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NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

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A 16-year study of longitudinal volumetric brain development in males

with autism
Molly B.D. Prigge a,∗, Nicholas Lange b, Erin D. Bigler c,d,e,f, Jace B. King a, Douglas C. Dean III g,h,i,
Nagesh Adluru g, Andrew L. Alexander g,i,j, Janet E. Lainhart g,j, Brandon A. Zielinski a,d,k
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA
Department of Neurology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT USA
Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT USA
Department of Neurology, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA USA
Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with unknown brain etiology. Our knowledge
Autism spectrum disorder to date about structural brain development across the lifespan in ASD comes mainly from cross-sectional studies,
Longitudinal development thereby limiting our understanding of true age effects within individuals with the disorder that can only be
gained through longitudinal research. The present study describes FreeSurfer-derived volumetric findings from a
Brain volumes
longitudinal dataset consisting of 607 T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans collected from 105
Corpus callosum male individuals with ASD (349 MRIs) and 125 typically developing male controls (258 MRIs). Participants were
six to forty-five years of age at their first scan, and were scanned up to 5 times over a period of 16 years (average
inter-scan interval of 3.7 years). Atypical age-related volumetric trajectories in ASD included enlarged gray matter
volume in early childhood that approached levels of the control group by late childhood, an age-related increase
in ventricle volume resulting in enlarged ventricles by early adulthood and reduced corpus callosum age-related
volumetric increase resulting in smaller corpus callosum volume in adulthood. Larger corpus callosum volume
was related to a lower (better) ADOS score at the most recent study visit for the participants with ASD. These
longitudinal findings expand our knowledge of volumetric brain-based abnormalities in males with ASD, and
highlight the need to continue to examine brain structure across the lifespan and well into adulthood.

1. Introduction normalities early in life. As early as 6 months of age, increased extra-

axial CSF is present and remains elevated into early childhood in those
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifetime disorder with un- who later develop ASD (Shen et al., 2017; Shen et al., 2013). Longi-
known neurobiological etiology and poorly characterized lifelong clin- tudinal and cross-sectional studies also show enlarged brain volumes
ical course in most cases. Despite earlier diagnosis and interventions, by 2 years of age (Hazlett et al., 2017; Hazlett et al., 2011) although
many individuals remain functionally impaired throughout their lives this may be attributed to subgroups of children within the disorder
(Howlin et al., 2013). In order to understand the etiology of ASD (Nordahl et al., 2011; Ohta et al., 2016). A small (n=18 ASD) longi-
and the mechanisms involved and design treatments and therapies tudinal study reported atypical decreases in gray matter volume during
that will improve outcome in children, adolescents and adults, a fur- childhood (Hardan et al., 2009), however, the majority of our knowl-
ther understanding of brain changes in ASD throughout the lifespan is edge about brain development during childhood and adolescence in ASD
needed. is inferred from cross-sectional research. As a result, some early child-
There are a number of research groups focusing on longitudinal hood studies report increased brain volumes in ASD (Courchesne et al.,
brain development in ASD during infancy and childhood that show ab- 2003; Lucibello et al., 2019; Sparks et al., 2002) that may normalize

Corresponding author at: Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, 729 Arapeen Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA.
E-mail address: (M.B.D. Prigge).
Received 1 November 2020; Received in revised form 24 March 2021; Accepted 12 April 2021
Available online 18 April 2021.
1053-8119/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.B.D. Prigge, N. Lange, E.D. Bigler et al. NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

