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UNSW Global ITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES externas SCIENCE Goren esate) SMT Tten) 1. The picture shows four places of equpment hat canbe used to measure the volume of ius. "wich place af equipment would alow you te measure 85 ml of water most accurately? “ ® © o. 2. Comets ae amps af rack and ice that ave round the Sun. When a comet comes closet the Sun, sme ‘titvaprises and appoare as 2 ta flowing out fom is or. A constant steam of particles from the Sun (the solar wind) causes te tao pont away fem the Sun x : ne tes : os | | + core of comet ‘tai of comet ‘Which of the folowing shows the postion ofthe tai ae the comet moves away fom the Sun? sc arr e 2 The clagram represents the eat staness between ihe Sun andthe four outer planets the slar ‘sys. The azo ofthe Sun andthe planes re not shown o eco upter Satan rane ‘Neptune l @ : } 7 ——— ‘Sum and Uranus are 1 400 000 000 kn apart. ich t9o other objects are separated by the same dance? (A) the Sun and tpiter (@) tne Sunand Satur (©) super and Uranus (0) Uranus and Neptune 4. Igneous rocks are rocks that have formes trom molten mater. Praca rocks are made Up of ook ‘Tagments that have boon cemented togetar Voiclar rocks ae Yocs thal have DuDbes of 988 Vapped ‘nade tha, Fine grained ecto ‘nde Dasa Coarse grained ‘ranodorte onto abbeo Fine to coarse grained ace porphyry | andesite portyry | Basal porphyry ‘weoale eooia breccia sia ‘nich oe, made up Fragments hat have Been cemented ogee, can be ound inal shades of olourng? (®) andesite () breccia (©) dere ©) portyey 5. An astorid cated 2012 DAt4 rovlled past Earth in February 2012. The agram represents the asteroid drawn to ecle ‘The able shows he approximate length of some obec ri bus 5 basketball sou 30 [Olmpie sviing pool 0 }——seale 900 _[socear is 700 \iich ofthese objcts has a length closest otha ofthis asteroid? minibus (©) basket court {©} Oympic swimming poo! (0) soccer eld a ‘0 enh Foen 6, Sclantats have measured the sul volume of some ancestors of our species, ‘The graph lusts the change in la zen the gens Homo and some ater ancestors over tne. ‘Sl volume (em?) 7 8 5 4 3 2 1 totey utions of years age nich of hese statements best dscribes the tend shown by the graph end ilstrations? (A) Stull velime increased gradual and thon incase ray. {B) Skul ume remained constnt andthe Ineeased ap. {6} Skul elime decrasod over me a stoady at. {8} Skul velime nreatad overtime ata saad rate 7. Symblos isthe name or aclse relationship between wo diforent species, “The table below compares diferent yas of symbiotic rlalonships. Amensaism ‘One organism shames bu there sno eet onthe oe. [Commensagm [One organism benefits but the che is not aflected tat Bath organisms benef Parastiom ‘One orpaniam benefits athe expense of te othe: J Wen Galapagos totises ise up on ther legs, Galapagos finches can (sat parasites rom undemeath he totos's body ‘nat ypa of symbiosis his relationship betwacn tho trico ‘athe finch? | (&)—Amansatsm (8) Commensalim (©) Mutat (0) Parastism secseeaenrot 4 “The giycaomicindex (Gl) of foods a measure ofthe eet ha fren fod have on blood glucose levels Glucose isthe bodys man source of eneray. “The graph rprecents the lee glucose levels after consuming high Gl food and str consuming & (ow Gi od ‘Blood glucose concentration ‘Time ator mea! (hours) Wich ststomentissupprte by the data sown nth graph? (A) Low foods ae broken doun auc, (8) High-Gt foods prove 8 quick energy boos (©) Foods wih a ow Gi cause a age and {ast anata in blood cose (©) Foods win atigh Gteause a moro steady and langlasing re an fa Blood luce ove Indicators ar chemicals that xo used to detormine the pH of soutens, The colour fhe indeator depend ‘on he pita the elton fo when thas been acide ‘The abo the olor of some nceator in souons wh iterent A Inleator Bromothymel bie Mathyred Phoned red Phenoiphinain “The diagram ropresonts four ts! ubes