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Human Resource Management in Retail Sector in India- status

Submitted By: Group B4 (Section B)
Jakkampudi Moulithya (21082)
Kavana (21083)
Kelvin Francis (21084)
Kuntal Mandal (21085)
Kushagra (21086)
Mullapudi Teja (21087)
Suraj Maheswaram (21088)
Session 2021 – 2023

Submitted To:
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara

Institute for Management Development
No. 1, Chamundi Hill Rd, Siddhartha Layout, Mysuru, Karnataka 570011


Retail industry is a comprised of individuals and company that sells the

finished products to consumers in market. Human Resource is a very
important factor in retail industry. Human resource management is key
point in success of retail industry. There are many challenges in retail
which could be solved by including Human Resource management in
their system and how the companies include their policy will matter
their future in the market whether its Indian or Global. There are two
types of Retail industry Organized and unorganized. Indian market
comprises of both organized and unorganized. The primary concern of
Retail is HR practices and employee satisfaction. The present study
gives picture of companies which have included HR policies and also the
it gives clear picture on how retail sector have included HR policies and
what are the challenges faced in Retail Sector.


We are grateful to our institute for giving us this opportunity to work

on and gain some knowledge on the “Human Resource Management in
Retail Sector in India- status report” and we have indeed gained new
experience and knowledge on the same.
We would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to our
respected Director, Dr N.R. Parasuraman sir, and our professor and
guide Dr. Mousumi Sengupta for their constant help in the preparation
of the report and their endless support while we faced any difficulties.
We would also like to convey our gratitude to other faculty members
and our batch mates for their teachings, inputs, and encouragement
and for making us understand our courses efficiently and holistically.
Last but not the least, our sincere gratitude towards our parents for
their kind cooperation and encouragement which helped us in the
completion of this project.

10.1 Vision& Mission 7
10.2 Recruitment 7
10.3 Training and Development 7
10.4 Talent Management 7
10.5 J24 Retail Services 8
10.6 Salary and Compensation 9
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Vision & Mission 11
3.3 Recruitment and Selection 11
3.4 Training and Development 12
3.5 Compensation and Benefits 12
4.1 Introduction 13
4.2 Mission & Vision 13
4.3 Corporate Social Responsibility 13
4.4 Recruitment and Selection 14
4.5 Development and Training 14
5.1 Performance Appraisal 15
5.2 Compensation 15
5.3 Salary Structure 15
Table of Contents


Human resource taking part in all stages of the hiring process, from generating job
descriptions to advertising and conducting interviews to finally hiring and
onboarding new employees. After that, they must make certain that all labor
regulations are adhered to and employees are properly taught and included in the
company's culture.

The management of human resources (HR) is critical to the achievement of an org
anization's goals. With its enormous contribution to the Indian economy, the retai
l sector has had a spectacular impact on India. The entrance of organised retail bu
sinesses has transformed the retail industry dramatically.A transformation is takin
g place in Indian organised retailing, and it is anticipated to grow to world standar
ds. Effective HRM practises are becoming increasingly important in today's compe
titive environment.The organised merchants in India have begun to understand th
e necessity for efficient labour in order to meet this severe global economic rivalry
, and as a result, strengthening their business with the help of HRM activities.

Innovative HR methods may help firms and their employees change their
mindsets, allowing them to enter and expand new markets. Retail is one of the
service industries that is anxiously anticipating the demand for qualified
personnel. Around the world, retail is a crucial component of doing business. It is
the final step in delivering items to customers is retail. They offer both products
and services to their customers. The process of "selling products or items with
minimum or single quantities for direct consumpton by consumer from a
permanent place such as a department store or kiosk" is known as retail. Product
delivery is an example of a service that may be included in retail. Individuals or
businesses can be buyers; retailer buy items or products in bulk from production
suppliers, either directly or through wholesaler, and then sells them to end users
or customers in smaller amounts or batches. As an integral component of the
entire manufacturing / merchandising distribution strategy, retailers are really the
only link in the supply chain.

