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ARPITA SINGH | marpitasingh10@gmail.

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021

Last Updated: May 6, 2021

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
......................... _ ......... ........ ..... ......... ...............................................
News Headlines ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
April 16, 2021 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
April 17, 2021 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
April 18, 2021 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
April 19, 2021 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
April 20, 2021 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
April 21, 2021 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
April 22, 2021 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
April 23, 2021 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
April 24, 2021 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
April 25, 2021 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
April 26, 2021 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
April 27, 2021 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
April 28, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
April 29, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
April 30, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
April 16, 2021 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Gaganyaan: ISRO signs agreement with France ............................................................................................................................ 13
UNFPA Study on Bodily Autonomy ................................................................................................................................................. 13
What is Adenovirus? ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
What is Forest fire Season? ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Facebook Inclusive Internet Index ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
PM CARES Fund: Oxygen Plant for 100 new hospitals ............................................................................................................... 15
IMD: Monsoon to be normal in India in 2021 .............................................................................................................................. 16
IMF: Sub-Saharan Africa to see world's slowest growth in 2021 ............................................................................................. 17
COVAXIN: Transfer of Technology from Bharat Biotech to Haf ine ...................................................................................... 17
NASA to launch SpaceX Crew 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
National Dialogue on UN Food Systems Summit 2021 .............................................................................................................. 18
S-400 Triumf SA-21 Growler ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
National level Climate Vulnerability report to be released ........................................................................................................... 19
ROPAX Jetty Project on River Dhamra ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Current Affairs – April 16, 2021 [Daily News Digest] ................................................................................................................. 21
April 17, 2021 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
World Haemophilia Day: April 17 .................................................................................................................................................... 22
Rural Health Statistics Report ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Regulations Review Authority 2.0 .................................................................................................................................................... 23
National Startup Advisory Council ................................................................................................................................................... 24
EatSmart Cities Challenge and Transport 4 All Challenge ......................................................................................................... 25
What is Double Mutant Corona Virus Variant? ............................................................................................................................. 25
Right to Privacy, Reputation extinguishes after death: Madras High Court ........................................................................... 26
What is Lyrid Meteor Shower? ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Asian Wrestling Championship: Vinesh Phogat wins Gold ........................................................................................................ 27
US Treasury report: India placed on currency watch list ........................................................................................................... 28
US on Refugee Cap ............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Gender Samvaad Event ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Turkey bans Crypto Currency payments ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Health sector included in ECLGS scheme ...................................................................................................................................... 30
April 19, 2021 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
National Climate Vulnerability Report .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Italy: First Food Park in India ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
China-US Climate Change Cooperation ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Luna 25: Russian Moon mission ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
Tribunal Reforms Ordinance, 2021 ................................................................................................................................................. 34
National Internet Exchange of India Initiatives .............................................................................................................................. 35
Pressure Swing Adsorption Plants to increase oxygen ................................................................................................................ 35
Israel Greece sign Defence Deal ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Study: Only 3% of land areas unspoiled by humans .................................................................................................................... 36
Tyrannosaurus rex outnumbered 2.5 billon ................................................................................................................................... 37
Syria Presidential Election ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Ecocide Bill of France .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Drugs and Cosmetics Act: New Regulatory Regime for eight medical items ........................................................................ 38
What is Table Mountain National Park? ......................................................................................................................................... 39
April 20, 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
DRDO develops Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System ........................................................................................................... 40
India, Germany MoU on Cities combating plastic entering the marine environment ......................................................... 40
Israel: National plan to reduce 80% GHG emissions by 2050 .................................................................................................. 41
Report: One in two Indian adults experienced cybercrime in last 12 months ........................................................................ 42
Tourism and Culture Ministry inaugurates online exhibition on Ramayana .......................................................................... 42
World Press Freedom Index, 2021 ................................................................................................................................................... 43
Indian Railways runs Oxygen Express ............................................................................................................................................. 44
Vaccination Strategy of Phase 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
NASA Ingenuity Helicopter makes historic flight ......................................................................................................................... 45
Sudarshan Sen Committee of RBI .................................................................................................................................................... 45
Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Khanjar: India-Kyrgyztan Military Exercise .................................................................................................................................... 46
What is Deepwater Horizon Disaster? ............................................................................................................................................ 47
World Heritage Day: April 18 - Update (April, 2021) ................................................................................................................ 48
What is Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) alert? ........................................................................................... 48
Online Portal: For trusted telecom gear makers ........................................................................................................................... 49
Dracopristis hoffmanorum: Godzilla shark discovered in New Mexico ................................................................................. 49
Startup India Seed Fund Scheme ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
State of the Global Climate 2020 Report ....................................................................................................................................... 50
Union Cabinet approves India-Bangladesh Cooperation in Trade ............................................................................................. 51
April 21, 2021 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
People's bank of china report on India's demographic advantage ............................................................................................ 52
Insurance Scheme for Health Workers under PM Garib Kalyan Yojana ................................................................................ 52
AAYUDH Advance Controversy ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
Civil Services Day: April 21 ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Cabinet approves Subsidy for Urea produced via Coal Gasification ........................................................................................ 54
Crude oil output of India drops ........................................................................................................................................................ 55
Australia-India Indo Pacific Oceans Initiative ................................................................................................................................. 55
COVAXIN neutralises double Mutant Strain ................................................................................................................................. 56
Amnesty International: Global review of the death penalty ....................................................................................................... 57
India elected to three bodies of the UN ECOSOC ....................................................................................................................... 57
Russia to launch its own Space Station ........................................................................................................................................... 58
Blue Nature Alliance- Global Marine initiative .............................................................................................................................. 58
George Floyd: Ex-policeman found guilty of murder .................................................................................................................. 59
New Zealand set to consolidate healthcare into National service ............................................................................................. 60
What is Air Independent Propulsion? How is it used in Submarines? .................................................................................... 60
What is Potamophylax coronavirus? ................................................................................................................................................. 61
April 22, 2021 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
World Earth Day: April 22 ................................................................................................................................................................. 62
US Leaders Summit: Xi Jing Ping to attend the Summit ............................................................................................................ 62
Triple Mutant Variant ......................................................................................................................................................................... 63
What is Beal seed viability experiment? ........................................................................................................................................... 63
US House passes No Ban Act ........................................................................................................................................................... 64
Cosmic Rose of NASA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Israel: Google and AWS chosen for 1 billion Nimbus Project ................................................................................................... 65
Australia cancels deals on China’s Belt and Road ......................................................................................................................... 66
US Commission proposes adding India to CPC list ..................................................................................................................... 66
Who are FACT rebels of Chad? ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Global Energy Transition Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 67
Global Energy Review ......................................................................................................................................................................... 68
MOXIE- Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment .............................................................................................. 69

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
COVIRAP Technology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 69
April 23, 2021 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
World Book and Copyright Day: April 23 ..................................................................................................................................... 70
India-US 2030 Climate Partnership ................................................................................................................................................ 70
Indian women win 7 gold in AIBA Youth World Boxing Championship ............................................................................... 71
NASA SHIELDS Mission: To Study Interstellar Space ................................................................................................................ 71
SC asks for National plan on COVID-19 situation ....................................................................................................................... 72
S&P: Growth of 11 per cent for India in 2021 ............................................................................................................................... 73
State of Emergency in Ethiopia ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Statehood Movement in Columbia .................................................................................................................................................. 74
GC Murmu chosen as external auditor by OPCW ...................................................................................................................... 74
US passes bill to fight hate crimes against Asian Americans ..................................................................................................... 75
Earth Day Summit ............................................................................................................................................................................... 75
IndRa: Cost of vaccinating India's population above 18 years 0.36% of GDP ...................................................................... 76
Second World Ocean Assessment .................................................................................................................................................... 76
Japan to host first joint military exercise with US and France ................................................................................................... 77
SBI Report: FY22 growth at 10.4%, ................................................................................................................................................ 78
What is Proning? .................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana: Free Food Grains till June ................................................................................... 79
April 24, 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 79
National Panchayati Raj Day ............................................................................................................................................................. 79
NBFCs to function in GIFT city, Gujarat ....................................................................................................................................... 80
GoI targets 17 million tonnes of Mustard Production ................................................................................................................ 80
Zydus drug Virafin gets DCGI nod .................................................................................................................................................. 81
Glacier burst reported in Sumna, Neeti Valley .............................................................................................................................. 82
Export of processed food products increase by 27% during April-February 20-21 ............................................................ 82
COVISHIELD protects against Double Mutant ............................................................................................................................. 83
116 Indian districts reported zero malaria cases in 2020 ............................................................................................................ 83
Basic customs duty and health cess on medical oxygen, equipment launched ...................................................................... 84
SVAMITVA E-Property Cards distributed ..................................................................................................................................... 84
April 25, 2021 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
World Malaria Day: April 25 ............................................................................................................................................................. 85
April 26, 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 86
World Intellectual Property Day: April 26 ..................................................................................................................................... 86
International Climate Finance Plan of the US ............................................................................................................................... 86
Gambia eliminates Trachoma ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
Russia’s central bank increases interest rates ................................................................................................................................. 87
SpaceX Crew 2: Key Facts ................................................................................................................................................................ 88
Infections after COVID Vaccination ................................................................................................................................................ 89
NASA helicopter makes third flight on Mars ............................................................................................................................... 89
CSIR Sero survey Results ................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Zhurong: China's first Mars rover .................................................................................................................................................... 91
ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand: April 25 ................................................................................................................. 91
New Zealand's action to save Maui dolphins ................................................................................................................................. 92
Zhao: 1st Asian woman to win best director Oscar ..................................................................................................................... 92
What is an Oxygen Concentrator? ................................................................................................................................................... 93
Unicorn Black Hole ............................................................................................................................................................................. 94
April 27, 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 94
What are Tissue Chips? ...................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Ladakh Ignited Minds Project ........................................................................................................................................................... 95
WHO's E-2025 initiative ..................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Google, Microsoft announce funding to help India tackle COVID-19 .................................................................................... 96
World Immunisation Week ................................................................................................................................................................ 96
ASEAN Initiative on Myanmar ......................................................................................................................................................... 97
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day: April 26 ............................................................................................... 98
UK to build World’s most powerful climate-change forecasting supercomputer ................................................................. 98
RBI’s State of the Economy Report - Update (April, 2021) ....................................................................................................... 99
Forest Fire in Mizoram ....................................................................................................................................................................... 99

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021

ADB provided $1.5-billion to India for CovidARPITA SINGH | |

response ............................................................................................................ 100
Large Area Certification (LAC) Scheme of PGS-India- A&N gets certification ................................................................... 101
Aditya-L1 Support Cell (AL1SC)- Key Facts ................................................................................................................................. 101
DRDO Single Crystal Blade Technology ...................................................................................................................................... 102
Current Affairs – April 27, 2021 [Daily News Digest] .............................................................................................................. 102
April 28, 2021 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
US Population increases by 7.4% ................................................................................................................................................... 104
Genome Study on Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros ............................................................................................................... 104
SIPRI report on Military Spending ................................................................................................................................................. 105
RBI Guidelines for Tenure of Bank CEOs and MDs ................................................................................................................. 106
Chandler Good Government Index ............................................................................................................................................... 106
What is Cycle threshold (Ct) Value in a RT-PCR Test? ........................................................................................................... 107
NEO-01: China's robot prototype to catch space debris ........................................................................................................... 108
WHO to provide 4,000 oxygen concentrators to India ........................................................................................................... 108
Earthquake in Assam ......................................................................................................................................................................... 109
ADB raises India GDP forecast by 11% ........................................................................................................................................ 109
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and UK on Customs Cooperation ................................................................. 110
GNCTD (Amendment) Act comes into force in Delhi .............................................................................................................. 111
Python 5 Air to Air Missile ................................................................................................................................................................ 111
Varuna 2021: India-France Naval Exercise .................................................................................................................................... 112
April 29, 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Inter-Ministerial group set up to clear global relief materials ................................................................................................... 112
PM CARES Fund: 1 Lakh Portable Oxygen Concentrators ....................................................................................................... 113
Somanathan: New Finance secretary .............................................................................................................................................. 114
Brazil: Sputnik V vaccine supply had live cold virus .................................................................................................................... 114
First indigenous vaccine for fish developed in India .................................................................................................................... 115
NITI calls for EV purchase subsidy in addition to FAME-II subsidy ....................................................................................... 115
Who was Michael Collins? ................................................................................................................................................................ 116
Where is Plain of Jars located? ......................................................................................................................................................... 116
India’s first 3D printed house at IIT-M ......................................................................................................................................... 117
China launches Tianhe space station core module ...................................................................................................................... 118
UK to allow Driverless cars on roads ............................................................................................................................................. 118
What is IA 2030? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 119
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund crosses Rs. 8,000 crores mark ............................................................................................ 120
Supply Chain Resilience Initiative .................................................................................................................................................... 120
April 30, 2021 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 121
Ayushman Bharat Diwas: April 30 .................................................................................................................................................. 121
Russia expels European Diplomats .................................................................................................................................................. 122
Why were the Goa Infra Projects red flagged? ........................................................................................................................... 122
National Commission for Women: WhatsApp Number for Pregnant Women .................................................................... 123
Import of 17 medical devices allowed ............................................................................................................................................ 123
Mining Robot Stranded in the Pacific ............................................................................................................................................ 124
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 60 Starlink satellites ............................................................................................................ 125
Char Dham Yatra suspended ........................................................................................................................................................... 125
Stampede at Israeli Pilgrimage site ................................................................................................................................................. 126
Global Electric Vehicle Outlook, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................... 127
Japan's Order of the Rising Sun honour to Bengaluru Teacher .............................................................................................. 127
Net Zero Producer Forum ............................................................................................................................................................... 128
RBI joins Network for Greening the Financial System- NGFS ............................................................................................... 128
NATO Military Exercises launched ................................................................................................................................................ 129
120 Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................................................................... 130
Notice ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 158

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
News Headlines
April 16, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 16, 2021:
India hosts BRICS seminar on misuse of Internet by terrorists; organised by National Investigation
Agency (NIA)
ISRO, French Space Agency CNES to cooperate on India’s Gaganyaan Human Spaceflight programme
Indian Coast Guard apprehends Pakistani boat with 30 kgs of heroin off Jakhau, Gujarat
Hardeep S. Puri, MoS (I/C), Housing and Urban Affairs launches EatSmart Cities Challenge, aim is to
nudge the urban populace to make the right food choices
Hardeep S. Puri, MoS (I/C), Housing and Urban Affairs launches Transport 4 All Challenge; aim is to
develop digital solutions that will make public transport safe and affordable for all
Economy & corporate
2020-21: Exports at $290.63 billion (–7.26%), Imports: $389.18 billion (–18%)
Wholesale price index (WPI) based inflation at over 8-year high of 7.39% in March
RBI to set up new Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) for a period of 1 year, to be headed by
Deputy Governor M. Rajeshwar Rao
India ranked 49th among 120 countries on Facebook ‘Inclusive Internet Index’ compiled by Economist
Intelligence Unit (EIU)
US President Joe Biden announces new sanctions on Russia, expulsion of 10 diplomats for
interference in the 2020 US presidential election and the hacking of federal agencies
US President Joe Biden announces complete withdrawal of US, NATO troops from Afghanistan by
September 11
Haiti: PM Joseph Jouthe resigns as the country faces a spike in violence
Cricket: Wisden awards
England all-rounder Ben Stokes is ‘Cricketer of the Year’
Dom Sibley, Zak Crawley, West Indian Jason Holder, Mohammed Rizwan and Darren Stevens named
Wisden Cricketers of the Year in the 2021 edition of Wisden Almanack
Australia’s Beth Mooney is ‘Leading Women’s Cricketer in the World’
India captain Virat Kohli Wisden Almanack’s ODI player of the 2010s
Sachin Tendulkar is the ODI Cricketer of the 1990s
Kapil Dev was named as the ODI Cricketer for the 1980s
April 17, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 17, 2021:
3-day Indian Air Force Commanders’ Conference 2021 concluded in New Delhi; theme: ‘Reorienting
for the Future’
Monsoon to be ‘normal’ in 2021: India Meteorological Department
Former CBI chief Ranjit Sinha passes away at 68; also headed ITBP and Railway Protection Force
Noted radiologist and former director of NIMS (Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences), Hyderabad,
Kakarla Subbarao dies at 96; awarded Padma Shri in 2000
Economy & corporate
Ashok Leyland delivers first lot of light bullet proof vehicles to Indian Air Force; developed in in
collaboration with Lockheed Martin of US
© 2021 GKToday | All Rights Reserved | 3
Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Foreign exchange reserves rose USD 4.34 billion to USD 581.21 billion in the week ended April 9.
Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ launches “World 1st affordable and long-lasting
hygiene product DuroKea Series”, developed by IIT Hyderabad researchers
PNB fraud: UK Home Secretary approves extradition of fugitive businessman Nirav Modi
United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) flagship State of World Population Report 2021 titled ‘My
Body is My Own’ launched
Turkey bans use of cryptocurrencies to purchase goods and services
Italian film-maker Roberto Benigni to receive Venice Film Festival’s Lifetime Achievement award
Asian Wrestling Championship in Almaty, Kazakhstan: India’s Sarita Mor won gold medal in women’s
59 kg
April 18, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 18, 2021:
National climate vulnerability assessment identifies eight states as highly vulnerable: Jharkhand,
Mizoram, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal
Delhi govt deputes 10 IAS Officers in private hospitals for better Covid management
Railways to impose fine up to Rs 500 for not wearing masks in trains and stations premises
Tamil actor Vivekh dies at 59 in Chennai; was Tamil Nadu’s ambassador for creating public health
Economy & corporate
Italy launches its first ever mega food park project in India, at Fanidhar in Mehsana district of Gujarat
Star India bags broadcast rights of Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) for the next five seasons
UN Security Council agrees to deploy cease-fire monitors in Libya; country facing civil war since
ouster of dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011
US, Japan pledge to strengthen Quad to build free, open Indo-Pacific region during meeting between
President Joe Biden and PM Yoshihide Suga at White House
France: National Assembly approves ‘ecocide’ offence to punish environmental damage
Cuba: Raul Castro (89) steps down from leadership of ruling Cuban Communist Party
India women win four gold medals in Asian Wrestling Championships in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Vinesh
Phogat in 53-kg, Anshu Malik in 57-kg, Divya Kakran in 72-kg and Sarita Mor in 59-kg
India beat Argentina 4-2 in final practice match in men’s hockey at Buenos Aires
Uttarakhand: Water Sports and Adventure Institute opens on the bank of the Tehri lake; will be run by
Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium will host T20 World Cup final in November 2021
April 19, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 19, 2021:
162 Pressure Swing Adsorption Oxygen plants sanctioned for installation in public health facilities in
all States; 33 already installed
Railways to run ‘Oxygen Express’ to transport liquid medical oxygen and oxygen cylinders

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Economy & corporate
Indian pharma exports grow at 18% to USD 24.4 billion in in 2020-21
Gold imports rose by 22.58% to USD 34.6 billion during 2020-21
Flavoured milk taxable at 12% under GST: Gujarat Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) rules in Amul
dairy case
US., China agree to cooperate on climate crisis with urgency following talks between U.S. special
envoy for climate John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua
IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi confirms Iran started enriching Uranium upto 60% at the
Natanz Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant
Charles Geschke, co-founder of Adobe and developer of PDFs, dies at 81
April 20, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 20, 2021:
All above age of 18 years to get COVID-19 vaccine from May 1
States allowed to use 50% of the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) in 2021-22 to curb pandemic
INAS 323 commissioned at Goa as first unit of indigenously built ALH MK III enters Naval Service
Indian Navy’s INS Suvarna seizes over 300 kgs of narcotic substances in the Arabian Sea
National Film Award-winning Marathi Director Sumitra Bhave passes away at 78
J&K: Red flags on Indian Army vehicles replaced with white-and-blue ones
Indian Army’s mobile training team (IA-MTT) trains Nigerian Army in guerrilla warfare in Nigeria
Railways to map festivals along the tracks to prevent fatalities
Nagaland govt. sets up panel on the issue of preparing RIIN (Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of
DRDD’s DEBEL (Defence Bio-Engineering and Electro Medical Laboratory), Bengaluru develops SpO2
(Blood Oxygen Saturation) Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System
SpO2 is an automatic system that delivers supplemental oxygen based on the SpO2 levels and
prevents the patient from sinking into a state of Hypoxia, which is fatal in most cases, if sets in
Union Minister for Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal launches Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
SISFS aims to provide financial assistance to startups for proof of concept, prototype development,
product trials, market entry and commercialization
Seed funding will be provided to eligible startups (incubatees) through eligible incubators across
Economy & corporate
US retains India in currency manipulator watch list due to huge dollar purchases by RBI
Sivasubramanian Ramann takes charge as CMD of SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of
Advertising professional and former FCB Ulka Chairman Anil ‘Billy’ Kapoor dies at 74
NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter makes history with successful flight on planet Mars
Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul awarded Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize by PACE (Parliamentary

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Assembly of the Council of Europe)
World Heritage Day (International Day for Monuments and Sites) celebrated on April 18, theme:
“Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures”
World liver day observed on April 19, theme: ‘Keep your liver healthy and disease-free.’
Indian men at Asian Wrestling Championships in Almaty, Kazakhstan: Gold won by Ravi Kumar Dahiya
(57kg), silvers won by Deepak Punia (86kg) & Bajrang Punia (65kg), bronze medals won by Karan Mor
(70kg), Narsingh Yadav (79kg) and Satyawart Kadian (97kg)
India’s women’s tennis team lose 1-3 to Latvia in the Billie Jean King Cup World Group playoff
IAS officer Siddharth Singh Longjam appointed new Director-General of National Anti-Doping Agency
Football Olympian Ahmed Hussain Lala dies in Bengaluru at 89, played in 1956 Melbourne Olympics
Hockey player-turned-umpire Anupama Puchimanda dies in Bengaluru at 40
Barcelona win Copa del Rey football tournament at Seville in Spain
Kenya’s Eliud Kipchoge wins Enschede marathon in Netherlands
Stefanos Tsitsipas wins men’s singles title at Monte Carlo Masters tennis in Monaco
Red Bull’s Max Verstappen wins Formula One Emilia Romagna
April 21, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 21, 2021:
Cyclone Amphan of 2020 resulted in $14 billion economic losses in India: UN’s ‘State of the Global
Climate 2020’ report
Covid-19: First ‘Oxygen Express’ train leaves from Mumbai region to Vizag in AP
Australia-India Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Partnership (AIIPOIP) grant program launched to widen
Indo-Pacific partnership with India
Economy & corporate
Former RBI Governor (1977) Maidavolu Narasimham dies in Hyderabad at 94
India’s crude oil output drops 5% to 30.5 million tonnes, gas production falls 8% to 28.67 billion cubic
meters in 2020-21: Govt data
Cabinet gives ex-post facto approval for amendments to Finance Bill, 2021
Cabinet gives ex post facto approval to MoU between DG of Trade Remedies, India and the
Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission
Cabinet approves MoU between Competition Commission of India (CCI) and Administrative Council
for Economic Defense of Brazil, (CADE)
Cabinet approved MoU between the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and Chartered
Accountants Australia and New Zealand, (CA ANZ)
Cabinet approved an exclusive subsidy policy for urea produced through coal gasification by Talcher
Fertilizers Limited.
Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) allows Boeing 737 MAX 8s to overfly India after 2-year
Global CO2 emissions set for second-biggest spike in history: says IEA in its Global Energy Review
Cuba’s Communist Party chooses President Miguel Díaz-Canel as leader
Former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale (1977-81) dies at 93

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021

April 22, 2021

Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 22, 2021:
India ranked 142nd on 2021 World Press Freedom Index by French NGO Reporters Without Borders
Civil Services Day celebrated on April 21
You are not exploring all avenues to augment oxygen supply: Delhi HC to Centre
Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin neutralises the double-mutant coronavirus strain: ICMR
Nashik (Maharashtra): 24 patients die due to interrupted supply of oxygen at hospital run by
municipal corporation
Control rooms for migrant workers reactivated by Union Labour and Employment Ministry
Noted Bengali poet Sankha Ghosh dies at 90; had won Padma Bhushan, Jnanpith and Sahitya
Akademi awards
Economy & corporate
Covid-19 surge: Govt waives import duty on Remdesivir API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients),
injections and specific inputs till Oct 31
IIT Kharagpur commercialises its COVIRAP diagnostic technology that detects infectious diseases
including COVID-19
CEA, CEEW launch Renewable Dashboard for detailed operational info on RE projects in India
India ranks 87th in WEF’s global Energy Transition Index (ETI) among 115 countries
India elected by acclamation to three bodies of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for a
three-year term beginning January 1, 2022
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Executive Board of the U.N. Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (U.N.
Executive Board of the World Food Programme
India should be a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ for Religious Freedom: US Commission on
International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
Sri Lanka asks Chinese ship to leave Hambantota port after radioactive material found
Australia cancels deals of Victoria state with China on “Belt and Road” infrastructure building signed
in 2018-19
U. proposes rules for high-risk artificial intelligence uses such as live facial scanning
Indonesian submarine ‘KRI Nanggala 402’ goes missing with 53 people on board
Former Minneapolis (US) police officer Derek Chauvin convicted for killing George Floyd
EU nations agree to cut emissions by at least 55% by 2030, from 1990 levels
Greece lends Patriot air defence system to Saudi Arabia to protect critical energy facilities
World Creativity and Innovation Day celebrated by UN on April 21
Chinese Language Day observed by UN on April 20
April 23, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 23, 2021:
Covid-19: Supreme Court asks centre for a “national plan” on oxygen supply, essential drugs and

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Centre invokes Disaster Management Act to ensure unhindered inter-State movement of vehicles
carrying medical oxygen
Registration process for COVID vaccination (from May 1) to all above 18 years to start from April 28
Govt permits Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to conduct study on using drones to deliver
COVID-19 vaccine
IAF’s first Rafale squadron based in Ambala completed with arrival of 4 Rafale from France
Renowned Islamic scholar Maulana Wahiduddin Khan dies at 86; awarded Padma Bhushan in 2000 &
Padma Vibhushan in 2021
Economy & corporate
S&P forecasts 11% growth for the Indian economy in 2021-22, flags impact of lockdowns
Fitch affirms India’s rating at ‘BBB-’; outlook negative due to Covid surge
India needs $401 bn capital investment to fight climate change: Bank of America Securities Report
MeitY announces #FOSS4GOV Innovation Challenge to accelerate adoption of Free and Open Source
Software (FOSS) In Government
Accenture India head Rekha Menon to take over as NASSCOM (National Association of Software and
Services Companies) Chairman for FY22
US organising the Leaders’ Summit on Climate on a virtual platform on April 22-23
PM Modi announces launch of ‘India-US climate and clean energy Agenda 2030 partnership’ with US
President Joe Biden
S. House of Representatives passes bill to make Washington, D.C., the 51st state; bill goes to Senate
UK’s parliament declares China’s treatment of Uighur community in Xinjiang as genocide
NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars makes oxygen from planet’s carbon dioxide atmosphere
International Mother Earth Day observed on April 22, theme: ‘Restore Our Earth’
International Girls in ICT (Information & Communications Technology) Day celebrated on April 22;
theme: ‘Connected Girls, Creating Brighter Futures!’
April 24, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 24, 2021:
Defence ministry to airlift 23 oxygen generation plants from Germany, will be deployed at AFMS
(Armed Forces Medical Services) hospitals treating Covid-19 patients
Music composer Shravan Rathod, of Nadeem-Shravan duo, passes away due to Covid at 66
Economy & corporate
Foreign exchange reserves rise $1.193 billion to $582.406 billion in the week ended April 6
Govt to provide 5 kg extra food grains free to beneficiaries of NFSA (National Food Security Act) over
and above their regular quota in May and June
RBI restricts American Express Banking Corp, Diners Club International Ltd from adding new
customers for not storing customer data in India
Banks must halve their dividends to conserve capital in view of Covid: RBI
RBI approves appointment of Atanu Chakraborty as part-time chairman of HDFC Bank
Chad: President Idriss Deby Itno dies at 68 from wounds sustained in battle
4 astronauts reach International Space Station after launch by SpaceX from NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center in Florida

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
US Senate passes bill to fight hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
World Book and Copyright Day celebrated by UNSECO on April 23
English Language Day, Spanish Language Day celebrated by UN on April 23
World Youth Boxing championships in Kielce, Poland: Indian women win seven gold medals
April 25, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 25, 2021:
5 kg per person per month foodgrains to be given in May and June to the beneficiaries covered under
the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Householders category of the National Food Security
Act (NFSA)
National Panchayati Raj Day celebrated on April 24; marks the passage of Constitution (Seventy-third
Amendment) Act, 1992 that became effective from April 24, 1993
National Panchayat Awards include Deen Dayal Upadhyay Panchayat Sashaktikaran Puraskar, Nanaji
Deshmukh Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar conferred by PM
PM launches the distribution of e-property cards under the SVAMITVA scheme on National
Panchayati Raj Day
SVAMITVA: Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas
Indian and French Navy bilateral exercise ‘VARUNA-2021’ to be conducted in the Arabian Sea from
April 25 to 27
A glacier burst near Niti Valley in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand kills 10
Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar dies at 62
‘Mukti Bhawan’ and ‘Titli’ actor Lalit Behl passes away due to Covid-19 at 71
Congress launches its digital media platform ‘INC TV’
Economy & corporate
Customs duty on Covid vaccine, oxygen, equipment exempted till July-end
Indonesian submarine named ‘KRI Nanggala’, which went missing on April 21, declared sank with all
53 sailors killed
ASEAN leaders hold emergency summit with Myanmar coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in
S. President Joe Biden calls 1915 killings of Armenians by Turkey’s Ottoman forces as genocide
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace celebrated by UN on April 24
World Immunization Week being celebrated from April 24 to 30 by WHO, theme: Vaccines bring us
China’s first Mars rover named Zhurong after a traditional fire god
April 26, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 26, 2021:
COVID-19 surge: PM CARES Fund allocates funds for 551 oxygen plants in public health facilities
COVID 19: Kochi-based Southern Naval Command of Indian Navy launches OXYGEN EXPRESS to
support UT of Lakshadweep
Govt bars use of liquid oxygen for non-medical purposes amid acute shortage
Covid-19: Saudi Arabia to ship 80 metric tonnes of oxygen to India in cooperation with Adani group
and Linde company

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Padma Bhushan awardee classical singer Rajan Mishra dies at 70, belonged to Benaras gharana and
was known for Khayal style
Senior IIS officer Manikant Thakur dies in Delhi due to Covid-19, was Chief of Media in the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare
Economy & corporate
Major Ports waive-off all charges for ships carrying oxygen and oxygen related equipment cargo
Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministry unveils 7-point action plan ‘ONGC Way Forward’ for ONGC to raise
oil and gas production by one-third by 2023-24
Saudi Arabia, US, Canada, Norway, and Qatar to set up ‘Net Zero Producers Forum’ to support
implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change
World Malaria Day observed on April 25, theme: ‘Reaching the zero malaria target’
International Delegate’s Day observed on April 25 to raise awareness of the role of the
representatives and delegates of the Member States to the UN
Missing Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala 402 found broken in three parts in the Bali Sea; 53-
member crew died
Manchester City beat Tottenham Hotspur in final at London to win League Cup football tournament
Governor’s Cup Boxing in St. Petersburg, Russia: India’s Amit Panghal (52kg) wins bronze
Indian women’s team of Deepika Kumari, Ankita Bhakat and Komalika Bari wins gold in Recurve event
at Archery World Cup Stage 1 in Guatemala City
L Sabaretnam, director and chairman of Chennai Super Kings Cricket Limited, dies in Chennai at 80
April 27, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 27, 2021:
Election Commission ‘most irresponsible institution’ in country: Madras HC on Covid surge
Armed forces recall retired medical staff to work to battle COVID-19 pandemic
Waman Bhonsle, national award-winning film editor who worked on over 230 movies, passes away at
Economy & corporate
‘Not more than 15 years’: RBI’s new guidelines for tenure of bank MDs, CEOs
US govt lifts export ban on essential raw materials required for manufacturing COVID vaccine in India
Oxford Economics lowers India’s 2021 GDP growth forecast to 10.2%
DRDO develops critical crystal blade technology for aero engines
Former Maruti Suzuki MD Jagdish Khattar passes away at 79
Academy awards
Best Picture: Nomadland
Best Director: Chloe Zhao for ‘Nomadland’
Best Actor: Anthony Hopkins for ‘The Father’
Best Actress: Frances McDormand for ‘Nomadland’
Best International Feature Film: Another Round (Denmark) in Danish
World Intellectual Property Day celebrated on April 26, theme: ‘IP & SMEs: Taking your ideas to the
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day observed on April 26

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
Indonesian brigadier general killed in in restive Papua province
Global military spending rises 2.6% in 2020: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
India finished with three gold medals and one bronze at Archery World Cup Stage 1 in Guatemala City;
Deepika Kumari and Atanu Das won gold medals in women’s and men’s recurve individual events
Australian swimming great John Konrads dies at age 78; won 1,500-meter freestyle gold at 1960
Olympics in Rome

April 28, 2021

Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 28, 2021
India ranked 49th in the Chandler Good Government Index (CGGI), which ranks 104 countries in terms
of government capabilities and outcomes
Rush to hospitals, big gatherings worsen India’s Covid crisis: WHO
Aditya-L1 Support Cell provides all data on board India’s first dedicated solar space mission; joint
effort of ISRO and Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
Padma Shri awardee Gujarati poet Dadudan Gadhvi dies in Gujarat
Padma Shri awardee Hindi litterateur Manzoor Ahtesham dies in MP
Economy & corporate
RBI issues guidelines for appointment of statutory auditors of banks, NBFCs regarding the number of
auditors, their eligibility criteria, tenure and rotation, etc
Trade Ministers of India, Japan and Australia launch Supply Chain Resilience initiative
SC allows Vedanta’s Tuticorin plant to operate to produce only Oxygen in view of ‘national need’; not
allowed to restart copper smelting plant
Asian Development Bank raises growth forecast for Indian economy in 2021-22 to 11% (from 8%
earlier) in its Asian Development Outlook report
Over 14,400 hectares area in Andaman & Nicobar becomes first large territory to get organic
Exports of organic food products rose by 51% to USD 1 billion (Rs 7,078 crore) in 2020-21: Commerce
Coronavirus: Brazil regulator rejects Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine due to lack of consistent and
trustworthy data
Vaccinated Americans can now go out without a mask: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
WHO, UNICEF and Gavi vaccine alliance unveil global immunization strategy to save 50 million lives
by 2030
Indian GM Arjun Kalyan wins Rujna Zora-3 2021 chess tournament in Serbia
Spain’s Rafael Nadal wins men’s singles title at Barcelona Open tennis
April 29, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 29, 2021:
PM sanctions procurement of 1 lakh Portable Oxygen Concentrators under PM Cares Fund

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
DRDO to set up 500 medical oxygen plants under PM CARES Fund
PM CARES: Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations
India, Russia to establish a ‘2+2 ministerial dialogue’ between foreign, defence ministers
LCA Tejas cleared to carry Python-5 air-to-air missile
Covishield maker, Pune-based Serum Institute of India’s (SII) Adar Poonawalla to get ‘Y’ category
Odia author Manoj Das dies at 87, won Padma Shri in 2001, Padma Bhushan in 2020, Kendra Sahitya
Akademi award in 1972 and Sahitya Akademi Award Fellowship in 2006
Krithi Karanth wins ‘Wild Innovator Award’, is Chief Conservation Scientist at Bengaluru-based Centre
for Wildlife Studies (CWS)
Economy & corporate
Jio Platforms, Byju’s figure in Time Magazine’s first-ever list of 100 Most Influential Companies
Cabinet approves signing pact with UK for info sharing, prevent customs offences
Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin found to neutralise 617 variants of COVID-19: America’s top pandemic
expert Dr Anthony Fauci
Pune based Serum Institute of India (SII) cuts Covishield price for States to ₹300 a dose
World Day for Safety and Health at Work observed on April 28; 2021 focus: Anticipate, prepare and
respond to crises – Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Safety and Health Systems (OSH)
Russia orders expulsion of 7 diplomats from Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, in retaliation for
expulsion of Russian envoys
Australia to spend 747 million dollars for upgrading four defence bases to boost Indo-Pacific
South Korea: Samsung family to pay $10.8 billion in inheritance tax following chairman death of Lee
Kun-Hee in 2020
Canada to provide 10mn dollars to India to support fight against COVID-19: PM Justin Trudeau
Indian-American NGO Sewa International USA raises $4.7 million for COVID-19 relief efforts in India
April 30, 2021
Here are Today’s News Headlines by GK Today for April 30, 2021:
Centre, States failed to prepare for predictable second wave: International Commission of Jurists
National Commission for Women (NCW) launches WhatsApp helpline number 9354954224 for
pregnant women
HAL’s Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv demonstrates deck operations capabilities in ship-borne trials
Covid-19: Bharat Biotech reduces price of Covaxin to Rs 400 for states
Covid-19: India turns down UN integrated supply chain help, says it has robust system
Facebook blocks #ResignModi posts, restores it calling it a mistake
Karnataka ministers to donate one-year salary for Covid-19 relief work
Economy & corporate
Operation Twist: RBI to buy and sell Rs 10,000 cr market bonds simultaneously under OMO (open
market operations)
ICICI Bank launches Merchant Stack set of digital banking services for retail merchants
Axis Bank board approves re-appointment of Amitabh Chaudhry as MD & CEO for 3 years
CSIR-CMERI (CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute), Durgapur transfers technology
of Oxygen Enrichment Unit to private sector companies

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
China launches Tianhe module, the core module of its space station Tiangong
Philippines: President Rodrigo Duterte refuses to stop South China Sea patrols over China’s
Astronaut Michael Collins of NASA’s 1969 Apollo 11 moon mission dies at 90
April 16, 2021
Gaganyaan: ISRO signs agreement with France
The Indian Space Research Organisation recently signed an agreement with the French Space Agency CNES.
CNES is National Centre for Space Studies. CNES stands for Centre National d’etudes Spatiales. According
to the agreement, CNES is to help India in its first Human Space Mission called the Gaganyaan.
About the Agreement
The French Space Agency is to supply with space equipment to the Indian crew. According to France,
these equipment were tested and are still operating in the International Space Station.
The CNES will also supply fireproof carry bags to shield equipment from radiation and shock.
Under the agreement, CNES will train Indian flight physicians and CAPCOM mission control teams in
France. The training is to be held at the CADMOS centre and at the European Astronaut Centre.
CAPCOM is Capsule Communicator. It is the spacecraft communicator.
CNES will also exchange information on food packaging and nutrition programme.
India-France in Space Relations
India and France share a robust ties in the area of space cooperation. The first space agreement
between the countries was signed in 1964.
India is to launch joint Oceansat 3-Argo mission in 2021. It will track movement of ships globally and
particularly those ships moving in the Reunion Islands of France in the Indian Ocean Region.
India and France have agreed to work on inter-planetary missions to Venus and Mars.
Agreements with other countries
India had already signed agreements with Russia to train four astronauts for the Gaganyaan mission. India
is also in talks with Australia to have a ground station for the Gaganyaan mission at the Cocos island.
UNFPA Study on Bodily Autonomy
The United Nations Population Fund recently released a report “My Body is My Own”. The report is about
women’s power to make decisions on their bodies. It also reported about the laws in different countries that
support women rights in this matter.
Key Findings
Nearly half of the women in the world cannot make their own decisions on controlling their body. This
mainly includes in using contraception and also in decisions about physical intercourse.
According to the report, in 57 developing countries where the data was available, 45% of women were
not fully empowered to make their own choices.
76% of women make their own decisions in controlling their body in southeastern and eastern Asian
50% of women make their own decisions in sub–Saharan Africa and south and central Asian
More than 90% of women were deprived of their bodily rights in Niger, Mali and Senegal.
Key Findings about laws
Twenty countries in the world force the women to marry their rapist. In these countries the criminals
can escape prosecution if he married the woman or girl he raped.
More than thirty countries in the world restrict women from moving around outside the home.
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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
In some countries, in spite of constitutional guarantees, women enjoy only 75% of legal rights as that
of men.
71% of the countries guarantee access to overall maternity care.
75% of countries ensure equal and full access to contraception.
The existence of sexual and reproductive laws did not depend on the income level of a country. For
instance, the countries such as Laos, Cambodia and Mozambique have enacted laws that guarantee
equal access to sexual and reproductive health care to both men and women in health care,
education and information.
What is Adenovirus?
The US health authorities recently paused the rollout of one-shot Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
The vaccine uses similar technology as that of the Astra Zeneca vaccine. Both the vaccines are developed
from adenoviral vectors.
Why did the US stop Adenovirus based vaccines?
Around six women in the US suffered from blood clots out of seven million administered doses. The vaccine
has been found to have a link with a very rare vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia.
The Astra Zeneca Vaccine uses Adeno virus from Chimpanzee. Other companies use Adenovirus from
humans to develop COVID-19 vaccine.
What is Adenovirus?
Adenovirus causes wide variety of illness in humans. This includes from gastrointestinal infections to
common cold.
Scientists use these viruses as “Viral Vectors” in making vaccines. Viral vectors are tools used to
deliver genetic material into cells.
How is Adenoviral vector made?
The Adenoviral vector is made by removing the genetic material that could allow the virus to replicate or
spread disease. This adenoviral shell is then inserted with genetic instructions on how to target another
virus (like COVID-19 virus).
An adenovirus looks like a serious vector to the immune system of human body. Thus, the immune system
responds seriously. This is why people have been reporting fatigue, fever or sore arm after receiving vaccine
Why are Adenovirus based COVID-19 vaccines mostly single shot vaccines?
The Adenovirus infections are common in humans. Thus, human immune system would have already
developed certain antibodies against them. This limits the number of administered doses. This is why
several Adenovirus based COVID-19 vaccines are stopped with single shot. For instance, the Johnson and
Johnson vaccine and Casino vaccine of China are both single dose vaccines.
What is Forest fire Season?
In April 2021, Uttarakhand recorded 361 forest fire incidents in just five days. During this period, over 567
hectares of forests have been destroyed. This includes 380 hectares of reserve forest areas. Though forest
fire seasons occur every year, the damaged caused this year is high.
What is a forest fire season?
Every year forest fires begin in mid-February in the state of Uttarakhand. It is the season between winter and
monsoon. This happens on the onset of spring when the trees shed their dry leaves. Also, during this period
the soil loses moisture due to increase in temperature. The forest season continues till June. This season is
now increasing mainly due to climate change and scarce rainfall in the Himalayas.
This year, the forest fires that began in October 2020 are still burning even in April 2021.

