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Language proficiency level: A2 + - B1

This test format has two different phases: a letter (100 word length) and either an
article or a story (100 word length).

Part 1: Letter

Students are provided a letter with prompts clarifying what students should do to
complete this task.

They are advised to write AT LEAST 100 words.

Part 2: an article or a story

In this part, the students can choose one of the two provided task.

Task 1: an article

The students need to write an article on a particular topic using 4 main clues
provided. The article must be at least 100 words

Task 2: A story

The students are asked to write a story starting with a provided sentence. The story
must be 100 words.


======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     1  

Marks content organization language
All content is relevant to the Text is connected and Use everyday vocabulary
test coherence using some generally appropriately,
linking words and some while a few times overusing
Target reader is fully
cohesive devices certain lexis.
Uses simple grammatical
9-10 structures with a good degree
of control
While errors are noticeable,
meaning still can be

Minor irrelevances and/or Text is connected using Uses basic vocabulary

omissions maybe present basic, high-frequency appropriately
Target reader is on the whole Uses simple grammatical
7-8 informed forms with rather good
degree of control, a few
mistakes noticed.

Some irrelevances and/or Text is connected with Uses basic vocabulary

omissions maybe present rather frequent use of reasonably appropriately
basic, high-frequency
Target reader is mostly Uses simple grammatical
informed forms with some degree of
5-6 control
Errors may impede meaning
at times.

Irrelevances of task may be Production is generally Produces basic vocabulary

present. connected with simple use of with phrases
connectors (e.g. and, so)
3-4 Target reader is partly
and some errors relating to
Produces simple grammatical
informed structures with limited
punctuation (put stop,
comma )

Irrelevances and Production unlikely to be Produces basic vocabulary

misinterpretations of task connected though with isolated words phrases
may be present. punctuation and simple
Produces few simple
1-2 Target reader is minimally
connectors may occasionally
grammatical structures with
be used.
informed. limited control.

0 Performance below 1

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     2  

Part1: Read this email from your English teacher, Mrs. Rose, and the notes you
have made.
Write your email to Mrs. Rose, using ALL THE NOTES.


Hello Mrs Rose

Oh, new film club is great idea. It sounds really grait. I prefer Friday,
because it should be a nice end of the week to watch some films on
Monday, you have to prepare for the school and watching films, it is for
me wasting of time when the school week is starting. I really like sci-fi,
but I don’t mind any different types of films. I will let it up to you which
film will you bring. I don’t think so, that is a good idea, because after we’ll
end we must clear a class and I think it can take so much time. So these
are my ansers
See you soon

Part 2:

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     3  

Question 1

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with ‘I couldn’t believe what I saw when I walked into the
Write your story

The teacher couldn’t believe what she saw when she opened the door of

the class room! There was a Runway, with models, bloggers and every

person fashionist in the world. The teacher at the beggining was mad, but

later she started so happy and she fun, like everyone. The runway and

party later have a lot of entertainment, good music, the food was very

delicious. I was fun so much, I meet amaizing people, I dance. It was an

incredible day, but I have my punishment with the teacher to the end


For Part 1:
Everyday vocabulary is generally used appropriately. Simple grammatical forms are
used and some sentences show an attempt, not entirely successful, to produce more
complex language. The errors are noticeable, although these frequently arise as a
result of trying to use more ambitious vocabulary and to express more complex ideas
and time relationships. Despite the errors, the meaning can still be determined.
For Part 2:
The text uses the conventions of story writing, in generally appropriate ways to
communicate straightforward ideas. There is a simple narrative development
(beginning, middle and end), although the switching from third to first person is a
little confusing. The conclusion is also a little unclear.

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     4  



Question 1:

Write your email using al the notes.

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     5  

Question 2:

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     6  

Question 3: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Corey and the
notes you have made.

Write your email using all the notes!

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     7  

Question 4:

Question 5: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Mark and the
notes you have made.

Write your email.

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     8  
Question 6: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Alex and the
notes you have made.

write your email

Question 7: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Chris and the
notes you have made.

Write your email.

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     9  

Question 8: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Jude and the
notes you have made.

Write your email.

Question 9: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Tessa and the
notes you have made.

Write your email

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     10  

Question 10.

Write your email.

Question 1:

Question 2:

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     11  

Question 3:

Question 4:
You see this announcement in your school English-language magazine


Write an article telling us what you find funny and who you enjoy laughing with. Do
you think it’s good to laugh a lot? Why? The best articles answering these questions
will be published next month.
Write your article.
Question 5:

You see this notice on an English Language website:


What kind of food do you enjoy eating?

Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant? Why?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website.

Write your article.

Question 6: You see this announcement in an English-language magazine.

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     12  

Where do you live?
What can people see and do there?
What do you like most about your city or town.
Write an article answering these questions. The best article will win a prize.
Write your article.
Question 7: You see this announcement in an English-language magazine.
What is your favorite film?
What is it about? Why should people watch it?
Write an article answering these questions and we’ll put it in our website  
Write your article.
Question 8: You see this announcement in an English-language magazine.
Who is the most important person in your life?
What is he or she like?
Why is he or she so important to you?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it in our website  
Write your article.
Question 9: You see this announcement in an English-language magazine.
Do you often eat out? Why do you like it?
What kind of restaurant do you enjoy?
Is there one you recommend in your town?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it in our website  
Write your article.
Question 10: You see this announcement in an English-language magazine.
What kinds of films do you enjoy?
Do you prefer watching them at the cinema or at home? Why?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it in our website

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     13  

Write your article.
Question 1:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

As I came out of the supermarket, I saw someone that I had wanted to see for a long

Write your story in about 100 words.

Question 2:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

It was my first time in the jungle and I was so excited.

Write your story in about 100 words.

Question 3:
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

Jack climbed out of the boat and ran as fast as he could to the beach.

Write your story in about 100 words.

Question 4:

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence:
‘I couldn’t believe what I saw when I walked into the classroom.’
Write your story in about 100 words.
Question 5:

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.
When I got on the train I found a seat and sat down.
Write your story in about 100 words.
Question 6

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     14  

Your story must begin with this sentence:
Tim felt angry as he got off the train.
Write your story in about 100 words.
Question 7
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

I was really worried about the journey.

Write your story.

Question 8
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

I was really worried about the journey.

Write your story

Question 9
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Write your story

Question 10
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

I felt nervous when the phone rang.

Write your story


======  WRITING  TEST  FORMAT  FOR  GE5====     15  

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