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Hydrobiologia 430: 121–147, 2000.

T.J. Pandian (ed.), Recent Advances in Indian Aquatic Research.
© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Ecology and fishery management of reservoirs in India

V. V. Sugunan
Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore 743101, West Bengal, India

Key words: limnology, primary productivity, energy transformation, culture-based fisheries, enhancement,
stocking, exotic species

India has 19 370 small reservoirs with a total water surface area of 3 153 366 ha. At least 100 of them have
been subjected to scientific studies. Habitat variables responsible for a reservoir’s productivity can be summed up
into climatic, morphometric and hydro-edaphic factors. The peninsular reservoirs are characterized by a narrow
range of fluctuations in water and air temperature across seasons, a phenomenon which prevents the formation of
thermal stratification. Many reservoirs in the upper peninsula show thermal stratification during summer. Wind-
induced turbulence facilitates the return of nutrients to the trophogenic zone. Most reservoirs on the mountain
slopes of Western Ghats, Himalayas and the other highlands are deeper, with steeper basin walls, compared to
irrigation impoundments. Mean depth does not show any direct correlation with productivity, either at primary
or fish level. A high shoreline development index gives a better indication of productivity. Plankton, benthos
and periphyton pulses of Indian reservoirs coincide with the months of least level fluctuations. Oligotrophic
tendencies shown by some reservoirs are mainly due to poor nutrient status and other chemical deficiencies. In
most cases, poor water quality is accountable to poor catchment soil. Low levels of phosphate and nitrate are
not indicative of low productivity due to quick recycling of these nutrients. Specific conductivity reflects the
production propensities of reservoirs satisfactorily. Almost all productive reservoirs have a klinograde oxygen
curve and a vertical stratification of chemical variables such as pH, carbon dioxide, total alkalinity and specific
conductivity. High seasonal rainfall and discharge of water during monsoon result in high flushing rates, which do
not favour colonization by macrophytic communities. Similarly, inadequate availability of suitable substrata retards
the growth of periphyton. Plankton constitutes the major link in the trophic structure. A rich plankton community
with well-marked succession is the hallmark of Indian reservoirs with blue-green algae as the major component.
The main factors that retard the growth of benthos are a rocky bottom, frequent water level fluctuation and rapid
deposition of silt and other suspended particles. Large reservoirs, on average, harbour 60 species of fishes, of which
at least 40 contribute to the commercial fisheries. Fast-growing Indian major carps are the prominent commercial
fishes. Dam construction has adversely affected populations of many other species such as Tenualosa ilisha, Tor
spp. and Cirrhinus spp. Formulae for estimating fish yield potential and stocking density are described. While
culture-based fisheries have been successfully practiced in many small reservoirs, the management norm followed
in medium and large reservoirs is primarily on capture fishery. In large and medium reservoirs, stocking was
successful only when stocked fishes bred. Indian experience on species enhancement and introductions is described.
Environmental enhancement of small reservoirs has been attempted in some reservoirs of Tamil Nadu. Modeling,
using standard population parameters, such as the density-dependent growth, size dependent mortality and weight–
length relationship is discussed. Two exotic fishes viz., Oreochromis mossambicus and Cyprinus carpio have
been introduced into Indian reservoir with discouraging results. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, after an accidental
introduction, has performed well in Gobindsagar, a reservoir with a distinct cold water regime. Reservoir fisheries
in India are well poised for development, provided scientific management norms are adopted.

Introduction cipal rainy season, when 70% of annual rainfall is

received. In more than one third of the country, 90%
A large number of reservoirs have been constructed in of the rainfall and thereby surface flow is limited to
India during the last five decades, with the primary ob- a period of 2–3 months. This extreme seasonality
jective of storing river water for irrigation and power makes irrigation reservoirs a sine qua non for agri-
generation. Although these water bodies hold tre- culture, especially in the rain shadow of peninsular
mendous fisheries development potential, they are not India. People inhabiting this area store water by erect-
contributing to the inland fish production of the coun- ing barricades across minor stream and rivulets from
try to the extent they should. Unlike rivers, which are time immemorial. In recent years, with the advent of
under increasing threat of environmental degradation, modern hydraulic structures, larger and more complex
reservoirs offer ample scope for fish yield optimization dams came into being. The steep gradient and heavy
through suitable management. The sheer magnitude discharge of water from the mountain slopes of the
of the resource makes it possible to enable substantial Western Ghats, the northeast and the Himalayas offer
increase in production by even a modest improvement opportunities for hydroelectric power generation. A
in yield. Thus, any attempt to increase productivity in large number of such projects have come up in these
inland fisheries has to rely heavily on reservoirs. regions in recent years. Thus, reservoirs have become
Geo-climatic situations in India make it imper- a common feature in the Indian landscape dotting all
ative to store river water behind dams. The major river basins, minor drainages and seasonal streams.
physiographic divisions of the country are Himalayas,
the Indo-Gangetic plains, the Vindhyas, the Satpuras,
the Western Ghats, the Eastern Ghats, coastal plains, Definition and classification of reservoirs in India
the deltas and the riverine wetlands (Figure 1). The
alignments of hills and their elevation have a pro- A reservoir is an impoundment obstructing the surface
found influence on the prevailing winds and thereby flow of a river, stream or any water course (Sug-
the distribution of rainfall in the country. India re- unan, 1997a). However, water bodies less than 10 ha
ceives, on average, 105 cm of rainfall every year, in area have been excluded form this definition. The
which is one of the highest in the world for a coun- Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India classi-
try of comparable size (Rama, 1978). Total amount fies reservoirs as small (<1000 ha), medium (1000 to
of annual rainfall is estimated at 400 million hectare 5000 ha) and large (>5000 ha) for purpose of fish-
meters (mhm) out of which 230 mhm goes back to the ery management, which constitute the single largest
atmosphere as evapo-transpiration, leaving 170 mhm inland fisheries resource in terms of resource size and
to the river (Rama, 1978). The temporal and spatial production potential.
distribution of rainfall exhibits wide variations. More Medium and large reservoirs are fewer in num-
than 1 million km2 of the country receives inadequate ber and details on them are readily available with the
rainfall (Rao, 1979). This includes deserts, the semi- irrigation, power and public works authorities. How-
arid regions of north India and the rain shadow of the ever, enumeration of small reservoirs is a tedious task,
Western Ghats (Figure 2). as they are ubiquitous and numerous. There also ex-
Large peninsular rivers like the Godavari, the ist ambiguities in the nomenclature followed by some
Krishna, the Pennar and the Cauvery pass through states. The word tank is often loosely defined and used
extensive tracts of low rainfall area and hence carry in common parlance to describe small irrigation reser-
much less water than rivers passing through high rain- voirs. In the eastern states of Orissa and West Bengal,
fall areas like the northeast and the West Coast. In the pond and tank are interchangeable expressions, while
northeast, the Khasi and Jaintia hills receive a bounti- in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, tanks
ful 1000 cm of rainfall annually and the Brahmaputra refer to a section of irrigation reservoirs including
valley gets 200 cm of precipitation. Rainfall up to small and medium sized water bodies.
1142 cm recorded in Cherrapunji and Mawsyngram is Tanks, as defined by David et al. (1974), are “water
one of the highest in the world (Rao, 1979); the west bodies created by dams built of rubble, earth, stone
coast of India, the Indo-Gangetic plains and the Him- masonry work across seasonal streams as against
alayas receive rainfall of high order during southwest reservoirs formed by dams built with precise engin-
monsoon. eering skill across perennial or long seasonal rivers
Southwest monsoon (June–September) is the prin- or streams using concrete masonry or stone for power

Figure 1. Physiographic divisions of India.


