Pe1 2-3pm MW Cristine Reno

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      Physical Education is a component of the curriculum. It refers to the four subjects

given in the first four semesters of college work. Its inclusion as a subject is mandated in
Article XIV, Section 19, Paragraph 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which states that
“The state shall promote physical education and encourage sports program, league
competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster
self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert
      Physical Fitness is the pre-requisite course for the three other basic PE courses. It
deals with the concept of Physical Education and focuses on the fundamental components
and principles of fitness, including competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and
strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Students will work towards
achieving a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating


At the end of the module, the students are expected to:
1. Understand the content knowledge of Physical Fitness and Health. (1.1.1)
2. Demonstrate mastery of all fundamental movement patterns through the creation of skill and
health related fitness exercise based on the given standards. (PO2.1)


This module contains the following lessons:
Lesson 1 : NORSU Preliminaries
Lesson 2 : Physical Fitness Components
Lesson 3 : Physical Fitness Test Pre-Test


           Below are the salient points to guide you in using this module to gain a deep
understanding of the information provided in this module. Please be guided accordingly.
1. Three lessons are containing in this module are explained significantly. Read the
discussion thoroughly to gain an understanding of the content.
2. Each lesson has Specific Learning Outcomes (SLOs) where you can find on the first page.
3. Read them by heart to achieve the learning competencies that you need to attain.
4. You must answer with all Learning Activities/Exercises (LAEs) to help you acquire the
5. If you have queries regarding the topic/s of the lesson, please don't hesitate to ask
through text, chat, or email.
6. Being your instructor, I should be the one to check all your responses to the given tasks to
determine how far you learned from our discussion.


 This lesson consists of four sub-topics: NORSU VMQP, Core Values, and NORSU

 HYMN. It is essential to discuss this lesson since the abovementioned topics are the
backbone of our esteemed Negros Oriental State University. It reflects the history of the

Lesson Objectives:
1. Perfect the Core Values of SAPPHIRE (Spirituality, Accountability, Professionalism,
Patriotism, Harmony Integrity, Respect, Excellence) as an embodiment of a true

2. Deliver excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research and extension services,
and quality–assured products through competent and highly motivated human capital.

1. NORSU Vision, Mission, Quality Policy, and CORE VALUES

        “Effectiveness without values is a tool without a purpose.”

-- Edward de Bono, (1933)
The declarations of vision and mission include a focal point that helps everyone to be
united in the organization, thereby ensuring that everyone works for a common goal. It
helps to improve the organization’s quality and productivity. 

Vision and mission statements are the organization’s compass and goal, respectively.
Without our vision and mission is like going on a journey without knowing the direction
you are to follow on the destination. (Norja Vanderelst, 2017)

     A dynamic, competitive, and globally responsive state university.

The University shall provide excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research
and extension services, and quality-assured production through competent and highly
motivated human capital.

Negros Oriental State University commits itself to provide quality instruction,
research, extension services, and production, as well as to comply with applicable
regulatory requirements and improvement of its management system.
E – excellence


“His life was a hymn in praise of honor, uprightness, and patriotism”

-- Orestes Ferrara

Committing to understand a solemn song is the best way to make a difference as part of
the institution. The NORSU Hymn amplifies the voice and thoughts of each NORSUnians’ life
For you to know the lyrics of the institutional hymn, let us listen and be familiar with our
solemn song. For audio purposes, refer to this link:

NORSU HYMN “NORSU: Our Pride, our Hope, our Future”

Lyrics: HON. HENRY A. SOJOR, Ph.D.,


In this sunny southern clime

Hails a school, right for all time;
Negros-born, our honored guide,
NEGOR STATE glory is our pride!

For the many and the few;

STATE U lead to heights anew;
For the last and for the least,
STATE U gives HOPE for the best!

Azure blue and lily white,
NORSU standard, plain in sight;
Lift the lamp of wisdom bright,
NORSU guidance for the right.
And its pylons open wide,
To great service on each side;
For the FUTURE of this land,
NEGOR STATE answers the demand!
(Repeat Refrain)

Our Pride, our Hope, our Future - NEGROS ORIENTAL STATE UNIVERSITY
Learning Activities

Activity 1

1. Having read the NORSU VMQP and Core Values, share your insights and discuss further the
meaning of its: (5 pts. each)

A. Vision
As what I have understand it is a university that is constantly changing and coming up
with new ideas to make the university even better. It is also does not give up on things easily,
this university has the desire to surpass others even if there is no particular loser or winner. Still
giving hard work just to make its image good and lastly no matter what the problem or whatever
it is about concerning the university, they immediately respond, they fulfill every requirement
needed just for this.

