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International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302 (2012) 129–134

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Virulence factors and phylogenetic grouping of Escherichia coli isolates from

patients with bacteraemia of urinary tract origin relate to sex and hospital- vs.
community-acquired origin夽
Line Skjøt-Rasmussen a,∗ , Karen Ejrnæs b , Bettina Lundgren c , Anette M. Hammerum a ,
Niels Frimodt-Møller d
Department of Microbiological Surveillance and Research, Statens Serum Institut, 5 Artillerivej, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Department of Pathology, Herlev Hospital, 75 Herlev Ringvej, 2730 Herlev, Denmark
The Centre of Diagnostic Investigations, Rigshospitalet, 9 Blegdamsvej, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Hvidovre Hospital, 30 Kettegård Allé, 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Worldwide, Escherichia coli is a leading cause of bloodstream infections. Bacteraemia cases in both
Received 27 April 2011 community- and hospital-acquired infections are often due to E. coli, and it is a major cause of mortality
Received in revised form 6 March 2012 from these infections. These invasive infections are primarily due to extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli
Accepted 10 March 2012
(ExPEC), possessing a variety of virulence factors (VFs). The pathogenesis of E. coli bloodstream infections
is largely unknown, which is why preventive measures are lacking. We studied 196 epidemiologically
and clinically well-characterized E. coli isolates from patients with bacteraemia of urinary tract origin
Escherichia coli
according to virulence-associated genes (VAGs), phylogroups, and antimicrobial resistance, and the rela-
Extraintestinal virulence
tion of these factors to hospital- vs. community-acquired origin, sex, and mortality. We found papAH to
Bacterial pathogenesis be associated with community-acquired (CA) rather than hospital-acquired (HA) episodes, and kpsM II
UTI and hlyD to be associated with HA rather than CA episodes. papAH and iss were associated with females,
and iroN with males. Phylogroup D was associated with females. None of the variables was found to be
related to mortality. This study provides new insights into the relationships between the epidemiology
and pathogenesis of E. coli bacteraemia of urinary tract origin.
© 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Introduction The invasive E. coli infections are primarily due to extraintestinal

pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) which often originate from the urinary
Escherichia coli is a leading cause of bloodstream infections tract (uropathogenic E. coli, UPEC) (Olesen et al., 1995b). ExPEC pos-
worldwide. Around 17–37% of both community- and hospital- sess a variety of virulence factors (VFs) responsible for pathogenesis
acquired clinically significant bloodstream infections are due to E. outside the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. they are classically described
coli (Russo and Johnson, 2003), and it is a major cause of mortality as necessary to overcome host defences, invade host tissues, and to
from these infections (Laupland et al., 2008; Olesen et al., 1995a; trigger a local inflammatory response. The VFs belong to various
Ron, 2010; Russo and Johnson, 2003). The (economic) burden of functional groups e.g. adhesins (e.g. P fimbriae, S and F1C fim-
sepsis is major (Russo and Johnson, 2003). Despite the frequency briae), toxins (e.g. hemolysin and cytotoxic necrotizing factor), and
and importance of E. coli bloodstream infections, the pathogenesis iron acquisition systems (e.g. the aerobactin system) (Johnson and
is largely unknown. Russo, 2002; Russo and Johnson, 2000). The formation of biofilm
can be considered another pathogenic mechanism, allowing strains
to persist in e.g. the genitourinary or intestinal tract and hindering
the eradication of organisms (Donlan and Costerton, 2002). Human
ExPEC strains derive principally from phylogenetic groups B2 and
夽 Part of this study was presented at the 21st European Congress of Clinical Micro- D (Johnson and Russo, 2002; Johnson and Stell, 2000; Russo and
biology and Infectious Diseases, Milan, Italy, 2011, Poster 1746; and at the Society Johnson, 2000).
for General Microbiology Autumn Conference, York, UK, 2011, Poster 146. Bacterial VFs contribute to the occurrence of bacteraemia in
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Microbiological Surveillance and
humans (Jaureguy et al., 2007; Tseng et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2002),
Research, Statens Serum Institut, Build. 47/217, 5 Artillerivej, 2300 Copenhagen S,
Denmark. Tel.: +45 3268 3191; fax: +45 3268 3231. and they may also influence the outcome of this infection (Hekker
E-mail address: (L. Skjøt-Rasmussen). et al., 2000). Besides VFs, host factors are also major determinants

