I wish you all a happy
new year!!

Chapter sixty-five- Sniffing Through Trash

Gabriella stepped out of the car and turned to look at Michaelangelo who locked the car and
flashed her his heart melting smirk. She knew she was glowing of happiness, Michaelangelo
being the cause of her glowing so brightly. The weekend away together was magical, she never
spend so much time with him alone. It made her fall so deeply in love with him, that it ached just
being away from him for a second. She knew she should get used to their old life again, because
after today she would see him only at night again. She sniffed and straightened her back. She
could handle it, she was a big girl. Feeling his hand holding hers she smiled gently at him and
followed him inside the mansion. They got greeted by the head maid, Carla who took care of the
mansion for years now and gestured to her to be quiet so they could surprise the family.

Gabriella heard the TV in the living room, and heard Cordelia talk loudly together with her
brother and Rodolfo. They were discussing something, something that including her and
Michaelangelo. She shared a devious look with her husband before they stepped inside the living
room scaring their family. "You shouldn't be back so soon!" Cordelia said surprised as she
quickly got up and hugged Gabriella tightly forcing Gabriella to release Michaelangelo's hand so
she could hug the girl back, "something changed" Cordelia remarked as she pulled out of the
hug, "I can't put my finger on it, but something has changed about you" she told Gabriella before
she shrugged.

Gabriella didn't know what Cordelia was talking about. She was a lot less stressed and she felt
really happy but she didn't think she changed much on the outside. Shrugging her shoulders as
well she stepped forward quickly beating her husband to it, and took Luciano in her arms.
"Sweety" she whispered as she kissed his head and smiled when he opened his eyes and stared at
her before he gave her a small smile, "did you miss me" she asked and smiled when he kept
looking at her with that big smile of his, "mama missed you so much" she whispered and turned
to Michaelangelo who seemed to aching to hold his son, "but I think daddy even missed you
more" she muttered and gave the little boy to Michaelangelo.

Michaelangelo immediately had that twinkle in his eyes, the soft look he only gave to his son.
She stepped towards him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before she took a seat on the couch next
to Rodolfo and smiled when he pulled her in a hug, and kissed her cheek.

"Enjoyed your weekend?" he asked and saw a smirk appearing on both their faces so his question
was answered, "I don't want to know" he quickly added and cleared his throat, "whatever
happened there should remain a secret" he muttered and heard his brother chuckle.

It actually sounded like it came from the heart, he really must have enjoyed his time with
Gabriella during their honeymoon. He heard their first one was a big joke, so Adelina made sure
this one would be freaking amazing.

"I'm so refreshed" Gabriella said as she looked at Michaelangelo who was cradling Luciano and
talking to him which made the boy stare at him, "I think the same goes for Michaelangelo, it will
be hard to go back to our old lives."

"You don't have to" Rodolfo shrugged, "Michaelangelo already changed his hours so that he can
spend more time with his family, it will be fine. Since Gabriel and I aren't going to settle down
yet we can take over the dinners and benefits."

"Since I'm in charge of our family business, I'm still obligated to show my face from time to
time" Michaelangelo reminded them.

"True, but you can go together with Gabriella to the important parties" Gabriel interrupted, "we
can do the minor ones" he suggested.

Gabriella shared a look with Michaelangelo before she nodded her head. She was glad her family
was suggesting this to them, it meant that they really wanted them to be almost like a real family.
Raising a baby was hard but till now she still managed to find it easy because of their help. She
didn't know what she would do without them.

"I'm glad that I have you guys" Gabriella said smiling at them while ignoring the amusing looks
in their eyes, "I really mean it and you can joke about it all you want, but without you guys I
wouldn't be able to enjoy raising Luciano nor would I have the best weekend of my life" she
added and smirked when she saw the look in Michaelangelo's eyes.

"You can thank us by organizing a big family dinner" Cordelia said as she got up and looked at
the guys who just raised their eyebrows quizzically, "Gabriella's family is still in town and
Adelina would love to come over to spend some family time, that way you can thank us"
Cordelia said making Gabriella roll her eyes yet she still held an amused look on her face.

"I think I can do that" Gabriella shrugged, "with your help of course Cordy. You suggested it so
you're going to help me" she winked at her, "you can be in charge of the dessert since you make
a very delicious apple pie" she said and smiled when Rodolfo agreed.

"Yes, true" he said and sat up while taking Luciano over from Michaelangelo who had to take a
phone call, "so Gabriella will make us dinner" he said and smirked at her, "I would love to eat
some spaghetti and lasagna" he said and chuckled when he saw her smile fade, "what you can't
make such simple dishes?"

"I can!" Gabriella said feeling insulted by her brother-in-law, "those are so simple! Even
Michaelangelo can make them" she muttered, "if that's what you want to eat, then fine I'll make
them" she said and held up her hand, "no big brother has spoken so no other dishes will be made"
she said and chuckled when Gabriel protested.

They looked at Michaelangelo who walked back into the living room with a very serious look in
his eyes. Family time was over, she could tell by how hard his eyes looked. Something
happened, but she hoped not something bad - like an ex-girlfriend wanting them dead nor an ex-
friend who wants to steal their fortune. It was going so well and those people would just ruin
everything. Their family dinner would be today and nothing would come in the way!

"You have to leave?" Gabriella asked as she took Luciano over from Rodolfo, "to the office
together with Rodolfo and Gabriel, right?" she asked and watched him nod while his cousin and
brother got off the couch and joined him, "you have to be back around seven!" Gabriella told
them sternly before she turned to Cordelia, "you can invite your sister over while I'll call zia.

Gabriella looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled a little, she was looking a lot better in
this black dress. It hid all her little flaws, Michaelangelo said that he finds her beautiful like this
but she knew he was only trying to make her feel better. She would start going to the gym
twenty-four seven if that was what it would take to let her fit in her normal clothes again. She
sighed and turned around only to be bumping into Michaelangelo's hard chest. She pressed her
palms against his chest and looked up smiling at him with that sparkle in her eyes - the sparkle
she got ever since they got back from their romantic weekend away. She blushed when she felt
his hand going from her lower back to her hair and rested there before he pulled her into a slow,
magical kiss.

kisses always made her head spin, she hated it that he had that effect on her. She wanted to have
the same effect on him but he was never taken back by her kisses. He has been surprised since
she showed him her wild side at their wedding night but that was about it. He didn't stutter like
an idiot after a kiss nor did he change into the color of a tomato. She pulled out of the kiss to
look in his eyes and pouted her lips a little. She wanted to take his breath away someday. Make
his head spin like he always did with hers.
"What?" he asked as he released her and walked to his side of the clothes to change shirts, "I
thought you wanted me to come home early?" he asked as he threw his light blue shirt on the
chair and took a clean white one slowly placing it on while he was looking at his wife, "are you
unsure about this dinner?" he asked her since she seemed a bit too quiet for his liking.

She shook her head lightly and looked at him, slowly stepping forward so she could help him
with the buttons of his shirt. He dropped his hands and let her dress him, since it made her feel
better. He noticed that her hands were shaking but she still stubbornly wanted to dress him. He
raised his hands and placed them firmly on her shoulders making her gasp.

"Do I scare you?" he asked her confused since Gabriella was almost never scared of them, "that's
something new, what happened to the old big-mouthed Gabriella?" he asked amused.

"She fell so deeply in love that she can only talk like an idiot after her husband kissed her" she
muttered and heard his chuckle echoing through the closet, "it's not funny, I feel like a total
moron" she sighed.

Finally being done with his shirt she walked to the jacket he carelessly dropped on her vanity,
she held it out to him and walked to the drawers where his tie collection was and took out the silk
black one before she made her way back to him. She smiled when he placed his hand on the back
of her head and kissed her temple. She thought he would release her so she could place his tie on
for him but he kept her in place and started to kiss her all over.

"Mike!" she said in a low moan that made him smirk against her soft skin.

"You really shouldn't call my name out like that" he told her quietly as he place his arms around
her middle and pressed her tightly against his hard body, "you don't know what it does to me" he
whispered in her ear before he kissed softly down her neck, kissing that special place that made
her call out his name again.

"Y-You're crazy" she said trying to get out of his grip and placed his tie around his neck, "now
you should really let me go otherwise we'll be late at our own dinner party" she muttered and
sighed when he kept her in place while letting her struggle with his tie, "you're hopeless" she said
shaking her head a little.

"You said it like you always scream it out when you're having an orgasm" he said and chuckled
loudly when she blushed the bright red color of her bra which he could see perfectly clear
because he messed up her dress, "are you getting embarrassed?" he asked and stepped back when
she was ready to suffocate him with his tie, "do something about your dress, cara...I don't think
our family is ready to see you in your red lacy bra" he muttered.

Her eyes widened when she heard him say that and she quickly glanced in the mirror to see the
straps of her dress hanging down while her bra was showing! She didn't know when he did that,
he would definitely pay for that. She quickly straightened her dress up and turned around
flashing a glare to her very playful husband.
"Are you drunk?!" she asked as she stepped towards him, pulling him down by his tie so she
could smell his breath. She didn't taste something bitter when she kissed him but maybe she was
too dazed out by his kiss, "you don't smell like alcohol" she said while letting him pull back, "so
what's wrong with you?!"

"Can't I fool around with my wife?" he asked her as he placed his hand on the small of her back
and leaded her out their closet, "don't be so stingy Gabriella, I was just playing around."

"I know that! I'm asking you why?" she asked before she rolled her eyes, "never mind don't tell
me, I'm sure everyone is here by now, and we're late. What will they think of us" she muttered
letting out a tired huff.

"They'll think we were having a very intimate moment together. They won't be mad, we just got
married remember" he said enjoying the death glares she was throwing at him, "don't be like that,
cara. You know if I kept kissing you like that, sooner or later we would end up in bed together
without you protesting at all. You love having sex with me."

She didn't know what was worse the fact that he was talking so openly about their sex life like it
was the most normal thing in the world or the fact that he was right about her not complaining at
all about it.

"I don't know what happened to you today but you need to quit. I don't want our family to hear
about our sex life. It's none of their business."

"I love it when you get all shy about it" he said as he kissing her jaw and smirked when she was
letting out those soft moans again. He reached out to the door and opened it while he moved her
head a little so he could kiss her lips, "I love you, Gabriella" he whispered to her and stepped
away from her when he saw Rodolfo coming towards them.

"I don't know how I feel about this" Rodolfo pointed out as he saw how intimate they were
acting together, "it's a good thing, but I never saw you doing that in front of the family. I think I
find it better if you do it behind closed doors" he muttered and smirked when he saw look
nervously around the hallway before she quickly dashed away muttering some curses in Italian,
"the wife sounds pretty upset" he said as he looked back at his brother.

"I was messing around a little" Michaelangelo shrugged as he closed his bedroom door and
walked together with his brother in the direction where Gabriella went off, "has everyone arrived
yet?" he asked and nodded when Rodolfo said yes.

"I never heard her curse like that before" Rodolfo chuckled, "it was something new, Luciano is
having a good time with his grand aunt and uncle" Rodolfo said and looked at his watch, "you
want me to let him stay with the nanny?"

"No it's a family dinner, Luciano should be present too."

After the long greetings and talks about business Michaelangelo placed an arm over his wife's
shoulders and pulled her close to him. They were sitting in the living room while the guys were
enjoying a glass of whiskey and the women were drinking coffee or tea just because of Adelina.
Gabriella looked over at her husband and smiled sweetly. She repressed a giggle when she saw
him roll his eyes and hold out his glass to her lips so she could have a sip.

"Just one sip, you do all sorts of crazy things when you get drunk" he muttered remembering
their wedding night. He loved those crazy things she did but he didn't want her to embarrass
herself in front of their family.

"I saw that!" Angelo said jokingly.

"I'm married now you have nothing to say about me" Gabriella smiled as she took a sip from his
whiskey and gulped down some water when the liquid was burning her throat.

"You can only handle the champagne and whine" Angelo chuckled.

"Luciano is very sweet, Gabriella" Laura her aunt said, "he has been staring at me with those
beautiful blue eyes of him, it just wants to make me want to hug him so tightly" she muttered
making her husband roll his eyes.

"Please don't, the child won't survive it" he muttered since his wife was known to be a very good
hugger - her hugs could suffocate a kid.

"So when will the next one arrive?" she asked making Gabriella cough up her water.

Michaelangelo smirked as he rubbed his wife's back gently and placed a kiss to her head,
"Luciano is just one month old, maybe in a year or two" he shrugged and held Gabriella carefully
to him kissing her softly against her cheek.

"I never saw you like that before" Dino remarked as he watched Michaelangelo act all in love
with his cousin, "it's a side of you that almost makes you seem human" he muttered making
Rodolfo snicker and raise his glass.

