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Agrupamento de Escolas da Boa Água - 172388

Escola Básica Integrada da Boa Água

Grammar Practice: PAST SIMPLE (affirmative/negative/interrogative)
Name: ……………………………………..……………..………….… Class: ……….… Date: ……………… Teacher: Helena Inácio 7 Form ▫ Level 3

Evaluation: in need of improvement:  borderline:  good:  exceptional: 

I Check the rules for regular and irregular verbs. Check what the sharks did or didn’t do.

Oh my god! Daddy!!! The pink

Did you adopt things want to play
a dolphin? with me again!

Yes, I did! - I ate your food.

I didn’t play with Did you adopt a
the humans. - Yes, I did.
- I played with the dolphin?
- No, I
humans. Didn’t + verb
Did +Subject+verb didn’t.

II Complete the chart with the simple past form of the following irregular verbs in the box.

ate did had made gave saw got went took stole felt found fell caught threw was/were

1 be 5 take 9 eat 13 do
2 go 6 feel 10 give 14 have
3 7 steal 11 catch 15 see
4 fall 8 get 12 throw 16

III Decide if the following verbs are correct or incorrect . They can be regular or irregular.

1 played 4 stoped 7 chased 10 studied 13 watched

2 sitted 5 goed 8 finished 11 14 likeed
3 tryed 6 swam 9 visitted 12 costed 15

IV a) Complete the cartoon with the correct verbs in the simple past: find /get.
b) Write Monty’s thoughts in the last picture. Really? In that case…

…….... me
and you

V Complete the speech bubble with the correct verbs in the simple past form.
What __ __ __ you
I __ __ __ two bowls of dog food, __ __ __ yesterday?
some spaghetti that __ __ __ __ on
the floor, half of your cat food, three
bugs a and a sneaker. And you?
Oh , well, today is a good
day to start my diet.
VI Write about what Simon’s cat (let’s call him Pete) did the last two weeks. Complete the sentences with the verbs in
the simple past (below). Check the clues given! Work in teams.

know Eat fight terrify climb not/be fall read Not/enjoy find
destroy devour want2x have tickle steal not/share play 2x Guess
become try go have2x meet be2x cheer watch2x love feel

1 Monday 8 Monday

Pete __ __ __ __ to the vet. Oh dear! He A couple of bats t __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ y it! Pete. They just w __ __ __ __ __ to play
Not one bit! but he d __ __ __ __ !

2 Tuesday 9 Tuesday

Pete p __ __ __ __ __ with the neighbour’s Pete c __ __ __ __ __ __ up a tree to play.

cat. Well, no he __ __ __ __ __ ! The squirrel __ __ __ __ __ amused!
They f __ __ __ __ __ . Again!

3 Wednesday 10 Wednesday
Simon’s cat T __ __ __ d to play frisbee Pete f __ __ __ very depressed. Not even
with Rover. __ __ __ he __ __ __ __ a good his friends, the rats, c __ __ __ __ __ __
time? No, he __ __ __ __ __ What a stupid game! him up.

4 Thursday 11 Thursday

Pete finally F __ __ __ __ the love of his life! Pete and Kitty r __ __ __ Simon’s
Trudy! What bliss! Pete kn __ __ : magazine. Well, no, not really. Oh dear!
it was love at first meow ! They __ __ __ __ __ __ y __ __ it !

5 Friday 12 Friday

Pete s __ __ __ e Simon’s lunch and Pete and Harry the hedgehog w __ __ __ __ __ __

D __ __ __ __ __ __ __ it. He __ __ __ the birds in the garden. And they also __ __ __ a
__ __ s __ __ __ __ . Very naughty! picnic.

6 Saturday 13 Saturday

Simon’s cat and Kitty w __ __ __ __ __ __ Kitty t __ ck__ __ d Rover’s tummy.

a very interesting programme on TV. Rover __ __ __ __ __ it!
It __ __ __ about food, sort of. Yes, he __ __ __ !

7 Sunday 14 Sunday

Kitty __ __ __ Bertha, the rat. She __ __ __ Kitty __ __ __ so tired from all the
all the cookies. She didn’t __ __ __ __ to tickling, he f __ __ __ asleep right away.
play. Her favourite hobby is…
You g __ __ __ __ __ D it: eating! Everything!

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