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This section is designed to provide an extensive understanding on
functions, relations, and their distinctive properties. It covers the basic foundation
of functions-definition of function, evaluating functions as well as its operations. It
also provides a practical exercise in real-life applications.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the students can:
1. represents real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise functions;
2. evaluates a function;
3. performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition of
functions, and;
4. solves problems involving functions.

Materials Needed:
 e-copy of modules
 Laptop and/or mobile phone
 Moodle and/or Facebook, YouTube.

Duration: 4 hours

Learning Content:

Lesson 1.1 Relation and Function

Definition: A relation is a rule that relates values from a set of values (called the
domain) to a second set of values (called the range).
A relation is a set of ordered pairs (x, y).
Definition: A function is a relation where each element in the domain is related
to only one value in the range by some rule.
A function is a set of ordered pairs (x, y) such that no two ordered pairs have the
same x-value but different y-values. Using functional notation, we can write f
( x)= y, read as “f of x is equal to y.” In particular, if (1, 2) is an ordered pair
associated with the function f, then we say that f (2)=1.

Example 1.1.1 Which of the following relations are functions?
f = {( 1 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 3 ) , ( 3 , 5 ) , ( 4 , 7 ) }
g= { ( 1, 3 ) , ( 1 , 4 ) , ( 2, 5 ) , ( 2 ,6 ) , ( 3 , 7 ) }
h={ ( 1 ,3 ) , ( 2 , 6 ) , ( 3 , 9 ) , … , ( n ,3 n ) , … }
The relations f and h are functions because no two ordered pairs have the
same x-value but different y-values. Meanwhile, g is not a function because (1,3)
and (1,4) are ordered pairs with the same x-value but different y-values.
Relations and functions can be represented by mapping diagrams where
the elements of the domain are mapped to the elements of the range using
arrows. In this case, the relation or function is represented by the set of all the
connections represented by the arrows.
Example 1.1.2 Which of the following mapping diagrams represent functions?

The relations f and gare functions
because each value y in Y is unique for a
specific value ofx. The relation h is not a
function because there is at least one
element in X for which there is more than one corresponding y-value. For
example, x=7 corresponds to y=11 or 13. Similarly, x=2 corresponds to both
y=17 or 19.
A relation between two sets of numbers can be illustrated by a graph in
the Cartesian plane, and that a function passes the vertical line test.

The Vertical Line Test

Example 2.1.3 Which of the following can be graphs of functions?
A graph represents a function if and only if each vertical line intersects the
graph at most once.

Graphs a.), b.), c.) are graphs of functions while d.) and e.) are not because
they do not pass the vertical line test.

Important Concepts.
 Relations are rules that relate two values, one from a set of inputs
and the second from the set of outputs.
 Functions are rules that relate only one value from the set of outputs
to a value from the set of inputs.
Definition: The domain of a relation is the set of all possible values that the
variable x can take.
Example 1.1.3 Identify the domain for each relation using set builder notation.
( a ) y=2 x +1
( b ) y=x 2−2 x +2
( c ) x2 + y 2=1
( d ) y=√ x+ 1
2 x +1
( e ) y=
( f ) y =⌊ x ⌋+ 1 where ⌊ x ⌋ isthe greatest integer function .

The domains for the relations are as follows:
( a ) {x : x ∈ R } ( d )= { x : x ∈ R , x ≥−1 }

(b ){ x : x ∈ R } ( e )= { x : x ∈ R , x ≠ 1 }
( c ) { x : x ∈ R ,−1 ≤ x ≤1 } ( f )= { x : x ∈ R }

Functions as representations of real-life situations.

Functions can often be used to model real situations. Identifying an appropriate
functional model will lead to a better understanding of various phenomena.
Example 1.1.4 Give a function C that can represent the cost of buying x meals,
if one meal costs P40.
Since each meal costs P40, then the cost function is C(x) = 40x.
Example 1.1.5 One hundred meters of fencing is available to enclose a
rectangular area next to a river (see figure). Give a function A that can represent
the area that can be enclosed, in terms of x.

