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Assertive Executive (ESTJ-A) vs.

Turbulent Executive (ESTJ-T)

With their trademark responsibility, work ethic, ambition, and leadership,

Assertive Executives (ESTJ-A) and Turbulent Executives (ESTJ-T) share a
very dynamic path through life. Because of the nature of their core traits,
where Identity might split other personality types, Executives can look
very similar. This similarity is likely due to their shared sense of
dedication and drive. However, that doesn’t mean that they are
untouched by Identity differences. Let’s explore further to see how those
differences play out, specifically in their emotional and social

Passionate Thinkers

75% of Turbulent Executives agreed that some people around them would
say their emotional reactions can be intense, compared to 45% of
Assertive Executives.
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We see a lot of Executive Identity differences playing out in their
emotions. But that doesn’t mean that either type of Executive is highly
emotional. It’s helpful to remember this as we explore the Assertive and
Turbulent personality differences.

That said, when compared to other Sentinels, both types of Executive

describe themselves in ways that suggest that they are passionate about
their goals and accomplishments. And both types of Executive will likely
stand their ground when the defense of their achievements and goals
seems needed. These personality types are the Sentinels who are least
afraid of conflict.

Turbulent Executives take this up a notch. They guard all the things
they’re responsible for energetically. In defending them, they can become
angry and even aggressive. When compared to Assertive Executives,
Turbulent Executives describe themselves as more emotionally reactive.

It’s likely that when typical Executive ambition meets Turbulent doubt,
Turbulent Executive personalities are more likely to engage in defensive
thinking and behavior. They may do so in the name of protecting their
gains or goals. Turbulent Executives are more likely than their Assertive
counterparts to say they are easily provoked and to meet aggression with
aggression. That probably comes across as toughness. But, in reality, it
may be a more fragile defensiveness.

84% of Turbulent Executives said they’re easily angered when they feel
slighted or offended, compared to 48% of Assertive Executives.
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However, that doesn’t mean that Turbulent Executives pass through life
always angry by any means. Turbulent Executives are likely to moderate
their emotions for practical and rational reasons. Being too upset too
often is not suitable for personal or professional relationships, which are
valuable to them. When viewed in an overarching way, these
personalities are more likely to look for a rational approach when
interacting with others rather than an emotional one.

Assertive Executives have some of these same protective qualities, but

they aren’t as likely to take a defensive stance quite as quickly. They are
more likely to believe that they can easily handle any threats they sense
or imagine, and so are more easygoing when responding to such things.
They are less likely to dwell on problems or the past, which might suggest
that these personalities let go of slights and find forgiveness more easily.
But their relaxed nature may also be interpreted as apathy by others who
do not know them well.

The Role Others Play

78% of Assertive Executives said their happiness does not depend on how
other people feel about them, compared to 44% of Turbulent Executives.

Similarly, Assertive Executives say they don’t need approval to be happy.

Assertive individuals tend to think in more independent terms. When this
independence is combined with the Thinking personality trait, these
Executives are a little more likely than Turbulent Executives to keep
others at a distance.r
That’s not to say
u Executives
a are incapable
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of deep relationships, but such connections may not be as urgent for
these personality types.

Assertive Executives are still Extraverts even if they have less of a need
for others than Turbulent Executives. Their Extraversion limits their
Assertive pursuit of independence much more than it might if they were

Turbulent Executives are much more responsive to others and profess a

stronger need for the people in their lives. Even eating alone in a
restaurant is more uncomfortable for them than for Assertive Executives.
People seem essential for their happiness and comfort.

An elevated need for people can be a real benefit to Turbulent

Executives, making them more open to opinions and ideas as a way to
preserve respectful relationships. This openness may even nudge
Turbulent Executives toward being more sensitive to the needs and
feelings of the people who populate their various social and professional

63% of Turbulent Executives agreed that their behavior is often dictated

by what others around them are doing, compared to 36% of Assertive

Turbulent Executives may try to “fit in” to satisfy these needs for others.
In many situations, that alone is not a problem. As the saying goes,
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Conforming can be a way to
connect with others.r
pa problem
It only becomes
u whena it goes too far, and
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these Executives abandon that which makes them who they are. These
personalities may also find themselves people-pleasing and trying not to
upset others. This walking on eggshells is yet another reason they are
likely to moderate – or perhaps repress – any negative emotions they
might feel.

Assertive Executives are less interested in conforming. Their self-

assurance and their sense of purpose offer them a perspective that
allows these personalities to place less value on how others see them.
But again, their level of attention to such things is relative. As Extraverts,
Assertive Executives are likely to want mutual respect or even shared
admiration, if for no other reason than to keep their social connections
healthy. But they are less interested than Turbulent Executives in being
popular. Connecting with others likely comes from a place of “want” for
them, rather than “need.”

70% of Turbulent Executives said they often worry that they might have
let someone down, compared to 36% of Assertive Executives.

Both types of Executive are likely to sacrifice to benefit any group with
whom they are involved. Such sacrifice is likely a product of their
disciplined nature and their drive to succeed. However, there is a glaring
difference here between Assertive and Turbulent Executives. Turbulent
Executives report succumbing to pressure much more than Assertive
Executives do. Consequently, Turbulent Executives’ sacrifice may feel
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Turbulent Executives are more likely to report getting a lot of pressure
from their families to succeed. These personalities are more likely than
Assertive Executives to say they feel uncomfortable doing something
socially unacceptable, even if no one sees them do it. So, even without
actual eyes on them, they still feel social pressure.

Such pressure may sound like a negative. But, in the right measure, it can
also provide a type of accountability that drives Turbulent Executives
toward even more diligent behavior. However, if excessive, such pressure
can also play on their self-doubt and create anxiety that paralyzes their

70% of Assertive Executives said it does not bother them if someone really
dislikes them, compared to 39% of Turbulent Executives.

Assertive Executives appear to be comparatively immune to the pressure

others try to place on them. They have less need for the approval of
others or to be liked on any level. Because of this, they tend to be more
independent and to travel more lightly and somewhat more swiftly
through life because they don’t depend so much on the counsel of

Again, a grain of salt must be taken. They are still Extraverts and still get
energy from people. They aren’t likely to crave solitude. But they
probably avoid the opinions of others becoming a burden as much as is
possible while still maintaining relationships.

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Assertive Executives are more likely than Turbulent Executives to
consider themselves very purposeful people. However, on closer
inspection, both personality types have strong focus and are goal-

Turbulent Executives tend to be more emotionally reactive and

more easily angered. This is likely born of a more defensive stance
rather than an aggressive one.

Assertive Executives are more easygoing when it comes to

emotions. This can make them appear less sensitive and
unconcerned. But it likely also makes them quicker to forgive.

As Extraverts, both types of Executives want people in their lives.

However, Turbulent Executives experience a bit more of a need for
this than Assertive Executives do. Turbulent Executives feel a higher
pressure to conform. This pressure can make these personalities
more sensitive to the needs of others.

Assertive Executives are likely to desire companionship more than

need it. Viewing social interaction as a pleasurable option allows
them to enjoy the people in their lives while also maintaining their
more efficient, independent decisiveness.

Whether they’re Assertive or Turbulent, Executives are ambitious and

diligent in all the things they see as important. Introduce the Identity
personality traits, and they become less alike while keeping their shared
core traits. We see their
r differencesp
u mostly
a in their emotional
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and social lives, and this boils down to how they regard and relate to
others. Since both personality types are Extraverts, people remain
essential to them and provide energy in their lives. But it doesn’t always
look the same, depending on whether Executives possess the Assertive
or Turbulent Identity.


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