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Name Alex C.

( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno

Clan Nosferatu Predator type Sandman Ambition Se vingar

Sect Camarilla Rank/Title 12 Gen Desire

Physical Social Mental
Strength 
●● Charisma 
● Intelligence 

Dexterity 
●●●● Manipulation 
●● Wits 

Stamina 
●●● Composure 
●●● Resolve 


Athletics 
●●● Animal Ken  Academics Architecture 

Brawl 
●● Etiquette  Awareness 

Craft 
● Insight  Finance 
Drive  Intimidation 
● Investigation 

Firearms  Leadership  Medicine Anesthetics 

Larceny 
●● Performance  Occult 

Melee 
●●● Persuasion  Politics 
Stealth Disguise 
●●●● Streetwise 
● Science 
Survival 
●● Subterfuge 
● Technology 

DISCIPLINES (see page 243ff.)

Animalism 
● Dominate  Potence 
Auspex  Fortitude  Presence 
Blood Sorcery  Obfuscate 
●●● Protean 
Celerity  Oblivion  Thin-Blood Alchemy 
  

ADVANTAGES & BACKGROUNDS (see page 179ff.)

● ● ● ● ● 
● 
Recursos 
●● Bg: Contacts (187)    
Mask (192) 
●● 
Willpower 
● ● ● ● ● 

Bloodhound (184) 
● 
 

  Humanity 

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 
 
Hunger 
■■ (see page 205f.)
 
Resonance 
  +1 **
Attributes: 1x 3x 4x 1x Skills: (a) Jack of all Trades: 1x 8x 10 x Predator type: Choose a predator type (p.175)
Discipline: 1x primary clan discipline (b) Balanced: 3x 5x 7x Advantages: Spend 7 points on Advantages &
1x secondary clan discipline (c) Specialist: 1x 3x 3x 3x Backgrounds and 2 points in Flaws
1x from predator type (p.175) Add a free specialities for first dot in Academics, Craft, Science, Blood Potency: 1 *
Performance + one more free Speciality + one from pedator type (* see p.137 for Generations & Experience )

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page 2


Blood Potency  Blood Surge 1 Mend Amount 1 superficial dmg

Power Bonus Rouse Re-Roll 1lvl

Generation             
16. 15. 14.
Feeding Penalty n Bane Severity 1
13. 12. 11. 10.
9. 8. Dyscrasia**
7. 6.
4. (see page 227ff.) (232)

(see page 214ff.) 3. Predator Pool Dexterity + Stealth = (see page 307f.)


Clan Bane page? 87 Clan Compulsion Cryptophilia page? 212

Repulsive Flaw (-2) All actions not spent working toward learning a secret,

no matter how big or small, receive a two dice penalty.

The Compulsion ends when learns a secret ...

BLOOD BONDS (page 233f.)

Bond Strength Increment


Name (vs. Intelligence + Resolve) (approx. 5 days/box) Notes


  
  
  


Discipline Lvl Ability Name page? Cost Dice Pool (vs. Contest) Duration
Obfuscate 1 cloak of shadows 263 Free ------ + ------ (vs. + ) One scene

Obfuscate 2 unseen passage 263 1HC Dexterity + Stealth (vs. Auspex + ) One scene

Obfuscate 3 mask/ thousand faces 264 1HC ----- + ----- (vs. Auspex + ) One scene

Potence 1 soaring leap 266 Free Dexterity + Athletics (vs. + ) Passive

Potence 2 prowess 266 1HC Strength + Melee (vs. + ) One scene

Animalism 1 sense the beast 247 Free Resolve + Animalism (vs. Composure + Subterfuge ) Passive

+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page 3


Merit: Bloodhound (184)  Haven: Library (191)  Flaw: Prey Exclusion (183)
Resolve + Awareness - Difficulty 3 Crianças inocentes

Sentir ressonância do sangue

Bg: Contacts (187)  Haven: Cell (191)  Flaw: Ugly (181) 
perde 1d pra qualquer dice pool social


Haven: Warding (191)  Loresheet: Mask (192)  

Cobbler: You can make or source Masks.

Making a Mask takes three days per dot

and possibly exposes you online; sourcing

Masks takes one day per dot, but costs something in return.


No Haven?  Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location Esgotos em região abandonada ?

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

Warding  
Library  
Cell  
 
 
 

COMBAT (see page 300ff.)

Weapon Damage Range Clip Type Armor Value Penalty

Pexeira +2 Melee

Initiative = Composure + Awareness (see page 300)

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page 4

BELIEFS (see page 172ff.)

Chronicle Tenets Convictions

O culpado deve sofrer Mate apenas os indignos/descrentes/em combate justo/

Nunca mate um inocente em autodefesa

O culpado deve ser punido

Os inocentes devem ser poupados

Touchstones Gender Notes on relationship

Ana Sarah ( Keyla C. ) M F
■ D Irmã sobrevivente do assassinato e sumiço do irmão(Alex)

M F D
M F D
M F D
M F D


Description Profile
Homem com a coluna levemente curvada Gender: male 
■ female  diverse 
1,80 (escoliose), nuca careca, cicatriz de Age/ Birthday: 06/06

corte na boca, olheiras e veias negras Apparent Age/ RIP: 24

pelo corpo (Peito, costas e levemente Ethnicity: Nordestino

na nuca). Nationality: Brasileiro
Casaco preto com capuz, óculos redondos Hair/ Eyes: Sem cabelo/ olhos de cor clara
75 kg escuros e máscara descartável preta Quote:
cobrindo a boca.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Spent on XP spent Spent on XP spent Spent on XP spent
Loresheet: Mask (192) 3xp subterfuge 3xp

Animalism: sense the beast 5xp

Investigation 3xp

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page


Discipline Ritual name Activation Cost page?

Ingredients Prerequisite Power?
Process Description


Discipline Ritual name Activation Cost page?

Ingredients Prerequisite Power?
Process Description


Discipline Ritual name Activation Cost page?

Ingredients Prerequisite Power?
Process Description


Discipline Ritual name Activation Cost page?

Ingredients Prerequisite Power?
Process Description


© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno page


Discipline Lvl Ability Name page? Cost Dice Pool (vs. Contest) Duration
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )
+ (vs. + )

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page

COTERIE (see page 195f.)

Name Type

Coterie Merits Coterie Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 
 


  

  


Chasse  Lien  Portillon 


No Haven?  Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 
 

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page


Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 

Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 

Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 

Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 

Haven Base Rating  Name/ Location

Haven Merits Haven Flaws Notes

 
 
 
 

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page

PROJECTS (see page 415f.)

Project goal Increment Project die

 

Launch roll (Difficulty = Scope + 2) Notes


Scope 

Stake 

Project goal Increment Project die

 

Launch roll (Difficulty = Scope + 2) Notes


Scope 

Stake 

Project goal Increment Project die

 

Launch roll (Difficulty = Scope + 2) Notes


Scope 

Stake 

Project goal Increment Project die

 

Launch roll (Difficulty = Scope + 2) Notes


Scope 

Stake 

© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page

BOONS & FAVORS (see page 314f.)


M ial

M or
Li r
rep d?

Name Witness/documented? Token? Notes



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© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page


© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

Name Alex C. ( Rato ) Player Allan Chronicle Brasil Noturno Page


© Dark Pack - All rights belong to White Wolf Entertainment

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