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The First Ten Years of Public-Key Cryptography oo WHITFIELD DIFFIE Invited Paper Pubkey cptosstems separate the capacities for encryption and decryption 50 that 1 many people ca encnype messiges Ih seit te es dy 2 on an encrypt messages In Such 3 way that many people a re {hern Tiesepration lows important prover the ate {agement of enptogrphic hes nd make posible 1 Sigh a ‘Pere cigl esse “Rblic hey crptonaphy was dscovered in the Spring of 1975 and has folowed s suprsing couse Although drs tes Were proposed early onthe one tht appa both practical and Sure tody areal very lonely related a the search ore ad Stans itieece Depa on {Timed mathematical foundation pubic toy cmptopaphy is re. ‘lutonting communication securty by mating posible secure ommuniation newark wis Runde of hounds of subse Equally important the impact of pc key cyptography on the Deore sie of commision secu i Reef ep {Opaphers 2 systematic meuns of addresting 4 bros ange of Secu abjectvs and pointed the way tows! more coeds! proc ht aos vctpent of eyptyaphcpters 1 fama Discovens Public key cryptography was born in May 1975, the child fof two problems and a misunderstanding + Frstcame the problem of key distribution. Iwo peo- ple who have never met betore are to communicate Privately using conventional cryptographic means, theymust somehow agre in advance on key thatwill bbe known to themselves and to no one else + Thesecond problem, apparentlyunrelatedtothe rst, was the problem of signatures. Could 2 method be ‘evised that would provide the recipient ofa purely digital electronic message with a way of demonstat- ing to other people that t had come froma particular person, justasawriten signaturean letter allows the Fecipient to hold the author to its contents? (On the face of it, both problems seem to demand the Impossible. Inthe first case, if two people could somehow ‘communicate a seeret key from one to the other without ever having met, why could they not communicate their Manuscript recaved January 18, 198; revised March 25,1968 {he author wth Blt Norther Reseach; Mountain View. A as, USA THEE Lop Number ans message in secret? The second isna better. Tobe effective, signature must be hard to copy. How then can a digital ‘message, which can be copied perfectly, beara signature? ‘The misunderstanding was mine and prevented me from «ediscovering the conventionalkey distributioncenter, The virtue of cryptography, | reasoned, was that, unlike any ther known securty technology, it did not require trust in any party not directly involved in the communication, ‘only trust inthe cryptographic systems. What good would Ido to develop impenetrable cryptosystems, I reasoned, IW their users were forced to share their keys witha key die- tnbution center that could be compromised by ether bur- Blary oF subpoena, The discovery consisted not ofa solution, but ofthe ree- ‘ogrition thatthe two problems, each of which seemed Unsolvable by detintion, could be solved atalland that the solutions to Both problems came in one package. First to succumb was the signature problem: The con- ventional use of cryptography to authenticatemessageshad been joined in the 1950s by two new applications, whose functions when combined constitute a signature. Beginning in 1952, a group under the direction of Horst Feistl at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center began 1 apply cryptography to the military problem of dstin- _Buishing friendly from hostile icra. tational den: Ufcation Friend or Foe systems, a fre contol radar deter. imines the identity of an aireraft by challenging it, much as sentry challenges a soldier on foot. the airplane returns the correct identifying information, i is judged to be friendly, otherwise itis thoughtto be hostile ort best new tral. To allow the correct response to remain constant for any significant period of time, however 1st invite oppo rents to record a legitimate friendly response and play it back whenever they themselves are challenged. The approach taken by Felste’s group, and now used inthe MK XILIFF system, isto vary the exchange cryptographicilly from encounter to encounter. The radar sends a randomly selected challenge and judges the aircraft by whether it receives a correctly encrypted response. Because the chal: lenges are never repeated, previously recorded responses will not be judged correct by a challenging radar. Later inthe decade, this navel authentication technique was joined by another, which seems fist to have been applied by Roges Needham of Cambridge University [172 Thistime the problem was protecting computer passwords. [Access control systems often suffer from the extreme sen- sitivity oftheir password tables. The tables gather allof the passwards together in one place and anyone who gets $ccess to this information can impersonate any ofthe sys- tems users, To guard against this possibilty, the password {ables filled not with the passwords themselves, but with the images ofthe passwords under a one-way function. A ‘one-way function Iseasy 0 compute, but ficult to invert. For any password, the correct table entry can be cakulated easly. Given an output from the one-way function, how- fever iti exceedingly dificult to find any input that wal produce i. This reduces the value of the password able to An intruder tremendously, since its entries are not pass: ‘Words and are not acceptable othe password verification ‘Challengeand response identificationandone-way func: tions provide protection against two quite different sors blthreats. Challenge and response identification resststhe tlfrts of an eavesdrapper who can spy on the commu- ‘ication channel, Since the challenge varies randomly from tevent to event, the spy is unable to repay t and fool the challenging radar. Thereis, however, no protection against fn opponent who captures the radar and learns its cryP- {ographic keys This opponent can use what hehas learned to fool any other radar that is keyed the same. In contrast, the one-way function defeats he efforts ofan intruder who ‘captures the system password table analogous to ca ing the radar but scuccumbs to anyone who interceptsthe login message because the password does not change with {realized that the two goals might be achieved simul- tancousi ithe challenger could pose questions that twas ‘unable answer, but whose answersitcould judge for cor rectness. | saw the solution 25a generalization ofthe one tvay function: a trp-door one-way function that allowed Someone in possession of secret information to go back ‘wards and compute the function’ inverse. The challenger ‘would Issue a value in the ange of the one-way function nd demandto know tsinverse. Onlytheperson whoknew the trapdoor would be able to find the corresponding ele- ‘ment in the domain, but the challenger, im possession of fn algorithm for computing the one-way function, could teadiy check the answer Inthe applicaticnsthatlater came toseemmostimportan, the leat thechallengewas played bya message and the process took on the character of a signature, a digital