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
What causes forest fires?
The three main factors that cause forest fires are oxygen, fuel load and temperature. The dry leaves are the
main fuel for the forest fires. They are in higher quantity during this period of time as compared to the rest
of the year.
Also, the surface of hilly areas gets dried faster than the plains. This is mainly due to the lower
accumulation of rainwater in the hills.
Current Scenario in Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand has 38,000 square kilo metres of forests. This is around 71% of its geographical area. Since
2000, the forest fires have affected more than 48,000 hectares. (Uttarakhand was formed in 2000).
As the forest fires began to increase in the state, the Chief Minster of Uttarakhand Tirath Singh Rawat
sought help from the Union Minister Amit Shah. To this, the centre has sent two MI-17 helicopters to fight
forest fires. These helicopters have been deployed in the Kumaon and Garhwal regions.
Way Forward
The Van Panchayats should be given incentives and rights to protect forest areas. The Forest Act, 1988
dissociates local community with forests. The local community villagers do not initiate dousing fires in the
absence of a sense of belonging. More water holes should be developed to recharge groundwater and to
maintain moisture in the soil.
Facebook Inclusive Internet Index
The Economist Intelligence Unit along with Facebook recently released the Inclusive Internet Index.
According to the index, India is at the 49th spot when it comes to internet inclusion and gender equality in
accessing the internet.
The Facebook Inclusive Internet Index looked at 120 countries. These countries represented 96% of global
population and 98% of global GDP.
Key findings
Along with India, Thailand was also at the 49th
As of 2020, there were 687.6 million internet users in India. The number of internet users in India is
set to reach one billion by 2025.
Around 77 of the 120 countries showed improvement in internet inclusion.
People in low-income and lower-middle-income countries relied on online education more than the
high-income countries during the pandemic.
The school children in lower-middle income countries and low-income countries lost sixteen weeks of
schooling by October 2020 due lower internet access as compared to loss of six weeks in high-
income countries.
Sweden ranked first in the ranking followed by US and Spain. In Inclusive Internet Index, 2020, the US
was ranked first followed by Sweden and New Zealand.
About Rankings
The rankings were done based on availability, affordability, relevance and readiness of internet. Based on
availability of internet India was ranked 77th. Based on affordability of internet, India was ranked 20th. Based
on relevance, India was ranked 49th. Based on readiness to access the internet, India was ranked 29th.
India was ranked at 52nd on Inclusive Internet Index, 2020.
Economic Intelligence Unit
It is the research and analysis division of economist group based in London. It provides advisory services
such as five year country economic forecasts, monthly country reports and industry reports.
PM CARES Fund: Oxygen Plant for 100 new hospitals
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently announced that around hundred new hospitals are to

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
have their own oxygen plant under the PM CARES Fund. PM CARES Fund is Prime Minister’s Citizen
Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund.
What is the plan?
The Government of India has sanctioned 162 Pressure Swing Adsorption Plants to manufacture oxygen.
This is to make hospitals self sufficient in oxygen. Around hundred of these plants were sanctioned under
PM CARES Fund. The Health Ministry will identify hundred hospitals in far flung locations to sanction
installation of Pressure Swing Adsorption plants.
What is Pressure Swing Adsorption?
It is a technology that is used to separate gas species from a mixture of gases under pressure. The plant
operates at near ambient temperatures. It uses adsorbent materials such as activated carbon, zeolites and
molecular sieves to adsorb the target gas.
Adsorption is the process in which a solid holds the molecules of gas or liquid.
It was set up to deal with any kind of emergency of distress situation like that of COVID-19. The Prime
Minister is the chairman of the charitable trust of the fund. The other members of the trust include Home
Minster, Defence Minister and Finance Minister.
The contributions to PM CARES fund will qualify CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities). That is the
contributions made towards PM CARES Fund is counted as CSR expenditure. Under the Companies Act,
2013, the companies with a minimum net worth between Rs 500 crores and Rs 1000 crores are required to
spend at least 2% of their average profit on CSR activities.
IMD: Monsoon to be normal in India in 2021
The Indian Meteorological Department recently announced that the southwest monsoon is expected to be
normal at 98% of the Long Period Average. This is mainly because the La Nina or El Nino weather conditions
that affect monsoon rains in India are likely to be absent. Also, Indian Ocean Dipole that has direct bearing
on Indian monsoon is also expected to be neutral this year.
Long Period Average
The Long Period Average of monsoon is 88 centimetres. The rainfall between 96% and 104% of LPA
is considered as normal rainfall.
In 2020, rainfall in India was 109% of Long Period Average.
In 2019, the rainfall in India was 110% of Long Period Average.
Indian Ocean Dipole
The Indian Ocean Dipole is an irregular sea surface temperature fluctuation in Indian Ocean. During Indian
Ocean Dipole, the western Indian Ocean becomes alternately colder and warmer than the eastern part of the
How are Monsoons predicted in India?
The IMD uses three approaches to predict monsoons in India. They are statistical method, dynamical
method and the dynamical cum statistical method.
Under statistical method, the predictors are identified. They are then related to historical occurrence
of Monsoon in the past.
Under the dynamic method, the atmospheric and oceanic conditions are simulated.
The dynamic cum statistical method is empirical in nature. That is, it is verifiable and is based on
observation or experience rather than theory. The empirical methods are used in countries such as
US, UK, South Africa, Australia, Brazil.
When are Long Range Forecasts issued by IMD?
IMD issues Long Range Forecasts for rains in two stages. They are

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The first stage is issued in mid-April. It consists of quantitative forecast of the season. That is
between June and September.
The second stage forecast is issued by the end of June. This gives detailed forecasts about the rains.
Apart from this, the IMD also prepares forecasts for winter precipitation (January to March) and also a
forecast for the north east monsoon (October to December).
IMF: Sub-Saharan Africa to see world's slowest growth in 2021
The International Monetary Fund recently released the Regional Economic Outlook for Sub Saharan Africa.
According to the report the Sub Saharan region is to witness the world’s slowest growth in 2021.
Key Findings
The sub-Saharan region is projected to grow by 3.4% in 2021. This is way below the global growth
prediction of 5.5% in 2021.
The region had faced 1.9% contraction in growth in 2020. This resulted in large increase in poverty.
Around 32 million people fell into extreme poverty in 2020 in the region.
In several Sub-Saharan countries, the per capita income will not return to pre-crisis levels even by
The rebound of Africa is to be uneven. South Africa, the most developed economy in the region is to
grow by 3.1%. It faced a contraction of 7% in its growth in 2020. The oil producers in the region such
as Nigeria and Angola are to grow by 2.5% and 0.4% respectively.
In East Africa, the GDP growth of Kenya is to be 7.6%. It faced a 0.1% of contraction in its growth in
Seventeen countries in the Sub Saharan region are under debt stress.
The employment in the region has fallen by 8.5%.
For most of the countries in the Sub Saharan region, they will require to increase up to 50% of their
spending in health care for vaccinating 60% of their population.
The WHO backed COVAX facilities are ready to help the Sub Saharan countries in administering vaccines.
However, the financing and investment are not matching to scale up the supply of vaccines as quickly as
possible. On the basis of current trends, very few African countries will be able to make vaccines widely
available before 2023.
Way Forward
A Debt Service Suspension Initiative launched in December 2020 should help these countries.
Also, the new allocation of 650 million USD worth Special Drawing Rights by the IMF should provide
23 billion USD to some of the African governments.
COVAXIN: Transfer of Technology from Bharat Biotech to Haffkine
The Government of India recently approved the transfer of technology from Bharat Biotech to Hafkine
COVAXIN is one of the two drugs that is currently administered in India.
It is manufactured by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research.
The COVAXIN is produced by making the Corona Virus incapable of reproduction.
COVAXIN can be stored in 2 to 8 degrees Celsius temperature. This is one of the main reasons why
India has chosen COVAXIN and COVISHIELD. Both these vaccines are highly suitable for Indian
temperatures. Other vaccines such as Moderna require minus twenty degree Celsius and Pfizer
require minus seventy degrees Celsius.
According to World Health Organisation, around half of the vaccines manufactured in the world go

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waste because of their failure to maintain storage temperatures.
Haffkine Institute
It is one of the oldest biomedical research institutes of India. It was established in 1899 by Dr
Waldermar Mordecai Haffkine. He initially formed the institute as Plague Research Laboratory. It was
established as a bacteriological research centre. It is now affiliated to University of Mumbai.
The institute is located in Sans Pareil. Sans Pareil was the official residence of Governor of Bombay.
It was built as a part of Jesuit Monastery on Parel Island. Jesuit is a member of the Society of Jesus.
William Hornby was the first Governor of Bombay to take up Sans Pareil as his residence.
In 1885, the Governor residence was moved to Malabar Hill. And thus, Haffkine moved into the
building to set up the Plague Research Laboratory.
NASA to launch SpaceX Crew 2
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is to launch four astronauts to the International Space
Station on World Earth Day (April 22). NASA is to launch the mission along with SpaceX.
About SpaceX Crew 2
It is the second crewed operational flight of Crew Dragon Spacecraft.
The mission will transport four scientists to the International Space Station.
The astronauts to travel to the International Space Station are from NASA, JAXA and ESA. JAXA is
Japanese Space Agency and ESA is European Space Agency.
About Crew Dragon
Crew Dragon was the first space vehicle to launch humans from American soil in nine years. It was first
launched in May 2020. It was funded through NASA’s commercial Crew Programme. It evolved from an
earlier design called Dragon 1. Dragon 1 was launched more than twenty times on missions to deliver cargo
to the International Space Station between 2012 and 2020.
SpaceX Crew 1 was the first time astronauts used a spaceship developed and launched by a private
company. Also, it carried back astronauts to the earth.
How does Crew Dragon return to the Earth?
It detaches from the International Space Station.
The trunk section on the top burns up in the atmosphere.
The thrusters then fire for fifteen minutes of de-orbit burn. The De-orbit burn is firing of engines of
spacecraft to enable it to re-enter the earth.
The temperature of the space craft touches 1,600 degrees Celsius as it re-enters the atmosphere.
Parachute deploy from just below the nose cone to angle capsule to cut into the water and reduce
National Dialogue on UN Food Systems Summit 2021
The United Nations General Secretary recently called for the first United Nations Food Systems Summit to
be held in September 2021. The summit is to strategize actions for positive change in Agri-food systems.
About the Summit
The Summit will focus on pathways to shape food systems globally to accelerate progress in Sustainable
Development Goals. The summit will focus on five action tracks. They are as follows:
Safe and nutritious food
Sustainable Consumption patterns
Nature-Positive production
Advance equitable livelihoods
Resilience to vulnerabilities, stress and shocks
India has volunteered to Action Track 4, which is, Advance Equitable Livelihood. In order to take this further,

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the Government of India has constituted a high level Inter Departmental Group. The main objective of the
group is to hold National Dialogues with all the stake holders of agriculture and food systems to explore
national pathways in creating sustainable food system in India.
National Dialogues
The first National Dialogue on Agri-Food System was held on April 12, 2021. The dialogue was attended by
farmer organisations, civil society organisations, farmer producer organisations, research institutions and
other government agencies.
Apart from these National Dialogues on UN Food Systems Summit, the state governments will also hold
state level dialogues.
Purpose of Action Track 4
It aims to review issues and evidences that prevent the emergence of “Advance Equitable Livelihoods”. It
will study the inequality and power imbalances at community and household level. Climate Change is one of
the major factors that hinder advance equitable livelihoods. The Climate change is threatening food
production. Also, the increase in sea level is increasing the risk of catastrophic flooding.
S-400 Triumf SA-21 Growler
The Russian Government has agreed to deliver the first regimental set of S-400 Triumf SA-21 Growler Air
Defence System to India. India and Russia have signed a 5.43 billion USD contract on the defence system.
The NATO reporting name of the defence system is SA-21 Growler.
About S-400 Triumf SA-21 Growler
It is a long-range surface-to-air missile system.
The system has the capability to form an impenetrable grid of missiles.
It has four different types of missiles with ranges between 40 km, 100 km, 200 km and 400 km.
It can be deployed in a very short time.
It has been mainly designed to destroy UAVs, aerial threats, ballistic and cruise missiles.
It is capable of providing Point Defence and Area Defence anti-air capabilities.
China was the first country to buy the defence system. Following China, the other countries such as
Saudi Arabia, India, Turkey and Belarus have now acquired the system.
China had received the second batch of S-400 Triumph SA-21 Growler in 2020. Now both India and China
are to possess same defence systems.
India and China are currently negotiating disengagement process to pull back their men and weapons in the
border. If the border dispute escalates, then the Indian Air Force will be playing a crucial role. In such cases
both the countries might use S-400 SAMs considering the inhospitable Himalayan terrain.
With creation of road infrastructure by Border Road Organisation, the S-400 SAM shall easily be traversed to
borders using heavy trucks.
US on the defence system
In 2017, the US had imposed CAATSA (Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act). India was
consistent that the process of procuring the missiles from Russia had started way before CAATSA was
National level Climate Vulnerability report to be released
The Department of Science and Technology is to release a National Level Climate Vulnerability report. The
title of the report is “Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Adaptation Planning in India using a Common

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About the report
The report was generated based on a joint exercise by the Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation and Department of Science and Technology.
The report identifies the most vulnerable states and districts to climate change.
Around 24 states and two Union territories participated in the nation-wide exercise.
Importance of Common Framework used in the report
Several climate vulnerability assessments for different states and districts already exists. However, these
assessments cannot be compared with each other as the framework used for the assessment is different.
This limits the decision-making capabilities at administrative and policy levels. Thus, a Common
vulnerability Framework was created.
The Common Framework for Vulnerability Assessment was created based on the fifth Assessment report of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This framework was developed by IISc Bangalore, IIT
Guwahati and IIT Mandi. The framework was applied to the Indian Himalayan regions involving twelve
states. It was highly successful. Thus, the framework was rolled out based on the framework for the entire
This vulnerability is highly important, especially in developing countries like India. It will help to develop
suitable adaptation projects and programmes.
The report will help policy makers to initiate appropriate climate actions.
Mission of DST
The DST is implementing two main national missions. They are National Mission on Strategic Knowledge
for Climate Change and National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem.
ROPAX Jetty Project on River Dhamra
The Government of India recently approved Rs 50 crores to develop an all-weather ROPAX in Odisha. The
total cost of the project is estimated to be Rs 110 crores. The project aims to launch Roll-on or Roll-off
Passenger Jetty connecting Kaninali in Bhadrak district and Talachua in Kendrapara district.
About the project
The project will reduce passenger travel time from six hours to one hour. The connecting points of the jetty
are located in the northern and southern banks of river Dhamra.
The launch of the jetty service will increase business activities and commercial activities and also will uplift
the economic status of the region.
Dhamra River
The Dhamra river is a joint stream formed by the confluence of Baitarani and Brahmani rovers.
It empties into the Bay of Bengal.
It lies in the Bhadrak district of Odisha.
The Dhamra port is located to the north of its mouth.
The Gahirmatha sanctuary is located near the mouth of Dhamra river.
Also, the Bhitarkanika wildlife sanctuary lie on the Dhamra estuary.
The Wheeler island is also located at the mouth of Dhamra. The Wheeler Island is a DRDO launch
Gahirmatha Sanctuary
It is the most important nesting site of Olive Ridley sea turtles. The Gahirmatha beach separates
Bhitarkanika Mangroves and the nesting site of the turtles. The Olive Ridley sea turtles have been put under
the Vulnerable category in the IUCN Red List of threatened species. Also, they have been put under
Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

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It is a mangrove wetland in Odisha. It is famous for estuarine crocodiles.
Current Affairs – April 16, 2021 [Daily News Digest]
GKToday provides daily summary of important Current Affairs Topics selected from National and
International News. Here is the list of articles covered under Current Affairs April 16, 2021.
Gaganyaan: ISRO signs agreement with France
The Indian Space Research Organisation recently signed an agreement with the French Space
Agency CNES. CNES is National Centre for Space Studies. CNES stands for Centre National
d’etu…..Read Here
UNFPA Study on Bodily Autonomy
The United Nations Population Fund recently released a report “My Body is My Own”. The report is
about women’s power to make decisions on their bodies. It also reported about the …..Read Here
What is Adenovirus?
The US health authorities recently paused the rollout of one-shot Johnson and Johnson COVID-19
vaccine. The vaccine uses similar technology as that of the Astra Zeneca vaccine. Both the…..Read
What is Forest fire Season?
In April 2021, Uttarakhand recorded 361 forest fire incidents in just five days. During this period,
over 567 hectares of forests have been destroyed. This includes 380 hectares of rese…..Read Here
Facebook Inclusive Internet Index
The Economist Intelligence Unit along with Facebook recently released the Inclusive Internet Index.
According to the index, India is at the 49th spot when it comes to internet inclusion…..Read Here
PM CARES Fund: Oxygen Plant for 100 new hospitals
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently announced that around hundred new hospitals
are to have their own oxygen plant under the PM CARES Fund. PM CARES Fund is Prime
Ministe…..Read Here
IMD: Monsoon to be normal in India in 2021
The Indian Meteorological Department recently announced that the southwest monsoon is expected
to be normal at 98% of the Long Period Average. This is mainly because the La Nina or El N…..Read
IMF: Sub-Saharan Africa to see world’s slowest growth in 2021
The International Monetary Fund recently released the Regional Economic Outlook for Sub Saharan
Africa. According to the report the Sub Saharan region is to witness the world’s slowes…..Read
COVAXIN: Transfer of Technology from Bharat Biotech to Haffkine
The Government of India recently approved the transfer of technology from Bharat Biotech to
Hafkine Institute. COVAXIN COVAXIN is one of the two drugs that is currently administered in
…..Read Here
NASA to launch SpaceX Crew 2
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is to launch four astronauts to the International
Space Station on World Earth Day (April 22). NASA is to launch the mission along with…..Read
National Dialogue on UN Food Systems Summit 2021
The United Nations General Secretary recently called for the first United Nations Food Systems
Summit to be held in September 2021. The summit is to strategize actions for positive chan…..Read
S-400 Triumf SA-21 Growler
The Russian Government has agreed to deliver the first regimental set of S-400 Triumf SA-21
Growler Air Defence System to India. India and Russia have signed a 5.43 billion USD
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contract…..Read Here
National level Climate Vulnerability report to be released
The Department of Science and Technology is to release a National Level Climate Vulnerability
report. The title of the report is “Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Adaptation Plann…..Read
ROPAX Jetty Project on River Dhamra
The Government of India recently approved Rs 50 crores to develop an all-weather ROPAX in
Odisha. The total cost of the project is estimated to be Rs 110 crores. The project aims to
lau…..Read Here
April 17, 2021
World Haemophilia Day: April 17
Every year, the World Haemophilia Day is celebrated on April 17 by the World Federation of Haemophilia.
This year, the World Haemophilia Day is celebrated under the following theme
Theme: Adapting to Change
What is Haemophilia?
Haemophilia is a rare disorder where the human blood does not clot normally. This is because, the
blood lacks sufficient blood clotting proteins.
It is an inherited genetic disorder.
Women rarely suffer from the disease.
World Haemophilia Day
The day is being celebrated since 1989 by the World Federation of Haemophilia. Every year several iconic
structures in the world are lighted in red to raise awareness and help those affected by the disorder.
Why is World Haemophilia Day celebrated on April 17?
The day is celebrated on April 17 to commemorate the birthday of Frank Schnabel. Frank founded the World
Federation of Haemophilia.
World Federation of Haemophilia
It was founded in 1963. The headquarters of the World Federation of Haemophilia is located in Montreal,
75% of the people affected from bleeding disorder do not know it. Several others do not receive proper care.
Therefore, it is essential to celebrate the day and increase awareness about the disease.
GoI measures on Haemophilia
The National Blood Transfusion Council has instructed to the states and union territories that
patients suffering from haemophila, sickle cell anaemia and thalassemia should be provided with
blood free of cost. The National Blood Transfusion Council operates under National AIDS Control
Organisation (NACO).
The Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram was launched by the National Health Mission. It provides early
detection and treatment of children suffering from genetic disorders such as Haemophilia.
Rural Health Statistics Report
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently released the Rural Health Statistics Report. According to
the report, there is an overall shortage of specialist doctors at the Community Health Centres.
Key findings of the report
There is an overall shortfall of 76.1% specialist doctors at the Community Health Centres in rural
There are 5,183 Community Health Centres currently functioning in India.
There is a shortfall of 78.9% of surgeons, 78.2% of physicians, 69.7% of gynecologists and 78.2% of
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Around 63.3% of sanctioned posts of specialists at the Community Health Centres are vacant.
Out of the sanctioned posts, the percentage of vacancy in individual posts is as follows:
68.4% of Surgeons
56.1% of gynecologists
66.88% of physicians
63.1% of pediatricians
The requirement of physicians in the CHCs is 5,183. However, there is a shortfall of 4,087. This has
grown from 3,881 shortfall in 2019. The shortfall has increased by 27.7% in one year.
Under the category of Surgeons, the five states with maximum shortfall of physicians in CHC are
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh.
Under the category of Gynecologists, the five states with maximum shortfall of physicians in CHC are
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
The number of doctors required in Primary Health Centres in rural area is 24,918. And around 8,638
positions are vacant.
The shortfall of doctors in PHCs were the highest in Odisha, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh,
and Karnataka.
The shortfall in the posts of health workers was 2%.
Rural Health System in India
Community Health Centres
The Community Health Centres are considered as the backbone of rural health care system of India. These
Centres should have at least thirty beds. They should cover at least four primary health centres with
specialized services. Every Community Health Centre should be manned by four medical specialists such as
physician, surgeon, gynecologist and a pediatrician.
Primary Health Centre
The Primary Health Centre should consist of four to six beds, 14 subordinate paramedical staff.
Sub Centres
These are the most peripheral contact point between primary health care system and the community. It
should consist of on HW (Female) or ANM and one HW (male). HW is Health Worker and ANM is Auxiliary
Nurse Midwife.
GoI measures to improve rural health care system
During the Union Budget 2021-22, the Finance Minister announced that a new centrally sponsored
scheme will be launched under Pradhan Mantri Atma Nirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana.
Around 1, 50, 000 Health and Wellness Centres are to be created to transform the existing sub
centres and PHCs.
The National Health Policy, 2017 aims to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
The National Rural Health Mission was launched to provide affordable, accessible and quality health
care to the rural population.
Regulations Review Authority 2.0
The Reserve Bank of India recently established the Regulations Review Authority (RRA) 2.0. The authority is
to function for a period of one year.
Functions of RRA 2.0
The RRA will review the regulatory prescriptions internally.
It will also review the regulatory prescriptions by seeking suggestions from regulated entities and

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It will work towards easing the implementations of the regulatory prescriptions.
Deputy Governor Rajeshwar Rao has been appointed as the head of RRA.
It will work in reducing the compliance burden on regulated entities. This is to be done by
streamlining the reporting mechanism, removing paper-based submission of returns wherever
possible and revoking obsolete instructions.
The RRA will also obtain feedback from regulated entities on simplification of procedures and
enhancing the ease of compliance.
The RRA will also examine and suggest the changes required in the dissemination process of RBI
instructions and circulars.
RRA in 1999
Earlier, RRA was set up in 1999-2000. The authority then reviewed the regulations of the apex bank,
simplified regulatory prescriptions, reduced reporting burden.
Deputy Governors of RBI
The RBI is governed by a governor, four deputy governors, two finance ministry representatives and
four directors representing the local board headquarters in Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and New Delhi.
The concept of RBI was based on the strategies formulated by Dr Ambedkar in his book “The Problem
of the Rupee”.
Recent Developments in RBI
In February 2021, RBI set an expert committee under NS Vishwanath. The committee was established to
review the Urban Cooperative Banks. It will assess the impact of the Urban Cooperative Banks over the last
five years.
National Startup Advisory Council
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal recently chaired the first meeting of the National
Startup Advisory Council.
National Startup Advisory Council
It was constituted by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.
The main objective of the council is to advise the Government of India on measures needed to build
strong ecosystem to nurture innovation and startups in the country. This is to drive sustainable
economic growth in the country and also to generate large scale employment opportunities.
The council is constituted with both Ex-officio and non-official members. These members are
nominated by the Government of India. They include members from the central ministries and also
founder of successful startups.
Startups in India
India now has 38,756 officially recognised startups. Of this twenty-seven are Unicorns. Unicorns are
startups that have a market valuation of at least 1 billion USD.
India is the third largest tech startup hub in the world.
The demographics of Indian population is highly advantageous. This is because half of the Indian
population are below the age of twenty years old.
The GoI launched Startup India in 2016 to build a strong ecosystem for the growth of startups in the
Startup India
It mainly aims on simplification and handholding, industry-academia partnership and funding support
and incentives.
India has been organising Prarambh (Startup India International Summit). It is organised by the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.

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Definition of Startup in India
The Government of India defines startup as an entity that is headquartered in India, has an annual turn over
less than Rs 100 crores and has opened less than ten years ago.
EatSmart Cities Challenge and Transport 4 All Challenge
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs recently launched the EatSmart Cities Challenge and Transport 4
All Challenge. The main objective of the EatSmart Cities Challenge is to create an environment of right food
practices and habits. The Transport 4 all challenge aims to make public transport safe, comfortable,
affordable and reliable.
EatSmart Cities challenge
It aims to create a competitive spirit in the cities. Through this it will recognise the efforts that scale
up various initiatives under Eat Right India.
The challenge has been opened in all smart cities of India. Also, it has been opened in cities with a
population of more than five lakh.
The challenge will motivate smart cities to develop a plan to support sustainable food environment.
Also, it will support them in developing physical, economic and social infrastructure along with the
application of smart solutions.
Transport 4 All Challenge
The challenge was launched in collaboration with the Institute for Transportation and Development
The main objective of the challenge is to bring together cities, startups and citizen groups in
developing solutions that help improve public transport.
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy is a non-governmental organisation. It
mainly focuses on developing transit systems and promote walking and biking. Also it will improve
private bus operator margins.
The transport sector was hit badly as COVID-19 crisis brought the entire world to a halt. This
challenge has the potential to support cities to recover from this crisis.
GoI measures to address urban transport issues
The National Electric Mobility Mission plan was launched to promote hybrid and electric vehicles. The FAME
India mission was launched to expand the market of electric vehicles by increasing their production in the
What is Double Mutant Corona Virus Variant?
The National Institute of Virology recently shared a data showing the break up of 361 genome sequenced
samples that were collected between January and March 2021.
Key Findings
The study detected the presence of double mutation in almost 61% of the samples collected in
The double mutant has been classified as B.1.617 recently.
What is Double Mutant Corona Virus Variant?
It is a variant of Corona Virus that carries two mutations namely E484Q and L452R. They have been
reported together for the first time in India.
The mutation in E484Q is similar to E484K mutation. The E484K mutation was found in UK and South
The L452R mutation was found spreading rapidly in California. This mutation increases the binding
power of the spike protein of the virus. This makes the virus more transmissible. Also, it enhances
viral replication.

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India recently became the second most COVID-19 infected country in world. This was mainly due to
the double mutant variant as they spread faster.
The transmission of the mutant is 20% greater than the other mutant varieties of COVID-19.
It reduces the antibody efficacy by more than 50%.
The B.1.617, that is, the double mutant corona virus variant was first reported in Maharashtra. In February
2021, around eighteen districts of Maharashtra reported about the variant.
Immune Escape
Immune Escape is the ability of the pathogen to evade immunity response of human bodies. In simple
words, the antibodies created after vaccination may not protect a person from getting infected. If the new
double mutant variant shows immune escape, it will have deep ramifications for the vaccination
programmes of India.
Right to Privacy, Reputation extinguishes after death: Madras High Court
The Madras High court recently pronounced that the Right to Privacy of a deceased person cannot be
What is the issue?
J Deepa, niece of former Chief Minister J Jayalalitha filed a plea in the High Court to stop the release of a
biopic “Thalaivi”. The movie is based on the life of the former CM. According to the petitioner, the movie is
defaming her reputation. Also, life story of Jayalalitha cannot be filmed without adding the life of her
relatives into it. By this it will amount to invade her (Deepa’s) privacy as well.
The High Court pronounced that the movie is subjected to the certifications given by CBFC. And the CBFC is
yet to go through the contents of the movie. Also, personality, privacy and reputation enjoyed by a person
during his or her life time ends with his or her death.
CBFC is Central Board of Film Certification.
It is a statutory body that operates under the Information and Broadcasting Ministry.
It regulates the provisions of Cinematograph Act, 1952.
The films that are streamed in India shall be exhibited only after being certified by CBFC.
Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021
The rules were recently released in February 2021. After COVID-19, the movies were released in digital
platform like amazon prime, Netflix. These new rules largely cover Over the Top (OTT) media services.
There are currently forty OTT service provides in India. OTT market in India is growing largely. In 2018, the
OTT market value was Rs 21.5 billion and in 2019 it grew to Rs 35 billion.
What is Lyrid Meteor Shower?
The Lyrid Meteor shower is active each year in the month of April. In 2021, they are expected to begin on
April 19, 2021. They are generally referred to as April Lyrids.
About Lyrid Meteor Shower
The radiant of the meteor shower is located in constellation Lyra. Radiant of a meteor shower is the
point from which the paths of the meteors originate.
The count of Lyrid Meteor Showers range between five to twenty per hour.
It has been classified as the medium strength meteor shower.
They are caused due to a cloud of dust or debris left behind by the Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher.
They are best viewed in northern hemisphere.

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Meteor Showers
A meteor shower occurs when the earth passes through the path of a comet. As the earth moves nearby, the
bits of comet debris comes under the influence of the earth’s gravity. As they are pulled by the gravitational
force of the earth, they begin to move towards the earth. When this happens, they burn up due to the friction
created by the Earth’s atmosphere. The burning up of these debris is seen as streaks of light in the night sky
and are called meteor showers.
Famous Meteor Showers
The International Astronomical Union has listed the famous meteor showers. The following are the popular
and well-established meteor showers in the world:
Quadrantids – Early January
Lyrids – Late April
Pi Puppids – Late April
Eta Aquariids – Early May
Arietids – Mid June
Beta Taurids – Late June
June Bootids – Late June
Southern Delta Aquariids – Latte July
Alpha Capricornids – Late July
Perseids – mid-August
Kappa Cygnids – mid August
Aurigids – Early September
Draconids – Early October
Orionids – Late October
Southern Taurids – Early November
Northern Taurids – mid November
Andromedids – mid November
Alpha Monocerotids – mid November
Leonids – mid-Novmeber
Phoenicids – early December
Geminids – mid December
Ursids – Late December
Asian Wrestling Championship: Vinesh Phogat wins Gold
The Indian Wrestler Vinesh Phogat has won her maiden Gold at the Asian Wrestling Championship. She won
the medal beating Taipei’s Meng Hsuan Hsieh.
Key Highlights
Vinesh had earlier won four bronze and three silver medals. This is her third gold medal, but first at the
Asian Wrestling Championship.
Vinesh Phogat
Vinesh Phogat is an Indian wrestler. She was the first Indian woman to win gold at Asian Games and
Common Wealth. Also, she was the first Indian athlete to be nominated for Laureus World Sports Awards.
She won Arjuna Award in 2016, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in 2020. Also, she was a Padma Shri nominee
in 2018 by the Sports Authority of India.
Other Indian players at Asian Wrestling Championship
Anshu Malik and Sonam Malik have been included in the Target Olympic Podium Scheme. Their names were
included in the scheme after they attained their Tokyo Olympic Quotas at the Asian Wrestling Olympic

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Target Olympic Podium Scheme
Six athletes were recently added to the Target Olympic podium Scheme. This includes four sailors and two
athletes. This decision was taken during the fifty sixth meeting of Mission Olympic Cell. The cell also
decided that all the Olympic qualified athletes will be supported through Target Olympic Podium Scheme.
The scheme was launched under the ambit of National Sports Development Fund. The main aim of the
scheme is to identify and prepare potential medal prospects for the Olympic games. Currently nine sports
disciplines have been identified as “high priority category” under the scheme. They are badminton, athletics,
hockey, shooting, weight lifting, tennis, wrestling, boxing, archery.
The National Sports Development Fund was established under the Charitable Endowment Act, 1890. It was
established in 1998.
US Treasury report: India placed on currency watch list
The United States recently released its report on Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major
Trading Partners of the United States. The report reviewed currency practices of the biggest trading
partners of the US.
About the report
The three main criteria used by the report to review the trading partners of US are as follows:
Material Current Account Surplus
Bilateral Trade surplus
Persistent one-sided intervention in forex markets
Key Findings of the report
The report has placed India on the “Monitoring list”. Totally eleven trading partners of the US were
placed in the list. The other ten countries were Japan, China, Germany, Korea, Italy, Ireland, Singapore,
Malaysia, Mexico and Thailand. India met two of the three criteria. They were the persistent one sided
intervention and trade surplus.
All the three criteria were met by Vietnam, Switzerland and Taiwan.
This time, the US has removed China from its list of manipulators.
However, Taiwan has been placed in the watch list. In 2020, Taiwan gained 5.6% against the US
dollar. The report says that Taiwan accumulated 530 billion USD in foreign exchange reserves. This
was 79% of GDP of the country.
India’s trade surplus with the US was 24 billion USD in 2020.
The trade surplus of China with the US was the highest. It stood at 311 billion USD.
The US Government had removed Vietnam and Switzerland from the list of currency manipulator.
According to the US, currency manipulation is deliberately influencing the exchange rate between
one’s currency and US dollar. This is being done to gain unfair competitive advantage in international
US on Refugee Cap
The US President Joe Biden has planned to lift the refugee cap by May 2021. The former President Donald
Trump had imposed historically low cap, on refugees. Trump had earlier set the Refugee cap to 15,000. This
was the lowest in the history of the US.
What is the issue?
President Joe Biden recently signed an order to keep the refugee cap to 15,000 as of now. This is the same
numbers as proposed by Trump. This is creating controversies in the United States as Biden had proposed
to increase the refugee cap by four times as compared to that of Trump administration. This was one of the
major instruments of campaign during US Elections that was held in 2020. Biden is facing criticism that he

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is postponing his promises.
Biden’s Proposals
Mr Biden had earlier proposed to the US Congress that he will increase the refugee cap to 62,500. Under his
proposal, 7,000 slots were reserved for refugees from Africa, 1,500 from Europe and Central Asia, 1,000
from East Asia, 3,000 from Latin America, 1,500 from south Asia, 3,000 from Latin America and Caribbean.
And a reserve of thousand slots shall be used as needed.
Refugee Crisis
According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, there are 79.5 million forcibly displaced people in
the world. This includes 26 million refugees, 4.2 million asylum seekers, 3.6 million Venezuelans
displaced abroad, 45.7 million internally displaced people.
The top source countries of refugees are Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Myanmar.
Around 1% of refugees have fled their homes due to conflicts or persecution.
Current Scenario
As of March 31, 2021, the United States has so far admitted 2,050 refugees. This is under Trump
administration cap of 15,000.
Gender Samvaad Event
The Ministry of Rural Development recently launched the Gender Samvaad Event. It is a joint initiative
between DAY-NRLM and IWWAGE. The main objective of Gender Samvaad event was to create awareness
on gender related interventions under the DAY-NRLM.
DAY-NRLM is Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana National Rural Livelihood Mission. IWWAGE is Initiative for What
Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy.
About Gender Samvaad
It provides opportunities to understand the best practices of other states to improve women
agencies. For instance, facilitating women’s access to land rights and their engagement in Farmer
Producer Organisations, establishing strong institutions for public service delivery, best practices
around Food, nutrition, health and water and sanitation.
It helps to understand Gender Interventions globally.
Also, the event provides opportunities to engage with experts on suggestions to handle
implementation barriers.
It aims to promote the need to focus on gender issues.
Women in DAY-NRLM
More than sixty million women are now part of DAY-NRLM. It plays a major role in organising them into Self
Help Groups. These platforms facilitate livelihood support services for women and facilitates financial
DAY-NRLM on Gender issues
The DAY-NRLM launched a gender operational strategy in 2016 to mainstream gender issues. This was
achieved through training and capacity building of staff. Also, institutional platforms were established so
that women could approach them for their grievances.
It is a poverty relief programme. It is partially supported by the World Bank. It was begun with an agenda to
cover seven crore rural poor households through Self Help Groups and support them for livelihoods.
Turkey bans Crypto Currency payments
The Bitcoin currency tumbled more than 4% after the Central Bank of Turkey banned the use of Crypto
currencies and crypto assets for purchases. The bank cited possible irreparable damages and transaction
risks as the reason for the ban.

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The ban followed actions of Morocco in banning the currency and is expected to be implemented in India as
What is the issue?
In March 2021, the Turkish President Erdogan fired the top central banker Naci Agbal. This forced several
businessmen to turn towards crypto currency as an alternate method. This increased the growth of crypto
currency market in Turkey. Bitcoin had surged by 111% and the second largest crypto currency Ethereum
jumped by 225%.
However, after the ban, the Bitcoin was down by 4.6%. The Bitcoin was at 60,333 USD after the ban. The
other smaller coins such as XRP, Ethereum that tend to move in tandem with bitcoin fell between 6% and
The recent Turkey regulations of Crypto currency mainly targets payments using crypto currencies for
goods and services. It also prohibits companies from handling electronic fund transfers that involve crypto
currency platforms.
The consumer complaints against crypto currencies increased by 8,616% in February 2021 as compared to
that of the previous year.
Why did Turkey ban Crypto Currencies?
According to Turkey, the Turkish Government was finding it difficult to monitor and control the market
volatility and illegal activities in the crypto currency market. Also, the wallets were highly vulnerable to
The Turkish Government predicts that the anonymity behind the digital tokens will bring risks of non-
recoverable losses.
Health sector included in ECLGS scheme
The Ministry of Finance recently expanded the scope of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme to Rs 3
lakh crores. It aims to provide relief to stressed companies in the country. This mainly includes business
enterprises in tourism, hospitality, travel and sporting sector.
The National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company is the guarantee provider of the ECLGS Scheme.
Key Highlights
The scheme has been expanded to health care and other stressed sector companies that have loan dues up
to sixty days (SMA-1 accounts). The validity of all the three ECLGS, that is, ECLGS 1.0, ECLGS 2.0 and
ECLGS 3.0 have been extended till June 2021.
What are SMA accounts?
SMA accounts are Special Mention Accounts. These accounts show signs of incipient stress.
The SMA accounts whose payments are partially or wholly overdue for 1-30 days are called SMA-0
The SMA accounts that have payments overdue for 31-60 days are called SMA-1 account.
The SMA accounts that have payment overdue for 61-90 days are SMA-2 account.
The scheme was launched as part of Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. The main objective of the scheme is to
mitigate the distress caused by COVID-19 induced lock down. The scheme mainly aims to ease livelihood of
people dependent on MSMEs.
It provides collateral free and fully guaranteed additional credit to MSMEs, MUDRA borrowers and business
enterprises. It provides additional credit to MUDRA borrowers to the extent of 20% of their credit
outstanding. Also, it provides additional credit to MSMEs with Rs 25 crores of outstanding. However, only

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those MSMEs with more than Rs 100 crores of turnover are eligible.
The Kamath Committee identified twenty-six stressed sectors. The ECLGS scheme was extended to these
sectors as ECLGS 2.0. It mainly focused on entities in health care sector with an outstanding credit between
Rs 50 crores and Rs 500 crores.
This is the recently launched scheme. It extended the credit up to 40% of the total credit outstanding.
April 19, 2021
National Climate Vulnerability Report
The Department of Science and Technology recently launched the National Climate Vulnerability Report.
According to the report, eight Eastern States in the country are highly vulnerable to climate change. They are
Mizoram, Bihar, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand and Assam.
Key Findings of the report
The report has developed state level “vulnerability indices” over 0.42 to 0.67.
Assam, Jharkhand and Bihar have more than 60% of districts in the category of “highly vulnerable
Vulnerability Indices
Jharkhand received the highest Vulnerable Index of 0.67. Maharashtra received the lowest
Vulnerability Index of 0.42. This means that Jharkhand is highly vulnerable to Climate Change and
Maharashtra is least vulnerable.
Jharkhand was followed by Mizoram, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Bihar and Arunachal Pradesh in
the descending order of the index. They were named as “Relatively highly vulnerable state”.
Apart from Maharashtra, the other comparatively least vulnerable states are Goa, Nagaland, Kerala,
Tamil Nadu, Haryana. They were named as the “Relatively Low Vulnerable states”.
“Relatively Moderately vulnerable states” were Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Tripura, Jammu and Kashmir,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Meghalaya. Their Vulnerability
Index was between 0.42 and 0.50.
Major Drivers of Vulnerability
The states were ranked based on their drivers of vulnerability. The drivers are as follows:
High yield-variability of food grains
Very low coverage of crop insurance
Prevalence of rainfed agriculture
High incidence of vector-borne diseases
High Proportion of Below Poverty Line population
Prevalence of marginal and small landholdings
Lack of forest area per 1,000 rural population
Low road density and lack of railway network
Low number of health care workers
High proportion of natural resource-based income
lack of implementation of MGNREGA
Low road density
Lack of rail network
Low dependence on horticulture trees
The Rankings of the states are as follows:
Rank 1: Jharkhand

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Rank 2: Mizoram
Rank 3: Odisha
Rank 4: Chhattisgarh
Rank 5: Assam
Rank 6: Bihar
Rank 7: Arunachal Pradesh
Rank 8: West Bengal
Rank 9: Uttar Pradesh
Rank 10: Tripura
Rank 11: Gujarat
Rank 12: Meghalaya
Rank 13: Jammu and Kashmir
Rank 14: Rajasthan
Rank 15: Madhya Pradesh
Rank 16: Manipur
Rank 17: Andhra Pradesh
Rank 18: Karnataka
Rank 19: Himachal Pradesh
Rank 20: Telangana
Rank 21: Sikkim
Rank 22: Punjab
Rank 23: Uttarakhand
Rank 24: Haryana
Rank 25: Tamil Nadu
Rank 26: Kerala
Rank 27: Nagaland
Rank 28: Goa
Rank 29: Maharashtra
Italy: First Food Park in India
Italy recently launched the first “Mega Food Park” in India involving food processing facilities. It is the first
Italian-Indian Food Park project launched in the country.
About the Project
The name of the project is “Mega Food Park”.
The main aim of the project is to develop an interaction between agriculture and industry.
Also, the project will focus on the research and development of efficient technologies in the sector.
It is to be implemented by a Special Purpose Vehicle. The SPV is a registered corporate under the
Companies Act.
It will link agricultural production and markets. This is to be achieved by bringing together
processors, farmers and retailers to ensure maximizing value addition, increasing farmers income,
minimizing wastage and creating employment opportunities.
Mega Food Park Scheme in India
The Mega Food Park is a scheme implemented by the Ministry of Food Processing. The main aim of
the scheme is to establish direct linkage from farms to processing and consumer markets.
The main purpose of the scheme is to increase the perishables from 6% to 20%.
Also, the scheme aims to increase India’s share in global food trade by at least 3%.

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Under the scheme, the Government of India provides Rs 50 crores to each food park.
The scheme aims to implement around 30 to 35 food processing units.
It aimed to provide a turnover of Rs 400 to Rs 500 crore and employment generation of at least
30,000 from each food park.
So far, forty-two Mega Food Parks have been sanctioned in six phases.
Each Mega Food Park aims to connect at least 25,000 farmers.
China-US Climate Change Cooperation
The two biggest polluters of the world China and US have agreed to work together in tackling climate
change issues. They recently issued a joint statement that they will work together to uphold Paris
Agreement. The announcement comes days before the Earth Day Leaders Summit.
The announcement was made after Kerry, the former US Secretary met China’s special envoy for Climate
Change. Kerry is the first official to visit China from President Biden’s administration.
Earth Day Leaders Summit
The US President Joe Biden has invited forty world leaders including PM Modi and President Xi Jing Ping to
the World Leaders Summit on Climate. The summit is to be held on World Earth Day, that is on April 22.
Nationally Determined Targets of China
China had set NDC targets to be achieved by 2020 and also by 2030. They were as follows:
To reduce the share of non-fossil fuels between 60% and 65% by 2030 as compared to 2005. As of
2019, China has achieved 48.1%
To increase forest volume by 4.5 billion cubic metres by 2030 and 6 billion cubic metres by 2020 as
compared to the level of 2005. As of 2019, the country increased its forest cover by 5.1 billion cubic
metres as compared to that of 2005.
The wind and solar power generating capacity was to be increased by 1,200 GW by 2030.
In December 2020, the Chinese President Xi Jingping announced new 2030 Climate Targets. They were as
To increase solar power generating capacity to 1,200 GW by 2030.
To aim for Carbon Neutrality by 2060.
Nationally Determined Contributions of the US
To reduce Green house gas emissions by 26% to 28% by 2025 as compared to that of 2005.
US had withdrawn from the Paris Agreement in 2020.
Luna 25: Russian Moon mission
The Roscosmos is to launch Luna 25 by October 2021. The Roscosmos is the State Space Corporation of
Russia that is responsible for space flights, aerospace research and cosmonautics programmes.
About Luna 25
The Mission will carry a lander. The primary objective of Luna 25 is to prove landing technology.
It is to carry thirty kilo grams of scientific instruments including a robotic arm and drilling hardware to
collect soil samples.
It will study the exosphere around the south pole of the moon. Till date no spacecraft has been to this
region of the moon. Several countries look at the site as future moon bases.
The project is financed by Roscosmos.
Payloads of the Lander
The lander of Luna 25 will carry the following National Science instruments:
ADRON-LR. It is an active gamma ray and neutron analysis instrument to study the regolith. Regolith
is the unconsolidated rocky material that covers bedrock.
ARIES-L. It will measure plasma in the exosphere.

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LASMA-LR. It is a mass spectrometer
PmL. It measures micro-meteorites and dust
LIS-TV-RPM. It is an infrared spectrometry of imaging and minerals
STS-L. It is local imaging and panoramic instrument
BUNI. It is science data and power support instrument
Moon libration, LASER retroreflector and ranging experiments
ESA role in Luna 25
The European Space Agency has been developing a package called PROSPECT for Luna 25. It is to be used
for lunar drilling and sample analysis. PROSPECT is Package for Resource Observation and in-Situ
Prospecting for Exploration.
Earlier Luna missions
The last of the Luna series was Luna 24 that was launched in 1976. It was the third Soviet Union mission to
retrieve lunar surface samples. The first Luna mission was launched in 1970.
Lunar-A was a proposed orbiter of Luna 25 mission. It was to be developed through a merger between
Roscosmos and JAXA (Japanese Space Agency). However, the merger was aborted.
Tribunal Reforms Ordinance, 2021
The President of India recently promulgated “The Tribunals Reforms (Rationalisation and conditions of
Service)” Ordinance, 2021. It dissolved appellate authorities under nine acts and transferred their functions
to high courts.
The ordinance dissolved appellate tribunals under nine acts as follows:
Cinematograph Act, 1952
Copyrights Act, 1957
Trade Marks Act, 1999
Customs Act, 1962
Airports Authority of India Act, 1994
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
Control of National Highways (Land and Traffic) Act, 2002
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001
Patents Act, 1970
Also, the ordinance said that the chairperson and members of tribunals will be appointed by the Central
Government based on the recommendations made by a Search-cum Select Committee. The committee will
consist of Chief Justice of India, secretaries nominated by the central governments, secretary of the
ministry under which the tribunal is constituted and the outgoing chairperson or a retired CJI or a retired
supreme court judge.
Section 184 of Finance Act, 2017
Apart from these nine acts, the Tribunal Reforms Ordinance, 2021 also amended Section 184 of the Finance
Act, 2017. It has added the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission within the purview of
Finance Act, 2017. It has removed the following bodies from the purview of Finance Act, 2017:
Airport Appellate Tribunal established under the Airports Authority of India act, 1994
the Film Certification Appellate Authority established under the Cinematograph Act, 1952
the Authority of Advanced Ruling established under the Income Tax Act, 1961
the Appellate Board established under the Trade Marks Act, 1999,

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Article 123
The Article 123 of the Indian Constitution provides powers to president to promulgate an ordinance. An
ordinance laid under the act has the same effect as that of an act.
National Internet Exchange of India Initiatives
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology recently launched three new initiatives of National
Internet Exchange of India. They were NIXI Academy, IP Guru and NIXI-IP-INDEX.
Three Initiatives of NIXI
IP Guru: It is also called IPv6 that extends support to all Indian entities that are finding it challenging
to adopt IPv6. The IPv6 is to offer its services free of cost. It is a joint effort of Ministry of Electronics
and Information Technology, Department of Telecom.
NIXI-IP Index: It is a portal developed for the internet community. It will showcase IPv6 adoption rate
in India and in the world.
NIXI Academy: It has been created to educate non-technical and technical people in the country. It
will teach technologies like IPv6 that are usually not taught in educational institutes.
IP stands for Internet Protocol. It sets rules on data delivery over the public network. Version 6 is the most
recent version of IP. It is also called IPng, which is, Internet Protocol next generation.
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)
The NIXI is a Non-Profit Organisation that was established under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013. It was
established in 2003 to spread internet infrastructure to the citizens of India. This is achieved by the
IRINN: Indian Registry for Internet Names and Numbers to manage and operate Internet Protocol.
.IN Registry: It manages and operates .IN country code domain.
It also operates Internet Service Providers and Content Delivery Network through which internet data
is exchanged.
The,, are operated by ERNET, National Internet Exchange of India and Ministry of Defence.
Pressure Swing Adsorption Plants to increase oxygen
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently sanctioned 162 Pressure Swing Adsorption Plants to
increase oxygen capacity in the country.
Key Highlights
The new plants will reduce the burden on the National grid for its supply of medical oxygen.
Of these 162 Pressure Swing Adsorption plants, 33 have been installed. Of these five have been installed in
Madhya Pradesh, three in Chandigarh, four in Himachal Pradesh, three each in Uttarakhand and Gujarat, one
each in Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Maharashtra, Punjab, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh,
Puducherry. Fifty-nine of these plants are to be installed by April end and eighty are to be installed in May.
Recent Development
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently announced that hundred of these 162 Pressure
Swing Adsorption plants are to be installed under PM-CARES fund. PM-CARES is Prime Minister
Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations.
The Ministry of External Affairs recently announced that India is to import 50,000 million tonnes of
medical oxygen.
The need for medical oxygen in the country has increased with raising COVID-19 infections due to the
double mutant. The double mutant COVID-19 that is increasing in the country and is spreading at a faster
rate as compared to the earlier mutants. India recently became the second most COVID-19 infected country

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in the world overtaking Brazil.
Maharashtra is the most affected state. The consumption of medical oxygen in the state has reached its
maximum of 1,250 tonnes. Maharashtra is additionally taking fifty tonnes from Gujarat and another fifty
tonnes from Maharashtra.
Israel Greece sign Defence Deal
Israel and Greece have signed their biggest ever defence procurement deal. The agreement amounted to
1.65 billion USD. It will strengthen economic and political ties between the countries. Also, the countries
launched a joint exercise.
What is the agreement?
Under the agreement, a training centre for the operation of Hellenic Air Force (the Air Force of
Greece) is to be established by the Israeli Defence Contractor Elbit Systems for a period of twenty-
two years.
The training centre is to be modelled on the flight academy of Israel.
The centre is to be equipped with ten M-346 training aircrafts. These aircrafts were produced by
Italy’s Leonardo.
Under the agreement, Elbit of Israel will supply kits to operate and upgrade T-6 aircrafts of Greece.
The agreement was signed after a meeting held in Cyprus between Greek, UAE, Cypriot and Israel. Israel and
Greece have practiced against the S-300 missiles during their exercises in the past. The S-300, a Russian
made air defence system has been deployed in Iran and Syria. However, the recent joint exercises did not
use S-300 missiles. Israel considers Iran and Syria as its foe.
Recent Developments
Greece, Cyprus and Israel have taken several steps recently to cement their ties. This includes building a
2,000 MW undersea electricity cable and 1,900 km undersea gas pipeline.
Recently, the three countries Israel, Cyprus and Greece conducted a joint naval exercise.
Issues with Turkey
Turkey recently sent gas prospecting vessels into the waters claimed by Greece. Also, Turkey sent drilling
ships into an area where Cyprus claims exclusive rights.
Study: Only 3% of land areas unspoiled by humans
The researchers from Key Biodiversity Areas Secretariat at Cambridge have figured out the amount of
“Intact Habitat” on the earth. An Intact habitat is an unbroken natural landscape with no signs of human
activity. However, the study has included an additional factor to define “Intact Habitat”, which is, in these
regions the plant and animal life has been intact as they were five hundred years ago.
Key Findings
It is widely accepted that the intact habitats are being lost. However, the study has found that the
species in intact habitats are being lost due to invasive species or diseases. That is, the intact
habitats are facing threats even without human activities.
The functionally intact regions were the northern Canada, east Siberia for boreal, Congo basin
Amazon, Sahara Desert and the Tundra Biomes.
Earlier it was claimed that 40% of the earth remained free from human development. However, the
study says that only less than 3% of land remained in the same condition with the same animal
According to the study, “Targeted reintroductions” of species is the only possible solution to increase
the area with ecological intactness. By this 20% of ecological intactness shall be achieved.

