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Part 1: Questions

Tell me about a tradition in your country.

Which city would you most like to visit in the future?
Tell me about a famous person in your country.

Part 2: Describe the photo

Useful phrases:

The photo was taken in… They are probably…

It shows… It looks like / They look
It must be / They might be In the background I can see...
Part 3: Situation
Useful phrases:

Part 4:

Do you like learning about history?

Do you prefer learning about your own country or other countries?
Do you think it is important to learn about history?

I’m keen on … / I’m interested in… / I don’t really enjoy…

I find learning about … boring/fascinating/fun/challenging/dull
Learning about… helps us to/gives us the opportunity to/means we can…

I think that we need to study about both because…

Learning about… is much more interesting/important because
If we only learned about…, we wouldn’t…

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