"Gabriella makes you act like a human" he said and winked at them, "I drink to that."

Gabriella looked at Michaelangelo and placed her hand on his thigh while she rested her head
against his shoulder. She was glad that he took control of the situation, she was definitely not
ready yet to have another child. She was already obsessing with her weight, another child didn't
fit into this picture right now.

8 months later

Gabriella looked at Luciano who was walking in circles around the table, it seemed like he
couldn't get enough of it. Every time he passed her he opened his mouth so she could feed him a
piece of bread with mashed banana on it. She ruffled his hair and smiled when he showed her a
really big smile.

"Mama" he said pointing to his mouth making her coo loudly while she picked him up and
smothered him with kisses.

"O my baby" she coed not knowing Michaelangelo was watching them, "mama really, really
loves you!" she said hugging him softly while kissing his head and his cheeks.

"Does mommy have enough love left for her husband?" he asked scaring her to death, "don't be
so afraid who else could it be? You know no one besides our family can enter this house" he told
her while taking a seat right next to her taking his son over.

"Papa" the little boy said placing his little hands on his father's shoulders while looking into the
exact same blue colored eyes.

"Hey little man" he said while taking the piece of bread from Gabriella to feed his son, "have you
been good for your mother?" he asked and smiled when Luciano nodded, "really?" he asked
again and chuckled when he nodded quicker this time.

Michaelangelo turned to look at Gabriella who groaned softly and laid back against the couch.
She had been feeling unwell for a few days now. He asked her to see a doctor, but she was just
refusing every time. That woman was so stubborn, he just needed to force her to see a doctor.

"I told you to go see a doctor a few days ago, why don't you listen to me?" he asked impatiently
and frowned when she brushed him off.

"I went to see a doctor today, she'll have the test results in a few days" she muttered and closed
her eyes, "I'm going to close my eyes for a few minutes" she said before drifting off.

Michaelangelo rolled his eyes and looked at his son, "you're mother is being an idiot" he said
smirking when he didn't hear Gabriella protest so she was already asleep, "a big idiot" he
muttered as he looked at her and brushed her blonde locks out of her face while placing a pillow
underneath her head.

abriella opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Michaelangelo at the end of the bed, throwing
their little boy up in the air before he caught him again, making Luciano laugh like crazy. His
laughter must have woken her up. She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair to make sure
she looked right for Michaelangelo to see. She knew he saw her at her worst but she just wanted
to always look good for him. She got out of bed and joined him, placing a kiss on his cheek. He
smelled like his fresh cologne, that made her crazy.

"When were you going to tell me?" he asked making her raise an eyebrow at his question.
Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the white plastic tube that made her lose color, "yeah
about that."
"I threw that in the trash" Gabriella said pressing her lips together, "did you sniff through our
trash bin?" she asked and chuckled while picturing him doing that in their bathroom, "I was
going to tell you but I was just trying to get over the scare myself."

"I know it's fast...but I don't regret it" Michaelangelo said quickly wanting her to know that he
was still proud of having another child with her, "you have been going to the gym like crazy for
two months after Luciano was born, so how do you feel about this?"

"I'm happy" Gabriella shrugged, "but you shouldn't get your hopes up. You know how that it's
still uncertain till I hit three months."

"I know."

She placed her arms around his middle and looked at the TV that was on a children's channel so
Luciano could watch it.

"I thought we planned to wait a year or two" she said playfully and felt him stiffen.

"You think that I planned this?" he asked her surprised and sighed in relief when she laughed. He
was glad she was joking because he didn't find it funny at all, "I say it's your fault since you were
a bit too excited last time, I told you the condom broke."

"And I told you that I wasn't on the pill because I just had a stomach flu" she said and rolled her
eyes, "are we going to blame each other right?" she asked and smiled when he shook his head.

"Of course not, it just had to happen this way" he shrugged before he placed Luciano carefully
on the bed in the middle while giving him a stern look so he wouldn't move and focused his
attention to Gabriella, "we should wait before we tell everyone else, right?" he asked and nodded
when she agreed, "and I didn't sniff through our trash, Carla gave it to me."

"So Carla sniffed through our trash?"


Gabriella shook her head and took the tube from it placing it on her nightstand, "whatever I don't
mind I was planning on telling you today anyways" she said and placed her arms around his neck
while she looked at Luciano who was focused on the television, "another one it feels so weird"
she whispered."Aunt Laura will have a laugh" she muttered, "last time she asked us about this

"I remember, the water you were drinking ended up on my pants" he said and smirked when he
saw her blush and look away from him, "right after you suggested to dry it up for me in the
kitchen and started to touch me in weird places. Not that I disliked it."
"Of course you didn't dislike it, you were so thrilled to have sex with me on the kitchen floor"
she teased back.

It amazed him that Gabriella changed so much in a few months. She actually dared to make jokes
about their sex life and she talked openly about it too. He remembered that day eight months
ago...she was so mad at him for teasing her that she was about to suffocate him with his tie.

"You have changed Gabriella" he told her and saw her smirk.

"You have changed as well, Michaelangelo."

He shook his head before he placed his arms around her middle and dropped her on the bed, right
next to Luciano who turned around and placed his hands on his mother's faces.

"Luciano!" Gabriella laughed when her little boy was giving her wet kisses making
Michaelangelo snicker, "mama loves you too" she smiled taking him in her arms while letting his
head rest against her chest, "sorry daddy but Luciano comes first" she smiled at him.

Michaelangelo sat down next to her while running his fingers through his son's soft dark locks,
"you should remember that without me there wouldn't even be a Luciano."

"Or this second child" Gabriella smiled at him.

"Or our second's a boy, I can feel it."

"I thought you desperately wanted a girl" she muttered.

"I know, I still want a girl, but my guts is telling me that it's a boy."

Gabriella merely gave him an amused look, "we'll see about that, Michaelangelo Gavino."

She giggled when he abruptly laid down next to her and placed a strong arm around her middle,
while pulling her and his son closer to him. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his
shoulder while enjoying his comfortable warmth glowing over her. She loved spending time with
him like this, it took them a while but they definitely became that family she always dreamt off.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Thanks for the votes and comments. I really appreciate it. Just four more chapters to go.

Chapter sixty-six - Teenage hormones.

Gabriella was brushing her hair in her bathroom while listening to Cordelia's rambling about
some boy she met. It didn't occur to her that she actually knew that special boy that Cordelia was
so excited about, it almost sounded like she was in love. Gabriella turned to the head maid who
was going through the bathroom, expecting if it was clean enough since they hired a new, young

"So he asked me to meet him at the bar in Mike's hotel. Are you coming with me, you need to
stay hidden but you can have a wine or something with Michaelangelo. Just be around...since
you know he is a bit older."

"Mrs. Gavino can't have a glass of wine anymore" Carla blurted out which made Gabriella's eyes
widen to the size of plates as she pressed her lips together to make Carla shut up, "sorry" Carla
whispered to Gabriella since Cordelia couldn't see them.

"Why?" Cordelia asked as she stepped into the bathroom and looked at her older cousin,
"Luciano is nine're healthy's perfectly-"she stopped herself midsentence
and looked at Gabriella like she was an escaped mental patient, "no! Tell me it isn't true...tell me
that I'm just making things up" she whispered trying to make Gabriella change her mind about
what she was thinking right now.

Gabriella couldn't lie to Cordelia. When she was going to offer her champagne or wine she had
to refuse. So how could she tell Cordelia a lie? It would only backfire on her. She placed her
brush down on the sink and turned to look at Cordelia who seemed like she was about to faint.

"I'm pregnant. Again" she said and leaned against the sink to read Cordelia's expression. All she
was seeing right now was that the younger woman was just utterly confused nothing more than
that, "it's not such a big deal, I mean I was shocked at first, but you know Luciano is already nine
months and I'm just a few weeks pregnant. When Luciano turns one I'll be three months's still very I don't want anyone to know yet."

"Does Michaelangelo know?!"

"He knows."

"Didn't he freak out?!"


"He didn't?!"

"He didn't freak out. It was me who was more surprised. He finds it every normal, we're a
happily married couple and we're still young too. It's not like it's difficult to us to raise Luciano.
There are no financial problems and we can offer our children the best education there so
I'm not shocked anymore either."

"That's not the point" Cordelia muttered, "we couldn't even enjoy going out together, now you're
pregnant again" she said like Gabriella had some kind of decease. Gabriella tried to hush her
since she didn't want the other family members to find about it yet, Michaelangelo agreed about
it. Since her first pregnancy was a very risky one they didn't want anyone to hold high hopes up
for this one. They had to keep in mind that she could have a miscarriage.

"Please lower your tone" Gabriella said softly as she stepped out of the bathroom being followed
by Cordelia, "we can still go out and have fun, I'll just skip the wine and champagne, you can
still have those. There is nothing to worry about, nothing will change."

"Everything will change!" Cordelia sighed, "You're pregnant again. Michaelangelo will claim all
of your free time again and they'll put you back to bed rest. Besides that you were no fun when
you were getting near due time. You were only sleeping and watching dramatic Italian series
with Zio."

"I promise you that I'll do my best to spend more time with you" Gabriella said with a gentle
smile as she pulled Cordelia in a hug, "so who is this guy you're dating. You said that he is a bit
older than you, by how many years exactly?"


"Three years isn't that much" Gabriella agreed as she pulled out of the hug and looked at her,
"and what's his name?"


Rico. There couldn't be many Rico's around who were twenty years old and could afford to have
a drink at the Gavino hotel. She warned her cousin to stay away from Cordelia! She gulped as
she thought about what Gabriel could do to her cousin if he found out about this. She grabbed
Cordelia by her wrist and pulled her into the bathroom closing the door behind them since she
didn't want anyone to hear this conversation.

"Rico as in Rico Valia?" she asked and bit her lips nervously when Cordelia nodded. This
couldn't be happening, she wanted to grab Rico by his collar right now and yell at him till he
turned deaf because of her yelling, " can't" she whispered, "you don't understand,
Rico is my cousin and I love him, but sweety he has never cared about a girl before-"

"I know that. I just want to have some Gaby, I thought you would understand of all people."

"What do you mean by that?" Gabriella asked confused as he folded her arms across her chest,
"if I'm thinking what you're implying right now, I should warn you Cordelia I might freak out the
same way your cousins would. I used to regret not being able to date anyone else, but now I'm
glad that my father raised me like that. I have nothing to regret. You're going to regret a lot if
you're dating Rico."

"I'm going to have a drink with Rico, Gabriella. That's all."

"It won't be just a drink Cordy" Gabriella said sternly, "he'll win you over with smooth words
and gentle touches. You'll be just another girl he had sex with. Nothing more. Do you want to be
another name on his endless list?"

"Maybe I do!"

Gabriella shook her head while fisting her hand so hard that she could feel her nails dig in her
skin. She didn't know who this girl was, it wasn't Cordelia. When was her little Cordelia thinking
like this? She wanted to shake the girl about to make her brain function again.

"I didn't want to do this Cordelia but since you're living in our house, I'm going to forbid you to
see Rico. If you're going to see him on this date Friday, I'll tell Michaelangelo about it. You'll
know what he'll do is ten times worse."

Cordelia knew how stern Michaelangelo could be, even this own child didn't dare to breathe the
wrong way in front of his father. She sighed and shook her head while she glared at Gabriella
before stepping towards the door.

"I thought you were different Gabriella" she said before walking out of the bathroom while
leaving Gabriella alone.

Gabriella sighed as she buried her face in her hands. She didn't know what to do, she wanted to
warn Gabriel about this but then again she didn't want her cousin to get hurt. He was her younger
cousin and they were like her brothers. She needed to protect him too. She needed to see him, tell
him that he was wrong about dating Cordelia. Warn him again like she did eight months ago.

She quickly got out of the bedroom and took her phone off the nightstand dialing Rico's number.
He must be around since he was dating Cordelia. She didn't even know that he was around since
he didn't contact her - which hurt even more.

Michaelangelo looked at Rico who was looking at his phone that kept ringing. That was the third
time now so he grabbed the device away from Rico to see that it was his wife that was calling his
younger cousin so many times. He was sure that they didn't tell Gabriella that Rico was around
right now, so how did she find out?

"Answer it" Michaelangelo finally said as he gave Rico his phone back, "just tell her the truth.
She'll find out about it anyways. So spare us the yelling and preaching."

Rico nodded his head and answered the phone like Michaelangelo told him to do.

"Rico where are you right now?" Gabriella asked not even greeting him properly.

"At the hotel with Michaelangelo. Why?"