1438-4221/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
130 L. Skjøt-Rasmussen et al. / International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302 (2012) 129–134

of outcome of infection (Jaureguy et al., 2007; Lefort et al., 2011). Table 1

Virulence-associated genes and phylogenetic groups of E. coli bacteraemia isolates,
Non-presence of VFs such as adhesins has been shown to relate
grouped according to hospital- vs. community-acquired origin.
to infections in patients with immune suppression (Maslow et al.,
1993). However, few studies have investigated the decisive VFs Category, trait Occurrence of trait, no. (%) of isolates
involved when uropathogenic E. coli strains invade the bloodstream Total Hospital- Community-
(Johnson and Stell, 2000; Moreno et al., 2005; Rijavec et al., 2008). acquired acquired
Due to the high antimicrobial resistance of ExPEC strains, preven- (HA) (CA)
(n = 196) (n = 21) (n = 175)
tive measures are needed. In order to identify and develop new
targets for antimicrobial agents or develop a vaccine, it is neces- Virulence-associated genes
sary to understand the pathogenesis and virulence of bacteraemic Adhesins
afa/draBC 5 (3) 2 (10) 3 (2)
E. coli. The aim of the study was to generate knowledge about the bmaE 6 (3) 0 (0) 6 (3)
characteristics of E. coli causing urinary tract bacteraemia. We thus fimH 193 (98) 21 (100) 172 (98)
studied 196 epidemiologically and clinically well-characterized focG 44 (22) 8 (38) 36 (21)
E. coli isolates from patients with bacteraemia of urinary tract ori- gafD 2 (1) 0 (0) 2 (1)
iha 98 (50) 9 (43) 89 (51)
gin according to virulence-associated genes (VAGs), phylogroups,
papAH 140 (71) 10 (48) 130 (74)
and antimicrobial resistance, and the relation of these factors to sfa/focDE 66 (34) 13 (62) 53 (30)
hospital- vs. community-acquired origin, sex, and mortality. Biofilm-related
agn43 177 (90) 18 (86) 159 (91)
Materials and methods agn43a (CFT073) 68 (35) 10 (48) 58 (33)
agn43b (CFT073) 57 (29) 10 (48) 47 (27)
agn43 (K12) 59 (30) 9 (43) 50 (29)
Bacterial strains and patients Iron uptake
chuA 175 (89) 18 (86) 157 (90)
A collection of 196 E. coli isolates from the blood of 195 adult fyuA 180 (92) 19 (90) 161 (92)
ireA 65 (33) 4 (19) 61 (35)
patients with both bacteraemia and bacteriuria was studied. From
iroN 110 (56) 15 (71) 95 (54)
one patient, 2 distinct E. coli blood isolates were cultured. Iso- iutA 147 (75) 14 (67) 133 (76)
lates were collected from January 2003 through May 2005 from Protectins
all patients older than 18 years admitted to Amager Hospital, Bis- iss 46 (23) 4 (19) 42 (24)
pebjerg Hospital, Frederiksberg Hospital, or Hvidovre Hospital in kpsM II 163 (83) 18 (86) 145 (83)
kpsM II K2 169 (86) 18 (86) 151 (86)
Copenhagen. Isolates represent episodes of E. coli bacteraemia with kpsMT III 1 (<1) 0 (0) 1 (<1)
bacteriuria, where a positive E. coli urine culture was performed traT 134 (68) 11 (52) 123 (70)
±3 days within the blood culture date. Episodes were considered Toxins
community-acquired (CA) when they were diagnosed within the cdtB 18 (9) 1 (5) 17 (10)
cnf1 56 (29) 10 (48) 46 (26)
first 48 h of hospitalization and were considered hospital-acquired
hlyD 66 (34) 12 (57) 54 (31)
(HA) after this period. E. coli identification was performed according sat 88 (45) 7 (33) 81 (46)
to standard procedures. Isolates were stored at −80 ◦ C until use. The Miscellaneous
study protocol was approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee for ibeA 23 (12) 2 (10) 21 (12)
the Capital Region of Denmark [(KF) 01 2006-6371)]. malX 128 (65) 14 (67) 114 (65)
usp 133 (68) 16 (76) 117 (67)
Phylogenetic groups
Epidemiological and clinical data A 8 (4) 0 (0) 8 (5)
B1 8 (4) 2 (10) 6 (3)
Epidemiological (age, sex), clinical (date of hospital admission, B2 131 (67) 15 (71) 116 (66)
D 44 (22) 3 (14) 41 (23)
date of death), and laboratory (blood and urine culture dates) data
Non-typeable 5 (3) 1 (5) 4 (2)
for each episode were extracted from the patients’ medical records
and the hospital administrative database.