The area of the
rectangular enclosure is A=xy . We will write this as a
function of x. Since only 100m of fencing is available, then x +2 y =100 or
100 – x
y= =50 – 0.5 x . Thus, A ( x )=x ( 50 – 0.5 x )=50 x – 0.5 x 2.
Piecewise functions.
Some situations can only be described by more than one formula,
depending on the value of the independent variable.
Example 1.1.6 A user is charged P300 monthly for a particular mobile plan,
which includes 100 free text messages. Messages in excess of 100 are charged
P1 each. Represent the monthly cost for text messaging using the function t (m) ,
where m is the number of messages sent in a month.
The cost of text messaging can be expressed by the piecewise function:

t ( m )= 300 , if 0< m≤100

{ 300+m , if m> 100
Example 1.1.7 A jeepney ride costs P8.00 for the first 4 kilometers, and each
additional integer kilometer adds P1.50 to the fare. Use a piecewise function to
represent the jeepney fare in terms of the distance (d) in kilometers.

The input value is distance and the output is the cost of the jeepney
fare. If F(d) represents the fare as a function of distance, the function can be
represented as follows:

F (d )=
{( 8+8.001.5,⌊ifd0<⌋ ) ,dif≤d4> 4
Note that ⌊ d ⌋ is the floor function applied to d. the floor function gives the largest
integers less than or equal to d, e.g., ⌊ 4.1 ⌋=⌊ 4.9 ⌋=4.
Example 1.1.8 Water can exist in three states: solid ice, liquid water, and
gaseous water vapor. As ice is heated, its temperature rises until it hits the
melting point of 0°C and stays constant until the ice melts. The temperature then
rises until it hits the boiling point of 100°C and stays constant until the water
evaporates. When the water is in a gaseous state, its temperature can rise above
100°C (This is why steam can cause third degree burns!).

A solid block of ice is at -25°C and heat is added until it completely turns into
water vapor. Sketch the graph of the function representing the temperature of
water as a function of the amount of heat added in Joules given the following
 The ice reaches 0°C after applying 940 J.
 The ice completely melts into liquid water after applying a total of 6,950 J.
 The water starts to boil (100°C) after a total of 14,470 J.
 The water completely evaporates into steam after a total of 55,260 J.
Assume that rising temperature is linear. Explain why this is a piecewise function.

Let T(x) represent the temperature of the water in degrees Celsius as
a function of cumulative heat added in Joules. The function T(x) can be graphed
as follows:
This is a piecewise function because the temperature rise can be expressed as a

linear function with positive slope until the temperature hits 0°C, then it becomes
a constant function until the total heat reaches 6,950K J. It then becomes linear
again until the temperature reaches 100°C, and becomes a constant function
again until the total heat reaches 55,260 J.
Solved Examples:

1. Is the relation { ( 0,0 ) , ( 1,1 ) , ( 2,4 ) , ( 3,9 ) , …( ) , … }a function?

Solution: Yes, it is a function.
2. Which of the following diagram represents a relation that is NOT a function?

Solution: C. All diagrams, except for C, represent a function.

3. Can the graph of a circle be considered a function?

Solution: No, it cannot. A circle will fail the vertical line test.
4. Give the domain of y= √2−xusing set builder notation.
Solution: { x : x ∈ R , x ≤ 2 }
5. Contaminated water is subjected to a cleaning process. The concentration of
pollutants is initially 10 mg per liter of water. If the cleaning process can
reduce the pollutant by 5% each hour, define a function that can represent the
concentration of pollutants in the water in terms of the number of hours that
the cleaning process has taken place.
Solution: After 1 hour, the concentration of pollutants is (10)∗(0.95). After 2
hours, it is this value, times 0.95 ,∨[(10)∗(0.95)](0.95)=10 (0.95)2. In general,
after t hours, the concentration is C (t)=(10)(0.95)tmg per liter of water.
6. Squares of side x are cut from each corner of an 8 in x 5 in rectangle (see
figure), so that its sides can be folded to make a box with no top. Define a
function in terms of x that can represent the volume of this box.

