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Alexandre Domínguez M.
• The PIC has final authority over the • Approaching head-on – turn right • Default traffic pattern = Left-hand
operation of the aircraft ▪ If on the ground, they should stop • An aircraft shall:
• They must be familiar with all available and • Converging – aircraft on the left must give ▪ Observe other traffic
appropriate information (including weather) way (give way to aircraft on the right) ▪ Conform with or avoid the traffic pattern
• Laws can only be broken for safety ▪ Except if the aircraft has higher priority ▪ Land/take-off into wind
• Overtaking (<70°) – aircraft being
overtaken has priority
• Landing – Lowest landing aircraft has
• Aircraft shall not be operated in a negligent
priority over those in flight
or reckless manner that endangers life or • Aircraft Identification
▪ Powered heavier than air aircraft must
property • Type of Flight
however give way to gliders
• Cruising Levels are: ▪ I = IFR
▪ Emergency landings have highest priority
▪ Flight Levels above transition altitude ▪ V = VFR
• Aircraft must obey all lit stop bars and taxi-
▪ Altitudes below the transition level ▪ Y = IFR to VFR
holding positions
• Aircraft shall not be flown into ▪ Z = VFR to IFR
prohibited/restricted airspace • Type of Acft and Wake Turbulence Category
• Equipment
• Flashing lights may be turned off if they affect
• Departure Aerodrome and EOBT
performance of duties or cause dazzle
• Aircraft should not be operated in such • Cruising Speed, Level and Route
• Anti-collision lights should:
proximity to create a collision hazard • Destination Aerodrome, ETE and alternate(s)
▪ always be on (engine running)
• An aircraft with right of way will maintain • Fuel Endurance, POB, Emergency and
▪ show in all directions
heading and speed (though they must best Survival Equipment
▪ be red or
avoid collision) • See GSPRM ATC Section
• Navigation lights should:
• An aircraft obliged to give way should not ▪ be on at night when moving
pass over, under or ahead (unless well clear)
▪ be red (port) and green (starboard)
through 110° • A flight plan is required when:
▪ be at the rear through 140° ▪ Provided with an ATC service
1. Balloons 5. Rotorcraft ▪ IFR within advisory airspace
▪ Along designated routes when FIS,
2. Airships 6. Powered Lift
alerting and search and rescue is required
3. Gliders 7. Ornithopter • Requires dual controls and a qualified ▪ Into designated areas or across borders
4. Airplanes safety pilot/flight instructor • Must be submitted 60 minutes prior,
• A ‘competent observer’ does not count unless airborne (10 minutes)
• Must be closed after use
• Used for IFR flights operated regularly on When VFR, the pilot should: • Notify the appropriate ATSU that there is
the same day of consecutive weeks or at • Request an amended clearance or leave unlawful interference and of any significant
least 10 occasions controlled airspace circumstances or deviation from flight plan
• Maintain VMC and notify ATC
• Request Special VFR if in a CTR
• Cannot deviate from FPL unless requested • Request to operate IFR • Interception is a last resort
or under emergency • Visual signals should be used
• Deviations should be reported ASAP • Done to either identify the aircraft, return it
• For track errors, pilot should adjust heading • Controlled flight should report time and to its planned track or bring it to the ground
to regain track ASAP level at compulsory reporting points • This may not be practiced (on civil aircraft)
• Variations in TAS >5% or ETAs with • They must land somewhere safe
difference > 2 minutes must be reported • No weapons should be used (if possible)
• EOBT delay >30 minutes (controlled) or >60 - VMC - • Communicate on 121.5 MHz and squawk
minutes (uncontrolled) requires FPL to be • Land at the nearest airport and report 7700 (Mode A)
cancelled or amended ASAP to ATCU
- IMC -
• Maintain last assigned speed and level for: • CALL SIGN • DESCEND • PROCEED
• All times are in UTC ▪ ATC has no radar – 20 minutes • FOLLOW • YOU LAND
• Given in hours, minutes and seconds following failure to report at CRP
• A time check shall be obtained prior to ▪ ATC has radar –7 minutes following
operating a controlled flight either the last assigned level being
reached, squawking 7600 or not • CALL SIGN • REPEAT • HIJACK
• Must be accurate to ±1 second of UTC • AM LOST • DESCEND
reporting at a CRP, whichever occurs • WILCO
latest • CAN NOT • MAYDAY • LAND
• They should then:
▪ Adjust to speed & level in the flight plan
▪ Proceed to nav aid/fix at destination and • Rock Wings and Slow Turn – Follow Me
• Needed for controlled flights and ground
hold until descent • Abrupt Breakaway – Proceed
▪ Descend at last acknowledged and • Lowers Landing Gear – Land Here
• PIC may request an amended clearance
received EAT (or ETA)
• ATC must be informed if leaving an ATS area
▪ Use a normal instrument approach
(except landing)
▪ Land within ±30 minutes of EAT/ETA
• Irregular Lights Flashing – Cannot Comply • 5km visibility • Identify Gate – Wands above head
• Regular Light Flashing – Mayday • 1,000ft vertical and 1500m horizontal • Proceed to Next – Wands in intended
• Will Land – Landing Gear Lowered separation from cloud direction
• Cannot Land Here – Landing Gear Lowered • Above 10,000ft, visibility must be 8km • Straight Ahead – Wands from sides to above
then Raised • In Class F/G airspace, visibility > 1500m and head
• Will Follow – Rock Wings and Flash Nav Lights Clear of Cloud and In Sight of Ground if • Turn Left/Right – Wands stationary in desired
below 3,000ft AMSL/1,000ft AGL direction
• Stop – Crossed above head
• Flight Visibility – Forward from the cockpit • Start Engine – Spinning wand
• Minimum IFR level is 1,000ft above highest • Cut Engine – Wand across throat
• Ground Visibility – At an aerodrome as
obstacle within 8km or 3,000ft AMSL • Slow Down – Patting gesture
reported by a qualified observer or automatic
• Raised to 2,000ft if in mountainous areas • Fire – Figure of 8 Motion
• Dispatch – Standard salute

• 000-179° - Odd Flight Level

• Unless SVFR, cloud separation of that • 180-359° - Even Flight Level
required for VMC • For VFR, add 500ft
• Shall not enter a CTR, ATZ or pattern when • These are magnetic tracks
ceiling <1500ft or visibility <5km (unless
• In RVSM airspace (FL290-FL410), 1,000ft
separation continues
• Not above FL200 (FL290 if RVSM in-use) or
• Elsewhere separation must be 2,000ft
transonic speeds unless authorized
• Not in RVSM airspace
• At a VFR level above 3,000ft
• Brakes Engaged – Fingers out then into a fist
• Not lower than 1,000ft above the highest
• Brakes Released – Fist to outstretched fingers • Red and Green pyrotechnics show
obstacle within 600m radius
• Chocks In – Palms out, hands in to form cross approaching a danger area
• Reduced to 500ft above uncongested
• Chocks Out – Palms out, hands out from Acknowledgment shown by…
cross • In the Air
• Start Engine X – Number of fingers shown for ▪ Rocking wings (Day)
engine to start ▪ Flashing Landing Light (Night)
• Must be Clear of Cloud and In Sight of • Connect Ground Power – Hands into T • On the Ground
Ground (COCIS) formation, inserting stem ▪ Move Rudder/Ailerons (Day)
• Visibility >1500m • Disconnect Ground Power – Hands from T ▪ Flashing Nav Lights (Night)
• Can only be conducted inside a CTR formation, removing stem
• Quickly determines if an aerodrome is • Area to reduce damage on an under/overrun
suitable for operations • Starts at the end of the runway strip
• Does not substitute ACN/PCN classifications • May be temporary or permanent • Minimum 90m length and 2x runway width
• Element 1 – Runway Length (1-4) • Should be greater than 60m • May include an Engineered Materials
• Element 2 – Wingspan and Main Gear Arresting System (EMAS)
Wheel Span (A-F)
• Stopway – Can support the aircraft in the
event of an RTO • Defined area to reduce damage in the event
• Defined latitude and longitude of an airport • Clearway – Area where the aircraft may of an excursion
• Centre of the largest runway climb over to an initial specific height

• MCTOM > 5700kg – Use ACN and PCN

• MCTOM < 5700kg – Max Allowable Aircraft
Mass and Tyre Pressure

• Damp – Change of colour

• Wet – Soaked but no standing water • TORA – Length suitable for the take-off
• Standing Water - >25% covered in water ground run
deeper than 3mm
• ASDA – TORA + Stopway • Markings are and for night
• TODA – TORA + Clearway • If background is light, black outline is used
• LDA – Length suitable for the landing • Closures are marked with crosses
Coefficient Braking Action Code ground run • Markings should not affect braking action
>0.4 Good 5 • Each runway has a designator
0.39 to 0.36 Medium to Good 4 ▪ 2-digit number corresponding to
0.35 to 0.30 Medium 3 magnetic heading
• Flat area for the rad alt to work in auto-
0.29 to 0.26 Medium to Poor 2 ▪ L, R and C for parallel runways
coupled approaches and auto-lands
<0.25 Poor 1 ▪ If 4+ parallel runways, 1 pair takes the
• No more than 2% per 30m
• Operations <0.25 is extremely hazardous closest number to its heading
• 300m beyond the threshold
• 60m width (30m if it does not affect safety)
• Stripe + Gap - 50-75m in length LDA Pairs of Markings • 25-45° from runway
• Stripe – Greater of the length of the gap or <900m 1 • 50kts for Code 3/4
30m 900-1199m 2 • 35kts for Code 1/2
• 0.9m width on ILS CAT II & III 1200-1499m 3 • Centerline begins 60m before the turn
• 0.45m width elsewhere 1500-2399m 4
• More important centerline continues at
2400m+ 6
runway intersection • 2 and 2 lines
• Pairs of rectangular markings not as wide
as the aiming point markings • Closest holding point is for CAT I ops
• TRICK – Divide LDA by 400 • Ladder markings are used for inferior
Runway Width No. of Stripes holding points i.e CAT II
18m 4 • Not closer than 50m if runway >900m or
23m 6 30m if shorter
• 2 stripes along each runway edge
30m 8 • Pattern A – RWY Designator Sign
• If strip >60m, stripes should be 30m from
• Pattern B – CAT I/II/III sign as necessary
45m 12 centerline
60m 16
• Stripes extend to within 3m of the edge of
the runway or 27m either side of the • Used at taxiway intersections
centerline (smaller) • Single broken line
• 30m long with 1.8m spacing • Allows enough clearance for maneuvering
• Taxiway, aircraft stand and runway turn
• Displaced threshold marking <1.8m wide aircraft
pad markings are yellow
• Unusable area before the displaced • Safety lines must be a different colour (red)
threshold marked with yellow chevrons • Reflective paint enhances visibility at night
• Minimum 15cm wide • 6m diameter circle, 15cm line width
• Designers assume pilots will remain • Line showing the direction to face extending
overhead the centerline out 6m
LDA Distance from Threshold
• Closures are marked with yellow crosses •
<800m 150m
800-1199m 250m
1200-2399m 300m
• Extended until taxiway centerline meets • Red
>2400m 400m
runway centerline at the ‘point of tangency’ • Define areas that can be used for ground
• Shown by a pair of conspicuous stripes vehicles
• Extended 60m for code 3/4 runways, 30m for
1/2 • 10cm in width
• writing on a red background • Extended centerline lights to 900m with • Located on the left hand side (or both)
• Signs follow the same colour scheme gaps <30m • PAPI – 4 light wing bar
• No entry signs go across the centerline • 5x 30m crossbar 300m from the • APAPI – 2 light wing bar
• May not be passed without clearance threshold with gaps <6m Too Low On Glide Too High
• 0-300m – 1 light source
• 300-600m – 2 light sources
• 600-900m – 3 light sources
• Location – Yellow writing on black
• If 1 light source is used for the whole
• T-VASI – 20 lights, 10 each side of the rwy
distance, there should be crossbars every
• Direction – Black writing on yellow • AT-VASI – 10 lights on only one side
background • 4 lights per unit
• Signs follow the same colour scheme Too High On Glide