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Review of HRM in retail business Manjunath Koliwad Dr. S Aruna Research

Research after Universal Search India displays sector-wise investigation that is BPO, ITeS
and flying segments resolve spectator erosion close for example as 40-45 percent this
day, tracked through trade and telecom IT , pharma then organization , though study
and expansion resolve contract 15-20 per cent of erosion. The Indian trade square,
which remains the 5th main trade terminus universally, has remained graded for
example per the extreme striking developing market aimed at venture fashionable the
trade division

HRM in Organized Retail Industry in India, by Almas Sultana, Aligarh Muslim

University (A.M.U.)
Almas Sultana analyzed the HRM performs realized within the systematized retail sector
in India. This training has thrown the sunshine on HR encounters played by the retail
sector. Studied the status of Indian retail industry. during this study, she reported
organized sector in India is barely 8%, which comprises Apparel, Food and Grocery,
Jewelry, Footwear. as registered under the regulations and licenses. Also, opined
organized retail industry in India had big opportunity for the firms to evolve and grow.

Significance of Effective HRM Practices in Systematized Retail Sector - A

Literature Review, by Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Vinaydeep Brar and Dr. A. B. Dadas
The authors highlighted the importance of HRM practices for the retail sector in their
journal by studying the varied sources and showed the literature on the identical. Nidan
in one amongst their studies investigated that organizations must target worker
engagement on employee efficiency.
HRM is especially important in the retail industry, which, like the service sector, is labour
intensive. For the following three reasons, HRM may be the foundation of a long-term
competitive advantage. For starters, labour costs make up a sizable portion of a
retailer's overall expenses. India is placed 16th in the FDI Confidence Index.

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The retail sector is an essential business sector. It gives customers the chance to buy goo
ds and services from different sorts of dealers.Indian retail has become one of the most 
dynamic and fastgrowing businesses as a result of the entry of different new enterprises
. The total cost of consumption should rise to around 3,600 billion dollars by 2020 and 1,
824 billion dollars by 2017.contributes more over ten percent of the country's GDP and 
employs around eight percent of the work force.

In terms of retail,
India is the world's fifthlargest destination.It is responsible for 8% of all employment in t
he country. According to the World Retail Organization, India is the world's 5th largest r
etail market. For the organised retail industry, foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a 
game changer.India is a target market for retail giants looking to expand their operation
Various efforts have been made by the Government of India, to give a boost, the retail
sector in the country. Some of them are listed below -
 Government may alter FDI guidelines in the food processing to allow E-commerce
companies and foreign retailers to sell Made in India consumer products.
 100 percent FDI in online retail of goods and services was allowed by the
Government of India. This will provide more clarity on the existing E-commerce
businesses operating in the country.
GST which came as a single unified tax system has provided policy support.
Though 90% of the Indian retail market is unorganised, it offers enormous potential for l
argescale merchants to set up shop. The organised retail industry is growing gradually as 
department stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, and specialised shops replace traditio
nal forms, drastically changing India's retail environment.

Because of the rise of organised retail, Indian businesses now have a perfect platform to 
enter this industry. The company is based in India.Retailers that banded together in resp
onse to competition understood the need of having a well-trained workforce.
Human resource policy and employee happiness in organised shops have become a maj
or issue.

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Organized and Unorganized Retailing:
On the basis of employment status, the retail industry is further divided into organised a
nd unorganised retailing. Businesses in the organised retail sector are integrated with th
e proper government and authority and adhere to the laws and regulations.The unorgan
ised sector, on the other hand, is incorporated with government authorization.As a resul
t, it disregards all rules and regulations.Organized companies are associated with govern
ment, business, and largescale industries, whereas disorganised businesses are associat
ed with retail, smallscale operations, and private firms, among other things. 

