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fourth edition Englis B1 Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Jerry Lambert with Jane Hudson 2 VOCABULARY 3 GRAMMAR 2 PRONUNCIATION 1 ck 22 hawt swod 22 Howlong..oing out ogether 2 Simon 3 charged 5 clog jencty veoh Sure 4 havent ia toe Jong $ fon 8 Netnoer sed & vn dleping wel nly 3m ia your cox 5 Vocasutane 3 PRONUNCIATION d a 2a,3),44,5¢,61,7¢,8b,91, 1 lable Taba ive 2 great bt be 4 potent 3. Have. found, has..greed 4 5 spoil 4 Have.-lent, needed 5 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 5 Has...made, call ‘ b Rowe td you faa? i toned 2 22 Hovey eve heed Contact 5 stmsted + VOCABULARY » Gra 7 Ets 5 swe people? Students’ own answers 4 owe bb Why did you us 6 woth perive hotel? 3 7 ase 6.2 fnweyoulevrtaesinony foe 1 VOCABULARY 9 bortow chanty? : Down: 3 the underground, § lorry, 19 herd How ch id you ie? Peon tT ines ce ates hon? 12. charged osu 8 ferry, 9 motorbike 13 ond , b 2 are b 2 fo ee 3 tate 3 into 1 GRAMMAR 4 ros 4 fom a for: a long time, six months, two woek: 5 cycle [2 twee days, yoars $ Paget hoki To ae 9 or 5 bb 2 hat/‘s boon..for O ight . @ hand ewerced ir 12 Soba 3 tov 3 im i ¢ iret . 1 pth tx Hiern @ took 4 2 pay..back ol & wile 0 take eo 3 heshebeen wong) 4 2ofe 3p 4 ot Sup, out o 1S emer 6 Have you bean wang 2 PRONUNCIATION ines Pi feteactconn tad 9 2waeh, 3m Sw d 3 have had 3 GRAMMAR 2 PRONUNCIATION a te Sat some © 35,40,55,6D ay 4 Bangkok s more excting than Dubai have you be lve washed dents’ ow 5. Dubai i hott Shree destinations b 2 shen 4 more picker fester qui val faster thar the most interesting ety is eas interesting plaza expensive as 8 the least comfortable bed 4 PRONUNCIATION 4 more expensive 5 lato 3B 1 GRAMMAR last weekend die, languages, be 3 the door, the hous S$ aGerman, an en 6 fish, the salmon the cinema, 9 week the end, the wor 2 beautiful day, lunch X, next weekend Money 3 4 5 he jacket a noisy eld a doctor 0 vi y * Y x x ¢ y x leaves work © 22,3the, bthe, 5-6-7 the, the, Pret 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 cheaper than the 3 todo tonigl 4 the window for & momer 0 fora walk 3 VOCABULARY 8 2 10,3 for don, Sat, 6 for, 7 about, 8 0f,9 to, for, TO with, Vat 12 B 2on, 3fon din, 5 from, 6 at? with, Sabout,9 of, 10 with, about 11 to, 2 of, 13 of, 14 for, 15 to, 16 with, 7 about, 18 19, 19t0 4 PRONUNCIATION 4) ued. deed 2 laughing at, laughing...yo 3 excited about, excited. holkday Ftening to, listening. radio Practical English 1 GIVING OPINIONS 2 29,3¢,46,5h,60,71,8b9d b2 ‘To be honost Don't you agree / What do you thnk think’ agree 3 4 Oh sure / Personally, 5. What do you yin SOCIAL ENGLISH st 4 Did you mean what Ie just that my boy Hang on a minute Can you remember...? 