Solution: The length and width of the box are 8 – 2 x and 5 – 2 x ,
respectively. Its height is x. Thus, the volume of the box can be represented
by the function V ( x )=( 8−2 x ) (5−2 x ) x=40 x−26 x2 + 4 x 3
7. A certain chocolate bar costs P35.00 per piece. However, if you buy more
than 10 pieces, they will be marked down to a price of P32.00 per piece. Use
a piecewise function to represent the cost in terms of the number of chocolate
bars bought.

f ( n )= 35 n ,if 0<n ≤10

Solution: {
32 n ,if n>10
8. A school’s fair committee wants to sell t-shirts for their school fair. They found
a supplier that sells t-shirts at a price of P175.00 a piece but can charge
P15,000 for a bulk order of 100 shirts and P125.00 for each excess t-shirt
after that. Use a piecewise function to represent the cost in terms of the
number of t-shirts purchased.
175 n , if 0< n≤ 99
Solution: F ( n )=
{ 15 000 ,if n=100
15 000+ 125 ( n−100 ) , if n>100
9. The fee to park in the parking lot of a shopping mall costs P40.00 for the first
two hours and an extra P10.00 for each hour (or a fraction of it) after that. If
you park for more than twelve hours, you instead pay a flat rate of P200.00.
Represent your parking fee using the function p(t) where t is the number of
hours you parked in the mall.
40 ,if 0<t ≤ 2
Solution: F ( n ) =
40+10 ⌈ t−2⌉ , if 2<t ≤ 12
200 , if t>12
Here ⌈ t−2⌉ is the ceiling function applied to t−2. The ceiling function of a
number x gives the smallest integer greater than or equal to x,
e.g., ⌈ 5.1⌉ =⌈ 5.8 ⌉=⌈ 6 ⌉=6.

Learning Activity:
Activity 1
Randomly call students to answer. (Board Work/Recitation)

1. Provide a real-world example or scenario that can be expressed as a
relation that is not a function.
Answer: distance versus tricycle fare: for ₱15 you can go anywhere within
2. Provide a real-world scenario of a scenario that can be modeled by linear
Answer: distance versus time of traveling at a constant speed.
3. A videoke machine can be rented for ₱1, 000 for three days, but for the
fourth day onwards, an additional cost of ₱400 per day is added.
Represent the cost of renting a vedioke machine as a piecewise function
of the number of day it is rented and plot plotits graph.
1000 if 0 < x ≤ 3
Answer: f ( x )= {1000+ 400 ( x−3 ) if x >3

Lesson 1.2 Evaluating Functions

Evaluating a function means replacing the variable in the function, in this

case x, with a value from the function's domain and computing for the result. To
denote that we are evaluating f at a for some a in the domain of f , we write f (a) .
Example 1.2.1 Evaluate the following functions at x= :
( g ) f ( x )=2 x+1
( h ) q ( x )=x 2−2 x+ 2
( i ) g ( x )=√ x+ 1
2 x +1
( j ) r ( x )=
( k ) F ( x )=⌊ x ⌋ +1 , where ⌊ x ⌋ is the greatest integer function.
Substituting 1.5 for x in the function above, we have
( g ) f ( 1.5 )=2 ( 1.5 ) +1=4
( h ) q ( 1.5 ) =(1.5)2−2 ( 1.5 ) +2=1.25
( i ) g ( 1.5 )= √1.5+1=√ 2.5
2(1.5)+ 1 3+1
( j ) r ( 1.5 )= = =8
( 1.5 )−1 0.5
( k ) F ( 1.5 ) =⌊ 1.5 ⌋ +1=1+1=2
Example 1.2.2 Find g(4) and r (1) where g and r are as defined in the previous

This is not possible because 4 is not in the domain of g( x ) and 1 is
not in the domain of r ( x ).
Example 1.2.3 Evaluate the following functions, where f and q are as defined
in example 1.
( a ) f ( 3 x−1 ) ( b ) q ( 2 x+ 3 )
( a ) f ( 3 x−1 ) =2 ( 3 x−1 ) +1=6 x −2+ 1=6 x−1
( b ) g ( 2 x +3 ) =( 2 x +3 )2−2 ( 2 x+3 )+ 2=( 4 x 2+12 x+ 9 ) −4 x−6+2
¿ 4 x2 +8 x +5
Solved Problems:
1. Evaluate the following functions at x=3.
a) f ( x )=x−3
b) g ( x )=x 2−3 x+5
c) h ( x )=√ x 3+ x +3
x 2 +1
d) p ( x ) =
e) q ( x )=| x−5| where |x−5| means the absolute value of x−5.
a) f ( 3 )=3−3=0
b) g ( 3 )=(3)2−3 ( 3 ) +5=9−9+ 5=5
c) h ( 3 )= √3 (3)3+ 3+3= √3 27+ 6=√3 33
(3)2 +1 10
d) p ( 3 )= = =−10
(3)−4 −1
e) q ( 3 )=|3−5|=|−2|=2
2. For what values of x can we not evaluate the function ( x )= ?
x2 −4
The domain of the function is given by { x : x ∈ R , x ≠ ±2 }. Since 2 and -2 are
not in the domain, we cannot evaluate the function at x=−2 , 2.
3. Evaluate f (a+b) where f ( x )=4 x 2−3 x .

