Goehring e Rosbash 2003 - The Coevolution of Blue-Light Prhotoreception and Circ

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J Mol Evol (2003) 57:S286–S289

DOI: 10.1007/s00239-003-0038-8

The Coevolution of Blue-Light Photoreception and Circadian Rhythms

Walter Gehring,1 Michael Rosbash2

Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Brandeis University, Department of Biology, Waltham, MA 02454, USA

Received: 30 September 2002 / Accepted: 20 November 2002

Abstract. Sunlight is a primary source of energy for the not exactly 24-h endogenous circadian rhythms to
life. However, its UV component causes DNA dam- the precise 24-h cycle of the earth’s rotation. The
age. We suggest that the strong UV component of circadian system therefore provides a representation
sunlight contributed to the selective pressure for the of the fourth external dimension, time.
evolution of the specialized photoreceptor crypto- Visual photoreception in animals is based on opsin,
chrome from photolyases involved in DNA repair with retinal as the chromophore. Some mammalian
and propose that early metazoans avoided irradiation circadian photoreceptors are also rhodopsin-based,
by descending in the oceans during the daytime. We including the specialized melanopsin-containing reti-
suggest further that it is not coincidental that blue- nal ganglion cells that connect to the suprachiasmatic
light photoreception evolved in an aquatic environ- nucleus (SCN) (Berson et al. 2002; Gooley et al. 2001;
ment, since only blue light can penetrate to substan- Hannibal et al. 2002; Hattar et al. 2002; Provencio
tial depths in water. These photoreceptors were then et al. 2000, 2002). Although rhodopsins also contrib-
also critical for sensing the decreased luminescence ute to Drosophila circadian photoreception (Helfrich-
that signals the coming of night and the time to re- Forster et al. 2001), a major circadian photoreceptor
turn to the surface. The oceans and the 24-h light– in this organism was shown to be a cryptochrome,
dark cycle therefore provided an optimal setting for with flavin adenin dinucleotide (FAD) and methe-
an early evolutionary relationship between blue-light nyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF) as chromophores (Em-
photoreception and circadian rhythmicity. ery et al. 1998; Stanewsky et al. 1998). Mammalian
cryptochromes may also be circadian photoreceptors
Key words: Cryptochromes — Circadian rhythms (Selby et al. 2000; Thompson et al. 2001), although the
— UV avoidance — Photolyases evidence is stronger that they are important central
clock components (Kume et al. 1999; van der Horst
et al. 1999). Cryptochromes are closely related to
Introduction photolyases (blue light-activated DNA repair en-
zymes), which led to the idea that the DNA binding
Sunlight is essential for vision. Visual information is property of photolyases was retained in crypto-
either directly transferred to effector organs, for ex- chromes (Cashmore et al. 1999; Emery et al. 1998). In
ample, flagella, and muscles, or processed in the brain this perspective, we suggest that the strong UV com-
to generate a percept of the three-dimensional world. ponent of sunlight contributed to the selective pres-
Light also provides animals with information about sure for the evolution of this specialized photoreceptor
time of day. The light-time signals are used to entrain and that early metazoans avoided irradiation by de-
scending in the oceans during the daytime. We suggest
further that it is not coincidental that blue-light photo-
Correspondence to: W. Gehring; email: walter.gehring@unibas.ch reception evolved in an aquatic environment, since

