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Fact or Fiction: Work-Life Balance in the Time of Corona

Achieving work-life balance on a normal day? Not that easy. But achieving this during a
lockdown? A different kind of challenge.

At the start of the quarantine, not only did many working professionals have to physically
transfer their workplaces from office to home, but they had to transform the way they worked:
from physical meetings to back-to-back video calls; from ending work hours at 6pm to
entertaining later deadlines because of blurred boundaries.

So, is this so-called work-life balance concept fact or fiction? Especially in the time of a

You have the power to decide if this works for you — being a man on top of his work and life
game — and here are some ways to get there.

A Quiet Place

We don’t mean the movie, but a designated workspace in your home where you can fully get
into work mode for the 8 hours you will be working. Make sure it’s one area of the house with
the least number of distractions, where you can take your video calls in peace, and family
members or flatmates will not bother you.

Have a Break — Or Two

You used to go out for breakfast and lunch, and have coffee breaks during work hours. Allow
yourself the same number of breaks while working at home. Your brain needs those moments
to decompress because it can’t be on work mode 100% of the time. So stand up and walk
around, have a leisurely lunch with the wife and kids, and use a 15-minute afternoon break to
play with the family pet; your body will thank you for it.

Set Your Schedule

Try to work around a schedule that allows you to separate time for work from time for your
family or self. Keeping to a schedule helps you to focus better and to manage your expectations
on a daily basis.

Be Flexible

Things can pop up during the day, like a quick run to the drugstore. It’s okay to be cool about it
and insert it into your schedule. Similarly, realize that your schedule may not be the same as
that of your coworkers’. They could start or end the day later given the times they are most
productive or need to meet their family’s needs. You do your thing and let them do theirs, as
long as you align on your expectations and work around them.

Unplug and Unwind

When your work ends for the day, let it really end. Lines have blurred when co-workers think they
can contact you beyond your self-designated work hours. So unplug that laptop, turn off work
notifications, and spend the rest of the day doing non-work things.

To help you be at your best the hours you have to work, nine out of 10 users of Rogin-E have
said that they are more focused, and have more vigor and endurance*. With Deanol found in
Rogin-E, you can do your work efficiently before unplugging and enjoying the rest of your day.

Are you ready to take on the challenge of turning work-life balance from fiction to fact?

Rogin-E Real-World Study in the Philippines, Consumer Satisfaction Survey, IQVIA Consumer
Health, 2019

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