Figure 2. Distribution of rainfall in India.


supply large scale irrigation or flood control pur- harbour lacustrine communities (Sugunan, 1991).
poses.” This definition is obviously tedious and in- During the months of heavy inflow and outflow, the
adequate. From limnological and fisheries point of whole reservoir mimics a lotic environment, whereas
view, the distinction between small reservoirs and in summer, when inflow and outflow dwindle, a lentic
tanks seems to be irrelevant. Moreover, numerous condition prevails. Another unique feature of reser-
small reservoirs fitting exactly the description of south voirs is the water renewal pattern, marked by swift
Indian reservoirs are already enlisted as reservoirs in changes in level. In India, most precipitation is during
the rest of the country. Therefore, large tanks need to monsoon. During this period, due to heavy inflow, all
be treated at par with reservoirs. outlets of the dams are usually opened, resulting in
In Andhra Pradesh, tanks are classified as per- total flushing. This process dislodges a considerable
ennial and long seasonal. In Tamil Nadu, tanks are part of the biotic communities and disturbs natural
classified as short seasonal and long seasonal. The community succession (Sugunan, 1980). Sudden level
latter, also known as major irrigation tanks, have fluctuations also affect the benthos by exposing or
an average size of 34 ha and retain water for 9–12 submerging substrata (Sugunan & Das, 1983) .
months. Similarly, 4605 perennial large water bodies In reservoirs, nutrient input from allochthonous
in Karnataka listed as major irrigation tanks could be sources often determines water quality, nutrient re-
easily brought under the ambit of reservoirs. After re- gime and production. Catchment of parent rivers is
moving these anomalies in nomenclature, it has been often situated far away from the reservoir, under
estimated that India has 19 134 small reservoirs with a totally different geo-climatic conditions. Deep draw-
total water surface area of 1 485 557 ha. Similarly, 180 down, wind-mediated turbulence and locking up of
medium and 56 large reservoirs of the country have an nutrients in deep basins are but some factors that
area of 527 541 and 1 140 268 ha, respectively (Figure impart uniqueness to the reservoir ecosystem. Be-
3). Thus, the country has 19 370 reservoirs covering sides, the varying purpose and design of the dams
3 153 366 ha (Sugunan, 1995). make reservoirs different in their hydrographic and
morpho-edaphic characteristics, with implications on
Review of work done in Indian reservoirs Construction of a dam and consequent impound-
ment bring a sudden transformation of a lotic envir-
Considering the number and surface area of reservoirs onment to a lentic one. This process triggers a series
in India and their importance in fishery development, of changes in the riverine community, which are akin
research on this resource can be qualified as modest. to secondary community succession. A number of
About 100 reservoirs have been subjected to some organisms perish, some migrate to more hospitable
form of studies. Research work done in various states environs, and the more hardy ones adapt themselves
is briefly outlined in Table 1. to the changed habitat. There is usually an initial
spurt of plankton and benthic communities due to the
increased availability of nutrients released from the
Factors determining productivity decay of submerged vegetation. This trophic burst is
also on account of the saproxenic lacustrine species
The water and soil quality in a reservoir is a func- filling the vacant niches created by the disappear-
tion of geo-climatic conditions. Productivity depends ance of saprophobic riverine taxa. As the effects of
on the synergistic effects of geo-chemical, meteorolo- trophic burst wean away, the reservoir passes into a
gical, morphometric and hydrographic variables. In- phase of trophic depression and the final fertility is re-
dian reservoirs are spread over various types of terrain gained after a few years. Habitat variables responsible
and soil types, exposed to diverse climatic conditions for a reservoir’s productivity can be summed up into
and they receive drainage from a variety of catchment climatic, morphometric and hydro-edaphic factors.
areas. This imparts a high degree of diversity to their
biotic communities in terms of biomass and species Climatic factors
In reservoirs, fluviatile and lacustrine characters The Indian reservoirs are distributed in a wide range
co-exist. The lotic sector of the reservoir sustains a of climates extending from the temperate Himalayas
fluviatile biocoenos, whereas the lenitc and bay zones in the north to the tropical in the southern peninsula.

Figure 3. Distribution of reservoirs in India.

Table 1. Summary of scientific literature on reservoir fisheries of India

State/Reservoir Nature of work Reference

Tamil Nadu

Red Hills lake Plankton, water quality Ganapati (1940)

Stanley reservoir Limnology and fisheries Ganapati &Alikunhi (1949), Ganapati

(1955), Sreenivasan, (1966, 1969)

Hope Lake Limnology and fisheries Ganapati (1956a)

Errakuppam Limnology Ganapati (1956b)

Mukerti reservoir Limnology Ganapati (1957)

Bhavanisagar Limnology and fisheries, post- Sreenivasan (1964),Sreenivasan et al.

impondment changes, phytoplankton, (1964), Dorairaj & Pankajam (1956),
Biology of Puntius dubius, Aorichthys Menon & Chari (1959), Franklin
aor, Labeo calbasu and Channa (1969), Ranganathan et al. (1962),
marulius, Fisheries management Ranganathan & Radha (1966),
Natarajan (1971), Devaraj (1973),
Natarajan et al. (1981)

Amaravathy Limnology and productivity Sreenivasan (1965)

Tamil Nadu Comparative limnology Sreenivasan (1970a,b, 1976, 1979)

reservoirs Pandian (1987)

Poondi reservoir Sounder Raj et al. (1971)

Aliyar, Fisheries management Selvaraj et al. (1997)



Idukki Fish fauna, water quailty, plankton, Gopinath & Jayakrishnan (1984),
Khatri (1985, 1987, 1988), Nair (1988)

Parappar Nair (1986), Sahib &Aziz (1989)

Neyyar Harikrishnan &Aziz (1989)

Kerala reservoirs Fisheries management Mathew & Mohan (1990)

Malampuzha, Stock assessment, fisheries management Taege et al. (1993)

Chulliar, Pothundy,
Vazhani and Peechi


Tungabhadra Limnology, plankton, benthos, Fisheries, David et al. (1969, 1975), Govind
fishing gear (1963, 1969), Krishnamoorthy (1966),
Subba Rao & Govind (1964), Banrerjee
& Ray (1979) Singit (1987), Singit et
al. (1987)

Hemavathy Limnology and fisheries Devaraj et al. (1987)

Krishnarajasagar Limnology and fisheries Sugunan (1995)


Continued on p. 128
Table 1. contd.

Markonahalli Limnology and fisheries Anon. (1998)

Supa Preliminary observations Birasal et al. (1991)

Vanivilas Sagar Preliminary observations Ray (1969)

Kabini Preliminary observations Murthy et al. (1986), Srivastava et al.


Byramangala Pollution, fish mortality Raghavan et al. (1977), Joshi (1990)

Andhra Pradesh

Hussainsagar Water quality, phytoplankton, heavy Srinivasan et al. (1965), Zafar (1966,
metal pollution, comparison with other 1986), Seenayya & Prahlad (1987),
reservoirs Prahlad & Seenyya (1988), Prasad,
(1993), Ghosh & George (1989)

Nagarjunasagar Water quality and primary productivity, Anon (1982), Pathak (1979), Sugunan
plankton, benthos and periphyton, (1980, 1991), Sugunan & Das (1983),
biological traits of various species of Sugunan & Pathak (1986), Sugunan &
fish Vinci (1981), Vinci (1984, 1986), Vinci
& Sugunan (1981)

Madhya Pradesh

Gandhisagar Pre-impoundment survey, post-impoundment Dubey & Mehra (1959), Dubey &
studies, trawling, Chatterjee (1976) Rao et al. (1990),
Kartha & Rao (1990)

Ravishankarsagar, Limnology and fisheries Sugunan, 1995

Govindgarh Limnology and fish productivity Mathew (1975)

Kulgarhi Limnology and fisheries Dwivedi et al. (1986), Karamchandani

& Mishra (1980)

Mansarovar Water quality, plankton and fish fauna Kulshreshtha et al. (1992)

Loni Fishery biology Gupta (1976)

Bergi,Tawa,Barna, Preliminary observations Unni (1993)

Kolar,Halali, Dahod

Undasa Preliminary observations Singh (1986)

Yaswantnagar Preliminary observations Sharma & Diwan (1989)

Orissa & Maharashtra

Hirakud Water quality, productive potential and Sugunan & Yadava (1992)
the management, craft, gear and fishing George(1979), Sulochanan et al. (1968),
methods, ecology Nair et al. (1981), Khan et al. (1992),
Varghese et al. (1993), Dash et al.

Dhom Preliminary studies Trivedi (1993)

Continued on p. 129
Table 1. contd.