by later childhood (Courchesne et al., 2001) or decrease below typical of this sample (n=90 ASD, n=55 TDC) overlaps with the participants
samples (Herbert et al., 2003; McAlonan et al., 2005); while studies in from our previous volumetric publication (Lange et al., 2015). Partic-
adolescence report enlarged gray matter volumes in ASD (Freitag et al., ipants were scanned up to 5 times over a 16-year period from 2003 –
2009; Hazlett et al., 2006). A recent publication of a large cross-sectional 2019 with the first wave of data collection between 2003 – 2007. Al-
sample (n=456) of ASD and typically developing control (TDC) par- though new participants were recruited at subsequent timepoints, par-
ticipants age 6-25 years found persistently increased global brain vol- ticipant retention of those recruited during the initial study period has
umes (total, gray matter, white matter, ventricles) in ASD, suggesting remained high. Our study includes 82 individuals with ASD and 52 in-
that early brain overgrowth does not normalize and remains larger into dividuals with TDC who were enrolled during this initial period. Of this
adulthood (Yankowitz et al., 2020). This contrasts with other cross- original cohort, 75 ASD and 47 TDC had at least 2 MRIs, representing
sectional studies from adolescence into adulthood showing no atypi- 91% retention, and 68 ASD and 36 TDC had at least 3 MRIs (84% and
cal global brain structure in ASD (Aylward et al., 2002; Hallahan et al., 69% retention respectively). At timepoint 5 (2017 – 2019), 73% of the
2009; Lin et al., 2015; Maier et al., 2018), regionally decreased volumes initial ASD sample (n=68) and 50% of the TDC sample (n=26) returned
(Ecker et al., 2012; Toal et al., 2010) or absence of regional gray matter for scanning. Fifty-four percent (54%) of the ASD sample reported psy-
decrease found in a typical comparison group (Raznahan et al., 2010). chotropic medication use at some point during the longitudinal study:
The lack of a clear volumetric brain development trajectory in ASD antidepressants = 45%, stimulants = 24%, antipsychotics = 9%, anti-
could be due to a number of factors. Discrepant volumetric findings can anxiety = 8%, mood stabilizers = 6%, anti-insomnia = 5%, anticonvul-
result from different image processing methods (Katuwal et al., 2016), sants = 1%, multiple medications = 30%. At timepoint 5, two partici-
error introduced by combining datasets collected from different research pants, typically developing at study entry, reported new psychotropic
sites and scanner hardware (Martinez-Murcia et al., 2017), between- medication use (anti-insomnia and antidepressant).
site heterogeneity in ASD and TDC samples, unknown sex differences in At study enrollment, ASD was diagnosed using the Autism Diagnos-
brain morphology (Bedford et al., 2020), unknown details about change tic Interview-Revised (ADI-R (Lord et al., 1994)), the Autism Diagnos-
in clinical course over time, and differences in analytic methods em- tic Observation Schedule (ADOS (Lord et al., 2000; Lord et al., 2012)),
ployed. Cross-sectional studies infer brain changes from age-related dif- DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and ICD-10 criteria.
ferences across individuals. Longitudinal studies, although challenging Enrollment of both the ASD and TDC groups has been described previ-
to conduct as they require collecting multiple time points of data and ously (Alexander et al., 2007; Lange et al., 2015; Zielinski et al., 2014).
retaining participants, often over years, directly measure change within Participant consent, assent for those age 7 – 18 and parental permission
individuals and can more accurately describe how the brain changes for all participants under age 18 was obtained at each timepoint. All
during development, maturation, and aging (Farrington, 1991). Longi- study procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Board.
tudinal studies also remove additional sources of variance in the data Intelligence (IQ) was assessed at study enrollment and subsequent
due to a consistent site and equipment and allow the ability to track timepoints as part of a comprehensive cognitive battery. IQ was assessed
individual differences in clinical course over time that may be related with the Differential Abilities Scale (Elliott, 1990), Wechsler Intelligence
to brain changes. Scale for Children-Third Edition (Wechsler, 1991), Wechsler Adult Intel-
In this paper, we describe volumetric findings from the Interdisci- ligence Scale-Third Edition (Wechsler, 1997) or Wechsler Abbreviated
plinary Science to Learn about Autism (ISLA) project with all data col- Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1999), depending on participant’s age
lected at the University of Utah. This longitudinal study of late brain and verbal ability, providing indices of Full Scale, Verbal and Nonverbal
development in autism began in 2003 and is currently in its 6th wave of IQ. Group means and ranges for the most recent IQ scores obtained from
data collection. Participant ages ranged from childhood to early adult- study participants are presented in Table 1.
hood at study enrollment, providing the strength of an accelerated lon- ASD Subgroup Classification. At timepoint 5 the ADOS-2 Module 4
gitudinal design and ability to examine brain changes over a large devel- (Lord et al., 2012) was administered to all ASD participants (n=82).
opmental period in a shorter timeframe than a single longitudinal cohort Our approach to evaluate Persistence and Remission in ASD was to in-
(Galbraith et al., 2017; Harezlak et al., 2005; Willett et al., 1998). Our vestigate dimensional outcome based on symptom severity rather than
group previously described volumetric brain changes in a subgroup of categorical DSM 5 diagnoses. We defined remitted ASD as falling below
male individuals age 6-35 years, with up to 3 longitudinal scans col- ADOS-2 algorithm criteria for a current classification of ASD and below
lected over an 8-year period (n=100 ASD, n=56 TDC). We found vol- expert clinical consensus for a current classification of ASD based on all
umetric developmental trajectories that differed in our ASD group in information available about the participant’s current behavior. Our re-
whole brain, white matter, lobes and ventricles (Lange et al., 2015). mitted ASD group was comprised of individuals who at the time of the
Since that publication we have collected two additional imaging time- study entry met full ADI-R, ADOS-2, and DSM criteria for ASD, and thus
points and increased our sample sizes of ASD and TDC participants. The had a Lifetime diagnosis of ASD. But at Time 5, the level of their ASD
purpose of this study is to examine how additional longitudinal data- symptoms fell below the threshold for a current classification of ASD.
points enhance our understanding of volumetric brain development in
2.2. Imaging protocol
males with autism and extend our previous study into mid-adulthood.
We also describe volumetric differences between two subgroups of our
At each timepoint, whole-brain T1 weighted magnetic resonance im-
ASD sample identified at the most recent time point (those who con-
ages were acquired on a Siemens Trio 3.0 T scanner. At timepoint 1,
tinued to meet criteria for ASD based on ADOS-2 algorithm and expert
an 8-channel receive-only RF head coil was used to acquire the sagit-
clinical consensus classification vs those who did not) to examine how
tal 3D MPRAGE images (TI=1100 ms, TR=1800 ms, TE=2.93 ms, flip
clinical heterogeneity within the disorder is related to longitudinal brain
angle=12°, FOV=256 mm, slice thickness=1mm, 160 slices). At time-
points 2 through 5, a 12-channel, receive only RF head coil was used
to acquire the sagittal 3D MPRAGE images (TI=900 ms, TR=2300 ms,
2. Methods TE=2.91 ms, flip angle=9°, FOV=256 mm, slice thickness=1.2 mm, 160
slices). To control for imaging head coil differences between timepoints
2.1. Participants 1 and 2, a head coil covariate was included in all analyses.
2.3. Volumetric estimation
Participants included 105 male individuals with ASD and 125 male
participants without ASD (TDC) recruited from a longitudinal neu-
Volumes were estimated using the longitudinal stream
roimaging study at the University of Utah (see Table 1). A subgroup
(Reuter et al., 2012) in the FreeSurfer image analysis suite v6.0

