2017 ICAS Writing Paper E

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STUDENT'S MAME: ARGUMENT The purpose of an argument is to convince other people to agree with you. A good argument uses reasons supported by evidence. If your reasons are clear and make sense, the audience feels that they have to agree with your opinion. WRITING TASK You have been invited to participate in a national writing competition. You have to write an argument based on the following topic: Would you rather be rich or lucky or intelligent? In your planning, think about the following questions: * Which ONE characteristic will you choose? + What reasons can you use to support your choice? + How will you organise your reasons to present a strong argument? 2007 ICAS Wg Paper £0 UNSW lal Py Lint icas a Eg TOIT A . HOW TO FILL OUT THIS SHEET: EXAMPLE 1: Debbie Bach || EXAMPLE 2: Chan Ai Beng | | EXAMPLE 3: Jamal bin Abas ]}S P usearenc ee ra Pinto deta catyinbve | DIEBDITIET BAI _, boxes provided. G00 maa | Make sureyoufttinonyona 3S e—3° (eB SOe Oval enc ctu sess’ 838" + Rumoutai mstacesconpley, | S259" 23" 1 Donotuse a cooured pol or pen FIRST NAME to appear on certificate LAST NAME to appear on certificate U Ly [ T 1 jlODODOBOCODEDOBOGOD000000) l0®®5OG0HO9O99H9G9OHHO9OG) loD©DODOLODOHOHHSOHOH®O HO) lDOODOOOHOQOHOGOHOGOHOoHGg) ©®®DOHOHOHOHOHOHHHHOHOOOD lo ©O0DODOLOHHOHOHHOHHSOSOOoOO) PD©DHHOHHOHOHOHOGHOHOHOHOS) l2O2OOOOFS9OH99HOOGHSSO9GG) ©D®DHDODQHD®HOHDOHDODHDOIOD P®®DHHOOHOHOHOHOHDGHOOOGOGDOO) \DDDDODODHQODOOOGODHDODOO| \©@®G®QOQHSHQOQODHHOGHHODOG| lPDODHHOHHHOHOOOHOOODOGOD) 2©9®9GOD28O99990898280009) 2O®OD2GHDOHHOHQHQHOHOHOODOG) l2©0ODHODDHHHOHOSHDHOGHOOG| I®®®DHHOOHDHHOHOHOOHOGDOOGHO| |>©©D20DD29099OOHOGDOOGOG) |0©®®®HODHOQDOHODOOHOOOOHO) |9D990O9H99OHH9HODOHDGOOOE jOO0H9O0DOHH0HHHOHOOOOOOD| \02O©9H9ODDOQODOGODOOHQOGOG) lO9©99O0QOHOQODOOOHODOOQO OOO) 222909990992 9O9999O098 ®O0D®O0DGOO0D9DHHOHHOO@OG) ®®0Q99HOQGOOD9OOOBVOVO DO®OOOHODOQHOOODGHDOODOHODOD) QODHDODO9ODOSOHODOGOGAD| l090500050005990000990006) IOD9QGOHDGOOOGODOGOGOGOGOG| lP9909eC0D0000000000>0} ®®®®®QHQHOHODOOOQOGQ) P®OQQDDDOODHDOOOHOOS) lSO©OQOOOHOQHOHQOOOHOGO) \©O®HOHXHQOMOQOOOOGOOH| ©DOGOOQGOHODHOOOHOGOOHO| \DODHOHOHOHOHOGOOOGOOO| |\©©O©QQOQOPQOOOGODOGOGO| |©®®®®2H®OQOD2DOOQODODG| ODDDDOHHODOODOOOODOOO| IS®©ODDDQ®ODQHOQOGOGD) © ®©QQDQHDOLOHOHOOOOGS) jOOOWOHOGOHDOOHOGOGO| ®@@D@DDOODOGOHDOLOOG) 0D ®99DQDH®®DOQXQOOOHD| ©2®©905O2G090200000000) ©20®2O0O0HDHHOHOHOOS) ©@®2®©2OOHODHDODOOOGD|) © @®DOHOHHHOQOHODOOOD| 09 ©2©O2OOHOHDOOOODOGO) l©D®©DQHXOHOXH®DOOODODO| ©DOOCODDODOOOGOGOOD| ©®©®VOVHODHOVOHQVOD| ©@9®8Q0HO®HD®HOHOOD| ©®2®®2®2DODO®OOO2D0OG| lDDDOQOXHOMOODQOGOOO| IODOOQOGOQOHOHODOSOGO) IOP@QQOQOGODGQODOGODO| lOQD@EQCQCOCGOQCGEGGGO} ISD9DQODODOODO9GOS0GO) ‘Are you male or ferale? © Male © Female Does anyone in your home usually speak a language other than English? © Yes = © No Schoo! name: Town | suburb: Today's date: Joos Postcode: DATE OF BIRTH STUDENT ID Bay Month Year ‘orton I D@Q|DODOS®) WOW CPejoajo} DDODAD, DQDAWaidiaia} sa} cleo) lejjoclobalale O@Q_ BOE) WAGDegaga@, a] aloo) floeooacioo | aloo] pa@clalalslola, @} loo) boolnoloeleela, 2} aloe) jeopoaeels a} lee) p@zjewolsela, el loo) poloelselsieicl HO oo] a ooo S00 300 S|S]}S} S| ooo o|eoe 200 O00 300 @ ® ©|e]eoo yen] Punt | Spe @ © ® i leceae PENCIL O1 LBNL ee iT. \el 4 et yess SW at imeem nora maces a ecm Use the planning time to organise your ideas in the planning space provided. Stay on the topic: Would you rather be rich or lucky or intelligent? Clearly argue for ONE characteristic only. Organise your reasons to present a strong argument. Begin with an introduction that clearly shows your point of view. Finish with a conclusion that sums up your reasons and emphasises your opinion. Use different types of sentences to make your argument interesting. Make sure you use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Write only on the lines provided. Additional writing may not be marked. Use the time at the end of the task to check and improve your writing. 1017 ¥CAS Wing Paper €© UNSW Gb Py Lintad ACKNOWLEDGMENT Copyright in this booklet is owned by UNSW Global Pty Limited, unless otherwise indicated. Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge copyright. UNSW Global Ply Limited apologises for any accidental inringement and welcomes information to redress the situation. (© 2017 UNSW Global Py Lined. Copyright in tis documents ‘med ty UNSW Global Py Lite, IF Tals COVER APPEARS IN SLAGK AND GREY ONLY THIS PRPER IS ANILLEGAL COPY

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