B. Mission
As always, the vision is a way or an aim to achieve the vision’s objectives. So, they
ensure that the university gives a clear and an outstanding instruction, they will also provide
applicable researches, any kinds of services that they can offer or needed and promise to give an
assured production. This mean that the university will do anything it takes to meet their vision
and that they use mission to make it fulfilled.

C. Quality Policy
The quality policy is a regulatory system whereby the quality of university events is clear
and explicit. That everything is needed to be perfect given the best. like for example committing
that the management can make improvement, with all the requirements being finalized, giving
good services, good quality research, production and many more.

D. Core Values
Those value stated above are the values that made to guide the university on what
should they project or behave inside the school and could also help people to determine the
difference between right and wrong. This simply means that the universities core values were the
basic elements on what to do and help us to shape if they are taking the right path and it could
also fulfill their goals by creating something they called “unwavering guide” or core values.
2. Interpret the meaning expressed in the song “NORSU HYMN” by stanza. Use the template
below to write your insights. (5 pts. each)

My interpretation for the first stanza means that in the time we live in now there is a school built,
which is for everyone, negros citizen to be specific. To the “Negrosanon” the school serves as a symbol of
pride in their area and their guide for the future.

Continuation, this university whether large or small population, the hymn indicates that the
school gives hope for people believe it or not. NORSU gives their best they could offer helping us
reaching our goals.

For our future NORSU paves the way for a clear future. Gives us wisdom, guides us to what we
desire. The school is for everybody, always open to those in need and provides fair service. Therefore,
NORSU is the way for our people to prosper, for our land to grow. So, the university makes way, doing
everything even answering our requests/demand for our land to be invincible and to not be pitied.

It only indicates that the university of Negros named Negros Oriental State University can be
considered the one that gives hope to our place, our reliance, our future in the near future. in short, this
school will help us achieve our dream for the country and for our family.

Activity 2 

Memorize the lyrics of the NORSU Hymn and familiarize its tune, following the given
link above. Record a video singing the NORSU Hymn while your eyes are focusing on the
camera. Submit your output through a messenger.

Your performance is rated using the Rubric below;

1. Diction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 %
2. Intonation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 %
3. Vocal Quality - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 %
4. Rhythmic Interpretation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 %
5. Dynamics - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 %
TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -100 %



LESSON 2 – Components of Physical Fitness
Specific Learning Outcomes
1. Value the importance of Physical Fitness Components through an essay composition.
2. Identify and discuss the components of health- and skill-related fitness.
3. Apply Skill- Related Components with skillful performance using relevant and available
instructional materials.

We know that everyone wants to feel good and to be physically fit. Being physically
fit is a must in today’s world. Everyone is expected to stay healthy and we can’t do that
without hard work.
Maybe you are familiar with the words fitness and physical fitness, but probably you
are not quite sure of the real meanings of these words. In this lesson, you will learn
what those words mean. The two components of physical fitness are also well taken.


Fitness - means the person is capable of doing the tasks effectively, since his fitness
components are fit or healthy, or they are at an optimum level. These fitness
components are related and are mutually independent.

Physical fitness - means having a sound or a healthy body. It is the condition wherein the
body and the system of the person are functioning effectively. To develop and
maintain the soundness of the body system, one must observe a healthy lifestyle like
proper nutrition, regular exercise, rest, relaxation, and other fitness-related activities.

A person who is physically fit is dynamic and able to do and enjoying his day to
day activities efficiently and effectively without having a feeling of tiredness and still
has the energy to use for his free time and to any circumstances that need immediate

Physical fitness composes the components that are related to health, and the
other is related to the skill. Both contribute to the kind of life that one has.

Components of Physical Fitness

1. Health-related fitness (HRF) - demands exercise activities to be done for the

development of its components e,g, cardiovascular endurance, and the rest of
them for the improvement of your physical health and keeping you healthy.

