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MATH1131A: instruction to statistics

Fall 2020
Time & Location: Zoom live class, Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1:30 - 2:30

Instructor: Amanda Tian

Office hour (Zoom): Monday 2:30-3:30; Tuesday 1:30-2:30. Starts from Sep 14, 2020, ends on
Dec 8, 2020.
Zoom meeting, ID: 6941673838 (Password may be needed, watch moodle announcement)
Sign In with SSO: You will need to authenticate via Passport York to access Moodle or your Zoom

Textbook: Introductory Statistics: A problem-Solving Approach. By Stephen Kokoska.

Course Web Page:
It is vital to be aware of course announcements, and adhere to dates and deadlines for the
course. It is students’ responsibility to be aware of all in-class announcements and moodle an-
nouncements information. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Techonology use and privacy:

Several platforms will be used in this course (e.g., Moodle, Canvas, Zoom, Crowdmark, etc.)
through which students will interact with the course materials, the course director / TA, as well
as with one another. Please review the syllabus to determine how the class meets (in whole or in
part), and how office hours and presentations will be conducted.
Students shall note the following:
1. Zoom is hosted on servers in the U.S. This includes recordings done through Zoom.
2. If you have privacy concerns about your data, provide only your first name or a nickname when
you join a session.
3. The system is configured in a way that all participants are automatically notified when a session
is being recorded. In other words, a session cannot be recorded without you knowing about it.
Technology requirements and FAQs for Moodle can be found here

Course requirements and acknowledgements:

1. A laptop/PC with working speaker, webcam and microphone is mandatory. Students may be
required to take part in video conference and will also appear on video.
2. Reliable high-speed internet connection.
3. All course related zoom meetings, such as lecture meeting, discussion sessions, may be recorded
and posted online.
4. This course may require the use of online proctoring for examinations. The instructor may
use an online proctoring service to deliver the exam(s), which would be administered through the
Learning Management System (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, etc.). Students are required to have access
to minimum technology requirements to complete examinations. If an online proctoring service is
used, students will need to become familiar with it at least five days before exam(s). Students are
required to share any IT accommodation needs with the instructor as soon as they are able.
Online proctoring FAQs:

Technical consultant:
Student guide to Moodle:
Zoom at York:
Student Guide to eLearning:
To check your internet connection, you can run tests like speedtest.

List of Topics (tentative):

Chapter 1: Sections 2-3

Chapter 2: Sections 1-4
Chapter 3: Sections 1-4
Chapter 4: Sections 1-5
Chapter 5: Sections 1-5
Chapter 6: Sections 1-4
Chapter 7: Sections 1-3
Chapter 8: Sections 1-4
Chapter 9: Sections 1-6
Chapter 10: Sections 1-3

Assignments, quiz, test, midterm...

All course works will be submitted electronically through moodle/crowdmark. It is the students’
responsibility to
1. be aware of the due time. NO extension for any submission. 0 grade for later submission.
2. For time limited quiz/test/exam/, there will be two due times. You should stop writing at
the first due time, and start to take pictures and upload your solutions. You should submit your
solutions by 2nd due time. Please be noted, pictures taken no later than the 1st due time will be
the only evidence that you finish on time. In case your submission fails, for example due to internet
connection issue, you should ask the instructor for help ASAP, only evidence pictures taken no
later then the 1st due time will be accepted.
3. make sure your assignment is uploaded fully and completely before the due time. Try to make
your picture a small size. Large files may cause uploading problem.
4. make sure the content you uploaded is clear, readable and markable. The unclear submission
will not be graded.

Students may be requested to open webcam during quiz/test/midterm.

There will be NO make-up quiz/tests/midterm. Students who miss quiz/test/midterm are to email
(using their York email address) their instructor within 48 hours of the day of the quiz/tests/midterm
with a detailed/clear explanation as to why the test was missed. Supporting documentation will
be requested. The corresponding weight will be transferred to the Final exam. Emails received
after 48 hours or from non-York email addresses will not be considered, and a grade of zero will be
given for the test.
Weight of any quiz/test/midterm can NOT be transferred if the quiz/test/midterm has been taken.
No exceptions.