brain endothelium), malX (pathogenicity-associated island marker

Virulence genotyping
of CFT073), and usp (uropathogenic specific protein) (see also
Table 1). chuA was detected by the triplex PCR for phylogenetic
The isolates were screened for the presence of 29 VAGs with
groups (Clermont et al., 2000). The rest of the genes were detected
known or suspected relevance to ExPEC pathogenesis, as described
by using a modification of the multiplex PCR protocol described by
by Ejrnæs et al. (2011). The VAGs represent 6 functional groups: (1)
Johnson and Stell, 2000 (Ejrnæs et al., 2011). There were 6 primer
8 adhesins: afa/draBC (Dr. binding adhesin), bmaE (blood group M
pools; the pools, and primers used for detection of the VAGs are pre-
fimbriae), fimH (type 1 fimbriae), focG (F1C fimbriae), gafD (G fim-
sented in Suppl. Table 1. Nine strains were used as positive controls
briae), iha (iron-regulated gene A homologue adhesin, siderophore
in the PCR screenings: E. coli 2H16 (primer pools 1, 3–5) (Johnson
receptor), papAH (P fimbriae), and sfa/focDE (S fimbriae, F1C fim-
et al., 2000); E. coli 2H25 (primer pool 2) (Johnson et al., 2000); E. coli
briae); (2) 4 biofilm-related VAGs: agn43 (Antigen 43, common),
PM9, RS218, J96, L31, and V27 (primer pools 1–5) (Johnson et al.,
agn43aCFT073 (Antigen 43, allele a CFT073), agn43bCFT073 (Anti-
1997, 2000, 2001a,b); and E. coli MG1655 and CFT073 (primer pools
gen 43, allele b CFT073), and agn43K12 (Antigen 43, allele K12);
4–6) (Restieri et al., 2007). E. coli P679-54 (aka JJ055) and PCR water
(3) 5 iron uptake VAGs: chuA (heme receptor), fyuA (yersiniabactin
(Invitrogen A/S, Taastrup, Denmark) were used as negative controls
siderophore receptor), ireA (iron-regulated element, siderophore
in the reactions. PCR conditions were as described in Ejrnæs et al.
receptor), iroN (salmochelin siderophore receptor), and iutA
(aerobactin siderophore receptor); (4) 5 protectins: iss (increased
serum survival), kpsM II (group II capsule), kpsM II K2 (group II cap-
sule, K2), kpsM III (group III capsule), and traT (serum resistance); Phylogenetic analysis
(5) 4 toxins: cdtB (cytolethal distending toxin), cnf1 (cytotoxic
necrotizing factor 1), hlyD (alpha hemolysin), and sat (secreted The phylogenetic background (A, B1, B2, and D) of all isolates
autotransporter toxin); (6) 3 miscellaneous VAGs: ibeA (invasion of was determined by triplex PCR using 3 DNA markers (Clermont
L. Skjøt-Rasmussen et al. / International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302 (2012) 129–134 131