The Components of Health-related Physical Fitness

a. Cardiovascular endurance – refers to the capability of the cardiorespiratory

system to transport or provide nutrients and oxygen to the muscles as fuel
for a sustained exercise and to expel waste from the cells. A fit person can do
any physical activity over some time without stress. Aerobic exercise like
swimming, cycling, dancing, and walking for a sustained length of time is

b. Muscular endurance – the muscles can perform movement continuously for a

relatively long period without being tired. Muscular endurance can be
improved using aerobic exercise.
c. Muscular strength - the muscles can lift weights, or carry a heavy object, pulling
or pushing a heavy load without being injured, and able to do the day to day
activities efficiently. You can improve and develop your muscular strength
through resistance training.

d. Flexibility - means the various joints of the body have the potential to perform
a movement from full extension to full flexion (bending) with a pain-free
range of motion. Perform flexibility exercise when your muscles are already
warm so they can stretch further without pain.

e. Body Composition - is a healthy proportion between fat and the non-fat mass
(Muscle, bones, and organs). If the percentage of your body fat is lower and
your non-fat mass is higher, it means you have a healthy body composition.
Body composition makes up your weight. Factors are affecting your body
composition: family history, age, physical activity, metabolism, diet, and

2. Skill-related Physical Fitness - it is the potentiality in performing efficiently the

physical tasks related to sports.

Components of Skill-Related Physical Fitness

a. Agility - is the capability of your body to move and to change the direction
rapidly, efficiently, and effectively, while maintaining equilibrium in response to a
stimulus. The signs of being agile are not only for the performance in sports but
how you move for your day to day activities. You can improve your agility by
merging specific drills into your regular fitness program.
b. Coordination – is the potentiality of the person in moving his body parts effectively
together with his senses. For example, batting a ball in softball, you are using
hands and eyes together, also in hitting a tennis ball, in kicking a ball, and in

c. Reaction Time – it is a time gap it takes for the brain and nerves to react to a
stimulus. A fit person can quickly respond in a situation needing a quick

d. Balance – the person can control his body position while performing a complex
movement, e,g, a handstand, or while in moving e,g, on a balance beam.

e. Power- is the capability of the athlete to bring out quickly his most comprehensive
strength during his performance e,g, jumping, or a sprint start.

f. Speed - the person is capable of executing a movement in a very brief time e,g,
some skills of lawn tennis, basketball

How to stay fit?

Physical fitness requires a change in your lifestyle because being physically fit
doesn’t only count your body but it also involves your mind and spirit. If a person is
physically fit, but mentally unwell he/she will not be able to perform perfectly. Mental
fitness can only be attained if your body is functioning well. Be free from stress and
exercise regularly, eat a proper diet because you become what you eat for what your
eating reflects on the total outlook of your body. Many have said that it's so hard to fit in,
and yes, it’s true. Being physically fit doesn’t happen overnight, it requires a lot of your
efforts and sacrifices. Hard to fit in? Get Fit.

Learning Activities/Exercises

How to stay fit and healthy? Since we finished discussing physical fitness, it is time to
apply it in our daily lives. May we be at home, church, or outside, try to do some of the
Skill- Related Components. Rest assured that this will help your body to be physically
healthy. A quote once said, “it costs a lot of money to stay fit, but it’s even more
expensive to get sick” – Ashleigh Brilliant.

Activity 1. Think of your daily routine that may contribute to the enhancement of your
Health-Related Fitness (HRF) and make the most of your body potential. Name the
HRF you speculate may develop each particular activity. Write your answers to the
space provided below. (2 pts each number)

My Daily Routine Activities -- Health-Related Fitness

1. BYCICLING (afternoon) Cardiovascular endurance
2. WALKING (everyday) Cardiovascular endurance
3. JOGGING (morning) Cardiovascular endurance
4. FETCHING WATER Muscular strength
5. WOKROUT (10 mins) Cardiovascular endurance
Activity 2. Assessment of the Six Components of Skill-Related Fitness
               Perform the activity following the given link;  The purpose here is to help you
understand the result of your heart rate when you perform tasks for the development of
the six components of skill-related fitness. Each activity is executed in 30 seconds as fast
as many times as you can. Count your heartbeat for one minute before and after your
performance. Record the result on the form provided. Record a video of your activity and
send your output through a messenger.

