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1. The table summarizes the products that may be formed when water arhyerocloe acs ade to Aeron metals oti oxides olsun sodium | real hyroxse barium | hydrogen oat calcu mageesia| ral elo ‘umn | metaloxie | hycrogen gas metal choo ca ryarogen 988 water ion (uth toe) te ead copper see ro reaction Wich metal acs with hyéroclerc ac but not with waar? (&) barium (@) aluminium (©) teas ©) siver For questions 2 and 3 use the information below. ack tok photographs of some stones. He used coins to show the aparosimte size ofeach stone, His ‘photographs ae shown below. 2. Why le tnotpossbio to compare he sze ofthe stones by using just thas photographs? (A) Thecains have cierantshapos. {B) Tro cain are not samo colour. coins al have afro vale (0) Tho.coins may not be te same size 3. nal, the oin shown wth Stone W has ameter of 15mm. ‘mats the approximate lng (rem) of Stone W, rom Pio? wm 2 @ 3 © 2 o » s7en.ebamene geo 2 For questions 4 and § use the information below. Igneous reeks are rocks hat have formes rom molten materi, Pyrociasti rocks are made up of rock ‘Tagments that have been cemented together Vesicular rocks ae rocks that have bubbas of 998 rapped ‘rade tha, ‘Te table summarises infomation abou the appearance of some ypes of igneous rocks Fine grained stele acto = ‘basalt Coarse grained anite ‘anodionte onte a Fine to coarse grained | ryolte porphyry | dace porphyry | andesite porphyry | basalt porphyry Pyroctastc reels co eoala wooeia Vesicular ae ela Unc ck, mad up rags hat have been came ogee, canbe ound nal shades of xorng? (%) andesite (8) eecia (©) orto ©) poy Pures and sora bth have pockats of 88 rapped in ham. Pumice fats on water but sea dose not ‘Which santnce bast explains hie? (©) Theta ut nia up sara ae ee donee bn teers tak p pure (©) The gas tapped in punioe takes up a greater fraction ofits volume than to gas Capped in scoria (0) Thewals beiven he gas pockets in pune are hiker han fe was Between he gas pockasnScoria ‘When a chemical reaction takes pace, the numberof toms of ac element present tthe baginning ofthe ‘eacton ste same ne number a atom ofthat elem lhe nd of te reaction. Chemeal reactions ‘may be witen as saustions where sybols are used Io represen the alms making up the deren. molecu ‘Tre allowing equation represents @ chemical reaction, Key 4 and atoms of dierent elements + added to produces ‘Tho mass ofeach #4 & mogul is 17 mass uns andthe mass ofeach #4 molecule fe2 mass uns OOS Oaae nat ees aerx What isthe mas (h mass uns) of the mola represented as X nthe equation? “4 5 8 ©) 0 a eens 7. Tho diagram shows 2 maximun-minimum thermometer |Amaxinum-minimum thermometer contains two marks “The markers indcate the ghost emporio and the iowest lemperatre reached over 2 perid of imo. Each day the markers fr rosa by moving them dow tthe op of he mercury in the themometor As the lomperaure changes, be mercury pushes the markers up Wat sth tomperatur range recorded since the markers swore last esat? (a) t8:0-4070 (6) 180-22" () 3°0-30"0 (0) 40re-50-¢ {8 This graph allows farmer to calculate how much wator hey ned esc week for hor animals ori 450 400 80 00 i wy | = 7” = Fon ==. 0 50% 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 3600 ‘Amount of water (itresiweok) How mach water lr) does farmer need each weck fr 400 sheep and 10 ams fo nk? ww) __5000 (8) 20000 (©2100 ©) 22500 caesar 008M 4 For questions 8 and 10 use the information below. Indeators are cheicals hat reuse to detrmine the pH of Slutons. The cour ofthe inca depends ‘onthe pr the sluon to which hasbeen added ‘Te table sts the colour of some nestor in solutions with fren Indieator 70 Bromonyra bie Matyi red Phenol ved [Prenaihinaiain | cotouiess coluress | coloress | oolouress| ‘The diagram reprsent four lst ubes containing the same soliton. Each tat ube hes dierent indicator ‘rom te table aed tot tie yelow +6 colours 9. Whats the pH of the