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Habitat Intactness
It is the region that has no sign of human disturbances.
Faunal Intactness
It is the region that retains all the original animal species that are known to reside for a particular period.
Functional Intactness
It is achieved when animal numbers in the region are high enough to support a healthy functioning
Way Forward
The world is now developing post 2020 Global Diversity Framework after Convention on Biological Diversity.
Intact Habitat has been recognised as the most important target of the framework.
Tyrannosaurus rex outnumbered 2.5 billon
According to a new study at the University of California more than 2.5 billion Tyrannosaurus rex roamed the
earth more than million years ago.
Key findings of the study
The numbers of the dinosaurs were calculated based on body size and sexual maturity. These
dinosaurs lived over 127,000 generations.
Though huge in number, their population density was small.
There were probably two dinosaurs in a region that was as big as a city.
The study helped the scientists to determine the preservation rate of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils.
So far, hundred fossils of T rex have been found on the earth.
How was the population calculated?
The scientists calculated the population of the dinosaurs based on the general biological rule that the
bigger the animal, the less dense is their population. They then calculated the amount of energy needed by
T rex to stay alive. They also used the fact that these dinosaurs lived for twenty eight years and reached
maturity around fourteen to seventeen years.
Indian Fossil records of Dinosaurs
The oldest Indian Fossil record of dinosaurs belongs to the Triassic period. Triassic period is between
251.9 million years ago and 201.3 million years ago.
Dinosaurs first appeared during Triassic period.
They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after Triassic-Jurassic Extinction event.
Triassic-Jurassic Extinction event
The event that killed all the terrestrial ecological niches is called Triassic-Jurassic Extinction event. It killed
more than 23% to 34% of marine species. After this event, the dinosaurs became the most dominant
Syria Presidential Election
On May 26, 2021, Syria is to hold Presidential elections. The elections are due in April 2021 according to
Syrian Election Law.
Syria Constitution
Syria is a unitary republic. President of Syria is the national level head of the state and legislature. In 2012,
Syria approved a new constitution. The new constitution introduced a multi party system in Syria after a
referendum. It introduced presidential elections and limited the term of office of president to seven years
with a maximum of one re-election. Previously, according to the Syria Constitution, 1973, Syria was a one-
party state.

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Syrian Civil War
Syria has been facing civil war since 2011. The war displaced millions of Syrians. In 2011, Arab spring
started in Tunisia and spread to several other countries including Syria. Arab spring was pro-
democracy uprisings. Some were peaceful and in some countries the Arab Spring was violent.
In Syria, the Government retaliated strongly against these protestors. It led to a sectarian divide in the
country. The Syria civil war is still ongoing.
The civil war was also joined by the ISIS that had several parts of the country.
The Global Peace Index, 2020, ranked Syria to 162 out of 163 countries.
According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, more than 6.6 million Syrians have fled their
India on Syrian crisis
India has been supporting President Bashar al-Assad. India’s support to Assad is largely seen as a
reciprocation for Syria’s stance that Kashmir is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.
Other Countries on Syrian crisis
Russia has also been supporting Assad. The only Mediterranean naval base of Russia is located in Syria.
Iran sees Assad Government as its closest ally.
Sunni Powers like Saudi Arabia support the rebels in Syria. USA provides military assistance to the rebels in
the country. Turkey supports the rebels. However, it is against the US support in the country.
Ecocide Bill of France
The French National Assembly recently approved the bill that makes “Ecocide” an offence.
Key Features
Under the law, the transgressors are liable up to ten years in prison and a fine of 4.5 million Euros
(that is 5.4 million USD). Transgressor is person who violates a rule or law or has done something
The law mainly punishes those who endanger the environment or commit a general crime of pollution.
Such persons will be punished with three years in prison and a fine of 300,000 Euros.
In April 2015, the French President Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of Citizens Convention for
Climate. The convention aimed to reduce the Green House Gas Emissions by 40% as compared to their
levels in 1990.
The convention proposed the idea of making ecocide a crime.
Apart from creating a law against Ecocide, around 149 proposals were made in the convention. Some of
them were cutting VAT in train tickets, banning domestic flights, regulating advertising on polluting
products, banning domestic flights on journey that can be done by train in less than four hours.
The Convention was launched as result of Gillet Jaunes Crisis. It is also called the Yellow Vests Movement.
Yellow Vests Movement
The movement mainly began condemning the fuel price rise in France. According the French President the
fuel tax was imposed to discourage the use of fossil fuels to combat climate change.
The movement called for redistributive economic policies such as increased pensions, wealth tax, higher
minimum wages and reduced salaries for politicians.
Definition of Ecocide
The Citizens Convention for Climate defined Ecocide as “Any action that causes serious environmental
damage by contributing to overstepping the limits of the planet”.
Drugs and Cosmetics Act: New Regulatory Regime for eight medical items
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently notified eight items to be regulated under the Drugs and

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Cosmetics Act. According to the ministry, this had come into effect on April 1, 2021 under the Medical
Devices Rules, 2017 that was enacted in 2017.
What are the new eight medical items?
The new eight medical items that has come under the regulation of Drugs and Cosmetics Act are as follows:
Bone Marrow Cell Separator
X-Ray machine
Dialysis machine
PET Equipment
MRI Equipment
CT Scan Equipment
All Implantable Medical Devices
What are the new regulations?
According to the new order, the manufacturers and importers are required to take manufacturing license
from Central Licensing Authority or State Licensing Authority.
Earlier Developments
In 2020, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare announced that the medical equipment will be qualified
as “Drugs” under Section 3 of Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
It regulates the import, manufacture and distribution of drugs in the country.
The main objective of the act is to make sure that the drugs and cosmetics sold in the country are
The Drugs Technical Advisory Board is the highest decision-making body in matters related to the
technical details of the drugs. The board was constituted under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Importance of bringing more medical devices under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act
The import of medical devices in India is more than 75% of the total medical device sale in the
By bringing more medical devices under the regulations of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, the Indian
companies shall raise their products to International standards.
It increases the accountability of the manufacturers and the importers.
It provides an assurance of safety to the customers.
What is Table Mountain National Park?
The Table Mountain National Park is located in Cape Town of South Africa. Recently, a fire caught in the
park and is burning it rapidly. More than two hundred fire fighters have been deployed in the region to
quench the fire. A vacated vagrant fire may have caused the fire. Vagrant is a person without home or who
wanders from place-to-place begging.
Table Mountain National Park
It is a flat-topped mountain. It is a significant tourist attraction. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage
site. UNESCO is United Nations Economic and Social Commission. The two most important landmarks in
the National Park are the Table Mountains and the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Agulhas is the southern tip of
Table Mountains
The most popular feature of the Table Mountains is the level plateau that runs approximately three
kilometres. The plateau is flanked by Devil’s Peak in the east and Lion’s head in the west.
The mountains are also known for the orographic clouds. These mountains are very frequently covered by

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orographic clouds unlike any other mountains in the world. This is because of the south easterly winds.
Table Cloth of Table Mountains
The Orographic clouds covering the mountains are generally referred to Table cloth of the mountains. These
clouds are formed when the south easterly winds are directed up the slopes of the mountains into colder
air. In due process, the moisture condenses to form clouds.
Orographic clouds are formed when air mass is forced from a low elevation to a higher elevation.
April 20, 2021
DRDO develops Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System
The Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) has recently developed a Supplemental Oxygen
Delivery System. It is to be used for soldiers posted at extreme high-altitude areas.
About the System
The system was developed by the Defence Bio-Engineering and Electro Medical Laboratory (DEBEL) located
in Bengaluru. It operates under DRDO.
The system delivers supplementary oxygen based on the Blood Saturation levels. This will help soldiers
from sinking into a state of Hypoxia. Hypoxia is fatal in many cases.
Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System in COVID-19
The system shall also be used to provide medical oxygen to COVID-19 patients. India is now on high
demand of medical oxygen with COVID-19 cases increasing at great level. The Government of India is to
establish 162 oxygen manufacturing plants that will provide medical oxygen, especially to hospitals in rural.
Of these, 100 are to be funded by the PM-CARES fund. Also, India is to import 50,000 tonnes of Oxygen.
What is Hypoxia?
Hypoxia is the state where oxygen reaching the tissues is inadequate. The same condition occurs in
About Supplementary Oxygen Delivery System
The electronics hardware of the system has been designed to work at extremely low temperature, low
humidity and low barometric pressures.
It reads the SpO2 levels of the person through a wrist worn pulse oximeter. The levels are read
through wireless interface.
Based on the levels of SpO2, the solenoid valve is adjusted to supply oxygen to the person.
The system supplies oxygen through nasal nares.
The system is available in different sizes from one litre and one kilogram weight supplying 150 litres
of Oxygen to ten litres and ten kilogram weight supplying 1,500 litres of oxygen.
It supplies oxygen for 750 minutes at a flow rate of two litres per minute.
It is of low weight.
The design has been sent for bulk production.
The oximeter is completely automatic and thus can be deployed in households. This is because, it gives an
alarm for lower SpO2 levels.
India, Germany MoU on Cities combating plastic entering the marine environment
India and Germany have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding on “Cities Combating Plastic
Entering the Marine Environment”. It is in line with the objective of Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban.
About the MoU
According to the MoU, the project to be implemented mainly focuses on sustainable solid waste
It will help India achieve the goal of phasing out single use plastics by 2022.
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The project is being launched under the Joint Declaration made by the countries regarding
cooperation in the field of Prevention of Marine Litter. The declaration was signed by India and
Germany in 2019.
The project is to be implemented mainly in the states of Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Andaman and
Nicobar Islands.
The project is to be implemented for a period of three and a half years.
It will mainly support cities such as Port Blair, Kochi and Kanpur.
Key Features
The project will help the cities in improving their system of garbage collection, segregation.
It will also work towards enhancing marketing of plastic wastes.
Around 15% to 20% of the plastics entering the oceans are through the riverine system. Of this, 90% are
contributed by the ten most polluted rivers in the world. Two of these rivers are located in India. They are
the Ganges and Brahmaputra.
India lags in data of exact plastics being dumped in the oceans.
With COVID-19 outbreak, the use of Personal Protective Equipment has increased that is often
discarded in unscientific ways.
Current Scenario
India is the twelfth largest source of marine litter in the world. By 2025, it is expected to become the
fifth largest source of marine litter.
India consumes 16.5 million tonnes of plastics annually. Of this, 43% are single use plastic material.
Israel: National plan to reduce 80% GHG emissions by 2050
The Ministry of Energy of Israel recently announced a National Plan to reduce 80% of Greenhouse gas
emissions by 2050 as compared to that of 2015.
About the plan
The plan aims to shut down all coal-fired power plants by 2025.
It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector by 75% to 85% by 2050.
It will increase the production of renewable energy in the country.
The plan is to be implemented through development of innovative technologies, transition to electric
vehicles, changes in energy usage in households and also through improvements in power grid.
What is the plan?
The plan will aim to make 25% of buses and vehicles in the country to be zero-emission by 2030 as
compared to that of the current level.
Also, it will work in reducing 10% of the heavy trucks, especially those trucks weighing less than 3.5
tonnes to be zero emission by 2030.
It will direct homes and businesses to adopt public transportation hubs and will create sustainable
and walkable communities.
The downtown areas are to be closed for cars. Only those vehicles that do not pollute are to be
allowed in these regions.
The country is to move towards solar and hydrogen energy to achieve the targets.
The plan is expected to decrease the distances travelled in cars and heavy trucks. Also, the
sustainable methods of travel are to increase to 50% in 2030 and 70% in 2050 as compared to 37% in

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Around 25% of new apartment buildings are expected to become green energy buildings.
The plan will reduce 47% of methane emissions from landfill by 2030 and 92% by 2050.
It will reduce the waste reaching landfill to 20% in 2030 and 5% in 2050 as compared to 78% in 2018.
Report: One in two Indian adults experienced cybercrime in last 12 months
The NortonLifeLock recently released a report titled “2021 Norton cyber–Safety Insights Report”.
Key Findings of the report
59% of Indians, that is, more than one in two adults in the country have experienced cyber crime in the
last twelve months.
The report says that seven in ten Indian adults believe that remote work atmosphere created by
COVID-19 has made it easier for the hackers and cybercriminals.
Around 52% of the adults in India do not know how to protect themselves from cybercrime.
27 million Indian adults experienced identity thefts.
90% of the consumers using online transactions are taking proactive steps to safeguard their data.
42% believe that it is impossible to protect their privacy.
66% are worried that they are more vulnerable to cybercrimes due to COVID-19 and how it is making
the world to become more reliable on digital platforms.
52% of cybercrime victims turned to their friends for help and 47% contacted the company for
resolving the issues.
Of the total cybercrimes that occurred in India, 14% occurred in 2020.
More than twenty-seven million adults have faced identity thefts in 2020-21.
Steps taken to spread awareness about Cyber crimes
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) was launched to handle issues related to cybercrimes in
the country.
Online Cybercrime reporting portal was launched to report complaints related to child sexual abuse
material or child pornography.
Cyber Swachhta Kendra was established. These are Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centres. It
provides detection of malicious programmes and free tools to remove such programmes.
National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre was launched to protect critical
information infrastructure.
Tourism and Culture Ministry inaugurates online exhibition on Ramayana
The Union Minister of Tourism and Culture Shri Prahlad Singh Patel recently inaugurated the first online
exhibition of Ramayana.
About the exhibition
The exhibition will show case 49 miniature paintings. These paintings have been collected from the
National Museum in New Delhi.
The paintings were dated between 17th century and 19th century.
Ramayana in one of the major epics of Indian history. It was written by Maharishi Valmiki. It was originally
written in Sanskrit. There are several versions of the epic such as Jain versions, Buddhist versions, Sikh
versions, Cambodia version, Laos versions, Thailand version, Philippines, Myanmar, etc.
UNESCO on Ramlila
In 2008, UNESCO declared Ramlila as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Ramlila festivities are
particularly popular in Varanasi, Ayodhya, Madhubani, Satna, Almora and in major cities of Uttarakhand,
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.
Ramlila is now a part of Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia as well. This is mainly because of the Hindu

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communities that moved to these countries in the 19th and 20th centuries.
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritages in India
There are thirteen Indian cultural heritages that are placed under UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage
The list includes expressions and traditions, artifacts, instruments, cultural spaces that are
associated with cultural heritage.
The other UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritages of India are as follows:
Buddhist Chanting (by the Buddhist lamas in Ladakh region)
Chhau Dance
Kalbelia (a song and dance form of Rajasthan)
Kumb Mela
Koodiyattam of Kerala
Mudiyett (a dance of Kerala)
Nawruz (Persian new year)
Ramman (festival of Uttarakhand)
Traditional copper and brass utensil making
Vedic Chanting
World Press Freedom Index, 2021
The Reporters Without Borders, a not-for-profit body recently published the World Press Freedom Index,
2021. It ranked 180 countries. India ranked 142 in the index. India was at the same position in 2020 as well.
Key Highlights
Norway topped the index followed by Finland and Denmark. The index was topped by Norway in 2020
as well.
Eritrea received the last rank in the index. China ranked 177th out of 180 countries. North Korea was at
rank 179 and Turkmenistan was at rank 178.
India in the ranking
India was at rank 133 in 2016 and has been sliding positions since then. Amongst the Indian
neighbourhood, Sri Lanka was ranked at 127, Nepal was ranked at 106, Myanmar at 140, Bangladesh at 152
and Pakistan at 145.
What does the report say about India?
According to the World Press Freedom Index, the BJP supporters in the country have created an
environment of intimidation for critical journalists.
The report classified India under ‘’BAD” category along with Brazil, Russia and Mexico.
The report has named India as one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists. It is highly
dangerous especially for journalists trying to do their job properly.
The report has also made an open statement that Prime Minister Modi “Tightens his Grip on Media”.
According to the report, the journalists in the country are exposed to every kind of attack This
includes police violence against reporters, reprisals instigated by criminal groups and ambushes by
political activists or corrupt local officials.
The right-wing Hindu Nationalism is purging the manifestations of anti-national thought from the
public debate (Purge means to get rid of). Hate-campaigns are waged on social networks against
journalists who dare to speak or write about the subjects annoying the Hindutva followers.

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The report says that, the main vaccine against disinformation, JOURNALISM, has been completely blocked
in 73% of 180 countries.
Indian Railways runs Oxygen Express
The Ministry of Railways recently announced that it is to create a Green Corridor to ensure fast movement
of Oxygen Express trains. These Oxygen Express trains are to be operated to help the country handle the
issue of shortage of oxygen.
What is the plan?
The Indian Railways is to move empty tankers from Boisar and Kalamboli railway stations. They are located
near Mumbai. These tankers are to be sent to Jamshedpur, Vizag, Bokaro and Rourkela to load medical
Due to the COVID-19 double mutant variant, the number of COVID-19 infections began to increase in the
country. With this, India became the second most COVID-19 infected country in the world after USA. And
this led to the increase in oxygen demand.
Other GoI measures
The Government of India is to set up 162 Oxygen plants in thirty-two states. The funds to establish
hundred of these centres are to be provided through PM CARES Fund.
Over one lakh oxygen cylinders are to be procured.
The Ministry of External Affairs recently announced that India is to import 50,000 tonnes of oxygen.
The Union Government has exempted the interstate movement of oxygen tankers from registration of
permits. This will enable easier movement of the tankers in the country.
The Oxygen filling plants have been permitted to operate twenty four hours.
The Central Government has also permitted the use of industrial oxygen cylinders to be used as
medical oxygen after due purging. Purging is removing an unwanted quality.
The Nitrogen and Argon tankers have been allowed to be converted into oxygen tankers to overcome
the shortage of tankers.
Twelve states that are facing high shortage of oxygen supply have been identified.
Vaccination Strategy of Phase 3
The Prime Minister recently chaired a high-level meeting with the top doctors of the country. After the
meeting, it was decided to liberalize and accelerate the phase three strategy of COVID-19 Vaccination
programme in the country.
Strategy of Phase 3 of COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Everyone above the age of eighteen years is eligible to get vaccinated.
The Union Government has empowered the states to procure additional doses directly from the
Under phase III, the healthcare and frontline workers will be prioritised to get second dose of the
The Government of India is to provide incentives for manufacturers to increase scale of production.
This is to be done to attract new national and international players in the field.
The Manufacturers are to be empowered to release 50% of supply to states and open market at a pre-
declared price.
The Indian Vaccine Manufacturers have to sell 50% of their monthly doses to the Union Government.
The rest 50% shall be sold to states and in open market. However, there are no such restrictions to
foreign manufacturers. They can sell directly to states and open markets.

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All the vaccines are to be administered under the National Vaccination Programme.
The price per vaccination in all vaccination centres should be reported in real time.
All the vaccination should follow all the protocols such as those captured on the CoWIN platform and
those linked to AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) reporting.
It is COVID Vaccine Intelligence Network. Basically, it is a software, a cloud-based IT Platform. It is owned
by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It was earlier used in Pulse Polio administration. It has now been
updated for COVID-19. It monitors and tracks vaccine drive in the country.
NASA Ingenuity Helicopter makes historic flight
The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has successfully become the first aircraft in history to fly in another planet.
Ingenuity Helicopter
The helicopter was carried by the Perseverance Mars rover. Perseverance rover is a part of the Mars
2020 mission. The Mars 2020 was launched on Atlas V launch vehicle.
The success message of the flight of the helicopter was received through the Perseverance rover.
Perseverance Rover acted as the medium of communication throughout the flight of Ingenuity.
It is a solar powered helicopter.
During the flight, Ingenuity reached a maximum height of ten feet (three metres). It also maintained a
stable hover for thirty seconds at that height.
The total time of the flight was 39.1 seconds.
Ingenuity was parked at about 64.3 metres from the Perseverance rover and was well communicated.
The flight of Ingenuity was not recorded in real time due to the distance between the Mars and the
Earth. The data between the control station in the earth and perseverance rover was sent and
received through the Deep Space Network of NASA.
Deep Space Network
The Deep Space Network, also called the DSN of NASA is an international array of giant radio antennas. It
supports interplanetary space missions. It is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA.
The DSN is located in three different locations. The locations are spaced at 120 degrees apart in longitude
around the world. The antennas of the network are located in Madrid (Spain), Goldstone (California) and
Canberra (Australia).
The sites have been chosen in such a way that they permit constant communication between NASA and
spacecraft. Also, the sites have been selected in such a way that the next site takes over before previous
site sinks below the horizon of the spacecraft.
Sudarshan Sen Committee of RBI
The Reserve Bank of India recently set up a committee to study about the Asset Reconstruction Companies
(ARC) in the country. The committee will evaluate the role of ARCs in debt resolution and will review their
business model.
About the Committee
The Committee is headed by former RBI Executive director Sudarshan Sen.
It will review the legal and regulatory framework of ARCs.
It will recommend measures to improve the efficacy of Asset Reconstruction Companies.
The Committee will also review the role of ARC in stressed asset resolution under the IBC (Insolvency
and Bankruptcy Code).
Need for the Committee
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI)
Act was enacted in 2002. The regulatory guidelines for Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARC) were issued

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under the SARFAESI Act in 2003. Since then the ARCs have grown in size and numbers. However, their
potential to resolve stressed assets is yet to be realised completely.
The Reserve Bank of India had announced under its Monetary Policy Committee decisions that it will review
the working of ARCs in the country.
What is the issue?
The Asset Reconstruction Companies have been coming forward in the resolution processes under
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. In reality, this will affect the Public Sector Banks such as SBI. For
instance, UV ARC Limited came forward with a resolution plan for Aircel. However, RBI had rejected the plan
citing that the plan did not abide by SARFAESI Act. RBI had rejected several such proposals made by ARCs.
This has created controversies. Thus, RBI has formed the committee to study about the Asset
Reconstruction Companies and their potential role in debt resolution processes.
Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme
The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy recently released the first tranche of Rs 672
crores under the Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme for the year 2021-22. This reimbursed the fees for
10.88 lakh students. So far, a total of Rs 4, 879 crores have been disbursed under the Jagananna Vidya
Deevena Scheme.
Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme
The main objective of Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme is to provide scholarships to all the
students who are not able to pay their fees because of their financial burden. The scheme mainly
focuses on students seeking higher education. It aims to provide fee reimbursement to more than 14
lakh students of the state.
The scheme will directly credit the amount into the accounts of students’ mothers. Earlier, the money
was transferred to the owners of the colleges.
The number students that benefited from the scheme in 2021 has increased by 77,000 as compared
to that of 2020. In 2021, this number has increased to 10.88 lakhs.
Other Schemes
Apart from the Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme, Andhra Pradesh has also launched Jagananna amma
Vodu Scheme. Under the scheme, Rs 15,000 will be provided annually to the poor to help children studying
in Class 1 to 12.
Education Policy of Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh is using two-pronged strategy to improve education in the state. One is by providing
financial assistance to mothers of the students. On the other hand, the Andhra Pradesh Government is
introducing English as a medium of instruction in government schools.
Way Forward
The second instalment of the scheme is to be released in July 2021 and the third instalment is to be
released in December 2021.
Khanjar: India-Kyrgyztan Military Exercise
India and Kyrgyztan recently held a joint Special Force Military Exercise called the “Khanjar”. The exercise
was held at Bishek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.
About the Exercise
The exercise was held for two weeks.
It will focus on counter-terrorism and high-altitude and mountain trainings.
The Khanjar exercise is held annually between India and Kyrgyzstan since 2011.

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In 2015, India and Kyrgyzstan signed four agreements. The agreements focused on boosting defence
cooperation. Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia. India has been looking for several opportunities to
increase its trade in the region lately. The INSTC (International North South Transport Corridor) and
Chabahar ports were planned and developed to fulfil India’s interests in central Asia. Developing good
relations with Kyrgyzstan is thus important for India.
Terrorist threats
The Fergana valley is shared by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The valley is home to terrorist
groups such as Hizb-ut-Tahtir and Islamic movement of Uzbekistan.
With US withdrawing its troops, Taliban might take the central stage in Afghanistan. It might expand
its presence from Afghanistan. Thus, it is essential for India to build strong defence ties with these
central Asian countries.
What is Special Force Unit of Indian Military?
The forces that are trained to operate a specific special task are special forces. For instance, Para Special
Forces of the Indian Army are trained in various roles such as counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, special
reconnaissance, counter-insurgency.
The Garud Commando Force is a special force that operates under Indian Air Force. The main tasks of this
force include counter-terrorism, providing security to IAF assets, hostage rescue.
The Marcos Special Force operates under Indian Navy. They are the Marine Commandos. The force has
earned international reputation for its professionalism. The MARCOS was founded in 1987. THE MARCOS
frequently conduct maritime operations in Jammu and Kashmir through the Wular lake and Jhelum river.
They are trained to operate in all types of environment such as air, sea and land.
What is Deepwater Horizon Disaster?
It has been eleven years since the Deepwater Horizon Oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded. The explosion
that occurred in the rig on April 20, 2010, killed eleven people.
What is Deepwater Horizon Disaster?
After two days of the explosion, oil continued to spill from the pipe for eighty-seven days. This released
377,514 tonnes of oil into the Gulf. This is considered as the largest marine oil spill in history. According to
NASA, the oil spill affected 70,000 square miles of ocean. By 2011, several coastal states such as
Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida were contaminated by oil. This is referred to as Deepwater
Horizon Disaster.
What caused the disaster?
A surge of natural gas blasted through the concrete core. The core was recently installed to seal the well for
later use. The core blasted as it was too weak to withstand the pressure of the gas. The concrete core was
weak as the mixture used nitrogen gas to accelerate the curing.
Curing of Concrete
It is a method by which concrete is protected against loss of moisture. It is important to keep the concrete
hydrated. This is because curing increases strength of the concrete. Also, it decreases the permeability of
hardened concrete.
For most of the concrete structures, the curing period is seven days.
Recent Oil Spills
In 2020, Russia declared a state of emergency after 20,000 tonnes of diesel oil escaped into the
Ambarnaya river from a nearby power plant.
In August 2020, a Japanese bulk carrier ship MV Wakaship split into two parts near a marine park in
Mauritius. The carrier was carrying fuel oil.

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World Heritage Day: April 18 - Update (April, 2021)
Every year, the World Heritage Day is celebrated on April 18. The day is also called the International Day for
Monuments and Sites. This year, the World Heritage Day was celebrated under the following theme
Theme: Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures
World Heritage Day
The World Heritage Day is promoted by the International Council on Monuments and Sites
The celebration of the day aims to preserve human heritage, vulnerability and diversity of the world
The World Heritage Day was proposed by ICOSMOS in 1982 and was approved by the United Nations
in 1983.
It is an organisation that was established based on the principles of Venice Charter. The Venice Charter is
also called the 1964 International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites.
World Heritage Site
For a place to get selected as the World Heritage Site, it should be a classified landmark. That is, the site
should be unique in historical and geographic means. Also, it should have cultural significance.
The World Heritage sites are maintained by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee under the World
Heritage Programme. The World Heritage Sites are embodied in the international treaty called the
Convention concerning the Protection of the world cultural and natural heritage. The treaty was adopted by
UNESCO in 1972.
World Heritage Sites in India
There are thirty-eight UNESCO World Heritage sites in India. Of these, seven hold natural importance and
thirty hold cultural importance. The Khangchendzonga National Park is classified as “mixed”, that is, it has
both cultural and natural importance.
What is Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) alert?
The Global Forest Watch recently reported that India recorded 82,170 forest fire alerts between April 1, 2021
and April 14, 2021. This is nearly double the number reported during the same period in 2020. The alert was
based on the data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS).
What is VIIRS?
VIIRS is a weather monitoring equipment placed in satellites orbiting the earth. It is basically a sensor, that
was designed and manufactured by Raytheon company. It collects imagery and radiometric measurements
of atmosphere, land, cryosphere and oceans. The data is collected in visible and infrared bands of
electromagnetic spectrum.
VIIRS is placed in Suomi National Polar orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) and NOAA-20 weather satellites.
The VIIRS is mainly used to monitor and investigate changes and properties in surface vegetation. The
combination of MODIS, VIIRS and AVHRR help in assessing impacts of climate change on the earth surface.
MODIS is Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. AVHRR is Advanced Very High-Resolution
From the combined data of MODIS, AVHRR and VIIRS, two sets of data are generated. They are as follows:
One set of data is produced by the National Polar Orbiting Partnership (NOAA). It provides data to be
used by National Weather services.
The other set of data is generated by NASA. It is to be used by scientific communities located in

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different parts of the world.
In January 2019, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched FAST. FAST will monitor
forest fires in India using real time information from VIIRS. FAST is Fire Alert System.
Online Portal: For trusted telecom gear makers
The Government of India recently launched an online portal to procure telecom gears from “trusted
sources”. The sources to be listed in the portal are to be identified by the highest cybersecurity offices in
the country.
About the Portal
The portal will list all the trusted companies and their gears. This will help the telecom operators in
the country to obtain quality and trusted products.
The access of the portal is currently available only to selected operators.
The portal is currently in its beta phase. GoI is to launch the portal officially in June 2021 after
removing errors if any in the portal.
What is beta phase?
Beta phase is one of the phases in the Software release cycle . It is one of the stages of development and
maturity of a software.
What is Software Release Cycle?
A software release cycle is the stage of development and maturity of a software. The states are as follows:
Pre-Alpha: Activities performed before formal testing of the software
Alpha: First phase of software testing
Beta: In this stage, the software features are complete. However, it is likely to contain known and
unknown bugs. This phase mainly focuses on reducing the impacts on users.
Release to Manufacturing: The end user is allowed to verify the integrity and authenticity of the
General Availability: completing all the required commercialization activities
Release to the Web: Distributing the software using the internet. That is, no physical media is used in
this type of release
Why is the portal being launched in India?
The portal is being launched to protect Indian companies from becoming victims of cyber threats from
neighbouring countries, especially China. The cybersecurity threats from China have increased lately. This is
one of the man reasons Huawei that had great impact on the rollout of 4G is not expected to make it to the
final list.
Dracopristis hoffmanorum: Godzilla shark discovered in New Mexico
In 2013, Jonh Paul Hodnett, a graduate student unearthed fossil of a shark at Albuquerque, New Mexico. It
turns out that, it is a fossil of a new shark species so far not known to man. After seven years of excavation,
it has been named as Dragon shark. It is also called Hoffman’s Dragon shark or Godzilla shark.
About Dragon Shark
The shark has 0.75-metre-long fin spines. Thus, it was named Godzilla Shark initially.
It is 2 metres long.
The teeth of the shark were the first sign that it might be a different species. The teeth of the shark
were shorter, squatter and less than an inch (2 centimetres) long.
About the Fossil
This recovered fossil is the most complete of its evolutionary branch (ctenacanthus). The
Ctenacanthus split from the modern-day sharks around 390 million years ago. They went extinct 330

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million years ago. The Ctenacanthus lived during the Carboniferous period.
The discovered fossil shows that the parts of eastern Mexico was once covered by sea. This sea
extended till the current day North America.
The high desert plateaus of New Mexico have also yielded several dinosaur fossils, especially the fossils of
Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus roamed around before millions of years ago. A recent study says that
more than 2.5 billion Tyrannosaurus once existed on the earth.
Name of the shark
Hoffman has named the shark as “Dracopristis hoffmanorum” to honour the New Mexico family that owns
the land in the Manzano mountains. The fossil was discovered in this land.
Carboniferous Period
It is a geologic period that lasted from 358.9 million years ago to 298.9 million years ago. It belongs to the
late Palaeozoic era. The earth was covered with dense and swampy forest during this period. The period
gave rise to large deposits of peat. Peat is a brown deposit that resembles soil. It is formed by partial
decomposition of vegetable matter in the wet acidic conditions. The peat transformed into rich coal stores
in the North America and Western Europe.
Startup India Seed Fund Scheme
The Union Minister for Commerce and Industry recently launched the “Start Up India Seed Fund” scheme.
The scheme aims to provide financial support to the startups for their prototype development, proof of
concept, product trials, market entry.
Startup India Fund Scheme
The scheme will provide Rs 945 crores in the next four years to the startups.
It is expected to support more than 3,600 startups through three hundred incubators.
The scheme will create robust startup ecosystem in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities. The startups in these
cities are often deprived of funding.
The fund will support transformative ideas and kindle startup revolution.
The funds under the scheme will be disbursed in following ways:
Up to Rs 20 lakhs is to be granted for prototype development, Proof of concept and product trials.
Up to Rs 50 lakhs is to be granted to scale up through convertible debentures.
Seed Funds
Seed Funds are those funds that are provided or used during the very beginning of an investment.
Need for Seed Funds
Indian startups are facing capital inadequacy especially in the seed and Proof of Concept development
stage. Capital requirement is highly crucial at this stage as it might make or break a situation for startups
that possess good business ideas.
Expert Advisory Committee
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade shall constitute an Expert Advisory Committee
to monitor the overall execution of the scheme.
In February 2021, the GoI announced that a SISFS is to be established by April 2021. It is inline with Atma
Nirbhar Bharat campaign that was launched in May 2020.
State of the Global Climate 2020 Report
The World Meteorological Organisation recently released the “State of the Global Climate 2020” report.
Key Findings of the Report
2011-2020 was the warmest decade in record.

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COVID-19 and extreme weather events were double blow to millions in the world.
The Cyclone Amphan is the costliest tropical cyclone on record in the North Indian Ocean. The
Cyclone made a landfall in May 2020 near India-Bangladesh border. The economic losses in India due
to the cyclone is approximately 14 billion USD.
2020 is one of the three warmest years on record.
The increase in global average temperature as of 2020 was 1.2 degree Celsius as compared to the
pre-industrial levels. Pre-industrial levels refer to the period before 1850. The increase has occurred
despite the cooling effect of La-Nina in 2020.
India had one of its two wettest monsoon seasons since 1994. The average rainfall between June
and September was 9% above the long-term average.
Around 2,000 deaths were reported during monsoon seasons due to flooding, landslides and heavy
The global average carbon dioxide concentrations have exceeded 410 parts per million. This is 148%
higher than the pre-industrial levels.
Current Scenario
Only 59 countries that represent 54% of global emissions have framed their net-zero targets. Of these only
six countries have legislations on net-zero emissions. Seven countries were categorised as “critically
insufficient”. The pledges of these countries will lead to four degrees increase in temperatures. This
includes US and Russia.
India, Bhutan, Costa Rica and Philippines are compliant with Paris Agreement according to Climate Action
About the Report
The World Meteorological Organisation is publishing the report since 1993. The report mainly documents
indicators of climate system such as increasing land and ocean temperatures, greenhouse gas
concentrations, melting ice, sea-level increase, glacier retreat and extreme weather.
The report also highlights the impacts of climate change on socio-economic development, food security,
migration and marine ecosystems.
Way Forward
According to the United Nations, the report is a warning call. The countries should commit to Net
Zero emissions by 2050 as early as possible.
The United Nations is also pushing its member countries to submit an action plan well ahead of
COP26. The action plan should be ambitious enough to cut global emissions by 45% by 2030 as
compared to 2010 levels.
Union Cabinet approves India-Bangladesh Cooperation in Trade
The Union Cabinet recently approved the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Director
General of Trade Remedies of India and Trade and Tariff Commission of Bangladesh. The agreement was
signed to increase the cooperation in the area of trade remedies. The agreement was signed on March 27,
Key Highlights
The agreement aims to promote exchange of information, trade remedies and other activities in
accordance with the provisions of World Trade Organisation.
The agreement mainly targeted on countervailing, anti-dumping and safeguard measures in bilateral
trade between India and Bangladesh.
What is Countervailing duties?
The Countervailing Duties, also called CVDs are import tariffs. They are imposed to nullify the adverse

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effects of subsidies. CVDs are also called anti-subsidy duties.
Suppose a country finds out that a foreign country is subsidising its imports. This will cause harm to
domestic suppliers. Thus, the home country can impose duties on such goods to protect its domestic
suppliers. These duties are imposed only under World Trade Organisation rules.
What is difference between countervailing duties and anti-dumping duties?
The countervailing duties are imposed on subsidised products on exporting country. On the other hand, anti-
dumping duties are imposed on imports that are of low price.
Let us assume that China is exporting silicon wafer to India.
Case 1: Chinese Government provides subsidy to silicon wafer manufacturers. Now when India imposes
import duties, then it is called countervailing duties.
Case 2: No subsidies are provided to silicon wafer by Chinese Government. But the exporter is selling at
very low prices. In this case, when India imposes duty, it is called anti-dumping duties.
April 21, 2021
People's bank of china report on India's demographic advantage
The Central Bank of China, that is, the People’s bank of China recently released a report on Demographics.
Report on Demographics of China
According to the report, the strict birth policies of China has led to the problem of dwindling work
force and the problem of ageing population. Dwindling means gradually diminishing.
The report also said that Chinese Government should liberalise birth policies to tackle the problems
of ageing population.
China is to experience a negative growth after 2025.
After 2025, China will face shortage in consumer demand.
The working population of China has been declining since 2010. This has largely affected the supply
side of the Chinese economy. This is to hit China very badly as the Chinese Government has planned
to drive its growth through domestic consumption.
Report on Demographics of India
The report said that the gap between India and China has been narrowing. On one hand, the economic
growth of China has been faster than India’s. On the other hand, the demographic dividend of China is
fading. Above all, the economic growth of India is fast approaching towards China.
The declining birth rate and ageing population of China will become more serious in ten years. On the
other side, India’s demographic structure will be much optimised in ten years.
India’s labour force will exceed China’s by hundreds of millions.
By 2050, the demographics of India will have much wider workforce and narrower elderly population.
This will help India to grow in a faster rate.
Report about the US
According to the report, the United States mainly benefits from immigration.
Insurance Scheme for Health Workers under PM Garib Kalyan Yojana
The Government of India is to extend the insurance scheme for health workers under the Pradhan Mantri
Garib Kalyan Yojana for another one year.
Key Highlights
The current COVID Warrior Insurance Scheme that was launched by Government of India in 2020 was
to end by March 24, 2021. Thus, the GoI is extending the scheme.
The GoI had provided one month window to invite final claims under the scheme till April 24, 2021.
However, now the scheme has been extended for a period of one year after increasing concerns
against the closure of the scheme.
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About the Health Insurance Scheme
The Insurance Scheme for Health Workers under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana was
launched in March 2020. It was launched for ninety days to provide an insurance cover up to Rs 50
lakhs to the health workers. The scheme was then extended till March 24, 2021.
The scheme provided relief to the dependents of health workers who lost their lives fighting
COVID-19. The heath insurance under the scheme was provided through New India Insurance
The scheme had approved 287 claims so far.
What is the issue?
When the time period of the scheme ended on March 24, 2021, GoI announced that the health insurance
scheme for COVID-19 warriors is coming to an end. Notices were sent to State Governments and Union
Territories regarding this. Following this, several concerns were raised that has now compelled the
Government to extend the scheme for another one year. The concerns raised were as follows:
With double mutant variant variety spreading rapidly, the number of COVID-19 cases in the country
are increasing. At this stage, the closure of the scheme will put the health workers and their
dependents in a highly distressed state.
While closing the scheme, GoI did not specify how many health workers lost their lives.
Also, it did not mention the total number of claims received by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare under the insurance scheme.
AAYUDH Advance Controversy
In April 2021, it was claimed that a drug called Aayudh Advance was effective against COVID-19. The trials
for the drug were conducted at two government hospitals in Ahmedabad. However, Government of India has
recently rejected the claims made by the manufacturers of the drug.
AAYUDH Advance
The manufacturers of the drug claimed that the drug had positive effects against COVID-19. They
also said that the patients who took AAYUDH Advance had seen reduction of infection of the virus to
a great extent.
The first human trial of the AAYUDH Advance drug was conducted in October 2020. The second trial
was held in January 2021.
What is the controversy?
The Ministry of Ayush announced that the claims made by AAYUDH Advance are misleading. With
this, the Food and Drug Control Administration of Gujarat issued a show-cause notice to the AAYUDH
Advance drug manufacturer. The manufacturing unit of the drug is based in Rajkot.
The Shukla Ashar Private Limited, Rajkot referred the clinical study of its product, AAYUDH Advance,
to the committees operating under concerned ministries. The committees have rejected the products
as they do not follow the principles and study protocols of Ayurveda.
According to the company, the product is a liquid formulation and is made of twenty-one different
plant extracts.
Claims made by AAYUDH
AAYUDH Advance of the first clinically tested medicine for COVID-19.
The treatment of AAYUDH Advance is three times better than Remdesivir.
The Ministry of AYUSH has provided separate guidelines for Practitioners of Ayurveda, Yoga, UNANI,
Siddha, Homeopathy and Naturopathy in COVID-19. Every drug produced in the respective field to treat
COVID-19 should abide by these guidelines.

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Civil Services Day: April 21
Every year India celebrates National Civil Services Day on April 21.
Key Highlights
Sardar Vallabhai Patel often referred the Indian Administrative Service as “Steel Frame of India”.
The Civil Services Day is celebrated for the civil servants to rededicate themselves to the cause of
citizens of the country. Also, the day motivates civil service officers to work more efficiently.
The Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration is presented to districts for
implementing priority programmes on National Civil Services Day.
About Civil Service Day
On this day in 1947, the then Home Minister Shri Sardar Vallabhai Patel addressed the first batch of
Administrative Services Officers.
Sardar Vallabhai Patel was the first Home Minister of India.
Patel addressed the probationers at the Metcalf House, New Delhi.
Sardar Vallabhai Patel
Sardar Vallabhai Patel was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was a barrister. Also, he
served as the Home Minister of the country during the political integration of India.
He is called the Unifier of India for his role in unifying the princely states in the country.
On 31 October, 2018, the Statue of Unity was dedicated to him. It is the world tallest statue. The
height of the statue is 182 metres.
He was also called the Iron Man of India.
Patel was elected as the President of the Indian Nation Congress for the Karachi session of Congress
that was held in 1931.The Gandhi-Irwin pact was ratified at this congress.
The TRIUMVIRATE that ruled India between 148 and 1950 was formed by the Governor General of
India Chkravarti Rajagopalachari, Patel and Nehru.
Cabinet approves Subsidy for Urea produced via Coal Gasification
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs recently approved subsidy for Urea that are to be produced by
TFL. TFL is a state-run fertilizer plant. It is Talcher Fertilizer Plant.
About the Plant
The TFL is to commission a new fertilizer plant in Odisha. This plant will produce urea through coal
gasification. The Government of India is to provide subsidy to establish the plant. It will be the only
plant in India to produce nitrogenous soil nutrient through coal gasification process.
Talcher Fertilizers is a joint venture of Fertilizer Corporation of India, Rashtriya Chemicals and
Fertilizers, GAIL and Coal India.
Talcher Fertilizer will establish a urea plant base on coal gasification technology at an estimated
investment of Rs 13,277 crores.
The annual capacity of the plant is 1.27 million tonnes per year.
The plant is expected to be completed by 2023. It is currently facing delays due to COVID-19
The tender to construct the TFL project has been provided to China-based Wuhan Engineering. This
has been done to promote the innovative coal gasification technology.
Current Scenario of Fertilizer consumption in India
India consumed 61 million tonnes of fertilizers in 2020-21. Out of this, 55% was urea.
The import of fertilizers in India has been increasing since 2010 due to lack of investment.
India has set a target of investing Rs 20,000 crores in coal gasification projects by 2030. This will
help India reduce its dependence on imports.