Activity Time Component of Skill- Heart Rate Heart Rate

Related Fitness Before After
Skipping Rope 30 sec. Coordination 82 beats per 144 beats
mins per mins
Hexagon Test 30 sec. Agility 73 beats per 157 beats
mins per mins
Mountain Climbing 30 sec. Speed 85 beats per 165 beats
mins per mins
Jump in Place 30 sec. Power 89 beats per 168 beats
mins per mins
Drop and Catch 88 beats per 100 beats
Hold a ball in one hand and drop. mins per mins
Attempt to catch the ball with the Reaction Time
same hand just before
it hits the ground.

Teacher Intervention
If you have queries or need clarification about the lesson or the learning tasks, please feel free to
ask thru chat, text, or a phone call. Proceed to answer the Practice Task/Assessment to find out how
much you learned from the discussion.

Practice Task/Assessment.

Discussion. Answer the questions based on what you have learned on the topics that we
discussed. (5 pts each)

1. What is Fitness?
Fitness is an aspect that can be called independent of anything. It is capable of doing the tasks
effectively without any problems or difficulties. The person can take any action because he has
good physique or has good resistance. Fitness also defines as physically fit and healthy.

2. What is Physical Fitness?

When we say physical fitness, our body is healthy. And when we say a body is healthy it is
efficiently doing activities. Without no problem doing our daily activities at the most optimal
performance, endurance and strength. And it can also fight diseases, fatigues, stresses and any
problems or complications in our body.

3. Differentiate health-related fitness from skill-related fitness component.

Let’s make it simple the difference between the two is health related fitness it is for people
unwilling to exert effort into something, usually perform it in our daily activities or lifetime
activities while skill related fitness is for people who love sport, they exert efforts as if they are
willing to perform at a high level, only those who do it choose because they want to perform at a
high level

4. What are the six Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components? Site examples each that
you see every day. (3 pts. each)

Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components Examples

Agility Walking up and down stairs, hiking outdoors and

playing tag
Coordination Jump rope, juggling and dribbling and ball or
balloon toss
Reaction Time Driving, having a conversation, playing sports,
when a security guard sees suspicious behavior
and etc.
Balance Putting your heel right in front of your toe, like
walking a tightrope. Standing up and sitting down
from a chair without using your hands. Walking
while alternating knee lifts with each step.
Power Dance party, dance class, rock climbing, practicing
a yoga arm balance, hula hoop and many more
Speed Badminton, basketball, running, biking, swimming
and others

5. Make an essay of 150 – 200 words that tell how important it is to be physically
fit. (15 pts.)

In our life our investment is our body, the body is one of the reasons why we do what
we want to do and it also gives us the strength to do something. Our body is also our first
defense against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. It is very important to us individuals in
any aspect. So physical fitness plays a big role in our lives. Physical fitness is important to us
individuals because people who are physically fit are more likely to maintain their ideal weight
and are less prone to suffering from various health issues. Being active helps a person maintain
a relaxed state of mind, and it can help them face the ups and downs of life. This would also
prevent us from developing heart disease risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure,
high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. That means being physically fit gives us comfort,
we are able to take actions without problems, limits and complications. So, we really must take
care of our body because our body will lead us to our future.

Enrichment Activity (15 pts.)
1. Create a collage of at least five pictures from any sources illustrating individuals
performing varied activities. Relate their action as shown and give the benefits.
Action – Benefits

a. RUNNING – running will help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise,
strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn plenty of kilojoules and it will help to
maintain a healthy weight.

b. BIKING- will improved joint mobility, decreased stress levels, improved posture and
coordination, strengthened bones and decreased body fat levels and prevention or
management of disease.

c. DANCING- it will help our body to improved condition of your heart and lungs, increased
muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness, increased aerobic fitness, improved muscle
tone and strength, weight management, stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
and better coordination, agility and flexibility.

d. BASKETBALL- any kind of sports will be a benefit especially to our body some of it are it
will reduce risk of obesity, increased cardiovascular fitness, healthy growth of bones,
muscles, ligaments and tendons, improved coordination and balance and greater ability to
physically relax and, therefore, avoid the complications of chronic muscular tension (such as
headache or back ache).

e. SWIMMING- some benefits of swimming are this will keep our heart rate up but takes
some of the impact stress off our body, builds endurance, muscle strength and
cardiovascular fitness, helps you maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs, and
tones muscle and builds strength.
f. PILATES- some benefits of Pilates include improved flexibility, increased muscle strength
and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the 'core
muscles' of your body) balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body and enhanced
muscular control of your back and limbs.