et al., 2000). Results obtained allowed classification of the isolates possible association of VAGs with mortality, sex, or hospital- vs.
into the 4 major E. coli phylogenetic lineages or non-typeable (NT) community-acquired origin.
isolates according to Gordon et al. (2008).
Antimicrobial resistance
Individual data are presented in Suppl. Table 2.
Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for ampicillin, cef-
podoxime, ceftiofur, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, Clinical characteristics
nalidixic acid, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, and trimethoprim
were determined for the isolates by a microbroth dilution The median age of the 195 patients was 79 years (range 19–102
method as defined by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Insti- years); 133 patients (68%) were female, 62 (32%) were male.
tute (CLSI). E. coli ATCC 25922 was used for quality control. Twenty-one infection episodes (11%) were considered HA and 174
Results were interpreted according to the European Commit- episodes (89%) CA. Total 30-day mortality was 12%, 24% among
tee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) guidelines HA episodes and 10% among CA episodes. Fewer males (5%) than
(, except for sulfamethoxazole and tetra- females (15%) died within 30 days from culture date.
cycline which were interpreted according to CLSI (CLSI, 2008).
For ciprofloxacin a breakpoint of ≥0.125 mg/l was used (Aarestrup Distribution of VAGs
et al., 2003). ESBL and/or AmpC phenotypes were tested with a
combination disk method (Rosco NeoSensitabs, Rosco, Taastrup, The occurrence of VAGs among the E. coli isolates ranged from
Denmark). <1% (kpsMT III) to 98% (fimH) (Table 1). One to twenty-two VAGs
were detected per E. coli isolate.
Statistical analysis
Phylogenetic distribution
Comparisons of proportions were based on the chi-square
test or, when expected numbers were less than 5, Fisher’s exact Isolates belonging to all 4 major phylogenetic lineages and NTs
test (two-tailed). A P-value <0.05 was considered statistically were found. Most isolates belonged to phylogenetic lineages B2
significant. Forward and backward multiple regression analysis (n = 131, 67%) and D (n = 44, 22%), and a few A, B1, and NT isolates
was performed with mortality, sex, or hospital- vs. community- were found (Table 1).
acquired origin as the dependent variable and bacterial traits
(VAGs and antimicrobial resistance) as the predictor variables using Antimicrobial resistance
Statistica version 7. A similar analysis was performed with the indi-
vidual phylogenetic groups as the dependent variable and VAGs as Eighty-nine isolates (45%) were fully antimicrobial susceptible.
the predictor variables. Excluded from these analyses were those The highest resistance rates were detected among CA isolates, while
VAGs with a very low or high prevalence (afa/draBC, bmaE, fimH, the HA isolates were the most susceptible (Fig. 1). However, there
gafD, and kpsM III) and chuA because of the relation to the phylo- were no statistically significant differences in antimicrobial resis-
genetic groups; the NT phylogenetic group was also excluded from tance rates neither among CA vs. HA isolates nor among isolates
the analysis due to its low prevalence. Furthermore, clustering of from patients dying vs. not dying within 30 days nor among isolates
the E. coli according to the presence and absence of the same fac- from females vs. males. Three isolates were cefpodoxime-resistant;
tors was performed using Statistica version 7 in order to study the none of these produced ESBL.



% resistant isolates






Hospital-acquired (n = 21) Community-acquired (n = 175)

Fig. 1. Antimicrobial resistance (%) in E. coli bacteraemia isolates, grouped according to hospital- vs. community-acquired origin.
132 L. Skjøt-Rasmussen et al. / International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302 (2012) 129–134