signacue Tedd not take long to realize that the trapdoor one-way function could also be applied (othe baling problem of key distribution, For someone in possession ofthe forward form of the one-way function to Send a secret message to the person who knew the trapdoor, he had only to trans- form the message with the oneway function. Only the holder ofthe trap-door information would be ableto invert the aperation and recover the message. Because knowing the forward form of the function did not make it possible tocompute the inverse, the function could be made freely failable. Its this poseiility that gave the ld its name: ublickey cryptography. The concept that emerges fs that of a publickey eyp- tosystem: a eryplosystem in which keys come in inverse pars [36] and each pair of keys has two properties. + Anything encrypted with one key can be decrypted with the other, + Given one member ofthe pair the public Key, iis infeasible to discover the other, the Secret key. This separation of encryption and decryption makes it possible for the subscribers toa communication system 10 Tst their public Keys ina "telephone directory” along with their ames and addresses. This done, the solutions tothe original problems can be achieved by simple protocols + Onesubscrbercan send a private message o another simply by looking up the addressee's public key and "usingitto encrypt the message. Only the holder ofthe corresponding secret key can read such a message; feven the sender, should he lose the plaintext, since pable of extracting it from the ciphertext + Reubseriber can sign a message by encrypting it with bis own secret key, Anyone with access tothe public key can verily that it must have been encrypted with the cortesponding secret key, but this is of no help to bi in eating forging) a message with this property ‘The first aspect of public-key cryptography greatly sim: plfes the management of keys, especially in large com: ‘munication networks, In order for a pat of subscribers t0 Communicate. privately using conventional end-to-end ‘eryplography, they must both havecopiesof the samecryp- tographic key and thiskey must be kept secret rom anyone they do not wish to take into thelr confidence. Ifa network has only afew subscribers, each person simpy stores one key for every other subscriber against the day he will need it but fora large network, this is impractical Inanetworkiwith subscribers therearenin ~ 1Y2pairs, eachofwhich may requ akey. This amountstofivethou- sand keys in a network with only a hundred subscribers, half milion in a network with one thousand, and twenty million billion ina network the size ofthe North American {elephione system. itis unthinkable to distabute this many keys in advance and undesirable to postpone secure com: ‘munication while they are carried from one party to the ‘other by courier. The second aspect makes ts possible to conducta much broader range of normal business practices over a tele ‘communication network, Theavalabilityof asignaturethat the receiver ofa message cannot forge and the sender can- not realy disavow makes It possible to trust the network ‘with negotiations and transactions of much higher value than would otherwise be possible. must be noted that both problems can be solved with ut publcckey cryptography, but that conventional sol: tions come at a great price. Centralized key distibution centers can on request provide a subscriber wth akey for ‘communicating with any other subscriber and protocols {orthis purpose wil be discussed later on, The function of thesignaturecanalzobe approximated by acentral registry that records al ransactions and bears witness in cases of dispute, Both mechanisms, however, encumber the net- {Work with the intrusion ofa thie party into many conver- Sations, diminishing security and degrading performance. ‘A he time publickey cryptography was siscovered, | was working with Martin Hellman in the Electrical Eng neering Department at Stanford University. It was our Immediate reaction, and by no means ours alone, thatthe problem of producing publickeycryptosystems would be ‘quite dificult Instead of attacking this problem in earnest, Marty and I forged ahead in examining the consequences, The ist result ofthis examination to reach abroad audi ‘ence wasa paper entitled” Mult-User Cryptographic Tech- ‘iques” [35] which we gave at the National Computer Con- ference in 1976, We wrote the paper in December 1975 and sent preprints around immediately. One of the preprints went to Peter Blatman, a Berkeley graduate student and iriend since childhood of eryptography’s historian David Kahn. The result was to bring from the woodwork Ralph ‘Merkle, possibly the single most inventive character inthe public key saga ‘Merkle’ Puzzles Ralph Merkle had registered in the Fall of 1974 for Lance Hoffman's course in computer security at U.C, Berkeley. Hoffman wanted term papers and required each student to submit proposal early inthe term. Merkle addressed the problem of public-key distribution ashe calledit "Secure Communication over insecure Channels” (70. Hoffman ‘ould not understand Merkle’ proposal, Hedemanded tht it be rewriten, butals found the revised version no more ‘comprehensible than the original After one more iteration ofthis process, Merkle dropped the course, but he did mot cease working on the problem despite continuing failure to make his results understood. Although Merkle’soriginal proposal may havebeen hard 1 follow, the idea is quite simple. Merkle's approach isto ‘communicate a cryptographic key from one person to another by hiding It in 2 lage collection of puzsles, Fol. ‘owing the tradition in public-key cryptography the partes to this communication wll be called Alice and Bob rather than the faceless A and B, X and Y, oF and J, common in technical literature. ‘Alice manufactures a milion or more puzzles and sends them over the exposed communication channel to Bob, Exch puzzle contains a cryptographic key ina recognizable standard format. The puzzle sels acryplogram produced bbya block cipher witha fairly small key space. As with the ‘numberof puzzles, a milion Isa plausible number. When Bob receives the puzzes, he picks one and solves it bythe simple expedient of trying each ofthe block cipher’s mil- lion keys in turn unti he finds one that results in plaintext ‘ofthe correct form. This require large but hardly impos- sible amount of work, In order to inform Alice which puzzle he has solved, Bob ‘ses the key it contains to encrypt a fined test message, hich he transmits to Alice. lice nw tries he milion Keys ‘on the test message until she finds the one that works. Ths is the key from the puzzle Bob has chosen, ‘The task facing an intruder is more arduous, Rather than selecting one ofthe puzzles to solve, he must solve on aver age half of them. The amount of effort he must expend is therefore approximately the squareof that expendediby the legitimate communicators, Themton? advantage the legitimate communicatorshave ‘over the intruder is smal by cryptographic standards, but sufficient to. make the system plausible in