5. Share trends in physical fitness that you know, and that may help you strengthen your
thoughts on the importance of physical fitness for having a good life. (10 pts.)

Nowadays, even though its covid, a pandemic that we are facing right now,
outdoor activities are very trend most especially biking or what they call us the
“bikers”. This is a very good kind of physical fitness, because we are so fed up with
our respective homes, so we are really eager to go out and that is also what drives us
to continue what we are doing. But this is just one of the reasons, yes physical fitness
exercise like biking is good but what drives me why should I continue what I do is
because it is also for my body, it will help me to strengthen my physique and have a
good body resistance not just for my body but also emotionally. And I also could gain
some confidence and relieve my anxiety and insecurities, it truly helps a lot for me.
That’s why physical fitness is a must.



LESSON 3 – Physical Fitness Test (Pre-Test)

Specific Learning Outcomes

1. Value the significance in taking one’s body mass index.
2. Perform and execute properly every physical fitness test, and record the correct data of
each test heartily.
3. Explain the meaning of physical fitness test and its importance.

Motivation/Prompting Questions
Everyone knows when he is overweight, out of condition, or lacking in
some strength and endurance. Students should take time to measure and analyze
their fitness and to ask themselves the following questions:
1. What is my physical fitness (performance) age?
2. How can I improve my physical fitness?
      To answer these questions, one must undergo a physical fitness Assessment.
Fitness Assessment - is a way of helping you in identifying your strengths and
weaknesses and determining the level of your physical fitness through a series of
testing. The result will aid you in designing achievable fitness goals.
One of the tools in fitness assessment is the calculation of your BMI

What is Body Mass Index (BMI) ?

Body Mass Index (BMI) - it is the value taken from your weight in kilograms
divided by your height squared in meters. It is an indicator of obesity and

How is BMI Calculated?

In calculating your BMI, take your weight in kilogram and divide it twice with your
height (height (m)2).

The formula is :

BMI = Weight Kilograms (kg)

Height (m) / Height (m)

55 = 22.3 (Normal)
1.57 (m) / 1.57 (m)

If your height is measured in centimeters, divide your weight in kilograms by your

height in centimeters twice, then multiply it by 10,000.

Kims’ weight is 55.3 kg and his height is 142.6 cm. What is his BMI?
(55.3 kg/142.6 cm/142.6 cm) x 10,000 = 27.2 (Overweight)

Learning Activities/Exercises

Activity 1 (5 pts. each number)

Practice calculating BMI by using the metric system. Identify its Classification.
Write your answers on the box provided below.
BMI Classification
Father 23.5 Normal
Mother 24.5 Normal
1. Father’s weight is 72.4 kg and his height is 1.74 meters. What is father’s BMI?

SOLUTION: BMI= Weight Kilograms (kg)

Height (m) / Height (m)
BMI= 72.4 kg
1.74(m)/1.74 (m)
BMI= 72.4 kg
3.08 m
BMI =23.5 (Normal)

Therefore, father’s BMI is 23.5 and its classification is Normal.

2. Mother’s weight is 60 kg and her height is 156.6 cm. What is mother’s BMI?

SOLUTION: BMI= (Weight Kilograms (kg) / Height (cm) / Height (cm)) x 10,000
BMI= (60 kg/156.6 cm/156.6 cm) x 10,000
BMI= (60 kg/24.5 cm) x 10,000
BMI= (2.45) x 10,000
BMI= 24.5 (Normal)

Therefore, mother’s BMI is 24.5 and its classification is Normal.


Activity 2 (2 pts. each number)

Answer and accomplish the following:

1. Calculate your BMI and identify its classification. Show your calculation.

My weight is 45 kg and my height is 152.4 cm. What is my BMI?

SOLUTION: BMI= (45 kg/152.4 cm/152.4 cm) x 10,000
BMI= (45 kg/23.2 cm) x 10,000
BMI= (1.94) x 10,000
BMI= 19.4 (Normal)
Therefore, my BMI is 19.4 and its classification is Normal.

2. What should be the ideal BMI of a person? and how can he acquire a normal BMI?

The ideal BMI of a person are not less than 18.5 and not greater than 24.9. As usual
exercise at least 60-90 minutes six (6) times a day, eat healthy foods and balanced diet
properly and always drink water as much as you can (staying hydrated is a must). That
should do for beginners.