CAT I lighting, plus:

• 2 red side rows extending 270m from the
• Provided at aerodromes used at night and is • 2 crossbars at 150 and 300m extending 15m
flashing from the centerline
• An identification beacon is flashing green • Runway touchdown lights 900m into
(land) or yellow (water aerodromes) and runway or to midpoint (smaller)
shows identification in morse code Too Low Very Low

• 5 crossbars
• 1, 2 and 3 light units on the centerline • Groups of lights that guide into the runway
• Unnecessary if only used in good visibility or
• <1600m between groups
other guidance is in place
• Curved or straight
• Row of lights on the extended centerline at
• Group >3 in a cluster or linear
60 or 30m intervals • Visual Approach Slope Indicators
• Flashing
• Crossbar lights up to 30m long, 300m from • Provided if turbojets use the runway, there is
the threshold inadequate/misleading visual guidance, there
are obstacles or bad weather/terrain
• 10m beside the edge line
• 60-120 flashes per minute

• Required when RVR <800m, used at night or • Recommended when RVR <350m • 0.3m inside the boundary, 6m spacing
for precision approaches • Placed on the side of the rapid exit • Yellow
• <3m from runway spaced <60m apart • Indication lights start 300m out (3) then
(<100m for non-instrument rwys) 200m (2) then 100m (1)
• , except for displaced thresholds • Required if RVR <550m with no stop bar or
• Last 600m or last 3rd may be yellow RVR 550-1200 if traffic density is heavy
• Normally Green • At sides of taxiways or across the taxiway
• Yellow/Green on a Taxiway – ILS Sensitive • Yellow, 30-60 cycles per minute
• Mandatory on non-instrument/non- Area
precision runways • Yellow/Green on a Runway – Rapid Exit
• Minimum 5 lights extending 10m outwards • May be offset <30cm • Required if RVR <350m
• Green • Intervals <30m (<60m if good weather) or • Adjacent to the marking
15m if RVR <350m • Either a red/green traffic light or a flashing
red light
• <3m from the runway
• 6m intervals for NPAs, 3m for precision • Blue
approaches • Up to 75° upwards • Low Intensity – Fixed Red Lights
• Medium Intensity – Flashing Red Lights
• High Intensity – Flashing Lights
• Required if edge lights are used • Required if RVR <350m ▪ Used when height >150m and must be
• Red • Green visible in the day
• Mobile Obstacles - Flashing Yellow Lights
• Service Vehicles should be yellow
• Required if RVR <350m
• Required for CAT II/III and RVR <400m
• 3m intervals, selectively switchable
• Uniformly offset up to 60cm
• Must have 3 taxiway centreline lights • Fixed obstacles marked with an orange flag
• Start to Last 900m –
beyond the bar
• Last 900-300m – and Red
• Last 300m – Red
• Category of aerodrome based on the longest
• Required if RVR <350m aircraft length and widest fuselage width
• 0.3m before the marking, 1.5m spacing • Vehicles marked red or yellowish green
• Red lights the length of the stopway <3m
• Yellow • Response time is ‘phone to foam’
• 2–3-minute response time necessary
6. Next Significant Point
• CTA – Controlled area extending upwards • 4,5 and 6 may be omitted if specified in
from a specified limit above the Earth regional air navigation agreements
• Pilot - “CANCELLING MY IFR FLIGHT” • 4 may be omitted if SSR Mode C equipped
• CTR – Controlled zone extending upwards
from the surface
• ATC will inform other ATS units on the flight
• ADA – Advisory Area
plan route of the changes
• ADR – Advisory Route • Contains meteorological info, including
• ADS – Automatic Dependent Surveillance – severe turbulence, severe icing, severe
Gives 4D position and additional info via mountain waves, thunderstorms, heavy
• Change at Transition Altitude when climbing
dust/sandstorms and volcanic activity
• Change at Transition Level when descending
• AFIS – Aerodrome Flight Information Service
• Transition Level set by ATS
• ATCRU – ATC Radar Unit
• Transition Altitude fixed and found on
• ETA:
charts or in AIP, usually >3,000ft
▪ IFR – Arrive overhead IAF
• Point to which a specific clearance is valid
▪ VFR – Arrive overhead aerodrome
• May be defined by a reporting point,
• Ceiling – Clouds cover more than ½ the sky
• QFE datum is the aerodrome elevation aerodrome or controlled airspace boundary
• Strayed Aircraft – Reports it is lost or
deviated from intended track
• Instrument runway >2m below elevation
• Unidentified Aircraft – Reported to be in a
OR Required for the following information:
given area but identity not established
• Precision approach runway • Level, Heading and Speed Instructions,
• Maneuvering Area – Aerodrome parts used
• In which case threshold elevation is used Clearances, Runway in Use, VDF info,
for T/O, landing and taxi excluding aprons
• If QNH not already given, pilot will be told Frequency Changes (only the frequency),
• Aerodrome Traffic – On the maneuvering
when on approach, entering circuit or SSR, Radar Service and Altimetry
area and in the vicinity
getting departing taxi clearance • Anything with numbers involved
• Always rounded down to nearest hPa

• Complimentary to SARPs (not an Annex) • AIRPROX – Aircraft that have lost separation
• No differences need be filed • ATS can excuse aircraft from making reports • Should be reported to the ATSU concerned
• Contents: • Procedures should be established for
1. Aircraft Identification reporting to promote aircraft safety
• Within FIR, services are provided by a Flight 2. Position
Information Centre 3. Time
• In controlled airspace, an ATCU provides 4. Flight Level/Altitude • Valid between -5 to +10 minutes of
all services 5. Next Position and Time Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT)
• Achieved by geographical location or • Standard is 15 mins
navigational aids • 10 mins if nav aids give position and speed
• Provided for: • 1 aircraft >15nm away and… Same Track and Cruising Level:
▪ All flights in Class A/B • VOR - >15° radial difference • 5 mins if preceding aircraft 20kts faster
▪ IFR and VFR in C • NDB – >30° radial difference • 3 mins if preceding aircraft 40kts faster
▪ IFR in C, D and E • Dead Reckoning Fix - >45° radial difference • As long as aerodrome/reporting point is the
▪ IFR and Special VFR same!
▪ Special VFR when prescribed Reciprocal Tracks:
• Exceptions exist in daytime VMC when • Vertical sep. required for ±10 minutes of
• Same tracks – same direction intersecting
traffic is visually separated time of passing
within 45°
• Maintaining own separation is allowed:
• Reciprocal tracks – Opposite and
▪ In Class D or E airspace
intersecting tracks 45° either side of the nose
▪ When VMC
• Crossing tracks – Other than those above Same track (or crossing <90°) and cruising
▪ In Daylight
level with same ‘on track’ waypoints:
• 20nm
• Specified departure time • 10nm if leading aircraft is 20kts faster
• 1,000ft below FL290 • 10nm if climbing/descending (same track)
• Speed adjustments
• 2,000ft above FL290 (Non-RVSM) • Climb through levels occupied if they have
• Holding for a specified time
• 1,000ft above FL290 (RVSM) passed each-other by 10nm apart
• May be cleared to a previously occupied
level when it is vacated (±300 feet) except:
▪ Severe turbulence exists • Combines vertical and horizontal sep.
• Allows minima to be reduced • 80nm separation (RNAV Airspace)
▪ Higher aircraft is cruise climbing
• 50nm if RNP 10
▪ Performance delta impacts separation
▪ Position reports every 24 mins
• In which case it must have vacated by the
▪ Failure to report requires controller
• normal minima to SARPs (not an Annex)
Complimentary • Above FL250, speed adjustments in multiples
response after 3 mins
•• Assigned
No levels must
differences need be
be maintained
filed by: of .01 Mach
▪ Alternative sep. required after 8 mins
▪ Non-RVSM - ±300ft • Below FL250, speed adjustments in multiples
▪ Non-RVSM with Exceptions - ±200ft of 10kts IAS
▪ RVSM – ±200ft • Not applied within 4nm of landing
• Within FIR, services are provided by a Flight • 5 mins or prescribed distance
• Not changed by >20kts for aircraft on
Information Centre • Must be lateral or vertical separation
intermediate/final approach
• In controlled airspace, an ATCU provides
all services
• 1 min – tracks diverge >45° after take-off • Emergencies, Hospital and SAR aircraft
• 2 mins – first aircraft >40kts faster, same have priority (in that order)
• Controlled traffic not separated from
track Aircraft may be cleared for approach when:
other controlled traffic where ATC must
• 5 mins – if later aircraft will outclimb and • 1st aircraft can complete approach in VMC
apply separation
outperform the first aircraft • 1st aircraft is in comms and seen by tower
• Class B is the only airspace where VFR may
• Departures are allowed until: • Defined point passed (timed approaches)
be essential traffic to IFR
▪ An aircraft on a straight in approach is 5 • Required longitudinal spacing established
mins away (with radar)
▪ An aircraft on an instrument approach has
• Clearance for IFR visual approach may be
started a procedure or base turn
requested by either ATC or flight crew
• If ATC request, flight crew must agree • If delay >10 mins, EAT should be given
• Requires visual reference, ceiling at or • Transmitted to aircraft ASAP and not later
• Complete instrument approach – aircraft above initial approach level and the pilots than initial descent
has started a procedure turn or base turn if to report suitable weather conditions • Revised EAT given if varies by >5 mins
take-off is 3 mins before arrival • Separation must be provided until visual • >30 mins delay transmitted to aircraft AND
• Straight in approach – 3 mins before arrival contact with preceding aircraft operator ASAP
overhead the runway

