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These are the contemporary issues involve in a multifaceted dimensions such as political,
economic, social historical and geographic components. The interconnected and series of event
happened in the global perspectives affected all human kind.

• Population
Six • Food Production

• Energy
Global • Economic

• Environmental
Issues • Poverty

Impact of Globalization

The wider effects of globalization, increased global awareness and the growth of illicit cross
border activities. Moreover, the global interconnectivity which probably facilitated the
illegitimate transaction of activities such black market and other human trafficking.

For the people living in deprived parts of the world , global awareness raises their expectations
and lower their tolerance of the situation they are in. this is probably a factor in the spread of
democracy and growing demands for political freedoms where these are still denied.

Whereas, people in richer countries, the information revolution is helping to forge a sense of
global community and transnational solidarity. This is a manifestation of global coalitions
among nation states involving different universal issues such as human rights, humanitarian aid
and labor exploitation.

Further, the unskilled and indigenous people are particularly the vulnerable one. The high rising
building and increase mobility of economic enterprise lead them to displaced and massive
dislocation, environmental degradation and violations of human rights.

These are the underlying philosophies of the varying definitions of globalization:

Imperialism is a broad concept that describes various methods employed by one

country to gain control (sometimes through territorial conquest) of another country
(or geographic area) and then to exercise control, especially political, economic, and
territorial, over that country (or geographic area), and perhaps many other countries.

Neo-liberal and laissez-faire (Hands off style)

- Are economic ideologies favoring free trade, free circulation of capital, and freedom to invest
anywhere have encouraged the growth of a complex international system of economic
interdependence that transcends national borders. (Filmer 1995).


involves settlers as well as much more formal

mechanisms of political control than those of

Development theory known as dependency theory (Cardoso and Faletto 1979).

It emphasizes the fact that the kinds of programs discussed above led not so much to the
development of the nation - states of the South, but more to a decline in their independence and
to an increase in their dependence on the countries of the North, especially the US.

Further, Dependency theory has tended to wane, but it has been replaced by, and to some
degree incorporated in, a broader theory known as world system theory (Wallerstein 1974). This
theory envisions a world divided mainly between the core and the periphery with the nation –
states associated with the latter being dependent on and exploited by, the core nation - states.

Neo - Marxian Theories

Neo- Marxists have done more than critique neo- liberalism, they have developed their own
perspectives on, and theories of, capitalism. While neo - liberalism is supportive of capitalism,
the neo - Marxists are, needless to say, critical of it. In this section we offer two examples of a
neo - Marxian approach that are explicitly and implicitly critical of the neo - liberal theory.

Imperialism is a broad concept that describes various methods employed by one country to gain
control (sometimes through territorial conquest) of another country (or geographic area) and
then to exercise control, especially political, economic, and territorial, over that country (or
geographic area), and perhaps many other countries.


Americanization is another process that, like those discussed above, is related to globalization,
but is not identical, or reducible, to it. However, there are certainly those who think it is. For
example, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (1999) says that “globalisation is really
another name for the dominant role of the United States.”


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