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SS a m - = ne < Scpply chain Ptanagenen tot Supply Chaie Management :- Companies Het werlc the goof be foe enkive rehoot® F Develop £ Deliver, to @nd used ¥ men Aganijzakion , q« product ts Mirsclaxed tstol fom vations Suppliers £ it these Gd to customers, 0 Supply chain x ovctel De pendang on the Sige f ergant galing § tte ng on the Sige 4 egenigction £ 00. ch products that ate cmrannfediacd , « Supply Chain nosy lee Simple s Complex x Air 2 Sypply Chain is fo tntreate produckig hile i t PPS Fmartancously peduce the toveatrry ¢ opetachng cost Terms used vsatebpstoek’e helqeinus wrmeece ae It rporked Op aaa fo cweie! untertorn londifios. | ¥ miniinun Stock» ptintmem stock is an indicator for Reordering om any Bind 4 the prachesiog aching based om the Gmpary shealegy 4 mermeot. + maximum Steck The mas, ghck tesel. ts the guoalily Hthtet-ebon sted, Lee i teen Shoutd not normally be allncal aS _ ~=—stst—~*é - G, ne Purchase Reguest y Raclase Peguisih™ J Parrrare Lecteat *( Fe) na daca frorn Sed a! ashore for the purchasing q aeputivedl mategjals aR Contains: Dd mMattial Kame 2 Ee A Single Core indushial, 3) meferal Specipiclion Exi= cable & longi Yoo, & Siegle Core 3) Basic unit ge > elec, Lilo, Ky, Foch .ete 4) Delivery time 3 tn clays a 5) Ory, clelai$ : Aeguest. fox_guetilion, (Reg) \- ¥ Te is a debenent fom Furchate teary to the Sand Plzobat vendars. te obtain Gustileces x REA es Seot fe multiple Supplies s colby repucrrecendt dotaile and Verder Address, | Pecks gid Co) X ft is a dotument. to Selected vendor. fro Tuachase tear abla the wegotrdlins process, x The Po Cenftuns Reguireme at clobarts Anel also the tert "nd Condi tins, frat ale ys Sinoligec| “chong Negok ching process, : i ag Goods Receipt role (Gen): y this the clocament genetated by SI tear as ena eriols delivered Confimenation pole abou the ee Qua bose orden. | x GRN 15 create o wl efoan hy Using movement bype got turk soigs IAT gals apes He Paschate oles. 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