"Let's meet up. We have a lot to talk about. I don't want to do it over the phone."
"What is this about, Gaby?"

"You know what this is about, but if you want to play games I'll play along. It's about a dark
haired girl and bright green eyes. Ring a bell?"

Rico stiffened as he heard her describe Cordelia. He didn't know how Gabriella find out but he
knew he was going to regret everything now. He was asked to stay for a while by Michaelangelo
since they needed an extra hand here, he wanted to enjoy his time here, so he started dating
Gabriel's younger sister. Behind their backs. Not such a good idea. He knew they were paranoid
about trusting people.

"Fine let's meet up then. I'm at the hotel, how about lunch together?"

"Fine, then you can tell me why you're back in America too."

"I never left, Michaelangelo asked me to stay. Ask him about it when he gets home, it's very
simple. They needed help, so that's why I'm here."

"I don't need to know more about it. It's fine. If you're helping them who am I to question that? I
just want you to know that you're welcome in the mansion, so why are you staying in the hotel?"

Rico looked at Michaelangelo who seemed a bit impatient so he knew he should cut the phone
call, "Gabriella we'll talk about this during lunch alright? I'll see you in an hour."

He hung up the phone before she could protest and put it on silent since he didn't want to get
interrupted again. Michaelangelo wasn't very happy with it, if it had been an unknown woman he
would have definitely preached at him, he was glad it was Gabriella. How could Michaelangelo
be mad at his own wife? It was the only reason why he could have answered during a meeting.

"What did she want?"

"She wanted to talk to me about something."

"Something what?"

He knew Michaelangelo wasn't going to let it go. He didn't know what to do, if Michaelangelo
found out about it by someone else he would be disappointed even more and the trust would be
completely gone. If he told him now he was sure he could restore some of that trust in a while.
He pressed his lips together and looked down at the papers that lay in front of him.

"I'm dating someone, and Gabriella found out about it."

Michaelangelo raised an eyebrow at that. If Gabriella found out about it and made a fuss about it
as well, it meant that something was wrong. Something about the girl that Rico was dating. So
his guard was up now that Rico told him about his girlfriend.

"Not someone Gabriella approves of?'

"She approves of her. It's me she doesn't want that girl to date."

Now this whole dating thing had his interest. Some girl Gabriella was defending, which meant it
was someone he knew too. He narrowed his blue colored eyes on Rico and noticed how nervous
the younger guy was. He was almost sweating trying to run away from him - he was actually

"You're dating my cousin" he muttered as he noticed that Rico was putting his guard up and
distanced himself. So it was true, "we'll talk about that in an hour...when Gabriella gets here" he
said calmly as he pointed his pen back to the section they were talking about, "now we were
talking about your new contract, do you understand it?" he asked as he held out the pen, "it's just
a formal thing but I still need to do it through a contract, it just says that you'll get paid more. Get
a car from us and accommodation. Though you know I offered many times for you to stay at the

know but-"

"Seeing the circumstances it might not be a good idea" Michaelangelo interrupted, "you're right
about that, for now you're belongings will be moved to the apartment we arranged, its close by
the mansion."

After the meeting Michaelangelo was sitting at an exclusive table together with Rico, waiting for
his wife to arrive. He saw her surprised look when she noticed him and hesitated for a few
seconds before she made her way to their table again. She sat down next to him the confusion
still present in her honey brown eyes as she kissed his cheek. Just looking in his blue
intimidating eyes told her that he knew. She wanted to keep this from him to help Rico, but of
course he found out. There wasn't anything you could keep from a man like him. She sighed and
shook her head when she looked at Rico who looked away of shame. Yes he should be ashamed
of dating the Gavino girl who she told was off limits. Now he would get the hard treatment from
Michaelangelo, she wanted to save him from that.

"Let me have it" Rico said making Gabriella frown a little, "you want to scold me so just do it. I
didn't listen to you so I deserve whatever you want to throw at me" he muttered making her roll
her eyes and sigh out of frustration.

If being pregnant again wasn't hard enough she had to deal with a couple just two years younger
than her who were being selfish and inconsiderate. She didn't forget about what Cordelia told
her. It was eating on her that Cordelia wanted to become just another name to an endless list of
"I'm not here to yell at you, Rico. I already had enough of teenage hormones as it is. I just want
to say that you disappointment me, you did exactly what I told you not to do. It's very tiring to
keep up with your or Cordelia. Not to mention that the girl doesn't even know what she is saying,
I'm really considering to think that something happened to her for her wanting to have sex with
any man she can get" she muttered, "that shouldn't be right" she said while turning to
Michaelangelo, "we should do something about that."

"She said that?" he asked just as confused as she was feeling right now.

"Yes, I told her that with Rico she would be another name to an endless list. Then she told me
that it's exactly what she wants. I didn't know your cousin was like that, Mike."

"Oh so now it's my cousin. What about him" he said nodding towards the guy who was trying to
keep as quiet as possible since he knew how Gabriella could be when she was angry and he
didn't even want to see Michaelangelo getting angry.

"I'm guessing that you already made a plan anyways" Gabriella shrugged, "it doesn't take away
that Cordelia needs help with all the sexual frustration she is feeling, apparently."

"She should have been raised by your parents" he muttered making her pinch his side, "it was a
complement" he said before he looked at Rico and nodded, "but you're right I did make a plan,
I'm not sure how to tell this to Gabriel though. I don't know if he would be happy with me
sending his sister away."


"To your family in Italy. Your aunt will teach her the basics again, not being a spoiled brat and
work for your money. Cordelia needs to learn that all the stuff she has comes from hard work.
She'll come back a different person."

Gabriella noticed the shocked look in Rico's eyes and nodded at her cousin, "aren't you afraid
that he'll warn her?"

Rico rolled his eyes seeing Gabriella and Michaelangelo were acting like he wasn't even present.
They were talking about him in front of his nose and he couldn't do anything to stop them either.
He had to admit that Michaelangelo just plainly scared him - he could have handled Gabriella but
not her husband.

"He signed a contract. For a year he works under me. He cannot do anything that will make me
upset, right Rico?" he asked and smirked when the younger guy just nodded and looked down at
his glass of wine, "now let's enjoy lunch shall we, someone didn't let me have breakfast" he
muttered and chuckled when Gabriella tried to kick him under the table, "what are you trying to
do, you're so short you cannot even reach me" he muttered and smiled brighter when she grabbed
his face in her hands and kissed him hard before she pulled away and pretended that nothing

Michaelangelo folded his arms across his chest as he listened to Cordelia's rambling. In ten
minutes Gabriel would join them and they needed to end this discussion before his cousin
walked in. Gabriel didn't need to hear her throw a tantrum like a little child. Her words would
hurt him too, as a brother he would want to help her, protect her. It seemed like Cordelia didn't
want any protection though, she just wanted to rebel against them - which was fine. They all did
that, except for him of course. It was just different with a girl, they never had a girl in their
family rebel before. He was unsure what to do about it. He was almost so desperate to call his
father and asked him for help.

"Can you sit down now!"

Gabriella pressed her lips together, she never heard Michaelangelo raise his voice like that
before. It made Luciano crawl more to her on her lap and hold tightly onto her. She softly rubbed
his back as she kissed his head telling him sweet little things in his ear. Trying to calm the boy
down a little.

Cordelia did what Michaelangelo demanded of her. She no choice since she never heard him yell
at her like that before. She felt shivers going down her spine. She gulped and just looked in his
eyes, clenching her fists so tightly because she was afraid to speak.

"You have a lot of courage to threaten me, Cordelia. You think I'm scared of a little girl like you?
Do you think that?!" he asked making her shake her head, "It was brave of you but I find it very
stupid. If you would have done what Gabriella told you in the beginning I would have let it go.
But I don't trust you. If it's not Rico there will be another boy. I mean what happened to the boy
you wanted to date before Gabriella suddenly went into labor."

She was surprised that he remembered that. She pressed her lips together and looked away. He
was right about everything, she did feel caged in their mansion and wanted to show them she
could be independent and do what she wants. Not that it got her far since now Michaelangelo
was trying to send her away. She didn't think that it would come this far, she didn't even go that
far with Rico. Just a date, she even asked Gabriella to join her. Which was stupid now she
thought of it since Rico was her cousin but still...she actually thought he was very handsome
though she knew he would never feel the same for her.

"I won't do it again, alright" she whispered as she looked from Gabriella to Michaelangelo, "just
don't send me away to work on some farm" she muttered, "I promise that I won't do it again."

"Didn't I tell you that I don't trust you?" Michaelangelo asked her before his eyes shifted to the
door, "let's ask Gabriel what he thinks about it" he suggested and saw her shrink in even more of
"What is this about?" Gabriel asked as he closed the door behind him and stepped towards his
sister who seemed frightened of Michaelangelo right now. It only meant that she did something
to upset him, "what did you do Cordelia?" he asked a bit louder now.

"Tell him" Michaelangelo said making her press her lips together and look down at her hands.
She was definitely not going to tell him anything. He didn't know if it was out of shame or out of
fear, "fine I'll tell him then-"

"I wanted to date Rico Valia. Gabriella told me not to, and I said some mean things to her than
threatened Michaelangelo and now they wanted to send me away" she muttered.

"Rico Valia?" Gabriel asked confused as he looked at Gabriella who merely shrugged her
shoulders, "it's fine maybe you should spend some time abroad for a while it will do you good"
he said before he looked at Michaelangelo, "did you arrange everything already?"

"Yes, Adelina is coming tonight to say goodbye to her. Her plane will leave tomorrow morning."

He nodded his head and looked at Cordelia, "I think it's good for you. Some fresh air. You have
been having weird thoughts for a while now. You'll come back a different person" he told her
before he kissed her head and walked away.

Gabriella knew Gabriel was forcing himself to stay calm. She wanted to walk with him but she
didn't know what to do with Luciano who was holding so tightly onto her. She looked at
Michaelangelo and gestured with her head to Gabriel's direction. He sighed loudly before he
nodded his head and walked out to find Gabriel to have a talk with him.

"So when can I come back?" Cordelia asked quietly as she at Gabriella for an answer, "We'll let
you come back with Luciano's birthday. You'll love it there, Cordy. Three months will just fly
by, really. Zio and zia are amazing. Not to mention that my cousins are really fun to hang out

"You mean the older ones who won't hit on me" she muttered making Gabriella smirk.

"Well Larenzo is getting married soon. While Dino and Angelo are way too old for you. So yes
there won't occur any problems for you" she shrugged.

"I can't belief that you two are doing this to me. I thought you wanted me to be happy?" she
asked Gabriella.

"Listen Cordy, if you come back and you still feel the same for Rico. Then we'll back off alright?
In the mean time just enjoy your little vacation."

"How can I, I'm sure you'll let Rico go out with Gabriel and Rodolfo. So he'll meet another girl
as soon as I leave. It's not fair."

"If he meets a girl so soon, then you'll know that he isn't in love with you."
Gabriella got up while letting Luciano stand on the floor. The boy held onto her hand and
waggled with her out of the office. He was still unstable with the walking but he could manage to
do it step by step.

"I'll miss him" Cordelia whispered making Gabriella smile, "he'll might even talk full sentences
when I'll get back."

Gabriella knew that Cordelia was very fond of Luciano but they had to do this for her own good.
She knew when Cordelia would get back in three months she would think differently about this
whole Rico situation, if not then they had to let her date him.

"Don't worry honey we'll stay in touch. These days we can video-chat. Father is there too, you
can spend some time with him as well" Gabriella said as she took Luciano back in her arms to
walk down the stairs.

Michaelangelo looked at his wife who was laying in bed with a book in her hands while she had
her big reading glasses on. He had to admit to himself that they were getting to him. He could
actually understand now, why Rodolfo liked nerdy girls so much. They were far more attractive,
he didn't know if his brother just got to him or that his taste changed. He didn't mind Gabriella
wearing those glasses while she was seducing him in her little blue babydoll. He was disgusted
with himself for even thinking that way. Clearing his throat he saw that he got Gabriella's

"Something on your mind?" she asked as she let her eyes wander over his body. He was taking
off his shirt which was far more interesting than her book right now, "I know it has been a long
day but...Gabriel agreed as well, it was the best thing to do right now."

Michaelangelo shook his head as he tossed his shirt aside and crawled into bed with her taking
her book away from her while he pulled her up in his lap, "I'm not thinking about Cordelia right
now" he told her as he let his eyes wander over her soft body, pulling her down by her long locks
to kiss her luscious lips, "you know that when I solved a problem, I don't tend to talk about it

She knew he easily could let things pass, he made himself like that because otherwise he would
be thinking about a lot of things all day long. It wouldn't be good for his health. Sometimes it
was annoying how lightly he could think about things - but she had to admit to herself that she
could fully understand why he behaved like that.