Human Resource Management in organized retail

There are two ways to find new employees: either through college recruitment or by using recr
uiters and consultants. Advertisements in the local media are placed for shop floor sales require

Group discussions and interviews serve as the basis for making the final decisions. Some merch
ants are required to take an admission exam, then participate in a group discussion and a perso
nal interview.

Performance Appraisal:
A lot of people have strong feelings about these human resources system. No one in a company
is ever satisfied with the system since it exposes the horrific realities of a worker. it is subjective
and varies from person-to-person, it is fundamentally conflict-based.

Training and development:

After a long gestation, India's retail business is finally coming into its own and expanding rapidly
. Because organised retail is expanding so rapidly, finding qualified retail staff is proving to be a 
difficult task. Large retailers entering the market have created an enormous need for qualified a
nd skilled workers in this field because the talent pool is small.As a result, several shops have cr
eated a Learning & Development division.

When an employee provides services to an organisation, they are compensated for their efforts
. In any case, remuneration serves as a motivation for workers of all ranks. 
• Rewarding and Recognizing Your Employees
Every store strives to find new and innovative methods to keep their workers engaged while als
o lowering the turnover rate. The use of prizes, incentives, and employee recognition is becomi
ng increasingly common in business. retailers have introduced Perk performance reward kit and 

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star performer of the year.They are used to recognise employees, teams, and organisations at a
ll levels of achievement.

Shift from Unorganized to Organized Retailing:

The Indian retail industry is completely disorganised. There is no supply chain management vie
wpoint. Higher disposable incomes, rising urbanisation, expanding consumerism, the nuclear fa
mily structure, and an increase in the number of educated and working women in India are all c
ontributing to the rise of organized retailing.

Devaraja Market Mysore Reliance-Mysore

(unorganized) (organized)

How HRM Will Help in changing unorganized to Organized:

Unorganized industry isn't registered with the government, and employment conditions aren't
regular or set. Without government oversight, the unorganized sector is a lawless place.
Unorganized retail businesses are simple to start because registration and affiliation are not
required. As a result, these companies pay no taxes. In this industry, small businesses and
workshops are the only places where people are employed on a regular basis but aren't paid
much. Low-skilled companies are included in this industry. From this we can state that
unorganized sector work mainly on understanding basis and has little or no policy and rules.
Disadvantages of unorganized sector will be advantages of organized sector, such as job
insecurity, poorly paid jobs, organization is not under proper control and the rules and
regulations they have are not appropriately pursued, these organizations do not follow the
rules laid by the government especially in the aspect of employment. Their service is not safe
and also people can get fired for no proper reason.
To make unorganized sector to organized, HR team and policy has to be maintained. The main
benefits of organized sector that can be included in unorganized sector are:

 Employees are safeguarded by the concept of employment.

 If they go above and beyond their normal duties, they'll be compensated
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 Employees are entitled to benefits such as paid time off, pensions, and health care.
 Employees are provided with basic health and hygiene services, such as a free
medical check-up and a clean beverage.
 The terms of their employment are set in stone, and they cannot be terminated on
the spot without giving notice.
By including above HR policy along with many more policies, we can make unorganized to
organized sector. Provided organization have or will hire capable HR Managers.

Importance of Human Resource management in Retail sector:

HR management in Retail sector includes recruiting, selecting, training, compensating, and
supervising employees in accordance with the structure and strategy mix of the retailer's
organization. This involves overseeing operations both financially and non-financially. Because
of the high employee turnover rate in the retail industry, human resource management is not
only necessary for hiring and training good employees but also for keeping the employees
Because of the huge number of inexperienced workers, long hours, high visibility, and a diverse
workforce (as well as the fact that many of them work part-time), retailers have challenges in
the area of Human resource environment. New employee hiring, staffing, and supervision are
all hampered by these factors. People with little or no experience are commonly hired because
of the greater need for retail workers. People prefer occupations in sales, such as cashiers,
stock clerks, and similar positions, because they need little formal education, experience, or
ability. In addition, certain retail employment pays a low income, which encourages employers
to hire people with no expertise. These elements contribute to a high staff turnover rate, as
well as poor performance, tardiness, and absence.
Working long hours, including weekends, is a major problem in retail. As a result, some would-
be employees may be turned away. Due to the long working hours, some retailers have both
part-time and full-time employees.   Retail enterprises need two shifts of full-time employees
because of the extended hours they work. Customers are able to observe staff, thus good
manners and a keen sense must be used while selecting and developing new employees. The
labor force is diverse in terms of its age, experience, gender, race, and other characteristics.
Retailers face a similar difficulty in that they must train and oversee these personnel to ensure
that they connect successfully with consumers and also get along well with their co-workers.
Human Resource management is critical in the retail industry for the reasons stated above.