M.B.D. Prigge, N. Lange, E.D. Bigler et al. NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

Table 1
Participant characteristics.

Total number of scans ASD TDC

N=105 N=125

349 258

Mean (sd) Range Mean (sd) Range Group Comparison

Age at first scan (years) 16.4 (8.1) 6.0 – 45.4 22.4 (8.7) 6.0 – 44.4 t=5.4, p<.001
Age across all scans (years) 21.2 (8.7) 6.1 – 47.1 22.5 (8.5) 6.0 – 46.9 t=1.9, p=.05
Number MRIs per person 3.3 (1.5) 1–5 2.0 (1.4) 1–5 t=6.4, p<.001
Interscan Interval (years) 3.7 (1.9) 1.6 – 13.4 3.8 (2.3) 1.5 – 14.7 t=0.5, ns
FSIQ 103.7 (18) 60 - 150 118.3 (11) 87 - 144 t=6.7 p<.001
NVIQ 104.8 (17) 67 – 150 116.7 (13) 87 – 150 t=5.2 p<.001
VIQ 102.7 (19) 61 – 145 116.7 (12) 74 – 149 t=5.8 p<.001

Notes: sd=standard deviation; FSIQ: Full Scale IQ; NVIQ: Nonverbal IQ; VIQ: Verbal IQ.

