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Playlist - Debates

Debate Research (Presentation and Paper): This playlist is designed to

navigate you through step by step of our Debate Project. We have some
deadlines you must meet, but keep in mind this project will take multiple
weeks to complete. You will turn this in once our debate papers are turned
in. You have all that time until then to complete each step.
- Some steps will have videos, and other resources to support you
along the way.

INDIVIDUAL WORK: The following will be steps you can complete alone,
before we get into our project.

Activity Directions Feedback Resources Needed

Nick VS Disney 1.) Online class debate: Find I will be viewing your You will need: -computer
the link to participate and responses. There is
submit your thoughts for no right or wrong Link to website:
the question : Which is answer but you will NICK VS DISNEY
better, Nick or Disney? receive points.
Pro/Con List
Pros and Cons
Debate 1) Read supportive All your responses You will need:
Introductions documents about debates. will be recorded, you -computer
will be graded for
2) Watch provided video on participation. There Helpful debate videos:
my website (you may also is no right or wrong. - What is debating?
watch the videos linked - That Loud
here for more support). Woman
- How to Argue -
3) Participate in Word Cloud Crash Course
and SurveyMonkey. (Both - How to Argue
found on website and (Induction and
linked here.) Abduction) -
Crash Course
Word Cloud (HIGHLY
Survey Monkey RECOMMENDED)

COMPLETED 1) Take note of the steps you

have completed before
moving on.

Group Work: The following work that will be done once your debate groups
are assigned. WAIT UNTIL I have said to start on this portion of the
Activity Directions Feedback Resources Needed

Research 1) Form groups, and begin We will go over You will need: your
Debate researching debate topics. your debate computer
Topics - In topics in class.
Groups 2) Post your debate topic to Here is a website to
Google Form. find some options:
100+ Interesting
Debate Topics

Video: How to Develop

a Good Research
Topic (This video may
help in your search of
a debate topic.)

Graphic 1) In your team, begin I will be grading Need: Computer

Organizer: researching information your debate
Mindmodo about your topic. (You may outline on Link to website:
find it useful to find general correctness of the Mindomo explained
pieces of evidence such as following
charts, journals etc. In order procedure. Ensure Video: How to Write a
to help you.) you and your team Debate
do ALL parts of
2) Start using Mindmodo to the assignment. Scholarly Articles:
figure out how to begin JSTOR
writing a simple outline for
your debate. Full Google Scholar
instructions available on
website. Research Gate

3) When you are finished, Feel free to use more,

submit your organizer to my but make sure the site
email: is reliable. (Hint, use
cindyolmedo@csu.fullerton. the Internet Use tab
edu on my website!)
Debates 1) Be ready to debate in your I will grade as our You will need:
teams. debates go on. Computer or debate
You can find a tools
2) Pick a debate date with rubric on my
me in class, and prepare website. Video: Debating Tips
your cards or process. and Techniques

3) Review Debate tips and Article: 5 Ways to

tricks Respectfully Disagree

Video: Debate

Video: (Optional)
How to Win a Deb…

Summative 1) Write your short reflection I will grade You will need:
Assessment: paper about the debate according to computer
Short process in class. Read the rubric guide
Reflection full directions on website. found on website.
Link to website page:
English with Ms. Olmedo

2) Follow the rubric closely.

3) Submit a paper to me in
class or online to email.
Final Steps: Get ready to play Kahoot. Then ensure you have submitted all
paperwork! This concludes our debate process.

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