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Coal Gasification
It is the process of producing syngas. Syngas is a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, natural gas,
carbon dioxide and water vapour. It is produced from coal and water.
The Coal Gasification adopted by Talcher Unit will release negligible nitrogen dioxide and sulphur
Benefits of TFL plant
Currently, India produces urea using natural gas. Import of Natural Gas is highly expensive. Therefore, India
is adopting alternative routes such as coal gasification to produce urea with indigenous raw materials. The
project will help India become self-sufficient in urea, reduce its dependence on imports and also use coal in
an environment-friendly manner.
Crude oil output of India drops
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas recently released its data for the fiscal year 2020-21. According
to the data, crude oil production of India fell to 30.5 million tonnes. It was 32.17 million tonnes in 2019-20.
Key Highlights
The data released by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas are as follows:
The crude oil production of India fell by 5% in 2020-21 as compared to the previous year.
The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation produced 2% less oil in 2020-21 as compared to 2019-20. In
2020-21, the oil produced by ONGC was 20.2 million tonnes. The National lock down that lasted for
more than two months shut some of its field completely.
The Oil India Limited produced 5.4% less oil.
Natural Gas
The Natural Gas production in the year 2020-21 was at 28.67 billion cubic metres. This was 8% less than the
output in 2019-20. However, in March 2021, the overall natural gas output of the country began to increase
as the Reliance industries started their output from KG basin fields. The Reliance began producing Natural
Gas in the KG basins in December 2020. It is now producing gas at the rate of 1.3 million cubic metres per
Crude Oil Refineries
Both private and public sectors of India together processed 13% less crude oil in 2020-21. In 2020-21,
the total amount of crude oil that was processed in the country was 221.7 million tonnes.
The Public Sector refineries such as Indian Oil Corporation processed 12% less crude oil. In 2020-21,
the crude oil processed by public sectors was 127.5 million tonnes.
During 2020-21, the refineries produced 11.2% less petroleum products.
Around 85% of India’s crude oil is imported.
In 2020-21, India spent 61.9 billion USD on its crude oil imports.
India imported 198.2 million tonnes of crude oil in 2020-21.
In 2019-20, India spent 101.4 billion USD on its crude oil imports.
In 2019-20, India imported 227 million tonnes of crude oil.
The demand for petroleum products in the country fell by 9% in 2020-21. In 2020-21, India consumed
194.6 million tonnes of petroleum products.
In 2019-20, India consumed 214.1 million tonnes of petroleum products.
Australia-India Indo Pacific Oceans Initiative
Australia recently launched the Australia-India Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Partnership. The programme

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will support free, open and prosperous Indo-Pacific. The Government of Australia has provided a grant of
1.4 million Australian dollars (Rs 8.12 crores) to support the initiative.
Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative
The Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative was launched by PM Modi at the East India Summit on 2019. The Indo-
Pacific Oceans Initiative aims to strengthen maritime boundaries. It has three main common goals namely
welfare promotion, wealth creation and cooperation win-win strategies.
The main principle is to create partnerships between like-minded countries.
Pillars of Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative
The Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative focuses on the following central pillars:
Maritime Resources
Maritime Security
Maritime Ecology
Capacity Building and Resource Sharing
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Technology and Academic Cooperation
Trade Connectivity
Maritime Transport
Role of India
India has always placed ASEAN nations at the centre of the Indo Pacific Oceans Initiative. In simple terms,
Indo Pacific Oceans Initiative is an extension of Look East Policy.
In August 2020, India and Vietnam agreed to enhance their bilateral cooperation to achieve the objectives of
Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative.
The Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative was also launched in the backdrop of China’s aggression in the Indo-
Pacific region and its actions along the Line of Actual Control. The South China Sea is a part of the Indo-
Pacific region. It holds huge reserves of minerals and hydrocarbons. China claims sovereignty over most of
the South China sea. The other member countries in the region such as Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei
dispute claims of China.
COVAXIN neutralises double Mutant Strain
The Indian Council of Medical Research recently announced that COVAXIN neutralises the Double Mutant
Strain of COVID-19.
Key Highlights
The National Institute of Virology recently demonstrated the neutralisation potential of COVAXIN against
the Brazil variant and UK variant. The B.1.617 is a recently spreading double mutant variant of COVID-19. It
carries the mutations of E484Q and also the mutations of L452R.
Also, the scientists at the National Institute of Virology have isolated and cultured all the variants of
COVID-19. This includes the Brazil variant (B., UK Variant (B.1.1.7) and the South African Variant
With the accelerated Phase 3 vaccination to start on May 1, 2021, it is essential to know if the vaccine is
efficient against the mutants that are spreading rapidly.
Current Scenario
The Government of India has accelerated the Phase 3 vaccination in the country. This has been done
to increase the pace of vaccination drive in the country. This is to be done by permitting state

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governments to buy vaccines from the manufacturers directly. Incentives are to be provided to the
COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to increase vaccine production.
More than 29 lakh vaccine doses are being administered in the country per day.
However, the COVID-19 cases in India have been increasing widely. This has led to shortage of
medical oxygen in the country. To handle the shortage, India is importing 50,000 tonnes of medical
oxygen. Also, India has planned to establish 162 oxygen plants with the help of PM CARES fund.
The COVAXIN Vaccine is produced by Bharat Biotech placed in Hyderabad along with Indian Council of
Medical Research. The COVAXIN vaccine was chosen among all the other vaccines as it is highly suitable
for the Indian climate. This is because COVAXIN can be stored at a temperature of two to eight degrees
Amnesty International: Global review of the death penalty
The Amnesty International recently released the global Review of Death Penalty.
Key Findings of the report
Around 483 executions were recorded in eighteen countries according to the report published by
Amnesty International.
In 2019, the number of executions recorded were 657.
The number of executions have grown by 26% in 2020 as compared to 2019.
The maximum number of executions happened in China, Iran, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia in that
Around sixteen women have been executed among the 483. They were from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran
and Oman.
The countries such as India, Qatar, Oman and Taiwan have resumed executions.
The executions in Iraq have halved from hundred in 2019 to 45 in 2020.
The executions in Saudi Arabia have decreased by 85%.
The countries used beheading, hanging, electrocution, shooting and lethal injection as methods of
Iran executed three people for crimes that were committed by them when they were below 18 years
China, Iran and Saudi Arabia executed at least 30 people for crimes related to drugs.
The Asia-Pacific countries that carried out executions in 2020 were India, China, Bangladesh, North
Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan. Pakistan, Singapore and Japan did not report any executions.
Executions in China
China was the leading executioner in the world. However, the exact number of executions being carried out
in China is unknown. The Chinese Government holds the data of executions as classified secret and thus
the exact number is unknown.
Abolition of Execution
Chad has abolished death penalty for all crimes.
Colorado has become the twenty second state in the United States to abolish death penalty.
India elected to three bodies of the UN ECOSOC
India was recently elected to the three bodies of the United Nations. They were the Commission on Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice, Executive Board of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of
Women and the Executive Board of World Food Programme. All these three bodies operate under United
Nations Economic and Social Council.
India was elected to all these three bodies by acclamation. Acclamation is honouring someone. Electing a

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member country through acclamation does not use a ballot. However, other member countries were elected
through secret ballot to these bodies.
India’s term to these bodies begins on January 1, 2022.
What is Election by Acclamation in the United Nations?
When a member with clean slate is presented for an election in the United Nations, the vote takes place
through acclamation. Clean Slate means there is no history of evidence of any problems or broken rules.
The Secret ballot shall be dispensed when election by acclamation takes place in the United Nations.
Election by Acclamation is not allowed in all UN bodies. Election by Acclamation is completely excluded in
some of the UN bodies such as the Human Rights Council.
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
The other countries that were elected to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice through
secret ballot were Cuba, Chile, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Brazil. Countries such as Bahrain, Austria,
Bulgaria, Belarus, France, Canada, Libya, Ghana, Qatar, Pakistan, Togo and Thailand were elected by
Executive Board of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
The countries that were elected to this board through acclamation were Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Thailand,
South Africa, Poland, Monaco, Kenya, Guyana, Gambia, Egypt, Colombia, Camroon, Bangladesh, Australia,
Dominican Republic and Afghanistan.
Russia to launch its own Space Station
The agreement between Roscosmos and its international partners is to run out in 2024. With this, Russia
has planned to pull out of the International Space Station and launch its own space station in 2025.
According to Russia, the structure of the International Space Station is ageing. With the station becoming
older, it can lead to irreversible consequences.
International Space Station
The International Space Station was launched by the US space agencies and Russian Space agencies in
1998. The other countries that were involved in the launch of the International Space Station were Canada,
European Space Agency and Japan. The ISS revolves around the earth in 93 minutes. It makes 15.5 orbits
per day. It travels at an orbital velocity of 7.7 kilometres per second.
After Russia’s withdrawal, the future of ISS is to be made based on the conditions of technical modules in
the station. Most of the technical modules in the station have reached the end of their service life.
Russian Space Station
The Roscosmos also announced that the first core module of the new Russian orbital station is ready.
Russia aims to launch the module by 2025. This new space model is being assembled at a cost of 5 billion
Russia recently announced that it has signed an agreement with China to establish a Lunar research station
on the moon.
Yuri Gagarin
Russia recently celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of Yuri Gagarin becoming the first human to enter into an
orbit in space. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to enter outer space. The name of his capsule was Vostok
1. He completed one orbit of the earth in his capsule on April 12, 1961.
Blue Nature Alliance- Global Marine initiative
The Blue Nature Alliance is a global partnership of five core partners and few other Non-Profit
Organisations. The core partners are Conservation International, The Global Environment Facility, the Pew

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Charitable Trusts, Minderoo Foundation and Rob and Melani Walton Foundation.
The Blue Alliance was launched on April 20, 2021.
The alliance aims to protect 5% of the world ocean in five years.
Target Areas of the Alliance
The alliance aims to target seven ocean locations. They are as follows:
Western Indian Ocean
Tristan da Cunha, an island in the South Atlantic Ocean
Need for the alliance
The world is covered by more than 70% of oceans. Oceans are highly important for human survival as they
regulate weather, rainfall and oxygen levels in the air. Currently they are under great threats from pollution,
climate change and over fishing.
According to the Marine Protection Atlas, more than 7% of the world oceans have been designated as
“protected areas”. However, in reality only 2.7% are “fully protected”.
Marine Protection Atlas
It was launched by the Marine Conservation Institute in 2012. The atlas was prepared to provide the best
available information on marine protection all over the world. This will help the marine conservation
communities to work together and protect at least 30% of the world ocean by 2030. It has been built based
on the World Database on Protected Areas.
World Database on Protected Areas
It holds the database on terrestrial and marine protected areas. It was a joint project between IUCN
(International Union for Conservation of Nature) and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme).
George Floyd: Ex-policeman found guilty of murder
On April 20, 2020, the former Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of manslaughter and murder
in George Floyd case. He has now found guilty (arrested for proven charges of murder).
The George Floyd’s case created worldwide protests and violence. It led to re-examination of racism and
policing in the United States.
What is George Floyd case?
George Floyd was an African American. A store clerk alleged that George had passed a counterfeit 20 USD.
Following the complaint, the police arrested George. During the arrest, one of the four police officers, Derek
Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s neck and back for nine minutes and 29 seconds. This killed George. His death was
captured on a cell phone camera.
The death of George Floyd led to worldwide protests.
George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, 2021
It is a police reform bill that was drafted by the Democrats in the US Congress. It aims to combat excessive
force by police, police misconduct, racial bias in policing. It was passed at the House of Representatives
and is yet to be voted by the Senate.
Powers of Police Officers in the US
A law enforcement officer shall handcuff and arrest a person.
The arrested person will be held in a police station.

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The police officer can use force only for self defence.
Use of Deadly Force by Police in the US
In 2019, more than 1004 people were shot and killed by police.
Legal US Terms used to file Charges against Chauvin
The following are the breakdown of charges against Chauvin:
Second Degree Unintentional Murder
It is also called felony murder. According to this, Chauvin applied unlawful force that caused bodily harm to
Third Degree Murder
The action was “eminently dangerous”. Eminently means to a notable degree. And the action was carried
out with a reckless disregard, that is, the action that is carried out without thinking about the consequences.
Second-Degree Manslaughter
Attacking consciously and taking the chance of causing the death.
New Zealand set to consolidate healthcare into National service
On April 21, 2021 the New Zealand government announced that it is to consolidate the fragmented health
system in the country into a national service. The consolidated system is to look more like the ones
implemented in Britain.
Key Highlights
Currently the New Zealand Health System is divided into 20 District Health Boards. Each District Health
Board has its own budget. These District Health Boards are to be replaced by a single new body called
Health New Zealand.
Why the Consolidation?
The health system of New Zealand is Government subsidized. However, the patients visiting the hospital
have to pay a portion of the cost to access many health services. More than one-third of the New Zealand
citizens opt to pay additional benefits that are offered by private health insurers. The new health system is
expected to change this scenario and combine all the facilities under a single head.
Also, the health care system is uneven. For instance, only the northern region District Health Boards have
developed telehealth systems.
Healthcare system in New Zealand
New Zealand spends 8.7 % of its GDP on Health care. Among the 14 developed countries in the world, New
Zealand has the lowest level of medication use and also spends the lowest amount on Healthcare. On an
average New Zealand spends 2,510 USD per capita on its Health care as compared to 7,290 USD per capita
spent by the United States.
The Pharmaceutical Management Agency of New Zealand was established in 1993. This agency decides
which medication should get government subsidy. Currently there are 2000 drugs that are partly or
completely subsidised by the New Zealand Government.
Emergency Services
Most of the emergency ambulance transportation in the country is carried out by charitable organisations.
What is Air Independent Propulsion? How is it used in Submarines?
The Defence Research Development Organisation recently achieved a milestone in the development of Air
Independent Propulsion system. The system was operated in endurance mode and max power mode. The
operation was successful.
What is Air Independent Propulsion System?
The Air Independent Propulsion System is being developed by Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL)

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of DRDO.
The following are the key features of the Air Independent Propulsion system:
The Air Propulsion System allows the submarines to stay for longer hours in water. The submarines
need to come to the surface of the water to charge its batteries. This is reduced by Air Propulsion
It decreases the noise levels made by the submarines while travelling. This makes it hard to detect
the submarines.
DRDO is developing the Air Propulsion Systems for diesel submarines.
It is a fuel-cell based Air Propulsion System.
It uses a Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell.
How is Air Independent Propulsion System of India unique?
The Air Independent Propulsion System developed by India is unique as it generates hydrogen on board.
The system is being developed with the support of Thermax and L&T.
Significance of Air Independent Propulsion System
The system was developed under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Campaign.
Currently, this technology is available only in France, US, UK, China and Russia.
How is it used in Submarines?
An additional hull has to be added to the submarines in order to fit them with Air Independent Propulsion
Systems. These systems use Stirling engines, fuel cells, closed cycle diesel and closed cycle steam to
increase the durability of submergence under water.
What is Potamophylax coronavirus?
Kosovar Biologist Halil Ibrahimi has named a newly discovered insect after COVID-19 virus.
About the insect
Ibrahimi spent years working on a different type of Caddisfly species. The species was found in
Accursed Mountains (Kosovo’s Western Bjeshket e Nemuna National Park). It has now been named
as “Potamophylax coronavirus”.
The species is endemic to the National Park.
The newly found species of Caddisfly is different from those found in the Balkans. The new species is
considerably smaller and lives in open and high-altitude zones, that is, 2,000 metres above the sea
River Pollution
During his study about the species, the scientists have also found that the Decanit River is severely
deteriorated due to the construction of a hydropower plant.
Why is the species named after Coronavirus?
The new Caddisfly species is found along the Decanit river ecosystem. The construction of the hydropower
plant across the river has a similar effect as the coronavirus creates on humans. Thus, the new species has
been named after coronavirus.
Decanit river
It is a tributary of White Drin. The Monastery of Visoki Decani is located on the bank of the River Decanit. It
is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The river drains into the Adriatic Sea.
Adriatic Sea
The Adriatic Sea separates the Italian peninsula from the Balkans. It is the northernmost arm of
Mediterranean Sea. The Adriatic Sea consists of more than 1,300 islands.
The salinity of Adriatic Sea is less than the Mediterranean Sea. This is because Adriatic Sea collects more
than a third of the fresh water flowing in to the Mediterranean.

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The scientist belongs to Kosovo. Kosovo (a country in the continent of Europe) lies at the centre of the
Balkans. It has gained recognition as a sovereign state from 98 members of United Nations.
April 22, 2021
World Earth Day: April 22
Every year, the World Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. The first World Earth Day was celebrated in 1970.
In 1969, the Peace Activist John McConnell proposed to celebrate World Earth Day to honour the earth. It
was first proposed to be celebrated on March 21, 1970, which is the first day of spring in the northern
Paris Agreement
On the World Earth Day, in 2016, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by China, United States and
other 120 countries.
World Earth Day, 2021
This year, US President Joe Biden has invited leaders of forty top economies of the world including Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jing Ping to the Leader’s Summit on Climate. The
virtual meet is to be held on World Earth Day.
This year, in 2021, the World Earth Day is celebrated under the following the theme:
Theme: Restore our Earth
About World Earth Day
The World Earth Day celebrations are organised by Earth Society Foundation. It was founded by John
Equinox Earth Day
Every year, the Equinox Earth Day is celebrated on March 20 (or 21). It marks the arrival of spring in the
Northern hemisphere and autumn in southern hemisphere. It is also called the Equinoctial Earth Day. The
first Equinox Earth Day was celebrated in 1970.
Japanese Peace Bell and Earth Day
The Peace Bell is rung twice or thrice a year. Once during the celebrations of World Earth Day that falls on
April 22.
It is also rung on Equinox Earth Day. The Japanese Peace Bell was donated to the United Nations by Japan.
Apart from these days, sometimes it is also rung on every opening day of the United Nations General
Assembly yearly session. This is usually held in the month of September.
US Leaders Summit: Xi Jing Ping to attend the Summit
The Chinese President Xi Jing Ping is to attend the US Leaders Summit that is to be held on World Earth Day
(April 22). Also, Xi Jing Ping will deliver an important speech at the summit. Apart from China, over forty
leaders are to attend the summit. This includes PM Modi of India as well. The summit is expected to be a
key milestone on the road to United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).
Russian President Vladimir Putin will also attend the summit and deliver an address.
India at the Summit
There have been several debates if India should announce “Net-Zero” emission during the summit. India will
have to take heavier burden if it commits to adopt net-zero emission by 2050.
What should India do to achieve Net-Zero Emission?
India should adopt sectoral low-carbon development pathways. This will help in job creation, low
pollution, competitiveness.
The Electricity sector should be decarbonised. It is the single largest source of greenhouse gas
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emissions in the country. Over 40% of the total greenhouse gas emissions is from the electricity
production. That is, electricity produced from carbon sources.
India should pledge that it will not increase its coal-fired power capacity.
More innovative technologies should be adopted especially in electricity storage and smart grids.
A multi-stakeholder Commission shall be established. It should represent all levels of governments
and affected communities. The Commission should work towards ensuring decent livelihood to the
most affected people (due to the transitions). This is because, the transition costs of low-carbon
future should not fall on the backs of the Indian poor.
Triple Mutant Variant
As India is struggling to battle COVID-19 crisis, a triple mutant variant strain of COVID-19 has emerged as a
fresh threat. It is also called the “Bengal Variant”. The triple mutant variant has been identified in West
Bengal, Maharashtra, Delhi and Chhattisgarh.
What is Triple Mutant Variant?
The Triple Mutant Variant has evolved from double mutation. In the triple mutant variant, three different
COVID-19 strains have combined to form a new variant.
Recently, a double mutant variety has been spreading in India rapidly. This double mutant carried mutations
namely E484Q and L452R. The E484Q was reported to be found in UK and South Africa. The L452R mutation
was found in California. These mutations were associated with antibody escape and greater binding
capacities. However, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently announced that COVAXIN
works against these mutations. The National Institute of Virology has been successfully isolating the
mutations and testing them against the vaccines. Also, the INSACOG laboratories are processing the
genome sequencing of these mutant variants. INSACOG is Indian SARS CoV-2 Genomic Consortia
The new triple mutant variant carries the above double mutants along with another mutation in amino acids.
In the triple mutant, two amino acids such as H146del and Y145del have been deleted.
Why are mutant strains dangerous?
The transmissibility of the virus increases as it gets mutated. That is, a mutant virus spread rapidly.
A mutant virus increases the severity of the disease.
The ability of the virus to evade from getting detected by viral diagnostic tests increases.
The mutants are also capable of evading the protection against immunization.
The susceptibility to the therapeutic agents such as monoclonal antibodies decreases.
What is Beal seed viability experiment?
The Beal Seed Viability Experiment was begun by William James Beam. He was an American Botanist who
worked at the Michigan State University.
What is Beal Seed Viability Experiment?
In 1879, Beal began one of the longest running experiments in botany. The experiment aims to study
how long a weed can stay dormant in agricultural fields.
Beal filled twenty bottles with a mixture of seed and sand. Each bottle consisted of fifty seeds from
twenty-one different species. These bottles were buried with their necks pointing down to exclude
The main objective of the experiment was to unearth the bottles every five years. And then plant
these seeds to observe how many of the seeds sprouted.
Later, the botanists who continued the experiment extended it to opening the bottle once in ten years.
And now it has been extended to once in twenty years.
This experiment is still running in the soil of Michigan State University. The study is due to end in

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So far, the experiment has run for 142 years.
Findings of Beal Seed Viability Experiment
In 2002, the Beal Seed Viability Experiment founded that some weed seeds are capable of surviving even
hundred years if placed in an uncorked bottle with sand buried into soil.
Doomsday Vault
The Doomsday Vault is a seed bank. It houses samples of more than one million crop varieties from five
thousand different species. Around two-fifth of the world seed varieties are stored in the vault. It is located
in the Arctic region in the Island of Spitsbergen.
US House passes No Ban Act
The US House of Representatives recently passed a bill that will limit the ability of the President to impose
religion-based travel ban. It is informally called “No Ban Act”.
Why was the act passed?
The No Ban Act was passed in response to the controversial “Muslim ban” passed by the former US
President Donald Trump. The Muslim ban barred the travel from Muslim-majority countries to the US.
Full Form of NO BAN Act
NO BAN Act is the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Non-Immigrants Act.
Key Features of No Ban Act
Before imposing a restriction, the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department should
report to Congress about the restriction.
The President should present his evidence of credible threat that initiated travel ban to the
Department of Homeland Security and Secretary of the State. He shall impose the ban only after
getting approval from DHS And the Secretary.
In 2017, the former President Trump imposed travel ban shortly after becoming the President of United
States. It was struck down twice by the US courts. However, in 2018, the US Supreme Court upheld the act.
The travel ban was initially applied only to countries such as Yemen, Syria, Iran, Libya and Somalia.
However, it was later expanded to Eritrea, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan, Nigeria and Tanzania.
Muslims in the US
There are more than 3.45 million Muslims living in the US. This is 1.1% of the total US population.
Around 25,000 US citizens convert to Islam annually.
50% of the Muslims are foreign born and 50% are native born.
The origin of Muslims in the US soil dates back to the slave era. Muslims were brought as slaves to
the American soil from Africa.
Cosmic Rose of NASA
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently shared an image of “Cosmic Rose”.
Cosmic Rose
Cosmic Rose is an image captured by Hubble Space Telescope of NASA. The image featured interacting
galaxies Arp 273.
Arp 273
It lies in the Andromeda constellation.
It is 300 million light years away from the earth.
It is a combination of spiral galaxy UGC 1810 and UGC 1813.
UGC 1810 is five times heavier than UGS 1813.
The UGC 1810 has a disc that is tidally distorted into a rose like shape. The distortion is mainly due to

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the gravitational pull of UGC 1813 that lies beneath. This has been captured by Hubble Space
What are Interacting Galaxies?
The Interacting Galaxies are those galaxies whose gravitational fields disturb one another.
Types of Galaxy Interactions
Galaxy harassment
Galaxy harassment is an interaction between a low-luminosity galaxy and a brighter one. It is usually
common in rich galaxy clusters such as Coma and Virgo.
Galactic Cannibalism
It is a process where a large galaxy interacts with a companion through tidal gravitational interactions. A
Galactic tide is a force experienced by objects subjected to gravitational field of a galaxy.
Galaxy Collision
These are common during galaxy evolution. In these interactions, two galaxies will collide and will not have
enough momentum to continue travelling after collision.
Galaxy Mergers
Galaxy merger occurs when two or more galaxies collide with each other. They are the most violent type of
galaxy interactions. Galaxy mergers are highly important as they are the fundamental measure of Galaxy
Hubble Space Telescope
It is space telescope that was launched in 1990 into low Earth Orbit.
Israel: Google and AWS chosen for 1 billion Nimbus Project
The Government of Israel has chosen Google and Amazon Web Services to provide cloud services for its
military and Public Sector Units. The project is to be implemented in four phases and has been named the
“Nimbus” project.
About Nimbus Project
The Nimbus Project is to be implemented at an estimated cost of 1 billion USD.
It will establish cloud sites in Israel. These sites will keep the information within the borders of Israel
under strict security guidelines.
The four phases of the project are as follows:
Acquisition and Construction of cloud Infrastructure
Formulating Government Policy for migrating to the Cloud
Integration and Migration
Control and Optimisation of Cloud Activity
In future, the project is to be extended, where dozens of local suppliers are to be selected to assist in
migration of Government Systems to the Cloud.
What is Cloud Services?
The Cloud Services refer to wide range of services delivered over the internet. The Cloud Services are highly
important as the defence industry of Israel is one of the largest in the world.
Defence Industry of Israel
Israel is one of the major exporters of military equipment in the world. It accounts to 10% of Global Defence
Exports. There are more than 150 active defence companies in the country. Their collective revenue is more
than 3.5 billion USD.
Israel and the US are considered as allies and have strong ties through defence industry. However, the
relations weakened due to the “Dotan Scandal”. It was said that Israel violated US ITAR (International Traffic
on Arms Regulations) restrictions and sold sensitive data and equipment to China. In 2020, US pressured

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Israel to bar all the Chinese components including the communication systems.
Amazon and Google beat out Oracle, Microsoft and IBM in winning the tender. Microsoft is said to have
strong hold in Israel. In fact, the company announced in 2020, that it is to invest 1 billion USD in Israel
aiming to win this project. One of the three largest Microsoft Research and Development centres is located
in Israel. With Microsoft losing the contract, critics believe that Microsoft era in Israel has come to an end.
Australia cancels deals on China’s Belt and Road
The Australian Government recently announced that it has cancelled deals on Belt and Road initiative over
national interest.
What is the issue?
The Victorian State Government had signed two agreements with China. In 2018, an agreement was signed
to promote infrastructure development initiative in the state. The second agreement was signed in 2019
that aimed to bring in Chinese investments in the state. Both these agreements were signed under the Belt
and Road Initiative of China. The Australian Government recently cancelled both these agreements.
Why did Australia cancel the deals?
According to Australia, the agreements signed were out of line with foreign policy of the government. In
December 2020, the Australian Government introduced the Australia Foreign Relations (State and Territory
Arrangement) Act. The law allows Australian Government to cancel any agreements signed between a
foreign country and the state authorities. This shall be done if the actions of the agreement threatened
national interest. The law empowers the foreign minister to cancel any of such foreign agreement.
Recently, the Australian Government had directed the states to submit the details of the agreements signed
by them with foreign countries under the law.
Under its foreign policy, Australia sees a free and open Indo-Pacific as a key goal. Australia recently
launched the Australia-India Indo-Pacific Initiative. Also, the Australian Government allocated Rs 8.12 crores
under the initiative.
The diplomatic relations between China and Australia have been deteriorating since Australia called for an
international inquiry into the origins of COVID-19.
Way Forward
Australia is to revoke a 2004 MoU signed between Iran and Victoria’s Education Department as well. Also,
the Australian Government is to revoke a scientific cooperation agreement signed between Syria and the
State of Victoria that was signed in 1999.
US Commission proposes adding India to CPC list
The US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recommended Biden Administration to
place four countries including India under “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPC). The other three
countries were Russia, Vietnam and Syria.
Also, the USCIRF recommended to redesignate ten countries as “Countries of Particular Concern”. They
were China, Iran, North Korea, Burma, Eritrea, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria.
The USCIRF was established by the US Government in 1998 after the enaction of International Religious
Freedom Act. The Commissioners of USCIRF are appointed by the President. It mainly aims to review the
violations of religious freedom internationally. It makes recommendations to President, US Congress and
the Secretary of State. However, it is not mandatory for them to implement the recommendations.

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Why should India be placed under CPC list?
According to the report, the Citizenship Amendment Act that was passed in 2020 led to nationwide protests.
The act was passed to fast-track citizenship to non-Muslim migrants residing in the country. These
migrants were from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The report also noted that the Government of India has amended the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.
This was done to increase restrictions on Non-Governmental Organisations and their foreign funds. The
amendments led to forced closure of human rights organisation and religious organisations. This included
Amnesty International India. The Amnesty International India was closed after the authorities froze its bank
account in October 2020.
India’s Stand
According to India, the Citizenship Amendment Act is an internal matter of the country. The act was passed
to protect oppressed minorities in the neighbouring countries.
Who are FACT rebels of Chad?
The Libya based rebels that are currently attacking Chad are called FACT. FACT is Front for Change and
Concord in Chad. On April 20, 2021, the President of Chad Idriss Deby died of injuries after fighting against
these rebels.
About FACT
FACT was formed in 2016.
A group of rebels split from the UFDD after a violent clash and formed FACT. UFDD is Union of Forces
for Democracy and Development. UFDD is the largest group of Chadian rebel forces that operated
against the former President Idriss Deby. The leader of UFDD is Mahamat Nouri.
FACT is run by Mahdi Ali Mahamat. He spent some time in exile in France and returned to Libya in
The founder of FACT is Jerome Tubiana.
The group has been fighting to overthrow Deby from power. According to them, Deby’s victory in the
elections held in 2016 and 2021 was fraudulent.
FACT has deployed more than 400-450 vehicles into Chad that carried thousands of fighters.
Idriss Deby
He came to power in 1990 through an armed uprising. Deby ruled Chad fighting against the Islamist
militants in the region. Chad is one of the most stable countries in the region. The region is surrounded by
Libya, Central African Republic and Sudan where the armed forces roam around freely.
Chad has been facing violent power struggle since its independence from France in 1960.
Way Forward
A military council led by Deby’s son is to govern Chad for the next 18 months. Mahamat Idriss Deby is to
lead the council till the elections are held.
Global Energy Transition Index
The World Economic Forum recently released the Global Energy Transition Index. The index was prepared in
collaboration with Accenture.
Key findings of the Report
The ten countries that topped the index were from the Northern and Western parts of Europe.
Sweden ranked first in the report followed by Norway and Denmark.
The other countries that topped the index were as follows:
Switzerland at Rank 4
Austria at Rank 5
Finland at Rank 6

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United Kingdom at Rank 7
New Zealand at Rank 8
France at Rank 9
Iceland at Rank 10
India ranked 87th in the index.
China was ranked 68th in the index.
Around 92 out of 115 countries performed better in their aggregate score. This shows a positive
direction in global energy transition.
Report on India and China
According to the report, India is bringing in energy transitions through subsidy reforms. On the other hand,
China is focusing on expanding renewables through investments and infrastructure.
Both India and China together account to one-third of the global energy demand.
About the report
The Global Energy Transition Index benchmarks 115 countries based in their performance across three
dimensions namely Environmental sustainability, economic development and growth and energy security.
Reports of World Economic Forum
The other reports published by World Economic Forum are as follows:
Global Risks Report
Fostering Effective Energy Transition
Social Mobility Index
Global Gender Gap Report
Global Competitiveness Report
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is an international organisation for private and public cooperation. The
headquarters of WEF is located in Switzerland.
Global Energy Review
The International Energy Agency recently released the Global Energy Review report. According to the report,
the Carbon Dioxide emissions in India is to be 1.4% higher than the levels recorded in 2019.
Key Findings of the Report: India
The coal-fired power generation is to increase by three times higher than the increase in generation
from the renewables.
The coal demand is expected to increase by 9%.
India has pledged to reduce the emission intensity of its GDP by 33% to 35% under Paris Agreement.
Currently, the carbon dioxide emissions of India is 60% below the global average and is on par with
emissions in the European Union, which is 2.35 gigatonnes.
Key Findings of the Report: World
The carbon dioxide emissions all over the world is to increase by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021.
China is set to lead the demand in coal by more than 80% in 2021. On the other hand, China will also
lead the market for electricity generation from renewables.
The demand for coal in US and European will also increase. However, it will remain below the pre-
crisis level.
The demand for coal and gas is to rise above 2019 levels. However, the demand for oil is to stay
below its 2019 peak. This is because, the aviation sector is under high pressure due to the COVID-19
The renewables are set to provide 30% of electricity.

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The electricity generation from wind is set to grow by 275 tetra watts. This is 17% increase.
The solar PV is to increase by 145 tetra watt which is 18% increase as compared to 2020.
MOXIE- Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment
The Perseverance rover of Mars 2020 Mission of NASA recently converted carbon dioxide into oxygen. This
is the first time this has been achieved in another planet. This was achieved by MOXIE, an instrument
placed in the front side of the rover.
What is MOXIE?
MOXIE is Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilisation Experiment. It is a golden box placed in the front
side of the rover.
MOXIE is also called “Mechanical Tree”. This is because, it uses electricity and chemistry to split
carbon molecules into carbon and oxygen. In due process, it produces carbon monoxide as a by
MOXIE produced five grams of oxygen in its first run. It is equal to ten minutes of breathable oxygen
for an astronaut performing a normal activity.
MOXIE is capable of generating ten grams of oxygen in one hour.
MOXIE was designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
It was built with nickel-alloy. The alloy is heat-resistant and is designated to tolerate temperatures of
1,470 degrees Fahrenheit.
MOXIE was covered with gold coating so that the heat radiated does not harm the rover.
According to the scientists at MIT, one ton version of MOXIE is capable of producing twenty-five
tonnes of oxygen.
Earlier missions have proved the presence of ice in Mars. Scientists believe that extracting oxygen
from the Martian atmosphere, that is rich in carbon dioxide is more feasible than extracting oxygen
from ice that is present in its under surface.
Perseverance landed on Mars on February 18, 2021. It carried the Ingenuity helicopter. The helicopter
recently made its successful flight. This was first flight in another planet.
COVIRAP Technology
The IIT Kharagpur has successfully commercialised the healthcare product COVIRAP.
What is COVIRAP?
COVIRAP is a diagnostic technology to detect COVID-19 virus. The technology is also capable of testing
influenza, dengue, malaria. Tuberculosis and Japanese Encephalitis. Also, the technology can be used to
test other vector borne diseases.
The testing cost of the COVIRAP based device is Rs 500.
The device will minimise the need for real time PCR machines and also for thermal cyclers.
COVIRAP is a cuboid shaped portable testing device.
It is capable of delivering the results in an hour. This will help to scale up the screening of COVID-19
in rural and peripheral areas.
The COVIRAP based machines can be developed at a cost of less than Rs 10,000.
COVIRAP conducts COVID-19 test using a swab sample. It does not require a separate facility for RNA
COVIRAP is now being launched for commercialisation after getting validated by ICMR (Indian Council of
Medical Research). Recently, the research team from IIT Kharagpur has developed a more advanced version
of COVIRAP using isothermal nuclei acid testing technology for rapid diagnostics of the infections.

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Working of COVIRAP
COVIRAP has a special detection unit for genomic analysis, pre-programmable temperature control unit and
a customised smartphone app for results. It also has three master mixes that work as markers of different
genes to confirm the presence of COVID-19. The samples collected through swabs react with these mixes.
The paper strips coded with required chemicals are then dipped into the reaction products from the
samples and mixes. The coloured lines indicate the presence of the COVID-19 virus.
April 23, 2021
World Book and Copyright Day: April 23
Every year the World Book and Copyrights Day is celebrated on April 23 by UNESCO. UNESCO is United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. This year, to celebrate the World Book and
Copyright Day, UNESCO has created “Bookface Challenge”.
About World Book and Copyrights Day
The first World Book and Copyrights Day was celebrated in 1995. The UNESCO Prize for Children’s and
Young People’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance is awarded on this day. Also, the day will increase the
understanding of copyright laws and other measures that protect intellectual properties.
Why on April 23?
The UNESCO decided to celebrate the World Book and Copyrights Day on April 23 as it is the death
anniversary of William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilasco de la Vega.
World Book Day in different regions
In Catalonia (Spain), the World Book Day is celebrated as St George’s Day since 1436. On this day,
people exchange gifts between loved ones. Catalonia is an autonomous community in Spain.
In Spain, the World Book Day is being celebrated since 1926 on October 7. This is because Miguel de
Cervantes was born on October 7.
In Sweden, the World Book Day is called the Varldsbokdagen. It is celebrated on April 13.
In UK and Ireland, they organise an event called the “World Book Night” to celebrate the World Book
The World Book Day is celebrated as a street festival in the US.
World Book Capital
Every year UNESCO and other international organisations select World Book Capital for a one-year capital.
This year Tbilisi of Georgia has been selected as the World Book Capital.
India-US 2030 Climate Partnership
On April 22, 2021, India and the United States launched the US-India Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030
Partnership during the Leaders’ Summit. The US President hosted the Leaders Summit on Climate. The
world leaders from around forty countries attended the summit.
About the Partnership
The Partnership will proceed through the following:
Strategic Clean Energy Partnership
Climate Action and Finance Mobilisation Dialogue
India will deploy 450 GW of renewable power under the partnership with the US.
Both the countries will work together to achieve their respective targets. Through the partnership, the
countries will demonstrate how the world can align swift climate action taking into account
sustainable development priorities.
US Targets
During the Summit, the US announced that it has set an ambitious target of reducing the greenhouse gas
emissions by 50% to 52% in 2030 as compared to that of 2005 level. This was double the 2015 goal set by
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the former President of the US Barack Obama. The successor of Obama, Donald Trump had withdrawn from
Paris Agreement. According the US, these steps will help the country achieve net zero emission by 2050.
The US recently re-joined the Paris Agreement.
Other announcements in the Summit
The US announced that it will double its public climate financing to the developing countries. This is
to be tripled by 2024.
Chinese President promoted the Green Belt and Road Initiative of China. Also, he announced that
China had pledged net zero emissions by 2060.
The United Kingdom announced that it is half way in achieving net zero. The UK had set a target of
reducing 78% of emissions by 2035 as compared o 1990 levels.
Germany is on the track of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 as compared to 1990 level.
Indian women win 7 gold in AIBA Youth World Boxing Championship
Indian Women have created history at the AIBA 2021 Youth World Boxing Championship. A total of eight
Indians entered the finals. Of this, seven were women. All the women finalists finished on top.
All the women finalists registered victories and finished top. They were as follows:
Gitika – 48 kg
Naorem Babyrojisana Chanu 51 kg
Poonam 57 kg
Vinka 60 kg
Arundhati Choudhary 69 kg
T Sanamacha Chanu 75 kg
Alfiya Pathan 81 kg
In 2017, Indian Women won five gold medals. The 2017 Youth World Championship was held in
This year, India won seven gold at the AIBA Youth Women World Boxing Championships.The sixth
gold was added by Sanamacha. Sanamacha trains at boxing MC Mary Kom’s Academy in Imphal. She
outperformed Kazakhstan’s Dana Diday in 75 kg final.
Alfiya of Laharashtra clinched the seventh gold for India. She defeated a strong contender Daria
Kozorez of Moldova.
Gitika of Haryana won gold in 48 kg. She defeated a two-time European champion, Erika Prisciandaro.
Erika is from Italy. In the finals, Gitika defeated Natalia Kuczewska.
Poonam and Babyrojisana added two more gold medals. Poonam won Sthelyne Grosy in the finals
and Babyrojisana won Valeriia Linkova in the finals.
Arundhati from Rajasthan won gold in 69 kg. She beat the Polish boxer, Barbara Marcinkowska.
Men’s Section
Ankit Narwal won bronze in 64 kg. Similarly, Bishwamitra Chongthom and Vishal Gupta won bronze medal in
49 kg and 91 kg respectively.
AIBA is International World Boxing Championships. It organises AIBA Women World Boxing Championship
and AIBA World Boxing Championships biennially.
NASA SHIELDS Mission: To Study Interstellar Space
NASA recently launched the SHIELDS Mission from the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. The
Mission is to study light from interstellar particles in the heliosphere.

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What is SHIELDS?
SHIELDS is Spatial Heterodyne Interferometric Emission Line Dynamics Spectrometer. It will fly to a height
of 300 kilo metres. At this height SHIELDS can see light from particles beyond the solar system.
Local Bubble
The planets, gas, asteroids and every single matter in the neighbourhood of the earth is located in a cluster
of gas called Local Bubble. This bubble is 300 light years long. It encompasses hundreds of stars including
the sun. According to the scientists, the solar system is to move out of the Local Bubble in 50,000 years. Till
date, research has led only to learn an outline about Local bubble. This mission will help to learn what
exactly is happening inside them.
Heliosphere in the Local Bubble
The magnetic bubble created by the sun is called Heliosphere. The heliosphere moves through the Local
Bubble at 52,000 miles per hour. Particles from interstellar space fall on the heliosphere.
What will SHIELDS Study?
SHIELDS will study about the hydrogen atoms that originate in interstellar space. These atoms have
equal balances of fundamental particles called electrons and protons. These interstellar hydrogen
atoms cross the magnetic lines as their positive and negative charges balance each other.
The mission will study the trajectories of the hydrogen atoms as they pass by the heliosphere.
SHIELDS will seek out light from the hydrogen atoms. It will measure how far the wavelength of these
atoms stretches or contracts.

SC asks for National plan on COVID-19 situation

The Supreme Court recently asked the Government of India to submit a National Plan on the COVID-19
situation. Supreme Court took a Suo moto cognisance and issued a notice to the central government on the
supply of COVID-19 supplies such as oxygen, COVID care essentials and medicines.
Why did SC step in?
There are several high court hearings underway regarding COVID-19 preparedness. Some are even dictating
lock down rules. Thus, SC has stepped in to control the actions of these courts and to establish that the
lock down protocol and imposition should be left to the central and state governments. The courts shall
only observe and guide them.
What did the Supreme Court say?
The Supreme Court said that the right to impose lock down should be reserved with the states and not with
the courts. The Supreme Court recently stayed an order issued by the Uttar Pradesh High Court to impose
lock down in several cities in the state.
About the Notice Issued
The Supreme Court has issued a notice to the centre on four issues. They were on supply of essential drugs,
supply of oxygen, power to declare lock down and method of vaccination.
Suo Motu Cognizance
Suo Moto Cognizance is when an Indian Court takes a case on its own. The Suo Moto Cognizance has been
awarded to the courts under Article 32 and Article 226 of the constitution.
Article 32
The Article provides powers to the Supreme Court to issue directions, orders, writs to enforce rights
conferred to the court. In simple terms, Article 32 empowers the Supreme Court to issue Suo Moto
Article 226
The article empowers the High Courts to issue to persons, authorities, orders, directions, mandamus, quo

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warranto, prohibition.
S&P: Growth of 11 per cent for India in 2021
The S&P Global Ratings recently said that the Indian Economy is to grow at 11% in 2021-22. Earlier, S&P had
predicted that India will grow at 10%.
Key Findings
In the next couple of years, India is to grow at 6.1% to 6.4%.
The credit conditions have improved for Asia-Pacific banks.
With countries rolling out vaccination programmes, economies are recovering and regional financial
circumstance are supportive in the Asian region.
The pandemic has left deep negative effects on lenders. The banks will take years to recover from
COVID-19 crisis.
Most of the economic activities became standstill during April-June in 2020. This contracted GDP of
the country massively by 23.9%.
Three speed recovery patterns have emerged in Asia-Pacific. China, Taiwan, New Zealand lead the
group where economic activities are above pandemic level. Australia, Korea and Japan are in the
middle group where the activities should reach pre-pandemic levels in mid 2021. India has now joined
this group.
The S and P currently has a BBB rating on India.
What is BBB rating?
BBB is Better Business Bureau. It was founded in 1912. It is a non-profit trust that focuses on advancing
market places. It has more than 106 independent organisations from USA and Canada. It is not affiliated to
any governments. It provides an A+ through F grade system. The grades offer confidence of BBB that
business is operating in a trustworthy manner. Around 400,000 local businesses are affiliated to BBB rating.
S&P Global Ratings
It is an American credit rating agency. It publishes financial research and analysis on bonds, stocks, and
commodities. It is considered as the largest of the “BIG THREE” credit rating agencies. The “BIG THREE”
credit rating agencies are Moody’s Investors, Fitch Rating and the S and P Ratings (S and P is Standard and
State of Emergency in Ethiopia
Ethiopia recently declared Emergency in the southern part of Amhara region as violence broke out in various
parts. The violence in Ethiopia has been increased and insecurity is extending beyond war hit Tigray regions
of Ethiopia ahead of National Elections planned in June.
What is the issue?
The violence in the region began after an ethnic Oromo Imam was shot dead outside a mosque. This
increased the clashes between the Ethnic Oromo civilians and the Amhara Security forces. The Amhara
region is dominated by the ethnic Amhara group. On the other hand, the Oromo Special Zone is populated by
the Oromos. The Oromos are numerically dominant.
What is the issue between Amhara and Oromo?
Till 1991, the Ethiopian politics was dominated by Amhara. However, the Oromo was the largest ethnic
group in the country. This created an ethnic conflict between the groups. Due to the conflict, many moved to
the US as refugees, asylees and permanent residents.
Ethiopia Crisis
The Tigray region of Ethiopia is ruled by the powerful Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). In 2018, the
Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed made peace with Eritrea for which he won Nobel Peace Prize in
2019. TPPLF sees Eritrea as its enemy.

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In August 2020, Abiy postponed the general elections to 2021 citing COVID-19 pandemic. The TPLF accused
him of power grab and held elections in Tigray region in September 2020. This increased the tensions.
Ethnic Divide in Ethiopia
The Tigray people make up 6% of the Ethiopian populations. The Oromos share 34% and the Amhara share

Statehood Movement in Columbia

The House of Representatives in the US recently passed a bill to make Washington DC, the fifty first US
state. The Washington DC Admission bill is being passed for the second time in a year. The bill will create
the state of “Washington, Douglas Commonwealth”. It has been named after Frederick Douglass.
The Washington DC is formally known as Columbia. It is the capital of United States. It is located on the
Potomac river. It borders Maryland and Virginia.
Statehood Movement in Columbia
The District of Columbia Statehood Movement aims to make the Columbia District a US state. This will
provide the taxpayers with voting representation in the Congress. Eventually they will receive full control
over the local affairs. Currently, the Columbian district is under the direct jurisdiction of the US Congress.
How can the Statehood be achieved?
The Statehood shall be achieved in the US if the US Congress passes a law. The Article IV of the US
Constitution empowers the US Congress to admit new states to the Union by passing a law.
About Columbia
If Columbia becomes a state, it will rank 49th in population. But in terms of GDP, it will rank first. And also,
first in terms of median household income.
Frederick Douglass
He was the first African American to be nominated for Vice President of USA. He was a social reformer,
orator and abolitionist. He once served as a slave in Maryland. He escaped slavery and became a national
leader of the Abolitionist movement. The Abolitionist movement sought to end slavery in the US.
GC Murmu chosen as external auditor by OPCW
G C Murmu has been chosen as the External Auditor of Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Key Highlights
G C Mumru is currently serving as the CAG of India. He has been appointed as the External Auditor of
Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. He will serve at the OPCW as an External Auditor
for three years.
Also, India was elected as the member state of the Executive Council of OPCW in the Asia region for
another two years.
About G C Murmu
He was a 1895 batch IAS officer of Gujarat Cadre.
He was appointed as the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in 2020.
He had also served as the Lt Governor of Jammu and Kashmir in 2019. He was the first Lt Governor
of Jammu and Kashmir.
He also served as the Principal Secretary of Narendra Modi during his reign as the Chief Minister of
Apart from these services, he has served as the External Auditor of World Food Programme,
International Atomic Energy Agency, World Intellectual Property Organisation, UN World Tourism
Organisation, International Maritime Organisation.