some circum stances. Suppose, for example, thatthe plaintext of each puzzle is 96 bits, consisting of 64 bits of Key together with thirty-two bitbiock of zeros that enables Bobo recognize {the right solution. The puzzle is constructed by encrypting {his plaintext using a block cipher with 20 bits of key. Alice produces amillion of these puzzles and Bob requires about half milion tests to solve one. The bandwidth and com- puting power requited to make this feasible are large but ‘not inaccessible. On a DST (1.544 Mbit channel it would ‘equite about aminutetocommunicate the puzzles. keys «an be tried on the selected puzzle at about tenthousand. Ber second, it will take Bob another minvte to salve it Finally itwilltakea similaramountoftime orAlicetofigure ‘out, from the test message, which key has been chosen, The intruder can expect to have to solve half a millon puzzles at hala milion wies apiece. With equivalent com- putational facilities, this requires twenty-five million sec- ‘onds or about year. For applications such as authent- Cation, in which the Keys are no longer of use after ‘communication is complete, the security of this system might be sufficient. When Merkle saw the preprint of “Multi-User Crypto- {BraphicTechniques” heimmediately realized hehad found People who would appreciate his work and sent us copies. Of the paper he had been endeavoring unsuccessfully to publish. We in turn realized that Merkle's formulation of the problem was quite diferent from mine and, because ‘Merkle had isolated one of the two intertwined problems "Thad seen, potentially simpler. Even before the notion of putting ap-doors into one-way functions had appeared, acentral objective of my workwith Marty had been to identify and study functions that were. {easy to compute in one direction, but dificult to invert. ‘Three principal examples ofthis simplest and most basic of cxyptographic phenomena occupied our thoughts * John Gil, a colleague in the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford, had suggested discrete expo entiation because the inverse problem, discrete log- arithm, was considered very dificult. + Thad sought suitable problems inthe chapter on NP ‘complete functions in Aho, Hoperoft, and Ullman’s book on computational complexity [3] and selected the knapsack problem as most appropriate, + Donald’ Knuth of the Stanford. Computer Science Department had suggested that multiplying a pair of primes was easy, but that factoring the result, even When twas known to have precisely two factors, was exceedingly hard. Allthre ofthese one-way functions were hort toassume Breat importance I. xonenmat Key Excoance ‘The exponential example was tantalizing because of its combinatorial peculiarities, When Ihadtirst thought of dig- ital signatures, I had attempted to achieve them with 3 scheme using tablesof exponentials, This system falled, but Marty and | continued twisting exponentials around in out minds and discussions trying to make them fit. Marty ever ‘wally made the breakthrough early one morning in May 1876. | was working atthe Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory on the paper that we were shortly to publish ‘under the title" New Directions in Cryptography” (2s when, ‘Marty called and explained exponential key exchange te ‘unnerving simpli Listening to him, | realized that the notion had been atthe edge of my mind for some time, but had never really broken through Exponential Key exchange takes advantage of the ease withwhich exponentalscanbe computedina Galois(fnite) field Cqywitha primenumber qo elements the numbers 10,1,.-.q~ 1} under arithmeticmodulo q)ascompared with he difficulty of computing logarithmsinthe same field. " Yaatmodq, forl pute Y, from Ky Of Kye ftom Yy and Xp. Taking logarithms ver Gig, ontheother hand, currently demands morethan 2° (or approximately 10°) operations. The athmetic of exponential key exchange Is. not restrlctedto prime fields; itcan also be done in Galois Fields ‘with 2" elements, orn prime product rings 103,68. The “20 approach has been taken by several people (64) (117, [56] because arithmetic in these fields can be performed Wwithlinearshiftcegisters ands much faster than arithmetic ‘over large primes. thas turned out, however, that discrete logarithms can also be ealeulated much more quickiyin'2”" fields and s0 the sizes of the registers must beabout 50 per cent greater ‘Marty and | immediately recognized that we had a far ‘more compact solution tothe key distribution problem than Merkle's puzzles and hastened toadd it toboth the upcom- ing National Computer Conference presentation and to "New Directions” The latter now contained a solution to teach aspect ofthe pubickey problem, thoughnotthe com: bined solution I had envisioned. It was sent off tothe FEE ‘Transactions os lnrotnanionT ORY porto my departure {for NCC and like all of our other papers was immediately Circulated in preprint IM, TeapDooe Kearsacns Later inthe same year, Ralph Merkle began work on his best known contribution to publickey cryptography: building trapdoor into the knapsack one-way function 0 produce the trap-door knapsack public-key cryptosystem. “The knapsack problem is fanciflly derived from the notion of packing gear into a knapsack. A shipping clerk facedwithan odd assortment ofpackagesanda reightcon- {ainer will naturally ty to find asubset ofthe packages that fils the container exactly with no wasted space. The sim= plestcaseofthisproblem, and the onethathas found appi- {Eatlonincryptographyisthe one dimensional case: packing ‘varying lengths of ishing fod ito atl hin tube, ‘Given a cargo vector of integers = (a 3, °°* 2) itis easytoadd up the elements of any specified subvector.Pre- ‘sented with an integer 5, however, i isnot easy to find a Subvectorafa whose elements sum to, evenifsuchasub- vector is known to exist. This knapsack problem is well known in combinatorics and is believed to be extremely dificult in general It belongs to the class of NP-complete problems, problems thought not to be solvable In poly- ‘nomial ime on any deterministic compute. Thad previously entiied the knapsack problemasathe- oretically attractive basis for a one-way function. The cargo vector a'can be used to encipher an mbit message x = Tors) by taking the dot product S = 47-35 the ciph- trtext. Because one element of the dot product is binary, this process is easy and simply requires additions. invert: ing the function by finding 2 binary vector x such that {= 5 solves the knapsack problem and is thus believed {o be computationally infeasible if a Is randomly chosen. Despite ths difculty in general, many cases ofthe knap- sack problem are quite easy and Merkle contrived to build 2 trapdoor into the knapsack one-way function by tating twith a simple cargo vector and converting it into a more complex form (71 Ifthe cargo vector ais chosen so that each element is larger than the sum ofthe preceding elements, itis called “uperinreasing and its knapsack problem 1s particularly simple. (In the special case where the components are 1, 2,4, 8, ete, this is the elementary