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Karachi University Business School

University of Karachi

Training & Development (Final Paper)

HRM (1.5)

Course Facilitator: Muhammad Menhas

Date:21st August 2021 Time Allowed: 2 Hours Total Marks:40




Note: Read all the questions carefully before you start writing your answers. Use 11 font size with
standard 1.15 line and paragraph spacing. Try to use Calibri font only. You can apply bold to the
headings with 11 font size.

Section A Marks: 10

Q.1: Choose an appropriate option for the following questions with short justification of your answer.
Justification should not be more than two sentences.

i. The phrase “Transfer of training” refers to

a. Moving training schedules around to accommodate production concerns

b. Freely sharing written training material with colleagues
c. Acquiring and evaluating skills during a training course
d. Implementing and maintaining new knowledge and skills back in the workplace



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Training transfer means that the employee who have been given training must able to transfer the
knowledge or skills which she/he have learned during the training session and implement those
knowledge or skills in their job or daily task

 ii.______________________ is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance

a. Training
b. Education
c. Instruction
d. Development



Basically Development is career oriented in nature and it focus in building different competences in
employees which will help them in future career growth or achieving future goals.

iii. Which of the following is not a method of on-the-job training (OJT)

a. Supervision
b. Job Instruction
c. Role Play
d. Job Rotation



Role play don’t fall in the category of OJT because it is part of off job training. In role play employees
goes to different locations outside the office to see role play (consist of different situations) related to
their job

iv. Evaluation helps determine the extent to which _____________ have been achieved

a. Efficiency
b. Profit
c. Training Objectives
d. Employee Satisfaction



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Evaluation basic objective is to evaluate that weather training objective is achieved or not or employees
is applying the knowledge which they have learned from training sessions. DO company achieve ROI?

v. What does 360-degree feedback assess?

a. Communication Skills
b. Behavioral aspect
c. Team Building skills
d. Soft Skills



By 360 degree feedback we can access employee’s soft skills (communication skills, attitude, personality
traits) in more easy way by taking feedback from sub coordinate, managers, and customer

Section B (20 Marks)

Q.2 Answer the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.

How does Training and Development help to achieve the strategic objectives of an organization?

The strategic objectives of any organization relate with profitability maximization and creating
competitive advantage over competitors or rivals. Organizations use Training & Development for
achieving above mentioned two main strategic objectives. Training & Development helps in developing
the strategic objectives of an organization by promoting skills development needs to expand into new
horizons of business or to cope up competitors’ strategies to get in its business areas.

Training & Development is basically concerned with development of Human Resources to remain
competitive in the marketplace. Through Training & Development, organization can get productivity
enhancement in its business area. It also identifies and fills the skills gap as well as helps in employee
growth, lifelong learning and organizational learning. Training & Development maximizes the overall
efficiency and effectiveness of employees by addressing employee weaknesses, capabilities, job
performance and personal growth so that, employees could help in achieving competitive edge for the

It provides improvement in the quality of work force and employees’ retention by minimizing
uncertainty on job through ensuring worker satisfaction. These all areas are related with the strategic

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objectives of the organization and through Training & Development; organization may achieve their
strategic goals.

How can a Tacit and explicit Knowledge be used to develop an employee for a new managerial role?

Employees possess various types of tacit and explicit knowledge while thinking about problems and
trying to provide best available solutions. Based on common sense, tacit knowledge can be used to
develop any employee for his/her next role in an organization. Likewise, based on his / her academic
accomplishment, organization may develop the employee for his / her next role.

Identification of growing wealth of tacit and explicit knowledge of an employee and providing the
chance to grow his/her career by providing a managerial role is related with competitive advantage for
any organization.

Openness and collective ownership unquestionably promote knowledge acquisition and sharing. With
the help of tacit & explicit knowledge of an employee, organization may develop supportive, interactive
learning environments built on trust for developing an employee for his/her managerial role. Through
this interactive learning environment, employee will be able to transfer and share knowledge by
applying new ideas based on their tacit & explicit knowledge.

It can be stated that creating new knowledge by utilizing explicit and tacit knowledge of an employee for
promoting him/ her to any managerial position is outstanding strategy for an organization. Tacit and
Explicit knowledge can be utilized for exploring more productive ways to solve problems during his / her
job duties.

What is need assessment? How does it help to enhance ROI?


Training need assessment identify those employee who need training based on the type of training
which they are selected for after establishing the gap between actual level of job performance and
expected level of job performance.

A need assessment can be evaluated to conduct organizational analysis, content analysis, training
suitability analysis, person analysis, performance analysis, cost-benefit analysis and work analysis / task


Proper and well-articulated need assessment lead towards enhancement of Return on Investment as
organizations show concerns about the analysis of paying off through identification of tangible and
intangible benefits expected from the training. An effective training always produces greater return of
value to the organization against investment spent on the training.

A proper need assessment always helps to find out the economic impact of training courses, measure
their effectiveness, to improve training and to justify budget that’s why it directly enhance the ROI as

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the main objective of ROI is to provide cost-benefit analysis to the senior management of an

How does support of top management impact the training sessions?

The support of top management has significant impact on training session as trainees always feel more
confident during the entire session of the training. Support of Top Management provides strong and
positive motivational level to the trainees as they show more commitment and sense of belonging to the
organization. Without the support of Top Level Management, trainees and trainers often feel
derangement with the overall business strategic goals and objectives.

Top management identify that weather the training objective’s matching to the organizational goal

Top management also participate how to measure or evaluate the effectiveness of the training session
of company

Section- C 10 Marks

Q.3 Case Study

Imagine an organization that has been achieving its bottom line (profit) for the last 5 years but is
gradually losing its market share year by year. You realize, that in such a situation where customer
loyalty is likely to become lower day by day, the organization will soon start making huge losses which
may lead to closure of the business. Imagine, you are appointed as chief strategy officer and you are
empowered to use the resources including allotted financial budget for development of the strategy.

1. What factors will you consider before formulating a strategy for such an organization?

As a chief Strategy Officer, I will formulate a strategy based on following points:

 Updating Product Offerings- revamping company’s offerings to better meet customer needs or
to provide something new would be a great strategy to get more market share.
 Lowering Price - By dropping prices, my organization can attract more customers than rivals.
The benefit is a higher market share. However, it may be related with economies of scale

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 Changing Branding Strategy – I will change the promotional and branding strategy through
changing the methods of product/brand/services promotion. It may raise the advertisement
budget, but can lead towards higher market share.

2. What will be the key elements of your strategy?

My key element of the strategy would be:

1- Redesigning marketing strategies

2- Enhancing capabilities and abilities to produce more in cost effective manner
3- Re-shaping the product offering to grab attention of the customer.
4- Focused Research & Development Activities
5- Innovation
6- Lowering Process Cost
7- Rethinking about Market Segmentation

3. How will you convince the management to buy your strategy?

I will convince the management to buy my strategy through following points:

1. Proper identification of the problem

2. Well-Articulated briefing about the solution of the problem
3. Step By Step explanation about implementing new ideas
4. Cost benefit Analysis
5. Proper visualization of the solution and impact of new strategy on company’s growth
6. Measurement of every step of strategy and proper analysis of the situation
7. Giving proper training session to employees and brefily make them to understand the
advantages of the strategies

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_____________________________Good Luck______________________________

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