Mple Celebrity Endorsement Research Questionnaire

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mple Celebrity Endorsement Research Questionnaire:

Name of the researcher: _________________

Name of the concerned department: _______________

Status of the research: ________________

Date: ___/___/____

Q1. Tell us something about your objective behind conducting a celebrity endorsement research program?

Q2. According to your opinion, what is the core motive of a celebrity endorsement research?

 ________________
Q3. For this research, who is your core target from the following mentioned sources?

 People
 Corporate people
 Previous records
 Others: ________________
Q4. What source are you using for this research?

 Online survey
 Public interviews
 Opinion polls
Q5. What type of products or services are you targeting for gathering the sufficient feedback to complete the research?

 Luxury
 Cosmetic
 Clothing
 Accessories
 Jewellery
 Furniture
 Other, please specify: _____________
Q6. Are you considering a particular brand for this celebrity endorsement research?

 Yes
 No
 If yes, kindly specify the name: ___________________
Q7. How are you measuring their publicity value?

 By counting the per annum income

 Using TV adds to count on their publicity
 Contacting people by using the above mentioned resource for the same
Q8. As per you opinion, which factor of the following is best for you for finalizing the suitable celebrity for endorsing services or a

 Popularity
 Income
 Impressive appearance
 Other: ________________________

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