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Problem Set 2

Due: Monday, Sep 27, 2021, 5:10pm

Princeton Ferro (

1) Assuming the root player is max, using variables as shown in class, write out the minimax
solution for this tree; e.g. b1 = max(6, −9, 15); b = min(b1 , b2 , b3 ); etc

root = max(b, c, d) = 9

b = min(b1 , b2 , b3 ) = 9
b1 = max(9, 0, −13) = 9
b2 = max(13, −15, 16) = 16
b3 = max(−3, 10, −8) = 10
c = min(c1 , c2 , c3 ) = 4
c1 = max(0, 4, −17) = 4
c2 = max(−12, −2, 11) = 11
c3 = max(18, −14, 2) = 18
d = min(d1 , d2 , d3 ) = −2
d1 = max(−5, −14, −2) = −2
d2 = max(9, −5, 12) = 12
d3 = max(16, −14, 18) = 18
2) Which branch should the max player take from root?

3) Which branch should the min player take from root?

root = min(b, c, d) = −12

b = max(b1 , b2 , b3 ) = −8
b1 = min(9, 0, −13) = −13
b2 = min(13, −15, 16) = −15
b3 = min(−3, 10, −8) = −8
c = max(c1 , c2 , c3 ) = −12
c1 = min(0, 4, −17) = −17

c2 = min(−12, −2, 11) = −12

c3 = min(18, −14, 2) = −14
d = max(d1 , d2 , d3 ) = −5
d1 = min(−5, −14, −2) = −14
d2 = min(9, −5, 12) = −5
d3 = min(16, −14, 18) = −14
So min-player should take the branch to c from the root.

4) Assuming the root player is max, using alpha-beta pruning which nodes will be pruned. This
includes nodes partially visited but then pruned. Just a list, order does not matter.

We visit the nodes in DFS order. Nodes pruned have Y in the last column.

Note: minmax is the minimum value that the current maximizing player has seen, while
maxmin is the maximum value that the current minimizing player has seen.
The entries marked with a Y in the last column are pruned.

visiting minmax maxmin behavior pruned?

root −∞ ∞ maximizing

b −∞ ∞ minimizing

b1 −∞ ∞ maximizing

b1,a 9 ∞
b1,b 0 ∞
b1,c −13 ∞
b2 −∞ 9 maximizing

b2,a 13 9
b2,b Y

b2,c Y

b3 −∞ 9 maximizing

b3,a −3 9
b3,b 10 9
b3,c Y

c 9 ∞ minimizing

c1 9 ∞ maximizing

c1,a 0
c1,b 4 ∞
c1,c −17 ∞
c2 9 4 Y

c2,a Y

c2,b Y

c2,c Y

c3 Y

c3,a Y

c3,b Y

c3,c Y

d 9 ∞ minimizing

d1 9 ∞ maximizing

d1,a −5 ∞
d1,b −14 ∞
d1,c −2
d2 9 −2 maximizing Y

d2,a Y

d2,b Y

d2,c Y

d3 Y

d3,a Y

d3,b Y

d3,c Y

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