Operation Manual of Aob29 Series Digital Voltmeter&Ammeter: Chapter 1. General Instruction

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2 Key explan ation s

S ET key:Un der the mea suring displ ay mode, it can enter th e programm ing mode b y pressing
SET k ey for 2s(e nter directly only when codE=0(defa ult)), otherwise need to enter the
righ t password t o enter the programmin g code.)
(Version V15.1 with a larm )
Unde r the progra mming mod e, pressing SET key on ce can switc h to the nex t menu.
Pres sing this key for 2s can q uit the prog ramming m ode.
Chapter 1. General instruction S HIFT key:U nder the measuring dis play mode, it can see th e software v ersion by p ressing
A OB 29 serie s digital v oltmete r/ammeter a re used in the real -time m ea sureme nt a nd SHIF T key for 2s.
indi cati on on AC/DC voltage/curre nt in the e lectric c ircuit . A nd it can be ad ded one c han nel Unde r the progra mming mod e, pressing SHIFT key o nce can mo ve the curso r to the
of alarm output. left o ne. Pressin g this key fo r 2s can back to the prev ious menu.
D OWN key:Under the p rogramming mode, pre ssing DOWN key for 2s w ill decrease the
Chapter 2. Type and designation para meter value s of menu.
U P key:Und er the meas uring displa y mode, if p ressing UP k ey for 2s, it will prompt"rSt"
Function & Measure and display Size Function & Measure and display Size
shape Alarm shape Alarm and release the a larm lock(w hen the me ter is with a larm and in l ocked statu s)
REF Number AC voltage AC current Unit: mm contact REF Number DC voltage DC current Unit : mm contact Unde r the progra mming mod e, pressing UP key for 2 s will incre ase the para meter value
79500 48X48 NO 79800 48X48 NO of me nu.
79510 72X72 NO U nder the pr ogramming mode, it wi ll automatic ally return t o the measu ring display mode if
t here is no k ey operation for more th an 120s.
79520 96X48 NO 79815 96X48 NO
79530 96X96 NO 4.3 Menu explan ation s
79560 48X48 NO 89900 48X48 NO Parameter Parameter name
Seri al
Set ti ng range Explanations
79570 72X72 NO code code

79580 96X48 NO 89915 96X48 NO

79590 96X96 NO Chapter 3 Technical Parameters
Po sit io n o f Ones digit o f DP is u sed to define the posi tion of t he deci mal point.
1 deci mal p oin t 0~9999 InPH defines the dis play va lue corr espond ing to the high er limit of inpu t,
Chapter 3. Technical parameters dP inPL defines the dis play va lue corr espond ing to t he lowe r limit o f input.
3.1 Measuring range(can be overload 1 . 2times, plea se ask us if you need other specific ations) Ones place o f dP is 0 , no de cimal p oint, display fo rmat is XXXX
(if the ones p lace of d P is no n 0~3, treate i t as 0)
3.1.1 AC vo ltmeter Ones digit o f dP is 1 , decim al point s in ten s place, display forma t is xxx. x
direct measureme nt: AC 0~100V or AC 0~500V Ones digit o f dP is 2 , decim al point s in hun dreds p lace, d isplay f ormat is xx.xx
Ones digit o f dP is 3 , decim al point s in tho usands place, d isplay format is x.xxx
need P T external: AC */100V The d isplay value se tting e xample s are as follows: (othe r and so on):
3 . 1 . 2 DC vo ltmeter -1999~9 999 1. Inp ut spec ificatio n is AC/DC 500V (Set:dP=1, inPH=500.0, inPL=0.0)
Hig her lim it o f (the position 2 . Inp ut spec ificatio n is AC/DC 5A (Set:d P=3, inPH=5.000, inPL=0.000)
direct measureme nt: DC 0~±500V 2 inp ut di splay value of d ecima l p oint 3. Inp ut spec ificatio n is AC 110kV/100V (Set:dP=1, inPH=110. 0, inPL=0.0)
inPH is up t o th e un it
3.1.3 AC am meter of DP ) 4. Inp ut spec ificatio n is AC 200A/5A (Set:dP=1, inPH=200.0, inPL=0.0)
direct measureme nt: AC 0~1A or AC 0~5A 5. Inp ut spec ificatio n is DC 1000A/75mV ( Set:dP=0, inPH=100 0, inPL=0)
6. Inp ut spec ificatio n is DC 4-20mA, display -1.000~1.000,
need C T external: AC */1A or AC */5A (Set:dP=3、inPH=1.000、inPL=-1.000)
3 . 1 . 4 DC am meter 7. Inp ut spec ificatio n is DC 0-10V, display 0 . 00~50.00
(Set:dP=2, inPH=50.00, inPL=0.00)
direct measureme nt: DC 0~±5A In short, just need to m ake sure the display values corresponding the higher
need s hunt extern al: DC */50mV or other specificatio ns -1999~9 999
and lower limitof measuring range and add the decimal point setting.
3.2 A ccuracy: 0. 5 L ow er l im it of (the position
3 in p ut di s pla y va lu e of d ecima l p oint Th ousands place of dP is used for setting di fferent menu display 1~ 8(de fault 0):
3.3 F requency o f AC input si gnal:45~6 5Hz in P L is up t o th e un it Thousands place of dP is 5, only display d P, inPH and codE
3.4 Sampling ra te:1.5 time s/s(can be 3 times/s als o) of DP ) Thousands place of dP is 6,only display dP and inPH
Thousands place of dP is not 5 or 6, all m enus will be displaye d
3.5 I nput circle power consu mption:<0.5VA
+ 10%
3.6 A uxiliary po wer supply :220V - 15% , 50/60Hz,<3 VA (can cu stomize 38 0V)
3.7 O verflow in dication:pl us overflow display ____ , minus ove rflow displa y ____ -1000~1000 BiAS make the shift corr ection to t he display value.
Inpu t shift (the p osi tion
3.8 A larm outpu t:the highe r and lower limit alarm output from the same r elay, Display value(afte r correct ion) = Display value( befo re correction)+ bi AS
4 c orre ction of d ecimal po in t
is up to the unit If t here is no standard equipm ent f or inspect ion, please do not set it at
contact c apacity 1A/2 50VAC, 1A/ 30VDC, res istive load b iAS of DP) random. The factory default i s 0
3.9 W orking env ironment:places whic h is free of g as corruptio n with temp erature -1 0~50℃,
Input gain Gain make the gain correction to th e display val ue.
humidity ≤8 5%RH Display value (after correction) = Di splay value(befor e correct ion)-inPL)×( 1+gAin)
Chapter 4. Programming 5 correction -0.1 00~0.1 00 If there is no standard equipment for inspection, please do not set it at random.
gAin The factory default is 0
4.1 Panel description
Due to temperature drift, environme ntal interference, compon ents aging
Input zero
DIGITAL AMMETER 6 shi eld 0.1~10.0%
and other reasons, the instrument may display a non inPL value in the
absence of input signals. Set the "Scr" can shield it. That is:when
Be on when A H alarm Scr | (display value-inPL)|<(inPH-inPL)×Scr / 10 0, it will fixed display inP L.
Di spl ay window of
Be on when A L alarm Hun dre ds place of in E i s 1:the sa mp ling swi tchin g r ate i s 3 tim es/s
me asuring range Tens plac e of inE is1:when th e di splay val ue<0 , it fixed displ ay 0.
Input expansion One s pl ace of inE is 1, it will swi tch the in put specificati on from
See the 7 set tings 0~9999
softwa re vers ion Set Decre asing ke y of DC 0-5V to DC 1-5V or swi tch t he inp ut speci ficat ion fr om D C 0- 20mA
CT parameter inE to DC 4-20m A. On es pl ace o f in E is 2, i t will swit ch the input
Setti ng key o f Increasi ng ke y of specifi catio n from DC */75mV toDC */60m V
CT pa ra meter CT parameter