Nathsagar Preliminary studies Desai (1980)

Bhandardara, Preliminary studies Valsangkar (1980, 1987, 1993)

Yaldari and Girna,

Bhatgar Fisheries management Anon. (1997)

Gujarat & Rajasthan

Ukai Ecology and fisheries Anon. (1980, 1983, 1984a)

Sayaji Sarovar Preliminary studies Ganapti & Pathak (1969)

Jaisamund Limnology and fisheries Durve & Kakkar (1982), Sharma


Ramgarh and Water quality, fish production potential Jhingran (1989)


Himachal Pradesh

Gobindsagar Water and soil quality fish and fisheries, Sarkar et al. (1977) Kaushal & Rao
fish biology, gill netting (1982, 1990), Kaushal et al. (1980 a,b),
George et al. (1977)

Pong Limnology and fisheries CIFRI reports (Sugunan, 1995)

Pandoh Preliminary survey CIFRI reports (Sugunan, 1995)

Uttar Pradesh

Rihand Ecology and fisheries Natarajan et al. (1982)

Gularia Ecology and fisheries Jhingran et al. (1981)

Bachhra Ecology and fisheries Khan et al. (1990)

Baghla Ecology and fisheries Sugunan (1995)

Baigul Preliminary survey Khan (1986), Salim & Ahmed (1985)

Keetham Preliminary survey Dwivedi & Chonder (1980)


Konar, Tilaiya, Limnology, fish productivity, fisheries Jhingran & Natarajan (1969), Natarajan
Maithon and management (1976), Ramakrishniah & Sarkar
Panchet (1982)

Getalsud Fisheries management, plankton, Anon (1984b), Singh (1984)


Bihar reservoirs Resource survey Ahmed & Singh (1992)

Badua & Nalkari Preliminary observations Verma & Munshi (1983), Sarkar,

The northeast

Gumti Water quality, fish production trends Chaudhuri (1992), Anon. (1994)

Kyrdemkulai & Limnology, productivity guidelines for Sugunan & Yadava (1991 a , b).
Nongmahir fisheries management
Table 2. Latitude-induced variations in availability of energy in
Indian reservoirs (from Jhingran, 1990)
age (Pathak, 1979). Besides, high water temperature
prevailing throughout the year, continuous drawdown
Reservoir Area (ha) Latitude Available Available from deeper layers and wind-mediated turbulence fa-
at full (N) light energy chemical energy cilitate mixing up of water column. This is equally
reservoir level (cal m−2 yr−1 (cal m−2 yr−1
true to most of the reservoirs in the States of Andhra
Bhavanisagar 7285 11◦ 250 213 × 04 8781 (0.41%) Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and
Nagarjunasagar 28 474 16◦ 40 205 ×104 5959 (0.29%) Maharashtra. Thermocline is limnologically important
Rihand 46 538 24◦ 188 ×104 3970 (0.20%)
Ramgarh 1265 27◦ 120 183 ×104 8236 (0.49%)
because in thermally stratified lakes, water at surface
Gobindsagar 16 867 31◦ 250 172 ×104 11 696 (0.68%) and bottom does not mix up; hence rich nutrients get
locked up at the bottom layer. A warm bottom layer
also facilitates rapid decomposition of organic matter
and accelerates the nutrient release.
Seven reservoirs in the upper peninsula compris-
Apart from influencing the prevailing climate of the ing south Bihar, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh undergo
region, the latitudinal location is important in determ- transient phases of thermal stratification during sum-
ining the quantum of solar radiation available at the mer stagnation, depending upon other parameters such
water surface for primary productivity. Natarajan & as basin depth, water abstraction pattern and wind
Pathak (1983) estimated the amount solar radiation (Sugunan,1995). Konar reservoir, situated above the
available at four reservoirs within 11◦ 250 N and 31◦ Tropic of Cancer, has distinct epi-and hypolimnion
250 N and the rate, at which the solar energy was during summer (Natarajan, 1976). Similarly, a well-
converted into chemical energy. Incident solar energy defined thermocline is reported from Gobindsagar
available at four reservoirs varied from 213 × 104 cal (Sarkar et al., 1977; Anon., 1989). In this reservoir,
m−2 yr−1 in Bhavanisagar (11◦ 250 N) to 172 × 104 apart from the solar warming of the top layer, which
cal m−2 yr−1 in Gobindsagar (31◦ 250 N). Jhingran, remains as a separate thermal regime, the inflowing
(1990) observed that 0.29–0.68% of the incident solar Beas water that joins the reservoir at the lotic sector
energy was fixed as chemical energy by the primary does not mix, retains its cool character and remains as
producers in five reservoirs, viz., Gobindsagar (Hi- a separate layer at the bottom.
machal Pradesh), Ramgarh (Rajasthan), Rihand (Uttar Amount of rainfall plays a crucial role in renew-
Pradesh), and Bhavanisagar (Tamil Nadu). It is often ing water and enriching nutrients of reservoirs. More
the qualitative and quantitative abundance of the pro- often, rainfall in catchment of the river situated hun-
ducer communities that determines the photosynthetic dreds of km away from the reservoir affects the inflow
efficiency rather than the actual amount of solar en- rate. Another important climatic factor with implic-
ergy available. For instance, Nagarjunasagar, despite ations on thermal and chemical regimes of reservoir
receiving solar energy at the rate of 205 × 104 cal m−2 is the wind. It helps distribution of heat and equaliz-
yr−1 , fixes chemical energy to the extent of 0.29%, ation of temperature in water column. Wind velocity
whereas in Gobindsagar, 0.68% of the 172 × 104 cal is high during monsoon and pre-monsoon in most
m−2 is fixed by the producers in an year (Table 2). reservoirs of India (Natarajan, 1979a). Wind-induced
Seasonal variations in morphometry also play a vital turbulence is important in churning of the reservoirs
role in determining the rate of energy fixation and its and thereby facilitating availability of nutrients at
transformation. This aspect has been brought to focus trophogenic zone.
by Haniffa & Pandian (1978) through studies in a pond
ecosystem. Morphometric factors
Air temperature, wind velocity and rainfall are
some predisposing factors in biological productivity of Reservoir morphometry is a function of dam height
reservoirs. In contrast to the northern reservoirs, their and topography of impounded areas. Nature of the ter-
peninsular counterparts are characterised by narrow rain, on which dam is constructed, plays a crucial role
range of fluctuations in water and air temperature dur- in determining the reservoir morphometry. Design of
ing different seasons, a phenomenon, which prevents the dam and water use pattern also decide productivity
the formation of thermal stratification. Nagarjunas- by affecting morphometric and hydrographic features.
agar is a classical example, where no thermocline is Most hydel reservoirs on mountain slopes of the West-
formed, despite 40% of its capacity being dead stor- ern Ghats, Himalayas and other highlands are deeper,

with steeper basin walls, compared to the irrigation between this parameter and the productivity of Indian
impoundments. An important morphometric consider- reservoirs.
ation is the mean depth, which is believed to determine
productivity of reservoirs. This is based on the well- Hydrodynamics
known dictum (Rawson, 1952; Hayes, 1957) that
shallower lakes have greater part of their water in eu- Rate of inflow, outflow and water level have a dir-
photic zone, facilitating greater mixing and circulation ect bearing on productivity, as their sudden fluctu-
of heat and nutrients, and hence higher productivity. A ations directly affect the biotic communities. Plank-
large portion of water in deep lakes serves as a nutrient ton, benthos and periphyton pulses coincide with the
sink at the bottom, where organic matter accumulates months of least level fluctuations and all these com-
and becomes unavailable at photosynthetic zone. munities are at their ebb during the months of max-
Among large reservoirs, mean depth ranges from imum level fluctuations and water discharge (Sugunan,
5.2 m in Panchet to 58 m in Gobindsagar. Me- 1980; Sugunan & Das, 1983; Sugunan & Pathak,
dium reservoirs have mean depth ranging from 2.3 1986). Percentage of shallow areas (littoral forma-
m (Poondi) to 24 m (Bhatghar). Small reservoirs tion), which varies at different levels, depending on
have mean depth range of 2.1 m (Vidur) to 14.6 m contour, is also an indicator of productive nature of
(Badua). Hope lake in Tamil Nadu has an excep- the lakes. The requirements of irrigation, power gen-
tionally deep basin of 37.7 m. Hydel reservoirs of eration and other primary purposes of the dam dictate
the mountain slopes invariably are deeper than the storage and release of water from dams, rather than
irrigation reservoirs of the plains and plateaus. Incid- any considerations related to fisheries. The spillway
entally, the two largest impoundments of the country discharge, apart from dislodging the standing crop
viz., Hirakud and Gandhisagar have very low mean of plankton, removes the oxygenated clear water at
depths of 11.3 and 11.7 m, respectively. Idukki, a the top layer, leaving the oxygen-deficient bottom
hydel reservoir in the Western Ghats, which is one water. Conversely, the deep drawdown removes the
tenth of Gandhisagar in area, has a mean depth of 32 decomposing material including nutrients (Jhingran,
m. This parameter, however, does not show any dir- 1975).
ect correlation with productivity, either at primary or
fish level. Despite being very shallow, Vidur does not Hydro-edaphic factors
support a rich plankton community. Likewise Kulgarhi
and Gobindgarh reservoirs in Madhya Pradesh exhibit Low productive nature of some of the reservoirs can
oligotrophic propensities in spite of their shallowness. be attributed to poor nutrient status. In most cases,
On the other hand, Gobindsagar, the deepest reservoir deficiencies in the catchment soil result in poor water
has the highest productivity among large reservoirs. quality. Reservoirs in Kerala such as Idukki (Khatri,
Medium reservoirs like Amaravathy (13.7 m), Aliyar 1985, 1987, 1988), Neyyar (Harikrishnan & Aziz,
(16.8 m) and Thirumoorthy (11 m) develop regular 1989) and Parappar (Nair,1986) have low status in
blooms of plankton. terms of specific conductivity (< 50 µs) and total al-
kalinity (<50 mg l−1 ) with the attendant low primary
Shoreline and volume development indices productivity and plankton. The rivers of Kerala drain
An irregular shoreline encompasses more littoral Western Ghats with lateritic and humus soils defi-
formations and areas of land and water interface. Thus, cient in N, P and Ca. In Tamil Nadu, Hope lake,
a high value of shoreline development index is be- Manimuthar, Pechiparai and Peruchani are deficient in
lieved to be indicative of productive nature of the ions, while Sathanur, Krishnagiri and Vidur reservoirs
water body. High shoreline indices of Hirakud (13.5), receiving drainage passing predominantly through cul-
Gobindsagar (12.26), Tilaiya (9.12), Konar (8.78), tivated area have higher levels of alkalinity and hard-
Nagarjunasagar (7.89) and Rihand (7.04) are accom- ness (Sreenivasan, 1970a,b, 1976, 1979). Limestone
panied by a moderate to rich plankton community. and other calcareous rocks underlying the water course
Ratio between the maximum depth and mean depth, in the Deccan plateau are responsible for the predom-
often described as volume development index, denotes inantly hard water character of many of the reser-
the depth of basin in relation to the nature of basin voirs on the Krishna and Cauvery in Andhra Pradesh
wall. An index value less than 1 suggests basin wall and Tamil Nadu. In Madhya Pradesh, the water is
convex towards water. No perceptible relation exists soft to medium soft with less mineral salts due to