• ATC specifies approach to be followed

• Alternative may be requested
• Must be completed IFR until cleared visual • Normal Operating Zone (NOZ) – Airspace
• Heavy - >136,000kg either side of the localizer centerline
• Medium – 7,000-136,000kg • No Transgression Zone (NTZ) – Corridor
• Light - <7,000kg • Turbojets should be permitted to hold higher between parallel approaches where
• Can be found in Jepp (ATC Flight Plan Section) to reduce fuel consumption whilst penetration would require controller
• Complimentary to SARPs (not an Annex) maintaining position in sequence intervention. Extends from closest threshold
• No differences need be filed to point where 1,000ft vertical separation is
reduced. Minimum 610m wide
• 3 mins if from an intermediate position or
light aircraft arriving behind medium/heavy Aircraft on final should be told about changes in…
•• Within FIR,categories
ALL other services are
2 mins by a Flight • Headwind ±10kts • Turbulence
• Information
Not required Centre
to apply sep. if VFR are landing • Departures and approaches require >30°
• Tailwind ±2kts • Visibility
• In
after medium airspace,
controlled an ATCU
or heavy aircraft orprovides
the aircraft divergence for simultaneous parallel ops
• Crosswind ±5kts • RVR Trends
all services
behind has the other in sight (if cleared) • Windshear
• Independent Parallel Approaches • Semi-Mixed – One exclusive runway, one
• No Radar Separation Minima for T/O and Landing
• 1035m distance between centerlines • Mixed – Simultaneous approaches with • IDENT shows for 20 seconds
• ILS interception <30° with 1nm straight and departures Other means of identification:
level before localizer and 2nm before • Segregated – 1 T/O and 1 landing runway • Change of heading >30°
glideslope • Radar position within 1nm of DER
• Both aircraft established on localizer before
1,000ft separation minima reduced
• Once 1,000ft separation broken, aircraft • ATC has obstacle clearance responsibility
must not penetrate NTZ and must have T/O is permitted once preceding aircraft has: • When 5nm separation, will not be vectored
3nm longitudinal separation on same track • Crossed end of runway in use within 2.5nm of airspace limits
• >30° track divergence at missed approach • Started turn • Not vectored into uncontrolled airspace
• Landed and clear of the runway (unless on pilots request or in an emergency)
• If instruments are unreliable, all turns must
• Dependent Parallel Approaches be at agreed rate and done immediately
• Minimum 1,000ft vertical or 3nm radar • Landing clearance may be given after • Cannot be vectored onto localizer with
separation for turn onto localizer preceding aircraft has crossed threshold interception >45°
• 915m distance between centerlines • Reduced separation minima applies 30 mins
• 3nm separation on same ILS localiser after sunrise to 30 mins prior to sunset
• 2nm between adjacent ILS tracks • Reduced sep. doesn’t apply between • Standard – 5nm
departing acft and preceding landing acft Can be reduced to…
• 3nm – If radar capability allows
• Independent Parallel Departures • 2.5m – Aircraft on same final track within
• 760m centerline distance • Ground visibility >1500m in a CTR only 10nm of runway end
• Within Class E, SVFR can take place without
a functioning radio receiver
• Segregated Parallel Ops (1 T/O, 1 Landing) Heavy 4nm
• 760m centerline distance Medium Heavy 5nm
• May be decreased by 30m for every 150m • Triggered by ACU, ACC, Tower or ATS 6nm
that arrival runway is staggered towards • Tower will hold all VFR departures, recall Medium 5nm
arriving aircraft to minimum of 300m local VFR flights (or go Special VFR), notify • Light = 8-, Medium – 3+, Heavy – 2+
ACU/ACC and notify operators e.g Light behind Heavy = 8-2 = 6nm
• Class C – VFR about VFR traffic
• Class D – IFR about IFR traffic and VFR about
• In an emergency, set Mode A 7700 • Radar controller will notify aerodrome all traffic
• Only different if ATC requests a specific code controller 8nm from touchdown • Class E – All flights get traffic info as far as
• Otherwise keep squawk unless advised • If landing clearance not given, notified again possible
at 4nm and clearance requested • Class F & G – All flights get service if
• Clearance required before 2nm or DA requested
• Continued control when SSR fitted using code Includes information about:
changes or IDENT to acknowledge clearances • SIGMET (60 mins after issue) + AIRMET (1hr
• Precomputed glidepath and distance to be ahead of route)
reported every 1nm • Volcanic Activity
• Radar sep. between all aircraft where • Terminated 2nm from touchdown, before • Radioactive Activity
required until assumed out of the airspace aircraft is in area of continuous clutter or • Nav Aid Availability
if the pilot can perform a visual approach • Aerodrome Availability + Facilities
• If accuracy allows, approach can be • Free Balloons
continued <2nm to 0.5nm providing:
• Before departure – Depart only to get
▪ Distance given every 0.5nm
▪ Transmission interruption not >5 • Available in advisory airspace
• After departure – ATC notified who will try
seconds within 4nm of touchdown
and get you to destination following FPL • Designed to mitigate collision hazards
▪ Radar controller has no other duty more effectively
• Advised to go missed if position/ident
unclear for 2nm period
• ATCU broadcast message to all aircraft in the
area to clear the specified area and standby

• Aircraft should advise ATC of duration • Aerodrome control tower will alert fire and
• Preferably over water, away from towns rescue when an incident occurs near the
and thunderstorms aerodrome or if requested by flight crew
• Never below 6,000ft • If an aircraft fails to contact tower and fails to
• 10nm horizontal separation (NOT behind) land after 5 mins past expected landing time
• Aircraft behind within 15 mins flying time or should be reported to ACU, ACC or FIC
• Vertical sep. 1000ft above and 3000ft below
• K = Low Level (Helicopters) • Automatic Terminal Information Service
• U = Upper • D-ATIS - Datalink ATIS
• 3 types of ATS (in order of control): • S = Supersonic • Can be on a Terminal VOR channel
▪ Control – Tower/Approach/Area Suffixes: • Should not exceed 30 seconds
▪ FIS • Y - RNP 1 above FL200, 22.5nm ROT • Surface Wind and RVR averaged over 2 and
▪ Alerting • Z - RNP 1 below FL195, 15nm ROT 1 minute respectively
• F - Advisory only • Updated immediately after significant
• G - FIS only change
• A FIR (Flight Information Region) goes up to • If weather is rapidly changing you should
FL195 ask ATC instead
• A UIR (Upper Information Region) is above • Class A - IFR Only, Separated, ATC Service
this • Class B - IFR and VFR, Separated, ATC Service
• CTR – Control Zone (starts at surface) • Class C - IFR Separated, VFR Separated from
▪ 5nm radius IFR, ATC Service or Traffic Information
▪ May include multiple airports if close Service, 250kts IFR speed limit below 10,000ft • Certificate of Airworthiness – Issued by
• CTA – Control Area (sits above a CTR) State of Registry once satisfied that the
▪ >700ft above the surface ↓ 250kts Speed Limit Now Applies Below 10,000ft ↓ aircraft complies with Annex 8
• TMA – Terminal Movement Area (above a • Required for any flight
CTA) • Class D - IFR Separated, VFR Not. ATC Service • If an aircraft is damaged, the State of
• Airspace may be Prohibited, Restricted or for IFR and Traffic Information for VFR Registry will determine whether the aircraft
Danger Areas • Class E - IFR Separated, VFR gets Traffic is still airworthy
• ADIZ – Air Defence Identification Zone Information (as far as applicable) and need • If damage is sustained in another state, that
not be in communication and does not need authority can prevent the aircraft from flying
clearance if they notify the State of Registry
• Not more than 6 characters, ideally max 5 • The State of Design must ensure that
starting with a letter then numbers ATC Clearance/Comms No Longer Necessary when aircraft >5700kg MCTOM have a system
Part of Regional Network: ↓ VFR as it is Uncontrolled Airspace ↓ related to continued airworthiness
• Non RNAV - A, B, G, R
• RNAV Routes - L, M, N, P • Class F – Advisory Airspace. IFR Separated (as
Not Part of Regional Network: far as applicable). VFR Not Separated, FIS
• Non RNAV - H, J, V, W • Class G – Open FIR, Same as F but IFR not
• RNAV Routes - Q, T, Y, Z
• Balked Landing – Landing discontinued • PA – OCH above Runway Threshold
below Obstacle Clearance Alt./Height (OCA/H) ▪ OCA/H + Margin = DA/DH
• MEA - Minimum Enroute Altitude – Adequate • NPA – OCH above Aerodrome Elevation • Operator must make procedures for engine
reception of relevant nav aids and obstacle OR Threshold if >2m below aerodrome failure after V1
clearance ▪ OCA/H + Margin = MDA/MDH • Published procedures assume AEO
• MSA - Minimum Sector Altitude – Minimum • Circling – OCH above Aerodrome • Turning procedures in the Ops Manual
clearance of 300m within 25nm radius of nav Elevation
aid • All OCAs are referenced to MSL
• AAL – Above Aerodrome Level • Determined by the State • 5m/16ft above DER
• PDG – Procedure Design Gradient • Obstacle Identification Surface = 2.5%
• DER – Departure End of the Runway • Additional margin of 0.8% applied
• STAR – Standard Instrument Arrival VOR ILS NDB • Normal PDG is therefore 3.3%
• PA – Precision Approach – Azimuth, Elevation Has Track Guidance ±5.2° ±2.4° ±6.9° • Published gradients are until the altitude
and Distance Information No Track Guidance after which the standard 3.3% PDG is
• NPA – Non-Precision Approach – No ±4.5° ±1.4° ±6.2° suitable
(“Intersecting Facility”)
Elevation Information x1.5 for Reduced Obstacle Clearance • Clearance at DER is assumed to be 0ft
• DME - ±0.25nm + 1.25% of distance

• Departure procedure that terminates at

the first fix of the en-route phase
• Primary Area – ½ Total Width with Full VOR:
• Pilots expected to make wind corrections to
Minimum Obstacle Clearance (MOC) • Cone of ambiguity 50° from vertical
follow stated tracks
• Secondary Area – ¼ Total Width and • ±5° on entry and when tracking through
down to 0ft MOC NDB:
• Inverted cone of ambiguity 40° each side
• ±15° on entry, ±5° when tracking through • Used with no track guidance

• Terminal Area (within 20nm) - ±0.8nm • Track guidance within 20km of DER
• Enroute - ±1.7nm • Within 15° of centerline (or it is a turning
• Turns with No Track Guidance = Full departure)
Primary • PDG may be >3.3% until obstacles cleared
• En-Route Obstacles - >150m AGL • Gradients below 200ft for close in obstacles
are not published but will be noted
• Track guidance within 10km after • Procedure Turns – Inbound track is
completion of turns reciprocal of the outbound track
• Minimum turn height is 120m (395ft) ▪ Can be 45/180 or 80/260
• 90m (295ft) obstacle clearance required ▪ 1-min straight leg for Category A/B
before turn may be specified ▪ 1 min 15 for other categories
• Turn may start at 600m from threshold, DER • Base Turns – Specified outbound track (not
or a specified point reciprocal!)
• ISA +15°C used to determine turning area • Racetrack – End of outbound leg defined by
timing, radial, bearing or DME distance

• IF to Final Approach Fix/Point (FAF/FAP)