"Then what are you thinking about?" she asked though she knew exactly what he was thinking
because his eyes told her everything. He wanted her.
He brushed his fingers over her lips and smirked, "you know exactly what I want Mrs. Gavino"
he told her in his husky low voice which made her melt like butter in his hands. He chuckled
when she nipped his neck before she kissed him on his lips. He used to hate letting her in control
but on his wedding night he found out that she can do amazing things if she was in control.

"Then I should spoil my husband a little" she whispered against his lips.

Gabriella giggled when he finally

rolled over and got on top of her. She smiled brightly as he pressed her hands against his firm
chest. In a few months Luciano would turn one, and he would have a baby brother or sister as
well. She never would have thought that in just three years of her life everything would change
so drastically. This was her family now and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 67 - The real you (p.1 of 14)

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Thanks for all the votes and comments, it means a lot to me! Just three more chapters to go till
this story is finished. I really feel like it's coming to an end since there is nothing more to write
about. The next chapter will be Luciano's birthday party and then two more chapters till it's
finished ^ ^Enjoy this chapter! =D

Chapter sixty-seven- The real you

Gabriella was sitting on the carpet in the living room watching her son walk around while
playing with his blocks he got from his uncle. She smiled as Luciano walked back to her and
took another piece of bread with strawberry jam. Gabriella ruffled his dark hair and giggled
when he made a face and started to whine.

"Aren't you mommy's cute little boy" she told him as she kissed his head and smiled when he
hugged her, "Luciano, go see whose there" she said as she heard the door open and close. She
knew it was Michaelangelo who came back from the airport together with his father and

"Nonno!" he called in his soft voice as he ran to his grandfather holding his arms up.

Gabriella got off the carpet and looked at Michaelangelo, receiving a kiss from him on her cheek
before she looked at Cordelia who was standing behind him. Her hair was a lighter color and she
was a bit more tanned, she looked good, healthier. She hoped Cordelia changed her mind about
Rico. She held out her arms and received a tight hug from the girl. That didn't change, maybe
Cordelia didn't blame them anymore for sending her to Italy to spend some time with the family.
Cordelia pulled out of the hug and smiled as she looked at Gabriella.
"I'm good, Gaby" she told her since she knew the older woman was worried about her, "I have to
ask you how you're doing" she said giving her wink which made both her and Michaelangelo
look away like they heard nothing, "come it's three months now, you can tell right? Are you
saying that Gabriel and Rodolfo didn't notice anything at all?" she asked a bit surprised, "I
thought every Gavino guy was so observant."

Gabriella shrugged at her comment. She thought so too but the guys really didn't notice any
difference in her. Rodolfo once commented that it looked like she had more appetite and that she
would have to hit the gym again like last time - but she just laughed it off. Gabriel didn't see
anything at all, he just said that it was good that she eating more. He thought that she was lazy
since she got more tired while watching Luciano, he just needed a lot of attention.

"They haven't noticed anything" Gabriella told her and looked at Cecilio who was hugging his
grandson while talking to the little boy who was apparently answering all questions of his
grandfather, "Luciano...aren't you hungry anymore?" she asked as she held out a piece of bread
but he declined it.

"No" he said as she shook his head, "no more."

"It's fine, then you're going to eat dinner later okay baby" she said and smiled when he agreed
with her and started to talk to his grandfather again. They weren't full sentences but with the
small words he said you could understand what he meant.

"So what was this private conversation about?" Cecilio asked as he looked from Gabriella to
Cordelia, "it made me curious" he told them and noticed how everyone got quiet all of the
sudden even his son. That meant they were keeping a secret from him.


Gabriella pressed her lips together and looked at her husband. She was aware of the fact that
Michaelangelo could never keep a secret from his father, he always had the urge to come clean
with the man. It was sometimes very tiring.

Michaelangelo rubbed the back of his head and flashed an apologizing look to Gabriella. He just
had to tell his father about it, because he couldn't lie to Cecilio. He would know when his son
was lying and when not. It wouldn't help if he told him a lie because Cecilio would press them
till they would come clean - so he didn't want to waste any time.

"Gabriella is three months pregnant right now" he told his father straightforwardly and placed an
arm around his wife's shoulders pulling her closer to him, "so in a few months you'll have
another grandchild running around."

Cecilio didn't believe his ears, Gabriella was expecting again. He didn't know what to think of it,
of course he was glad they were getting along that fine, having another child on the way, but
Luciano was turning one in a day. They would have a hard time with two little children running

"It's very soon. So you two don't use any protection" he said making Gabriella blush of
embarrassment, "when the second one will be born Luciano will be a year and a half. I think it's
soon" he told them straightforwardly but still smiled, "but don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you.
It's just not something I expected to hear."

"We know it's soon" Michaelangelo nodded, "but it will be alright, we have Sophie and if it's
difficult for Sophie as well we can hire another nanny. It's no big deal."

"Now Rodolfo has to get married soon. His younger brother is already a father of two children,
Rodolfo is falling behind."

Gabriella and Cordelia snickered as they thought about Rodolfo and marriage in one sentence.
That just didn't seem right.

"He isn't the marrying type" Michaelangelo shrugged, "I don't see it happening any time soon" he
told his father before they walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, "I want you to
stay a bit longer this time" he told his father.

He didn't want to tell his father the real reason, they didn't talk about their feelings that much.
How could he tell his father that he missed his presence? It didn't feel right to tell Cecilio that.

"I'm staying for a few months, though I'm going back there. I feel more at home there now,
Mike. Besides I left everything to you and Rodolfo. It's your turn to watch over our family
business while I can lay back and be lazy."

Michaelangelo didn't complain about that though, because of his father they could live the lives
that they are living right now. Filled with everything they needed. They had everything they
wanted and even more than that. Cecilio could lay back and be lazy now, he has worked all his
life for this empire.

"So should we expect you to date Rico?" Gabriella asked since her cousin was the reason that
Cordelia was send away for three months, "or did you change your mind about it?"

"I changed my mind about it" Cordelia told her, "Angelo changed my mind about it" she told
Gabriella and smiled, "he actually made me realize that I should do something more with my
life. He inspired me to follow my dreams and that is what I'm going to do."

"What do you want to do?" Michaelangelo asked her.

"I graduated. I want to do something with marketing. Could you arrange a job for me at the hotel,
Mike? I would start with something small, I can work my way up."
"Really?" he asked surprised seeing a whole other side to Cordelia, "yes really, I want to work
for the money that I spend. I worked at a restaurant the Valia family owns. It was amazing, I was
waitress and I didn't earn that much but it was a really fun experience."

"You worked at the restaurant?" Gabriella asked surprised and saw Cecilio nod.

"Yes, Cordelia has shown a whole other side of her. I think she has found out what direction she
wants to go with her life. It was a good choice of you to send her to Italy, I think she really found
herself there, right Cordelia?"

"Yes, zio. It was amazing."

"We'll we're glad you enjoyed your time in Italy" Gabriella smiled at her, "you look good too
Cordy, very healthy" she said and giggled when Cordelia rolled her eyes, "very beautiful too"
she added and smirked when she saw a blush appear on the younger woman's face.

"Are you going to be a full time mom, Gabriella?" Cordelia asked since she knew Gabriella used
to have even bigger dreams than her, "I thought you had really big dreams?" she asked carefully
since she knew it was a sensitive subject.

"I had big dreams for my future, but I had to change them."

"So you're not going back to college? You're still young. You can still finish college if you like
Gabriella. You graduated from high school so that's a lot more than the boys have done in their
lives. No offence to you" she said quietly to Michaelangelo who shrugged it off.

Gabriella knew she regretted one thing in her life and that was to quit college. That was
something she had no control of. Michaelangelo told her not to go anymore, so she didn't. Right
now she didn't have the urge to finish it either, she was expecting her second child already, so
she had to accept the fact that she would become a stay at home mom.

"I have to accept what I have now, Cordy" she said with a small smile, "I'm not regretting
anything but if I could do it over, I would do the same thing as you. I'm glad you're doing the
right thing now Cordelia. Some day you find the right guy and then there is always time for

Gabriella placed her hand on her husband's thigh and smiled when he met her eyes. She could
see the sympathy in his eyes but that was not what she needed from him. Right now being his
wife and being a mother was what she accepted. She would like to do things aside of being a
married woman but she would discuss that another time with Michaelangelo.

"So where are Rodolfo and Gabriel?" Cecilio asked since he didn't got greeted by those two yet,
"I figured that Rodolfo would pick me up as usually so you can imagine how surprised I was to
see Michaelangelo."
"Don't you want to be greeted by your favorite son first?" Michaelangelo asked jokingly which
made Gabriella roll her eyes. Everyone knew that Cecilio had a weak spot for Michaelangelo,
"I'll take that back since Gabriella pinched my hand so hard" he muttered making his wife blush.

"You always take Rodolfo's side" Cecilio chuckled, "so he is at the office then?"

Michaelangelo just nodded his head. That part of their relationship didn't change, he didn't like to
talk about work in front of her. A part of her was grateful to him for not speaking about it in front
of her, unlike him she couldn't turn of her conscious whenever she wanted. She was sure if she
knew about half the things they have done, she would never sleep again.

"They'll be here for dinner, you two should fresh up and get some rest" Michaelangelo said in a
tone which told them not to protest against him.

At dinner Rodolfo and Gabriel where there like they promised, everyone knew not to get Cecilio
angry. If you made a promise you should keep your word, otherwise you would regret it.
Rodolfo took his nephew off the floor and held him closely to him while he took a seat next to
his father.

"You're going to be a wonderful father someday" Cecilio commented which made his eldest son
roll his eyes, "you're so attached to Luciano, maybe you can't see it but you have a need to have a
child of your own."

Both Michaelangelo and Gabriella shared a look and kept their comments to their selves.
Gabriella wanted to burst out in laughter for hearing Rodolfo and a child of his own in one
sentence, but she kept it to herself which cost a lot of effort. She felt Michaelangelo squeezing
her thigh softly to encourage her silence. It was better to let those to fight it off.

"I'm not going to become a father any time soon" Rodolfo said again as he looked at his father,
"I'm glad to be an uncle, it's less responsibility than being a parent, and besides that for a child
you need to have a wife first, and believe me father I'm not ready to settle down just yet."

"But you're turning twenty-seven soon. In a few years you'll be in your thirties. Don't you think
it's time to settle down?"

Gabriella nodded her head. She agreed with Cecilio on that, he was getting older and older why
he still enjoyed his life as a playboy. It was time for him to have a serious relationship though
she didn't talk about his love life with him. Rodolfo was a closed person when it came to his
private life. All she knew was that besides Christine all his ex-girlfriends were still his friends.
He must be a very compassionate boyfriend, but she never asked about it, and part of her told her
that she didn't want to know about it either.

"I'll settle down when I'm ready for it father" Rodolfo said with an impatient tone to it. He
focused his attention on Michaelangelo and narrowed his eyes on his younger brother, "what
about them? Shouldn't we give them some lessons about how to have safe sex."
Gabriella blushed a bright red color and started to nip of her orange juice trying to seem very
busy. She would let Michaelangelo handle that conversation. They both knew that it would come
up sooner or later but she was still not ready to defend herself on that subject. It was rather
personal."You're exaggerating Rodolfo. It was not like we would stop at one child. It just
happened a lot sooner than we planned for" Michaelangelo shrugged nonchalantly, "besides we
can handle another one."

Rodolfo didn't disagree with that. Of course they could handle another one, it was just so soon.
There was an age difference of three years between him and Michaelangelo so it wasn't that
much of a shock but still...he figured that they would have waited a few more months.

"So in a few months we'll have another one running around. How many children will you have
till it's enough?" he asked causing Gabriel to choke in his drink with the direct question of

"Till we have a little girl running around" Gabriella interrupted making everyone look at her
now, "we'll stop when there is a little girl running around here."

"So you'll stop if you give birth to a girl" Rodolfo asked amused, "we should hope then that this
one is a girl."

Rodolfo looked at his father with a devious glint in his eyes, if Gabriella was expecting another
boy it meant that she and his little brother would have another child. Cecilio wouldn't need him
for having grandchildren, he had Gabriella and Michaelangelo for that.

"You see dad, my help isn't need. They're going to take care of a big happy family. They said
they'll stop if it's a boy, and you know that the gender is decided by the father and by the looks of
it Michaelangelo can only produce boys since in our family we have a lot more males. They'll
have at least three to four children. This will be one crowded house."

Cordelia nodded. Luciano was cute but how older he would get how louder he got as well. How
he was talking through the conversation right now wasn't something he did three months ago. In
a few months he would be a handful.