operation of binary aj = 1191 means that x.t00 must equal. Finally S"~ aj = af = 196 = a} 50x, = 0,4 = 1, and’, = 0 The simple cargo vector a’ cannot be used as a public ‘enciphering key because anyone can easily recover a Vector xforwhichx-a'~ §troma’and’ by the process described above. Thealgorithm for generating keys therefore chooses, 4 random superincreasing cargo vector a with a hundred ‘or more components) and keeps this vector secret It also generates a random integer m, large than Da anda ran: ‘dom integer w, relatively prime to.m, whose inverse w ‘mod m will be used in decryption. The public cargo vector ‘orenciphering key is produced by multiplying each com ponent ofa by w mod m 4 = wa" mod m. ‘lice publishes a tansposed version of a as her public key, but keeps the transposition, the simple cargo vector 4 themultipier wand ts inverse, and the modulusm secret as her private key. ‘When Bob wants to send the message x to Alice he com- putes and sends Searn, Because 5’ = W'S mod m = Zax, mod m = Ww 3 wa mod mx; mod m wa} mod mx, mod m E at mod m when m > Za, alice can use her secret information, w"! {and m, to transform any message 5 that has been enci- ‘ered with her public Key into = w"" Sand salve the easy knapsack problem S” = a" - x to obtain x For example, for the secret vector a’, above, the values w =2550 and m = 8443, result in thepublic vectora = 457, 4213, 5316, 6013, 7439, which hides the stuctute present ‘This process can be iterated to produce a sequence of cargo vectors with more and more dificult knapsack prob- lems by using transformations (mm. (vy, mete. The ‘veal transformation that results is n,n general, equiv- lent to any single (w, m) transformation. ‘The rap-door knapsack system does not lend itself read- ‘tyto the production of signatures because most elements Softhe ciphertext space (0 2 $= La}, donot have inverse Images. This doesnot interfere with the use ofthe system for sending private messages, but requires special adap. tation for signature applications 71] [90 Merkiehad great ‘confidence in even the singe iteration knapsack system and posted a note on his office offering a $100 reward to Anyone who could break it IV, Tae RSA Sesen Unknown tous atthe time we wrote “New Directions” were the three people who were to make the single most spectacular contribution to public-key cryptography: Ron- aid Rivest, Adi Shami, and Leonard Adieman. Ron Rivest hhad been a graduate student in computer science at Stan ford while was working on proving the correctness of pro- kgfamsat the Stanford Arilicial Intelligence Laboratory. One ‘of my colleaguesin that work was Zohar Manna, who shorty returned to Israel and supervised the doctoral research of ‘Adi Shamir, atthe Weitzman Institute, Len Aleman was a native San Frangiscan with both undergraduate and grad tate degrees from U.C. Berkeley. Despite this web of neat ‘connections, not one ofthe three had previously crased ‘our paths and their names were unfamiliar ‘When the New Directions paper reached MIT inthe fll ‘0197, thethreetook up the challenge of producing aul: fledged public-key cryptosystem. The process lasted sev eral months during which Rivest proposed approaches, AAdleman attacked them, and Shamir recalls doing some of each, In May 1977 they were rewarded with success. After investigating anumber of possibilities, some of which were later pur forward by other researchers (67, (1, theyhad dis- ‘covered how a simple piece of classical number theory ‘ould be made to solve the problem. The resulting paper [91)also introduced Alice and Bob, the frst couple of eryp- tography (53, "The RSA cryptosystem is a block cipher in which the plaintexts and ciphertexs are integers between Qand N — ‘for some N. It resembles the exponential key exchange system described above in using exponentiation in mod Ula arithmetic for ts enciphering and deciphering ope! ations but, unlike that system, RSA must dots arithmetic not over prime numbers, but aver composite ones. Knowiedge ofa plaintext M, a modulus Nand an expo- nentearesutficienttoallow calculation of M' mod N Expo- entiation, however, isa one-way function with respect 10 the extraction of roots a wellas logarithms. Depending on the characteristics of N, M, and eit may be very dificult ‘The RSA system makes use ofthe fat that finding large (e.g, 200 128%» 1281 mod 527 35 % 256 ¥ 35 C101 x 47 128 mod 527 = 2 mod 527 Just as the strength ofthe exponential key exchange sys temisnot known tobe equivalent tothe dificulty of extract. ing discrete logarithms, the strength of RSA has not been proven equivalent to factoring. There might be some ‘method of taking the eth root of Mf without calculating d and thus without providinginformation sufficient to factor. While at MIT in 1978, M. O. Rabin [86 produced a variant ‘of RSA, subsequently improved by Hugh Willams of the University of Manitoba[113}, that is equivalent factoring, Rivest and Ihave independently observed (38), (82, how: ‘ever, thatthe precie equivalence Babin hasshownisatwo- edged sword! VTi Mefier Coomc Screne ‘Within a short time yet another publickey system was to appear, this due to Robert |. McEliece ofthe Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Cal Tech (69). Metliece’s system makes use (of the exstence ofa class of error correcting codes, the ‘Goppa codes, forwhicha fastdecoding algorithm s known. His idea was to consteuct a Goppa code and disguise fas general linear code, whose decoding problem is NP-com- plete. There eastrongparallet herewith thetrapdoor knap- Sacksystem inwhicha superincreasingcargovector, whose knapsack problem i simple to solves disguised asa gen- era cargo vector whose knapsack problem s NP-complete. Tha knapsack system, the secret key consists of a super- Increasing cargo vector +, together withthe multiplier w land the modulus m that disguise i; in Metliece’s system, the secretkey consstsolthe generator matrix Gfor aGoppa code together with a nonsingular matrix S and a permu- tation matrix Pthat disguise it, The public key appears as the encoding matrix G'= SGP ofa genera linear code. + Toencodea data block v into.a message s Alice mul- tipies it by Bob's public encoding matrix Cand adds ‘Tocally generated noise block 2 + Todecade, ob multiplies the received message x by P=" decodes xp" togetaword inthe Goppa code and rmuttplies this by $~! to recover Alice's data block, Mctliece’s system has never achieved wide acceptance and has probably never even been considered for imple- ‘mentation in any real application. This may be because the public key are quite large, requiring on the order of a mil lion bits t may be because the system entlls substantial ‘expansion of the data; ort may be because McEliece's ys- tembearsa frightening structural similarity tothe knapsack systems whose fate we shall discover shor. Vi. THe Faas oF re Knarsacts [Nineteen eighty-two was the most exiting time for pub: lickey erptography since its spectacular frst three years. In March, Adi Shamie sent outa research announcement: He had broken the single iteration Merkle-Helman knap- sack system [107] [102 By applying new results of Lensea atthe Mathematsche Centrum in Amsterdam, Shamit had learned how to take a public cargo vector and discover a wand m’ that would convert it back into a superincreasing "secret cargo vector—not necessary the same one the originator had used, but one that would suffice for decrypt lng messages encrypted with the public cargo vector. ‘Shami’ original attack was narrow. It seemed that per haps its only consequence would be to strengthen the ‘knapsack system by adding conditions to the construction tules for avoiding the new attack. The first response of Gustavus}. Simmons whose work wlldominatealatersec- tion, was that he could avoid Shamir’ attack without even changing the cargo vector merely by a more careful choice ‘of wand m{ 6), He quickly learned, however, that Shamir’ Spproach could be extended to break afar larger class of knapsack systems [16]. ‘Crypto ‘82 revealed that several other people had con- tinued down the tll Shamir had blazed. Shamie irnselt had reached the same conclusions. Andy Odlyako and Jett Lagarias at Bell Labs were on the same track and Len Adle- ‘man had not only devised an attack but programmed iton AnApple i, The substance of theatacks will not be treated here since it is central to another paper inthis special sec- ion (EF Brickell and A.M. Odlvako "Cryptanalysis:A Sur vey of Recent Results). The events they engendered, how ever, wl 1 had the pleasure of chairing the cryptanalysis session at Crypto 82 in which the various results were presented. onically, at the time accepted the invitation to organize such a session, Shamir’s announcement stood alone and knapsack systems were only one of the topics to be dis- cussed. My original program ran into very bad luck, how. ever. Ofthe papersinitaly scheduled only Donald Davies's talk on: “The Bombe at Bletchley Park,” was actualy pre- sented. Nonetheless, the lost papers were more than replaced by presentations on various approaches to the knapsack problem, aston the program were Lea Adleman and his com- puter, which had accepted a challenge on the first ight of the conference. The hour passed; various techniques for attacking knapsack systems with different characteristics ‘were heard:and the Applet satonthe table waitngtoreveal theresuits ofits labors At last Adleman roseto speak mum bling something sel'leprecatingly about "the theory frst, the public humiliation later” and beginning to explain his work. Allthe while the igure of Carl Nicola! moved silently inthe background seting up the computer and copying a Sequence of numbers from is screen onto a transparency. Atlast another transparancy was drawn fromasealed enve- lope and the results placed side by side on the projector. ‘They were identical. The public humiliation was nat Adle- was knapsack’ Ralph Merkle was not present, but Marty Hellman, who ‘was, gamely arose to make a concession speech on thelr behalf. Merkle, always one to put his money where his ‘mouth was, had long since paid Shami the $100 in prize money that he had placed on the table nearly six years before. ‘The press weote that knapsacks were dead. Iwas skep: tical but ventured that the results were suficint threat ening that | felt “nobody should entrust anything of great value to a knapsack system unless he had a much deeper theory oftheir functioning than was currently avaiable” Nor was Merkles enthusiasm dampened. He_promptly raised his bet and offered $1000 to anyone who could break 2 multiple iteration knapsack (72), took two years, but in the end, Merkle had to pay [42 ‘The money was finally laimed by Ernie Brickell inthe sury- mer of 1884when he announced the destruction af aknap- sacksystemof forty iterations and ahundred weightsin the argo vector in about an hour of Cay ime (17. Tat Fall Iwas forced to admit: “knapsacks are Maton thee back.” Closely related techniques have also been applied to ‘make a dramatic reduction inthe time needed to extract iscrete logarithms in fields of type GF". This approach was pioneered by Blake Fuj:Hara, Vanstone, and Mullin in Canada 10} and refined by Coppersmith in the US. [28] ‘A comprehensive survey of this field was given by Andy Odlyzko at Eurocrypt 84 79 VIL. Ene Risronsts 10 Putte Key ‘copy ofthe MIT report 90] on the RSA cryptosystem was sent to Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games editor of Scientific American, shorty ater it was printed. Gardner Promptly published a column [48 based on his reading of both the MIT reportand "New Directions.” Bearing thet: “A.New Kind of Cryptosystem That Would Take Millions of ‘Years to Break,” it began 2 contusion that persists to this day between the two directions explored by the "New Directions” paper: public key cryptography and the prob- lemof provingthe security of cryptographic systems, More significant, however, was he prestige that public-key cryp- {ography got from beingannounced inthe slentifie world’s ‘most prominant lay journal more than six months before Its appearance inthe Communications ofthe ACM. The excitement publickey cryptosystems provoked in the popular and scientific rest was not matched by cor: responding acceptance in the cryptographic establish ‘ment, however, In the same year that public-key eryptog: raphy was discovered, the National Bureau of Standards, ‘with the support ofthe National Security Agency, proposed 2 conventional cryptographic system, designed by IBM, a8 {federal Data Encryption Standard (4), Hellman andl crit ikized the proposalon the groundsthatitskeywastoosmall [37, but manufacturers were gearing upto suppor the pro: posed standard and our ertieism was seen by many 36 an attempt to disrupt the standards making process to the Advantage of our own work, Public key in its torn was attacked, in sales Ineratre [7] and technical papers (761, [SiJalike, moreas though itwere a competing product than 8 recent research discovery. Ths, however, did not deter NSA from claiming ts share of the credit. sdirector, inthe words of the Eneyclopaedia Britannica [110], "pointed out that tworkey cryplography had been discovered at the agencya decade earlier,” though noevidence for thisclaim was ever offered public. Far from hurting public key, the attacks and count claims added toa ground swel of publicity that spread reputation far faster than publication in scientific journals alone ever could. The ertcism nonetheless bears careful ‘examination, because the field has been afected as much by discoveries about how public key cryptosystems should be used as by discoveries about how they can be bull, Inviewing public-key cryptography asanew format cryp- {osystem rather than a'new form Of key management, | se the stage fr enitcism on grounds of bath security and per: formance. Opponents were quick point out thatthe RSA, system ran about one thousandth as fast as DES and required keysabout tn times aslarge. Although ithad been ‘obvious from the beginning that the use of publicckey sy=- ‘tems could be limited to exchanging keys for conventional Cryptography, it was not immediately clear that this was necessary n this context, the proposal to build hybrid sys tems [62] was hailed asa discovery nits own right. AN present, the convenient features of publickey cryp- tosystems are bought at the expense of speed. The fastest. RSA implementations un at only few thousand bits per second, while the fastest DESimplementations runat many million tis generally desirable, therefore, to make use of hybrid inwhichthe public-key systems are used only dur: ing key management processes to establish shared keys for ‘employment with conventional systems. 