1-3 1 GRAMMAR 1 con's, 2 Shall, 3 just, 2 VOCABULARY grapes Spo 4 for, Setter, 6 feny fed up with 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 worry 4 acventue 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 6.2¢,3b,4a,5¢62,7b,8c,9a, 4A 1 VOCABULARY 2 putsb oni 3 all ack 4 goof 5 leave a messag b 2 swipe 3 goof 4 cutoff 5 rington 6 engaged / busy 7 put..on hold 8 call back voicemail 10 hang up 11 dial 12 text / mestage 2 GRAMMAR a 3 PRONUNCIATION 1 4B a 8 2 3 5 8 don't have to Y v don't have to Y should should ould ay 8 Students! 6 often has to 7 lide't have to shouldn't lights exhausted morgage foreign island 1 GRAMMAR aay Y havent bee ¢ been able to / ble to v 4 has//'sbeen able to 5 couldn't / wasn't able & tobe able to 7 willbe able to © 29,30,44,5b,6a,71 2 PRONUNCIATION Ki 3 play. 4 wort ab 5 hasnt. able Monasy 6 cant ind school since ERE ED ERE 3 VOCABULARY a 2 embarrassed 3 faghtoned 6 annoying depressing 8 disappointed 0 frustrate b 2 frightened disappointing excited boring 1 VOCABULARY 4 toon 5 ump 8 player 10. sports hall 11 coacn 12. spectator b 2 coun 3 2 rained 3 won 4 gort 5 drow 6 los 8 beat © scored 10 got in 11 went 12 kicked out, 4up 2 PRONUNCIATION 3 GRAMMAR 2 2b,3,4b,52,6c,72,Bb, B 2 were driving, remembered, hadn't locked 3 didn't recognize, had changed 4 was waiting, called, couldnt, had broken dow beat, were winning, scored ran, had akeady left, were waiting 96,106 vies winning ‘ached 12 beat / had beaten 5B 1 GRAMMAR 2 2 used to play don't usually go normally wear Did you vs ved doesn’t usually wos! v ‘sual wale v Do you usualy / normally 7 used to be B didevt use to ike 2 PRONUNCIATION please, 4 music 3 VOCABULARY a 2 fiancé, 3 close frend, 4 ex, Jacsmates, 6 colleague, 7 flatmate, pout. 5 com 9 got ‘opoced became fiends 5 had a lot in cormmon 5 were together 8 broke up 9 lost touch 10. got in touch 11 goton 12 proposed to 13 got mar 2 friendship, 3 membership, 4 leadership, 5 partnorshi Practical English 1 PERMISSION AND REQUESTS 42 IsitOKifl open a window J you mind repeating that Id you tke ofme 5 Do you mind f sit here é hink you could cary my bag b2 J b5,c6,d1,e3,{2 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 2takk, 3 come, 4days, 5 mind, 6 vay b 2 Howcome you'r 3 Noway man if you don't mind ike the ol days fave got 20 much to Can you remember...? 1-5 + GRAMMAR 1 for six years 2 Shall camry 3 has/'sbeen studying 4 mustn't / cant play be able to 6 used 2 VOCABULARY 1 tinned, 2 ralable, 3 voicemail 4 fry, 5 propose, & stadium 3 PRONUNCIATION “food, 2 cook, 3 morgage, 4 5 sport 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 1 couple, 2 since, 3in, had, 5 from, & fo, 7 more, Bout, 9 are, 10 ri 6A 1 GRAMMAR 3 will be used 4 have been invited 5. are showing & is going to be dubbed 8 can be bought b 2 has/‘sbeen nominated 3 is fin 4 had been transformed 5 were directed § was being built 7 willbe / is going to be released 8 be shot © 2c,3b,49,5¢,6b,7b, 86,96, 108 2 PRONUNCIATION ted, 4 writtan, 5 shot 2id, Bwon, 9 taken, 10 told VOCABULARY 2 action Fen 5 cience ft 4 desma tele + historical fm & hhoeor fen arflrn 11, snimation bb 2 plot, 3 sexpt, 4 auciones, 5 review, j seen, 7 subtitles, 8 sequel 9 soundirack, 10 special Tr ewtras, 