"That isn't going to change my mind Rodolfo" Cecilio said sternly before he focused on his
grandson who wanted to be picked up by him, "you're both my sons. Can't I expect my eldest son
to grant me some grandchildren as well?"

Rodolfo let out a tired sigh and leaned back against his chair. Nothing what he would say would
change his father's mind. He should let this conversation rest since Cecilio wouldn't let him win.
It was his life and if he didn't want to get married and have children, it was his decision to make
and not his father's.

Gabriella walked into the bedroom together with Cordelia since the guys were in the library
probably knocking down glasses of whiskey. Since she couldn't drink she didn't want to witness
their little meeting, no matter how fond she was of the library. She sat down on the bed and
focused on Cordelia. She missed the younger woman since Cordelia had been the only girl in the
house, though her trip to Italy did her good so she wouldn't regret it.

"I'm happy for you Cordy. I think it would be fun to work at one of the hotels. If you work your
way up, you'll definitely feel satisfied with your job" she said as she brushed a lock behind her
ear and looked in the sparkling eyes of the younger woman, "you seem happier too."

Cordelia nodded, "yes, I feel happier too. You're cousins were very good to me, I can understand
now why you are so close to the guys. You grew up with them so you understand them a lot
better too."

Gabriella shook her head, "I understand what our lives is about, but I wasn't raised the same was
as them. I'm just being myself, Cordy. You'll see that now you have found out who you want to
be and what you want to do with your life, things will get better as well. I'm sure you make
Gabriel a proud brother."

Cordelia smiled and nodded. She wanted her relationship to be good with her brother, she just
had one brother. He always had been very protective over her and Adelina though he was
younger than their eldest sister. As a guy he felt the need to protect his family. She could
understand now why he had been so upset with her wanting to date boys with the wrong reasons.
Besides if her uncle would find out, Cecilio would definitely give her an even harder time. She
had seen how scary he can be. Just one look from him made her change her mind.

They both snapped their heads towards the door when they heard lots of noises coming their
way. Gabriella raised an eyebrow when her husband walked in with a big smile on his face.
When their eyes met she felt her cheeks heating up, she could tell by looking in his darkened
blue eyes what he wanted. It was time for Cordelia to leave. She pressed her lips together and
turned to the surprised Cordelia.

"I understand" she muttered as a smirk spread across her face. She got off the bed and walked
towards her older cousin pressing a hand to his arm, "that look says it all" she whispered to him
and dashed away so he didn't have the time to protest against her.

Michaelangelo closed the door behind him and raised an eyebrow at Gabriella, "she has become
quite daring don't you think" he said shaking his head as his shirt dropped on the floor along with
his pants making Gabriella smirk as she leaned back against the bed and just watched him, "the
old her wouldn't taunt me about my...needs" he chuckled.

Gabriella giggled when he pulled her up and started to undress her as well, "well you were quite
obvious with your...needs" she told him and laid back against the bed when undressed her till she
was in her undergarments, "you're drunk" she told him and pressed her finger against his lips,
"whenever you drank a bit too much you can't control your emotions anymore. That mask you
always put up crumbles down and all you see is the real Michaelangelo."
He took her face in his hands and looked into her honey brown colored eyes. Her eyes softened
as he gently rubbed her cheek with his thumbs, it was such a gentle gesture that it made her like
butter in his hands. He leaned in and kissed her softly. She participated the slow, soft kiss and
wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting to feel him even closer to her body. He pulled out of
the kiss and opened his eyes, he seemed just as dazed as she was. She was kind of proud that
after all these months she could make him feel like that as well, all dazed by just a single kiss.

"I love you Gabriella" he whispered to her making her smile brightly as she clenched her fist on
his shirt and pulled him down for another kiss.

"I love you too, silly" she whispered against his lips.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss!

Hello everyone! Thanks for all the votes and comments it really means a lot to me. This is
chapter 68 already I really feel like the end is coming so soon haha but I don't have a plot for
Gabriella and Michaelangelo anymore so in two chapters I'll start with Rodolfo and Bella.
Though you can find the same characters of this book there as well. So this doesn't have to be the
end, considering that Gabriella and Michaelangelo will have three sons and one daughter lol
Well enjoy this chapter!

Chapter sixty-eight- Birthday party

Walking through the twinkling hallway Gabriella smiled as she stepped into the living room and
saw her husband together with her son, helping him eating his breakfast. She observed them
from a distance liking the interaction between father and son. Around six the guests would arrive
for a small party in Cecilio's wonderful garden. She smiled when Luciano looked up and met her
eyes, a bright smile appeared on his face as he pointed to his mother.

"Mama!" he said pushing his father's arm away so he could run towards his mother like a little

She kneeled down and pulled the little boy in a gentle hug, rubbing his back lovingly as she
kissed his head, "hey my beautiful baby" she whispered and ran her fingers through his thick
dark locks, "aren't you eating breakfast?" she asked as she got up and held her hand out to him
letting him take it."Its yummy" he said as he opened his mouth for another piece of breath,
"mama too?" he said as he stubbornly picked one of the pieces bread and held it out to her.

She shook her head and leaded his hand to his own mouth, "mommy already had breakfast
sweety" she said as she gave him another kiss, "you can eat it all, you find it yummy right?" she
asked and giggled when he nodded with a serious look in his eyes.

That look only the Gavinos possessed. He was without a doubt a miniature Michaelangelo. She
was still trying to find some treats in him that reminded her of herself but still without any luck.
She turned to her husband and kissed his lips pulling away with a laugh when Luciano tugged on
her shirt trying to pull her away from Michaelangelo.

"He is such a demanding little fellow" Michaelangelo muttered turning his son towards him as he
cleaned his face since Luciano ate all his pieces of bread, "are you feeling better?" he asked since
she was feeling sick this morning and probably emptied her stomach again.

She nodded her head as she leaned against him and looked at their son that was already running
around to find his toys, "I feel much better now" she told him, "I can't believe that he turned one
already, it happened so fast."

Michaelangelo looked at her as he placed his hand on her cheek and leaned forward pressing a
kiss to her soft lips. This time his little boy didn't interrupt their kiss since he was too busy with
throwing his toys around. He would scold him for that later. He pulled away and smirked when
he saw the dazed look in her eyes.

"How older he gets how naughtier he gets as well. You spoil him too much Gabriella" he told her
as he gestured to Luciano who had thrown all his toys out of its box but didn't play with either
one of them, "you should tell him now that he should either pick one to play with or clean
everything up again."

"It's his birthday Mike, we can let him have some fun today."

"He doesn't even know that it's his birthday."

Gabriella frowned and shook her head, "he knows it's his birthday, go ask him how old he turned
today. He knows, he'll even show you" she said and smirked when she saw Michaelangelo roll
his eyes.

He didn't mean it like that but he would let it pass. Today was not going to be filled with one of
their arguments though they always leaded to a passionate night which he could appreciate. They
never went to bed with a fight, it was like foreplay to them. Fighting during the day having
passionate sex during nights. It was some kind of routine for them and he didn't mind it.

"Even though it's his birthday I still think that he should be in bed around eight. He went late to
bed yesterday, we shouldn't make a habit out of it otherwise he'll get irritated easily."

He was right about that, a little irritated Luciano wasn't fun to have around. Maybe he was like
her in that way? She didn't know. It was just very tiring to have him around when he didn't get
enough sleep. So going to bed early today would have to do, even if it was his birthday party.
She was sure that half of the guests just came for dinner and a drink anyways.

She pressed her lips together as she looked at her husband. She did something she knew he
would dislike but she felt bad about not inviting her. So she did something that would upset the
whole Gavino family. But she had just as much right to be here as everyone else.
She was Luciano's grandmother after all.

"What?" he asked noticing the look in her eyes.

He knew when she looked at him like that, that she did something wrong or wanted to ask
something unreasonable of him. He was surprised that she didn't use her usual techniques.
Kissing him getting him all heated up and then asking something of him that he usually wouldn't
agree with.

She had him wrapped around her little finger now.

"I asked Grachelle to stop by tonight as well" she said and looked away since she was afraid of
seeing anger flashing through his beautiful blue eyes, "she won't stay long she'll just drop off his
presents spend some time with her grandson and then she'll leave" she said shifting her eyes back
to Michaelangelo while flashing him a gentle smile.

She couldn't tell what he was thinking though, his face was as impassive as ever.

"It's fine, she is his grandmother" was all he said.

She knew it was difficult for him but they had to try and let Grachelle into Luciano's life. She
wasn't a bad influences to him. She actually treated him with such care, the care a grandmother
would give her grandsons. She was good to Luciano so Michaelangelo couldn't refuse her.

They both looked up when Cordelia ran into the living room and took the little boy in her arms,
"congratulations sweety" she coed as she kissed his little head smiling brighter when she heard
his soft giggles, "oh baby you're too cute for your own good" she muttered as she hugged him
even tighter and chuckled when he was protesting against her hugging.

"I think you're suffocating Luciano now" Gabriella giggled as she saw her son trying to get away
from Cordelia.

"Zia!" he whined as and actually sighed in relief when he was put down on his feet making them
laugh, "mama!" he said as he ran to his mother and held onto her leaning his head against her

"I think you scared him" she told Cordelia who just snickered, "don't say it" she warned
Michaelangelo knowing exactly what he wanted to say right now.

"So in six months we'll have another party?" Cordelia asked as she joined the couple on the
carpet sitting across Gabriella, "Mike said you weren't feeling so well this morning. Do you want
a cup of tea? I can make you a delicious white chocolate peppermint coffee!" she said making
Gabriella smile, "you're allowed to drink two cups a day right?"
"Yes, I'll have some of your white chocolate peppermint coffee. Your friends drank it all the last
time you made it" she said making Cordelia blush and nod her head, "are the preparations going
well? I can't interfere because Michaelangelo scolds me every time I try and ask Carla about it."

She knew that he was just trying to protect her since her last pregnancy didn't go so well, she
almost lost Luciano twice and he didn't want to risk that with their second child. She trailed her
hand down to her stomach and let it rest there.

"Because you can't go through much stress, everything is going just fine" Cordelia said trying to
sooth the nerves of the older woman, "the garden is already decorates in the twinkling lights you
like so much" she said playfully and the tables are already placed as well. The dining table is
already prepared for dinner. Everything is going right on schedule."

Gabriella wanted to help with the preparations since it was her son's birthday but they didn't
allow her to help them so she was stuck here in the living room, sitting on the carpet while
keeping an eye on the busy one year old. She looked down at the little boy who was clinging
onto her and held him to her while she rubbed his back softly. She felt his even breathing against
her so she knew he must have dozed off.

"He made a mess off the living room and now he went back to sleep, so who is going to clean up
everything?" Michaelangelo asked making his point once again, Luciano needed to learn to clean
up after him. She would tell teach him that, just not now.

"I get it" Gabriella told him calmly as she unintentionally placed her hand on her son's head and
kept him to her, "I promise, just let him have a good time today" she said softly and smiled when
he kind of agreed with her, "Cordy if you put him to bed I'll clean up the mess" she said handing
the sleeping boy over to Cordelia.

"Alright I'll tug him in and after that I'll start making you that delicious coffee" she winked at
Gabriella before she disappeared to the third floor to put Luciano in his bed.

Gabriella leaned back against the couch with her back while she looked at Michaelangelo who
was looking at his phone. He was frowning while he quickly traced his fingers over the screen,
probably replying to an email. She reached out to him trailing her fingers very lightly over his
frown, making him look up quickly.


"Something wrong?" she asked as she moved closer to him, "please don't tell me there is an
emergency on Luciano's birthday."

He looked her in the eyes, it seemed like he was hesitating to speak. Something was definitely
"It's not that it's very urgent but I don't know how to handle this matter" he said as he leaned
back the same way she was, "it has to do with you Gabriella" he said as he saw her raising her
eyebrow in confusion.

She was probably thinking what matter he had to take care of could be related to her. It would
surprise her if he told her how many things that he had to fix were related to her.

"What matter?" she asked carefully.

He placed his phone next to him on the carpet and placed an arm over her shoulders while he
looked her in the eyes, "your mother asked about Luciano" he noticed her confusion and sighed,
"your biological mother, Gabriella. She is also his grandmother, don't you think she deserves the
same treatment as Grachelle?" he asked her very carefully since he was aware of what
impression that woman left. He didn't like her either but he didn't know how to take care of this
problem without her help.