Category VAT Speed • May be omnidirectional or sector arrivals • Or from a reversal procedure to a FAF/FAP
(dependent on MSA) • Can include a dead reckoning segment
A >91kts
• Protected area decreases from enroute intercepting ILS at 45° <10nm long
B 91-120kts
to initial approach value with maximum • Speed reduced and aircraft configured
C 121-140kts convergence angle of 30° • 300-150m (492ft) clearance in primary area,
D 141-165kts • ±5nm corridor 0 at outer edges of secondary area
▪ Based on 1.3 VS0 • Begins 25nm before Initial Approach Fix
▪ Provides a standardized basis to relate (IAF) if arrival is >25nm or at the start of
aircraft maneuverability the arrival route if <25nm
• Ends at the IAF • Alignment for descent and landing
• FAP – Point of interception of ILS glideslope
• 3-10nm from threshold and 1-3,000ft
• Straight In – Angle between Runway and
• Where there is no FAP, inbound track is the
Final Approach Track <30° • IAF to Intermediate Fix (IF)
final approach segment
• Circling – Not a Straight In Approach • >300m (984ft) clearance in primary area, 0
• 90m MOC without FAF, 75m with FAF
at outer edge of secondary area
• Maximum 6.5% descent gradient
• Track guidance to IF with max
• In order of precision (though all are NPAs): interception of 90° (PA) or 120° (NPA)
▪ DME/DME (No Reference Facility Required) • If no IAF/IF then reversal/racetrack/holding
pattern is required with max 25° AOB • 5.2% or 3° Descent Gradient
• Established inbound when: • 5-10nm is optimal distance from threshold
▪ VOR – Half-scale deflection • May use a stepdown fix with 2 OCA/H to
▪ NDB - ±5° ensure clearance before reaching MDA/H
• Each RNAV category requires approval
• Begins at FAP Category Max. Circling Speed • Governed by inbound magnetic heading
• Intercepts glideslope at 300m (1,000ft) or A 100kt • Flexibility of 5°
900m (3,000ft) above threshold elevation B 135kts If outbound course is within:
• Minimum 2.5° • 110° left of heading – Parallel entry
C 180kts
• Optimum 3° (and maximum for CAT II/III) • 70° right of heading – Teardrop/Offset
D 205kts
• Maximum 3.5° entry (within 30° of reciprocal)
E 240kts
• Beyond this – Direct entry
• This is inverted for left hand turns!
• From MAPt when not visual
• Visual reference maintained, landing
• Minimum 2.5% Climb Gradient
threshold in sight and required clearance
• 2% may be approved if safeguards in place • Holding Area – Basic Hold Area + Entry
maintained before descent below MDA/H
• If started before MAPt, pilot should Area
• If visual reference is lost, carry out missed
continue to MAPt albeit at higher altitude • Buffer Area – 5nm boundary of holding
approach for the original instrument
• Initial – MAPt to Start Of Climb (SOC) – area
Config changed but no turns • Minimum Holding Level gives 300m (984ft)
• Climbing turn towards landing runway to clearance except for high terrain where it is
• Intermediate – Max change 15° from initial
return to circling altitude
track with 30m obstacle clearance up to 600m (1969ft) down to 60m
• Cannot exceed IAS for visual maneuver
• Final – From 50m (164ft) obstacle clearance
is first obtained to point where new
approach/hold can start. Turns possible
• Up to 3 second turning reaction time
• Should always be on
• 25° AOB/3° per second (least)
• 2000 set when there is no ATC
• Right hand turns are standard
• Accurate to 25ft
• Max 230kts below 14,000ft
• Reported in 100ft increments
• Visual manoeuvring area for circling is arcs • Shuttle – Climb/descent in the hold
• TAs prompt to make visual contact
from runway thresholds based on: • Outbound leg is…
• RAs may only be ignored for safety reasons
▪ Aircraft Category and Speed ▪ 1 min at or below 14,000ft
▪ Wind Speed of 25kts ▪ 1.5 mins above 14,000ft
▪ Average AOB of 20°/3° per second ▪ DME distance (if specified)
• Aircraft may adjust pattern to leave the hold • Known height ±20m (60ft) up to 30,000ft
• Obstacles outside final/missed approach
at a specified time if necessary • Known height ±25m (80ft) up to 50,000ft
areas may be ignored
• Cannot then circle in that sector • Timings begin over or abeam the fix (latest)
• Proficiency Check – Demonstration of skill • Gives privileges of: Requirements:
to revalidate or renew ratings including ▪ PPL and LAPL • 50hrs XC PIC time (10 in planes)
oral exams. Valid for 6 months and can be ▪ Act as PIC (except for MPA CAT) • Able to operate OEI if for multi-engine
revalidated 3 months in advance ▪ Act as co-pilot for CAT
• Skill Test – Demonstration of skill for a • Integrated – 150hrs, 70hrs as PIC
license or rating issue including oral exams • Modular – 200hrs, 100hrs as PIC • Require CPL theory exams, valid license
• Revalidation – License has not yet expired • Both require: and Flight Instructor rating
• Renewal – License has expired ▪ 20hrs VFR XC as PIC with 1x 300nm trip • Can conduct instruction for PPL, SPL, BPL
• Night – Period where the disc of the Sun is 6° landing at 2 additional aerodromes and LAPL and for CPL if they have 500hrs on
below the horizon (twilight) ▪ 10hrs instrument (<5hrs on the ground) type (200hrs instruction)
• Flight Time – From first movement for the ▪ 5hrs night (5 TOs and 5 LDGs as PIC) • Instructor categories end with an I (e.g TRI)
purpose of taking off until coming to rest
• Cross Country (XC) – Flight using a pre-
planned route using standard navigational • Can act as PIC of a multi-crew plane in IFR
• Gives privileges of PPL, CPL and LAPL • Authorization valid for 3 years
procedures arriving somewhere different
• Instrument Time – In flight and on ground • 1500hrs flight time, including:
• CAT – Commercial Air Transport ▪ 100hrs sim time (<25hrs in FNPT)
• MPA – Multi-Pilot Aircraft ▪ 500hrs multi-pilot CAT • Ratings valid for 1 year
• ATO – Approved Training Organization ▪ 500hrs PICUS (or 250 as PIC) • May be revalidated 3 months prior to expiry
▪ 200hrs XC (>100 as PIC/PICUS) • Exception is SEP class - valid for 2 years
▪ 75hrs instrument (<30 on the ground) • If expired by 3+ years, refresher training at
▪ 100hrs night an ATO necessary and a proficiency check
• PPL – ≥17
(equivalent to initial training)
• CPL – 18-64
• IR revalidation can be combined with
• ATPL – 21-64
• Used for application of a higher license type/class proficiency check
• MPL – 18-64
• ICAO – 50% time OR Part FCL – 100% time • Night currency - 1 landing in past 90 days
• Cannot operate CAT >60 except <65 and
• Theory training is valid for 7 years
multi-crew with another <60
• Other State may accept licenses for a period
• Type Ratings established for MPA >5700kg, of 1 year (whilst original is valid)
have abnormal handling characteristics or
• Must carry valid license, medical & photo ID are deemed necessary by the Authority
• Must present flight time record without • MCC required for first type-rating on MPA
undue delay • Class rating required for self-sustaining
• XC solo students should carry authorization gliders
• State of Registry, Operator, Design and
• 3 types of certificate with 2 classes: Manufacture will forward any necessary
• Class 1 – CPL, MPL and ATPL information to State of Occurrence
• Class 2 – Other flying
• To prevent accidents and incidents • All may appoint representatives
• LAPL Medical
• Annex 13 applies wherever accidents occur • State of Occurrence will carry out
investigations into accidents and serious
incidents (>2250kg MCTOM) unless
• Occurrence – Circumstance that has/may delegated
From date of examination until: • If in a non-contracting state or undefined
have influenced flight safety that has not
• Class 1 – 12 months resulted in an accident or serious incident territory, responsibility falls to State of
▪ Single pilot CAT 40+ or 60+ – 6 months • Incident - Could affect the safety of the Registry
• Class 2 – 60 months operation (e.g incapacitation)
▪ 24 months if 40-50 • Serious Incident – Incident where an
▪ 12 months if 50-65 accident nearly occurred
▪ 6 months if 65+ • Should be in an ICAO working language
• Accident • Draft final report sent to State of Registry,
• Revalidation may be up to 45 days prior to ▪ Injury resulting in death within 30 days is
expiry to get the original expiration date Operator, Design and Manufacture
classed as fatal • Comments received within 60 days and final
▪ As a result of being in/around the aircraft report issued with minimum delay
▪ Applies if someone had the intention of • Final report sent to State that started
• Seek medical advice from AME/AeMC flight if occurs before or after
investigating, Registry, Operator, Design,
(Aeromedical Centre) when: ▪ Aircraft sustains damage Manufacturer, those that suffered serious
▪ Ill for >21 days ▪ Missing aircraft = Accident injuries/fatalities and those that provided
▪ In hospital for any period • Serious Injury
▪ Started new regular medication ▪ Hospitalization >48 hours starting • Will comply with ICAO standards
▪ First need correcting lenses within 7 days from date of injury
• Released within 12 months of occurrence
• Never fly under the influence of ▪ Also includes 2nd/3rd degree burns or
• Interim reported required if not possible
psychoactive substances any burns >5% of the body
• If MCTOM >5700kg final report should be
• Limitations only removed by the Authority
sent to ICAO

• State of Occurrence will notify:

• Medicals may be deferred (at Licensing ▪ State of Registry
Authority’s discretion) up to: ▪ State of Operator
▪ Single period of 6 months (non-CAT) ▪ State of Design
▪ 2 consecutive 3-month periods (CAT) ▪ State of Manufacture
▪ <24 months for private pilots ▪ ICAO if MCTOM >2250kg
• V – Requires Assistance
• X – Requires Medical Assistance
• Only standards in this Annex so any • INCERFA – Uncertainty Phase • N – No/Negative
difference must be filed ▪ “Uncertainty” exists • Y – Yes/Affirmative
• Hyphens are used to separate the • ALERFA – Alert Phase • ↑ - Preceding this Way
nationality mark and the registration ▪ “Apprehension” about an aircraft • LLL – Operation Complete
mark if a letter comes after it (e.g G-KEYS) ▪ SAR is prepared • LL – Everyone Found
• Nationality marks are chosen by the • DETRESFA – Distress Phase • ++ - Only Some Found
International Telecommunications Union ▪ “Reasonable certainty” that an aircraft • XX – Unable to Continue/RTB
(ITU) is threatened • ⇄ - Divided into 2 Groups
• A common mark is used if a nationality mark • ←← - Info Received that the Aircraft is this
is not used which is allocated by ICAO Way
• Heavier than air aircraft – get lift chiefly • Contracting States must make a Search and • NN – Nothing Found, Continuing
through aerodynamic forces Rescue provision available 24 hours/day
• Each region has a Rescue Co-ordination
Centre that may have sub-centres • By Day – Rock Wings
• Registration is assigned by the State of • If a PIC observes a craft in distress, they will • At Night – Flash Landing/Nav Lights Twice
Registry or Common Mark Registry take charge until S&R arrives
Authority • You may handover comms to a more suited
• XXX, PAN, TTT and any Q codes or any 5 aircraft
letter codes from the international code of • 121.5 and 243 MHz are used for emergency
signals may not be used operations