12 catt, 13 afte, | 1S trier € 2 issotin 3 ts based on 5 plays the part of 6 as dubbed int 6B 1 GRAMMAR 8 2must, 3 might not, 4 bb 2can't, 3 might, 4 must, 5 can { might not, 7 ean, 8 might i, 5 mus 2 might have a meeting 3 can't be going to work today 4 might not like it 5 can't be tied already 7 might not be working 8 might be driving home from work 2 VOCABULARY 2 2neck, 3 back 4 arms, 5 legs, & fet 7 face, 8 nose, 9 chin, 10 stomach, 11 fingers, 12 knees 2 thumb, 3 tonguo, 4 mouth, 5 lips, bhands, 7 teeth, 8 ears, 9 088 Tee hidden word is ‘shouldors © 2kick, touch, pon, § smell, 6 smile, 2 finger, 3 mouth, 4 tongue, § head, 6 eyes, 7 nose, B fingers / hand, lips / mouth, 10 teeth, 17 hand 3 PRONUNCIATION 3 tongue, 4 shoulders, 5 he 1 VOCABULARY ® 2 geography $ cea information technology 8 mathema b 2 primary school 3 hoa 4 state schoo! 5 degroe 6 private schoo! 8 boarding scho« 9 nursery schost Students secondary school 2 elementary school 3 grade 4 semester 5 high schoo! twelfth grade lege iabohaved werent allowed t 4 made were parish 6 cheated 10 pasted 11 foiled 2 PRONUNCIATION a 2 pul, Seut, 4 subtitles 3 GRAMMAR a 20,36, bh,7de b 2when, Sbelore, 4, 5 after, 6 until © 2 will/ ‘ibe, hur 3 wil Ihave, go out 4 won't wait, aren 5. doen’ come, won't have & won't leave, find 7 won't be able to, lend 8 gets, wi "I call start iss will ply, practise Students’ own answers 7B 1 GRAMMAR 2 29,3¢,40,5h,6b,70,8 b 2 would be, clesned 3 wouldn't drive, didn't have 4 Would. .camy on, won 5 would slowp, did't cink 6 would lend, needed 7 woulda’ be, = 8 wasnt werent, 0 3 4 ld idn'tset i. wake hed, wou! call her you don't hurry up tll im the news & he didet love you 7. sho'd be hap 8 they'll cancel the mateh 9 you didn’: eat out every night 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 2 grou, vegetables, grd 3 buy, cottage, had enough mone 4 my house, wouldn't mate, Kitchen bigger 5_woulda't have, cay lived, ety conte © 30,45,55,60,75,8D 3 VOCABULARY 2 20n,30n,4in, 50n,6 in b Down: 2 top flor, 3 steps, 5 att balcony, 7 entrance, 9 roof Across 2 terace, 4 path, 6 basement ® ground floor, 10 gate, 11 chimney b, 108, © 20,36, 4c,53,60,7688, 11a, 12a Practical English + MAKING SUGGESTIONS 82 mn not very keen on raw fl 3 Thats a great ideo 14 Why don't we try that new sushi What shout having 2 Chinese 6 Where shall we go for We could get a cab to save tin 8 How about going to an italian 9 Let's go ther b 2 Lets go there 3. How about going to an Italian Fmnat vary keen on raw fish ing Chinese whet about h ld gota cab to save time great idea VERB FORMS 2 watch, 3 maating, 4 play, § going, SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 why, 3 make, off, Snot, 6 Can you remember...? 