3. How does it feel to be fit and healthy?

I’m not actually fit nor unhealthy, average to say the least. I feel just like most
people, I can do what I want to do right now and then. I no longer have a problem with
my physical condition if I do heavy work because I know my body can handle it. Here's a
thing being healthy has an advantage, advantage is that you do not have to worry a thing
if you have any sickness because you are fit and you are confident that your body can
fight a disease, more the least you feel reassured.

4. How does it feel to be unfit and unhealthy?

As a human being I have experience being unhealthy when I was younger. In grade
school I was admitted being malnourish as what they call it. In my experience I feel
small, you know the feeling that you can't do what you want because your body has a
limit, you are close and easily infected with diseases, always tired, always sleepy,
sometimes you feel like you are floating as if your mind is always far away and you're
always prone to all physiological signs or issues that include headaches, stress, insomnia,
anxiety etc.

Note: You should keep your BMI's result for you need it during the pre-test.
Physical Fitness Test Battery

To achieve optimum fitness, one must undergo first with a Physical Fitness Test.

What is the Physical Fitness Test?

It is a systematized test that measures the fitness components of the students and
gives information about the status of their overall fitness. For health and fitness purposes,
the fitness program appropriate for the students is based on the result of the test. Twice in
a year, the Physical fitness test is administered. At the start of the school year, students in
Physical Education 1 will go through a physical fitness pre-test to determine their fitness
level, and the result also serves as a guide in determining the type of physical education
activities needed by them for the improvement of their physical fitness components in
A post-test is conducted on the last month before the current semester ends to assess
whether the physical education program in totality meets its objective of helping students
in achieving the optimum level of fitness.

Some Important Guidelines before Conducting the Physical Fitness Test Battery:

1. Secure a medical certificate from your physician to determine your health status. If you
are needing medical care and are currently having medical treatment, please do not
hesitate to chat, text, or sending me a call.
2. Engaged in a 5-minute warm-up and stretching activities before the test, excluding the
3-minute step test.
3. Do not take heavy meals two hours before the activity.
4. Wear appropriate attire.
5. Take your pulse rate (at rest). The initial pulse rate should not be more than 120 beats
per minute.

             Each test item has instructions and illustrations to give you an in-depth understanding
of the test. Perform each item diligently following the given instructions, and choose any
member in your family to assist you in taking the test and in getting the result of your
performance. Accomplish the test honestly.

Activity 3 – Physical Fitness Tests

1. Standing Long Jump

Purpose – for the power and strength of the leg muscles.
a. measuring tool e.g., tape measure
For the test taker:
     a. Stand before the take-off line, make sure that the tip of your shoes must not
go beyond the line.
b. To start, have your knees bent, then swing both arms backward, and jump as
as far as you go. 
          For the Tester: 
     a. Place the tape measure firmly on the floor.
     b. Set the zero (0) point of the tape measure at the take off line. 
c. After the subject has landed from a jump, put a mark where the back of
the heels landed.
   Scoring - Record the distance of the jump in centimeters.

2. Sit and Reach

Purpose: to determine how flexible the muscles of the lower back and hamstring.
Equipment: tape measure

For the test taker:
a. Sit on the floor, back flat on the wall, and feet is approximately 12 inches apart.
b. Put one hand on top of the other, without bending your back, elbows, and knees,
position your hands on the floor.
c. Once the subject is ready, put the zero point of the tape measure, and without
bending the knees, the subject may start reaching the farthest point.

For your partner:

a. Once the subject is ready (b – position) in the procedure, the zero point of the
tape measure will be placed at the tip of his fingers farthest from his body.
b. The subject’s knees are not bent as he reaches the farthest distance as he could.
c. Measure the distance taken by the subject in centimeter.

Scoring – Record the distance taken in centimeter.

3. Curl-ups
Purpose: to test the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles
Equipment: exercise pad

For the test taker:
a. Lie on your back, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.
b. Put arms across the chest with no gaps at all times.
c. The partner will hold the subject’s ankles or lower legs.
d. When the command go is given, the subject will start raising his upper body
forward touching either his elbows or forearms to the thighs, then back by
lowering his torso, touching his shoulder blades to the floor to complete
one (1) set-up.

Scoring: Record the number of properly attained sit-ups by the subject.

