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Simple Report Writing

A simple report is a logically written document that contains information organized in a narrative

(graphic or tabular) form, prepared on ad hoc (unplanned), recurring (happen again), regular, or

as a required basis. Reports may refer to specific periods, events, occurrences or subjects, and

may be communicated or presented in oral or written form.

There should be clarity in expressing information and the writer should aim at recording

information objectively. The writer should exclude all opinions, preferences and judgements. The

report should be based on factual information with supportive evidence.

Simple Report Sample

Title: Report on Incident on the Recreation ground on 18 June, 2018

Paragraph 1- State the following information: date, time, place and persons involved The incident
occurred on Monday the 18 of June, 2018 at midday, on the Brickfield High School’s recreation ground.
It involved two students Shane Williams, a student of Form Four, and Sasha Morgan, a student of Form

Paragraph 2- Give a description of the incident

The girls of Form One were engaged in a friendly cricket match with the girls of Form Two. Shane
Williams and Gary Moore, a student of Form Three, entered the field and began heckling the girls. As
Sasha Morgan, one of the players ran to take a catch, Shane ran towards her, tripped her and caused her to
fall. Her mouth struck Shane’s boots and began to bleed.

Paragraph 3- Give details of what happened immediately after the incident (brief investigation) Gary
Moore tried to assist by using his handkerchief to stop the bleeding but he failed. Mr. Roger Paine, the
school’s Physical Education teacher was called to assist. He conducted a brief investigation of the
incident, and then escorted Sasha Morgan, Shane Williams and Gary Moore to the principal’s office.

Paragraph 4- Give details of what happened immediately after the incident (actions taken by
Mr. Paine called Sasha Morgan’s parents and told them about the incident. He also advised them to
take her to the nearest health facility to be properly examined and treated in the Casualty Department.
Shane Williams’ parents were also contacted and requested to meet with the principal, Mr. Johnson, that

Paragraph 5- State how the matter was resolved

Mr. Johnson reprimanded both boys for their inexcusable behaviour and advised them to improve
and practice better judgement in and out of the school building. Gary Moore was given one week in
school community service. Shane Williams was required to write a letter of apology to Sasha Morgan, he
received a three days suspension and on his return to school he would be required to meet with the
school’s guidance officer.

Word Limit: 250- 300 words

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