geo-chemical reasons. The examples are Ravishankar- inorganic phosphate into organic state in less than one
sagar (Anon, 1984a), Mansarovar (Kulshreshtha et al., minute (Hayes & Phillips, 1958).
1992), Loni (Gupta, 1976), Bergi, Tawa, Barna, Sarni, A measure of total dissolved solids in the form
Sukta, Sampna, Halali, Kolar Dahod (Unni, 1993), of total alkalinity or the specific conductivity is a
Undasa (Singh, 1986) and Yaswantnagar (Sharma & better indicator of production propensities of a reser-
Diwan, 1989). Catchment of Ravishankarsagar com- voir in India. A possible exception is the Amaravathy
prises rocky, denuded forests and upstream rivers reservoir, which despite very low levels of specific
are intercepted by impoundments, which further de- conductivity (38–63 µS), total alkalinity (7–84 mg
prive the water of suspended matter. Allochthonous l−1 ) and total hardness (18–50 mg l−1 ), supports a
enrichment with minerals and nutrients of the reser- very rich plankton community and a good stock of
voir is very low resulting in low standing crop of fish. The ranges of notable abiotic factors indicating
plankton. Even small lakes with shallow bottoms like their productivity status of Indian reservoirs are given
Govindgarh (Mathew, 1975) do not show signs of in Table 3. A close examination of physical and chem-
productivity due to poor chemical make up of the ical data pertaining to more than 100 reservoirs of
catchment. Soils in Madhya Pradesh are normally India suggests that none of the morphometirc, edaphic
deep black, medium black, shallow black, mixed red and water quality parameters can be used as a depend-
and skeletal, low in nitrogen and phosphorus. Acidic able yardstick to predict organic productivity to any
nature of water of the northeastern reservoirs, Kyr- degree of accuracy. Production propensities of each
demkulai, Nongmahir (Sugunan & Yadava, 1991a,b) reservoir are determined by a variety of factors. Ver-
and Barapani is attributable to acidic soil of the reser- tical gradient of dissolved oxygen, however, conveys
voir bed and catchment. the status with a higher level of accuracy.
Klinograde distribution of oxygen is a good indic-
ator of productivity, as oxygen is consumed during
Nutrient status the process of decomposition of organic matter at the
bottom. An increase in oxygen at the trophogenic up-
Low levels of phosphate and nitrate characterize most per zone indicates the high rate of photosynthesis.
of the Indian reservoirs. Phosphate very seldom ex- Irrespective of their geographic location, almost all
ceeds 0.1 mg l−1 in reservoirs free from pollution. productive reservoirs in India have a klinograde oxy-
However, the reservoirs of Rajasthan have particularly gen curve. In most cases, the oxycline is accompanied
high levels of phosphate ranging from traces to 0.929 by a vertical stratification of other chemical para-
mg l−1 (Sharma, 1980); they receive phosphate from meters such as pH, carbon dioxide, total alkalinity
the rain washings derived from brown hills, red and and specific conductivity. The tropholytic zone has
yellow and desert soils. In a highly eutrophic reservoir a steady supply of free carbon dioxide, which reacts
of Mansarovar in Madhya Pradesh, phosphate levels with carbonate to produce bicarbonates. This results in
of 4–13 mg l−1 were recorded (Kulshreshtha et al., an increase of bicarbonates towards the bottom. Sim-
1992). Nitrate nitrogen in water is mostly in traces and ilarly, pH drops rapidly due to increase in hydrogen
seldom exceeds 0.5 mg l−1 . Low nutrient level in wa- ions. Thus, increase in total alkalinity, specific con-
ter, especially nitrate and phosphate does not indicate ductivity and CO2 and decrease in pH values towards
low productivity. In many cases, despite their virtual the bottom layers act as useful indicators of productiv-
absence, production processes are not hampered. In ity. Primary productivity in reservoirs is very high due
Amaravathy, Bhavanisagar, Gandhisagar, Ravishank- to warm conditions prevailing in most parts of India.
arsagar and many other reservoirs, moderate to very Many workers consider 1% of total carbon produc-
high primary productivity is reported, although phos- tion at the phytoplankton phase to represent relatively
phate in water is either absent or present in a very low higher potential fish production from a water body,
concentration. In tropical reservoirs, phosphate level although almost all reservoirs produce much less fish
in water has limited scope as an indicator of product- than their potential.
ive traits. This phenomenon is attributed to turn over
of nutrients (Ehrich, 1960; Abbot, 1967) and their Biotic communities
quick recycling, as seen from the high metabolic rates.
Phytoplankton is known to take up 95% of the phos- Heavy discharge of water during the monsoon results
phorus within 20 min, while some algae could convert in high flushing rate in most reservoirs and it retards

Figure 4. Dominant phytoplankton in reservoirs (state-wise).

Table 3. Physical-chemical features of Inidan reservoirs (range of values) (from Jhingran, 1990)

Parameter Overall range Productivity rating

Low Medium High

(A) Water
pH value 6.5–9.2 <6.0 6.0–8.5 >8.5
Alkalinity (mg l−1 ) 40–240 <40.0 40.90 >90.0
Nitrates (mg l−1 ) tr.-0.93 negligible up to 0.2 0.2–0.5
Phosphates (mg l−1 ) tr.-0.36 negligible up to 0.1 0.1–0.2
Specific conductivity (µS) 76–474 up to 200 >200
Temperature (◦ C) 12.0–31.0 18 18–22 >22
(with minimal stratification)

(B) Soil
pH 6.0–8.8 <6.5 6.5–7.5 >7.5
Available P (mg kg−1 ) 0.05–0.62 <0.3 0.3–0.6 >0.6
Available N (mg kg−1 ) 1.3–6.5 <2.5 2.5–6.0 >6.0
Organic Carbon (%) 0.6–3.2 <0.5 0.5–1.5 1.5–2.5

colonization by macrophytic communities. Similarly, Three distinct plankton pulses are reported from
inadequate availability of suitable substrata also re- many of the reservoirs, which coincide with post-
tards periphyton growth. By virtue of drifting habit southwest monsoon (September–November), winter
and short turnover period, plankton, constitutes the (December–February) and summer (March–May).
main link in the trophic structure of the reservoir eco- The southwest monsoon (June–August) flushing dis-
system. A rich plankton community with well-marked turbs and often dislodges the standing crop of plank-
seral succession is the hallmark of Indian reservoirs. ton. However, no sooner the destabilizing effects wean
Blue-green algae form the mainstay of plankton com- away (as the dam outlets are closed), the allochthon-
munity in vast majority of the man-made lakes. The ous nutrient input favours an accelerated plankton
overwhelming presence of Microcystis aeruginosa in growth. As post-monsoon merges into winter, the
Indian reservoirs is remarkable. The productive wa- turbulence decreases and water becomes clean, the
ters of Gangetic plains, Deccan plateau, south Tamil plankton community progresses through a series of
Nadu and Orissa invariably have good standing crop seral successions to culminate in a peak. The summer
of Microcystis aeruginosa. A common feature of all maxima coincide with the drastic drawdown, bringing
these reservoirs is the bright sunshine, isothermal wa- the deep, nutrient-rich areas into the fold of troph-
ter column, klinograde oxygen curve and an extensive olytic zone. High temperature, bright sunlight and
catchment area, draining forested or cultivated land rapid tropholytic activities also accelerate the multi-
rich in calcium. The examples are Rihand (Natarajan plication of plankton during summer. In some cases,
et al., 1982), Nagarjunasagar (Natarajan & Pathak, only two pulses (i.e. post-monsoon and summer) are
1983), Amravathy (Sreenivasan, 1970a) and Hirakud seen. However, the shallow, nutrient rich reservoirs in
(Sugunan & Yadava, 1992). However, the reservoirs the southern tip of the peninsula, by virtue of the fast
of Karnataka and Kerala tend to be oligotrophic and turnover of nutrients and availability of sunshine and
have poor plankton count with desmids and other warmth, sustain a permanent bloom of plankton.
green algae, as the main constituents. Reservoirs of Microcystis multiplies rapidly in peninsular reser-
Rajasthan with scanty rainfall and poor flushing rate voirs, often reaching blooming proportions. This is
favour macrophytes; despite being productive, they do an example of a lacustrine biocoenose giving way
not harbour blooms of Microcystis. Oligotrophic lakes to fluviatile ones as a consequence of the impound-
of the northeast have a desmid-dominated plankton ment. Studies have indicated that Chlorophyceae and
community (Figure 4). Bacillariophyceae constituted the main components
of riverine plankton (Sugunan, 1991). On reservoir