Association with hospital- vs. community-acquired origin in which a 4-week mortality of 21% among E. coli bacteraemia
episodes in a Danish university hospital was found, our observed
Multiple regression analysis found papAH to be independently overall 30-day mortality of 12% among E. coli bacteraemia cases
and significantly associated with CA episodes (74%) rather than HA was low.
episodes (48%) (P = 0.018). On the other hand, kpsM II (P = 0.034) and Only few previous studies have investigated associations
hlyD (P = 0.044) were found to be associated with HA (86% and 57%, between host and bacterial determinants and the outcome of E. coli
respectively) rather than CA (83% and 31%, respectively) episodes bacteraemia in humans (Jaureguy et al., 2007; Lefort et al., 2011). To
(Table 1). No phylogenetic groups were found to be associated the best of our knowledge, no such studies have investigated asso-
with hospital- vs. community-acquired origin. E. coli associated ciations specifically among E. coli bacteraemia cases with a urinary
with hospital- vs. community-acquired origin did not segregate in tract origin.
separate clusters in relation to VAGs. High virulence potential is typically found in strains from
immunocompetent patients, the virulence characteristics helping
Association with sex the bacteria overcome host defences (Jaureguy et al., 2007). In
accordance with other studies, papAH coding for P fimbriae was
By multiple regression, 3 VAGs were found to be independently found to be associated with CA rather than HA episodes (Jaureguy
and significantly associated with either female or male patients. iss et al., 2007). HA bacteraemias are typically caused by isolates with
(P = 0.014) and papAH (P = 0.023) were found to be associated with a lower virulence potential since the VF products are less neces-
females (28% and 75%, respectively) rather than males (13% and sary when host defences are impaired (Cooke et al., 2010). In our
65%, respectively), whereas iroN was found to be associated with study, however, the 2 VAGs kpsM II and hlyD, coding for group II cap-
males (65%) rather than females (52%) (P = 0.026). Phylogroup D was sule and alpha hemolysin, respectively, were found to be associated
found to be associated with females (28%) rather than males (10%) with HA rather than with CA episodes. Thus, our results indicate
(P = 0.004, chi-squared test). E. coli associated with either female vs. that both CA and HA infections can be due to virulent strains and
male patients did not segregate in separate clusters in relation to that these hospitalized patients are perhaps not as immunocom-
VAGs. promised as assumed. Yet, discrepant findings regarding the effect
of host compromise on the prevalence of various bacterial traits
Association with mortality have been described (Johnson et al., 2002).
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is most common among women,
Multiple regression analysis showed that no VAGs or antimicro- but is also a problem among men. The bacterial characteristics
bial resistance were associated with mortality. Also, mortality was required for establishing infection are supposedly different among
not associated with any phylogenetic groups. E. coli from patients the sexes. papAH and iss, coding for P fimbriae and increased
dying within 30 days of culture did not segregate in separate clus- serum survival, respectively, were significantly associated with
ters in relation to VAGs. No clear distinction based on the presence female patients, whereas iroN, coding for a siderophore recep-
and absence of VAGs could thus be made between isolates from tor, was associated with male patients. iroN has previously been
patients dying within 30 days as compared to isolates from patients shown to be associated with urinary-source E. coli in men (Johnson
not dying within 30 days. et al., 2005a). Thus, our results support the hypothesis that the UTI
pathogenesis differs among women and men, being reflected in
Association between phylogenetic groups and VAGs part by differing traits required to establish an infection in the 2
By multiple regression analysis, fyuA (P = 0.002) and No VAGs were found to be associated with mortality. The pro-
agn43aCFT073 (P = 0.011) were found to be positively associ- portion of isolates from patients dying within 30 days of culture
ated with phylogroup A, whereas kpsM II K2 (P = 0.003) and iha was low which could explain the lack of VAGs predicting mortal-
(P = 0.007) were negatively associated with phylogroup A. fyuA ity. Jaureguy et al. (2007) found papGIII to be associated with an
(P = 0.010) and iha (P = 0.048) were negatively associated with increased fatal outcome of E. coli sepsis. In the present study, we
phylogroup B1. usp (P < 0.001) and agn43 (P = 0.035) were posi- did not screen for papGIII as being associated with E. coli causing
tively associated with phylogroup B2, whereas sfa/focDE (P = 0.013) prostatitis (Ruiz et al., 2002). Thus, our study did not succeed to
was negatively associated with phylogroup B2. iha (P < 0.001), associate particular bacterial determinants with the outcome of
sfa/focDE (P = 0.004), iss (P = 0.007), ibeA (P = 0.016), and kpsM II K2 E. coli causing urinary tract bacteraemia; however, the results still
(P = 0.046) were positively associated with phylogroup D, whereas provide new insights into the association of VAGs with the outcome
usp (P < 0.001), agn43aCFT073 (P < 0.001), iroN (P = 0.004), and hlyD of bacteraemia of urinary tract origin. As shown by others (Jaureguy
(P = 0.039) were negatively associated with phylogroup D. et al., 2007; Lefort et al., 2011), this result could also indicate that
host or iatrogenic factors may be more important than bacterial
Discussion factors for the course of E. coli bacteraemia.
Most isolates belonged to phylogenetic lineages B2 and D. This
We present a thorough study of 196 epidemiologically and clini- agrees with most other studies concerning phylogenetic groups in
cally well-characterized E. coli bloodstream isolates of urinary tract uropathogenic (Johnson et al., 2005b; Moreno et al., 2008) and bac-
origin. The isolates were analyzed for a broad range of virulence teraemic E. coli (Johnson et al., 2002; Moreno et al., 2005; Sannes
genotypes, their phylogenetic background, resistance to various et al., 2004). Phylogroup D isolates were associated with females
antimicrobial agents, and the relationship of these factors to patient rather than males. We have no explanation for this observation,
mortality, hospital- vs. community-acquired origin, and patient sex but are investigating a possible spread of clones associated with
was explored. To our knowledge, our study is the first to study phylogroup D.
the presence of Ag43 and its allelic variants of UPEC strain CFT073 VAGs were found to be positively and/or negatively associated
(agn43aCFT073 and agn43bCFT073) in clinical E. coli bacteraemia with all phylogroups. Positive VAG predictors were identified espe-
isolates. cially for phylogroups B2 and D, confirming that phylogroup B2 and
In studies of E. coli bacteraemia, a wide variability in case-fatality to a lesser extent phylogroup D are the groups which include potent
rates has been observed, ranging broadly from 5% to 30% (Laupland human ExPEC isolates causing among others UTI and bacteraemia
et al., 2008). As compared to a study by Olesen et al. (1995b), (Johnson and Russo, 2002; Moreno et al., 2005, 2008).
L. Skjøt-Rasmussen et al. / International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302 (2012) 129–134 133

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technical assistance. This study was supported by the Danish Med-
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