(; (Fischl et al., 2002; Fischl et al.,

2004)). All MRI scans were processed on the same workstation. The
longitudinal pipeline creates a within subject template space and image
from all of the images collected for each participant. This processing
results in increased reliability and statistical power because processing
steps, such as skull stripping, Talairach transforms, atlas registration
and parcellations utilize common information from the within subject
template (Reuter et al., 2012). Although this project included a subset
of MRI images described previously, all images were reprocessed using
the updated FreeSurfer v6.0 and were included in the longitudinal
pipeline for each participant. All images were visually inspected and
edited blind to diagnosis by the lead author (M.P.) under the supervi-
sion of the senior author (B.Z.). A total of 635 MRIs were available for
analysis. After initial FreeSurfer processing, quality control involved
inspection of the following volumetric and surface files in Freeview:
T1, brainmask, wm, aseg, rh.white, lh.white, rh.pial, and lh.pial. A
total of 28 MRIs were excluded: 25 images (8 TDC, 17 ASD) had
segmentation errors resulting from poor image quality due to motion
or image artifacts and 3 images (3 TDC) had FreeSurfer processing
errors. After excluding these images, 8 participants had no usable
MRIs (5 TDC, 3 ASD). Of the remaining 607 datasets described in this
paper, 370 MRIs passed quality control with no editing. The remaining
237 MRIs were reprocessed after manual edits to brainmask.mgz files.
Fifteen MRIs had edits to cross-sectional images only (8 TDC, 7 ASD)
and 156 images (62 TDC, 94 ASD) were reprocessed after edits to
that participant’s base image. After base edits, longitudinal edits were Fig. 1. Longitudinal imaging dataset.
made to 45 images (21 TDC, 24 ASD) and 21 longitudinal images were
edited with no prior base or cross-sectional edits (11 TDC, 10 ASD).
The following regions were examined: whole brain (FreeSurfer variable fects and group∗ age interactions. In our initial analysis, age was mean-
SupraTentorialNotVent), total gray matter (cortical and subcortical), centered at 21 years. In the regions where significant group∗ age in-
total white matter, corpus callosum, thalamus, caudate, cerebellum, teractions were found, we performed a post-hoc analysis to identify
ventricles (sum of lateral, inferior lateral, 3rd , 4th , and 5th ventricles), the age at which the groups differed by re-centering the age variable.
and lobes (frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital). We also examined We also employed mixed-effects models to compare mean brain vol-
ventricle to whole brain ratio and total gray matter to whole brain ume and age related changes between the ASD subgroups identified at
ratio. the most recent study visit. Due to the number of regions being ana-
lyzed, FDR correction at a family wise error rate of p<.05 was applied
3. Statistical analysis (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995) and all reported findings are corrected
p-values. Between-group differences in demographic variables were ex-
Linear mixed-effects models (Laird and Ware, 1982; Lange and amined using t-tests. R version 3.6.2 (R Core Team, 2019) was used and
Laird, 1989) were employed to describe longitudinal volumetric brain the R package nlme (Pinheiro et al., 2020) for mixed-effects models.
changes over time in the ASD participants in comparison to the TDC
group. This method allowed for the inclusion of individual random in- 4. Results
tercepts and slopes and varying number of data points per participant.
All models contained group, linear age and scanner headcoil effects. 4.1. Participant Characteristics
The following covariates were examined: age2 , group∗ age, group∗ age2
and FSIQ. For each region of interest, best fitting models were chosen At the initial study enrollment (2003 – 2007), there were no signif-
by application of the Akaike Information Criterion (Akaike, 1974). In icant differences between ages of the ASD and TDC participants (ASD
the volumetric models, the ASD group was the reference group, thus n=82, mean age=15.8 years, sd=8 years, range 6 – 45 years; TDC n=52,
volumes and age effects are represented in the intercepts and slopes; mean=16.0 years, sd=6 years, range 6 – 29 years; between group differ-
any differences in our TDC sample are interpreted through the group ef- ence t=.14, p=ns; all males). Participants were recruited at subsequent

M.B.D. Prigge, N. Lange, E.D. Bigler et al. NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

Table 2
Linear mixed effects models of volumetric brain development in ASD.

ASD Intercept Group Effect Age Age2 Group x Age Group x Age2 FSIQ
𝛽 (SE) 𝛽 (SE) 𝛽 (SE) 𝛽 (SE) 𝛽 (SE) 𝛽 (SE) 𝛽 (SE)