formation and consequent transformation of lotic en- and plankton-rich. Weeds are scarce and, whenever
vironment into lentic system, saprophobes disappear, present, do not choke the water. In the tanks of black
giving room for the rapid multiplication of saproxenes. soil zones, the weeds are mostly submerged and emer-
In the new but favourable environment, Microcystis gent types such as Hydrilla sp., Chara sp. and Nitella
aeruginosa bursts into blooms, outnumbering all other sp. In most of the tanks in the seasonal, red soil area,
forms into insignificance. In many reservoirs, orienta- the vegetation is limited to littoral areas (David et al.,
tion of lacustrine and fluviatile plankton can be clearly 1974).
discerned from the composition of plankton in lotic, By providing substrata for a number of insects,
lentic and the cove sectors. The fluviatile lotic sec- molluscs and other invertebrate fauna, macrophytes
tor, although recording a lower plankton density, often augment species diversity of reservoirs. Nevertheless,
shows better diversity and evenness indices, compared presence of weeds can be considered as undesirable
to the lentic and bay sectors (Sugunan, 1991). from fisheries point of view. They accumulate large
In most reservoirs, aquatic macrophytes are totally quantities of inorganic nutrients early in the season,
absent or their population is too insignificant to be depriving the phytoplankton of their share of nutri-
taken into account, barring some exceptional circum- ents (Jhingran, 1988). The floating vegetation utilizes
stances, such as low water renewal, ageing of reservoir the incident solar radiation for its photosynthesis and
and pollution stress. They are mostly restricted to isol- makes it unavailable to the phytoplankton communit-
ated patches of Vallisneria maxima, Hydrilla spiralis ies. Submerged weeds provide shelter for minnows
and mats of Spirogyra vericellata in protected bays and weed fishes which compete with major carps for
and coves. Yerrakalava in Andhra Pradesh (Sugunan, food. Excessive growth of macrophytes causes high
1995), Ramgarh in Rajasthan (Jhingran,1989a) and rate of decomposition of dead plants at the bottom,
Sayajisarovar in Gujarat (Ganapati & Pathak, 1969) creating anaerobic conditions. Problems are further
are examples of macrophytic growth due to low flush- compounded, if water surface is matted by floating ve-
ing rate. Small irrigation reservoirs in Uttar Pradesh, getation, which prevents light penetration. Instances of
viz., Bachhra (Khan et al., 1990) and Baghla (Sug- fish mortality in summer under such circumstances are
unan, 1995) are also known for luxuriant growth of reported from Hussainsagar (Hingorani et al., 1977)
macrophytes. Hussainsagar in Andhra Pradesh (Rao, and the reservoirs of Karnataka (Raghavan et al.,
1990) and Mansarovar in Madhya Pradesh (Kulshresh- 1977) and Uttar Pradesh (Jhingan, 1988). A major
tha et al., 1992) harbour thick vegetation, which deleterious effect of weeds is the physical obstruction
thrives due to hyper-eutrophication. These reservoirs they cause to a variety of fishing gear.
are well-advanced on their way to swampification. The main factors adversely affecting benthic com-
Age of reservoir seems to have an influence on mac- munity in reservoirs are the rocky bottom, frequent
rophyte community. Vanivilas Sagar (Ray, 1969) and water level fluctuations and loss of substrata due to
Markonahalli reservoir (Anon, 1998) in Karnataka rapid deposition of silt and other suspended particles.
formed in 1901 and 1939, respectively, have lux- In spite of this, some reservoirs harbour rich com-
uriant growth of macrophytes. Similar age-related munities of benthic invertebrates. Sequence of dom-
macrophyte growth can be observed in Yerrakalava inance of benthic communities closely follows soil
(Sugunan, 1995), Ramgarh (Jhingran, 1989a), Hus- fertility pattern, pre-impoundment debris often provid-
sainsagar (Zafar, 1966) Jaisamund and Fatehsagar ing suitable habitats. Benthic community succession,
(Sharma, 1980) reservoirs. Reservoirs of Rajasthan especially that of chironomids, is sometimes used to
exhibit a seasonal rhythm in aquatic weeds, their characterize habitat changes. High shoreline develop-
population peaking in summer and declining during ment, variable slopes and vegetation act as favourable
monsoon. factors for the development of a rich assemblage of
In small irrigation reservoirs of Karnataka, variety benthic organisms
and biomass of macrovegetation depend, to a large ex- Small irrigation reservoirs of the Gangetic basin,
tent, on physiographic divisions and soil types. Thick such as Bacchra and Baghla, are particularly rich
vegetation, comprising littoral, submerged and emer- in benthic fauna mainly due to rich organic mat-
gent types, is characteristic feature of the tanks of ter in soil and absence of swift changes in water
coastal plains and the Malnad region. In the trans- level. In Bacchra, standing crop of benthos registered
itional zone, between plateau and hills, marked by the a steady growth from 490 to 1894 no m−2 during
presence of laterite and red soil, the tanks are fertile a 10-year-period (Khan et al., 1990). Baghla has

a population of benthic invertebrates represented by ber of exotic species have contributed substantially to
Chironomus sp., annelids and molluscs. The deep Ri- commercial fisheries.
hand reservoir in the Ganga basin has a poor benthic The groups enjoying country-wide distribution are
community. Reservoirs of Karnataka such as Tun- the catfishes, featherbacks, air breathing fishes, mur-
gabhadra, Markonahalli, Hemavathy, Vanivilas Sagar rels and minnows. Distribution of Indian major carps,
and Krishnarajasagar have impressive populations of minor carps and mahseers varies according to river
benthic organisms, so are the reservoirs of Himachal basins. Fish faunistic diversity of a reservoir at a given
Pradesh and Rajasthan. Trends in Tamil Nadu and time is the result of the impact of a series of man-made
Madhya Pradesh are erratic. Local conditions rather and natural changes on native fauna of the parent river.
than a general geo-climatic feature of the area de- Riverine fish fauna are subjected to a series of habitat
termine benthic population density in reservoirs of changes such as water current, turbidity levels, fishing
India. Being a saprophobic, chironomid larvae quickly pressure, loss of breeding grounds and changes in fish
fill the niches vacated by the saproxenes during hab- food organisms due to lake formation. Species, which
itat transformations. They form the most important are sensitive to habitat variables, perish, and the hardy
constituent of benthos from all soil types and geo- ones take advantage of the vacant niches. Formation of
graphic locations. Gastropods and annelids form the reservoirs has affected a number of riverine fish stocks
next important groups. Viviparus bengalensis enjoys in India (Table 5).
country-wide distribution. In many reservoirs, transplantation of fishes from
Literature on periphyton of the reservoir ecosystem other basins and introduction of exotic species have
is meager. This community constitutes an important led to further radical changes in species assemblage.
component of food for the browsing fishes, which Indian major carps are being stocked in reservoirs
contribute substantially to total fish biomass of the all over the country for the last three decades and
tropical reservoirs. Apart from the limited littoral re- in some instances, they have established themselves
gion in reservoirs, it is the frequent level fluctuation in water bodies far away from their original habitat.
that prevents periphyton growth on natural substrata. Sathanur reservoir in Tamil Nadu has naturalized pop-
Significantly, rich periphyton, whenever reported, co- ulation of catla that contributes 80–90% of the total
incides with relatively stable reservoir levels. There catch. It has eclipsed all indigenous fish fauna includ-
are reports of rich periphyton deposits on anchored ing Labeo fimbriatus, which dominated the scene by
boats and rafts; the fixed substrata either are totally contributing 36% of the catch during the mid-1960s.
exposed, when water level decreases or submerged too Similarly, introductions of silver carp in Gobindsagar,
deep for the communities to survive, when level goes common carp in Krishnarajasagar and tilapia (Oreo-
up. Propensities for rich settling rates of periphyton chromis mossambicus) in Amaravathy are examples of
have been established through experiments with artifi- man-made changes in fish assemblage.
cial substrata such as glass slides (David et al., 1975; Some species of fish are known to adapt them-
Jha, 1979; Sugunan & Pathak, 1986). selves to reservoir ecosystem and flourish there tak-
ing advantage of the increased biomass of plankton
and benthos during the early stages of impoundment.
Ichthyofauna However, most fishes that manage to multiply in the
reservoir system are not very high in priority from
Although ichthyofauna of a reservoir basically repres- commercial and ecological point of view. Stock of
ent the fauna of the parent river system, fish species the small clupeid Salmostoma phulo and Osteobrama
diversity usually suffers a setback on impoundment. vigorsii, which support a flourishing dry fish trade
Indian reservoirs, however, preserve a relatively rich in Nagarjunasagar and Tungabhadra reservoir (Sug-
variety of fish species (Table 4). Large reservoirs, on unan, 1995), multiply in much higher scale than they
an average, harbour 60 species of fishes, of which do in the riverine ecosystem. The catfish, Pangasius
at least 40 contribute to commercial fisheries (Jhin- pangasius, which was believed to be a catadromous
gran, 1990, 1991). The fast-growing Gangetic carps, migrant, has not only adapted itself to become a res-
viz., catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labeo rohita) and ident population Nagarjunasagar but also become a
mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala), popularly known as In- very important component of commercial catch. Ra-
dian major carps, occupy a prominent place among the makrishniah (1994) described many instances, where
commercially important fishes. More recently, num- reservoirs acted as sanctuaries by citing examples of
Table 4. Common fish species found in reservoirs of India