4. Pull-ups
Purpose: To determine the strength and endurance of the upper body.
Equipment required: An overhead horizontal bar with sufficient height for the
performer to hang from it, extending his arms and making his feet off from the floor.

a. To start, the subject will hold the horizontal bar with both palms either facing back
or forward. Arms in a full extension, locked, and feet not toching the floor.
b. From this position, the subject will lift his body up, reaching his chin over the
horizontal bar, then lower his body, extending his arms fully. This constiitute a
complete pull-up.
c. The subject will keep on repeating the process until he stops for a reason.
Scoring : Record the number of correct
pull-ups made by the subject.

5. Ninety (90) Degree Push-ups

Purpose: To test the endurance of the upper extremities
Equipment: exercise pad

Men (standard push-up)
a. Assume a prone lying position on the exercise pad with palms flat on the pad,
fingers straight forward, straight legs, toes supporting the feet as shown in the
illustration below.
b. From the starting position, raise your upper extremities by straightening your
arms, your back and knees are also straight. Then down your body by flexing
your elbows until the upper arms are parallel to the floor. This constitute one
complete push-up. Repeat the process until you could no longer continue doing
the task.
For Women:
a. Assume a prone lying position on the exercise pad, palms flat on the pad, fingers
straight forward, keep your back straight and knees touching on the pad as shown
in the illustration below.
b. Raise your body by extending your arms, then down your body until the arms is
approximately 90 degrees angle at the elbows. Repeat the process until you could
no longer endure your performance. Push-up must be performed 1 second going
up and 2 seconds going down.

For your partner:
a. Counting of the subject’s performance should start once he/she lowers his/her
body on the pad, and the angle at the elbows reaches approximately 90 degrees.
See to it that the task is correctly done by the subject.

Scoring: Record the number of push-ups correctly done by the subject.

6. 1000 Meter Run

Purpose: To determine the endurance of the Cardiorespiratory
Equipment required:
a. Flat and clear surface
b. Stop watch

a. Stand before the starting line.
b. At the command “go” (start the clock), the subject will srtart to run at his own
pace. He/she may be permitted to walk.


Scoring: Record the performance time made by the subject finishing the
distance. Record it in minutes and seconds.
7. 50 Meter Sprint
Purpose: Measures speed
Equipment Required:
a. Flat no-slip surface
b. Marking tape
c. Stop watch

a. Stand before the starting line.
b. At the command “go”(start the clock), the
Subject sprints until He reaches the finish

Scoring: The subjec is given two trials. Record the best performance time in minutes
and in seconds.

8. Shuttle Run
Purpose: It measures agility and coordination.
Equipment Required:
a. Flat non-slip surface with two lines 10 cm. apart
b. Marking tape
c. Two wooden blocks measuring 10x5x5 c. For each runner
a. Stand before the starting line.
b. At the command “go” (start the stop watch) the subject sprints to opposite line to
pick one wooden block, runs back and putting the block before the starting line,
then turning having no rest he runs back to get and carry the second block back
to the finish line putting the block beyond the line. It is forbidden to step on the
start line at the start, as well as throwing the block to the start line.

Scoring : The performance time is recorded once the second wooden block is
properly placed beyond the starting line. Record the time in seconds.

9. 3-Minute Step Test

Purpose: measures the endurance of the cardiorespiratory
a. 12 inches height step
b. Stop watch

For the Subject
a. Stand in front of the step
b. At the command “go” (start the clock), start stepping up and down for 3
c. At the command stop, immediately stand and relax (avoid talking).
d. Locate your pulse (the first beat is zero), then count for 10 seconds. Multiply
the results by 6.



For your partner:

a. After the subject assumes the starting position, give the signal by saying
“ready”, then “go”. Start the watch, together with the command go.
b. Once the time reaches 3 minutes, say “stop”, then the subject will locate his
pulse. Once located, he will start counting it for 10 seconds and this will be
multiplied by 6.

Scoring: Record the 1 minute heart rate of the subject for the activity.