f ( a+b ) =4 ( a+b ) −3 ( a+ b )=4 ( a2+ 2 ab+b2 ) −3 a−3 b
¿ 4 a2−3 a+ 8 ab−3 b+4 b2

4. Suppose that s(T ) is the top speed (in km per hour) of a runner when the
temperature is T degrees Celsius. Explain what the statements s(15)=12 and
s(30)=10 mean.
The first equation means that when the temperature is 15 ℃, then the
top speed of a runner is 12 km per hour. However, when temperature rises to
30℃, the top speed is reduced to 10 km per hour.
5. The velocity V (in m/s) of a ball thrown upward t seconds after the ball was
thrown is given by V(t) = 20 – 9.8t. Calculate V(0) and V(1), and explain what
these results mean.
V (0)=20 – 9.8( 0)=20 and V (1)=20 – 9.8(1)=10.2. These results indicate
that the initial velocity of the ball is 20 m/ s. After 1 second, the ball is traveling
more slowly, at 10.2 m/s .

Learning Activities:
Activity 2:
Answer all problems. Write your answer on your activity notebook.
1. Evaluate the following functions at x=−4.
a) f ( x )=x 3−64
b) g ( x )=|x 3−3 x 2+ 3 x−1|
c) r ( x )=√ 5−x
x +3
d) q ( x )= 2
x + 7 x +12

9−x 2 , x< 2
2. Given f ( x )= √ x+7 ,2 ≤ x ≤ 10 , give the values of the following:
⌈ x−4 ⌉ , x ≥10
a) f ( x )
b) f ( 12.5 )
c) f (−3 )
d) f ( 5 )
e) f ( 1.5 )
3. Given f ( x )=x 2−4 x +4. Solve for
a) f ( 3 )
b) f ( x +3 )
c) Is f (x+ 3) the same as f ( x ) + f (3)?

Lesson: 1.3 Operations on Functions 10

Addition and Subtraction:
a) Find the least common denominator (LCD) of both fractions.
b) Rewrite the fractions as equivalent fractions with the same LCD.
c) The LCD is the denominator of the resulting fraction.
d) The sum or difference of the numerators is the numerator of the resulting
1 2
Example 1.3.1. Find the sum of and .
3 5
1 2 5 6 5+6 11
+ = + = =
3 5 15 15 15 15
1 2
Example 1.3.2. Find the sum of and .
x –3 x−5
The LCD of the two fractions is ( x−3)( x−5) or x 2−8 x +15.
1 2 x−5 2 ( x−3 ) x −5+2 x−6 3 x−11
+ = 2 + 2 = 2 = 2
x−3 x−5 x −8 x +15 x −8 x +15 x −8 x+15 x −8 x +15

a) Rewrite the numerator and denominator in terms of its prime factors.
b) Common factors in the numerator and denominator can be simplified as “1”
(this is often called “cancelling”).
c) Multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator.
d) Multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator.
Example 1.3.3. Find the product of 21 . Use cancellation of factors when
Express the numerators and denominators of the two fractions into their
prime factors. Multiply and cancel out common factors in the numerator and the
denominator to reduce the final answer to lowest terms.
10 15 25 3 ∙5 2 ∙5 ∙ 3 ∙5 25
∙ = ∙ = =
21 8 37 2∙ 2∙ 2 3∙ 7 ∙ 2∙ 2∙ 2 28
Example 1.3.4. Find the product of
Express the numerators and denominators of the two rational expressions
into their prime factors. Multiply and cancel out common factors in the numerator

and the denominator to reduce the final answer to lowest terms. Note the
similarity in the process between this example and the previous one on fractions.