Group Species

Indian major carps Labeo rohita, L. calbasu, L. fimbriatus, Cirrhinus mrigala, Catla catla

The mahseers Tor tor, T. putitora, T. khudree, Acrossocheilus hexagonolepis,

Minor carps Cirrhinus cirrhosa, C. reba, Labeo kontius, L. bata, L. dero, L. dussumeri,
Puntius sarana, P. dubius, P. carnaticus, P. kolus, P. dobsoni, P. chagunio, P.
pulchellus, P. jerdoni P. curumuca, Thynnichythys sandhkhol, Osteobrama

Snow trouts Schizothorax sp., S. plagiostomus

Large catfishes Wallago attu, Aorichthys aor, A. seenghala, Mystus punctatus, M. gulio,
Pangasius pangasius, Silonia childrenii,

Featherbacks Notopterus notopterus, N. chitala

Air breathing catfishes Heteropneustes fossilis, Clarias batrachus

Murrels Channa marulius, C. striatus, C. punctaus, C. gachua

Minnows Ambassis nama, Esomus dandricus, Aspidoparia morar, Amblypharyngodon

mola, Puntius sophore, P. ticto, Oxygaster bacilla, Laubuca laubuca, Barilius
barilia, B. bola, Osteobrama cotio, Gadusia chapra

Exotic fishes Oreochromis mossambicus, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Cyprinus carpio

specularis, C. carpio communis, Gambusia affinis, Ctenopharyngodon idella

Table 5. Fish species affected by dam construction in India

River basin Affected species

Indus Mahseers, snow trouts, Labeo dero, L. dyocheilus, freshwater prawns

Mahanadi Tenualosa ilisha, Puntius sarana, Tor tor, T. mosal, Labeo fimbriatus, L. calbasu,
Rhinomugil corsula, freshwater prawns

Cauveri Puntius dubius, P. carnaticus, Cirrhinus cirrhosa, C. reba, Labeo kontius, L. fimbriatus,
freshwater prawns

Krishna Tenualosa ilisha, Puntius sarana, P. kolus, P. porcellus, P. potail, L. pangusia, L. fimbriatus,
L. calbasu, freshwater prawns

Barilius bola, in Tilaiya, (Damodar), Mystus krishnen- and Tor putitora in Pong (Beas) and Vallabhsagar
sis, Osteobrama vigorsii, and Pseudeutrpius taakree (Tapti).
in Nagarjunasagar (Krishna), Thynnichthys sandkhol
in Nizamsagar (Godavari) Tor khudree and T. mussal-
lah in Shivajisagar (Krishna), Aorichthys seenghala
Table 6. Estimated fish yield (using MEI method) and actual
Fisheries management of reservoirs in India yield in seven reservoirs in India

Phytoplankton is the major primary producer in the Reservoir Estimated yield Actual yield
(kg ha−1 ) (kg ha−1 )
reservoir ecosystem and fish productivity depends on
the efficiency of the water body to transform solar Pong (Himachal Pradesh) 33 32
energy into chemical energy. Transformation rate of Ukai (Gujarat) 67 46
Stanley (Tamil Nadu) 51 12
this chemical energy by consumers at different trophic Nagarjunasagar (Andhra Pradesh) 48 06
levels differs considerably from one reservoir to an- Rihand (Uttar Pradesh) 27 05
other depending on the qualitative and quantitative Gandhisagar (Madhya Pradesh) 52 08
variations in the biotic communities. Conversion rate Getalsud (Bihar) 68 02

of above 1% from primary producers to fish can be

considered as good. In an ideal situation, commer-
cial species share the ecological niches in such a way
that trophic resources are utilized to optimum. At the ters. Relationships between MEI and catch are based
same time, the fishes should belong to a short food on some common characteristics for sets of lakes that
chain to maximize the efficiency of converting the possess a certain number of limnological conditions.
primary food resources into harvestable materials. But These are (1) ionic composition (dominated by the
in reservoirs, such conditions seldom exist. carbonate-bicarbonate system), (2) water body (not
The major food niches of the Indian reservoirs dystrophic), (3) volume (not noticeably fluctuating)
are the biotic communities comprising phytoplank- and (4) similar thermal regime. Indian reservoirs, by
ton (Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Dinophyceae and and large, fulfil all these conditions except the one
Bacillariophyceae), zooplankton (copepods, clado- on fluctuations in volume. Henderson & Welcomme
cerans, rotifers and protozoans) and benthos (insect (1974) have calculated morpho-edaphic index and fish
larvae and nymphs, oligochaetes, nematodes and mol- yield potential for the African lakes as:
luscs). Significantly, many of the above niches with
Specific conductivity (µS)
the exception of insects, Cyanophyceae and molluscs MEI = and
are shared between Indian major carps and uneco- Mean depth (m)
nomic species, focussing need for controlling the
latter. The ecosystem-oriented management policy Fish yield (kg ha−1 ) = 14.3136 MEI 0.4681 .
places due emphasis on trophic strata in terms of Although the Asian reservoirs are known to have a
shared, unshared and vacant niches. Two main path- lower yield potential, till an Indian model is derived,
ways, through which primary energy finds its way this formula can be applied to the Indian reservoirs to
to fish, are the grazing and detritus chains (Nata- obtain a rough indication of productivity. However, the
rajan & Pathak, 1983). Contribution through these actual fish yields from most of the reservoirs are much
chains leading to transfer of energy to fish level needs lower than the potential estimated using the formula
to be assessed for determining the species combina- (Table 6).
tion, most suited to an ecosystem. Scientific fisheries
management implies utilization of the available food Capture fisheries, culture-based fisheries and
chain in reservoir by employing the right kinds of enhancement
species, fish stock monitoring through adjusting the
quantum of fishing effort and mesh size, and adopting Classification of reservoirs into small, medium and
conservation measures. large, based on size, has limitations in setting manage-
ment guidelines. The major consideration in choosing
Assessment of yield potential a particular management option is the degree, at which
the environmental parameters and fish stock can be
Several methods are in vogue to assess the fishery po- manipulated to increase the yield rate. A very useful
tential of reservoirs by deriving equations based on criterion to distinguish the norms of capture fisher-
area, depth, catchment area and the chemical paramet- ies from those of culture fisheries is the level of
ers of soil and water. Morpho-edaphic index (MEI) is a human intervention in ecosystem management. In in-
methods that uses simple, easily available parameters tensive aquaculture, the manager exercises a certain
reflecting morphometric as well as chemical charac- level of freedom in modifying the ecosystem both in