About remark request: After the final grade is posted, you should check the quiz/test/midterm
solutions and calculate the total weighted marks. The request will be accepted ONLY when the
total weighted marks is enough to improve the letter grade.

Exams and Grade Weight: final exam is comprehensive. (covers all topics).

Tests Oct 9, Nov 13 (tentative)

Final Exam TBA

Assignments(4) tests(two) Final Exam

Weight 10% 50% 40%

NO extra test/work/project other than above listed grade components for this course.

A simple scientific calculator without statistical functions can be used for tests and the final exam.
Graphical or programmable calculators are NOT allowed.

Missed final exam: A student who becomes ill, has a personal/family emergency, or a religious ob-
servance may ask for a later date for their final exam or to submit their outstanding coursework. To
do this, students must request deferred standing, no later than one week after the missed examina-
tion or the last day of classes. For details, please see
Email policy
1. It is strongly recommended that you use your York University email account.
2. Please check course website announcements before you write the email. Questions has been
answered in announcement will not be replied.
3. Please always put MATH 1131 on the subject line, as I teach multiple courses.
4. Please identify yourself with your name and student number at the end of email.
5. For additional help to clarify a content covered in class please ask during the office
hour. Such inquiries by email will not be replied.
6. Do NOT send me message via moodle, won’t reply.

Important Dates: check

Important course information for students:

Please see the Policies and Regulations at
and-regulations and information at

Respect: When using the Moodle forum or when asking questions during a Zoom lecture or tu-
torial, you must remain courteous and respectful. Remember that Moodle and Zoom are simply
electronic versions of a regular classroom, so the University’s Student Code of Conduct and the
Code of Rights and Responsibilities apply. Violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result
in a complaint of a breach of community standards, and sanctions could include fines, restrictions,
and suspension.

Academic integrity I am proud of honest students who work hard to get a good grade and
I support them by asking for severe penalties on cheating. Cheating is the attempt to gain an
improper advantage in an academic evaluation.
Forms of cheating include:
1. Copying another person’s answer to a test question (for example, via texting or chat);
2. Consulting or getting help from another person or an online source during a test (for example,
Chegg, Symbolab etc.);
3. Helping others to cheat.
The MathStats Department has people who are expert in the detection of cheating in this online
environment. If you are found to have cheated, they can seek the most severe penalties available.
According to the Senate, these penalties could include failure of the course, notation on your
transcript, or suspension from the University. If you cheat, you may need to plan for a job where
your employer doesn’t care that there is a notation on your university transcript indicating that
you cannot be trusted.
For more details, see York’s Academic Honesty Policy and information on Academic Integrity for
Academic integrity benefits everyone in our community. It not only helps you reach the real goal
of this class-learning, but also allows for the university and program to be perceived positively
by others. When students are dishonest, they lose out on valuable learning that will help them
perform well in their career.

Behavior: All cell phones and pagers are to be shut off during class. It is expected that all stu-
dents are aware of their individual responsibilities under the University Policies and Regulations
( which will be strictly adhered to in this class. No form of
academic dishonesty will be tolerated.

Important Notes:
Course credit is given to those students who attend classes and complete assigned work in the
course. Students who fail to complete sufficient work in the course before the final exam may be
de-enrolled from the course without prior warning. Students may also be de-enrolled from the
course without prior warning if they lack the necessary prerequisites for the course.

It is vital to be aware of and adhere to dates and deadlines, policies, etc. for the course. Ignorance
is not an excuse. Material (such as exercise problems, tests, lecture notes, slides, video, etc.) from
the course is copyrighted and not to be distributed to individuals outside of the course whether as
a physical or online copy at any time before the course has started, during the tenure of the course
or after the course is completed. Individuals caught disobeying this will be charged.

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