Notes 5 - Equipotential Graph

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Electrostatics Notes 5 —Equipotential Lines and Changes in Energy Potential Difference ‘We sometimes want to determine the electric potential between two points. This is known as the potential difference. For example given two points A and B the potential diference between A and B is AV= Va -\ NOTE: When we talk about potential a a point we are talking about the potential difference between that point and infinity, where the potential at infinity is ZERO. Example: What is the potential difference between points A and B duc to the charge shown? ‘ < scalav, tee xc: How fain we Climbing —_— 050m 1.00 m’ 2 8.00 uC Vrs = Vo- Ys = Ke iy, (tale) Cues’ ‘os 7 0. So loo = | 44 060 - #2000 = " Equipotential Lines ‘TREOD sa charge moves along an electric field line, work s done by the electcal fore. The energy guined of lost fy this charge moving in the Feld ia form of potential energy, and so associated withthe electric Bld is an tlectric penta, V, which has ants of Energy pr charge or Joules pez Coulomb (also call Volts). © Since voltage is potential energy per unit charge, voltage increases when going from a negative charge towards a positive charge. (The kinetic energy of a positive charge would increase when going from a higher potential toa lower potential.) ‘+ A.surface along which the potential is constant is called an Equipotential. On a piece of paper, the ccavinetential is renresented bv a Tine on which the voltaze is constant, ap ire Bat pe Ve) Topographical Maps: Since gravitational potential energy depends co height, lines of constant height would be fraviationalequipotentals. A map of such Tines is called a topographical map. Typically 4 topographical map shows equally spaced Tines of constant elevation. ‘Where the lines are most closely spaced the 8 muy Ve oe = (2Gbx07*) 2.4 xlo* = (5.48 x1o* m/s e |

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