• Wings – Left half of the lower surface (or the • Red – Medical
whole surface) and at-least 50cm • Blue – Food & Water
• Fuselage – Each (or both) side(s) of the • Yellow – Clothes & Blankets
aircraft and at-least 30cm • Black – Miscellaneous
• CMC – Crew Member Certificate • Safeguard against unlawful interference
• Machine readable crew ID card • Protect the safety of passengers, crew,
• Gives Facilitation information • Visa free entry when on duty and in transit ground personnel and the general public
• Allows a license to serve its main purpose
• Contracting states should expedite
• Terminated from the moment of admittance inspection for crew and their bags • States must establish a national security
to the State program
• If they are inadmissible, they should be • Operator should have a written security
taken to a State that will take them • Cargo in transit should not be charged for program that meets national requirements
• The costs inferred may be recuperated • An oral declaration should be accepted • Operator will maintain and establish an
• Disruptive passengers should be loaded • Personal effects can be transported approved security training program
first and may be unloaded in any State unaccompanied if cleared • Facilities must be available at all civil airports
• Air mail procedures defined by the • Each airport should have a written security
Universal Postal Union program assisted by an Airport Security
• Document detailing the cargo carried
• May be part of the Cargo Manifest
• Both filled by the Operator/their Agent
• Security measures in place for
• Aircraft Security Check – Inspection of cabin/checked bags, cargo, access control
passenger and cargo compartments
and airport design
• Short summary of the journey including • Airside – Movement area of an airport and
• PIC, Police or Airport Manager contacted if
names of crew, passenger numbers etc. adjacent terrain/buildings to which access is
a security threat is present
• Signed by PIC or authorized agent controlled
• Airside and non-airside passengers cannot
• Screening – Application of means to
identify prohibited articles
• If they do re-screening must take place
• General public need a passport and visa • Security – Safeguarding international civil
• Unaccompanied baggage requires
• Required for all ages aviation against unlawful interference
additional security measures
• No visa required for transit <2 days • Security Control – Application of means to
prevent introduction of prohibited articles
• Exit visas are not required
• Security Restricted Area – Airside area
• Entry documents should be received 2
• Required for deported, inadmissible and
identified as a risk priority where additional
hours prior to arrival
security measures are applied people in custody
• States should not require >3 copies of any • Operator and PIC must be informed
• Unidentified Baggage – Baggage not
picked up or identified by a passenger • Usually boarded before any passengers
• Cannot carry weapons unless authorized • 1 – GEN (General)
• Must not be accessible in flight ▪ Includes weather (SIGMETs), charges
• Armed personnel are only allowed if all • AIRAC – Aeronautical Information (parking and landing fees), differences
States involved agree Regulation and Control from SARPs, Search and Rescue etc.
• PIC notified of the number and location of ▪ Updated every 28 days • 2 – ENR (Enroute)
armed personnel ▪ Distributed 42 days in advance ▪ VFR, IFR, ADIZs, routes, approaches,
▪ Significant changes published in danger areas etc.
accordance with AIRAC ▪ Names of danger areas should not be
• Integrated Aeronautical Information reused for 1 year
• State must take appropriate measures for Package (AIP) • 3 – AD (Aerodromes)
safety of passengers and crew until their ▪ AIP + Supplements ▪ Landing aids, taxiways, declared distances
journey can be continued ▪ NOTAM and PIB (Pre-Flight Info Bulletin) etc.
• States shall aid aircraft with nav aids, ATS ▪ AIC • Amendments – Permanent Changes
and give permission to land ▪ Checklists • Supplements – Temporary Changes (3+
• State should detain aircraft unless it • Each Contracting State must either: Months) issued at intervals <1 month
prejudices human life ▪ Provide AIS
• State should notify State of Registry, State ▪ Delegate this to a non-governmental
of Operator & ICAO about the aircraft service
▪ Agree with another state to do a joint • AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed
service Telecommunication Network) used for
• Available 24 hours a day or if not, 2 hours NOTAM distribution
• Flight deck doors locks only from inside
before/after flight • Delivered by PIB
• Must be locked from main doors closed to
• Based on the WGS-84 model • Checklist issued every month by AFS
main doors open
• N = New, R = Replacing, C = Cancel
• If hijacked, pilot should fly at an IFR level:
• SNOWTAM and ASHTAM are valid for 24
▪ 1,000ft separation – fly ±500ft
▪ 2,000ft separation – fly ±1,000ft • Aeronautical Information Circular
• ASHTAMs are colour-coded (section F)
• Or use Regional Supplementary Procedures • A notice from the AIS about flight safety,
▪ Red – Affects above FL250
(ICAO Doc 7030) administration etc.
▪ Orange – Affects below FL250
• Also attempt to broadcast warnings • = Administrative
▪ Yellow – Not currently dangerous
• Isolated Parking >100m from other stands • Yellow = ATC
▪ Green – Normal
• Pink = Safety
• Mauve = Danger Areas
• Green = Maps and Charts
• Rules of that territory apply when • International Air Transport Agreement – • Rome – Damage caused by foreign aircraft
overflying it Carriage of traffic between State of to 3rd party’s (within 2 years)
• Over high seas, ICAO rules apply Registration and any other participating • Warsaw – Operator’s liability for damage on
State international flights to passengers and
• 1st Freedom – Fly across a territory goods
without landing • Montreal – Unlimited liability for above
• Created in 1944 Chicago Convention
• HQ in Montreal
• 2nd Freedom – Land in a territory for non- OR
traffic purposes • Montreal – Acts of violence, destruction of
• Council is responsible for the Assembly
• 3rd Freedom – Put down traffic from the aircraft and of navigation facility
• Assembly meets every 3 years
home state in another punishments
• Council and Assembly elect a President for
• 4th Freedom – Take on traffic in another • Tokyo – Offences against penal law (NOT
those 3 years
state to the home state damages)
• Air Navigation Commission finalizes SARPs
• 5th Freedom – Put down and take on • Agreement of Paris – Non-scheduled EU
for submission and adoption
traffic in another state to a 3rd party flights
• Has 19 members appointed by ICAO Council
• 6th Freedom - Fly to another country from a • May be denounced 6 months after immediate
foreign one whilst stopping in one’s own notification
• 8th Freedom – Fly between 2 airports in a
• ICAO created 19 Annexes foreign country before continuing to one’s
▪ Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing own
▪ Annex 7 – Aircraft Registration
▪ Annex 9 – Facilitation
▪ Annex 11 – Air Traffic Services
• International Air Transport Organization
▪ Annex 13 – Accident Investigation
• Trade association for aviation operators
▪ Annex 14 – Aerodromes
• “Represent, lead and serve the airline industry”
▪ Annex 17 – Security
▪ Annex 18 – Dangerous Goods
▪ Should also know the other Annexes covered
• These contain Standards and • Produces rules and regulations
Recommended Practices (SARPs) • NAAs act as competent authorities
• ICAO Council should be informed • Provides legislative proposals to European
immediately when a State deviates from a Commission
standard through a filed difference • Promotes highest common safety standards
• These differences are also published in the • EUROCONTROL – Manages Air Traffic Flow
AIP Management in Europe


• Grave$and$imminent$danger$
• Immediate$assistance$required$ FLIGHT$PLAN$TYPES$
$ $
• MAYDAY!–!RT!/!Datalink! • I!–!IFR!
• SOS!Signal!–!RT!/!Other!Signaling!Method! • V!–!VFR!
• Red!lights!thrown!at!regular!intervals! • Y!–!IFR!to!VFR!(IVY)!
• Parachute!flare!showing!a!red!light! • Z!–!VFR!to!IFR!(VIZ)!

$ $
• Difficulties$compelling$it$to$land$ • Uncontrolled:$EOBT!U!30!minutes$
• Immediate$assistance$not$required$ • Controlled:!EOBT!U60!minutes$
• Can!also!include!state!of!other!vessels!etc$ • Airborne:!10!mins!before!boundary$
• PAN!PAN!PAN!–!RT!/!Datalink!
• XXX!Signal!–!RT!/!Other!Signaling!Method! FLIGHT$PLAN$REFILE$
• Switching!on!and!off!of!the!landing!lights! $
• Switching!on!and!off!of!the!nav!lights! • Uncontrolled:$EOBT!+!60!minutes$
• Controlled:!EOBT!+!30!minutes$

• Notify! original! destination! aerodrome!
• Same!days!of!consecutive!weeks$
• At!least!10$occasions!OR$
• Every!day!over!a!period!of!10$days$

• TAS:$Varies!by!±5%$
! • ETA:!More!than!2!mins$



$ $ $
• Continue! VMC! and! land! at! nearest! suitable! • No! lower! than! 1,000ft! above! highest!!
aerodrome,! reporting! arrival! by! most! obstacle!within!600m!of!aircraft.$
expeditious!route.$ • No!lower!than!500!ft!above!ground!/!water$

$ $
• Procedural:$20!mins!maintain$ • Not! below! minimum$ flight$ altitude$
• Radar:$7!mins!maintain$ established$ by$ the$ state! being! overflown.!
• After! maintaining,! hold! at! nav! aid! /! fix! at! Or,!when!this!does!not!exists…$
destination! until! ETA! /! EAT! then! complete! $
approach!as!published.$ • Normal!Area:$
• No! takingUoff! /! landing! or! flying! within!
• Land! as! close!to! EAT!/! ETA!as!possible! and! o 1,000! ft! above! highest! obstacle! within!
ATZ/CTR! permitted! when! conditions! are!
ideally!within!30!mins!of!whichever!is!later.$ 8km!of!aircraft$
o 1500ft!Ceiling$ $
o 5!km!vis$ • Mountainous$
o 2,000! ft! above! highest! obstacle! within!
• Allows! reduction! to! no! lower! than! 1500m!
• Only!allowed!in!CTR$



$ $
• Based!on!Magnetic!Track$ • Usually!3m!x!3m!with!a!white!border.$
• Damp$–$Change!of!colour$
• Wet$–!Soaked!but!no!standing!water$
• Water$Patches$–!Patches!of!standing!water!$
• Flooded$–!Extensive!standing!water$

• 1!–!Poor!(0.25)$
• 2!–!Poor!/!Medium$
• 3!–!Medium!(0.30)$
• 4!–!Medium!/!Good$
• 5!–!Good!(0.40)$
! • 9!U!Unreliable$

Element$1$ Element$2$
Reference!Field!Length! OBSTACLE$LIGHTING$
2! 800≤x<1200! $
Categorised!by!wing! • Land$–!Green!Morse!
3! 1200≤x<1800! span!and!outer!MLG! • Water$–!Yellow!Morse! • Emergency$Vehicles!–!Flashing!blue!
span.! • Other$Vehicles$–!Flashing!yellow!
4! 1800≤x! • Fixed$Objects$–!Fixed!red!
! $
• Land$–!White!or!white!/!green! OBSTACLE$LIGHTING$(HIGH$INTENSITY)$
• Water$–!White!or!white!/!yellow! !
• Flashing$White$
! • When! 150m! AGL$ and! recognition! essential!



