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Manuel: Now we are on air… Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is Radio 17 and today
we are going to talk about Horror films. Here we have film critics, their names are: A1 and A2.

A1: It’s a pleasure to be here with you presenting our opinion about some movies and films.

A2: I agree to him, it’s a pleasure also, let’s start with the first movie.

Manuel: Okey. Did you like the film “Critters”?

A2: Of course, I saw that movie when I was a child and I was not scared when I saw it for first
time. The special effects were not the best but the killing scenes were 5 of 10. I was laughing
many times when the movie finished.

Manuel: And what about you A1? Did you watch “Critters”?

A1: I saw Critters when I was doing homework but then I stopped doing my homework
because the movie was so amazing.

Manuel: And how did you find the film “Anabelle”?

A1: Anabelle was so surprising, It was an unpredictable movie and the special effects were not
high but the movie was so realistic. I find the film good for beginners.

A2: In my opinion, Anabelle was not the film I expected, I thought there were some incredible
effects and scenes but the murders were not real as I imagined.

Manuel: I remember the time I watched Anabelle and I cried a lot because I was having dinner
alone in my bedroom. I vomited.

A1: Wow that’s crazy hahaha.

Manuel: Well, the session has finished, I would like to interview you in a next program, see you
guys and we are going to continue with Radio 17 program, let’s have some relationship

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