Whole Brain 1122.18 -3.9 -4.5∗ ∗ ∗ .04∗ 1.24∗ ∗ -.10∗ ∗ 1.0∗

(9.7) (14.1) (.25) (.01) (.42) (.02) (.41)
Gray Matter Total 633.8 -3.5 -6.3∗ ∗ ∗ .14∗ ∗ ∗ 1.0∗ ∗ -.06∗ ∗ .61∗ ∗
(5.3) (7.7) (.18) (.01) (.30) (.02) (.21)
Gray Matter: Cortical 565.7 -2.3 -6.1∗ ∗ ∗ .14∗ ∗ ∗ .96∗ ∗ -.06∗ ∗ .54∗
(4.9) (7.1) (.17) (.01) (.29) (.02) (.19)
Gray Matter: 66.8 -1.0 -.11∗ ∗ ∗ -.006∗ ∗ ∗ .07∗ -.005∗ ∗ .06∗ ∗
Subcortical (.52) (.76) (.01) (.001) (.02) (.001) (.02)
White Matter 381.9 -2.6 1.08∗ ∗ ∗ -.07∗ ∗ ∗ .21 -.02∗ .37∗
(18.8) (6.0) (.10) (.006) (.17) (.01) (.17)
Ventricles 18.6 -2.0∗ .25∗ ∗ ∗ - -.10∗ ∗ - -
(.73) (.98) (.02) (.03)
Cerebellum 148.3 -.25 -.17∗ ∗ -.02∗ ∗ ∗ .04 - .15∗
(1.4) (2.0) (.05) (.002) (.08) (.06)
Thalamus 16.4 -.07 -.04∗ ∗ ∗ -.002∗ ∗ ∗ .02∗ - .01∗
(.14) (.20) (.005) (.0003) (.009) (.005)
Caudate 8.6 -.24 -.03∗ ∗ ∗ -.0005∗ ∗ - - .01∗
.11 (.16) (.002) (.0001) (.004)
Corpus Callosum 3.56 .05 .01∗ ∗ ∗ -.001∗ ∗ ∗ .008∗ - -
(.05) (.07) (.002) (.0001) (.003)
Frontal 213.5 -1.1 -2.6∗ ∗ ∗ .06∗ ∗ ∗ .32∗ -.02∗ ∗ .28∗ ∗
(2.1) (3.1) (.08) (.005) (.13) (.008) (.08)
Temporal 129.0 .39 -.95∗ ∗ ∗ .01∗ ∗ ∗ .15∗ -.01∗ -
(1.2) (1.6) (.03) (.002) (.06) (.004)
Parietal 148.5 -.13 -1.99∗ ∗ ∗ .05∗ ∗ ∗ .39∗ ∗ ∗ -.02∗ ∗ .14∗
(1.4) (2.05) (.06) (.004) (.10) (.007) (.05)
Occipital 59.3 -.02 -.48∗ ∗ ∗ .012∗ ∗ ∗ .12∗ ∗ ∗ -.006∗ -
(.67) (.9) (.02) (.001) (.032) (.002)
TGM over WBV .56 -.001 -.003∗ ∗ ∗ .00008∗ ∗ ∗ .0001 - -
(.001) (.002) (.00007) (.00001) (.0001)
VBR .016 -.0018∗ .0003∗ ∗ ∗ - -.0001∗ ∗ - -
(.0006) (.0008) (.00002) (.00003)
corrected p<.001, ∗ ∗ corrected p<.01, ∗ corrected p<.05; 𝛽: Beta value; SE: standard error; TGM: total gray matter; WBV: whole brain volume; VBR: ventricle to

whole brain ratio; - effect not included in best fitting model.

timepoints to increase our sample and account for attrition, resulting 4.2.2. Mean volumetric differences
in similar age ranges but younger mean age in the ASD participants at As evident in Table 2, the only ASD vs TDC mean differences present
each participant’s first scan and across all scans (see Table 1). A total at age 21 years (mean centered age) were increased ventricles (p=.04)
of 349 MRIs was collected from the ASD group and 258 MRIs from the and VBR (p=.03) in ASD. Some of the longitudinal differences described
TDC group (see Fig. 1). The ASD group had more MRIs per person but above resulted in volumetric differences between the ASD and TDC
interscan interval did not differ between groups (see Table 1). groups at different stages of development. Total gray matter volume
was increased in ASD during childhood up to age 12 years (p=.04, 3.1%
4.2. Longitudinal volumetric development in ASD larger in ASD); cortical GM was larger up to age 11 (p=.04, 3.3% larger
in ASD) and subcortical GM up to age 15 (p=.03, 2.9% larger). Frontal
Results from the best fitting mixed-effects models are summarized volume was increased in ASD until age 8 (4% larger, p=.02) and parietal
in Table 2. Linear and non-linear volumetric age-related changes are and occipital lobes were increased into adolescence (parietal 3% larger
presented for the ASD group and significant differences from the TDC at age 12, p=.03; occipital 3.4% larger at age 9, p=.03). By age 21 years,
comparison sample are captured in the group effect and group by age in- ventricular volume was larger in ASD (p=.03, 11% larger) and by age
teractions. Fig. 2 shows the individual volumetric datapoints and linear 36, corpus callosum volume was smaller in ASD (p=.03, 5% smaller).
mixed model-derived predicted age curves for each group.