solution? | wos @ 7 © 8 o 9 10. David was tesing a aitferent unknown soluton withthe same furindcators. He forgot abe the tot ‘tubes and dnt know whch incealor wa in whic est te, Homever ha wae il ba to determine the Hot he sou, \Wiich of hase can NOT have been the plo this sokstion? wos ® 7 © 6 o 9 5 oscar cot 1", tugalrs must tow the objets hay are jugging at ust the right speed so hat they wl land inthe ‘ther hand “Te graph shows the relationship between the angle above the horizontal at which the juggler throws. an object andthe speed with wri the object mus leave is hana ‘Spoed of ball eaving a jugglers ha 2{|——_ 10 Speed (ws) {— Opes ole tate caso eco Coser ‘Angle above the horizontal") ten object eaves the juggle’ hand 7” above the horizontal, the jgglr mus row t wih 2 speed of mis fori toland inhi ther hand. _Atwhich ater angle can he throw the abc wth speed of 4 ms and have and in his ther hae? wom © «0 © o % 2. “Te socor raphe represent the composion of wo clon mets alloys, Alloy X Atioy manganese. soon manganese. stlcon copper rmolybdonun ‘wich of hace ie corect statement bout te two aos? (8) The same materiale are usd nthe manufactire of bth loys {8} Tho proportion ofrickel in Alo Ys bout double that in Ay X {@)__Aloy'Y contains a higher proportion of tvomum than Aloy X does. {} — Manganees,slcon ana cvemium are presentin the same proportion in bth loys. wale saarencoee 6 8. For questions 13 and 14 use the Information below. ‘Tha dlagram summarises some ofthe 526 n which shoes are soln a number cf iferent counties. 3nd La each bought anew pak of shoes. Alana bought palo size 7 shoes n Astra, Lis bought her shoesin dapan. When sho and Alana mot. they discovered that Lins shoes were 16cm shore han ‘Alana \What was the Japanese 320 othe shoes that Lia bough? 45 @ 2 25 © 27 14. Which statements supported by the data inthe table? (8) Rusia tis had fina shoss for worn wth age fet. {B) French people have tho largest fet ofthe groups Istd in he able (C) _Omaverage, French shoaeinoesee last nang for ane whole siz othe next. (0) Austatian wemen’s shoo sizes are the sams as these for US and Canadian woman, 15. The planet Jupter as mény moons. The graph represents the ori periods ofthe fourargst moons of pier againet he average rads ofthe et ofeach moon around Jupi. 20 i Zio 5 x0 Eugee a lp “Average ras oft (0%). another moon wee iscovred with an average radius of orb midway Between that of Ganymede and ‘nat of Calls, what would be ls approximate oil period in Rous? (200 ® 275 © 350 (0) 1800 7 sovecanareraeint 18. Wen animals eprocica, the sperm may frise tho 09 inside te body ofthe female (tema frison) ‘or outside her body (exera frusaton).Extoralortisaton requires a wet envionment Intra fertisation protects he eggs and sperm rom predators. xem frisation requires more e908 10 be produced. in some anima species prea care increases the chance the ofpring wil survive to acutnood, “The table shows the rprosuetne strategies of some animals | [rename ner oa ‘worth exaral no ‘seahorse intra es cane td extoral | wor spider ineral = damsel ena yee ‘er apider reread © estopes Treat 70 [A scientist wanted to determine the importance ofthe parental care provided by cameetih In rer o make a vais comparison, she neds o compare damselish offepring hatha paentl care wih (A) ded ofsrng eparatod fom their parents {@) _sworachefpaingsoparated fom tar parents (C) _damochofspring separsted fom their parent {0} Wat epéerofspring separated fom tor parent 17. Liquids and gases are fds because they can Bow Whan an object placed in a Mid he fore of aay paling te deplced fui down creatos an uprard force caled buoyancy tht acs onthe objet ‘on Earth, a baloon filed with hau rises in a because the force of buoyancy caused by the dspaced is (greater than te weight ofthe Balloon ‘On the Moon, the force of ray ie ane-sith of the free af rayon Earth. Thee isn ar on the Moon. \ymat would happen I @ balloon filed wh lum were