-1- -2-
Chapter 5 Installation and Connection

5.1 Shape and hole cutout dimens ion( unit: mm )

Instrument Panel dimension Case dimension Hole cutout dimension
shape W H W H D W H
160×80 160 80 15 0 75 100 152 76
120×1 20 120 1 20 11 0 110 80 112 112
80×8 0 80 80 75 75 80 76 76
120×60 120 60 115 55 80 116 56
96×4 8 96 48 90 44 100 92 45
72×7 2 72 72 67 67 80 68 68
48×4 8 48 48 44 44 100 45 45
96×96 96 96 91 91 80 92 92

5.2 Method of installation

C hoose the corr espondi ng ho le cutout dimen si on according to the mete r's dim ensio n from the
tabl e above, ma ke a hole in the instal lat ion scre en, inser t the me ter into the hole , place the two
cl amping pie ces into the cla mping holder, pu sh a nd tighten them by ha nd.

5 .3 D escription of Wiring and term inal + 10%

POWER:Auxilia ry power input port, de fa ul t 2 20V/110 V -15% , 5 0/60Hz ,i f you ne ed other speci fication,
please tell us when ordering
INPU T:Input port of me asuring si gnal(when DC input, HI is +, LO is -).

A C 22 0 V AC 11 0V
HI LO AC 220 V AC 110V
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pic.1:96×96, 96×48, 160×80, 120×120 Pic. 2:80×80, 120×60, 72×72

Terminal arrangement Terminal arrangement
Pic. 3:48×48
Term inal arrangem ent

7 5m V
L(+) L L(+) L +
N(-) N N(- ) N -
Input dire ctly Input via PT Input directly Input via CT Input via shunt
when A C/DC voltage(≤6 0 0V) when AC volt age(>60 0V) when AC/DC current(≤6A) when AC current(>6A) when DC current(>6A)

Chapter 6. Cautions
6.1 Please confirm if the power supply, input signal and each terminal wiring of the meter
are correct and reliable before applying the power.
6.2 The instrument must be preheated for 15 minutes to guarantee the precision of measurement.
6.3 The instrument should not be rapped, knocked and vibrate excessively and its using
environment should meet the technical requirements.
6.4 The meter has been calibrated according to the measuring range required by the customer
upon order. The user should check again if the measuring range of the meter is fit with the
specifications of the transformer or shunt and set the measuring range again if not.

Chapter 7. Packing and Storage

The instrument and accessories with packing should keep storage conditions cool and dry and
free of wet and gas corruption with temperature not more than 70℃ and not less than -40 ℃,
and relative humidity ≤85%


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