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The Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has 193 member states.
It is an international organisation that works to achieve a chemical weapon free world.
OPCW is based in Hague, Netherlands.
It was established in 1997.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is implemented by OPCW. The convention aims to eliminate and
destroy chemical weapons by prohibiting development, acquisition, stockpiling and use of chemical
India is a member of Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
US passes bill to fight hate crimes against Asian Americans
The US Senate recently passed a bill to help combat the rise of hate crimes against the Pacific Islanders
and Asian Americans. The bill will support the local law enforcements in controlling the hate crimes.
Need for the Bill
The COVID-19 increased the hate crimes against the Asian Americans in the US. According to the Federal
Crime Data, the hate crimes were at the highest level in over a decade in 2019. This has increased further in
2020 after COVID-19.
The discrimination being reported in the US are Verbal harassment, physical assault, shunning, coughed or
spat on, workplace discrimination or refusal of service.
Situation in California
Of all the states, California is facing a greater number of hate crimes. More than six million Asian
Americans live in California. They make up more than 15% residents of the state. Between March, 2020 and
May 2020, California had reported more than 800 COVID-19 related hate crimes. According to a study, these
incidents have now increased by 1200%.
Hate Crimes in India
The Indian Penal Code makes hate crimes punishable. Sections 153 A, 153 B, 295 A, 505 (1), 298 and 505
(2) of the Indian Penal Code says that words spoken or written that promotes disharmony, insults, hatred on
the basis of ethnicity, religion, culture, region, community, caste, race, etc is punishable under law.
Other Indian laws that contain provisions related to hate speech are Information Technology Act, 2000,
Representation of People Act, 1951 and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.
Hate Crimes in India due to COVID-19
In India, the hate crimes against Muslims are increasing due to COVID-19. Rumours are spreading in the
country, especially in Jharkhand that Muslim men are deliberately splitting in public places to spread the
virus. This has even created group clashes in Gumla district of Jharkhand.
Earth Day Summit
On March 22, 2021, US President Joe Biden kick started a two-day Earth Day Summit. During the Summit,
the President pledged to halve the US emissions by the end of the decade.
Key Highlights
The United States and the other countries increased their targets of slashing the Greenhouse gas
The US President Joe Biden unveiled a 2 trillion USD infrastructure package. The package included
several elements of climate friendly policies, investment in electric grid, development funds for clean
During the summit, around 101 Nobel Laureates made a call to sign up a “Fossil Fuel Non-
Proliferation Treaty”. They submitted a letter that called to phase out fossil fuels. The Buddhist leader
Dalai Lama was one of the signatories of the letter.

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Also, other leaders announced their commitments in reducing greenhouse gas emissions during the
Current Scenario
The US has the highest amount of public money committed to the fossil fuels in COVID-19 recovery
The per capita fossil fuel consumption of USA was 66,525-megawatt hour and for India, it was 6,303
megawatt hour.
The fossil fuel sector in the US gets 20 billion USD of direct subsidies. Of this 20% is allocated to coal
and 80% to crude oil and natural gas.
The Production Gap report of United Nations Environment Programme that was published in 2020 said that
the countries should decrease fossil fuel production roughly by 6% a year between 2020 and 2030 to follow
the 1.5 degrees consistent pathway. That is, to keep the increase in global temperature within 1.5 degrees
Celsius as compare to pre-industrial era.
IndRa: Cost of vaccinating India's population above 18 years 0.36% of GDP
The India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) recently said the estimated cost to vaccinate all the Indians of age
18 years will be Rs 67,193 crores. This is 0.36% of the GDP of the country.
Key Findings
The GoI recently announced the Liberalised and Accelerated Phase 3 strategy of COVID-19 vaccine.
According to the new strategy, all the persons above 18 years of age are eligible to get COVID-19 vaccine.
With this, the total size of population eligible for vaccination is 84.19 crores. The population of India is
133.26 crores. The India Ratings and Research says that it will cost Rs 67,193 to vaccinate 84.19 crores of
people. The Union Government will incur Rs 20,870 crores of the cost and the state government shall incur
Rs 46,323 crores.
Amount spent so far
The Ind-Ra also states that the Union Government has already spent Rs 5,090 crores in procuring 21.4
crores of vaccines from Bharat Biotech and Serum Institute of India. COVAXIN was procured from Bharat
Biotech and COVISHIELD From Serum Institute of India.
Assuming that the wastage to be 5%, the cost of procurement is to come to Rs 62,103 crores.
How can the procurement cost be split between state and the central governments?
If the cost of procurement of vaccines are split between the central and state governments, the amount to
be spent by the Union Government on the vaccination will be 0.12% of GDP and the amount to be spent by
the State Governments will be 0.24% of GDP.
The maximum impact is likely to be on Bihar. Bihar will have to spend 0.6% of its State Gross Domestic
Product (SGDP), Uttar Pradesh will have to spend 0.47% of its SGDP, 0.37% by Jharkhand, 0.36% by
Manipur, 0.35% by Assam, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh will have to spend 0.30% of their SGDP.
Second World Ocean Assessment
The United Nations recently released the Second World Ocean Assessment report. It is the work of
hundreds of scientists appointed by the members of United Nations from all over the world. It follows the
initial report, “World Ocean Assessment I” published in 2015.
Key Findings of the report
The number of dead zones in the oceans have doubled. It has increased from 400 in 2008 to 700 in
90% of the Mangrove Seagrass and marsh plant species are facing extinction.
30% of seabird species are facing the threat of extinction.

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Only 10% of the ocean has been explored and studied. With this minimal study, scientists have found
out that the oceans are being degraded at huge level.
The heat content in the oceans has more than doubled since 1990. This has affected the marine
15% of the Sandy beaches are seeing retreating shorelines. This is happening at the rate of 1 metre
per year or more in the last thirty-three years.
The first World Ocean Assessment report was released in 2015. The report said that Oceans have been
degrading seriously due to failure to deal with pressures caused by human activities, aquaculture, fishing,
oil and gas, shipping, pollution. According to the World Assessment Report II, these conditions have not
changed and are contnuing.
What are Dead Zones in the Ocean?
Dead Zone is a common term used for Hypoxia. That is, the areas with reduced level of oxygen. They are
those areas where the marine organisms in the ocean face Hypoxia. Hypoxia is a medical condition where
the person faces difficulty in breathing.
So far, scientists have found 400 dead zones in the ocean. The largest dead zone is located in the Arabian
sea. This covers almost 63,700 square miles in Gulf of Oman.
Japan to host first joint military exercise with US and France
Japan is to hold its first military drill with French and US troops in May 2021. According to Japan, the
exercise is being held as it is concerned about the increasing Chinese actions in the regional waters.
About the exercise
The exercise will be the first large scale exercise between Japan, US and France.
The exercise is to be held at the JGSDF Kirishima training ground.
It will include amphibious operations as well.
The exercise has come as Japan is trying to increase its defence cooperation with the US. Japan
intends to counter China’s assertiveness in the South and East China sea.
The French Government shares the vision of free and open Indo-Pacific. France has territories in the
Indian Ocean namely French Polynesia in South Pacific and French Island of Reunion in the Indian
The US President Joe Biden and the Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga recently met at the White
House. Their conversations mainly centred around “What to do about China?”. During the meet, the leaders
agreed to take up issues such as China’s aggressions in East China sea and South China sea. The leaders
agreed to work together to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific. Japan has always been open that it is
threatened by the vast military resources of China and its territorial disputes.
Major irritant between China and Japan
Japan is mainly concerned about the Chinese claims of Senkaku Islands. The Islands are currently
administered by Japan. However, China claims the Island and calls it Diaoyu.
In South China Sea
China claims most of the South China Region, It has drawn an imaginary “Nine Dash Line”. The Chinese
claim the regions of South China sea based on this line.
Nine Dash Line of China
The Nine Dash Line is a demarcation line used by China for its claim over South China Sea. In 1947, China
showed a U-shaped eleven dash line in its map. Later two dashes were removed making it a nine-dash line.
In 2010, China published a new map that incorporated a tenth dash. In 2013, China extended this line to the
east of Taiwan and further extending it to the East China Sea.

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SBI Report: FY22 growth at 10.4%,
The State Bank of India recently revised the growth of India for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 to 10.4%. Earlier, the
bank had predicted the growth rate as 11%. SBI has curbed the growth rate of the country due to the
increasing COVID-19 crisis.
Suggestions made by SBI report
The report says that Government of India should increase the vaccination efforts instead of
According to the report, the cost of inoculating half the population in thirteen major states will be
0.1% of GDP of the country or 15% to 20% of the health budget of the states. These estimates have
been made assuming that the Centre will bear the cost of vaccinating the other half of the population.
Economic Losses due to COVID-19
The economic losses due to the existing curbs have been estimated as Rs 1.5 lakh crores.
Maharashtra alone contributed to 54% of these losses. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
together account to 80% of the losses.
The business activities of SBI dipped to a five-month low in April 2021.
Of all the states, Maharashtra has been badly affected by COVID-19. The losses suffered by
Maharashtra have been estimated as Rs 82,000 crores. These losses are to increase if the
restrictions are increased in the state.
When will conditions normalise in India?
The report has analysed the vaccine drives in other countries. According to its analysis, the infections
stabilised in foreign countries after 15% of the population was administered with COVID-19. The report says
that India will inoculate its 15% of population only by December 2021.
What is Proning?
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently issued guidelines on proning for self-care for COVID-19
patients at home. Under the new guidelines, the ministry has advised the COVID-19 patients to practice
proning if they are facing breathing difficulties.
The number of COVID-19 cases in India is increasing rapidly. This has put hospitals under stress. Therefore,
the doctors have advised self-monitoring of oxygen levels under new the guidelines. If a patient is facing
difficulty in breathing, they can lie face down.
What is Proning?
Lying face down is called proning.
When the oxygen levels of a patient in home isolation falls below 94, he or she can lie on their belly.
This helps to improve ventilation and will open the alveolar units.
Guidelines on Proning
Four to five pillows are needed for proning. One pillow is placed below the neck, one below the chest
and two below the shins. The front of the leg below the knees is called shin.
The guideline also states four conditions when proning should not be done. They are pregnancy,
major cardiac conditions, deep venous thrombosis and unstable spine, pelvic fractures.
Also, proning should not be done for an hour after meals. A patient shall lie in this position up to 16
Alveolar Units
The Alveoli is the primary structural and functional unit of lungs. There are 500 million alveoli in the human
lung. They are tiny sacs.
The oxygen breathed in from the air passes through the alveoli, into the blood and then travels to the

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tissued through the blood vessels. The Carbon dioxide travels in the blood from the body tissues through
alveoli and is then breathed out. Thus, the Alveolar Units play a crucial role in respiration.
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana: Free Food Grains till June
The Government of India recently announced that it will provide five kilo grams of free food grains under the
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana till June 2021. The free food grains are being provided to those
covered under the National Food Security Act, 2013. This is to continue till June 2021.
What is the plan?
Around eighty crore beneficiaries are being provided with free food grains (rice or wheat) at a scale of 5 kg
per person per month. This is over and above the monthly entitlements under the National Food Security
Act. These are the beneficiaries that are covered under both Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority
The extension of the scheme is to cost an additional Rs 26,000 crores. The Government of India has
announced that it will bear all the expenditure. Also, the central assistance is to be provided to states and
union territories on account of intrastate transportation.
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana
The scheme was launched in March 2020. It is operated by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food
and Public Distribution.
It was launched for a period of April 2020 to June 2020 at an estimated cost of Rs 1.7 lakh crores.
The scheme was extended till November 2020 with an additional allocation of Rs 90,000 crores.
The scheme provided 5 kg of rice or wheat and one kilo grams of chana to each family per month.
It was a part of Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
Criticisms prevail that the scheme failed to distribute grains to the intended recipients. Eleven states
distributed less than 1% of food grains and two states failed to distribute any grains.
April 24, 2021
National Panchayati Raj Day
Every year, the National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on April 24. The first National Panchayati Raj day
was declared by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on April 24, 2010. It is celebrated on April 24 as the
Panchayati Raj System of India came into effect on April 24, 1993.
National Panchayati Raj Day
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the SVAMITVA Scheme on National Panchayati Raj Day,
This year, more than 74,000 Panchayats are to participate in National Panchayati Raj Awards, 2021.
This is 28% higher than the National Panchayati Raj Awards, 2020.
There are more than 2.6 lakh Panchayats in the country.
Awards presented
The Deen Dayal Upadhyay Pachayat Sashaktikaran Puraskar is awarded on National Panchayati Raj
Also, the Nanaji Deshmukh Rashtriya Gaurav Sabha Puraskar is awarded to Gram Sabha.
Apart from these awards, Child friendly Gram Panchayat award and E-Panchayat award are also
presented on this day
Panchayati Raj System
The Panchayati Raj Act came into effect on April 24, 1993 and thus, the National Panchayati Raj Day is
celebrated on April 24. It was introduced through the 73rd Constitutional amendment.
The establishment of Panchayati Raj System in the country was recommended by Balwant Rai Committee.
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Features of 74th Amendment Act
Every state shall constitute a Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Corporation and Municipal Council.
All the seats in the municipality shall be filled by persons chosen from direct elections.
A ward Committee shall be constituted.
The seats in the local bodies shall be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.
Establishment of Independent Election Commission in each state.
Establishment of Financial Commission in each state.
NBFCs to function in GIFT city, Gujarat
The International Financial Service Centre recently granted permission for the Non-Banking Finance
Companies to operate in Gujarat GIFT City. The NBFCs will now be allowed to offer whole range of services
such as loans, investment banking, exotic derivative trades and third-party product sales.
The move will attract top financial services from all over the world. Also, it will help to localise services that
are usually offered overseas.
The GIFT City was the first International Financial Service Centre (IFSC) of India. It was established under
Special Economic Act, 2005. The GIFT city provides services such as Offshore Banking, fund raising
services for individuals, Offshore Asset management, etc.
The idea of GIFT city was conceived at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investor Summit, 2007. It was established
based on Fibre to the home. It is an intelligent building with piped supply of cooking gas. Also, it the first
city if India to receive city-level District Cooling System.
The Gujarat Maritime Cluster is to be established in GIFT City. A maritime cluster is a collection of
institutions, businesses in the maritime sector.
International Financial Service Centre
The IFSC conducts business in foreign currencies. These centres deal with financial products and services
across borders.
The insurance sectors and capital markets in the IFSC were regulated by multiple regulators such as SEBI,
RBI and IRDAI. Thus, GoI passed the International Financial Service Centre Authority Act to bring all them
under a single authority called the IFSC Authority. The act was passed in December 2019.
Special Economic Zones Act, 2005
The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 provides legal framework for establishment of Special Economic
GoI targets 17 million tonnes of Mustard Production
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare recently announced that it is to bring nine million tonnes of
land under mustard cultivation. This will increase mustard production to 17 million tonnes by 2025-26.
Current Scenario
The average mustard production in India, that is, the mustard production between 2015 and 2019 was 7.7
million tonnes. This was produced from 5.9 million hectares of land.
What is the issue?
India imports around 70% of edible oil needs. Of this, Palm oil is the highest. There is a need to make India
self-sufficient in oil. In order to achieve this, the GoI is planning to increase oil seed production. However,
the problem is the low productivity, that is, mustards produced per hectare is low.
Currently, Rajasthan produces 40.82% of total mustards in India. It is the highest mustard producing state in
the country.

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What is the plan?
In order to achieve the target, the GoI is planning to target 7.58 million hectares for the year 2021-22.
Around 12.24 million tonnes are to be produced from these lands.
In 2020, the GoI targeted 368 districts from 13 states for mustard cultivation. This was done under Mustard
Mission. In 2020, the GoI spent Rs 160 crores on mustard mission. This is to be continued for the current
fiscal year as well.
In order to increase the productivity, the GoI has planned to use mustard seeds of high quality. This will
increase the yield from 20% to 100%.
Achievement of Yellow Revolution
In 1986, the then PM Rajiv Gandhi launched the Yellow Revolution. It was based on Oilseeds Technology
Mission. It was a big success. By 1993, India became self-sufficient in edible oil production. Through Yellow
revolution India produced 97% of edible oil requirement within the country.
Sam Pitroda is called the “Father of Yellow Revolution”. It focused on nine oilseeds. They were mustard,
groundnut, soybean, sesame, safflower, niger, sunflower, Castor and linseed.
Zydus drug Virafin gets DCGI nod
The Drug Controller General of India recently provided “Restricted Emergency Use Approval” for the use of
“Virafin”. Virafin is used to treat Hepatitis B and C. Now it is to be used to treat moderate COVID-19
About Virafin
A single dose of Virafin during the early stage of infection, will help COVID-19 patients recover faster.
Also, it will help to avoid complications.
It will help to reduce the need for oxygen support.
Virafin improves recovery time in moderate cases of COVID-19.
According to Zydus 91.15% of adult patients treated with Virafin tested negative using RT-PCR in
seven days.
Zydus is also working on COVID-19 Vaccine ZyCoV-D.
It is a DNA plasmid-based vaccine. In January 2021, the DGCI provided permission to conduct the Phase III
trials of the vaccine. The trials are expected to be completed by May 2021.
DNA Vaccine
It is a type of vaccine that is produced by transfecting antigen-coded DNA sequence into immunised cells.
Transfection is the process of introducing purified nucleic acids into Eukaryotic cells.
Eukaryotes are organisms whose cell nucleus are enclosed in a nuclear envelope (called the nuclear
membrane). On the other hand, prokaryotes are organisms that lack nuclear membrane around their
Antigen is a toxin or foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body. These responses are
usually in form of antibodies.
Drug Controller General of India
The DCGI is the head of the Central Drugs Control Organisation.
DGCI regulates medical and pharmaceutical devices.
The DGCI establishes standards for manufacturing, import, sales and distribution of drugs in India.
He makes sure if there is uniformity in the implementation of Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
He issued licenses or medical devices that fall under Medical Devices Rules, 2017.

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Glacier burst reported in Sumna, Neeti Valley
On April 23, 2021, a Glacier burst occurred in Sumna, Neeti Valley located in Chamoli district in India-China
border. A Border Road Organisation Camp came under the avalanche. The Indian Army has so far rescued
291 persons.
In February 2021, flash floods occurred in Chamoli district due to Glacial burst and killed dozens.
Earlier the breaking of Nanda Devi Glacier triggered avalanche, landslides and flash floods in the tributaries
of the Ganges. The floods due to the breakage damaged two hydroelectric power projects.
Criticality of the Issue
According to United Nations ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) glaciers in
India, Bhutan, Nepal and China says that these regions have lost a vertical foot and a half of ice since 2000.
This is double the amount of melting that occurred between 1975 and 2000.
What causes Glacier Burst?
The Glacier Bursts are caused by the build-up of water pressure. The high temperatures coupled with less
snowfall accelerates melting and causes water to rise to dangerous levels in glacial dams. This increases
water pressure and leads to glacier bursts. The Glacial dams are formed when glaciers block the flow of
water out of a lake. Unlike the usual lakes, the Glacial lakes are made of ice boulders that have the potential
to burst the glacier banks. The Nanda Devi Glacier Burst that occurred in Uttarakhand might be because of
one such reason. However, the real reason behind the Glacier burst is yet to be found.
The 2013 Kedarnath tragedy was due to cloudbursts.
Export of processed food products increase by 27% during April-February 20-21
The exports of processed food products during April-February 2020-21 grew by 26.51%. Their exports
amounted to Rs 43,798 crores during this period.
Exports of Processed Food Products
The major food products exported during 2020-21 were processed vegetables, pulses, processed
fruits and juices, guar gum, groundnuts, milled products, oil meals, alcoholic beverages and oil meals.
The export of processed vegetables and alcoholic beverages increased by 40% in 2020-21.
According to APEDA, the exports of processed food products is to continue in 2021-22. This is mainly
because the demand for processed fruits and vegetables, pulses are increasing in markets such as
middle east, US, UK.
Steps of GoI in Food Processing Industry
In March 2021, Government of India approved Production Linked Incentive Scheme. Through this, GoI
aims to provide Rs 10,900 crores of incentives to the Food Processing sector. The incentive is to be
paid for six years under the scheme.
Pradhan Mantri SAMPADA Yojana is being implemented to develop food processing centres in the
country. SAMPADA is Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing and Development of Agro-Processing
Clusters. The scheme will create Mega Food Parks.
In 2020, GoI sanctioned 134 food processing projects. This includes 21 agro-processing clusters, 43
food processing units, 47 cold chains, 8 backward and forward linkages, 3 Operation Greens and
twelve food testing laboratories.
Food Processing Industry in India
The FDI inflows in Food Processing Industry increased from 628.24 million USD in 2018-19 to 904.7 million
USD in 2019-20.
Way Forward
APEDA is to make Action Plans to increase export of millet between 2021 and 2026. APEDA is Agricultural
and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority.

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COVISHIELD protects against Double Mutant
The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology recently announced that COVISHILED vaccine protects
against B.1.617 variant. It is also called the double mutant strain. The vaccines were tested against the
double mutant variety using the Vitro Neutralisation assay.
Vitro Neutralisation Assay
It is used to detect if an antibody is capable of preventing virus replication. This technique does not detect
all antigen-antibody reactions. It only detects antibodies that can block virus replication.
How do scientists find if the vaccine works against mutants?
The researchers first isolate the variants. In this case, it is the B.1.1.617. The National Institute of
Virology has isolated and cultured all the mutants namely B.1.351 (South African variant), B.1.1.28
(Brazil variant), B.1.1.7 (UK Variant) and the double mutant.
Later, the researchers collect the vaccinated sera samples from the people who have been
inoculated. Sera is a protein rich liquid that separates when blood coagulates. Inoculation is treating
a person with vaccine. The inoculated sera is rich in antibodies.
Later the researchers will find how the antibody titers in the new variants. Titration is a technique by
which a solution of known concentration is used to determine the concentration of an unknown
How are the Variants detected?
The variants are detected by genomic sequencing. It also helps to map the transmissibility and their
The GoI has established INSACOG labs to sequence the viral genome.
India is keeping a close watch on possible new variants from incoming travellers from overseas and also
from incoming travellers.
116 Indian districts reported zero malaria cases in 2020
The Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare recently reported that as many as 116 districts in India
have reported zero malaria cases in 2020.
About the achievement
In 2020, India had reduced the disease burden of Malaria by 84.5%. Also, India has reduced the
deaths due to Malaria by 83.6%.
According to the World Health Organisation, India was able to achieve this due to strengthened
technical leadership, rejuvenated political commitment, prioritising right mix of vector control
India was one of the eighteen countries that endorsed Malaria Elimination Roadmap of Asia Pacific Leaders
Malaria Alliance at the East Asia Summit that was held in Malaysia in 2015. Under the alliance, the leaders
agreed to eliminate malaria completely in the region by 2030. Under this, India launched the National
Framework for Malaria Elimination in India (2016-2030). The recent achievement is a part of this framework,
National Framework for Malaria Elimination
The framework works under four objectives. They are as follows:
To eliminate malaria from all Category 1 and Category 2 states by 2022.
To reduce the incidence of malaria to less than one per thousand population by 2024.
To interrupt indigenous transmission of malaria in Category 3 states and Union Territories by 2027.
To prevent re-establishment of local malaria and maintain national malaria free status by 2030.
Classification of States and Union Territories
Category 0: States and UTs with zero indigenous cases of Malaria

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Category 1: The States and UTs with less than one case per 1000 population.
Category 2: States and UTs with less than one case per 1000 population. However, some of the
districts are reporting greater than one case.
Category 3: States and Union Territories with one person per 1000 population at risk.
Basic customs duty and health cess on medical oxygen, equipment launched
The Government of India has granted complete exemption from basic health cess on import of oxygen-
related equipment and customs duty for a period of three months.
With the COVID-19 double mutant variant B.1.617 spreading rapidly in the country, the demand for medical
oxygen exploded exponentially. In order fulfil this high demand, the Government of India has been taking
several steps.
Medical Oxygen Plants
The GoI announced that 162 medical oxygen plants are to be established in public health facilities. Of this,
thirty-three has already been established in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka Bihar, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, etc.
Another 80 plants are to be installed by May 2021. The cost of establishing these plants have been
estimated as Rs 201.58 crores. Of these hundred medical oxygen plants are to be funded by the PM CARES
The GoI has planned to import 50,000 tonnes of Oxygen.
Disaster Management Act
The Union Home Ministry invoked the Disaster Management Act. With the powers of the act, the Home
Ministry has directed the states to ensure free inter-state movement of oxygen carrying vehicles.
Motor Vehicle Act
The Ministry of Road Transport has exempted the requirement of permit under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 for
vehicles transporting oxygen cylinders.
Indian Air Force
The Indian Air Force airlifted four cryogenic oxygen tanks from Singapore to meet the immediate needs of
oxygen supply in country.
Indian Railways
The Indian Railways launched the Oxygen Express to transport oxygen in the country.
In the current high shortage of Oxygen in the country, Kerala is the only oxygen surplus state managing the
crisis. The oxygen production of the state is 199 tonnes per day. The COVID care demand of oxygen in the
state is 35 tonnes per day. With surplus oxygen, Kerala has been sending oxygen to Tamil Nadu, Karnataka
and Goa.
SVAMITVA E-Property Cards distributed
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the distribution of E-Property Cards under the Svamitva
Scheme. Around 4.09 lakh property cards were distributed. The cards were distributed on the side-lines of
National Panchayati Raj Day celebrations.
National Panchayati Raj Day
Every year, the National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on April 24. It is celebrated on this day as the
Panchayati Raj Act was enacted on this day.
Svamitva Scheme
The Svamitva Scheme was launched in 2020 on National Panchayati Raj day.
Svamitva is Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas.

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The scheme aims to provide integrated property validation solution for rural India.
Under the scheme, the mapping is to be done in a phase-wise manner between 2020 and 2024.
The scheme will map the land parcels using drone technology. Also, Continously Operating Reference
Station (CORS) will be used for demarcation.
The scheme is currently applicable only in the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,
Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
The Government of India has allotted Rs 79.65 crores for the scheme.
Objectives of the scheme
To provide financial Stability to people in rural areas as land can be used as an asset to get a loan.
To create accurate land records. This will help in better rural planning.
It will help to support the Gram Panchayat Development Plan.
It will help solve property related disputes in rural areas.
Over six lakh rural people are to be benefitted from the scheme.
The “Record of Rights” is to be provided under the scheme through land or property registrations.
It will help monetise rural residential assets.
April 25, 2021
World Malaria Day: April 25
Every year, the World Malaria Day is celebrated on April 25 by the World Health Organisation and several
other international organisations. This year, the World Malaria Day is to be celebrated under the following
Theme: Reaching the Zero Malaria Target
World Malaria Day
The World Malaria Day is one of the eleven official Global Public Health campaigns marked by the World
Health Organisation The other ten are World AIDS Day, World Hepatitis Day, World No Tobacco Day, World
Chagas Disease Day, World Tuberculosis Day, World Patients Safety Day, World Blood Donor Day, World
Health Day, and World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.
The World Malaria Day was established by the 60th session of the World Health Assembly. Earlier it was
widely known as the African Malaria Day.
Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasite. The disease spreads to the humans through the bite of female
Anopheles mosquito.
Malaria in India
According to the World Health Organisation, India represents to 3% of the global malaria. India once nearly
eliminated Malaria. However, Malaria came back to India in the beginning of twenty first century. In 2009,
there were 1.5 million Malarial cases in India. India has set a target of becoming Malaria free country by
2027 and malaria elimination by 2030.
National Strategic Plan for Elimination of Malaria
The plan was launched by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The above target was set under this
plan. The plan is designed based on the Global Technical Strategy of Malaria (2016-2030).
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently announced that, in 2020, 116 Indian districts reported
zero malaria cases.
Malaria Elimination
Malaria has been eliminated in Europe, United States, parts of Asia and Latin America. However, the disease
is re-emerging in these regions as drug-resistant and insecticide-resistant.

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April 26, 2021
World Intellectual Property Day: April 26
Every year, the World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated on April 26. The day is celebrated to highlight
the importance of Intellectual Property. The day is celebrated by the World International Property and
several other international organisations.
This year, the World Intellectual Property Day is being celebrated under the following theme:
Theme: IP and SMEs: Taking your ideas to market
World Intellectual Property Day
The day was established by the World Intellectual Property Organisation in 2000. It aims to increase
awareness on how copyright, patents, designs and trademarks impact on daily life.
Why April 26?
April 26 was chosen to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day as “Convention Establishing the World
Intellectual Property Organisation” entered into force.
Celebrating World Intellectual Property Day was proposed by China.
World Intellectual Property Organisation
The WIPO was established in 1967. It entered into force in 1970. It is one of the fifteen specialized agencies
of the United Nations. The organisation administers 26 international treaties that ranges between protection
of broadcast and establishing international patent classification.
India is a member of WIPO. India is also a member of the following WIPO administered international
Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons
with Print Disabilities.
Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their
Washington Treaty on Intellectual Property in respect of Integrated Circuits
Patent Cooperation Treaty
Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks-
Madrid Protocol
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes
of Patent Procedure
International Climate Finance Plan of the US
The US President recently announced the country’s new Finance Plan at the Leader’s Summit on Climate.
The Summit was hosted by the USA.
About the Plan
The US has set a new goal to cut its emissions by 50% to 52% as compared to 2005 levels.
The US will double its climate funding by 2024. It is to triple its climate funding eventually.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is to release a new Climate Change
Strategy in November 2021 at the COP26.
The United States International Development Finance Corporation is to change its development
strategy to include climate in its plan. It will prioritize climate mitigation and adaption. This is the first
time the US is including climate in its development strategy.
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The Millennium Change corporation will focus on climate smart development and sustainable
infrastructure. It aims to direct more than 50% of its funding towards climate-related investments.
The US Treasury will direct the executive directors in multilateral development banks such as World
Bank to ensure that they set ambitious climate finance targets.
The plan will also focus on ending international investments in carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based
energy products.
The United States is the world’s second leading emitter after China. The country will have to contribute 800
billion USD as its share in the international climate finance.
Millennium Change corporation
It is a bilateral foreign US aid agency that was established in 2004. It provides financial aid to the countries
with good economic growth through good policies.
US International Development Finance Corporation
The US International Development Finance Corporation is responsible for providing finances to private
development projects in low-income and middle-income countries. It was formed in 2019.
Gambia eliminates Trachoma
Gambia recently became the second African country to eliminate Trachoma. Trachoma is one of the leading
causes of blindness. Ghana became the first African country to eliminate Trachoma in 2018.
What is Trachoma?
It is a bacterial eye infection that damages the eye lids. It causes the eye lashes to turn inwards. Trachoma
is one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases. It leads to irreversible vision losses and blindness if not
corrected with surgery.
Trachoma is caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
Trachoma in Africa
The number of people at risk from the disease decreased by more than 90% since 2000. However, more
than forty countries in Africa are still affected by Trachoma.
Success of Gambia
Gambia eliminated Trachoma after four decades of rigorous works by NGOs, health workers and local
communities. A network of eye units were created with the help of NGOs. These units identified people with
Trachoma. Thousands of heath volunteers were trained to go door-to-door to find people with the disease.
The World Health Organisation launched a roadmap of Global Targets to tackle twenty Neglected Tropical
Diseases including Trachoma. The roadmap aims to eliminate all the twenty diseases by 2030.
Trachoma in India
India became free from Trachoma in 2017. According to the National Trachoma Survey Report, the overall
prevalence of Trachoma was 0.7% in the country. This is much below the elimination criteria defined by the
World Health Organisation.
What causes Trachoma?
Trachoma is caused due to poor environmental and personal hygiene. This mainly occurs when the person
faces inadequate access to water and sanitation.
Russia’s central bank increases interest rates
The Central Bank of Russia has increased the interest rate from 4.5% to 5%.
Why did the Bank increase the interest rates?
This is the second time the apex bank is increasing the interest rates due to elevated inflation pressure.
According to the bank, the inflation in the country will be in the range of 4.7% to 5.2% by 2021. It is

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expecting that Russia will return to its 4% target only in 2022.
What caused inflation in Russia?
Currency Depreciation caused Inflation in Russia. The Russian currency depreciated in April 2021 due to the
following reasons:
Decrease in Russian oil prices
Decoupling moves in other emerging markets due to fears of US Sanctions
Russian military buildup near Ukraine
Relation between Currency Depreciation and Inflation
When the inflation rate of a country is high, then the prices of its goods will increase. This will make them
less competitive in the international markets. Eventually these goods will experience less demand for
exports and thus less demand for currency. This will ultimately lead to depreciation. Similarly, depreciation
of currency will also lead to Inflation in the country.
Russian Oil Prices
Russia was producing 560 million tonnes of oil prior to the pandemic at a rate of 11.3 million barrels per
day. It hit record levels in 2019. The production levels decreased for the first time as Russia agreed to cut
its production level along side OPEC+ countries to stabilize oil prices. With this, Russia decreased its oil
production by 9%.
Russia is expected to increase its oil production in 2022.
Whenever the oil prices begin to decrease in the world market, the OPEC (Organisation of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries) will decide on how to share the burden. They will then together to increase the oil
prices. However, the American shale producers who are not members of OPEC do not follow the actions
taken. Thus, in 2016 oil producing countries formed a cohesive bloc outside the club. Russia plays a major
role in this.
SpaceX Crew 2: Key Facts
The SpaceX Crew 2 is the second crewed flight of Crew Dragon spacecraft. It is the third overall crewed
orbital flight. Under Crew 2 Mission, NASA and SpaceX together transported four astronauts to the
International Space Station.
About Crew 2
It transported four members from international space agencies and from NASA to the International
Space Station.
It used the same capsule as Demo-2. Demo-2 is also called Endeavour. Endeavour was manufactured
and operated by SpaceX. It was used for Commercial Crew Programme of NASA.
It also used the same booster as that of Crew-1.
It will dock to the International Docking Adapter on the Harmony Module. Harmony is the utility hub of
the International Space Station. It connects the laboratory modules of Europe, United States and
The firsts in Crew 2 Mission
It is the first commercial crew mission to fly international partners.
It is the first reuse of Crew Dragon Spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket on a crew mission.
It is the first time two commercial crew spacecrafts will be docked to the station at the same time.
It was the first crewed flight of Crew Dragon spacecraft.
It was also the first night launch by the United States.
It was the first operational mission to the International Space Station in the Commercial Crew

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Programme of NASA.
Russia’s central bank raised its key interest rate
Commercial Crew Programme
It is a human space flight programme operated by NASA. It was launched to transport astronauts to and
from International Space Station.
SpaceX Dragon
The Crew 2 Mission used Dragon spacecraft to transport the astronauts. The first maiden flight of
Dragon was in 2010. It became the first commercially built and operated spacecraft.
It was first launched into the orbit by Falcon 9 rocket to resupply the International Space Station.
Infections after COVID Vaccination
The Indian Council of Medical Research recently reported that around two to four of the ten thousand
vaccinated people tested positive for the disease. This is referred to as “Breakthrough Infection”.
Key Findings of ICMR
According to ICMR, around 9.3 million have received the first dose of COVAXIN. Of this, 4,208 have
tested positive, which is 0.02%. Of the 1.7 million who received the second dose, 695 tested positive,
which is 0.04%.
Of the 100.3 million who received the first dose of COVIDSHIELD vaccine, 17,145 tested positive,
which is 0.03%. Of the 15 million who received the second dose of COVISHIELD, 5,014 tested positive,
which is 0.04%.
What are Breakthrough Infections?
A person who has COVID-19 antigen or RNA after 14 days of taking the vaccine is said to have
Breakthrough Infection. In simple words, the Breakthrough infections are those infections that occur
in people who are vaccinated.
This is common in any vaccine. In AstraZeneca Clinical Trials, thirty out of 5,807 tested positive after
fourteen days of the second shot.
During trials COVID-19 vaccines have shown to be between 60% and 95% effective. In actual any
vaccine is less effective than what is reported in trials.
According to WHO, no vaccine offers 100% protection from any disease. It takes two weeks for the
body to build immunity after being vaccinated.
In the US, around 7% got COVID-19 infections after vaccination.
Why do Breakthrough Infections occur?
One main reason for the occurrence of the infection after vaccination is improper vaccination. This might
occur due to injecting the vaccine in the wrong place. Weak Immunity and age also cause breakthrough
NASA helicopter makes third flight on Mars
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently announced that the Ingenuity
helicopter has completed its third flight successfully.
Third Flight of Ingenuity Helicopter
According to NASA, in its third flight, the Ingenuity helicopter flew faster and farther.
In its third flight, the helicopter rose to five metres. This is the same altitude as that of its second
It rose at a top speed of 2 metres per second.
The helicopter travelled fifty metres in its third flight.

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The Martian Atmosphere is filled with Carbon Dioxide. This is the biggest challenge for the Ingenuity
Mars 2020 mission
It is part of Mars Exploration Programme of NASA.
It includes Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter.
The main objective of Perseverance rover is to investigate Astro-biologically relevant ancient
environment in mars. Astro-Biology was formerly known as exobiology. It is an interdisciplinary
scientific field that is concerned with the origins, evolution, distribution and future of life in the
Mars Exploration Programme
It was launched in 1993 to explore the possibilities of life on mars. In 2013, the US Government cut 40% of
NASA’s budget. This delayed the projects under the programme. The main objectives of the programme are
as follows:
To determine if life ever existed in Mars
To characterise the Climate of Mars
To characterise the geology of Mars
To prepare for human exploration of mars
Recent Developments of the mission
The Perseverance rover of Mars 2020 carried the MOXIE and Ingenuity Helicopter.
The Perseverance rover of the Mars 2020 mission dropped the Ingenuity helicopter in the Martian
The Ingenuity Helicopter became the first aircraft to fly in another planet.
The Ingenuity Helicopter makes historic flight.
The MOXIE in the Perseverance Rover makes history by converting carbon dioxide in to oxygen.
CSIR Sero survey Results
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research recently released the results of Sero Survey.
Key Findings of the Survey
The survey was conducted on 10,427 persons. Of these, only 10.14% showed sero positivity.
The survey suggested that the neutralising antibodies have declined. This had made people prone to
Around 20% of seropositive individuals lagged neutralisation activity after five to six months.
The scientists conclude from the survey that this might be one of the reasons for the recurrence of
outbreaks in March 2021.
India had large pool of recovered immune subjects in September 2020. However, the duration for
which the developed immunity can withstand is not sufficient to prevent future outbreaks.
What is sero positivity?
It is showing a positive result for a particular antibody in a blood test.
What is Antibody?
It is a blood protein that is generated to fight against a virus. The antibodies are generated against specific
antigen. More the antibodies higher is the immunity.
These antibodies are generated in response to substances that body recognises as alien. It can be bacteria,
virus or any other foreign substance in the blood.
What are Neutralising Antibodies?
They are those antibodies that are responsible for protecting cells from pathogens.

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What is the issue?
A cured COVID-19 patient carries antibodies against COVID-19 virus. His immunity holds as long as he
generates these antibodies. According to CSIR, as days pass by these antibodies are reducing in recovered
patients. This means that they are again vulnerable to the virus.
Current Scenario
India is currently facing high surge in COVID-19 infections. The daily count increased to 3 lakhs in four
consecutive days.
Zhurong: China's first Mars rover
China has named its first Mars rover as Zhurong after a traditional fire god. The name signifies igniting the
flame of Planetary Explorations of China.
About Zhurong
Zhurong is on board Tianwen-1 Space probe.
It arrived at the Mars orbit in February 2021 and is due to land on the planet in May 2021.
With Zhurong, China will become the third country after Soviet Union and USA to achieve soft landing
on Mars. Also, it will become the second country put a rover on Mars after the US.
Zhurong weighs 240 kilograms and is solar powered.
Zhurong carries multispectral cameras and instruments to analyse the composition of the rocks. It
will investigate subsurface characteristics with ground penetrating radar.
The main aim of Tianwen-1 is to analyse and map the Martian surface and look for water ice and
study the climate and surface environment.
It was launched in July 2020.
Tianwen-1 was launched with an orbiter, camera, lander and the Zhurong rover.
It weighs five tonnes and is one of the heaviest probes launched to Mars.
It was launched in Long March 5 heavy lift launch vehicle.
It was the second of the three space missions sent to Mars in 2020. The other missions launched
were as follows:
The “Hope Orbiter” by United Ara Emirates
Perseverance Rover and Ingenuity helicopter on Mars 2020 by US
Recent Developments
China recently became the first country to land a space probe on the little explored far side of the moon. It
returned to the earth in December with lunar rocks for the first time since 1970s.
ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand: April 25
Every year Anzac Day is celebrated on April 25 in Australia and New Zealand. The day is celebrated as a
national day of remembrance that commemorates all the New Zealanders and Australians who died in wars,
conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
About ANZAC Day
ANZAC is Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
The day was originally planned to honour the members of New Zealand and Australian armies who
served in the Gallipoli Campaign.
Gallipoli Campaign
It was the first military campaign of First World War. It took place in Gallipoli peninsula between 1915
and 1916. It is often considered as the beginning of Australian and New Zealand national
In 1915, New Zealand and Australia set out to capture Gallipoli peninsula to open the way to the Black

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sea for the Allied Navies. The main objective was to capture Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman empire
was an ally of Germany during the war.
The Armies of New Zealand and Australia landed on April 25, 1915 and met fierce resistance from the
Ottoman Empire. The plan to knock the Ottomans became a stalemate.
The Gallipoli Campaign dragged for eight months.
The military objectives of Gallipoli campaign were to capture Constantinople and knock the Ottoman
Empire out of war.
Australia and New Zealand Military in Afghanistan
Australia and New Zealand will withdraw their forces from Afghanistan following the US.
NATO had planned to maintain 13,000 troops in Afghanistan earlier. Recently, the US announced that
it is to withdraw its forces completely from Afghanistan.
Australia was one of the top non-NATO troop contributors to NATO-led efforts in Afghanistan.
New Zealand signed partnership agreement with NATO in 2012.
Australia is a signatory of Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation.
New Zealand's action to save Maui dolphins
The Maui Dolphins are found only in the West Coast of New Zealand and no where else in the world. They
are one of the smallest dolphin’s subspecies globally. There are only 63 Maui dolphins left in the world.
What are recent New Zealand plans to save the Dolphins?
The New Zealand Government along with World Wide Fund and some few fishing companies is to develop a
drone that is capable of finding and tracking Maui dolphins using Artificial Intelligence.
It will collect data on dolphins’ habitat, behaviour and population size. The data can then be used to inform
the Government policy changes to stop the decline in the population. It was developed by a non-profit
organisation MAUI63.
The Artificial Intelligence based system will distinguish Maui dolphins with other species with more than
90% accuracy.
Reasons for declining population
The Maui Dolphins are threatened by commercial fisheries. This includes trawling and set-netting.
They are affected by diseases such as Brucellosis and toxoplasmosis.
Low food availability
Climate Change
In 2014, the Government of New Zealand opened 3,000 square kilometres of the West Coast for oil
drilling. This is the main habitat of Maui dolphins.
The International Union of Conservation of Nature has listed the Maui Dolphins under Critically Endangered
The Toxoplasmosis disease is currently the biggest threat of Maui Dolphins. It is caused by a parasite found
in cat faeces.
The parasite survives in weathering condition and is virtually indestructible. As it enters into water, it is
ingested by fish. It then reaches the dolphins when they feed on fish. The parasite causes organ failure and
it attacks the brain.
Zhao: 1st Asian woman to win best director Oscar
The Chinese born film maker Chloe Zhao has become the first Asian woman to win the Best director at the
Academy Awards. She won the award for her film Nomadland.

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About Chloe Zhao
Zhao was born in China and went to a boarding school in London. She then moved to Los Angeles where
she completed her high school. Her debut film was Songs My Brothers Taught me. It was premiered at
Sundance Film Festival. Her second film was The Rider. It received nominations at the Independent Spirit
Award for the Best Film and Best Director.
Nomadland won three major awards namely Best Director, Best Actress for Frances McDormand and Best
Picture. The film is about a woman who leaves town after her husband dies. She also becomes houseless
as sole industry closes down. She then lives in a van and travels around the US.
Academy Awards
The Academy Awards is also known as Oscars. They are awarded for artistic and technical merit in
the film industry. They are considered as the most prestigious awards in the world.
The winners are awarded with a copy of a Golden Statuette as trophy. The trophy is officially called
“Academy Award of Merit”.
The award was designed by Cedric Gibbons and sculpted by George Stanley.
It was first presented in 1929.
India at Oscars
Bhanu Athaiya was the first Indian to win Oscar in 1982. She won the award for Best Costume Design
for the movie Gandhi.
As of 2021, thirteen Indians were nominated for Oscars and eight have won in scientific and technical
What is an Oxygen Concentrator?
The Government of India is to import 10,000 oxygen concentrators.
What is an Oxygen Concentrator?
An oxygen concentrator concentrates oxygen from the atmosphere.
Working of Oxygen Concentrator
The atmospheric air has 78% of nitrogen and 21% of oxygen. The Oxygen Concentrator accumulates
air, filters through a sieve sending the nitrogen back in to the air and collects oxygen alone.
The oxygen in the oxygen concentrator is compressed and dispensed through a cannula.
The oxygen is 90% to 95% pure.
A pressure valve in the concentrators help to regulate the supply of oxygen from 1 to 10 litres per
How is oxygen from Oxygen Concentrator different from Medical Oxygen?
The Oxygen from the concentrators is not as pure as the Liquid Medical Oxygen. However, it is pure
enough for mild and moderate COVID-19 patients. It is suitable for patients who require oxygen
saturation levels of 85% or above. The Oxygen Concentrators are not advisable for ICU patients.
The Oxygen Concentrators will provide only five to ten litres per minute. The critical patients will need
40 to 50 litres of oxygen per minute.
The Oxygen Concentrators are portable. On the other hand, the Liquid Medical Oxygen needs to be
stored and transported in cryogenic tankers.
The Oxygen Concentrators only require a power source to draw in ambient air. On the other hand, the
Liquid Medial Oxygen needs refilling.
The Oxygen Concentrators are largely one-time investment. They require Rs 40,000 to Rs 90,000. The
cylinders costs Rs 8,000 to Rs 20,000.
The concentrators require minimal operating cost that includes electricity and routine maintenance.