4.2.1. Volumetric age-related changes 4.2.3. Timepoint 5: ASD ADOS-2 outcome classification and brain volumes
The ASD group showed greater volumetric decline with age com- We examined longitudinal volumetric changes between the “remit-
pared to the TDC sample in whole brain (linear age∗ group p=.006, ted ASD” subgroup versus the “persistent ASD” group (i.e., those still
age2 ∗ group p<.001), gray matter (linear age∗ group p=.001, age2 ∗ group meeting ADOS-2 criteria and expert clinical consensus classification for
p=.001), and lobar volumes (see Table 2 and Fig. 2). Whole brain ASD based on current behaviors). All of the remitted ASD participants
and occipital lobe findings replicate those reported previously in were under 30 years of age, thus to maintain equal age ranges between
Lange et al. (2015), yet the gray matter findings and the following ASD subgroups, we restricted the statistical analysis to those partici-
are new to this expanded dataset. Total white matter volume showed pants age 30 and younger, resulting in 78 participants (persistent ASD
a significant age2 ∗ group interaction only (p=.04). Ventricular volume n=61, remitted ASD n=17). We did not find longitudinal age-related
and ventricle to brain ratio (VBR) increased at a greater rate (ventri- brain differences between the ASD subgroups but did find persistently
cle age∗ group p=.006; VBR age∗ group p=.002) and thalamic volume smaller corpus callosum volume in the subgroup with persistent ASD
decreased at a greater rate in ASD (age∗ group p=.04). Corpus callosum at timepoint 5 (group effect 𝛽=-.37, p=.03, see Fig. 3). We also found
volume increased at a greater rate in the TDC sample (p=.01; see Fig. 2). larger TGM/TBV ratios up until age 18 years in the persistent ASD group
We did not find any ASD vs TDC differences in age-related volumetric (group effect 𝛽=.01, uncorrected p=.04 at age 18, see Fig. 3; this find-
changes in the caudate or cerebellum. ing was no longer significant at p<.05 after FDR correction). A greater

M.B.D. Prigge, N. Lange, E.D. Bigler et al. NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

Fig. 2. Longitudinal volumetric trajectories in ASD and TDC.

M.B.D. Prigge, N. Lange, E.D. Bigler et al. NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

Fig. 3. Volumetric brain differences in ASD subgroups based on Time 5 classification.