"She doesn't have the right to see him" she said as she narrowed her eyes on her husband, "she
accused me of being married to you for your money! She said a lot of mean things to me, Mike.
You cannot ask of me to see her again. Last time she made me throw up" she said shaking her
head as she suddenly became very nauseas again, "she doesn't care about Luciano. Grachelle
loves her grandson, she doesn't! All she wants is money, she'll probably kidnap him the moment
she has him in her hands."

He sighed as he placed his palm against her cheek and softly traced his thumb over the skin
trying to sooth her, "your mother is definitely a lot worse than Grachelle, I agree on you on that,
but she doesn't get the chance to kidnap Luciano. I won't let her."

"How she couldn't kidnap me?" Gabriella asked as she softly pushed him off her, "I don't
understand what difference you can make. Your father and my father together couldn't stop her
from kidnapping me and trying to make money out of it. She said she wouldn't have hesitated to
pull the trigger on me as well! Now your suggesting for her to see our son?! You are starting to
have conscious on the wrong moments, Mike" she told him before she got to her feet and walked
out of the living room surprising Cordelia who just stepped inside to give them her white
chocolate peppermint coffee.

Michaelangelo let out a loud sigh as he threw his head back. She was right about that woman not
being trustworthy, he wouldn't let her close to Luciano if Gabriella didn't want it. He got up and
smiled to Cordelia who was still very confused about everything.

"Are you two fighting on Luciano's birthday?" she asked as she walked towards the small glass
table and placed the two cups down, "this doesn't seem like your usual fights as well...should I be
"Don't worry it's the pregnancy, she is just very emotional right now. It was the same as when
she was pregnant of Luciano" he told her calmly as he pressed a kiss to her head and ran after his
wife. He didn't want to fight with her on their son's birthday, it didn't felt right at all.

Dashing into their bedroom he closed the door behind him as he saw his wife sitting on their bed
while looking at the TV screen, watching some cooking show. Probably just to calm down
before she would come downstairs again. He stepped towards her and sat down next to her
pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her while he held her.

"We shouldn't fight on Luciano's birthday" he whispered to her as he pressed a kiss to her
temple, "I won't let her come close to Luciano if you don't want it. Don't be mad at me anymore,
alright?" he asked and smiled when she nodded and looked up.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you" she muttered and took his face in her hands while she kissed him
gently, "I love you" she said as she pulled away and smiled when she saw that devious sparkle in
his eyes.

"I love you too" he said as he let his hands trail over her body causing her to chuckle.

Slightly pulling away she shook her head as she tried to lean away from his kisses because they
were so demanding. She knew what he wanted, "no way!" she snickered as she moved her head
causing him to kiss her cheek, "the guests will be here in four hours, we still need to prepare so
many things" she said trying to talk some sense into him.

Kissing down her neck he nipped at the same dark spot he left on her yesterday, "we only need
an hour, a shower included" he told her causing her to laugh and shake her head.

"We shouldn't" she moaned as she shut her eyes just trying to concentrate on his lips.

While applying some light make-up Gabriella glanced at her husband who was getting dressed in
the bedroom. His back was the only thing she saw but it was enough to make her feel all excited
again, the way his muscles moved as he placed his shirt on and started to button it up. She bit her
lower lip and tried to focus on herself again. Giving her husband that lustful look again wouldn't
help, he already took longer than an hour since he had to seduce her into taking a shower with
him as well. She would never fall for his tricks again. She had to admit to herself that she
actually liked it.

"Are you finished?" Michaelangelo asked as he leaned against the doorway and looked at his
wife, "we took longer than an hour so we shouldn't keep them waiting anymore. I think Luciano
is already up as well."

Feeling her cheeks heating up Gabriella spun around and glared at her husband who seemed very
amused with her, "whose fault is it that we took longer than an hour?! You had to make me take
a shower with you as know that it never ends well if we take a shower together" she
muttered as she looked back in the mirror and straightened her clothes.
He chuckled at her choice of her words and stepped towards her wrapping his arms around her
middle from behind while he pressed her against his stomach with her back, "it doesn't end
well?" he questioned, "it always ends well with us together in the shower, I think it ended well
for you for two times, maybe three I didn't really register everything."

Looking down trying to avoid his teasing look she tried to pull away from her husband's strong
arms, "I didn't mean it like that" she muttered tiredly.

She wouldn't tell him that he was right about those three times, and she didn't even count their
time in bed together. She knew only he could make her feel so excited about sex, well she didn't
have anyone else to compare it with but she was sure that only Michaelangelo could make her
long for more, pleasing her with only his eyes. Just one glance of him was enough to make her
insane with desire.

They made their way out of the bedroom without much teasing because Gabriella threw him
warning glances the whole time. She heard a lot of voices downstairs so the first guests were
already here. She looked at Michaelangelo who walked next to her and took his hand in hers.

"We haven't been around so many people in a long time" she said as she squeezed his hand
softly, "I feel kind of nervous" she admitted to him.

That didn't change about her. He loved how she always told him what was on her mind, it was a
dangerous treat she possessed but he liked it. He knew his family liked it as well. She just
couldn't keep her thoughts to her.

"You don't have to feel nervous" he said as he caressed the back of her hand with his thumb,
"you just have to be yourself. You didn't like our engagement party remember, but you pushed
yourself through it. You made everyone adore you."

She nodded her head. She remembered that day. She got threatened by him to appear as his
beautiful fiancée who was deeply in love with him. That day he made her sick to the stomach,
she would never have guessed that she was actually now a woman madly in love with him.

"I can do this" she said louder and smiled, "you can't leave my side" she warned him, "last time
you stayed by me as well."

"I was scared that you would screw things up. It's not like that anymore" he smiled to her and
pulled her closer to him as they were walking to the living room, "but I'll stay beside you I don't
want you to stress yourself too much, we can't forget about your health."

He was still very protective over her. He didn't want her to end up in the hospital again, she had
been in the hospital too many times for his liking. It made him feel like a failure as a husband.
He would stay by her side and help her through this evening. It was the birthday party of their
son. He looked around the living room to find his son and smiled when he saw Gabriel together
with Luciano. Carrying him while they were greeting some guests.
"He seems like he has a good time together with his uncle" Michaelangelo pointed out as he
gestured to Gabriel and Luciano.

Gabriella followed her husband's gaze and nodded her head. He was right Gabriel looked good
with Luciano in his arms while he was talking to the guests.

"He seems like a father material don't you think so?" she asked and smirked when she saw the
questionable look in Michaelangelo's eyes, "from those two no one would have guessed that you
would be father material. You were so cold."

He remembered that, and it was true. Everyone thought that he was incapable of receiving and
giving love. Now he was a loving father not wanting to part from Luciano ever again. Gabriella
was very affectionate with their son but he was even worse than her. He was very protective over
the young boy, always looking out for him. He didn't smother the boy with kisses and hugs but
he did make sure that Luciano was always well taken care of. Never wanting to leave him alone
of the nanny wasn't qualified. Sometimes he even hesitated with letting Luciano in the care of his
uncles. It made everyone annoyed but it was just his way of showing affection.

"You're right I was cold back then" he agreed with Gabriella causing her to gasp and look at him
with big eyes that told him that she didn't believe her ears, "I can admit my mistakes Gabriella,
I'm an adult you know" he told her and heard her laugh while she agreed with him.

"You're right you're an adult. It just surprised me that you dared to admit it. The Michaelangelo I
met on our engagement party was such a cold hearted jerk. Threatening his fiancée while kissing
her without her permission as well."

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 68 - Birthday party (p.15 of 16)

He chuckled and pulled her closer to him wrapping his arms around her middle, "but you liked
being kissed by me. Even then you couldn't think after being kissed by me" he told her and
smirked when he saw how red she got and looked away trying to avoid his playful eyes.

Rodolfo cleared his throat as he looked at the very mushy couple, "I don't want to interrupt
whatever is going on here, but dinner is getting served in a few minutes and you two didn't even
greet the guests yet. It's your son's birthday party you know" he said as he observed the both of
them, "please...I don't want to know" he muttered as he gestured towards Cecilio, "you should
start with the elderly" he suggested before he left them alone.

"Well Mrs. Gavino it's time to put up a show again" he told her and smirked when he saw her
eyes lightening up, "can you do even better than last time?" he asked and watched her honey
brown eyes darken with confidence.

Holding her chin up she gave him that playful glare she always gave him when she took up his
challenges, the rewards he gave her were magical after all.
"I think I can do so much better than last time" she said and smirked at her husband, "this time I
don't have to pretend" she reminded him.

Michaelangelo chuckled and leaded her through the crowed, he knew she would win this
challenge and he didn't mind it as well. In the end they both got what they wanted after all.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss.

Still one more chapter to go before this story is done! Thanks for the votes and comments, it
means a lot to me. Just one more chapter to go before this story is finished. Chapter sixty-

Chapter sixty-nine- Too much exercise

Gabriella ran her fingers through her husband's dark locks and smiled as she looked down at him.
She was laying on top of the man who was still sleeping, he never got late for work until today.
He seemed so peaceful that she didn't want to wake him but she knew if he woke up he would
have a near heart-attack. Sleeping in was something a Gavino didn't do unless it was planned.
This wasn't planned. She had to listen to his rambling about meetings all day yesterday. So she
knew that today was very important to him, that's why she wanted to wake him very gently.
Waking him up in a way he could appreciate it. She trailed a finger over his full lips very lightly
before she kissed those lips and smirked when she heard him softly groan. She trailed her nails
over his sides before she stopped at his chest and pressed her palms against his firm chest while
she trailed light kisses over his neck letting out a soft chuckle when she felt his unintentional
excitement. There was no time for her to take care of that problem, it meant he had to take a cold
shower. She softly bit on his soft skin and looked up meeting his sleepy eyes. She pulled away
from him and looked him in the eyes.

"It's already ten past eight" she told him straightforwardly and stayed calm when he placed his
hands on her sides and took her off his body before he jumped out of bed, "I already placed your
clothes in the bathroom so you can change after taking a shower" she told him and got back into
bed while she let her husband rush into getting a shower and getting dressed for work.

After he was done with his morning routine he got into the bedroom and looked at his wife who
was laying back in bed with a content smile on her face. He walked over to her and pressed a
kiss to her forehead.

"Morning baby" he whispered since he didn't greet her properly yet since he had to rush to get
ready for work, "that was a nice way to wake up though you took things too far" he said and
smirked when he saw that devious sparkle in her eyes, "I think you wanted a lot more than just a
kiss right?" he asked and trailed his finger over her lips, "I'll give you want you want later
tonight" he promised her before he left the bedroom.
She stayed in bed for another hour before she got out as well since she couldn't fall back to sleep.
Without Michaelangelo being beside her, holding her she just didn't rest properly. Every time he
came home late she made sure Luciano was sleeping beside her so she wasn't alone. She dressed
in some casual clothes and made her way downstairs smiling when she saw Cecilio sitting there
with his grandson. She took a seat beside him and thanked the maid who brought her a cup of tea
quickly and told her that she would make a light breakfast.

"You're up early" Cecilio remarked as he looked at Gabriella, "you could sleep a little longer, I
love spending time with Luciano" he told his daughter-in-law and smiled gently to his grandson
who was sitting in his arms while watching a cartoon.

"I can't sleep well without one of my boys being there" she admitted to him and ignored the
amused glance Cecilio threw at her, "you gave him breakfast already" she said since she saw a
plate on the table and a plastic cup still half full with milk, "so all I have to do is sit back and
enjoy my breakfast?" she asked and smiled when Cecilio nodded.

"One of the benefits of being a Gavino wife. Though I know that it's not what you like Gabriella,
you're pregnant again and since your last pregnancy didn't went that well you should really try
and take it easy this time. You should enjoy all the pampering, you're getting treated like a real

"I feel like one too" she told him with a soft laugh that warmed his heart, "then I'll enjoy my
breakfast without feeling guilty" she told her father-in-law.

"Please do."

She quietly ate her breakfast while Cecilio took care of Luciano. The little boy just watched
show after show without making a sound. From time to time he hugged his grandfather but
besides that he didn't do much. She never saw him like this before, with her and Michaelangelo
he always ran around making so many noises and demanding all their time and attention. Here
with Cecilio he just sat quietly on the couch with his grandfather without making a sound. She
felt betrayed by her own son right now, even Luciano could feel how intimidating Cecilio
Gavino was. He behaved like the perfect child. Something he wasn't of course, he was adorable
and brought smiles upon their faces but he could also make her very tired and sometimes a bit
upset since he got a mind of her own. She searched for treats of herself in him and she found
them. He was just as stubborn as her and when people told her to do something she always did
the opposite of what they told her to do. Something that made Michaelangelo's blood boil and
now she could understand how she always made him feel. She actually felt guilty now.