terms of environment and biotic communities. On the 2. It should be a quick growing, highly productive
other hand, in capture fisheries, wild untended popu- herbivorous fish with shorter food chain and higher
lations are harvested with little option to modify the efficiency of food utilization.
environment. 3. Number of them to be planted should be such that
Management of medium and large reservoirs in In- food resources of the ecosystem are fully utilized
dia can be considered as more akin to capture fisheries. and densest population maintained consistent with
Although most medium and large reservoirs in various normal growth.
states are regularly stocked, their fishery depends, to a 4 Stock should be readily available without major
large extent, on the wild or naturalized fish stock. Fish- shift in the cost involved in its transportation.
eries of the reservoirs like Bhavanisagar, Sathanur, 5. Cost of stocking and managing the species must
Krishnagiri, Malampuzha, Hirakud, Nagarjunasagar, be less than the benefits derived from stocking and
Rihand and Tungabhadra are dependent on natural management.
recruitment (Sugunan, 1995). Thus, management of
these reservoirs are basically on capture fisheries lines
However, evaluation of an array of factors like the
with some modes of stock and species enhancement.
biogenic capacity of the environment, growth rate
Conversely, small reservoirs in India depicts a totally
of the desired species and the population density as
different picture, where the impact of stocking is more
regulated by predatory and competitive pressures are
discernible. Since it is essentially a stock and recapture
needed to be evaluated before stocking. The policies
system, the small reservoir fishery management are
and guidelines currently available on the subject are
culture-based fisheries. However, there is no thumb
still erratic and even arbitrary.
rule to differentiate the two systems based on reser-
voir size. Fishing conditions, shallowness of reservoir
Stocking rate
and natural recruitment are the major factors that de-
A large country like India, with too many water bod-
termine whether capture or culture-based fisheries is
ies to be stocked, has inadequate state machinery to
meet the stocking requirements of all its reservoirs.
The key management parameters of culture-based
This has resulted in under-stocking of the reservoirs.
fishery are stocking density, size at stocking, size at
Stocking densities need to be fixed for individual water
capture and growout period. Fisheries enhancement
bodies or a group of them sharing common character-
is a process, by which qualitative improvement is
istics such as size, presence of natural fish populations,
achieved from water bodies through exercising spe-
predation pressure, fishing effort, minimum market-
cific management options. The common modes of
able size, amenability to fertilizing and multiplicity
enhancement, which are relevant to inland water bod-
of water use. The main considerations in determin-
ies of India, are stock enhancement (increasing the
ing the stocking rate are growth rate of individual
stock), species enhancement (inducting new species
species stocked, mortality rate, size at stocking and
to broaden the catch structure) and environmental
growing time. Based on the National Consultation on
enhancement (enriching the water quality through ar-
Reservoir Fisheries (Sugunan, 1997a), Government of
tificial eutrophication).
India has recently adapted the following formula (Wel-
comme, 1976) to calculate the stocking rate for small
Stock enhancement  
q ·P tc −t0 )
S= e−z(
Stocking of reservoirs with fingerlings of economic-
ally important, fast growing species to colonize all the where S is the number of fish to be stocked (in no
diverse niches of the biotope has become one of the ha−1 ), P is the natural annual potential yield of the
necessary prerequisites in reservoir fishery manage- water body (kg ha−1 ), q is the proportion of the yield
ment. The basic principles that should be followed in that can come from the species in question, W is the
selecting a species to be stocked are (Jhingran, 1988): mean weight at capture, tc is the age at capture, t0 is
the age at stocking and −z is the total mortality rate.
P can be estimated through MEI method (men-
1. The planted species should find the environment tioned above) and the range of mortality rates can be
suitable for survival and growth. found out from the estimated survival rate. Table 7
Table 7. Calculated stocking density at dif-
ferent levels of mortality (from Welcomme,
The basic tenets of stocking policy (Sugunan, 1995)
1976) are:

Annual survival −z Estimated stocking 1. Selection of the right species, depending on the
(% ) density (no, ha−1 ) fish food resources available in the system.
2. Determination of a stocking density on the basis of
50 0.7 805 production potential, growth and mortality rates.
37 1.0 1087
3. Proper stocking and harvesting schedule including
22 1.5 1792
staggered stocking and harvesting, allowing max-
13 2.0 2955
imum grow out period, taking into account the
critical water levels.
4. In small irrigation reservoirs with open sluices, the
Table 8. High yields obtained in some small reservoirs due to stock season of overflow and the possibilities of water
enhancement (from Sugunan, 1995) level falling too low or completely drying up are
also taken into consideration.
Reservoir State Stocking rate Yield
(no. ha−1 ) (kg ha−1 )

Aliyar Tamil Nadu 353 194 Some success stories of stocking in small reservoirs
Meenkara Kerala 1226 107 are listed in Table 8.
Chulliar Kerala 937 316
Markonahalli Karnataka 922 63 Environmental enhancement
Gularia Uttar Pradesh 517 150
Bachhra Uttar Pradesh 763 140 The improvement of nutrient status of water body
Baghla Uttar Pradesh – 102 by selective input of fertilizers is a very common
Bundh Beratha Rajasthan 164 94 management option adopted in intensive aquaculture.
If similar environmental enhancement is adopted in
small reservoirs, stocks can be maintained at levels
higher than the natural carrying capacity of the ecosys-
tem. However, a careful consideration of the possible
illustrates calculation of stocking rates using the for- impact on the environment is needed before this option
mula given above, when P = 200 kg ha−1 , q = 1, W = is resorted. Scientific knowledge to guide the safe ap-
0.5 kg and tc −t0 is 1. The model assumes insignificant plication of this type of enhancement and the methods
breeding by stocked population and therefore applies to reverse the environmental degradation, if any, are
mainly to total cropping situations i.e. those in which still inadequate. On account of all these, this is not
fish are caught below their minimum size for maturity, a very common management tool. China is known to
those whose natural reproduction does not take place have used this instrument in a big way to augment
and those where water body is not permanent. It shows production from small reservoirs. Taking cue from
that stocking density, which depends on natural condi- China, Cuba has manured small reservoirs using both
tions of productivity, growth and mortality, are very organic and inorganic fertilizers. This is also practiced
sensitive to Z. Because of the very large numbers of selectively in the community water bodies of Thailand
fry needed, this formula may have very limited utility (Sugunan, 1997b).
in large reservoirs. Sreenivasan & Pillai (1979) attempted to improve
plankton productivity of Vidur reservoir by applying
Impact of stocking in small reservoirs super-phosphate with highly encouraging results. As
Despite the lack of any national policy and sound an immediate result of fertilization, phosphate con-
scientific advice, stocking efforts made in India have tent of water increased from nil to 1.8 mg−1 and
been very effective in improving the yield from small that of soil from 0.242 to 0.328%. Experiments were
reservoirs. This is because of the fact that success in also conducted with urea in the same reservoir. After
management of small reservoirs depends more on re- two successive applications, significant limnological
capturing the stocked fish rather than building up a changes took place including the presence of free car-
breeding population. The smaller water bodies have bon dioxide and decrease in pH and dissolved oxygen
the advantage of easy recapture and stock monitoring. at bottom. As a direct benefit from fertilization, a 50%

increase in fish production, and a three-fold increase in yield, primarily because of its breeding success
in the size of catla, rohu, mrigal, L. fimbriatus and L. (Sreenivasan, 1984). In sharp contrast, in a number of
calbasu were achieved. reservoirs like Nagarjunasagar, Bhavanisagar, Krish-
Application of lime was tried in some upland nagiri, Malampuzha and Peechi, the fish did not make
lakes for amelioration of excessive carbon dioxide an impact, as it failed to breed. In Nagarjunasagar, an-
and acidity at the bottom (Sreenivasan, 1971). This nual stocking at the rate of 50 000–833 000 fingerlings
measure, together with application of super-phosphate of catla, rohu and mrigal during 1970s had little impact
in Yercaud lake, raised the pH from 6.2 to 7.3 and on the catch structure, as none of the stocked fishes
decreased carbon dioxide from 38 to 6.5 mg l−1 could breed and contribute to recruitment (Sugunan,
at the bottom. There were corresponding increases 1995).
in species number and biomass of plankton. Sim-
ilar experiments are reported from Kyrdemkulai and Species enhancement
Nongmahir in Meghalaya (Sugunan & Yadava, 1991
a,b) from Natkara reservoir in Madhya Pradesh (Su- Species enhancement aims at augmenting the species
gunan, 1995). Chinese experience in fertilizing the range by adding fish species from outside with a view
small water bodies to increase productivity, especially to colonize all the diverse niches of the biotope for
the Shishantou reservoir has been very encouraging harvesting maximum sustainable crop. It can be just
(Yang et al., 1990). stocking of a new species or introductions (which
means one time or repeated stocking of a species out-
Modeling approach in culture-based fisheries side its range of natural distribution). In India, there
are no restrictions on fish transplantation on trans-
Available models on culture-based fisheries of small basin basis. Catla, rohu and mrigal are being stocked
reservoirs have clearly confirmed that production is in the peninsular reservoirs for the last five decades.
a function of fishing mortality and stocking density. This is despite the fact that the peninsular rivers have
If some standard variables on population parameters, habitats, distinctly different from those of Ganga and
such as the density-dependent growth, size dependent Brahmaputra to which these fishes are indigenous. In
mortality and weight–length relationship are known, some of the south Indian reservoirs, they have es-
optimum stocking density and fishing mortality can be tablished breeding populations. The hallmark of the
arrived at. Thus, a desired balance between stocking Indian policy on stocking (actually introductions in
rate, population density and growth can be maintained. case of peninsular reservoirs) is the heavy dependence
Lorensen (1995). Illustrated a model on culture-based on Indian major carps. There is evidence that the Gan-
fisheries of Thailand (Figure 5). This tool has been getic major carps have affected the species diversity of
effectively used in many countries (Sugunan, 1997b) peninsular cyprinids (Sugunan, 1995).
to make necessary adjustments in fishing effort.
Introduction of exotics