percentage of the persistent ASD group reported psychotropic medica- Shen et al., 2013), older individuals with ASD have now well-replicated
tion use at timepoint 5 (54% vs remitted ASD 33%). The persistent ASD volumetric ventricular differences (Haar et al., 2016; Richards et al.,
group had significantly lower mean Full Scale and Verbal IQ scores (Per- 2020; Turner et al., 2016; van Rooij et al., 2018). To these convergent
sistent ASD: FSIQ 101.9, VIQ 99.2, NVIQ 104.5; Remitted ASD: FSIQ findings we add a very important novel detail: for the first time, using
114.0, VIQ 114.5, NVIQ 110.3; group differences: FSIQ t=3.0, p=.005, longitudinal data collected over 16 years, we show evidence that ven-
VIQ t=3.4 p=.002, NVIQ t=1.7 p=.09, uncorrected p-values) but con- tricular volume is increasing at an atypical rate in males with ASD.
trolling for FSIQ did not improve model fit for any of the volumetric Although we anticipated finding atypical development of cortical
comparisons. white matter in ASD, we only found nonlinear cortical white matter dif-
To test whether ASD severity differences were present in these sub- ferences. The relationship between atypically increased ventricles and
groups prior to timepoint 5, we compared ADOS calibrated severity age-related changes in gray and white matter remains unknown. In trau-
scores (CSS; (Gotham et al., 2009; Hus and Lord, 2014)) obtained at matic brain injury, ventricular enlargement is believed to be related to
study entry and ADI algorithm scores. The persistent ASD group had periventricular white matter loss (Bigler et al., 2013). How white matter
higher ADOS CSS scores at study entry (persistent ASD CSS=8.6, sd=1.3; abnormalities in ASD reported through other imaging modalities, such
remitted ASD CSS=7.5, sd=1.2; t=3.0, p<.01), but a comparison of ADI as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI; (Ecker et al., 2016; Itahashi et al.,
algorithm scores from the “Most Abnormal age 4-5” items showed sim- 2015)), are related to ventricle expansion is not yet known but will be
ilar Social and Communication scores at age 4-5 (ADI A: persistent important to examine as markers of brain health and function across the
ASD = 18.5, sd=5.5; remitted ASD = 18.7, sd=6.6; t=.08, p=ns; ADI lifespan.
B: persistent ASD = 9, sd=3; remitted ASD 9.25, sd=3; t=.26, p=ns), Corpus callosum volume increased at a greater rate in TDC and was
suggesting similar autism behaviors in childhood. smaller in ASD by adulthood (significant at age 36 years and older).
Smaller corpus callosum volume or area is a repeated finding in cross-
sectional studies of individuals as young as 2 years of age through adult-
5. Discussion
hood (Boger-Megiddo et al., 2006; Frazier et al., 2012; Freitag et al.,
2009; Hardan, Pabalan, et al., 2009; Levman et al., 2018; Piven et al.,
The inclusion of the 4th and 5th waves of longitudinal imaging data
1997; Wolff et al., 2015) with few exceptions (Kucharsky Hiess et al.,
improve our understanding of brain changes from childhood into adult-
2015). Besides our previous publication, the only other research groups
hood in males with ASD. This expanded dataset replicated our previ-
to report longitudinal corpus callosum development have been in very
ous study describing whole brain volumetric age-related decline in ASD
young children (Wolff et al., 2015) or only during late childhood and
above that found in TDC but also newly identified greater age-related
early adolescence (Frazier et al., 2012). Interestingly, when we exam-
decline in cortical and subcortical gray matter volumes in ASD. We also
ined our ASD sample further when grouped by ADOS-2 and expert clini-
found developmental differences in ventricles and the corpus callosum
cal consensus classification based on current behaviors at their most re-
resulting in larger ventricles and reduced corpus callosum volume in
cent study visit, it became apparent that smaller callosal volumes were
adulthood in ASD.
driven by the participants still meeting criteria for ASD, or those with
Atypical longitudinal gray matter trajectories in ASD were accompa-
more prevalent ASD behaviors. These findings underscore the impor-
nied by enlarged gray matter during early childhood that reached levels
tance of incorporating the clinical heterogeneity of ASD into imaging
in the typical group by later childhood and adolescence: cortical gray
studies (Bedford et al., 2020; Boger-Megiddo et al., 2006; Chen et al.,
matter by age 11, subcortical gray matter by age 15. We found signif-
2019). Although the microstructural properties of the atypical corpus
icantly greater volumetric decline with age present in all four lobes;
callosum volume are unknown, atypical corpus callosum structure and
parietal and occipital lobes remained larger up until late childhood.
development has widespread implications for behavioral functioning
Our results suggest nonuniform, regional gray matter volumetric dif-
that relies on interhemispheric communication. Accordingly, our group
ferences persistent into late childhood in males with ASD. Atypical vol-
has reported previously on processing speed differences in ASD related
umetric development can be driven by a number of underlying factors,
to callosal area or diffusion tensor properties (Alexander et al., 2007;
such as regional thickness and surface area changes (Ecker et al., 2013;
Prigge et al., 2013). Future investigation into the longitudinal develop-
Hazlett et al., 2011). Future work is needed to examine additional struc-
ment of microstructural properties, such as myelination, that may ex-
tural changes underlying volumetric gray matter.
plain functional differences are warranted.
Ventricular volume and ventricle to brain ratio increased at a greater
There are a number of limitations in our study. The first limitation is
rate in our ASD sample throughout the wide age range studied. This
the focus on male participants at the outset of the longitudinal study to
atypical rate of increasing ventricular volume resulted in significantly
decrease heterogeneity and have adequate power in the face of limited
increased volume by 21 years of age. Whereas infants who develop ASD
resources. As a result our findings may not be generalizable to brain
tend to have increased subarachnoid extra-axial CSF (Shen et al., 2017;

M.B.D. Prigge, N. Lange, E.D. Bigler et al. NeuroImage 236 (2021) 118067

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