Help I'm married to a mafia boss - Chapter 69 - Too much exercise (p.4 of 15)

"Luciano fell asleep" Cecilio told her as he held the little boy to his chest, "I'll tug him in" he said
when he saw Gabriella getting ready to get off the couch, "all you have to do is sit back and relax
"I'll feel bored."

"I'll be back in a minute, we can watch a movie together" he suggested.

She just nodded her head not wanting to protest against Cecilio.

She leaned back against the couch and watched the young maid taking her plate away while
placing down a new cup of tea. She smelled the delicious scent of peppermint tea. She took the
cup off the table and sipped from the hot liquid slightly burning her tongue. She cringed at the
burning feeling and jumped up almost spilling her tea when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Looking over her shoulder she smiled as she met those beautiful green orbs of Gabriel.

ey, you're back?" she asked and watched him taking off his tie while he loosened some buttons
of his marine shirt while taking a seat next to her, "what's wrong?" she asked when she noticed
how pale he looked.

She pulled him down letting his head rest on her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair,
which was damp. There was no mistaking to it, he was feeling sick.

"I don't feel so good, Michaelangelo send me back home" he muttered as he closed his eyes and
laid comfortably on the couch while his head rested on Gabriella's lap, "I'm just closing my eyes
for a few second" he said quietly.

Gabriella just nodded and ran her fingers through his locks, she could tell it relaxed him the way
his muscles seemed to relax. She looked up when she heard Cecilio coming back to the living
room and gestured for him to be quiet.

"He is already asleep" she said and chuckled when she saw the confused look on Cecilio's face,
"he isn't feel so well, Mike send him back home."

"If Michaelangelo send him home it must be serious" Cecilio said as he placed his hand on
Gabriel's forehead and cursed, "we'll let him rest here for now I'll ask Carla to make him some
tea as well and get some medicine for him before it gets worse."

He went already to it without even waiting for Gabriella's reply. She smiled as she looked at the
elder man taking care of Gabriel. He cared a lot about them, he could be very demanding and
very intimidating but he took really good care of them. All of them. She felt like she didn't
appreciate him enough for the things he did for the family, by the look of it he seemed to know
what she was thinking because he ruffled her hair.

"Don't think too much principessa" he told her quietly before he took a seat on the couch on her
left, "it's good that we have such a large couch huh" he told her with amused glistering eyes.

She blushed at the thought of what she and Michaelangelo almost did on this...large couch. If he
knew what almost happened there, he wouldn't sit there anymore. She pressed her lips together
trying to hide her amusement.
After a few hours Gabriel finally opened his eyes making her look down at him with such an
affectionate look that it made him blush. It actually made him blush! Her eyes almost popped out
of her head seeing that the womanizer known as Gabriel Gavino could blush because of her. All
she did was looking down at him and it made his heart beat faster. She chuckled and shook her
head lightly.

"If I didn't know any better I would say that you're trying to seduce me" she taunted and smirked
when he almost jumped off the couch shaking his head."I wasn't!" he muttered and ran a hand
through his hair, "I feel better" he muttered and watched her smile getting wider and wider,
"what happened?"

"You weren't feeling well so you went to sleep. We woke you up to give you pills and let you
drink some tea before you went back to sleep. My lap is drenched you know" she said gesturing
to her jeans that were slightly wet because he was sweating.

"I'm sorry" he said as he helped her up, "and your legs are asleep too" he noticed he looked at his
watch and cursed seeing he slept for three hours straight on her lap, "why didn't you wake me"
he said feeling sorry for the poor girl that she had to sit down on the couch the whole day with
his weight on her lap.

"It's okay, Cecilio took care of Luciano for me. I couldn't wake you I didn't have the heart for it.
You seem a lot better now so I'm glad that I didn't wake you."

"I'm going to take a shower" he told her as he took his jacket off the couch along with his tie,
"thanks for today" he said as he leaned in pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"You should thank Cecilio, he was the one who helped you drink your medicine and tea" she
said and watched him getting even more flustered, "I'm going to take a shower as well my pants
is sticking to my legs" she muttered and followed him to the stairs.

Michaelangelo entered his bedroom and frowned when he didn't see his wife around, Cecilio told
him that Gabriella was in the living room together with Gabriel but when he stepped into the
living room neither one of them were to be found. He looked at the bathroom door and smirked
when he heard the water running. He came home early today since he didn't like the way they
parted this morning, he knew she didn't blame him for anything but it still didn't feel right to
leave so abruptly.

He threw his jacket on the bed along with his tie before he made his way into the bathroom,
taking off his clothes while he looked at his wife in the steaming hot shower. She was rinsing her
hair so she didn't notice him there. When he dropped the last piece of clothing to the floor he
stepped into the shower with her, pressing his hands to her hips as he kissed her shoulder.

She had his back to him but feeling his hard chest against her back she smirked and turned
around wrapping her arms around his neck while she leaned in to kiss him.
"You're early" she said softly between kisses.

He pulled away for a second and looked into her honey brown eyes, "I came home early" he
confirmed and pulled her even tighter in his arms while he trailed kisses up her neck, "I missed
you" he told her straightforwardly which caught her off guard.

She bit her lower lip trying to suppress a moan that threatened the come out.

"I missed you too" she whispered huskily to him causing shivers to go down his spine with the
tone she used, "I was about done though" she said and smirked when she saw that playful glint in
his eyes.

It told her that he was not even close to down with her yet.

"Really?" he asked as he stepped forward letting the water fall down on her body as he took in
the sight, "I think we just stared" he said and chuckled when she held her chin up and returned
the look he had in his eyes.

She actually changed a lot in a few months, he liked the changes he saw.

"I think we did just start yet" she whispered before she pressed her lips hard against his and
smirked when she heard soft groan escaping his lips. She knew he was enjoying this because the
evidence was clearly showing.

Rodolfo looked at his father who was feeing Luciano and raised an eyebrow, "I thought
Gabriella would feed him, she always claims his feeding time" he told his father and watched a
smirk appear on the man's face.

"Michaelangelo was searching for her."

That was all he said but it was enough for Rodolfo to understand what was going on. He didn't
know what happened to them, but he didn't want to know either. It was best if that stayed behind
closed doors. He took a seat next to his father and watched Luciano interact with his grandfather.

"He seems very well behaved. Something is off" Rodolfo commented and watched his father
shrug his shoulders, "did you threaten him?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes on his father.

Looking over his shoulder Cecilio gave his son a confused look, "threaten my grandson?" he
asked and rolled his eyes, "I'm not a bully. Luciano and I just have an agreement."

"What kind of agreement?"

"The same I made with you and Michaelangelo when you were little. I'm just very direct with
Rodolfo didn't ask more than that. He knew how Cecilio raised his children, very strict. If you
broke a real you could expect a fitting punishment. When he turned eighteen he left the house
quickly but partly because of Christine he had to admit. His father never raised a hand to them
but just one glance of his furious blue eyes was enough to make them scared.

"Luciano needs a stern grandfather. Mike said that he was trying to test him. Acting like a
spoiled brat when he didn't get what he wanted."

"I was there. He was crying trying to get more chocolate. Michaelangelo handled it well though.
I didn't have to step in. "

Rodolfo watched the little boy and felt his heart melt when Luciano threw him a big grin and
called him 'zio' while holding his arms up. He wanted out of his chair but he wasn't done with his
dinner yet so he wouldn't take him in his arms.

"You need to finish your dinner first" he said as he looked at the almost empty plate, "you're
almost done little man."

Gabriella giggled as she playfully pushed Michaelangelo aside since his hand went a little too
low for her liking and quickly entered the dining room. She cleared her throat when she saw the
amused looks of Rodolfo and Cecilio. She shouldn't feel ashamed of what happened, besides
Michaelangelo was here as well. She could just hide behind him if she felt too embarrassed.


"Baby!" Gabriella coed back and stepped towards her son pressing a kiss to his little head.

She took a seat across Rodolfo and smiled when Michaelangelo sat down beside her. She could
feel his amusement dripping off him. She knew what they looked like, everyone could tell by
looking at them what just happened. She should feel ashamed of it, the old her would be dying of
shame right now, but it surprised her that she didn't feel ashamed at all. Not even when her
brother-in-law was clearly mocking her with that smirk of his.

"That's a good boy" Michaelangelo said as he ruffled his son's hair, "just one more" he said as he
watched Luciano open for the last spoonful of his mash potatoes with vegetables.

Gabriella looked at father and son who were looking at each other while Michaelangelo was
praising him and complementing him for behaving well today. She felt a warm feeling
overwhelming her and placed a hand on her husband's thigh causing him to glace at her with a
very boyish grin on his face.

She felt her heart melting there and then!"Please I like the old Gabriella and Michaelangelo
better" Rodolfo muttered as he pricked in his food trying to focus on anything else except the
very affectionate couple, "they wouldn't show everyone their little foreplay" he muttered making
his give him a warning glance that he ignored.
"Don't worry Rodolfo, when you find the woman that is right for you. You'll have what we have"
Gabriella taunted and chuckled when he threw her a playful glare, "besides the foreplay is
essential for the things we do behind closed doors" she muttered and smirked when she felt
shocked eyes on her from the Gavino men.

"I'm pretending right now that I didn't just hear that" Cecilio said as he got up and held out a
napkin to Michaelangelo so his son could clean up Luciano, "I'll be in the living room" he told
them while he dashed out the dining room as fast as he could clearly embarrassed with the
conversation that the younger ones started.

"That was amazing, you made dad leave without any effort" Rodolfo snickered and sipped from
his wine while he tried to make her jealous with the fact that she couldn't have a sip of this
delicious alcoholic beverage, "I'm going out tomorrow" he told Michaelangelo as he placed his
glass back down on the table, "I need to get out, I haven't gone clubbing for a while."

Michaelangelo got the hint, Rodolfo didn't need to tell him more. He needed the company of a
woman and he couldn't blame his brother for that. They weren't made for a celibate life style.
With all the things that happened it surprised him that Rodolfo didn't have any mistresses right
now. He was girlfriend and mistress free for months now. He met his brother's eyes and nodded
his head.

"You can leave early tomorrow if it's needed. You know you can check in the hotel if it's
needed" he said and ignored the curious look of his wife. He wouldn't explain his brother's
lifestyle to Gabriella right now, he knew she would disapprove of it.

"You're going out tomorrow" Gabriella repeated and smirked as she took a sip from her orange
juice letting him know that it didn't bother her at all that she couldn't have the wine they were
drinking right now, "are you going together with Gabriel?"

"If he is feeling better, otherwise I'll go alone."

"I think he is feeling better already" she said as the man in question walked into the dining room
dressed and looking all fresh again, "Rodolfo is going clubbing tomorrow" she announced and
saw the surprised look in Gabriel's eyes.

"It's about time, I feel like we have been locked up in the house for too long" he said and quickly
looked at Gabriella, "no offence to you" he muttered.

"I can't be offended. I don't miss what I never experienced before" she winked at them before she
focused on her husband, "so tomorrow we're alone?" she asked giving him a smile that was like
an open book to him.

He knew exactly what she was thinking and he liked it.

"Yes tomorrow we're all alone" he repeated.

Gabriella went back to her dinner and tried to stop thinking about the things they could do once
they put Luciano to bed. Cecilio would leave tomorrow morning, he had an important meeting at
the other side of the country, she didn't mind it at all. Rodolfo and Gabriel would leave after it was just her and her family. She would make Michaelangelo beg for it this time, she
would make him dazed and making him so tired that he was unable to speak. She would for once
take the lead.

"That look in your eyes says a lot you know" Rodolfo pointed out as he cleared his throat, "I'm
guessing that I should remind you that you're three months pregnant and should rest a lot more
than you're doing right now."

"I'm resting all day, I need some exercise from time to time."

Michaelangelo let out a chuckle and kissed his wife's temple before he looked at his brother,
"should I remind you that you shouldn't forget who you are tomorrow. If you take a woman with
you please think about the reputation of our hotel. No sex in elevators."

"That happened three years ago!" he reminded his brother and smirked, "besides you like the
naughty stuff in elevators as well" he shot back and smirked when he saw the embarrassed look
his brother had.

Michaelangelo leaned back against his chair and smirked. He couldn't remember when his family
was this close before. He liked it, he never would have thought that he would like spending
quality time with his family. He looked at Gabriella and linked his fingers with hers while he
looked at their son who was concentrating on the strawberries in front of him trying to eat them
without dropping them on his plate again. He smiled warmly and kissed his son's head. He really
felt like a real family right now, and he was actually proud to admit that.

Help I'm married to mafia boss.