$ $ $
• Mandatory!Instruction! • C$–!15m$ • Used! when! there! are! no! marked! holding!
(EG/!Hold!Position)! • D$–!18m$ positions.!
! !
! TAXIWAY$LIGHTING$ • RWY$<$900$m:$30$m!from!runway!edge!
• Information!Sign! $ • RWY$≥$900$m:$50!m!from!runway!edge!
(EG/!Taxiway!Direction)! • Normally!just!blue$edge$lighting$ !
! !
• Aerodromes! with! LVPs! have! green$ STOP$BARS$
• Location!Sign! centerline$ lighting! and! usually! blue! edge!
(EG/!Taxiway!Location)! $
light!as!well.! • Required! at! every! runway! holding! position!
! ! where! the! runway! is! intended! to! be! used!
• Alternate$ green$ and$ yellow$ lighting! used! below$350$m$RVR!
from! start! of! taxiway! on! runway! to! !
VEHICLES$ perimeter!of!the!critical!/!sensitive!area.!! • Not! required! if! procedures! limit,! when!
! below$550$m$RVR:!
VEHICLE$COLOURS$ o One!aircraft!on!manoeuvring!area!
$ o Vehicles!to!essential!minimum!!
• Emergency$ Vehicles! –! Single! conspicuous!
• Service$Vehicles$U!Yellow! $
• Required! at! RWY! when! ops! intended!
between! 550m$ and$ 1200m$ with$ heavy$
• Required!if!ops!intended!below$550m$with$


$ $
• Unidirectional$red$ • Variable!white$ although!can!also!be$ yellow$
RUNWAY$WIDTHS$ towards$runway$end.!
$ !
• 18!m! RUNWAY$CENTRELINE$LIGHTS$ • Required! for! any$ precision$ approach$
• 23!m! $ runways$and$those!to!be!used!at$night.!
• 30!m! • Threshold! –! 900m!
• 45!m! from!end:!White!
• 60!m! !
• 900m! –! 300m! from!
• 300m!to!end:!Red!
• Runway!Width!=!4!x!#!of!stripes! !
• Required! on!
runways! intended!
THRESHOLD$LIGHTING$ to! be! used! in! RVRs$
$ !!
• Threshold!Marking!U!Unidirectional$green$
• Threshold!Identification!–!Flashing$White$

RWY$Length$ 1200$m$–$1500$m$ 1500$m$–$2400$m$ 2400$m$+$
• TDZ!markings!placed!at!150$m$intervals$ Aiming$Point$Distance$From$
• Aiming!point!required!when!RWY$>$800m$ 300!m! 400!m!
• Aiming$point$min$distance$150$m$
$ #$TDZ$Markings$ 3! 4! 6!



$ $ $
• 5$Fixed$White$Crossbars$! • Indicated! by! a! white$ line$ drawn$ across$ a$ • AVASIS,! PAPI! /! TUVASIS! to! be! provided!
! runway! when! eye! height! over! the! threshold! is!
• Starts! from! a! distance! of! 900m! from! the! ! between!12m$–$16m$
threshold.! • Red$ runway$ edge$ lighting! is! used! in! the!
! direction!of!approach.!
• The! single,! two! and! three$ light$ sources$ ! TgVASI$
have$a$length$of$300m$each!(total!900!m)! $
• Wing! bar! consisting! of! 4$ light$ units!
CAT$II$/$III$ILS$INSTALLATION$ • 6$lights$bisect$longitudinally.$
$ $
• Additionally! has! a! white$ centerline$ • ATgVASI$ installed! on!one! side! only! but! still!
barrette!and!two$red$side$barrettes.$ with!4!light!units.$
! $
• These! start! from! a! distance! of! 300m! from! !
the!threshold.! !


• Contains!4$light$units$


A$ ✓! ✓! ✓! ✓! I!+!V! I!+!V! !
B$ ✓! ✓! ✓! ✓! I!+!V! I!+!V! ! 2.!Operational!Information!(ETA!+!Endurance)!
C$ ✓! ✓! ✓! Info! I!+!V! I!+!V! V! 3.!Meteorological!Information!
D$ ✓! Info! Info! Info! I!+!V! I!+!V! I!+!V!

E$ ✓! If!Able! If!Able! If!Able! I! I! I!+!V! ATC$DELAYS$&$SLOTS$

F$ If!Able! ! ! ! I! ! I!+!V!
G$ ! ! ! ! I! ! I!+!V! $
• Issued:!10m!mins!!delay!/!30!mins!holding!
• Expeditious$Notification:!30!mins!or!more!
ATC$WEATHER$REPORTS$ INDENTIFYING$AIRCRAFT$ • Revised:!Further!5!min!delay!or!more!

$ $
• Mean$Headwind$–!10!KTS! • Heading!changes!of!300$or$more!
• U!5!MIN!/!+!10!MIN!
• Mean$Crosswind$–$5!KTS!
• Mean$Tailwind$–!2!KTS!
RVR$ • Non!RVSM:!±!300!ft!
$ • RVSM:!±!200!ft!
• Reported!when!falls!below!1500$m!
• Identified!1$nm$after$departure!with!PSR!


$ $
• Intercept!heading!≤$300$within$1$nm$
• Heavy:$≥$136,000!kgs$ • Normally!–!5$nm$
o ≤!450!for!nonUparallel!intercept$
• Medium:$7,000!–!136,000!kgs$ • Suitable!Equipment!–!3$nm$
• Light:!≤!7,000!kgs$ • Special!Conditions!–!2.5$nm$
• Level!2$nm$before!glideslope!capture!


VACATING$LEVELS$ • 3!nm!/1,000!ft!
• Passed! level! in! required! direction! by! more$ DEPENDENT$PARALLEL$APPROACHES$
than$300$ft! (MODE$2)$
• 3!nm!(Same!ILS)!
RADAR$/$TOWER$LIASON$ • 2!nm!(Opposite!Approaches)!
• First!Notification!–!8$nm!from!touchdown$ INDEPENDENT$PARALLEL$APPROACHES$
• Second!Notification!–!4$nm! (MODE$1)$
DEPARTING$AIRCRAFT$ • Min!distance!for!clearance!–!2nm! $
$ • 3$nm$(Same$ILS)!
• Applies! to! light! behind! M/H! OR! a! medium! MAP$RECOMMENDED$ • Includes!NOZ!&!NTZ!(At!least!610!m)!
behind!H.! $
! • Aircraft! not! visible! on! radar! for! significant! MAP$TRACKS$
• Standard:!2$Mins! interval!during!the!last!2$nm! $
o!Includes!taking!off!after!an!arrival! • Must!diverge$by$ at$least$300!when!parallel!
! approaches!are!used.!
• 3$Mins!when:! SRA$
o!! Departing!from!intermediate!point! $ SPEED$CONTROL$
o Parallel!runway!less!than!760m! • Distance!&!level!transmitted!every$0.5$nm$ $
! • Within$4$nm!–!No!more!than!5s!intervals$ • Must!terminate!4nm$from$touchdown!
• Terminates$2$nm!from!touchdown$ • Max!request:!±$20$KTS$


NAV$AID$SEPARATION$ SAME$LEVEL$&$SAME$/$CROSSING$TRACK$ • Can!take!off!in!any$direction!until:!
$ $ !
• Ensured! when! the! aircraft! are! 15nm! from! • 20$nm!–!Default! o Arriving! aircraft! is! within! 5! mins! of!
the!NAVAID!and!on!radials$that$differ!by:$ • 10$nm!–!Lead!aircraft!+!20!kts! being!overhead!the!instrument!runway!
o VOR!U!150$ !
o NDB!U!300$ • Can! take! off! in! a! direction! that! is! at$ least$
$ 450$ different! from! reciprocal! of! approach!
$ until:!
• RNAV$ requires$ 150! separation! with! no! • Min$10$nm!
distance!requirement$ o Arriving! aircraft! is! within! 3! mins! of!
being! overhead! the! instrument! runway!
DEPARTURE$SEPARATION$ OR!it!passes!a!designated!fix!
• 5$Min!–!Same!Track! (INSTRUMENT$APPROACH)$
• 15$Mins!–!Default! • 2$Min!–!Same!Track!(Lead!+!40!Kts)!
• Can!take!off!in!any$direction!until:!
• 10$Mins!–!Regular!Fixes! • 1$Min!–!Diverging!tracks!(≥450)!
• 5$Min!–!Lead!aircraft!+!20!Kts! o Arriving! aircraft! has! started! in!
• 3$Min!–!Lead!aircraft!+!40!Kts! !! procedure! /! base! turn! leading! to! final!
$ • Once! the!turn! has! commended,!can!take! off!
• 15$Mins!–!Default! in!a! direction!that!is!at$ least$ 450$ different!
• 10$Mins!–!Regular!Fixes! from!reciprocal!of!approach!until:!
• 5$ Min! –! If! second! aircraft! begins! level! !
change! with! 10min! of! the! other! aircraft! o Arriving! aircraft! is! within! 3! mins! of!
reporting!over!an!exact!reporting!point.! being!overhead!the!instrument!runway!



$ $
• CTR$(Control$Zone)$!U!SFC!!+$ • Accurate!to!within!30$seconds$of$UTC$
o Min!5!NM!in!approach!direction$
• CTA$(Control$Area)$g$≥!700ft!/!200!m!AGL!+$ $
• Clouds!below!5,000!ft!or!highest!MSA$
• Separated!approx.!FL195$ $
• Within!FIR!is!a!FIS!+!Alerting!Service$ • Max$30$seconds$where!possible$


• Should! be! 60$ NM$ apart$ or$ more! under!