only blue light can penetrate to substantial depths in may also result from a predator-avoidance reaction
water. This provided an optimal setting for the elab- (Lampert 1993; Ohman 1990). However, we consider
oration of blue light-dependent photoreception and a these to be secondary responses, which evolved sub-
very early relationship with circadian rhythmicity. sequent to the light response.
Among the freshwater animals studied most ex-
tensively is the water flea Daphnia, whose vertical
Diel Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton migrations were described by Cuvier in 1829. Recent
laboratory studies by Storz and Paul (1998) demon-
There are several ways to avoid the detrimental ef- strate that Daphnia responds to visible light (420–600
fects of UV irradiation. Most of these arose during nm) with positive phototaxis, whereas ultraviolet
the early phases of evolution, which occurred in the light leads to negative phototaxis. Sensitivity was
oceans. One exploits enzyme systems to repair the maximal at 340 nm, which corresponds closely to the
UV-induced DNA damage. Another involves pro- value expected from the UV photoreceptors of its
tective pigmentation (e.g., carotenoids). This is ap- compound eye (Smith and Macagno 1990). These
parently avoided by contemporary zooplankton, as it results were confirmed under field conditions by
would make these organisms more visible to preda- Leech and Williamson (2001), who demonstrated a
tors. A third is to avoid being irradiated, by de- vertical migratory response to UV radiation under
scending to greater depths of water during the full-spectrum solar irradiation. The migration con-
daytime. This strategy, and the evolutionary origin of sisted essentially of an ultraviolet-avoidance reaction.
circadian photoreceptors and rhythms, may be re- Similar UV avoidance was detected in planktonic
flected by the diel vertical migrations of zooplankton marine sea urchin larvae (Pennington and Emlet
that occur both in the oceans and in freshwater lakes. 1986). Since UV radiation can penetrate up to 25 m
Accounts of vertical migrations of planktonic an- depth in clear marine waters (Fleischmann 1989), and
imals date back to the nineteenth century, but these increased mortality rates were documented in both
massive movements are best illustrated by sonar marine and freshwater organisms after exposure
studies initiated during World War II. They revealed (Huntsman 1924; Klugh 1930), UV radiation repre-
a phenomenon called the deep scattering layer, which sents a major selective force. Both field studies and
was recorded at varying depths between 0 and 500 m. laboratory experiments have led to the general con-
This sonic scattering layer was later shown to consist clusion that the zooplankton migrates to a depth of
of zooplankton, mainly crustaceans (copepods) and, optimal light intensity (Cushing 1951; Leech and
to a lesser extent, mollusks. This layer is located near Williamson 2001). C.S. Pittendrigh (1993) also pro-
the surface of the ocean at night, descends in the posed ‘‘escape from light’’ as a major evolutionary
morning to reach its greatest depth at noon, and driving force for the development of circadian
comes up again in the evening. Several hypotheses rhythms. In light of the recent findings described
have been advanced to explain these movements, but below, we propose that the original driving force
it is now generally agreed that light initiates and behind the diel vertical migrations is UV radiation,
controls diel vertical migrations (Nybakken 2001). which provides selective pressure for these cyclic
The organisms respond negatively to light, especially movements. The diel vertical migrations may be in-
UV irradiation. In a study carried out in the Atlantic, terpreted as an avoidance reaction to UV irradiation,
there was a strong correlation between the diel ver- leading to the coevolution of photoreception and
tical migration of the animals in the sonic scattering circadian rhythms.
layer and the photic environment (Boden and Kampa
1967). The sonic-scattering layer was located with a
precision echo sounder, and the animals accumulated Photolyases and DNA Repair
within the narrow limits of 3.5–7.5 · 10)4 lW/cm2 of
blue light (474 nm). Changes in the cloud cover were Geological studies provide evidence that the atmos-
reflected by predictable changes in the depth of the phere in precambrian times contained little oxygen,
organisms. The hypothesis that diel vertical migra- there was no protective ozone layer, and primitive
tions are linked to illumination is further supported organisms were exposed to heavy doses of UV irra-
by studies in the polar seas (Bogorov 1946): under diation during the daytime (Schopf et al. 1983). UV
conditions of continuous daylight in the Arctic irradiation causes DNA damage by inducing the
summer, there is an almost constant vertical distri- formation of photoproducts, mostly cyclobutane
bution of the zooplankton in the Barents Sea over the pyrimidine dimers and (6–4) pyrimidine photoprod-
entire 24-h period. In the autumn when day and night ucts between adjacent bases on the same DNA
alternate, vertical migrations resume. Later studies strand. Bacteria have evolved enzymes capable of
provided some evidence that the diel vertical migra- repairing these photoproducts, so-called photolyases
tions of zooplankton depend on its food supplies and that are also found in higher organisms. Photolyases

are flavoproteins mediating DNA repair in a light- clock RNAs. As RNA cycling was restored by tem-
dependent manner (Sancar 1994). They are activated perature entrainment, this suggested that light input
by blue light and contain flavin-adenine dinucleotide was affected by the mutation. Although recent data
(FAD) as the catalytic chromophore and a second suggest that CRY might also be a part of the core
chromophore involved in light harvesting. The sec- oscillator in Drosophila (Krishnan et al. 2001), the
ond chromophore is either methenyltetrahydrofolate evidence is strong that CRY is a major circadian
(MTHF) or a deazaflavin (7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy- photoreceptor involved in light entrainment in this
5-deazariboflavin; 8-HDF). The excitation energy of organism (Emery et al. 2000). Given the similarity
the light harvesting chromophore is transferred to the between photolyases and cryptochromes, we suggest
catalytic chromophore. Photolyases bind selectively that these circadian photoreceptors originally func-
to pyrimidine dimers in UV-damaged DNA and tioned in the photorepair of DNA damage. They then
transfer an electron from the excited state of the fla- became involved in the avoidance reaction to UV ir-
vin to the pyrimidine dimer, which then repairs the radiation and, especially, in sensing the decreased lu-
DNA damage by isomerizing to yield the two original minescence that signals the coming of night and the
pyrimidines. There are two classes of photolyases time to return to the surface. This is because only blue
(types I and II) that repair cyclobutane pyrimidine light penetrates to the depths of the deep scattering
dimers, and another class involved in the repair of (6– layer. Very recently, Lin et al. (2002) have identified a
4) photoproducts, first identified in Drosophila (Todo new Drosophila circadian clock component, casein
et al. 1996). The fact that photolyases are activated by kinase 2a. This enzyme has been previously implicated
blue light may not be coincidental, since only blue in Neurospora and plant clocks as well as in the re-
light reaches substantial depths in water. sponse to UV damage in organisms ranging from
yeast to humans, which supports an important role of
light in the origins of circadian rhythms. Because
Cryptochromes and the Circadian Clock photolyases interact with DNA as well as sense light,
it is reasonable to imagine that the behavioral re-
To the same family of proteins as the light-activated sponse to the 24-h light–dark cycle also involved
photolyases belong the cryptochromes, blue-light direct cryptochrome-mediated changes in gene expres-
photoreceptor proteins present in both plants and sion (Cashmore et al. 1999; Emery et al. 1998). This
animals. In several species, cryptochromes are in- was presumably followed by a more sophisticated
volved in the resetting of the circadian clock. The temporal program, in which an organism acquired the
phylogenetic analysis of the photolyase–crypto- ability to anticipate the light–dark cycle and undergo
chrome family strongly suggests that cryptochrome these behavioral changes even in the absence of
blue-light photoreceptors have evolved from photo- changes in light intensity, i.e., a free-running circadian
lyases, lost enzymatic activity, and evolved a mech- clock. We therefore suggest that sunlight provided the
anism for signaling to the internal clock (Cashmore driving force for the coevolution of these blue-light
et al. 1999; Sancar 2000). Cryptochromes were first photoreceptors and circadian clocks.
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