conning the same solu, Each tet ube has a erent instar from the table added Ly bite yetow red cleuress What the pH ofthe solution? we ® 7 © 6 o 9 40. Inan experiment, he variable hats changed eo that Independent vale fect of he change can be observed is called the Kate add hyochlrc acid o sod hcsutat skaon, and measured tho time took forthe mistre to booome cloudy. Se repeated the les under diferent condtons. Tena hyenas sodium ie Obs R ‘Mosutatesolten Bunsen nme — \Watwas the independent variabl in Kate's experiment? (8) amountof hydreclonc ac aded (@) Sime tt orth reaction to occur (@)__amountot sodium tosustato used (0) temperature ofthe sodium thosutte lua blew up a balloon, He then rubbed his har with tb ballon. When the balloon was moved away from hie hood, some of his har stuck tothe balloon. “This is due to electrostatic stration wien curs between objects hat have oppose charges. Wich combination of charges cou resultin his attraction? Hale Balloon | negatively charged ro charge (©) | _postvey charged | negatively charged (| rockers ostvely charged (©) | postive carpe | postvely ceroes nciecarera oo 6 For questions 12 and 13 use the Information below. ‘The dlagram summarises some oth size in which shoes are sod in a number of derent counties. inches 9 |oxloxloxlon|ox|ox)ox| 10 ho xhoio xliou a (Contimetres 2523.1 [255 [208 20 1 [2a 5248 |25.1[254]25.7| 26 [26 72731279] 12, Alana bought a pa of sia 7 women’s shoes in Austral, Whe onheliay in France, er ater bought pair ofmon's shoes. His hos were French 62044 How many cantmatres longer than Alana’ shes ae the men’s shoes that her father bought? w % @) 22 om 3 o 7 13, Which statomont is supprtd by tho data in tho table? (8) In Rusia ite hare na shoes for women wth age fat | (B)_ French peope have the argest eet of he groups listed nto tbl. [C) _Onaverage, Fronch shoes increase least in ong fom one whole siz ote next. (0) Aistation women's shoe sizes ae the sare a hose for US and Canaan women, 14 The South Coosa Polis a pontine hy crecty above the South Pole. Stars appear torolste around the South Celesal Poe once every 24 hours They can act as the hour hand ona 24-hour lock. ‘The Souther Cross is a group of star vison the sky nthe southern hemisphere tls the correct ine only on Ap “wohours have tobe subtracted foreach month alter Ape to obiain he caret me “Tha dagram shows the positon ofthe Souther Cros on July 15. asec ont formation, whatis the coect ne? 0030 (0730 (@) 1100 (0) 2100 15. Dale conducte an experiment investigate the eft of patie size on he rate of reaction. He placed 204 of small marble chips in 60 of de erocleric ld, and measured the mass thal was fst ding the reason He repeated he experiment wih 20 g oflarge male chips. The graph summarises he resus ofthe exparmant ton woal 9 stop ‘small mabe chips ‘ei spray etcaping moras & large male chips feasts ee ratte coe § ance Time (see) ‘Wien statements supporto bythe data fom tis experiment? (4) Beth ange and emai marble chips ost he same mass {B) _Thevate of eacion is greater ilrge marble chips are used {6} The longer th experiment runs the greater the loss of mass. {8} Thoratec eacion slower whon smal marble chips are used, uoistanarenren| ° 16. “The ables let tha top ve cesases that cause death in low-income counts ane in highncome counties Lowincome countries Lower respiratory ifctons Darrosslceesse= HIVIAIDS Heart ase Mala Highincome counties Heart lessee Nen-nfectious| 156 Stoke Nonnfectious| 87. Lng canoe Nonsnfecious | 58 Alzheimer's dae Neninfecious 44 Lower respiratory nfecions Infectious 38 How many diseases ae among the top fve causes of counties? wot @ 2 © 4 o 8 1 forboth low-income an ighsncome ‘The agra represents an elects cect wih fur ight plobes and sic svtchos. “Te power supply can provide enough electri to make aight lobe lobes are mn woking oder. Shine at the same te. Al the {t ! cod yw 2 « be OI prone supoty [~~ 2 3 ~. - _& cen onto —“— . 