ced onthe Moon, compared wih on Earth? (A) twould atthe ground as ther sno arto pace. {) woud rao faster as thre no a dag slow down, {6} woud re more stow snes tho feceof gravy is sma. {B)___Itweuld rie atthe same rat a he tek ofa makos up for the weaker force of ray. sieeseeonren seen @ 18. Information about chemical compounds canbe shown in several diferent ways. These Include the bland ‘tok modal the mole formula ar the empire! forma. ‘The table sts information about the compound ahyone glean these ways. eh y* | CHLOH, ono bal-an-tick model ofthe compound 2.4 Sbromo-3.344-etavorobutan. ‘The dagram represents bromine (87) cine) ‘Wma isthe empiica fomula of 24bromo3.344-eafuocbutene? chr ©) oH ©) CHF B, © oH, 19. Yesstis used o mate brad dough rise, causes the dough ore bya chemical racton calle fermentation. “This reaction canbe summarised by this chemical equation: sugar 4 22> ethanol y+ carbon dioxide Jess cared out an investigation using yess ta ate a atoan, balloon conical ask Wat causing th balloon to nate? swarm water and suger (A)_—_the nee the mass ofthe sugar (8) thoincrease inthe volume ofthe ethanol yeast (C)_teinorease nthe numberof the yeast organisms (0) meincrease nthe volume af the carbon donde ° ‘st tenho G0 20, Tare are goneral rules that apply to ayers of rocks. + Younger sedimentary ocks ar on op of odor rocks ‘uve igneous rock ae younger then the rocks thoy inte “Tha dlagram shows the cross-section of layers of rocks na given are Key | seaimentary aneous BB imesione [3] oronite [EE] senastone EE ctorte sha EBS rmyote g2bb0 + ++ Wien statements cosct? (A) The gant the odo rock shown, {8} Tho ayer of yolte was fermed ater the dolar [@)__ The dolerta is oier than tho grate but tao sto shale {5} The sandstone was formed after the gabore but before the doer 21, The densty of waterist gle. ‘An object hat floats planes an amount of war wth a mass equal to that of the obec. An obec tht ‘Shs doplaces an amount of water wih a volume equal hat fo object. The displaced water produces the force of buoyancy that opposes the weight fore ofthe object Roding had to cubes, X and ¥, made om diferent subtancos. Both cubes ha volume of 30cm. The ‘mass of eube Xie 60g and the mass of eune Ys 18g Rodney attached each cube toa seperte sping balance and lowered the cubes ito a container of water {oid ws uly submerged and ¥ was ust foaing, ao vy eee eT a a water #) ° Lad et —s ; ola 5 seiner 900M 10 2 a ‘The fest tse graphs repcesent the acuity of tres types of arzyme when the pH of thee surounsings changes. The feu raph represents ho acti of enzymes in ganeral whan the imperatre of ho Suroundings changes, Bessie needs to cary out an investigation {hal requires high enzyme atv. The ‘matoalsinlved frm a mati ow pH a pepsin ‘Wich enzyme should Bessie use and at ehymoty| wat iemperatre shoul 8 erry Ot the Investigation? pepsin ‘The speed ofan obec i given by the equation Pole use ‘ponto-point speed cameras to measure the average speed of vehicles over ong distances. ‘A camer a ene pint akes a pha of each wah as goes past and roar ha time at whieh fe photo ‘was taken.A second camera does the seme. “Te cagram reprosans a sportscar taveing on a stoic of rad where polnto-pln cameras ae nus. camera x cameraY 3 01m “The spots car pastad sped camera X at 4:00pm and passed speed camera Ya 4:18 pm “Te spo0d lit on his stoic of rad is 100 kh \What i the information om the speed camer reveal about the spec at which he spots car traveled? (A) The sports car's speed was 2 kmh (©) Tho sportscar bavlled at 50 kmh (6) The sports car's spoed was 100 kh over the epood kit (0) The spons ear exceeded the maximum sped iit by 20 kmh * oesonerasenn 24, Madicatons, especial for hldren, ned tobe given ncarsfuly measures amounts. Thoy are tan ereeied oy minng tne mena in ponder form wlth anough seria waler 1 reech th dose final ‘olume and concentration. “Te diagram represents a contin of pein. + Contains 600 mg of pensin ade 3.8 mo trie water Fina mature contains 150 mami penclin What cn be inert rm the Information on te label? (A) Some ofthe micro (450 mL) willbe ef unused. {B)Thovolume of the penalin the container 04 mt. {C) Tne pelea inthe containers med wih 60 mg of another substance. (0) More water need tobe adcos afr extracting th mire rom te container. 