P.E Time & Day: M-W 2:00-3:00 PM

Name of Student: Reno, Cristine
(Family Name/First Name/Middle Initial

Components of Physical Fitness:

1. Nutritional Fitness:

Weight: 45 (kg) Height: 5’0 (m)

BMI : 19.4 Classification: Normal

2. Muscular Fitness:

3-Minute Step Test : 180 beats per minute

1-Minute Push-up : 15 corrects in 1 min
1-Minute Curl-up : 25 corrects in 1 min
1-Minute Pull-ups (for men): _____________
1-Minute flexed arm hang (for women): 37 corrects in 1 min

3. Flexibility Fitness:

Sit and Reach: 97 (cm)

4. Muscular Power, Speed, and Agility

Standing Long Jump: 170 (cm)

Shuttle Run: 6 seconds
12-Minute Run & Walk : 3 minutes and 5 seconds
50-Meter Sprint (for women): 40 seconds
100-Meter Sprint (for men): ________________

Teacher intervention
A physical fitness pre-test is essential for the course to determine your fitness level.
Be honest in recording the data for every fitness test on the form provided in this
module. If you have questions, clarification about the contents or the given activities,
please feel free to ask through chat, text, or by sending me a call. To be able to know the
status of your performance of the tests, scorecards are available here. Please proceed
to answer the Practice Task/Assessment to find out how much you learned from the
Practice Task/Assessment

I.dentification.  Identify the given statements by writing your answers to the blanks
provided below.

Physical Fitness Test 1. It is a systematized test that measures the fitness components of the
students and gives information about the status of their overall fitness
1000 Meters Run 2. A test that determines the endurance of the Cardiorespiratory
3-minute Step Test 3. It is used to measure the endurance of cardiorespiratory where the
performance of the subject is recorded based on their heart rate per
Shuttle Run 4. It measures agility and coordination.
50 Meters Sprint 5. It measures speed.
Ninety (90) Degree Push-ups 6. It measures the endurance of the upper extremities
Pull-ups 7. It determines the strength and endurance of the upper body.
Curl-ups 8. A test for the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles
Sit and Reach 9. to determine how flexible the muscles of the lower back and
Standing Long Jump 10. To test the power and strength of the leg muscles

Enrichment Activity (5 pts.)
1. Explain briefly but concisely on how will you cope or improve if you are weak and how will
you maintain if you are strong on the following:

a. Nutritional Fitness:

In this nutritional fitness line, I can say that I am in the right

percentage of it. But if I'm ever weak in this aspect, it's easy for me to cope up
because mama loves vegetables and she always reminds us since childhood
that we should eat vegetables because vegetables are what nourishes our
body, a fact. By eating vegetables or fruits, our body becomes healthier and
stronger. Also, one of the reasons why it was so easy for me to cope-up with is
that because I love to eat vegies and fruits as well. And in order for me to
maintain it, I will still eat vegetables and fruits and this with the right diet and
amount of it. and I'll just add up the control of calories intake.
b. Muscular Fitness:

Do I have muscle? no. Should I have muscle? Definitely yes. And since I'm
weak here maybe I should start lifting heavy things, I should start carrying
water at home, and incorporate it into my daily chore activities. I'm going to
start exercising and I guess I have to continue cycling. And if ever I will have
a muscle, if ever and for it to be maintained I will make a resistance exercise
plan in which I will do most of the days of the week, eat protein etc.

c. Flexibility Fitness:

Honestly, I don't have a flexible body. But since this question is ask in the
module I have, why not, right? To be flexible I must know how to perform or I
will start to practice doing static stretches and yoga. And in order for me to
maintain it, I must not be lazy to perform the two I mentioned.

d. Muscular Power, Speed, and Agility:

Here, maybe 50-50 is just right amount of what I have in myself in this
aspect. And because I only have half of it, I still feel weak here somehow. And
because I am weak, I’ll do something to make it full. First, I should eat a lot of
nutritious food of course so that my body can give energy later on because I
will perform a not so normal exercise, I should also jog every day or walk at
least, 30 minutes minimum and in order for me to maintain it I should not be
lazy and to always remember to remind myself that I have to do to achieve
something valuable for my own, as if I will motivate myself.

Reflection Activity
1. Based on your assessment of the pre-test activity, is physical fitness pre-test important?
Why? (5 pts.)

The fitness test is very important to us students, why? because it measures

how active our body is. This is a necessary to do because it provides status
information on what the condition of our body is. It monitors and assesses
students' abilities regarding aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility. And it
also helps us students to know how healthy we are and just in case we can set
goals to improve our fitness.


Physical Fitness and Health, Carlou G. Bernaldez, BSE-PE, MA-PE, Ed D-PE

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