Challenges Faced by HR in Retail Sector:

 Recruiting and Retaining Excellent Employees.
 Finding the Right Balance Between Hiring and Training.
 Managing a Rapidly Changing Technological Environment.
 Management and Security of HR Documents in Retail Locations.

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 Employee Theft and Misconduct.
 Create Meaningful Employee Experiences.

Jumbotail is a B2B trading center in India and the New Retail stage, serving a large
number of mother and pop stores ("Kiranas"). Jumbotail Nature has 4 houses inside,
special sections - B2B online shopping center, Supply Chain and Logistics, Fintech for
SME Lending, and Retail stage that manages its supermarkets listed J24.
Jumbotail transforms the usual sloppy kirana shops into J24 supermarkets currently
branded, staffed by kirana, controlled by Jumbotail's New Retail stage and playbook
containing J24 shopper tags, new GoldenEye store, selection of operational features and
enhancing experiences, Integrated network for inventory and daily fulfillment of the
store, Greencard's robust system and installment arrangements.

Jumbotail’s vision is to plan a diet and basic food program in India using innovative
materials, information science and program. They create the resources, categories and
management of the next billion people in India, with different needs - access, language,
commitment, shopping network, finance, social, and so on. Their market potential is
enormous - at a cost of billions of dollars.

Jumbotail is rethinking and re-introducing the basic food and nutrition program through
canny renaming, ecosystems, and network models for creative and innovative
businesses. They are an enthusiastic group driven by their sense of direction to care for
a fundamental issue that can be guaranteed. Each partner will be responsible for the
components that go into the online edge-of-the-line, inventory network, request age,
and the credit and management categories they build.
The work you will do in Jumbotail will affect real lives and bring lasting change to billions
of Indians. They guarantee a fun, quick trip with almost the most intelligent people,
loaded with the freedom to learn and develop, and leave a legacy.

Jumbotail looks at internal and external sources of his hiring process. They advertise
staff vacancies on their official portal,,,,
LinkedIn with job descriptions such as job qualifications, qualifications, experience. Their

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selection process varies with different roles and positions within the company. Typically,
the selection process can consist of telephone interviews, written tests (eligibility),
interviews, technical interviews, personal interviews. The ‘Test Center’ is used as a tool
to see promotions in the organization. All vacant posts within the organization are
advertised internally and a panel of senior members and an HR manager evaluate
They have appointed a vendor manager who acts as a link between company and the
vendors. He focuses on providing a world-class customer experience with unique sales
and linear growth / Responsive Selection and be obliged to sign the correct mix of
selections by assigned vendors. He creates Selection and Terminal Negotiations with
Vendors and focus on Productivity and Demand. He also builds relationships and
manage Vendor Performance to deliver a superior customer experience.

Training and Development

Jumbotail believe that Training is one of the hallmarks of an organization’s well-being.
Company often train its employees because it results in a higher level of productivity,
improved morale, increases organizational stability and resilience. Jumbotail are
following on-the-job Training.

The company at Jumbotail believes that effective people management is important to th
e organization's longterm success.A strong talent management framework has been dev
eloped to identify, develop, and plan the career of talented individuals in accordance wit
h this concept. As a result, we have a strong foundation for future leadership requireme
nts in our pipeline.