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On the other hand, cylinders involve refilling costs and transportation costs.
Unicorn Black Hole
The Astronomers have discovered the smallest black holes. It has been named as Unicorn. It is 1,500 light
years away from the earth. It is the closest of all the black holes found so far.
About Unicorn
The Unicorn is three times the mass of the sun. Its size is tiny for a black hole.
It appears that the Unicorn accompanies a red giant star. The scientists were able to locate the
Unicorn by documenting the changes in the red giant star. This is because, the black holes are
generally not visible.
The black hole was discovered through an effect called Tidal Distortion.
Tidal Distortion
Tidal Distortion occurs through gravitational interaction of an astronomical body. For instance, the tidal
distortion between the Earth and the moon are higher during no moon and full moon days. The Tidal forces
stretches a body along the line towards the centre of mass of another body.
Significance of Black Holes
It is highly important for the scientists to study black holes as they tell them about the way the stars form
and die.
Why is a Black hole invisible?
A Black Hole is a region in space where the gravity pull is so high. The gravitational pull is so strong that
even light cannot get out. The gravity pull in the region is so strong as the matter has been squeezed into a
tiny space. This usually happens when a star is dying.
Are Black Holes the end stage of a star?
Yes. Most of the star material is blasted away into space during its final stages. However, the core
implodes into a neutron star called the black hole.
April 27, 2021
What are Tissue Chips?
Tissue Chips are devices designed to mimic the functions of human organs. They are also called Organ on
Why is it in News?
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration recently launched Crew 2 Mission. The mission carried
four astronauts to the International Space Station.
The astronauts are to conduct more than two hundred experiments in space. One of them is using Tissue
What is the plan?
The astronauts will use the Tissue chips and find out how bodily systems respond to spaceflight. The
following are the experiments to be conducted by the astronauts using the tissue chips:
The kidney stones happen to form in micro gravity conditions very quickly. One tissue chip
investigation will look into the reasons behind this.
The other tissue chip investigation will look at how immune system of the body respond to
microgravity conditions. This investigation on Human Immune System has been named CHIME.
Chime is Characterizing Human Immunodeficiency in Microgravity Environments Microgravity. This project
is sponsored by the UAE. The project will look into how microgravity affects the differentiation of
monocytes into macrophages. Macrophages are cells involved in detection and destruction of bacteria.
Monocytes are White Blood Cells.
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Several changes that occur in human body during spaceflight progresses aging. Also, diseases in the earth
occur much more quickly in microgravity conditions. The astronauts will conduct experiments using the
tissue chips to find out the reasons behind these things.
Crew 2 Mission
It was launched under the Commercial Crew Programme of NASA. It aims to transport cargo and crew to
and from the International Space Station.
Ladakh Ignited Minds Project
The Indian Army recently initiated the Ladakh Ignited Mines Project to provide educational opportunities for
the Ladakhi students.
About the project
The project aims to provide better future for the Ladakhi youths.
The Indian Army has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to implement the project. The MoU has
been signed with HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) and a Kanpur based NGO called
the National Integrity and Educational Development Organisation.
The MoU was signed in Leh.
The project will train forty-five students from Kargil and Leh districts. It will train twenty girls.
The project will train the students for JEE and NEET entrance examinations.
Recent Developments in Ladakh
UPSC recently added Leh as its exam centre.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is to set up its first Geothermal Power project in Ladakh.
About the Geo Thermal Project
In the first phase, ONGC will drill up to 500 metres to tap hot sulphur and steam that spews out of the
In the second phase, drilling will be done deeper to explore the potential of the reservoir.
In the third phase, a commercial plant will be set up. The estimated power capacity of the plant is 250
Importance of Ladakh
Ladakh produces abundant natural resources with annual solar radiation greater than the other areas
of India with high insolation.
It is popularly known as Lama Land or Little Tibet. It has numerous tourism opportunities at an
altitude of 9,000 feet and 25,170 feet. Also, it has several monasteries.
The presence of abundant resources in Ladakh is what makes India, Pakistan and China fight over
WHO's E-2025 initiative
The World Health Organisation recently identified twenty-five countries with the potential to eradicate
malaria by 2025. This is called the E-2025 initiative.
What is the plan?
The identified 25 countries will work by responding to the dual threat of malaria and COVID-19. The WHO is
to provide technical guidance and specialised support to these countries under the initiative.
Three of the identified countries were from Africa namely Eswatini, Botswana and South Africa.
Malaria in Africa
Africa shares 94% of global malaria death burden. The recent evidence has shown drug resistant
mutations in Africa.
South Africa is the hotspot of COVID-19 in Africa. Malaria has increased by 44% in the country

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between 2019 and 2020 due to COVID-19. This is mainly because vaccination drives could not be
conducted due to lock down.
In Botswana, Malaria has increased by five times. This was mainly because of reverse migration that
occurred from urban to rural due to lock down.
The World Health Organisation launched the E-2020 initiative in 2017. The E-2020 aimed to support a group
of countries to achieve zero indigenous cases of malaria by 2020. However, certain countries are yet to
achieve this target. Thus, they were identified under the E-2025 initiative and new plan is to be launched.
How were the countries selected?
The countries were selected based on four criteria. They were as follows:
Establishment of Government-endorsed elimination plan
The country should have met the threshold of malaria case reductions in recent years
The country should have the capacity of malaria surveillance
It should have been selected by the WHO Malaria Elimination Oversight Committee
Google, Microsoft announce funding to help India tackle COVID-19
Google and Microsoft have recently pledged to help India fight COVID-19. Google is to provide 18 million
USD (Rs 135 crores). Microsoft is to help India with relief efforts to buy oxygen concentration devices. The
initiatives and the announcements about the funding were made by Sundar Pichai of Google and Satya
Nadella of Microsoft.
About the plan
The relief amounts of Google in the form of grants are to go to non-profit organisations UNICEF and
Through GiveIndia, Google is to provide cash assistance to families hit by the pandemic.
The grant being provided to UNICEF is to be used to make urgent medical supplies. This includes
testing equipment and lifesaving oxygen equipment.
Also, more than 900 Google employees paid a total of Rs 3.7 crores.
Twitter and Facebook
While Sundar Pichai and Nadella were making the announcements, Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg were silent.
Jack Dorsey is the CEO of Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook. Lately, Dorsey and Zuckerberg
have had strained relations with the Indian Government due to the censorship and privacy policies of the
What is the issue between GoI and Twitter, Facebook?
In 2019, the Government of India ordered Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms to remove
3,433 URLs between January and October, 2019. The numbers have increased by five times since 2016.
This was done under Section 69A of Information Technology Act.
Section 69A of IT act
It provides powers to block public access of any information through a computer resource. Persons failing
to comply with the directions shall be punished with an imprisonment up to seven years.
World Immunisation Week
The World Immunisation Week is celebrated every year in the last week of April. It aims to promote the use
of vaccines. This year, in 2021, the World Immunisation Week is to be celebrated under the following theme:
Theme: Vaccines bring us closer
The WHO has partnered with organisations and individuals under theme to achieve the following:
To increase trust and confidence in vaccines
To increase investment in vaccines and remove barriers

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Need for World Immunisation Week
There are more than twenty million children in the world that miss out vaccines.
During COVID-19, several children missed their measles and polio vaccines.
Working of Vaccines
Vaccines teach the immune system how to act against new diseases. Currently, human body is incapable to
fight against COVID-19. This is because, the human immune system is not able to recognise that COVID-19
is dangerous. The COVID-19 vaccines such as COVAXIN and COVISHIELD teach the immune system to
identify the virus as invaders and kill them.
A vaccine has two parts namely antigen and adjuvant. Antigen is a piece of the disease-causing parasite.
On the other hand, Adjuvant sends danger signals to the body and helps the immune system respond
strongly to the antigen.
Ingredients in a Vaccine
Apart from antigens and adjuvant, the vaccine also consists of preservatives, stabilizers, surfactants,
residuals, diluent. Preservatives are added to prevent the vaccine from becoming contaminated. The
Stabilisers are added to prevent the chemical reactions from occurring within the vaccine. Surfactants keep
the ingredients in the vaccine blended together. Diluent is a liquid used to dilute the vaccine.
ASEAN Initiative on Myanmar
The Government of India recently welcomed the ASEAN Initiative on Myanmar.
ASEAN Initiative on Myanmar
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations released a five-point statement on Myanmar crisis. Under the
statement, the ASEAN countries have demanded “Immediate Cessation of Violence”. The five points of the
initiative are as follows:
To end violence
Organise a constructive dialogue among all parties
To appoint a special ASEAN Envoy to facilitate the all-party dialogue
Acceptance of aid
The Special ASEAN Envoy will visit Myanmar with the Military leader
What is the issue?
The military of Myanmar dismissed the Government headed by Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021.
The five-point consensus was created between the ASEAN countries and the current military leader who
seized power. There have been massive protests in the country since the military coup. The consensus is
being criticised that ASEAN is encouraging military coup. Also, the consensus did not mention a timeline. It
also neglected the political prisoners in Myanmar.
Brunei is the current chair of ASEAN.
The Issue of Myanmar-IN DEPTH
Myanmar gained independence from Britain in 1948. Between 1962 and 2011, the country was ruled by
armed forces. It was the ruling military that changed the name of Burma into Myanmar.
Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of Father of Myanmar (Aung San) returned to Myanmar in 1988. She was put
under house arrest by the military in 1989. In 2010, Suu Kyi was freed. In 2012, she won a by-election and
took a seat in the Parliament.
In 2015, the National League for Democracy party won the elections. However, the military barred Suu Kyi
from presidency. A post of State counsellor was created for Suu Kyi to run the Government.
In February 2021 elections, the National League for Democracy won the elections again. The Tatmadaw
(Name of Myanmar military) declared state of emergency. It also declared that the power is being

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transferred to the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day: April 26
Every year on April 26, the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day is being observed. The day
was proclaimed by the United Nations and was first observed in 2016.
The International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day was first observed on the 30th anniversary of 1986
nuclear disaster. It is being marked to increase awareness about the risks of nuclear energy in general.
Chernobyl Disaster
On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in today’s Ukraine faced a fore explosion. The reactor
began to emit radioactive materials. Though, the casualties are minimal, the radioactive materials are still
present in the atmosphere and are posing challenges to human survival in the region. Due to the accident,
several children even today are facing thyroid, cancer in the regions of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
The fire explosion spread huge radioactive cloud over Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. More than 8.4 million
people were exposed to radioactive waves. In 1991, the Chernobyl Trust Fund was created by the United
Nations. It is now being managed by the OCHA-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Role of United Nations
The United Nations that was formed for world peace after second world war is keen in addressing nuclear
issues after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki incident. The United Nations launched the International Chernobyl
Research and Information Network. The network provides support to the national, international and public
programmes that aim at sustainable development of these territories.
UK to build World’s most powerful climate-change forecasting supercomputer
Met Office and Microsoft are to build a weather forecasting supercomputer in the UK. The UK Government is
to invest 1.2 billion Pound Sterling in the project.
About the Supercomputer
The supercomputer is expected to be one of the top twenty-five supercomputers in the world.
It will help in better understanding of Climate Change.
The supercomputer will provide the following:
It will provide detailed weather models
It will help to improve localised forecasts
It will run more potential weather scenarios
It will help predict severe weather
The Supercomputer is to run completely on renewable energy. This will help to save 7,415 tonnes of
Carbon Dioxide in one year. Supercomputers release huge amounts of heat and thus a strong cooling
system is required for their operation. Thus, energy required to maintain supercomputers is high.
It will have more than 1.5 million processor cores
The supercomputer will be able to do 60 quadrillion calculations per second, which is
The Supercomputer will be used to create detailed city scale simulations to provide localised climate
It will help the aviation industry with an accurate forecast of temperature and wind information. This
in turn will help to improve the fuel efficiency.
It will help UK to achieve its net Zero target by 2050.

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About Supercomputers
Since 2017 the top 500 supercomputers of the world are running on Linux-based Operating System.
The performance of supercomputers is now measured in Floating Point operations per second called
FLOPS. Earlier they were measured in Million Instructions per Second.
Lenovo became the largest provider of Top 500 supercomputers. It has provided 117 units of the top
500 supercomputers in the world.
RBI’s State of the Economy Report - Update (April, 2021)
The Reserve Bank of India recently released the State of Economy Report for the month of April 2021.
Key Findings of the Report
The resurgence of COVID-19 might bring back inflationary pressures.
Also, the restrictions and disruptions in supply chains might add up to the inflationary pressures.
Under the G-Sec Acquisition Programme, RBI aims to buy 1 trillion worth of bonds from the secondary
market in June quarter.
Solutions to handle the issue
The Reserve Bank of India has provided the following solutions in its State of Economy Report to tackle the
COVID-19 crisis in the country:
Pandemic protocols
To ramp up hospital and ancillary capacity
Speedier Vaccination
To remain focused on post pandemic future of strong and sustainable growth with financial stability
Current Pace of Vaccination in India
According to the report, India has set a vaccination target of 300 million by August 2021. This will require
3.5 million shots per day. It is 13% higher than the current pace noted. However, RBI expects that the
vaccination pace will increase due to the improvised and accelerated strategy of third phase of Vaccination
in the country.
Way Forward
The RBI is to conduct a survey in 21 states to learn about customer satisfaction in the recent bank mergers.
The recent bank mergers are as follows:
Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank was merged with Bank of Baroda
Oriental Bank of Commerce and United Bank of India was merged with Punjab National Bank
Syndicate Bank with Canara Bank
Allahabad bank with Indian Bank
Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank with Union Bank of India
Forest Fire in Mizoram
The Indian Air Force recently deployed two Mi-17V5 helicopters equipped with Bambi Bucket to control the
forest fires. The forest fires have been raging in the hills of south Mizoram.
Most Fire Prone Zones
The Lunglei and Aizwal of Mizoram where the forest fires are currently raging is the most fire-prone zone in
India according to the Forest Fire Disaster Management report, 2014. So far, Lunglei has recorded 13,453
forest fires between 2003 and 2016.
Forest Fires in Mizoram
The fire season of the state is between February and May. The maximum incidents of fires are
reported in the months of April and May.
The state has increased number of forest fires due to Slash and burn or shifting cultivation, burning
farm residues, collection of non-timber forest produces and clearance of land for other purposes.

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In 2021, so far, the VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) has reported 1,604 fire alerts.
Forest Fire Disaster Management Report, 2014
It was prepared by the National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi.
Strengthening Forest Fire Management in India Report
It was jointly prepared by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and World Bank.
At least 60% of Indian districts are affected by forest fires.
The states in the North East account for the greatest share of fire detections.
The Central India is the largest area affected by forest fires.
Forest Survey of India, 2019
The Survey divided the forest fire prone into following zones:
Extremely fire-prone areas accounted to 3.89% of total forest cover
Very highly fire-prone areas accounted to 6.01%
Highly fire prone areas: 11.50%
Together these three categories add up to 21.4% of forest cover.
ADB provided $1.5-billion to India for Covid response
The Asian Development Bank has provided fiscal support of 1.5 billion USD to India to fight against
COVID-19 crisis. This is according to the Annual Report, 2020 of ADB that was released recently. This is part
of the fiscal support the bank has set aside for pandemic.
Key Findings of the Report
The Asian Development Bank had allocated 31.6 billion USD for Asia and Pacific regions in 2020. This
is to support a green and sustainable green recovery. Also, it focused on long term development
In 2020, the Asian Development Bank allocated 16.1 billion USD for COVID-19 pandemic. This is more
than half of the total financial assistance committed by the bank.
Of the 16.2 billion USD, 2.9 billion USD was for the private sector.
The financial support committed by ADB for the Asia and Pacific regions is 32% higher than that of
2019. In 2019, the bank allocated 24 billion USD to the region. In 2019, the bank focused on equity
investments, grants and technical assistance to public and private sector.
India accounted to 16.29% of total loans at the bank and was the largest borrower. China was the second
largest borrower contributing to 15.25%.
ADB Contributions to India
The following loans were provided by Asian Development Bank in the year 2020
ADB provided 1.5 billion USD for India to fight COVID-19. This was under the CARES Programme.
ADB approved 484 million for CKIC project
100 million USD to boost power supply in Bengaluru
346 Million USD Loan under RBL Modality
177 million USD to upgrade Maharashtra State Highways
1 billion USD for 2025 visioned Delhi-Meerut Rapid transit system
177 million USD to develop roadways
133 million USD Loan for Meghalaya Power Distribution Sector
ADB is supporting the modern rapid transport system in India with a loan of 500 million USD.
ADB provided 100 million USD loan to the Smart Energy Project that will make cities livelier. The
project aims to convert overhead distribution lines to underground cables
50 million USD was provided to support public financial management reforms in West Bengal.

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ADB provided 3 million USD under its Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund.
These are the loans provided by ADB to Government of India and state governments. There are other loans
granted to private companies in India as well. For instance, Reliance received loan from ADB to build a
power project in Bangladesh.
Large Area Certification (LAC) Scheme of PGS-India- A&N gets certification
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare recently announced that around 14,491 hectares of land in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been certified as organic. This is the first large contiguous territory to
be certified under government scheme.
The organic certification was provided under the Large Area Certification Scheme of the Participatory
Guarantee System certification programme.
Large Area Certification Scheme
Under the scheme, each village is considered as one cluster or group. The farmers have to adhere to the
standard requirements without the need to undergo a conversion period to get certified. This was launched
under the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana.
Basically, under the standard norms of organic production systems, the areas with chemical input usage
history will have to undergo a transition period of two to three years to get qualified as organic. This
transition period has been removed under the Large Certification Scheme.
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
The scheme was launched in 2014 to promote natural farming.
Currently there are more than 30 lakh hectares of registered areas holding organic certification.
India today ranks fifth in terms of area under natural farming and first in terms of total number of
What is Participatory Guarantee Scheme?
It is a scheme that certifies organic products. The scheme is implemented by Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmer Welfare. The certification is in the form of statement or logo. The certification is issued based on
the Food Safety and Standards (Organic Foods) Regulations. These regulations were notified by Food
Safety and Standards Authority of India in 2017.
Aditya-L1 Support Cell (AL1SC)- Key Facts
A Community Service Centre has been set up on board India’s first dedicated Solar Space Mission. The
centre is called ALISC. ALISC is Aditya-L1 Support Cell. It is to be set up at the ARIES at Haldwani,
It is a joint effort of ISRO and ARIES. ISRO is Indian Space Research Organisation and ARIES is
Arybhata Research Institute for Observational Sciences.
The Centre will accommodate guest observers and will help them by providing data from the mission
to analyse the findings.
It will bring all the data from the mission under one single interface.
Also, ALISC will establish periodic training on data analysis. It will also hold frequent E-workshops.
The knowledge to be provided by ALISC will help scientists to connect the features in heliosphere to
the surface of the sun.
Aditya-L1 is an Indian space mission that will study the sun and also the region between the earth and
the sun. It is to carry seven payloads developed by different institutions of the country.
One of the payloads is the VELC, that is, Visible Emission Line Coronograph.

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The satellite weighs 400 kilograms and is to be launched in the low earth orbit at a height of 800 km.
Orbits that are at a height of less than 1000 km from the earth are called Low Earth Orbits.
Why was Adity-1 revised as Adity-L1 mission?
A satellite that is placed in a halo orbit around the Lagrangian point L1 has the advantage to view the sun
continuously without any obstacles such as eclipses. Thus, the satellite is to be placed in a halo orbit
around L1. This is why it was renamed as Aditya-L1 mission.
ARIES will provide the ground support to the monitor and coordinate the work on its payloads.
DRDO Single Crystal Blade Technology
The Defence Research and Development Organisation recently developed the Single Crystal Blade
Technology. The organisation has delivered sixty of such blades to the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. A
very few countries in the world possess this technology. They are UK, USA, Russia and France.
What is Single Crystal Blade?
The helicopters need powerful and compact aero engines to operate in extreme conditions. In order
to achieve this, Single Crystal Blades are essential.
The Single Crystal blades are made of nickel based super alloys. These alloys are capable of
withstanding low temperatures.
The technology is to be used in helicopters.
What is Single Crystal Blade Technology?
Normally the “Grain Boundary” technology is used in making blades. Here the metal forms grains
while solidifying.
Usually, metal alloys are used in making blades. Different metals in the alloy produce different grains
while solidifying thereby creating grain boundaries. Basically, a grain boundary is an interface
between two grains or crystals. These boundaries lead to creep in the blades.
The problem of creep is overcome in Single Crystal Blade technology by designing alloys that can be
used in single crystal form. This means that no boundaries will be formed here.
The technology uses a vacuum investment casting process to realise the blades. This includes
ceramic moulding, wax patterning, heat treatment.
It is essential to formulate special ceramic composition for the technology. This involves making
strong ceramic moulds that withstands metallostatic pressure at 1500 degrees Celsius.
What is a Creep?
Creep is the tendency of blade material to deform at low temperatures.
Benefits of Single Crystal Blade Technology
The blades created under this technology has longer life and are more corrosion resistant.
Current Affairs – April 27, 2021 [Daily News Digest]
GKToday provides daily summary of important Current Affairs Topics selected from National and
International News. Here is the list of articles covered under Current Affairs April 27, 2021.
What are Tissue Chips?
Tissue Chips are devices designed to mimic the functions of human organs. They are also called
Organ on chips. Why is it in News? The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
recen…..Read Here
Ladakh Ignited Minds Project
The Indian Army recently initiated the Ladakh Ignited Mines Project to provide educational
opportunities for the Ladakhi students. About the project The project aims to provide better
f…..Read Here

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Current Affairs [PDF] - April 16-30, 2021
WHO’s E-2025 initiative
The World Health Organisation recently identified twenty-five countries with the potential to
eradicate malaria by 2025. This is called the E-2025 initiative. What is the plan? The iden…..Read
Google, Microsoft announce funding to help India tackle COVID-19
Google and Microsoft have recently pledged to help India fight COVID-19. Google is to provide 18
million USD (Rs 135 crores). Microsoft is to help India with relief efforts to buy oxyge…..Read Here
World Immunisation Week
The World Immunisation Week is celebrated every year in the last week of April. It aims to promote
the use of vaccines. This year, in 2021, the World Immunisation Week is to be celebrat…..Read
ASEAN Initiative on Myanmar
The Government of India recently welcomed the ASEAN Initiative on Myanmar. ASEAN Initiative on
Myanmar The Association of Southeast Asian Nations released a five-point statement on
Myan…..Read Here
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day: April 26
Every year on April 26, the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day is being observed.
The day was proclaimed by the United Nations and was first observed in 2016. Highlights T…..Read
UK to build World’s most powerful climate-change forecasting supercomputer
Met Office and Microsoft are to build a weather forecasting supercomputer in the UK. The UK
Government is to invest 1.2 billion Pound Sterling in the project. About the Supercomputer
Th…..Read Here
RBI’s State of the Economy Report – Update (April, 2021)
The Reserve Bank of India recently released the State of Economy Report for the month of April
2021. Key Findings of the Report The resurgence of COVID-19 might bring back inflationary
…..Read Here
Forest Fire in Mizoram
The Indian Air Force recently deployed two Mi-17V5 helicopters equipped with Bambi Bucket to
control the forest fires. The forest fires have been raging in the hills of south Mizoram. M…..Read
ADB provided $1.5-billion to India for Covid response
The Asian Development Bank has provided fiscal support of 1.5 billion USD to India to fight against
COVID-19 crisis. This is according to the Annual Report, 2020 of ADB that was release…..Read
Large Area Certification (LAC) Scheme of PGS-India- A&N gets certification
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare recently announced that around 14,491 hectares of
land in Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been certified as organic. This is the first la…..Read
Aditya-L1 Support Cell (AL1SC)- Key Facts
A Community Service Centre has been set up on board India’s first dedicated Solar Space Mission.
The centre is called ALISC. ALISC is Aditya-L1 Support Cell. It is to be set up at the…..Read Here
DRDO Single Crystal Blade Technology
The Defence Research and Development Organisation recently developed the Single Crystal Blade
Technology. The organisation has delivered sixty of such blades to the Hindustan
Aeronautic…..Read Here
April 28, 2021

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US Population increases by 7.4%
The Central Bureau of the United States recently announced that the population of the United States has
increased by 7.4%. This is the second slowest growth of US Population since the Great Depression.
The Census Bureau recently released the first set of data on US population. The complete demographic data
of the country is expected to be released by August 2021. Based on this, the 1.5 trillion USD federal funds
will be distributed to the local communities across the country.
Key Findings
The population of the United States increased to 331,449,281 in 2020. This is 7.4% increase and the
second slowest in the history of US.
The allocation of seats to the US Congress is based on the census.
The recently released data shows that migration in the US has been increasing lately. For instance,
New York and California have lost a Congressional seat each. So did Pennsylvania and New York.
On the other hand, Montana, Florida and North Carolina have seen enough growth to add a
congressional seat.
Texas received two additional seats. Colorado and Oregon gained new seats.
The 2010 census showed the US population is shifting towards the South and the west.
How are the seats allocated in the US Congress?
US Congress has two chambers. One is the House of Representatives and the other is the Senate. There are
fifty states in the US. Each state elects two senators for a period of six years. The US is divided into 435
congressional districts. A region is made district when it reaches a population of 750,000 and will receive a
Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a period of two years. When the
threshold population decreases then the district will lose its representation at the House of Representation.
For instance, in the recent US Census 2020, New York lost a house seat as it had 89 people short to the
threshold of 750,000.
Women in the US Congress
In 2021, around 142 women are to hold seats in the US Congress. This is 26.5% of 535 members. Around
24% women serve at the US Senate and 27.1% serve in the US House of Representatives.
US Census
The first US Census was held in 1790.
What is the system in India?
In India, each state is allotted with a particular number of seats in the Lok Sabha in such a way that
the ratio between the Number of representatives from the state and its overall population is uniform
throughout the country.
Each state is divided into constituencies based on the fact that the ratio between the population of
each constituency and the number of seats is uniform throughout the state.
Genome Study on Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros
The researchers at the Centre for Palaeogenetics, Stockholm showed that the populations of Sumatran
Rhinoceros displayed low levels of inbreeding.
About the Genome Study
In order to investigate their inbreeding levels, the researchers had sequenced the genomes from 16
rhinos on Sumatra and Borneo. The findings that the rhinos are facing low levels of inbreeding was
based on this genome sequencing.
Currently, the rhinos in Sumatra and Borneo are facing high genetic diversity and low inbreeding

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levels. The low inbreeding levels are due to small population size.
The researchers found that the frequency of potentially harmful mutations was high. This means that
closely related parents produced offspring that suffer from genetic diseases.
The researchers will now study the sequenced genome to estimate their inbreeding levels, frequency
of potentially harmful mutations and genetic variations.
According to the researchers, the future study will reveal about potentially harmful mutations hidden
in the genomes of these rhinos.
The researchers suggest that the only solution to the problem of extinction faced by the rhinos is to
increase their population size. Also, the genes of Sumatran Rhinos and the Borneo rhinos should be
The IUCN classifies Sumatran and Borneo rhinos as Critically Endangered.
World Wild Life Funds: There are only eighty Rhinos left in Sumatra and Borneo
Five Different Species of Rhinos: Black Rhino, Greater One-Horned Rhino, Sumatran Rhino and Javan
Rhino. They are spread across India, Bhutan, Nepal, Malaysia and Indonesia and thus these countries
are called Asian Rhino Range countries
Of the five species, only Great One-horned rhino is found in India.
Greater One Horned Rhino has been placed under “Vulnerable” category in IUCN Red list of
Threatened species.
SIPRI report on Military Spending
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute recently released its “Trends in world Military
Expenditure” report. According to the report, the top military spenders in the world are the United States,
China and India. These three countries alone contributed 62% global military expenditure.
Key Findings of the Report
In 2020, the US spent 778 billion USD on its military. While China and India spent 252 billion USD and
72 .9 billion USD respectively.
The military expenditure of India has grown by 2.1% and that of China has grown by 1.9%. The military
Expenditure of US has grown by 4.4%.
Globally, the military expenditure increased to 1981 billion USD as compared to that of 2019. This is
2.6% increase. On the other hand, the global GDP shrank by 4.4% according to the International
Monetary Fund.
Military Spending in terms of GDP
The US spent 3.7% of its GDP on military.
India and China spent 2.9% and 1.7% of their GDP respectively.
Region wise military spending
The military spending in Oceania and Asia increased by 2.5% as compared to that of 2019. It was 47%
higher as compared to that of 2011.
Other top military spenders
The other countries that spent large amount on building their military were as follows:
Russia: 61.7 billion USD
UK: 59.2 billion USD
Saudi Arabia: 57.5 billion USD
Germany and France spent around 53 billion USD each.

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Military Spending diverted to Pandemic
While countries were increasing their expenditure on military, some countries reallocated their planned
military expenditure towards the pandemic. They were South Korea and Chile. Some other countries like
Russia, Brazil spent less amount than their initial military budgets.
Arm Imports of India
According to the report, the arm imports of India came down to one third in 2016-20 as compared to that of
2011-15. Still India remained the second highest arms importer after Saudi Arabia. In the decline of arms
imports of India, Russia was the affected supplier. Russia had eventually increased it arms exports to
Algeria, Chin and Egypt replacing India.
The report also state that US, Russia, France, Germany and China were the top five arms importers in
Top Arms Imports
The arms imports of Egypt and Qatar increased by 136% and 361% respectively.
The middle east arms imports increased by 25%
Top Exporters
The top arms exporters were US, France and Germany.
Warheads in India
The deployed warheads are missiles located on bases with the operational forces. That is, they are ready to
use. The other warheads are those that are reserved or stored awaiting dismantlement. For India, the report
gave a figure of 130-140 in “other warheads”.
RBI Guidelines for Tenure of Bank CEOs and MDs
The Reserve Bank of India recently laid down set of instructions to improve the corporate bank governance.
RBI Guidelines
The post of MD and CEO shall not be held by the same person for more than 15 years. However, they
can be reappointed after a cooling period of three years. During the cooling period, the individual
shall not be appointed or associated with the bank or its group entities directly or indirectly.
The MD or the CEO shall not hold these posts more than twelve years. However, in extraordinary
circumstances, they shall be allowed to continue till 15 years.
The guidelines are not applicable to the foreign banks whose branches are operating in the country.
The maximum age limit of the Chairman or the Non-Executive Director has been fixed at 75 years.
The fixed remuneration for the Non-Executive Directors shall not exceed Rs 20 lakhs. Remuneration is
the money paid for work.
Significance of the Guidelines
In 2020, RBI released a discussion paper on governance in commercial banks in India. The changes are
being made based on this.
According to RBI, the growing size of financial systems in India makes it essential to strengthen governance
standards in the banks. The current system where the management of the banks play the role of an agent of
the board and the board in turn plays the role of agent of shareholders has led to poor allocation of
resources and poor protection of depositors. Thus, these changes are important.
Why are the guidelines needed?
Recently, the space vacated by the public sector banks have been taken by the private sector banks.
Inadequate system of checks prevails at the private banks of the country.
The lenders are at risk of default rates though there has been overall improvement in asset quality.
Chandler Good Government Index
The Chandler Good Governance Index is released by the Chandler Institute of Governance headquartered in

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Singapore. The index is prepared based on seven pillars namely leadership and foresight, strong
institutions, robust laws and policies, attractive market place, financial stewardship, helping people rise,
global influence and reputation.
India ranked 49th in the Chandler Good Governance Index out of 104 countries.
Key Highlights
Finland topped the ranking following Switzerland, Singapore, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway.
Pakistan was ranked at 90th place, Sri Lanka at 74th and Nepal at 92nd.
Among BRICS countries China ranked 140th, Brazil at 67th, Russia at 48th, South Africa at 70th.
It recommends “Pracademics” in Government. Pracademics is rigorous understanding of research
and data with a practical sense of what governments need to do to succeed.
About Chandler Good Governance Index
It aims to strengthen public institutional capacity through research, training and advise. Also it supports
governments and public officers world wide in building the nation.
Good Governance in India
India celebrates Good Governance Day on December 25.
The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions releases Good Governance Index assessing
the initiatives of State Governments and Union Territories.
The National E-Governance Plan of India aims to make all the government services accessible to the
common man.
The Right to Information Act, 2005 ensure transparency in governance.
NITI Aayog has been established. It is a policy commission established to achieve sustainable
development goals with cooperative federalism.
UN Good Governance
The United Nations identifies Good Governance under eight characteristics. They are Consensus oriented,
Effective and Efficient, Follows the rule of law, Participatory, Accountable, Responsive, Transparent,
Equitable and Inclusive.
What is Cycle threshold (Ct) Value in a RT-PCR Test?
The Ct Value in a RT-PCR test is cycle Threshold value. This value determines if a patient is COVID-19
positive or not.
Why is it in news?
The State Government of Maharashtra recently asked the Indian Council of Medical Research if it was
advisable to treat a person as COVID-19 negative if his Ct value was more than 24.
What is the issue?
The ICMR documents mention different Ct Values. Also, there are divergent views among the National
Centre for Disease Control and also among Niti Aayog.
What is the right Ct value for a person to test COVID-19 positive?
The ICMR recently announced that the right Ct value for a person to become COVID-19 positive is 35. If the
Ct value of a person is less than 35, he is COVID-19 positive and if it is greater than 35 then he is COVID1-19
What is Ct value?
In a RT-PCR test, the RNA extracted from the swab is converted into DNA. The DNA is then amplified.
The amplification is done to create multiple copies of the genetic material. This is done to improve
the ability of the test to detect the virus.
The amplification takes place in cycles. At first cycle, one copy of the DNA becomes two. In the
second cycle two copies become four and so on.

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The Ct value is the number of cycles after which the virus was detected.
If the number of cycles is low, then the viral load is high. Because, the virus was detected in very few
The significance of the problem
The Maharashtra State Government had asked if the Ct value can be fixed at 24. This means that the
persons with Ct values 24-35 will not be considered positive. On the other hand, the bench mark of 35
means that more patients are considered positive. Lowering the threshold may lead to missing infectious
Global Ct value
Globally, the accepted Ct value is between 35 and 40.
NEO-01: China's robot prototype to catch space debris
A Space Mining Startup of China recently launched NEO-01. It is a robotic platform launched into the low
earth orbit. It will conduct experiments on space debris removal technique.
About NEO-01
The NEO-01 robot was launched on Long March 6 rocket.
It was launched to observe the small celestial bodies in deep space.
The robot will now conduct experiments to clear space debris.
It is to use large net to capture space debris. After capturing, it will burn the debris using electric
propulsion system.
China-US hidden war in the project
The NEO-01 was developed by Origin Space. The company is based in Shenzen. The company claims itself
as the first Chinese company dedicated to explore and utilise space resources. According to the company,
NEO-01 will pave way for asteroid mining. These objectives of resource mining are in contradiction to Outer
Space Treaty of the US.
According to 1967 Outer Space Treaty, no nation can claim the sovereignty of outer space. Also, no nation
shall extract resources from space for commercial exploitation.
In 2015, the then US President Barack Obama signed a law that allowed the US companies to mine on
celestial bodies. In 2020, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced a Lunar Mining
Initiative. The initiative will offer to buy lunar rocks that are extracted by private companies. NEO-01 is seen
as a counter move of China to the US.
Current Scenario
There are 3,000 defunct satellites in the orbit of the earth. Also, there are millions of smaller pieces of
space debris that can cause serious damage to the other active satellites. The debris range from bolts,
paint flecks to frozen satellite coolants.
WHO to provide 4,000 oxygen concentrators to India
The World Health Organisation recently announced that it will provide 4,000 Oxygen Concentrators to India
to help the country in its fight against COVID-19.
Help from other countries
The following countries stepped forward to help India to combat against the Oxygen shortage:
The UK recently sent 495 Oxygen Concentrators and 140 ventilators to India.
Ireland announced that it is preparing to send 700 oxygen concentrators to India.
Saudi Arabia recently shipped 80 tonnes of Oxygen to India.
Under the Mega Vayu initiative of Amazon, 8,000 oxygen concentrators and 500 BiPAP machines are
to be airlifted from Singapore.
Australia is to send 500 ventilators, 100,000 goggles, 500,000 P2 and N95 masks, 100,000 pairs of

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gloves and 20,000 face shields.
The United States is sending in a range of emergencies such as vaccine materials, oxygen-related
supplies and therapeutics.
Vayu Initiative
Amazon has joined hands with Temasek Foundation, ACT Grants and other partners to help India in its fight
against oxygen shortage under the Vayu initiate. Under the initiative, 500 BiPAP machines and 8,000 oxygen
concentrators will be transported from Singapore. Also, 1,500 concentrators are to be donated.
Google recently announced that they will help India in its relief aid. The Google is to provide financial aid of
Rs 135 crores through UNICEF and Give India. These aids are to be distributed to the needy through these
international organisations.
Other MNCs
The Ethereum has donated Rs 4.5 crores.
Xiaomi announced that it will donate Rs 3 crores for oxygen cylinders.
One plus is to help India in amplifying COVID-19 emergencies through its social media reach.
Earthquake in Assam
On April 28, 2021, seven back-to-back earthquakes occurred in Assam and other north eastern states. The
first shocks were of 6.4 magnitude. Later, the jolts were at 3.2 to 3.4 magnitude in Richter scale. Roads
were cracked and buildings tilted in Sonitpur and Nagaon.
The occurrence of earthquakes was confirmed by National Center for Seismology.
About the Epicentre
The Epicentre of the earthquake was located at a depth of 17 km. The epicentre was located 9 km away
from the town of Dhekiajuli of Assam.
National Center for Seismology
It is the nodal agency that monitors earthquake activity in India
It maintains a National Seismological Network of 115 stations. Each station holds a separate
Apart from monitory, the center also performs Seismic Hazard Microzonation and seismological
Causes of the Assam Earthquake
The entire Himalayas are prone to Earthquakes. This is because the Indian tectonic plate is continuously
wedging into the Eurasian plate at a speed of 44 millimetres per year. These motions build up stress and
trigger earthquakes.
While the entire Himalayas are prone to earthquakes, the high-intensity earthquakes occur in North Eastern
India and thus these regions are classified under Zone V.
Waves generated during Earthquakes
Every earthquake occurring in the planet generates three different types of waves called P-waves, S-waves
and L-waves. The P-waves are longitudinal waves. They are analogous to sound waves. The S-Waves are
transversal waves and are analogous to light waves. The L-waves are surface waves. They originate when
the P-waves of the earthquake hits the surface of the earth.
ADB raises India GDP forecast by 11%
The Asian Development Bank recently released its Asian Development Outlook, 2021. According to the
report, India is to grow at 11%. The Asian Development Bank recently released its Annual outlook. The
outlook says that ADB has provided a financial support of 1.5 billion USD to India to fight against COVID-19

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Key Findings of the report
According to ADB, the South Asia is expected to rebound at 9.5% in 2021. The South Asian region had
contracted by 6% in 2020. The growth of the region will moderate to 6.6% in 2022.
The economic growth of Asia is to rebound at 7.3% in 2021. The region faced a contraction of 0.2% in
its growth in 2020. In 2022, its growth rate is to be 5.3%.
The countries such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei are expected to meet an increased
growth rate of 7.7% in 2021 and 5.6% in 2022. The report classifies these countries as newly
industrialised countries.
The GDP of East Asia is expected to grow at 7.4% in 2021 and at 5.1% in 2022.
Report about China
The GDP of China is to expand to 8.1% in 2021 and will reach a moderate value of 5.5% in 2022.
Strong exports of China is to boost the economic activity of the country in 2021.
Reasons of recovery
The progress in production and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines helped Asia in reaching the current state.
However, significant new outbreaks might undermine the growth of the region.
The following challenges are faced by the Asian Economies:
Increasing Geopolitical tensions
Financial turmoil from tightening financial conditions
Production bottlenecks
Long term scarring. This includes learning losses due to school closures
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and UK on Customs Cooperation
On April 28, 2021, the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the agreement
signed between Government of India and the Government of UK. The agreement was signed on Customs
Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs matters.
India and UK have been signing several trade related agreements after the latter moved out of European
About the Agreement
The Agreement will provide a legal framework to share intelligence and information between the
customs department of the two countries.
It will help to ensure if Customs laws are abided.
It will also help in prevention and investigation of custom offences.
Also, the agreement will help in exchange of information about origin of goods traded between the
countries, customs value, tariff classification, etc. It is important to learn about these information as
they are included in the calculation of customs duty.
How are Customs Duties calculated in India?
The Customs Duties are calculated based on the following factors:
Place of acquisition of goods
Place where the goods were made
Material of the goods
Dimensions and Weight of the goods
Customs Duty in India
The Customs Duty in India is imposed under Customs Act, 1962 and Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The Indian
Tariff System is based on the Harmonised System of Nomenclature.

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Types of Customs Duties in India
Basic Customs Duty: Levied under Customs Act, 1962
Additional Customs Duty: It has been subsumed by GST now.
Protective duty: Levied to protect indigenous goods
Education Cess
Anti-Dumping Duty
Safeguard Duty
Countervailing Duties
Social Welfare Charges
Compensation Cess
Customs Handling Fee
GNCTD (Amendment) Act comes into force in Delhi
On April 27, 2021, the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2021 came into
effect. The act was passed by the Parliament during the budget session. The act gives more power to
Lieutenant Governor (LG).
Key Provisions
The act proposed that the word “Government” in National Capital Territory of Delhi meant the LG of
It provides discretionary powers to the LG even in matters where the Delhi Legislature is empowered
to make laws.
The act seeks to ensure that the LG is granted an opportunity to give his opinion before a decision
made by the Council of Ministers is implemented.
The LG opinion should be obtained before the Delhi Government takes action based on decisions
taken by the Cabinet.
It bars the Legislative Assembly of Delhi from making rules related to day-to-day administration.
Administration inf Delhi
The National Capital Region is administered with a legislature that came in to existence in 1991. The Delhi
Legislature was constituted under Article 239AA of the Constitution. By law, the Delhi Legislature has all
powers to make laws in matters except public order, land and police.
The law will take away the autonomy of the Delhi Government.
Supreme Court on Delhi Legislative Assembly
In 2018, the Supreme Court pronounced that the LG’s concurrence is not required on issues other
than police, land and public order.
The SC had also said that the LG of Delhi is not like a Governor in other states. He is an administrator.
Python 5 Air to Air Missile
The Defence Research and Development Organisation recently test fired a series of missile trials. It
included the Derby missiles and the Python missiles. The missiles were test fired in Goa and achieved 100%
With this the DRDO announced that the Python 5 Air to Air Missile has been successfully added to the Light
Combat Aircraft Tejas.
Python 5
It is the fifth generation Python missile.
It is an air to air missile built by the Israeli weapon manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defence Systems.
The Israeli Government began manufacturing missiles in the name of “Shafir”. Later as it started

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exporting missiles it selected a western name “Python” or “Derby”.
The Python-5 is currently the most capable Air to air missile in the inventory of Israel.
It is beyond visual range missile. The Beyond Visual Range missiles are those missiles that are
capable of engaging at ranges beyond 37 km.
It features an advanced seeker that includes Electro-Optical and Image Infrared Homing.
The Python 5 is capable to scan for the target area for the hostile aircraft and then locks on for
terminal chase.
It was first used in 2006 Lebanon war. It destroyed two Iran made UAVs.
Speed of the missile is Mach 4.
It weighs 11 kilograms
Just like Python, it was also made by Rafael of Israel. In fact, Python 5 is an advanced version of
It is also a Beyond Visual Range Missile.
It is active radar homing missile. An Active Radar Homing Missile is a missile that contains a radar
transceiver to find and track the target autonomously.
Varuna 2021: India-France Naval Exercise
The Indian and French Navies recently conducted the Varuna Naval Exercise in the Arabian Sea. The Varuna,
2021 is a part of the Clemenceau 2021.
About Varuna 2021
The exercise included surface and anti-weapon firings, tactical manoeuvres, rotary wing flying
operations including cross deck helicopter landings and air defence and anti-submarine exercises.
The Indian Navy was represented by Stealth destroyer INS Kolkata, INS Talwar, INS Tarkash, Fleet
Support Ship INS Deepak, Chetak Integral helicopters and a Kalvari class submarine. Also, the P81
Long range Patrol Aircraft participated.
The French Navy was represented by E2C Hawkeye aircrafts, Rafale-M fighter, Horizon class air
defence destroyer Chevalier Paul.
After VARUNA, 2021, the INS Tarkash is to continue its exercise with the French Navy CSG. During the
exercise, the navies will conduct advanced surface, air-defence operations and anti-submarine
Clemenceau 21
On February 21, 2021, the French Carrier Strike Group set sail for a long operational deployment called
“Clemenceau 21”. With this mission, the French Navy deployed its military presence in areas of strategic
interests namely Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.
As a part of Clemenceau 21, France held the GASWEX with its allies. The other countries that participated in
the GASWEX exercise were France, Japan, Belgium and US forces. The exercise was held in the Arabian Sea
and in the Gulf of Oman.
What is CSG?
CSG is Carrier Strike Group. They are strategically pre-positioned. It is roughly composed of 7,500
personnel. It includes an aircraft carrier, a destroyer squadron, at least one cruiser, carrier wing of 65 to 70
aircrafts. Occasionally it also includes submarines.
The CSG of Japan that is participating in Clemenceau 21 is Nationale’s Charles De Gaulle.
April 29, 2021
Inter-Ministerial group set up to clear global relief materials
The Government of India has set up a High level Inter-Ministerial Group to establish procedures for
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immediate clearance of relief materials from foreign countries.
About the Group
As the number of COVID-19 cases in India have started increasing to a great extent, several foreign
countries such as UK, USA, France Germany, Ireland, Kuwait have been sending essentials such as
ventilators, oxygen concentrators, respiratory materials. The high level Inter-Ministerial Group will make
sure if these materials are cleared and dispatched promptly to the recipient institutions located in different
parts of the country.
What are the relief materials received from foreign countries?
UK announced that it is to send 495 oxygen concentrators, twenty manual ventilators and 120 non-
invasive ventilators.
The relief materials from France is arriving in two phases. In the first phase, France is sending oxygen
generating plants that can be installed quickly, 200 electric syringe pushers and twenty eight
respirators. In the second phase, France will send five oxygen containers.
Ireland will send 700 oxygen concentrators.
Germany will send mobile oxygen production plants. 120 ventilators and 80 million KN95 masks.
Also, Germany is planning to conduct a webinar on testing and RNA sequencing of COVID-19.
Australia is to send 500 ventilators, 20,000 face shields, 100,000 goggles, 500,000 P2 and N95
masks, one million surgical masks.
Help from the US
The United States is to deliver raw materials for vaccines to the Serum Institute of India to produce
COVISHILED vaccine of Astra Zeneca.
The USAID is to help India in oxygen transport. US will also provide technical support to make sure if
the delivered oxygen equipment is compatible with the devices in India.
Additional technical assistance is to be provided by Centres for Disease Control to support Vaccine
readiness in the country.
The US Government has identified commercial suppliers of Remdesivir.
Also, Personal Protective Equipment and Rapid Diagnostic Testing supplies have been identified to be
transferred to India immediately.
PM CARES Fund: 1 Lakh Portable Oxygen Concentrators
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently sanctioned the procurement of one lakh oxygen portable oxygen
concentrators from the PM-CARES Fund.
Oxygen Generation Plants
Initially, 162 Pressure Swing Adsorption Oxygen Generation plants were sanctioned under PM CARES
Fund. Later this was increased to 551 Pressure Swing Adsorption Oxygen Generation Plants.
So far, 1,213 Pressure Swing Adsorption oxygen plants have been approved under the PM-CARES
France, UK and several other foreign countries have come forward to help India by supplying Oxygen
Concentrators. An inter-ministerial group has been set up to clear the relief materials immediately
and make sure they the respective institutes on time.
Why is India facing a huge Oxygen Shortage crisis?
Most of the Oxygen producing plants in India are located in the eastern part of the country. They are
thousand miles away from Mumbai and Delhi where the COVID-19 surges are at the highest.
Oxygen is not easy to transport. It should either be transported by trains or by roads. It cannot be
flown on planes.
The Cryogenic tanks that hold compressed oxygen cannot be manufactured quickly. It takes about

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four to six months to produce.
Why are Oxygen levels low with COVID-19?
The COVID-19 virus causes Hypoxia. Hypoxia is difficulty in breathing. A healthy lung keeps the blood level
oxygen at 95% to 100%. When the blood level oxygen dips below 92% it causes a concern and
supplementary oxygen should be provided.
The COVID-19 virus affects the lung cells. Their infection damages the walls and linings of the air sacs
where the exchange of the gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) occurs.
Somanathan: New Finance secretary
The Expenditure Secretary T V Somanathan was recently designated as the Finance Secretary by the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet.
About T V Somanathan
Currently he is the senior most officer among all the secretaries in the Ministry of Finance. He is a 1987
batch Indian Administrative Service Officer of Tamil Nadu cadre.
Tuhin Kanta Pandey is the current Secretary of Department of Investment Public Asset Management
(DIPAM). Ajay Seth is the current secretary of Department of Economic Affairs.
The Department of Disinvestment was renamed as DIPAM. DIPAM aims in efficient management of
investments of the Central Government and also its disinvestments.
Currently the Government of India is pursuing disinvestment to enhance its efficiency and not to vacate the
public sector. The current disinvestment policy aims at the following:
To minimize the interference
To allow public sector units to function along with the commercial principles
To permit managerial autonomy in decision making.
Difference between Privatisation and Disinvestment in India
If the sales of equity of a Public Sector Unit is greater than 50% it is called privatisation. On the other hand,
disinvestment is when the Government sells only a part of its stake in the PSU and retains majority of the
shares. Disinvestment is basically done to tinker the PSU. Tinkering is repairing or improving something.
Why is Disinvestment important?
Disinvestment reduces the financial burden of inefficient PSUs. This is done to improve public
NITI Aayog makes recommendations about loss making units. It values the assets of these units to
carry out possible strategic sales.
Brazil: Sputnik V vaccine supply had live cold virus
The Health Regulator of Brazil recently announced that the Sputnik V vaccines of Russia carried live cold
virus. It has thus raised questions about the integrity of the manufacturing process of the virus.
This issue has come up due to the Adeno Virus vector.
The Adeno Virus Vector
Vector means the carrier of the virus. In this case the COVID-19 virus. These vectors carry only a portion of
the virus which is generally referred to as antigen.
The Adeno Virus is normally used as a vector as they induce innate (natural) and adaptive immune
What is the issue with Adeno virus based COVID vaccines?
Adeno virus normally causes mild respiratory illness in humans. However, in vaccines, they are modified in
such a way that they cannot replicate. Their structure is edited to carry the DNA instructions for human cells
to develop immune system against COVID-19. That is, it carries a part of dead COVID-19 material and also it

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trains the immune system to fight against this virus.
Adeno Virus in Sputnik V
Usually, the adeno virus-based vaccines are administered in single shot. This is because, the adeno virus
naturally occurs in humans. People with a weak immune system are more likely to get an adeno virus
However, Sputnik V which is also an adeno virus-based vaccine is administered in two shots. In the first
shot, adeno virus type 26 Ad 26 is administered and in the second shot adeno virus Ad5 is administered.
First indigenous vaccine for fish developed in India
The Central Institute of Brackish Aquaculture located in Chennai has developed an indigenous vaccine for
Viral Nervous Necrosis. The name of the vaccine is Nodavac-R
Viral Nervous Necrosis
The disease is caused by the Betanodavirus. It mostly affects teleost fish. More than forty species
are affected by this virus and most of them are marine species.
This virus transmits through passive diffusion and contact.
The disease mostly occurs in juveniles or larvae. However, it also affects the adults.
Viral Nervous Necrosis in India
In India the disease has been a serious concern affecting freshwater, marine and brackish water fishes
largely. They result in 100% mortality in fishes that are in juvenile and larval stages.
Red Spotted Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus is the only genotype found in India. The infected adults are the
main carriers. They transmit the virus to their offspring through the eggs.
The best way to control the disease in the country is to vaccinate adult fish and also the fingerlings. The
Nodavac-R is safe for all species that are susceptible to Viral Nervous Necrosis. They are to be used in fish
hatcheries to bring down the incidence of the disease. Fish Hatchery is the place for artificial breeding of
What are Teleost fish?
They range from giant oars fish that measure 7.6 metres in length to minute Angler fish that measure 6.2
milli metres. They are economically important. The Teleost fish are captured for food all over the world.
India ranks second in aquaculture and more than 14.5 million Indians are dependent on fish production.
NITI calls for EV purchase subsidy in addition to FAME-II subsidy
NITI Aayog recently said that the Government of India should provide incentives on purchase of electric
vehicles over and above existing subsidies being provided under FAME II scheme. Also, it has
recommended to provide interest subvention on loan amount taken for Electric Vehicle purchases.
What are the recommendations made by NITI Aayog?
Apart from interest subvention and additional subsidies, NITI Aayog has also recommended to create
non-financial incentives. This includes exclusive parking for Electric Vehicles in commercial
complexes, priority lanes for EVs.
The NITI Aayog has also recommended that the Green Zones should be demarcated within cities that
permit only electric Vehicles.
The think tank says that heavy taxes should be charged on conventional fuel vehicles.
Green corridors should be created that allow only E-Buses.
A National Level Policy should be formulated to incentivise distribution utilities that are investing on
EV charging infrastructure.
The Financial Institutions in the country should be encouraged to extend their lending facility to the

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Electric Mobility sector.
The charging infra developer should allocate a portion of the land for open public amenities such as
food zones, cafeteria, etc. Such provisions have been included in the Madhya Pradesh EV Policy.
The Electricity Regulator should be mandated to provide a mechanism to approve rate-basing of
utility investments in building EV Charging infrastructure.
Why were the recommendations made?
The Government had notified National Electric Mobility Mission Plan, 2020 that aims to increase domestic
manufacturing capacities of EV. Also, the FAME II scheme was launched to stimulate the EV market. In
spite of all these measures, the share of EVs in the total sale of vehicle sales in the country is just 1%.
Therefore, NITI Aayog has come up with these recommendations.
Who was Michael Collins?
Michael Collins was an American Astronaut. He was the pilot of the Apollo 11 command module. On July
20, 1969, Michael Collins stayed behind when Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong became the first humans to
walk on the moon.
He recently died at the age of 90.
About Michael Collins
Michael is often addressed as the forgotten third astronaut in the Apollo mission. He stayed alone in
the command module for twenty-one hours till his colleagues returned.
The worst part of his twenty-one hour of lonely stay is that he lost contact with Houston when his
spacecraft circled the dark side of the moon. Only one side of the moon is visible to the earth
constantly. This is because, the rotation and revolution duration of the moon is equal.
The Autobiography written by Michael was “Carrying the Fire”.
He was born in Rome on October 31, 1930. He was the son of a US Army Major.
He started his career as an Air Force Test pilot.
His first Voyage mission was Gemini X. Gemini X was a part of the missions that prepared Apollo
Programme. His next and final spaceflight was Apollo 11.
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed first humans on the moon. Armstrong was the first person
to land on the moon. He was joined by Aldrin after nineteen minutes. They spent two and a quarter
hours on the moon outside the spacecraft. They brought back 21.5 kilograms of lunar material back
to the earth. They named the site they spent on the lunar surface as Tranquillity Base.
The Apollo 11 had three parts namely Command module, service module and lunar module.
The Command Module is the place where Michael spent while the others landed on the moon. It was
the only part that returned to the earth.
Service Module supported the Command Module with electrical power, propulsion, oxygen and water.
The Lunar Module had two stages. One was the descent stage to place the astronauts on the moon
and an ascent stage to place the astronauts into the orbit.
Where is Plain of Jars located?
The archaeologists recently found that the jars in the “Plain of Jars” were used as burial sites. They have
also found that though the jars could be 3,000 years old, the human remains suggest that people were
buried along side these jars 700 years ago, which is relatively recent.
About the recent Discoveries
According the scientists, the vessels in the Plain of Jars were placed in late Second millennium BCE.
On the other hand, the human remains come from 13th century. It is possible that the jars were always
used as burial sites.