25, Cotltor is made of materi that abeor quid. Zac wanted to tnd ou wien of four brands of at itr s best for absorbing ids, He measured the ‘enamum amount of water absorbed by each saris of four deren brands of ca ier. Ww 2 x 2 1 wie ¥ 3 3 whe and ean z % 18 te and bie Zac's exparimontis nota fairest. nat does Zac need to do bore he can daw a valid conclusion abou te ciferent brand of cat itr? (@)_tepeattne expecenent using dlerent iuids {8} wee brands of at tor that are the sam colour {€)___ usp the same amount ofwatr wih each brand of cat ter {0} moasure te amt of each aferent brand of at iter used snecsecomeneoeoe 2 2. For questions 28 and 27 use the information below. ‘Te Body Mas Index (Ms ono incatr that is used by doctors o assess the health of pation. The MI shows te rlatonship between te mass and height of a patient as fotows: wore m = mass tg) em = 2 ” 1) sheet) “The mass an hight of four pations (P,Q, Rand) are shown. Rose ° b+} 4+} + + mass (ta “ 50 60 7 0 . 9 Ros I+. + + + f+ — rian (om 15 16 17 18 19 ‘Whats the BM ofa paint whose height is 1.6m wih a mass of 80 kg? (002 (032 (e) 3125 (0) 5000 Which wo people are most key to havea vor inl BA? (Panga (8) Pands (co) Rena (0) Rens 18 ‘eter aoe 28. Changes n envcnmenta temperature lfc! the behaviow and survival of erimals, Many armas cannot Survive envronment! empertures greater than approximately 60°C ‘imate respond to changes in enzoemetal femperature in wo ways + themoreguators keg ther body temperature approrimstaly constant despite changes in the tnvronmental emporio. «+ themoconfoers cannot kop the by temparture constant as the enieonmen temperate chores. ‘Which graph best eresets he body temperature ofa thermoreguitoas the temperate around merge? s. # ° Seo 8 i i R 3 as i 3B Enveonmenta Environment femoris CC) temperature °C) o., o s., Be Ss0 8 os i i z a = a : a Enironnena Eniromenta fenpersure co) femperouro °C) nies 208 14 For questions 29 and 30 use te information below. ‘men a igi ie open othe a, some patil fom tha gud will escape and frm a vapour the ac “These pars ces a peste Know athe vapour possure of fe hs “Te vapour pressure of aliquid increases with tomperature. Whon the quid reachos the tomperature where ‘ts wapour pressure qual tothe rosso ofthe surrounding ate lui bots. Normal ir pressure Ie ‘Té0 meng at se ove, ‘The graph lusates th vapour pressures of fox substances ovr a range of temperatures. 209) re] Teal Ce +} . ‘so — ‘pentene ‘nekane heptane ‘Vapour pressure (mtg) @ 2 40 oo Ey 700 ‘Temperature °C) What isthe vapeur pressure of heptane (mn mnie) a temperate of 50°C? “90 © 50 ©) 180 ©) 400 Wich statements suppeted by Infomation inthe graph? (8) At sea evel octane bois when is vapour pressure reaches 380 men, (B) _Athigher temperatures, the dforenos in vapow pressure ofthe Inui decrease. (C) The vapcur pressure of pentane a 20°C isthe same asthe vapour pees of Roxane a 45°C. (0) Theboling sont of water les between the bong aint of heptane and the toting point of octane, 1s mitcietoma re 90k 31, The dlagram shows a food web in an ecosystem. ve a—>s tecry tore = —— = _ eee Taocer) | etme | [ae Es =a | =a predator an animal that prays on and eas another anal, In his eoeystom how mary ecganims do NOT have predators? wot @ 2 @ 3 o 4 te baer 90884 16 For questions 32 and 33 use the information below. ‘The agra roprosonts two thermometers, one catrated in dagroes Coleus (C) andthe oer in degrees Fahrenheit (F) At sea eve, water eezes af 0°C (32) and boss a 100°C (212). Beth sess Fe ‘Sed ine sven stp. 532. Whats the mos accurate equtvalontto $0 "Cin araes Fatrenhet(F)? wy @) 108 © (©) 1 cotie Fevemet ©) 13 58, Alwhattomperatire woud a Coleus thermometer and a Fatxenhat temometer give the same reading? 