This is the last chapter to this story. It ends with a scene for the next book 'the mobster I love' so
if you want to read more about the Gavinos follow the second book! I want to thank everyone
who supported this story, especially a good friend of mine Shantilly! Haha Enjoy the last chapter
to this book!

Chapter seventy - Shamelessly flirting

Michaelangelo looked up from the newspaper he was reading and raised in eyebrow at Rodolfo
who had been talking to him for this whole time now. He was listening to it but he just didn't
process the words because he was focusing on the news instead. Rodolfo rolled his eyes as he
noticed that his brother didn't pay attention to him for one bit and went back to eating his
breakfast quietly instead. He loved his brother but sometimes Michaelangelo could hurt people
without knowing he did it.

Michaelangelo muttered a sorry before he placed his newspaper aside and tried to give his
brother his full attention, "something just caught my eye, what were you saying?" he asked as he
looked down since he felt guilty for ignoring his brother.

"Never mind, I was informing you about Nikos who is buying out our rivals. It worries me, I feel
like he has a hidden agenda."

Michaelangelo nodded, he just read it as well. The Greek might be their ally for now but he was
sure that once he expended his empire he would start being a threat to them. He had to do
something about it soon, otherwise it would be too late.

"I have to think about a way to stop him" Michaelangelo said as he looked at the blonde woman
who walked in with a bright smile on her face as she took a seat next to him, giving him a kiss to
his cheek, "morning" he said in response to her and gave her, her peppermint tea she loved so

"Thanks baby" she said taking a huge gulp from her tea before she took the newspaper off the
table and frowned as she saw the headlines, "Nikos Savvas is expended his empire, don't you feel
threatened?" she asked and noticed how both men stiffened at her mentioning Nikos Savvas, "a
touchy subject?"

Michaelangelo took the newspaper away from Gabriella and gave her a smile though she noticed
that it didn't reach his eyes, "it's a threat but nothing we can't handle" he said before he loaded
her plate with food, "you need to eat more, you're losing a lot of weight, you're actually skinnier
than when you were pregnant with Luciano."

"It's because I throw up a lot this time, I feel sick the whole time" she muttered and looked at the
food that was almost dropping off her plate, "I'm not that hungry either" she said and pouted at
her husband who was sternly looking down at her, "if you force me to eat all this I'll be in the
bathroom the whole day again" she told him and just took the fruit salad in front of her for now.

"Since when are you interested in economical news, Gabriella?" Rodolfo asked as he was still
surprised with the comment Gabriella made, "I thought you didn't bother with that boring stuff?"
he asked and watched her shrug her shoulders at his questions.

"It just caught my eye, I did study international communication for a few months remember. I
watch the news a lot, since I have nothing better to do" she muttered glancing at Michaelangelo
who ignored her whining tactfully, "if he expends his empire he'll exceed you" she said calmly as
she started with her bagel since she was done with the fruit salad.

"We won't lose to him" Michaelangelo told her firmly, "we're stronger than he is, he still owes us
a lot of money. This is not something you have to worry about" he told her as he refilled her cup
of tea for her, "how late are you and Gabriel leaving for your night out?" Michaelangelo asked
trying to change the subject.

Rodolfo noticed what his brother was doing and just went along with it. Gabriella didn't need to
worry about something like Nikos Savvas, it would only stress her out.

"We're leaving right after work, we're going to play a game of pool first. Want to join us?"

Michaelangelo shook his head. They would play a game later he did promise Gabriella that he
would spend the whole day with her since they would have the mansion to themselves.

"I'm having a date night with my wife" he said making Gabriella smile. That smile was worth
more than beating his cousin and brother with a game of pool, "the next time though I'll beat the
both of you."Rodolfo smirked as he saw the competitive look in his brother's eyes. You wouldn't
be a Gavino if you didn't have the strong need of winning in everything that you do.

After breakfast the guys left the house together something what didn't happen quite often. She
made her way to the living room and smiled when she saw the nanny together with her son
building a high tower of blocks. She took a seat on the couch and watched Luciano for a bit. She
smiled when he noticed her and ran towards her holding up his arms. She took him in her arms
and held him to her kissing his head.

"I'll watch him, you can take the rest of the day off Sophie" she said and smirked when she saw
the excited glint in the younger woman's eyes, "how is my baby doing today?" she asked as she
looked him in the eyes and listened to his short sentences.

Michaelangelo looked at the man who was sitting across him at the long table in the meeting
room. This meeting wasn't planned but the Greek was acting like it was his right to barge into
their office and demand of him to have a talk. Michaelangelo never felt so angry in his life
before, even when Gabriella challenged him and made his blood boil she never made him this
furious. He felt his hands itching to hurt Nikos but he didn't. It wasn't right to use violence. It
was only something he should use if someone was a real threat to them - people like Christine
and Eugino.

Not Nikos Savvas who was just trying to make his business profitable. The man just needed to
learn how things worked for the Gavinos. There was no better time than this to let the man know
what his position was.

"This was the last time you barged into our office like this. The next time you'll make an
appointment like everyone else" Michaelangelo started as he leaned back against his chair and
observed the Greek, "now that I made myself clear, you can tell me why you're here."
He saw that it annoyed Nikos that he was treating him like a child, he was actually using the tone
he used on his one-year-old but that's how people got treated if they barged into his office
without any respect.

"I didn't get a permit to build a new hotel in Sydney" Nikos started and narrowed his eyes on
Michaelangelo who seemed so calm that it made him even guiltier, "I know you're behind it
Gavino, I just got a call that the hotel is getting build but that there is a new owner...That owner
is you right?"

Michaelangelo shrugged his shoulders as he got off his chair, "that's how things go Nikos, there
is no need for you to hold grudges against me. Should I remind you of the amount of money you
still need to repay me?" he asked and smirked when Nikos shut his mind instantly, "that's what I
thought, I should tell you now that I let no one become a treat to the empire my father has built."

Nikos just nodded his head not wanting to say anything else. The Gavinos had been reliant with
him, he knew that they demanded their money back from other people at the time limit that the
contract says. He was past the time limit but they still didn't demand it back. If he had to pay that
amount of money he would be broke. He was grateful to them for that so he didn't open his
mouth again. It was better to keep this family as your friend.

"I have a meeting in a few minutes so my men will lead you out" Michaelangelo said as he
stepped out of the meeting room and met Rodolfo's eyes who was standing in front of his office,
"the problem is taken care of" was all he said before he got into his office being followed by his

"Don't you think that Nikos will be a threat to us in the future. Right now he can't pay back the
money he owes us but there will come a time that he can. Then what?"

Michaelangelo sighed and shrugged his shoulders .Right now he didn't want to think about that.
For now it would take years before the Greek could pay the money back fully and still be as rich
as he was now. So the problem wasn't very urgent.

"Don't worry about it, we'll keep an eye on him."

Rodolfo nodded his head and took a seat on the one-seat in front of his brother's desk, "since
that's taken care of for now, I want to ask you if something is bother you" he said and raised a
hand trying to silence his brother, "you have been very cranky after we left the house. People are
even more terrified of you than they normally are. Did something happen?" he asked knowing
that his brother usually kept things to himself.

He was sure that Gabriella's pestering got to him. He actually wanted to talk about feelings with
his brother it made him sick to the stomach.
"I just worry" was all Michaelangelo said before he focused his attention back to his laptop
screen, "the second pregnancy is hard on Gabriella, she is just acting tough. I know she is
actually very tired and is feeling sick. I asked Carla to keep an eye on her."

"She lost a lot of weight in just a few weeks" Rodolfo agreed, "well maybe you should pamper
her so much tonight that she'll do anything you say" he said and smirked when he saw the
devious look in his brother's eyes, "Gabriel and I won't be around so you have enough privacy."

Gabriella lowered the volume of the television as she heard footsteps approach her. She smiled
when she met beautiful blue colored eyes, getting off the couch she threw her arms around his
neck and leaned in greeting her husband with a passionate kiss. His chuckle made her tremble
with lust as she pulled away trying to calm herself down. She knew it must be the hormones that
made her even more needy than usual.

"Luciano just had his dinner and bath so he is sleeping" she said taking her husband's hand in
hers, "Carla arranged a romantic dinner for us. It's something we don't usually do, so I'm looking
forward to it" she admitted and ignored the amused glistering in Michaelangelo's eyes.

Leading him to the table that was prepared for a romantic dinner for two she took a seat across
her husband and sipped from her water while he let the maid get him a whiskey - he needed it
after what happened in the office.

"Something happened in the office and you don't want to talk about it with me, right?" she asked
and nodded when it got confirmed with just one glace of him, "then we'll forget about it and just
enjoy this dinner" she suggested and smiled when he agreed and actually lightened up a bit.

She took a bite of the lasagna she made together with Carla. For once her stomach didn't turn,
and she could eat her dinner without wanting to puke, "I think I should eat lasagna more often, it
seems that the baby can handle it" she said and smiled when Michaelangelo emptied his
untouched Lasagna on her plate while he asked Carla for the rice with curry which he knew she
made since he smelled it.

"How did you know she made that?" Gabriella asked surprised, "it was just something extra she
made in case I couldn't handle the lasagna."

"I smelled it" he shrugged, "you should eat as much as you can, maybe you'll get some weight
back" he shrugged and leaned in as he kissed her head, "just enjoy your dinner" he quickly added
knowing that her rebellion side would come up if he didn't quickly react.

She just nodded her head and flashed him a smile.

This romantic dinner was simple and nothing like the romantic novels she read but she still loved
it. It felt very comfortable sitting there at a romantic setting while talking about casual things like
the weather. It felt like they were a normal couple. That he wasn't Michaelangelo Gavino the
head of the Gavino family but just Mike, her Mike.
"Ti amo" she whispered and closed her eyes when she felt him press a kiss to her lips.

Once he pulled away he brushed her hair out of her face and looked into those dazzling honey
brown orbs. He knew his eyes told her how he felt about her. Feeling her cheeks burning up
against his hand he knew she got the message.

"I love you more, Tesoro" he whispered and smirked when he saw her looking down batting her
eyelashes at him it made him all excited again, "how about we go upstairs?" he suggested and
helped her up when she agreed with him.

He knew he couldn't control himself much longer and he didn't want Carla to walk in on them, so
taking her to their bedroom was the best thing to do right now.

Rodolfo looked at the glass that got refilled by the barkeeper and ignored the warning glances of
his cousin. Usually he didn't drink this much but he just didn't feel like himself and the whiskey
was actually helping him to calm down and forget about all the stress. Tomorrow he would
probably feel like he was the walking dead but he wouldn't worry about it right now. He took the
glass in his hand and turned to Gabriel.

"You're going to regret it tomorrow" Gabriel said as he lightened a cigarette and walked to the
VIP room where they usually sat since it was their nightclub, "you caught the attention of that
brunette over there" he said subtly hinting to the woman who was together with a group of girls
who were loudly enjoying champagne.

Rodolfo followed his cousin's gaze and observed the woman for a bit. Her long wavy locks
cascaded like a waterfall over her shoulders. Her full lips were asking to be kissed by him and
that look in her eyes, that look told him that she wanted him. It actually turned him on to see a
woman lusting over him like that.

"She is your type" Gabriel added.

He knew Rodolfo had a thing for dark haired girls. Her length was the way he liked it as well,
she was probably 5.1 ft the way she swayed her curvy body even made him want her.

"She is my type" Rodolfo agreed and placed his glass down on the table, "you know where to
find me" he said leaving the room to enjoy the presence of the attractive brunette.

Gabriel wouldn't interfere with his cousin business he leaned back against his chair and smirked
when a group of girls were standing close by the door while trying to get his name from the
guard who was keeping them from entering. He got up and walked towards them, giving a polite
smile to the guard who worked for them for years now.

"It's alright let them through" he said and ignored the high pitched squeals he got reminding him
of the friends of Cordelia who always reacted the same way.
Rodolfo stepped towards the brunette who smiled at him as she sipped from her champagne, just
watching him as he stood in front of him. He never saw a woman being so honest about her
feelings before. Gabriella was the only woman who dared to show her emotions like this - and
she was off limit of course. He liked women who dared to challenge him like that. It only made
him more and more excited.

"You're eyes are really sexy" he heard her say causing him to chuckle to hear such a
straightforward complement from a woman, "sorry" she said and gestured to the champagne, "I
can't even handle two glasses!" she giggled.

He usually didn't like to mingle with drunk women because he wanted them to remember the
night they spend together but for her he could make an exception. She wanted him badly he
could tell and he didn't mind spending some time together with this beautiful woman who dared
to express herself so shamelessly. He hoped he didn't regret this in the morning because without
thinking about it he invited her to spend some time with him in his hotel room. To his surprise
she actually accepted it as well.

She would definitely be worth his time.

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