5 lntgte > ‘When ences must be ose oa ony abe 2 wa gow? Non ©) Ktaen {Kina RMN Ome ° mecsetomre reek 18. _Anexperiment wil only give va resus when one variable Is changed ata ine wile al othr variables fare kept unchanged Koren wanted to 00 if changing the temperatixe of chamical hasan eet ons rate of reaction. She [dea a arp of magnesium toa tat ibe containing fysrechec a and measures how long took fr ‘he magnosim to dssove. “The ogra represents the est stp of her experiment. shormometer — hytrochlre acd ‘Wich aagram represents what Karen needs odo next 0 get a valid osu in er experiment? Vv 19, The density ofan objets given by ‘objects that ae les dense than wale flat on water. Objects that are more dense than water sink in water [An ebjoct hat floats cpl an amount of water that has amass eal othe mass othe objet. The ena of water 1 gion Reciney had wo cubes, X and ¥, made fom diferent substanens, Each cube had vokume of 0 cn? The frase of cube X was 60 gand the mase of cube Y was 159 He paced both cubes in a consinor of water. \Wiich of these shows what happened wen Rodney placed the cubes in he water? “ © © © muloteonrenroeee 10 For questions 20 and 21 use the information below. Diterontypos of fr extinguishers contain aren chemicals sued o puting out liferent types of e ‘The abe ats ntrmaton bout aiteretypes of ee extinguishers. Alfa = | sy me | sts wet 4 as = ce Met tele|*|< Zee 7-0 _[fntos enociveness | 0 [roterectve X___[engeros used 20. Many fresin the home stat inthe kthen, "ymich fr extinguishers most kal tobe recommended as @ general purpose extinguisher tobe usedin | tre nome? (®) team (6) coon dows (6) vaporising bqad (0) wetchemcal 21. The wet chemical extinguishers contain a substance hat reacts wih buring loft forming a Bankat of 0399 fet on topo he bung uo How does tis spy oth help put out the firs? (A) stops the neat fom escaping {@) stops a geting to the buring tue {C) __Itaboorbs any poisonous fumos pradood by hore (0) tmakes it easiro oe whore the source of he fei. ES ese 1 recur 06 22. The measurements tht are made in experiments always conan an amount of inaccuracy called ‘eo ‘Acroup of students wate to know wheter the pera (he time for one complete movement forward and back) the same for al paygyound Swings. “Thay decided to measure the pesiods of several dferant playground swings, ‘nat matnod must tha stents use ogo the mos accurate va fer the period of wach playground swing? (A) each student maasices one period fr each playground suing then fi he average of thir (@) cach studant measxes one paiod fora een playground swing than fr the average of their ‘messiements (©) foreach playground ewing, measure five prods and divide is byte {0} foreach saygroundawing, mare one period and vie th by fe 23, Mussels ar sellsh that ive on rocks on the coast. They produce a glee substance that stops them ‘fom boing washed of the rocks by sitong waves. This gs mos fective when the temperature of te Seawater between 10 "Cand 18°C. group of slents suse a spcias of mussel found in two lcatons,X and ¥ Tey found thatthe glue ‘Produced bythe mussel at X was more eectve than the Que producedby the muss at. Wat inference can the slants draw fom this observaton? (A) The seawater at ¥ was warmer than 18°C. (8) The seawater t¥ was warmer than the seawater at X {6} The tampartue ofthe seamstor athe wo localons was deren. {0} The mussel atx prose a gue thal ferent fom that prosuced bythe muses at. 24 ary nthe 200 century, Russian slants van Pavle care out experiments to investigate dog behaviour ‘Doge prcuce salva when thay a8 food. Pav was able to make dogs produc salva ater hearing & ‘sound, even whan no food was provided. Ths is called condoning, “The cagrams represent the saps that produce this condoning, but they ae NOT inthe caret order won amt mat = ‘tuning fork. ssalivaton ‘tuning fork ‘0 salvation om = imwone P +a = = sania | trngtot et =e ‘mich s tho cost order of ho stops ofthis experiment? LK MN © LMnK« © MLKN © Nom 2. “The metalic ata ofan organism refars to how quick it usas energy to perform acthiles The abe shows tha metabolic rats requiod for ctferent types of activi. The rate at which enetay Is used Is measured In ‘lgjoules pr klogram per hour kh), siting culty ey standing ele 2A walking rapily 42 runing 293 “Todd woigns 505, How many klbjouls of energy wuld Todd us #he waked rai fo haan hour? wm 142 ©) 3550 (©) Ti00 ©) 14200 13 cies neree 28, Scientist studied a number of deren mammal. For each ype of mana, the scientists determined the ‘everage ad mass, rsting heat a, ts! number ethereal a etme and Wespan ‘The table summarises some of this infomation. Mouse 0.08 80 07 2 at 04) 250 07 3 4 150 2 | 6 70 2 29 20 500 2 08 0 “| 100,000, 6 08 oy "mich of hese statements is best supported by the infomation providodin the abe? (A) Animals wih a larger adult mass have a longer ifespan. (©) Animals wi a larger adut mass havea lower rosing oar rat. (©) Animals wih a longer te span have agroatr total number of heartbeats. (0) Animals win anighe esting hear rate have eae ek number of heartbeats 27. The colours thal reworks produce are crated by ini compounds added to the explosive powder “Te table shows tne colour of frewerks whan diferent ionic compounds ae aed tthe explosive powder potassium sulfate potassium | sufate Hae strontum sate stronbum —| sole red copper chord ‘copper | chore tue sontum nat ‘rontum | — rate "ed soci iat | sedan rivate elon copper suai copper sate ue [barium phosphat_ baum [phosphate | green {nat conclusion can be craw rom the information in th bie? (8) The leur of reworks dopons onthe metaion. (8) Sodium phosphate gives reworks a green colour (6) Stontum corde gives treworks a purple colour (0) Tretie osour of potasium sate reworks duet the silat on, esr Poe 4 ‘The graph shows the change n concentration of can dade gee (CO,) nthe atmespher rom 1860 to 2004 ‘The smooth ne represants he average yeary CO, concenvation inthe atmosphere, n pats pormlion (ppm) The osllating ine shows te fetuabons in CO, cancenvation tougheut each year. 20 ath} 400] - sp vo 80 370 1 360} } - - | | | | ‘Atmospheric CO, (ppm) 7 {4 1 ii i (aor Toss To70 197s T080 1965 990 TOS 2000 2005 B01) 20TE 2020 Year From the graph what willbe the concentration of carton dons inthe emoepher inthe year 2015? (®) 580 ppm ©) 388 pom (©) 308 ppm (0) 18pm (Chemical equations are used to summarise chemical reactons, Abaianced equation sone in wich the numberof ams ofeach element aking pat into reacton lth same before and ater he reaction, “Te dlagram represents the balanced equatlon forthe easton between magnesium hyde ard hyerchloe ace, OS Os ‘oxigen magnesium ystope ich ofthese isthe balanced chemical equation forthe reaction represented nthe apr? (A) Ma(OH), +2HCI-+ MgC, +24,0 (©) MgOH, + 2Hc1-+Mg.0, +240, (©) Ma(OH, + H.C,» MgC, + 24,0 (0) (gor, + 2H2C1-» ger), + 24,0 16 soetamarroe 2. Ey ‘Te Body Mass index (Bt one incicalor thats ured by dotrs to assess the heath of patients. The Bl shows the relatonship betwen the mass and height ofa pale ae follows f= nee m = mass th) fh heat) ‘The mass and neigh of four patnts (P.O, Rand S) are shown, Rose 9 b+ ++ +} + J ass ta “ 50 60 70 20 e 2 Ros b+ + + + $+ 1 ian 45 18 a7 18 19 What the mass and height of pation $7 wl 475 els 175 ol 7 1.85 ols 185 ‘Scury i sisoaso that kiled many sors during the 18th contr. Navy doctor, James Lind, conducted an ‘experiment lo compare diferent cues hat had been suggested Ho cvded 2 group of weve salle suring fom scurvy into sx pairs, He gave them a the eam cit, but each group coe ferent adonal substance for about a mont, (Group 4 Group2 Groups ‘der ra roger *2tor wit scurvy croup Groups Groups senator cltuefuts sey peste ‘Tho sallors eating the cts tuts recovered wihin weeks whe the afer srs remained ack. ‘Winat made Lind’ investigation avai experiment? (8) He contol variates by making sure the sallors had the sare rguar food (G) Ho