8 @ -2 © 0 ©) rover 7 secant Sa, Brot aed aurinium pellets o beaker containing water. The cagrams show the evel of the wale and tho fot mass before and ator he added he pets ca 620m] “Te denaty ofan abject s gon by he ful sonst = volume Using the leformation above whats tbe densty (le ofthe aluminum pits? won © 04 27 © 68 135. Allators have @nuceus made up of proton and neutons. The mass number of an stom isthe sum ofthe rumor of proton andthe numberof neurons in the nuceus ofthe atom, Proton havea charge of +1 while neurons have no charge, ving the nucleus a postive cerge equal to {he numberof peters, ‘ven wing equations to deserve nuclear eacons, each partis shown wih fs symbol, is mags umber and is charge For example, the nclus of barium aom Is shown as east contain 4 protons and 5 neutons. reason Using his convention, how isa neutron (x) shown in an equation to desorbe @ nuclear reaction? wm om © m om teienarres 005 18 For questions 38 and 37 use the information below. “The chromosomes insise he cols of ving oganism contain the gone information that detormines the {eotues ofthe organism. Chromosomes are foun insse the nlout of moet peso ol ‘Stiemss used a proces call ‘oning'fo proce a amb. This agra shows ho stops in his process. askincaliataken Cell nucleus a Na gg tet cat re et ls remo ‘Shoop2 — nn ed an 699 call ‘ne now ea IStaken fom 9 begin ding ‘Second sheep Cloned lamb ae Emon tomo the embryos lacs in te ovalps Ino onus ofa foeter mother ‘Sonediam> Sheep 3 38. Wich shoop ithe cloned lamb genetical loses 6 and wha the reason for this? 1) | Shoop t received is goneti information fom this sheep (8) | Shoop? developed rom an egg rom his sheep. (©) | Shoop developed inside is sep. Teoelved is genetic infomation Wom one and developed || (©) | Shoop t and shoo 3 es S37. _Whatle tho reason why the slontsts used ath shoep tobe the foster manor? (8) n0 sperm were involved {) Some snoop are mre fete than hers (©) avoid he boay of Shep 1 rlecng the 999 co {0} to aee tthere was any intuence ofthe embye's environment dung development 10 reese ron 30 38, The table shows te tude (eight above or below sa eel of fourlocations also shows tho tampaature st which watr boat woof tase locations Temperature at Location Altitude (m) | which water bots co) ‘Dead Sea, betwcen Israel and Jordan Mount Everest Nopal | 6847 mabove sea level 7 Quito, Equasor "2850 m above sea tve ‘Syne, Austra at oa vel [eee 204 mboow sea lovel ‘On Mount Everest takes longer to cook an egg because the water ols ts lower temperate thant does in Syanoy. From th infrmaton above, which pai of statements is comect? Water bole at a igher lomperature (| nuit than atthe Deed Seo, | In Quito han atthe Deed Sea (B) [atthe Dead Seathanin Syney, | atthe Dead Sea than in Syéney, (©) | inate wan in Syenoy in Sydney tan n Quito (0) | mato man on Mount Everest | on Mount Everest than in Quito, 30. nthe eat 1900. rappers were sent ino northern Canada to cole the skins ofhares and xs, The Hynes a member ofthe eat fay tis a predair tat preys on hares “Te graph represents the population of hares an yrs this rea betwoon the yours 1910 and 1990. * a [Key] : fe Numbers (1000) 180 ry "so Year \Wnih of these correcty matches each fine on he graph with a species and how itis determined? |__ tym | hare | Hares are small than Ines. ©) | hare | tmx | Species X almost became exincin 1927. (©)|_tyme | are | Predators always outnumber thei prey. (0) | here | mx | Aderaase in Species X comes before a decrease in Species ¥. scsesamrew ooo 20 ee «. Many people use exacts from the Echinacea plant in order to ‘bost hor mune syst’ and o help recover om te common oo Researchers carted outs by ving extracts ftom the Echinacea panto groups of poop wth he ‘commen ea. Thay alo gave a pacabo (a Wealment coniaining no mascaton footer groupe of soe ‘nth tbe comman cl, a8 onto “The able summaries tale resuts. 