1-7 1 GRAMMAR 1/3 getting, 2' been playing, 3 mustn 4 be able to, Shave, 66 tell VOCABULARY 1 sympathetic, 2 salary, 3 head, 4 coach 5 plot. 6 shoulder PRONUNCIATION GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 16,29,36,4b,5b,6a,7¢,86,9¢, 106 VOCABULARY 1 2 socked, 3 resign, 4 applied, 5 Feet up, 1Oran, 11 rei nent employment 10 promotion 3 redundant 4 resignation 17 cient 18 temporary 20 unemployed GRAMMAR 8 23,3b,4c,52,6b,76,88,96, 10 b 3 asked me towalt ay 5 | promise not to la v Idon't mind staying in Y € 2 takin 3 tot 4 totum off 5 not epoaking 6 laugh 8 nat to charge GRAMMAR oF toldme 4 she bought & 2told, 3 sid 4 told S tol 2 ifthad /'d seen his wallet, (tha | dlr know where it wo 3 iTher schoo shows sil fiber, {thad they fit hr perfectly 4. how much he had "pat for i 12 sale 13 consideration 14 falure 15 4 attachment 8 compensation PRONUNCIATION 2 2 certain a sad 4 railway tain brain 2 memory stick, 3 charges 4 pi nivel, 8 adaptor 1 plug, socket Dow: 3 plugin, 4 swite of Stun down, 6 upd ‘Across: 2 unplug, switch 09 Binal GRAMMAR would /'d have arived hada't booked ult have made had /"d known ;ouldnt have invited hacn't been (det have got nd "a have we hac had lnc 11d have played tennis hhe wouldnt have Broken PRONUNCIATION led have ul have Bought ould hove steyed uid have got vould have helped VOCABULARY 2 3 fortunate, 4 unfortunate, § careful eles, 7 patient, 8 imps lucky, 10 unlucky bb impatiently, 3 carelesly, 4 S unlucky VOCABULARY 2 printer, 3 speaker, 4 adaptor, 5 rom onivol, socket, 7 charger, @ swith, 9 plug, 10 USB cable voy stick sProuter USB cable, 6 keyboard, 7remote 9 apeaker, 10 rou 9 tap water 2 GRAMMAR Can you remember...? 1-9 . 4 c,53,,6,6b,76,89, ab a5ese8 1+ GRAMMAR 6 fem may ay re ® oe 2 VOCABULARY Tyee nd 4 very few people duck, 2 couple, 3 script, 4 dec te ico [ks 2couple. 3 sept doe. 5 90° 3 PRONUNCIATION 6 very little / no work a 2 keyboard 8 oe or ot/ladeot 3 PRONUNCIATION 5 oi age furniture 1 course, 2 loan, 3 router, 4 floor, 5 nose 4 parking fine Sa inoue ofa 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 8 Sey schoo! 11. Stew / some phono cals 12 toosmall 1 leaning, 2 keyboard, 3 pale, 10. A patking 5 dagtone, 6 xaconday 3 PRONUNCIATION 7 ferns eae 1 GRAMMAR sna it down 2.3 whose 10B 4 deleedit 4 tht which 5 plugged tin 5 1 VOCABULARY 7 implugged t 5 sale 3 tuned top aoe SF through 6 Witnesses a laughed b soto > mcr , € Zhe, 3 thre 4, et, 6 theo, 7 8 evidene Practical English ib thom, Tok wee 1 INDIRECT QUESTIONS Sua 3 view 42 goes i in Chin in 2011 4 ido 4 Lolais footballer : & murderer 5 tomes 6 who helped hundieds of saves to 7 pecs 7 the vestaurantc eee 9 prove _ bread 2 VOCABULARY 2 GRAMMAR 4 how much a one way ticket costs 4 memory stick 7a 6 how much discount | get with 6 ground floor _—e student card ? 7 football pit 6 goer he € 2 Could you tll me how mucha one a 3 woulen you vonder i need ta change buses, 4 trainin Poul 10 hove you SOCIAL ENGLISH 7 cycle lane 4 Your brother lives abroad, doesn't he 5 What if, 6 either 9 speed camers 6 We've been here before, haven't we wo: 7 Nouwoulnt do that wae you 8 The fight wont be cael it Oxford University Press is the world’s authority on the English language. 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