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= * 8 x $ Port City International University Sa UGC & Govt. Approved University at Khulshi in Chittagong Course Name: Cost & Management Accounting Course Code: MBA 602 Submitted To: DR. Harunur Rashid Adjunct Faculty Professor Department of Business Administration Port City International University Date of Submission: 12-10-2021 Submitted By: Name ID Section | Aminul Islam | MBA 02607283) maa - BBA - 26 (8) | ® a : ¢ Gdobali zation in-{he preaced> by which the | intercnational exchangé of good. pervic capHtal. tech nolegy ard ynowledge ye cores inz reaping sate connec ted - | Zartporza-te ASVETEO SOE in the aypter oft | roles, preacticen and proce b4 which |comPany ty directed and controlled. ICS2 - cowporcate pocal renponaibility 1p Oo foray intetnadion al prdvate bunivem peda ON which Bim? © scant bole to nocietal qeals i of aw philandhwopic oeyist or a ptalceloldest qreouk, ot postty that ran anq ard the gubcomes requiah- al Difference In cont’- [Monthly opercatird cont at Bos occupants: | 460 bednv &O% =:360 bedn'- [320 x godaynxg 32 pet bed day g349600 [Montily opercocing cont of GO% occoPart ys g2bt 2 —Goadgo oe o Ddfenenré }n cant | icdne Zor x20 dour) l080° Ine Cor x 30das0') | on re activi 14 ~ ate _ £13.900 2700 bedn-dayy } =g ZF Pew bed - ayy. @ snecn 7) Monthly opercoting cont ob Bor ocrthorry BHCLEO jade cont vosinl 2 éa-doy,.- (78 $00 f 270.50 2L0 badnx 30 dayne zi idived opewa ting cont pen vote 3 nes Puso bedax' Fo! = 216 vedn gczupred * ' ¥ 270609 DN Zddagn ie Perdax) 0 160, tad cont? ¢ eeaie> PHM AQagagaggghagggrgganeggesggsagggggggars ve] esol § 2200 3600 138068 gy 170 16 00 68 55° ¥ 2080 250 160002 y 2400 4950 | 16,q000 g.270 4600 | 216050 ¢ 1200 40> | 24900 Ex4= FEI | Fixet canst elemerd ghee bG&X Ls By CORREIA FET a _ b4786 ge ie | @ avp analynir:.. hi 2 cont-wlume- preadid analynis alno commonly umowe ar brreakeyen anal4ri?- lonkn to dedetming He breakeven point fort iterent nalen volume? ard cont altucturted: fort manager moalaing decipiow: cvP as amrum Pon. whic can be vnedel Iphent --erzmP buames lanalypin make? neve ale? pruice. dived acd varvablé 1€ conhtant: en mailer volume fortrovla. late inzlodig t eae p volum aM arigin « Ga) er: 7-O rnb Silvers {34 total Salen amaurt 4 farnourtl % amour 4 anand 50500 1 FOOD 1! soc 1 e exderger 12000 boi 1000 204 280.60 or Lexa ucts \p00? 110% YOO? gor 5206 6H ! Tara oh penne? j YALE Sse ‘ 165) g 732,06" akan rel U petl naler Ore %a0.600 - 73260 ag 6%,00° worgin ot wodely in alollen Galen © bg gion Sones E54 ales @ Fxpbiln ; giver by Salon ada! amount 2 amourndy ae around 4 i ‘ io oe 00.00 10k SOOT 100 Yopaso 10m 120! 2 alt 2 saaentnts 0 d " ; So kan Qo” duo ot2h case 1Ra@o ce 100600 20% 360-00 SP 5 eee infedlbetion 12050 Yor YoaaP 900s), 20%. 6 i “1 =e fixed rypencer— pal “3 YD Cay eae y ae oe Net opewalting bntom € “3 “3 “« 6 . an = 4 saeeeee = OIGC0D #13 J O-USs t3 2 tolen —Greakrven Ager o) : By neae “| 12,6000- 945 007 “1, 2 2 = RAKAannnaas

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