'Noknown theorem, however, saysthatapublcckeycryp- tosystem must be larger and slower than a conventional ‘one. The demonstrable restrictions mandate a larger mi {mum block size though pethaps nolargerthan that of DES) and preclude use in stream modes whose chunks are Smaller than this minimum. Foralong ime fl that "high efficiency” publickey systems would be discovered and ‘would supplant both current public key and conventional systems in'most applications. Using publickey systems throughout, | argued, would yield a more uniform archi tecture with fewer components and would give the best possible damagelimitationintheeventofakey distribution ‘center compromise [8] Most important, | thought, fonly fone system were in use, only one certification study would bbe required. As certification is the most fundamental and ‘mos dificult problem in eryptography, this seemed to be where the real savings lay In time t saw the folly ofthis view. Theorems or not, it seemed silly to expect that adding a major new criterion to the requirements fora cryptographic system could fil to slow it down. The designer would always have more lat tude wth systems that did not have tosatistythe public key propertyand someo' these would doubtles be aster. ven more compelling was the realization that modes of oper- ation incompatible withthe public-key property ae essen- til in many communication channels. ‘To date, the “high-efficiency publickey systems" that | hhadhopedfor havenot appeared andtherestriction of pub- liekey cryptography to key management and signature applications is almost universally accepted. More funda- ‘mental crticism focuses on whether publickey actually makes any contribution to security, but, before examining this eciim, we must undertake a more careful study of key distibution mechanisms. Key Management ‘The solution tothe problem of key management using ‘conventional cryptography i forthe network to provide a key distibution center KOO): a rusted network resource that shares a key with each subscriber and uses these in a bootstrap process to provide additional keys tothe sub- scribers as needed. When one subscriber wants to com- mmunicate securely with another, he first contacts the KDC to obtain a session key for use in that particular conver. sation, Key distribution protocols vary widely depending on the cost of messages, the availabilty of multiple simultaneous connections, whether the subscribers have synchronized ‘locks, and whether the KDC has authorty not only to facil hate, but to allow or prohibit, communications. The fo: towing example is typical and makes use ofan important property of cryptographic authentication. Recause'8 mer. Sage altered by anyone who doesnot have the correct key will when tested for authenticity, thereisnolossot secu Fity in receiving a message from the hands of a potential ‘opponent. In so doing, titroduces, ina conventional con: text, the concept of a certieate—a_ cryptogeaphically authenticated message containing 3 cryptographic key—2 Concept that play a vial ole in modern key management. 1) When Alice wants to cll Bob, she fist alls the KDC and requests a ke for communicating with Bob. 2) The KDC responds by sending Alicea pair of cert: ieates. Each contains a copy of the required session key, one encrypted so that only Alice can read it and ‘one so that only Bob can read 53) When Alice calls Bob, she presents the proper cer- tifeateas her introduction. tach of them decrypts the appropriate certificate under the key that he shaees with the KOC and thereby gets access tthe session key. {9 Allee and Bob can now communicate securely using the session key, ‘Alice and Bob need not go through ll of this procedure ‘on every cll they can instead save the certificates fr later tse. Such cacheing of keysallows subscribers to avoid call. Jing the KDC every time they pick up the phone, but the ‘number of KDC call Is tl proportional to the number of distinct pairs of subscribers who want to communicate ‘securely. Afar more serious disadvantage ofthe arrange- iment described above is thatthe subscribers must share the secrecy oftheir keying information with the KOC and itis penetrated, they too will be compromised ‘Abig improvement in both economy and security can be made by the use of publickey cryptography. A certificate functions asa letter of introduction. In the protocol above, ‘Alice has obtained a letter that introduces her to Bob and Bob alone. in a network using public key encryption, she can instead obtain a single cetificate that introduces hee tony network subsceber (62). What accounts for the difference? Ina conventional net work, everysubscribersharesa secret key with theKDCand an only authenticate messages explicitly meant for him. Ione subscriberas the key needed toauthenticateames: sage meant for another subscriber, he wil also be able 10 create such a message and authentication falls. na public key network, each subscriber has the public key ofthe KDC andthus the capacity toauthenticate any message from the KDC, but no power to forge one ‘Aliceand Bob, each having obtaineda certificate from the KOC in advance of making any secu calls, communicate with each other as follows 1). Alice sends her certificate to Bob. 2) Bob sends his certificate to Alice. 3) Aliceand Bob each check the KDC's signature on the certificates they have received. 4, Alice and Bob ean now communicate using the keys contained in the certilicates, When making a call, there if no need to call the KDC and. litle to be gained by cacheing the celifcates. The added security arses from the fact thatthe KDC isnot privy to any information that would enable ito spy on the subscriber. ‘The keys that the KOC dispenses are public keys and mes- sages encrypted with these can only be decrypted BY Using the corresponding secret key, t0 which the KDC has no “The most carefully articulated atack came from Roger Needham and Michael Schroeder 76] who compared con. ventional key distribution protocols with similar public key ‘ones. They counted the numbers of messages required and concluded that conventional eryptouraphy was more ef ‘lent than publickey cryptography. Unfortunately inthis Analysis, they had ignored the fact that security was better tnder the public key protocol they presented than the con ventional one. Tn order to compromise a network that employs cor ventional cryptography, suficies to corrupt the KDC. This Bives the intruders access to information suticient for Fecovering the session keys used to encrypt past present, and perhaps fulure messages. These keys, together