• Y!–!22.5!NM!Radius!(≥!FL!200)$
• Z!–!15!NM!Radius!(≤!FL190)$



• Angle! between! final! approach! track! and!
SID$TRACK$GUIDANCE$ MINIMUM$SECTOR$ALTITUDES$ runway!centerline!is!300$or$less$
$ $
• Straight$Departure$–$20!km$ • Within$25$nm!of!the!IAF$
• Turning$Departure$–!10!km$ FIX$TOLERANCE$
$ • VOR$
MIN$HEIGHT$BEFORE$TURNING$ • VOR$+$ILS:$Half!scale!deflection$ o ±!4.50!(5.20!with!track!guidance)$
$ • NDB:!±!50$ o Area!Width:!2!NM$
• OmniUdirectional! (turning)! departure! when! o Area!Splay:!7.80$
turn$is$greater$than$150$ $
$ • NDB$
• Must!be!at!least!120$m$AGL$and,$ o ±!6.20!(6.90!with!track!guidance)$
• Have!at!least$90$m$obstacle$clearance$ • Normally!2.5%$
o Area!Width:!2.5!NM$
• Can!be!reduced$to$2%$if$approved$
o Area!Splay:!10.30$
$ $ o Old:!±0.25!NM!+!1.25%!Slant!Range$
• PDG$=$OIS$+$MOC$ • Reduces! from! 300$ m$ to$ 150$ m! in! the! o New:!±0.2!NM$
$ primary!area!during!intermediate!segment.$ $
• OIS$ –! Obstacle! Identification! Surface! $ • Terminal$Area$Radar$(TAR)$
(Minimum!2.5%)$ • Absolute$minimum!in!final!segment!is:$ o 0.8!NM!within!20!NM!$
$ o 90!m!–!Without!FAF$ $
• MOC$ –$ Minimum! Obstacle! Clearance! (Fixed! o 75!m!–!With!FAF$ • EngRoute$Radar$(RSR)$
at!0.8%)$ $ o 1.7!NM!within!40!NM!$
• Standard!PDG!–!3.3%$

• Greater!than!150$m$ APPROACH$SEGMENTS$
• Beyond!15$km!radius!of!aerodrome$ $
Arrival!!U$IAF!U!Initial! U!IF!–!Intermediate!–!FAP$–!Final!U!MAP!–!Missed!Approach!


$ $ $
• Initial$ Lowest'of'the'below'or'that'bank'angle'which' • Optimum$–!5.2%$
o MAP!!!Start!of!climb!(SOC)$ gives'30'/'second'rate'of'turn' • Maximum$–!6.5%!$
o No!turns!specified$ $
$ • Departure!–!150!till!1,000!ft$
• Intermediate$ • Departure!–!200!from!1,000!ft!–!3,000!ft$ ROUTE$WIDTHS$
o SOC!!!50!m!obstacle!clearance$ • Departure!–!250!above!3,000!ft$ $
o Max!150!track!changes$ ! • Airways$–!±!10!NM$
o 30!m!obstacle!clearance$ • Initial!Approach!–!250$ • SID$/$STARS$–!±!5!NM!$
$ • Missed!Approach!U!150$
• Final$ • Visual!Maneuvering!U!250$ !!
o 50! m! obstacle! clearance! !! initiation! of! • Circling!U!200$
new!approach,!hold!/!return!to!enroute$ $
o Turns!can!be!prescribed$ A'pilot'reaction'time'of'0"–"3"seconds'is'used'
o 50!m!obstacle!clearance$

$ • Helicopters!–!3!m$
• The!450$leg!is!flown!for:$ • Aircraft$–!6!/!7/!8!m!(CAT!dependent)$
o A$&$B:!1!Min$
o C,$D$&$E:!1!Min!15!sec$
• 3$–$10$nm$
• 1,000$ft$g>$3,000$ft$

• 450$Intersection$
• Max!10$NM$



• At! least! 1,000$ ft$ obstacle$ clearance!
ENTRY$&$OUTBOUND$LEG$TIMINGS$ provided!by!the!lowest!holding!level.$ MINIMUM$HEIGHTS$
$ $ $
• At$/$Below$FL140$–$1!Minute$ • Clearance! continues! to! 5$ nm$ from$ • Wing:$50!cm$
• Above$FL140$–!1.5!Minutes$ boundary$where!it!is!reduced$to$60$m.$ • Tail:$30!cm$
• By!6$nm$the$clearance$is$0$m$
$ $
• To!the!right$unless!otherwise!stated$ • Common$Mark$$
MAX$HOLDING$SPEEDS$(IAS)$ o ITU! !! ICAO! !! Common! Mark!
$ Registering!Authority$
• Made!at!250$angle$of$bank$/$30$per$second,!
• At$/$Below$FL140:!230!KTS$ $
• FL140$–$FL200$(Inclusive):!240!KTS$ • Registration$Mark$
• FL200$–$FL340$(Inclusive):!265!KTS$ o Assigned! by! state! of! registry! /!
• Above$FL340:!M!0.83$ common!mark!registering!authority$
• 1!–!Parallel!Entry$ ALTIMETRY$
• 2!–!Teardop!Entry!(300!Offset)$ RESTRICTED$
• 3!–!Direct!Entry$ $
• ±$50$flexibility!at!the!boundaries$ $ • TTT!(Urgent)!
• Based!on!magnetic$heading$ • ±$20$m$–$Test!range!of!0!–!30,000!ft$ • PAN!(Urgent)!
$ • ±$25$m$–!Test!range!of!0!U!50,000!ft$ !
• Combinations! that! may! be! confused! with! 5!
$ • Q!codes$
• Not$less$than$3,000$ft$



$ $
$ A. PPL$+$Night$Rating$
ATPL$(A)$REQUIREMENTS$ <!40! 60!Months! !
$ B. CPL$
21"Years"Old" 40!U!50! 24!Months! o At!least!50!Hrs!cross!country!PIC$
" o Of! which! at! least! 10! in! the! appropriate!
Min"1500"Hrs"to"include"at"least:" >!50! 12!Months! aircraft!category$
$ !
1) 500$Hrs$multigpilot$ DEFFERING$MEDICAL$
! $
2) A$–$500$Hrs$PICUS$or$ CPL$(A)$REQUIREMENTS$(INTEGRATED)$ • Non$Commercial!–!Max!6!Months!
B$–$250$PIC$or! $ !
C$–$250$Hrs$(At!least!70!Hrs!PIC,!rest!PICUS)! 18"Years"Old" • Commercial!–!Max!2!consecutive!periods!of!
$ " 3!months!(favourable!report!required)!
3) 200$Hrs$cross$country$ Min"150"Hrs"to"include"at"least:" $
o At!least!100!Hrs!PIC!/!PICUS$ $ • Private!–!24!Months!
$ 1) 80$Hrs$Dual$
4) 75$Hrs$instrument$time$ !
o No!more!than!30!Hrs!ground!time$ 2) 70$Hrs$PIC$ CREDITING$COgPILOT$TIME$
$ $ $
5) 100$Hrs$Night$PIC$/$SIC$ 3) 20$Hrs$cross$country$ • SPA$–!50%!
$ o Including! one! flight! of! at! least! 300! nm! • MPA$–!100%!
!!! $
CLASS$1$MEDICAL$ 4) 5$Hrs$Night$
$ o 5!solo!full!stop!takeoff!and!landings$
• Valid!for!12$Months! o 3!Hrs!dual!to!include…$
! o 1!Hr!!dual!cross!country!nav$
• Reduced!to!6$months!when:! $
o 60!+! 5) 10$Hrs$Instrument$
o 40!+!engaged!in!single!pilot!CAT! o 5!Hrs!may!be!instrument!ground!time$
! Of'the'150'Hrs,'up'to'5'Hrs'can'be'instrument'


$ $ $
• Surgical!operation!/!invasive!procedure$ • INCERFA$–$Uncertainty$ !
• Regular!use!of!any!medication$ o No!comms!for!30!mins$
• Significant$personal!injury$ o No!landing!within!30!mins!of!ETA$
• Significant$illness$ $
• Pregnant! • ALERFA!–!Alert$
• Admitted$to!hospital!/!medical!clinic! o Apprehension!exists$
• First$use!of!corrective!lenses! o No! land!+!no! comms! within! 5!mins!of!
o Suspected!hijack$
• DETRESFA$–!Distress$

• Red!–!Medical! $
• Blue!–!Food!&!Water! !
• Yellow!–!Blankets!&!Protective!Equipment!
• Black!U!Miscellaneous!

• Advise! original! destination! within$ 30$ MIN!



$ AIRACs$ o!Charges$
• An! occurrence,! other! than! an! accident,! $ o!Met$
which! affects! /! could! affect! the! safety! of! • Distributed!U!42!days!in!advance! o!Location!Indicators$
operation.! • Reach!recipients!–!28!days!in!advance! o!SAR$
• ENR$
$ $
• An! incident! involving! circumstances! where! • Checklist!issued!at$least$every$month$ o!Danger!Areas$
an!accident!nearly!occurred.!! • “Long$Duration”!>!3!Months$

• An!occurrence!between!the!time!any!person! $
boards! the! aircraft! with! intention! of! flight! • Checklist!issued!at$least$every$month$
and! until! such! persons! have! disembarked!
• A!person!is!seriously!/!fatally!injured!due!to:!
• Number!not!reUused!for!at$least$1$year$
o Being!in!aircraft!
o Direct!contact!with!any!part!of!aircraft!
o Direct! exposure! to! jet! blast! (except!
• Aircraft!sustains!damage!/!structural!failure.!
! OR!
• Aircraft!missing!/!completely!inaccessible!

• 19!members!appointed!by!ICAO!council!
• 1st$Freedom$–$Peaceful$Transit$ ANNEX$LIST$
o Overfly!without!landing$ $
$ • 1$–$Personnel$Licensing$(Me!first)$
• 2nd$Freedom$–$Technical$Stop$ • 2$–$Rules$of$the$Air$(2!aircraft!colliding)$
o Land!for!nonUtraffic!purposes$ • 3$–$Met!(ThreeUzing)$
• 4$–$Aeronautical$Charts$(4!folds)$
FREEDOMS$OF$THE$AIR$(COMMERCIAL)$ • 5$–!Units$of$measurement$(5!fingers)$
$ • 6$–$Operation$of$Aircraft$(6!fingers!–!op)$
• 3rd$Freedom$–$Country$A$(Home)$to$B$ • 7$–$Registration$Marks$(7!digit!plate)$
$ • 8$–$Airworthiness$(Aint!flying)$
• 4th$Freedom$–$Country$B$to$A$(Home)$ • 9$–$Facilitation$(Nein!=!No!entry)$
$ !!!!!!!! • 10$–$Telecommunication$(Phone)$
• 5th$Freedom$–$A$to$B$to$C$ • 11$–$ATS$(1U1!Comms)$
o Pick!up!/!drop!off!in!B$ CONVENTIONS$ • 12$–$Search$&$Rescue!(RAF!home!time)$
$ • 13$–$Accident$Investigation$(Unlucky)$
• Montreal$–$Acts!of!violence$ • 14$–$Aerodromes$(One!for!everyone)$
S0$CALLED$FREEDOMS$ $ • 15$–$AIS$(A!1!5)$
$ • Rome$–!Compensation!due!damage!to!third! • 16$–$Environmental$Protection$
• 6th$Freedom$–$B$–$A$(Home)$g$C$ parties! on! surface! by! foreign! aircraft.! 2! • 17$–$Security$(Keep!car!secure)$
$ years!claims!limit.$ • 18$–$Safe$Transport$of$DG$(Drinking)$
• 7th$Freedom$–$B$–$C$$ $
$ • Tokyo$–!Offences!again!penal!law$
• 8th$Freedom$–$A$–$B1$–$B2$ $
o Tag!on!cabotage$ • Paris$–!Non!scheduled!ECAC!flights$
$ $
• 9th$Freedom$–B1$–$B2$ • Warsaw$–!Pax,!baggage!and!freight!
o Cabotage$
Air navigation commission: 19 members appointed by council
President elected for: 3 years
Denunciation takes 6 months
Rome convention: Right to damages lost if no action taken within 2 years

