National History Day 2021

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National History Day 2021-2022

Category Selection Sheet

Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures,

The following are categories for History Day projects. Please check the
category you will complete.

Topic Selected: _____________________________________________

Exhibit Individual _______ Group ______

Documentary Individual _______ Group ______

Performance Individual _______ Group ______

Research Paper Individual _______

Website Individual _______ Group ______


If a group project, please list below the names of other students.

1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________

Student signature _________________________Date ___________

Parent signature __________________________Date ___________

Re: History Fair Project (see back page)

This project will constitute as the Semester Exam since a lot of research will be required of
student(s). During the next two weeks, I will be providing student(s) with additional
information in regards to the category they select. Most of this project should be done at
home; however, other history teachers will be available after school to guide students.

The top two winning entries per category will proceed to the District History Fair in January.
Hopefully, some of our students will advance to regionals and state. Manzano has gone to
state in the past several years.

If the student does not turn in History Project on Due date he/she will receive a
zero. No Late Work Will Be Accepted.
If you need information in regards to this project please contact me via email:
or the Manzano School phone at (956) 548-9800

Thank you,

L. Garcia, Texas History, 7th Grade

Important Dates

1. October 19, 2021 …………….Information given on 2021 themes

2. Project Due Date…….. Dec 3, 2021



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