Jumbotail's holistic program me begins with talent identification and focuses on their
development through structured interventions such as specific training programs,
opportunities to lead strategic projects, and exposure to a variety of roles and
businesses through job rotations, preparing them to take on greater responsibilities and
eventually move into leadership roles across the company.

J24 retail services-

Jumbotail provide Retail-as-a-Service with PoS fully integrated with their supply chain
and fintech to help mom & pop entrepreneurs to run modern convenience retail stores.
They have retail trainers whose roles are as follows-

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Visit stores regularly to design appropriate, efficient and targeted training programs.
Prepare a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual training calendar to include scheduled
training activities. Conduct research with managers and staff at all levels to identify and
evaluate training and development needs. Monitor and monitor the progress made
through training programs and ensure that staff receive a complete response. Manage
the new training and recruitment program and share progress through individual
questions and feedback. Plan strategies and develop plans to improve staff performance
and maintain a database of all training materials. Act as a link between performance,
technology and engineering to share user feedback on product development. Prepare
for the introduction and new training of various groups and groups. Help and support
the shopping team to promote the development and growth of Jumbotail employees.
Be responsible for managing learning and development for new and existing business
friends, professionals and managers. Identify potential agents / trainers and train them
so that they can be trained in various marketing processes.

Salary and compensations

Jumbotail offered employees a salary based on the type of work and positions. Factors
involved in awarding salaries to employees based on job type, work environment and
experience. Assistant Manager on an average is paid up to ₹ 7.8 LPA, HUB manager is
paid up to ₹ 4.9 LPA, Category Manager is paid up to ₹ 21 LPA, field executive is paid up
to ₹ 2.3 LPA. Software engineers is paid ₹10.5 LPA; business development executive is
paid ₹4.6 LPA. Minimum salary at Jumbotail depends on the role you are applying for.
For Supervisor the minimum salary is ₹1.8 Lakhs per year, for Field Executive the
minimum salary is ₹2 Lakhs per year and so on. Average annual salary in Jumbotail is INR
8.2 lakhs.

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FOUNDED: 2006, Mumbai
FOUNDER: Mukesh Ambani
CEO: Akhilesh Prasad
PARENT COMPANY: Reliance Industries Limited

Reliance Retail Limited (RRL) was founded my Mukesh Ambani in the year 2006. RRL is
one of subsidiaries of Reliance Industries Limited, and one of the main profit-making
industries in Reliance Industries Limited. RRL is India's leading income-based retailer.
They are making the other competitors in the world compete, but because of the vast
spread retail in the world, it makes the competitors very difficult in all the ways to
The RRL itself is widely diversified into many sectors. Their diversification makes the
customers get very convenient for purchase of goods and services. Their main sectors
are electronic consumable products, groceries, digital platform, dress and wears, jewels
and many more sectors.
There are 45 subsidiaries and many more divisions in RRL. Some of them are Reliance
Fresh and Reliance Smart which mainly focus on food, bakery, groceries and many more.
Reliance Digital is more of consumer electronics retail sector, it has already around 680
outlets in the year 2014. Reliance LYF is Indian brand for laptops and smartphones. It
produces smartphones that work with Android 4G-enabled VoLTE. Reliance Trends is
the retail store for clothes and apparels, which is the main income generating retail
store for RRL. Other than physical stores RRL also has many E- commerce stores. The
emergence of E-commerce stores in RRL makes them to spread all over in the world and
could make high competition with other competitors in the world. Some of the E-
commerce retail sectors RRL are dealing is AJIO, which is a fashion shopping website and
there is JioMart, which is known for providing groceries and other items which is
essential for daily uses by delivering to our home. It is operating around 200 cities in
India. JioMart is a collaborative venture of RRL and Jio Platforms. RRL have also made
many acquisitions. Some of the main acquisition of RRL is the acquiring of majority of
Urban Ladder, which is known for furniture and decorating. Just Dial is also one of the

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major acquisitions of RRL which is digital platform where we can book rooms and other
services. In August 2020 RRL had made an announcement that they are acquiring the
entire Future Group for around 25000 crore rupees, but still there is some policy work
and, they need to get approve from the government of India. These all are the main
acquisition of the RRL, also they are planning to expand their acquisition to many more
in the country as well as worldwide.