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Some also say that these jars were used for brewing celebratory rice wine and whiskey.
These conclusions were made only after four jar sites were studied. There are plenty of unexplored
jar sites in Laos.
The jars were made of different rock types such as Limestone, Granite, Conglomerate, Breccia,
Sandstone. However, the majority of the jars were made of sandstone.
Where is the Plain of Jars located?
The Plain of Jars is located in Laos. It is a megalithic archaeological landscape. It consists of
thousands of stone jars. These jars are found in the lower foothills of Xiangkhoang Plateau.
There are more than 90 Jar sites in the plateau. Each site has more than 400 stone jars. Some of the
jars have stone lids as well.
About the Jars
The Jars are cylindrical in shape. The bottom of the jar is wider than the top.
In 1930, a French researcher Madeleine Colani concluded that the jars were associated with burial
practices. This interpretation was supported by Japanese and Laos archaeologists with the discovery
of human remains.
The Plain of Jars became the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019.
India’s first 3D printed house at IIT-M
The Union Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitaraman inaugurated the first 3D printed house at IIT Madras.
About the House
The House was constructed using indigenous 3D printing technology.
It was built in just five days.
It was built by TVASTA Manufacturing solutions based on a concept by former IIT-M students.
What is 3D printing?
3D printing is a process of making three dimensional objects through digital instructions. It is also
called Additive manufacturing. It is the opposite of Subtractive Manufacturing. Subtractive
Manufacturing is cutting away from a large material.
The Global market of 3D printing is expected to reach 34.8 billion USD by 2024.
3D Printing in India
In 2020, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology released the National Strategy for Additive
India holds only 1.4% of the global market share in Additive Manufacturing. Within ASEAN grouping,
Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia account to about 80% of the Additive Manufacturing market.
National Strategy for Additive Manufacturing
The key goal is to position India as a global hub for additive manufacturing. It will address the following
challenges in 3D printing in India:
Fabrication speed
Surface finish of contoured surfaces
Data Formats
Lack of Additive Manufacturing Standards
3D Printing in Construction
In the construction sector, it takes a lot of hard work to create a detailed, handmade and scaled product.
With 3D printing the task becomes easier especially when complex geometries are involved. It can render
detailed models in terms of colour and range of materials.
Types of Additive Manufacturing
According to the National Strategy of Additive Manufacturing, there are seven types of Additive

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Manufacturing processes. They are as follows:
Vat Photopolymerization
Binder Jetting
Directed Energy Deposition
Material Extrusion
Material Jetting
Powder Bed Fusion
Sheet Lamination
China launches Tianhe space station core module
On April 29, 2021, China launched the core module of its Space Station. This is an important milestone in
the country’s ambitious plan of establishing a permanent human presence in space.
The module that was launched is called Tianhe. The Space Station China is building is called Tiangong.
Tiangong means “Heavenly Space”.
It is to begin its operations in 2022.
Still eleven more modules are to be launched and assembled to complete the space station.
According to the Chinese Government, the completed Space Station will look like the “Mir Station”.
Mir was a Russian Space Station that orbited between 1980s and 2001.
The Chinese Space Station, Tiangong will orbit the earth in the low earth orbit at a height of 400 to
450 kilometres.
The lifespan of the space station is fifteen years.
It weighs more than 90 tonnes.
The size of Tiangong Space Station will be a quarter the size of the International Space Station.
Previous Chinese Mission
In 2011, Chinese launched the Tiangong – 1. It was the first prototype module that laid groundwork
for the permanently crewed station.
In 2016, the second lab Tiangong – 2 was launched.
International Space Station
International Space Station is a Collaboration between US, Canada, Russia, Japan and Europe. It is to
retire in 2024.
After the termination of the collaboration, Russia is to pull out of the International Space Station.
Russia has planned to launch its own space station in 2025.
After International Space Station retires, Tiangong will be the only space station orbiting the earth.
Lunar Missions
The Chinese are also planning to build a separate lunar space station with Russia. This space station might
either be placed in the orbit of the moon or on its surface.
UK to allow Driverless cars on roads
The United Kingdom has become the first country to announce regulation for the use of self-driving vehicles
at low speeds.
The UK wants to be at the forefront in rolling out autonomous driving technology. The Government of UK
forecasts that around 40% of UK cars will have self-driving capabilities by 2035. This will create 38,000 jobs
in the country.
What is the plan?
The Government of UK has been working on the highway code for the use of self-driving vehicles. The

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Ministry of Transport is to begin with Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS).
About the Regulations
The speed limit of the ALKS is to be set at 37 miles per hour.
The ALKS shall drive itself in a single lane.
According to the UK Government, the technology will help reduce accidents caused due to human errors.
85% of accidents in UK are caused due to human errors.
How do Self Driving Vehicles work?
A self-driving vehicle is fully autonomous. No driver is required for the safe operation of the vehicle.
Self-driving technologies have been developed by Uber, Google, Nissan, Tesla.
Most of the self-driving systems maintain an internal map. They use lasers, sensors and radars to
map their surroundings. Based on the map created, instructions are delivered to the actuators of the
Levels of Driving
Level 0: All the major systems are controlled by humans
Level 1: It includes automatic braking or cruise control
Level 2: The cars offer at least two simultaneous automated functions such as steering and
Level 3: The car is capable of managing all critical safety functions. However, the driver is expected
to take over when alerted.
Level 4: Almost autonomous. However, not completely
Level 5: Completely capable of self-driving in every situation
What is IA 2030?
The IA 2030 is Immunisation Agenda 2030. It was launched by World Health Organisation, GAVI and the
UNICEF. It has been titled as the “A Global Strategy to leave No One Behind”. It aims to maximise lifesaving
impact of vaccines. The Immunisation Agenda 2030 was launched during the World Immunisation Week.
Key Features of IA 2030
It aims to promote “Vaccination throughout life”, that is, from infancy to adolescent and till old age.
According to WHO, if completely implemented, the IA 2030 will avert fifty million deaths. Of this 75%
of them will be in low-income and in lower-middle-income countries.
What are the targets of IA 2030?
It aims to achieve 90% coverage of essential vaccines that are administered to infants, children and
Also, the IA 2030 agenda will aim to halve the number of children missing vaccines by 2030.
Also, it will complete 500 national introductions of new vaccines such as COVID-19 vaccines, Human
Papiloma Virus vaccine called the HPV and also rotavirus.
What are the priorities of IA 2030?
The seven priorities of IA 2030 are as follows:
Commitment and Demand
Coverage and Equity
Outbreaks and Emergencies
Life Course and Integration
Supply and Sustainability
Research and Innovation

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In August 2020, the 73rd World Health Assembly passed the resolution of “IA 2030 Agenda”.
Recent Developments
GAVI is Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation. In January 2021, the Union Minister of Health and
Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan was nominated as a member on GAVI board.
In May 2020, the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan was elected as the
Chairperson of the WHO Executive Board.
In March 2021, the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan was appointed as the
chairman of the Stop TB Partnership Board.
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund crosses Rs. 8,000 crores mark
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare recently announced that the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund
recently crossed Rs 8,000 crore mark. The Ministry has received 8,665 applications so far. The worth of
these applications has amounted to Rs 8, 216 crores. Out of this, Rs 4, 000 crores have been sanctioned by
the Ministry so far.
About the Applications and Sanctions
The states that received maximum help through the fund are Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh, Karnataka, and Rajasthan.
The largest share of the sanctioned application was contributed by the following sectors:
Primary Agricultural Societies: 58%
Agri-Entrepreneurs: 24%
Individual Farmers: 13%
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund
In 2020, the Government of India established the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund to inject credit into
agriculture and its allied activities.
It was launched as a part of Atma Nirbhar Bharat. The main objective of the fund is to make the
farmers self-reliant.
Around One Lakh Crore of rupees was allocated for the fund.
It is to be implemented between 2020 and 2029.
The fund will be used to provide loans to the Marketing Cooperative Societies, Primary Agricultural
Societies, Farmer Producers Organisation, Joint Liability Groups, Self Help Groups.
The fund is being provided for setting up of warehouses, cold stores, silos, grading, packaging units,
ripening chambers, etc.
The loans provided under the finds will receive an interest subvention of 3% per annum up to two
crores of rupees. This interest subvention is available for a period of seven years.
The Agricultural Infrastructure Funds are managed by the Management Information System Platform.
Supply Chain Resilience Initiative
On April 27, 2021, India, Australia and Japan formally launched the Supply Chain Resilience Initiative. The
initiative was launched to counter the dominance of China in the Global Supply Chain. It aims to prevent
disruptions in the supply chain as seen during COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative will mainly focus on
diversification of investment and digital technology adoption.
Objectives of Supply Chain Resilience Initiative
To increase Foreign Direct Investment and eventually turn Indo-Pacific region into an “Economic
To build complementary relations between the partner countries
To build on the existential Supply Chain Network.

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About Supply Chain Resilience Initiative
It was proposed by Japan.
It mainly aims to reduce the dependence on China.
According to the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the share of Chinese imports into India stood
at 14.5%. The Chinese imports dominate electronics, pharmaceuticals, automotive parts, chemicals,
shipping and textiles. In Electronics alone China accounts to 45% of imports of India. During
COVID-19, all these sectors were highly affected as India was heavily dependent on China for its raw
materials especially in the field of Electronics and Pharmaceuticals.
The COVID-19 has revealed supply chain vulnerabilities and the monopolism enjoyed by China in the
Chinese moves
China recently formed an initiative with its Asian neighbours Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka
and Bangladesh to help them set up COVID-19 emergency supply reserves.
Also, the Sichuan Airlines of China recently suspended cargo flights to India that were taking crucial
supplies of Oxygen concentrators to India.
Such belligerence (aggressive war like behaviour) of China even during COVID-19 pandemic has
forced the countries to form the initiative.
April 30, 2021
Ayushman Bharat Diwas: April 30
Every year, the Ayushman Bharat Diwas is celebrated on April 30 in India.
Why is Ayushman Bharat Diwas celebrated?
The Ayushman Bharat Diwas is celebrated to achieve twin missions. They are to promote health and
wellness to the poor and also to provide insurance benefits to them.
Ayushman Bharat Scheme
The Scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in April 2018.
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Ayushman Bharat Scheme has so far
operationalised 75,532 Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centre. It has fixed a target of 1.5 lakh
Health and Wellness Centre by 2022.
The beneficiaries are chosen from the Socio-Economic Census Database.
It is the largest health cover in the world.
It aims to provide five lakh rupees of health cover per family per year.
The beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana is from bottom 40% of Indian Population.
The scheme also covers fifteen days of pre-hospitalisation and fifteen days of post-hospitalisation.
This includes the expenses of medicines and tests.
The scheme subsumed the Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme and Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
The scheme has packages that include knee replacement, bypass and other treatments provided at
15% cheaper than the Central Government Health Schemes.
Ayushman Mitra
The “Ayushman Mitra” initiative was started to provide employment to the unemployed. More than ten
lakh jobs were created under the Ayushman Mitra initiative. The Ayushman Mitras were deployed
directly in private hospitals and government hospitals.
The youth employed under the scheme will receive salary of Rs 15,000. Also, they receive incentive of
Rs 50 on every beneficiary.

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The Ayushman Mitras should provide key information to the beneficiaries. They should inform the
state agency after the discharge of the patient.
Russia expels European Diplomats
Russia recently expelled diplomats of Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Czech diplomats. It was
retaliation from Russia after the countries expelled the Russian diplomats.
The Czech Republic ordered Russian staff to leave the embassy. The order was passed based on the
accusations that Russian Intelligence Officers were behind 2014 explosion.
What is 2014 Explosion?
In 2014, two explosions occurred in a Czech Ammunition depot. Ammunition Depots are military storage
Russia and Czech Republic
Czech Republic is a member of NATO, European Union and OECD. The relations of the country with Russia
after the latter annexed Crimea in 2014.
Annexation of Crimea
The political status of Crimea is disputed between Russia and Ukraine. This is called the Crimean issue. In
2014, Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine.
Baltic Countries
Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are called Baltic countries. The region gets its name from the Baltic sea that
surrounds the region. The countries declared independence from Soviet Union in 1991.
India-Baltic Countries
The countries Latvia and Lithuania support India in its permanent membership in United Nations. In 2019,
Vice President Ram Nath Kovind visited the countries. He addressed the first India-Latvia Business Forum.
Balkan countries
The Baltic countries are different from Balkan countries. The Balkan countries are located in the
Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered by Ionian Sea in the southwest, Adriatic Sea in northwest and Ionian
Sea in the southwest.
They are Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Romania
and Slovenia.
The region takes the name after the Balkan Mountains.
Why were the Goa Infra Projects red flagged?
The Central Empowerment Committee appointed by the Supreme Court recently raised serious concerns of
Environmental Impact in Goa. This was related to the double tracking of the railway line between Kulem of
Goa and Castle Rock in Karnataka.
What did the Committee say?
According to the committee, the Railway project will destroy the fragile eco system of the Western Ghats.
The conclusion was made by the committee after examining the proposals cleared by the Standing
committee of the National Board for Wildlife on the following projects:
Doubling of Railway tracks
Four Laning of National Highways
Goa-Tanmar Transmission Project
These projects will cut the Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and Mollem National Park in South Goa.
Significance of Western Ghats
Western Ghats is a Biodiversity hotspot and one of the most important wildlife corridor in the country. The
Western Ghats act as the huge water tank to six states. There are 13 national parks and several sanctuaries

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in the Western Ghats. They source major rivers such as Godavari, Cauvery and Krishna.
Why is the Railways Double tracking the line?
According to the Railways, the traffic between Goa and Karnataka is projected to increase. The line is
mainly used to transport imported coal from Mormugao port to the steel mills in Bellary region.
Coal is being imported in the port since 1947. Around 14 million tonnes are imported annually. Currently,
the Government of Goa is working to decrease the coal imports in its ports to 8 million tonnes.
Project Update
The project aims to double track entire 342 kilometres. Of this, the South Western Railways have completed
seven kilometres so far.
National Commission for Women: WhatsApp Number for Pregnant Women
The National Commission for Women recently launched the WhatsApp number for pregnant women. The
helpline number is 9354954224. It is a “message only” helpline number. It will provide round the clock
medical assistance to expectant mothers all over the country. The National Commission for Women has set
up a dedicated team to look after the grievances raised from pregnant women on the number.
National Commission for Women
It was established under the National Commission for Women Act in 1992.
The body reviews legal and constitutional safeguards of women.
The chairperson of the commission is appointed by the Government of India. Also, the other five
members in the commission are also appointed by the GoI. These members should have experience
in women voluntary organisation, economic development, legislation, administration, etc.
Jayanti Patnaik was the first Chairperson of National Commission for Women.
Functions of National Commission for Women
Investigates and examines the matters related to the safeguards of the women as provided by the
Constitution of India
Presents reports about working on those safeguards
Recommends safeguards to enhance conditions of women in the country
It takes Suo Moto Notices in matters related to deprivation of women rights
The National Commission for Women has no legislative powers. It shall only suggest amendments. It does
not have the power to choose its own executives. The commission is reliant on financial assistance from
the Government of India.
Pregnant Women in India
According to National Family Health Survey 5, anaemia among pregnant women has increased in
more than half of the states and union territories.
The survey also says that Child marriages have increased in the states of Assam, Tripura and
The states that have showed increase in teenage pregnancies are Manipur, Tripura, Himachal
Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Nagaland.
Import of 17 medical devices allowed
The Government of India recently allowed import of seventeen medical devices to provide relief to the
COVID-19 patients. However, the importer should make mandatory declarations under Legal Metrology
Rules, 2011.
Which devices were allowed?
The Department of Consumer Affairs has allowed the import of the following devices:

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oxygen concentrators
CPAP and BIPAP devices
Vacuum Pressure Swing Absorption
Pressure Swing Absorption
Oxygen Plants
Cryogenic Oxygen Air Separation Unit
oxygen canister
oxygen filling systems
oxygen cylinders including cryogenic cylinders
About the Notification
The notification issued by GoI says that the imported items should comply Rule 33(1) and Rule 6 of the
Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules, 2011. These rules makes it mandatory for the importers to
put proper stamping or stickers or online printing revealing required information.
What are Legal Metrology Rules?
The Legal Metrology Rules were framed to regulate pre-packaged commodities. Under the rules, the pre
packaged commodities have to comply mandatory labelling requirement.
The laws related to Metrology in India are as follows:
Legal Metrology Act, 2009
Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011
Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011
About Import of Medical Devices in India
A person having license under the Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940 can import medical devices in the country.
Import, sale, manufacturing and distribution of medical devices are regulated by the same act. The Central
Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) governs the regulations of import of medical devices in the
It is responsible for approval of drugs. However, recently GoI included some of the medical devices under
the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. Currently, there are thirty seven medical devices regulated under the act.
Mining Robot Stranded in the Pacific
A Deep-sea mining robot, Patania II got stranded on the Pacific Ocean floor.
What happened?
The Patania II robot was designed to explore rocks rich in Nickel and Cobalt in the Pacific Ocean at a
depth of 13,000 feet. The Umbilical cable of the robot got detached when its first trials were near
completion. Cobalt and Nickel are essential for low carbon technologies.
The recovery of the machine is being planned.
The exploration is being held in the Clarion Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean.
What is the issue?
The robot weighs twenty-five tonnes. It was developed by Global Sea Mineral Resources (GSR). The GSR
company was awarded 75,000 square kilometres of contract area in the Clarion Clipperton Zone. This is 2.5
times the size of Belgium. The incident has brought back the focus on Deepsea mining and its
environmental impacts to the central stage.
Clarion Clipperton Zone
It is a geological submarine fracture zone that runs 7,240 kilo metres. It is a fracture zone of Pacific
Ocean. Fracture zones are created due to plate tectonics. It is a linear oceanic feature that runs

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thousands of kilometres long. They are formed from the action of offset mid-ocean ridges. Mid-ocean
ridge is a sea floor mountain.
The Clarion Clipperton Zone is administered by the International Seabed Authority. The Authority has
divided the region into sixteen mining claims. Each mine covers 160,000 square kilo metres.
According to the International Seabed Authority, the region has 0.27 billion tonnes of Nickel, 0.05
billion tonnes of Cobalt and 0.23 billion tonnes of copper.
The region is rich is biodiversity. In 2017, more than 34 new species were discovered in the region.
Concerns against Deep Sea Mining
As Clarion Clipperton is highly rich in biodiversity, deep sea mining might have serious impacts on the
marine organisms in the region.
Samudrayaan Project of India
It is a proposed Deep Sea mining project of India. Under the project, three aquanauts are to reach the deep
sea for exploration. The project is to be implemented by the National Institute of Ocean Technology. It is in
line with Gaganyaan Mission of ISRO.
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 60 Starlink satellites
The SpaceX recently launched sixty Starlink Internet Satellites. The satellites were carried by Falcon 9
rocket. It was launched from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station located in Florida.
The company has done twelve launches in 2021 alone. The majority of those launches have been its own
Starlink satellites. SpaceX has permission to launch as much as 30,000 satellites.
Starlink Project of SpaceX
Under the Starlink project, SpaceX aims to build a constellation of 12,000 satellites. The main objective of
the project is to provide space based internet services at affordable costs.
Importance of the project
Currently there are more than four billion people in the world without internet access. This is mainly due to
the incompetent ways of delivering internet. In most of the countries, internet is being delivered through
fibre optic cables or wireless networks. These methods are highly challenging in areas with difficult terrain
where it is not feasible to set up towers or cables. On the other hand, signals from satellites can overcome
these difficulties easily.
Why does Starlink project use Low Earth Orbit?
The orbit at a height less than 1000 kilometres from the earth’s surface is called Low Earth Orbit. Satellites
in this orbit move at a speed of 11,000 kilometres per hour. They complete one revolution in 24 hours, that
is, in the same time the earth rotates its axis. Thus, the satellite in the constellation appears to be
stationary. Thus, he can get access to the satellite 24/7.
The issue is time lag called latency between the server sending data and the user. The data transfer occurs
in the speed of light. Thus, longer the distance greater is the time lag. Therefore, the satellites in the
constellation should as close to the earth as possible. This is why they are placed in Low Earth Orbit.
The latency between geostationary orbit and the earth is 600 milli seconds.
Why does the project need huge number of satellites?
The major concern with the Low Earth Orbit is that their signals cover relatively small area. Thus, more
satellites were required to reach to every part of the planet.
Char Dham Yatra suspended
The Government of India recently suspended the Char Dham Yatra due to surge in COVID-19. Only the
priests are to be allowed to conduct the daily worship and rituals. The Kedarnath is to be reopened on May
17, Gangotri and Yamunotri on May 14 and Badrinath on May 18.

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Char Dham Yatra
The Char Dham Yatra is visiting four holy places in Uttarakhand. They are Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath
and Badrinath. These four holy places of Hinduism are to be connected through a highway. The Project Char
Dham Mahamarg Vikas Pariyojana or Char Dham Mahamarg or Char Dham Highway is to construct the
Char Dham Pariyojana
Under the project, the roads are to be widened from 12 metres to 24 metres. It will involve bypasses,
tunnels, bridges, viaducts and subways.
The roads are to be widened to improve the accessibility to the shrines. However, these areas are
under the dry deciduous biome. The project will uproot vegetation in the process of widening the
roads. This will be perilous to the biodiversity.
The river slopes in these regions are highly dependent on vegetation. Uprooting them will cause
landslides and floods.
The Slope Vegetation is highly important as it contributes slope stability, reduces pore water
pressure, increases resistive force against flowing water through root-cohesion, reduces weight of
the soil by absorbing moisture and reduces surface run off.
Forest loss due to the project
Around 508.66 hectares of forest area are to be diverted for non-forestry purpose. More than 33,000
to 43,000 trees will be cut down.
Currently, the forest cover of Uttarakhand is growing at the rate of 23 hectares per year. If this rate is
maintained then it will take 40-45 years to recover the loss.
Stampede at Israeli Pilgrimage site
A massive stampede at Meron, a Jewish Pilgrimage site in Israel killed at least 44 people. This was the
largest COVID-19 era gathering of Israel.
About the disaster
The stampede occurred at the most reputed tomb of Shimon Bar Yochai. He was a second century
The pilgrimage was closed in 2020 due to COVID-19.
Though Israel has vaccinated more than 9.3 million population, the restrictions on massive
gatherings still remain in place. Only 10,000 people were authorised to gather at the site. However,
more than 30,000 arrived at the site.
Shimon bar Yochai
He was a disciple of Rabbi Akiva. The works Mekhilta and Sifre are attributed to him.
He was an active participant of the destruction of the second temple.
First and Second Temples
The First temple was built in 1000 BC by King Solomon. It was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (King of
Babylon) when he captured Jerusalem.
The time of Second temple is divided into different periods namely the Roman period (63 BC),
Hellenstic period (332 BC) and Persian period (586 BC). The temple was destroyed during the Roman
period in AD 70.
These were Jewish temples. The destruction of the temples are marked in the Jewish calendar as the
“day of mourning” called Tisha B’av.
Meron is a town in Israel. It is located on the slopes of Mt Meron. It is famous for annual mass public

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commemoration of Lag Ba’Omer. Lag Ba’Omer marks the death anniversary of Shimon bar Yochai, the
Global Electric Vehicle Outlook, 2021
The International Energy Agency recently released the Global Electric Vehicle Outlook.
Key Findings of the report
Three million new electric cars were registered in 2020. This was 41% higher than those registered in
According to the report, if the governments will ramp up their efforts to meet international climate
goals, then the number of global electric vehicles will increase to 230 million by 2030.
Currently, there are ten million electric cars on road.
Korea has the largest number of hydrogen car distribution in the world.
Sales of Electric Cars
The sales of electric cars in 2020 contracted by 16% due to COVID-19. However, it started increasing in the
first quarter of 2021. And the sales during the first quarter of 2021 was two and a half times higher than
that during the same period in 2020.
Consumer Spending on Electric Cars
The consumer spending on Electric Cars in 2020 amounted to 120 billion USD. This has increased by 50% as
compared to that of 2019.
What did the report say about India?
According to the report, around 30% of new vehicle sales in 2030 will be Electric in India.
The Electric Vehicle penetration in the country will be led by electric three-wheelers and electric two-
The report also says that the electrification of buses will be lower. It will be 15% of total sale of
vehicles by 2030. This is mainly because of easier registration of two-wheelers and three-wheelers
under the FAME II scheme.
The report also says that only 3% of allocated funds under the FAME II scheme has so far been used
for 30,000 vehicles.
Japan's Order of the Rising Sun honour to Bengaluru Teacher
The Japanese Government recently awarded the “Order of Rising Sun” to a Bengaluru based Japanese
teacher, Shyamala Ganesh.
About Shyamala Ganesh
Shyamala is a Japanese teacher at the Septuagenarian institution and also at the Ohara School of
Ikebana in RT Nagar, Bengaluru. She has tutored more than hundreds of students since its inception
38 years ago. Ikebana is Japanese art of flower arrangement.
Shyamala along with her husband Ganesh started a Japanese language school in 1983 in Bengaluru.
Order of Rising Sun
The award is presented by the Emperor of Japan.
It was created in 1875.
The award is presented to those who have made distinguished achievements in promotion of
Japanese culture, achievements in international relations, advancements in their field and
conservation of environment.
It was also awarded for exemplary military service before World War II.
It is the third highest award presented by the Japanese Government.
The culture of presenting the award to Non-Japanese recipients began in 1981.
Women are presented with the award since 2003.

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The award can also be presented posthumously.
Other highest Japanese awards
The highest Japanese award is the Order of Chrysanthemum. The award is reserved only for the
heads of the state.
The Order of Paulownia flowers is mostly reserved for politicians.
Order of Chrysanthemum
It was established in 1876 by Emperor Meji of Japan.
It can be conferred posthumously unlike its European counterparts.
Order of Paulownia Flowers
It was established in 1888.
It was once conferred to the former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
It is the second highest award presented by the Japanese Government.
Net Zero Producer Forum
Saudi Arabia recently announced that it is to join Canada, US, Qatar and Norway in forming the Net Zero
Producers Forum.
Net Zero Producers Forum
The forum has been formed for the oil and gas producers to discuss how to support the
implementation of Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
It aims to develop pragmatic net zero emission strategies.
It will aim at Methane abatement.
Also, it will target in advancing the circular carbon economy approach.
It will promote development and deployment of clean energy.
It will support the development of carbon capture and storage technologies.
Above all, it will march towards diversifying from reliance on hydrocarbon revenues.
What are the targets of the countries?
The United States has set a target of cutting emission levels by 50% to 52% as compared to that of
2005 levels. This was announced during the Leaders Summit on Climate held in April 2021.
Saudi Arabia is to reduce its carbon emissions by generating 50% of its energy requirements from
renewable sourced by 2030. It is to be noted that Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest crude oil
Canada has set a target of reducing its green house gas emissions by 30% as compared to that of
2005 levels.
Climate Targets of Norway
Norway has signed an agreement with the European Union under the EU Climate Legislation. The agreement
has three pieces of legislation. They are as follows:
EU Emissions Trading System
Effort Sharing Regulation for non-ETS Emissions
Land-use, Land-use change and forestry regulation
The European Union has set a target to reduce the green house gases by 55% as compared to that of 1990
levels. Norway is not a member of European Union. However, it is associated with the grouping through its
membership of European Economic Area.
RBI joins Network for Greening the Financial System- NGFS
The Reserve Bank of India recently joined the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). By joining
the system, RBI is to learn from and contribute to the Global Climate risk management in the financial
sector. Ultimately, the apex bank will work with its global partners to support the transition towards a

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sustainable economy.
Greening the Financial System
There are 83 central banks associated with the system. Of these 75 are members and 13 are
The main objective of the system is to increase and accelerate green finance.
It was announced during the One Planet Summit held at Paris in 2017.
The initiative was launched by eight central banks under the leadership of Banque de France.
It aims to help the members design policies and climate risk resilience in financial sector.
Current Functions of NGFS
The NGFS is currently working under the following:
Microprudential or Supervision: Done by Singapore
Macrofinacial works: By Bank of England
Scaling up the Green Finance: by Deutsche Bundesbank (Germany)
Bridging the data gaps: International Monetary Fund
Research: China
According to the Global Risks Report, 2021 of the World Economic Forum, the infectious diseases and
climate action failure are considered as the highest risks.
According to World Economic Forum, around 5 trillion USD is needed to be invested annually in green
infrastructure. Currently the world is investing only 100 billion USD annually.
According to World Bank, the loses to GDP of India due to Climate Change will be 1,178 billion USD by
NATO Military Exercises launched
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation recently launched the joint military exercises in Albania called the
“DEFENDER-Europe 21”. Thousands of military forces from the US are participating in the exercise.
About DEFENDER-Europe
The exercise is an annual US-led multinational exercise.
It is defensive in nature.
It focuses on deterring aggression.
DEFENDER Europe 21
In 2021, the exercise is to focus on building operational readiness and interoperability.
More than 28,000 troops of the US and its allies are participating.
More than 26 countries are to conduct simultaneous operations in more than thirty training areas
from Black sea, Balkan regions to Baltics and Africa.
The USNS Bob Hope is to demonstrate unloading heavy equipment onto the smaller vessels.
NATO is North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. It is an intergovernmental military alliance between thirty
North American and European countries.
In 1947, France and UK signed the “Treaty of Dunkirk” (This was the inception of NATO). It was a
military alliance between the countries. It was signed in the event of possible attack by Germany or
Soviet Union in the post-World War II conditions. The US, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Portugal
and Iceland joined the treaty in 1949.
The first NATO military exercise was held in 1952.
Soviet Union signed the Warsaw pact to counter NATO.

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Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was signed after the integration of West Germany into the NATO. It was signed in 1955. It
was signed in Warsaw, Poland. It was signed between the Soviet Union and the seven other countries in the
central and eastern Europe. There were no military dealings between them like that of NATO. However,
conflicts were fought on ideological basis and also in proxy wars. The largest military engagement of
Warsaw pact was the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Albania and Romania did not participate in the
invasion. Later Albania withdrew from the pact. (Albania joined NATO in 2009).
The other countries of Warsaw Pact that participated in the invasion were Poland, Soviet Union, Hungary,
East Germany and Bulgaria.
120 Multiple Choice Questions
The below MCQs are select 120 questions sourced from GKToday’s Current Affairs 2021 Daily 20 MCQ
Series in GKToday Academy Android Application.

1. Over 4200 tonnes of salmon have been killed by a killer algae in which county?
[A] UK
[C] Canada
[D] Chile
Answer: Chile
In the South American country of Chile, has witnessed the spread of a killer algae which has claimed the
lives of more than 4,200 tonnes of salmon. The algal bloom has led to decreased water availability in
waters that led to suffocating the salmon. This is considered to be the latest mass mortality event
recorded in Chile, which is the world's second largest producer of salmon.
2. Which Pakistani Player has topped the ICC men’s ODI batting rankings, surpassing Virat Kohli?
[A] Babar Azam
[B] Hasan Ali
[C] Mohammad Amir
[D] Fakhar Zaman
Answer: Babar Azam
Pakistani cricketer Babar Azam has topped the ICC men’s ODI batting rankings. He has clinched the top
spot after a huge gap by any one from the country since 2003. He has replaced Indian Skipper and
Batsman Virat Kohli after he gained 13 points in the Pakistan South Africa series.
3. What is the name of the tax non-resident e-commerce operators / service providers?
[A] Equalisation Levy
[C] Corporation Tax
[D] Tobbin Tax
Answer: Equalisation Levy
Equalisation Levy also called the Google Tax is the taxation on non-resident e-commerce operators /
service providers. The collection of Equalisation Levy in India stood at Rs.2057 crore for FY 2020-21 and
has doubled in comparison to the previous years. The increase in equalisation levy comes at the
backdrop of US proposing retaliatory tariffs of up to 25 per cent on Indian goods like shrimps, basmati
4. Which country has mandated banks, insurers and investment managers operating in the country
to report the impacts of climate change on their business?

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[A] India
[B] New Zealand
[C] Australia
[D] Switzerland
Answer: New Zealand
The Government of New Zealand has introduced a new legislation, whereby banks, insurers and
investment managers operating in the country are required to report the impacts of climate change on
their business. New Zealand is the first country to bring such legislation. As per the new legislation,
banks with total assets of more than NZ$1 billion and insurers with more than NZ$1 billion in total
assets have to make the disclosure.
5. Which Financial Institution has launched Rs.10,000 Special refinance facility (SRF) 2021 to
support Housing Finance Companies?
[A] Reserve Bank of India
[C] National Housing Bank
[D] State Bank of India
Answer: National Housing Bank
National Housing Bank has launched a Rs.10,000 crore ‘Special Refinance Facility-2021’ aimed to
provide liquidity to housing finance companies and other financial institutions / banks in India. This
would infuse funds into the housing finance system and enable institutions to maintain steady growth in
housing finance.
6. As per IMF, what is the revised growth forecast for South-East Asian Nations for the year 2021?
[A] 2.9%
[B] 4.9%
[C] 6.0%
[D] 8.0%
Answer: 4.9%
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stated that the collective performance of Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam would be 4.9% for the year 2021, down from its previous
forecast of 5.2%. Although the IMF’s global forecast is on the optimistic side, still there has been a
downgrade in growth projections for SE Asian nations.
7. Which institute has launched ‘Infant Toddler and Caregiver-friendly Neighbourhoods (ITCN)
Training and Capacity Building Programme’?
[A] NITI Aayog
[B] IIT Bombay
[C] NIT Trichy
Answer: NIUA
National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), in partnership with Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF) has
launched the Infant Toddler and Caregiver-friendly Neighbourhoods (ITCN) Training and Capacity
Building Programme’. This programme is aimed to enhance the capacities of city officials and young
professionals for developing young children and family-friendly neighbourhoods within cities in India.
8. Which country is to launch "Rashid" unmanned rover to the Moon by next year?
[A] Pakistan
[B] Israel

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[D] Bangladesh
Answer: UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) which made up of seven emirates, is to launch its first unmanned rover
to the Moon next year- 2022. Lunar exploration firm iSpace will transport the rover, which has been
named ‘Rashid’. It will be transported to the Moon on iSpace's lunar lander.
9. Bohag Bihu Bird Count has commenced in which state?
[A] Haryana
[B] Kerala
[C] Assam
[D] Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Assam
The Bird Count India (BCI) in association with Assam Bird Monitoring Network has commenced the
Bohag Bihu Bird Count from April 14th to April 19th 2021 in the state of Assam. There are three Bihus —
Magh, Bohag and Kati — during winter, spring and autumn every year and BCI has planned to document
the avian diversity across all these seasons.
10. The Human rights activist and journalist Ibn Abdur Rehman, who died recently, was from which
[A] India
[B] Bangladesh
[C] Sri Lanka
[D] Pakistan
Answer: Pakistan
Ibn Abdur Rehman - Human rights activist and journalist of Pakistan, died recently at the age of 90
years. He passed away at Lahore. He was awarded with the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay award for his
work on fostering India-Pakistan relations. He served as the Director of Human Rights Commission of
Pakistan from 1990 – 2008 and the Secretary General from 2008-2016.
11. Which Indian organisation has collaborated with Bayer to work towards innovation and
entrepreneurship initiatives?
[B] IIT Kanpur
[D] Start Up India Mission
Answer: AIM
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) of NITI Aayog has collaborated with Bayer, which is a global leader in the
fields of healthcare and nutrition. A statement of Intend (SoI) has been signed between the two
organisations in this regard. The collaboration aims to work towards the AIMs’ innovation and
entrepreneurship initiatives across the India.
12. Guillermo Lasso has been elected as the President of which country?
[A] Pakistan
[B] Brazil
[C] Ecuador
[D] Jamaica
Answer: Ecuador
Former Bank and member of the conservative - Guillermo Lasso has been elected as the new President

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of Ecuador. He is 65 years old and is a three time Presidential candidate. He defeated his left-wing
opponent economist Andrés Arauz by securing 52.4% of the vote compared to Mr Arauz's 47.6%.
13. Which Board / Organisation has launched the National Nursery Portal?
[A] National Housing Board
[B] National Horticulture Board
[C] NITI Aayog
[D] National Tea Board
Answer: National Horticulture Board
The National Nursery Portal has been launched by National Horticulture Board (NHB). It is a Platform
which is available both in the form of a Web Portal and a Mobile Application. It intends to create an
online market place where Nurseries and Buyers can interact for sale of plants.
14. “Special Drawing Rights (SDR)”, which is seen in the news recently, is associated with which
[A] World Bank
[C] United Nations
[D] Asian Development Bank
Answer: IMF
The Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to
supplement its member countries' official reserves. Recently, the IMF Managing Director Kristalina
Georgieva announced that IMF will distribute a new allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to
member countries by mid-August. IMF members had agreed to support a new SDR allocation of $650
billion, the largest in the history of the IMF.
15. Vaccines produced by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca use which virus as the basis for
Covid-19 vaccines?
[A] Adeno Virus
[B] Papova Virus
[C] Herpes Virus
[D] Pox Virus
Answer: Adeno Virus
Adenoviruses are a family of viruses that can cause a wide variety of illnesses in humans, including the
common cold, gastrointestinal infections and pink eye. There are 88 types of adenovirus that would
infect humans, and these are grouped into seven different species, A-G. Recently, in several COVID-19
vaccines, including those produced by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, these viruses are the basis
for several COVID-19 vaccines.
16. Which Union Ministry has launched the EatSmart Cities Challenge and Transport 4 All
[A] Ministry of Home Affairs
[B] Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
[C] Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
[D] Ministry of Women and Child Development
Answer: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs launched the EatSmart Cities Challenge and Transport 4 All
Challenge. EatSmart Cities Challenge was organized in association with Food Safety and Standards
Authority of India (FSSAI) and Smart cities mission. It aims to encourage smart cities develop a

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sustainable food environment. Transport 4 All Challenge was launched in association with Institute for
Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), to improve public transport.
17. Which institution is set to conduct first ever international Food Systems Summit?
[A] World Bank
[C] UN
[D] NITI Aayog
Answer: UN
The United Nations is set to conduct the first ever UN Food Systems Summit in September 2021. The
Summit will focus on shaping food systems nationally and globally to accelerate progress in the SDGs.
In India, the first National Level Dialogue on Agri-Food Systems-Advancing Equitable Livelihoods was
recently conducted on 12 April, 2021. The Inter departmental Group constituted by Department of
Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and the representatives from UN Agencies in Delhi
participated in the dialogue.
18. “Azhdarchid pterosaurs”, the ancient giant reptiles are known for which peculiar part of the
[A] Tail
[B] Neck
[C] Fins
[D] Horns
Answer: Neck
Azhdarchid pterosaurs were the ancient giant reptiles that flew in the skies nearly 65 million years ago.
They had necks longer than that of a giraffe, over 6 feet long. Recently, researchers have reported a new
finding about their long necks. As per the study, the pterosaurs were supported by an intricate internal
structure, which is not like the earlier discovered ones.
19. Which e-commerce major is set to acquire Cleartrip?
[A] Amazon
[B] Walmart
[C] Flipkart
[D] E Bay
Answer: Flipkart
E-commerce major Flipkart is set to acquire Cleartrip, which is a leading online travel and technology
company. Cleartrip was founded in the year 2006 and offers personalised travel products to its
customers via desktop website and mobile application. Flipkart will acquire 100 per cent of Cleartrip’s
20. Which organization hosted the BRICS seminar on misuse of the Internet by terrorists?
[A] NITI Aayog
[B] Indian Army
[C] National Investigation Agency
Answer: National Investigation Agency
India hosted the BRICS seminar on “Misuse of Internet for Terrorist Purposes and Role of Digital
Forensics in Terrorist Investigations”, which was organised by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
It is a two-day event organized in a virtual format which emphasized on international cooperation and
seamless sharing of good practices in tackling cyber terrorism.