To divide two fractions or rational expressions, multiply the dividend with the
reciprocal of the divisor.
( 2 x 2 + x−6 ) x 2−2 x−8
Example 1.3.5. Divide by .
2 x 2+7 x +5 2 x 2−3 x−20

Definition. Let f and g be functions.

1. Their sum, denoted by f +g, is the function denoted by ( f + g )( x )=f ( x )+ g ( x ) .
2. Their difference, denoted by f −g, is the function denoted by
( f −g ) ( x )=f ( x )−g ( x ) .
3. Their product, denoted by f ∙ g, is the function denoted by ( f ∙ g ) ( x ) =f ( x ) ∙ g ( x ) .
4. Their quotient, denoted by , is the function denoted by ( f /g )( x )=f ( x ) /g ( x ),
excluding the values of x where g ( x )=0.
Refer to the following functions below in answering Example 2.3.6
 f ( x )=x +3
 p ( x ) =2 x−7
 v ( x )=x 2 +5 x + 4
 g ( x )=x 2+2 x−8
 h ( x )=
 t ( x )=
x +3
Example 1.3.6 Determine the following functions.
a) ( v+ d )( x )
b) ( f ∙ p)( x)
c) ( f + h ) ( x )

d) ( p−f ) ( x )
e) ( v / g)( x )

Refer to the following functions below in answering Example 2.3.7-13:

 f ( x )=2 x +1
 q ( x )=x 2−2 x +2
2 x +1
 r ( x )=
Example 1.3.7 Express the function f 1 ( x )=x 2 +3as a sum or difference of the
functions above.
The solution can involve some trial and error. Add q ( x ) and f (x) and check
if the sum is x 2+ 3.
q ( x ) + f ( x )=( x 2−2 x +2 ) + ( 2 x+1 ) =x2 +3=f 1 ( x )
Thus f 1 ( x )=q ( x ) + f ( x ) .
Example 1.3.8 Express the function f 2 ( x )=x 2−4 x+ 1as the sum or
difference of the given functions.
Again, the solution can involve trial and error. Check if q ( x )−f ( x ) gives
x 2−4 x+1.
q ( x )−f ( x ) =( x 2−2 x+2 ) −( 2 x +1 )=x 2−4 x +1=¿ f 2 ( x )
Thus f 2 ( x )=q ( x ) −f ( x ) .
2 x2 + x
Example 1.3.9 Express the function f 3 ( x )= as a sum or difference
of the given functions.

2 x2+ x 2 x2+ x
Because has x−1 as a denominator, then r ( x )=¿ must be
x−1 x−1
one of the functions in our solution. Let us try to add f ( x ) and r ( x ):

Example 1.3.10 Write down the answers from the previous items in the
notation denoted in the definitions.
a. f 1 ( x )=q ( x ) + f ( x )= ( q+ f ) ( x )
b. f 2 ( x )=q ( x ) −f ( x )=( q−f )( x )
c. f 3 ( x )=f ( x ) +r ( x )=( f +r ) ( x )
Example 1.3.11 Express the function g1 ( x ) =2 x 3−3 x 2 +2 x +2 as a product or
quotient of the given functions.
Since 2 x3 −3 x2 2 x +2is cubic, then it is possibly the product of f (x) and q( x).

Example 1.3.12 Express the function g2 ( x ) =x−1 as a product or quotient of

the given functions.
2 x +1
The function r ( x )= involves x−1. The goal is to “get rid” of 2 x+1.This
can be done by dividing f ( x ) by r ( x ) :

Thus, g2 ( x ) =f (x )/r ( x ) .
Example 1.3.13 Express the function g3 ( x ) = as a product or quotient of
the given functions.
1 2 x +1
The function g3 ( x ) = is very similar to r ( x )= . The goal is to “get rid” of
x−1 x−1
2 x+1. This can be done by dividing r ( x ) by f ( x )=2 x +1.

Thus, g3 ( x ) =r ( x)/f (x) .
Definition. Let f and g be functions. The composite function denoted by ( f ∘ g)
is defined by ( f ∘ g )( x )=f ( g ( x )). The process of obtaining a composite
function is called function composition.
For examples 14 to 17, use the following functions:
2 x +1
f ( x )=2 x +1 g ( x )=√ x+1 p ( x) =
q ( x )=x 2−2 x +2 F ( x )=⌊ x ⌋ +1
Example 1.3.14 Find and simplify ( g ∘ f )( x ) .