1 70 73-109 “4 108-150 2 2 2246 2 28-60 a © 0-86 73 5561 Do these results provide doiritve evince for the ofloctneness of Echinacea agains the common cld? (A) No. tho sample ses ae to smal (B) Yes, the sampie sz foreach groups citerent. (C) No, thoresut for one ta corral te or vo. (0) Yat tho tals snowed tat Echinacea shortened recovery tne a ‘bata trom an experiment canbe elie continuous oder, Continuous dat can ako any value while acete dota can only ake conan vatues, tis important to determine whether experimental data are continuous or dsree, 8 that the aperopriate |ype of graph canbe used when graphing the resus ofan experment \Whicn graph represons crete data onthe horizontal xis and contruous data on the vertical ads? —— oe S00 Bx i 40 ye a is ae c coe sna i t : | i i ea ernie a a we caeare ae 42, When wo objects that have ciferent temperatures ae brought ito contact wth each oer, heat eeray tows rom ene objeto the ther ntl hey have the same nal emperatze “Tm nested a 50 gram brass mass oa temperature of 100°C. He quickly cropped tint @ beaker conning Bora etter waa ompertur of 20°C, before fost het tthe surrounding a. The fr temperature ‘tthe water and brass mae was 27°C, The mass of ne ml of waters one ram, Wien statements supported by this esut? (A) is a8 205 to 00! lis 2 ts to hoa iui (B) The brass aes tat more heat energy than the water gained {C)___iskos more energy to heat a mass of water than i takes fo heat an equa (8) takes more energy to heat a mass of brass than takes to heat an equa mass of water. 48. _Electoty con flow when thas a sours of snory (ie abate t foe round an unbroken pth {a cre Te pats maling up otc, (uch a resistors, R) canbe connected Insaco, wre they form singe path and each esstor cars the same curent(), F 1 arate wnar they frm soparate paths and each eis has the sare votage (V) across Te A —_ Rom om AAV Po ‘Geof wired up the cet shown the agra, ich option correct ists two resistors that arin series an two resistors tat rein paralle? =n La ‘and M Mand N ef Kena Teal aL New co [or] —wao aa acim 90008 2 46, Fr questions 44 and 45 use the information below. Elocrlyis is @ chemical reaction caused by pasting a direct curentrough a chemical substance, “The dagram shows a vltameter tat Josie had boon uking forthe alacrlyls of water. Cynder Yt open atte te. wth tho power suppl uitched on, elcrons ener he water through one slactzode(n ender) and leave the water rough the oer sacra (n cinder 2) This proces two gases, one a sch elotode “The gases are rapped in the tubes and canbe rolased tough tap. The die ald added othe water habs the flow of ctl water + ite ‘site aos secre. “Te eacons that tke place athe electrodes canbe summers a: 410, +40 2g OH BHOy Ong An ose sultched onthe equipment and bubbles started to form a tubes X and 2 \Wnat happened to he fvel of he watorin the cylinder a tho reaction progressed and what i the rasan fortis? (A) | rose nyinder¥ and el nthe cer wo. | Gases are less dense than igus. (©) | roceincynder Yan fein the ther two. | The wale is used up fastor than the gases are produced (©) | fotinoyinderY and ose inthe thar two. | Gases are lees dense than ius. (0) [fet in cyinder¥ and os inthe ther wo. | The watari used up faster than the gases are produced Josie want to ae Ihe hype of acid she used made a iflorance tothe speed wih which the gases are produood Into frst al che usd aut sutuie a8 She waned to use hyeroclane acd n her second il, One suf aid melocuo release ice as mich hyregen ino te sluion as one hoch ald maacule eee, ‘What must she do so thatherinvestgation wil bef test? (8) leave th curentsuitchd on forte 9 ong (©) agus he power supply to wie the ognal votage (6) rao the tomporture of tho micure to wie og value (©) _Usetwice as much hycrochlric ace othe same concenvaion 2s the suai acid 2 nish Gotan

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