We are totally dedicated to building a reputation as the most professional and highly
valued circuit board supplier to our customer base as an industry partner.

We will continue to invest in our people, the most up-to-date processes and enhance
our production capabilities to add real value for our customers.


The recruitment and selection process in RRL is as the same as process of parent
company Reliance Industries Limited. The recruitment process goes through mainly
three processes. First step is the candidates who are applying should have at least 60%
in all semesters of their graduation. The candidates who are eligible for applying goes
through the main three recruitment process which follows.

First is the written test. There are 75 questions in the written test and 35 minutes of
time for these questions. The topics are from many subjects, such as ratios, elementary
logics, comparisons, analogies, etc. And the candidates should score at least 60% to
qualify for the next process of recruitment.

The second process is technical written test, in which the candidates should have
minimum of 50% in the test. The test is all about electronics, networking subjects and
every candidate should attend 50 questions within 25 minutes. The eligible candidate
after this selection goes to the final stage of recruitment which is technical and HR

The final phase is a technical and HR interview after both written tests have been
clarified. It takes one hour and is based on the exam of national merit. In this process,
some basic questions will be asked and the company, projects, hobbies, etc. will be
questioned in HR. Applicants are needed during interviews to present original mark
sheets or certificates.

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The candidates who have successfully gone through all these processes will be finally
selected for the applied post in the company.


Reliance Retail Ltd. is working with several organizations and NGOs to train retailers in
order to address the lack of qualified personnel required for the aggressive retailing
entry in the firm. Reliance Retail have always been in touch with government
institutions like Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and schools which are
under the YMCA that will offer courses for RRL for the employee development. Reliance
Retail is engaged for retail course delivery in negotiations with NGOs such as the Smile
Foundation, Youth Reach India and the Reddy Foundation. Reliance Retail Ltd, India's
largest listed retailer, has concluded contracts for two-year retail programs with more
than 12 post graduate institutions.


Reliance Retail Limited understands or finds how much does the business objectives are
met by the employees which are laid by the company. The individual performance is the
main part where the company is more concerned and on that basis of that
compensation strategies are made. The company must ensure that the link between the
compensation and performance are met. The payment should be ensured that it should
include a balance of fixed and incentive pay that reflect short- and long-term
performance objectives that are relevant to companies’ goals and objectives.

The salary packages of main employees in Reliance Retail stores are based on their
actual performance. The assistant managers in RRL will get around 2 lakh per annum.
Department managers will get almost 3 lakhs per annum and store managers will get
around 2.5 lakhs in a year. All these payments include all the components of capital
structure of basic pay, allowance retrieval benefits and many more.

The benefits other than compensation include job training, health insurance, education
assistance, free transport, childcare and many benefits.

All these compensation and benefits are calculated by the compensation committee of
the company. They are the persons who calculate and evaluate the individual
performance with compared to the management objectives. They after looking into all
these measurements they give the compensation to the employees.

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Future Retail Limited is an Indian retailer that specialises in fashion, home, food, and
consumer goods. The company's brands include Big Bazaar and Big Bazaar GEN NXT
hypermarkets, HyperCity and foodworld supermarkets, Easyday Club and Heritage Fresh
neighbourhood food and grocery shops, fbb fashion stores, Foodhall lifestyle food
superstores, and WH Smith travel convenience stores. It also owns and runs the eZone
brand of lifestyle consumer electronics stores. The firm had 1,308 stores as of March 31,
2021, including 285 Big Bazaar/ Hypercity outlets, 88 fbb stores, 8 Foodhall stores, and
927 small format stores. Bharti Retail Limited was the company's previous name until
May 2016, when it was renamed Future Retail Limited. FRL is located in Mumbai, India
and was founded in 2007.