( g ∘ f )( x )=g ( f ( x ) ) =√ f ( x )+ 1=√ ( 2 x +1 ) +1= √2 x+1

Example 1.3.15 Find and simplify ( g ∘ f )( x ) .

Example 1.3.16 Find and simplify ( f ∘ p )( x ) .


1.3.17 Find and simplify ( F ∘ p )( 5 ) .

Learning Activity:
Activity 3:
Practice Question! (You can ask your professor for help)
1. Let f and g be defined as f (x)= x−5 and g ( x )=x 2−1. Find
a. f +g
b. f −g
c. f ∙ g

2. Let f and g be defined as in the previous example. Express the
following functions as the sum, difference, quotient, or product of f and
a. P ( x ) =x 2−x−4
b. Q ( x ) =−x 2+ 2 x−9
c. R ( x )=
2 x 2−2
x 2−x + 4
d. S ( x )=
x 3−4 x2 −11 x+30
e. T ( x )=
( x 2−1 )
3. Let f (x)= x2−1 and g( x )= . Find
a. ( f ° g ) ( x )
b. ( g ° f ) (−1 )
c. ( f ° f )( x )
d. ( g ° g)(5)
4. Given the following, find f (x).
a. ( f + g )( x )=2 x 2−5 x+ 6 , g ( x )=x 2 +8 x−7
b. ( f ∙ g ) ( x ) =x 4 +16 x 2+256 , g ( x )=x 2+ 4 x +16
c. ( f ° g )=( 3 x−2 ) 4 , g ( x )=3 x−2
d. ( g ° f )=18 x−25 , g ( x ) =6 x−7

Learning Evaluation:
Quiz 1: Answer each question as instructed!
1. A canned drink will be made using 40 i n2 of aluminum. Let r be the radius of
the can and let h be the height. Define a function in terms of r that can
represent the volume of the can.
2. A computer shop charges 20 pesos per hour (or a fraction of an hour) for the
first two hours and an additional 10 pesos per hour for each succeeding hour.
Represent your computer rental fee using the function R(t) where t is the
number of hours you spent on the computer.
3. A taxi ride costs P40.00 for the first 500 meters, and each additional 300
meters (or a fraction thereof) adds P3.50 to the fare. Use a piecewise function

to represent the taxi fare in terms of the distance d in meters.
4. Temperature readings T (in ⁰ C) were recorded every three hours from
midnight until 6 PM. The time t was measured in hours from midnight.
T 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
T 24 26 28 30 32 30 28
(a) Use the data to sketch a rough graph of T as a function of t.
(b) Assuming that the peak temperature was recorded during 12 noon, what
do you think is the temperature by 9 PM?
5. A computer shop charges P20.00 per hour (or a fraction of an hour) for the
first two hours and an additional P10.00 per hour for each succeeding hour.
Find how much you would pay if you used one of their computers for:
a) 40 minutes
b) 3 hours
c) 150 minutes
6. Under certain circumstances, a rumor spreads according to the equation

p (t)= −0.3t , where p(t) is the proportion of the population that
1+15 ( 2.1 )
knows the rumor (t) days after the rumor started. Find p(4) and p(10), and
interpret the results.
Quiz 2: Answer each question as instructed!
7. Suppose that N ( x )=x denotes the number of bags sold by a shop, and the
selling price per bag is given by p(x )=320 – 8 x , for 0 ≤ x ≤ 10. Suppose further
that the cost of producing x bags is given by C (x)=200 x. Find (a)
( N ∙ p)(x )∧(b)(N ∙ p – C)(x). What do these functions represent?
8. Let x represent the regular price of a book.
a) Give a function f that represents the price of the book if a P100 price
reduction applies.
b) Give a function g that represents the price of the book if a 10%
discount applies.
c) Compute ( f ° g)( x) and ( g ° f )( x).Describe what these mean. Which of
these give a better deal for the customer?

Licuanan, P., Verzosa, D., Crisologo, LA., Hao, L., Miro, ED., Ocampo, S.,
Palomo, E., …, Ortiz, R. (2016). General Mathematics. Commission on
Higher Education.


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