Aircraft nationality & registration marks:

Height of marks under wings: At least 50 centimetres
Height of marks on fuselage: At least 30 centimetres

Personnel licensing:
ICAO co-pilot time: 50% contribution
EASA co-pilot time: 100% contribution
ICAO “night”: Centre of sun disc 6o below the horizon

IR applicant:
50 hours cross country as PIC, 10 hours in aeroplanes

CPL applicant:
200 hours total, 150 integrated
10 hours instrument, 5 hours instrument ground
20 hours cross country 540km/300NM

ATPL applicant:
250 hours total, 70 hours PIC
200 hours cross country, 100 hours PIC/Co-pilot performing
100 hours synthetic flight trainer, 25 hours flight procedure trainer/basic instrument flight trainer
100 hours night flight as PIC/Co-pilot
75 hours instrument time. 30 hours may be instrument ground time

Flight instructor:
FI age: >18
To teach CPL: 500 hours total, 200 instructing

Applicant for type rating course: 70 hours PIC

CPL age: >18
Examiners authorization: 3 years
Single engine ratings valid for 2 years
Flight crew license by a third state: Valid not exceeding 1 year provided the basic license is still valid
Proficiency check for revalidation: 3 months in advance
Operator proficiency check valid for 6 months

Medical deferment: Doesn’t exceed 6 months for flight crew engaged in non-commercial operations
60 – 65: Multi pilot crew operations only

Class 1 change from 12 months to 6 months when:

Single pilot operations: Above 40
In any case have reached 60

Class 2:
60 months to 40
24 months from 40 to 50
12 months thereafter
Flight plan:
Flight plan should be submitted 60 minutes prior to departures
Uncontrolled flight plan amendment/cancellation: EOBT 60 mins
Controlled flight plan amendment/cancellation: EOBT 30 mins
Airborne flight plan 10 mins before entry

Reporting point time difference: 2 minutes or 5% TAS difference

Communication failure within radar: Maintain speed/level for 7 minutes

Communication failure not within radar: Maintain speed/level for 20 minutes
Communication failure: Land at destination within 30 minutes of flight plan ETA

Land at aerodrome other than destination: Inform within 30 minutes

First usable flight level: 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL

Flight levels:
Magnetic track easterly below 290: Odd (VFR +500ft)
Magnetic track westerly below 290: Even

FL290 & 410: Easterlies

RVSM above 290 - 410: 1000ft
Non RVSM above 290 - 410: 2000ft

VFR flight above congested areas: 1000ft

VFR flight above anywhere else: 500ft
IFR flight above mountainous terrain: 2000ft (600m) & 8km from highest obstacle
IFR flight above anywhere else: 2000ft (600m) & 8km from highest obstacle

Obstacles in flight: 150m
Omnidirectional departure: Climb before turn: 120m (394ft)
Straight departure: Departure that does not deviate more than 30o
SID PDG: 3.3% with all engines operating
Minimum obstacle clearance at departure end of runway: 0ft

Minimum sector altitude (MSA): 300m within 25NM from the homing facility of the approach procedure (IAF)

Track guidance for straight departure: 20km max distance from DER
Track guidance for turning departure: 10km max distance from DER

Protection area:
25o or 3o/s for departure whichever is lesser
20o for circling to land
15o for missed approaches

Missed approach:
Missed approach climb gradient: 2.5% can be reduced to 2%
MOC for intermediate phase: 30m
MOC for final phase: 50m
Pilot reaction 0 – 3 seconds
Intermediate missed approach: Where 50m obstacle clearance is obtained & can be maintained

Procedure turn for category A & B: 1 minute

Procedure turn for category C, D & E: 1 minute & 15 seconds

Vertical distance between wheels & glide path antenna:

A & B: 6
C & D: 7

Speed for circling approach:

ABCDE – 100, 100+35, 135+35….

VOR tolerance: +/- 4.5o
VOR accuracy: +/- 5.2o
+/-4.5o for VOR where less than 300m obstacle clearance prevails, accuracy is +/-7.8o
DME fix tolerance: +/- 0.46km + 1.25%
RSR fix tolerance within 40NM: +/- 3.1km
DR track intersected at 45o & will not be more than 10NM in length

Straight in approach: 30o or less

Minimum obstacle clearance:

Initial MOC: At least 300m
Intermediate MOC: 300m reducing to 150m
No FAF MOC: 90m
FAF MOC: 75m

FAP max distance from threshold: 10NM

Glide path optimum: 3o or 5.2%

Glide path maximum: 3.7o or 6.5%
Glide path intercepted 300m to 900m for a distance of 3 & 10NM

Threshold used for reference when: Threshold elevation is more than 2m below the aerodrome elevation

NDB established: +/-5o

Corridor width: +/-5NM

Above FL140: 1min 30 seconds – 240 IAS
Below FL140: 1 min – 230 IAS
MOC guaranteed in holding area 300m height for a range of 5NM
Offset joining procedure: 30o
5o zone of flexibility

Altimeter 0 -30000ft: +/-20m (60ft)

Altimeter 0 -50000ft: +/-25m (80ft)

Transition altitude not less than 3000ft AGL

Transition altitude rounded up to the next full 1000ft

No transgression zone (NTZ):

From threshold of nearer runway to point at which 1000ft vertical separation is reduced between aircraft
Not less than 610m

Parallel runway operations are in progress:

Reduced radar separation of 3NM between approaching aircraft is Mode 2
Minimum(Adjacent) mode 2 radar separation: 2NM

Mode C transponders: Reports in increments of 100ft

Transponder accuracy: 25ft
Air traffic services:
CTR lateral limit: 5NM on approach side

Y – 22.5NM between 30 o & 90 o above FL200

Z – 15NM between 30 o & 90 o below FL190

ATS time correct within 30s of UTC

Class airspaces speed limits:

For Class A, B & C (IFR): No limits
For VFR class C & the rest = 250 IAS

Change over points: 60NM

ATS route designator: Shall not exceed 6

ATS route designator: Be kept to a maximum of 5

Lower limit of TMA should be at least 700ft/200m above ground or water

ATIS message maximum 30 seconds

Air traffic management

FIX: At least 45o separated at a distance of 15NM
DR: At least 45o separated at a distance of 15NM
NDB: At least 30o separated at a distance of 15NM
VOR: At least 15o separated at a distance of 15NM

Independent parallel approaches:

When one approach diverges by 30o from miss approach track of adjacent approach
Minimum vertical separation: 1000ft/300m
Established at least 2NM prior to intercepting glide path/MLS elevation angle
Intercepted normally 30 o not exceeding 45 o

Separation for radar

L: 8- , M: 3+, H: 2+

Separation no radar (Time)

All: 2 mins
ARRIVING: L behind M/H: 3 mins (Unless opposite direction = 2 min)

Radar separation same localizer (Independent):

Absolute minimum: 2.5NM
Minimum: 3NM
Minimum unless prescribed: 5NM
With wake turbulence: 5NM
3NM between aircraft on same localizer course

PSR identification after departure: 1NM blip

Departure separations:
3 min if preceding aircraft >20kts
2 min if preceding aircraft >40kts
1 min if they are flying diverging tracks of more than 45o
Departing aircraft may take-off in any direction until 5 minutes before arriving aircraft

Same runway opposing aircraft separation: Less than760m

Speed adjustment on final: +/-20kts until 4NM from threshold

Longitudinal separation:
- Based on DME: 20NM
- Same track opposite direction: 10NM
- 10NM if preceding aircraft >20kts faster
- 10 minutes for aircraft flying same route, altitude & cruising level
- Passing through a level of another aircraft on same track: 15 minutes
- Passing through a level of another aircraft on same track absolute minimum: 5 minutes
- 3 minutes same track and >40kts faster
- 5 minutes if preceding aircraft >20kts faster

SRA approach terminated 2NM before touchdown.

Unless accuracy permits, distance & level given each 0.5NM
Runway transmission not interrupted while aircraft is in a distance of 4NM from touchdown
Clearance to land given at least 2NM before touchdown

For radar identification execute a turn 30o or more

Aircraft shall not be vectored to boundary closer than 2.5NM

Crossing levels: 300ft no RVSM

Crossing levels: 200ft in RVSM

Mach number technique separation:

Distance: 80NM minimum
11 – Mach number = Minutes

Wind change: 2 kts tailwind, 5 kts crosswind and 10 kts headwind

Radar controller to non-radar controller: 8NM

When it differs: 5 minutes or more
When expected to hold 30 minutes or more
As soon as possible: 10 mins

CEU: 15 minutes

Altimeter setting rounded down to nearest hectopascal

ID numbers for P, D, & R areas shall not be re-used for one year

Runway friction coefficient:
Good: 0.40
Medium: 0.35 to 0.30
Poor: 0.25

RESA: Starts at runway strip minimum length 90m

Clearway shouldn’t exceed ½ TORA

Radio altimeter: Laterally from centreline 60m, can be reduced to 30m & 300m before threshold

Eye to wheel height: Approximately 16m

Configurations A guard lights: Installed when RVR <550m

Holding positions:
50m: RWY length 900m or more
30m: RWY length less than 900m

Simple lighting: 420m total, crossbar at 300m

Cat I lighting: 5 crossbars, 150m between crossbars, 300m between 1/2/3 centrelights, 900 m total

Normal VASIS: 3 lights per wing bar

T-VASIS: 4 lights per wing bar
Normal PAPI: One wing bar with 4 lights
Abbreviated PAPI: One wing bar with 2 lights

Touchdown zone markings: 150m from threshold

Aerodrome reference code:

Reference field length: 1-2-3-4: 8 12 18 more*
Code letters:
- Wing span: A-B-C-D-E-F = Up to… 1-2-3-5-6-8*
- Wheel span: A-B-C-D-E-F = 4-6-9-14-14-16*
Taxiway width code letter: A-B-C-D-E-F = 7x1, 7x1.5, 7x2, 7x2.5…*

Runway width codes: 1(8), 2(3), 3(0), 4(5)*

Runway width to number of stripes: Width ÷ 3.75*

Aiming point: Less 8 12 24 = 1 – 2 – 3 – 4*

Touch down zone markings: <9 – 9 – 12 – 15 – 24(Clock) = 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6*

Centreline lights:
Alternate red and white 900m to 300m
Red from 300m to runway end

High intensity obstacle lights: 150m day flashing lights

Fire-fighting response time: Normal 2 minutes, maximum 3 minutes

Radio altimeter operating area: 300m x 60m, rate of change 2% per 30m

Advance notification: 2 hours in advance

Hijacked: Proceed at a level which differs by 1000ft above FL290 or 500ft below FL290
100m from other parking areas

Aircraft investigation when max mass is over 2250kg

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