performed he experiment using ec ferent vestments, (C) He had two sor in each of hia eatment groups, (0) He crose ony sailors suring am scum. mitciecana reno 6 ‘The wscoly of quid sa measur of how resistant he iui i to hanging le shape The more resistant @ qu eto caning ts shape, ‘he higher he vscoty of th ig. Sal compared the vscosy of four diferent quid. She fled measuring cinders ote some depth, each witha ifrent qu. She measured marie {he me taken for ental mates fal through each igo tothe bottom af the ender and calculated tho speedo each marble. Her results are shown nthe tabi, is [Eee psec rare toni tou ied] com sup 55 alive 20 oasses a7 honey 30 ‘Wich of the elowingcorctyidntes the independent and dependent variables in Saly's experiment? (| amount ortque type fbi ©) [50 ofa [arent of au (©)| amount oFiqua ie token for marble ofa rough th baud (0) [6 of uid eta for arbi fal rough the aos “The spoed ofan object is given by tho equation Pole us ‘pento-pontspaod cameras to moasure the average spasd of vehi overlong tances. | ‘Acamara atone point takes a photo ofeach vehi as I goes past an roca he time at wich fe photo ‘vas taken A second camara does the same. The dlagram represents a sports car ravelng on a stech of road where polntto-poit cameras ae In se 8 —— 0m “The sports car passed speed camera X a 4:00pm and passed speed camera Y at 415 pm, “The speed limit on his stretch of rad is 100 kh ‘nat ithe Infrmaten fom the speed cameras raval about the sped at which he sportscar traveled? (A) The pons cars speed was 2 kmh. (®) Thespods car vovalled at 50 kn. (©) Thosports cars sped was 100 rh over the spoed limit (0) The ports carexooeded tha maximum speed imi by 20 kmh, w ‘0 ta henroen SA. Pressures given by tho uation pak whore P= pressure a Fetorce Drawing pins ae designed so hat tis easy opus them int substances tke wood or cork. force | Wich of te folowing pis of statements explains haw a crawing pin works? —rotesboard | smal atte forces spread over a lrge rea, | sma asthe forces spread over a sma area, (@) | smal ashe force is sproad over algo area. [largo as he foo spread ovr a smal rea (©) lage as te fore spread overa mal area. | smal asthe force spread over alge area. (0) argo as te fre spread over a smal area, [lege as the ero spread over a are aoa, 35. Alvansocts tne serosa part ofa habitat. The numbers of organisms of diferent speces can be ‘observed a counted regular inervals slong the Wansect “Thi formations use to drake dara, o show the number of organisms fund long the wanseet “Thos kite diagrams show the numbers of sa purstane plants and cordgrass plants along a wansect Sea pursane Conforse eens ‘seaward : landward sens i eee ite TH 3° y 3° { To iff Hee) Eee ZU ewan weh ZIT ew wwe Distance along transect) Distance along transect) What do these kt lagrams show? (A) Thore were no plans atthe 14 m mar ofthe tansoc. {8} Ses purslane cannot vo inthe same lace as corres (©) Whonover coa purslane numbers increas, cordgrass nunbers decrease, (0) Seapursiane i more abundant han cordgrass ate 7 m mak long the ransoc. “Te gram represents wo hermameter, one calibrated n degrees Cals (C) and hearin degrees | Fatvennet (F) At saa love waar oezes s10°C (82°F) and balsa 100° (212). Boh scales are ‘iced nt even sep. Whats the mest accurate equiralont to $0°C In dogroes Fatronnet 'F)? 2 106 (mz ©) 138 sr. 38. Fr questions 37 and 38 us the information below. ‘sulted fe compound mace up of hycrogen (oxygen (0) ana sul) thas the chemical formula #50, “Te dagram represents on molecule of sulfur act shows the numberof each ype of atom present a the molecule as well asthe way in which ey are arranged. ‘Noms can form bonds in ciferent ways. Wich typeof bond is NOT prosent ina molecule of slr ac? w so © s0 © Ho o HS “The hytrogen atoms make up 2% ofthe mass of uric ack andthe oxyon los mako up 6% of the mass. ‘itch ofthe folowing statements s supported by tis formation? | (A) One sur atomhas a mass