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Developing Networking Strategy Skills

Networking is an important skill that students should start practicing early on. Successful networking skills can help build a
successful career and personal relationships. Oxford’s English Dictionary defines networking as the action or process of
interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. For some, participating in
activities that can help you develop your network may not come easily. This may involve trying a new activity or by
interacting with new individuals in an activity you already participate in. Ultimately successful networking depends on an
individual’s ability to develop relationships with others.

There are four areas a student can focus on when working on developing their networking skills.

Time spent at school and extracurricular activities offers many opportunities to practice network skills. Learning
to interact and get along with peers in the classroom, playing sports or participating in other group activities is a
form of networking. Individuals with similar interests and values can often develop from acquaintances into
• Initiate conversations with students you do not yet know
• Participate in sports and clubs
• Smile at others often
• Be nice to everyone
• Help others when needed

The adults around you have years of experience and are generally willing to share their wisdom and advice with
you. Be open to asking questions and receiving advice or assistance when needed. Learn about their past
educational, work and life experiences.
• Parents and other relatives
• Parents friends
• Neighbors
• Teachers and administrators

The opportunities allow you to gain experience and various employability skills (teamwork, communication,
reliability, organization and many more). The relationships you make can help you as you transition into future
opportunities. A good impression could lead to a full-time job in the future or a reference for another
• Boss and managers
• Co-workers
• Customers

Learning to use personal and professional social media sites can enhance your personal relationships and
establish professional relationships. The options for making personal contacts using the internet are vast and
continue to grow. Always make sure to consider personal safety and remember that future employers may
research you based on your social media presence. Keep your presence clean and appropriate.
• Texting, email
• Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
• Linked In – list your work and volunteer experience

Everyone can benefit from building their networking skills. Learning effective skills for interacting and communicating with
others can help you develop personal and professional relationships that can enhance your life now and potentially benefit
you in the future as well.

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