with information obtained from passive wiretaps allow the pen- ttrators ofthe KDC access tothe contents of any message fenton the system, ‘Apublic key network presents the intruder with auch ‘more dificult problem. Even the KOC has been corrupted nd is secret keys known to opponents, this information Is insufcient to read the trathe recorded by a passive wiretap. The KDC’s secret keys useful only for signing ce tiieates containing subscribers” public Keys does not ‘enable the inruders to decrypt any subscriber trafic. To be able to gain acces to this taf, the intruders must use their ablity to forge certticates a a way of tricking sub- Scribersinto encrypting messages with phony public keys. Inorderto spyon acal romAlicetoBob, opponentsiho. have discovered the secret key ofthe KDC must intercept themessage inwhich Alice sends Bob the certificate for her Public key and substitute one fora public key they have ‘manufactured themselves and whose corresponding secret key is therefore known to them, This wil enable them to detrypt any message that Alice sends to Bob. sucha mis- ‘encrypted message actually reaches Bob, however, he will bbe unable to decrypt itand may alert Alice tothe ertor. The opponents must therefore intercept Alice's messages, decrypt them, and reencrypt them in Bob's public key in ‘order to maintain the deception. I the opponents want to Understand Bob's repliesto Alice they must gothrough the same procedurewith Bob, supplying him witha phony pub Ihc key for Alice and translating al the messages he sends her The procedute above is cumbersome at best. Active wiretaps ae in principle detectable, and the number the intruders must place in the net in order to maintain thet Control, grows rapidly with thenumber of subscribers being Spied on. Over large portions of many networks-radio broadcast networks, for example—the message deletions essential to this scheme are extremely dificult. This forces the opponents to place thei aps very close to the targets and recreates the circumstances of conventional wiretap- ping, thereby denying the opponents. precisely those advantages of communications intelligence that make itso Its worth observing that the use of a hybrid scheme diminishes the gain in security aitle because the intruder ‘does not need to control the channel ater the session key has been selected. This threat, however can be countered, without losing the advantages of a session key, by period. ically(and unpredictably using the publickeysto exchange. new session key (40). Publickey techniques also make it posible to conquer nother troubling problem of conventional cryptographic security the fact that compromised keys can be used t0 ead watic taken at an eatier date. At the tal of Jey Whitworth, aspywho passed US. Navykeying information to the Russians, the judge asked the prosecution's expert witness 27] "Why ist necessary o destroy yesterday's [key]... ist if i's never going to be used again?” The wit es responded in shock: "A used key, Your Honor, isthe ‘most critical key there is. If anyone ean gain acess to that, they can read your communications.” “The solution to this problem is tobe found in a judicious combination of exponential Key exchange and digital sig- natures, inherent in the operation ofa secure telephone. currently under development at BellNorthern Research (41, (1) and intended for use on the Integrated Services Digiat Network Fach ISDN secure phone has an operating secret-key! public-key pair that has been negotiated with thenetwork’s key management facility. The publickey portion is embod ied ina certificate signed by the key management facility along with such identifying information ass phone num ber and location. in the cal setup process that follows, the phone uses this certificate to convey ts public key to other phones. 1). Thetelephones performan exponential keyexchange lo generate session keysunique othe current phone call. These keys are then used to encrypt all ubse- {quent transmissions ina conventional eryptosystm, 2) Having established an encrypted (though not yet authenticated) channel, the phones begin exchang- ing credentials. Each sends the other its publicskey certiate 3) Each phone checks the signature on the certificate it has received and extracts from it the other phone's public key. 4) The phones now challenge each other to sign test messages and check thesignatutes on the responses using the public keys from the certiticates. ‘Once the cal setup is complete, each phone displays for i user the identity of the phone with which it sin com. ‘The use ofthe exponential key exchange creates unique session keys that exist only inside the phones and only for the duration of the eal, This provides s security guarantee ‘whose absence in conventional eryptography sat the heart ‘of many spy cases: once a call between uncompromised ISDN secure phones is completed and the session keys are ‘destroyed, no compromise ofthe long term keys that stil reside in the phones will enable anyone to decrypt the re Cording of the call. Using conventional key management techniques, session keys ate always derivable from a com- bination of longeterm keying material and intercepted trafic. If longterm conventional keys are ever compro: ‘mised, al communications, even those of earlier date, encrypted in derived keys, are compromised as wel Inthe late 1970s, a code clerk named Christopher Boyce, who worked fora ClAsponsored division of TRW, copied ‘eying material that was supposed to have been destroyed and sold it tothe Russians (66. More recently, Jerry Whit: ‘worth did much the same thing in the communication cea {er of the Alameda Naval Air Staion [8 The use of expo- ‘ential key exchange would have rendered such previously Used keys virtually worthess ‘Another valuable ingredient of modern public-key tech- nology is the message digest. Implementing a digital sig natureby encrypting the entiredocument tobe signed with asecret key has two disadvantages. Because public key ys- tems are sow, both the signature process (encrypting the ‘message with a secret key}, and the veriieation process {decrypting the message wth a public key are stow. There ‘is also another dticuly. If the signature process encrypts entire message the recipient must etn theciphertent for however long the signed message is needed. In order tomakeanyuse oft during this period he musteither save a plaintext copy as wel or repeatedly decrypt the eipher= ‘The solution to this problem seems fisttohave been pro- posed by Donald Davies and Wyn Price of the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, England. They. pro- posed constructing a eryptographically compressed form ‘or digest ofthe message(33] and signing by encrypting this ‘with the secret key. In adltion tots economies, this has theadvantage ofallowing the signature tobe passed around independently of themessage. This is often valuable in pro- tocols in which a portion ofthe message that is required in the authentication process is not actualy transmitted because itis alteady known to both parties ‘Most criticism of publickey