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21. Online Grievance Management Portal of which commission has been launched on 14th April
Answer: NCSC
The Union Minister for Communication & IT and Law & Justice Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has recently
launched the Online Grievance Management Portal of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes
(NCSC). This was launched on the Birth Anniversary of Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
22. USA has decided to withdraw all American troops from which country by September 11?
[A] Iran
[B] Iraq
[C] Ukraine
[D] Afghanistan
Answer: Afghanistan
The United States of America headed by President Biden has decided to withdraw all American troops
from Afghanistan over the next few months. The exit of troops is set to be completed by September 11th
this year, which marks the 20th year anniversary of Twin tower attacks on the USA by the Taliban.
23. Which state is set to form a committee to prepare the “Register of Indigenous Inhabitants” of the
[A] Manipur
[B] Nagaland
[C] Arunachal Pradesh
[D] West Bengal
Answer: Nagaland
The Nagaland government has decided to form a joint consultative committee (JCC) for taking an
exercise to register the State’s indigenous inhabitants. In July 2019, the Nagaland government launched
the RIIN, seen as a variant of Assam’s National Register of Citizens. The committee will prepare the
Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN).
24. Refusal to work in essential services is prohibited under which act?
[A] Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA)
[B] Disaster Management Act
[C] Epidemic Diseases Act
[D] Pandemic Conditions Act
Answer: Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA)
The Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) was enacted in 1968, to maintain certain essential
services and the normal life of the community. The Act includes a list of essential services in its charter.
After the rapid increase in Covid-19 cases, the Chhattisgarh Government has invoked the Essential
Services Maintenance Act (ESMA). The refusal to work in essential services has been prohibited. It
includes health workers, sanitation workers, workers in water and power supply services etc.
25. Which institution launched an expert panel called “IP Guru”?
[B] NITI Aayog

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Answer: NIXI
The National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI), announced some new initiatives to raise awareness of
the IPv6 protocol in India. The Department of Telecom (DoT) had, in February last year, mandated all
government organizations to transition to IPv6 by March 2020. NIXI launched an expert panel called IP
Guru to support transition to IPv6 systems. NIXI is also creating an education platform for IPv6, called
NIXI Academy and a NISI IP-Index.
26. “Exercise Khanjar”, which was making news recently, is a military exercise between India and
which country?
[A] Japan
[B] Kyrgyzstan
[C] Bangladesh
[D] Sri Lanka
Answer: Kyrgyzstan
Special forces of India and Kyrgyzstan began a two-week military exercise in Bishkek. The eighth edition
of special forces exercise, 'Khanjar' was inaugurated with a focus on counter-terror drills. Initiated in
2011, this is the eighth edition of special forces exercise. This year, the focus is on high-altitude
warfare. In 2015, India and Kyrgyzstan signed an agreement on bolstering defence cooperation.
27. Which company has delivered the first lot of light bulletproof vehicles to the Indian Air Force, in
collaboration with Lockheed Martin?
[C] Ashok Leyland
[D] Tata Motors
Answer: Ashok Leyland
Ashok Leyland, which is a flagship firm of the Hinduja group, has delivered the first lot of light
bulletproof vehicles to the Indian Air Force. These vehicles have been designed and developed in
collaboration with Lockheed Martin, which is a US based aerospace and defence technology company.
28. Vinesh Phogat and Anshu Malik are associated with which sport event?
[A] Cricket
[B] Tennis
[C] Archery
[D] Wrestling
Answer: Wrestling
Indian wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Anshu Malik, have won their maiden medals at the Asian
Championship held at Almaty, Kazakhstan. These Indian players are bound for the upcoming Olympics in
Japan. At the Asian Championship, India ended with seven medals in the women's event, with four gold
29. ‘Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Adaptation Planning in India’ Report is set to be released
by which department?
[A] Department of Environment
[B] Department of Science and Technology
[C] Department of Atomic Energy
[D] Department of Space
Answer: Department of Science and Technology

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A report titled “Climate Vulnerability Assessment for Adaptation Planning in India” is set to be released
by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The report gives a detailed national level
assessment of climate change vulnerability of states and districts all over India. The compilation of data
pertaining to the report was supported by the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC).
30. Which institution developed the world’s first affordable and long-lasting hygiene product named
“DuroKea Series”?
[A] IISc Bangalore
[B] IIT Hyderabad
[C] IIT Madras
[D] NIT Warangal
Answer: IIT Hyderabad
Union Minister of Education Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ virtually launched world’s first affordable and
long-lasting hygiene product in the name of “DuroKea Series”. The hygiene product has been launched
by IIT Hyderabad researchers. This innovative and long-lasting technologies was developed to combat
COVID-19 virus spreading.
31. Which country is to deliver the regimental set of S-400 Triumf ‘SA-21 Growler’ to India?
[A] Israel
[B] Russia
[D] France
Answer: Russia
Russia is set to deliver the first regimental set of S-400 Triumf ‘SA-21 Growler’ air defence systems to
India. India and Russia have inked a USD 5.43 billion contract, for the S-400 Triumf ‘SA-21Growler’, which
is long-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems. This system is for the Indian Air Force (IAF) and will
help in further enhancing the air defence (AD).
32. River Dhamra, on which a ROPAX Jetty Project is to be constructed in located in which state?
[A] Odisha
[B] West Bengal
[C] Gujarat
[D] Bihar
Answer: Odisha
The Shipping Minister Mansukh Mandaviya announced that 110 crore rupees ROPAX Jetty project is to
come up on the river Dhamra in Odisha. Centre has approved over 50 crore rupees for developing the
Roll-on/Roll-off Passenger (ROPAX) Jetty and allied infrastructure, under the Sagarmala initiative.
33. Which Ministry hosted the 40th Scientific Expedition to Antarctica (ISEA)?
[A] Ministry of Shipping
[B] Ministry of Earth Sciences
[C] Ministry of External Affairs
[D] Ministry of Science and Technology
Answer: Ministry of Earth Sciences
The Union Ministry of Earth Sciences has hosted the 40th Scientific Expedition to Antarctica (40-ISEA).
The expedition has successfully returned to Cape Town on April 10, 2021. The team returned after
completing a journey of about 12 thousand nautical miles in just 94 days. The 40-ISEA was onboard the
chartered ice-class vessel ‘MV Vasiliy Golovnin’. This achievement concludes four successful decades
of India's scientific endeavour in Antarctica.
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34. Ajay Seth, who was in the news recently, took charge as which key position in India?
[A] Chief Election Commissioner
[B] CBI Director
[C] Economic Affairs Secretary
[D] Chief Information Commissioner
Answer: Economic Affairs Secretary
Ajay Seth, a 1987-batch Karnataka cadre officer of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), took charge
as new Economic Affairs Secretary. Ajay Seth was previously serving as the Managing director of
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. The new economic affairs Secretary will coordinate the policy
efforts of various stakeholders of the government, the Reserve Bank of India and states to maintain the
economic growth.
35. “Kamath Committee’s proposal of 26 high stress sectors”, is associated with which Government
[A] Start-up India
[B] Stand up India
[C] Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
[D] PM Garib Kalyan Yojana
Answer: Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
Kamath Committee identified 26 sectors to be included in the ₹3 lakh crore Emergency Credit Line
Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS). Recently, the Finance Ministry expanded the scope of the Emergency Credit
Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) to cover borrowers from the healthcare segment, apart from the 26
sectors. SMA-1 borrowers in the healthcare sector are covered under ECLGS 2.0.
36. In “OSH&WC Code”, what does ‘O’ stand for?
[A] Original
[B] Occupational
[C] Official
[D] Ombudsman
Answer: Occupational
‘OSH&WC’ Code stands for Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code. The Labour
Ministry has notified draft rules for setting up of a technical committee under the Occupational Safety,
Health and Working Conditions Code (OSH&WC Code), 2020. The committee would help the Government
or the National board to be set up under the Code to discharge safety and other related measures across
industrial establishments.
37. What is the outlay of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for white goods (ACs and
LED Lights)?
[A] Rs 1238 crores
[B] Rs 6238 crores
[C] Rs 12380 crores
[D] Rs 62380 crores
Answer: Rs 6238 crores
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has notified the Production Linked
Incentive (PLI) scheme for white goods (Air conditioners and LED lights). The budgetary outlay of the
PLIWG scheme was Rs 6,238 crore. An incentive of 4-6 per cent on incremental sales of goods
manufactured in India would be given for a period of five years to the companies engaged in the
production of white goods.

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38. ‘Luna 25’ is the name of the Lunar Mission of which country?
[B] Russia
[C] China
Answer: Russia
Russia has unveiled a new series of space Lunar missions. The first of those missions, named as “Luna
25”, is scheduled to launch this October. The country had a 45-year drought of moon landings. The
lander has been designed to study the ice permanently frozen below the moon's surface. The scientists
will also evaluate the dangers posed by sharp fragments of lunar dust.
39. As per a recent study, what is the percentage of global land that is unspoiled by hiuan beings?
[A] 3%
[B] 10%
[C] 15%
[D] 30%
Answer: 3%
As per a recent study, only 3% of the world’s land remains ecologically intact, without spoiled by human
beings. The undamaged lands are mainly in parts of the Amazon and Congo tropical forests, east
Siberian and northern Canadian forests and tundra, and the Sahara. The researchers suggest
reintroducing a small number of important species to some damaged areas, such as elephants or
40. What is the percentage of Indian adults who have experienced cybercrime in the last 12 months,
as per a recent report by NortonLifeLock?
[A] 19%
[B] 39%
[C] 59%
[D] 79%
Answer: 59%
As per the '2021 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report,' by NortonLifeLock, a consumer security company,
around 59 per cent experienced cybercrime in the last 12 months. As per the report, more than 27 million
Indian adults experienced identity theft in the past 12 months and 52 per cent of Indian adults admitted
they don't know how to protect themselves from cybercrime.
41. Which country has unveiled a National plan to reduce 80% GHG emissions by 2050?
[A] China
[B] India
[D] Israel
Answer: Israel
The Ministry of Energy, Israel has announced a National plan which includes the main target of reducing
80 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The plan aims to shut down all coal-fired power
plants by 2025, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector by 75 to 85 per cent by 2050,
increase electricity generation from renewable energy among others.
42. Table Mountain National Park, which was seen in the news recently, is located in which country?
[A] Australia
[B] South Africa

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[C] New Zealand
[D] Philippines
Answer: South Africa
A massive fire, which has been burning along the Table Mountain National Park, South Africa, is said to
be damaging buildings. Around 200 firefighters along with four helicopters have been dispatched to put
off the massive blaze. Mostert's Mill, a historic windmill near the University of Cape Town built around
1796, has also been damaged by the fire.
43. Which country launched its first ever mega food park project in India, at Fanidhar, Gujarat?
[A] France
[B] Israel
[C] Italy
Answer: Italy
Italy has recently launched its first ever mega food park project in India involving food processing
facilities. The pilot project “The Mega Food Park” was launched in virtual mode. A Letter of Intent was
signed between the ICE Office in Mumbai and Fanidhar Mega Food Park, Gujarat. PM Narendra Modi is
scheduled to visit the country in the coming days.
44. Tehri lake, on whose bank an Adventure Sports Institute has been opened, is in which state?
[A] Jammu & Kashmir
[B] Uttarakhand
[C] Odisha
[D] West Bengal
Answer: Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat and Union Minister Kiren Rijiju inaugurated a water sports
and adventure institute on the bank of the Tehri lake. The institute will be run by the Indo Tibetan Border
Police and has been built at a cost of Rs 20 crore. The institute is built at a cost of Rs 20 crore and will
be run by the Indo Tibetan Border Police.
45. Israel has signed its biggest ever Defence procurement Deal with which country recently?
[B] China
[C] Germany
[D] Greece
Answer: Greece
Israel and Greece have signed their biggest ever defence procurement deal. It includes a USD 1.65bn
contract for establishment and operation of a training centre for the Hellenic Air Force (Greece) by
Israeli defence contractor. This deal is expected to strengthen political and economic ties between the
countries. The Air Forces of the two countries also launched a joint exercise.
46. Vera Gedroits, who featured in Google Doodle recently, is the first female military surgeon of
which country?
[A] Germany
[B] Russia
[C] Italy
[D] France
Answer: Russia
Google celebrated the 151st birthday of Dr. Vera Gedroits, a Russian surgeon, professor, poet, and

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author. She is also regarded as the country’s first female military surgeon and one of the world’s first
female professors of surgery. Dr. Gedroits volunteered as a surgeon during the Russo-Japanese War in
47. What is the name of the condition in which the human body is deprived of adequate oxygen
supply at the tissue level?
[A] Myoxia
[B] Hypoxia
[C] Hyperoxia
[D] Typoxia
Answer: Hypoxia
Hypoxia is a condition in which the human body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue
level. This condition gets repeated in a Covid-19 patient due to the virus infection. Amid a massive
shortage of oxygen cylinders in the country due to raise in coronavirus cases, the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed SpO2 (Blood Oxygen Saturation) supplemental oxygen
delivery system. It saves a person from sinking into a state of Hypoxia.
48. PSA Oxygen Plants were sanctioned for installation in public health facilities. What is the
expansion of PSA?
[A] Pressure Swing Adsorption
[B] Pressure Sleep Adjustment
[C] Private School Administration
[D] Primary Sleep Adjustment
Answer: Pressure Swing Adsorption
The Health Ministry announced that 162 Pressure Swing Adsorption, PSA oxygen plants have been
sanctioned by the Government of India for installation in public health facilities in all States. This step
would enhance the local oxygen capacity by over 154 Metric Tonnes. Out of 162 PSA Oxygen plants, 33
have been installed. States have also requested the Centre to provide additional 100 oxygen plants.
49. Which authority recently ruled that Flavoured milk is 'beverage containing milk' and will attract
12 per cent GST?
[A] Finance Ministry
[B] Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR)
[C] Finance Commission
[D] Central Board of Indirect Taxes
Answer: Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR)
The Gujarat Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) has ruled that Flavoured milk is 'beverage containing
milk' and will attract 12 per cent GST. Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, which markets
dairy product under Amul brand, had approached the AAR on the taxability under the GST of flavoured
50. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that which country started
enriching Uranium up to 60 per cent?
[A] Israel
[B] Iran
[C] Afghanistan
[D] Nigeria
Answer: Iran
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that Iran started enriching uranium up to

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60 per cent. This figure is its highest-ever level of enrichment. The decision to boost uranium
enrichment and to install modernized centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility was made due to the
recent incident damaging the electricity distribution network in Natanz.
51. With reference to Defence, what is “INAS 323”, that was recently commissioned?
[A] Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
[B] Air Squadron
[C] Submarine
[D] Missile Launcher
Answer: Air Squadron
Indian Navy’s first unit of the indigenously-built Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Mk III, Indian Naval Air
Squadron 323 (INAS 323), was commissioned at INS Hansa, Goa. The Mk III version of the ALH will be
used for Search and Rescue, Special Operations and Coastal Surveillance. The squadron will operate
three ALH Mk III helicopters, a multi-role chopper with the Shakti engine manufactured by Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
52. Which organisation is to map local festivals to prevent fatalities?
[B] Indian Railways
[D] Shipping Ministry
Answer: Indian Railways
The Ministry of Railways has decided to map local festivals celebrated near railway tracks across the
country. It would issue advisory to loco pilots on speed restrictions and other safety aspects to be
followed. There are several local festivals celebrated in India during which the people gather near
railway premises and cross the track in groups as part of the event. Two years ago, 61 people who were
a part of Dussehra celebrations near Amritsar, were run over by train.
53. Sivasubramanian Ramann, who was making news recently, took over as the Chairman and MD of
which organisation?
Answer: SIDBI
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) announced that Sivasubramanian Ramann has taken
charge as Chairman and Managing Director of the bank. The appointment is for a period of three years.
Prior to this appointment, Ramann was serving as MD and CEO of National E-Governance Services Ltd
(NeSL). He has also held the position of Executive Director in Securities and Exchange Board of India
54. Who has been appointed as the Director General of “National Anti-Doping Agency”?
[A] Navin Agarwal
[B] Siddharth Singh Longjam
[C] S Ramann
[D] R Gandhi
Answer: Siddharth Singh Longjam
IAS officer Siddharth Singh Longjam is to take over as the National Anti-Doping Agency's Director
General. The officer will succeed Navin Agarwal, who introduced Athletes Biological Passport (ABP) for

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around 60 elite Indian sportspersons during his tenure. Longjam is currently serving as joint secretary in
the Sports Ministry.
55. In which state, the urea plant based on coal gasification technology is being set up by Talcher
[A] Uttar Pradesh
[B] Madhya Pradesh
[C] Himachal Pradesh
[D] Odisha
Answer: Odisha
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved subsidy for urea to be produced by state-run
Talcher Fertilizers (TFL), by means of coal gasification technology. The company is to set up the urea
plant based on coal gasification at Odisha. Talcher Fertilizers is a joint venture company between Coal
India, GAIL, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers, Fertilizer Corporation of India.
56. As per ICMR, which vaccine is found to be effective in neutralizing double mutant strain of
[A] Sputnik V
[B] Covishield
[C] Covaxin
[D] Oxford Astra Zeneca
Answer: Covaxin
Recently the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has said that Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin is found
to effectively neutralise the double mutant strain, B.1.617, of SARS-CoV-2. This vaccine is manufactured
by Hyderabad based - Bharat Biotech Also, ICMR has stated that at its National Institute of Virology,
scientists have successfully isolated and cultured the double mutant strain which has E484Q and L452R
57. Which organization has released the “Global review of the death penalty” report?
[B] Amnesty International
[D] International Court of Justice
Answer: Amnesty International
The Amnesty International has released its annual report “global review of the death penalty”. As per the
report, there is an overall decrease in the number of global death penalties in the year 2020, but some
countries have increased the death penalty of executions. As per the report, China is considered to be
the world’s most prolific executioner in the world.
58. What is the name of NASA’s helicopter that commenced its flight in Mars?
[A] Determination
[B] Mars Rover
[C] Ambition
[D] Ingenuity
Answer: Ingenuity
The American Space Agency NASA’s robot helicopter named Ingenuity has successfully flown over the
surface of Mars. This makes it the first powered – controlled flight by an aircraft on another planet. Bob
Balaram, an Indian origin NASA Engineer is considered to be the man behind Ingenuity helicopter.
59. Jagananna Vidya Deevena scheme is being implemented by which state?

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[A] Kerala
[B] Andhra Pradesh
[C] Tamil Nadu
[D] Telangana
Answer: Andhra Pradesh
The state government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing a scheme named Jagananna Vidya Deevena
scheme, under which financial assistance is given to students for pursuing higher education. Recently,
the Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy released the 1st instalment of education fee reimbursement
under the scheme to the bank accounts of 10.88 lakh mothers.
60. Who was the head of Committee on Financial System 1991 and Committee on Banking Reforms
[A] Manmohan Singh
[B] Venu Shastri
[C] M. Narasimham
[D] YV Reddy
Answer: M. Narasimham
The former RBI Governor Shri. M. Narasimham passed away recently at the age of 94 years. He was the
13th Governor of RBI and till date is the only Governor of RBI to be appointed from Reserve Bank cadre.
He chaired the Committee on Financial System (CFS) 1991 and the Committee on Banking Reforms
1998, which forms the financial sector landscape that is in existence today.
61. AIIPOIP Grant Programme has been launched by Australia in partnership with which country?
[A] India
[B] Jamaica
[C] Bolivia
[D] Nicaragua
Answer: India
The High Commissioner of Australia to India has launched the Australia-India Indo-Pacific Oceans
Initiative Partnership (AIIPOIP) grant program. This AUD 1.4 million (INR 8.12 crore) grant program aims
to support a free, open Indo-Pacific region The programme would encourage exchange of expertise and
resources between Australian and Indian stakeholders that complements regional mechanisms such as
ASEAN, the Indian Ocean Rim Association, Pacific Islands Forum etc.
62. India's first 'Oxygen Express' carried oxygen to which state?
[A] Uttar Pradesh
[B] Maharashtra
[C] Assam
[D] Haryana
Answer: Maharashtra
The country’s very first 'Oxygen Express' departed from Andhra Pradesh to supply oxygen to the state of
Maharashtra. The Ro-Ro (roll-on, roll-off) service operated by Central Railways is ferrying oxygen from
Vishakhapatnam steel plant to meet the sudden surge in oxygen demand in Maharashtra due to COVID
19 pandemic.
63. “State of the Global Climate 2020” is the report released by which organization?
[A] World Bank

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[D] United Nations
Answer: United Nations
The United Nation’s flagship report - State of the Global Climate report has been released for the year
2020. The report has stated that Cyclone Amphan that made landfall in the India-Bangladesh border last
year, was the costliest tropical cyclone on record for the North Indian Ocean. It has led to economic
losses amounting $14 billion to the affected nations.
64. FACT rebel group, who were seen in the news recently, are associated with which country?
[A] Sudan
[B] Chad
[C] Afghanistan
[D] Nigeria
Answer: Chad
Fighters of the Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT) rebel group was formed in 2016. The
group said to have crossed into Chad recently with the aim of overthrowing President Idriss Deby. A day
after provisional results of Deby being re-elected, the military announced that President, had died due to
wounds suffered during a battle against the rebels.
65. Which space agency released the image of interacting galaxies Arp 273, in the shape of a
‘Cosmic Rose’?
[C] SpaceX
Answer: NASA
The NASA has recently released the image of interacting galaxies Arp 273, in the shape of a ‘Cosmic
Rose’. The image has been shared on the official Instagram handle of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
In the image, a group of spiral galaxies create a shape resembling a rose. This structure made of
galaxies lies in the Andromeda constellation, at about 300 million light-years away.
66. What is the theme of the ‘Earth Day 2021’?
[A] Covid and Climate Change
[B] Restore Our Earth
[C] One Earth
[D] Earth is our asset
Answer: Restore Our Earth
April 22 is observed as the Earth Day throughout the world. It is an international event celebrated around
the world to support for environmental protection. This year marks the 51st anniversary of the annual
celebrations. The theme for Earth Day 2021 is ‘Restore Our Earth’. The United Nations designated April
22 as ‘International Mother Earth Day’.
67. As per the recent report released by the S&P Global Ratings in April 2021, what is the growth
forecast of India in 2021?
[A] 6 per cent
[B] 8 per cent
[C] 11 per cent
[D] 14 per cent
Answer: 11 per cent
The S&P Global Ratings in its report on Asia-Pacific Financial Institutions, highlighted that the Indian

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economy is projected to grow at 11 per cent in the current fiscal year. The agency also revealed that
some more targeted lockdowns will likely be needed and the impact of broader lockdowns on the
economy could be substantial. As per official estimates, the Indian economy contracted 8 per cent in
2020-21 fiscal.
68. What is India’s rank in WEF Energy Transition Index?
[A] 87
[B] 121
[C] 150
[D] 171
Answer: 87
India has been ranked at the 87th position among 115 countries in Energy Transition Index (ETI), which
is released by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The top spot is occupied by Sweden followed by
Norway and Denmark. The top 10 positions have been occupied by Western and Northern European
69. Which country has passed the “No Ban Act / Bill”?
[A] India
[B] China
[D] Saudi Arabia
Answer: USA
The House of Representatives of the United States of America (USA) has recently passed the “No Ban
Act”. This bill aims to limit the ability of any United States president to impose a travel ban on the basis
of religion. This move has been welcomed by many activists across the globe. Earlier, the US
administration headed by President Donald Trump imposed “Muslim Ban” that barred travel to the US
from several Muslim-majority countries.
70. With reference to a recent NASA project, what does “M” in MOXIE stand for?
[A] Maintained
[B] Minimum
[C] Maximum
[D] Mars
Answer: Mars
NASA’s Perseverance mission has extracted oxygen on the Mars planet, using its MOXIE (i.e) Mars
Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment. MOXIE has produced 5 grams of oxygen from carbon
dioxide in the Martian atmosphere, which is enough for an astronaut to breathe for 10 minutes. On Mars,
carbon dioxide makes up 96% of the gas in its atmosphere while Oxygen is only 0.13%. MOXIE intakes
CO2 and produces O2 from it
71. As per IEA report, by what percentage of the CO2 emissions in India in 2021 will be higher than
that of 2020?
[A] 1.4%
[B] 5.4%
[C] 10.4%
[D] 20%
Answer: 1.4%
The International Energy Agency (IEA) in its recent report has stated that the carbon di oxide (CO2)
emissions in India for the year 2021 would be 1.4% more that that in the year 2020 (i.e) 30 million tonnes

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more than the year 2020. Also, the report has stated that the expected rise in coal based electricity
generation would be 3 times more than the generation from other sources.
72. What is the name of the programme which is backed by WHO, that aims to fund young people's
ideas to combat COVID 19‘s impact?
[A] Global Youth Mobilization
[B] World Covid Response Programme
[C] World Health Programme
[D] Global Economic Recovery Programme
Answer: Global Youth Mobilization
“Global youth mobilization” aims to fund young people's ideas to combat the impact of COVID-19
pandemic, in various communities. This is supported by the World Health Organization and United
Nations Foundation. It is also backed by UNICEF, USAID, UNFPA, European Commission, Salesforce,
FIFA and Heads of State and Governments from around the world.
73. As per a recent study by CII, Clean Air Fund and Dalberg, what % of India’s GDP would be the
cost of air pollution on Indian businesses?
[A] 50%
[B] 10%
[C] 3%
[D] 1%
Answer: 3%
As per a recent study by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Clean Air Fund and consulting firm
Dalberg, air pollution in India is expected to cost 95 billion every year, or 3% of the country's Gross
Domestic Product on Indian businesses. It has also stated that New Delhi is the world's most polluted
capital and that India is home to 35 of the world's 50 most polluted cities.
74. In how many bodies of the UN Economic and Social Council, India has been elected recently?
[A] One
[B] Two
[C] Three
[D] Five
Answer: Three
India has been elected to three bodies of the UN Economic and Social Council recently. These three
bodies include - Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Executive Board of the World
Food Programme and Executive Board of the U.N. Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of
Women (UN Women). India will hold these positions for a three year term in all these bodies.
75. Which space agency has launched a mission named SHIELDS?
[D] Roscosmos
Answer: NASA
The American Space Agency – NASA has recently launched a mission named – SHIELDS (Spatial
Heterodyne Interferometric Emission Line Dynamics Spectrometer). This mission aims to study light
from interstellar particles which have drifted into the solar system to learn about the closest reaches of
interstellar space. The mission was launched using a NASA black Brant IX sounding rocket from Mexico.
76. Which country has been validated by the World Health Organization (WHO) for having

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eliminated trachoma?
[A] Gambia
[B] Zimbabwe
[C] South Africa
[D] Chad
Answer: Gambia
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently validated Gambia for having eliminated trachoma as
a public health problem. With this, Gambia became the second country in WHO’s African Region to
achieve this milestone. WHO launched the 2021–2030 road map for neglected tropical diseases. Côte
d'Ivoire was the first to achieve this feat.
77. KRI Nanggala-402, is a submarine of which country, in search of which the Indian Navy has
joined the rescue operation?
[A] Nepal
[B] Sri Lanka
[C] Indonesia
[D] Japan
Answer: Indonesia
The Indian Navy has recently joined the rescue operation for an Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala-402
and its 53-member crew that went missing. After its 44-year-old submarine went missing while
conducting a torpedo drill north of the island of Bali, Indonesia had sought assistance from India. Indian
Navy's Deep-Submergence Rescue Vessel (DSVR) left from Visakhapatnam as a part of the rescue
78. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, who passed away recently, was an Islamic scholar from which
[A] Pakistan
[B] Bangladesh
[C] India
Answer: India
Indian Islamic scholar and peace activist Maulana Wahiduddin Khan recently passed away. He was
listed in the 500 Most Influential Muslims of the world. He was famous for having written a commentary
on the Quran and translated it into contemporary English. Earlier this year, the government had
announced that he would be awarded the Padma Vibhushan, the country's second-highest civilian
79. Who has been appointed as the Chairperson of NASSCOM?
[A] Shyam Srivatsan
[B] Krishnamurthy Subramanian
[C] Rekha M Menon
[D] Mallika Srinivasan
Answer: Rekha M Menon
The National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom), has appointed Rekha M
Menon as its Chairperson for 2021-22. Rekha M Menon is the Chairperson and Senior Managing Director
at Accenture in India, succeeding U B Pravin Rao, Chief Operating Officer, Infosys. Nasscom also named
Krishnan Ramanujam, from TCS as the Vice Chairperson for this financial year.
80. When is the Earth Day observed every year?

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[A] March 30
[B] April 1
[C] April 15
[D] April 22
Answer: April 22
Every year, Earth Day is observed on April 22nd. The first such day was observed in the year 1970. In this
year’s Earth Day, US President Joe Biden announced his commitment to slash the US's carbon emission
by at least 50% by the year 2030, based on 2005 levels.
81. Which country has passed a bill to combat the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans and
Pacific nationals?
[A] India
[B] China
[D] Jamaica
Answer: USA
The Senate of the USA has recently passed a legislative bill to combat the increase in the number of
hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific people in the country. This measure is expected to
fasten the review of hate crimes and provide support for local law enforcement agencies to respond to
such crimes. The USA has reported several such hate crime incidents in the past.
82. As per the recent report of SBI Research, what would be the growth rate of India in the financial
year 2021-22?
[A] 6.4 %
[B] 8.4 %
[C] 10.4%
[D] 12.4%
Answer: 10.4%
The State Bank of India (SBI) Research, in its recent research report forecasted that India’s GDP would
grow at 10.4% in the financial year 2021-22. Earlier, SBI had forecasted a higher 11% of growth rate for
Indian Economy. The reason for the lower growth was on account of the increasing restrictions across
states. Ramping up Covid-19 vaccination efforts would be the preferred way to tackle the surging
second wave of the pandemic in India, as per the report.
83. Japan is set to hold its first joint military drill with which two countries against China’s
[A] India and US
[B] US and France
[C] Russia and US
[D] Russia and France
Answer: US and France
Japan is set to hold its first joint military drill with the US and French troops, amidst the increased
actions of China in the regional waters. The exercise would be held from May 11 to 17 and will be the
first large-scale exercise in Japan involving ground troops from all three countries. The exercise also
would deepen the Defence cooperation between the three countries.
84. India has planned to raise the production of …...... to around 17 million tonnes (mt) by 2025-26?
[A] Cotton
[B] Mustard

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[C] Palm Oil
[D] Jute
Answer: Mustard
The Government of India has planned to bring around nine million hectares of land under mustard
cultivation and increase the production to around 17 million tonnes (mt) by 2025-26. This was
announced during the 'Mission Mustard 2025’, organised by Solvent Extractors’ Association (SEA) of
India. The average normal area for five years from 2014-15 to 2018-19 was 5.9 million hectares and the
production was around 7.7 mt.
85. Which financial services company has launched the ‘ConQR’- QR code embedded credit card,
along with BOB Financial?
[B] Mastercard
[C] Rupay
[D] Maestro
Answer: Mastercard
BOB Financial, the credit card arm of Bank of Baroda and Mastercard have jointly launched small
business-focussed QR code embedded credit card. Named ‘ConQR’, it enables cardholders/ SMEs to
accept cashless payments using their cards. Small businesses can use QR to make payments as well as
receive payments with affordable and simple process.
86. What is the name given to small models of human organs that contain multiple cell types that
behave similarly to the human body?
[A] Body models
[B] Tissue Chips
[C] Cell Models
[D] Tissue Genes
Answer: Tissue Chips
Tissue Chips are small models of human organs that contain multiple cell types that behave similarly to
the human body. Four astronauts were recently launched to the International Space Station (ISS) as part
of a collaboration between NASA and SpaceX under the Commercial Crew Program. Their prime focus
during this time will be to carry out a series of Tissue Chips in Space studies.
87. ‘E-2025 Initiative’, which was making news recently, is associated with which field?
[A] Climate Change
[B] Eradication of Malaria
[C] Fin-tech
[D] Nutrition
Answer: Eradication of Malaria
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified 25 countries, with the potential to eradicate malaria
by 2025 under its ‘E-2025 Initiative’. As per a new report of the WHO- Zeroing in on malaria elimination,
these 25 countries including three from Africa will have to work by responding to the dual threat of
malaria and Covid-19. The WHO will provide support and technical guidance to these countries.
88. Which type of institutions have been allowed to start functioning in Gujarat’s GIFT City?
[A] Payment Banks
[D] Neo Banks

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Answer: NBFCs
Non-bank finance companies (NBFCs) both local and global, are allowed to start operations in Gujarat’s
GIFT City, by the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC). They will be allowed to offer the
complete range of financial services including loans, investment banking, and third-party product sales.
89. Which country has recently joined the Leadership Group for Industry Transition “LeadIT”?
[B] China
[C] Russia
[D] Japan
Answer: USA
The United States of America (USA) has joined Leadership Group for Industry Transition “LeadIT” –
which is a climate initiative by India and Sweden. With USA joining the LeadIT, it is expected that the
partnership would help meet Paris Agreement goals, strengthen competitiveness and create new
sustainable jobs in all the three countries.
90. In which year the 73rd constitutional Amendment on Panchayati Raj was enacted in India?
[A] 1972
[B] 1992
[C] 2000
[D] 2010
Answer: 1992
The 73rd constitutional Amendment on Panchayati Raj was enacted in the year 1992 and it came into
force on April 24, 1993. Under this amendment, the State Governments are allowed to make provisions
for organising village panchayats as units of self-governance. Every year 24th April is observed as
National Panchayati Raj Day, since 2010.
91. By what % India's export of processed food products has grown during April-February 2020-21,
as per APDEA?
[A] 5.51%
[B] 10.51%
[C] 26.51%
[D] 50.51%
Answer: 26.51%
As per a statement by APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development
Authority), the export of processed food by India has increased by 26.51 per cent during April-February
2020-21. By value, the increase stood at Rs.43,798 crore. This increase has been achieved despite
COVID 19 pandemic prevailing throughout the world.
92. By what name is the full moon on April 26th this year called?
[A] Big Moon
[B] Pink Moon
[C] Great Moon
[D] Gigantic Moon
Answer: Pink Moon
This year, super moons would appear on two occasions – on April 26th and on May 26th. The first super
moon on April 26th is called by the name “Pink Moon”. It is so called because, it corresponds with the
springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America, which is commonly known as
moss pink.

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93. Which Ministry implements the SWAMITVA scheme?
[A] Ministry of Skill Development
[B] Ministry of Panchayati Raj
[C] Ministry of Agriculture
[D] Ministry of Rural Development
Answer: Ministry of Panchayati Raj
SVAMITVA Scheme is a Central Sector scheme launched on National Panchayat Day i.e 24th April 2020.
The Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) is the Nodal Ministry for implementation of the scheme. Recently,
e-property cards under SWAMITVA have been distributed to 4.09 lakh property owners in 5,000 villages
by the Prime Minster of India.
94. Which Indian company has successfully completed the Phase I and II clinical trials of its Covid-19
vaccine recently?
[A] Bharat Genetech
[B] Biological E Limited
[C] Cipla
[D] Ranbaxy
Answer: Biological E Limited
Biological E. Limited (BE), which is a Hyderabad-based vaccine and pharmaceutical company has stated
that it has successfully completed the Phase I and II clinical trials of its Covid-19 vaccine candidate in
India. With this, the company has been accorded approval to start the Phase III clinical trial from the
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization’s (CDSCO) subject expert committee (SEC).
95. What is the name of the medical device which concentrates oxygen from ambient air?
[A] Nebuliser
[B] Oxygen Concentrator
[C] Oxygen Ventilator
[D] Oxygen Generator
Answer: Oxygen Concentrator
An oxygen concentrator is a medical device which concentrates oxygen from ambient air. During the
Covid pandemic, it is highly needed for treating patients. The oxygen concentrator takes in the
atmospheric air, which has 78 % Nitrogen and 21 % oxygen, filters it through a sieve, releases the
nitrogen back into the air, and works on the remaining oxygen.
96. Which Armed Force launched a Centre of Excellence and Wellness named “Ladakh Ignited
[A] Indian Army
[B] Indian Navy
[C] Indian Air Force
[D] Indian Coast Guard
Answer: Indian Army
The Indian Army has initiated the project Ladakh Ignited Minds, a Centre of Excellence and Wellness.
This was aimed to provide better educational opportunities for Ladakhi students. Fire and Fury Corps
along with partner Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and a Kanpur based NGO, National
Integrity and Educational Development Organization (NIEDO), will provide training facilities to the
97. What is the theme of the “World Immunization Week” 2021?
[A] Vaccines bring us closer

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[B] Vaccine Works
[C] Educate and Immunise
[D] Vaccination Vacation
Answer: Vaccines bring us closer
The “World Immunization Week” is observed every year in the last week of April. It aims to promote the
use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease. This year, the theme of the week is
‘Vaccines bring us closer’. Google also created a Doodle to thank the health workers on the onset of the
World Immunization Week 2021.
98. Which is the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)?
[A] Rome
[B] Paris
[C] Geneva
[D] New York
Answer: Geneva
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) member states designated April 26 as World IP Day with
the aim of increasing general understanding of IP, in the year 2000. WIPO is headquartered at Geneva.
World Intellectual Property Day 2021 focusses on the critical role of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) in the economy and how they can use intellectual property (IP) rights to build competitive and
resilient businesses.
99. Which institution released a report titled “Gender Bias and Inclusion In Advertising In India”?
[A] World Bank
[C] NITI Aayog
[D] Amnesty International
Answer: UNICEF
UNICEF and the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media (GDI) conducted a study and released a report
titled “Gender Bias and Inclusion In Advertising In India”. As per the research that measures over 1,000
television and YouTube advertisements aired across India in 2019, the Indian advertisements on
television and YouTube increase gender stereotypes.
100. Which country has named its first Mars rover as ‘Zhurong’?
[A] South Korea
[B] Taiwan
[C] China
[D] Japan
Answer: China
Chinese Government, has named its first Mars rover as ‘Zhurong’ after the country’s traditional fire God.
The rover is aboard a Mars probe named Tianwen-1 that the recently reached the Mars orbit. It would
descend to the Mars surface shortly. Tianwen-1 has been sent to mars with an aim to analyse and map
the Martian surface, look for possible water resources and understand the environment.
101. Ingenuity – the NASA’s helicopter is sent to which place?
[A] Antarctica
[B] International Space Station
[C] Mars
[D] Moon
Answer: Mars

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NASA’s mini helicopter named Ingenuity, which is presently stationed at Mars has recently completed its
third flight in the Mars atmosphere. The aircraft hovered at about 6.6 feet per second, which is the
highest speed achieved by the chopper. During this flight, it has covered a distance of 64 feet (50
102. When is the UN’s International Delegate’s Day observed every year?
[A] February 1
[B] March 1
[C] April 1
[D] April 25
Answer: April 25
Every year, 25th of April is observed by the United Nations as the International Delegate's Day. This day
marks the anniversary of the first day of the San Francisco Conference in the year 1945, during which
delegates from fifty countries came together for the first time in San Francisco.
103. What is the theme for 2021 World Malaria Day?
[A] Reaching the zero-malaria target
[B] Eliminating Malaria
[C] Zero Malaria Zero Tolerance
[D] More immunisation for better tomorrow
Answer: Reaching the zero-malaria target
The World Malaria Day for the year 2021 was observed on 25th April this year. The theme for this year’s
World Malaria Day was “Reaching the zero-malaria target”. As per a WHO Report 2019, India represents
3% of the global malaria burden and it has registered a reduction in malaria cases by 49% and reduction
in deaths by 50.5% compared with 2017 levels.
104. Which of the following countries is not a part of “Net Zero Producers Forum”?
[A] India
[B] Saudi Arabia
[D] Norway
Answer: India
Recently, Saudi Arabi has joined hands with the United States, Canada, Norway, and Qatar to form “Net
Zero Producers Forum ''. This forum would discuss and devise strategies for supporting the
implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change. They would strive to achieve net zero carbon
emission targets to limit global warming.
105. Which is the smallest of all living rhinoceroses and the only Asian rhinoceros with two horns?
[A] Sumatran Rhino
[B] Malaysian Rhino
[C] Assam Rhino
[D] Javan Rhino
Answer: Sumatran Rhino
Sumatran rhinos are the smallest of the living rhinoceroses. They are the only Asian rhinoceros with two
horns. They are characterised by their long hair and hence are known as the hairy rhinoceros. With just
less than 100 individuals remaining, the Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the world’s most endangered
mammal species. Recently, a study found that the remaining populations of the Sumatran rhinoceros
display very low levels of inbreeding, which is a good sign for conservation.
106. Which institution is to conduct 'Bank Customers' Satisfaction Survey' on bank mergers?
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[A] NITI Aayog
[D] Finance Ministry
Answer: RBI
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to conduct a customer satisfaction survey to find out the
impact of the recent mergers of public sector banks. The 'Bank Customers' Satisfaction Survey' will
cover a total of 20,000 respondents from 21 states. As many as 22 questions would be asked to assess
if the merger was positive from the point of customer services.
107. Which sports personality is leading the UNICEF Global Vaccination Initiative?
[A] Usain Bolt
[B] Cristiano Ronaldo
[C] David Beckham
[D] Roger Federer
Answer: David Beckham
Football star and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham is serving as the Vaccine Ambassador,
to create awareness and confidence in the process of vaccination. HE recently featured in a video
released ahead of World Immunization Week. He has also founded ‘7 Fund for UNICEF’ to encourage
parents to vaccinate themselves and their children and protect them against diseases such as
diphtheria, measles, and polio.
108. Viverricula indica is the name of which cat-like mammal, that has been rescued recently in East
[A] Civet
[B] Mongoose
[C] Genet
[D] Hyena
Answer: Civet
Three number of small Indian civets have been rescued and recovered by the East Godavari Wildlife
Management authorities in two separate rescue operations. The small Indian civet, bearing scientific
name Viverricula indica, is native to South and Southeast Asia. It is categorized as Least Concern in the
IUCN Red List.
109. Which institution has released the “State of the Economy Report”?
[B] World Bank
[C] Reserve Bank of India
[D] NITI Aayog
Answer: Reserve Bank of India
The country’s apex financial regulator the Reserve Bank of India has recently released the ‘State of the
Economy’ report. In the report, RBI has stated that of COVID infections are not brought under immediate
control, it would severely affect the supply chain and hence lead to inflationary pressures.
110. Deepika Kumari and Atanu Das, who were in the news recently, are associated which sports?
[A] Boxing
[B] Wrestling
[C] Table Tennis
[D] Archery

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Answer: Archery
India’s lead Archery champions - Deepika Kumari and her husband Atanu Das have won Gold medals in
at the recurve event of Archery World Cup Stage 1 women’s and men’s event. This is the first World Cup
gold medal for the women's recurve team in the last seven years. Also, India’s mixed team consisting of
Atanu Das and Ankita have secure Bronze medal in the same tournament.
111. Project DANTAK, which was seen in the news recently, is the flagship project of BRO, carried
out in which country?
[A] Bangladesh
[B] Nepal
[C] Bhutan
[D] Myanmar
Answer: Bhutan
Project DANTAK was established on April 24, 1961 under the leadership of the then Prime Minister
Jawahar Lal Nehru. It is one of the oldest projects of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO), which was
tasked to construct motorable roads in Bhutan. Recently, the Diamond Jubilee of the Project was
commemorated in Bhutan, at the DANTAK Memorial.
112. ‘Varuna’ is a multilateral Defence Exercise between India and ………...?
[A] Japan
[B] Sri Lanka
[C] France
[D] Australia
Answer: France
VARUNA is a multilateral Naval Exercise between India and France. The 19th edition of the bilateral
exercise ‘VARUNA-2021’ concluded on 27th April 2021. Conducted in the Arabian Sea, the exercise
included advanced air defence and anti-submarine programmes, intense flying operations, surface and
anti-air weapon firings and other maritime security operations.
113. Which Indian Armed Force is training its non-medical personnel to function as ‘Battlefield
nursing assistants (BFNA)’?
[A] Indian Army
[B] Indian Navy
[C] Indian Air Force
[D] Indian Coast Guard
Answer: Indian Navy
The Southern Naval Command of the Indian Navy recently announced that it has started providing
training to its non-medical personnel to function as Battlefield nursing assistants due to the surge in
COVID-19 cases. In times of mass medical emergencies like wars, Battlefield nursing assistants play a
significant role in assisting the frontline medical teams. All medical personnel from the armed forces
who have retired in the last two years are also being called back to work.
114. What is the main objective of the Crypto Climate Accord (CCA), an alliance of crypto firms?
[A] Eliminate GHG emissions
[B] Investment in Climate Change Projects
[C] Using Block Chain for Climate change Projects
[D] Awareness Generation on Cryptocurrencies
Answer: Eliminate GHG emissions
An alliance of cryptocurrency firms and organisations have announced the Crypto Climate Accord (CCA).

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It is an industry-driven agreement in which the firms vow to switch to renewable energy sources by 2025
and go completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. CCA is led by three non-profit groups:
The Rocky Mountain Institute; the Alliance for Innovative Regulation; and Energy Web Foundation.
115. Union Cabinet approved the signing of an agreement, between India and which country /
countries for preventing Customs offences?
[A] Australia
[B] USA and Japan
[C] UK and Northern Ireland
[D] Brazil and South Korea
Answer: UK and Northern Ireland
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the signing of an
agreement between India and the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, for sharing information and
preventing Customs offences. The proposed agreement is expected to facilitate trade and ensure faster
customs clearance between the three countries.
116. Which country launched NEO-01 robot, which aims to remove Space Debris?
[A] India
[B] China
[D] Russia
Answer: China
NEO 01 is a robot, launched by a Chinese space mining start-up into low Earth orbit. It has been
launched on an experimental basis to remove the space debris. The robot has been launched using
China's Long March 6 rocket. The experimental technology involves use of a large net to capture debris
and then burning it using its electric propulsion system.
117. As per the recent report of the Asian Development Bank, what is the estimated growth rate of
India in FY 22?
[A] 5.4%
[B] 7.5%
[C] 9.2%
[D] 11%
Answer: 11%
The Asian Development Bank has recently released a report titled Developing Asia’s Economic Outlook.
As per the report, India’s economy is expected to grow 11% in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22. This growth is
backed by a strong vaccination drive which is undertaken in India. At the same time, the report warned
that the surge in cases may lead to economic risks.
118. What does “Ct” indicate in RTPCR examination?
[A] Computed Tomography
[B] Computed Topography
[C] Cerebral Typography
[D] Cycle Threshold
Answer: Cycle Threshold
Ct, which is most commonly used in relation to RTPCR COVID detection test, stands for “Cycle
Threshold”. It refers to the number of cycles after which the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be detected.
The lower the Ct value, the higher the viral load. As per ICMR, a Ct value less than 35 may be considered
as COVID positive.

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119. Dadudan Gadhvi, the Padma Shri recipient in 2021 in the field of literature, who passed away
recently, is from which state?
[A] Rajasthan
[B] Gujarat
[C] Sikkim
[D] West Bengal
Answer: Gujarat
Veteran Gujarati poet Dadudan Gadhvi has recently passed away. He was awarded the Padma Shri in
2021 for his contribution in literature and education. He had also won several other awards including the
Gujarat Gaurav Award as well as the Jhaverchand Meghani Award. His complete works are collected in
two literary volumes named Terva and Lachhanayan.
120. India recently agreed to establish "2+2 ministerial dialogue" between foreign and defence
ministers, with which country?
[A] UK
[B] France
[C] Russia
[D] Brazil
Answer: Russia
India and Russia recently agreed to establish a "2+2 ministerial dialogue" between foreign and defence
ministers, to promote the bilateral strategic partnership. Russian President and Indian Prime Minister
had a telephonic, wherein they reviewed bilateral cooperation, especially in the area of space exploration
and renewable energy sector, focussing hydrogen economy.
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