about 30 mes greater than the mass of one hyeregen atom. {®) One sulfur som has a mass equal o haf the mass of one oxygen atom, (C) One hydrogen atom has a mas gestr than fat of one orgon atom (©) __ Ams of ciferent types have the same mass 19 vei eane rr Foo 88. Many people use extracts fom the Echinacea plant in order to "boost thet immune syst and to help recover tom the commen ot. ‘Researchers cared ou al by giving extracts rom he Echinacea pant to group of pone wth he ‘common cod. Tey aso gave a placaba (a reatmentcontaring no medeton 6 oher group of people th te common col, 28a con “The abo summarises thelr esuts 108-150 25-60 5561 alele Do these results provide dofiritve evidence forthe efecteness of Echinacea agains the common cli? (A) No, the sample sizo ae too smal (B) Yee the sample sz foreach groups erant. (C) No. thoresut for one ta conrad te other wo. (©) Yor, the tals snowed that Echinaoa enortaned recovery time 40, Data fom an experiment canbe either continuous or stot. Continuous data can tke any value while \Fscote data can only take ost values, ts important to determine whether experimental data are cotinueus or rte, 80 thal the appropiate "ype of graph canbe used when graphing the resus of an experiment nic graph represontsescrete data on the horzontal sus and continuous data onthe vrtcl axis? a 5 eee ee Bot 2 sof fle 2 ic bef NZ bn is dig ie ao ai cies a fe es o a a eres . aA 3° z 5 i ; . pe a | == = ties 2 “41. When ight passe rom one substance o another, the destin a which tis waving changes. This change det ald facto, ‘The dagram iuseatos the change In dection of alght ray when passes fom alass dence substance (ai toa mora dense substanes (goes) cemeraina ray Bg incon ray ‘ich ofthese lustrates the path ofa ray of ight passing fom arnt glass and then into water? “ o Yohtray,. ar ar © Ey sets ro For questions 42 and 4 use the informtion below. “Thesis concetn that Inceased levels of carbon ded in the can cause the aceans to hooome mere ‘Rise, Carbon doe nthe a an react wh water to frm carbone acd (F,00,). The carbone aca Secorposes oming yeragen lon ("wach alse the cil lve. “The diagram represents the steps in he process. me OS 42, Which equaton summarises the overall process coect/? (&) c0,-124'+ cos @) Ho, 94,+00% (©) €0,+H0-H,00, ©) COjsH Oar +COr 48, tues ar marine animals hte in shes, They rely on calcu carbonate (CaCO, 1 make tek shel ny doos the acisicaton othe ccsans put these animale at isk? (8) Tha creased ait hinders the formation of she (8) The moransed acct mak tho aial’ ood poisonous othe, {C)__ The heat tom th onemicl reaction aos th wats tmperate. {b} The shelsreecing with acid forms carbon cose, which staves the animals of nygen. anne 2 \Wnen to objets hat hava cifernttmpartures ae brought ino contact wih aac oer, nest anergy flows rom ono object othe oe ntl hey have the samo al emporatue, “Tim hated 50 gram bass mass oa tamperatro of 100°C. He quécy dropped tint a beaker coining 50 mL of water wih a temperature of 20°C, before ost healt he suroundng ar. Tho final lemporature ‘of ho water and brass mass ws 27°C The mags of one Mo ate sone fam ich statements supported by this resut? (A) tis as 2257 to ool sols a itso heat ais (B) The bass mass lst more heat energy tan the water gained. (C) takes more energy to heat amass of water han takes fo Heat an equal mass of brass. {0} takes more energy thet a me of brass than takes eat an equal mass of water. Ect can fom when thas # source of energy (ik bay) to fore it around an unk path (@-oreut, The pats making up 2 orc, (uch 2 estos, R) canbe connected “+ Insetes, whore they frm a single path and each resistor cars the same curent(), oF ‘+ inparalo, whore thoy form soparte paths and each ressior ha the same veltago(V) across Goof wired up th crc shown in the cagram, When option corte two rire tat rain serias anc two resistors that aren paral? ® ® (© ©) 2 eer

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