Management of medium and large reservoirs In spite of an already rich and diverse fish genetic re-
source of India, more than 300 species have already
Since large and medium reservoirs are to be developed been introduced into the country (Jhingran, 1989b).
on the principles of capture fisheries, the main ac- While a vast majority of them are ornamental fishes
cent of management is on conservation of habitat in confined to aquaria, some like tilapia (Oreochromis
order to allow natural recruitment and growth of the mossambicus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys mo-
target species. Stock monitoring is achieved through litrix), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and three
maneuvering of fishing effort and following mesh size varieties of common carp (scale carp Cyprinus car-
regulations. Introduction is resorted to correct im- pio communis, mirror carp C. carpio specularis and
balances in species spectrum, and stocking is done leather carp C. carpio nudus) have been brought
as a temporary measure to compensate for recruit- for aquaculture purposes. In recent years, the big-
ment failure. Stocking attempts in medium and large head carp (Aristichthys nobilis), Nile tilapia (Oreco-
reservoirs are successful only when the stocked fishes chromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gar-
breed and propagate themselves. Catla stocked in iepinus) have become popular among aquaculturists.
Sathanur, Gandhisagar and Ukai also led to increase The tilapia, O. mossambicus was stocked in reservoirs

Figure 5. Production as a function of fishing mortality and stocking density for a gear selection length of 30 cm (After Lorenzen, 1995).

of south India during the 1960s. Jhingran (1991) repor- ilar latitude-induced change was noticed, as it matured
ted a gradual decline in size of tilapia in reservoirs of in one year, compared to 5 years in China. While
Tamil Nadu and Kerala over the years. Barring Kerala, evaluating the co-existence of silver carp and catla,
the fish has low consumer preference. Today, fishery Karamchandani & Mishra (1980) established that the
managers in India do not prefer O. mossambicus as a two fishes shared a common niche and competed with
candidate for stocking (Sugunan, 1995). each other for food in the reservoir ecosystem. Jhin-
An experimental consignment of 239 fingerlings of gran & Natarajan (1978) cautioned against introducing
silver carp was stocked in Kulgarhi reservoir (Mad- the fish in Indian reservoirs connected to major river
hya Pradesh) in 1969, 10 years after its introduction. systems, as it might adversely affect catla and other
Based on the recapture of 8 specimens, growth rates precious indigenous carps of the country. However, it
ranging from 597 mm in 783 days and 404 mm in 293 is significant to note that despite its entry into a num-
days have been reported (Rao & Dwivedi, 1972). Sim- ber of reservoirs, by accident or otherwise, silver carp
ilar trials in Getalsud reservoir (Bihar) showed growth failed to breed anywhere except in Gobindsagar.
rate of 2.2–5.79 g, d−1 . In Gobindsagar reservoir While the Bangkok strain of common carp is
(Himachal Pradesh), the fish, after an accidental in- stocked in reservoirs of the plains, the European strain
troduction, formed a breeding population and brought is preferred in the temperate zones and at high alti-
about a sharp increase from 160 t in 1970–71 to more tudes. But their performance in reservoirs was erratic,
than 1000 t at present. Jhingran & Natarajan (1978) despite heavy stocking. Being a sluggish fish, its
pointed out that silver carp, being cold water fish in- chances of survival in predator-dominated reservoirs
troduced in India, consumed food much in excess and are very poor. They are not frequently caught in a
grew faster as expected of a true poikilotherm. A sim- passive fishing gear like gill net due to its slow move-

ment and bottom dwelling habit. In Nagarjunasagar, Ahmed, S. H. & S. K. Singh, 1992. Present status, potentialities and
despite regular stocking for 13 years, common carp strategies for development of reservoir fisheries in Bihar. Fishing
Chimes 12: 49–57.
did not form a part of the fishery (Sugunan, 1995). Anon., 1980. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of All India
A more important disqualification of common carp Coordinated Project on Ecology and Fisheries of Freshwater
is its propensity to compete with some indigenous Reservoirs, Simla 25–26 November 1980. Central Inland Fish-
carps like Cirrhinus mrigala, C. cirrhosa and C. reba, eries Research Institute, Barrackpore West Bengal India: 121
with which it shares a food niche. Instances of com- Anon., 1982 Final Report of All India Coordinated Project on
mon carp causing the decline of Cirrhinus spp. are Ecology and Fisheries of Freshwater Reservoirs, Nagarjunas-
Girna (Valsankar, 1987) and Krishnarajasagar (Sug- agar. Research Information Series No.3. Central Inland Fisheries
unan, 1995) reservoirs. Detailed accounts of mirror Research Institute, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India: 66 pp.
Anon., 1983. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop of All India
carp affecting the survival of native fish species in Coordinated Project on Ecology and Fisheries of Freshwater
Gobindsagar reservoir, upland lakes of Kashmir and Reservoirs, Barrackpore, 9–10 March 1983. Central Inland Fish-
Kumaon Himalayas (Schizothorax spp.), and Loktak eries Research Institute, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India: 148
lake in the northeast (Osteobrama belangiri) are given pp.
Anon., 1984a. Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop of All India
by Sugunan (1995). Coordinated Project on Ecology and Fisheries of Freshwater
Reservoirs, Patna, 11–12 July 1984. Central Inland Fisheries
Removal of predators and minnows Research Institute, Barrackpore West Bengal, India: 148 pp.
Anon., 1984b. Final Report of All India Coordinated Project on Eco-
logy and Fisheries of Freshwater Reservoirs, Getalsud. Research
Checking these unwanted populations is a very diffi- Information Series No. 4. Central Inland Fisheries Research
cult management problem, especially in large reser- Institute, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India: 54 pp.
voirs. Repeated use of gill nets of appropriate mesh Anon., 1989. Final Report of All India Coordinated Project on
size, use of long lines and traps are suggested for Ecology and Fisheries of Freshwater Reservoirs, Gobindsagar.
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, West
control of the uneconomic and undesirable popula- Bengal, India: 75 pp.
tions. David & Rajagopal (1969) reported that the Anon., 1994. Detailed information on Gumti reservoir, Tripura.
giant shore seine, alivi, helped in reducing the cat- Communication from the Advisor (Fisheries) Northeastern
fish population in Tungabhadra reservoir by 76–81%. Council, to the Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute,
Barrackpore, West Bengal, India: 54 pp.
Alivi also removes minnows in large numbers. Re- Anon., 1997. Ecology and fisheries of Bhatghar reservoir. Bul-
cent findings of Kartha & Rao (1990) with regard to letin No.73. Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute,
the efficacy of trawling in checking predators and un- Barrackpore, West Bengal, India: 28 pp.
economic fishes are of interest. Bottom trawling in Anon., 1998. Ecology and fisheries of Markonahalli reservoir
(Karnataka). Bulletin No. 78. Central Inland Capture Fisheries
Gandhisagar caught 64–91% of unwanted fishes and Research Institute, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India: 41 pp.
this has been recommended as a method to crop the Banerjee, R. K. & P. Ray, 1979. Soil and water quality of Tun-
predators and carp minnows. Natarajan (1979b) sug- gabhadra reservoir as indices of biological productivity. Lecture
delivered at the Summer Institute on Culture and Capture Fish-
gested biological control of trash fishes by stocking
eries of Man-made lakes in India, July–August, 1979. Central
two euryhaline species viz., Megalops cyprinoides and Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, West Bengal,
Lates calcarifier. Since these predatory fishes do not India: 46–53.
breed in freshwater, they cannot go out of control. Birasal, M. R., V. R. Nadkarni, S. R. Krishnamurthy & S. G. Bhar-
ati, 1991. The physico-chemical status of the Kali River after
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Capture Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR), Barrack- Ecology and Pollution of Inland Lakes and Reservoirs. Ashish
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