Actividad Aprendizaje Inglés

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Actividad de aprendizaje

Colombia ha empezado a tener acceso a un mercado mundial, debido a esto

es importante que cada aprendiz del programa Tecnólogo en Negocios
Internacionales tenga la posibilidad de interactuar en Ingles en su quehacer
diario para ser un competente en su desarrollo empresarial. Para eso se hace
importante que el aprendiz desarrolle la competencia 240201501


Por ello vamos a desarrollar las siguientes actividades sobre conocimientos

básicos en Ingles

1. Talk about yourself. Answer the following questions about you.

A. What is your name?

My name is Karen Patricia Contreras Arango

B. What is your nationality?

I am from Colombia

C. How old are you?

I am 32 years old

D. What do you do?

I am student

E. Do you have a nickname?

no, I don't have a nickname

F. What is your telephone number?

My telephone number is 3043273408

G. What is your e-mail?

My e-mail is

H. Do you speak English?

I do not speak English

I. Are you married or single?

I'm married
2. Ask the questions for the following answers.

A. Where are you all? They are from England

B. How old are you? We are fifteen years old.
C. And where are you from? I am from Venezuelan.
D. What is your phone number? My number is three-oh-five-two-nine-six-
E. What's your name? My name is Steven Spielberg.
J. How many parks have a beautiful coast? It is sixty-six Park Costa

3. What are their nationalities? Ask and answer.


A. Angel is from Argentina. What is his

nationality? He is Argentinian.

B. Rosa is from Lima. What is his

nationality? She is Lime.

C. John is from England. What is his

nationality? He is England.

D. Laura is from Italy What is his

nationality? She is Italy.

E. Rafael is from France What is his

nationality? He is France.
4. Complete the dialogue with the words or
phrases from the box Molly: Excuse me.

Hello My name is Molly. 1.what’s your name?

Peter: I am Peter. 2. My friends call me Pete

Molly: My friends call me Molly. Hi Peter. 3. It

´s nice to meet you, too.

Peter: 4 where is our class?

Molly: Are you student here?

Peter: 5 Yes, I am. My class is at nine O’clock

with Miss Taylor.

Miss Taylor? 6 She´s my teacher. 7 You’re in

my class.

Peter: Great¡ 8. Where is our class? It is over

Peter: 9 Hi, I´m Peter. I’m in your class

Teacher: Hi Peter. Nice to meet you. Hello What is your name?

Molly: I’m Molly. 10 I´m in your class, too.

Teacher: Hello. 11 Holly Is that H- o- l – l - y?

Molly: 12 No, it’s M – o – l - l - y

Teacher: M – o – l - l - y hmm 13 What´s your last name Molly?

Molly: Lin. L -I – N

Teacher: Peter Smith and Molly Lin.

Peter: Oh Wait. 14 Excuse me. Are you Miss Taylor?

Teacher: Oh 15 No, I´m not. I’m Mrs. O’Neil. Miss Taylor is in room 203.
Over there

Peter: Oh 16 Thanks

Teacher: 17 Have a good day

Peter: Goodbye

Molly: Hello Teacher

Miss Taylor: Hi Molly Nice to meet you. 18 There you are Welcome

Molly: 19 Thank you

Peter: Hi, I’m Peter Smith

Miss Taylor: 20 Welcome, Peter. Okay. Let’s begin the class

5. Observe el siguiente diagrama de una supply chain (cadena de

abastecimiento). Complete en el diagrama con los nombres en inglés de
los actores del proceso de abastecimiento:
1. Supplier
2. Shopping
3. Production
4. Marketing
5. Distribution

6. Debajo encontrará una definición que corresponde a los actores de la

cadena de abastecimiento, encuentre el nombre y escríbalo frente a ellos,
en los espacios en blanco.

a. A person or company that supplies something: Supplier

b. A person who makes or produces something: Product
c. Someone who sells things by retail: Retailer
d. A person who buys goods or services from a store: Consumer
e. A person who buys and uses goods or service. Customer
f. Entire network of entities, directly or indirectly Interlinked and
interdependent in serving the same consumer or customer
g. Something useful produced by growth or made in a factory. Raw
h. Unfinished goods by a manufacturer in providing finished goods. Supply

1. Customer
2. Supplier
3. Retailer
4. Manufacturer
5. Consumer
6. Raw material
7. Product
8. Supply chain

7. Write in letters these telephone


a. 3267770: three-two-six-seven-

b. 3758325: three-seven-five,

c. 3689465: three-six-eight-nine-
8. What is the answer?
d. 6589432: six-five-eight-nine- Example:
A. Nine hundred eighty-one and
twelve is: 993
e. 3589471: three-five-eight-nine-
B. Sixty-four and seventy is: 134

C. Fifty-two and one hundred is:


D. Twenty-nine and thirty-seven

is: 66

E. Two hundred fifty-three and

eighty-six is: 339

9. Read the text. Answer the questions true (T) or false (F).
A supply chain is actually a complex and dynamic supply and demand
network. (cf. Wieland/Wallenburg, 2011)

A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and

resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.
Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials, and
components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. In
sophisticated supply chain systems, used products may re-enter the supply
chain at any point where residual value is recyclable.
Write true or false according to the text.

1. One of the main characteristics of supply chain is making products T

2. Supplier is only participating in the supply chain. F

3. A supply chain is used to recollect information. F

4. A customer is also participating in the supply chain. T

5. All information collected to help that product arrive faster and cheaper to
client F

10. Now choose the correct answer according to the text. (Resalte la
respuesta correcta de acuerdo al texto)

1.  The middleman between the manufacturer and retailer is :

a. Custormers b. Consumer c. Supplier

2. A material or substance used in the primary production or

manufacturing of a good.
a. Product b. Manufacturer c. Raw materials

3. It is something which gives knowledge in the forms of facts.

a. Information b. Value Chains c. Retailer

4. It is actually a complex and dynamic supply and demand network

a. Customer b. Supply chain c. System

5. This must be satisfied to client

a. Raw materials b. Product c. Supplier

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