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Min/Max Function

66 65 78 97 54 62

AVERAGE function

20.1 20 23.5 22.1 24.7

MEDIAN function

14 15 17

13 14 25 30

Mode Function

1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 6

STDEV function

10 20 30 40 50 60

10 10 10 10 10
11 9 10 9 11

Find the stddev of students marks in BBA class

BBA Batch 1
Student No Marks
ST001 60
ST002 78
ST003 80
ST004 45
ST005 54
ST006 74
ST007 66
ST008 88
ST009 73
ST010 43
11 9 10 9 11 text 1
5 5
5 5
From the given data range, Caculate the functions accordingly
1.Median function
2.Mode Function
3.Population STDDev
4.Sample Variance

Winning Team Points Scored Winning Lossing Team Points Scored Losi Winning Margin
Bos 93 Was 89 4
Char 102 ATL 100 2
Det 119 Cle 95 24
Ind 98 Tor 87 11
Mil 77 Min 73 4
New 88 Orl 82 6
Phil 90 Mia 80 10
Pho 102 NJ 91 11
Sea 122 Cli 105 17
Uta 78 Van 70 8
1.Calculate the avearage score of Winning Team. Display the answer in sheet B13
2.Calculate the Winning Margin which is the difference between the Points Scored Winning Team and Points Scored Lossing T
3.Find the stastical middle value of the Winning Team in B35
4.Find the standard deviation of the Winning Team Score in B36
5.Find the varirance of the lossing Team in B37
6.Sort the Winning Team in alphabetical order

Find the average height of citizens in this city. Which Std deviation you use
Ref No Height CM
ref001 176 STDDevSample
ref002 158
ref003 145
ref004 180
ref005 168
ref006 167
ref007 175
ref008 180
ref009 150
Winning Team and Score Match Played between

eam and Points Scored Lossing Team in the column E

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