“We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making
consumption affordable for all customer segments – for classes & for masses. We shall
infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition. We shall be efficient, cost-
conscious & committed to quality in whatever we do”

“Deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time to every Indian consumer in the most
profitable manner”


Future Retail Limited (“FRL” or the “Company”) believes that our company is built on a
strong socio relevance & inclusive development basis by supporting the average person
in meeting his or her financial needs. We believe that accumulating massive societal
capital is just as important as accumulating money for our stakeholders. As a
responsible organisation, we are committed to the above objective, and we are keen to
establish a long-term business strategy that will ensure and activate our future
development drivers. We have been contributing to social wealth growth for many
years as a representation of our aforementioned conviction, notwithstanding any
regulatory compulsions. We're putting a formal policy in place.

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The process of soliciting, screening, and choosing competent candidates for a position is
referred to as recruitment. On a strategic level, this may mean creating an employer
brand that incorporates a benefit package.
To find people via networking, advertising or other methods; link candidates to job
demands and test individuals (assessment of talents or personality); to interview and
analyse opportunities in order to discover motives and adapt to organisation's
requirements. All the recruitment process includes the acceptance of jobs offered and
induction and onboarding of new personnel.
Managers, general staff, and/or recruiters may be necessary, depending on the size and
culture of the organisation.


 Trainings and development in human resources management is a sort of
organisational activity that seeks to improve performance within organisations of
people and groups. Other terms include "development of human resources" and
"learning & development."
 Training, training and development are the three main training and development
activities. The Garavan, Costine, & Heraty of the Irish Institute of Training &
Development argues that concepts are often misread. On the other hand,
practitioners see them as three roles, but interrelated.
 Training: This activity is targeted & evaluated in connection to an individual's
current employment.
 Education: This exercise compares the types of jobs that an individual could have
in the future to those roles.
 Development: This is a challenging analysis, since it focuses on future activities
that can be done by the organisation that employs the person or that the person
is a part of it .

 Every year in April, the HR department performs a performance evaluation of all
 Incentives are offered in their salary based on their performance.

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 Furthermore, if an employee meets or surpasses the goal set for them, they and
their Employees will be rewarded with enticing cash and other benefits.

Employees are adequately compensated with appealing benefits packages. An
employee's compensation package includes a basic salary. HRA, extra allowance,
Mediclaim, and other benefits are available. Around the time of Diwali, the annual
bonus will be distributed. Employees and their dependents have access to authorised
private hospitals with which the firm has a partnership. If the hospital is not recognised,
all staff are given a "Employee Discount Card" (EDC) that allows them to get a 20-30%
discount on any items at Big Bazaar.

Cashier 10,000
Counter sales 10,955
Assistant store manager 62,930
Store manager 66,670

Indian retail sector is growing at a rapid pace. Contribution of organized retail to total
retail in the country is also on the increase. Policy changes turned out to be the driving
factors and brought in many more foreign and private players into the market. The
Human Resource Management practices plays a key role in the development of any
business or sector. These practices have highly expanded, in the retail sector as well.
Major emphasis is being placed on Human Resource Management, especially by
organized retailers which includes practices like recruitment, selection, training and
development, compensation, performance appraisal etc. With the growing market size,
and as this sector continues to employ more and more people, this practices of HRM in
the organized retail industry will need more emphasis, in order to make it more

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1. /
9. Retail Management- A strategic approach twelfth edition by Barry Berman and Joel R.
10. Reddy, D.M., & Chandra, S. (December, 2011). Human Resource Management Practices
in Organized Retailing: A Study of Select Retailers. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research, 1(8), 523-534.
11. Bhaskar, N. (June, 2012). Human Resource Management Practices in Organized
Retailing: A Study of Select Retailers in Warangal District. Asian Journal of Research in
Business Economics and Management, 2(6), 77-89.

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