cryptography came about because publickey management has not always been seen from the clear, certificate oriented, view described above, When we first wrote about public key, we spoke ether of users ookingina public directory to find each other's keys (or simply of exchanging them in the course of communi Cation. The essential fact that each usec had toauihentcate any public key he received was glossed over. Those with PROCEEDINGS OF THE ML, VOL 75, NO. 5, MAY 1968 an investment in traditional cryptography were not slow to Point out this oversight. ublickey cryptography was st ‘matizedas being weak on authentication and, although the problems the critics saw have long been solved, the cat ‘hsm is heard to this dy. \Whileargumentsabout the rue worth of publi-keycryp- tography raged inthe late 1970s, itcame tothe attention of ‘one person who had no doubt: Gustavus . Simmons, head fof the mathematics department of Sandia National Labo- ratories. Simmons was responsible forthe mathematical aspects of nuclear command and contro! and digital sig natures were jus what he needed. The applications were limitless: A nuclear weapon could demand adigitlly signed ‘order before it would arm ist, a badge admitting some- ‘one toa sensitive area could beara digitally signed descrip- tion of the person; a sensor monitoring compliance with A nuclear test ban teaty could place a digital signature on the information t reported. Sandia began immediately both to develop the technology of public-key devices [08107 {@0]andto study the strength ofthe proposed systems{105) 106), 4. ‘The application about which Simmons spoke most fre quently, testban monitoring by remote seismic observa tories 06, the subject of another paper inthis special section (G.. Simmons, "How to Insure that Data Acquired to Verity Treaty Compliance are Trustworthy’? ithe United Statesand the Soviet Union could puseismometersoneach other's teritoris and use these seismometers to monitor teachother's nuclear tests, the rather generoushundredand {ity kloton upper limit imposed on underground nuclear testing by the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Teeaty of 1963 could betightened considerably perhaps totenkllotons oreven, ‘one kiloton, The problem is this: A monitoring nation must assure self that he host nation isnot concealing tests by tampering withthe data rom the monitor's observatories Conventional cryptographic authentication techniques can solvethisprobler,butinthe processcreateanother.Ahost nation wants to assure itsel that the monitoring nation can ‘monitoronly toa yieldand does not employ aninstrument package capable of detecting staging or other asect of the ‘weapon not covered by the treaty. Ifthe data from the remote seismicobservatoryare encrypted, thehost country Cannot tell what they contain, Digital signatures provided a perfect solution. digitally signed message from aremote seismic observatory cannot be altered by the host, ut can be read. the host country can assure ite that the observatory ls not exceeding ts authorityy comparing the data transmitted withdataftom a nearby observatory conforming to its own interpretation ofthe treaty language The RSA system was the one best suited 10 signature applications, s0 Sandia began building hardware to catty ‘out the RSA calculations. In 1979 wt announced a board {Implementation intended forthe seismic monitoring app «ation [105] This was later followed by work on both fow- and high speed chips (89,98) ‘Sandia was not theonlyhardwate builder. Ron Rivestand colleagues at MIT, ostensibly theoretical computer scien: tists learned to design hardware and produced a board at approximately the same time as Sandia. The MIT board Wafer phot: Sanda low spd chip. would caryoutanRSA eneryption with aone hundred digit modulus in about a twentieth of a second. It was adequate ‘proof of concept” but too expensive forthe commercial applications Rivest had in mind ‘No sooner was the board done than Rivest tated study Ing the recently popularized methods for designing large scale integrated circuits, The result was an experimental nMOS chip that operated on approximately 500 bit nua bersand should have been capable of about three encryp- tions per second 83). This chip was orginally intended 35. prototype or commercial applications. Asithappend, the chip wat never gotten to work correctly, and the appear ance ofa commercially available RSA chip was to awalt the brillant work of Cyink corporation inthe mid-1980s 31]. As the present decade dawned, publickey technology ‘began the transition from esoteric research to product development, Par of ATAT's response toa Carter Admin- stration initiative to improve the overall security of Amer- ean telecommunications, was to develop 2 specialized cryptographic device fr protecting the Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (CCIS) on telephone tunks. The devices were link eneryptors that used exponential key exchange to distribute DES keys [731 [161 "Although ATAT's system wa widely used within it own huge network, itwas never made available asa commercial product. At about the same time, however, Racal-Milgo began producing the Datacryptor Il, a link encryption device that offered an RSA key exchange mode (87) One Racabtlgo Dataeypor I device used exponential key exchange, the other RSA, but ‘overall function was quite similar, When the publickey ‘option of the Datacryptor finalized, manufactures & Rew RSA ey pair and communicates the public portion to the Datacryptor atthe other endot the line. The device that receives this public key manufactures a DES key and sends ito the fist Datacryptor encrypted with RSA. Unfort ately, the opportunty for sophisticated digtal signature based authentication that RSA makes possible was missed, Future Secure Voice System Asthe early 1980s became the mid880s, publicskeyeryp- tography finally achieved offical, nominally secret, acceptance In 7983, NSA began feasibility studies fora new Secure phone system. There was fewer than tenthousand ‘of thee then latest system the Secure Telephone Unit or STU and already the key dstibution center forthe prin cipal network was overloaded, with users often complain. ingot busy signals. A'S12 000 or more piece, tenthousand STU:llsmay have been all the government could afford, but iewas hardlyall the secuce phones that were needed, nits desireto protect ar more than ust explicitly classified com- munications, NSA was dveaming ofa milion phones, ech Able to talk to any ofthe others, They could not have them allcalling the key distribution center every day. The system to be replaced employed electronic key ds- tribution that allowed the STU-I to bootstrap itself into direct end-to-end encryption with a difierent key on every call. When 2 STU-I made a secure call 0 a terminal wth which tid nt share a key, it acquired one by calling key istibution center using a protocol similar tone described carl ‘Although the STUsI seemed wonder/ulwhen firstfielded Inthelate seventies thad some majo shortcomings. Some

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